Makati Medical Center College of Nursing

7/23/2019 Makati Medical Center College of Nursing 1/14 Makati Medical Center College of Nursing 144 Legaspi Corner V.A. Rufino St., Libran House, Legapi Village, Makati Cit! "a#il! Nursing Care $lan "a#il! na#e% Acuña Address% 7157 M. Ocampo &ate and 'i#e% 7/15/15 1:00 "a#il! Healt( $roble#% Living space dirty causing irritant to newborn baby )eneral ob*ecti+e% Ater nursing interventions t!e ami"y wi"" ind ways or preventions "a#il! Healt( 'ask Specific b*ecti+es -nter+entions +aluations #nabi"ity to recogni$e t!e presence o t!e condition or prob"em due to:  A. Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge  '. Attitude/ p!i"osop!y in "ie w!ic! !inders recognition/ acceptance o  Ater nursing intervention t!e ami"y wi"": (!ey wi"" identiy various ways !ow to rid o t!e !ea"t! t!reats in t!eir !ouse!o"d and maintain a c"ean environment )stab"is! rapport 'iscuss and provide teac!ings on t!e prevention and management o t!e prob"em/condition* +uc! as* !ouse management and c"ean"iness.  'iscuss wit! t!em about maintaining a !ea"t!y "iesty"e* suc! as eating !ea"t!y oods and !ow to improve eating !abits

Transcript of Makati Medical Center College of Nursing

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Makati Medical Center College of Nursing

144 Legaspi Corner V.A. Rufino St., Libran House, Legapi Village, Makati Cit!

"a#il! Nursing Care $lan

"a#il! na#e% Acuña

Address% 7157 M. Ocampo

&ate and 'i#e% 7/15/15 1:00

"a#il! Healt( $roble#% Living space dirty causing irritant to newborn baby

)eneral ob*ecti+e% Ater nursing interventions t!e ami"y wi"" ind ways or preventions

"a#il! Healt( 'ask Specific b*ecti+es -nter+entions +aluations

#nabi"ity to recogni$e t!e

presence o t!e condition or 

prob"em due to:

•  A. Lac% o/


  '. Attitude/

p!i"osop!y in "iew!ic! !indersrecognition/acceptance o 

 Ater nursing intervention

t!e ami"y wi"":

(!ey wi"" identiy

various ways !ow torid o t!e !ea"t!t!reats in t!eir

!ouse!o"d andmaintain a c"eanenvironment

• )stab"is! rapport

• 'iscuss and provide

teac!ings on t!eprevention andmanagement o t!eprob"em/condition*+uc! as* !ouse

management andc"ean"iness.

  'iscuss wit! t!em

about maintaining a!ea"t!y "iesty"e* suc!as eating !ea"t!yoods and !ow toimprove eating !abits

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Makati Medical Center College of Nursing

144 Legaspi Corner V.A. Rufino St., Libran House, Legapi Village, Makati Cit!

"a#il! Nursing Care $lan

"a#il! na#e% Acuña

Address% 7157 M. Ocampo

&ate and 'i#e% 7/15/15 1:00

"a#il! Healt( $roble#% ,ectors rampant around t!e "iving areas

)eneral ob*ecti+e% Ater nursing interventions t!e ami"y wi"" ind ways or preventions

"a#il! Healt( 'ask Specific b*ecti+es -nter+entions +aluations

abi"ity to provide a !ome

environment conductive to

!ea"t! maintenance and

persona" deve"opment due


• -. Lac% o/

inade&uate%now"edge oimportance o!ygiene andsanitation'. Lac% o/inade&uate%now"edge opreventive measures

 Ater nursing intervention

t!e ami"y wi"":

  ami"y wi"" conduct

ways to rid o t!evectors surrounding

t!e "iving areas. Andwi"" a"so resu"t inas%ing !e"p rommedica" oicia"s iinade&uate in%now"edge o t!eprob"em/ condition.

• (o estab"is! apport

• 'iscuss wit! t!e

ami"y about !ow tomaintain a !ea"t!yand c"eanenvironment


)ncourage t!em to

manage a c"ean!ouse!o"d

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Makati Medical Center College of Nursing

144 Legaspi Corner V.A. Rufino St., Libran House, Legapi Village, Makati Cit!


1/ -nade0uate li+ing space for 1 #ont( old infant

Criteria Co#putation Score ustification

Nature of t(e $roble#%

Modifiabilit! of t(e



$re+enti+e $otential

Salience of t(e






(!e ami"y recogni$es t!e

e2istence o t!e condition or

prob"em and determines i

somet!ing !as been done to

maintain t!e we""ness state or 

reso"ve t!e prob"em.

(!e ami"y %nows t!e

condition or prob"em t!at it is

easi"y modiiab"e or t!em to

ma%e a saer environment

(!e ami"y wi"" ta%e preventive

measures as too not "et

anyt!ing !appen

+eeing as t!e ami"y t!at # am

ta%ing care o !as a newborn

baby. #t is a condition/prob"em

t!at needs immediate

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'otal score% 3

2/ Risk for Sickness due to unsanitar! li+ing space

Criteria Co#putation Score ustification

Nature of t(e $roble#%

Modifiabilit! of t(e



$re+enti+e $otential

Salience of t(e$roble#





(!e ami"y recogni$es t!ee2istence o t!e condition or

prob"em and determines i

somet!ing !as been done to

maintain t!e we""ness state or 

reso"ve t!e prob"em.

(!e ami"y %nows t!e

condition or prob"em t!at it is

easi"y modiiab"e or t!em to

ma%e a saer environment

(!e ami"y wi"" ta%e preventive

measures as too not "et

anyt!ing !appen

+eeing as t!e ami"y t!at # am

ta%ing care o !as a newbornbaby. #t is a condition/prob"em

t!at needs immediate

'otal score% 3

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/ Vectors running ra#pant around t(e li+ing space

Criteria Co#putation Score ustification

Nature of t(e


Modifiabilit! of t(e


$re+enti+e $otential

Salience of t(e






(!e ami"y recogni$es t!e

e2istence o t!e condition

or prob"em and determines

i somet!ing !as been

done to maintain t!e

we""ness state or reso"ve

t!e prob"em.

(!e ami"y %nows t!econdition or prob"em t!at it

is easi"y modiiab"e or

t!em to ma%e a saer


(!e ami"y wi"" ta%e

preventive measures astoo not "et anyt!ing !appen

+eeing as t!e ami"y t!at #

am ta%ing care o !as a

newborn baby. #t is a

condition/prob"em t!at

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needs immediate

'otal score% 4.55


4/ $ets in (ouse(old are carr!ing foreign conta#inants 

Criteria Co#putation Score ustification

Nature of t(e $roble#%

Modifiabilit! of t(e





(!e ami"y recogni$es t!e

e2istence o t!e condition or

prob"em and determines i

somet!ing !as been done to

maintain t!e we""ness state or reso"ve t!e prob"em.

(!e ami"y %nows t!e

condition or prob"em t!at it is

easi"y modiiab"e or t!em to

ma%e a saer environment

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 $re+enti+e $otential

Salience of t(e




(!e ami"y wi"" ta%e preventive

measures as too not "et

anyt!ing !appen

+eeing as t!e ami"y t!at # am

ta%ing care o !as a newborn

baby. #t is a condition/prob"em

t!at needs immediate

'otal Score% 3

3/ '(e lig(ting in t(e (ouse(old is di#.

Criteria Co#putation Score ustification

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Nature of t(e $roble#%

Modifiabilit! of t(e



$re+enti+e $otential

Salience of t(e







(!e ami"y recogni$es t!e

e2istence o t!e condition or

prob"em and determines i

somet!ing !as been done to

maintain t!e we""ness state or 

reso"ve t!e prob"em.

(!e ami"y %nows t!e

condition or prob"em t!at it is

easi"y modiiab"e or t!em to

ma%e a saer environment

(!e ami"y wi"" ta%e preventive

measures as too not "etanyt!ing !appen

+eeing as t!e ami"y t!at # am

ta%ing care o !as a newborn

baby. #t is a condition/prob"em

t!at needs immediate

'otal score% 4.

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Makati Medical Center College of Nursing

144 Legaspi Corner V.A. Rufino St., Libran House, Legapi Village, Makati Cit!

"irst Le+el Assess#ent

Cues Assess#ent

• # on"y eat t!e meats t!at !as "itt"e to no ats

  +tairs "eading to t!e upper "oors is too steep


3ouse!o"d !as poor c"ean"iness


)ntire ami"y ac&uired a s%in sic%ness and it

gave t!em spots


Ma4am !as stressu" days due to %ids and


-. resence o we""ness capabi"ity or:1. 3ea"t!y "iesty"e 6 e.g. nutrition/diet*

e2ercise/activity2. 3ea"t! maintenance/3ea"t! Management

--. resence o 3ea"t! (!reats:'. Accident/ire 3a$ards  . a""/3a$ard

8. oor 3ome/environmenta"condition/sanitation 6 speciy  1. #nade&uate "iving space

  ---.  resence o 3ea"t! deicits 6 #nstances o ai"ure

  #n !ea"t! maintenance. )2amp"es inc"ude:

 A. #""ness states* regard"ess o w!et!er it isdiagnosed or undiagnosed by medica"practitioner 

  -V. resence o stress points/9oreseeab"e -risis


  . regnancy* "abor* puerperium 

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Makati Medical Center College of Nursing

144 Legaspi Corner V.A. Rufino St., Libran House, Legapi Village, Makati Cit!

Second Le+el Assess#ent

Cues Assess#ent

  ami"y eats more t!an times a day


(!e !ouse!o"d was unc"ean and not sanitary

  (!e staircase was steep* dangerous going down

wit! a newborn baby.

$riorit! 1: Abundant ami"y !ea"t! t!reats  #. #nabi"ity to recogni$e t!e presence o t!e

condition or prob"em due to:

 A. Lac% o or inade&uate %now"edge. Attitude/ p!i"osop!y in "ie w!ic! !inders

recognition/ acceptance o a prob"em

$riorit! 2: ,ectors running rampant around "iving areas.#. #nabi"ity to recogni$e t!e presence o t!e condition

or prob"em due to:A. Lac% o or inade&uate %now"edge

. ##. #nabi"ity to ma%e decision wit! respect to ta%ing

  appropriate !ea"t! action due to:

 A. ai"ure to compre!end t!e nature/magnitudeo t!e prob"em/ condition

. Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge/ insig!t as toa"ternative course o action open to t!em

$riorit! : Living p"ace dirty causing irritant to newborn


#. #nabi"ity to recogni$e t!e presence o t!econdition or prob"em due to:. Lac% o or inade&uate %now"edge. Attitude/ p!i"osop!y in "ie w!ic! !inders

recognition/ acceptance o a prob"em

  ##. #nabi"ity to ma%e decision wit! respect to ta%ing

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  appropriate !ea"t! action due to:

-. ai"ure to compre!end t!e nature/magnitudeo t!e prob"em/ condition

'. Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge/ insig!t as to

a"ternative course o action open to t!em  ###. #nabi"ity to provide ade&uate nursing care to t!e


  disab"ed* dependent or vu"nerab"e/ at;ris%

member o t!e

ami"y due to:

  A. Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge about t!e

disease/ !ea"t!


  . Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge o t!e nature

and e2tent o   <ursing care needed.

  -. !i"osop!y in "ie w!ic! negates/ !inder

caring or t!e sic%*

  disab"ed* dependent* vu"nerab"e/at;ris%


$riorit! 4% Lig!t is very dim

  #,. #nabi"ity to provide a !ome environment

conducive to !ea"t!  maintenance and persona" deve"opment due to:

 A. Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge o

importance o !ygiene and


. Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge o preventive


  -. Lac% o s%i"" to in carrying out measures to

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improve !ome


$riorit! 3% Anima"s in !ouse!o"d !as "eas = or Lice.#,. #nabi"ity to provide a !ome environment conducive to

!ea"t!  maintenance and persona" deve"opment due to:

 A. Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge o

importance o !ygiene and


. Lac% o/ inade&uate %now"edge o preventive


  -. Lac% o s%i"" to in carrying out measures to improve



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