Transcript of MANUAL OF PROCEDURE (MOP) _governance_for... · MANUAL OF PROCEDURE (MOP) ... 1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE...






VERSION 2.6 (Revision 1.7) – for RAASA review

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1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................... 5

2 PROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENTS TO DOCUMENT ................................................................................. 5

3 DOCUMENT REVIEWERS .................................................................................................................... 65

4 DISTRIBUTION LIST .............................................................................................................................. 6

5 TERMS AND DEFINITION ...................................................................................................................... 6

6 ORGANISATIONAL OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 10

6.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 10 6.2 VISION ............................................................................................................................................... 10 6.3 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................ 10 6.4 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE (AS AT JUNE 2014) ........................................................................................ 11

7 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE.............................................................................................................. 11

7.1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE .......................................................................................................................... 11 7.1.1 Chairman – Board of Directors................................................................................................... 11 7.1.2 Vice Chairman – Board of Directors ........................................................................................... 12 7.1.3 Treasurer – Board of Directors ................................................................................................... 12 7.1.4 Access Manager ........................................................................................................................ 12 7.1.5 Marketing Manager .................................................................................................................. 12 7.1.6 Section Chairperson .................................................................................................................. 12

7.2 HANG GLIDING COMMITTEE ..................................................................................................................... 12 7.3 SALARIED PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................................. 13

7.3.1 SAHPA Secretary ....................................................................................................................... 13 7.3.2 General Manager ...................................................................................................................... 13

7.4 INVITED MEMBERS/EXPERTS ..................................................................................................................... 13 7.5 ELIGIBILITY FOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ...................................................................................................... 13 7.6 DISQUALIFICATION ................................................................................................................................ 13 7.7 COMMITTEE MEMBER EXPENSES ............................................................................................................... 13 7.8 SUB-COMMITTEES ................................................................................................................................. 14

8 ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................................. 14

8.1 ROLE OF THE SAHPA OFFICE ................................................................................................................... 14 8.2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ..................................................................................................................... 14 8.3 COMMITTEE MEETINGS ........................................................................................................................... 15 8.4 LIAISON WITH OTHER BODIES AND AUTHORITIES ............................................................................................ 15 8.5 CLUB STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................. 16 8.6 INSURANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 16 8.7 FINANCIAL CONTROL .............................................................................................................................. 16

8.7.1 SAHPA Secretary ....................................................................................................................... 16 Cash ..................................................................................................................................................... 1716 Cheques ................................................................................................................................................... 17 EFT ........................................................................................................................................................... 17

8.7.2 Treasurer .................................................................................................................................. 17 8.7.3 Independent external consultant ............................................................................................... 17

9 COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................................ 18

9.1 COMMUNICATION FROM/TO MEMBERS ...................................................................................................... 18 9.1.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 18 9.1.2 Methods ................................................................................................................................... 18 9.1.3 Channels ................................................................................................................................... 18 9.1.4 Response time ........................................................................................................................... 19 9.1.5 Portfolios .................................................................................................................................. 19

9.2 COMMUNICATION WITH MEMBERS ............................................................................................................ 20

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9.2.1 Newsletter ................................................................................................................................ 20 9.2.2 E-mail ....................................................................................................................................... 20 9.2.3 Post .......................................................................................................................................... 20 9.2.4 Social Networking ..................................................................................................................... 20 9.2.5 SAHPA website .......................................................................................................................... 20

9.3 MEMBERS DATA CONTROL ....................................................................................................................... 20

10 CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS ...................................................................................................... 21

10.1 CODE OF CONDUCT .............................................................................................................................. 21 10.2 APPLICATION ..................................................................................................................................... 21

10.2.1 SAHPA Officials ....................................................................................................................... 21 10.2.2 Pilots ....................................................................................................................................... 22 10.2.3 Tandem pilots ......................................................................................................................... 22 10.2.4 Instructors ............................................................................................................................... 22

10.3 SPECIAL NOTE ..................................................................................................................................... 23 10.4 ALCOHOL & DRUGS ............................................................................................................................. 23

11 AIRWORTHINESS ............................................................................................................................. 24

11.1 NEW GLIDERS ..................................................................................................................................... 24 11.2 TRAINING GLIDERS ............................................................................................................................... 24 11.3 NEW RESERVE PARACHUTES ................................................................................................................... 24 11.4 APPROVED TEST AUTHORITIES ................................................................................................................. 24 11.5 REPUTABLE PERSONS ............................................................................................................................ 25 11.6 GROUNDING ...................................................................................................................................... 25

12 INSTRUCTION AND INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 2726

12.1 QUALIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 2726 12.2 COMMENCEMENT OF TRAINING .......................................................................................................... 2726

13 MEMBERSHIP .............................................................................................................................. 2726

13.1 QUALIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 2726 13.2 MEMBERSHIP FEES .......................................................................................................................... 2726 13.3 PERIOD OF VALIDITY ......................................................................................................................... 2726 13.4 SUSPENSION OF MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES .............................................................................................. 2827

14 PEER AND CLUB SYSTEM .............................................................................................................. 2928

14.1 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 2928 14.2 NATIONAL SAFETY AND TRAINING COMMITTEE (NSTC) ............................................................................. 2928 14.3 REGIONAL SAFETY & TRAINING OFFICER (RSTO) ..................................................................................... 2928 14.4 SENIOR PILOTS ................................................................................................................................ 3028 14.5 CLUBS .......................................................................................................................................... 3029

14.5.1 Role of clubs ........................................................................................................................ 3029 14.5.2 Forming a club .................................................................................................................... 3029 14.5.3 Office bearers...................................................................................................................... 3029 14.5.4 Disciplinary ......................................................................................................................... 3129

14.6 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................... 3130

15 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES......................................................................................................... 3231

15.1 BREACH OF CONDUCT ....................................................................................................................... 3231 15.2 EXAMPLES OF OFFENSES THAT CAN BE HANDED OVER TO RAASA FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ................................. 3231 15.3 DISCIPLINARY STEPS ......................................................................................................................... 3231 15.4 REPORTING BREACH OF REGULATIONS .................................................................................................. 3332 15.5 GOVERNING REGULATIONS ................................................................................................................ 3433 15.6 RECORD KEEPING ............................................................................................................................ 3433

16 LICENCING .................................................................................................................................. 3534

16.1 PILOT QUALIFICATION ...................................................................................................................... 3534

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16.2 ENTITLEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 3534 16.3 LICENCE PRIVILEGES ......................................................................................................................... 3534 16.4 ELIGIBILITY .................................................................................................................................... 3534 16.5 PERIOD OF VALIDITY ........................................................................................................................ 3534 16.6 FLIGHT AUTHORISATION ................................................................................................................... 3534 16.7 SUSPENSION OF LICENCE ................................................................................................................... 3534 16.8 PROOF OF LICENCE .......................................................................................................................... 3635

17 VALIDATION OF FOREIGN LICENCES ............................................................................................. 3736

18 SCHOOLS .................................................................................................................................... 3736

18.1 APPROVAL OF SCHOOLS .................................................................................................................... 3736 18.2 ENTITLEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 3736 18.3 SUSPENSION OF APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ 3736 18.4 REINSTATEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 3736 18.5 MONITORING OF SCHOOLS ................................................................................................................ 3736 18.6 SPOT CHECKS ................................................................................................................................. 3736 18.7 REVIEW OF STANDARDS .................................................................................................................... 3736 18.8 APPLICATIONS BY SCHOOL ................................................................................................................. 3837 18.9 PERIOD OF VALIDITY ........................................................................................................................ 3837

19 SITES .......................................................................................................................................... 3837

19.1 CONTROL OF SITES ........................................................................................................................... 3837 19.2 SITE RULES ..................................................................................................................................... 3938 19.3 SITE REGISTRATION .......................................................................................................................... 3938 19.4 GRADING OF SITES........................................................................................................................... 3938

20 ACCIDENT / INCIDENTS / FATALITIES / MISSING PILOTS ................................................................ 3938

20.1 REPORTING PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................. 4039 20.2 RECORDS / STATISTICS ...................................................................................................................... 4039

21 QUALITY CONTROL ...................................................................................................................... 4039

22 SAFETY AND TRAINING COMMITTEE ............................................................................................ 4140

22.1 NATIONAL SAFETY AND TRAINING COMMITTEE (NSTC) – PG/PPG .............................................................. 4140 22.2 NATIONAL SAFETY AND TRAINING COMMITTEE NSTC – HG ....................................................................... 4140 22.3 REGIONAL SAFETY & TRAINING OFFICER (RSTO) ..................................................................................... 4140 22.4 POSITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................ 4241

22.4.1 National Safety and Training Officer .................................................................................... 4241 Appointment ...................................................................................................................................... 4241 Qualification ...................................................................................................................................... 4241 Duties ................................................................................................................................................. 4241 Temporary Grounding ....................................................................................................................... 4241 Disciplinary ........................................................................................................................................ 4342 Suspension of privileges of licences, ratings or endorsements ......................................................... 4342 Removal of licences or ratings ........................................................................................................... 4342

22.4.2 Safety Officer ...................................................................................................................... 4443 Appointment ...................................................................................................................................... 4443 Qualifications ..................................................................................................................................... 4443 Duties ................................................................................................................................................. 4443

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The purpose of the SAHPA MOP is to specify the governance and operating procedures

of SAHPA members, schools and clubs, to provide explicit guidelines for compliance

with the requirements of corporate governance, relevant regulations and SAHPA’s

Memorandum of Incorporation.

This manual sets out the particular aspects relating to the control and regulation of Hang

Gliding and Paragliding and all the powered versions thereof i.e. PPTs and PPGs in

South Africa.

SAHPAs MOP is split into the following sections:

Section 1: Organisational Governance

Section 2.1: Operations – Hang gliding

Section 2.2.: Operations – Paragliding

Section 2.3: Operations – Powered Paragliding / Powered Paratriking

It should be read in conjunction with and considered supplementary to the following

constituted documents (when these sources have been updated to reflect the changes

we are making in the MOP):

The Civil Aviation Regulations Standards (CARS)

The Civil Aviation Technical Standards (CATS) of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

The Constitution of the Aero Club of South Africa

The Constitution of the South African Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

Any amendments made to this Manual must first be accepted by SAHPA’s members,

after which the SAHPA Executive Committee will submit a copy for approval to RAASA

and initiate the required steps to update the CATs and if necessary the CARs


Any suggested amendments to this document must be submitted in writing to the

SAHPA committee with supporting motivation.

The committee undertakes to review and consider suggested amendments in

consultation with relevant senior pilots/NSTO committees. If amendment is deemed

feasible it will be presented to SAHPA members (section-specific or full membership

if applicable), who will have a minimum time of seven days from date of notice to

comment on proposed amendments.

The committee endevours to consider all members opinions.

Amendments to the MOP that affect one or all of the three sections (HG, PG or PPG)

must be approved by the individual sections in order to be incorporated into the

MOP. No sections may implement changes on behalf of the other section unless this

has been accepted by said section.

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Version 2.6 Contributors/Reviewers

Revision 1


Egmont van Dijk; Lennox Olivier; Neil Koopman Kevin Storie

Revision 1.1


Mias de Klerk; Keith Pickersgill; Anthony Gibson; Anthony Allen

Revision 1.2


Kevin Storie; James Braid; Peter Wallenda; Hans Fokkens; Jan Minnaar

Revision 1.3


Chrissi Drunk; James Braid; Mias de Klerk; Hans Fokkens; Khobi-Jane

Bowden; Wayne Heuer

Revision 1.4


SAHPA membership

Revision 1.5


SAHPA membership

Revision 1.6


HG committee

Revision 1.7

(to be

submitted in

July 2014)

final SAHPA membership review before hand over to RAASA for review.


Made available to all members of the association via:

pdf copy on website;

e-mail notification to members;

new members are to be informed of MOP and where to find it; and

all members are reminded of document at membership renewal time.


The term “SAHPA”, whenever used herein shall mean The South African Hang Gliding and

Paragliding Association, a section of The AeCSA.

The term “SAHPA Executive Committee” shall mean the duly elected members who form the

executive committee of SAHPA a legal section 21 company.

ACCEPTED HANG GLIDER: A wing that carries a placard from a manufacturer defining it as

a Hang glider complying with certain build standards

ACCEPTED PARAGLIDER: A wing that carries a placard from a manufacturer defining it as

a Paraglider complying with certain build standards

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AeCSA: Aero Club of South Africa

ARO: Aviation Recreational Organisation

ATO: Authorised Training Organisation

CAA: The Civil Aviation Authority of South Africa

CAMU: Central Airspace Management Unit

CAR: Civil Aviation Regulation

SACARS: The South African Civil Aviation Regulation Standards

CATS: Civil Aviation Technical Standard

CFI: Chief Flying Instructor

CIVL: FAI Hang Gliding & Paragliding Commission

CSTO: Club Safety & Training Officer

DCA: Director Civil Aviation

DE: Designated Examiner

ERP: Emergency Response Procedure which is a documented set of procedures

and information defining the response to and management of any accident or

incident occurring within the span of control of the SAHPA or one of its


EXCO: The Executive Committee of SAHPA as appointed by the SAHPA board in

accordance with the Articles of Association of the section 21

FAI: Fédération Aéronautique Internationale

HANG GLIDER: Hang Glider as per the Definitions sanctioned for competitions by CIVL and to

be reflected in CARS, inclusive of powered versions.

HG: Hang Gliding

HG NSTC COMMITTEE: The Hang Gliding National Safety and Training


NAC: The National Airsports Commission as accepted by the FAI and for purposed

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of South African Regulations means the AeCSA

NSTC: The National Safety and Training Committee for the relevant discipline

NSTO: The National Safety and Training officer for the specific discipline

OPS: Operations

PAJA: The promotion of administrative justice act

PARAGLIDER: Definition as per SA Civil Regulation Aviation (CARS)

PG: Paragliding

PG/PPG NSTC: Paragliding and Powered Paragliding National Safety and Training


PALHG: Powered Assisted Launching Hang gliding

PPG: Powered Paragliding or Powered Paraglider (footlaunched)

PPT: Powered Paratrike (powered paraglider operated with an undercarriage)

POPI: The Protection of Personal Information Act

RAASA: Recreational Aviation Administration of South Africa. The body designated by

the DCA in accordance with the Aviation Act and Part 149 of the CARS to

manage, control and oversee Aviation Recreational Organisations (AROs),

and Sport and Recreational Aviation in South Africa, including the issuing of

all licenses and authorities to fly related thereto.

REPUTABLE PERSON: Individuals appointed by SAHPA with relevant skills or

qualifications acceptable to SAHPA to perform specific tasks

for SAHPA and members of SAHPA.

RISK: A combination of the likelihood of a hazard occurring and the severity of the

event (accident or incident) that could result; e.g. the higher the risk, the more

likely the accident or incident will occur and/or the more severe will be the


RSTO: Regional Safety and Training Officer is a member of SAHPA who

looks after matters pertaining to SAHPA in a designated regional area.

SA: South African or pertaining to South Africa

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SASCOC: The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Commission

SENIOR PILOT: A hang glider pilot appropriately experienced to supervise

inexperienced pilotA hang glider pilot that holds a B license or above; or a paraglider pilot that holds a sport license or above; or a PPG/PPT pilot that holds a tandem or instructor rating; or as appointed by NSTO/SO.

SMS: A Safety Management System that involves a peer-to-peer and a club-based

system that ensures safety is maintained in all SAHPA-related operations.

SO: Safety Officer

SRSA: The Department of Sports and Recreation of South Africa

TPM: Training Procedures Manual

Note: In this document, “endorsement”, “sign-off” and “graded” apply to paragliding and

the powered forms thereof

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6.1 Introduction

SAHPA ensures that Hang-gliding, Paragliding, and powered versions are managed

responsibly, ethically and effectively.

To do so by documenting all facets in our MOP which members use to participate in

our sport disciplines including professional operations and training. The MOP is

broken down into a Governance and an Operations, section, as well as addendums

and forms.

6.2 Vision

Promote, encourage and advance the development of safe and accesible foot

launched flying*forms of Hang gliding, Paragliding and Powered Paragliding amongst

all South African residents regardless of sex, race, religion, creed or culture.

Promote South Africa as an adventure tourist destination to both free flyers and

amateur sportsmen across the world.

Grow membership year on year by bringing new members into the association as

well as attracting lapsed members.

6.3 Purpose

SAHPA has been established in order to:

Institute and enforce the safety and ethics of foot launched*hang glider, para glider

and powered paragliding flying as regards pilot responsibility within a framework of

minimum regulation.

Represent the interests of its members in consultation with government agencies and

other regulatory authorities.

Recommend members for licensing once they have completed the requirements.

Foster and publicise the technical development of flying equipment and techniques.

Expand the number of flying sites and protect them against any threats including

airspace and access.

Monitor the activities of its members.

Record, investigate, evaluate and report on all safety-related matters involving or

affecting its members.

Co-ordinate and supervise competitions within the various codes.

Maintain pilot ranking lists within each code.

Select the National Team(s) and officials.

Undertake fund raising and marketing activities.

Motivate and inspire disadvantaged individuals through targetted community

initiatives and outreaches in geographical areas of operation – driven by club

activities and/or competitions.

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Provide the platform as the initial ‘stepping stone’ into recreational and professional


The generic term “Foot Launched Flying” currently includes Hang Gliding,

Paragliding, the powered derivatives of both of these, as well as those operated with

an undercarriage. Speedflying is specifically excluded as it is governed by SASFA

(South African Speedflying Association).

6.4 Organisational structure (as at 1 JuneDecember 20132014)


7.1 Executive committee

The executive committee will be charged with the running of SAHPA, determining of

long-term visions and objectives and the monitoring of these objectives.

Members of the committee offer their time voluntarily and have full-time occupations

outside of committee work.

They are elected on an annual basis by members of the assocation.

7.1.1 Chairman – Board of Directors

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Oversees all aspects of the association. The chairman is responsible for overseeing

the day-to-day running of SAHPA and addressing ad hoc issues as they emerge, as

well as fulfilling and coordinating function between the various other officials. Another

important function is keeping the committee on track with its stated objectives and

goals and the development of a larger vision and strategy to deal with increasing

threats from various outside agencies. The Chairperson will not allow the association

to be committed to any additional debt or costs outside of the funding required to run

operations efficiently and effectively. Candidates must have applicable management

expertise and/or experience.

7.1.2 Vice Chairman – Board of Directors

This person is the previous year’s chairman. The vice-chairman assists and advises

the incoming chairman and ensures committee members fulfil their duties.

7.1.3 Treasurer – Board of Directors

This person is responsible for maintaining control of all aspects of the financial

running of SAHPA and liaising with the secretary, accountants and authorities in this

regard. Candidates must have an accounting background and at least some practical

accounting experience.

7.1.4 Access Manager

This person is responsible for communication and liasing on issues that influence the

members' right to fly. This includes liaising with agencies such as the Civil Aviation

Authority (CAA), the National Airspace Committee (NASCOM), the Aero Club and

FAI and CIVL. The access manager oversees site access, Flight Safety & Rules,

issue of memberships and oversight. A background in the aviation industry and/or

legal knowledge or qualifications is a must.

7.1.5 Marketing Manager

This person is responsible for all aspects of communication, PR and marketing of the

sport to members and potential members, planning and execution of media

campaigns, sourcing sponsorships, event and promotions. A strong marketing

background is a requirement.

7.1.6 Section Chairperson

This person’s duties include managing aspects of their specific discipline within

SAHPA and liaising with the secretary and authorities in matters pertaining to their

section. Candidates must be a pilot with a reputable standing in the community and

must hold more than an entry-level license in his/her discipline.

7.2 Hang gliding committee

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The hang gliding committee, consisting of all instructors, and HG club chairpersons and Club Safety & Training Officers in South Africa, consults on any matters that affect all facets of hang gliding and powered versions thereof. The hang gliding representative on the SAHPA committee represents this hang gliding committee and will act as their spokesperson to the committee, once any consultation necessary

consultationwith the hang gliding committee has taken place. 7.3 Salaried personnel

7.3.1 SAHPA Secretary

This person has a salaried position and is in charge of the day-to-day running of the

organisation, administration and documentation and control thereoff, membership

and licensing requirements, quality control and all other functions including banking,

insurance and liaison with RAASA regarding licensing of members.

7.3.2 General Manager

The board of directors may appoint a general manager or operations manager to

oversee the day-to-day running of the association and ensuring the association

meets its goverance and operational requirements if it is financially feasible to do so.

7.4 Invited members/experts

The management committee may invite members or experts to attend particular

meetings, if reasonably motivated and relevant.

Members may be co-opted to the committee should a suitable candidate make

themselves available to fulfil a shortcoming in the organisational management.

7.5 Eligibility for executive committee

Members of SAHPA and affiliated clubs, who are in good standing with the

association and who have been paid-up members for the previous three years can

be nominated, elected or co-opted to serve on the committee. (refer Memorandum of


7.6 Disqualification

Members of the executive committee may be disqualified if they:

Have a court order against them.

Are declared mentally unstable.

SAHPA membership lapses.

Submit their resignation in writing.

Are removed from office due to a vote of no confidence.

7.7 Committee member expenses

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If members are required to travel on behalf of the association, their travel expenses

will be covered by general funds.

The association chairperson receives a nominal monthly expense allowance to cover

miscellaneous expenses such as phone calls, petrol, office and other costs.

7.8 Sub-committees

When deemed necessary sub-committees (standing or ad-hoc) consisting of association

members and invited visitors can be established to deal with a variety of items including

but not confined to airspace, IT, the MOP, competitions, transformation and

development, marketing drives or fund raising initiatives.


8.1 Role of the SAHPA office

1. Be a point of continuity and contact for all members of the association as well as

members of the public.

2. Provide advice and information to all members.

3. Provide support and continuity for voluntary committees year on year.

4. Assist with site registration.

5. Provide schools and instructors with relevant documentation and manuals.

6. Liaise between SAHPA, Aeroclub and RAASA.

7. Drive the renewal process.

8. Collect membership fees, update membership information, issue membership


9. Ensure renewal packs are complete before submission to RAASA.

10. Pay administrative and running costs, do the banking and invoicing.

11. Collect information, publish and distribute newsletters and keep members

informed and interested.

12. Disseminiate relevant information to member database.

13. Update website.

14. Liaison with Insurers and independent accountant.

15. Record keeping including but not restricted to minutes, newsletters,

correspondence, club and member registration, safety, membership data and

policies and procedures.

16. Provide support to the NSTO.

8.2 Annual general meeting

The AGM is held annually and provides a platform to committee members and

association members for feedback and points of discussion.

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The formal notice of the AGM is submitted to members at least 21 days prior to the

date of the meeting.

Nominations and motivations for members making themselves available for election

to the committee are distributed at least 21 days prior to the ballotts being sent out

and at least 42 days prior to the AGM meeting date.

Members are able to submit their ballots to the SAHPA office, this must be done at

least 21 days prior to the meetng date.

8.3 Committee meetings

Committee meetings are called by the SAHPA secretary on request of the Chairperson

at least four times per annum. Any elected committee member has the right to call a

meeting and can initiate a meeting via a request to the Chair- or Vice Chairperson. Due

to the geographic dispersment of committee members these will mostly take the form of

conference calls, set up and minuted by the SAHPA secretary.

8.4 Liaison with other bodies and authorities

SAHPA comprises its members, a voluntary executive committee, National Safety &

Training committee and an office-based secretary.

SAHPA has one position on the Aero Club South Africa (AeCSA) board, however

outside of board meetings it liaises with the AeCSA General Manager with regard to

matters pertaining to the association.

SAHPA secretary liaises with AeCSA regarding national teams, who in turn liaises

direct with SASCOC.

SAHPA liaises with RAASA to ensure regulatory compliance where relevant to the

association and RAASA advises and enables SAHPA to achieve its objectives within

regulatory guidelines.

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Following internal quality control procedures SAHPA recommends pilots for licencing

to RAASA who in turn issue licenses.

8.5 Club structure

8.6 Insurance

SAHPA procures third party and site liability insurance that is funded out of the

SAHPA membership fee.

8.7 Financial control

8.7.1 SAHPA Secretary

The SAHPA secretary undertakes the day-to-day banking and financial updates on

Pastel whereby an external accountant does the monthly bank reconciliation and



Club Chairman or Club captain

Club Committee

Constituted as per each clubs



Safety Officers

Affiliated Schools

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Any cash paid at the SAHPA office, is receipted and a written receipt is handed to the

pilot. The money is deposited into the SAHPA bank account. Cheques

SAHPA has a cheque book which must be signed by any two signatories. EFT

The secretary may only load the payments and may not release payments.

There are currently two additional people including the treasurer who can release

payments. If the treasurer is not available to release payments, the treasurer

gives permission for the 2nd party to release on his/ her behalf. Any release of

payment must be authorised by the treasurer and the chairman and/or Vice


All payments have the interim and final audit report attached to the invoice

together with an authorisation email form the treasurer or the chairman

authorising the payment.

8.7.2 Treasurer

The treasurer is responsible for maintaining control of all aspects of the financial running of SAHPA and liaising with the secretary, accountants and authorities in this regard.

8.7.3 Independent external consultant

The external consultant completes the year end and any necessary adjustments that

are required.

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9.1 Communication from/to members

9.1.1 Objectives

Ensure pertinent and effective responses

Ensure feedback on outstanding issues

Involve clubs to resolve issues

Reduce workloads of committee members

Allow follow ups on current matters

Allow effective escalation

Prevent political ”one-up-man-ship and “knee jerk responses”

Allow effective investigation

Develop transparency

Ensure everybody has access to information that is ready for dissemination

Prioritise action items as they occur

9.1.2 Methods

SAHPA accepts communication via the following methods only:





Important issues must be raised in written format via:

E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 086 611 1005

Tel: +27 12 668 3186 / +27 74 152 2505

Postal address

The subject title must state concisely the matter it pertains to.

All communication will be disseminated to the correct person by the SAHPA office.

9.1.3 Channels

SAHPA members will direct all communication through their Club.

This will be done via their SOs and/or Chairman.

The Clubs will then investigate the nature of the matter and if necessary will

involve the correct member of the SAHPA committee.

The Clubs will either raise these items at their club meeting or alternatively if

deemed urgent will escalate these matters directly to SAHPA.

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Members with no club affiliation should direct their communication via an

Instructor, School, Safety Officer or Club in their geographical area. A list of these

is available on the SAHPA website.

Non-licensed pilots (rogue) and visiting or immigrant overseas pilots – may

contact SAHPA office directly for direction or communicate via the above stated

e-mail address. Visitors may further direct their communication to a school, club

or instructor in the area of their visit.

In the event of items / issues needing to be escalated, proof must be submitted

that the Club or Instructor did not pass on or resolve the matter.

Communication can be directed to SAHPA office via “written methods” listed

although the preferred method is E-mail.

9.1.4 Response time

Communication will only be accepted through channels detailed in this document. A

response can be expected within five (5) working days outside of holiday periods,

and up to (15) working days in the event of seasonal office closure.

The response time period commences once the duly designated people detailed in

the channels of communication have escalated the matter. SAHPA’s committee will

however endeavour to deal with any matter efficiently and expediently.

9.1.5 Portfolios

Licensing matters, student registrations, renewals – SAHPA Secretary

Air space, sites, regulations, - Access Manager

Website operation, general operations or any other matter in regard to licensing

(not handled by secretary ) – Relevant Section Chairman

Business plan matters, protocol and ethics – Vice chairman

Marketing , advertising, magazines, newsletters, official statements - Marketing

Manager or Chairperson

PG aspects (all or any) other than licensing including MOP issues – PG chairman

HG aspects (all or any) other than licensing but including MOP issues – HG


PPG aspects (all or any) other than licensing but including MOP issues – PPG


Financial matters – Treasurer

Safety matters to Chairman of safety committee or the geographical safety


Training, TFI and tandems – NSTO or appropriate NSTC member.

Training compliance, regulatory queries, disciplinary policy and procedures,

potential revenue generation for the association, on-line database, day-to-day

running of association – Operations / General manager.

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9.2 Communication with members

9.2.1 Newsletter

SAHPA will issue an electronic newsletter to its members at least quarterly keeping

members abreast of news, safety matters, operational and organisational matters

and any other information relevant to membership. The newsletter will also appear

on the website and will be distributed via the forums and to each individual members

e-mail address as supplied at renewal time.

9.2.2 E-mail

Communication also occurs via direct e-mail or posting to discussion forums.

9.2.3 Post

SAHPA communicates with members via the postal services, in particular during renewal time and when in the run up to the AGM.

9.2.4 Social Networking

SAHPA will also communicate with its members via social networking sites.

9.2.5 SAHPA website

Newsletters and Circulars are posted to the SAHPA website.

9.3 Members data control

SAHPA will protect member data and will under no circumstances sell or distribute

personal information to any other organisation other than RAASA for licensing

requirements and AeCSA for their membership database. Control and protection of

personal data is conducted as per POPI ACT.

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10.1 Code of conduct

SAHPA expects its officials and members to subscribe to an ethical code of conduct

based upon the three tenets of beneficence (the duty to do good), non-malfeasance

(the duty to do no harm) and justice (offenders are to treated fairly and required to

make good their wrongs and face the same sanctions for the same transgressions).

A code cannot cover every conceivable contingency and although it can be

reasonably prescriptive in so far as the behaviour of officials is concerned, in the

case of individual pilots one can only provide a guideline as to the type of behaviour

that they should aspire to.

10.2 Application

The code should apply equally to all levels of the organisation from employed staff,

committee members (both elected and co-opted), occasionally appointed officials

such as Meet Directors and competition administrators such as those appointed ad

hoc to the Task, Safety and Appeals Committees, as well as, School Staff,

Instructors, Club Committee Members, Pilots and family members.

10.2.1 SAHPA Officials

SAHPA Officials are expected to execute their respective portfolio responsibilities

with alacrity, integrity and in accordance with the above principles by adhering to the

following at all times:

1. Maintain exemplary standards of personal, professional and ethical conduct in

fulfilling all aspects of the position of SAHPA Committee Member and/or Officer,

including while interacting with SAHPA Members and all external organizations

and individuals.

2. Act in the best interest of SAHPA while avoiding actions or decisions that could

either bring the sport into disrepute or be construed regarded as unethical, illegal

or contrary to the public interest.

3. Communicate openly, honestly and in a timely fashion, while respecting

confidentiality and individual rights, with SAHPA members and any other

individuals or organizations having a relationship with SAHPA.

4. Ensure that all regulations, guidelines, and licensing ratings and endorsement

requirements are made freely available to its members, vigorously applied and

regularly reviewed and amended.

5. Investigate, evaluate, act and report on any safety, technical, procedural or

disciplinary matters brought to their attention timeously, scrupulously in

accordance with current regulations and be devoid of favouritism and

unencumbered by any external influences.

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6. Exercise proper, legal and appropriate financial responsibility in all dealings with

or on behalf of the SAHPA through maintaining accurate accounts and asset

registers as well as being pro-active in pursuing debtors.

7. Disclose any potential conflict of interest situation resulting from involvement in

SAHPA activities, and where appropriate, exclude themselves from involvement

in such activities.

8. Keep privileged information confidential, except in circumstances when doing so

would result in a breach of regulations or ethical conduct.

9. Actively encourage diversity throughout the activities of the

Societyassociation. Refuse to engage in or sanction discrimination on the basis

of race, gender, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, physical

appearance, or disability.

10.2.2 Pilots

Pilots are the most visible of all SAHPA members as regards exposure to public

scrutiny and should therefore:

1. Ensure that they are properly licensed, rated and /or endorsed for their class of


2. Maintain their logbooks accurately and up to date.

3. Comply with all site regulations with regard to airspace restrictions, access

controls, payment of fees and the avoidance of littering and smoking.

4. Treat members of the public and other pilots with respect and common courtesy.

5. Behave at all times in a manner that reflects credit to the sport and upholds a

healthy image.

6. Report any safety related event accurately and timeously.

7. Follow the correct protocol when either addressing the media or raising issues

which require to be addressed by the sport’s national or international authorities.

10.2.3 Tandem pilots

Tandem pilots, whether recreational or instructional, have the added responsibility of

ensuring the safety of their passengers and to this end should, in addition to the


1. Apply a much greater safety test to conditions before flying with passengers.

2. Meticulously maintain their flying equipment.

3. Thoroughly explain the risks of flying to potential passengers.

4. Ensure that they are adequately insured OR if no insurance is available, that this

is clearly communicated to the passenger and their decision recorded.

4.5. Ensure that all required documentation is completed and signed by tandem

pilot and passenger; and submitted to SAHPA.

10.2.4 Instructors

Instructors also have additional responsibilities in introducing new members to the

sport and must therefore ensure that they:

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1. Emphasise safety at every opportunity

2. Only progress students who have comfortably achieved the required skills and

knowledge taught in the earlier stages of instruction

3. Ensure that the SAHPA training curriculum is fully covered as a minimum and to

extend this whenever a student’s ability and flying conditions are conducive to


4. Maintain their personal training qualifications and strive to advance their own

proficiency, knowledge and teaching skills.

4.5. Ensure that all required training / licencing documentation is correctly

completed and signed by instructor and student; and submitted to SAHPA.

10.3 Special note

Becoming a member of SAHPA is upon the proviso that the pilot will abide and

actively live up to this code of conduct. The pilot accepts that they will be held

accountable for any deed or action that does not comply and this may result in

eviction from the association. Eviction from the association automatically results in

the immediate suspension of the privileges of a license or rating.

It may also constitute handing over such cases to RAASA for investigation by

applying Part 185 legislation as per South Africa’s Civil Aviation regulations.

10.4 Alcohol & drugs

No member shall fly or instruct whilst under the influence of alcohol, or drugs known

to have a narcotic effect.

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It is the duty of every licensed pilot to act as an airworthiness inspector and to conduct a

thorough inspection of their own equipment to ensure that it is safe to be flown.

Individual hanggliders, paragliders, PPG wings and PPT wings are exempted from

airworthiness certification procedure provided the type fulfils industry accepted

standards which are accepted by SAHPA.

11.1 New gliders

All new hang gliders, paragliders, PPG wings and PPT wings sold in South Africa must

fulfil industry accepted standards which are accepted by SAHPA.

11.2 Training gliders

Training hang gliders, paragliders, PPG wings and PPT wings must be of a rating

suitable for entry level usage as recommended by the equipment manufacturer or

approved testing authority.

11.3 New reserve parachutes

All new reserve parachutes, serving as emergency back-up system are to fulfil industry

accepted standards which are accepted by SAHPA.

11.4 Approved test authorities

The following testing Authorities are approved by SAHPA

AFNOR (The French ACPULS certification)

All test centres approved to test to the LTF standard

BHPA ( British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association)

DULV (Deutsche Ultralight Verband)

USHGA (The United States Hang Gliding Association)

AHGF (Australian Hang Gliding Federation)

SHV (The Swiss Hang Gliding certification)

All test centres approved to test to the EN926 standard

PASA (Parachute Association of South Africa) reserve parachute testing


Those not in the above list will still be accepted by SAHPA if they are:

Approved to test to the LTF standard, or

Approved to test to the EN926 standard.

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The above lists are not exhaustive and other authorities may be approved after

consideration by SAHPAAnd any other Authority approved by the SAHPA NSTC

from time to time.

11.5 Reputable persons

Reputable persons are individuals approved and appointed by SAHPA to be suitably

qualified to perform specific tasks for SAHPA and members of SAHPA. This includes

but is not limited to maintenance, repair and equipment inspections.

Should PPG/PPT be required to make use of Approved Person scheme (AP) as

contemplated in the CARS Part 66 Subpart 4, this will be developed by SAHPA in

consultation with and final approval from the relevant SAHPA section experts.


The NSTO shall recommend to the SAHPA Executive, individuals suitable for

appointment as reputable person who are competent to carry out airworthiness

inspections. Clubs may nominate such persons from their members.


Reputable persons must have the necessary knowledge and experience to inspect

paragliders SAHPA craft for airworthiness and that they are safe to be flown.


The duty of an airworthiness inspector is to conduct a thorough inspection of the

paraglider to ensure that it is safe to be flown.

Certificate of Airworthiness

Paragliders Paragliders & Hang gliders are exempt from requiring and airworthiness

certification provided the paragliderthe type is certified by an approved organisation

such as AFNOR, DHV, LFT or other recognised system. In the event of it being

necessary to conduct an airworthiness inspection then such airworthiness

inspections carried out by a reputable person and shall be recorded on a Certificate

of Airworthiness (see Addendum E), a draft of which will be available from the

SAHPA Office.

11.6 Grounding

Any Instructor, Safety Officer or Senior Pilot is empowered by their sectional NSTC to

ground any hang glider, paraglider, PPG or PPTcraft, including suspension systems,

and power units or safety equipment that are is considered not un airworthy for safety

reasons provided the equpment falls within their specific section and experience

level. Such grounding and report themust be reported to the SO (or CSTO) action to

the Safety Officer and NSTO within 7 days.

This must be done following due process as detailed in disciplinary section.

Formatted: Strikethrough

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12.1 Qualification

No person may give instruction or introduction unless they are in possession of the

relevant instructor rating and a paid up member of SAHPA.

12.2 Commencement of training

A Learners certificate may be issued and solo training commence from the age of 14.

The trainee may only fly under direct visual supervision of a current SAHPA

instructor. The Learners Certificate must be renewed until the pilot can obtain their


Introductory tandem flights with a suitably rated instructor (HG tandem rated

instructor or HG TFI; or in the case of paragliding and powered paragliding a TFI or

tandem rated instructor) may commence at the age of 5 10 with written consent from

the parent or legal guardian and with suitable sized equipment – including harness

and helmet.

A current HG instructor is permitted to simulate the flight of a hang glider with a non-

paying member of the public that may or may not be a member of SAHPA, if the

simulation is tethered.


13.1 Qualification

To qualify as a member, the applicant shall complete an application form signed by a

SAHPA rated Instructor, or Safety Officer or CSTO, and forward it together with the

yearly fees as determined by the SAHPA Committee from time to time.

Membership is renewable annually on the anniversary date of the individual


13.2 Membership Fees

Each application for membership, licence or rating is to be accompanied by the required fee as laid down by the SAHPA Committee from time to time.

Fees include an annual AeroClub membership, third party and site insurance, licence fee (currency fee for NPL) and SAHPA administration membership fee.

13.3 Period of validity

Membership (and NPL) is renewable annually on the anniversary date of the

individual membership OR bi-annually on the anniversary date of the individual

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membership if the member wishes to have a NPL that is valid for two years. A two-

year period of validity will cost twice the annual fee, payable prior to issue of

membership / licence.

13.313.4 Suspension of membership privileges

SAHPA may suspend, remove / evict individuals from the association i.e. withdraw

their membership if a member fails to pay the membership fee, is found guilty of

serious offences in contravention to the SAHPA code of ethics, the CARS or the

MOP after a full disciplinary process has transpired.

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14.1 Overview

The nature of the sports affiliated to SAHPA, the geographic spread of the SAHPA

membership and flying sites across South Africa, as well as the fact that South Africa

is a popular paragliding tourist destination means that the sports rely heavily on a

sound peer and club system – both at launch and training sites and off. The peer and

club system works both face-to-face and via a myriad of online discussion forums

and social networking pages. This interaction between pilots takes place both within

a formal and an informal environment, the more formal environment is detailed


14.2 National safety and training committee (NSTC)

There are two National Safety and Training Committees – one dealing with

Paragliding / PPG (Ram-Air inflatable canopies) and the other dealing with HG (flex-

wings and rigid wings). The sectional NSTC oversees the standards of training and

licensing procedures, safety related matters and disciplinary procedures relating to

the above. In June each year, following the AGM the relevant sections are to supply

the SAHPA office and SAHPA committee with the names of the individuals serving

on the NSTCs.

Further details of the structure and function of the NSTC are detailed in Section 21.

The NSTC will oversee the standards of training and licensing procedures as

well as disciplinary procedures relating to the above.

The NSTC will also deal with all safety related matters.

The NSTC will consist of at least one representative NSTO for each section -

being HG, PG and Powered - as well as the SAHPA section chairperson.

Each NSTO may appoint RSTO at his/her discretion but in consultation with

his/her members and NSTC, to assist in the day to day operations of the section.

Each appointed NSTO needs to be a senior pilot with a reputable standing in the

community and must hold more than an entry-level license in his/her discipline.

14.3 Regional safety & training officer (RSTO)

These are members of SAHPA who looks after SAHPA safety and training

matters within a designated regional area.

Each appointed regional representative needs to be a senior pilot with a

reputable standing in the community. and must hold more than an entry-level

license in his/her discipline.

The structure and function of the RSTOs is detailed in Section 21.

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14.4 Senior pilots

The minimum qualification for a senior pilot in the case of hang gliding is a Bpilot

appropriately experienced to supervise an inexperienced pilot or as appointed b the

NSTO/SOor higher rating; In the case of PG, a sports rated pilot; and in the case of

PPG and PPT a pilot who has maintained his license and ratings for a number of

years or has contributed significantly to the development of the discipline.

Senior pilots play a vital role in maintaining flying discipline and safety, in particular

through assisting, supervising and advising low airtime pilots. Furthermore, senior

pilots may:

Sign-off logbooks of pilots where required.

Report any unlicensed pilots flying to SAHPA.

Report un-airworthy equipment and gliders to the RSO or if not available to the


May ground pilots or equipment as per the process detailed in the Section 15.

14.5 Clubs

Current Clubs are listed on the SAHPA website. They are autonomous, self-governing,

financially independent groups of flying enthusiasts, affiliated with SAHPA, who want to

share their flying experiences with others.

14.5.1 Role of clubs

Clubs provide an invaluable learning experience and camaraderie for those

interested in or actively involved in the sports. Clubs may also administer and

maintain local flying sites as applicable.

14.5.2 Forming a club

Members wishing to form a club are required to notify the SAHPA office, which will in

turn submit to the committee for approval of:

Club constitution

List of office bearers

List of members

SAHPA will then register the club, update the website with the club details and notify

the relevant authorities.

14.5.3 Office bearers

The Club chairperson and committee promote, encourage and develop a club

environment condusive to skills development, safety awareness and mentorship.

Arrange disciplinary hearings for members who are in breach of the regulations,

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ethics or the MOP.

Monitor all safety standards and issues in all areas of the relevant discipline.

14.5.4 Disciplinary

In the event of a breach of the rules the club chairman or delegate is responsible for

following the disciplinary processes as per this document; make a recommendation

to the SAHPA Executive and committees of any actions to be taken; and ensure that

the approved actions are carried out.

14.6 Grievance Procedure

A grievance is defined as “a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, esp. unfair treatment.” Please refer to section 10 for Code of Conduct. In the event of a grievance members should approach first their club committee (or a senior pilot). If not resolved at club level the grievance can be escalated to the relevant section chairperson or SO before being escalated to SAHPA committee.

It is preferred that clubs remain autonomous and that members of clubs are empowered to hold their committee accountable, and that grievances be dealt with, where possible at club or peer level.

Grievances must be considered and resolved as speedily as possible and as close as possible to the point of origin.

Further, stages in the grievance procedure should be resolved as early as possible to avoid inflamed situations arising which in themselves are more difficult to manage.

The CCMA grievance procedure provides guidelines to the process if required.

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15.1 Breach of conduct

In the event of a breach of the rules of the relevant sections the National Safety and

Training Officer or his delegate will be responsible for;

Conducting procedurally fair administrative investigation / action in line with the PAJA Act.

Gathering of official allegations and evidence pertaining to the misconduct or breach of rules.

Obtaining official written responses to the alleged charge from the member accused of the breach of rules or misconduct.

Ensuring that a "notification of a formal hearing" notice is sent.

Organising a formal hearing.

Recommending to the SAHPA Executive and section relevant committee of any actions to be taken.

Ensuring that the approved actions are carried out.

Informing member of decisions giving adequate reasons for decisions taken; and their right to review or appeal.

Members not part of the association and not part of the ARO will be immediately handed over to RAASA for prosecution and can be reported to the South African Police Force..

15.2 Examples of offenses that can be handed over to RAASA for immediate action

Inter alia, a person;

Hindering any inspection by an authorised person.

Providing false information to an authorised person.

Preventing any person from performing his duty or enjoying his privileges.

Operates or authorises the operation of any aircraft which is not airworthy.

Acts in any way to affect the airworthiness of an aircraft.

Acts in any way to affect the safety of any person.

Operates an aircraft without the necessary licence or who has obtained a licence in a fraudulent manner.

Provides HG/PG or PPG training without the appropriate qualifications.

Ignores or does not adhere to a decision made by an authorised person or body, such as SAHPA, also during a process of appeal or arbitration.

A person who wilfully does damage to 3rd party property or ignores rules pertaining to 3rd party property.

15.3 Disciplinary steps

Disciplinary action by SAHPA should be consistent and follow the following format:

First offence: Verbal warning with witness present.

Second offence or non compliance with the verbal warning: Written warning via


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Third offence or a Gross Violation: Final written warning with immediate handover

to RAASA and possible application of Part 185 regulations if RAASA cannot get

voluntary compliance.


Clubs cannot suspend a licence or rating, but can recommend to the SAHPA Executive the punishment deemed suitable, if the offence warrants such strict measures and if the disciplinary procedure has been followed. Clubs can prohibit a pilot from flying at Club controlled sites and take away some of his Club privileges, for infringement of rules, in a consistent format.

SAHPA may suspend membership thereby suspending licence privileges.

15.4 Reporting breach of regulations

The following procedure is to be followed when carrying out disciplinary actions

against members of the Association for contravention of the rules and regulations.

Reporting will occur as follows

A written and signed complaint shall be received by the Executive Committee

of SAHPA within two weeks of the alleged infringement having taken place for

SAHPA to investigate and decide if disciplinary proceedings should be


Any infringement noted by the NSTO can be acted upon without a written

notification from an individual or club.

Clubs taking action against a member for continuous breach of rules, should

provide documentation to back up the allegations and detail the warnings

issued to the member and demonstrate that SAHPA was notified.

The NST commitee shall investigate evidence available and ascertain if an

infringement of the rules and regulations did take place.

For any violation, at the discretion of the SAHPA executive, a verbal warning

can be given followed by a written warning if necessary or if the infringement

warrants, hand them immediately over to RAASA if the infringement falls

under the Part 185 regulations. If there is continued infringement then written

notification of a Formal Disciplinary Hearing shall be sent to the alleged

offender via email or registered letter, giving at least 14 days notice of the

time, date, venue of the hearing and the charge.

The SAHPA executive or at their discretion, the NSTO will appoint a person

to chair the disciplinary hearing.

A formal disciplinary hearing is to be held where the charges are described

and the defendant is given the opportunity to offer a defence. The defendant

is responsible for their own cost to attend the hearing.

If, after weighing up all the evidence and considering mitigating factors, the

chairman of the disciplinary hearing finds the defendant guilty, then an

appropriate penalty will be applied.

Should the defendant wish to take the matter further then, upon receipt of a

written request from the defendant, within 7 days of the hearing, the SAHPA

Executive Committee will review the case and make a final decision. The

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defendant may further appeal to the RAASA and the Civil Aviation Authority

for review of the decision.

The severity of the disciplinary action taken should take into account the

seriousness of the offence, the consequences of the action, the defendant's

past offences and the circumstances under which the offence took place.

Should the defendant not attend the formal hearing and not offer a valid

excuse for his failure to appear, a decision will be handed down by the NSTO

or the Chairman of the hearing, after review by the SAHPA Executive

Committee, in the absence of the defendant, which will be binding.

Persons operating paragliding/hanggliding/PPG/PPT equipment who are not part of

the association and are unwilling to undertake the necessary steps to become

current / licenced will be immediately handed over to RAASA for prosecution.

Clubs taking action against a member for continuous breach of rules, should provide

documentation to back up the allegations and detail the warnings issued to the

member and show that SAHPA was notified.

A formal disciplinary hearing is to be held where the charges are described and the

defendant is given the opportunity to offer a defence. The defendant is responsible

for their own cost to attend the hearing.

The disciplinary process is documented in Appendix 1.

15.5 Governing regulations

The procedures are governed by the current SAHPA MOP and the penalties for

regulation infringements will be as per Part 185 of the Civil Aviation Regulations.

15.6 Record keeping

SAHPA will keep record of all infringements and rulings for a period of 2 years unless

a gross violation or a Part 185 prosecution has taken place, wherein this will remain

upon the pilots record for a period of 10 years in accordance with the regulations.

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Licenses, ratings and requirements for licences/ratings accepted for operation from SAHPA

sites and within South African airspace are detailed in the relevant section operations


16.1 Pilot Qualification

No person shall fly a hang glider or paraglider, powered paraglider or paratrikes unless he or she is in possession of a current licence of the correct type and class rating, or holds a valid student certficate and is under instruction with a registered approved school or Instructor. A person participating in an introductory course must be in possession of the applicable Student Certificate.

16.2 Entitlement

A licence will entitle the nominated holder to fly a hang glider, paraglider, powered paraglider or paratrike of the applicable Class and Type, from any established site or which carries the appropriate official grading providing they do so within the General Air Regulations, for recreational and sport flying. Requirements of local affiliated clubs, landowners, and local authorities must be met in each case.

16.3 Licence Privileges

Members may exercise the privileges of a licence from the time of payment of the prescribed fee and submission of all required documents, to the designated body.

16.4 Eligibility

It is a legal condition that licences only be issued to paid up members of SAHPA.

16.5 Period of Validity

A licence shall be valid only whilst the holder is a fully paid up member of SAHPA and Aero Club. Membership is renewable on the anniversary date of issue. A licence and ratings shall not be valid after the due date for renewal if membership has lapsed.

16.6 Flight Authorisation

No person shall fly a hang glider or paraglider from a site, which is officially graded above his or her Licence class rating or experience level, unless authorised by a duly qualified pilot or Instructor in accordance with the "sign-off" regulations (Section 6).

16.7 Suspension of Licence

Licences shall be suspended automatically and immediately in the event of:

The holder being in an accident, whether flying or otherwise, in which they suffer from concussion;

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A medical practitioner being of the opinion that the holder has ceased to be fit to fly hang gliders/ paragliders / PPG / PPT safely. Such suspension may be authorised by the Club Safety Officer or the National Safety & Training Officer, and shall continue until such time as a fresh medical certificate of fitness has been obtained from the GP.

Notification of such suspension for a serious breach of the rules and regulations or a serious breach of safety, to the pilot by the National Safety & Training Officer, pending a hearing within fourteen days.

16.8 Proof of Licence

A proof of lLicence card (issued by RAASA)s shall be carried at all times whilst at flying sites, and shall be produced on request to any SAHPA member, Civil Aviation Authority Inspector, Police Officer, Forest or Park Ranger, landowner or any other competent authority.

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Validation criteria for local pilots with foreign licences, event based flying, free flight

or pilots wishing to work in South Africa, can be found in the Operational Procedures

Section of the MOP.


18.1 Approval of Schools

Hang gliding, paragliding and powered paragliding schools, which conform to certain minimum standards as laid down by the SAHPA-specific section and executive committee from time to time. SAHPA shall maintain a Register of Approved Schools.

18.2 Entitlement

Only Hang Gliding and Paragliding and Powered Paragliding schools that have obtained approval from the SAHPA Executive Committee may carry out training. Approved Schools shall be entitled to advertise that they are registered schools approved by SAHPA and the Aero Club of South Africa.

18.3 Suspension of Approval

Official approval shall be suspended if at any time the National Safety & Training Officer in conjunction with the National Safety Officer deems that the school fails to continue to meet the minimum requirements as defined at the time. In this event, SAHPA shall notify the school's proprietor or Chief Instructor in writing and shall publish an appropriate notice in the Association newsletter after all avenues to remedy have failed.

18.4 Reinstatement

Approval may be reinstated once the National Safety & Training Officer is satisfied that the problem leading to suspension has been rectified. Suspended schools shall have right of appeal to the SAHPA Executive Committee.

18.5 Monitoring of Schools

If a school operates at a club site, the local Club Safety Officers shall be responsible for monitoring schools for compliance with the minimum standards and shall notify the SAHPA if they become aware of unsafe practices or falling standards.

18.6 Spot Checks

The section specific National Training and Safety officer, or their appointed delegate, shall be empowered to carry out spot checks on registered schools. At least one such check shall be conducted per annum.

18.7 Review of Standards

Minimum standards may be reviewed only by the SAHPA Executive Committee with consultation of the section specific NSTC and shall take into consideration advances

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in training techniques, equipment suitability, safety records and representations from interested parties.

18.8 Applications by School

To apply for registration and approval, schools shall approach the local Club Licensing & Safety Officer who shall check the school's qualifications against the minimum requirements set per section (example Paragliding as per section 15.10) and report to the NSTO. Applications may only be approved at a meeting of the SAHPA Executive Committee. A new Registered School will be announced in the Association newsletter.

18.9 Period of Validity

Approval and Registration shall be valid until the school does not comply with continued operation requirements, ceases to exist, or is suspended from training. Schools maintain their updated records with SAHPA.\

1819 SITES

SAHPA will keep a register of sites and make this available to the relevant authorities.

Sites will be developed, accessed, managed and controlled as per the Operations


Site summaries including prevailing winds, launch co-ordinates, contact people etc. will

be made available on

19.1 Control of sites

All SAHPA registered sites that are covered under the SAHPA site insurance must

be accessible for all current, appropriately licenced / experienced members and schools, as long as all site and landowner rules are adhered to.

The local Club or Clubs or schools or landowners, local bylaws or any landowner agreements, will control Flying and discipline at sites in any area.

A pilot who breaches the rules may be prohibited from flying at sites in the area in the future.

If the pilot does not belong to a Club, SAHPA can be approached with a written complaint against the pilot.

SAHPA committee will investigate the allegations and take necessary actions, where required.

Where no Clubs are operating in an area, the owner of the site or the local person or pilot dealing with the site, may approach SAHPA with a written complaint against the pilot. SAHPA committee may appoint a SO or suitable senior pilot to investigate the allegations and make recommendations for disciplinary actions, where necessary.

Access to any site can be controlled by the landowner(s), their delegates or a club or person who has negotiated the access with the landowner(s).

Site fees where applicable, can be collected by the landowner, or where a local club has negotiated a deal for their members and/or controls the site, by the Club. Any site fees collected by clubs should be paid to the landowner timeously.

Where the landowner controls the access to the site, he will assume responsibility for ensuring that all pilots are licensed, unless he has specifically appointed a local Club or person to assume this duty.

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All persons or bodies who have site control are duty bound to keep SAHPA informed of any safety issues or ownership changes or fee requirements to allow the SAHPA third party insurance to cover pilots flying at these sites.

19.2 Site rules

Rules at all regular flying sites shall be drawn up with regard for landowner

requirements, SAHPA rules and regulations, and general flight safety.

Site rules and guidelines are published / implemented by controlling body i.e. the landowner or the club.

These rules should be made available to the flying public preferably on the SAHPA website and the Club website and signposted at the site.

19.3 Site Registration

All regular flying sites utilised by members for all types of flying are to be registered with RAASA via the SAHPA office. It is the responsibility of the local Clubs or the landowner to ensure that this information is submitted to the SAHPA office.

Once registered, if relevant, sites shall be added to the SAHPA site insurance schedule.

A new site should be registered with SAHPA office within 30 days of being opened as a regular flying site.

The following information should be provided: Contact person for flying at the site Controlling body or person details Landowner details Rules applicable to the site Grading (if applicable) Co-ordinates (of actual launch area) Should any of the above details change, SAHPA must be informed


A temporary NOTAM valid for 90 days will be arranged by RAASA during the site registration process.

If the site is to be made permanent then an application in writing to RAASA via SAHPA must occur.

Should any of the above details change, SAHPA must be notified immediately.Process for registering new sites is defined in the Operations Section of the MOP.

19.4 Grading of Sites

Grading of sites and procedures to be taken in the event of a disagreement on the grading of a site are dealt with in points 3.2 and 3.3 in Section 2.2. (Operations: Paragliding) of the SAHPA MOP Version 2.6.Section.


It is the legal duty of all pilots, in terms of the air regulations, to report flying accidents

and serious incidents within 7 days of the accident or incident. The objective of

collecting such data is to improve the safety of SAHPA overseen sports, and not to

apportion blame.

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19.120.1 Reporting procedures

The standard reporting procedure and responsibilities in the event of an accident or

incident is found in the Operational Procedures of the MOP.

In the event of a fatality, the procedural guidelines can be found in the Operational

Procedures of the MOP.

In the event of a missing pilot, the procedural guidelines can be found in the

Operational Procedures of the MOP.

19.220.2 Records / statistics

SAHPA shall keep records of all accidents and serious incidents and produce reports

giving the statistics of all accidents and serious incidents to identify problem areas

and improve safety. No names will be mentioned in the statistical reports.

Statistical reports shall be updated at least once a year and remain accesible to

members on the website.


Quality control on all paperwork is performed by the SAHPA secretary via check lists

before applications / renewals are submitted for issue of a licence. The process is

detailed in the operations section of the manual.

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21.122.1 National safety and training committee (NSTC) – PG/PPG (NSTC)

The PG/PPG NSTC will:

oversee the standards of training and licensing procedures as well as

disciplinary procedures relating to the abovePG/PPG.

The NSTC will also deal with all safety related matters.

The NSTC will consist of at least one representative NSTO for each section -

being HG, PG and Powered - as well as the SAHPA section chairpersons.

Each NSTO may appoint RSTO at his/her discretion but in consultation with

his/her members and NSTC, to assist in the day to day operations of the section.

Each appointed NSTO needs to be a senior pilot with a reputable standing in the

community and must hold more than an entry-level license in his/her discipline.

The PG/PPG NSTC at their discretion may include any willing specialist (with a

specific field of expertise) to the NSTC, so as to benefit from a wider resource


22.2 National safety and training committee NSTC – HG

The HG NSTC will:

oversee the standards of training and licensing procedures as well as

disciplinary procedures relating to hang gliding.

deal with all safety related matters.

Deal with the approval of acceptable certification standards of hang glider as and

when these arise.

consist of at least one representative for each HG related discipline i.e. flex

wings and rigid wings, as well as the SAHPA section chairperson and at least

four hang gliding instructors.

The HG NSTO may appoint RSTO at his/her discretion (but in consultation with

the members of the HG NSTC), to assist in the day to day operations of the


The appointed HG NSTO must hold an instructors licence.

The HG NSTC at their discretion may include any willing specialist (with a

specific field of expertise) to the NSTC, so as to benefit from a wider resource


21.222.3 Regional safety & training officer (RSTO)

These are members of SAHPA who look after SAHPA safety and training matters

within a designated regional area.

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Each appointed regional representative needs to be a senior pilot with a

reputable standing in the community and must hold more than an entry-level

license in his/her discipline

If there is only one club or no club in the region an RSTO position may be filled by

a CSTO or any person deemed appropriate and appointed by the NSTO.

21.322.4 Positions and responsibilities National Safety and Training Officer Appointment

Section chairperson, Safety Officers and Instructors recommend, vote for and

appoint a National Safety & Training Officer for the relevant section.

SAHPA and the authorities shall accept this appointment. These

appointments shall be reviewed annually. Qualification

The persons appointed should be held in high regard in the SAHPA fraternity and

command respect.

For the PG/PPG sections the person must hold , and shall hold a Grade B instructor

rating or higher.

For the HG section, the person must hold a Grade A Instructors rating. Duties

o Ensure that the standard of safety and training is upheld.

o Review the training standards of the instructors and schools.

o Ensure that the training methods in use are appropriate and current.

o Review and up-date the licence exam question papers.

o Ensure that the Safety Officers are appointed.

o Ensure that the site register is maintained.

o Arrange disciplinary hearings for members who are in breach of the regulations,

ethics or the MOP.

o Notify SAHPA of accidents and incidents.

o Hold regular instructors seminars to provide a forum for discussion and

interaction on training and safety.

o Constantly monitor international best practice.

o Monitor all safety standards and issues in all areas of the relevant discipline. Temporary Grounding

Any Instructor, Safety officer or senior pilot is empowered by the section

committeesection NSTC to temporarily ground a hang glider, paraglider, PPG or

PPT, including suspension systems and power units that are considered un-not

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airworthy and present a safety risk, providing the grounding officer carries the

sectional qualification. Any such grounding is to be reported to the SO or CSTO

or NSTO and immediately to the section NSTC immediately and the due

disciplinary process inclusive of investigation will take place. Disciplinary

In the event of a breach of the rules the National Safety and Training Officer or his

delegate will be responsible for:

Gathering of official allegations and evidence pertaining to the misconduct or

breach of rules.

Obtaining official written responses on the alleged charge from the pilot or

instructor accused of the breach of rules or misconduct.

Ensuring that a "notification of a formal hearing" notice is sent.

Organising a formal hearing.

Recommending to the SAHPA Executive and the SAHPA committee of any

actions to be taken.

Ensure that the approved actions are carried out. Suspension of privileges of licences, ratings or endorsements

The National Safety and Training Officer is empowered to temporarily suspend

privileges of licences, ratings or endorsements in the case of a breach of the Rules

and Regulations that might create a safety risk. Removal of licences or ratings

SAHPA may recommend to the designated authority the removal of licences, ratings

or endorsements of any pilot, instructor or tandem pilot, if after relevant hearings and

the following of disciplinary procedures documented in the disciplinary section of the

MOP, the pilot is found to be guilty of misconduct, or in breach of the regulations or

proven to be displaying negligence unbecoming of a pilot previously authorized to

hold such ratings.

SAHPA MOP Version 2.6 Revison 1.7 Organisational Governance (for RAASA review) Page 44 of 44 Safety Officer Appointment

The NSTC, on recommendation from a club shall appoint Safety Officers and shall

maintain a register of such person's details and notify SAHPA in writing of these

details annually. Qualifications

Minimum qualification for a Safety Officer is that they must be a senior pilot. This

condition may be waived by the National Safety & Training Officer in conjunction with

SAHPA committee if no suitably qualified person is available.

Note: The NSTO may appoint a suitably qualified pilot from another Club or area to

assist with the renewal of licences. Duties

Recommended duties of the Safety Officer shall include:

o Ascertaining that pilots have met the requirements for a licence renewal


o Observing and reporting any unsafe operations at schools or in the conduct of


o Signing renewal forms.

o Sign-offs in logbooks of pilots where required.

o Assist, supervise and advise pilots of lower grades.

o Obtain accident and incident reports, investigate where required, and forward

them to the SAHPA NSTO or SAHPA Office with remarks, if any.

o Provide safety forums in the club context, where possible.

o Report any unlicensed and non-compliant operations to SAHPA.

o Assist in the maintenance of flying discipline and safety.

o Report un-not airworthy equipment and gliders to the NSTO.