Major Topic 2 - Condition

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  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    My program is smarter than

    a 5


    grader!By: Chelsea Celestino


  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    We have learned about variables, expressions, getting aninput and display an output! Weve been computing a lot of

    things this past week right?

    So far

    I can do thattoo! Pssh,

    youre not sospecial!

    Mr. Calculator


    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    We need to make our programs think and make a DECISION!

    Bring out your wands and say ----- No, no, not that.

    We need to make them a bit smarter!






    Our program needs to be

    able to do different thingsbased on an input!

    Example :If Jim got the right answer he gets 1 point.

    Ifthe file isnt there, display an error


    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    They are able to perform a CHECK (by doing a test). Theycheck if a certain condition is TRUE or NOT

    Thankfully, computers do have some

    sense in them!

    When Java performs a CHECK,there are only two possible answers:pass or fail TRUEorFALSE.

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    To figure out if Jim got the correct answer, weshould know the correct answer . We should

    also know what Jims answer was so we canprobably say something like:

    1. Are two things equal?

    2. Is something greater than another?

    3. Is something less than another?

    How does Java check?

    Write your conditions in a way Java can understand!

    If Jims answer

    is equal to correct answer

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Whats the difference between the two?

    Two plus three is five. STATEMENT

    Is two plus three five? QUESTION

    Lesson 1 Formulating your conditionIf Jims answer is equalto correct answer

    Whats up with that?

    X = 2 + 3

    if (X == 2 + 3)


    Not Equal To

    Greater than

    Greater thanor equal to

    Less than

    Less than orequal to

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Pay attention to the syntax!Look at where your semi-colonshould be placed!

    Try the following code:

    Flex your fingers

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Sample Input:

    23 and 32,

    100 and 50,

    0 and 0,

    -23, -27

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Lets look at the anatomy:Enter: if Statement

    boolean expression

    Sequence ofstatements to executeif the condition is true

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Or The End?End the program

    Move on?with the remainingstatements?

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    What if we remove the elsethen? How is it different?


    Remember our guessing game?

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Do this if conditionis true!

    But if NOT, do thisinstead! (ONLY do this if

    condition is FALSE)

    Do this REGARDLESSif the condition is true

    or not!!

    Enter: ELSE

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    if (x < y)

    int t = x;

    x = y;

    y = t;

    System.out.println (Done!);

    You mean like this?

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Can I have more than one statement

    under an ifor an else?

    But, HOW do you tell Java which lines to

    include under an if statement?

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Lets say the user inputs 15 for both x and y.Any difference?

    Is the curly braces always required?

    Try the two codes below:

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Defining a block of code

    if (x < y)

    x = x + 5;

    y = y 5;

    System.out.println(x + + y);

    if (x < y){

    x = x + 5;

    y = y 5;


    System.out.println(x + + y);


  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    What if all else fails?!

    No problem, Java can handle that!

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    What if I want to execute my elsebased

    only on a certain condition also?

    if (grade >= 15)


    else if (grade >= 10)

    System.out.println(Pretty good!);

    else if (grade >= 5)

    System.out.println(What happened!);


    System.out.println(Dont worry

    about it!);

    Simply add an else

    at the end!

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    She means this one:

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    How is that different from having several

    ifsinstead? Whats thebig diff


    if (grade >= 15)


    if (grade >= 10)

    System.out.println(Pretty good!);

    if (grade >= 5)



  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Input Output using Else If Output using Many Ifs

    8 What happened? What happened?

    14 Pretty Good Pretty Good

    What happened?17 Awesome Awesome

    Pretty GoodWhat happened?

    Think it doesnt matter?

    Think again.

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    The mystery of Else Ifs and Many Ifs

    Now, think some more.What really happened just now?

    Dont want!My brainstired!

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    What really is happening

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    How Java interprets the two codes

    if (grade >= 15)

    if (grade >= 10)

    if (grade >= 5)

    if (grade >= 15)

    else If (grade >=


    if (grade >= 5)

    This is read only if the first if is


    This is read only if the

    SECOND if is FALSE



    Multiple ifs are checked one by one!

    Else ifs are checked depending on the result

    of the previous condition

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Okay, imagine theres a promo in a store where the customer

    has to choose a color (ROYGBIV) and a number (099). Theprize is as follows:

    If both color and number is correct, customer gets 1 Million Pesos!

    If only color or number is correct, customer gets 1K Pesos!

    Lets create a program to simulate this!

    1. We have to know what is the correct color and number. (Orangeand


    2. Next, we have to get the customers guess!3. Then we perform a check and display the result!

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Lets check what we know so far

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    int numGuess = in.nextInt();String colGuess =;

    if (numGuess == 23)

    System.out.println (Numbers correct!);if (colGuess.equalsIgnoreCase(orange))

    System.out.println (Colors correct!);


    (You win 1 million pesos!);

    Okay, lets try one solution first

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Testing testing

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Number is correct and color is wrong

    but the user still won 1 million pesos!

    Lets examine the output:

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Mhm.. Not quite.

    This time theyre BOTH wrong!

    but still the user wins 1 mill!?

    Color is correct but number is wrong ---

    STILL WHAT THE @#$#@ ?!

    Yourescheming tomake mebankrupt?

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Okay, lets try using an else then!

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Dont forget your curly braces!

    if (numGuess == 23)System.out.println (Numbers correct!);

    elseif (colGuess.equalsIgnoreCase(orange))


    System.out.println (Colors correct!);System.out.println

    (You win 1 million pesos!);


    And else here anda couple of thosecurly braces should

    do the trick!

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Lets check the output of that code

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Some more Tests

    Oh theres an improvement! but it

    didnt display the 1k Prize hmm.

    Would be nice if it told us to try

    again next time huh?

    Oh no, have to hide this output from

    boss yikes!

    We need the numberAND color to be

    BOTH correctbefore we give the 1

    mill prize...

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Lets see how

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Java can combine conditions!

    if (numGuess == 23)

    if (colGuess.equalsIgnoreCase(Orange))System.out.println(Congratulations!);


    System.out.println(You win 1k Pesos!);

    Hey! Why no statement after if ?A: An if is still a statement so this is valid!

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Whats wrong this time?

    When number is wrongand color is correct, no message on

    the 1k Prize! Cheat!

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Still problematic

    Lets look a little closer shall we?

    if (numGuess == 23)

    if (colGuess.equalsIgnoreCase(Orange))

    Check for thesecond condition if

    andONLY IF thefirst condition isTRUE


  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Meet your logical operators!

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term



    also known as &&

    also known as | |

    IF you wantALLof your conditions to be true

    IF you wantANYof your conditions to be true

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    Okay, try out this code.

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    Enter: AND / OR

    if (numGuess == 23 ||


    if (numGuess == 23 &&

    colGuess.equalsIgnoreCase(Orange))System.out.println(1 million Pesos!);


    System.out.println(1k Pesos!);

    elseSystem.out.println(Try again!);

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    *Drum Roll*

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    OH MY!



    ... We forgot one more operator though...

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    The last tool in your condition box is the NOT operator!

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    The Loner:

    NOTalso known as !

    I like to negateothers! Thats just

    how I am!

    Use this whenyou dont know the values you want but

    know the values you DONT WANT.

    Th NOT t h f

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    if (!(x < 9))

    INTRPRG AY 2011-2012 1st Term

    The NOT operator can rephrase some of

    your conditions

    if (x >= 9)same as

    if (!x == true) if (x == false)same as

    if (!(x < 9)&& y

  • 8/13/2019 Major Topic 2 - Condition


    The End!