Mamonova MamonovaMOB Lecture Notes Managing and the Manager's Job

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  • 8/7/2019 Mamonova MamonovaMOB Lecture Notes Managing and the Manager's Job


    Managing and theManaging and theManagers JobManagers Job

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    A set of activities directedA set of activities directedat an organization'sat an organization'sresources (human,resources (human,financial, physical andfinancial, physical andinformation), with the aiminformation), with the aimof achieving ofof achieving of

    organizational goals in anorganizational goals in anefficient and effectiveefficient and effectivemannermanner

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    AA managermanager is a person whois a person whointegrates the work of othersintegrates the work of others..

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    Why do we need managersWhy do we need managers??

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    Basic management activitiesBasic management activities


    Planning and decision makingPlanning and decision making



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    setting and organizations goalssetting and organizations goals

    and directing how to best toand directing how to best to

    achieve themachieve them

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    Decision makingDecision making

    -- part of the planning that involvespart of the planning that involves

    selecting a course from a set ofselecting a course from a set of


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    grouping activities and resourcesgrouping activities and resourcesin a logical wayin a logical way

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    eading-- the set ofprocesses to getthe set ofprocesses to get

    members of the organization tomembers of the organization to

    work together to further thework together to further theinterests of the organizationinterests of the organization

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    ControllingControlling-- monitoring and correctingmonitoring and correcting

    ongoing activities to facilitate goalongoing activities to facilitate goal


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    Kinds of ManagersKinds of Managers

    Top managersTop managers

    Middle managersMiddle managers

    First line managersFirst line managers

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    Areas of ManagementAreas of Management

    Marketing ManagersMarketing Managers

    Financial ManagersFinancial Managers

    Operations ManagersOperations ManagersHuman Resource ManagersHuman Resource Managers

    Administrative ManagersAdministrative Managers

    Other Kinds ofManagersOther Kinds ofManagers

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    Managerial RolesManagerial Roles

    ((Mintzgbergs categories)Mintzgbergs categories)

    Interpersonal RolesInterpersonal Roles

    Informational RolesInformational Roles

    Decisional RolesDecisional Roles

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    Interpersonal RolesInterpersonal Roles




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    Informational RolesInformational Roles




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    Decisional RolesDecisional Roles


    Disturbance handlerDisturbance handler

    Resource allocatorResource allocatorNegotiatorNegotiator

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    Managerial SkillsManagerial Skills

    Conceptual SkillsConceptual Skills ability to think in theability to think in theabstract and see the big pictureabstract and see the big picture

    Interpersonal SkillsInterpersonal Skills the ability tothe ability tocommunicate with, understand, and motivatecommunicate with, understand, and motivate

    Technical SkillsTechnical Skills skills necessary toskills necessary toaccomplish or understand tasks relevant to theaccomplish or understand tasks relevant to theorganizationorganization

    Political SkillsPolitical Skills ability to enhance onesability to enhance onesposition and establish the rightposition and establish the rightconnectionsconnections

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    Management CompetenciesManagement Competencies

    Competency is a cluster of of relatedCompetency is a cluster of of relatedknowledge, skills, and attitudesknowledge, skills, and attitudesrelated to effective managerialrelated to effective managerialperformanceperformance

    MCIMCI management charter initiativemanagement charter initiative

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  • 8/7/2019 Mamonova MamonovaMOB Lecture Notes Managing and the Manager's Job


    The Changing ManagerThe Changing ManagerOld ManagerOld Manager

    Operates in climateOperates in climateof predictabilityof predictabilityand stabilityand stabilityThe bossThe bossCovets authorityCovets authorityHoards infoHoards infoTreat people as allTreat people as allthe samethe sameOversees onOversees on--sitesiteemployeesemployees

    New ManagerNew Manager

    Thrives on chaosThrives on chaos

    The coachThe coachEmpowers employeesEmpowers employees

    Shares infoShares info

    Is sensitive toIs sensitive to

    differencesdifferencesOversees onOversees on--site andsite and

    virtual employeesvirtual employees

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    Effective practice ofEffective practice of

    managementmanagementrequires a synthesis of science and art,

    a blend of rational objectivity and intuitive

    insights.Most managers attain their skills through

    a combination of education and experience

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    Managerial effectivenessManagerial effectiveness

    EfficiencyEfficiency refers to the relationshiprefers to the relationshipbetween inputs and outputsbetween inputs and outputs

    EffectivenessEffectiveness -- accomplishingaccomplishingorganizational goalsorganizational goals

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    Organizational stakeholdersOrganizational stakeholders

    StakeholdersStakeholders are groups within andare groups within andoutside the organization that have anoutside the organization that have aninterest in it.interest in it.

    Employees, customers, management,Employees, customers, management,board of directors, investors, competitors,board of directors, investors, competitors,

    suppliers, government, special interestsuppliers, government, special interestgroupsgroups

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    Effectiveness CriteriaEffectiveness Criteria

    Financial measuresFinancial measures


    GrowthGrowthCustomer satisfactionCustomer satisfaction



    Employee growth and satisfactionEmployee growth and satisfaction

    Social acceptanceSocial acceptance

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  • 8/7/2019 Mamonova MamonovaMOB Lecture Notes Managing and the Manager's Job


    The Ethical and SocialContextThe Ethical and SocialContext

    of Managementof Management

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    After studying this unit youAfter studying this unit you

    will be able towill be able to

    Discuss the formation of individual ethics andDiscuss the formation of individual ethics anddescribe three areas of special ethical concern fordescribe three areas of special ethical concern formanagersmanagers

    Trace the development o f the concept of socialTrace the development o f the concept of social

    responsibility and specify to whom or whatresponsibility and specify to whom or whatorganization might be considered responsible.organization might be considered responsible.

    Describe some the activities organizations mayDescribe some the activities organizations mayengage in to manage social responsibilityengage in to manage social responsibility

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    Ethics an individuals personal belief

    regarding what is right and wrong,

    good or bad

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    Ethical behaviour

    behavior that conforms

    to generally accepted social


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    IndividualEthicsIndividualEthics is shaped byis shaped by

    Family influencesFamily influences

    Peer influencesPeer influences

    Life experiencesLife experiencesPersonal values and moralsPersonal values and morals

    Situational factorsSituational factors

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    Managerial ethics

    are the standards that guide

    individual managers in their work

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    The Domain of ManagerialThe Domain of Managerial


    How the organization treats itsHow the organization treats itsemployeesemployees

    How the organization treats itsHow the organization treats itsemployeesemployees

    How the organization treatsHow the organization treatseconomic agentseconomic agents

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    How the organization treatsHow the organization treats

    its employeesits employees

    Hiring and firingHiring and firing

    Wages and working conditionsWages and working conditions


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    How the organization treatsHow the organization treats

    its employeesits employees

    Conflicts of interestConflicts of interest


    Honesty and expense accountsHonesty and expense accounts

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    How the organization treatsHow the organization treats

    economic agentseconomic agents






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    Code ofEthicsCode ofEthics

    ConfidentialityConfidentialityConflicts of interestsConflicts of interestsAccepting giftsAccepting gifts

    Supporting equal employees rightsSupporting equal employees rightsEnvironmental issuesEnvironmental issuesProduct and workplace safetyProduct and workplace safetyEmployee health screeningEmployee health screening

    Stakeholder interestsStakeholder interests

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    Social ResponsibilityIs the set of obligations organization has

    to protect and enhance the societal

    context in which it functions.

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    Areas of Social responsibilityAreas of Social responsibility

    Organizational ConstituentsOrganizational Constituents

    The Natural EnvironmentThe Natural Environment

    General Social WelfareGeneral Social Welfare

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    OrganizationalConstituentsOrganizationalConstituentsEmployeesEmployeesOwners/InvestorsOwners/InvestorsCreditorsCreditorsCustomersCustomersSuppliersSuppliersState/federal governmentState/federal governmentForeign governmentForeign governmentLocal communityLocal communityInterest groupsInterest groupsColleges and universitiesColleges and universities

    Trade associationsTrade associations

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    Arguments For SocialArguments For Social


    Business creates problems and shouldBusiness creates problems and shouldthere for help solve themthere for help solve them

    Corporations are citizens in our societyCorporations are citizens in our society

    Business often has the resourcesBusiness often has the resourcesnecessary to solve problemsnecessary to solve problems

    Business is a partner in our society,Business is a partner in our society,along with the government and thealong with the government and the

    general populationsgeneral populations

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    Arguments for and AgainstArguments for and Against

    Social ResponsibilitySocial Responsibility

    The purpose of business is to generateThe purpose of business is to generateprofits for ownersprofits for owners

    Involvement is social; programs givesInvolvement is social; programs gives

    business too much powerbusiness too much powerThere is potential for conflict s ofThere is potential for conflict s ofinterestsinterests

    Business lacks the expertise to manageBusiness lacks the expertise to manage

    social programssocial programs

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    OrganizationalApproaches toOrganizationalApproaches to

    Social ResponsibilitySocial Responsibility

    Social obstructionSocial obstruction

    Social obligationSocial obligation

    Social responseSocial responseSocial contributionSocial contribution

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    Managing SocialManaging Social


    Legal complianceLegal compliance

    Ethical complianceEthical compliance

    Philanthropic giving.Philanthropic giving.