Manual of RTI CUG

CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF GUJARAT 17 Manuals as per the Provision Section 4(1) (b) of Right to Information ACT, 2005


Manual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUGManual of RTI CUG

Transcript of Manual of RTI CUG

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17 Manuals as per the Provision Section

4(1) (b) of Right to Information ACT, 2005

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Sr. No.

Particulars Page No.

1 RTI act, 2005 & its provisions

2 Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties 2-4

3 The Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees 5-8

4 The Procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability


5 Norms set by the University to discharge its functions 10

6 Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records 11

7 Official Documents 12

8 Mode of Public Participation 13

9 Court, Councils, Committees, Faculties, Departments, Boards of Studies etc. Of the University


10 Directory of Departments, Officers and Employees 14-15

11 The Monthly Remuneration Received by each Officers and Employees, including the System of Compensation as provided in its Regulations


12 Budget Allocation 18

13 Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes 18

14 Concessions Granted And Availed by the University 18

15 Information Available In Electronic Form 19

16 Means, methods and facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use


17 Name(s), Designation (s) and other particulars of the Public Information Officer First Appellate Authority


18 Other Information 20


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Particulars of the Organization, functions and duties

Name of the Organization Central University of Gujarat

Type of University A Central University

University Campus detail Sector-30, Near Central School, Gandhinagar- 382030

Brief history and background for its establishment

This University was established by an Act of Parliament of 25 of 2009 It has been established and incorporated as a Central University

Jurisdiction of the Organization

The Jurisdiction of this University shall extend to the whole of Gujarat State.

Act of the Organization The Central Universities ACT, 2009 (25 of 2009)

Parent Organisation & type of funding

Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. Funded by the Govt. of India through University Grants Commission New Delhi.

The functions and duties of Central University of Gujarat as enshrined in the Central Universities Act 2009 is enumerated in under power of the University Section 6 of the said Act and is reproduced below: Section 6: 1. The University shall have the following powers, namely:—

i. to provide for instructions in such branches of learning like natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, technology and medicine as the University may, from time to time, determine and to make provisions for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge;

ii. to grant, subject to such conditions as the University may determine, diplomas or certificates to, and confer degrees or other academic distinctions on, persons, on the basis of examinations, evaluation or any other method of testing, and to withdraw any such diplomas, certificates, degrees or other academic distinctions for good and sufficient cause;

iii. to organise and to undertake extramural studies, training and extension services;

iv. to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions in the manner prescribed by the Statutes;

v. to provide facilities through the distance education system to such persons as it may determine;

vi. to institute Principalships, Professorships, Associate Professorships, Assistant Professorships and other teaching or academic positions, required by the University and to appoint persons to such Principalships, Professorships, Associate Professorships, Assistant Professorships or other teaching or academic positions;

vii. to recognise an institution of higher learning for such purposes as the University may determine and to withdraw such recognition

viii. to appoint persons working in any other University or academic institution, including those located outside the country, as teachers of the University for a specified period;

ix. to create administrative, ministerial and other posts and to make appointments thereto;


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x. to co-operate or collaborate or associate with any other University or authority

or institution of higher learning, including those located outside the country, in such manner and for such purposes as the University may determine;

xi. to establish such centres and specialised laboratories or other units for research and instruction as are, in the opinion of the University, necessary for the furtherance of its objects;

xii. to institute and award fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes;

xiii. to establish and maintain Colleges, Institutions and Halls; xiv. to make provision for research and advisory services and for that purpose to

enter into such arrangements with other institutions, industrial or other organisations, as the University may deem necessary;

xv. to organise and conduct refresher courses, workshops, seminars and other programmes for teachers, evaluators and other academic staff;

xvi. to appoint on contract or otherwise visiting Professors, Emeritus Professors, Consultants and such other persons who may contribute to the advancement of the objects of the University;

xvii. to confer autonomous status on a College or an Institution or a Department, as the case may be, in accordance with the Statutes;

xviii. to determine standards of admission to the University, which may include examination, evaluation or any other method of testing;

xix. to demand and receive payment of fees and other charges; xx. to supervise the residences of the students of the University and to make

arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare; xxi. to lay down conditions of service of all categories of employees, including

their code of conduct; xxii. to regulate and enforce discipline among the students and the employees,

and to take such disciplinary measures in this regard as may be deemed by the University to be necessary;

xxiii. to make arrangements for promoting the health and general welfare of the employees;

xxiv. to receive benefactions, donations and gifts and to acquire, hold and manage, and to dispose of, with the previous approval of the Central Government, any property, movable or immovable, including trust and endowment properties, for the purposes of the University;

xxv. to borrow, with the previous approval of the Central Government, on the security of the property of the University, money for the purposes of the University; and

xxvi. to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of its objects.

2. In exercising its powers referred to above it shall be the endeavour of the University to maintain an all-India character and high standards of teaching and research, and the University shall, among other measures which may be necessary for the said purpose, take, in particular, the following measures, namely:—

a. admission of students and recruitment of faculty shall be made on all-India basis;

b. admissions of students shall be made on merit, either through Common Entrance Tests conducted individually by the University or in combination


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with other Universities, or on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying

examination in such courses where the intake of students is small; c. inter-University mobility of faculty, with portable pensions and protection of

seniority, shall be encouraged; d. semester system, continuous evaluation and choice-based credit system

shall be introduced and the University shall enter into agreements with other Universities and academic institutions for credit transfer and joint degree programmes;

e. innovative courses and programmes of studies shall be introduced with a provision for periodic review and restructuring;

f. active participation of students shall be ensured in all academic activities of the University, including evaluation of teachers;

g. accreditation shall be obtained from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council or any other accrediting agency at the national level; and

h. E-governance shall be introduced with an effective management information system.


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Manual No. 2 Powers and duties of the officers and employees of Central University of Gujarat

Section 9 of the Central Universities Act 2009 enumerates the officers of the University as follows:

1) the Chancellor; 2) the Vice-Chancellor; 3) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor; 4) the Deans of Schools; 5) the Registrar; 6) the Finance Officer; 7) the Controller of Examinations; 8) the Librarian; and 9) such other officers as may be declared by the Statutes to be the officers of the


The Vice-Chancellor The powers and duties of the Vice-Chancellor are enumerated in Section 11 and Statute No. 3 of the University and are reproduced below: Powers and duties of the Vice-Chancellor

1. The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal executive and academic officer of the University and shall exercise general supervision and control over the affairs of the University and give effect to the decisions of all the authorities of the University.

2. The Vice-Chancellor may, if he is of the opinion that immediate action is necessary on any matter, exercise any power conferred on any authority of the University by or under this Act and shall report to such authority at its next meeting the action taken by him on such matter: Provided that if the authority concerned is of the opinion that such action ought not to have been taken, it may refer the matter to the Visitor whose decision thereon shall be final: Provided further that any person in the service of the University who is aggrieved by the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor under this sub-section shall have the right to represent against such action to the Executive Council within three months from the date on which decision on such action is communicated to him and thereupon the Executive Council may confirm, modify or reverse the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor.

3. The Vice-Chancellor, if he is of the opinion that any decision of any authority of the University is beyond the powers of the authority conferred by the provisions of this Act, the Statutes or the Ordinances or that any decision taken is not in the interest of the University, may ask the authority concerned to review its decision within sixty days of such decision and if the authority refuses to review the decision either in whole or in part or no decision is taken by it within the said period of sixty days, the matter shall be referred to the Visitor whose decision thereon shall be final.

4. The Vice-Chancellor shall be ex officio Chairman of the Executive Council, the Academic Council and the Finance Committee and shall, in the absence of the Chancellor, preside at the Convocations held for conferring degrees and at meetings of the Court.


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5. The Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to be present at, and address, any meeting of any authority or other body of the University, but shall not be entitled to vote thereat unless he is a member of such authority or body.

6. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to see that this Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations are duly observed and he shall have all the powers necessary to ensure such observance.

7. The Vice-Chancellor shall have all the powers necessary for the proper maintenance of discipline in the University and he may delegate any such powers to such person or persons as he deems fit.

8. The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to convene or cause to be convened the meetings of the Executive Council, the Academic Council and the Finance Committee.

The Pro- Vice-Chancellor The powers and duties of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor are enumerated in Statute No. 4 of the University and is reproduced below:

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall assist the Vice-Chancellor in respect of such matters as may be specified by the Vice-Chancellor in this behalf, from time to time, and shall also exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned or delegated to him by the Vice-Chancellor.

The Deans of Schools The powers and duties of the Deans of Schools are enumerated in Statute No. 5 of the University and is reproduced below:

The Dean shall be the Head of the School and shall be responsible for the conduct and maintenance of the standards of teaching and research in the School and shall have such other functions as may be prescribed by the Ordinances. The Dean shall have the right to be present and to speak at any meeting of the Boards of Studies or Committees of the School, as the case may be, but shall not have the right to vote thereat unless he is a member thereof.

The Registrar The powers and duties of the Registrar are enumerated in Statute No. 6 of the University and are reproduced below:

The Registrar shall have power to take disciplinary action against such of the employees, excluding teachers and other academic staff, as may be specified in the order of the Executive Council and to suspend them pending inquiry, to administer warnings to them or to impose on them the penalty of censure or the withholding of increment:

Provided that

1) no such penalty shall be imposed unless the person has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him.

2) An appeal shall lie to the Vice-Chancellor against any order of the Registrar imposing any of the penalties specified in sub-clause (a).


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3) In a case where the inquiry discloses that a punishment beyond the power of the Registrar is called for, the Registrar shall, upon the conclusion of the inquiry, make a report to the Vice-Chancellor along with his recommendations: Provided that an appeal shall lie to the Executive Council against an order of The Vice-Chancellor imposing any penalty.

4) The Registrar shall be ex officio Secretary of the Executive Council and the Academic Council, but shall not be deemed to be a member of either of these authorities and he shall be ex officio Member-Secretary of the Court.

5) It shall be the duty of the Registrar— i. to be the custodian of the records, the common seal and such other

property of the University as the Executive Council shall commit to his charge;

ii. to issue all notices convening meetings of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council and of any Committees appointed by those authorities;

iii. to keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council and of any Committees appointed by those authorities;

iv. to conduct the official correspondence of the Court, the Executive Council and the Academic Council;

v. to supply to the Visitor, copies of the agenda of the meetings of the authorities of the University as soon as they are issued and the minutes of such meetings;

vi. to represent the University in suits or proceedings by or against the University, sign powers of attorney and verify pleadings or depute his representative for the purpose; and

vii. to perform such other duties as may be specified in the Statutes, the Ordinances or the Regulations or as may be required from time to time by the Executive Council or the Vice-Chancellor.

The Finance Officer The powers and duties of the Finance Officer are enumerated in Statute No. 7 of the University and are reproduced below:

The Finance Officer shall be ex officio Secretary of the Finance Committee, but shall not be deemed to be a member of such Committee. The Finance Officer shall –

a) exercise general supervision over the funds of the University and shall advise it as regards its financial policy; and

b) perform such other financial functions as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council or as may be prescribed by the Statutes or the Ordinances.

Subject to the control of the Executive Council, the Finance Officer shall –

i. hold and manage the property and investments of the University including trust and endowed property

ii. ensure that the limits fixed by the Executive Council for recurring and non- recurring expenditure for a year are not exceeded and that all moneys are expended on the purpose for which they are granted or allotted.


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iii. be responsible for the preparation of annual accounts and the budget of the University and for their presentation to the Executive Council;

iv. keep a constant watch on the state of the cash and bank balances and on the state of investments;

v. watch the progress of the collection of revenue and advise on the methods of collection employed;

vi. ensure that the registers of buildings, land, furniture and equipment are maintained up to date and that stock-checking is conducted, of equipment and other consumable materials in all offices, Special Centres, Specialized Laboratories, Colleges and Institutions maintained by the University;

vii. bring to the notice of the Vice-Chancellor unauthorized expenditure and other financial irregularities and suggest disciplinary action against persons at fault; and

viii. call for from any office, Centre, Laboratory, College or Institution maintained by the University and information or returns that he may consider necessary for the performance of his duties.

Any receipt given by the Finance Officer or the person or persons duly authorized in this behalf by the Executive Council for any money payable to the University shall be sufficient discharge for payment of such money

The Controller of Examination The powers and duties of the Controller of Examination are enumerated in Statute No. 8 of the University and is reproduced below:

The Controller of Examinations shall arrange for and superintend the examinations of the University in the manner prescribed by the Ordinances.

The Librarian The powers and duties of the Librarian are enumerated in Statute No.9 of the University and are reproduced below: The Librarian shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council.


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Procedure followed in the decision making process, including the channels of supervision and accountability

The organizational structure of the University is below:








O. S.D./Dy. Registrar

Section Officer

Professor Associate




Assistant Registrar

Section Officer


Ministerial Staff

Assistant Librarian

Ministerial Staff

Ministerial Staff Ministerial Staff

Decisions are taken in accordance with the provisions of Act & Statutes, Ordinances, Financial Code, Academic Rules & Regulations and other directives received from MHRD, UGC and by the competent authorities of the University.

In addition to above wherever University does not have any rule or not updated or its own provisions on any of the matter, the Govt. of India rules like Administrative & Office Procedure Manual, Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules, General Financial Rules, CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965, CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 etc. as amended from time to time will be followed.

Policy matters are decided at the level of Vice-Chancellor/Executive Council/Academic Council/Finance Committee of the University.

The Vice-Chancellor is the principal executive and academic officer of the University and exercises general supervision and control over the affairs of the University and gives effect to the decisions of the authorities.


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Norms set by Central University of Gujarat in the discharge of its functions Central University of Gujarat does not have a separate listing of norms in discharging its functions. The Central Universities Act 2009 itself defines the norms and standards to be followed in the exercise of its functions. Besides the Act, the various Statutes and Ordinances created also define many standards to be followed. In the day to day functioning of the University, rules, orders, guidelines, regulations and the like issued by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, University Grants Commission and by the Government of India are complied with. The Central Universities Act 2009 and the various Statutes and Ordinances issued by the University can be seen in the University website at

Regarding the UGC guidelines, the same can be obtained from the UGC website at The Government of India Rules and Regulations followed by the University are listed in Manual No. 5 prepared under the same compilation as this Manual.


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Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records held by Central University of Gujarat under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions

The following Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records are held by Central University of Gujarat and are used by its employees for discharging their functions: 1. The Central Universities Act 2009. 2. The Statutes of the University. 3. The Ordinances of the University. 4. Rules and Regulations prepared by the University. 5. The guidelines/Regulations/notifications issued by the University Grants

Commission for Central Universities regarding: a) Regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other

academic staff in universities and colleges and measures for the maintenance of standards in higher education 2010.

b) Recruitment rules for non-academic staff. c) Utilization of funds for specific schemes/ grants. d) Other guidelines received on issues relating to any matter being implemented

/ to be implemented in the University. 6. Government of India Rules and Regulations on service matters such as:

a) FR & SR Part I (General Rules). b) FR & SR Part II (TA Rules). c) FR & SR Part III (Leave Rules). d) FR & SR Part IV (DA Rules). e) FR & SR Part V (HRA & CCA Rules). f) General Financial Rules 2005. g) CCS Rules i.e. LTC, CCA, Conduct Rules etc. h) Other Rules, regulations, orders, notifications etc. issued from time to time.

7. Other guidelines, instructions and orders issued by competent authorities such as funding agencies for the University’s academic projects /construction projects.


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Categories of documents that are held by Central University of Gujarat The documents held by Central University of Gujarat are categorized in terms of the Department holding them. As such, the documents may be categorized as follows:

1. Vice Chancellor’s Secretariat documents. 2. Registrar’s office documents 3. Dean’s office documents 4. Academic documents. 5. Administration documents. 6. Financial documents. 7. Examination documents. 8. Library documents. 9. Land and buildings documents 10. Purchase documents 11. Various meetings/Committees documents 12. Admission documents.


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MANUAL NO. 7 Any arrangement that exist for consultation with or representation by

members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation there of

Central University of Gujarat does not have any arrangement that exist for consultation with or representation by members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

MANUAL NO. 8 Statement of Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies. Whether

meetings of these bodies are open to public or minutes of such meetings are accessible to the public

Section 19 of Central Universities Act 2009 specifies the following authorities of the University:-

1. the Court; 2. the Executive Council; 3. the Academic Council; 4. the Board of Studies; 5. the Finance Committee; and 6. such other authorities as may be declared by the Statutes to be the authorities

of the University. The Statutes of the University also specify the following Committees/ Councils:

a) School of studies and departments b) School Board c) Alumni association. d) Selection Committees e) Student Council

The meetings of all the above-mentioned Committees, Boards, and Councils etc. are not open to the public nor are the minutes of meetings of the bodies made accessible to the public as on date. The duties, functions, constitution, frequency of meetings, etc. of these bodies is presented in the University’s website at

The other committees constituted for the function of the University are as follow:

a) The Building Committee

b) The University level Purchase Committee

c) The RFD Committee

d) The API Committee

e) The Project Steering Committee

f) The Logo committee

g) The Admission committee


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Directory of Officers and Employees Sr. No

Name Designation Office e-mail /Ph. No. /Fax/ Resi. No.

1. Prof. R. K. Kale Vice-Chancellor [email protected] 079-23260092 (O) 079-23260076 (Fax) 079-23244542 (R) 079-23225742 (Fax-R)

2. Prof. N. Rajaram Registrar (Offg.) Administration 07923288401(O)

3. Dr. Sanjay Negi Assistant Registrar Administration [email protected]. in 079-29289701 (O)

4. Shri Arun Kumar Singh Section Officer Administration [email protected] 079-29289056 (O)

5. Shri Mukeshbhai Ashirvadbhai Parmar

Personal Assistant VC Secretariat [email protected] 079-29260076 (O) 9879228283 (Mob)

6. Shri Tarun Kumar Soni Assistant Administration [email protected] 079-29288401 (O)

7. Shri Jayeshkumr Manorlal Parmar

LDC Administration jjay_parmar@ rediffmail. com 079-29289056 (O) 9925702216 (Mob)

8. Shri Mukesh Pratapji Chavda

LDC Examination & Administration

mpc09@rediffmail. com 079-29260077 (O)

9. Ms. Rinal Baldevbhai Patel LDC Finance and Accounts

rinalpatel19@yahoo. 079-29289056 (O)

10. Ms. Bela L. Cholavia LDC Finance and Accounts

079-29289056 (O)

11. Mrs. Usha K. Unni PA to Deans (on contract)

Dean Office 079-29289056 (O)

12. Ms. Pooja Malhotra Steno-cum-Data Entry Operator (on contract)

MHRD pooja_pisces1900@ yahoo.

13. Shri Bijender Pal Singh Library Assistant (on contract)

Library barsiwalcug@gmail. com 079-23260061 (O)

14. Shri Mayur D Parmar Office Asst. cum- Comp. Operator

(on contract)

Cyber Library [email protected]

15. Shri Piyushkumar K. Parmar

Office Asst. cum- Comp. Operator

(on contract)

Store & Purchase

piyushkumarparmar@ gmail. com 079-29289056 (O)


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18 Ms. Rina Tarun Solanki Office Asst. cum- Comp. Operator

(on contract)

Dean Office rinasolankit@gmail. com 079-29289056 (O)

19 Shri Sunil Kumar Mahato Caretaker-cum-Cook (on contract)

Guesthouse 079-65729778 (Guest House)

20 Shri Bharat B. Rathod Attendant (on contract)

SCS bharatrathod012@ gmail. com 079-23260310 (O)

21 Shri Chandrakant A. Ingle Attendant (on contract)

Library inglechandrakant44@ yahoo. com 079-23260061 (O)

22 Shri Suresh Kumar Soni Attendant (on contract)

VC Residence sonisk21@yahoo. com 079-29289056 (O)

23 Mrs. Ushaben Savjibhai Sonara

Attendant (on contract)

Dean Office 079-29289056 (O)

24 Shri Anirudhsinh Kalusinh Bihola

Attendant (on contract)

VC Secretariat 079-29289056 (O)

25 Shri Umesh D. Shukla Attendant (on contract)

Hostel 079-23260077 (O)

26 Shri Dipak N. Gayakwad Attendant (on contract)

Administration 079-29289056 (O)

27 Shri Alpesh D. Prajapati Driver (on contract)

Administration 079-29289056 (O)

28 Shri Phool Singh Meena Driver (on contract)

Administration 079-29289056 (O)

29 Shri Paresh C. Parekh Driver (on contract)

VC Secretariat 079-29289056 (O)


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Monthly Remuneration Received by Officers & Teachers of CUG 2010-2011 (NON-PLAN)

Sr. No.

Name Designation Department/ Centre /School

Monthly income(Rs.)

16. Prof. R. K. Kale Vice-Chancellor VC Office 118250.00

17. Prof. N. Rajaram Registrar (Offg.) Administration 71608.00

18. Shri A.V. Rajasekhar Finance Officer Finance & Accounts


19. Dr. Sanjay Negi Assist. Registrar Administration 43003.00

20. Prof. Man Singh Professor & Dean SCS 93317.00

21. Prof. E.V. Ramakrishnan Professor & Dean SLL&CS 71608.00

22. Prof. N. Rajaram Professor & Dean SSS 71608.00

23. Prof. R.P. Singh Professor & Dean SLS 84692.00

24. Dr. Ajay Dandekar Professor & Dean CSSM/SSS 106987.00

25. Dr. (Mrs.) Indira Dutta Assist. Professor CSE&P/SSS 98180.00

26. Dr. Haresh Narayan Pandey Contract Faculty CSST&IP/SSS 33480.00

27. Dr. Kishor Jose Contract Faculty CSS/SIS 35480.00

28. Dr. Ishmeet Kaur Chaudhary Contract Faculty CCL&TS/SLL&CS 33480.00

29. Ms. A. Anupama Contract Faculty CES/SLL&CS 33480.00

30. Dr. Parvathi K. Iyer Contract Faculty CSST&IP/SSS 35480.00

31. Dr. Shiju Sam Varughese Contract Faculty CSST&IP/SSS 33480.00

32. Dr. Vinod Sen Contract Faculty CSE&P/SSS 35480.00

33. Shri Deba Ranjan Hota Contract Faculty CSS&D/SSS 33480.00

34. Dr. Achuit Kumar Singh Contract Faculty SLS 33480.00

35. Shri Sony Kunjappan Contract Faculty CSSM/SSS 33480.00

36. Ms. Urmila Bhirdikar Contract Faculty CCL&TS/SLL&CS 33480.00

37. Shri Atul Mishra Contract Faculty CSP&G/SIS 33480.00

38. Dr. Saurabh Sharma Contract Faculty CSP&G/SIS 33480.00

39. Dr. Nongmaithem M. Singh Contract Faculty CSS/SIS 33480.00

40. Shri Rajesh Vasita Contract Faculty SLS 33480.00

41. Ms.Jayashree Ambewadikar Contract Faculty CSS&D/SSS 35480.00

42. Ms. Dhara K. Chotai Contract Faculty CES/SLL&CS 33480.00

43. Dr. Prakash C. Jha Contract Faculty SCS 33480.00

44. Dr. Maitrayee Mukherji Contract Faculty CSSM/SSS 33480.00

45. Dr. Dhananjoy Mondal Contract Faculty SCS 33480.00

46. Shri Kunal Sinha Contract Faculty CSST&IP/SSS 33480.00


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Monthly Remuneration of Non-Teaching Staff employees of Central University of Gujarat under NON PLAN

Sr.No. Name of employee Designation Office Monthly


1 Shri Arun Kumar Singh Section Officer Administration 31725.00

2 Shri Mukeshbhai A. Parmar Personal Assistant VC Office 25501.00

3 Shri Tarun Kumar Soni Assistant Administration 25501.00

4 Shri Jayeshkumr M. Parmar LDC Administration 15634.00

5 Shri Mukesh P. Chavda LDC Examination & Admnistration


6 Ms. Rinal B. Patel LDC Finance&Accounts 15634.00

7 Ms. Bela L. Cholavia LDC Finance&Accounts 15634.00

8 Mrs. Usha K. Unni PA to Deans Dean Office 17000.00

9 Ms. Pooja Malhotra Steno-cum-Data Entry Operator

MHRD 12100.00

10 Shri Bijender Pal Singh Library Assistant Library 9500.00

11 Shri Mayur D Parmar Office Asst. cum- Comp. Operator

Cyber Library 6500.00

12 Shri Piyushkumar K. Parmar Office Asst. cum- Comp. Operator

Store 6500.00

13 Ms. Rina Tarun Solanki Office Asst. cum- Comp. Operator

Dean Office 6500.00

14 Shri Sunil Kumar Mahato Caretaker-cum-Cook Guesthouse 5000.00

15 Shri Bharat B. Rathod Office Attendant SCS 5000.00

16 Shri Chandrakant A. Ingle Office Attendant Library 5000.00

17 Shri Suresh Kumar Soni Office Attendant VC Residence 5000.00

18 Mrs. Ushaben S. Sonara Office Attendant Dean Office 5000.00

19 Shri Anirudhsinh K. Bihola Office Attendant VCSecretariate 5000.00

20 Shri Umesh D. Shukla Office Attendant Hostel 5000.00

21 Shri Dipak N. Gayakwad Office Attendant Administration 5000.00

22 Shri Alpesh D. Prajapati Driver Administration 6000.00

23 Shri Phool Singh Meena Driver Administration 6000.00

24 Shri Paresh C. Parekh Driver VCSecretariate 6000.00


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Budget allocation to CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF GUJARAT for the year 2010-11

Sr. No.

Heads/Items Amount (Rs. In Crore)

1. Building (Land Development, Boundary wall) -

2. Campus Development -

3. Temporary Site/Transit Camp including Infrastructural Development


4. Staff Salary (Teaching & Non-teaching) 5.00

5. Books and Journals 1.00

6. Equipment 1.00

7. Library 1.00

8. Laboratories 1.00

9. Recurring Grant: (Consumables & Laboratories, TA/DA expenditure for experts, Electricity charges, contingencies and others)

2.00 6.00

10. Others (Furnishing and Vehicles) 1.00

11. Merged Schemes 1.00

12. Non-recurring for creation of capital assets 4.00

TOTAL 25.00


Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and details of beneficiaries of such programmes

Central University of Gujarat does not execute any subsidy programmes.

MANUAL NO. 13 Particulars of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by Central

University of Gujarat Central University of Gujarat does not provide any concessions, permits or authorizations to any individual or body.

In matters of appointment & promotions of teaching & non-teaching staff, admissions to students etc. concessions are given to different sections of society such as physically handicapped, SC/STs and OBC as per the Government of India Rules amended from time to time.


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Details of information available to or held by Central University of Gujarat reduced in electronic form

For information available to Central University of Gujarat in electronic form, the information accessible in the web pages of other organizations as accessible to the general public is the only available source. Regarding the information held in electronic form, at present, only the contents of the website of Central University of Gujarat at is the information available in electronic form. Following Information about the CUG can be accessed in detail on the university Website: : 1. All the 17 manuals under RTI and other information about the CUG 2. Directory 3. Central Universities Act & Statutes 4. Vision-Mission of CUG 5. Ordinances, Rules and Regulations 6. Annual Reports of the University 7. Various Admission Brochures and Prospectus-cum application forms, prepared

for various Regular courses 8. List of Holidays declared by the University 9. Employment and Admission Notifications 10. Application forms for employment and admission 11. Results of Examination and admission tests for various courses 15. Important Office Orders/Memorandum/Circulars/Notices etc.


Facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room meant for public

In Central University of Gujarat, till recently, there was no separate facility for the general public for obtaining information regarding any matter, other than by requesting to the concerned authorities of the University for the Required Information. However, as a result of the implementation of the Right to Information Act 2005, facilities have now been made available for the citizens for obtaining information from the University subject to the provisions of the abovementioned Act. These are:

Through the Notice-boards, Brochure/Prospectus, Newspaper, Magazines, Advertisements, website etc.

Inspection of Records in the Office

Unrestricted access to Website & Blog of the University

By submitting a written application for information to the Public Information Officer.

In so far as the working hours of a library or reading room are concerned, Central University of Gujarat does not have a library or reading room meant for the public. The Central Library of the University is meant for use of only its members i.e. students, teaching, non-teaching staff of CUG.


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Name, Designation and other particulars of the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO )

Name Desig. Address E-mail Phone Fax

Prof. Alok Kumar Gupta

Professor Sector-30, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar. 382030

[email protected]

079 29298401 23260076

Name, Designation and other particulars of the 1st Appellate Authority

Name Desig. Address E-mail Phone Fax

Prof. N. Rajaram Registrar (Offg.)

Sector-30, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar. 382030

[email protected] 23260208 23260076


Other Information There is no other information other than those already supplied in other manuals of

this compilation.