Making Critical Decisions - · Making Critical Decisions A Practical Guide for Nonprofi t...

Making Critical Decisions A Practical Guide for Nonprofit Organizations ROBERTA M.SNOW AND PAUL H.PHILLIPS Features an Easy-to-Use Matrix for Effective Decision Making John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Transcript of Making Critical Decisions - · Making Critical Decisions A Practical Guide for Nonprofi t...

  • Making Critical Decisions A Practical Guide for Nonprofi t Organizations

    R O B E R TA M . S N O W A N D

    P A U L H . P H I L L I P S

    Features an Easy-to-Use Matrix for Effective Decision Making

    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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    File AttachmentC1.jpg

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  • Making Critical Decisions

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  • Readers are invited to view and downloadthe supplementary Adaptable Matrix Template

    that accompanies Making Critical Decisions.

    If you would like to download a free electronic copy of the Adaptable Matrix Template, please visit

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  • Making Critical Decisions A Practical Guide for Nonprofi t Organizations

    R O B E R TA M . S N O W A N D

    P A U L H . P H I L L I P S

    Features an Easy-to-Use Matrix for Effective Decision Making

    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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  • Copyright © 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Snow, Roberta. Making critical decisions: a practical guide for nonprofi t organizations / Roberta M. Snow and Paul H. Phillips.—1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-7879-7636-1 (cloth) 1. Decision making. 2. Nonprofi t organizations—Management. I. Phillips, Paul H. II. Title. HD30.23.S668 2008 658.4’03–dc22


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  • C O N T E N T S

    Tables and Exhibits ix

    Acknowledgments xiii

    The Authors xv

    Introduction 1

    P A R T O N E

    About Decision Making

    Chapter 1: The Art and Science of Decision Making: Putting Theory into Practice 9

    What Works 10

    What Doesn’t Work 14

    Reacting Versus Responding 16

    Responding Versus Reacting 19

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  • v i

    Chapter 2: Borrowing from Business: Due Diligence in Decision Making 21

    What Investors Do 22

    Defi ning Due Diligence 24

    Staging Implementation to Reduce Risk 28

    A Consistent Approach to Critical Decisions 31

    Chapter 3: Managing Critical Decisions: The Who, What, and How 37

    Who Decides? 38

    What Choices? 43

    How Do You Put It All Together? 45

    Chapter 4: Enter the Matrix: Introducing an Effective Tool 47

    The Matrix: Framing the Decision 48

    The Rows: Weighting the Due Diligence Criteria 50

    The Columns: Scoring the Due Diligence Criteria 52

    Using the Matrix for Binary Decisions 59

    Using the Matrix for Choices Among Similar Options 62

    Using the Matrix for Choices Among Dissimilar Options 62

    P A R T T W O

    Making Critical Decisions

    Chapter 5: Stage One: Feasibility 69

    The Seductive Nature of New Ideas 70

    C o n t e n t s

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  • C o n t e n t s v i i

    Common Feasibility Decisions 71

    The Feasibility Matrix 75

    Chapter 6: Stage Two: Pilot 101

    Piloting the Feasible Decision 102

    Designing the Pilot Project 104

    The Pilot Matrix 105

    Chapter 7: Stage Three: Implementation 131

    From Pilot to Implementation 132

    A Good Implementation Plan 134

    The Implementation Matrix 136

    Chapter 8: Stage Four: Cutback 161

    Dimensions of Cutting Back 162

    The Cutback Matrix 164

    Chapter 9: Putting the Matrix to Work 187

    Boards of Directors 188

    Executive Directors 190

    Managers 193

    Funders 195

    Consultants 197

    Chapter 10: The Decision-Making Guide 201

    Assessing the Decision 201

    Working Through the Matrix 203

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  • v i i i

    Appendix: Staff Renewal Decisions 207

    Notes 223

    Further Reading 229

    Index 231

    C o n t e n t s

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  • i x

    TA B L E S A N D E X H I B I T S


    Table 5.1 Percentage Agreement for Initial Proposals, Community Recreation

    Center 98

    Table 6.1 Summary of Innovation Fund Proposals 129

    Table 6.2 Summary of Reviewer Scores: Innovation Fund Feasibility and Pilot

    Proposals 130

    Table 7.1 Summary of Committee Members’ Scores 157


    Exhibit 4.1 The Matrix Template 48

    Exhibit 4.2 The Basic Decision Matrix 49

    Exhibit 4.3 Sample Weighting 51

    Exhibit 4.4 Sample Individual Scoring Sheet 53

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  • Exhibit 4.5 Sample Consolidated Scoring Sheet 55

    Exhibit 4.6 Consolidated Matrix Including Total Weighted Scores 57

    Exhibit 4.7 Matrix with Total Weighted Scores, Total Possible Weighted Scores,

    and Percentage Agreement 58

    Exhibit 4.8 Binary Decision with a High Percentage of Agreement 60

    Exhibit 4.9 Binary Decision with a Low Percentage of Agreement 61

    Exhibit 4.10 Matrix Comparing Similar Options 63

    Exhibit 4.11 Matrix Comparing Two Different Options 65

    Exhibit 5.1 Sample Individual Feasibility Matrix 76

    Exhibit 5.2 Summary of Ms. Smiley’s Scores 92

    Exhibit 5.3 Community Recreation Center Weighted Feasibility Matrix with

    Rationale and Comments 96

    Exhibit 5.4 Mr. Thomas’s Evaluation of the Integrated Healthy Eating

    Proposal 100

    Exhibit 6.1 Sample Individual Pilot Matrix 106

    Exhibit 6.2 Summary of Mr. Jones’s and Ms. Lewis’s Scores 123

    Exhibit 6.3 Mr. Wheeler’s Feasibility Weightings 126

    Exhibit 6.4 Mr. Wheeler’s Pilot Weightings 128

    Exhibit 7.1 Sample Implementation Matrix 137

    Exhibit 7.2 Summary of Mr. Charles’s, Ms. Brown’s, and Mr. Scott’s Scores 153

    Exhibit 7.3 Mr. Lloyd’s and Ms. Evans’s Implementation Weightings 156

    Exhibit 8.1 Sample Individual Cutback Matrix 165

    Exhibit 8.2 Summary of Mr. Baxter’s Weighting and Scores 182

    Exhibit 8.3 Dean Johnson’s Weighted Scoring and Percentage Agreement of

    Each Cutback Option 185

    Exhibit A.1 Sample Staff Renewal Matrix 211

    Exhibit A.2 Summary of Ms. Miller’s Scores 222

    Ta b l e s a n d E x h i b i t sx

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  • ForBOB

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  • x i i i

    A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S

    WE ACKNOWLEDGE a number of individuals and institutions that helped us in the development of the project. First and foremost, we thank Doug Bauer, who started us on this path, sup-

    ported the development of the matrix, and through his review of an early ver-

    sion of the manuscript helped us produce a much more user-friendly book.

    Others have played a variety of important roles at different stages of the


    Linda Pickthorne-Fletcher, Paul Master-Karnik, Mark Weinstein,

    and Marc Scorca, who showed great patience in testing the prototype


    Benna Wilde and the members of the Donors Forum of Chicago, who

    reviewed and commented on applications of the due diligence approach to

    charitable giving.

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