Mangal Dosha, Mangleeka, Double Mangaleeka, Triple Mangaleeka (the Most Dreaded Illusion)

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  • 8/10/2019 Mangal Dosha, Mangleeka, Double Mangaleeka, Triple Mangaleeka (the Most Dreaded Illusion)


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    Mangal Dosha, Mangleeka, double mangaleeka, triple mangaleeka (The mostdreaded illusion)

    Mangal Dosha, Mangleeka, double mangaleeka, triple mangaleeka

    ?Mangal? is the Hindi synonym for Mars and the meaning of Mangal is auspicious. But regardless of the meaning it holds, Mars is

    the most dreaded planet amongst most of the aspiring candidates waiting for wedlock.

    mangal dosha,magleeka dosha

    The problem lays in half read astrologers and thugs who make a money out of this so called dosha. First they will tell them that you

    cannot get married ordinarily because you are mangaleeka and then they will tell them that they can rectify the above problem. It

    seems as if God has sent them directly to intervene your bad fortune related to marriage. If fate has really decided something then

    how can somebody really bend it? If fate is pre-decisive then nothing except your karmas can change it. Whatever it is Poojas and

    Parihars, it should not be done with wrong reasons or motives. The problem is not present with the parihars or remedies but it lays in

    the fake fear created by these thugs. 80% people do not require any poojas and the reasons for offering such poojas is entirely

    different than the one mentioned by deemed astrologers. We recommend checking your horoscopes before seeking any such poojas.

    :-P You may not require any poojas at all. Counter check your horoscope with other astrologers and you will know the truth

    THE FAKE MANGAL DOSHA:Mars present in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12th houses create this dosha. This is an idiotic assumption and is

    totally based on some puranas which are ?Apabrahmshas? (Modified versions) of real vedic lore. Historically we cannot trust

    puranas as they are highly modified by the clergy in India. If we consider the above criteria then on an average more than 50%

    population in our country will be Mangleeka. Moreover, I hope these astrologers (sorry to call them astrologers) will not be able to

    tell you that how and why it does not apply on Muslims, Christians and other population around the world. Research and tests in this

    area indicate that this assumption is not only false but it more of a propaganda then the real thing. There is no such thing as double

    or triple mangaleeka. This is all gibberish and has not relation with actual vedic astrology.

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    couple analysis report



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    Tests done on 4563 horoscopes from all parts of world. Couples include people from ages 19 to 73 and data is collected from the all

    the parts of world. Data collected through my clients using PL?S research tool.

    Moreover during these tests I have found discrepancies in Kuta Milan as well which is known as Guna milan in Marriage. KutaMilan is totally baseless and does not work in real life examples. I have found 83% couples having a score of above or near 26 in

    Kuta milan who are either divorced or are not living with their partners. So do not believe these things blindly as they hardly work in

    real life.Marrying to a Mangaleeka does not work in real life examples and it is definitely not a remedy.


    Regardless of of fakeness and thugi pratha in astrological community, there is a real dosha related to Mars which can create

    problems and which does not rely on the remedy of marrying a Mangaleeka. Mangal or Mars represents a male in a female

    horoscope. It has directly no say for a partner in a male horoscope. So Mars is more important in female horoscopes.

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    Ghat Vivah, Saligram Vivah, Peepal Vivah, Mangal Dosha Parihar





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    Look for following combinations only in a female horoscope: (Check Navmansha position in all cases)

    - Mars placed in dual signs (only virgo and Gemini) and Mercury exalted.

    - Mars placed with Saturn in (Saturn having higher degree) Virgo, Gemini, Libra and Taurus. - Mars placed in dual sign (Virgo and Gemini) with a direct aspect from Mercury.

    - Mars placed in dual signs (Virgo and Gemini) with direct aspect from Saturn.

    - Mars placed with same combinations and signs with Rahu. (Higher degree of Rahu).

    Check the Navmansha positions of all these planets. (Important)

    - Mars having Mercury in front and Venus in front of Mercury. (Venus having highest degree and no combustion)

    - These combination may not give divorce sometimes but it will create the situations for the same. All combination requires

    other combinations for accuracy.

    - Mars having aspects or combinations with Venus, Mercury, Rahu in signs Gemini, Taurus and Virgo indicates extra-marital

    relations of husbands. (Need to check from Navmansha as well.)

    - Saturn or Rahu in front of Mars with no planet between Mars and these planets. If Aries and Scorpio are occupied by

    malefic then these combinations result in untimely demise of to be partner.

    Hair growth on upper lips (not hairlines but hairs, hairline is "royen" in Hindi and hairs are different), arms and back of hand. Hair

    growth in upward direction on the back etc are some physical signs that indicates problems after marriage.

    All the above combinations needs to be matched with other combinations in male horoscope to come out to certain conclusions. In

    Indian perspective even the mother, father and immediate family of the groom has an impact on marital bliss of females. These

    things need a check through male horoscope.


    There is no fool proof remedy for any of the above combinations and yet we can take some remedies from ancient granthas likeKarmvipaka. Remedies are like disprin. Disprin is used for ache but it is not a sure shot remedy for headache and it does not work

    for everybody (Because every person carries a different constitution). Remedies does not work on everybody because Karmas of

    every person are different in intensity. Following are the consolidation of all the remedies mentioned across several books and which

    are tested personally as well.

    - Females should avoid recitations of Hanuman ji or devi in every case.

    - They can visit the temples of the two deities.

    - Perform Ghat vivah or shaligram vivah etc through a vedic pandit.

    - Offer Gur or jaggery to Bulls on Tuesdays.

    - If Saturn is a culprit then offer help to handicaps and visit Shani temples on every Saturday.

    - Perform parikrams of Krishna idol in a temple (Proper temple and not the commercial properties in your nearby parks).

    - Do not chant any mantras or anything, this will not help.

    - Do not seek mangaleeka grooms because it will not work and it is not a remedy.

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    - Rudraksha does not offer any remedy in this case.


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