Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1

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Presentation to the Mansfield Board of Selectmen, July 15, 2015

Transcript of Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    Mansfeld Fitness Trail at

    Memorial Park

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    Goal: create a ftness trail usable by people o all ftness levels.

    Mansfeld once had a ftness trail that ell into disrepair and was


    Past ew years have seen tremendous growth in non!traditionalrunning events"# a $%!old increase rom &%%'!&%(). *ource:

    +unning ,*-

    Groups like ew /ngland *pahtens boast $0%%%1 members

    Few places to train: Manning *tate Park in 2illerica0 acilitieswith limited dates 3 hours 4*hrewsbury0 5edham0 6oventry0 +78"

    people building their own backyard obstacles

    Public trail would both draw people to Mansfeld and sparkinterest in people who come across it on their own

    *tations with multiple levels o di9culty permit most people toenoy the trail

    ;pportunity to use this trail as the beginning o an inter!

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    Initial phase, satellite view: 2.1 miles

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    Initial phase, map view: 2.1 miles

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    Start of the trail will be located on town-owned lot, by the telephone pole. Asingle-track trail generally along the otside of the stone wall will be bla!ed.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    "elatively little trail bla!ing will need to be done. #his view shows the playgrond $picnic table area to the right, past the stone wall. %ope Street is throgh the trees.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacles 1-': walls( '-, )-, *-foot and incline.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1



  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    +alls wold be well hidden within eisting vegetation. aseballeld is to the left of this image.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    /ooking back from 0S parking lot, the trail emerges from thevegetation, crosses the parking lot and trns left on ast Street.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    /ooking back toward ast Street. #he trail takes a left o3 astStreet here and comes towards the camera.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    Same location as prior slide, crrent stats of entrance toeisting foot trail as it appears from the eld.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle 4: rock carry. ltiple heavy stones of di3erent weights. 5hoose one andcarry to end of trail at stone wall on town$private land property line and retrn.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    After the rock carry, trn right and head towards theschools.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle ): tire 6ip. /ocated near the school parking lot. #wo largetires are already there. 5onsider adding at least one smaller one.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    After tire 6ip, contine along edge of parking lot $ tree linetowards the track.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    act path here #7, with help of 5onservation. 8oal is to go arondthe otside of the track fence and retrn to emorial 9ark.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    #rail emerges from the woods at the old football eld, after having circmventedthe track, then crosses this eld. o obstacles in the area of this eld.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    After crossing the old football eld, trail proceeds between the eldstowards the skate park $ tennis corts.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle ;: camps board $ cli3hanger.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle *: crawl throgh pipe set between bleachers and pressbo. 7istance is approimately 14.>

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    #rail contines between the elds towards the skate park and%tchinson ?ield.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle @: balance beam. alance walking the right fence along pathto %tchinson ?ield. 8ide rope to be strng overhead for safety.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    @utchinson Field$ obstacles: one in each corner

    &bstacle 1: double up.#

    Two horiAontal logs0 lower one setabout BC up0 the other directlyabove it. ;bective is to climb upand over the top log. 7mage onne?t slide.

    &bstacle 12: rope traverse. Drope ladders to D ropes with knotsat the bottom 4to stand on8 to D

    short ropes with knots0 reEuiringuse o arms only.

    Gets progressively harder0allowing or use by people omultiple levels o ftness.

    &bstacle 11: monkey bars

    Gets progressively harder as

    you move along0 allowing oruse by people o multiple

    levels o ftness.

    &bstacle 1=: rope climb

    ) options0 allowing or use bypeople o varying ability. ;ne

    is a rope ladder0 another ropeis knotted and the third rope

    has no knots.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle 1: doble-p

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    "etrning from %tchinson ?ield, the trail proceeds behindthe skate park towards the tennis corts.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle 1': traverse wall. Set in the grassy area to the right of the tenniscorts, the hand and foot holds get progressively more diBclt to follow.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    After the traverse wall, the trail proceeds behind the tenniscorts. #he parking lots along %ope Street are directly ahead.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    #he parking lot can now be seen. #he trail trns left Cst beforethe barrier. "nners will not need to se the parking lot.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    Dpon trning left, rnners Cmp down from the stone wall and rn alongthe tennis cort fence.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    "nners contine on the dirt path along the stone wall. 9arkinglots along %ope Street are visible on the right.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    #he trail stays away from the baseball eld on the left, contining alongthe path seen above.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    In order to reach 2 miles, the trail trns left after the baseballeld and heads along the remnants of 5hrch EStreet.F

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle 14: Gintple steps. act location #7 with "ec. 7ept. tocoordinate with smmer camp activities in this section of the park.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    &bstacle 1): log hrdles. Series of = progressively higher loghrdles.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    ?inal stretch of the trail goes along the playgrond and down the sidewalk along5hrch Street to the start$nish at %ope Street. #otal distance Cst over 2 miles.

  • 7/18/2019 Mansfield Fitness Trail at Memorial Park - Phase 1


    ?tre plans: inter-connecting town land with trails. anseld owns land allalong the 5anoe "iver, to the arie Streese 5onservation Area and beyond.