Managing Global System

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  • 7/24/2019 Managing Global System


    15.1 2010 by Prentice Hall



    Global SystemsGlobal Systems

  • 7/24/2019 Managing Global System


    15.2 2010 by Prentice Hall


    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    I&enti%y the ma'or %a(tors &ri)ing the internationali*ation

    o% b+siness.

    Compare strategies %or &e)eloping global b+sinesses.

    ,emonstrate ho- in%ormation systems (an s+pport

    &i%%erent global b+siness strategies.

    I&enti%y the (hallenges pose& by global in%ormation

    systems an& management sol+tions.

    E)al+ate the iss+es an& te(hni(al alternati)es to be

    (onsi&ere& -hen &e)eloping international in%ormation


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    15. 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Se)erstal Creates an I# In%rastr+(t+re %or Global Steelma/ing

    0roblemNee&e& global pro&+(tion plat%orm e3istingin%rastr+(t+re -as a ho&ge4po&ge o% &i%%erent systemsplat%orms &ata &i& not %lo- bet-een systems

    Sol+tions Stan&ar&i*e& on ra(le E4!+siness S+ite 12

    an enterprise appli(ation -ith mo&+les %or m+ltiple%+n(tions

    6ith integrate& system Se)erstal NA is able to optimi*een&4to4en& pro(esses instea& o% in&i)i&+al pro(esses to&eli)er higher 7+ality an& timelier reporting to parent

    (ompany Ill+strates &igital te(hnology being +se& by global %irmsa&'+sting their systems to s+pport rapi& gro-th in -orl&tra&e

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

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    15.8 2010 by Prentice Hall

    #he Gro-th o% International In%ormation Systems

    Global economic system and global world order

    driven by advanced networks and information


    Growth of international trade has radically altereddomestic economies around the globe

    For examle! roduction of many high"end electronic

    roducts arceled out to multile countries

    #$g$! Hewlett"Packard lato comuter

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

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    15.5 2010 by Prentice Hall

    An 90 Laptop:s 0ath to Mar/etAn 90 Laptop:s 0ath to Mar/et

    ;ig+re 1541

    9e-lett40a(/ar& an& other ele(troni(s (ompanies assign

    &istrib+tion an& pro&+(tion o% high4en& pro&+(ts to an+mber o% &i%%erent (o+ntries.

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #he Gro-th o% International In%ormation Systems

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    15.< 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Strategy -hen b+il&ing international systems

    1. =n&erstan& global en)ironment

    %usiness drivers ushing your industry toward global cometition

    &nhibitors creating management challenges2. ,e)elop (orporate strategy %or (ompetition

    How firm should resond to global cometition

    . ,e)elop organi*ation str+(t+re an& &i)ision o% labor

    'here will roduction! marketing! sales! etc$! be located

    8. Consi&er management iss+es

    (esign of business rocedures! reengineering! managing change

    5. Consi&er te(hnology plat%orm

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #he Gro-th o% International In%ormation Systems

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    7/2915.> 2010 by Prentice Hall

    International In%ormation Systems Ar(hite(t+reInternational In%ormation Systems Ar(hite(t+re

    ;ig+re 1542

    #he ma'or &imensions %or &e)eloping an international in%ormation systems ar(hite(t+reare the global en)ironment the (orporate global strategies the str+(t+re o% the

    organi*ation the management an& b+siness pro(esses an& the te(hnology plat%orm.

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #he Gro-th o% International In%ormation Systems

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    8/2915.? 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Global b+siness &ri)ers

    General cultural factors lead toward internationali)ation and result insecific business globali)ation factors

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems


    Global communication and transortation technologies

    (eveloment of global culture

    #mergence of global social normsPolitical stability

    Global knowledge base

    Global markets

    Global roduction and oerations

    Global coordination

    Global workforceGlobal economies of scale

    #he Gro-th o% International In%ormation Systems

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    9/2915.@ 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Challenges an& obsta(les to global b+siness


    General (+lt+ral (hallenges

    C+lt+ral parti(+larism

    *egionalism! nationalism! language differences

    So(ial e3pe(tations

    %rand"name exectations! work hours

    0oliti(al la-s

    +ransborder data flow

    +ransborder data and rivacy laws! commercial regulations

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #he Gro-th o% International In%ormation Systems

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    10/2915.1 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Challenges an& obsta(les to global b+siness systems B(ont.

    Spe(i%i( (hallenges


    (ifferent #(&! e"mail! telecommunication standards


    Phone networks not uniformly reliable


    (ifferent data transfer seeds! many slower than ,$-$


    -hortages of skilled consultants

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #he Gro-th o% International In%ormation Systems

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    11/2915.11 2010 by Prentice Hall

    State o% the art

    .ost comanies have inherited atchwork international systems

    using 1/0s"era batch"oriented reorting! manual entry of data

    from one legacy system to another! and little online control and


    -ignificant difficulties in building aroriate international


    Planning a system aroriate to firms global strategy

    -tructuring organi)ation of systems and business units

    -olving imlementation issues

    hoosing right technical latform

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #he Gro-th o% International In%ormation Systems

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    12/2915.12 2010 by Prentice Hall

    rgani*ing International In%ormation Systems

    Global strategies an& b+siness organi*ation

    +hree main kinds of organi)ational structure

    Centrali*e&3 &n the home country

    ,e(entrali*e&D&isperse&3 +o local foreign units Coor&inate&3 4ll units articiate as e5uals

    Four main global strategies

    ,omesti( e3porter

    M+ltinational ;ran(hisers


    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

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    13/2915.1 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems




    0ro&+(tion entrali)ed (isersed oordinated oordinated


    entrali)ed entrali)ed entrali)ed oordinated


    .ixed (isersed oordinated oordinated

    9+manReso+r(es entrali)ed entrali)ed oordinated oordinated


    entrali)ed entrali)ed entrali)ed oordinated

    Global !+siness Strategy an& Str+(t+reGlobal !+siness Strategy an& Str+(t+re

    rgani*ing International In%ormation Systems

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    14/2915.18 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Global systems to %it the strategy

    onfiguration! management! and develoment of systems tend

    to follow global strategy chosen

    Four main tyes of systems configuration

    Centrali*e&3 -ystems develoment and oeration occur totally at

    domestic home base

    ,+pli(ate&3 (eveloment occurs at home base but oerations

    are handed over to autonomous units in foreign locations

    ,e(entrali*e&3 #ach foreign unit designs own solutions andsystems

    Net-or/e&3 (eveloment and oerations occur in coordinated

    fashion across all units

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    rgani*ing International In%ormation Systems

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    15/2915.15 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Global Strategy an& Systems Con%ig+rationsGlobal Strategy an& Systems Con%ig+rations

    ;ig+re 154

    #he large s sho- the &ominant patterns an& the small s sho- theemerging patterns. ;or instan(e &omesti( e3porters rely pre&ominantly

    on (entrali*e& systems b+t there is (ontin+al press+re an& some&e)elopment o% &e(entrali*e& systems in lo(al mar/eting regions.

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    rgani*ing International In%ormation Systems

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    16/2915.1< 2010 by Prentice Hall

    #o &e)elop a global (ompany an& in%ormation

    systems s+pport str+(t+re

    1$ 6rgani)e value"adding activities along lines of comarative


    #$g$! 7ocate functions where they can best be erformed! for least

    cost and maximum imact

    2$ (evelo and oerate systems units at each level of cororate

    activity8regional! national! and international

    9$ #stablish at world head5uarters3

    -ingle office resonsible for develoment of international systems

    Global &6 osition

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    rgani*ing International In%ormation Systems

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    17/2915.1> 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Managing Global Systems

    0rin(iple management (hallenges in &e)eloping

    global systems

    4greeing on common user re5uirements

    &ntroducing changes in business rocesses oordinating alication develoment

    oordinating software releases

    #ncouraging local users to suort global systems

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

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    18/2915.1? 2010 by Prentice Hall

    #ypi(al s(enario ,isorgani*ation on a global s(ale

    +raditional multinational consumer"goods comany based in

    ,$-$ and oerating in #uroe would like to exand into 4sian


    'orld head5uarters and strategic management in ,$-$

    6nly centrally coordinated system is financial controls and reorting

    -earate regional! national roduction and marketing centers

    Foreign divisions have searate &+ systems

    #"mail systems are incomatible

    #ach roduction facility uses different #*P system! different

    hardware and database latforms! etc$

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    Managing Global Systems

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    19/2915.1@ 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Global systems strategy

    -hare only core systems

    ore systems suort functionality critical to firm

    Partially coordinate systems that share some keyelements

    (o not have to be totally common across national


    7ocal variation desirable

    Periheral systems

    :eed to suit local re5uirements only

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    Managing Global Systems

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    15.2 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Lo(al Regional an& Global SystemsLo(al Regional an& Global Systems

    ;ig+re 1548

    Agen(y an& other (oor&ination (osts

    in(rease as the %irm mo)es %rom lo(aloption systems to-ar& regional an& global

    systems. 9o-e)er transa(tion (osts o%

    parti(ipating in global mar/ets probably&e(rease as %irms &e)elop global systems.

    A sensible strategy is to re&+(e agen(y

    (osts by &e)eloping only a %e- (ore globalsystems that are )ital %or global

    operations lea)ing other systems in the

    han&s o% regional an& lo(al +nits.

    Source: From Managing Information

    Technology in Multinational Corporations by

    Edward M. Roche ! "##$. %dapted by

    permission of &rentice 'all Inc. (pper

    Saddle Ri)er *.+.

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    Managing Global Systems

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    15.21 2010 by Prentice Hall

    1. ,e%ine (ore b+siness pro(esses

    2. I&enti%y (ore systems to (oor&inate (entrally

    . Choose an approa(h

    Piecemeal and grand design aroaches tend to fail #volve transnational alications incrementally from

    existing alications

    8. Ma/e bene%its (lear

    Global flexibility Gains in efficiency

    Global markets and larger customer base unleash new

    economies of scale at roduction facilities

    6timi)ing cororate funds over much larger caital base

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    Managing Global Systems

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    15.22 2010 by Prentice Hall

    #he management sol+tion

    Agreeing on (ommon +ser re7+irements

    -hort list of core business rocesses

    (evelo common language! understanding of commonelements and uni5ue local 5ualities

    Intro&+(ing (hanges in b+siness pro(esses

    -uccess deends on legitimacy! authority! ability to involve

    users in change design rocess

    Coor&inating appli(ations &e)elopment

    oordinate change through incremental stes

    *educe set of transnational systems to bare minimum

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    Managing Global Systems

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    15.2 2010 by Prentice Hall

    #he management sol+tion B(ont.

    Coor&inating so%t-are releases

    &nstitute rocedures to ensure all oerating units udate at

    same time En(o+raging lo(al +sers to s+pport global systems

    Cooptation %ringing the oosition into design and

    imlementation rocess without giving u control over direction

    and nature of the change

    Permit each country unit to develo one transnational alication

    (evelo new transnational centers of excellence

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    Managing Global Systems

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    15.28 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Rea& the Intera(ti)e Session Management an& then

    &is(+ss the %ollo-ing 7+estions

    6hy -as the tra&itional metho& o% allo(ating I# reso+r(es to pro%its

    no longer e%%e(ti)eF

    6hy is it important %or (entral =.S. management to +n&erstan& the

    global &isposition o% I# personnel an& %+n&sF

    6hi(h o% the %o+r global b+siness strategies &es(ribe& in this

    (hapter is Colgate p+rs+ing an& ho- has this a%%e(te& its sele(tiono% an I# reso+r(e management systemF

    6hat elements o% #he Management Sol+tionH &es(ribe& in this

    (hapter are mentione& in the (ase st+&yF 6hat elements are


    Colgate40almoli)e eeps the 6orl& Smiling

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    rgani*ing International In%ormation Systems

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    15.25 2010 by Prentice Hall

    #e(hnology (hallenges o% global systems

    Comp+ting plat%orms an& systems integration

    How new core systems will fit in with existing suite of alications

    develoed around globe by different divisions -tandardi)ation3 (ata standards! interfaces! software! etc$


    &nternet does not guarantee any level of service

    .any firms use rivate networks and ;P:s

    7ow enetration of Ps! outdated infrastructures in develoing


    #e(hnology Iss+es an& pport+nities %or Global $al+e Chains

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

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    15.2< 2010 by Prentice Hall

    #e(hnology (hallenges o% global systems B(ont.


    &ntegrating new systems with old

    Human interface design issues! languages

    -oftware locali)ation3 converting software to oerate in second


    .ost imortant software alications3

    +P- and .&-

    &ncreasingly! -. and enterrise systems to standardi)e business


    4lications that enhance roductivity of international teams

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #e(hnology Iss+es an& pport+nities %or Global $al+e Chains

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    15.2> 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Internet 0enetration by RegionInternet 0enetration by Region

    ;ig+re 1545

    #he per(entage o% the totalpop+lation +sing the Internet in

    &e)eloping (o+ntries is m+(h

    smaller than in the =nite& Statesan& E+rope.

    Source: CI% ,orld Factboo- //0.

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #e(hnology Iss+es an& pport+nities %or Global $al+e Chains

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    15.2? 2010 by Prentice Hall

    Rea& the Intera(ti)e Session rgani*ations an& then &is(+ss

    the %ollo-ing 7+estions

    6hat strategies are (ell phone (ompanies +sing to (lose the &igital

    &i)i&eH an& mar/et phones to the poorest segment o% the -orl&:spop+lationF

    6hy &o e(onomists pre&i(t that -i&esprea& (ell phone +sage in

    &e)eloping (o+ntries -o+l& ha)e an +npre(e&ente& e%%e(t on the

    gro-th o% those (o+ntriesF

    6hat are some e3amples o% ho- (ell phones might in(rease 7+ality

    o% li%e %or resi&ents o% &e)eloping (o+ntriesF

    ,o yo+ belie)e that (ell phones -ill proli%erate -i&ely thro+gh A%ri(a

    an& AsiaF 6hyF

    Can Cell 0hones Close the Global ,igital ,i)i&eF

    Management In%ormation SystemsManagement In%ormation SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global SystemsChapter 15 Managing Global Systems

    #e(hnology Iss+es an& pport+nities %or Global $al+e Chains

  • 7/24/2019 Managing Global System


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