Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association

Transcript of Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Page 1: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Managing Employee PerformanceKay Robinson, SPHR

Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association

Page 2: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Our mission is to connect and equip schools and community organizations to deliver quality summer learning programs to

our nation’s youth to help close the achievement gap.

Page 3: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Performance Management Process



Page 4: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Today’s Objectives Understand the value of planning for

performance Identify common performance problems and

causes Understand the value of a performance

improvement plan Understand how to conduct a performance

appraisal that motivates the employee

Page 5: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Quality Indicators of Professional Development

I-L.6 Professional Development During Session

There are no opportunities for professional development offered during the session.

Program only uses staff meetings to provide professional development to staff during the program. Topics are not pre-determined. Meetings happen sporadically.

Program primarily uses weekly staff meetings for professional development during the session. Topics are pre-determined, but might not always be relevant to the needs of current staff.

Program uses multiple modes to promote professional development during the program such as staff meetings, online discussions, peer coaching, email, journaling or study groups. Topics are relevant to the needs of current staff and professional development is ongoing throughout the session.

I-L.7 Structured Feedback Loop

Director of program observes some activities/instructors zero to four times in an informal capacity. There is neither formal observation nor feedback to staff.

Director of program observes some activities no less than twice, and no more than six times in an informal capacity. There is neither formal observation or feedback to staff.

Director of program observes some of the activities at least twice (beginning and end) during the summer session in a formal capacity, but visits all on a sporadic, informal basis. Limited feedback is provided.

Director of program observes each activity at least twice (beginning and end) during the summer session in a formal capacity, and once per week in an informal capacity and provides thorough feedback for staff improvement and development.

Page 6: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Four Principles of Effective Performance Management

1. Focus on performance, not personality

2. Focus on clear job expectations and goals

3. Focus on clear feedback

4. Focus on involving people

Page 7: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Supervisors Needed To Be Able To:

Plan Communicate Provide positive reinforcement (motivate) Provide constructive feedback Manage conflict Listen effectively

Page 8: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

The Planning Phase -Setting Goals/Expectations

Gives people a common target to shoot for Builds commitment to the job Decreases misunderstandings regarding

performance expectations Provides a foundation for coaching Makes performance reviews and feedback

more objective and less judgmental

Page 9: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

The Coaching Phase Staying in touch continuously Discussing issues one-on-one Focusing in on problem-solving Providing positive feedback and constructive

criticism Ensuring the communication is two-way (the

employee owns the outcome)

Page 10: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Why Feedback (Coaching) Is Important

Addresses issues before they become problems

Demonstrates to employees that you are concerned about them and their performance

Builds a working partnership between supervisor and employee

Improves performance and results

Page 11: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Tools to Use Activity Observation Forms Self Assessments

• Reflection Activities


Page 12: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

What do you look for during an observation?

Multiple Grouping Strategies Daily Learning Objectives Advance Planning Critical Thinking Checks for Learning Skill-Building Thematic Learning Staff-Youth Interaction Flexible Workspace

Page 13: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

What do you look for during an observation?

Positive Reinforcement Inquiry-based Learning Behavior Management Forward-thinking Activities Youth Engagement Shared Facilitation Collaborative Learning Creative Thinking Program Spirit Youth- Produced Work Program Principles Physical Environment

Page 14: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Classify the ProblemCan't Do

Never had skill or some of the skill was lost

Never had knowledge or some of the knowledge was lost

Situation was new

Skills did not or are nottransferable

Past performance was never acceptable

Won't DoHas the needed skills

Has the needed knowledge

Situation is familiar

Skills did or are transferable

Past performance was acceptable

Page 15: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Solving “Can’t Do” Problems





Page 16: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Solving “Won’t Do” Problems Provide help as if it were a "can't do“


Establish consequences if the behavior or actions continue

Establish open and honest communication through a “helping” versus “punishing” attitude

Page 17: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Coaching Steps (Changing Behavior)

1. Be specific with your feedback Where expectations are being met Where expectations are not being met Where opportunities are being lost

2. Listen and gain agreement to change Empathize with their concerns Get agreement to change

Page 18: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Coaching Steps3. Identify possible solutions

Invite and make suggestions Give and invite reactions

4. Summarize suggestions and steps agreed upon

5. Develop performance improvement/action plan

Page 19: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Developing an Improvement Plan

1. Clearly state the goals in measurable and observable terms

2. Probe to find out if the employee's view of the goal matches yours

3. Ask the employee for suggestions or ideas4. Develop and document the action plan5. Establish a follow-up date6. Reassure the employee that you will do everything

possible to assist in the process

Page 20: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Performance Feedback Informal process

• Day-to-day coaching• Documented discussions and action plans

Formal process• Annual documented performance appraisal

Page 21: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Performance Appraisals Two Perspectives


Being judged

Supervisor's reaction

Impact onpresent andfuture

Supervisor'sperceptions—not reality

Look like adummy;regret later

Employee Perspective









Playing "God"

Employee's reaction

Impact onemployee


My perceptionis correct—


Want this to bepositive—show

I care and amcapable

Supervisor Perspective

Page 22: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Planning The Evaluation Meeting

Review performance against expectations and goals

Secure feedback from others where appropriate

Develop draft performance evaluation document to use as discussion point in meeting

Schedule meeting Ask employee to complete self-assessment

and bring to the meeting

Page 23: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Opening The Meeting Conduct the meeting in a private place Restate the purpose for the meeting and

your philosophy on the purpose of the performance appraisal

Outline the agenda of the meeting Tell the employee that you encourage

questions or ideas

Page 24: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Positive Performance Discussion Make a general reference to the

performance Give specific examples of the performance Mention personal qualities that contributed

to the performance Mention benefits of the performance to you

and the department or company

Page 25: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Not-so-positive Performance Discussion

Summarize areas that have not improved or have not improved to the level expected

Summarize expectations Secure commitment to change Secure understanding of consequences

Page 26: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Complete the Performance Appraisal Form

After the meeting finalize the performance appraisal document

Provide copy to employee Reserve a copy for the personnel file Start the cycle again – schedule time to

discuss goals for the coming year

Page 27: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.

Summary If you plan and coach, the appraisal process is

much easier – no surprises, no defensiveness If you plan and coach, the employee is

motivated and owns the outcomes If you plan and coach, you are managing


Page 28: Managing Employee Performance Kay Robinson, SPHR Erin Gilbert, National Summer Learning Association.