Making Metrics Matter: The Shift from Social Measurement to Analysis for Insight

Making Metrics Maer: The Shi from Social Measurement to Analysis for Insight Spredfast #SFSummit


Metrics can be a marketer’s ally: they allow businesses to measure performance against specific initiatives and overall company goals. But assessing social success isn’t about measuring every metric available. By measuring what matters and using these insights to take action, smart marketers are refining their social strategy and building stronger social programs. Hear measurement best practices from brands that have tamed their data and unleashed real insights. Learn how you can shift your social reporting focus to save time and effort and hone in on insights that yield smarter (more successful) social marketing programs.

Transcript of Making Metrics Matter: The Shift from Social Measurement to Analysis for Insight

Making Metrics Ma!er: The Shi" from Social Measurement to Analysis for Insight

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Brad Blake VP, Associate Director of Digital/Social Strategy, Hill Holliday

David Gallon Director of Social Media, Aeropostale

Jason Lauritzen Social Media Program Manager, Houston Methodist

Natanya Anderson Director of Social Media, Whole Foods Market

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Meet the Panelists

Making Metrics Ma!er: The Shi" from Social Measurement to Analysis for Insight

Brad Blake, Hill Holliday

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“Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.”

Galileo Galilei

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New platforms emerge Established platforms change Products evolve

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Do page likes matter?

Does engagement matter?

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Do followers matter?

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Do relationships matter?

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It depends…

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Beyond Vanity: Concrete Business Metrics You Can Use Jason Lauritzen, Social Media Program Manager, Houston Methodist @jasonlauritzen

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Mad Men tactics are far from gone. Don Drapers exist and that’s a big problem.

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That bacon meme I posted got 500 likes!

Aww …. Yeah!

Traditional definitions of social media success: •  Facebook likes •  Retweets •  +1s •  Repins •  Comments •  Shares •  Impressions

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These vanity metrics have deficiencies: •  They estimate reach and engagement and little else* •  They create a false sense of business success since

they have a number and are generated in real-time

Increase revenue Reduce costs

Metrics we look at to assess those two areas: •  ROI (net dollar) •  Ad spend efficiency (ROI as percentage) •  Customer service cost savings •  Lead value •  Donations

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All our success metrics share a common theme:

Leads are considered patient info. If there aren’t entered correctly, they can’t be changed.

The lead-to-conversion time can be lengthy, e.g., 6 months or more, and insurance and similar factors can erode contribution margin.

Let’s talk about our funnel:

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By using that process, we can take a campaign like this:

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And generate actionable reporting like this:

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Trackable leads allow quarterly ROI reports:


That number helps calculate aggregate ad spend efficiency:

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By getting the following quarterly data from our databases: •  Average contribution margin (CM) •  Referrals via word of mouth (WOM) •  Profit margin (PM) •  Conversion rate (CR)

We can then calculate lead value using this formula:

CM x PM x CR x WOM

To generate lead value reports to fill in the gaps due to misattribution:

Lead value x social conversion rate = Value per click

Want to know if you’re spending too much on paid engagements?

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How do we calculate cost savings?

1 2 3 We crunch customer lifetime value (LTV) to get revenue projections.

We put the content label “Customer-Save” on 180s or wins.

We take LTV and multiply it by the number of saves to get our social cost savings.

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Driving Big Change with Small Data Natanya Anderson Director, Social Media, Whole Foods Market @natanyap

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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Our Data Journey

Dearth Overload Focused Action

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K.I.S.S. – Questions We Ask •  What element of the business are we trying to impact? •  Who is consuming the data? •  How can we connect the data dots? •  What will make the audience receptive? What will turn them

off? •  Is it repeatable? Does it need to be?

Lesson  learned:  What  the  social  team  team  needs  and  wants  is  almost  never  what  other  teams  need  and  want.  

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Reframing social conversation for business-wide communicators

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Biggest Takeaways How To Reach

WFM Brand

•  Content focus is General Grocery Shopping (Product Availability) and Corporate News, with GMO labeling news driving mentions, with very little in-store conversation

•  Majority of online demographic is female, under 40

•  Utilize incentives, such as earning points for store check-in’s on Foursquare or Twitter, to encourage life-streaming dialogue among consumers

•  Create and share targeted content such as active lifestyle and beauty posts to appeal to the largely-female online audience  

Conscionables •  Most likely to mention the WFM brand as a whole

rather than store products or experiences •  Biggest concern for this segment is the labeling and

sale of GMO products at Whole Foods

•  Generate brand-focused content around the GMO initiative, packaging it in shareable formats like infographics that can be shared via Facebook and Twitter


•  In-store Food Events, such as cooking classes and tastings, drive WFM mentions

•  Highest instance of Holiday & Special Event conversation, and tend to have negative sentiment toward Price Point

•  Promote Holiday-related Food Events and “first-timer” discounts on specialty products


•  Recipe Sharing and Product Quality drive Foodie conversation

•  Most likely to speak about product price point in positive manner, mainly resulting from exceptional quality

•  Engage consumers with recipe contests; the winning recipe as judged by Whole Foods chefs will be published on the website  


•  GMO labeling and product sales at WFM drive conversation and are mentioned more often than products’ organic nature

•  Restrictive diets, such as vegan and gluten-free, are important to this audience segment in addition to a product’s organic nature

•  Incorporate GMO initiative information, such as steps being taken to increase labeling of GMO products, into segment-targeted content as well as diet-focused recipes and health tips from experts

Biggest Takeaways How To Reach

Beer •  Largest male demographic (60%, which is

approx. double the other departments) •  Conversation driven by in-store Food Events,

such as tastings

•  Tailor content towards males, focusing around large events such as Super Bowl and NBA Finals

Grocery •  Winning Department Share of Voice •  Product Availability and Recipe & Cooking

themes are most often seen in conversation, which has the largest Foodie component

•  Engage consumers with recipe contests and Twitter chats utilizing their favorite WFM products

Meat/Poultry/ Seafood

•  Recipe & Cooking as well as Corporate News, especially discussing WFM’s stance against selling GMO salmon, drove conversation

•  Meat sold at WFM was noted as far superior to that sold at regular grocery stores

•  Increase consumer awareness of initiatives such as GMO product labeling and the 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating by transforming into infographics and promoting via social media


•  Department with Organics contributing most to conversation

•  Diet & Health-related conversation, with notable spikes around January (New Year’s resolutions) and summer

•  Promote health-centered recipes utilizing seasonal products, especially during times of low content sharing


•  Segment with the most positive mentions associated with it

•  Food Events drive department mentions, which had the largest component of in-store conversation

•  Partner with lifestyle bloggers to promote experience and opinion sharing about products by participating in events like Ladies Night or Wine Wednesdays

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Making local Facebook content more customer-centric Spredfast  #SFSummit

Making Metrics Ma!er David Gallon, Aéropostale

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Forget the Past. Think Now.

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We redefined the Aero Brand Platform by taking what we knew about the evolution of the customer and revisiting the company’s roots. It’s a platform of authenticity & individuality.  

Kids can smell a fake. The past over produced image that brands would create for their customers is no longer relevant. Kids are smarter and want to be who they are, not who someone is trying to make them. Aero Now celebrates the independence and individuality of this generation by putting them at the forefront of the brand.

How do you keep it real? When every minute of every day…

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Follow your followers. Listening and measuring conversation trends at scale has allowed us to glean insight, improve our content strategy and lead the conversation with our followers.

It’s not just about you. Measuring and analyzing what consumers say about your brand is a no-brainer. But try listening to the conversation outside your keywords. Discover what matters to your audience.

Turn insight into action. The ROI comes in increased engagement & brand relevancy.

Matters to them  

Right for Us  

Builds the Relationship

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This works in small ways everyday.

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And in big ways…

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