MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES CONTINUATION OF Minerals Ma”agWTie”t- Coal. I-essabie uranl”n ana NO”-E”Vgq Camlo” Minerals MatePlals (603. 05. 00 and ci7) GElvERAL STANDAADS 5 DIRECTION GVIDELINES a The Forest Servxce author~res common varxety exp- PiOFatlo" a"d dlspOsai-. ""der t%Y"S a"d CO"dltlD"s to pPol;ecI; the purposes 497 LhlCh the lands WePe classlired The ob~ect,ve oi reclamarxon require- men55 Ulll be to retvrn dl,t"rbed la"05 to a condi- t1on suitable For tile purposes ior WhlCh tlleg Ilie?-e clzsslfled b Coal ninr,g .: PPahlblted b!J the Coal Leasing Amendnent HCt OF 1975. wlthl" the National sqstem Of Trails and the iilld and Scenic Rivers system, lncludlng Stud4 "IveP5 designated by that Act Thl3 prohlb~tlo" alsO applies to the National Pal-k system and the NatIonal irllldllFe Refuge system. "hlCh lands ape not under Fo~esf Service J;rlsdlctlon c Reconnend 3~ consent to BLi'l 90,. xssua"ce OF leases. pe'mlts OP licenses onlg uhen terms and condxtlons ca" be ap,,iled that wzll protect the purposes FOP !dllCh the lands Were classlfled d Reconnendatzuns and consent to NM 'FOP 15sua"ce of leases, permits OP lxcsnses ~111 lnclvde ail current standzrd s~l~"lat~ons and the current Reglonallq approved specxai stlpulatlons necessary to protect the purposes tar uhich the lands we?e classlfled Standard and specxal st~pulatzcns ape I" Appendix F to this Forest Plan See 1 b (1) under thrs manage- ment hesol": -or the standard stlpulatlons Special stlpulatlons to be applied as app?op~late ape (1) Forest Service (R-2) suppiement A to Form 3io9- 3, 'Further Planning Area Stlpulatlo" - Th15 stl~":atlnn a~plres to lands ldentlfled For further ~iann~ng in $he RARE II declslon dacu- me"f5 It 5peCIfle5 the nature 3"d extent Of operationi ailnued and the conditions to be met f”P the17 approval (2) For$aZ Scr,,ce (P-2) Supplement B to Form 3109- FOREST 3IREiTiC:'



CONTINUATION OF Minerals Ma”agWTie”t- Coal. I-essabie uranl”n ana NO”-E”Vgq Camlo” Minerals MatePlals (603. 05. 00 and ci7)


a The Forest Servxce author~res common varxety exp- PiOFatlo" a"d dlspOsai-. ""der t%Y"S a"d CO"dltlD"s to pPol;ecI; the purposes 497 LhlCh the lands WePe classlired The ob~ect,ve oi reclamarxon require- men55 Ulll be to retvrn dl,t"rbed la"05 to a condi- t1on suitable For tile purposes ior WhlCh tlleg Ilie?-e clzsslfled

b Coal ninr,g .: PPahlblted b!J the Coal Leasing Amendnent HCt OF 1975. wlthl" the National sqstem Of Trails and the iilld and Scenic Rivers system, lncludlng Stud4 "IveP5 designated by that Act Thl3 prohlb~tlo" alsO applies to the National Pal-k system and the NatIonal irllldllFe Refuge system. "hlCh lands ape not under Fo~esf Service J;rlsdlctlon

c Reconnend 3~ consent to BLi'l 90,. xssua"ce OF leases. pe'mlts OP licenses onlg uhen terms and condxtlons ca" be ap,,iled that wzll protect the purposes FOP !dllCh the lands Were classlfled

d Reconnendatzuns and consent to NM 'FOP 15sua"ce of leases, permits OP lxcsnses ~111 lnclvde ail current standzrd s~l~"lat~ons and the current Reglonallq approved specxai stlpulatlons necessary to protect the purposes tar uhich the lands we?e classlfled Standard and specxal st~pulatzcns ape I" Appendix F to this Forest Plan See 1 b (1) under thrs manage- ment hesol": -or the standard stlpulatlons Special stlpulatlons to be applied as app?op~late ape

(1) Forest Service (R-2) suppiement A to Form 3io9- 3, 'Further Planning Area Stlpulatlo" - Th15 stl~":atlnn a~plres to lands ldentlfled For further ~iann~ng in $he RARE II declslon dacu- me"f5 It 5peCIfle5 the nature 3"d extent Of operationi ailnued and the conditions to be met f”P the17 approval

(2) For$aZ Scr,,ce (P-2) Supplement B to Form 3109-


M*NAGEMENT ACTIVITIES --------- _--_- _-______

CONTINUATICY OF Mlnerale Ma"age*e"t- Coal, Leasable “ranl”n end Non-Energq Common llznerals Materials (GO3. 05. Ob and 071


--------- -------------- _________-----_--_______________________-----------------

3. "Classxfled Acea Stlpulat~on " ThlS etipu1- atlo" applies to lands class>Fxed under 36 CFR 294 and 251 23 +OP speclFlc management purposes Secause Of the regrrlatorq provisions, no L15e (17 OCCUpancy Incon~lstent ullfh the classlFlcatl*n 15 pernlted This floe5 not necessarily mean reconmendat~on against 01' denial OF consent to 155uance of leaees. permits OP 1rcenaes 15 necessary The reason 15 that classlfled apeas nay be onlq small por%lons Of the lands involved

(3) Forest Servzce (A-2) Supplement c to FOPIT 3104- 3. a'Li"lted suriace "se Stlpulatlon " Thl5 stlpulatio" notrfles a lessee. permttee OP licensee that certain descrrbed conditions exzst tipon the 1877165 I"",l".ed that requrre special speratinq plan pPo"lslo"5 ior the&P protectlo"

(4) Forest SePYlce (R-2) Supplenent F For&T 3109-3 "Surface "se St~pulatxon " This stlpulatlon not- lfle5 pPQspectl”e lessees or pePmltteee that surface use OP o~:cupa”c~ that Lm”ld cau5e slg”- lflcant *ur+ace disturbance 15 not a”thorried +or deecrzbed lands ThLS ""0 surface occup- ancg" etlpulatro" ma!, be applzed I" a wide vartetq Of condltzans I" lie" OF recmnmendrng against OP denqzng convent to BLJI For Issvance Of a lease

(5) Forest Service CR-21 Supplement H to Form 3109- 3. 'Condltxonal No SurFace Dlst"rbance Stlpula- f1on " This 5tlp”latlo” notr+res the prospective lessees permlttee *)P 1rcensee that certain described conditions exist upon tracts wlthl,, tile PPoposed lease 07 permit area that Ulll prevent. ant) surface dletvrbance aFfectl"g those h-acts unless a operating plan can be devzsed that Ulll cOn"lnce the Forest Service that surface "eer occupanc:ri and reclamatlo" can take place ulthout ceus,rtg lrretrlevable e""~ronme"t- al danage

e Reconnend against 07 denrl consent to 155uance OF leases. permits OP Izcenses where aperatxonal damages on surFace Peeo"Pce5 including the Impacts




CONTINUATIC OF Ml"eralS ilanagcment- Coal. Leasable "ran~um and NQ"-E"ergy common lllnerals Materials (603, 05. 00 ano 07,

Of eurfsce-based accees, product traneportatlon and ancillary facll>t~es necessary ta ~~oductxon and and related operatlans. would be irreversible and Irretrie\able, Uith no potent:a1 ior reclamatl.3" and attachenent a? fhe no surface occupancy st~pul- atlo" (Forest S.P"~CP (R-21 Supplement F to Form 3109-3) sould prevent the effectxve recovery of the Federal mineral PeeoYPce, as determIned bq the i3LM Negatlbe reconmendatlons OP consent denzals wrll be basea nn fhe consideration oi the Fnllowxng crlterla










Opsratlons deSt?og OP lrretrlevably damage %he characterl5tlcs 07 purposee for WhlCh the lands ape classlFled Terrain as >t aifeczs waste dumps and tailings dlipasal--related to dump and talllng stabllzty. adequate POOP far piacement. and whether ,,I- not uaste and tallinge can be handled OP treated I" a nanneT that reeu1ts I" no detrimental ePFects on the pu~po~ee FOP uhxch the lands ~eve cla55r;ied UhetheP 07 not negative lITpacts on water qualltq are preYcn%able For surface-based acceeer product transportatron and ancillary +acll>t>es necessary to OPS-at- IO"15 s1opee s%eepeP than 40 perceni;, high ePosl0" hazBPd, nigh geolag~c hazard Lcu "lsual absorptrnn capacltq that prevents reclanatlon to established "leual qua11ty QbJectlbe ~“GO, A conclusion b!, the Fo~eet Cervlce CFS, and/or the Unrted Stats5 Fish and Wlldlx.fe Service CWFUS, that the scr>on wzll .,eopardlze the SUP- viva, OP -eccvery ,F Federallq listed threatened 07 evilangereo IT%, wzldl,fe OP plant species Intruslnns upon the IdentlFxed crltlcal ("SFWS) OP es;e"tlal CFSI habitat or: a federally listed CT&E) "zldl~ie 07 plant s,,ecles OP upon the plant OT sn1nai ItselF I~trvs~on upon the habitat OP lndlvxdual plant OP anxna, ai a species listed bq a State as threatened OP endangered Intrusson upon the habitat OP rndlvldual plant OP anlral of a specxes ldentz+red by the Region- al Forester a5 leedIng spec:al. management to


MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES --------- _--_- ____

CONTINVATICN F Minerals Ma"agMle"t- Coal, I-edIab le "ranlum and Non-Energy common nlnerals Materials (60% 05, 06 and 071

Special use Management: (Non -RecreatIoni :JO*:



Prevent zt5 need for li.stl"g as a threatened OP endangered specxes

c 003% I ) iFCR )

01 Act on spec1ai *se applications according t.¶ the follow- ing prrorltles

a Land and land (use activity recuests relating to public saiei;y. health and ILlelfare. e 4 I hlghwaqs, powerllne5 and ouol~c ie~vlce ~qrovementa

b Land and land use ac*;xv,tzes contr~butzng to ~nrreased ecOnO"lC actlvltg associated wrth National Forest ~eeou,-cesr e g I ozl and gaes ard energy minerais

c Land and Iand sse actx\,i;les that benei'rt onlx, private "5el-5, e g , read perm,ts. rlghts-o+-walI ior powe?-- Illlee, telephones. "aterllnes, etc

iOOb5 ) CFDR 1

02 Do not approhe anq 5pecra1 use appllcatlons that can be seasonably me% 0" prxvate OP other Federal lands unless xt 15 CleaPlg I" the PUbllC 1nt;erest

(0071 ) (FOR )

03 BUT!, new elect~lcal Utllltg lines oi 33 K" or lees and new telephone llnee except uhen

a "ls"al qualliq obJectl\es 09 the area can be met uerng an overhead ?xne

b Burlal is not ieaslsle due fo geoiaglc hazard OT ""- favorabie gealaglc CondltlO"e

i It 15 not economical a5 detePml"ed bt, a cost anal,,s~a Greater long-ferm szte drsturbance would ~ec.ult It 13 not technlcsliy 'easlble

c a,,,, I ) CFDR b



llANACEtlENT GENERAL STANDARDS P* ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ----------.---- --------------_------~-~~----~.~~~~~~-~-----~-~------~~----~-----------------------------~

CCNTINVATIOX OF 04 DO not approve special use appllcatlone For areas Special use adJacen% to developed 7ecreatz.m sztes unless the proposed Management (Non “ee 15 compatible wrth the purpose and use of the -ReC7eatlO”) developed szte (JOI) (OJSSPI) CFDR )

05 Asr Force bcademy Wlthd~aual Natlcmal FcTest land conslstlng Of 8,858 acres a*.Jacent to tile Al? Force Academ!, on the Pikes Peak Dzstr~ct ze uzthdrav” From normal Forest Servrce management under P”bllc Land Order 1220 dated ‘k/1,54 nanagement Of this land “wet be coordinated wrth the Academq


Oh Leadvllle National Fish Hatcherg A” al-e= Of 2.560 ac~ee 15 reserved +or use by the U S Fish and Wxldllfe servzce by Executive Order Of i/16,1889 a5 amended 1,31/03 This reservation co-exxsts with the Forest reservatzon

(0023PI) CFDR ) H

Rights-of-uay 01 Acquire rights-of-way on exlstlng Forest system roads


and Land and trails that CPOSS przvate iand AdJuetments (01.52 I CFDR ) (JO21 13. 15, 16. 17r and IS,

02 I”Z.YPB Floodplarn and wetland values ape approxx- mately equal on both ofFered and selected tracts 1.n p~opoeed land exchanges 0~ that values ape I” favor of the Vnlted states



MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS P, ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES ---------- ----------------------..- -.-_-_-----_____-_-_------~-----------~~-----------------------------

CONTINUATICN OF Rlght5-OP-“ay and Land AdJ”.tme”ts c.Joa. 13. 15. 16. 17, and le,

03 Clasalfy lands OP znterest I" lands for acqulsi- tron where lands ape valuable for NFS purposes accord- 1ng to the Folloulng prlorrtles

a In desrgnated wilderness a~ees and other Congresslo”- ally classzfzed areas

b Where lands or rights-of-way ape needed to meet Peso”Pce nanagenent goals and obJectl”es

c Lands uhrch provide habrtat for threatened and en- dangmed apecles OF an~mais and plants

d Lands which Include Ploodplaxn OP wetlands e On lands of the Natxonal Grasslands that provide

opportunltles for denonstratlo” OF mvltxple ueee I” grassland agrlcvlture

f On lands havzng hlstorxcal OP cultural P~SDYPC~S, outstand>ng scenic values OP crztxal ecosystems, when these Peeo”Pcee ape threatened by change Of uee OP when nanagement ma” be enhanced by PUbllC ow”eP- ship


04 Claeslfy lands for dzsposal accordxng to the Following pTlOFltle5

a To States., counties, cxtxes, DP other Federal agencres when dxsposal u~ll serve a greater public zntereat

b In small parcels xnterm~ngled uxth mzneral OP homesteads patents

c When SUltable for development by the private SeCtOV. If development cresldentlal. agricultural. xndustrzal. recreational. etc ) 18 I” the publzc interest

d When crrtrcal DP unique re*o”Pce (wetlands. floodplarns. eesentlal big game u~nter Pange, threat- ened OP endangered species habxtat, hlstorrcal or cul- tura1 PesouPces, crltlcal ecosystems. etc ) effec%s are mltlgated by reserving interests to pPotec% the PeeouPcel DP by exchange WhePe other c~ltlcal resources to be acquired ape consxdered to be Of equal OP greater value

e I” Natronal Crasslanda, when they o+fer no op- portun~ty to meet National Grassland demonetratzon 0bJectl”E.e

(0067 ) CFDR )



CDNTINVATIDN OF 05 Effect Jurlsdlctlonal transfers LfhlCh acilreve the Rlghte-o+uay following DbJectlves and Land AdJustments a Redvce duplxcatron of efforts bg "sers and agenczes CJOZ. 13. 15. I" terms Of time, cost, and coordxnatlon 163. 17. and 18) b Improve 07 marntaan Y~BP access to the admn~ster~ng

agency c Decrease travel. and enhance management d Improve publzc understandxng of applxcable laws,

regulat,o”s. pollcles. and procedures e Develop mot-e effective and effzczent work unrts f Reduce admlnlstrat~ve cost

(0070 ) (FE4 >

PVOpeTtq Boundary LOCatlO" CJO.5)

01 Locate. CmPkI and post landlznes according to the following prlorrtles

a Lines needed to meet planned act~vzt~es, b Lines needed to protect IFS lands from encroachment,



MANAGEMENT GENEi?& STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES --------- ----------------------- _--.--_-________________________________-.------------------------------

so11 Resource 01 Mazntaxn ~0x1 productivity. mlnxmize man-caused Management $011 ePc.510". and marntaxn the zntegrlty of assocxated (KA1) ecosystems

Use srte preparatlo” methods WhlCh ape desxgned to keep fertile. friable topsall essentially Intact

Give roads and trazls special design conszdera- tlons to prevent PesouPce damage on capabrllty areas contarn>ng s.,zls with hrgh shrrnk-swell capaczty

Provide adequate road and trail CPOSS drarnage to reduce sediment transport energg

i?evegetate all aPea capable of s"pportlng "egetatlon. disturbed durxng road constructlo" andlor reconstruction to stabxllze the area and reduce SOlI ePosl(l" "se less palatable plant species on cuts. fzlls, and other areas sub.,ect to tranplrng damage by domestic Ilvestock and bxg gene to dxscourage grarxng by herbzvores

Prevent Izvestoct and wzldlxfe grazrng whxch reduces the percent OF plant Co"eP to less than the amount needed ior WatePshed protectlo" and plant health

Place tPactoP-built fzrellnes on the contour. the?"e possible. an* avoid u*e OF tractors on highly ePodlble sztes

Remove brrdges and culverts. elzmrnate dLtches. outslope roadbed, Penlove ruts and berms. install permanent draznages and establish protective "egetatlve cover on all temporary road* after roads have served proJect puposes Do the same for all roads removed from the t?ans- portatlo" system

Mlnlnrre SDll conpactlon by PedYClng "ehlcle pas9es> sklddxng on snow, frozen 07 dry soxl condltrons. OP by o+f-ground loggxng sgstems

Resfore sol1 dxsturbance caused by human "se to

a Use the following standards and guldellnes ""less mope site speczflc requzrements eve devel- aped during pPoJeCt design

1 Lzmlt lntensxve ground dxs- turbzng actzvzt~es on unstable slopes and hzghllJ erodlble SlteS

2 Apply Packer's guides OP guides I" FSH 7709 11 ok guides I" "Access Road Requrrements for 011 and Gas Exploratzon and Development on NF lands. R2 1982" I" the deszgn for c~c.z.6 drain spacing and bu+Fers

3 Chisel OP PlPl on the con- tow, compacted sails SOllS ape consIdered compacted rf there 15 a 15 percent IncPease I" bulk densrty DP a 50 percent decrease I" macl-0 pore space

(6322PI) (FDR )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS 9, ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES --------- -----__---------------- --_ -_--_----- _-------_-----------------~------------------------------

CONTINUATIOY OF SDll 1055 tolePa”Ce levels commen~“rate with tile so21 Resource natural ecologrcal processes for the treatment Management; aPea (KAI, (06OSPI) CFDR )

02 IdentxFg at the protect level. “pland apeas that a?e lmmedlately adJacent to Rxparran (Prescrlp- %lO” -?A) tbnagement *reas AdJacent upland apea ape those portions OF a managenent area whtch. when s”b- Jetted to management actlvxtzes. have a ,,ote” For dlrectlg af+ectzng the condxtzon oP the adJacent Riperlen Management APea The magnitude OF eFfects 15 dependent upon slope steepness, and the krnd. amc!““t> and Iocatxon of surface and vegetatron dls- turbance w~thln the adJace”t upland unit (0848 ) (FDR )

a The followrng 15 a guzde to lde”tlFy the appPO*lmate extent of adJace”t upland apeas

Slope gradlent “pslope dls- of upland areas tance from adJacent to RI- boundary of parlen Manage- RIparIa” Plan- ment Area agement Area

% Slope Range Feet O-20 100

20-30 180 30-40 280 40-50 400 50-60 520 60-70 640 70-80 760 SO-90 880 90-100 1000

100-150 1000-1300 (6698 ) (FDR )

b Reduce. through deszgned management practices and appro- prrate ePo510” mltlgatlo” and “egetat~~n/restoratlon meas- “Pe51 the pro.lect caused on-sxte eP0510” rates (calculated “l%h appropriate “nlversal Sorl l-055 Equation methodology) by 75% w~thln the first yea? afte’r dzs- turbance Reduce protect caused on-site e~osxon by 95% withy” Five years a+ter lnltral *zs- turbance (USDA Tech P”b SA-TP 11, IWO “SDA SCS Tech Note NO IO, 19771

(6700 ) (FDR )

E Design cont~nuzng mztlga-



CONTINuATIo% OF SOlI Resource Management CKAI)

Tra"Sp0rtatl.3" SlJStelO Management (LO1 s 20,

tlon/restorat~on practxces and Follow-up maintenance actlvl- txes to l"sYPe that 80% orxg- lnal grovnd cove7 ~"egetatlon~ PeCOYePy OCCUPS Wlthln five years afteP disturbance

(6702 1 CFDR )

01 ClasslFy areas as to whether off-road vehicle use 1s pemltted

co-452 ) (FDS )

a specr+y OFF-road "ehlcle restrlctlons based on ORV use management (FSM 2355. R2 supp 88)

C.5083 ) CFDR ,

02 Close all newly constP"cted roads to public mot~rlred "se unless docomented analyszs shows

a Use does not adversely mpact 0th~ resources, b Use 1s compatible wzth the ROS class

establIshed for the aveal c They ape located zn areas open to motorized

US=, d Theg prmide user saFety,

F They serve an xdentlfled publrc need. The 2~ea accessed can be adeqmtelg managed, and

g Fznanclng IS available for mazntenance OP coop-nalntenance can be arranged

(0075PI) (FDR )

03 Manage road "se bg seasonal closure IF

a Use ca"5es ""acceptable damage t., 5011 and water ~esov~ces due to weather OP seasonal condltlons

b Use conflicts u,lfh the ROS class establIshed 90~‘ the aPea.

c "se causes unacceptable u,xldl>Fe conflict OP habxtat degradatzon,

d "se ~es"lts I" unsa?e ccndxtlons due to weather condltlons.

e They serve a seasonal publxc or admlnxstratlon need, 11,.

f Area accessed has seas.,nal need far protectlo,,


07 nonuse (0076 , (FOR )


MANADEtlENT GEI\IERAL STANDCIRDS t” ACTIVITIES DIRECTICN GUIDELINES ---------------- -------------_-- _- _--------_______________________________-----------------------------

CUNTIN”ATIUN OF TTa”SpOTtaflO” sgstem MF.“agWe”t (LO1 R 201

CIrterlal and Collector Reed Constructlo” and Reco”str”ctlD” (LO2 th?” L09. Lib thr” LIP.,

04 Keep exlstlng roads open to public motoT.~zed use un1es.s







9 c 0077

Flnanczng 1s not avaxlable to mazntaln the faclllty DP manage the associated use Of adpcent lands. "se cavse5 unacceptable damage to sol1 and water PeSO"PCBS, Use con+llcts wrth the RCiS class establIshed ,=a,- the a~ear The!j -l-e located 1" apeas closed to motorlled "se and ape not "designated routes** I" the Forest travel management dIrectlo" Use re*"ltS 1" unsaee condltlons ""related to veather cond>tlons. There 15 lrttle DP no pub1x.c need for them. DP Use conPl>cts wzth wzldlxfe management ob~ectzves ) (FDR )

05 Closed 07 restricted Toads mag be uselI for and to accomplish adminrstratlve porposes when

a Prescribed 1” ma,agement aPea dlPectlO” statements. b Authorxred by the deszgnated lxne officer. and

I” case Of emergency &PI~ (FDR >

01 construct and reconstruct arter,a1 an* collector POadS to meet mvltlple PesoYPce needs

(0083 ) (FDR )

a Constr"ctlon and reconstrvctlo" standards for arterxa1 and co11ec- tar roads ape


Sta”daTd -----

Travel Speed -----





APtePlal --------

Average 30-55 mph


Ge"WS.llg 2 lanes


All weather. ge"Wally asphalt OP grave1


Collector ----_

Average 10-30 mph ----_

Ge"FPaIlg 1 lane ----_

Generally gravel OP native s"FfaCe, solnetllne5 asphalt



CONTIN”ATICY OF *\rterza1 and Collector Road CO”StPUCtlO” and Reconstruction CL02 thr" LOT, Lib tllrv L181

Local Road

=I Constrvctlo" and Reconstruct~o"

7 CL111 128 g. 13)




-----_ TypIcally 12 to 16 feet.

----------__ Width Typically

20 to 24 feet, but 5oine single lane with Inter- “lslble IO-foot tur"o"t~


Drainage Perma"e"t. not to ullpede traffic


(6039 ) (FOR )

wrtll Inter- "lslble 10-foot turnouts


Permanent but may impede traffic


01 Construct and reconstruct local roads to provide access a For speclflc Peso"Pce actlvltles such as campgrounds.

Co”StP”Ct~o” and reconstrvctron

trallheads, stenclarLls for local roads a7.e

timber sales, range allotments. mineral leases. etc I with the rnl"lrn"rn amo""t Of eaPthWOPk

(0084 ) (FDR 1 Travlp1- - averape-1;s; than-2; mpi; Speed ----~-----------__

Lanes "sua11y single lane except for developed recreation sxtes


Surface "ar1es from asphalt to "atlve SUPfaCe, maJorlty native surface


Width Typically 10 thou 14 feet Turnouts optxonal depe"*l"g upon traffic management "sually not zntervlslble


DT=l"age Dips and culverts __------_---_---__

(b040 1 CFDR )



ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES --------- ----- _______-____________.________ ________________---_----------------------------------------

Road 01 Malntal” a11 roads to the folloWl”g rnl”lrn”rn see levels OF maintenance I”

Maintenance requirements ZSM 7730 (L1-7, C&74 ) (FDR )

a All arterial and open collector5 - Level 3, b All apen local roads - Level 2. and b Level 1 maintenance includes

All closed roads - Level 1 ,oo;, 1

upkeep Of drainage structures

(FDR ) and "egetatlo" CO"eP necessary te prevent y&l"; (b324 1

Trazl system Management CL23)



CONTINVATICN OF 02 Plaintal" all trails to the following rnl"lrn"rn require- Trail me"t5 System Management (Lx+)

a structures CbPldges, corduroy. etc ) ape StP"ct"Pally sound and safe for specsfred class Of UsePI

b Malntai" rJra*nage structures to prevent ""acceptable PesouPce damage, and

c Remove hazards from balls to allow safe passage for speclfled class Of use7s A safety hazard 15 a pllys1ca1 condrtlo" of a trail UlhlCh may cause InJury, 15 """*"a1 07 ""expected. and "at readily ldentlflable by the tra,, user It 15 not a condltlo" WhlCh 15 eas2ly ldentrrlable and "Qrmally encountered for tile type 07 1ocatron Of the traz1 involved The follow- zng examples illustrate tllxs dlet~nctlo"

A hazard 15 a rotten bridge decking OP handrail A stream crossing where no brzdge 1s provided and the user would expect tills on the type and locatlo" Of the tra11 z5 not a hazard

A hazard 19 a stable-appearing loose rnck a." a constructed treadway here a11 other rocks ape stable A traz, treaduay made up Of rocks I" a "ear-natural posrtlo". "ally Of uhzch ape loose. 15 not a hazard

A halaPd 15 a perennra1 bog-hole on a horse b-all A" lnternlttent bog-hole UhlCh Will dry VP by early 5"mneP OP ulthrn a feu days follawrng a PSI" storm 15 not a hazard

A hazaPd 1s a sectlo" Of tra11 tFeadway suppmted by rotten crlbblng A 5ectzon Of wall where the treaclway 15 Ob"1Ov51y SlzppePy 15 not a hazard

A haraPd 15 a marked fOP* with holes deeper than the "DPmal channel A deep fOPd w,tll a cona1stent stream bed 15 not a hazard

(0074 1 CFDR 1

03 Provide a full range Of tra11 opportvnltles 1" coordlnatro" L!lt;h other Federal. state. and munlclpal J"P1e.dlCt~o". and private lndvstrles both 0" and Off NFS lands

(0455 1 (FDR )




CONTINUATIC:< OF 04 CCNTlNENrIPC DIVIDE NATICN4L SCENIC TRAIL (CDNST) Trail Apply Interzm Management for the CDNST corridor system to 1de"tlfled alternative routes "tlllrlng both Management exrstlng trails an* roads an* "anexlstlng routes (L23) whrch mall be used as connectrng travel segments

Interim management wxll establish vzsual qualltq obJectives for the Foreground and Mzddleground a~ea5 wlthzn the corridor

(0354 I (FDR )

05 DO not mark existing travel routes a5 being a part of the CDNST system untxl theg have been formally designated

(0355 ) CFDR ,

a The CDNST corridor 15 that area which encompasses the Foreground and mzddleground of the seen--apea as vzewed from the alternative travel routes >de"tzf>ed 1" the CDNST Comprehensive Plan Interzm management which protects the current SCBDIE quality and recreatzon opportunrtles Vlll be applied ""tll such time that a speclflc trail Povte 15 formallq desrg- nated as a part of the CDNST system

(6198 ) (FDR )

b All travel route alterna- txves wxthln the CDNST corrxdor have a "lsual Management S!,stem ~"MS~ sensltxvlty Level I cla5slflcatlon untr1 a speclf- 1c tPal1 route 15 fownally designated Foregrovnd and mlddleground areas wlthz" the corrzdor ~~11 meet the hzgh- est "lsual quality ObJectlve available vxthzn the exlstlng "lsval condltlo" class con- stra1nts and the "lsuai quality obJect>ve of the management aPea

(6199 ) (FDR )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS 8, KTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ------___-._____________________________----- .-__-__________--_______________________--------------------

CONTINVATICN OF 06 "PO" folmal deslgnatlo" Of a travel route Trail segment as a part of the CDNST system. manage the system segment to emphaszie foot travel. prov,de fo? Management horse "se where safe to da soa and the continua- (LZ3) tlo" of motorlred "se where presently permtted

and considered appioprlate I" the management dzrectzon for the overall management area Cxve conslderatlon to the needs Of tile long- distance traveler Where notmzzed use 15 per- mItted. llmlt to snowmobrlea operating on snow and vehicles with less than 40 xnch wzdth Where the route coexzsts ulth a prrnzt~vs local road. It may be open to use by larger vehicles

(03% ) CFDR )

T?a~l 01 Construct OP reconstruct trarls when Constructlo" and needed as part OF the tra"PpDrtatl0" system Recon~t~"~tzon (0399 ) CFDR ) (Lx?,

a The formally des>gnated CDNST travelway will have a sensrtlvlty Level I class- Iflcatlo" Foreground and mIddleground apea5, ae seen from the trarl, will meet the hxghest visual quailty ob~ec- tlve available "lthln the exlstlng "lsual condltlon class canstralntsa and the vxsual quality DbJectlve Of the speclfrc management aPea

(6200 ) (FOR )

b Mark trail routes uszng the CDNST logo according to appropP1- ate standards I" the Comprehens>ve Plan

(6201 ) (FDR >

c All other prescrrbed dlrec- t1c.n. standards and guide- lines for the ~peclflc manage- ment area through "hzch the CCDNST) passes apply

(6203 ) CFDR >

d na1nta1n trails I" accordance wxth standards 1" the T~ai1 Hand- book (FSH 7709 12)

(6129 ) (FOR >

e Schedule trail maxntenance >n accordance !,,lth Regional Accept- able Work Standards (FSPl 1310 R2 ID NO 1 7/22/82 )

(6131 1 CFDR )

a cross drains an* Conveyance structures al-e planned accord- ing ta Forest Deslg" Standarda (6326 ) (FDR )



F,Pe Planning and S”ppres*lo” (PO1 1

Escaped Fire

E Suppresslo" (PO9)


Fuel Treatnent (Pll thr" 14)


01 Provide a level of protection from wzldfzre that 1s cost eff~clent and that wzll meet management ob~ectlves for the area conslderzng the followzng

a The values of the resources that ape threatened by flPe,

b The p?obabllxty of fzre occv~~ence>

: The fuelbed that f>res wzll probably occur I", The weather condltzons that wzll probably influence floes that OC~YP,

e The costs of f>re protectlo" programs (FFP and FFF), f The socxa1. ecO"Dmlc, polltlcal. CvltuPal, e""1Po"-

mental. life and property ConcePns, and 9 Management objectives for the area "se the Fire

Management Analysrs process (FSH 5109 19) fos this analysis

(0111 ) (FDR )

01 Take suppression actlo" on all escaped fzres consider- zng the following

a The values of the P~SEUP~~S threatened by the fme (both poaltzve and negatlvel.

b Management objectives for the threatened area(s).

; The fuelbeds the fire may burn I", The current and protected weather condlt~~ns that v~ll znflvence fire behavxor.

: Natural barriers and fuel breaks, Social. economic, politrcal. cultural. and envITo"- mental co"ceP"*,

z PVbllC safety. Fzreflghter safety. and

1 costs of a1ternat1ve *"ppresslo" strategies "se the escaped fire srtuatlo" analysis to make thle determl- "atlo" (FSM 5130 311

(0112 ) (FDR )

01 Maxntazn fuel conditions which permit fire suppresslo" forces to meet fire protectron ObJectlves for the aPea

(0113 1 (FDR >


a Reduce or othePw>se treat all fuels so the potentlai flrellne lntenslty OF an aPea Will not exceed 400 BTU's/sec,ft tB 1 -68) on 90% of the days durrng the regular fire seasons

Break up contznuous fuel concen- tratlons exceedzng the above




CONTINVATION OF Fuel Treatnent (PII tilru 1‘3)

standard l"tD manageable ""Its with fuel break* OP fire lanes.

OP Provide addltlonal protec:tron for areas exceeding the above standard when such protectlo" Will not be required for more than fxve years

(6056 ) CFDR )

"egetatlo" 01 "se prescrxbed Fxre to accomplish P~SDUPC~ management Treated by obJectIves* such as Peduclng fuel load b"Lld"p, wlldllfe nurnzng habztat improvenent. etc (P15) (0101 1 CFDR )

ET A,r Resource nanagement (Plb,

Insect an* Dls- ease Management, S"ppresslan (Pm)

02 Llmlt use Of prescribed fires on apea* adJace"t to rzparxan ape=* to protect irparla" an* aquatzc values

(0102 ) CFDR ,

03 use ““planned Ignltlon 0” aPea* Identlfled I" thz* Plan to achieve management ob~ectrves (0850 ) CFDR )

01 Comply With state an* Federal al7 quality standards (See FSM 2120)

(0094 , (FDR h

01 PPeVent OP suppress epldemlc Insect an* *1*ea** populations that threaten forest tree stands with an Integrated pest managenent (IPrl, approach con- slstent with re*o"~ce management obJectIves (0148 ) CFCR b



The Management Area Prescrlptrons Included III this Sectron represent Management Area DIrectIon applicable to speclflc areas of land. These Management Area PrescrIptions In various combl- nations were used as the basis for developing the alternatlves analyzed in the accompanying Envrronmental Impact Statement.

A Management Area PrescrIptIon number was asslgned to each management area XI order to link the prescrlptlon to the land area. The location of management areas 1s illustrated on the Management Area Map Inserted lnslde the back cover of this document.

Portions of Buffalo Peaks, and Sangre de Crlsto Wilderness Study Areas and all of Spanish Peaks Wilderness Study Area have been ldentlfied as unsuitable for wilderness designation. The map shows these areas have several management areas which include development m their prescriptlons. These prescrlptlons ~11 not be implemented unless Congress designates these areas as nonwilderness. In the interim, these areas wll be managed to maintain the qualitws which make It possible for their lncluslon in the National Wilderness Preservation System.

The prescrlptlon for each management area consists of a prescription summary and a set of management requrrements. The prescrlptlon summary ldentifles the primary emphasis of the prescription. All prescrlptlons are multiple use prescriptions, but each has a primary emphasis.

Management requirements are presented in three columns: Management Actlvltles, General DIrectIon Statements, and Standards and GuIdelines.

Management Actlvitles are work processes that are conducted to produce, enhance, or maintain levels of outputs, or to achieve administrative and environmental quality obJectives. Management Actlvitles are identlfxd by a code number and title defined In the Management Information Handbook. In some cases, management activities were grouped under one actlvlty when it was not appropriate to develop separate requirements. Not all manage- ment actlvltles need management requirements. When there are no management requrrements llsted for an activity, the Forest Direction or direction In laws, regulations, Executive Orders or Forest Service directives adequately covers the actlwty.

General DIrectIon Statements specify the actions, measures, or treatments (management practices) to be done when xmplementlng the management actlvlty or the condltlon expected to exist after the general direction 1s Implemented.

Standards and Guldellnes are quantlficatlons of the acceptable limits wlthln which the general direction 1s implemented.



Table III-3 lists the management emphasu and shows the acreage allocatxons for each Management Area.


Management Area Summary (Acres where prescriptlon for management area 1s applied)

Management Area Emphasis Acres

1A Developed Recreation Sites

lB-1 Winter Sports Sites lB-2 Potential Wuxter Sports Development Sites 1C" Admlnlstrative Sites

1D Utllrty Corridors

2A Semlprimitlve Motorized Recreation Opportunrtles

2B Rural and Roaded-Natural Recreation Opportunities

3A Semrprimltlve Nonmotorrzed Recreation Opportunltles

48 Wildlife Habitat For Management Indicator Species

4D Aspen Management

5B Big Game Winter Range

6~ Livestock Grazing

7A Wood-Fiber Production and Utilization (sawlogs)

7D Wood-Fiber Production and Utlllzation For Products

Other Than SawtImber

8~ Primltlve Wilderness Opportunltles

SC Semlprlmltive Wilderness Opportunltles

9A Rlparlan Area Management (unmapped)

9A Rzparun Area Management (mapped)

9B Increased Water Yield

10A Research Natural Areas

10B Experimental Forest 1OC Specx~l Interest Areas

10E Municipal Watershed and Munlclpal Water Supply


Total Pike and San Isabel NF's

1,575 y 6,120 5,680

361 11

5,761 L! 192,552

405,928 121,765 256,020



670,637 150,372

92,651 286,301

93,460 17,500 y



1,354 18,608





TABLE III-3 Contrnued

Management Area Summary (Acres on adjacent NatIonal Forests).

Management Area Emphasis Acres

Rio Grande National Forest 2A Semiprimitive Motorized Recreation Opportunities 8A Pristine Wrlderness Opportunitres 8B Primitive Wilderness Opportunities SC Semiprimitive Wilderness Opportunities SD Limited Areas of Wilderness - High Density Day Use

Total Rio Grande National Forest (Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area)

Arapaho National Forest 8B Primitive Wilderness Opportunrties 8C Semiprzmitrve Wrlderness Opportunities

Total Arapaho Natronal Forest (Mt. Evans Wilderness)


5,866 17,561







11 Acreage excluded from total because it 1s applied III conjunctlon with other management areas.

J- There is no prescription in the Plan for Management Area 1C; thus accounts for the acres of Adminlstratrve Sites on the Forest, such as offrce locatrons. Management require- ments for administrative sites are contained in Forest Service Manuals and handbooks.


The followrng pages contain prescriptions for the management areas. They are in the same order as listed above. Prescrrp- tions for management areas 8A and SD are not given since all these areas occur on the Rio Grande National Forest. Ident- ification numbers shown in parentheses following each General Directron and Standard and Guideline statement are Intended to facrlitate future tiering to the Forest Plan and final EIS. Users and reviewers of the Plan wrll find these identification numbers useful for cross-referencrng and identification of mitrgatron measures.



(Provides for ex~stmg and proposed developed recreatxon sxtes )


General Lhrectmo and Goals

Management emphasm 1s for developed recreation I” ex~stmg and proposed campgrounds, pxcmcgraunds, trallheads, vxs~tor u,fomat~on centers, summer home groups, and water-based su~p,rt fac,.lxt~es Proposed sites (sates scheduled for develqment LX, the plan) are managed to mazntazn the site attractiveness unrxl they are developed

Facilities such as roads, trawls, toilets, svgns, etc , may be donnnanr but harmonme and blend wlth the natural settmg grazlq 1s generally excluded from developed sites

livestock Exurmg and proposed sites are wlthdram from locatable mmeral entry

"lsual Resource Management CA041


______--_-__-- --.---____ _____________-_--_------------------------------------------

01 Emphaslre “lsvally appea11ng landscapes cv1sta open- a Do not exceed an Adopted “Isual L”g5> rock OutcroppIngs. dlverslty of vegetation. etc ) Guallty DbJectlve (“00) OF

(0104 ) (OlA ) -Partial Retentlo” I” Develop- ment Level 2 sxte5

-Modlflcatlan I” Develop- ment Level 3. 4 and 5 sites (6136 ) (01.4 )

b Sensltlvlty level

Recreatlo” szte Constructlo” and Rehabllrtatlon CA05 AND 06)

Management OF Developed Recreatlo” SItea (Am, 09. 11 %


02 Facllltles nay dominate. but Ulll harmonlle and blend ulth tile natwra1 foregrD”“d and middle- ground landscape

(0384 ) (014 )

01 Deszgn Paczl~tres and access to provide site protection. efflc~ent maintenance. and use? CO""enle"Ce Design and develop sates to ensure that developed capacity does not exceed season-long carrying capacity

(0383 ) COlA t

02 Provide at least 10 percent Of the unrts I" level 3 and 4 camp and plcnlc sztes to accommodate tW.2 DP mol.e family groups

(0347 I (01A )

01 Malntaln a11 de"eloped sztes xn accordance with Reglc‘nal Acceptable Work Standards (FSM 1310 R2 I3 NO 1 7/&z/82)

(0386 I COlA 1

Oe"elopme"t Level 3, 4. and 5 51te5 al-e Sensltlvlty Level one

(6221 1 COlA s

c Apply rehabllltatlon practices where the above DbJectlves al-e not currently being met

(6066 ) COlA )

a construct and reconstruct exlst>"g and new developed sites I" accordance with the guldellnes I" FStl 2331

(6279 ) (01A )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS s, ACI'IVITIES OIRECTION GUIDELfNES __________.----____--------------- _ _--_-___ _-_--______---_--_--____________________--------------------

CONTIN”ATlCN OF Management Of DeVelOped Recreation sztes (A08. 09. 11 ? 13,

Range Re5ource Management (002)

Sllvlcultural Prescrlptlons (Em, Ob 5 07)

02 Malntal” eacllltles I” a 52fE condltlon Replace facilltles when rehabrlltatlon costs 50 percent OP more Of replacement costs LIP when exlstlng Pacilltres al-e "0 longer compatible with s,te deszg" OP ROS classl+lcatlon

(0387 1 (OIA s

01 Manage ll\estoCk gPazl"g t, enhance recreation y;;y;tuytres I" exlatlng and propose* recreation 51te5

(OlA )

02 Exclude grarzng OF recreational stock and lzvestock rn developed recreatLon sztes durzng the managed recreatlo" "se SeasO"

(0059 ) (01A )

01 Manage tree stands to enhance visual qualrty and recreatxon opportunxtxes on exlstlng and pPoposed recreatlo" altes (0115 ) (OlA t

02. Remove "nsa+e and 07 dead trees zn developed sites Plant new trees to pPo"lde desxred tree cove? when natural Pegeneratlcm 15 lnsufflclent

(0466 1 (01A )

a See FSH 2309 11, Ser 122 (6222 ) (OlA )

a construct Fences OF mater- Ial other than barbed WLPB around developed sites

(6281 ) (OlA )

a Malntal" vegetatron I" fair OP taette7 Panye co"dIt,on

(6061 ) (01A )

a see Technical Report R-2-l (1981) Tree Hazards Recognltlon and Reductlo" I" Recreatzon Sites (6.530 ) (01.4 >



(Provides for exlsrlng wxnter sports 51tes )


MANA\GEMENT GEKRAL STPINDARDS e ACTIVITIES DIRECTION OVIDELINES _-_____--_ ---- _-------------__-- - ---_----__-_-----__-------------------------------------- -----------_

v15ua1 ReaouTce 01 Emphaelle “lsuallg appealIns landscapes (“lsta open- a DO not exceed an Adopted Management i”95. POCk O”tCPOpplng5. dlversltg .a+- “egetat~on. etc ) “lsual Gualltg ObJectlve (A04) (0104 ) cl!31 > <“GO> of modlflcat~o”

(6204 1 clnl 1

b Apply rehabllltatlo” practIcea where the above obJectl”es ape not current1cJ being met

(6068 1 cin1 )

Recreation site 01 Deslg” and locate mprovements on winter Co”str”ctl0” and SpOPt sites to provide safety to “5eP5 and to Rehabllltatlor harmon2ze vlth the natural environment (A05 AND 061 (0358 t cl!31 b

02 Deslg” and construct Ski aTea to blend the lift 11ne. Sk1 PY”S> and related developments vlth the natural character OF the landscape

1 "se "egefatlve screening Of structures where "egetatlve recoverq 15 siow

2 Stabillre cut and $111 slopes 07 al-e=5 cleared OF vegetatron a5 500" a* possible uszng both structural. and vegetative techniques

3 Deslg" cc1 VU"5 to *"old 5"OW 5COYT and to favor deposltlo" Of 5"DW

4 A"Old OP control avalanche OP flood hazard aPea

a Follow constr”ctlo”, reconstructxan standards speclFIed I” tile approved waster Development Plan

(6282 ) (II31 )

a Malntaln vegetation I" Fan OP toette, range Condltlo"

<6061 1 Cl!31 )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES __________.__--_---_--------------.- _-______ __ ___________--_--------~~--~~-----~~~~~----~~---------~~--

b Sllvlcultural Standards (These sta”da~d5 mag be exceeded

on aPea5 managed for Old growth,

1 CleaFC”t _-----------------

Forest cover Type ------------------

Other Forest

Lodgepole cc.ver PI”*- Asperl Types

iiota- so-i40 - - 80-120 100 OP tlon lips yrs mot-e Age rips &,(IwI -&iz2zj - - ij,x - - - 60-t; - Ing 120 Stock Level

Thmnlng-10-50- - -i-47,4- - - -15 to- Cycle llr* 50 VP6 ------------------ 2 Two-step SheltePWOod ---------------_--

Forest Cover Type

------------------ I”teTlDT Dther PO”derOsa F0l-eS.t



STANDARDS Z, DIRECTION GVIDELINES ------___._______________________ ---________ _________


pzne 9 cover

Prescrlptlons NIxed Conifer Types

CE03, 06 L Cl71 Fo&I - - i&i&c lip; - - - -1oor %lO” mOPe YPS Age

Gowmg - 60=-120- - - - - - -~7j-i20

Stock Level

Th;“;l;g- -2;-$-&- - - - - g:s;


FIPSS ;ut Tsee ;ut,- - - - - - - - Remove 40 to 70 percent oF the ba5al aPea 07

cut to BA 25-60 BA 20-60

E.GGd-Gt-cF&Gi Tut)- - - - - - Remove all overstorg when regenerated stand meets rnl”lrn”rn stoCkl”g 5ta”dard5

---------------_-- 3 Three-step Shelterwood

-_------~-----__-- Forest Cover Type

-_-----------_____ I”t*TlOr Ponderosa Other pxne & Forest NIxed cover ConLfer TYPeS

Km&I - - i&i& Lp; - - - -I%-& hl.3” m0l-e grs Age

Gzu,, - bo--120- - - - - - -~o-i20

Stock Level

Thmnlng- -20-3o-qPs- - - - - zoo-30 Cqcle Y’S -------------_____


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS Pr ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ------------.---_--------------------~-------------~------------------------------------------------------

CONTINVATIO?, OF Sll”lC”ltUral Prescrlptlons IELm, 06 ZI 071

FlPBt cut <preparatory cut, Remove 10 to 40 percent 09 the basal aPea or

C”t to BA 60-80 Bc\ 50-m

Se;ond-C;t-(;eed-c;ti - - - - - - - Remove 40 to 50 percent Of the remalnlng basal aPea OT

----------------_- 4 SeleCtlO”

------------------ Forest Cover Tqpe

-_-----_--_--_____ Engelma”” other spruce- FOPeSt subalpIne cover FIT Types

RG2duFlBA -&?-72o - - -so-i25 - -

c”tt,, -- - - - - - - -- - - - -

Cycle 20-m grs 20-40 yrs -(294pIi - Tin*- i - - - - - - - -

05 Llmlt tlribeT( harvest actlvltles to perlo& Of lOuI recreat3on “se actlvlty L)P to colnclde With Sk1 area constructlo" acflvlty

(0468 ) clnl I

04 "tlllze flFeuood material Jslng both commercial and "oncommerclal nethods,

IO147 > IiBi )





CONTINUATIG?4 OF 05 The combined LaTeP rjleld eEfects OF type ConveTslo" Sllvrcvlturel 0" Sk1 TV"5 an* ,"creased on-site watei frwn stand Pe- PTesCVlptlO"S generatlo" nust be deternlned DO not exceed threshold iE03. 06 L 07) llmlts OF water qualztg and drainage system stablllty

deterloratlo" (lx10 ) Cl!31 )

06 FOP managenent purposes of forested apeas between 5kl tralle OP oizher caermanent ocaen,nqs, a cut-over al-ea IS consrdereb an opmlnb untY1 5”Ch time 36

- Incrsased Late? y’eld dPops below 50 per- cent Of the pote"%lal l"cPea5e,

- Forage and/or bPoWSe productlo" drops below 40 percent Of potential prod”ctlon.

-Deer and elk hIdIng cove? reaches 60 Per- cent Of potential,

- Ml"lrnml 5fOCkl"g standerds bg FoPeSt COVeP type and srte producflvlty ape met. and

- The area appears as a goung forest Pathe than a restacked openrng, and takes on the appearance of tile adJol"l"g characterlstlc la"dSCape

(0501 ) clnl b


Forest Ml"lCl"m Tree CoVeP StockLng Stand

TYP? Level Height CT,'ees/ cft 1 1,

acre' - ---------_--_- _

Inland PO”derOSa Pl”e 190 b

MIxed CO”lfer5 190 6

Lodgepole Pine 150 b

Engelma”” SpPYce- Subalpine flP 150 b

Aspen 300 6 -------------__--

Forest C~OU!" cover Closvre JTistrr- TYPe (Percent) butxo" 2, --------------_--





------------ ---_----------_--____ ---------- -- _----____---------_-------~------------------------------

CONTINUATIO:, OF PO”deTOU Sllvlcultural PI”= 30 Prescrlptlons CE03. Ob 1, 07, MIxed

CO”lFeTS 30

Lodgepole Pl”E 30

;o WI

Mlnlng Law 01 WlthdPaW PeCPeatlO” 51t.25 fro” mineral entrg Compliance an* ~0036PI) (1B1 )






(Emphasis 1s on porentlal “Inter sports Sites I


General Dlrectlon and Goals


a Maximum use and capacrty levels ape

--TPall and camp encounters during peak u*e *ags ape less than 30 other part>es per day

-n-all and area-wide use capacltg -----------------

ROS Class - Seml-Prlmltrve Motorized


use “erg rlocler- Hlgh Level Law LOU ate


on n-all< PAOT, mile 20 30 90 11 0 ____---_-_-------

ATEa--Wlde PAOT, 3cl.e 004 008 05 08 _-_--------------

(6227PIl (182 1

b Reduce the above u*e level cI)- efflclents as necessarg to l-e- Fleet “sable acpes, patterns OF USSO and general attractiveness Of tile speclflc management aPea tgpe a5 described I” the ROS users IhIde. ChapteP 25

Reduce the above use levels where unacceptable changes to



CONTINUAT~CX OF the blophyslcal J-ez.o”Pce5 Will Dispersed Recreation Management (A14 and 15)

02 PenlIlt undesignated sites I" FPISS.Il condrtlon c1a55 1 through 3 where unrestricted camping 15 permitted

(0174 , (182 )

Wlldllte and 01 Provide bxg-gare Forage and CDVeP, and habItat Fish Resource (0310 ) (102 , f%3”ageme”t CCOl)


~.5OJOPI~ (182 ,

a Malntal” at least 30 per- cent OF the aPea I” created DP natural openrngs

(6177 I (182 )

b Do nllt ellmlnate presence OF any browse species

(6168 ) (182 )

PPoVlde thermal CoVeP For :1!4 DP deeP on at least 20 percent Of the aPea

(6179 ) ClB2 1

d I” dlversltg !J”lt5 dominated by forested ecosc,stems. malntal" a rnl"lrn"rn Of 50 percent Of the dlversltg ""It I" deer OP elk hldlng CoVeP This hIdIng cover ShDYld be well dlStrlb"ted D"eP the unzt Malntal” 30 percent OF the ri1versrty ““It I” thermal COVeP cwlnter OP sprl”g-s”mmer~ Hldlng cover can be used to meet thel-mal COVeP requirements IF theg rndeed co>"c>de blolog- lcallq (6334 ) ClB2 I

e Maxntaln habltat eefectlveness d"Pl"g w,nter Of at least 90 percent

(6171 ) (182 b




WIldlIFe 01 Manage *or habItat needs Of lndlcator species a Ma~ntal" habxtat capabzlztg HabItat ~0408 ) ClB-2 ) at a level at least 80 percent Improvement and of potentsal capablllty Maintenance (6261 1 (Ii72 J cco2, 04. 05 and 06)

Range Resource 01 Manage Irvestock grar1ng to enhance I-EC- Management reatlo" DpportUnltle 5 I" proposed vlnter sports CD02, srtes

<0028PI~ (182 )

a PlaIntal" vegetation I" fair OP better range condrtlo"

(6cx1 ) (1B2 )

Sll”lC”l%“T31 01 Manage Forest cover tgpes on the potential PTeSCFlptlO"5 avea to enhance "lsual quality, diversltg. and (EL-m, 06 b 071 recreatlo" opportun1tres. and to provide For a

healthy forest COVeP on proposed winter sports 51te5

~0029PI~ ClC2 J

02 Harvest po%e"tlal irfes by three-step shelter- woo*. single tree selectlo". OP group selectlo" PPoce55 vlth r;i"rsal 51te disturbance Longer shad distances nay be used to avoxd road con- str"ctl.9" use clearcuttlng I" aspen stands

~003OPI 1 c1n2 1

a Sll"lc"lt"ral Standards (These standards mag be exceeded

on area5 managed fOP old growth)

1 CleaFCUt --------------____

Forest Cover Type ------------------

Other Forest

LOdgepOle cover PI"=- Aspen Types

Firs,- Yi-T40 - - 80=-120- - 100 OP tlo” qrs !Jr* rnc.Pe kg= lips

&&I -B&T25 - - ;,x - - - 60-t; - l”g 120 Stock

Thin;&,-I<-TO- - -@A- - - -1; to- Cycle rlrs 50 gP5 -------------_____ 2 Two-Step Shelterwood ii --------------____


MANPiGEtlENT DEI\5?PL STANDARDS pr ACTIVITIES DiRECTION GVIDELINES ---_--_-_ ----.-_-___-------______ -_ ~_--.~~.-~._~._-________________________-~~~~~~---------~~~~~~~~~~~~

CONTINUATI@Y OF Sll"~CUl%L!~~l Prescrlptl.3": (Em. 06 5 07)

Forest cover TlJpe

------------------ InterloT Othe? PO"deiOSa Forest pzne & Cover MIxed Conifer TYP=5

iioTa - - i&i& Yp; - - - -1ooP t1on mOPe qrs &Ye

G&~“; - 60--120- - - - - - -~o-i20

Stock l-eve1

Th;n;x&- -26SO-yrs- - - - 20-30 Cycle

F1F6t Fut is&;i Fut)- - - - - - - - Re/no"e 40 to 70 percent OF the basal avea 07

cut to DA 25-m BA 20-K

Se~0~dC~t-~~&~~i Futb- - - - - - Remove a11 overstory when regenerated stand meets rnl”lnl”rn stocking StandaPd-i

-----------_----__ 3 Three-Step Shelte~wood

Forest Cover Type -----------_----__

*nterzor Ponderosa Other pzne & Forest nixed cover CO"lFeT TYPeS

Fe&Z - - i&i&O lip; - - - -loo-or tl0" mOPe lJP5 AC!=



CONTINUATIC' OF Sll"lc"ltural PPeSCPlptlD"5 CE03. Ob & 07)

03 L>mxt tlcber harvest actxvxtles to periods Of low recreatlo" use actzvxtg OP to COlnClde With 5111 aPea constructlo" actlvitg

(cl468 ) ClB2 )

ThTnnlng- -2iGo-~;s- - - - - 20-30 Cycle rlp5

FlFst FZ ipPeF&=t0Fy-=Fti - - - - Remove 10 to 40 percent Of the basal al-e= OP

cut to BA m-m BA 50-80

Se;o~d-c;t-(;eed-c;ti - - - - - - - Remove 40 to 50 percent OF the rernal"~"g basal avea DP

cut to BA 25-50 DA m-50 IO-20 qrs 10-20 grs after pre- after

PcLYtory prepara- tmy cut

ThTTYi cut i;emova1-c;ti - - - - - - Remove a11 overstory when regenerated stand meets rnl"lrn"rn stocll1ng standards

------------------ 4 SeleCtlO" ___----__---------

FOPe5t cover TlJpe

Enge1mann Other Spl-UCe- Forest subalpine CO"=7 FIT TYP==

Re;l&~-Gi -8ii-i2E - - -G-i20 - - cuttlns - - - _ - - - - - - - - - -

cljc1e 20-30 LJrs 20-m grs -(6294pIi - T182- i - - - - - -- -


ML\NCIGEMENT ACTIVITIES ----_-----_-_--____

Special use Management (NO” -Recreat,o”, (ml,

Local Road Constructlo” and Reconstructlo” (ill. 12. )r 13,


.-----------_--- ---------- _-_____---_______-______________________--------------------

Gl DO not 15sue specrai u*e permrts that would be Incompatible uzti- future ulnter sports development 5ched”les or opportunrtles

~OO.wPI~ ClB2 )

01 Design and locate local PDadE I” the pemitted al-e=

a To fac>l~+ate management of tree stands and wlldllfe a5 dell a5 recreation, and

b Wl%h tile rnl”lrnUrn ot’ Pnleage and earthwork (0467 ) (182 1



(Provides for “tlllty corrrdors)


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS G ACTIVITIES DIRECTIDN GUIDELINES ---------_----------------------- --__-__-___________-----------------------------------------------------

“lsual Resource Management CA04)

DlC.peT-Se* ReCPeatlO” Flanagement CA14 an* 15)

Wlldllfe HabItat Improvement and Maintenance ~CCQ. 04, 05 an* 0‘)

Range Resource H


Managemen% (002)

k Sll”lC”l%“TE’l * Prescrlptlons

CE03. 06 5 07)

RightS-OF-d=q an* Land AdJ”stme”ts ,JOZ. 13, 15. 16. 17. an* 1s)

01 Design an* construct the landscape

CO295 ) (01D )

u%rllt~es to harmonlre with a use “National Forest Landscape Management”. Volume 2-utllltxes fOP prlnclples and concepts

(6153 ) (01D )

01 rlanage dispersed recreatlo” opportunltles consistent OP compatible ‘Ulth adJacent management apea

(0297 1 toll? )

01 nanage Wlldllfe an* fish habitat consz5tent 07 compatible with ad,acer,t nanagement aPea

(02% ) (01D 1

01 Manage the range PesoL'Pce co"S1Ste"t 07 compatible with adJace"t nanagement aPea5

(02% ) (01D )

01 Manage forest COVeP types consistent OP compatible with a*.Jacent management areas Provide require* electrical clearances an* mlnlmlle the “lsual impact Of the “tllltq right-of-way

(0299 ) (01D I

02 “tlllze flrewaod material llslng both commercial an* “oncommerclal nethod

(0147 ) (01D I

01 DesIgnate exlstlng transportatlo” and “tilltg use51 If they orlglnate on or CT.355 National Forest system lands, as Plght5-of-uag CoPrldoPs, consistent With Forest Plan goals (0852 ) (OID )

a Designate a* ut11rtg coPP*- dDPE

1 ElectPxcal TP~“s”,x~~L~,,~ - 69 Kilovolts DP larger

2 Plpellnes - 10 inches I” diameter OP larger

3 Telecommunications - All microwave path5 an* Fixed telecomm”“~cat~o” eiectron1c SlteS



CONTINVATION OF 4 RallWags - 10 miles I” Rlght5-Of-Wlj length OP longer an* Land AdJUStmentS 5 Highways - *11 Interstate, (J02,13. 15. Federal. OP state highways I& 17. an* 18)

6 Telephone Lxnes - Pla~ov transcontinental 5ystem5

(6704 , (01D )

02 Identify aPea where deslgnatlo" as transporta- tlo" an* "tlll%lJ corridors I" the future ape compat- zble With management al-e= goals FDllOY the process an* deflnltlons established I" FSM 1922 51 (0854 ) (01D )

Fvture transportatlo" and Lrty COPPldOPS ape excluded from wilderness <Planagement Areas SA, **, SC an* SD) ""less authorized by the President. Research rJatvra1 Areas (Planage- ment Area lo*). an* Wild Rivers management A~ea 10D)

(6706 ) (OlD )

b *"old the following Manage- ment *reas unless StUdleS I"- *,cate that the zmpact Of the corridor can bF mltlgated

1 Deeloped PeCPeatlc.” 51tes an* winter sports sxtes (Man- agement Areas IA an* In,

2 nanagement ATea 38 emplla- slrlng prlmltlve recreatron I” ““Toaded aPea

3 Rlparla” al-a=*

4 Experimental Forests. Special IntePeht Areas an* M”“lclp2.l WateP Supplq an* Munlclpal Watersheds (Manage- ment Area5 lOB, IOC. an* ,OE)

5 scen>c Rivers (Manage- ment Area 10Dl

~670s 1 (OlD 1




-------------_- G”iDELINES

CONTINUATIC>~ OF 03 Deslg”. cD”str”ct and nalntal” electrical Rights--oi-uay tPa”5lnz5510” 1rnes I” accordance with the rules and Land AdJ”*tme”ts

Of tile National Electrical Safety Code, ANSI

lm2.13. 15, Unless OtherwIse rndlcated 0” the plan and profile drawl”gs> a11 constructlo” and clearances of the

lb, 17. and IS, transmlssro” lzne shall conforn to the latest edltlo” of tile NatIonal Electrical Safety Code, ANSI Issued by the Aoerlca” Natzonal Standards Instxtute

(0473 1 (01D )

04 All desxg”. materials an* constr”ctlon, operatlo”> maintenance and ternxnatzon practices employed I” connection wzth 0x1 pipelines shall be I” accordance with safe and proven engzneer~ng practices and shall meet or exceed the follov~ng

a U S A Standard Code for Pressure P~pxng, ANSI B 31 4, “Lzquld Petroleum Transportatxo” 5y5tm 8,

b Department of Transportaf~on Regulatrons. 49 cm. Part 195, “Transportatzo” of Llqulds bg Plpellne”

(0474 , (DID )

05 All deslg”. materials and construct~o”. operation. maintenance and ternznatro” practices employed I” connect~o” wxth gas pxplznes shall be I” accordance wzth safe and prove” engzneerxng practices and shall meet OP exceed thr foliow~ng

a Department Of Transportafro” Regulations. ASME Gas Plplng Standarda Commzttee, “Guide for Gas Transmlsslo” and Dlstrvbutlon Plplng System” (3rd Ed~txo”, Aprzl 1976)

b 49 cm. Part 1920 “Transpcnfatlo” OF Natvral and other Gas by Pxpelznes Ml”lrn”rn Federal Safety Standards -

(0475 1 (01D )



(Emphasis 15 on semlprlmltl”e motorized recreatP3n opportunltres 1


General Dlrecrlon and Goals

“lS”.%l resources are managed so that management aCtl”ltleS are not evuknt or remal” “lsually suhordlnate Past management aCtl”ltleS such as hlsrorlcal changes caused by early mmmg, loggmg, and ranching may be present whch are not “lsually subordinate but appear to have evolved to the11 present state through natural processes landscape rehabllltarlon 1s used to restore landscapes to a desirable nsual ‘pale7 Enhancement amed at mcreasmg poslrlve elements Of the landscape to ulprove “lsual varxety IS also used

me harvest method by forest cover type 1s c1earcuttmg.m aspen and lodgepole pme, and shelterwood for all other forest cover WP-




--------------------------------- -----______ ______-_____---_----____________________--------------------

“lsual Resoui ,ce 01 Management

Desxgn and lnplement management actzvzt~es to provide

(A&3, a “lsually appealing landscape Enhance OP provide mope

a Do not exceed a” Adopted

“lewlng opportunltres and znc~ease “egetat~o” dzversxty “l5”al Guallty DbJective (“GO, OF Partxal Retentlo”

1” selected aPea5 (6223 > (02A ) ~0150 ) ~02A )

b FS system travel rm,ute* ape Sensltlvlty Level one

(6224 1 (WA >

=I ‘: s Dlsgersed

co ReCrMtlO” Management CA14 and 151

c Apply rehab~lltatlo” practzce5 where the above ObJectIves ape not currently being met

(6068 1 (WA )

d Manage “lsual ~eso”Pce5 “sing the above standanls I” accordance with FS,, 2380 and FSH 2309 16 through FSH 2309 25

(6225 I (02.4 b

01 Emphaslre se”r-prlmltl”e motorxred recreation .a DppOTt”“ltleS Increase opportunltles FOP prlmltlve road

spec,+y OFF-POad “ehrcle

motorlled b-all use restractzons based on ORV

Specrflc land aPea5 07 travel Pout=5 may be closed seasonally OP year-round For con,-

“se management CFSM 2355, R2 supp 88)

patxb~llty with ad,acen+ avea oanagement. to prevent (6083 ) (024 ) Pe5o”Pce damage. fOP econonlc PeaSOnS, to prevent con- fllcts Of usea and for use7 safety

(0152 ) (WA ,

02 Manage “se to allow lou to moderate contact uzth other groups and >ndr”rduals

(0238 ) (02A 1

a Maximum use and capacxty levels are

-Tra>l and camp encounters durzng peak “se days ape less than 30 other partzes per dag

-Trail and area-wide use capacity -_------_--------

ROS Class - Seml-Prrmltr”e Motorlred

----------------- “se Very Level

Moder- Hxgh LOW LOW ate



MANAGEMENT GEIlERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ___--------- ---.----------------- - _-_----- ____ -.----- _______-____________----------------------------

CONTINUATIm OF DlSpWSed ReCVeatlO” Management CA14 and 15)

03 P~ohlblt notorlzed vehzcle use (zncludlng 5”owmoblles) Off Forest sy*t;en roads and tra115 I” alp>“= Shrub and Krummholr ecosystems ~r.,hxbzt motorzred vehicle use of? Forest System roads and Walls (except snowmobrles operating on 5n.w) ~77 other alpxne. and other ecosystems. where needed to protect nolls, “egetat~o”. 07 5PeClal Wild- llFe habItat

(0154 ) (02A )

cl” Trails P.Krr/ mile 20 30 90 11 0 --_-_----_---_--- Area-wide PACT/ aCPe 004 008 05 OS __..-__--__-------

(6227PIl (WA )

b Increase the above “se level5

where necessary to pvovxde adequate access to aPea OP natural FeatuP=* that af+ord special or ““lque P~C- reatzon opportunltles

(6001PI) (02A )

c Reduce the above use level co- efflclents a5 necessary to l-e- fleet usable acPe5, patteP”5 Of user and general attractl”e”e55

of the specl+rc management area type as described I” the ROS Users Guide, Chapter 25

Redvce the above “se levels where unacceptable changes to the bzophyslcal P~SDUPC~S will OCCUP ~603DPI~ (02A )

04 Permit undesignated sites I” Frlssell conda’czon class 1 a Campa~te condxtzo” class based through 3 where unrestrzcted camping 15 permztted upon Frlssel, s s I Journal of

ccl174 ) <02* ) Fcnestry. Maq, 1978 (6278 ) ~02.4 )


MANAGEMENT GEWERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ---------..- ---.--------------_- --.-------- --___---____------------------------------------------------

CONTIN”ATIDN OF 05 Manage site use and accupanc~ to malntal" sztes wrth- DlSpeTSed I" F~lssell condlflo" class 3 except Par designated ReCre,StlD” sites which may be class 4 Close an* PeStoPe class 5 Management sites CA14 and 15) (0175 ) CCQA 1

Recreatlo” Management (Prrvate and Other PUbllC SeCtOl-) (6416)

Wlldllfe and Fish Re*o,,rce Management (ml,

Range Resource Management ~002)

Sll”ic”lt”ral PPesCrlptlonS (Em. 06 ?z 07,

06 Facllltles pvovlded Include development level 1 and 2 campgrounds. trazls suxtable For motorzred trallblke use> local roads ulth prmxtlve surface and parking lots at traz, heads Provzde slg","g compatible With ,"tended u*e

(0153 ) (02A )

01 Encourage development of prxvate sector recreatron orxented support *e~vxces

(0161 1 (02A )

01 Malntal" habitat capablllty for management xndxcator specxes

(0329 ) (024 )

01 Manage livestock dzstributzon and stocking rates to be compatible with recreatlo" use Locate structural lmpro"eme"ts to meet "lsual qua11tq ObJectrves

(0158 ) (02A )

01 Manage tree stands usxng both c.oml?e~c~al OP “oncommerc~al methods Enhance visual quality, dx"evs>tq and znsect and disease control

(01% J (02A )

02 Manage Forest COY~P types dsrng the Folloung harvest methods

- Clearcut r" aspen and lodgepole. - Shelterwood I" x"te~xo~ ponderosa pxne, mixed conrfer

and Engelma"" spruce-subalpine fir (0463 1 (024 )

a see FStl 2331. FSM 7732. FSH 7709 12 CTPallS l-h”dbOOk), FSH 7109 1*a and Ilb <sxgn HandboDk,

(6226 ) (02A )

a Malntal” capablllty at 70 percent 07 moPe of potent1a1 capablllty

(6183 1 ccc!* )

a Apply harvest treatments ta fm-est cover types as specrfzed below on at 1ea5.t 80 % of the forest cover type VP to 20 percent Of tile type may be treated "sing other harvest methuds *perxC~ed I" Forest DlFectlo"

C&O74 ) (02A )

b Sllvlc"lt"ral Standards


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS c ACTIVITIES DIRECTIC!N GUIDELINES ___________---- -----_-----------__- _-_-----_--_--_--_--------~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~--~--~

(These standards may be exceeded on areas managed For old gPr)wth)

1 Clearcut ------------------

Forest cover Type _-----------------

q theP FOPeSt

Lodgepole cover PI”=- **pen TYP=*


Rota- ‘Xl-140 m-120 100 07 tl0” Yr* yrs “DPe ha= llr* ------------------ Grow- SO-140 WA 60 to l”g 120 Stock Level ------------------ Thznnlng 10-X WA 10 to ClJCb llr* 50 yrs ------------------

2 Two-Step Shelterwood

------------------ FOPest Cover Tqpe


Engelmann Other Sp~UCe-sUb- Forest a1pxne 9x7. cover I”tePlDP Type* Ponderosa

Pine & MIxed CO”lfe7


Rota- 100-180 yrs 100 OP ,610” mOPe yP5 AL?= -----------------

Grovlng 60-160 m-120 Stock Level -----------------

Thznnxng 20-m VP5 20-30 yrs



CONTINUATION OF Sll”lC”lt”Pal Prescriptlo” (Em. 0.5 * 07)

Cycle __---_----------_ Fz~st Cut (Seed ci,t) Remove 40 to 70 percent of the basal al-e= OP

cut to BA 25-m SA 20-m __---_----_----_-

Second Cut (removal cut) Remove all overstory when regenerated stand meets minimum stacking standards


3 Three-Step SheltePwood

----------------- FOPeSt Cover Type


Englema”” SpT-UCe-SUb- Other alpIne far Forest I”teTlOT Cove? Ponderosa TYP=*

Pxne P, Nrxed CO”lFer


Rota- 100-180 yrs 100 or *lo” rnOPe yrs

*g= ------------------

GrDwlng m-lb0 m-120 Stack Level ------------_-----

Thlnnzng 20-m yrs 20-30 yrs Cycle ------------------

F1Pst cut <preparatory cut) Remove 10 to 40 percent of the basal al-ea OP cut to DA 60-80 BA SO-80 --------------_--

Second Cut (seed cut) Remove 40 to 50 percent OF the remalnlng basal area OP


MANC\GEMENT GEMRAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _____________-------------------- --- ------- -~-----________--_______________________~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~

CONTIN"ATI0N OF Sllvlcultural Prescrlptrons (E03, 06 & 07)

cut to DA 25-50 BA 20-50 10-20 yrs IO-20 IJP5 after pre- after PaPatory cut prepara-

tory cut _--__--__---_____

Thr~d Cut (removal cut) Remove all overstory when regenerated stand meets mln~mum stocking standards

Tb300pi)- -t~2n -)- - - - - - - -

03 Apply xnternedzate treatments to maxntaxn groung 5tock level standards

(0140 ) (02A )

04 Ut~lzze fIrewood materzal using both commerczal and noncommercxal methods

(0147 1 (02A )

05 For managenent purpose*> a cut-over aPea 15 considered an openzng ""trl such trme as

- Increased water gxeld drops below 50 percent of the potential znc~ease,

- Forage and/or browse pr.,ductxon drops below 40 percent 09 potent131 productlo",

- Deer and elk hldzng cover reaches 60 PePcent OF potent1a1.

- Minimum standards b" Forest cover type and ;xte prod"ctl;xty &e met. and

- The avea appears a* a go""g forest rather than a restocked openzng, and takes on the appearance of the adJOl"l"g charatterletlc landscape

(0500 , (02A )

a When the ">sual Buallty ObJectlve Of an avea 1s partial retention. the me- generated stand shall meet LIP exceed all of the followzng characterlstrcs befoPe a cut- DY~P area 15 no longer con*1der- ed an openzng


Forest Ml"lrn"rn Tree cover Stocking Height I, TYP* Level (% OF the

(Trees, adJace"t acre) mature stand

height) ---------__-_-_--

Inland 190 25 Ponderosa


Mzxed ConrPers 190 I 25


MANAGEMENT GEKRAL STANDARDS e ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ---------_-----_----------------- -- _-_----- _-----__________----____________________--------------------

CONTINVATIDN OF Lodgepole Sll"lc"lt"ral PI"= 150 25 Prescrlptlons (E03. 06 a 07) Engelmann

spruce - Sub- alpzne Fir 150 25

Aspen 300 25 ---------------_-

FLVe*% CTDUI" Dlstrl- cover ClO*"Te butlo" 2, TYP= CPercent,


Inland Po"derosa 30 70% PI"=

MlXed ConlFers 30

Lodgepole Pine 30

Engelmann SpP"C.- Subalpine 30 FIT




**pen 30 75% ----------------_

II Applies to trees specrfled a* rnl"lrn"rn stocking level

21 Percent Of plots OP transects that ape stocked

(6316 ) (02A )

Special use 01 PePmlt specral uses u,h~ch are complementary and compat- a Reference thr ROS ".=Ps Guide Management (NO" ible With the krnd and development level of the assoclat=d (6230 ) (02A ) -Recreatlo") FOP=S% Service facllrtles wzth2" the area (dOI) (0464 ) (02A )

Tranaportatlo" 01 Roads will not exceed deslg" guides speclfled I" FSM a Do not exceed an average systeln 7721 3 For local roads Management

open local road d=n*itv of Malntal" open local Toad5 at Maintenance Level 2

CL01 SI 20) 2 mlles/sq"are mile in fourth-

(0494 1 (02k ) order watershed*


NANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ----------_- ---_----__-------_______________ ---------------------------------------------~--------------

CONTINVATICN OF (6295 ) (02A b Transportatla" system Management (LO1 & 20)

Trazl system Management CL231

01 Malntal" exlstlng motorlred routes OP con*tr"ct new routes needed as pa,,% OF the transportatlo” sllstem Provide loop routes of one-half to one day’5 travel tzme vxth at least; one-ha19 the total route located wzthln the semz-przmxtzve motorlred ROS class and utlllzlng prlml%Ive local roads and/or trails suitable for motorlred trail blee travel

(016.4 , (0263 1

3 DO not exceed an average motor- xzed trail densxtg of 4 miles per 5qua~e mrle on Fourth-order watersheds

(6094 1 (02A )

b DO not exceed an average motor- xred trazl densztg of 2 miles per square mxle I” nonForested apea OF fo"Pth-‘?PdeP Watersheds

(6093 ) (WA 1



(Emphasis IS on rural and roaded-natural recreation opportunltles.)


General LIrrecr~" and Goals

Management em*hasls 15 for rural and roaded-natural recreation opportunltles notorlzed and nonmotorlzed recreation aCtlYlt=eS such as dr~v,ng far pleasure, newuxg scenery, pm,dm.g, fxhmg, snowmobllmg, sod cross-country sknng are possible ConventLard use of hxghway-type "ehlcles 15 pronded for I" deslg" and construction of facllltles notorlzed travel may be prohlblted or restrlsted to designated rO"te5, to protect physml and blaloglcal resources

"lSU51 resources are managed so that management aCtl"ltle5 malntaln or Improve the qnallry of recreatum appo=tu"=t~e* management act~v~txes are not evident, remain visually subordx,ate, or may dommant, but harmonize and blend with the natural Settl!Jg Landscape rehdnhtatmn 15 used to restore landscapes to a desKable "lsual qua1zty Enhancement ame* at lncreaslng pasrtrve elemeats of the landscape to mprove visual varrety LS also used

The harvest method by forest cover type 1s clearcutt~ng 1" aspen and lodgepole pm=, shelterwood I" xnter~r ponderasa pane, mixed con1ier and Englemann spruce-subalpine fir

The mmeral and energy resources aCtlYltl.eS are compatible With goals of tills management area *ub,ect to approprlare stlPulatlons as outlined 1" the genera1 Forest Dlrectlo"

c Manage “lsual Pe*o”Pces uszng the above standards I” accordance WlJch FSM 2380 and FSH 2307 16 through FSH 2309 25

(6225 ) COZB )

a Maxlm”m use and capacrtq levela ape

-n-a11 and camp e”CO”“teP5 d”Fl”g peak use day5 mag exceed 30 otheP parties pet- clay

-n-all and area-wide ilee capacltq __------____-----

ROS c1ae.e - Roaded Nat”Pal ---------_------- me “Vll rlodeP- High Level Low LOW ate -------------- --- O” Tralle PAOT/mlle - - - ___-----___-_---- Area-tilde Pm-r/acre 04 OS 12 25 ----------------

ROS c1aes - RUTal ----------------- “Se “et-y tb*el-- Level LOW Low ate High _-------___-_---- c!” Trarls PAOT,mrle - - - -----------------




__-________---- _----_--_--_--______ _----___________________________________-----------------------------

CONTIN”ATIOX OF Al-ea-Wlde Dispersed PAc!T/acre 5 8 50 75 ReCl-eatlO” ___--_-----------

Management (6269PI) (02B ) (Ai4 d”d 15)

b Increase the abave u*e levels where “eces5arq to pPO”lde adequate acces.5 to areas 07 natural Feat”PeS that afCord special OP ““lque Pet- reatlon OpPOPtUnltleS

~6001PI~ (028 )

c Reduce the above use level co- efflclents a5 necessary to l-e- Fleet “sable acPez.7 patterns Of u*e, and general attractiveness OF the specrFlc management aPea type a5 described I” tile ROS “sers Guide, Chapter 25

Reduce tile above use level5 WhePe unacceptable changes to the blophyslcal PesouPces Will OCCYP (6027PI) ~02B )

d Close local roads to publ1.c u*e Designate PoYte5 and aPea UlhlCh can be perlodlcally open- ed to - Gatherrng FlPeW0c.d - ylcrating o”eP5”ow “ehlcles (6328 1 CO28 >

02 PePmlt ““desrgnated sites I” Frlssell co”dltlo” class 1 through 3 where unrestricted canprng 15 permitted

(0174 1 <02s 1

03 Manage srr;e use and acc:upancy to malntal” sztes with- in ~r~ssell condit~m class 3 except for designated *xtes whrch Pay be class 4 Close and restore class 5 Site5 (0175 J (028 )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS L ACTIVITIES DlRECTION WIDELINES --------- -- -----------------_---~----------------.--~---------------------------------------------------

CONTINLIATICN OF Olspersed Recreatlo” Management CA14 and 15)

Recreatlo” Management CPPIVate and OttleT P”bllC sector> (Al61

Wlldllfe Habitat Improvement an.3 Maintenance cc02r 04. 05 and 06,

Range Rezource Management CDCQ)

01 Malntal” habItat Capabllltq fOP management ~“d~cator 5pecles

(0329 , (028 )

01 manage livestock dlstrrbutlo” and stochlng rates to be compatible with recreation “se Locate structural unprovements to meet “lsual qua11ty obJect~“e~

(0158 ) (02s )

a SpeclFlJ oPf-road “ehlcle restrictions based on OR” “se management (FSM 2355. R2 supp 88)

~6083 1 toan )

a nalntal” capabllitg at 60 percent of pDte”tlal capabllltq

(61e.b ) (02s ,




----------_- _____-__________---_.-----.-----.-----------~------------------------------------------------

Sll”ic”lt”ra1 01 Manage tree stands “sing both conmerclal OP Prescrlptlons “oncommerclal methods cm31 06 e 071

Enhance vzsual qualrtg, drversity and Insect and disease control

co159 1 (028 i

- Shelterwood I” lnterlor ponderosa p>ne, mixed co”lFer forest cove7 tgpe up to

and Engelmann spruce-subalpine Fxr 20 percent oe the type may be

~04.53 ) treated "sing .theP harvest

(02s ) methods *peclFled I" Forest DlTeCtlD"

(6074 ) (0211 )

b Sllvlcultural Standards (These standards may be exceeded

on aPea5 managed For Old growth)

1 ,Clearc”t ------------------

Forest Cover -igpe

Other FoPe5.t

Lodgepole cover PL"e- Aspen TYP=S

90-140 so-120 100 or urs qr* moPe

llra ----------_____

so-140 NlCI 60 to 120

Level ----_-------_----_

Thlnnlng 10-50 NIA 10 to cycle tlrs 50 yrs _---_--_-_--______

2 Two-step Shelterwood ------------______

Forest Cover Type _-----------_____

Engelma"" Other




CCNTIN”ATION OF spruce-sub- FoPeSt Sllvlcultural alpIne Fll-. cover PTeSCrlptlO”5 IntePlOr TYP- CEO% 06 & 07) Ponderosa

Pine L Mixed CD”lfeP


Rota- 100-180 yrs 100 OP tlon mOPe yrs

Age __---------------

GTOWl”g 60-160 60-120 Stock Level -----------------

Thlnnlng 20-30 BP5 20-30 yrs Cycle _----------------

First cut (seed cut> Remove 40 to 70 percent OF the basal aPea OP

cut to BA 25-60 B.4 20-60 __---------------

Second CUt (removal c”t> Remove all overstory when regenerated Stand meets rnl”lrn”rn stocking standards


3 Three-step Shelterwood

Forest cover Type __---------------

E”glellla”” Spruce-sub- Other a1pzne fir Forest IntePlOP cover Ponderosa Types

Pane & Mixed ConlFer


Rota- 100-180 yrs 100 OP *IO” more UP5

Age -----------------_




_---___--_----- _-------__----__-._-.--~----- ___________----_--------------------------------------------

CONTIN!JATIOU OF GTWl”g bO-160 60-120 SIl”lc”ltural Stock Pl-eF,CTlptl.3”5 Level (E03. 06 3 071 ------------------

Thlnnlng 20-30 20-30 yrs VI-5 Cycle ------------------

F1PSJc cut CpPepaPatoFy cut> ReEllOVe 10 40 OF to percent the basal aPea OP cut 60-80 I(A 50-80 to BA -----------------

Second cut (seed cut> Remove Of 40 to 50 percent the remalnlng basal aPea OP

03 Apply Internedlate treatments to malntal” growing stock level standards

(0140 ) (028 )

cut to B/4 25-50 BA 20-50 IO-20 yrs IO-20 yP5 after ppe- after PaPataPy C”t prepara-

tory cut ----------_---_--

Third CUt (removal cut1 Remove all overstory when regenerate.3 stand meets rnl”lrn”rn 5tockl”g standaT*

T6300pI)- -(OZE -)- - - - - -- -

04 Utlllre Firewood material vs>ng both c:ommercial and no”crxnmerclal nethods

co147 ) (02” )


Engelma”” spruce - Sub- aipzne flP 150 25

&pe” 300 25 -----------------

Forest crown olstrl- cover ClOs”Te butlo” 2, Type (Percent)


I”ia”d Ponderosa 30 70% Pine

MIxed ConlFers 30 75%



MANACEMENT CENEHAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION CVIDELINES -_-I_______----___--------------------------- _----_-____-------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATlDN OF SIl”ic”lt”ral PTE.CTlptlD”S CE03. 0.5 c 07)

i?e*orestatron CEO41

Special use

k Management (Non -Recreation>

!!z (401,

Transportation S”~tZ37i Management CL01 8z 20)

TPall S”StWll Management (Lx+)

01 Manage public us.= Of roads wrth te:h”lq”ee such as. seasonal closure. tzme OF day closures. etc

(0128 I (028 I

a , Reference the ROS “S.P5 Ourde

(6230 ) (028 )

On all nonforested areas, rLorlred trail and local road density 15 not to exceed 4 miles per square mile

(6270 ) (028 )



(Emphasis 15 o@. semlprlmlrlve oonmororlzed recreatwn m roaded or nonroaded areas )





I; Dispersed

o\ Recreation Management CA14 an* 15)

01 Emphaslie Senl-pPlmltlYe nonmotorlred PecPeatlo” OppOTt""ltle* SpeClflC Iand area5 OP tPa”el Poutes may be opened seasonally and With SpecIPlc a”thoPxzatlOn to accomplish re*o”Pce management aCtlYltle* The a~ea 15 never open for notOP:zed PeCPeatlOn actlvztles

~OOIOPI~ (0% )

02 Manage "5-2 to allow 1ow to moderate contact With *the? groups and lndlvlduals

(0238 ) (Ox+ )

DO not exceed an Adopted h*ual Guallty ObJective (“GO) Of PaPtlal Retention

(6223 ) (0% )

b FS system travel routes ape Sensltlvlty Level one

(6224 ) (03A )

c *pply I-ehabllltatlo” pract,cea where the above ObJectlves eve not currently being meE

(6068 ) (03.4 )

d Manage “lsual Pe5o”Pces usrng the above standards rn accordance With FSM 2380 and FSH 2309 I6 thraugh FSH 2309 25

(6225 ) (03A )

a Prohrblt OP restrzct motorlled “ehlcle use CR:! FSH 2309 26)

(6228 ) (03A )

a Maxlmvm u*e and CapecIty -Trail and camp encounters

dYPl”g pea!4 use day5 are less than 30 other part>=* per day

-Tra>l and area-wzde use capacxty


ROS Class - Seml-Prlmlt,“e No”m0tarlze*


Use “WY Moder- High !-=“=I LOU LOW ate -----------------

on malls PAOT/ mlle 20 30 90 11 0



__-------__--_- --_-----_ -_--_---_- __--------------------

CONTINUATICN OF Dispersed ReCreatl-3” Management (A14 and 15)


*rea-wlde PAOT, ac7.e 004 008 05 OS ___-------------_

(637BPI) (033 )

b Increase the above use level* where necessary to provide adequate acces* to areas 0, natural features that afford *peclal ov ““lque rec- reat1on opportunltlea

~6001PI > (03A )

c Reduce the above use level co- e+flcle”t* as necessary to 7e- elect Yeable acPes, patterns Of Use, and genera1 attractiveness OF the speclFlc management area type es described I” the ROS users Guide. Chapter 25

Redvce the above v5e level* where ““acceptable changes to the blDphy*lcal Peso”Pce* Will DCCUP (6027PI) (0x4 )

03 Provide facrlitles sllch a* foot and tlor*e tra11s. Elngle see FSM 2331. FSM 7732. lane local l”tePllttent roe** with prlmltlve surFace used a* ;SH 7709 12 CTrax15 tTa11s.J developnent level 1 an* 2 campgrounds. and Handbook). FSH ,109 11a necessary signing and lib (Slg” Handbook)

(0394 ) (03A ) (6226 ) (03A )

04 manage 51te use and occupancy to mal”tax” *It=5 With- I,, ~rzsse~~ condition clas;s 3 except for designated *rte* WhlCh may be cl=** 4 Close an* PeStoPe cl=** 5

51te5 CO175 ) (03k )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS ?Y ACTIVITIES DIRECTICN G!JIDELINES ----L---- -----------------------.---.------- --__-_--__-______-______________________--------------------

Recreatlo” Management (Private and Other Public sector> (*lb)

01 Encouraqe development of pPl"ate sector recreatlcc" oriented support 5eT"Ices

(0161 > (03A )

Wildlife and Fish Resource Pla”agf?M”t (COl)

Wlldlxfe Habitat Improvement and Maintenance (CO28 04, 05 and 06,

u H A ii

Range Resource Management (002)

Sll”lc!Jltural Prescrlptlons CEO% 06 a, 07)

01 Malntaln habztat capabrlrty For management rndlcator species

(0329 1 (03A )

01 Mazntaln wildlife habltat eF+ect~veness Permanent openings may be employed Reduce disturbance to WlldlrFe so that "0 slgnlflcant long-term negatxve wlldllfe effects result

(0155 1 (03A 1

02 PPoYlde deer an* e1t Co"eP (0612 ) (03A 1

01 Manage livestock dlstrlbutlo” and stocking Pate5 to be compatible wrth PeCPeatlO” “s.e Locate structural lmpro”ements to ineet “lsual qualrty 0bJectl”E.s

(0158 ) (03A )

01 Planage tree stands "sing tlotll comnerclal OP "oncommerclal methods Enhance "lsual q"aIlty. dlverslty an* Insect and dxsease control

(0159 , (03A #

02 Manage soreat CoveP types usrng the fallowing harvest methods

- Clearcut in aspen and lodgepole,

- SheltePWood I” l”tePloP ponderosa pzne, mIxed Conifer

and Engelma”” spruce-svbalplne F1P

(0463 , (03k 1

a Malntal" capablllty at 70 percent 07 rnDP.? Of potent1a1 capab~llty

(6183 1 (03A J

a Apply llarve*t treatments to Forest COVeP type* a5 *peclfled below on at ieast 80 % of the forest Co"=? type up to 20 percent Of the type may be treated u*;lng other haP"eSt methods SpeclFled rn FoFest Dlrectlo"

(6074 1 (03A )

b SIl"lc"lt"ra1 Standards (These standards may be exceeded

on area* managed ear Old gPOYth)


MANACEMENT GENERPL STANDARDS s, ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELlNES ---------._----_--------------~--- -__-_--_________________________________-------------------------------

CONTINUATIOU OF 1 Clearcut Sll”lC”lt”Tal ------------------ PlYSCTlptlO”S Forest cover Type (Em. 06 & 07) ------------------

mtler FOPeSt

Lodgepole cover Pine- ASpen TYPes


Rota- W-140 80-120 100 OP tl0” vs YPS mOPe Age YPS ------------------

Grou- 80-140 WA 60 to In9 120 Stock Level ------------------

Thlnnlng IO-50 N/A 10 to Cycle llrs 50 yrs __-_--__------_--_

2 Two-Step Shelterwood ------------------

Forest cover Type -----------------

E”gelGla”” Other spruce-sub- Forest alpIne Fir. cover I”teFlOF TYP- Ponderosa

Pine & MIxed ConlFer


Rota- 100-180 yrs 100 OP tlon rno7.e yrs Age ----------------_

J?rowl”g 60-160 ‘O-120 Stock Level --------------__-

Thlnnlng m-30 yrs 20-30 yP6 Cycle -----------------

FLY-St cut (Seed cut>


MANAGEMENT GEP’ERCIL STANDARDS b ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES ---------------------------------.------------.-----------------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF Remove 40 to 70 percent OP the Sllvlcultural basal aPea OP PW5CrLptlO”S CE03. 06 * 07, cut to BA 25-m DA 20-m


Second c!Jt cremoval cut) Remove all overstory when PegenePated stand meet* rnl”lrn”rn 5tockl”g ltandards


3 Three-step Shelterwood ------------_____

Forest cover Type ---------------_-

Eng lenIan” Spruce-sub- other alpIne fxr Forest I”tW-107 cover PO”deTOsa TYP=s

Pine & MIxed CO”lFer


Rota- 100-180 yrs 100 or tlon more yl-* Age -----------_-----_

Growing 60-160 b0-120 Stock Level

Thl”“l”9 20-30 yrs 20-30 VP5 Cycle ----------________

First cut (preparatory cut, Remove 10 to 40 percent of the basal area OP cut to BA m-m BP, 50-80 ------___-----___

Second C”t (seed C”t) Remove 40 to 50 percent OF the remalnlng basal aPea OP

C”t to EA 25-50 DA 20-50 10-20 yrs 10-20 yrs after pve- aft=?




CONTINUATIC’ OF Sll”lc”ltural

paratory cut

Prescrlptzons ---------___

(Em. 06 & 07) Thx~d Cut (removal cut)

prepara- tory cut -----

Remove al1 0"ePStul.y when regenerated stand meets rnl"lrn"rn 5tOCkl"g standards

T630ijpi)- -(03cI -)- - - - - - - -

- Ml”lrn”nl StoCblng standards by io?“est CO”=7 type and 51te pPo*“CtlYlty ape met. and

- The area appears as a young forest rather than a PeStocked opening. an* tave. on the appearance Of the adJolnl”g characterlstrc

a When the “zsual Ouallty ObJectlve Of an apea 15 partIe retention. the Fe- generated stand shall meet OP exceed a11 Of the FolloWlng characterlstlcs beFore a cut- DVeP aPea 15 “0 longer consrder- ed an opening


FLIPBet M~“lrlwrn Tree Cover Stocking Height 1, TYP= LeYel CT! OF the

(Trees., adJace”t aCPes mature stand

height) ---_--------_____

Inland 1% 25 PO”deTOSa


Mixed Cmlfers 190 25

Lodgepole Pl”e 150 25



CONTINVATICV OF Sll”lC”ltWal PlVSC?lptlOll~ CEO31 06 I, 07)



Engelmann SpPUCe - Sub- a1pzne fxr 150 25

Aspen 300 25 ---------_---____

Forest CFOU” Dlstrl- cove7 ClO*“Te butlo” 2, TYP= (Percent)


IDland Ponderosa 30 70% Pxne

MIxed conifers 30 75%

Lodgepole PI”= 30 75%

Engelmann spruce- Subalpine 30 75%


AS&IO” 30 75% --_--------------

II Applres to trees speclfled a5 ml”lm”m 5tocklng Ieve

2, Pet-cent of plots OP tPa”SeCtS that al-e stocked

(6316 1 (03A ,

ReFOPe5tatlon CE04)

01 “se wee5 Of the best genetic qualitq avallatle !dlxcil al-e adapted to the p1ant1ng 51te dhen 5”pplemental planting (Reference FSM 2475)

(0141 ) co3* )

wateT. Resource 01 Permanent openrngs mag be employed to enhsnce Im!Jro"ement and water pTod"ctlo" Mal"tWla"Ce (0497 ) (0% ) CFO5 and 06)




Special use Management (ten -ReCreatlO”, (JOi)

Local Road Constructlo” and Reco”str”ctlon (Lll. 12, e, 13)

01 PertlIlt specxa1 use5 WhlCh ape camp1ementary and compatible with the obJectr"es Of the management al-e= and WhlCh do not change the ROS clas5~f~cat~on

'0395 I (03A )

02 Permit specral use5 WhlCh ape corplementarg and compat- a Reference the ROS USBPS CYlde ible with the krnd and *eve1opnent level OF the aseocleted (6230 ) co3* ) FoPe5t serv>ce facrlrtles Wlthln the avea

(0464 ) (03A )

01 Local Poads may be constructed for non-recreatzon plmpo5e5

Close local roads to publrc "OtoPlzed user and prohlblt Off-road "ehlcle (OR") use

Malntal" local roads to Level 1 during periods when acce55 FEP PesouPce "tzllzatlon 1s not required

(03% ) (03A 1



(Emphasm 1s an habitat for management md~cator qecxes )


General D~rectux. and Goals

Management emphasis LS on the habxtat needs of one or more msnagement md~cator apec~es Species with comparlble hablrat needs are selected for an area The go.91 15 to oprlmlze hdntat capablllty, and thus numbers of the specxs The prescrl.pt1on can be applied to emphasize groups Of species, such as early SncceSSlon dependent or late S”CCeSS*On dependent, In order to Lncrease species richness or dlverslty

Vegetatmn charscterlstlcs and human aCtiYltl.3 are managed co pron’ie Optlmnn! hablrat for ihe selected specxs, IJr to meet populatmn goals ,amt1y agreed to with the state Fx4l and Wlldllc? agencL?s Tree stands are managed for Epeclflc size, shape, Interspersm”, crow* closure, age, structure, and edge co*t.rast Grass, t-orb, and browse “egetatL.a” characterLstlcs are regulated Rangeland vegetatron IS managed to provide needed vegetatmn species composltlon and mterspersed grass, for-b, and shrub SltxS or varlery I” age of browse plants

Recreation and other human activities are regulated to favor the needs of the desqnated speces Roaded-natural recreatm” opportnnltles are pronded along Forest artena1 and collector roads Local roads and treds are ather open or closed to public motorized irave Semzprm~t~ve motormed re~reatmn opporturut~es are provuled on those local roads and traxls that remam open, semqrumt~ve nomotar~zed opportunlrles are provided on those that are closed A full range of tree harvest investments I” other compatible resource uses may occur but Will be secondary to habltar requirements Management aCtl”ltleS may dominate I” foreground and mlddlegrou”d, but harmonize and blend with the natural settmg

The mmeral and energy rcsou-ces act~v~tws are compatdle with goals of thus management area subject to approprxate stqulatmns as outlined In the genera1 Forest Dlrectlon



ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _ _----------_ ______ -_--_ .____ __~_~~__--------------_.___-------_--------- _--------

“xsual RPS~“PC~ 01 Deslg” al.2 lnplement management aCtl”ltleQ to Management blend With the natural landscape CAO4) (0332 I to4n b

DO not exceed an Adopted

Of modlflcatlon (6267 ) (048 )

Dl*peTsed 01 Manage human recreatrona1 actlvltles 5.0 they ReCPeatlD” do not conflict with habitat needs Of selected IndlCatoP Management SpeCle5 (Ai4 and 15) (0343 ) (04D )

02 Semr-prxnztzve “onmotor~zed. semx-prlmrtlve motorrred. roaded nature1 and rural recreation

a Maximum use and capacity Levels ape


Recreatlo” use and capacltq range during the snow+ree perxod (PAOTlacre)


Trail lrE.e and capaczty range (PA!,Tlm~le o,= ball)

______________--_----------------- capacztll Range

"Se "WY MOdeT- Level LOU LOU ate High __--___---------_ ~----__-----_--_--

ROS Class - Seml-Prlmltlve Nonmotorlled


On Trazls PAOT/mlle 2 0 3 0 9 0 11 0 -----_------_-----

ATea-LUide PAOT/acre 004 008 05 08 ---------------I--

ROS Class - Semr-Prlmltlve Motorized


On Trails PA0T/m1le 2 0 3 0 9 0 110 -----..._---------_-

Area-wxde PAOT/acre 004 008 05 OS




------------ -----c-----------_---~--.----------~-----------~---------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF ------------------

Dispersed Recreation ROS Class - Roaded Natural Management _-------------_--

(A14 and 15) On Trails PAOTlmlle - - - - -----------------

Area-wide PAOT,ac?e 04 OS 12 25 -----------------

ROS cl=55 - Rural -----------------

On Trails PACTlmxle - - - - -----------------

Area-wide PAOTlacre 5 s 50 75 ---__--__---__--_

~6402PI~ (0-m )

b Increase the above use levels where necessarg to provr*e adequate

,acce55 to area5 DP “at”731 Feat”PeS that afford special OP unxque Pet- Teatlo” opportunltles

~6OOlPI~ ~048 )

c Reduce the above use level co- eFFlclents a5 necessary to reflect usable acPes, patterns OF Llses an* genera1 attractiveness Of the SDPCIF1C mana.e,nent area *“De as dbscrrbed zn ;he RDS Users’burde. Chapter 25


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ---_____-.----- _----------_______ --_-_----- --_-------__-----_-----~------------------------------------

CONTIN”AT104 OF see FSM 2331, FSM 7732. Dispersed ;SH 7709 12 (Trazls Recreation Handbook). FSH ,109 Ila Ma”ageM”t an.3 Ilb cs1gn Handbook) t/+14 and 15) (6226 1 (04s )



CONTINVATIC?4 OF 02 Empha-als on Epecles commoniy hunted. fIshed. DP Wlldllfe and trapped Will Follow species priorities established FlSh Resource by states Management CO338 ) (048 1 (CO1)

Wlldllfe 01 nalntaln hIdIng CDYFT f0-r e1!i and dee7. WheTe pl-e5ent Hab xtat (0341 , (048 I Improvement and Mal7ltena”Ce cco2. 04, 05 and 061

a Malntaln at least 90 percent of the habItat needed to support the state pDpulatr0” goais For each species

(6260 I (WE )

b I” dlversltq ““its dominated by forested ecosystems. malntaln a rnl”lrnUrn OF 50 percent of the dlversltg unzt I” deer OP elk IlldIng co”eP Thrs hxd~ng CD”=? should be well dlstrlbuted O”BP the ““It Malntaln 30 percent OF the dlversltq un,t rn the-mlal Co”eP cWl”teP DP sprrng-summer1 Hldlng cover can be used to meet thermal COVSP requirements IF tlleg Indeed colnclde biolog- lcally (6334 ) (04B )

c In eorested areas oe a unrt. 15 percent OP mare should be I” old grDwth habitat

~6OlWI~ CCMB )

a marntal” at least so per- cent habItat effectiveness

(6250 ) ~04s )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ----------.----_-----------------.-- ---_-----_-__--_-_______________________-----------------------------

b Sllvlcultural Standards (These standards may be

exceeded on aPea5 managed For Old gPoWth>

1 Clearcut

------------------ Forest cover Type


Engelma”” spruce- ~“b~lp~“~ Other fir and FOPeSt Lodgepole CO”-7 PI”=- Aspen Types


Rota- 90-140 so-120 100 OP t1on llrs yPs rnDPe me llrs -------------_----

‘ro,v- 60-160 NIA 60 to 1ng 120 Stock Level

Th~nnzng 10-50 WA 10 to Cycle YP5 50 qrs ------------------

2 Two-Step Shelterwood

----------------__ Forest Cover Tt,pe


Interior Other Ponderosa Forest Pine & Cove?


MANAGEMENT GENEHAL STANDARDS & ACTI’VITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES __-_______ ---- _-__------------- ____-_--____._-_____---------------------------------------- ------------

CONTINUATION OF Mixed ConrFer TYP=s sIl”lc”ltura1 _---------------- l+eSCTlptlO”S Rota- lOG-160 lJrs 100 DP CE03. 06 & 07) tlo” mOPe yrs

A#= _----_----------- Growing a-1.50 ‘O-120 Stock Le”el _---------------- Thlnnrng 20-30 yrs m-30 grs Cycle _----------------

F,ret cut (Seed cut) Remove 40 to 70 percent OF the basal aPea OP

cut to II* 25-60 nn 2D-60 _----_-----------

SK,O”d cut ~relnoval cut> Remove a11 overstorg when regenerated stand meets nll”lrn”rn stocking standards


3 Thpee-Step Shelterwood

_---------------- Forest Cover Type


Interior P0ncier0sa other Pxne e Forest rllxed covm Conifer TY!J=s


Rota- 100-160 ljrs 100 07 tlo” more yrs A#= _---__------------

Growing &a-i60 m-120 Stock Level _---__------------

Thl”“l”g m-30 VP9 xi-30 VI-5 Cycle _---__---_----_---


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES --------- ------ -------------__-_ -_ -_-____ _- ______________---_--____________________-----------------

CONTINVATICN OF S~l”lC”ltU~=l PPeSCPIptlO”S CE03. 06 b 07)

First cut (preparatory cut> Remove 10 to 40 pePcent OF the basal aPea OP

cut to BA &O-SO BA so-so ------------_----_

Second C”t (seed cut) Remove 40 to 50 eercent Of the remalnrng

cut to

basal avea OP

DA 25-50 BCI 20-50 IO-20 IJP5 IO-20 yvs a+tev pre- a*te?” paretory cut p?-epara-

torg cut -----------------

Thrrd Cut <removal cut) Remove a11 overstorq when regenerated stand meets rnl”lrn”rn stockl”g standards


4 SeleCtlO”

----------------- FOPest cover Type


Engelma”” Other SpT”Ce- FOTPst CUbalpl”e CDVeP f>P TYP=~

iYe;la”al-Bz - zo=1ao- - - 80=120- -------_---____-_

CYttrng Cycle 20-30 yrs 20-40 !jrs

Tb023Pi)- -to4n -)- - - - - - - -




CONTItwATIcm OF 05 For management purposes, a CUt-OVeP a7ea 16 Sllvlcultural considered an opening until such time as Prescrlpflons (Elm. 06 ? 07) - Increased water yield drops below 50

percent Of the potent1a1 InCPeaSer - Forage and/or browse productlo” drops

below $0 percent Of potent1a1 productlo”. - Deer and elk hxdxng cover reaches 60

percent of potent1a1. - Ml"lrn"rn stocking standarda by forest

COVeP type and srte productlvlty ape met. and

- The area appeavs a5 a young forest rather than a restocked opening. and takes on the appearance Of the adJolnl"g characterrstlc landscape

~0500 ) (0x3 )

a When the "zsval Oualztq ObJectlve OF a" al-e= 15 modrfl- catlo" OP maximum modl*lcatlonr the regenerated stand shall meet OP exceed a11 of: tne Following characterlstlcs before a cut- OYeP aPea 15 no longer co"5ldePed an openzng


Forest Ml"lm"m Tree cover Stockzng Stand

Type !-eve1 Height (Treea, c+t ) I/

acre) - -------------- -

Inland PO”derO5a Pine 190 b



-_----- _----_----____._____~~~~~~~~~-~~~---~~--~~~~-~~----~~~~~~~~~~-~~- ------_

CONTINUATIOU OF Pl”e 30 75% Sll”rc!Jltural PTe5CTlptlO”5 Engelma”” (E03. 06 ?r 07) spruce-

Subalpine fir 30 75%

Aspen 30 75% _---_________----

1, Applies to trees speclfled =5 mxn~mum stocking level

2, PePcent Of plots ov tPa"- sects that ape Stocked

(6014 ) (04B )

ReFO7.2StatlO” (E04)



F Tran5portatlon

w System Ma”agWe”t CL01 a 20)

Fuel Tl-eatnent (i-11 thPU 14)

Range Resource Planagement (002)

01 use trees of the best genetic quality available UlhlCh ape adapted to the plantzng srte ijhen supplemental pla"tlng (Reference FSM 2475)

(0141 ) (048 )

01 Planage road use to provz*e fDP habItat needs Of management lndlcator spec>es, lncludrng road closures and al-e= closures. and to nalntal” habItat effectiveness

(0342 1 (04B J

01 rlalntaz” fuel cond~trons WhlCh permit fire suppresslo” an* prescribed fire to malntaln habitat needed fOP selected species OT) specxes popvlatlo” levels

(0344 ) (048 )

01 Prescribe llvestoch grazxng s(15tems to achieve ObJectrves for nanagement Indicator species

(0043PI) (048 )

02 Apply UlrldlzFe and livestock forage allowable u5.e guides speclfled in Forest Directlo” Modify 50 needs of nanagenent xndrcator species are met

(0415 ) (048 )

03 Structural range lmLlro”eme”t should be designed to benefit wlldlIf; and' livestock

(0416 ) (04B )


a Structural rmpravements Will not adversly affect big game movement CFSH 2209 22,

(6247 1 (040 )



(Emphasn IS on aspen management 1


Genera1 Ihrectmn and Goals

Management emphasis IS on mamtaxn~.g and mprov~ng aspen sttes managed to produce wlldllfe habitat, wood prOduCtS,

Other tree species, If present, are de-ernphaslzed "lsual qualILy, and plant and anbllal dlverslq

Aspen IS

On larger areas, a varwty of aspen stand ages, sizes, shapes, Aspen clones are malntalned

treatments are applied and mterspersmn are malntalned

Even-aged management 1s practiced and IS achieved by c1earcuttmg Both comerclal and noncomerclal

"arylng the 5172. age, shape and mrerspers1on Of lndlvldual stands Dlverslty ob,ectl"es are achieved by

domlnanr, but hanwxnze and blend wxth the natural setr~ng Management actlvltles In foreground and mlddleground are

Indlvldual treatments generally are smaller than 40 acres

Recreatmnal available are sem~prmnt~ve nomotor~zed and mator~zed or roaded natural some temporary or seasonal roe.* and area use reStrICtlo*S are implemented to prevent disturbance Of wlldllfe or unprove huntmg and flshlng quality


MANACEMENT GENEWL STANDARDS & ACTIVlTIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ------_--._-_---_-----------------~- _-_-----__----_------------------------------------------------------

Dlverslty on NatIonal Forests and National Grasslands


“l5lml Resource Management (A04)

Management OF De"CZlOped Recreation sztes (A08. 09. 11 &



I Dispersed

c Recreatlo"

Ln Management (A14 and 15)

Wlldllfe a”d FlSh Resource Management (001)

01 Malntal” aspen clones (0422 ) (040 )

01 “al-y location oe treated clones to malntal” natural-appearrng dlversltg I” age classes

(0425 ) (040 >

02 Emphaslle aspen "lewlng aPea5 (0427 1 (040 I

01 Prohlblt developmelt Of new developed recreation sztes

(0412 ) (04D )

01 Prohlblt motorized “ehrcle use OFF Forest system roads and trax1s <except snowmobiles operating on snow) where needed to protect *0x15, vegetatzon DP speclfled wlldllfe habItat

(0044PIl (04D ,

01 Manage fog habItat needs of management xndzcator specres

(0340 ) (040 1

02 Mazntaan habitat effectrveness for elk (0419 ) (04D I

Do not exceed an Adopted

OF mod>fxcatlon (6267 I (040 )

a Plazntal” bxg game hzdlng CoYeP next to aspen “lewlng areas, and along the edge of arterial and collector roads

(6254 , (04D )

b rlalntal” hablat capa- bllltg at a level at 1eas.t 70 percent Of potent,a1 cap- abllxtg +or aspen dependent and bzg game speczes

(6262 ) (040 )

a Malntaln at least 80 per- cent habitat efFectl”enes*

(6250 ) (040 )




---_----- ----- _-----___________ __-__-_--_~.__---______________________--------------------------------

CONTIN”ATIO>J OF 03 Halnta," standzng dead trees a WxldlxFe and 10490 i (040 )

Provide snags needed to

F16h Hesource malntaln habItat capab~llty

Management for Cavity dependent wlldirfe

(CO1 1 at 80 percent OP mOPe Of potentza1

(6251 1 (040 ,

04 Malntal" aspen dominance on determinate and zndetermlnate sxtes

(0421 1 (040 )

Range Resource 0, Protect aspen regeneratron Management (0423 ) (040 ) (002,

02 Malntal" Falr OP better range condltlons (0417 ) (040 )

Sll"lc"lt"ra1 01 PTe*CTlptlD"*

Manage aspen Forest cover type to perpetuate

=1 aspen uszng even-aged sllvzculture

(E03. 06 8 07) (0428 ) (040 )


:: m

02 "tlllle flrevood material "sing both commercxa1 and "oncommerclal methods

(0147 ) (040 )


a Silvlcultural StandaPds (These standards mag be

exceeded on apeas managed for old growth>

1 Clea~cut (Stand OP Clone) ----------------_

Forest Cover Type ------_-------- --

ASpe" -----_-----_--___

Rotatlo" =g= 80-120 yrs

Thrnnlng CLJClS N/A --------------__

2 Llmlt lndlvldual regeneratzon acPe* to 40 acre maxlm"m or the SIT= OF a clone. whrch- eve7 15 smaller

(6258 ) (040 >

MANAGmlENT CENERN STANDARDS b ACTIVITIES DIRECTION CVIDELINES ----------.---------------------- --- -_-----_--__-_--_---------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF 03 For manage.,ent purposes. a cut-over area 15 Sll"lc"lt"ra1 considered a" openzng unfzl such time as Prescrlptlons (E03, 06 e 071 - Increased "mte~ gleld drop* below 50

percent OF the potent1.2.1 I"CPea**r - Forage and/or browse productlo" drop*

below 40 percent OF potentzal productlo", - Deer and elk hzdlng COV*P reaches 60

percent Of potent1a1. - Mlnlmun stockxng standapds by eorest

cover t,,,,e and site productlvlty a,'* met. and

- The aPea appears as a young foPe*t rather than a restocked opening, and takes 0" the appearance OF the adJox"lng characterlstlc landsca,,e

(0500 ) (040 )

a When the "1SLml Ouallty Objective OF a" area 1s modzfx- catlo" 07 ma~zmum modlelcatlo", the regenerated stand shall meet OP exceed all of the Following characterlstlcs Lte+are a C"t- over area x.5 no longer consIdered an opening


Forest "l"lClUlOl Tree CO"=? Stockzng Stand

TYP= Level Height (Trees, c*t ) 1,

acre> _----------_--- -

Inland Ponderosa Pine 190 6

MIxed Conifers 190 6

Lodgepole Pine 150 6

Engelman" spruce- Subalpine flP 150 ‘

ASP==" 300 6 ------------_---- F.X"e*t CVWtl" cover ClO*LP* Dlstrl- TYP= (Percent) bUtlo" 21 ---------__------

Inland Ponderosa PI"= 30 70%

MIxed ConlFers 30 75%





____----_____-____________________ --_-______ __---_----______________________________--------------------

CONTINUATIoN OF Sll"lc"ltura1

Pl"e 30

Prescrlptlons (E03, 06 % 07)

Engelma"" Spruce- SubalpIne ex* 30



75% Aspen 30 -------__------__

1, Applies to trees speclfred as rnl"lrn"rn stocking level

2, PePcent Of plots OP ban- sects that a,-= stocked

(6014 ) (04D )

Fuel Treatcent 01 (t-11 thPU 14)

Apply P,**cPlbed burning to regenerate as,,*" and to a beneFlt wlldlzFe

Allow aspen regeneratzon

=I (0433 ) (040 >

to OCCVP naturally (6636 ) (040 )

7 02 Deslg" fueluood c"ttl"g "nit boundarxes

!z that do not CPOPS adJacen% aspen clone

co boundaries (0482 ) C04D )

03 Protect snags during fuelwood cvttxng and prescribed bvrnrng

(0483 ) (040 )



(Emphasis IS on hg game winter range.)


General Dlrectlo” and Goals

Management emphasis IS on forage and cover on wu,fer ranges Wmrer hahtat for deer, elk, b&,ors sheep, and monntaln goats 1s emphasized Treatments to increase forage productm” or to create and mamtam thermal and hdmg cover for bq game are a&led Tree stand treatments can be clearcut, shelterwood, smg1e tree se1ectmn or group selectlo* Comerc~~l sod noncomerc~~l stand treatme*t* occur Speclflc cover-opening ratms, and stand desxgns are mamtamed Treatments to grass, forb, browse, aad “oncomerclal tree s~?Cles include seedmg, planting, spraying, '""rn~ng, falhng and mechanical cho~~~n~ or crushing A variety of browse age classes are malntamed. Co"rln"ous forest COYer IS marntalned on some sites

New mad5 other than short-term temporary roads are located outside of the management area Short term roads are obllterared withy" one season after lnrended use Ex~stmg local roads are closed and new motorned recreate"" use IS managed to ,,reve"r unacceptable StTeSS on kg game anma1s durmg the prmary big game use season

me mInera and energy resources aCtl"ltleS are compatible "lrh goals of this management area SubJect to appraprL3te srlpularlons as outlined 1" the genera1 Forest hrectmn


MC\NAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ----------------.---------------- --- --------.-_--_--___-------------------------------------------------

“1s”al RESOUPC. Management (AO4)

Management of Developed Recreatle" sztes (*OS, 09, 11 &


D1.spersed Recveatzo" Management (A14 and 15)

01 Design and Implement managament actlvltzes to blend wxth the natvral landscape

(0332 ) (058 )

01 Deslg”. construct and operate only those developed sxtes which are needed to neet *,,,,m,*~ **a*~" management obJectz"es. and are approprzate FOF the establIshed ROS design&lo" Close all developed s,tes durxng the wznter management season (0652 ) (053 )

01 Manage *uln"eP use-season for approprmte ROS op- pOPt!J"ltltle*

Provzde roaded natural recreation opportunltles with- 11, 112 mile OF Forest arterxal, collector and local roads with better than grlmltlve surfaces which a~* open to public motorlred travel

Provxde semr-przmztlve motorzred recreatro" oppor- tunltles wrth a low to moderate znc~dence of contact wxth other group* and zndlvlduals wIthI" L/2 mole of deszgnated local roads w>th pr>m>tzve sur+aces and tra11s open to motorzzed recreation us*

Where local road* a~* closed to public motorized recreatzon travel. provide for dxspersed "on-motorized recreation opportuntles nanage recreatlo" "se to provide For the lnczdence of contact ult,, other groups and lndlvldauls apprcprlate for the establxshed ROE cl=**

Ppovxde **ml-p~l",ltxve "on-motorized recreatl~" oppor- tunltles I” all ape=* mope than 112 mile awa!j f~orn road* and trails open to motorrzed recreatlo" "se (0‘54 ) (05E )

a Do not exceed an Adopted “lsual ouailty IlbJectlve (“GO) of modlFxc*tlon

(6267 ) (05B 1

a Maxrmum “se and Ca,oaclty Levels ape

---------------- Recreatla" "se and capacxtq range during the snow-free period (PAoT/acre)


Traxl u*e and capacltq range cPAOT/mlle of traz1j

Capaczty Range

US= Very Moder- Level LDW Lou ate High ----------_--__--

ROS class - Prrmlt>ve --------- ---------

on -ha115 0 5 1 0 20 30 PAOT/ML.~~ -----_---_---__--

Area wide PAOT/aCTe 001 002 007 025 -----_--------_---

ROS Class - SetIll-PrrmItlve Nonmotorxied


0" R-all* PAOT/mile 2 0 3 0 9 0 11 0 -----_-_-_---_____

Area-wxde PAOT/acre 004 008 05 08



STANDARDS P, GUIDELINES ----------_---- ------_----------.--____________________--------------------------------------------------

CONTIN”ATICN OF -------__---______ Dispersed ROS Class - Seml-Prlmxtlve Recreation NDtorlred Management ------------------ cc114 and 15) 0" Trails

PAoT/mzle 2 0 3 0 9 0 110 -------_-_-------_

Area-wide PAOT,E,C7e 004 008 05 OS ----------------__

Pas Class - Roaded Natural ------------_----

On Tra11s PAOT,mxle - - - - --__-------------


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION‘ GUIDELINES _________ _---- ___--------______.______________________--------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF 015pePsed ReCTeatlD” nanagement CA14 and 15)

02 Manage wznter use for very low OP low densltles Close areas to huna" use t.¶ the degree necessary I" t,,>nte~ to prevent drstvrbance of vxldlxfe ,0754 ) (0573 )

Wzldlxfe and P15h ReSoYPCe Management cc01 1

01 Na~ntaln habstat capablllty for management lndlcator speczes

(0329 ) (058 )

Wlldl>fe 01 Pvovlde bxg-gane foPage and COV~P> and habrtat HabItat ~0310 ) (cm3 1 Improvement and Maintenance tco2, 041 05 and 0.6,

e See FSM 2331, FSM 7732. FSH 7709 12 (Trawls Handbook). FSH 7109 Ila and lib (Szgn Handbook)

(6226 ) (058 1 .

F Probxblt open fires when the OCCUPP~~C~ of fire rzngs exceeds Prxssell Class 1 sxte condztlons on 10 percent OP rnDPe of the know" campsites (6330 1 (058 1

a Close management area to cross-country stl 'mall de- velopment and to snowmobile use (66.52 ) (058 )

b Do not elrmlnate presence of any browse speclea

Cb1.58 ) (058 )

Provide thePma1 CDver for :lk OT deer an at least 20 percent Of the aPea

(6179 ) (058 )

d tlalntal". along 75 pa-- cent of all arterial and


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS a ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GL!IDELINES --------- -------------------------- --------------_------------------------------------------------------

CDNTINUATION OF Wlldllfe HabItat Improvement and Maintenance (CO2. 04. 05 and ‘%I

collector road edges cover that hrdes 90 percent of an adult standzng deer OP elk f?om human "lew at a distance at 200 feet fPmn the PDad

(6191 > (058 )

e In dxverslty vnzts dominated by forested eCOSystm5~ malntal" a rnl",rn"rn Lb* 50 percent of the drverslty ""lt I" deer OP elk IlldIng COVeP Thzs hrdlng cove? shovld be we11 dlstrlbvted o"eP the ""It Mazntal" 30 pa-cent of the dlverszty unit I" the,mal cover <wznter OP sprrng-summer) Hldrng COV~P can be used to meet thermal cove7 requirements If they Indeed colntide bzolog-

Range Resource 01 Manage grarlng to Favor big-game and to achieve Management the wlldllfe populations Identlfled I” state-wide (002) comp~ehenalve wlldllfe plan5

(0315 1 (058 ,

lcally (6334 ) (058 )

f Malntal" habitat efeectlveness d"-rl"g wxnter Of at least 90 percent

(6171 1 (050 )

9 Maxntaxn habitat capabllzty at a level at least 80 pePcent Of potential capeblllty

(6261 1 (058 ,

a Nalntal" vegetation I" fair 07 better Pange con- dxtron

(6172 1 (058 ,

b Llmlt 11"eStOck use Of browse and he?baceous plant ymd"ctlo" to that not needed by bl# game

(6173 ) (058 >


MANAGEMENT GElvEQAL STANDARDS 9, ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES ------_____---- _-_-----_---_------_____________________--------------------------------------------------

CONTINVATIOX OF 02 Prescribe ll"e5tocX grarzng sy5tems to achieve winter Range Resource range habltat obJectIves Management ~0045PI~ (058 1 CD021 Sllvlcultural 01 Manage forest c:o"eP types to actl,eve and malntal" PrescrIptIons desired thermal and hidxng cover, cover-openxng ratlas CEK,, Ob r', 07) and other habItat needs associated u,ttl +.Tee cove7

(0324 ) (058 )

02 Planage Forest Cover Types uszng the following harvest Apply harvest treatments to methods ;orest cove? types a6 speclfxed

- Clearcut I" lodgepole and aspen. below on at least SO % of the - Shelterwood I" lnterlor ponderosa pzne and forest COVeP type "9 to

mIxed conleer> and 20 percent Of the type may be - Selection (group 07 szngle tree) rn Engelmann treated "szng other harvest

spruce-subalpIne fir methods speclfled I" Forest (0485 ) (058 k DIrectron

,&a74 ) (058 )

b SIl"lc"ltural Standards (These standards may be

exceeded on apeas managed for old gPOWthl

1 Cleal-C"t

------------------ Fovest Cover Type


OtheP FOl-eSt

Lodgepole COVeP PI"&- ASP=" TYP=~


Rota- X3-140 m-120 100 OP txon UP6 YPS mo7e A9= llrs -----_---_-_-__-__

GPOW- 60-160 WA 60 to 1"s 120 Stock Level -----_---_---__--_

Thlnnlng IO-50 N/A 10 to Cycle YTS 50 yrs ------------------



CONTINUATICN OF 2 Two-Step Shelterwood S~lvlcultural ------------------ Prescrlptlons Frrest Cover Type (Em. 0.5 es 07) ---------------__

Interior PO”deVOSa PI”= & NIxed Conifer


Rota- 100-160 BP5 txon A9= ------------

GTOWl"g 60-lb0 Stock Level -------_----

Thannlng 20-30 VP5 Cycle ------------

PlPSt C"t [Seed cut1 Remove 40 to 70 percent basal al-e= OP

Other Forest Cover TYP=S


100 OP mDPe yP5



20-m yrs


OF tile

cut to BA 25-60 BA 20-m -------------____

Second cut ~removai cut> Remove a11 overstory when regenwated stand meets mrn~mum stocking standards


3 Three-step SheltePWOod

---------------_- FoPeSt cover Type


I"tePlOT Ponderosa other Pine ?J Forest Mixed CO"eP CD"lfeT Types


Rota- 100-160 yrs 100 OP tlo" rno7.e VP5 A9= ----------_-______


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTIC!N GVIDELINES --------- ----- ----------------------------- --_________--_____------------------------------------------

CONTINUATIC? OF Sll"rc"lt"ra1 Preacrlptrons (SOS, 06 & 07)

GTOWl"g 60-160 60-120 Stock Level --~~_----__-_---__

Thlnnlng 20-30 yP5 20-30 yPs Cycle -------_-------___

First cut <preparatory cut> Remove 10 to 40 percent Of the basal area OP

CYt to DA 60-80 DA 50-80 ------------------ Second cut (seed cut) Remove 40 to 50 percent Of the rema~nzng basal area OP

cut to DA 25-50 BA 20-50 IO-20 yrs IO-20 yrs after pre- after paPatoPy C"t prepara-

tory cut --_----__----____

' Third Cut (removal cut, Remove a11 overstory when Pegenerated atand meets rnl"lrn"rn stocking standards


4 SeleCtlO"

_----_------~---- Pm-est Cover Ti,pe


Engelma"" Other Spl-"Ce- Forest subalpIne COVeP fir Types

iie;rT"al-B2i - Z-O-GO- - - 80=120- ----------------_

cutt,ng Cycle 20-30 yP9 20-40 yrs


(6287PI) (05E b



CONTINUATIDY OF 03 Utxlize f~reuood material uszng both commercial Sllvlcultural and "oncommerclal methods PrescrlptlDns (0147 ) (058 1 (E03. ok & 071

04 FOP managenent purposes. a CYt-OVeP aPea 15 ConSldePed an opening untr1 S”Ch txme as

- Increased umter yzeld drops below 50 percent of the potential l"cPease>

- Fopage and/or browse productlo" dPOPS below 40 percent of potentxal productlo".

- Dee,. and elk hxd,ng cover reaches b0 percent Of potentra1>

- N~n~mu,, stockxng Sta"daPds by forest cove? tuoe and site !,Poductzvlt" a?= met. and

- The aPea appears a5 a young forest Pathe?- than a restocked opening, and takes 0" the appearance of the adJoInIng characterlstlc landscape

(0500 ) (058 )

a When the "lsual Guallty ObJectlve OF a" area 19 modlfx- catlo" OP maxlmYm modlflcatlo". the regenerated stand shall meet or exceed a11 Of the follovlng characterrstlcs befoPe a cut- OV~P avea 15 no longer consxdered an opening


Forest Nl"lrn"rn Tree CD"=7 Stocking Stand

TYPe Level Hergilt (Trees/ (ft ) I/

acre> _______-------- -

Inland Ponderosa Pine 190 b

MIxed Conifers 190 b

Lodgepole Pine 150 b

Engelma"" SpPYce- Subalpine FL7 150 b

Aspen 300 b ___~___---------_

Forest CTOU" CO"V ClO?.ul-e Dlstrr-

TYPe (Percent) butlo" 21 _______--------_-

Inland Ponderosa Pine 30 70%



MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS pr ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _________ ----- ____--_-------__--_- --_--------_--__-------~------------------------ ---------------------

CONTINUATIW4 OF “IX& Sllviculturai ConlFers 30 PresCPlptlO”S CE03. Ob & 07) Lodgepole

Pl”e 30

Engelmann spruce- SubalpIne flP 30

Aspen 30 _----------.




75’/. _----

1, Applies to trees speclfled a5


Lz specxa1 “se Management (NO”

0, -RecreatLon) <dOI)

Rights-OF-Llay and Land Ad J”3tlW”t5 CJOZ. 13. 15. 16, 17, an* 1s)

Transportatlo” sg5tem Ma”agemeV?t CL01 ,e 20)

01 Ellmlnate 5pecxa1 use* that conflict wztil wlnterlng anlnal5

(0320 ) (058 )

01 Acquire private lands needed For big-game WlnteP range

(0319 ) (cm3 )

rnl”lrn”rn StoCklIlg level 2, percent Of plot5 or tran-

sects that at-e stocked

(6014 ) (05B )





CONTINUATICN OF to acilaeve prlorlty goals Transportation and obJectIves OF cantlg”o”s system management aPea OP to provide Management access to land admlnlstered CL01 & 20) bg OtheP go”ernme”t agencres

LIP to contiguous private land

2, The State Fzsh and Wzldl~Fe agencq has been fully rnvolved I” the road location. pIann1ng and alternative evaluation

03 ClO5,e ex15t1’1g roads, pl-ohlblt OFF-road “ehlcle v5e and manage no”-mOtoP1zed use to prevent 5tPe55 on big gane animals (0764 ) (058 )



ACTI”JTIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _---_-___ ----- __------------------ _------------------- ______--_--------__-----------------------------

CONTINUATIDN OF the area 15 essential an* 15 Tra”spWt*tlo” the minimum necessary to meet system prlorlty PPsoUTCe manage- Management ment goals and ObJectlves CL01 h 20)

3) The State Fxsh and Wild- life Agency 15 Full!) involved I” planning human “se Of area during winter (6.570 , to-33 )

Fuel 7reatrent 01 Malntaln Fuel condltlen* WhlCh permit fzre (Pll thP” 14, suppress,on and prescrxbed Fxre to mazntazn habrtat needed

For selected speczes OP speczes population levels (0344 F (058 )



(Emphasu IS on l~vesrock grazzng )


General Dlrectlon and Goals:

The area IS managed for llvesrock grazmg Raage condltlon IS currently at or above the satisfactory level Inrenslve grazmg management systems are favored over extensive System Ran&e condxrmn IS mauramed throu@ use of forage m~rovement practices, hvesrock management, and re&.atvm of other resource actl”~t>es Perlodlc heavy forage utlllzatlon occurs I*“esrmenr In structural and nonstructural range mprovements to ulcrease foeage uflllzatlon IS moderate to hxgh Structural lmpro”ements benefit, or at least do not adversely affect “lldllfe Conflicts between llvesrock and WlldllLQ are resolved In favor Of ll”estock. Nonstructural resrorarlon and forage mpro”emenr pracrlces available are SeedzIg, pLmtmg, burnmg, fertlllzmg, pltrmg, furrowing. spraymg, crushmg, and &xmq curtmg Of encroaching trees may also occur

Investrents are made I* compatzble resource actxv~t~es Dispersed recrearlonal opportunlrles vary between semlprlmltl”e nonmotorlzed and roaded natural Management aCtl”lt~eS are evldenr but harmmonlze and blend wrth the natural sertmg

me mmeral and energy resources aCtl”lfleS are compatible “lth goals Of tills management area SubJect to approprxate srlpulatons as ourllned In rile genera1 Forest Dlrectlon



“lsual Resource 01 Dealgn a-Id lnplement ranagement actlvltles to Na”age,W”t blend u,lth the natural landscape CA04) (0332 ) cobs )

Dispersed 01 Seml-Qrloitl"e "onmotoriled. sm-prlmltlve ReCTeatl.3" OlOtOTl*ed. roaded natural and rural recreation il~"~g~~e"f opportunities can be prov,ded CA14 and 15) (0445 1 (053 ,

02 Provzde roaded natural recreatzc." op~ortunltles Wlthln 112 mile OF Forest arterza1. collector and local roads wxth better than ~~l">l;~ve surfaces which are open to Qubllc tTa"el

Pravlde senz--pv,mltl"e motarlzed recreation opportunr- ties "lth a lou to moder+te incidence of contact With other groups and ~ndz#~duals wxth~n l/Z mile of designated local roads With prrn1tive svrFaces and traz1s open to motorlred PeCPeatlD" LILT=

WnePe local Toad5 ape closed to PUbllr: motorlied TecTeatlo" ePa\'el, provxde for dxspersed non-motorzred PeCPeatlOn opportunltles Manage recreation use to provide for tne i"c16ence OF contzct with other groups and ~"dzvr- duals app~oprla~e for "he estaD115hed ROS cl=&.

Provide SW-pr~m~t>"e non-motorized recreatl.3" OP- pvrtunltles I" al: aPea mOPe than l/2 mile away fPcm Poad5 and 'malls open to motorlred recreation "ae (0‘50 1 CO&B ,

a Do not erceed an Adopted "lsual Quality ObJectlve ("GO, OF modlelcatlon

(6267 1 (068 >

b When ProJects TequIPe clearing of vegetatron and COP, sol1 dlstvrbance. use irregular clearing edges and shapes to blend wxth the natural land- scapes

(b185 ) cobs I

a Maxlmvm “se and capacity Levels are


Recreation use and caoacit" range during the s"wkee- period <PAOT,acre)

------------------ Trali use and capacltg range (PACTlmlle OF tPal1)

Capacity Range

use Very Moder- Level LOU LOU ate High ----------_------ ------------------

ROS Class - Semz-Prlmltive NOnmOtoPlzed


0" Trails PAOTlmxle 2 0 3 0 4 0 11 0

Area-wxde PAOTlacre 004 008 05 08 ------------------


,MANACEMENT GEh,SRAL STANDARDS b ACTIVITIES DIRECTION WIDELINES ---------------_-----------~----- --_ ___---- __----_-___-------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATIC'J OF RDS Class - Se,,,>-Pr~mztrve Dzspersed Motorized Recreatlo" ------------------

Management on Trarls CA14 and 15) PAOT,m>le 2 0 3 0 9 0 110


Area-wide PAOT/acre 004 008 05 08 ----------------_-

ROS class - Roaded Natural -----------------

On Trails PAOTlm~le - - - ---------------_-

Area-wide PAoTlacre 04 08 12 25 -----------------

ROS Class - Rural ___------__------

On Trails PAOT/mzle - - - -

Area-u1de PAOTlacre 5 8 50 75

(6402PI) cobs )

b Increase the above "SE levels where necessary to prov1*e adequate access to aPea5 OP natural features that affoP* spec1a1 DP unrque PeE- reatlon opportunltles

~6OOlPI~ com >

c Red"ce the above use level co- efFlclents as necessary to reflect usable acPe5, pattems of "se. and general attractiveness Of the speclflc management aPea type a5 deacrzbed I" the ROS Users C">de. Chapter 25

Reduce the above use levels where unacceptable changes to the bxo- Qhyslcal Pe5ovPce5 Will DCCUP


MApMCE”‘NT ACTIVITlES _-----____ ___-

CONTINUATION OF Dlsperscd RecPeatlOn Management CA14 and 15)


(b02BPI) CObi3 )

d Speczfy off-road vehx.cle restrxctlons based on OR" YS.~ management (FSM 2355, R2 Supp 88~

(6083 1 CO&B )

03 Permit undesignated sites rn Frlssell condlt~on class 1 thPo"gh 3 where ""restrIcted camping 15 permztted

(0174 ) CObG )

04 Manage sxte use and occupancy to malnta," srtes with- zn Frzssell condition class 3 except For designated sites which nay be class 4 Close and restore class 5 sites (0175 ) IOH3 >

05 Prohlblt notorzzed "ehlcle "se Cincludlng 5noumob~les~ Off Forest Systen roads and tTalls I" alpine sh~,,b and Kr"mmhol* ecosystems PPohlblt motoPIzed "ehlcle !J5e off Forest System roads and trails (except snowmobiles Opel -atlng on snow) I" other alpine. and other ecosystems, where needed to prctect sarlc, "egetatzon. OP special wild- l>Fe habltat

(0154 ) (068 1

Wlldllfe and F1Sh f(eSO"PCe Management CCOl)

01 I*ialn+aln habxtat capabrllty for managenent indicator species

(0329 ) cobs )

e see FSM 2331. FSM 7732, FSH 7709 12 (Trawls Handbook). FSH 7io9 11a and lib (Sign Handbook)

(6226 ) cobs )

a Malntaln capablllty at 60 percent OF potent1a1 CapabIlIty

(6186 1 cobs )

b Protect a11 lesser QralPle chicken leks From surface dxs- turbance at all t>n,es PVOteCt nesting habltat from surface disturbance FPO~ APPLY 15 to June 30

~bOl3PI~ toa 1




CONTINUATIP, OF Wlldllfe and Fish H~SOYPCD Management CCOI)

Range Resource Management CD02)

S;l”iC”lt”Tai Pl-e*CrlptlO”* ,E03. 06 3 67,

c LIvestock and wzld herbzvore allowable f.rage use 1" IesseP praxrze chxcken habltat wzll not exceed 40 percent

(6014PI) (068 )

02 Provide adequate forage to sustain big-game pop"Iatl0" levels agreed to I" the Stateaulde Comprehenszve LIlldllfe Management Plan on NFS lands

(0330 ) ~OOB i

a Allocate no moPe than 80 percent Of avaIlable forage to lIVeStoCk

(6187 ) CObB )

01 use only lnfenslve grazing systens OP remove llvestorr when recovery OF range condltlo" cannot be accomplished by an xntenslve grarrng system

(0325 ) CObi3 ,

02 Imprave range condition to fair OP better DP Forage value rating to naderatelg hrgh 07 better

(0326 1 (OS3 >

03 Invest I” cost-effective e11otment management and assocrated *a"!,~ ~nprovements (0327 ) COBB )

04 Invest rn cost-effectl<e grazing management and rengela"C prod"ct>"lty zrpr>vements WhePe Improve- ments lnclbde WateP de".sloo,~ent*, a cater Tlaht I" the n.sme of ths Unlfed States kt be obtained - ,032s ) (OH? 8

01 Malntaln en* nanagr forested lncluslons to provide a high level of Fcraqe productlo,,. wlldllfe habrtat, and dlversxtq

(0333 1 cobs )

a Base range condltzan on the standards rn Range Analysis Handbook CFSH 2209 21,

(6156 ) cob!3 )

a Base ecO"OmlC analysis on ProJect EFfectlveness Analysis HandbDOP CFSH 2209 11)

(6290 ) (0.5B )

StPYCtUPal improvements

big-game mo"ement (6182 ) CObB )


03 “tlllze Firewood material “sing both commercial and noncammerclal “ethoda

(0147 ) CObE )

----------------- Regenera-

Forest txnn cover C”ttl”g ROtatlO”

TYPe Method Age ------------__--_

lodgepole CleaP- W-140 PA”@ C”t llrs

E”gehla”n spruce- Clearcut N/A subalpine andlOP flP Shelterwood

Interior pO”dWOsa ShelteP- 100-180 pl”e wood yrs

mIxed ShelteF- 100-160 CO”lfSP Wood ljrs

aspen Clearcut 80-120

llrs -----------_-_---

Apply release an* weeding as needed to improve “Isual qualltl)

CbO24PI) CObE 2


MANAGEMENT CEhERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _________ _-__- _-_--____-----___.__ --_______.-________--------------------------------------------------

CDNTINUATION OF Sll”lC”ltuTal Prescrlptlons CEO31 06 E 07)


IlAN&S-lENT GECEWL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES __________-_-_-_------------------ - _-_--_-- _-_____________----_____________________--------------------

CONTINUATION OF SIlvlc”ltura1 Prescrlptlons CE03. 06 L 07)

Pl”e 30 75%

Engelman” SpV”Ce- Subalpine FIT 30 75x

Aspm7 30 75% ___-_-__---------

I, Applxes to trees apeclfred as “l”lrn”rn stocking level

2, percent Of plot5 OP tran- sect5 that ape stocked

(6014 ) (06s 1



(Emphasrs IS on wood-fzber producrum and ut~lmatmn.)



“lsual Resource 01 Meet stated vrsua1 qua1zt.g obJec%l”e Management (0125 1 (WA , CAM)

a Do not exceed an Adopted “lsual Quality ObJectlve (“GO) of

Partial Petentlo” wlthln the foreground of arter~allcollector roads and DPlllmP” trails

Dispersed Recreation Management (A14 and 15)


01 San-prmrtlve “onmator,red. seml-prlmlt~ve motorlred. roaded natural and rural recreation opportunities can be provxded

(0445 ) (07A i

02 P~o”lde roaded natural recreatlo” opgortunxt~es u,lth~” l/2 mile Of Forest arterial. collector and local roads with better than pilmltlve surfaces WhlCh ape open to PYbllC tPa”el

PPO”lde senl-primltlve mo%orired recreation opportunr- txes with a 1ou to moderate lncldence Of contact wrtll other 9TOYP5 and lndrviduals wlthln 112 mlle Of deslonated local roads with prir.ltl”e surfaces an* tra115 open Eo motorized PeCPeatlon use

Whe?e local roads ape closed to pbblrc motorized recreation travel, provide for dispersed non-motarszed recreatlan opportunltles Manage recreatro” “se to grovxde fOP the incidence Of contact ulth 0’;her groups and Indlvl- duals appropriate far the established ROS class

Provide senl-prlmltl\e non-motorlred recreation op- poTtY”ltieS 1” a11 aTea noPe than Ii2 mz1e away from roads an* tra11s ape” TO motorlied recreatlo” Ll5e (0650 ) (07k ,

_ Modlflfatlon on a11 ottlel- aPea5

(6067 , ccl,* )

b Appl,, rehab~litatzon practzces where the above obJectIves are not currentlg being met

(6068 ) C07A )

a Maximum “se and Cagacrty Levels al-e


Recreation u*e and capacity range during the S”c.LW--fPee pe~lod (PAOTlac~el


Trazl use and capacity range tPAOT/rn~le of trallt

capacity Range

“SF “C-q Plo*er- Level LOW LOUI ate High ----------------- -----~~----------- ROS Class - Semr-Prlmltrve

No”motor>red ------___----_____

On Trails PAOT/male 2 0 3 0 9 0 11 0 ------___----_____

Al-ea-Wlde PAOT/acre 004 008 05 OS




CONTINUATION OF -------_--__-_____

Dlsper sed ROS class - semr-Prlmztrve ReCTeatlO” Motorlred Planagement --------------____

(A14 and 15) on TPBIlS PAOTlrn~le 2 0 3 0 9 0 110 ---------------___

Area-wide PAOTlacre 004 008 05 08 -------------_____

ROS Class - Roaded Nat”,-=1 ----------------_

On Traz15 PAOTlmlle - - - - -----------------

Area-wrde PAOTlacre 04 08 12 25 ------_------____

ROS Class - Rural -----------------

PAOTlmrle - - - - -----------------

ATea-Wlde PAOT/acre 5 8 50 75 -----------------

~6402PI~ (CPA 1

b Increase the above use levels YhePe “ece55aPLJ to pPo”lde adequate accese to aPea 07 natural features that affoPd specza1 07 lrnlque Pet- reatlo” opportunltles

(6OblPI) (07.4 >

c Reduce the above use lev.el co- efflclents a5 necessary to reflect “sable aCPe5, patterns of “se, and genera1 attractiveness Of tile speclflc management aPea type as descrzbed I” the ROS “sers Guzde, Chapter 25

Reduce the above use levels where unacceptable changes to the bzo-


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS Zx ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _______---____--_---_____________ ---.----___ _______~_____-______----_-_-__~_------_----_-_-_--~~~-~--~

CONTINVATICN OF ptlysrca1 Peso"Pces "Ill OCCUP Dispersed (6028PI) (0774 1 Recreation Management d spec,+y off-road "ehlcle (A14 and 15) restrlct*o"s based on OR"

"5s management (FSM 2355, R2 svpp 881

(6083 ) (07A )

e see FSrl 2331. FSM 7732, FSH 7709 12 (Tra11s H3"dbOOk). FSH 7109 Ila and lib CS1gn Handbook)

(b226 ) (07A )

03 Permit undesignated sztes ,a, Fr~ssell condltxon class i through 3 ,,,,,e?e "nrestvlcted camping 1s pemltted

(0174 ) (07A )

04 Manage s,te u*e and .accvpancy to malntaln srtes with- I" Frlssell condztlon class 3 except +DP designated sites IuhlCh clay be class 4 Close and restore class 5 sites (0175 ) (07A ,

05 Prohlblt motorrzed "ehlcle use (Includrng snowmobiles) OF+ Forest System roads and traxls rn alpzne shrub and KPUmmholr ecosystems Proh~bzt motorrred vehrcle Y*e OF+ Forest Sy5tem roads and trarls (except snowmobiles operating on 5"DUl I" other alpIne. and OtheP ecosystems. where needed to p,'otect 50x15. veyetatlon, 0~ 5Qecls.l wild- life habitat

(0154 , (07A )


MANACEMENT GENERAL STAND&?DS B ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ----____--_---- _----_----------- --- -_--________-______-------------------------------------------------

Sll"rcult"ra1 Prescrlptlons (E03. Ob & 07)

01 Manage FOPeSt COVBP types ualng the *ollow~"g haPVeSt methods

- Clearcut I" aspen and lodgepole pl"ez - Shelterwood I" rnter~or ponderosa pzne

and m,xed conzferr - Clearcut a"d,c~ shelteruood I" Engelmann spruce/

subalprne FIT. accm"ding to the followfng crrterla

a "tllzre the shelterwood nethod on south and west aspects to provide seed and shade ~rotec%~on zf wxndfall rzsk 1s below average 1% can alSO be !Jsed on other aspects when cold, droughty sztes atpe p7esent (Engelma"" spruce/mos5 habitat WP=. FOP example)

b "tzlrze the clearcut method on nc.rth and east aspects. 07 on other aspects If morst sxte cond>t>o"s ape present (subalpine FIPIfOPeSt fleabane habrtat types for example) It should also be used on sates Ldlere wlndFaI1 risk 15 above average

(0046PI~ co,* J

a Apply harvest treatments to forest LoYeT types as speclfled belou 0” at least 80 x Of the forest CDVeP type vp to 20 pel-cent Of the type may be treated "sing other ha~"est methods specrfled I" Forest Dlrectlo"

(6074 ) (07A )

b Szlvxcultural StandaPds (These standards may be exceeded

on areas managed for old growth)

1 Clearcut _-----------------

Forest cover Type _--_--------------

Engelman" sprvce- SubalpIne Other Fir & Forest Lodgepole caver PI"=- Aspen TYP=s


Rota- 90-180 SO-120 100 OP txon llrs yP5 m0l-e

Me YPS _-----------------

Crou- SO-160 N/A 60 to z"g 120 Stock Level ---_--------------

Thlnnlng IO-50 Nl.4 10 to Cycle YP5 50 YPB ------------------

2 Two-Step Shelterwood

------------------ Fm'est Cover Type


I"teTlOT other PO"deTOSa Forest PI"=, Mixed cover




--------- ----- -------------------- ---______~-----__-------~~-~~~~~~~~------~-----~~~-----~~--------~~~~

GONTINVATIO:, OF Sll”rcult”ial

Conifer, and TYP=S

Prescrlptlons Engelmann

(E03. 06 % 07) spruce- subalpine fll-


Rota- 100-160 yrs 100 DP %lO” mot-e yrs hl= -___-__--_-__--__

Growing 60-160 LO-120 Stock Level ~------__--_--___

Thlnnxng 20-30 yrs 20-30 yrs Cycle -----------__-___

FIPS~ Cut (seed cut), Remove 40 to 70 percent of the basal aPea OP

cut to II.4 2540 BA 20-60 -----------------

Second Cut (removal cut) Remove al1 overstory when regenerated stand meets m~nzmum stockl”g standard.


3 Three-step ShelterwOOd

---------_-_----_ FDFest Cover Tgpe


Interior PD”deFO*a OtheT Pine. Mixed Forest ConlfeP Cover and TYP=S Engelmann spruce- subalpine flP


Rota- 100-160 yrs loo DP txon rnOPe (17-5 &I= ---~-------_---___


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION CVIDELINES ----_______--_______________________ --_-____ _-_______----___-_------------------------------------------

CONTINUATIOY OF S~l”lc”lt”ral Prescrlptlols (ED3, 06 & 07)

Crowing 60-160 60-120 Stock Level ------------------ Thlnnlng m-30 yrs 20-30 yr Cycle -------_----____-_

F1P5t cut <prepaPatoPy cut,, Remove 10 to 40 percent Of the basal area DP

cut to BA 60-80 iTA 50-m -------_----____-_

Second Cut (seed cut,. Remove 40 to 50 percent of tile remalnlng basal aPea OP

cut to DA 25-50 DA 20-50 IO-20 yrs IO-20 yl-5 after pre- after paratmy cut prepara-

tory cut ------------_---_

Thrrd Cut [removal cut) Remove a11 overstory “he” regenerated stand meets mln~mum stockzng standards

----------------_ (6025PI) (07A )

02 Clea?C”ts may be applied tO dwarf mistletoe infected 5‘w”d5 Of any FOPeSt CO”eP type

CO138 ) (07A )

03 Apply znternedzate treatments to malntaz” growzng stock level standards

(0140 ) (07A I

04 Utlllze fzrewood materxal “sing both commercxal and noncommercial methods

(0147 ) (07A )




--------- ___--_-____--_-__----------.------- _-_-----------_-----__________

CONTINUATION OF 05 FOP managenent p”PposesI a cut-over al-e= 15 SIl”lC”lt”T=l considered an openzng ““tll such time a5 Prescrlpt~ons CEO% 06 C '37) Increased water ‘,,eld drops below 50

percent Of the potentza1 l"cPease, Forage and/or browse productlo" drops below 40 percent of potentzal productlo". Deer and elk hldsng cover reaches 60 percent Of potential. Mznlmum stockzng standards bg forest c~"er type and szte productrvxty ape met. and The area appears as a go""9 forest rather than a restocked o~e"x"o, and takes 0" the appearance of the idJo&ng characterlstrc landscaoe

c 0500 ) t&i


a When the "lsual Gualxty ObJectlve of a" area 14 modlfl- catlo" OP max~m"m modaf~catzo". the regenerated stand shall meet OP exceed all of the followng characterlstzcs before a cut- 0"e~l area 15 no longer ccnsrdered an opening


Forest Ml"lrn"rn Tree CoveP Stoctlng Stand

TYPe Level Helght (Trees, cft 1 I,

acre) - -------------- -

Inland Ponderosa PI"= 190

“1XE.d CO”lfZ3T.S 190

Lodgepole Pl"e 150

E”gel8Ta”” SpPYcP- S”balpl”e fxr 150

A5p.E.” 300 -----------

Forest crown cover ClOs”re TYPe (Percent, -----__---_

I”l3”d Ponderosa PI"=9 30

MIxed COTilFS+~S 30






6 ---_--

Dlstrl- butlo" 21





PIANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS PI ACTIVITIES DIRECTION WIDELINES ___________----._-----------------.- -----_-- --------_--------------------------------------------- ------

CONTINUATION OF Sll”rctJlt”ra1 Preecrlptlons CEO31 06 % 07)

Pl”e 30 75’7

Engelma”” spruce- Subalpxne fir 30 75%

Aspen 30 75% ____-------------

I/ Applies to bee5 specxfled a5 rnl”lrn”rn stocking level

2, percent of plots DP tran- eecte that ape stocked

(6014 ) (07A )

b When the “lsual Guallty Ob.,ectzve of a” area 15 pmt1a1 Petent~o”. the Pe- generated stand shall meet OP exceed all of the follov~ng characterlstrcs before a C”t- over area 15 no longer consxder- ed an openzng


Forest Ml”l!lWlll Tree cover StOCkl”g Height 1, TYP= Level C% Of the

(Trees, adJace”t acre, mat”?e Stand

herght) _----------------

Inland 190 25 Ponderosa


MIxed CO”lfePS 190 25

Lodgepole PI”= 150 25




STANDARDS & DIRECTION GVIDELfNES ------_-------- ------------------_-____________________--------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF Sll”lCUlt”Pa1 Pl-eSCT-lptlO”s CEO31 06 % 07)

spruce - S”b- alpIne flP 150 25

Asp=” 300 25 -----------------

Forest CPOW” Dlstrl- cover ClDSLJTe butzon 2, nF-= (Percent)


Inland Ponderosa 30 70% Pl”@

Mixed CO”lferS JO 75%

Lodgepole PI”= 30

E”gelllla”” SpVUCe- SubalpIne 30 fIP



Aspen 30 75% --____-__---_____

II Applies to tree5 speclfzed as rnl”lrn”rn stocking level

21 PePcent Of plots OP transects that ape stocked

(6316 ) (07A I



mnphas1s 18 on wood fiber prochLctuxl and ut~llratlon for products other than savt*mber)


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ------------ --__-_____-------______ --_--___ __________________--____________________--------------------

V1sua1 Resovrce 01 Meet stated "lsual quality ObJeCtl"e a Do not exceed Management (0125 ) (070 > (A04)

Guallty ObJeCtlve

Partra1 retentxon

an Adopted Visual ("GO) of

wlthl" the foreground of arterxal/collector roads and przmarg trails Modxflcatlo" on all other areas

(6067 ) (07D )

Dispersed Recreatlo" Management CA14 and 15)

01 Semi-prlmxtxve nonmotorlzed. semi-przmltlve motorlled, roaded natural and rural recreatlo" O~~~PO~""ltre~ can be provxded

) (07D )

02 Provxde roaded natural recreatzon opportvnltles wlthrn 112 nu1e OF Forest arterial. collector and local roads wxth better than prrmxtxve surfaces wbzch ave open to publxc travel

PPD"zde semi-prxm>tr"e motorzzed PecPeatlOn opportunz- ties wxth a lo,., to moderate xncrdence of contact wxth otbe, groups and zndr">duals wlthl" 112 mzle of designated local Toads With ~~lmilltl"e surfaces and trazls open to motoPlzed PecPeatlO" use

Where local roads ape closed to ,,ublxc motorized PeCPeetlo" travel. pro"lde HOP dzspersed "on-motorized recreatlo" .appoPt""ltles Manage recreation use to provide FOP the zncadenc~ of contact wzth other g~o"~5 and zndxvl- duals approppzate For the establrshed RO5 class

Provzde semz-przmltz"e non-motorized recreatxon op- portunltzes 1" all a~eae am.,,-e than 112 mrle away from roads and trazls open to mntorlzed recreation "se (0650 ) (07D )

b Apply vehabzlltatron practzces UheTe the above 0bJeCtl"C.S a,-= not currently being met

(6068 1 (070 )

a Mar~mum Use and Capaczty Levels ape


Recreatro" Ll5e an* capacity range durxng the s."ow--f~ee pePlod (PAOTlacre)


T~azl "se and capacity range ~PAOTlm~le of trazl)


capac 1 ty Range

Use "W!j Moder- Le"el LoI2 LoUI ate High --------------_-- ------------------ ROS Class - Seml-Prlmltlve

Nonmotorzzed ------___---------

On Trails PADTlmlle 2 0 3 0 9 0 11 0 ------_-_-----_-__

Area-wide PAOT/acre 004 008 05 08


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS 8 ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ____________--- ----------_--___~.______________________~~~~~~~----~--~--------~~~~-~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

CONTINUATION OF ______------------

DlspWsed ROS Class - Semr-Prlmltlve Flecreatr*n Motorlred lla”ageW”t ____--------------

(A14 and 151 on Trarls PAoT/mlle 2 0 3 0 9 0 110 ____-_------------

Area-wide PAOT/acre 004 008 05 OS ____--------------

ROS Class - Roaded Natural _____-_----------

on na115 PAoTlmlle - - - - __---------------

Area-wide PAOT/acre 04 OS 12 25 ____------__-----

ROS c1a55 - Rural ____--_-----__---

0” Trails PAOT/mlle - - - - ____-------------

Area-wide PAoTlacre 5 8 50 75 -----------------

Reduce the above use level co- efflclents a5 necessarq to reflect U5able acTeel patterns Of “Se, and genera1 attract>veness of the speclflc management aPea type a5 descrxbed I” the ROS Usws Guzde. ChapteP 25

Reduce the above use levels WhePe unacceptable changes to the blo- phlJslca1 Peso”Pces lull1 DCCUP (6402 ) (07D )

b Speczfg off-road vehacle ~estrzct,ons based on OR” u*e management (FSM 2355. *a supp 881

(6083 b (07D )


PlANAGEtlENT ACTI”ITIES _-----___.-----

CONTIN”*TIox OF Dispersed Recreation Pk”agWe”t (A14 and 151

Sll”lC”lt”ral PTe5Cl-lptlS3”5 CE03. 06 t 07)


---_-------------._- _-_--___ ____-________-_-----c___________________--------------------

c See FSM 2331. FSK 77321 FSH 7709 12 (Trails Ha”dbOOk). FSH 7109 lla and lib (Szgn Handbook)

(6226 ) (07D )

03 Pe~m,t undesxgnated s~tee IT, Frxesell condltlon class 1 through 3 where unrestrxcted camprng 15 pernutted

(0174 J (071) )

04 Manage site use and OCCUP~~CLJ to ma~ntaln sites wrth- 1” F~~ssell condition class 3 except for designated sztes which may be class 4 Close and restore class 5 sztes (0175 1 (070 )

05 Prohlblt notorzred “ehlcle “se C,ncludlng snowmobllesl OF+- Forest System roads and balls in alpzne shrub and Kr”mmholr ecos.ystems Prohzbzt motorrred “ehlcle “se Off Forest slJstem roads and tra11s (except snowmobiles operating on snow) I” other alprne. and other ecosystems. uhe~e needed to protect sozls, “egetat~an. 0~ special wzld- l>Fe habltat

(0154 ) (070 )

01 Manage Porest COV~P tgpes uszng the followzng harvest methods

- Clearcut I” aspen and lodgepole. - Shelte~wood 1” interior ponderosa pine. mxxed conxfer

and Engelmann ~pruce-s”balpl”e 9x7 (0463 ) (070 >

a Apply harvest treatments to FOPe5.t CO”eP tgpes a5 speclfled below on at 1ea5t so % a* the forest CoYeP type VP to 20 percent OF the tqpe mag be treated “sing other harvest methods specxfred in Forest DlreCtl0n

(6074 ) (070 1

b S~l”,cult”ral Standards (These standards “,a~, be exceeded

on apeas managed FOP old growth)

1 CleaPCUt ------------------

FOPest cover Type -----------------_

other FOPeSt

Lodgepole cover


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ------_--_--.----_--------------- ---.----___ ________________--------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF Sll”lc”lt”ra1 Prescrlptlons CEO38 06 P, 07,

PI”=- Aspen -------------

Rota- 50-90 60-80 txon llrs Yrs Age -------------

Grow- SO-140 NIA

In3 Stock Level -------------

Thlnnzng IO-30 Nl.4 Cycle Yrs -------------

TYP=s -----

70 07 IllOPe Yp=


60 to 120


10 to 30 yrs


2 Two-Step Shelterwood

------------------ FoPeSt cover Type


Engelma”” spruce- SubalpIne +xr. lnterlor Other Ponderosa Forest pine & cover Mlxed conlfe~ TYP=s


Rota- 50-90 yrs 70 LIP iZl.3” mOPe yrs

.Q3= -------------____

Growing SO-160 60-120 StDCk Level --------------___

Thlnnlng IO-30 yrs 10-30 yP5 Cycle -------------____ Fxrst Cut (seed CY’C), Remove 40 to 70 percent OF the basal aPea DP

C”t to DA 25-m BA 20-60 -------------____

Second cut (removal cvt> Remove all overstory when




--------- -----______--___________ - _----___ ___------___________----------------------------------------


Pegenevated stand meets

Prescrlptlons mlnlmum stocking standards

-----__---___---_ (E03. 06 & 07,

3 Three-Step Shelterwood

----------------_ Forest Cover Type


Engelma”” 5pP”ce- subalpine fxr, I”teFlOT Ponderosa Other Pzne & Forest Mzxed Cover ConlFer TYP=S


Rota- SO-90 t1.h

llrs 90 OP moPe yrs

A3= --_-_----------_--

GrOtUl”g SO-160 60-120 Stock Level -----_~----__--___

Thxnnxng 10-30 UP5 IO-30 yrs Cycle -_----------------

First Cut (preparatory cut,. Remove 10 to 40 pePcent Of the basal aPea 07

C”t to DA 60-80 BA 50-80 _____-___----__--_

Second Cut (seed c”t), Remove 40 to 50 percent OF the remalnlng basal area OP

cut to DA 25-50 iTA 20-50 IO-20 yrs IO-20 YPs after pre- after paratory cut prepara-

tory cvt ___--------------

Thzrd Cut (removal cut>


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDMDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ________ _____..______-_________ ____________________----------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF Remove all overstory when S~l”lcult”ral t-ege”eTated Stand meets

Prescrlptzons m~nzmum stocking standards

(EO3, 06 t 07) ____---------~---

(6140 ) (07D )

02 Clea~cuts may be ap,,l,ed to dbarf mxstletoe Infected stands of any forest cove,. type

(0138 ) (07D )

03 Apply znternediate treatments to malntal” growing stock level standa?ds

(0140 ) (07D )

04 utllrze firewood materzal usrng both commercial and “oncommerclal methods

(0147 ) (070 )

05 For managenent purposes, a cut-over al-== 15 consIdered an opening “ntzl such time as

- Increased crates gxeld drops below 50 percent of the potential IncPeesel

- Forage and/or browse productlo” drops below 40 percent of potentzal productlo”,

- Deer and elk hldlng cover reaches 40 pePcent of potentxa1.

- M~n~m”rn stoctlng standards by foulest COV~P type and sxte productlvlty a~= met. and

- The area appex-s as a young forest rather than a restocked npenlng, and takes 0” the appearance o+ the adJoz”l”g characterlstlc la”d5C.Spe

(0500 ) (07D )

a When the “zsual Guallty ObJectxve of an area 15 modl+x- catlo” OP maxxm”m mod>flcatlo”. the regenerated stand shall meet or erceed all OF the Following characterlstlcs before a cut- over area 1s no longer conszdered an opening


FOPeSt Ml”lrnU” Tree cover Stocking Stand

TYP= Level Height (Trees, (Ft 1 I,

acre) ____----__----- -

Inland P.,nderosa Pine 190 4

MIxed COnlfePs 190 6

Lodgepole PI”= 150 6

Engelma”” spruce-






Prescrlptlons f1r 150 b

CEO% 06 * 07) Aspen 300 b -------------__-_

Forest Croun COW? Cl05.0e Dlstrl- TYPe (Percent) butlo” 2, ---__-_--_--_____

Inland PO”del-DSa Pl”e 30 70%

Forest Ml”lrn”rn Tree


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ________------------------------- _--_-_----- --_---_-_-----~___--~~~~----~--~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~---

CONTINLMTION OF cover StOCkl”g Height I/ Sll”lC”ltUral Type Level <% Of tile PVeS.CFlptlD”* (Trees/ adJace”t CEO31 06 c 07) acPe1 mature stand

height) ___--------------

Inland 190 25 Ponderosa


Mixed Conifers 190 25

Lodgepole Pine 150 25

E”g~ll?l~“” spruce - Sub- alpIne fir 150 25

ASP*” 300 25 __---------------

Forest crown Dlstrl- cover ClOS”Te butlo” 2, TYP@ CPK”Ce”t)


Inland Ponderosa 30 70% Pl”e

MIxed CO”lfer5 30 75%

Lodgepole Pl”e 30 75%

Engelman” SPV”CP Subalpine 30 75%

A*pe” 30 75% __---------------

1, Applzes to trees s~-eclF~ed as rnl”lrn”rn stocking level


MANAGEMENT GEhERAL STANDARDS & ACTiVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES --------- _-__-____-_______-______________________--------------------------------------------------------

CONTIN”ATIO~~ OF 2, percent Of plots OP tvan5ect5 Sll”lc”lt”ral that ape stocked Prescrlpelons (6316 ) (071) 1 CE03, 06 L 07)



@rovxks for prlmltlve wilderness opportunltles )


IIANAGEPIENT GElYERAL STANDARDS Ya ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ---------.----- --------------_--- -_ -----_-- -___ ---__---_---------------------------------------------

visual Resource 01 De51gn and rrplement vanagement actxvrtles 50 that a The Adopted “lsual Guallty Management the impact Of Plan 15 not apparent and the area appears ObJectlve ~“00) 15 Preser”at,on CA041 I” a Condition affected only by natural blotlc 5Ycce5510” (6132 1 (088 1

(0130 1 (088 )

DlspWSed 01 Emphaslle prlmltlve recreation opportunltles reqvlrlng Recreatro” a hl.lh dearee Of ~solat~o”, solitude. self-Tella”ce and Management (A14 and 15,

chalienge-while travelzng cross-country OP on sg;tem b-ax15

(0231 ) ~088 )

02 PPohlblt apen flPe5 I” a1prne. kP!Jnlmholl. meadow

apea and ulthzn rlparlan apeas when

a “se Of dead and down UOOd FOP f”el 15 ll!iely to “lolate drveralty req”lrements. 5.011 ““tclent and ePosl0” pPotectla”# OP

b “lsual P~SOYPC~ ob.,ect~“es for the a~-ea lrkely could not be met

(0199 ) ~088 )

03 Manage Ll*e to provide a low lncldence of contact wxth other (170”~s .,T zndzv~duals and to ore”ent “n- acceptable ;h&es to the blophyslcal P~;O”PC~S

(0301 ) ~OSB )

a Maxlmvm use an* capactty levels 37-e

- Trail and camp enC.UntePS durrng pear u5e days ape less than b other parties per day

- ball and area-wide use capacxty

---------------- Forest

“5.e Open L ShF”D Level Lands Lands --------------_-__

on Trails CPAOT/flXle 0 5-1 0 2-3 -------------__-_ (6372 r (OS!3 )

b Area-wide capaczty CPAOT,ACre)

open Lands Alpl”e. Krwnrnho1z 002 Rock, Mtn grass 005



____________-___ --_.-------_-----__---- ----------------------

CoNTINVATION OF Dzspersed Recreation Management ,*14 an* 151

04 Planage sxtes to provide opportunity fOP moderate to high degree Of solitude (0626 ) (088 )

Recreation Management (Private and Other Publrc SeCtOrI (Alb)



FDPBS~ & Shrub Lands Ponderosa Pzne. Douglas- ezr. Rlparlan apeas,

White P,n= 01 -..- -. Spr”ce/Flr. Lodge- pole PInea Aspen 02

(6336 r COSB )

c Reduce "lsltor u*e when the level Of use exceeds capac1tll on m.,,-e than 10 pwcent of the days during BummeP and fall use 5eason (6374 1 CO88 )

a "se a rnl"lrn"rn site spacing Of 500 feet <6338 ) ~088 r


M+,NAGEMENT ACTIVITIES --------- -----_

Wildlife and FlSh ReSc."PCe Management CCOl)

Range Resource Management (D02)

Special Use Management (Non -Recreation) CJOl)

E I z N sol1 Resource Ma”agFJW”t (KAI)

Transportatron System M~"=gWlle"t cl-01 & 20)




01 blanage huran actlvlty so that wlldl,fe and plant sgecles popvlatlon dgnanrc~ an* dlstrlbutlon OCCYP5 naturally PPohlbzt fish stocking except for relntroductron of xndzg- enous species 07 WhePe stoct1ng has been previously auth- orlred and practiced

(0220 ) tom )

01 Manage llveetack and herbl"oro"* Wlldllfe forage u*e I" accordance wzth FSM 2320 3 (3.i CFR 293 71

(0182 ) (088 )

01 Manage surface occupancy actlvltles authorlred prior to wxlderness deszgnatlon to reduce Impact on wxlderness values conszstant wrth the Intent of the occupancy authorlratlo"

(0210 ) ~088 )

02 Permit only those uses authorlred by vrlderness leglslatlon. LrhlCh cannot be reasonably met on non- Wilderness lands

01 Locate and design requzrec! access rc.acis wlthln the management aPea for authorlred actlvrtlel to mlnlmlze the blophysxcal and "lsual zmpact. and to facllltate restora- t,on

(0213 , (OS!3 )

a Fallow establIshed ~txlx- zatlon standards for al-e=50 "lth- 1" grar1ng allotments (6130 ) (088 )

b Provide Frlssell condltlon classes 1 and 2 campsites only

(6133 1 ~088 r

a Roada will not be author- Zled

- 0" slope. steeper than 60% - In apeas of high e~oslon

hazard, - In aPea of hlgh geologic


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES ___________-___ --_--__-------__-_-- _-_--------_________ ____---~--------~--~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~---

CONTINUATION OF Transportation system Management CL01 g, 20)

hazavd, - I" aPea of low "lsual absorp-

tlon capacrty that ape "nllkely for successfvl restoration.

- In apeas vhzch would ad- versely affect thPeatened and endangered plant and animal speczes

(6.165 ) COBB )

02 convert l-cad5 not needed for avthorlled actlvltles Malntal" tra11s I" accordance to trails, DP If they ape not needed a5 part of the kth standards 1" the Traxl Hand- transportation system, restore them to the establIshed VGO book CFSH 7709 12)

(0254 J (OSB ) Lb129 > ~080 )

b Schedule trail maintenance I" accordance with Reglonal Accept- able Work Standards c FSM ,310 R2 ID No 1 7/22/82 )

(6131 ) (088 )

03 construct C,P reconstruct trazls only when needed to meet ob~ecllves of the wilderness transportation system (0255 ) tOSB )

FoXlow standards ;sti 7709 12.

speclfled I" FSM 2323 Ilc and

2323 bid w/R-2 Supplement (6134 ) (088 )

b n-all density Will be less than one mile pep 5quare mile Trails ape COnBtPUcted and anal"- tarned HOP establIshed capacity level5

~6161 r COBB )



k sa+ety hazard 15 a phyalcal condltlon of a tra11 LlhlCh may cause InJUry, 1s unusual DP unexpected. and not readrlg ldentlfrable b,, the trawl use,. It 1s not a condz- tlo" which 1s easllll rdentzflable and normally encountered fop the type (2~ locatzo" of the %,-a>, xnvolved The follo"~l"g exanples illustrate thxs dlstlnctlon

A hazard 15 a rotten bridge deckzng OP handrazl A stream crossing uhe~e no b,ldge 1s provided and the user would expect thrs 0" the type and 1ocatlc.n of the Wall ~5 not a haraTd

A harard 16 a stable-appearzng loose rock ,n a constructed treadwag where all other rocks ape stable A traxl treaduay made up OF rocks I,, a near-natural posrtlon, many OF which ape loose. 16 not a hazard.

A hazard 1s a perennzal bog-hole on a horse tra,l An lntermltrent bog-hole whLch wzll dry UP bq Earl,, 5unlmeP OP wlthi" a few days following a Pal" BtoPm 15 not a hazard

A hazard 15 a sectlo" OF 'mall beadwag supported by rotten cribbing A 5ect1.m Of tPal1 where the Weadwag 15 ob"io"slg sllpperg 15 not a hazard

A hazard 1s a marked fo?d ",>th holes deepeP than the normal channel A deep fovd ,,,>th a consistent stream bed 15 not a hazard

(0214 1 ~088 I

05 Use cordlrrog and/or puncheon treads a~~055 bogs where "0 aaPe and feasible bgpass opporfun~ty exzsta

(0215 ) (088 k

06 Close 0, sign system tra11-a when not malntaxned to the sa+e standard For the speczfzed use

(021b ) ~OSB I

a Malntal" halls I" accordance vlth standards r" the Trail Hand- book CFSH 7709 12,

CA129 1 COBS )


MANAOEPIENT GENERAL STANDARDS c ACTIVITIES DIRECTION CVIDELINES ------_--_------_-------------~-- --__-_----- ______________-_-_------------------------------------------

CONTIN”ATICN OF 07 Use signs OF vnstalned wood ,ulth routed letters a Follow standards speclfled 1" T~~"~pO~t~tlO" and mounted on vnstalned Posts FSH 7109 Ila and lib S~.5%~l?l (0249 ) ~08s ) C.5158 ) ~080 ) Planagemer;t (LO1 pi 201

08 Provide sl&.ns at 'marl terminals and 'mall ~"nctlons only Include onlg trail zde"tzFzcatzon and zde"tlFlcatlo" OF terminal points

(0250 ) COBS b

F&O 01 bohrbat constructxon of new admznzstratxve fac- Co"str"ctl0" llltles OP st;ructures In the event a substantral Reco"str"ctlo" PDP'CIO" of the exzstzng admlnlstratrve Facllltq and, and Maintenance DP structure 15 destroyed. it uxll not be replaced CL24 AND 25) (0207 ) CO88 )



(Pmndes for semlprlmlrlve recreation opportunltles )


General Ihrectmn and Goals

Management emphasis IS to provide for the protectmn and perpetuation of essentially natural ho-physical cand~t~ans and a low level of e*coumers With other users or endence Of past use IS *oz a* essential part Of the social secrug


travel IS prlnclpally on system trails Human

Designated campsites are used and show evidence Of repeated, bin acceptable levels Of use

All ==SOurce ma”asement aCt~m.tres are mtegrated m such a way that current human use leaves only lmlted and site-spec~fx evx%znce of then passmg Areas with evidence of ~~,acceptable levels of past use are rehabllxrared and the affected area restored allotments with authorxed pemanenr sfmctur~s,


facllltles may be present wlrhln the area and authorxed mmeral ex~loratmn act~“~t~es requrmg multxyear surface accu~ancy

up to season-long occupancy are corrqatrble Scxent~f~c and other authorxzed pracfxes ut~lxmg nomotarned equqment, b”t requrmg


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS % ACTI”ITIES DIRECTICN GUIDELINES ---__-_-- ------_-----------------.- ---------_- _---__-----__--------------------------------------------

"lsual Resource 01 nanage For naxlmum retentlo" of the "at"Tel landscape Management Deslg" and 19cate nanagement actlvltles to meet the "lsual (A04) ovallty m.lect,ve Of Pre*Er"atlo" In a11 al-eas except where

spec~flc surface occupancy 15 a"%horzzed by Wlldernass leglslatlon In these apeas, the "lsual Guallty DbJectlve 15 Retentlo”

(0173 ) ~OSC )

Dispersed Recreation Ma"ag.ZM"t (~314 and 15)

oi Provide se">-grrmzt~ve recreation opportunztles requlrlng predon~nately unnodlfred natvra1 settings, with a moderate to hzgh degree of chalienge and risk while traveling CTOSs--Co”“tTg 07 0” trar1s (0237 ) (OEC )

02 Prohlblt open Fzres I" alpxne. krummholz. meadou apeas and wrthln rzparxan areas when

03 PePmlt undeslanated sztes In Frlssell Condltlo" c1a55 1 through 3 where u&estPxcted camping 1s permitted

(0174 s (OSC )

04 Manage srte use an* occupancy to malntaln 51te5 with- in F~zssell condl%lon class 3 except FOP designated 51te5 which nay be class 4 Close and restore class 5 sztes (0175 ) tom I

05 Planage 5”mmeP use to allov moderate to high contact with other groups and lndlvlduals (0752 ) (cm ,


MANAGEtlENT GEhFRAL STANDARDS 9, ACTI”ITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ----___--------------------------- - -------- _-___---___.---__-------------------------------------------

CONTINVATIDN OF D)r?.pW*ESd t?ecreatron Management ,*14 and 15)

(6126 > (08C k

b tlaxrmum use and capacxty level5 ape

- TT‘ail and camp enco!Jnters during peak use days ape 1e55 than 20 other PaPtles per day

-Trail capacity 1s displayed below

_--_----------- Forest

“se open & ShPUb Level b”dS Lands

--------------- c!” Trails (PADT,Mlle) 2-3 9-11

06 Reduce “lsito+ !J5e “he” the level Of uee exceeds capacxty fOP nol-e than 20 pel-cent Of tile SumneP use Sea*O”

(0489 > (OSC >

OS Manage location of campsites to provide a moderate a Locate degree of solitude 300’ apart (0628 I (OSC I (6348 1


(6346 ) tosc I

c Reduce vzs1tor use when the level Of use exceeds capacrty on move than 20 percent Of the days d”l-lng the s”mneP “se 5ea5on

(6019 ) (OSC i


(OSC 1


b Occupzed Szte Guldelxnes (Maxlmun number OF sztes occupied

at one ttme > Lakes c 5 acl-es 2



ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _ __ __________ ________________-__--------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF Dispersed Recreation Management (A14 and 15)

=I Recreation 7 nanagement 2 (Prrvate and \o Other P”blZC

Sector) (Al6)

Range Resource Management CD02)

Special use Management (NOn -ReCTeatlO”) (JOI)

5-25 acl-es 3 >25 acpe5 4

streams open apea* 3 slteslmlle Forested apeas 6 sxtes/mlle

(6350 I (OSC )

09 Manage sxte “5e and occupancy to malntaln sites vzthxn ~rzssell cond,txon class 3 except for designated sxtes which may be class 4 (0636 1 (OBC )

a Allmu sztes to be occupxed 20 days/summer **ason or to the level req"'r.4 to malntaln at least a stable trend I" sxte condltlon (6352 ) (OSC 1

b Close and restore Frlssell condzt>o" class 4 sites u"l=SS a desrgnated sxte Close and restore class 5 siltes (6354 ) (OSC )

01 Manage out?Qrtter-guide operations I” the same manneP a* DtheP “lsltors Permit campzng only I” sztes speclfled I” o”tfltter-gYlde permits Keep outfitter-guide actlvltles haPlnonlOY5 ulth actl”ltle5 Of .on-guided vlsltors Include odcFlt.teT-g”lde operations I” calc”latlo”s Of le”el-of-Yse CapaCltleS

(0208 ) (OSC )

01 nanage ll\estock and herblvorove wlldllfe forage use In a Follow established "till- accordance with FSM 2320 3 (36 CFR 293 7) zat1on 5tandard5 for aPea with-

(0182 ) toac ) I" grazing allotments (6130 ) (OSC )

02 Permxt only those uses aufhorzred by wilderness leglslat,m, wtl,cti cannnt be reasonablg met on non- Wilderness lands

(0211 ) (OSC )



--- _--__-_--_-______________________

so11 Resource Management

01 Restore so11 dlstlmbances Ca"Sed by human use (past mlnlngr gPazl"gr

(KAI) k-all c0nstructlc.n and IJse, camprng, etc )

to 5011 loss tolerance levels cmlmen*urate with the natural ecological processes for the treatment aPea

(0184 ) (OSC )

Tran*portat1on 01 Locate and design requxred *cc*** road* wlth>n the system management al-e= FOT authorrzed actlvltres to mlnlmlze the Management CL01 ?a 20,

blophyslcal and vraua1 Impact. an* to Facllltate restora- tzon

(0213 ) tosc )

02 convert Toad5 not needed i=OP authorized actlvltles to tPa,ls, 07 If the" ape not needed a5 Dal-t OF the tPa"SpoPtatl." system. restore them to the established "30

(0254 ) (OSC )

03 CO”StP”Ct OP reconstruct trails only when needed to meet ObJeCtlVeS Of the wilderness tra”sportatlon system (0255 1 <ox >


a FOllOV procedures speclfled I” Agrzcultural Handbook 537 For "tllxrlng the "nlversal SOll Lo** Equatlo" ccautrons contained In wo 2550 letter dated S/28/82 should be noted ) The guzdance FOP K and T Factors ape in the Natronal sor1* Handbook 407 1 (a)(3) (X”I1)

(6159 ) (08C ,

a Roads vzll not be a"th.,P- ll*d

- cm slopes steeper than 60%. - I" aPea Of tixgil el-0510"

ha7.a?-d. - I” aPeas Of hlgh geologic

’ hazard. - I" areas OF low "lsual atlsarp-

t1on capacity that are ""likely For successful restoratzan.

- I" aPeaS LuhlCh would ad- "eP*ely affect thPeatene* and endangered plant and anxma1 *pec1es

(6165 ) (0% )

a Malntal” tralla I” accordance With standards I” tile Trail Hand- book (FSH 7709 12)

(6129 ) (OSC >

b Schedule b-all mazntenance I,, accordance With ReglDnal Accept- able WDPL Standards ( FSM 1310 R2 ID No 1 7/22/82 )

(6131 ) (OSC )

a Follow standards speclf1ed I" FSH 7709 12, FSM 2323 IIC and 2323 61~3 w,R-2 Supplement

(6134 ) (OSC )


MANAGEMENT CEieRAL STAND*RDS ?a ACTIVITIES DIRECTION OUIDELINES ____----____---_._______________________------.---~---~--------------------------------------------------

CONTINuATIO:J OF b Trall density “111 not ex- TR3”SpOrt=tlO” teed two moles per square mxle system TPa115 a,= cO”stP”cted and maI”- Management ta>ne* f*P moderate to hl&!h CL01 a 20) levels OF use a5 SpeclFled below

,61b2 ) ~OSC )

A safety hazard 16 a physical condltlon OF a traz1 whrch may cause In.Jury> 15 ““usual 07 ““expected3 and not readily ldentlflable by the tra11 YSPP It 15 not a condl- tion whxch 1% easrly ~dentrf~able end normally encountered FOP the type sir locatxon of the trail xnvolved The followrng exanples illustrate thxs drstlnctlo"

A hazard 15 a rotten bridge deckxng OP handrail A stream crosszng vhere no bvzdge 15 provrded and the user would expect thxs on the fgpe and locatl~" of the b-a.11 15 not a hazard

A halard 15 a stable-appearzng 1005e rock I" a constructed beadway where all other rocks ape stable A k-a11 treadMy Glade up Of rocks I" a near-natvra1 pOsltl0". many OF (ihlch are loose. 1s ,ot a hazard

A haza?d 15 a perennral bog-hole on a house trail A" zntemtrttent bog-hole uhrch ~111 dry UP b!, earl!, -i"mmeP or ullfhl" a feu days Eolloulng a Pal" 5tomT IS not a hazard

A hazard 15 a section of trail treadway supported by rotten crlbblng A sectron OF ball where the treadwag 1s obvzguslg sl~ppe?g 1s not a hazard

A hazard 1s a marked ford uxth holes deeper than the nmvna1 channel A deep ford with a consistent stream bed 15 not a hazard

(Oz.14 ) tosc )




CCNTIN”ATICN OF 05 “se corduroy andlo~ pu”chean treads ac~1)ss bogs where Transportat~o” no saPe and Feasxble bypass apportun~ty exrste system (0215 ) cost ) management CL01 ?+ 20)

06 close 07 sly" sy5tem trails when not malntalned to the safe standard for the spec~+~ed use

(0216 1 ~OSC )

a Malntal” tra11s I” accordance wzth standards zn the Trazl Hand- b0.k CFSH 7709 12)

(6129 ) ~CJSC >

07 “se signs of ““stained wood wit,, rovted letters a Foll.,w standards apecxfzed I” and mounted on unstained posts FSH 7109 lia and Ilb

(0249 ) cost ) (6158 ) cost )

08 Provzde signs at tral, ter~znals end trazl .,““ctlons Only Include only trail ~dentlfrcatlo” and xdentlflcatro” OF terminal points

~0250 ) tow )

FA&O 01 PPohlblt constrvctlon of new admlnxstratlve fac-

g Constructlo” llltles DP structures In the event a substantral

w Reconntrvctlo” portlo” OF the exlstlng adnlnlstratlve facllrty and, and Maintenance OP stP!,ctuPe 15 destroyed. 1.t Vlll “at be l-eplaced CL24 AND 25) (0207 ) (08C )



(Emphasis 1s on Rlparlan Area Management )


General Dlrecrlon and Goals:

Emphasis IS on the management of all of the component ecosystems of rlparlan area These components include the aquatic ecosyrtem, the rqar~an ecosystem (characferm33 by dstmct vegetatmn), and adjacent ecosystems that remam wlthzn approxlmarely 100 ft measured hor17.0nrally from bath of all pereanral streams and from the shores of lakes and other still water bodies All of the components are managed together as a land Unit comprlzlng a* Lnregrated rlparlan area, and not as separate componenrs

The goals of management are to prowde healthy, self-perpetuatmg p1anr cmm”nltleS, meet water quality standards, provide kdntats for “lable popu1armns of vn1dhfe and f&2, and pravvie stable stream channels and still water-body shorelines me aquarlc ecosystem may CDntaln flsherles hablrat mprovemenr and channel srabllrzlng facllltles that harmonize with the “lsual sertlng and malnfal” or myrove wlldllfe or full tlalntat requrements me hIear narllre Of streamslde rlparlan areas permrs progr-lng of management aCtl”ltLeS v?hlCh axe not “lsually evident or are “lsually subordInate

Forest rlparlan ecosystems are treated to improve “lld1lf.z and t-d? hantat dlverslty speclfled sll”lculrura1 ob,ectl”es Both commercial and noncammerclal vegerarmn treatments are used to achieve multi-resource benefits Cleatcurrlng IS US.4 to regenerate aspen clones Other forest CoYer types are freeted “lrh exrller small-group or smg1e-tree selectlo* methods FlSh habLrat improvement treatments are applied to lakes and Streams to enhance habltatS and rrzrease flSh populations


MANAdEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ___- ____ -- __.-- _-_---_-------_-- _- _--_-_-- --__--_-_---_--_----------~---~----~-----~-----~--~~~----~~-

",sual Resource management (MY.1

Dispersed Recreatlo” Management: (A14 and 151

01 Design and xmplement management actlvltres uhlch 5"Stal" inherent "lsual values Of rrparxan aPeas and blend u1C.h the surrounding natural landscapes (0656 1 (0% )

Oi Semi-pr~m~tlve "o"motoP1zeds sew-prlmltlve motorized. raaded nat"Pal and rural rec?eatlon .y;;;;un;t'es can be pro",ded


02 Provzde roaded natural recreatzon opportvnltles wlthl" 112 rnzle OF Fores% arterial. collector and local roads wzth bet%=, than prlmzt~ve surCaces uhlch ape open to publ1.z travel

Provide senl-pruxtxve motorxred recreatzo" opportunx- toes uxth a 1c,u to moderate ~ncrdence of contact u,th other groups and Indlvzduals wlthln i/2 mxle of desxgnated local roads with prrnltlve surfaces and trazls open to motorzred PeCPeatlO" ll5.e

Where local roads ape closed to pvblzc motorized recreatlo" tra"el. provzde +DP drspersed "on-motorrred recreatlo" opportunltles Manage retreatron use to provzde for the lncxdence o+ contact with 0th~ groups and x"dl"x- duals a~proprzate for the establllhed R05 class

Pro",de senl-pr~mxtxve non-motorlred PecPeatlo" OP- portun~t~es I" all ex'eas "ore than 112 mxle awaq From roads and tra11* open to mD%orlled recreatlo" use (0650 1 (0% b

a Do not exceed an Adopted "zsual oua1zty CbJect2"e ("GO) OP PaPtlal Retentlo"

(6135 ) (0% )

a / Maxsmum Use and Capacity Le"e15 ape


Recreation use and capaczty range d"Pl"g the snow-+ree period (PAOTlacre)


Tral'l "ve and capacity range ~PAlJT/rn3le OF trail)

capacrty Range

Use "WY ModeP- Le"el Low l-mu ate Hzgh -----_--_----_-__ --------c-------_-

ROS Class - Seml-Prlmltl"e Nonmotorlred


On Tvazls PAOT/mlle 2 0 3 0 9 0 11 0 -------------_--_-

APea--wlde PADTlaCPe 004 008 05 OS -------------_-___

RDS Class - Seml-Prlmltl"e tlO%O~lLed


On T~ax1s b'AOT/m~le 2 0 3 0 9 0 110 ----------------_-

mea-wide PAOT/acre 004 008 05 08


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS b ACTIVITIES DIRECTION WIDELINES __________ _________-______-------~-~.-------- - -_____-- --_--_______-_______----------------------------

CONTINUA’I ICN (IF DZspeTSed Recreatlo” Ma”ageme”t ,A14 and 15)


ROS Class - Roeded Natural _--_---_---------

On Trazls PADT/mlle - - - - -----------------

AT-ea-Wlde PADT/acre 04 QB 12 25 ____---_---------

RDS Class - R”Pal _____--_---------

on Trails PA0T/m1le - - - - ____---_---------

Area-ulde PAOT,aCPP 5 8 50 75 _____--_---------

Reduce the above use level co- eePlcre”ts a* necessary to reFlect usable acl-es1 patterns of “se, and general attractxveness of the SpeclFlc management aPea type as descrxbed I” the ROS “sers Guide. Chapter 25

Reduce the abcsve use levels “hePe macceptable changes to the bro- physrcal PesouPces Ulll OCCYP (6402 ) (09A )

b SpectFy of+-?oad vehzcle restrzctlons based on OR” use management <FSM 2355. R2 S”pp 88)

~6083 ) (09A )

c See FSM 2331, FSM 7732, FSH 7709 12 lTl-a11s Handbook). FSH 7109 Ila and Ilb <Sxgn Handbook)

(6226 J (09A )




CONTINUATION OF Daspersed Recreatlo" Management CA14 and 151

Wlldllfe Habitat Improvement and Mal"te"a"ce <co*. 04. 05 and 06)

03 Pe~mxt undeszgnated sztes rn Frxssell condltlo" class 1 through 3 where wrestrxcted camprng 1s permrtted

(0174 ) (09A s

04 Manage site use and occupancy to malntarn sztes uxth- I" Frzseell condltlon class 3 except for designated sites whxch nay be class 4 Close and restore class 5 51te5 (0175 ) (094 )

05 P~ohzb~t motorlred "ehlcle "se C,ncludrng snowmob~les~ off F-a-es% System 'roads and traxls zn alprne shrub and Krummholr ecosystems Prohlbzt motorized "ehlcle use off Forest System roads and balls (except snowmobiles operatxng 0" snow, I" other alpIne. and (Ithe? ecosystems. where needed to protect soxls. vegetation, OP special wild- llee habitat

(0154 ) C09A )

01 Planage for habitat needs OF management lndlcator *pecres

CO340 ) (09k 1

a tbl"tal" habItat capablllty at a level at least 80 percent of potential capabllrty

(62.51 ) (09A >

01 Provide habztat dlversrty through "egetat1.o" t~Z?~tllle"tS> I" co"Ju"ctlo" with OtheP Peso"Pce actlvltles. desIgned to "alntal" 07 improve "lid- life OP flsherles habitat (0658 > (09k )

02 Provide habltat for vzable populations of all native vertebrate specxes of fish and wlldllfe ~0750 ) (09A )

03 Plan lake and stream habItat unprovement PPOJectS with the assrstance of state wxldl>fe agenc.les> where aouatxc habitats ape belou oroductrve oatentlal PIa" tiose u,provenents that harknze with'the "lsual settzng Cobb0 ) (09&l >


MANAGEMENT CENERAL STANDARDS P, ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ___________-.--------------------- ----__-____--____--_-- ______--_----------_____________________-~~~~~~~

CDNTIN”ATIIjN OF WIldlIfe Habxtat Improvement and Maintenance (CO2, 04, 05 and 06,

Range Re5oYPCe Management CDD2)

Sll”lc”ltural IL Prsscrlptlons ,"

CEO?& 06 % 071

04 Mazntazn a current fish habxtat inventory 1" co- operatzon wxth state wzldllfe agencies (0662 ) (09A 1

01 Malntal” proper stocking and livestock dlstrlbutlo" to protect rlparla” ecosystems (0666 1 <!39A )

02 Prohlbxt tvallz"g OF Ixvestock along the length of rlparla” apeas except where exlstlng stoct drIvewags DCCUP Rehabzlltate exzstlng stock drzvevags where damage 1s occurrIng 1" rzparza" area5 Relocate them autslde rzparzan a'reas ,F possrble. and IF necessary to achieve rrparran-area goals

~0108 ) (09A )

01 Manage forest CoVeP tgpes to perpetuate tree COVeP and provrde healthy stands. high water qualztg and wlldlx+e and Fish habltat

(0088 ) (09A 1

02 Manage Forest Cover Tqpes vslng the Following harvest methods

- Clearcut rn aspen0 and - Selectzon (CP~YP 0~ Single tree) 1" all other

cove7 types (0486 1 (09.4 )

a Apply harvest treatments to forest COV~P tqpes as speczfxed below on at least 80 % of the forest CoVeP type up to 20 percent c.F tile tqpe may be treated using otheP harvest methods speczfred I" Forest DIrectlo"

(6074 I (09A 1

b S~lvlc"lt~ral Standards (These standards ma!, be exceeded

on areas managed Ear old growth)

1 Clearcut

------------------ Forest cover Type


Aspen Rotatlo" SO-120


MANAGEMENT CENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITLES DIRECTION WIDELINES _-----__--_--------------------------~------- ___--_-___---_______----------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF Age Yp* Sllvlcultural -----------------

Prescrlptlons (E03. 06 E 07) 2 Selectlo” (group or single

tree) ------------------

All other Forest cover Types



me 90-160 ------------------

cutting cycle a-30 VI-5


FOP group selectlo". 51ze OF open- lngb ape less than tuo acre5

(6154 1 (OVA )

03 Apply lnternedlate treatments to malntal" grwd1ng stock level standards

(0140 J (09A )

04 adjust stolck,“g levels bg sxte qualxtqo hzgher stocking should OCCUP 0” better sites ~Ob.50 , <OVA )

05 Utlllre flPeWOOd material lrsxng both commercial and “oncommerclal nethods

(0147 ) (0% )

06 Establish a *atlSCa.toPy stand eztller naturally OP thP*“gh artl+lclal regeneratzon methods wlthl” a five-year pet-loci afteP disturbance (0726 I (OVA )

07 Prohxbzt log landzng and deckang apeas wlthxn the rlparla” avea CO.570 ) (WA )


MANAGEPIENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ____________---.-------------------- _-__-----_-------__- -___------------___-----------------------------

CONTINUATION OF OS Reduce debris Jam potentza1 by cuttzng 5tumpe S~l”lcultural to “eaP g7ounLl level I” the loo-year floodplar” P7eSC?lptlD”s (0672 ) to%2 ) (E03. 06 & 07)

09 For managevent pvrposes. a cut-over area 15 considered an apen1ng ""tll such time as

- Increased water yield drops below 50 percent of tile potentL31 l"cPea*el

- Forage and/or browse productlo" d7OPS below 40 percent Of potentza1 productlo".

- Deer and elk hldlng CDVeP reaches 60 percent of potentra1.

- M~n~rnum stockxng standards by forest cove7 type and sxte productlvlty ape met. and

- The area appears as a g,,""g forest rather than a restocked opening, and takes on the appearance of the ad,oa"l"g characterlstlc I~"dSC~pe

<0500 ) <WA )

a Wile” the “~5Yal GuaIzty Ob.,ectxve of an area 15 partE.1 retentzon, the Pe- generate* stand shall meet 07 exceed all of the following characterlstzcs before a cut- OVeP aPea 15 no longer canelder- ed an opening


Forest Ml"lrn"rn Tree cover Stocking Height 1, TYP= Level cj! of the

(Trees/ adJaCe"t .CP.) mature stand

height) ____-___---------

Inland 190 25 PO"deTDSa


MIxed CO"Zfe7S 190 25

Lodgepole PI"= 150 25

Engelma"" Spruce - S"b- alpIne fir 150 25

Aspen 300 25 -----------------

Forest crown olstrl- cover ClOS"T= butlo" 2, TYP= (PeTCent)


Inland PD"*ePo*a 30 70% PI"=




CONTINUATICN OF Sll”lc”lt”ra1 PT”esCrlptlD”s (E03r Ob * 07)

Mlxed Conifers 30 75%

Lodgepole PI”= 30 75%

Engelmann SPP”C.- Subalpine 30 fir


Asp=" 30 75% ---_-----------__

I, Applzes to trees spectfzed as minimum stocking level

2, Percent of plot5 or transects that ape stocked

(6316 ) (OVA )

Water Resource 01 Prevent or ~emo”e debvls accumulations that reduce 1mpro”eme”t and stream channel stabllsty and capacity

iJ.2 Maintenance (0001 ) (OVA )


CFOS and 06)

02 Proposed neL. land “se faclllties cPOade> campgro”“ds. = bulldrngs) will not normallg be located ~zthxn flood-

Implement mltlgatlo” mea5ul-ee

plal” bo”“daPles for the 10%gear floc,d when present or ““avoidable f,,ture facllltles ape located In the act-

~0012P1, (09&l ) IYe floodplal” to e”e”Pe that state water quality standards. sediment threshold Ilmits. bank Stabxlrty c~lte~lar flood hazard red”ctl.3” and rnstream flOW standards al-e met d”Pl”g an* lmmedlately afteP CO”StPYCtl0” (6604 1 (OVA )

03 Prevent stream channel xnstabzlzty. loss of channel cross-sectional aPea and lose Of WateP qua11ty resulting from actlvrtles that alter vegetatrve CO”eP

(0007 , (OVA b


MANACENENT GENERAL STANDARDS e ACTIVITIES OIRECTION GUIDELINES ____----- -- _______-________________________________-----------------------------------------------------

CONTIN”ATICN OF Cl4 maintain sediment qreld ~~thxn threshold llmlts Water Resource The eFfects on UateP an* sediment !Jlelds from vegeta- 1mpro"ement and JclO” manlpulatlon and road consfr”ctl0” proJects Will Mal”te”=“Ce be determined through the use OF appropriate modelrng CFO5 and 06) and/or qvanttf~cat~on procedures to determine sediment

greld threshold llmlts and eater lJze1d l”cPea5e potentials cob.32 ) (09A t

b Prescrzption-induced WateP I)=eld I”cPeases Should not exceed pPeQCPlbe.2 thresholds Of allowable I”cPease “DP should the tot=1 gleld oF water and sediment exceed maximum allowable amo"nts a5 stated I" the above re+erences

(6060 ) (09A )




_-------------- _--_

CDNTINVATIDN OF Water Resource Improvement and Maintenance (FO5 and 06)

5011 Resource Management (KAl)

07 Treat disturbed apeas resultzng From nanagement actlvltles. to reduce sediment "lelds to the natural a-05~on rates zn the shortest pissrble time (06B4 ) (OVA 1

OS Stabzlize streambanks vhlch ape damaged beyond natural recovery zn a reasonable tzme perxod vxth appwprx/ce methods DP procedures that emphaslre control by vegetatzon (0.586 ) (OVA )

09 Design and locate sett11ng ponds to reduce clown- st?eam sedrmenf yield and to prevent washout durang hxgh water Locate settlxng ponds outsIde of the ac'c~ve channel Restore any channel changes to hydraulic geometry standards for each stream type (068s ) (OVA )

10 Include u>ldl~Ce and Fxsh habatat. aesthetic, OP safetg goals when plennzng proJecta that result 2" "egetatlon type c0""ePslc.n (0690 ) (WA )

11 Require concurrent monltorlng to en5"Pe that mltlgatlve meas"Pes a7e effective and 1" compliance wrth state water qualxtq standards (0692 J (OVA )

01 Rehabxlltate dlst,,~bed so115 apea where ad"e~se Impacts would OCCUP accmdL"g to the Following przor,tres

-AquatIc ecosy5tems> -Rlparlan ecosystems. and -Rlparla" area5 outside Of aquatic and rlparla"

ecosystems (0091 ) (WA )

02 h-event SC.11 su7*ace c.anpactlm and dlst"rbance 1" PlpaPlan ecosystems Allow "se of heavy constructlo" em‘ulpment fop constructlo". Pesldue removal. etc I d",->"a ~erlods when the 5011 15 least 5usCeDtxble to c.mpa;t;on OP rutting

(0003 ) (09A ,


MANACEMENT CENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION WIDELINES ----------.---- _--------------_-__- _-______ _-_____----.--_---------------------------------------------

CONTIN"ATION OF 03 Mazntazn DP enhance the long-term pro- sol1 i?esovrce ductlvlty of ~0x1s wzthzn the rlparxan eco- Management system (KAl> (0694 ) (0% )

mn1ng Lau 01 M~n~mrze detrzmental dxsturbance to the ~z~a,-~an Compliance and al-e= by mlnera1 actlvltles Inztrate timely and Admznzstratzon efFect~"e rehabllltatzon of dxsturbed apea and restore (GOl) rrparlan aTea to a state of prLld"ctl"ity cDmparable

to that before drsturbance (0706 1 (OVA I

02 Locate mneral removal actzvxtles away from the Water's edge OP outszde the rrparran area (0708 ) (07A )

a Prohlbxt the deposrtlng oF 5011 material from drllllng, processing, 07 sxte pPepaPatl0" I" natural dralnageways (6612 1 (0% )

b Locate the lower edge oF dzs- tuTbed OP deposited 5011 banks out-side the act,"= Fl~odplaxn (6614 ) (OVA )

c Prohlblt stockplllng of top- 50x1 OP any other drsturbed sol1 I" the actzve floodplain (6616 1 (OVA >

d PPohlblt mrnera1 processing Cmzlllng) actzvxtzes wathzn the active eloodplaln (6618 ) (OVA )

e Dlscontxnue heavy equzpment use when sol1 compactzon, ruttxng. and pvddllng 15 present (662.0 ) (WA )

a locate drllllng mud prts out- side the active floodplain ""less alternate loratlons ape moPe env1- ronmentally damagrng IF location 15 "navoldable. sea1 an.5 dike a11 pzt5 to prevent leakage (bbz?4 ) (OVA )

b barn and restore roads. pads, an.5 drill sztes rmmedlately aft=? use 15 dlscontlnued Revegetate to 80 percent OF ground cover I" the first year Provrde SUP- face plwtectl." during StoPIn- flow and snowmelt runof+



ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _______--____---_-_-------------- ___.-_______________----------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF events Mlnlng Lau (6626 1 COTA ) comp1,anc.e and Admxnistratlon (GOi)

03 Deszgn and locate placer nine sett11ng ponds to prevent washout durzng high water Locate settling ponds outsIde of the active channel Restore anq channel changes to hydraulrc geometrg standards for each st7eam type (0710 ) (07A )

a Permit dlverslon actlvltles wrthln tile rlparlan zone where technologg 15 avaIlable to “alntaln water quality standards. sedzment threshold llmlts. and lnstream flow standards (6622 ) (09A )

04 ConfIne lleavg equipment use to aPea5 necessarll FOP mineral extractlo" (0712 ) (09A )

=I l-l

05 Locate mrnxng camps outsxde the act1v.s floodplain (0716 1 (OVA )

06 Requzre concurrent monztorlng to ensure that mt~gatxve measures ape effectrve and xn complzance wzth state water qua11ty standaPd5

(0714 ) (OVA )

T~anspo~tatlon 01 Locate roads and tra115 Outside rlparlan ape=< system unless alternatzve routes have bee" revzewed and me- nanagement (LO1 & 20,

02 create artlflclal sedlnent traps with b=PPlePS WhePe the natural vegetatron 15 1na*equate to protect the uateway OP lake from srgnlflcant accelePated sedlmentatlon (0720 ) (09A )

a Do not parallel streams when TOad location must OCCUP rn rzpar- la" aTees except where absolutely necessary cross streams at Plght angle5 Locate croes1ngs at points Of low bank 51ope and flPrn surfaces (6628 ) (OVA )



ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES _________ ____--_-______---__-~~-~-----~-----~-~~--~~------~~~~~--~----~~~------ -_--__---------~-__...-~-...~~

CONTINUATION OF 03 Mlnlmlle detrimental disturbance to the rlparla” Transportatrm area by constr”ctlcm actlvltles Inxtzate tzmely and system effective rehabllltatlon of disturbed a~==5 and PeStOPe llanagement rlparlan aTeas 50 that a vegetation ground cover 07 (LO1 & 201 su,table substxtute protects the z.011 f~orn =I-0510”

and prevents Increased sedrment y’eld (0724 ) (OVA )



(Emphasis 1s on Increased Water YL&~ through “egetarmn Man~pularmn )


General rhrectum and Goals

hvestock grazmg occurs but Ilot to the polLIt that regeneratmn Of forested areas or water-yield ObJectIves are lmpalred Senqflmltlve recreatb3n 1s the predominate reCreatlOn "Se Motorized travel may be prohlblted

The mmeral and energy resources act~vzt~es are compatd,le with goals of thu managment area sub,ect to approprmre stqmlarmns as outlmed m the genera1 Forest Dlrecclon


MANAGENENT GEMERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ---------------_.-----------------------------.----------------------~------------------------------------

Dispersed 01 Semr-przmztlve nonmotorxzed. semz-przmltzve Recreatlo" motorized. roaded natural and rural recreation Management (A14 an* 15)

o;;;;;"n;tles can be prwlded (098 )

02 Prcwzde roaded natural racreatron oppoFtu"ztles "IthIn l/2 mile of Forest arterza1, collector and local roads vzth better than ,mmltl"e surfaces uhzch ape open to public travel

Provide *ml-prlmltlve motorized recreation opportunl- tzes wxth a lo” to moderate ~nczdence of contact wxth other groups and rnd~v~duals wzthzn 1/2 mile of designated local roads with prlnltlve surfaces and traz1s open to motorlred recreation use

Where local roads ape closed to publrc motorxred recreation travel. provide FOP dispersed non-motorized recreatzon opportun~tles Manage recreatxon use to pPo"Lde for the xncrdence of contact vzth other groups and ~ndrvl- duals ap,roprrate For the establxshed ROS class

Provide seml-prlmltlve "oil-motorized recreatxon op- portunltles I" all areas more than I/2 mzle away from ~oiids an* tra11s open to motorized recreation use (0650 1 tom )

a DC, not exceed an Adopted "lsual (iua1xty ObJectlve ("GO) Of modlflcatI0"

(62.5, ) toss )

a Maximum “se and Capacity Levels are


Recreat2c.n use and capac,ty range during tile snou-free period (PAOTlac~e1


Traxl use and capaczty range (PAOT/mile oF trazl)

Capacity Range

US= “WY tl0der- Level LOW LO" ate High ----------------- ------------------

ROS Class - Semr-PrlmltIve Nonmotorlzed


On TP.IIS PAoTlmlle 2 D 3 0 9 0 11 0 ------------------

Area-wzde PAOTlaCPe 004 008 05 OS ------------------

ROS Class - Seml-Prlmltlve Motorized


On Traxls PAOT,mxle 2 0 3 0 9 0 110 ------------------



MANAGEMENT GEWERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES --------------------------------- ---_-----_-___-_-__----------~-----------~------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF Dispersed Recreation Management (A14 and 151

PA0Tlac~e 004 008 05 08 ----------_------_

ROS Class - Roaded Natural -----------------

PAOT,mlle - - - - -----------------

Area-wide PAOTlacre 04 08 12 25 --------------_-_

ROS Class - Rural ---------_---____

PAOT/mlle - - - - ----------------_ ATea-“lde PAOT/acre 5 8 50 75 -------_------_-_

<6402PI) (09s )

b Increase the above use levels where necessary to provide adequate access to ape=* OP "at"Pal features that aFCmd special OP "nlque Pet- reatlon opportunlt~es

(6001PI) (09s )

c Reduce the above use level co- efflclents as nec***aPy to re*1ect “Sable ac7e*, pattems of use. and general attractiveness of the SpeclFlc managsment aPea type as described 2” the ROS “sers Guide. Chapter 25

Reduce the above use levels where “nacc*Dtable changes to the blo- physlrel Pe*o”Pc*~ Will OCCUP (bO2SPI) (09s I

d Specify off-road "ehlcle PeStP1Ctl.nS baSed on ORV us* management (FSrl 2355, R2 S”pp 8s)

(6083 ) (096 )


Wlldllfe and 01 mlntal” habz%at capab2llty for management FlSh ReSOYPCe lndlcator specres Ma”.3gelTWnt co329 ) (098 1 cc01 1

Wlldllfe 01 Malntaln wlldl~fe hebltat affect~veness Permanent Habitat openzngs may be employed Reduce disturbance to wzldllfe Improvement and 50 that no slg"Lflca"t long-term negatrve "lldllfe effects Maintenance result cco2, 04. 05 (0155 ) (098 ) and O.5)

a Malntaln capabrl~t~ at 60 pePcent of potentIs. capabzlltl)

C6186 ) (WE? 1


MANAGEMENT GENER#L STANDARDS PI ACTIi'ITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES --------- -----------_------_--------~-------~----------~-------------------------------------------------

Sllvlcultural 01 Manage Forest cQ"eP types using the following Prescrlptlons harvest methods (Ecas 06 t 07)

- Clearcut I" lodgeptlle p,ne, aspen, Inte+loT ponderosa pine and mlxed conifer,

- Clearcut and group selectron I" Engelma"" sprucelsubalplne fxrs accordxng to the following CPIterla

a Utlllze the group selettzon method where the obJ=ctz"e x= to perpetuate uneven-aged =tand structure

b "tllrre the clearcut method 1" even-aged stands located on "07th and east aspects. DP other aspects If moist s1t.z CDndltlons are present (subalpine fzr/for=st fleabane habxtat type, +-co example) It Should also be used xn even-aged stands having above-average windfall PXSL

~0047PI~ (09B )

a ApplY harvest treatments to f0Pee.t CDVeP types as speclfled below on at least 80 % Of the forest COVeP type up to 20 percent Of the type may be tpeated "sing other harvest methods speczf&ed I" Forest Dlrectlo"

it.074 ) (096 ,

b S~lv~cultural Standards (These standards may be exceeded

on areas managed fop old growth,

i Clearcut

------------------ InterloT PO"deTOSa PI"@, Engelmann Spl-"Ce- subalpxne~ Other fir & Forest nixed cover Conifer ASP=" TYP=S


Rotatxon ALI= 90-180 80-120 100

VP5 yrs OP rnDPe YTS


Groulng Stock m-160 WA m-120 Level

------------------ Thlnnxng IO-50 NIA 20-40

Cy'le llrs Yrs _----_-_----L-_-_-

2 Group Selectzon _---__-_----_-_-_-

Forest cover Type ------------------

Engelma"" Other spruce- Forest S"balpl"e CQver





CONTINUATION OF fir TYP=S Sllvrcultvral --------------____

Prescrlptlons Resld~al BA 60-160 80-120 CE03, 06 & 07) --------------_--_

cuttzng Cycle 20-30 yrs 20-40 yr ----------_---_--_

The laPge%t anc~ease 1” wate? avarlable for stream flow results “hen 30 to 40 percent Of a *Pal”- age 15 harvested I” small clear- cut patches dzspersed throughout the apea Of a watershed (Lesf and Alexander FS Res PW RM 1331 c1earctJt5 “Ill utr1rze shaped C”ttlng aPea with vrdth 3-s times the height Of the ,emaxn- xng overstory

<6026PIl (09E >

02 Apply lnternedzate treatments to marntal” growing stock level standards

(0140 ) (OTB )

03 Utzllze fzrewoad materral usx”g both commercial and noncommercial methods

(0147 ) (09s )


MANAGEMENT GENERC\L STANDARDS P, ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ________-___ --__-_--__-___---_-------------- _______-___-___-_-__----------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF 04 F*P managenent p"Pposes. a LUt--O"QP apea 15 Silvlcultural consIdered a" opening u"t>l s"ch tzme a5 PrescrlptrDns ,E03. cl.5 2 07) - Increased ~'ater yzeld drops below 50

percent of the potentza1 l"c?ease, - Fopage and/or browse productlo" d~0p-a

below $0 percent of potentzal production. - Deer and elk hxdzng cover reaches bO

percent Of pntentlal. - Ml"lrn"rn stocking standards by foPest

cove? type and szte praduetlvlty a,'= met. and

- The area appears as a young forest rather than a Pestocked opening, and takes on the appearance of the adJoInIng characterlstlc la”dSCape

(0500 1 (0% !

=I H E


a When the "15~1 Q"allty ObJectlve of a" a,ea 1% modzfz- catlo" or maximum modlfxcatzo". the regenerated stand shall meet or exceed a11 of the f~llowlng characterlstlcs before a cut- ovep a,-ea 15 no longer consxdered a* opening


Forest MI"lrn"rn Tree CO"=? StDCkl"g Stand

TYP= Level Hexght (Trees, (ft , 1,

aCPe> - ---------------

Inland Ponderosa Pine 190 b

Mzxed Conifers 190 b

Lodgepole Pine 150 b

Engelmann SpTUCe- SUb=lpl"e flP 150 b

Aspen 300 b -_---------------

FoPeSt CT'IW" cover ClDS"Fe D,strl-

TYP= (PeTC="tb butron 2, ------_-----_-c--

Inland Ponderosa Pine 30 70%

MIxed CO"lfePS 30 75%



MANmEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS p1 ACTIVITIES DIRECTION CVIDELINES ---__-_--- ---- _________----________________ _________________-------------------------------------------

CONTINlJATIO:J OF Pl”e 30 75% Sll”lc”lfural Prescrlptrons Engelma”” CE03r 06 & 07) +-We-

S”balpl”e flP 30 75%

Aspen 30 75% ____--__-------_-

1, Applies to trees specl*led a5 ml”~m”m stocking level

2, Percent Of plot5 OP h-an- sects that ape stocked

cm14 ) (09s )



(Prondes for Research Natural Areas 1



MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES __-_______.---------------------- _-_ -_--_--._______-____------------------------------------------------

“lsual Resource nanagement CAO4)

RecTeatlD” szte Co”str”ctzo” and RehablIltatZO” (A05 AND 06)

Dzspersed ReCFeatlO” Ma”agMle”t (A14 and 15)


? Wlldllfe Habitat

E ImpPDvement an* L” Maintenance

(co*. 04, 05 and 061

Range Resource Management (DO21

PTe5CTlpflD”5 (Em, 06 a 07)

Special use nanagement (NO” -ReCTeatlO”l (JOl)

Wlthdraulals. MOdlflCatlO”S an* Revocations (JO4)

01 Prohlblt any clzrect habitat manipulation (0371 ) (lOA ,

01 RestPlct grazrng by livestock to that essential For the ma,ntenance Of a speclflc vegetatron type

co372 ) (10A ,

01 Prohlblt any l0991”9 actlvltg (0373 ) (lOA )

01 u5.e specza1 use permits 07 cooperatrve agreements a Reference FSM 4063 37 to authorize and document sclentlflc actlvlty (6217 ) (lOA )

(0374 ) (lOA )

01 Wxthdraw From mzneral entry 11, conformance with Section 204 of Federal Land Polzcq and Manageme”+ Act of 1976 (PL 94-579)

(0375 1 (lOA )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES ____________________-------------- ___--_-____ -__________---_--------------------------------------------

Propertg Boundary Location (JO&,

TW”*pOrtatlO” system Management (l-01 & 20)

Trail S”stem Ma”agelT#e”t (l-23,

Lad Enforcement (%?‘I tllru 27)

Protectlo” (l-40)

0, Monument a11 cc.)~ne~s OP turnzng poxnts and document and record the monumentatxon I” the establishment report Mark boundarzes xn the fxeld when appropriate to e”su~e zntegrltg Of the aPea

(0376 ) CiOA >

01 CeneralIy> physical Improvements, such a5 road* al-e not PermItted

(0377 ) <iOk )

01 Llmzt trazls to thctse needed fop access to conduct research and fop educatxonal purposes

(0378 J (1064 )

01 Ext,ngvzsh wlldflres endangerxng the RNA Allou fires wlthln the RNA to burn undisturbed unless they threaten persons OT property outsIde the areas OP the uniqueness of the RNA

(0379 1 (10A )

02 Do not veduce fzre hazard wlthxn the RNA (0380 ) (10A )

01 “se specza1 closures when necessarg to protect the RN* from actual OP potential damage FPOrn P”bllC LJ*e

(0381 ) (lOA )

01 Take “a actzon agaxnst endemrc znsects. diseases 07 Wlld anlola

(0382 ) (104 )

a Leave fzre-caused debris For natural decaq

(6.218 ) CIOA )

a Issue closvre order under PPOV~SIO”~ OF 36 CRF 261 50 CFSM 4063 3)

(6219 , (IO* i



(Provides far Expermental Forests )


NANA6EMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES ------------ -- -------------------- -------- --_--_--_-- --_________-------______________________~~-~----

spec1.31 “se Management (Non

01 Apply Forest-wrde dlrectlon standards and guzdellnes WhePe not I” conflzct with Erperlmental Forest OP

-Recreation) research faclllty agreements DP permrts (JO1 1 ~0013PI~ ClOB )

02 ExperlmentaI FOPBS+zS manage I” accordance wzth the Director, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment StatIon

Manlto" Expermenta1 FoPest ~~014PI~ (iOB )

03 Research Facllrty - Colorado State “nlverslty Southeast Colerado Research Center (SECRC) Manage I” accordance with the terms of the permit authorlrrng the facllltles and actzvltles



(Pravldes for Special Interest Areas )



"1sual Resource 01 meet stated vls"al qualzty ob~ectxve nanagement (0125 1 cioc 1 ,AO4)

a DO not exceed an Adopted "lsual QYallty ObJectlve ("GO) of retentzon

<.5215 1 (1OC I

b Apply rehabzlltatlo" practzces where the above obJectl"e5 a,-= not currently being met

(6068 ) cioc )

c Manage "lsual Peso"Pces uszng the above standards I" accordance wzth FSM 2380 and FSH 2309 16 through FSH 2309 25

(6225 1 (1OC )

Recreatzon Sxte Constructlo" and Rehabxlrtatlon

L CA05 AND 06)

$ Dispersed Recreation Management (A14 and 15,

spec1a1 “se Manaoemenf lNon -Recreation) (JOl)

01 PP.hlblt constructlo" oF developed recreatlo" 51te5

(0368 > ttoc )

01 Emphsslre znterpretatlo" and educatlo" 50 long as szgn~fzcant Features can be maxntaxned

~0054PIl cioc t

02 PePsnIt and encourage use by SClentlSt. and ed"CatOPS

(0370 ) CIOC )

01 scen>c weas Manage xn a:cordance with the plan approved I" the ertablxshnent document

(0016PI) ClOC >

02 Natural Hzstovy Areas ,-Image to protect the features for uh~ch the apeas were established and I" accordance vxth applicable laws and regulations Manage 1" acccrdance with approprxate Forest-wide and management avea dIrectlo" where not I" con+lzct with the above

(0017PI) (1OC 1

a Reference FSM 4063 3‘ (6291 ) clot )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL ST*NDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ----_-----___-----__-----------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------

CONTINUATION OF 03 National HlStoPlC Landmarks Manage I" accordance Special use wxth appropriate laws and regulatzons to preserve and Management (NO" P'Potect the cultural resource values FOP which the area -Recreatxon) was recognxred Manage I" accDPdance with aPpPoPP>ate CJO1, Forest-wide and management area dlrectlon where not I"

conflict (OOlSPI~ ClOC )

04 National RecPeatlon i'razls Manage I" accordance vlth applicable laws to preserve the qualltlee For ~hxch the traxls gene establxshed

Manage 1" accordance uzth approprrate Forest-ulde and management apea dIrectIon ,.,he,.e not I" con+llct

~oolsPI~ (1OC J

05 SpeclaI LI1thdrauals Kanage 1" accordance with regulations applicable to the al-e= 2" accordance with the purpose For vhzch the wxthdrawal was establIshed

a Future pouersltes wrll be protected and managed to not Interfere with thezr future "se

(002OPI) (1OC )

Ob Comanche Lesser Prazrre Chzcten Habitat zoo1ogrca1 APea

~005OPI) ( (1OC ,

a protect a11 lesser PPalPle chxcken leks From surface dls- tuPbance at all times Protect nestl"g hibztat from surface disturbance From April 15 to June 30

CbO13PI) (IOC )

b L,"eatock and wxld herbzvore allowable *wage use I" lesser pra~rre ChIcken habitat will not exceed 40 percent

(6014PIX clot )

c Special habztat needs of the lesser pralrle chIcken ape to be provxded For the af*ected allot- ment management plans ~CIMP~

(bOl7PI) (1OC )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS PI ACTWITIES DIRECTION GVIDELINES ---------------..-----------------~- _------- _- -------- -----~-~____-_--____----~-~~~------~~-------~---

CONTINUATION OF specxa1 “se Management (NO” -Recreation) (JOI)

Fxre Pla”“,“g and Supprelslo” <POl)

Law Enforcement CP24 thr” 27)

07 Special Interest *reas ~BotanlcaI~ nanage in accordange wrtb the Plan apfPc.ved I” the establzshment docusent

(0051PI) cioc )

OS Use special “se permrts OP cooperatrve agreements to authorxze and document sczentlflc actxvlty

(0374 ) cioc )

a Reference FSM 4063 37 (6217 ) (1OC )

01 Extlnqursh wIldfIres endangerzng the avea (0052PI) (lOi )

01 “se special closures when necessary t., fPDtect the area f~on actual OP potentxal damage from publzc use

(0053PI) (1OC )

a Issue closure order under prov~srons of 36 CRF 261 50 (FSM 4063 3)

(6219 ) (1OC >



(Provides for mnlclpal Watershed and nmlclpal water supply Watersheds )


MANAGEMENT GENERAL STANDARDS & ACTIVITIES DIRECTION CVIDELINES --------- ------ ----------------_.- --------- ----__--___--__--------------------------------------------

"zsual Resource 01 ,,anagement act,v>txes I" fwegrovnd and mddleground a Do not exceed an Adopted Management domxnate, but harmonize and blend wxth the natural setting "1s"al Guallty ObJectrve ~"00~ c*04> Management actlvlt,es may also dominate but appear natural of mod>Flcatron

when seen as background (6267 ) (10E I (0263 ) (1OE )

Dxspersed Recreation Management (A14 and 15)

01 Allow motorlred t?avel only an establxshed roads and trails Close uatershed to all travel when the ioad or traxi surFaces could be damaged to the degree that water qualrty would be degraded

(0304 ) (10s )

Range Resource 01 Confine l,vestack trall,ng to established driveways Management and hzstorlc trazl~ng routes CDOZ) (0270 ) ClOE )

02 Reduce OP ~enove Ix"e.tock IF m"nlc~pal "se water quality 15 endangered

(0305 ) (10E )

03 Stablllle andloP 7egenerate area5 dIsturbed by llvetock prior to resuming grazing "se Of the al-e=

(0260 ) (1OE )




Sll”lC”ltYPal 01 Manage Forest C*“eP types uszng the Following d *pp1y haPVest treatments to Pl-e5CTl!JtlO”5 heP”e5t methods Forest CoVeP types a5 specl*led CE03, ok ?s 07)

Clearcut I” aspen and lodgepole psne. SheltePwood I” I”te71OP ponderosa pine and mIxed conleer. Clearcut and,07 shelteruood I” Engelma”” spruce/ subalpine fir. according to the FDllowlng crlterla

a “trllre the shelterwood method on south and west aspects to provzde seed and shade pr*tectlo” xi wl”dFal1 risk 15 below average It can slso be used on other aspects uha” cold. drwghty sites are present ~Engelma”” spruce/moss habitat type. *or example,

below on at l&t SO X oi the fOPeSt cD”eT type vp to 20 percent o+ the type may be treated “sing other harvest methods specl+>ed 1” Fcmest Dlrectro”

(6074 , (ICE J

b Sllvlcult w-al Standards (These standards maa, be exceeded

on aPee manage* $07 Old gPOWth~

1 CleaTC”t _--_--------------

FOPest Cover Tt,pe b Ut~lxze the clearcut method on north and

east aspeck, or on other aspects If moist szte condltlons ape present ~SYbalplnf! fzrlforest fleabane hablfat type. For example) It should also be used on slte5 where wIndfall risk 1s above average

~0046PI~ (IOE >


Engelma”” SpPuce- Subalpine Fir & Lodgepole PI”=-


Rota- 90-180 txon YPS &l= ---------

Grow- SO-lb0

I”g Stock Level ---------

Thlnnlng 10-50 Cycle Yrs _--------


Other Forest cover

ASP=” TYP=s -------_-

so-120 100 DP !JPS m*Pe

L!rs ---------

N/A 60 to 120


N/A 10 to 50 VI-5


2 Two-Step Shelterwood

_--_--__--------_- FoPeSt cover Type


*“terror Other Ponderosa Forest pine. NIxed Cover




--------- --------------------______ --_________-_--_________________________-----------------------------

CONTINUATIK4 OF Sll”lC”ltUral PreSC7lptLO”5 CE03. 06 8. 07,

conx+er. and Tllp=s Engelma”” SpT”Ce- subalpine FIT

--------_-__---_- Rota- ioo-160 yP5 100 OP JCID” rnOPe IJP5 %?= -----------_--__-

Gromng m-160 K-120 Stock Level -_----_-_--_-____

Thlnn~ng m-30 cps so-30 lJP5 ClJCle -__-_-_----_-____

First Cut (seed cut), Remove 40 to 70 percent OF the basal al-e= 07

cut to DA 25-w DA 20-60 --_--__--_-_--___

,Second Cut (removal cut) Remove all overstory when regenerated stand meets ml”l”,“m 5tockl”g standards


3 Three-Step Shelte~uood

-------__--_--__- FOl-eSt Covet Tqpe

------_-_--_---_- I”teVlOT PO”deTOSa Other Pine. nlred FOPeSt Conlfe? CD”., and TYP=s Engelma”” SpTlJCe- s”balp~“e fir


Rota- 100-160 yrs 100 07 tlO” rnDPe VP5 &I= -_-_-_-_---_--____


MANAGEMENT GEREWL STANDARDS & ACTlVITIES DIRECTION GUIDELINES ---__---- _-_.- ------_----------- - --_------ _____-_____-___--___---------------------------------------

CONTIN”ATIOP4 OF Sllvlcultvral P~~~C~,ptlO”5 CEO31 0.5 2. 07)

Growing 60-160 60-120 Stock Level -_-----_----------

Thrnnlng m-30 UP5 20-30 yr Cycle ------------------

First cut <preparatory cut,, Remove 10 to 40 percent of the basal al-e= OP

cut to BA 60-80 *A 50-m ------------------

Second Cut (seed cut), Remove 40 to 50 percent OF the remalnlng basal apea or

cut to BA 25-m DA 20-m 10-20 yrs lo-20 yrs afteP pre- =+ter paretory C”t prepara-

tory C”t -----------------

Thrrd Cvt (removal cut) Remove all overstory when regenerated stand meets minimum stockxng standards


<6025PI) CiOE >

02 Apply xnternedlate treatments to mazntal” growing stock level <tandaPds

(0140 ) (10E )

03 Utilize flPe,a,ood maternal “sing both commercial and noncommercial nethods

(0147 f (ICE ,


PlANAGEFlENT GElERAL ACTIVITIES DIRECTION -____-___-___--___---------------- -__-------.___--__-_____________________.

CONTIN"ATIP2 OF 04 F-37 managenent purposes, a cut-o,ver aPea 15 Sllvlcultuial co"5ldered a? opening ""+.ll 5UCh time a5 Prescriptions CE03. 06 C 07) - Increased "ate7 greld drops below 50

percent of the potent1a1 ?."CPeaee> - Forage and/or browse ~roductzo" drops

below 40 percent of potential productzm, - Deer and elb hldzng CO"=P reaches 60

percent Of potent1a1. - Mxnzmum stocking standards bq forest

cover type and =lte productlvxty a~= met. and

- The area appears a= a gou"g fm+=st rather than a restocked openxng. and tares on the appearance of the adJoz"lng characterzstxc landscape

~0500 J (10E ,


a When the V%s"=l Q"allty ObJectI"= of an area 1s modrfl- catzon OP maXlm"m modlflcatlon, the regenerated stand shall meet or exceed a11 Of the Fo11ow1ng characterxstrcs before a cut- O"=P area 1s no longer consrdered a-l openrng


Forest M~nlmum Tree cover stoct1ng Stand

TUP= Level Helgnt CTl-ee%./ cft ) I/

.EPB) - --_--_--_--___ _

Inland Ponderos Pine 190 6

Mixed CO"lfBP5 190 b

Lodgepole Pl"e 150 b

Engelma"" spruce- S"balpl"e fir 150 6

A*pe" 300 b -------_--------- Forest CT"OW" cover ClosuPe Dlstrl- Type (Percent) butlo" 2, -------__--_----_

Inland PO"d=l-OSa Pine JO 70%

MIXed CO"lFeTS 30 75%





I, Applies to trees speclfled as rnl"lrn"rn stocking level

2, Percent Of plots OP can- sects that ape stocked

c&314 1 (10E )

Reforestatlo" CEO4)

01 Plant t,-eee of known genetIc qualztles to establish new stands

(0275 ) (iOE >


7 Water Resource 01 Prevent OP reduce debrrs accunulatxons I" rlparlan

E Improvement and apeas that reduce stream channel stabzlitg and capacltg Maintenance (0307 ) (1OE )

\o cm5 and 06)

02 PPevent 50x1 svrface compactlo" and disturbance rn rlparlan ecosystems kIlOll use Of heavy constr"ctlon equipment *ET construction, Peszd"e removal. etc I dm'lng pmlads when the 5011 15 least s"sceFtlble to compactlo" OP rutting

~0003 1 (10E )

03 hevent st~ea", channel ~n~tabllity, loss of channel cross-sectron= al-e251 and 105s of water quality resulting fron actlv~txes that alter "egetatlve cove,'

~0007 1 CIOE )

a Proposed land-use faczlztzes (roads. campgro""ds. b"lIdlnge> sho"ld not be located wIthI" floodplarn boundaries FOP the IOO- year flood Protect present and f"t"Pe fac:llltleS that cannot he located out of the IOO--yeas floodplal" by structural mrtl- gatzon (deflectron stPYCt"PeS, rIprap, etc )

(6051 b ClOE 1

a Llmlt Changes I" Channel rat>ng OP classlf~catlo" 5coPe5 to an l"cPea5e Of 10 percent OP 1esa Use channel stabllltg crxterla establIshed by Cooper. 1978 and Pfankvch. 1975 "se channel classlflcatlon crlterla estata- lzshed by Rosgen, 1980


MANAGEWNT ACTItiITIES - ----- ---_ .---- _

CONTINUATIC?, OF water Resource Improvement and Maintenance (FO5 and 06,

SOL1 Resource Management CKAI,


~6001 ) ClOE 1

b Prescription-induced water yield ~"c~eases should not exceed nrescrlbed tbesholds of allowable I"CPease "07 ShOUld the total u'eld of uate? and sediment exceed maximum allmuable amounts a5 stated I" the above ?efe,.ences

~6060 ) (10s ,

04 Manage nO"--foPeSted aTleas to improve St?eamflOY a Structures ape deslgned I" through lncraesed on-site uatu yleld5 and meet state terms Of the sz2e Of an* snow water quality standards "se available s,owd,,zft technology,

volumes available from the up- such a5 5now fences, wlndrowed brush glles, wznd source areas, local and

linear CO""~PS~O" of ""broken brush to grass, 10~ eaTthen 1

rldgee. etc I downwrnd terraIn features. pre-

to capture and stablll~e blowing snow va~l~ng winds, ~0303 )

and deposltron IlOE > aPea condltrons. etc I a5 Pe-

ferenced I" 'Studyzng Snou- drbftlng Problems with Small- Scale Models Outdoovs' bg Table?, R D and Jalvell. R s I

,Proceedlnga Western Snow Con- fePe"ce, April 15-17. 1980 (6164 ) (10E )

01 Immediately rehabll:tate man-caused dssturbances and restore burned aPea5 Inspect rehabllztated apeas annually and provide maintenance necessary to protect the watershed

(0309 ) ClDE ,




Special “se 01 WaterG.hed *Teaa LJatershed CoVered under an Act Management (NO” OF congrees -ReCTeJtlO”) (JOi) Colorado Springs and Manltou Watershed. 2/27,13>

withdrawn iron niners1 entry and leaszrlg, (37 STAT * ‘5841





The purpose of monltorlng and evaluating Implementation of the Forest Plan is to determlne the progress toward achxving the goals, objectives, and management requrements of the Forest Plan.

Monitoring ~111 provide the informatlon necessary to determine if:

--management area dIrectIon is applied as directed;

--management requrements are being followed;

--the Forest is achieving the objectlves of the Plan;

--the application of management area prescr~ptzons are re- sponding to public xssues and management concerns;

--the effects of implementing the Plan are occurring as predxted;

--the costs of zmplementing the Plan are as predlcted;

--management practices on adJacent or intermingled non-National Forest lands are affecting Forest Plan goals and objectlves; and

--National Forest management is affecting land resources, and commnnitxs adjacent to or near the Forest.

An annual monitoring action program will be prepared as part of the total Pike and San Isabel National Forests annual program of work. Thus annual monltorlng program will include the details of the amount and locatzon of monitoring to be accompllshed based on the approved program of work and funds available for mon- 1tor1ng. Monrtoring responsibility, specific locations, in- tenslty of sampling, person days required, and costs ~111 be identified XI the annual monitoring program.

The results of the site-specific monitoring program will be evaluated and documented in the annual review. The signrficance of the results of the monitoring program ~111 be analyzed by the Forest Interdisciplznary Team and revlewed for actlon by the Management Team.

Based on the analysis, =*Y need for further action is recommended to the Forest Supervisor. The recommendations can include:


--no action needed, monitoring lndlcates goals, obJectives, and management requirements are achieved;

--recommended actxons referred to the appropriate line officer for Improvement of appllcatlon of management area dIrectIon;

--modlflcatlon of management requrements as a Plan amendment;

--modlflcation of the allocatlon of a Management Area Pre- scrIption as a Plan amendment;

--revxion of the projected schedule of outputs; or

--revxion of the Plan.

The documented file of the Forest Supervisor's decisions re- sulting from monitoring and evaluation is maintained for future use in amending or revising the Forest Plan.

The Forest Plan's monitoring actlvltles appear In Table IV-l. As part of the annual monltorlng action program, actlvlties from Table IV-1 ~~11 be included as appropriate.






Developed sacs, Actual Use

Developed sees, Demand

2 Developed sites; PAOT capac:lty and

L: number of sites

Developed Sa,es; PAOT Managed At Full or Reduced Servrce levels

DOwnhZl1 slnulg; “se capzty and Demand

Dispersed, Actual “se

Recreation Information Management (RIM) system. RIN "se source Documents

Estmmted occupancy rate as an udrcatar of demand for Sites. sltuatlon Reports. PubllC comment. Review development actlvltles accurrmg an pzTvat.2 and other lands

Actual count RIM source Documents Management Attamment Report.

Actual count. RIM source Documents; Management Attamment Report

RIM sysrem e5tmates; actual COUntS, and lift rlcket sales. Each sxte, RIM Source Imcvmenrs Pubhc commenrs . situatmn Reports. Studies by others

RIM source Documents. RI” System eltlmafes; statlstlcal samples; traz1s & road txaffx counts, h-all registers esrmmtes.

no&sate/ MC&lXt~




use- Hlgmrgh Demand. low, “O&rate

“alTlO”S. Canrlnulng m accordance With random samp11ng procedures

Annual. Scope and lntenslfy “ill be esrabllshed Ill the annual actxm program



canrmumg and m accordance With appro”ed sampling procedures

Reported use cartes by more ban 20% of planned "Se

SlteS are under Ut.lllZ4 or slgnlflcant over-crowdnlg, resource damage, or user confllcrs are occurring at SlbS based on eva1uatmn by the 1.D and Management Teams

Capacity and number Of Sl-e.5 are not "lrhln the range of planmlg ob,ectlves

1) Annual assIgned targets are not met.

2) Fee Sites are not operatmg at full EervICe level

3) Fee s1+es are not at RIM maznfenance class 1.

SlteS are under utihzed or szgnlflcant over-crowdmg, resource damage, accidents or riser conflicts are occurring at Sites based on the evaluarlons of the 1.D and Management Teams

Reported use Yarles by more than 20% of pkmned use




Effects Of “se and aCrl”lfleS on the wilderness resource


Acres Surveyed, Sites Evaluated

hqect analysis Hlgh/Hlgh

Actual acres by class HLgh,Algh Of survey Annual report Pm,eCt work records.

Annual scope and mtenslty w-L11 be established m the annual action program

Conrlnulng and m accardance wxth approved samp1mg prOCd”reS

scope and mtenrlty Will be established In the amus action program

Annual Average annual m1leag.e varzes by more than 10% Of planned m1eage

Recrearlo” and other resource actl”ltleS are not compatible With the SOS classlflcarlons a9soc1- ated with the Management Area Prescrlptlon Slgnlflcant resource damages and user canfl~cts are cxcurrulg Recreation use exceeds the range Of capaclry levels apphcable to Management Areas by more than 20%. Candltlon eva1uatmns Will be based on the conclusions Of the I D and Management Teams

Armus Esnmated use exceeds 10% Of planned use.

Annual Substantial non-compliance WltA Forest Management Requlremenrs as documented by Forest cultural reso*rce speclallst





sires Protected, Interpreted


Retenflon and Partial Retentmn w

ModLfxaton and naxumm nodlflcatlon


Accomplrshmenr of Joint Forest servrce, state Comprehen.5~“e “lldlm?e Management Plan oLB,ectrves

W~ldllfe Hahtat Dlverslty

Acres Of AaLntat nodlfled

Acres Of Hatatat Improved

Perlodlc fldd mspec- tlom ProJecf work records.

Selected Management Area or pro,ecr area analysis conducted by Forest Landscape Archrtect or other quallfled persons

Selected Management Area or protect area analysis conducted by Forest Landscape Archrtect or other quallfled persons.

Pro,ect admlnrstrarlon

Resource 1rdormatmn system (RIS) *

F?a,ect work records. Actual acres treated or modl.fxed.

FYo,ect work records Actual acres rmpraved





Annul scope and Intensity WlII be established m the annual action peogram

Amual. Scope and Intenslry WI11 be esrabllshed m the annual actloll program


5 Years



*Resource 1n*o*atzon sysrem (RI?,) IS a resource Clara storage and retnew system on locations, Sites and aCtzYltle8 for 35,311 sites on the Forest

Annual Substantial non-compliance With Forest Management Requirements as documented by l?orest cultural resource SpecLallst

Annual VlSual qua1xty OhJecLL"es applicable to nanagemenr Areas are exceeded

VlSual quahty ObJectIves applicable to Management Areas are exceeded

h”d + 20% change from estlmared acres to be treated for habItat mprovemenr

The data base COntalnS resource lnfamatlon





Malntaln Rlparlan Habltar

Trend Of Management Indlcaror specws Hakatats and Popu- 1atLons

s eermlrted AlIN

2 b Range Condltmn



Hahrtat ana1yszs; M0d~~~t4 Annual 2 Years Rlpsrlan habxtat 19 not ProJecr work records. Moderate lmpro”mg

Habitat capablllty Moderate asse*sments, popuL?- rum estmtes by state Wtldllfe Agenczes, Resource Informmatmn system, Profe*- szonal Judgment by Forest Sernce bmlogzsts and actlvlty re”lews

5 Years 5 Years + 25% change In speaes habltar capablllry or population size.

Aonual Range Report. Hlgh,Hlgh Annual

Range analysu and Hoderate, a11otrmeac LLlspect~oDs. Moderate

RIS szte and actlvxty records

RIS sxte and actrnty records



20% Of Allotments AMua1ly


100% sample

Assure that rlmher Stand exams. ground and tfoderare, 20% Sample stand treatments will aena1 pesr surveys, Noderate not favor an mcrease post sale revzews, I* foresr pests prescrrptmos. hasects, diseases, etc )

Amual Penratted *uMs do not meet pro,ected planned outputs by + 10% for 10 year permd

5 years Range co,,dlrmn not farr or h&e= or lmprovmg m accordance “xth allotment managemenr. plans

AMud + 10% from assqoed sales targets m hmber sales offered

5 Year +10x from assigned Reporrs refarestatlon targets

Treated acres not resrocked mth=n requred tune ,,ermds

Anrlual DestructLve InBeCt ami lhsease organisms IncEase fo11owmg mnagement actlvltzes







Assure that freatmenf ObJectlves (area In acres) by *oresr type and stand sxze class are beu,g met duru,g Plan lmplementatlon

Assure that cuttmg methods prescrxbed m the nanagement Area Prescrlptlons are bexng utx.lxzed for pro,ect mp1emen- tarloll

Assure that tmber sold does nof exceed the allowable sale

2 quantLty establzshed Ll

far the IO-Year permd

a) Chargeable timber offered

b) Nonchargeable tmber offered


Water quality

water Quantity

RX and actlvrty records

RIS slfe and actxvl~y records

IO-Year and S-Year Sale Programs, cut and Sold Reports; RIS ate and actz~~ty records

Accompldlmene z?eporrs

Accompllshaent Reports

Establsh baselux St=tlD*S EStAJlSh short term data stations Utlllze STOREP Data SYStem Forest-wide Manxtoru,g Plan approved 1981


Noderate, Moderate





Baselme statmn~ and Hzgh/RlSh short term statux~ HYsED* system Prqect Analysle

100% Summary

25% Sample AWlIdly

100% Sample

100% Sample

100% Sample

Annually, durmg the ruooff permd

Amm11y during the moff permd

Annual mre than 20% denatmn from forest-vrcie area targets by type and stand szze

Annual More than 20% denatlon from Management tire.3 Prescrlptlons uree Stand “anagement Acflvltle.) on a forest-mde basis

Annual AIlowable quantity exceeded

Ann”=1 Allowable quantxty exceeded

Monztor for effects and lnformarlan updates

current as data 15 collected

Not meet state water quality standards and pro,ect plan ob,ectl”es Sedment yreld not ntln threshold llmxts

currenr or annual

Not meet Forest Plan goals and pro,ect ob,ectl”es

*STORET 15 a natronal water quahty data storage and retrxval system establshed and o,~erated by the U.S Env~romental Protectmn ASency

%5YSED IS. a water yzld and sedment yzeld model developed by the ” S Department of Agrmdture, Eorest Service, Rocky Mountam ReSlon.







Efmera1s Management, (Locatable, leasable, common vanety)


Human I&source nanpower Programs

CommulLty, StabLlLty 2 aed Productive

d3 Harmony


Sal loss above natural emslon levels

SDll and water Quality Improvements

Accelerated SOll LOSS Forest-wvie


Roads - Constructmn and Reconstructum

Landllm Lacatum

Review of operatmg H&,/Hxgh plans, proJect reports, and on See mspectmns nanagement Attammenr Report

Enrollee mUnts. Management *ttaznment Report.

Cltlzen rwe1uement; xssues and concerns analysis.

FYo,ecc analysis. Nodz?led sorl loss epuatlon


kioderatel Moderate


Acres treated Manage- Hlghmlgh ment ‘4ttamment Report

ProJecr Analysis LOW,LOW Umversal SOll LOSS Equatlo**

ProJect analysrs. H~~h/H~~h


Currently or QN,,tSly

Lack Of cmphance with applxable mx,mg laws and regulations and surface oc:cupancy standards for 011 and gas exploratmn and develo&ment, and other muleE. actlvlty as detemmed by on ate inspectmn.

Quarterly Annual f 20% from assigned targets.

Annual Annual and Negatxve trends 5 Year (Pnor to Plan update)

CUPZnt Routrnely a*d annually

so>1 loss exceeds so11 loss tolerance level by more than 10% capablllty area for proJect

Quarterly Annual f 10% from assxgned targets.

AnnU.91 AM”.31 Avera.qz sod loss exceeds 2 tom? per acre for Forest. 4 ton per acre for Narmnal Grasslands

Annual Aaoual + 10% from asszgned targets Does no+ meet res*urce pra~ect needs

+ 10% from asszgned targets Does not meet 3Tesource proJect needs. Protectmn from eneroac!Jment




Transporratlon Management

Fuel Treatment

Au Quahty


caprta1 Investments 2 & Returns to " s.


Recezpt Shares to COWltleS


“IlIt costs for Plammg ACtlVltleS

Road maintenance plan Moderate, and accamplrshment Moderate report Travel manage- ment plan and accaqlsh- ment report

Perlodlc hmlal

Prrqect ana1ysx.. Moderate, Annual Annual Acres treated Moderate Management Attainment Report

FTopct analyrls of LOW/LOW one proJect Annual selected pro,ects with per year mdxcated potentul for pollutmn.

Forest Reports

Forest Reports

Forest Reports.

Cost and benefit values updated as Letter lnformatloll becomes available PNV analysis completed.

Hqh/Hlgh AMUal AlUl"d

Outputs confmmed and KxghfHxgh Annual Annual Impact Aralysls corn- pleted after Management Attamment Reporting

Forest Reports Hzgh/Axgh Annual

Hxgh/Bqh Annual Annual

H=gh/Hlgh current Annual

Sz&/H=gh Annual Annual

Road management and maintenance classes and condltlons do not meet Forest Plan and pra~ect needs

Assxgned targets m acres treated and "anagement Area standards m fuel loadmgs (Tons/Acre) vary more than + 20%

Exceeds applicable Federal and stare Ambxent Am Qualzty Standards.

Nor meet Forest Plan ob~ectwes and assxgned targets by + 10%

No targets assigned Monltar for effect

No targets assigned Mollltor *or effect

No targets assigned nonltor for effects and lnfalmatlon updates "se FORPLAN, HTVEST, Iimm, etc

No targets assigned flonltor for effects and mfomatmn updates. "se IMPLAN.

More than 20% devmtxon from estrmated costs on a forest-wrde bass.

"Unxvernal Sal1 Lass Equatmn 1s a sorl erodzbllrty nomograph for sol1 loss detemmatums. (See Glossary of Term for a defmutmn Of factors used.)




A -

admlnlstratl”e unit ---------------------------------------------I-2

air quality ----------------------------------------II-~l; 111-4, 82

alpine --------------------------------------------------------II-l~

alternatr”es ----------------------------------------------------1-2

Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests -----------------------x11, I-2,/+ aspen ----------------- ----------------------11-1~--20; 111-144--14*

B - Badger Creek --------------------------------------------------11-84 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act ----------------------------xv, III-6 big game winter range ----------------------------------1II-14~--~6~ budget ---------------------------------------nil, xlli, 111-1, 6 Buffalo Peaks Wrlderness Study Area ----------I, xii, I-2, 11-45, 84

Appendix I Bureau of Land Management Wilderness

Study Areacs) ----------------------------------------------1-3

c - CapabIlIty areas -----------------------------------------App~~dix E Clmarron River ------------------------------------------------II-84 Collegiate Peaks Wilderness -------------------------xii, I-2, II-45 Colorado Natural Areas ----------------------------------------II-44 C,-,lor-do Wilderness Act ----------------------------------xii, II-84 ContInental Divide National Scenic Trail ----------------------II-43 costs -----------------------------------------------------i==, IV-1 Creative Act -----------------------------------------------------i" cultural reSOurceS --------------------------------------------II-~~

current management situation ---------------------II-40; III-17 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-4~ future ---------------------------------------------------11-~2 goals _-----_---------- -----------------------------------III-4 monltorlng requirements --------------------------------Iv-4--5


darns ----------------------------------------------------------~~-66

drrectlon, see management direction Douglas-fir ---------------------------------------------------11-21 downhlll skirng, see recreation


E -


economic impact area(s) -------------------------------II-13--14, 94 ecOnOml,-s ------------------------------------------------------1"-9

goals -------------------------------------------------III-3--6 monltorlng requirements - ----------------------------------I"-9

economic future -----------------------------------------------II-94 economy of the area ---------- ------------------------------II-1--14 electronic sites -------------------------------------------~~-66,8, emplopent -------------_----- -------------------------II-12--13, 94 engelmann spruce ------------------------------------------II-24--25 en"lronmental assessment ---------------------------------I-2; III-2 environmental consequences --------- -----------------------------1-2 exp,xrlmental forests -----------------------------------III-2~~--~*8

faclllties --------------------------------------------~~-66--~~, 79 future --------------------------------------------II-87, 92-93 goals ----------------------------------------------------III-5 monitoring requirements --------------------------------Iv-8--9 structures and admlnlstratlve sites ----------------------II-66 transportation -----11-67, 92--93; III-5,Appendxx C, Appendix D

Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) --------------------v fire,

goals ----------------------------------------------------III-5 future -----------------------------------------------11-89--90 management -------------------------------11-69, 76; III-81-82 prescribed -----------------------------------------------11-96 research needs -------------------------------------------II-g6

fire management analysis ---------------------------------Appendix G fish and WildlIfe ------------------------II-75; III-28--35; IV-5--6

current management sltuatlon -------------------------X-46--41 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-47 future -----------------------------------------------II-84--85 goals ------------------------------------------II-27, III-3--4 monxtorlng requirements --------------------------------Iv-5--6 research needs -------------------------------------------II-g5

forest, dlrectlon ---------------------------------------I-3; III-3-q82 goals and obJectlves ------------1, II<, I-l, III-3--6, IV-l--2 location ------------------------------------------------I-3--5 management situation ----------------------------------II-l--97 standards and gudellnes ------------------------I, III-11--241

forest plan, lmplementatlon ------------------------------xiii, I-1--2; Iv-1

Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resource, Planning Act (WA) ----------------------------iii, v, "11, lx--xi

forest protection -----------------11-4, 69-72, 76, 87-90, 96; III-5 further planning area, see wilderness study area(s)



general directron statements ----------------------------111-11--241 ,+nographlc areaS -----------------------------------------App~~d~x E goals and ObjectIves ---------------------------------------111-3--6 goods and services, public demands --------------------------"*--"~~ grassland manq.ement -------------------------------------111-14--15 grasslands ----------------------------------------------------11-21 granng, livestock --------------------------II-96--97; III-161--168 Greenhorn Mountain Wilderness

Study Area ---------------------I, xii, I-2; 11-45, 84; Appendrx I

H -

Holy Cross Wilderness -------------------------------x11, I-2; II-45 human & community development ---------------------------II-79; Iv-8

future ---------------------------------------------------11-93

Lnitoring requirements -----------------------------------Iv-8 human reSOur,-e units ------------------------------------11-1--g, 81

location map ---------------------------------------------II-ll Cimar-on -----------------------------------------------~~-8--~ Comanche -----------------------------------------------~~-,--8 Leadvllle ----------------------------------------------~~-2--~ Pikes Peak ---------------------------------------------~~-5--6 SalIda -------------------------------------------------~~-3--4 Sangre de Crlsto-Wet Mountain --------------------------II-6--7 South Park ------------------------------------------------~~-4 South Platte ----------------------------------------------~~-5 Spanish Peaks ---------------------------------------------11-7

I - lncOme --------------------------------------------------11-3--9, 13

insect and disease control --------------------------------II-69--7~ future -----------------------------------------------~~-8~--8~ goals ----------------------------------------------------~~~-4 monltorlng requirements -----------------------------------I"-6 research needs -------------------------------------------II-g6

issues and concerns ----------------------I, vii-lx, II-80--93, IV-1

L -

lands -------------------------------------------------~~-62--63, 76 future -----------------------------------------------~~-8~--87 goals ----------------------------------------------------~~~-5 landownership adjustment -----------------11-62, 76; III-69--71 special areas -------------------------------------II-7~, III-5 special u6es ____________-_____-_----------------------- III-69 withdrawals ------------------------------------------~~-63, 79


law enforcement -------------------------------------------~~-7~--72

lodgepole pine ---- --------------------------------------------~~-22 Lost Creek Further Planning Area ------i, I-2; 11-45, 84, Appendix I Lost Creek Wilderness ------------------------------------I-2, II-45

M -

management activities ----------------------------II-73; III-12-241 management areas ---------------------------------I-l, 3; Appendix E

acres -----------------------------------------------App~*di~ E nmbers ---------------------------------------------~~~-8*--8~ prescriptions ----------------x~i, I-1--3; III-83--241; IV-l--2

IA ----------------------------------------------~~~-8~-88 I&1 -------------------------------------------~~~-8~--~5 I&2 ------------------------------------------~~~-~~--~~2 ID -------------------------------------------~~~-103--~0~ 2A -------------------------------------------~~~-107--115 2~ -------------------------------------------~~~-11~--124 3~ -------------------------------------------~~~-125--133 4B -------------------------------------------~~~-134--143 4D -------------------------------------------~~~-144--148 58 -------------------------------------------~~~-14~--1~0 68 -------------------------------------------~~~-~~~--~~8 ,A -------------------------------------------~~~-~~~--~~8 7J) -------------------------------------------~~~-~~~--~88 8B -------------------------------------------~~~-lg~--l~5 8C -------------------------------------------~~~-~~~--~~2 9A -------------------------------------------~~~-~~~--2~~ 98 -------------------------------------------~~~-2~~--22~

10~ -------------------------------------------~~~-224--22~ l(,B -------------------------------------------~~~-~2~--~~8 1oc -------------------------------------------~~~-~2~--2~2 10~ -------------------------------------------~~~-233--241

management directIon --------l,n,xil,I-l--3; II-73--80; 111-l--241; IV-l--2; Appendix E

forest direction -------------------------------------III-2--~2 future -----------------------------------------------~~-80--~7 management area directlon -----------------------III-2; 83-m241

management indicator species ---------------------------III-134--143 management practices -------------------------------------------~V-l management requirements -------------I-l; 11-81; III-11--82; IV-l--2 management sltuatio* ---------------------------------------I~-l--~7 minerals --------------------------------------~1-55, 75; 11I-52-+3

future -----------------------------------------------~~-8~--8~ goals ----------------------------------------------------~~~-5 Investlgatlon of WSAls ------------------------------Appendix I leasable ----------------------------------------------~~-~8-~~

current management -------- ----------------------II-58--60 demand trends ---------------------------------------I~-~0

locatable --------------------------------------------~~-5~--58 current management -------------------------------II-56-557 demand trends -----------------------------------II-57--58



monltorlng requirements -----------------------------I------~”-8 011, gas and geothermal ------------------II-85--86; III-54--61 potential --------------------------------II-61--6~--62; Appendix H sala,,le -----------------------------------------------~1-~~-6~

current management ----------------------------------II-61 demand trends ---------------------------------------I~-6~

stlpulatlon for leasing -----------------------------Appendix F minerals management ---------------------------------------------x=~ ml*lng -----------------------------------------------------=x, xiii monitoring and ,aaaluation ---------------------------I) 1-l; Iv-l--g Mount Evans Wilderness ------------------------xii, xiii; I-2; II-45 Mount pfasslve wilderness ---------------------------------I-2; II-45 Multiple Use-Sustained Yield Act -----------------------IV, VI, vii1 munlclpal watersheds -----------------------------------III-233--24~

N -

NEPA, see National Environmental Polrcy Act NFMA, see Natlonal Forest Management Act National Environmental Polzcy Act (NEPA) -----------------iii, v-vii National Forest Management Act (NFMA) -------------lil, v, vii,x, XL National Natural Landmarks --------------------------------II-42--42--43

0 -

Qrganlc Act ------------------------------------------------------=" outputs, projected -----------------------------------------~~~-~--~ outputs and effects ------------------------------------i, iii, Iv-2


physlcal setting, forest ----------------------------------II-15--25 planning,

criteria --------------------------------------------*ppe~di~ E leglslatrve background -- ------------------------------------iv

planning questions ----------------------------------------~~-8~--~4 ponderos= pine ------------------------------------------------~~-2~ population ---------- --------------------------------------II-l2--13 preclpltation ---------------------------------------------II-25--26 protection, see also fire, a~ quality, insect & dxease

future -----------------------------------------------~~-8~--~~ goals ----------------------------------------------------III-5 research needs -------------------------------------------I~-~6

public issues & concerns, see Issues & concerns

Quail Mountain Sk1 Area (Proposed) ----------------------------II-91


range ---------------------------------------------11-74, III-35--40 current management situation -------------------------II-48--50 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-51 future ---------------------------------------------------~~-8~

goals ---------------------------------------------~~-28, III-4 monitoring requirements -----------------------------------Iv-6

recreation site construction -----------------------------III-19--20 recreation ---------------------1x) II-31--39; III-107--133, 196-202

current management sltuatlon -------------------------II-31--34 developed ------------II-37--38, 76-77; III-20--21, 86-88; IV-3

demand trends -----------------------------------11-38--39 dispersed ----------------II-35--37, 77-78; III-21--23; IV-3--4

demand trends -----------------------------------II-36--37 future -----------------------------------------------11-90--92 goals ---------------------------------------------II-27; III-3 monitoring requirements --------------------------------Iv-3--4 private & other public sector ---------------------------III-24

reforestation --------------------------------------------I~I-47--50 research --------------------------------------------------11-94--97 research natural area?. --------------------------LI-78; III-224-A226 Rio Grande National Forest ---------------------I, xii, xill, I-2--3 r-par==* --_____-_______-____------- 11-24, 84-85; 111-5, 50, 203-215 road construction & reconstructlon ------III-75--77; Appendix C, see

also facilities Roadless Area Review & Evaluation (RARE II) ---------------------xi1 Rocky Mountan RegIonal Guide - ----------------------------xi, II-87

S -

Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area --------i, XXI, xiii, I-2--4; 11-45, 84, Appendix I

silvlcultural prescriptlo*s ------------------------------III-40--4047 ski areas, see winter sports skilug, see recreation, developed social and ecOnOmlc ------------------------------------II-1--14, 80

future ---------------------------------------------------11-94 Social Resource &Its -------------------------------------II-lo, 81 soils, ----------------------------------------11-79--80; III-72--74

current management situation -------------------------II-63--64 demand trends ----------------------------------------~I-64--65 goals ----------------------------------------------------~II-5 monitoring requirements -----------------------------------Iv-8 research needs -------------------------------------------II-g6

South Platte River --------------------------------------------~I-84 Spanish Peaks Wilderness Study Area ---------I, xu, I-2; 11-45, 84,

Appendix I special interest area(s) ------------------------11-78; III-229--232 special recreation area(s) --------------------------------II-42, 78 special use(s) -----------------------------------------------111-69 standards and guIdelInes --------------------------------III-l~--24~


S -

State and Przvate Forestry, current management sltuatlon -----------------------------II-72 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-73


threatened and endangered species ---------------------II-47--48, 85 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-48 future --_____----______ ----------------------------------II-85

tlerlng -__---__________-___ -------------------------------------I-2 trmber ----------------------------------------------------~x, II-74

available, capable, suitable lands ------------------Appendix B current management sltuatlon -----------------------------II-52 demand trends ----------------------------------------~~-52--53 future -----------------------------------------------~~-81--82 goals -_-------- -----------------------------------II-28, III-4 monitoring requirements --------------------------------I"-6--7 research needs ----------------------------------------~1-95--96 stand improvement ---------------------------------------I~~-~0 timber sale summary --- ------------------------------Appendix A

trails, construction and reconstruction --------III-77--80, Appendix D,

see also facilities current management sztuatron -----------------------------II-68 demand trends ----------------------------------------~1-68--69

transportation system -------------------------11-67--69; III-74-m75 travel management -----------------------------------------II-67--69

current management situatron -------------------------II-67--68 demand trends --------------------------------------------~~-68

Treasury, U.S. ----------------------------------------11-94; III-10 Twin Lakes ----------------------------------------------------II-gO Two Forks Reservoir -------------------------------------------~~-66

utility corridors ------------------------11-69, 76, 87; 111-103-106

V -

vegetation elevation --------------------------------------11-18--29

vegetative management ------------------------------------III-l2--14 vlclnity map, see forest location vrsual reSOu,-ceS ----------------------------------------II-80; I"-5

current management situation -------------II-41--42; III-18--19 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-42 goals ----------------------------------------------------III-4 monitoring requirements -----------------------------------Iv-5


W -

water ---------------------------------------II-74; III-50~~52; IV-7 current management situation -------------------------II-53--55 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-55 future -----------------------------------------------II-82--83 goals ------------------------------------------II-2*; III-3--5 monltori*g requlreme*ts -----------------------------------Iv-7 ,-esear& *eeds -------------------------------------------II-g6

water yield ----------------------------II-28, 82-83; III-4, 216-223 wetlands, see riparran 'p&lte River National Forest --------------------------------x~i; I-2 wilderness ------i, ii, ix, xill; I-2--4; II-44--46, 74; III-24--28,

189--195 current management situation -------------------------II-44--45 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-45 future ---------------------------------------------------II-83 goals ------------------------------------------II-27; III-3--4 monitoring requirements --------- --------------------------Iv-4

Wilderness Act ----------------------------------------", viii, xiii Wild and Scenic River -----------v, 11-46, 74--75, 83-84; III-16--17 Wilderness Study Area(s), -i, x11, xiii, I-2--4; 11-44, 84; III-3--4

mineral investlgatlon ----------- --------------------Appendix 1 wildllfe habztat diversity,

current management situation ----------- ------------------II-30 demand trends ----------------------------------------II-30--31 future -----------------------------------------------II-84--8~ goals ----------------------------------------------------III-4

wildlife and frsh, see fish and wlldllfe Windy Ridge BrIstlecone Pine Scenic Area ----------------------II-42 winter sports --------------------------------------------111-89-102

current management situation -------------------------II-39--40 demand trends --------------------------------------------II-40 future ---------------------------------------------------11-91 goals ----------------------------------------------------III-3

withdrawals ----------------------------------------II-63, 79, 85-86 wood-fiber production ----------------------------------111-169--188
