Managing Your Personal Technology Make Email, Smartphones, and Messaging Work For You Joey Derrick...

Managing Your Personal Technology Make Email, Smartphones, and Messaging Work For You Joey Derrick Dennis Quaye Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

Transcript of Managing Your Personal Technology Make Email, Smartphones, and Messaging Work For You Joey Derrick...

Managing Your Personal Technology

Make Email, Smartphones, and

Messaging Work For You

Joey DerrickDennis Quaye

Student Financial Aid and Scholarships


Current Trends

Managing Email, Smartphones and Messaging – for the functional user

Managing Email, Smartphones and Messaging – a technical professional’s guidance


Current Trends - Email

How Many Emails Are Sent Every Day?

294,000,000,000 messages PER DAY!

Source: Radicati Group, Inc. (

Current Trends – Smartphone Usage

US Smartphone Platform Market Share

• 69.5 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones during the three months ending in February 2011, up 13 percent from the preceding three-month period.

• Google Android grew 7% since November, strengthening its #1 position with 33% marketshare

• RIM ranked second with 28.9 percent market share.• Apple with 25.2 percent. Microsoft (7.7 percent) and

Palm (2.8 percent) rounded out the top five


Current Trends – Smartphone Usage


Mobile Content Usage

• According to Comscore ,In February, 2011 68.8 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers used text messaging on their mobile device.

• Browsers were used by 38.4 percent of subscribers (up 3.1 percentage points), while downloaded applications were used by 36.6 percent of the mobile audience (up 3.2 percentage points)

• Accessing of social networking sites or blogs increased 3.3 percentage points, representing 26.8 percent of mobile subscribers. Playing games represented 24.6 percent of the mobile audience, while listening to music represented 17.5 percent.

Current Trends – Text Messaging

Text Messaging Facts

• 72.2% of wireless users have paid for SMS packages. This equates to 203 million Americans.

• 57% of wireless users 13+ are considered regular text message users.• There has been a 107% increase in text message use in the USA in the past

year.• 2.5 billion text messages are sent each day in the USA.• More text messages are sent per phone than phone calls. The average text

messages used per month is 357 compared to 204 cell phone calls.• 15 million Americans used video on their cell phones in quarter two, 2008.• 138 million Americans have sent a text message in the past three months.

Source: Neustar ( )

Managing Email

Create useful labels and folders to keep you organized

Not every email is as urgent as the next, though it can be difficult to keep track of those you need to answer quickly. Develop a labeling system that helps you get things done. Tag your most important emails with ‘Reply ASAP’, or an equivalent. Less urgent tasks can be marked ‘To Do’, while the least urgent ones can be tagged with ‘Later’.


Managing Email

Process emails in batches

A simple way to increase your productivity is to turn off auto notifiers. It’s simply not necessary to check email constantly throughout the day, and doing so will regularly interrupt more important tasks.

Process your inbox in batches. Make it once or twice a day, and try to get your inbox down to zero. This will allow you to plow through the rest of your productive tasks without constant interruption.


Managing Email

Read it, answer it

Many people have the habit of reading all the emails before actually replying to them. Sometimes they might even wait a couple of hours before getting back to these previously read emails.

This method is ineffective for several reasons. First of all you might forget about some emails altogether. Once they are marked as “read” on your inbox, they will get mixed with all the others that you have already replied to.

Secondly, this process will also consume more time, since you will probably need to read each email a second time before remembering what you will need to say in the reply.What would be a better approach? Simple, whenever you read an email, answer to it right away.


Managing Email

Take Time to Get it Right the First Time

Compose your message properly, clearly and concisely. A poorly-worded email will always result in confusion!

Managing Smartphone Usage

• Be conscious of the situations and emotions that make you want to check your phone.

• Be strong when your phone beeps or rings. You don't always have to answer it. In fact, you can avoid temptation by turning off the alert signals.

• Be disciplined about not using your device in certain situations (such as when you're with your family or driving) or at certain hours (for example, between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m.).

• Use apps that simplify your work, your tasks, and your life! If you try one, and it doesn’t work, don’t use it.


Managing Text Messages

• Use common sense when using texting as part of your work

• Consider the tone of your text

• Be aware of the text management capabilities of your wireless carrier

• Consider software that can help you manage the delivery and response to text notifications.

Office = Phone = Cell

• Phone is an extension of your desk• Forward calls to other phones– Activate *2 + 9 + number eg *2 +9 +555-5555– Deactivate #2– EC500 setup through UTS

• Use EVM for Voice mails and Fax–

• Setup email on mobile phones

Email Management

• 4D’s – Do it– Defer it– Delegate it– Delete it

• Use Rules to route emails• Setup Archival and Retention Policies

Email Management

• Setup Outlook tasks– Correct view– Use to-do bar– Color code different tasks

• Send appointment reminders to your phone


Top 5 Mobile Security Threats

1. Device Theft– 56% of us misplace our cell phone or laptop each

month.– 113 cell phones are lost or stolen every minute in

the U.S.– About 12,000 laptops are lost each week in US

airports alone

2. User Error

Top 5 Mobile Security Threats

3. Repairs4. Phishing - SMiShing5. Common Platforms– Summer 2010 - May 2011: 400% increase in

Malware and Wi-Fi attacks.

Ways to Prevent Mobile Handheld Theft or Loss of Data

Mobile Handheld Security

• Education• Strong Password Protection• Require Authentication• Use Encryption – Mobile VPN• Remote wipe option• Anti virus options

Wireless Security

• Wireless Access Points and Routers• Passwords– At least 8 characters– 1 Uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 symbol– Use different passwords for different programs– Eg. YOUlU83nd

Security – Wireless

• Change Default Admin Password and Username

• Use Encryption WPA2 – AES or TKIP• Change default SSID / Disable broadcast• Disable administrative access through the web• Do not Auto-connect to Open Wireless

Networks – Firesheep

Other Security – Wireless

• Use VPN when in public locations or on Open Wirelss Networks – (usc wireless vpn:

• Enable MAC Address Filtering • Turn off Router when not in use for long

