Making connections between physics and biomedical science

Making Connections between Physics and Biomedical Science The Beach Rotana Hotel and Towers, Abu Dhabi March 14-16 2006 Presented by: Prof. Mike Mikhaiel Science Department Passaic County Community College USA


A new approach to the college curriculum puts emphasis on linking different subjects, therefore making interdisciplinary connections. To help students make connections between physics and biomedical sciences, I have developed a curriculum that combines the two subjects. Wherever possible, students immediately apply the physics to biomedical applications; the physics is then applied to real-world situations. In addition to making clear the connections between physics and biomedical science, I used other effective pedagogical techniques: group work, project-based learning, structured problem solving, writing to learn, and focus on conceptual understanding. During my talk I will discuss how I used education research to design and assess the course.

Transcript of Making connections between physics and biomedical science

  • 1. Making Connections between Physicsand Biomedical ScienceThe Beach Rotana Hotel and Towers, Abu DhabiMarch 14-16 2006Presented by:Prof. Mike MikhaielScience DepartmentPassaic County Community CollegeUSA

2. Outline of Talk The new approach Pedagogical techniques used Examples of Physics problems that couldapply to the Biomedical Applications. 3. The new approach A new approach to the college curriculum putsemphasis on linking different subjects, thereforemaking interdisciplinary connections. To help students make connections betweenphysics and biomedical sciences, I have developeda curriculum that combines the two subjects.Wherever possible, students immediately applythe physics to biomedical applications 4. Outline of Talk The new approach Pedagogical techniques used Examples of Physics problems that couldapply to the Biomedical Applications. 5. Pedagogical techniques used Group work Project based learning Structured problem solving Writing to learn Focus on conceptual understanding 6. Physics 121 Students 7. Physics 121 Students 8. Forming groups starting with my students spreadsheet ... Akilli, OnurAlmurqaten, MuradAwad, Morad Ayyildiz, Mehmet Henriquez, LovitaDaud, ShadyDowlatyari, Roham Gomez, GaribaldyHollingsworth, Tracy Khonako, Narina Malik, Muhammad Mejia, Jose Mendoza, Ysaac Nicolini, RosaIjbara, BasemaRudra, LitonHwang, DaEunWilton, Pena Vakman, MikeVargas, Karl 9. Forming GroupsRank and divide into thirds Dowlatyari, RohamHollingsworth, TracyKhonako, NarinaTop 1/3 Mejia, JoseNicolini, RosaMendoza, Ysaac Ijbara, BasemaAkilli, Onur Almurqaten, MuradMiddle Awad, Morad 1/3Ayyildiz, Mehmet Rudra, LitonHwang, DaEunVakman, Mike Daud, ShadyGomez, GaribaldyBottomMalik, Muhammad1/3Vargas, KarlHenriquez, Lovita Wilton, Pena 10. Forming GroupsDistribute the very top people, one to eachGroup. Dowlatyari, RohamHollingsworth, TracyTop Khonako, Narina1/3 Mejia, Jose Group 1Nicolini, RosaMendoza, Ysaac Ijbara, BasemaAkilli, Onur Almurqaten, MuradMiddle Awed, Morad1/3 Ayyildiz, Mehmet Rudra, LitonHwang, DaEunVakman, Mike Daud, Shady Group 2BottomGomez, GaribaldyMalik, Muhammad1/3Vargas, KarlHenriquez, Lovita Wilton, Pena 11. Forming GroupsThere will be six groups. Each group consists of three or four students.Dowlatyari, RohamDowlatyari, Roham G1Hollingsworth, TracyG1TopKhonako, Narina G11/3 Mejia, JoseHollingsworth, Tracy G2Nicolini, RosaG2Mendoza, YsaacG2 Ijbara, Basema G3Akilli, OnurG3 Almurqaten, MuradG3 Middle Awad, Morad G4 1/3Ayyildiz, Mehmet Rudra, LitonG4G4 Hwang, DaEun G5Vakman, MikeG5 Daud, ShadyG5Bottom Gomez, Garibaldy G5 Malik, MuhammadG61/3Vargas, Karl G6Henriquez, Lovita G6 Wilton, Pena G6 12. Forming Groups Fill in G1 and G2 groups Dowlatyari, RohamDowlatyari, Roham G1 Hollingsworth, TracyAkilli,Onur G1Khonako, NarinaDaud,Shady G1TopMejia, JoseHollingsworth, Tracy G21/3 Nicolini, Rosa Mendoza, Ysaac Almurqaten, Murad G2Gomez, Garibaldy G2Ijbara, Basema G3 Akilli, OnurG3Almurqaten, MuradG3 Awad, Morad G4Middle Ayyildiz, MehmetG4Rudra, Liton G41/3 Hwang, DaEun G5 Vakman, MikeG5Daud, ShadyG5Gomez, Garibaldy G5BottomMalik, MuhammadG6Vargas, Karl G61/3Henriquez, Lovita G6Wilton, Pena G6 13. Forming GroupsFill in other groups the same way.Dowlatyari, RohamDowlatyari, Roham G1Hollingsworth, Tracy Akilli,Onur G1 Khonako, NarinaDaud,Shady G1 TopMejia, JoseHollingsworth, Tracy G2 1/3Nicolini, RosaMendoza, YsaacAlmurqaten, Murad G2 Gomez, Garibaldy G2 Ijbara, BasemaKhonako, Narina G3Akilli, OnurAwad, Murad G3Almurqaten, Murad Malik, Muhammad G3 Awad, Morad Mejia, Jose G4 Middle Ayyildiz, MehmetAyyildiz, Mehmet G4 Rudra, LitonVargas, Karl G4 1/3Hwang, DaEun G5Vakman, Mike G5 Daud, Shady G5 Gomez, GaribaldyG5 BottomMalik, Muhammad G6 Vargas, KarlG6 1/3Henriquez, LovitaG6 Wilton, PenaG6 14. Forming GroupsFinish with the groups. Dowlatyari, RohamDowlatyari, Roham G1 Hollingsworth, TracyAkilli,Onur G1Top Khonako, Narina Daud,Shady G1 Mejia, JoseHollingsworth, Tracy G21/3Nicolini, RosaAlmurqaten, Murad G2 Mendoza, Ysaac Gomez, Garibaldy G2Ijbara, BasemaKhonako, Narina G3 Akilli, Onur Awad, Murad G3 Almurqaten, Murad Malik, Muhammad G3Awad, Morad Mejia, Jose G4Middle Ayyildiz, MehmetRudra, Liton Ayyildiz, Mehmet G4 Vargas, Karl G41/3Hwang, DaEunNicolini, Rosa G5Vakman, Mike Rudra, Liton G5Daud, Shady Henriquez, Lovita G5Gomez, Garibaldy Vakman, Mike G5Malik, MuhammadMendoza, Ysaac G6Bottom Vargas, Karl Wilton, Pena G61/3 Henriquez, Lovita Hwang, DaEun G6 Wilton, PenaIjbara, Basema G6 15. Writing to learn Students will be given assignments toread and then will have to write an articleabout one of the subjects in either Physicsor Biomedical Science. Students will be graded on who has thebest articles. The top articles are going tobe published on the web using a PhysicsMini Magazine web page that isestablished for this purpose. 16. Outline of Talk The new approach Pedagogical techniques used Examples of Physics problems that couldapply to the Biomedical Applications 17. Examples of Physics that could apply to Biomedical ApplicationsDimensional Analysis Problem1. A human tissue cell has a diameter on the order of 1m. Estimate the number of cells in 1 cm3 of tissue.Solution:Consider tissue in the shape of a cube 1 cm on a side. The number of cells along each edge of this cubical volume is then:1 cm = 1 x 10 -6 m, 1 m = 100 cmn = (1 cm/1m) (1m/10 6 m) (1 m/102 cm) = 1 x 104and the number of cells within the 1 cm3 volume isN = n3 = (1 x104) = 1 x 1012 or ~ 1012 18. Applications of Newtons Laws Problem2. In the figure below, the cast and the forearm together weigh 98.0 N.Assuming the upper arm exerts a horizontal force of 24.0 N to theright on the forearm, as shown, determine the force exerted by thesling on the neck. 19. Forces of Friction Problem3. The person in the figure below weighs 170 Ib. The crutches each makean angle of 22.0o with the vertical (as seen from the front). Half of hisweight is supported by the crutches. The other half is supported by thevertical forces exerted by the ground on his feet. Assuming he is atrest and the force exerted by the ground on the crutches acts along thecrutches, determine (a) the smallest possible coefficient of frictionbetween crutches and ground and (b) the magnitude of thecompression force supported by each crutch. 20. Solution 21. Applications of Newtons laws ProblemDetermine the magnitude of the net force exerted by the cable on the leg in the figure below. 22. Solution: 23. Work Problem5. A scraper is drawn over a tooth 20 times, each time moving a distance of 0.75 cm. The scraper is held against the tooth with a normal force of 5.0 N. Assuming a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.90 between the scraper and the tooth, determine the work done to clean the tooth.Solution: 24. Potential Energy ProblemA persons heart and head are 1.3 m and 1.8 m above the feet, respectively. Determine the potential energy associated with 0.50 kg of blood in the heart relative to (a) the feet, (b) the head. 25. Solution 26. Collision Problem7. A 75.0 kg ice skater, moving at 10.0 m/s, crashes into a stationary skater of equal mass. After the collision, the two skaters move as a unit at 5.00 m/s. Suppose the average force a skater can experience without breaking a bone is 4500 N. If the impact time is 0.100 s, does a bone break? 27. Solution 28. Rotational Motion Under Constant Angular Acceleration Problem8. A dentists drill starts from rest. After 3.20 s of constant angular acceleration, it turns at a rate of 2.51 x 104 rev/min. (a) Find the drills angular acceleration. (b) Determine the angle (in radians) through which the drill rotates during this period. 29. Solution 30. Forces Causing Centripetal Acceleration Problem9. A sample of blood is placed in a centrifuge of radius 15.0 cm. The mass of a red blood cell is 3.0 x 10-16 kg, and the magnitude of the force acting on it as it settles out of the plasma is 4.0 x 10 -11 N. At how many revolutions per second should the centrifuge be operated? 31. Solution 32. Torque and the Two Conditions for Equilibrium Problem10. A cook holds a 2.00 kg carton of milk at arms length (see figure). What force FB must be exerted by the biceps muscle? (Ignore the weight of the forearm.) 33. Solution 34. Torque and the Two Conditions for Equilibrium Problem11. The chewing muscle, the masseter, is one of the strongest in the human body. It is attached to the mandible (lower jawbone) as shown in the figure below. The jawbone is pivoted about a socket just in front of the auditory canal. The forces acting on the jawbone are equivalent to those acting on the curved bar in the figure below. F C is the force exerted by the food being chewed against the jawbone, T is the tension in the masseter, and R is the force exerted by the socket on the mandible. Find T and R if you bite down on a piece of steak with a force of 50.0 N. 35. Solution 36. Youngs Modulus Problem A stainless steel orthodontic wire is applied to a tooth, as shown inthe figure. The wire has an unstretched length of 3.1 cm and adiameter of 0.22 mm. If the wire is stretched 0.10 mm, find themagnitude and direction of the force on the tooth. Disregard thewidth of the tooth and assume the Youngs modulus for stainlesssteel is 18 x 1010 Pa. 37. Solution 38. Shear Modulus ProblemThe stainless-steel hip pin in the figure below has a radius of 0.25 cm. A total upward force of 300 N is exerted by the leg on the pin. Determine the deformation of the pin in the gap between the bones. Assume that the shear modulus for steel is 8.4 x 1010 Pa 39. Solution 40. Youngs Modulus Problem A person weighing 800 N stands on the ball of one foot. The tibiais 36 cm long; other dimensions are given in the figure below. Find(a) the stress in the tibia, (b) the strain in the tibia, and thechange in length of the tibia. Youngs modulus for the tibia is 1.8x 1010 Pa. 41. Solution 42. Pressure Measurement Problem15. A collapsible plastic bag (see the figure) contains a glucose solution.If the average gauge pressure in the vein is 1.33 x 10 4 Pa, whatmust be the minimum height h of the bag in order to infuseglucose into the vein? Assume that the specific gravity of thesolution is 1.02. 43. Solution 44. Thermal Expansion of Solids Problem16. The band in the figure below is stainless steel (coefficient of linear expansion = 17.3 x 10-6 (o C)-1; Youngs modulus = 18 x 1010 N/m2). It is essentially circular with an initial mean radius of 5.0 mm, a height of 4.0 mm, and a thickness of 0.50 mm. If the band just fits snugly over the tooth when heated to 80 o C, what is the tension in the band when it cools to 37o C? 45. Heat and Thermal Energy Problem17. A 75.0 kg weight-watcher wishes to climb a mountain to work off the equivalent of a large piece of chocolate cake rated at 500 (food Calories). How high must the person climb? (1 food Calorie = 103 calories) 46. Solution 47. Heat and Phase Change Problem18. Abdelkhader El Mouaziz of Morocco won the New York Marathon in 2000. His mass is 60 kg and he expends 300 W of power while running the marathon. Assuming that 10.0% of the energy is delivered to the muscle tissue and that the excess energy is primarily removed from the body by sweating, determine the volume of bodily fluid (assume it is water) lost per hour. (At 37.0o C the latent heat of vaporization of water is 2.41 x 106 J/kg.) 48. Solution 49. Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves Problem19. The area of a typical eardrum is about 5.0 x 10 -5 m2. Calculate the sound power (the energy per second) incident on an eardrum at (a) the threshold of hearing and (b) the threshold of pain. 50. Solution 51. Standing waves in Air Columns Problem20. The human ear canal is about 2.8 cm long. If it is regarded as a tube open at one end and closed at the eardrum, what is the fundamental frequency around which we would expect hearing to be most sensitive? (Take the speed of sound to be 340 m/s.) 52. Solution 53. Coulombs Law Problem21. A molecule of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is 2.17 m long. The ends of the molecule become singly ionized- negative on one end, positive on the other. The helical molecule acts like a spring and compresses 1.00% upon becoming charged. Determine the effective spring constant of the molecule. 54. Solution 55. Potential Difference and Electric Potential Problem22. A potential difference of 90 mV exists between the inner and outer surfaces of a cell membrane. The inner surface is negative relative to the outer surface. How much work is required to eject a positive sodium ion (Na+) from the interior of the cell? 56. Solution 57. Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field Problem23. A heart surgeon monitors the flow rate of blood through an artery using an electromagnetic flowmeter (shown schematically in the figure below). Electrodes A and B make contact with the outer surface of the blood vessel, which has interior diameter 3.00 mm. For a magnetic field magnitude of 0.040 T, a potential difference of 160 V appears between the electrodes. Calculate the speed of the blood. 58. Solution 59. The Law of Refraction Problem24. A narrow beam of ultrasonic waves reflects off the liver tumor in the figure below. If the speed of the wave is 10.0% less in the liver than in the surrounding medium, determine the depth of the tumor. 60. Solution 61. Thin lenses Problem25. A contact lens is made of plastic with an index of refraction of 1.50. The lens has an outer radius of curvature of +2.00 cm and an inner radius of curvature of +2.50 cm. What is the focal length of the lens? 62. Solution 63. Relativity26. An astronaut at rest on Earth has a heartbeat rate of 70beats/min. When the astronaut is traveling in a spaceship at0.90c, what will this rate be as measured by (a) an observeralso in the ship and (b) an observer at rest on Earth? 64. Solution 65. Atomic Physics27. A laser used in eye surgery emits a 3.00-mJ pulse in 1.00 ns,focused to a spot 30.0 m in diameter on the retina. (a) Find (in SIunits) the power per unit area at the retina. (This quantity incalled irradiance.) (b) What energy is delivered per pulse to anarea of molecular size-say, a circular area 0.600 nm indiameter? 66. Solution 67. Nuclear Physics Problem28. A drug tagged with 9943Tc (half life = 6.05 h) is prepared for a patient. If the original activity of the sample was 1.1 x 10 4 Bq, what is its activity after it has sat on the shelf for 2.0 h? 68. Solution 69. 29. An x-ray technician works 5 days per week, 50 weeks per year. Assume that the technician takes an average of eight x-rays per day and receives a dose of 5.0 rem/yr as a result. (a) Estimate the dose in rem per x-ray taken. (b) How does this result compare with the amount of low-level background radiation the technician is exposed to? 70. solution 71. 30. A 200-rad dose of radiation is administered to a patient in an effortto combat a cancerous growth. Assuming all of the energydeposited is absorbed by the growth, (a) calculate the amount ofenergy delivered per unit mass. (b) Assuming the growth has amass of 0.25 kg and a specific heat equal to that of water,calculate its temperature rise. 72. Solution 73. AssessmentPerformance of student is assessed byusing a pre-test and post-test comparison. The preliminary result shows student improvement. Assessment was based on six subjects. They are linear motion,vectors, laws of motion, energy,momentum, and rotational motion. Moresubjects are going to be assessed later. 74. Correct responses (%)Li ne 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%ar mot ionVect ors la w s ofmot io n energym omentuRom tatio na lmot io nCorrect responses: Traditional 75. Correct responses (%) linea0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% r motion ve ctor la ws s ofmot io n energym omenRo tuapproach ta mtio na lmot io n Correct responses: The new 76. Correct responses comparison:Traditional and the New approach90%Correct responses (%)80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%Linear motion Vectors law s of energy momentum Rotational motion motion 77. More subjects are going to be assessed later:To be continued. 78. [email protected]