MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree...

MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Inspection Lothar WESSOLLY | Martin ERB PATZER VERLAG Berlin-Hannover

Transcript of MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree...

Page 1: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with


Tree StaticsandTree InspectionL o t h a r W E S S O L L Y | M a r t i n E R B

PATZER VERLAGB e r l i n - H a n n o v e r

Page 2: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with

The treely friend

Didn’t we always yearn for this: to have a friend

who is big and strong, who we can look up to with

complete confidence? Who protects us, when we are

being followed. Who listens to us, when our heart is

overflowing. Who sits with us in silence, when we

need quietude. Who comforts us, when we are sad.

Who sings along with the wind, so we can be happy

again. Who always has good counsel, if only we

become quiet enough and take the time to listen to

him. A friend who touches us softly whenever we are

with him, and who is so strong that we feel protected

in his presence.

The German language knows an apt expression for

such an ideal friend. Or rather, the Alemannic-Swiss

dialect knows this expression, but, unfortunately,

even in this dialect it is not used very often nowadays.

In this dialect, this kind of friend we would all love to

have, is called: a treely friend. Why? Perhaps, because

the tree has always been there for us and has faith-

fully accompanied humankind throughout the ages.

To our ancestor, the tree was a big and strong

friend. Back then, an incredibly long time ago, when

they roamed the wide steppes of Africa together with

the wild beasts. Suddenly, there he was, standing

amid the gleaming bright vastness. In a world parched

by the sun and swept by the winds which whirled up

the sand and turned the air yellow. There he stood:

branches rising up high into the sky, roots buried deep

in the ground and firmly anchored. With that mighty

trunk and clad in this exciting fresh green. Only a

friend can stand alone like this, only a friend can wait

like this, till the time has come. Immediately, our

ancestors wanted to be close to him. They gathered

in his shade. They enjoyed the cool, his breath of fresh

air amid the dusty afternoon heat. They had found

their friend at last. The tree became their host and

protector. They climbed up into the tree and made

their homes in his wide and leafy canopy. They

enjoyed the steady gentle sway of the branches. They

enjoyed the great view up there. In the evenings, they

watched TV together, full HD, with a screen as wide as

the world. The sky turned red on the horizon, this

particular red which you can only find in Africa. A lion

roared in the distance, and they felt safe up in their

tree. They made love up there, and gave birth to their

children in the wide, round tree junction. And soon

after, the children were swinging from branch to


They taught their children to speak the language of

nature. The taught them to sing together with the

birds, and to read the pictures of clouds up in the sky.

Far below them, the tree’s roots dug deeper and

deeper into the soil. The tree inhabitants felt the water

rising inside of the tree. From the very big trunk up to

the thick branches and from there to the thinner twigs

and into the green leaves. Sometimes, when they had

plenty of time and it had gone quiet, the tree told

them stories: he told stories of a time his ancestors had

told him about. Of a time, when the first trees rose

from the plains, back then, long before their time. He

told them of the sky which brought the fresh rains with

its clouds. Of the rain which charmed the steppe into

greenness and soon after let thousands of flowers

bloom. He told them of the sun, so endlessly far away,

but he was still feeding on its sunlight.

And sometimes, he also told them of his inside. He

showed them what his interior looked like. For inside



Page 3: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with

of him was nothing and all. His innermost was hol-

low, because the wood there had long since died and

disintegrated. Nothing but a big cavity remained, and

many animals of the world had made it their home.

But on the exterior, under the bark, on the shoots and

on the root tips, the tree was still young and full of

life. There were even parts where life had not been

born yet. There were embryonic cells, waiting to be

awakened. The seed, just as young and new as it had

been so unimaginably long ago, when it had germi-

nated, and the tree had grown from it.

For a long time, our ancestors were so happy up in

the tree, that they forgot to ponder how they lived

and why they lived that way, because a world of soft

swaying and security left nothing to be desired.

And yet, later on, our ancestors climbed down from

the tree, evolved into humans and started to discover

and conquer the world. The manifold memories of

their old friend, the tree, were engraved upon their

hearts. Time and again, they told stories about him.

They made him a part of their new lives and their lan-

guage. The treely friend, who was strong as an oak,

who was able to relieve their pains. First, the stories

he had told became little twigs of beech, later, they

became characters.

And these stories grew into different branches of the

same story. The story which started when the ances-

tors of humankind still sat up in their trees, and when

their story had not yet become so knotty and branchy.

Back then, before the first tribe slid down the tree

trunk and still kept it as their family tree. Back then,

before they began to take root in this restless world.

Yes, and later on, these people started to build

temples with columns like trees. With a broad column

base like a root crown, with a thick shaft like a tree

trunk and with a column capital like a crown break.

Columns for temples, for worshipping the gods and,

later on, columns for banks and other palaces.

Palaces as a substitute for the protective tree groves,

where they had lived in safety, back then, long ago.

Martin Erb

The tree as a natural structure

At first sight, it seems as if engineering expertise

and technology and the tree as a natural being do

not complement each other. The tree, as a living

organism, seems much too complex to be assessed

from a technical perspective. It is true, classical con-

structive engineering seems to be working to clear-

cut specifications which easily can be devised as for-

mulas. However, these arguments are also often used

in order to avoid venturing into unknown territory. It

is sometimes argued that experiences show that the

organism of the human body are equal to the organ-

ism of trees. Sudden occurrences - such as a stroke or

heart failure - are being referred to in order to com-

pare a detailed tree inspection to a visit to the doctor


I n t r o d u c t i o n

Page 4: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with



1 The age of the trees 11

1.1 Beginnings 11

1.2 The historical development of the tree 15

2 Tree biology 23

2.1 Biological evolution 23

2.2 Energy production/Competition/Management 36

2.3 The spatial development of the tree 39

2.4 Tree response to injury or damage 53

2.5 The ageing process of the tree 63

2.6 Damage development 80

2.7 The end of equilibrium, the veteran tree 84

2.8 Final rescue attempts 86

2.9 The ecological value of veteran trees -

the value of not being perfect in nature 87

3 Tree statics - Statics and dynamics of the tree 93

3.1 The statics triangle 94

3.2 Weight accorded to the components

of the statics triangle 121

3.3 Fracture - and tilting behaviour 124

3.4 Specific failure behaviour of veteran trees 129

4 The diagnosis 131

4.1 Purpose and objective 131

4.2 The first step - the first impression 132

4.3 The second step - the visual assessment 134

4.4 The third step - the summary of the

visual tree assessment 148

4.5 The detailed risk assessment 150

5 The detailed risk assessment 167

5.1 Consideration of possible measures 167

5.2 The planting of the tree 168

5.3 Pruning 177

5.4 Tree crown supports 193

5.5 Stabilising influences of the

tree environment 209

5.6 Treating wounds and fighting diseases 210

5.7 Improving the environment of the tree 211

5.8 Tree protection on building sites 214

5.9 The future of man and of trees 220

6 Annexes and Tables 221

6.1 Biological characteristics of different

tree species 221

6.2 Static characteristics of different tree species 226

6.3 Statics abbreviations and formulas 234

6.4 SIA-diagrams for tree risk assessments 237

6.5 Overview of diagnostic methods 241

6.6 Impact of different fungi on the structural

stability of trees 243

6.7 Dimensioning of tree staking and

tree stabilisation 252

6.8 Dimensioning of crown support 253

6.9 Rules/Legislation/Regulations 259

6.10 Tree names 263

7 Bibliography 269

8 Glossary and Index 273

Page 5: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with


The age of the trees 1

The tree has a long history. It has been going

on for much longer than the history of mankind.

And yet: the very first tree must have been born

someday. Where did it come from? How was it

brought to life? And why did it even come to this?

This story is far longer than the history of the tree

itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang,

the Earth, together with myriads of other objects,

was formed out of gas and dust particles.

By going through long and chaotic processes, the

Earth took on a shape that gradually resembled its

current form. The seas were formed, and the first

continent, Pangaea, emerged.

Beginnings 1.1

Page 6: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with

The little big bang starting life

Eventually, in all this chaos, life arose for the

first time. Why this happened, only the gods - if

they exist - know. The Earth in its early history was

not a friendly environment: there was no oxygen,

the sunlight reached the surface of the Earth without

any filter, it was rather hot and uncomfortable. And

yet, in spite of everything, the first micro-organisms,

bacteria, came into life by transforming inorganic

matter into organic matter (= derived from living

organisms). They were able to do this because they

carried out chemosynthesis. They obtained the

energy necessary for their existence from inorganic

matter and produced organic matter in the process.

From the resulting primordial soup, the first plants

(bacteria, algae, fungi) gradually developed. At some

point during this process, the first chlorophyll/leaf

green was also formed. This little big bang started the

real engine of life.

Assimilation, or photosynthesis, as the essential

engine of further life on planet Earth, started its

continuous operation.

From the chemical point of view, photosynthesis

splits water into hydrogen and oxygen which is then

released. The split off hydrogen synthesises with

carbon dioxide. The result is a carbon compound

which takes the form of sugars. Luckily, this

compound is relatively stable and not unstable, like

nitroglycerin, for instance. If that was not the case,

we could not easily bang the kitchen cupboard door

shut with an elegant swing of the hip, let alone care-

lessly stir the sugar in our coffee.

The sun supplies the chlorophyll with the energy

needed for the conversion. The green leaf can actually

be compared to a solar cell. Of course, it does not

convert solar energy into electricity, but into carbohy-

drates which can be used for many purposes. The

plant transforms these carbon compounds into

starches and fats, depending on its needs, which are

then transported and stored.

The reverse process of photosynthesis is dissimila-

tion or respiration. All higher organisms do breathe/

respire. Man considers himself to be a higher organism,

and as you cannot deny that he is breathing, he

might actually be a higher organism.

Through the intake of food, namely by eating car-

bon compounds and their subsequent burning and

breakdown, these higher organisms obtain the

energy necessary for their vital functions.

During dissimilation, hydrogen and carbon are

gradually being oxidized, releasing energy in the

process. If this process did not happen gradually, the

result would be an oxyhydrogen explosion. Thus, our

breathing is a controlled oxyhydrogen reaction.

This sounds all rather complicated. For the inter-

ested layman: please refer to our table section

(chapter 6).


T h e a g e o f t h e t r e e s 1

Page 7: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with

The production of energy reserves

If the energy bound in photosynthesis was exhaled

right away, nothing much would have happened on

Earth. Because carbon compounds are relatively sta-

ble, they could be stored for longer periods, stocking

up on "energy reserves, as it were." At first, carbon

compounds accumulated in the bodies of the devel-

oping organisms. As long as these organisms were

alive, the energy reserves were stored in their bodies,

and once they died, other organism took on the

breakdown of the reserves.

For life on Earth profited from everything that could

be temporarily detracted, as deposits for instance,

from the natural cycle of that time. Everything that

could not be broken down after death, hence did not

decompose, held on to the assimilated carbon com-

pounds. This way, the oxygen released during the pro-

duction could remain in the atmosphere which thus

gradually transformed it into a friendlier environment

for higher organisms.

Eventually, much later, man took his first breath

and reached for the next liana.

Carbon compounds - nature’s currency

The products of a tree, the carbon compounds,

are the main currency of nature’s economic system.

A large part of all existing organisms needs to feed on

them. Since a tree produces and stores many carbon

compounds, its significance in nature’s economic

system is correspondingly high.

The tree exchanges some parts of its production

freely: it grows new leaves and sheds the old, for

instance. Or it offers a supply of fruit which, together

with the seeds, can contain a considerable reserve of


The carbon cycle could be described as nature’s

cycle of money. It is the essential driving force behind

the existence of life on this planet.


1T h e a g e o f t h e t r e e s

Page 8: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with

In its leaves, the plant produces organic matter

from carbon dioxide and water. This organic matter

consists of carbon compounds which have stored

energy. The leaves use the energy from the sun for

this conversion process. This means, carbon com-

pounds are storing solar power. The carbon is stored

in the woody parts of the plant, and parts of it are

given away again in the form of fruits or shed leaves.

Fruits provide food for humans and animals which

is then burned to release energy. In the process,

carbon dioxide is produced. Leaves, branches, dead

plants and animal parts develop into humus which

is organic matter. In the process of decay, the organic

matter releases carbon dioxide once more. In cases

where organic matter cannot decay, which happens,

for instance, if it is cut off from oxygen under deep

layers of sediment or at the bottom of the sea, the

formation of fossil fuels results. Energy reserves such

as peat, coal, natural gas or petroleum have formed

from decayed organisms. When burning or consum-

ing fossil fuels, the same amount of energy and car-

bon dioxide is set free which was needed for their

formation. Thus, in the course of our planet’s evolu-

tion which lasted billions of years, 26 x 1015 t of carbon

dioxide were produced by plant activity. Of this

amount of carbon dioxide, two thirds are stored in

fossil deposits and one third in organic products

(sparkling water is not one of those products but

champagne, animals and plants are). Today, by

burning fossil fuel reserves, man emits substantial

amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Should this activity change the current distribution of

carbon, the climate, and with it the species composi-

tion of Earth’s ecosystems, will change.

In doing so, humankind joins the ranks of threat-

ened species.


T h e a g e o f t h e t r e e s 1

Page 9: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with

Geological eras - The emergence of plants and trees

The geological history of the Earth has been divided

into several eras. These eras have been organised into

geological systems (also called periods or formations),

epochs, and phases. The classification of the eras fol-

lowed the development of animal life during the

Archaean, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic era. The

development of the plant world has been classified

into the Eophytic, Palaeophytic, Mesophytic and Ceno-

phytic Era correspondingly. The eras of the plant world

do not coincide with the eras of the animal world.

Life on Earth starts

The first life forms on Earth developed in the sea.

The corresponding era, regarding the eras of the plant

world, has been called Eophytic (Eos = almost, nearly).

400 million years ago, in the ancient times of the

Earth, plants started to conquer dry land from the sea.

This period is called Palaeophytic era (Greek - palaiós

= ancient, phytón = plant). The first plants had a sim-

ple structure and had to adapt to life on land. Most of

all, life on land meant for these plants the necessity to

increase their stability, to cope with the law of gravity

and to prevail against it. Accordingly, the first land

plants were algae and mosses which develop little

vertical growth. Space soon became scarce, and the

competition prompted plants to grow in height. From

this moment on, it was important for plants to adapt

their growth to the principles of statics and to comply

with the laws of statics. The plants which did not suc-

ceed in doing so disappeared in the long term. But

those plants which managed to raise their energy pro-

cessing leaves above the other plants gained a distinct


Tree biology 2

Geotropic growth in tilted shootaxises and main roots is causedby a high concentration of plantgrowth hormone (dark dots) atthe bottom of the cell.

Biological evolution 2.1

The diagram shows the socalled statolithes, starch gran-ules (big grey dots), inside ofthe cells of a shoot axis. Thestatolithes move easily inside ofthe cell and always settle at thebottom of it, irrespective of thecell’s location. This way, theystimulate a response to gravity.

Page 10: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with

competitive advantage. The plants grew taller and

taller, and in the course of 100 million years, trees


Statics determine the evolution of trees

One way to get ahead of competitors is to grow away

up into the space above them. But the taller growing

plants had to develop load-bearing structures in order

to resist both increased wind load and longer levers. A

requirement for vertical growth is the corresponding

secondary growth of the load-transferring tree parts.

In excess of a certain height, a durable structure

becomes necessary which is able to take load. This

means, the structure will have to last several years.

Only constructions lasting for just one year renew their

basic set-up on an annual base. As a result, the

vertical growth and with it the competitive edge of

these plants is considerably restricted. The annual

renewal of a structure means a waste of energy, and

nature will punish waste sooner or later.

The first trees, the club-moss trees, consisted

mainly of bark. Up to 99 % of their trunk cross section

was made up of bark. The outermost layer consisted

also of bark, like in modern trees. Bark consists of

cork, a very durable material which is not easily

decomposed by fungi or animals and has excellent

insulating properties. Cork has a very poor static load

carrying capacity though, and for this reason, the first

trees reaching a height of 30 m had a trunk of up to

5 m in diameter. The most common club-moss trees

were the scale trees (Sigillaria) with leaves up to one

metre long and 10 cm thick which were situated at the

unbranched tuft of the plant.

Other scale trees (Lepidodendron), also belonging to

the club-moss trees, already had trunks branching out

like a fork. This enabled them to seize a bigger hori-

zontal space. Other tree species of the time were

horsetail and tree fern. They reproduced by means of

spores, like fungi and ferns. The first trees producing

seeds, the Cordaites, appeared during the Jurassic

Period, about 200 million years ago.

They belonged to the gymnosperms and became the

tallest trees of their time. Their seeds were not

embedded in fruit pulp but hung bare from the ends

of short stalks. Later, the conifers evolved out of these

plant species, cone bearing coniferous trees (Konos =

cone). All of these trees species are extinct. Only one


T r e e b i o l o g y2

Shoot tip Root tip (according to Braun)

Page 11: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with

has survived: the Ginkgo, the oldest gymnosperm

which can be verified already for the Lower Permian

Period. It is one of the most resilient plants.

The first broad-leaved trees which still exist today,

such as the willow or the magnolia, appeared much

later, about 100 million years ago. The great age of the

broad-leaved trees began about 60 million years ago.

Tree statics had also undergone an evolution. Instead

of the mighty layer of bark, wood had taken on the

structural function of load transfer. Wood has a much

higher load-bearing capacity which allows for a more

slender vertical growth of the trunks. The larger diver-

sity of species facilitated finer variations in regard to

tree statics and to the mechanical properties of wood.

From the fierce competition for light, two funda-

mental concepts in statics emerged.

The conquerors

Conquering tree species can grow very fast which

enables them to capture more of the available sun-

light. But in the course of their conquest, they have to

neglect their structural strength. The load transferring

parts are relatively weak. Such tree species fail easily

through breakage or windthrow. As a result, the trees

give way continually to new growth.

T YP I C AL CONQUERORS : poplar, willow and also


The steadfast trees

The species of these trees are not as fast growing,

but they possess a better structural strength. Their


2T r e e b i o l o g y

RootsAbsorption of• Water• Oxygen• MineralsRelease of• MetabolitesStorage of• Assimilates

SapwoodTransport and storageform the roots to theleaves of• Water• Minerals• Assimilates

HeartwoodDead central part of the wood, to some exent important for thetree’s load-bearingcapacity

BastTransport and storage ofassimilates, produced in theleaves, to the roots and, tosome extent, in the oppositedirection.

BarkeAbsorption of• OxygenRelease of• Carbon dioxide• Protection of sap- and


Upper leaf surfaceAbsorption of • Light energy

Inside of the leafProduction of• Hydrocarbon

compounds (Assimilates)

• Oxygen

Underside of the leafAbsorption of• Oxygen• Carbon dioxideRelease of• Vapour• Oxygen

Page 12: MANUAL OF Tree Statics and Tree Insp ecti on...This story is far longer than the history of the tree itself. A couple of billion years after the big bang, the Earth, together with


T r e e b i o l o g y2

load transferring parts had been strengthened and

protected against attackers. The steadfast tree species

are less vigorous, but, once established, they can

occupy their space for a very long time. Because of

their stable structure, they can also get very old.

T YP I C AL S TEADFAST TREES : oak, lime and also


Presumably, conquerors were the first evolving tree

species of each respective epoch. They were the trees

which could grow faster than the already existing

plants. It can be assumed that they were also able to

thrive in environments which were unsuitable for

their competitors. The first trees were pioneers, and

the environments they conquered were extreme: very

wet or very dry, lacking in nutrients or holding an

excess of nutrients. A balancing layer of humus was

still lacking, and the climate was even more hostile

than it is in the cities of today. The tree pioneers con-

quered these environments in competition with other

plants. By colonising hostile environments, or envi-

ronments which were at least hostile to plants, the

pioneer trees changed these environments. Fallen

leaves and tree parts built up a layer of humus which

was held in place by the roots of the trees. The trees

also had a balancing effect on heat and humidity and

functioned as windbreaks. On the newly formed fertile

soils and with a change in climate conditions, suc-

ceeding, more highly developed tree species proved to

be more successful competitors than the pioneers. The

improved conditions put them in a position where

they could produce more substance to improve their

safety and growth. Gradually, the trees began to live


The pioneer trees colonised one new environment

after the other. The transition from the older conifer-

ous trees to the geologically younger broad-leaved

trees was heralded by the pioneers of the broad-

leaved trees. But these new tree species did not defy

the coniferous trees in the environments the conifer-

ous trees had already colonised. Magnolia and willows

were able to thrive in all the environments where dis-

asters like floods, landslides, earthquakes or forest

fires had caused gaps in the existing vegetation. Their

much higher growth rate and the fact that they were

less demanding enabled them to fill in existing gaps

in the vegetation much faster than the slow growing

coniferous trees. Apart from their rapid growth, the

broad-leaved trees possessed another property which

proved to be vital in extreme situations: if parts of

their crowns are lost, they are capable to immediately

produce new growth from the remaining tree parts.

Some of them can even survive the loss of all tree

parts above ground. A willow cut back to the trunk will

sprout again immediately, while most coniferous trees

are not able to grow back like this.

The broad-leaved trees which came after the pio-

neers of the broad-leaved trees possessed a greater

static stability, lived longer, and still grew faster than

the coniferous trees already present. They predomi-

nantly colonised areas where their existence was more

endangered, but where their improved system for

water transport also gave them an advantage over the

coniferous trees. As a result, the coniferous trees were

increasingly forced to retreat to environments the

broad-leaved trees could not adapt to, either because

they needed longer vegetation periods or because

they were less heat-tolerant. These processes con-

tributed to the distribution patterns of the tree species

of today. The more adaptable and faster growing