Management System @ Lodha-group 2016...

Performance Management System @ Lodha-group 2016 -2017 Reviewee manual :Level (3)

Transcript of Management System @ Lodha-group 2016...

Performance Management System @

Lodha-group 2016 -2017

Reviewee manual :Level (3)

What is Performance Management System ?


Lodha strives to create and foster a strong

performance driven culture in the organization.

The PMS process has been designed to enhance

effectiveness by ensuring clarity of roles and

responsibility for each individual, setting goals/KRAs

and rectifying any issues which could hinder

effectiveness of individuals.

It is a process to measure, develop, enhance & reward

the individual contribution against set objectives.


Sr. No. Topics Page No.

1 Performance Review Scope Page 3

2 Highlights Page 4

3 Timelines Page 5

4 Review Process Flow Page 6

5 Self Review: Log-in, Home Page Page 8 – 12

6 Self Review : How to fill form Page 13

7 Self Review : Section 1 to Section 5 Page 14 – 24

8 Reviewer Assessment: Reviewer – Reviewee Discussion Page 25 – 27

9 FAQs : Frequently Asked Questions Page 28 – 33

10 PMS Ratings Page 34 – 36

11 Contact Page 37



What is in it for each associate:

Step-by-step guidelines on how to fill your review forms

It provides greater clarity on the process through FAQs

Performance Review: 2016-2017

April 2016 – March 2017

One of our corporate values states

„We will work with the best people – treat them well, expect a lot and the rest will follow‟.

An open & fair ‘Review’ process forms a critical part of the performance management process in order to

make it robust, transparent and explore the best potential of our associates.


This manual forms part of the performance planning & review process for all confirmed associates

at level (3) who have joined on or before 30th September, 2016 for FY- 2016 -17.


PMS 2016 - 17: Highlights

Every year, we strive to enhance the value, to both the organization & individual, through an

effective Performance Management System.

Accordingly, the PMS system is reviewed and enhancements are made in the system.


Review to be launched in 2 phases. ( Phase I: level 3-5 / Phase II : level 0-2 )

Self KRA setting .

Self assessment ( Self Rating )

6 point Rating Scale.

Archives - Performance history of previous years is available


Annual Performance Review : 2016-17


Phase I Timelines Phase II Timelines

for Level ( 3,4 & 5) for Level 0, 1 & 2

From To From To

Self review 20th February 28th February 6th March 20th March

Reviewer to close review discussion on

performance & developmental needs 27th February 15th March 15th March 30th March

Review & Moderation by Cell Heads/

Project Heads/ Market Heads/ Other Unit


15th March

22nd March

31st March 7st April

Departmental Review and Moderation 22nd March 5th April 7st April 21st April


Self Review ( to be filled by associate)

Reviewer’s Assessment (Review discussion)

First Level Moderation

Final Moderation

Associates' Self Review

You need to assess yourself on

operational Goals/KRAs.

Against each KRA , you need

to fill in:-

• Your Achievements

• You can also add additional

KRAs in the free text


• Prepare for the review


Reviewer’s Assessment

You are responsible to carry out

review discussions with the

associates and assess their

performance on:-

Operational goals/KRAs

Behavioral competencies

Identify associate‟s

- Development areas.

- Training needs.

1st Level Moderation

To ensure consistency in rating

standards across the team, a

first level moderation would

happen through discussion with

the Reviewer.

Moderate ratings

Recommend Promotions

Final Moderation

To ensure consistency in

rating standards across depts.,

there would be a Final


• Discussion between 1st Level

Moderator & Final Moderator.

Final Moderator to moderate

ratings & recommend


Final Moderator + HR (Final

discussion on ratings &


Performance Review: 2016-17 : Process Flow




Kindly log in to our learning Portal , Lodha Connect using

the url:

Login credentials will be same as windows credentials

You may also log-in to Lodha Connect by going to and click on Lodha Connect

Note: No separate password required . Incase of password reset for Lodha HR, Kindly send an email to

[email protected]

For any technical support on Lodha Connect, write to [email protected] .

Review: 2016 - 17 : Log-in Process Step 1


Under „Performance Management & Confirmation’ section (on the left), you will find the

„Performance Management System‟ tab

Once you click on it, you will be redirected to the „Performance Review 2016 - 17‟ page

Step 2 Review: 2016 - 17 : Home Page


Clicking on the „Performance Review‟ tab, will display the „2016 -2017‟ tab with following links:

Step 3 Review: 2016 - 17 : Performance Review Page

o Self Review Form : Your self review form that you will fill as a part of the process.

o Review Manual : Reviewee process reference guidelines. ( User Guideline)


Once you click on Self Review form, it will redirect you to the self review form page

The first part of the form provides you details related to your associate id, cell, department

etc… for your view

Step 4 Review: 2016 - 17 : Self Review Form

Sections 1 -5 are made available to you for your self review.

APRIL 2016 – MARCH 2017

Customer Care Manager – Customer Care



Review: 2016 - 17 : Review Form

Once you click on self

review form, above

mentioned links are

available beside sections.

The Rating Definition‟

link is available for


The „Reviewee Manual‟

link is also made

available for ready


Last year‟s Assessment

form is made available

for reference.

Self Assessment ( Section 1-5) Visible to associate and reviewer

Section 1 KRAs Comprises of your job


Your Self Assessment / Self Rating will

serve as a reference point to your


Section 2 Behavioural Attributes

Expected behavioral

attributes as per


Section 3

Development Plan

To identify what you

are good at and what

needs improvement.


•Development Areas

Section 4

Training Needs

To identify your

training needs in

functional / technical

/ behavioral areas



Section 5

Career Aspiration To capture your

thoughts on the way

you would like your

career to shape up

• Long Term

• Short term


Review: 2016-17 : Self Review Form

Helps you to save the data when you fill it.

In order to avoid any loss of data, ensure you SAVE the data as and

when you enter the text. You can revisit your data once it is saved.

Gives you the option to view or print the form once it is filled

How to fill the Self Review form ?

o Section 1 - 5 is made available to you for your self assessment.

o SAVE, PRINT/PREVIEW and SUBMIT options are available at the

bottom of each section.

Once you have filled your form and want to make it available to your

reviewer, you will need to click the Submit button.




Note: Till you SUBMIT the

form it is not available to

your reviewer.

On submission it is visible

in the read only format to

you ….

“Revoke” tab is made

available post submission

for one time use.

Section 1 : Performance Assessment ( KRAs / Goals) : Contributes 67% to your Combined overall rating

This section of the Performance Review form consist of pre-filled KRAs & weighatges, the four or five

major activities or goals that you have updated and are accountable for in the current financial year.

o Against each KRA, you need to fill-in your achievements, facilitating & constraining factors.

o Rate yourself using the rating drop-down .

o Free text is made available to you incase of any additional KRAs.


Review: 2016 - 17 : Self Review Form: Section 1 Step 5





Weighatges are used to achieve rational rating against your operational goals. It is basically to rank the tasks executed and

assign suitable weightage to each of your KRA. The more important tasks would get higher weightages. (E.g. for sales associate,

sales target could have a higher weightage than following up with customers for form completion etc. which could have a lower


After reviewing/ updating weightages, you need to rate yourself against each deliverable on a scale of 0-5 ( 5 being the

highest indicating an „Excellent‟ Performance in that particular area and 0 being the lowest indicating a „Poor‟ Performance.)

Note : Weightages sum should be 100, with a maximum weightage for each deliverable being 40 and minimum being 5.

Overall Rating for Section 1:

o The rating for each deliverable will be multiplied against the assigned weightages.

o This will calculate an overall rating for section 1.

Review: 2016 - 17 : Self Review Form: Section 1 Self


Step 5


Section 2: Behavioral Assessment : Contributes 33%

to your Combined overall rating

You need to evaluate your Behavioral Attributes.

Behavioral attributes are individual characteristics

that enable you to perform assign tasks & roles.

While the KRA describes what you have achieved,

the behavioral attributes describe how you have

achieved your results.

You need to rate yourself against each attribute on a

scale of 0-5 (Similar to the one used in Section 1)

Review: 2016 - 17 : Section 2: Behavioral

Assessment Self


Step 6


Your Self Rating will be visible in Section 1 besides the „Important Note‟, which will be a

sum of the rating in section 1 and 2 and will be rounded off to the closest integer.

Individual rating would depend on:-

- Section 1 : Operational Goals (KRA‟s) : contributes 67% to self rating

- Section 2 : Behavioral Goals (Competencies) : contributes 33% to self rating

Self Rating Window Self Rating

Self-assessment Rating

APRIL 2016 – MARCH 2017

20th February 2017

28th February 2017


Section 3: Development Plan

You need to identify your areas of strength and improvement and

record in the review form.

Your reviewer will use this as an input to have a discussion with

you and add his/her observations.

Review: 2016 - 17 : Section 3: Development Plan Self


Step 7


Prepare yourself

to share your thoughts on

your strengths &

areas of improvement

so that you are

actively contributing to

discussion and make the

discussion fruitful.

Citing examples

will help understand

your perspective


Training & Development

Trainings attended in FY 2016 - 17 are made available to you for ready reference.

Now, you need to identify your training needs for FY 2017 -18

o Based on your professional development needs and requirements in your current role, identify training

modules that best suits you.

o Drop down list is available for Behavioral & Functional/Technical section.

o Move the cursor over each module from the drop down list to see a brief description about the

corresponding module.

o For any additional needs, chose „Other Technical or Functional Skills‟ option OR include in the free text field.

o The training needs will be reviewed by your reviewer prior to finalization.

Review: 2016 - 17 : Section 4: Training Needs



Step 8


Think through your

development needs and

assess what interventions

can help you enhance

your performance in the

current role.

Formal trainings you

require can be included

in the PMS Form

Trainings attended by associate in FY16-17 (for reference)

Identify associate’s future training needs to facilitate achievement of Key Result Areas of FY17-18 (Self Assessment)


Review: 2016 - 17 : Section 5: Career Aspiration Self


Step 9

Career Aspiration

In this section you need to capture your thoughts on the way you would like your career to shape up.

This could be in existing function or in another function /cell / department.

This will be used as input for your future career planning.




Step 10

Final Submission

On completion of all the sections, you need to submit the form to register it online.

On submission, it will also ask you to print the form, you can keep the copy for review discussion

with your Reviewer.

You can also preview the filled form by selecting print option.

Please Note : On submission you wont be able to modify the form.

Once you are sure, click the SUBMIT option. This will help you proceed further and make the form

available to your reviewer for assessment.

Review: 2016 - 17 : Section 5: Form Submission

Final Form Submission


On submission you will complete the

self review process.

Take a print and keep a copy ready for

the review discussion.





Review: 2016-17 : Reviewer & Associate Review Discussions

To Index

Review discussion provides

you with a platform to have

an honest discussion with

regarding your contribution

towards achievement of the

expected results, to discuss

your own career plans and

development needs, any

support / guidance required.

It also provides you an

opportunity to give a

feedback to your Reviewers.

On submission of the Self Review Form, it will become available to your

Reviewer to carry out the assessment

He/she will invite you for a review discussion.

After the Review Discussion, Reviewer will assess your performance against the

expected performance and rate you accordingly. Your Self Rating will serve as a

reference point.

Details on the process are covered in the Frequently Asked Questions.

Note: Record your comments

Ensure that you are recording your comments/discussions

in Section 1-5


On completion of the review discussions, your Reviewer will fill the

online form and submit it. This form will then be available your First

Level & Final Moderator for review & to complete the overall

departmental performance management process.

The reviewer has to fill section 1-5 with his comments & ratings.

The overall rating will be shared with you along with

the increment letters.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is Self Review

Self Review is an important part of performance review. It gives you an opportunity to reflect and provide your

feedback on your own performance. You can rate yourself on various parameters, identify your developmental needs

and share your career aspirations.

How do you assign/ update weightages?

Purpose of weightage is to rank the tasks executed. The more important tasks would get higher weightages.

How is rating calculated after assigning weightages?

After assigning weightages, you need to rate yourself against each deliverable on a scale of 0-5. The rating for each

deliverable will be multiplied against the assigned weightages. This will calculate an overall rating for section 1.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Self Rating?

With Self Rating, you get a chance to rate yourself on your operational KRAs/Goals besides other areas of self

review. You need to assess your own performance & rate yourself on a scale of (0-5) against each deliverable.

(5 being the highest at Excellent and 0 being the lowest at Poor.)

What happens, once I (the reviewee) submit the form?

On submission, you can view the form in read only format. No modifications can be made in the form once it has

been submitted. It is then visible to your reviewer, who is ultimately responsible for assessing your performance

against the expected performance.

How is the performance bonus calculated for different ratings ?

The following Multipliers would apply to PB for different performance rating.

Poor– 0, Not Satisfactory-0, Fair- 0.5, Good – 1, Very Good – 1.5, Excellent – 2.0


Will self review have any influence on my final rating.

Your „self rating‟ will serve as a reference point to your Manager. Self-assessment, used is as a reflection on your

own work, to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses, to promote the learning of skills and abilities and

responsibility for own‟s learning and increasing understanding of your performance. Once you complete your self

review , you are prepared to present your point of view during the review discussion.

Then, how will be my overall rating calculated ?

Your overall rating is dependent on Section 1 & Section 2 of the form.

Section 1: Performance Assessment (KRAs) .

Your Reviewer will assess your performance against set deliverables ( Operational Goals), rate you on a

scale of ( 0-5). This will give an overall rating for Section 1.

Section 2 :Behavioral Attributes Assessment

Next your reviewer will evaluate your behavioral attributes and will rate you against each attribute on a scale of

0-5. This will give an overall rating for Section 2.

Combined Overall Rating: Final overall rating will be a sum of the rating in section 1 and 2 and will be rounded

off to the closest rating. Individual Rating calculation:-

Section 1 : Operational Goals (KRA‟s) : Weighs 67% * Overall Rating Section 1

Section 2 : Behavioral Attributes(Competencies) : Weighs 33% * Overall Rating Section 2

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


What happens to the rating given by Reviewer ?

The Rating undergoes two rounds of review & moderation :

Review & Moderation by Cell Heads/ Project Heads/ Markets Heads/ Other Unit Heads in discussion with


Final Moderation : Departmental Review and Moderation

What is Moderation?

Moderation ensures that all reviewers use a common yardstick for assessment of associates. It helps to

even out even out differences in feedback by lenient and strict raters.

What about promotion?

Outcomes like promotion would depend on your growth potential, vacancies in the department,

eligibility and committee decisions (HOD‟s +Director + HR).

What happens in the Review Discussion? Are they important?

Review Discussion is mandatory, it provides an annual platform where the reviewer identifies and captures

developmental needs of the associate, resolves performance related issues and gives feedback to the associate.

Frequently Asked Questions


How is increment calculated?

As standard practice, increments will be computed on the basis of organizational performance, current market

trends & ratings achieved in the performance appraisals.

What happens to my development needs?

Information from the review is also much of the planning between you and your Reviewer during the Review

Discussion. The information is collated by the OT Team(HR) and is used as an input for structured group or group

training initiatives.

What happens to my Training Needs ?

Identified training needs are collated across departments, levels and formal trainings are conducted based upon

the top training needs.

You should also work closely with your reporting head for any on-the-job exposure that are required to build your

functional capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How would the normalization process work this year? Is there a prescribed Bell Curve?

The bell curve remains a suggested tool to be used by each department. However, each department will have

certain freedom and flexibility to drive differentiation and meet budgeted cost.

In case of transfer of an associate, who will be the PMS reviewer?

The reporting manager in the system would be the new PMS reviewer as per the transfer (or otherwise in case

suggested by HODs) for any transfer upto 31st March of the financial year. However, if the reporting relationship

is less than 9 months then previous reporting Manager will be consulted for review discussion.




PMS Ratings : Excellent - (5): This rating indicates that the reviewee has demonstrated exceptional performance resulting in

extraordinary contribution to the role assigned. This contribution can be measured in terms of either a major cost

saving, improvement in the existing system or a paradigm shift in the business process impacting the organization

in its functioning and governance. This associate is viewed as the role model in terms of displaying the related

behavioral competencies / management attributes. If an associate is rated between 4.50 – 5, then the rounded off

rating will become Excellent.

Very Good - (4): This rating indicates a performance level that is higher than the „Good Performance‟. The

associate displays a higher degree of initiative, pro-activeness and ownership for achieving not only the self-goals

but also the team goals. The associate is seen as someone delivering higher performance in the present role along

with a potential for further growth. If an associate is rated between 3.50 – 4.49, then the rounded off rating will

become Very Good.

Good – (3): This rating indicates the performance achievement at target by the associate as per the role and tasks

assigned during the period under review. Minimal supervision, consistency in performance, thoughtful contribution,

self driven actions and tasks for the role allotted are the measures for this rating for the associate. The

performance expectation is set with a high benchmark and hence “Good” is a positive rating. If an associate is

rated between 2.50 –3.49, then the rounded off rating will become Good.


Fair – (2): This rating indicates that the reviewee has performed at a moderate level and has been close to the

target as per the role and tasks assigned. The associate has a scope for performance improvement by showing

higher responsibility, ownership and initiative. The associate requires regular supervision and monitoring and is

seen achieving the task assigned, however with minimal ownership. If an associate is rated between 1.5 – 2.49,

then the rounded off rating will become Fair.

Not Satisfactory – (1): This rating indicates inadequate/insufficient performance on the part of the associate

and non-achievement of most of the desired outcomes. The associate‟s performance has been below

expectation, with no value addition to the role or the tasks handled. The associate has a significant scope for

performance improvement. If an associate is rated between 1.0 – 1.49, then the rounded off rating will become

Not Satisfactory

Poor – (0): This rating indicates consistent lack of performance on the part of the associate. The associate is

seen as not achieving the tasks by a large margin, despite supervision and monitoring. The associate lacks the

willingness to learn and apply. There appears to be no scope for performance improvement. If an associate is

rated 0 - 0.99, then the rounded off rating will become Poor.


PMS Ratings : contd…

For any queries, clarifications and details about the process feel

free to contact



Your Performance Management Process Partner

Sanchita Agarwal

Email: [email protected]

Extn: 4856

Jeet Kaloria

Email: [email protected]

Extn: 9459

To Index