M.A.(JOURNALISM ANDMASS COMMUNICATION) - 2 SEMESTER …€¦ · Q.2. Teletext was invented in in...

Roll No. M.A.(JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION) - 2nd SEMESTER AD, PR, CC & EVENT MANAGEMENT-I0020208 END TERM THEORY EXAMINATION Time: 03:00 Hrs Max. Marks: 36 Instructions: I. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with correct question paper. Complaint(s) in this regard, if any, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint in this regard will be entertai ned thereafter. 3. Marks are indicated against each question. 4. Draw diagram wherever required. PART - A (OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS OMR SHEETS) .. Q.1. The crisis which can be anticipated is known as a) Emerging crisis b) malevolence c) sustained crisis d) immediate crisis Q.2. Neglecting minor issues in the beginning can cause to a) Natural crisis b) bankruptcy c) smoldering crisis d) malevolence Q.3. Shareholders in an organization is also termed as a) Stakeholders b) Customers c) external public d) executives Q.4. Layout designing is required to prepare a) event planning b) media writing c) Press release d) an advertisement Q.5. Trade fair is a type of a) Human gathering b) event c) advertising d) cooperation Q.6. Routine business become increasingly difficult during a) Press conference b) preparing an ad c) content writing d) crisis Q.7. A tactic of promoting a product is a) Sales promotion b) organizing a media event c) practicing PR d) Propaganda Q.8. . is a vital part of planning an event. a) Media buying b) hospitality c) budgeting d) press release Q.9. A crisis situation which linger for years is called a) Malevolence b) immediate crisis c) sustained crisis d) emerging crisis Q.I0. . is a tool of ohm advertising? a) Radio b) banner c) TV d) news paper Q.l1. An organization that is specializes in actual creation of advertisements is . a) Event organization b) PR agencies c) Media houses d) creative boutiques

Transcript of M.A.(JOURNALISM ANDMASS COMMUNICATION) - 2 SEMESTER …€¦ · Q.2. Teletext was invented in in...

Roll No.



Time: 03:00 Hrs Max. Marks: 36Instructions:I. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper.2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with correct question paper. Complaint(s) in this regard, if

any, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint in this regard will beentertai ned thereafter.

3. Marks are indicated against each question.4. Draw diagram wherever required.


..Q.1. The crisis which can be anticipated is known as

a) Emerging crisis b) malevolence c) sustained crisis d) immediate crisis

Q.2. Neglecting minor issues in the beginning can cause toa) Natural crisis b) bankruptcy c) smoldering crisis d) malevolence

Q.3. Shareholders in an organization is also termed asa) Stakeholders b) Customers c) external public d) executives

Q.4. Layout designing is required to preparea) event planning b) media writing c) Press release d) an advertisement

Q.5. Trade fair is a type ofa) Human gathering b) event c) advertising d) cooperation

Q.6. Routine business become increasingly difficult duringa) Press conference b) preparing an ad c) content writing d) crisis

Q.7. A tactic of promoting a product isa) Sales promotion b) organizing a media event c) practicing PR d) Propaganda

Q.8. . is a vital part of planning an event.a) Media buying b) hospitality c) budgeting d) press release

Q.9. A crisis situation which linger for years is calleda) Malevolence b) immediate crisis c) sustained crisis d) emerging crisis

Q.I0. . is a tool of ohm advertising?a) Radio b) banner c) TV d) news paper

Q.l1. An organization that is specializes in actual creation of advertisements is .a) Event organization b) PR agencies c) Media houses d) creative boutiques

Q.12. Visualization is a part of advertising.a) True b) false

Q.13. . elaborates the headline of an advertisement.a) Symbol b) slogan c) layout d) body copy

Q.14. Which of these is a rational appeal?a) Price b) pleasant c) quality d) feature

Q.15. Envelop enclosures is which type of advertising?a) Indoor media b) direct advertising media c) outdoor media d) internet

Q.16. Wh ich of these is not an outdoor med ia?a) Vehicular advertising b) Sandwichner c) Television d) neon sign

Q.17 should grab the attention immediately in an advertisement.a) Headline b) subheads c) logo d) body copy

.. Q.18. . is a memorable saying that conveys a selling message.a) subheads b) tag line c) picture djsyrnbol


Attempt any three questions: ( 3x6=18)

Q.1. What is crisis? Describe the types of crisis with example. How corporate communicationhelps to control a crisis in an organization;

Q.2. Define an event management. Discuss the stages and planning required for managing anevent.

Q.3. Write a note on the importance of market research for the PR practitioner.Q.4. What is advertising? Discuss the various types of consumer advertising with examples.

Roll No.



Time: 03:00 Hrs Max. Marks: 36Instructions:I. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper.2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with correct question paper. Complaint(s) in this regard. if

any. should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint in this regard will beentertai ned thereafter.

3. Marks are indicated against each question.4. Draw diagram wherever required.

PART - A (OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS OMR SHEETS)Answer all the questions: (lSxl == IS)


Teletext is a means of sending ..a) Only text b) only geometric shapesb) Text and simple geometric shapes d) none of these

Q.2. Teletext was invented in in 1970.a) UK b) USA c) India d) France

Q.3. Which newspaper started first online news service 1989?a) The Washington Post b) The Guardianc) The Sydney Morning Post d) The Albuquerque Tribune

Q.4. Hyperlocal journalism is also known as journalism.a) microlocal b) global c) yellow d) none of these

Q.5. Craigslist is an American website.a) news b) featurec) views d) classified advertisement

Q.6. Hybrid newspapers include ..a) magazine form b) print formc) online and print form d) magazine and news form

Q.7. Small magazines and newspapers distributed by electronic method are knownas .a) new newspapers b) ezines c) letterhead d) none of these

Q.S. Which one function is related to Vinod Dua?a) video magazine b) surgery c) painting d) none of these

Q.9. It is generally recognized that first blog was Link.net, created by .a) Bill Gates b) Harporc) Justin Hall d) Lucia

Q.I0. Which one is the official Blog of Amitabh Bachchan?a) Bachchan Bol b) Bachchan Kahin c) Pratiksha . d) Amitabh B

Q.l1. Twitter was created in .a) March 2004 b) April 2004 c) June 2005 d) March 2006

Q.12. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched inOctober .a) 2009 b) 2010 c) 2011 d) 2012

Q.I3. Where is the headquarters of Linkedin?a) Newyork b) Sydney c) California

Q.14. What is the full form ofCPC in online advertisement?a) currency per click b) cost per clickc) cost per consumer d) none of these

d) Paris

Q.lS. Primary law in India dealing with cyber crime and electronic commerce was notifiedon .a) 20 October 2000c) 17 October 2000

b) 16 October 2000d) 18 October 2000

Q.16. Instagram was acquired by in 2012.a) Facebook b) Google c) Linkedin d) none ofthese

Q.17. Flickr is an image and video hosting website and web services suite that was created byLudicorp in .a) 2007 b) 2006 c) 2005 d) 2005

Q.l8. Citizen journalism is also known as .journalism.a) safe b) street c) earning


Q.l. Short notes type questions. Answer any two questions:a) What is li-mugazine?b) Write a short note on digital device.c) What do you mean by multimedia?

Q.2. Descriptive Questions. Answer any two questions:a) Explain TV newscast on the web.b) Write a short note on social networking sites.c) What do you mean by micro blogging?

Q.3. Long essay type questions. Answer any two questions:a) Explain different types of social media.b) Explain basics of digital media in your words.c) Write notes on the following:

(i) Cyber law(ii) Citizen journalism

d) none ofthese

(2x2 = 4)

(2x3 = 6)

(2x4 = 8)

Roll No.



Time: 03:00 Hrs Max. Marks: 36Instructions:I. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper.2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with correct question paper. Complaint(s) in this regard, ifany,

should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint in this regard will be entertainedthereafter.

3. Marks are indicated against each question.4. Draw diagram wherever required.


Q.1. What is point of view shot?a) Looking in to the eye on another subjectb) ., he camera shows what a character is looking atc) a shot shows a great deal the area where the scene is taking placed) None of the above


Q.2. What type of shot establishes a scene setting?a) Close up shot b) Medium shotc) Extreme long shot d) None of the above


Q.3. Daylight color film is balanced for light ata) 3200K b) 3400K c) 5400K

(I)d) 7000K

Q.4. NTSC Television standard produceda) 24 frame in a second b) 16 frame in a secondc) 25 frame in a second d) 30 frame in a second

Q.5. Resolution of an frame describes:a) The quality of the frame b) The clarity of an framec) The size of the frame in pixel d) Color and contrast of the frame

Q.6. Incident lightc) Fall on the subject b) Is reflected from the subjectc) Backlight the subject d) None




Q.7. What does PAN mean? When you...... .... (I)a) Move the video camera from left to rightb) Move the video camera up and downc) Walk and video at the same timed) None of the above

Q.8. A storyboard is............. (I)a) Cutting and pasting a story from the book on a boardb) Graphics organizer such as a series of illustration or images displayed in sequencec) Taking a piece of wood and carving it into a storyd) None of the above

Q.9. Cardioid mikes pick up sounda) Near someone's mouthc) In many direction

b) like "shotgun" mikesd) In one directly only

Q.I0. We perform white balance fora) In white color in our videoc) Control the exposure

b) Removing unrealistic color castd) none of the above

Q.l1. When the camera is acting as the eyes of the subject.a) Acting eyes b) Eye on c) Point of view d) Over the shoulder

Q.12. Of the three production stages, the one where storyboard takes place.a) Production b) Pre productionc) Post production d) none of the above

Q.13. What is something a low angle shot is usually used for?a) To show that the person in the is weakb) To show more of the scenec) To show who the person in shot isd) To show the power of the person in the shot

a) Trucking b) Low angle c) Zooming

Q.15. 4:3 and 16:9 are example of:a) Exposure angle b) Aperture c) Aspect ratio

Q.16. One uninterrupted run of the cameraa) Take b) Setup c) Shot

d) none of the above

d) Run

Q.17. Mid long short tell usa) Relation between body language and expressionsb) Relation between background and expressionsc) Relation between background and foregroundd) none of the above

Q.18. we set sprit level fora) Balance the exposurec) Set the White balance

b) Balance the Camerad) none of the above


PART - B (DESCRIPTIVE TYPE)Define rule of 180 degree using diagram.What is the various movement of the camera? Explain any two movement of the camera.What do you understand by microphones? Discuss their importance in TV Production.Explain the various part of video camera with their functions in detail.What care should we take before, during and after a shoot? Explain the reason for takingsuch care.

*********ETE MAY/JUNE 2018***********












Roll No.



Time: 03:00 Hrs Max. Marks: 36Instructions:I. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper.2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with correct question paper. Complaint(s) in this regard. if

any. should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint in this regard will beentertained thereafter.

3. Marks are indicated against each question.4. Draw diagram wherever required.

PART - A (OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS OMR SHEETS)Answer all the questions: (lSxl = IS)

.. Q.l. A freelance journalist can work for .a) more than one media house b) only one media housec) only digital media d) none of these

Q.2. Masthead refers to ----------------------­a) writing stylec) name of a newspaper

b) camerad) none of these

Q.3. Beat (in reporting) means ..a) running b) stablec) technical side d) area assigned to a reporter

Q.4. The term PTC is related to .........................a) reporting b) editing c) court d) none of these., Q.5. Byline means ...................a) printline b) deadlinec) name of a reporter with his/her story d) none of these

Q.6. Campus reporting refers to .........................a) cmema b) education c) entertainment d) none of these

Q.7. Reporting means ..................................a) blog writing b) re-writingc) gathering information d) none of these

Q.S. News selection process is related to ..a) newsroom b) outdoorc) design section d) page making section

Q.9. The programme 'Sansani ' is based 011. ..

a) foreign reporting b) crime reportingc) local reporting d) none of these

Q.I0. Suppose you are a reporter in a rural area and you have to take an interview of a BOO.What is the full form of BOO?a) Basic Development Officer b) Block Design Officerc) Block Development Officer d) none of these

Q.l1. is the last time at wh ich a story can be accepted done by a reporter.a) deathline b) deadline c) narrow line d) none of these

Q.12 is a detailed account of the coming event.a) caption b) future turn c) stet point d) curtain raiser

Q.13. Sensation is the main feature of. journalism.a) yellow b) red c) blue d) black

Q.14. Attribution refers to .a) hide the source b) quote the sourcec) ignore the source d) none of these

~ Q.lS. Bureau reporting means .a) feature reportingc) specialized reporting

b) simple reportingd) none of these

Q.16. Stringer is related to .a) reporting b) court room c) dark room d) state assernblx

Q.17. WhatisANI?a) corporate house b) legal term c) news agency d) none or these

Q.18. News value is .a) importance of newsc) feature writing

b) number of newsd) none of these


Q.1. Short notes type questions. Answer any two questions:a) What is news sense?b) Write a short note on paragraphing.c) What is follow up?

Q.2. Descriptive Questions. Answer any two questions:a) Write a short note on Phone in programme.b) Write a short note on live reporting.c) What do you mean by 5W and I H?

Q.3. Long essay type questions. Answer any two questions:a) Explain the basic tools for news gathering.b) What is inverted pyramid format of news writing? Explain with examples.c) Write notes on the following:

(i) Stylebook(ii) Changing trend in news writing

.(2x2 = ~

(2x3 = 6)

(2\4 - N)

Roll No.



Time: 03:00 Hrs Max. Marks: 60Instructions:I. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper.2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with correct question paper. Complaint(s) in this regard, if any,

should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint in this regard will be entertainedthereafter.

3. Marks are indicated against each question.4. Draw diagram wherever required.



.. Q.l. India ranks ~ in the World Happiness Report 2018.a) 78 b) 100 c) 141 d) 133

Q.2. India ranked place in the Corruption Perception Index for 2017a) 29th b) 81st c) 70th d) 56th

Q.3. Which movie won the maximum number of awards in 90th Academy Awards ceremony?a) Call Me by Your Name b) Blade Runner 2049c) The Shape of Water d) A Fantastic Woman

Q.4. Who receives the prestigious Jnanpith award 2017?a) Shankha Ghosh b) Sankara Kurup c) Krishna Sobti d) Ashapoorna Devi

Q.S. Me too movement is related to:a) Nuclear disarmamentc) Save Environment

b) war againt child labourd) Against Sexual Harassment

Q.6. I Do What I Do: On Reform, Rhetoric & Resolve was the book of --------b) Taslima Nasreen c) Raghuram Rajan d) Dr. Shashi Tharoora) Dalai Lama

Q.7. Which country's hockey team has won the 27th edition of the Sultan Azlan Shah cup 2018?a) Australia b) New Zealand c) Argentina d) England

Q.8. What is the GOP rate of India in 2016-17 from 8.2% in 2015-16?a) 7.1% b) 7.2% c) 7.5% d) 7.8%

Q.9. An event named "Vision for Future" commemorates how many years of Indo-Russia ties?a) 50 years b) 40 years c) 60 years d) 70 years

Q.I0. Stephen Hawking, the legendary theoretical physicist has passed away. He belonged to whichcountry?a) United States b) France c) Germany d) United Kingdom

Q.l1. Who sworn as the chief minister of Meghalaya?a) Conrad Sangma b) Perna Khandu c) T.R. Zeliang d) Trivendra Singh Rawat

Q.12. Krishna Kumari Kolhi became first-ever Dalit Hindu woman Senator ofthis country.a) Syria b) Israel c) Pakistan d) Turke

Q.13. The book Everybody loves a good drought is written by-a) Prem Bhatia b) Dilip Padgaonkarc) Namita Gokhle d) P. Sainath

Q.14. Teesta Sitalwar is a .......a) Film actress b) Social activist c) Politician d) Journal ist

Q.lS. Hindi Divas is celebrated on ........a) 141h September b) Slh September c) 181h Septem ber d) 141h October

Q.16. Noted Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani belongs to which state?a) Maharashtra b) Madhya Pradesh c) Rajasthan d) Gujrat

Q.17. Planning commission was abandoned by which govt?a) Bajpai Govt. b) Manmohan Singh Govtc) Narendra Modi Govt. d) None ofthe above

.. Q.18. Who was the information and broadcasting minister before Smriti Irani?a) Sushma Swaraj b) Venkaiya Naiduc) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathaur d) Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi

Q.19. The central banking functions in India are performed by thea) Central Bank of India b) Reserve Bank of Indiac) State Bank of India . d) None of the above

Q.20. New social movements are mainly based ona) Political Ideologies b) Economic issues of Industrial workersc) Social problems d) None of the above

Q.21. Root cause for agrarian crisis in India isa) Weather conditionsb) Agricultural policies of the Govt.

b) Banking systemd) All of the above

Q.22. Silent valley movement started in which state?a) Uttarakhand b) Tamilnadu c) Kerala d) Karnataka

Q.23. Medha Patkar is known for her ....a) Literary work b) Actingc) Achievements in sports d) None of the above

Q.24. Reservation policy is based on .....a) Cast b) Educational backwardnessc) Economical backwardness d) none of the above

Q.2S. Babri Masque was demolished on ........a) 6th December. 1993 b) 61h December. 1991c) 61h December. 1994 d) 61h December, 1992

Q.26. The main characteristic of the traditional societies is they are-a) They are not open to new ideas b) They like technological advancesc) They have many social institutions d) None of the above


Q.27. Who appoints the judges of High court?a) Chief justice of Supreme Courtb) Governor of the statec) President of Indiad) President with the consultation of Chief justice of Supreme Court and Governor of the state

Q.28. The cold war ended with the .a) Fall of Bar lin wallc) The gulfwar

b) Disintegration of Soviet uniond) Emergence of USA as only super power

Q.29. The SAARC is comprises of India, Pakistan, Shrilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan,Afghanistan anda) Iran b) Mauritius c) Maldives d) None of the above

Q.30. Defense budget for the financial year 2018-2019 is ofthe GDP?,. a) 2.55% b) 2.58% c) 1.58 d) 3%


All questions are compulsory (6XS=30)

Q.l. Describe the origin of cast system and its impact on the Indian society.

Q.2. What is market economy and how it has changed Indian economy?

Q.3. What are main causes for agrarian crisis in India and what is the impact on farmers?

Q.4. How global ization has changed power balance after the fall of USSR?

Q.S. Write three lines about all the topics given below-

a) Economic disparityb) Haman Development Indexc) Public interest litigationd) French revolutione) Communist revolution of Russia0' BRICs

**********ETE MAY 2018***********

Roll No.



Time: 03:00 Hrs Max. Marks: 60Instructions:1. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper.2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with correct question paper. Complaint(s) in this regard, if

any, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint in this regard will beentertained thereafter.

3. Marks are indicated against each question.4. Draw diagram wherever required.


Q.1. Which TV Channel states that "Khabar Wahi Jo Sach Dikhaye"?.. a) Zee News b) ABP News c) NDTV India d) DO News

Q.2. Who was the chairman of the first Press Council of India?a) R.V.Rao b) T.N.Singhc) G.S. Rajadhyaksha d) Swarn Singh

Q.3. Who started the newspaper National Herald?a) Motilal Nehru b) Jawahaar Lal Nehruc) Indira Gandhi d) Rajiv Gandhi

Q.4. Headlines are generally given by .a) Page designer b) Sub-Editors c) Reporter d) b&c

Q.S. Which is the element that makes news?a) Proximity b) Timeliness c) Prominence d) All

Q.6. Radio affects the mind of Individuals whereas affects the mind of .a) Public b) Group c) Individuals d) Country

Q.7. What is Sound Byte?a) It is a digital signal that identifies a TV or Radio Station.b) It is the first line of a TV announcer when he faces the camera in a live programme.c) It is quotation used on Radio or TV to express an idea.d) NONE

Q.8. "Off - the Record" meansa) Not for Publicationc) Secretly recorded

b) Not in Recordd) Open to all

Q.9. The Banner Headline of a Newspaper is:a) First page lead headlineb) First page eight column headlinec) Credit Lined) Drop Headline

Q.I0. A sheet containing facts and detailed information on any issue is known as:a) Summary b) Write - up c) Background d) NONE

Q.ll. The key narrator of a newscast or program is called .a) Announcer b) Editor c) Anchor d) NONE

Q.12. A story appearing with the name of the writer is called .a) Credit Line b) By Line c) Print Line d) NONE

Q.13. What is meant by editorial note:a) Small Editorialc) Additional Editorial

b) Editor's Notesd) NONE

Q.14. "Yellow Journalism" is a newspaper/ Journal printed on cheap yellow papers.a) Correct b) Incorrect

Q.15. FM Radio means Frequency Modulation Radio.a) Correct b) Incorrect

\Q.16. Radio is a .

a) Cool Medium b) Hot Medium c) Both a & b d) NONE

Q.17. ABC is the abbreviation of:a) Asian Broadcasting Councilc) American Bureau of Circulation

b) American Broadcasting Corporationd) Adult Bureau of Circulation

Q.18. What is Embargo?a) A ship, which often comes lateb) A ban on publication before a specific datec) A story which has no endd) NONE

Q.19. What is Dummy?a) A dead body of an animalb) Make up of newspaperc) Front Page of the Newspaperd) NONE

Q.20. PIB stands for .a) Public Intelligence Bureauc) Press Information Bureau

b) Pakistan Institution of Developmentd) NONE

Q.21. A journalist who is not attached with any newspaper is called:a) Retainer b) Correspondent c) Free Lancer d) NONE

Q.22. A brief introduction of a photograph is called:a) Embargo b) Credit Line c) Caption d) NONE

Q.23. OB stands for. .a) Open Boxc) Official Beat

b) Outdoor Broadcastd) NONE

• Q.24. Which of the following is a combination of sound bite and stand up?a) Package b) Talking Heads c) Voice over d) . Supers

Q.25. The making of a film based on a novel called adaption, whereas a novel based on a film iscalled .a) Adoption b) Novelization c) Spinoff d) Telecine

Q.26. Who directed the movie "Mirch Masala"?a) Ketan Mehtac) Mahesh Bhatt

b) Vidhu Vinod Choprad) Kundan Shah

Q.27. PSA stands for .a) Public Service Announcementc) Private Sector Announcement

b) Public Sector announcementd) NONE

Q.28. . should be avoided in radio scripta) Jargons b) Adjectives c) Data d) All

.. Q.29. Anchor Link is a part of news.a) Radio b) TV c) Both d) NONE

Q.30. Colored Television came in India in .a) 1982 b) 1983 c) 1984 d) 1976


Attempt anyfive questions. Each question carries equal marks. (5X6=30)

Q.1. Differentiate between feature and article writing.Q.2. What are the essentials of writing for radio?Q.3. Differentiate between writing for Television and writing for print media.Q.4. What do you understand by documentary films? Discuss the different types of narrative

styles of documentary films. .Q.5. Discuss the elements of news in detail.Q.6. Discuss the importance of PSA in spreading awareness.

************ETE MAY 2018**************

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