Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10

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Transcript of Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    Manufacturing Technology


    Instructor: Shantanu Bhattacharya

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    Determining Machining Conditions and Manufacturing


    Having specified the work-piece material, machine tool, and cutting tool, the question is what

    can be controlled to reduce the cost and increase production rate.The controllable variables are cutting speed (v), feed (f), and depth of cut (d). Jointly, v,f, and d

    are referred to as machining conditions. There are a no. of models specifying optimal machining

    conditions out of which the two best ones are:

    Co= cost rate including labor and

    overhead cost rates ($/min.)

    C1= tool cost per cutting edge, whichdepends on type of tool used

    C= constant in tool life equation

    V= cutting speed in meters/min.

    f=Feed rate (mm/rev)

    d=depth of cut(mm)

    n= exponent in the tool life equat.t1=non productive time consisting of

    loading and unloading the part (min.)

    tc= machining time per piece


    T= tool life (min.)td= time to change a cutting edge (min.)

    tac= actual cutting time per piece, which isapproximately equal to tc (min/piece)

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10



    Machining Conditions

    and Manufacturing


  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    Maximum Production Rate Model

    Another criterion used to determine the optimal conditions is

    maximum production rate which is inversely proportional tothe production time per piece, which is given by:

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    Manufacturing Lead Time

    Assuming that the lot size is Q units, then theaverage lead time to process these units will

    be .

    Lead time = major setup time + TuQ

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    Numerical ProblemA lot of 500 units of steel rods 30cm long and 6 cm in diameter is turned on a numerically

    controlled (NC) lathe at a feed rate of 0.2 mm per revolution and a depth of cut of 1mm.

    The tool life is given by:


    = 200The other data are:

    Machine labor rate = $10/ hr.

    Machine overhead rate = 50% of labor

    Grinding labor rate = $10/hr

    Grinding overhead rate = 50% of grinding labor

    Work peice loading/ unloading time = 0.50 min/ piece

    The data related to the tools are:

    Brazed inserts

    Original cost of the tool = $ 27.96

    Grinding Time = 2min.

    Tool changing time = 0.50 min. (The tool can be ground only five times before it is discarded.Determine the following:

    (a)Optimum tool life and optimum cutting speed to minimize the cost per piece.

    (b)Optimum tool life and optimum cutting speed to maximize the production rate.

    (c)Minimum cost per component, time per component, and corresponding lead time.

    (d) Maximum production rate, corresponding cost per component, and lead time.

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10



  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10



  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10



  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    The principal process planning


    The principal approaches to process planning are the manual experience

    based method and the computer aided process planning method.

    The manual experience-based planning method:

    The manual experience based methods have the same steps for manually

    generating a process plan as described earlier. However, it is a timeconsuming and inconsistent approach.

    The feasibility of process planning is dependent on many upstream factors

    such as design and the availability of machine tools.

    Also, a process plan has a great influence on many downstream

    manufacturing activities such as scheduling and machine tool allocation. Therefore, to develop a process plan, process planners must have sufficient

    knowledge and experience. It may take a relatively longer time and is

    usually expensive to develop to skill of planners.

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    Computer aided process planning

    The primary purpose of a process planning activity is to translate a design

    of any product into manufacturing process details. This prima facie suggests a feed forward system in which the design

    information is directly processed by a CAPP system to layout a

    manufacturing plan. However, this does not rhyme very well with the

    concurrent engineering philosophy where design is an integral part in all

    steps of a manufacturing unit. So, somehow we have to integrate the CAPP system into the inter-

    organizational flow.

    1. For example if we change the design we should be able to fall back on a

    CAPP system to generate cost estimates of these design changes.

    2. Similarly, if there is a breakdown the CAPP should be able to suggest analternative plan so that the most economical situation can be adopted.

    The two major methods that are used in computer aided process

    planning: the variant CAPP and the generative CAPP method.

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    Framework for a CAPP system

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    The variant CAPP method

    In the variant process planning approach, a process planfor a

    new part is created by recalling, identifying, and retrievingan existing planfor a similar part making necessary

    modifications for the new part.

    Quite often, process plansare developed for parts

    representing a family of parts. Such parts are called masterparts.

    The similarities in design attributes and manufacturing

    methods are exploited for the purpose of formation of part

    families. A number of methods have been developed for part family

    formation using coding and classification systems of group

    technology (GT), similarity coefficient based algorithms, and

    mathematical programming models.

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    4-steps to variant process planning Define the coding scheme: Adopt existing coding or

    classification schemes to label parts for the purpose of


    Group the parts into part families: Group the parts into part

    families using the coding scheme selected earlier based on

    commonality of part features.

    Develop a standard process plan: Develop a standard processplan for each part family based on the common features of

    the part types. This process plan can be used for every part

    type within the family with suitable modifications.

    Retrieve and modify the standard plan: When a new partenters the system, it is assigned to a part family based on the

    coding and classification scheme. Then the corresponding

    standard process plan is retrieved and modified to

    accommodate the unique features of the new part.

    l d

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    Some commonly used variant


    One of the most widely used systems iscomputer aided process planning, developedby Mcdonnell-Douglass Automation company

    under the direction of CAM-I (Computer AidedManufacturing International).

    The other popular variant is the MIPLAN,developed by OIR (Organization for industrialresearch) and General Electric Company(Hurzeel, 1976).

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    The generative CAPP method

    In the generative approach, process plans are

    generated by means of decision logic,formulas, technology algorithms, and

    geometry based data to perform uniquely the

    many processing decisions for converting apart from raw material to a finished state.

    There are two major components of a

    generative process planning system.1. A geometry based coding scheme.

    2. Process knowledge in the form of decision

    logic and data.

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    Geometry based coding scheme

    The objective of a geometry based coding scheme isto define all geometric features for all process

    related surfaces together with feature dimensions,

    locations, and tolerances and the surface finish

    desired on the features. The level of detail is much greater in a generative

    system than a variant system.

    For example, such details as rough and finishedstates of the parts and process capability of machine

    tools to transform these parts to the desired states

    are provided.

    P K l d i th f f

  • 8/12/2019 Manufacturing Technology (ME461) Lecture10


    Process Knowledge in the form of

    decision logic and data