

Transcript of Mains

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(Q1) In 1989, with the reunification of East Germany and West

Germany, access to X was restored. The X gate, which stands in the historic center of Berlin, was built between 1788 and 1791 by German architect Carl Gotthard von Langhans.

The X is located on Pariser Platz, a square at the western end of the avenue Unter den Linden, and is therefore near several public buildings and foreign embassies. Throughout its history, it has often been a rallying place for ceremonies, parades, and demonstrations, as well as the site of battles between soldiers and revolutionary fighters in 1848 and again in 1919. At the end of World War II (1939-1945), after Berlin was partitioned into four sectors of Allied occupation, the X became part of the Soviet-occupied sector. When the Berlin Wall was built in 1961 to separate East and West Berlin, the gate was sealed off in the stretch of land between the two sections of the divided city. Following the collapse of the communist regime in East Berlin in November 1989, the Berlin Wall was dismantled and public access to the X was restored.What is X…

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(Q2) Hosts Brazil, according to X GS +0.16%, which has crunched lots of numbers.

Lots and lots of numbers (Dominic Wilson and Jan Hatzius from X’s economics team joke that they wish staff showed the same level of dedication for their day jobs.)

Here’s X explaining the methodology: “The predictions for each match are based on a regression analysis

that uses the entire history of mandatory international football matches—i.e., no friendlies—since 1960. This gives us about 14,000 observations to estimate the coefficients of our model. The dependent variable in the regression analysis is the number of goals scored by each side in each match. Following the literature on modelling football matches, we assume that the number of goals scored by a particular side in a particular match follows a Poisson distribution.”Brazil stands out as the clear favorite according to X, well ahead of even reigning champion Spain. Cameroon, Japan and Honduras on the other hand might as well give up now, according to the X’s data. The actual odds also favor Brazil although the gap with other teams is less stark than in X’s model.There is also bad news for England, according to the model. The Three Lions are likely to bow out early without a win as X predicts that the team may not be able to beat footballing heavyweight Costa Rica.Who is X…..???

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(Q3) My Fellow Americans, I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease.Upon learning this news, Nancy and I had to decide whether as private citizens we would keep this a private matter or whether we would make this news known in a public way.In the past Nancy suffered from breast cancer and I had my cancer surgeries. They were treated in early stages and able to return to normal, healthy lives.So now, we feel it is important to share it with you. In opening our hearts, we hope this might promote greater awareness of this condition. Perhaps it will encourage a clearer understanding of the individuals and families who are affected by it.At the moment I feel just fine. I intend to live the remainder of the years God gives me on this earth doing the things I have always done. I will continue to share life's journey with my beloved Nancy and my family. I plan to enjoy the great outdoors and stay in touch with my friends and supporters.Unfortunately, as Alzheimer's Disease progresses, the family often bears a heavy burden. I only wish there was some way I could spare Nancy from this painful experience. When the time comes I am confident that with your help she will face it with faith and courage.In closing let me thank you, the American people for giving me the great honor of allowing me to serve as your President. When the Lord calls me home, whenever that may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country of ours and eternal optimism for its future.I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead.Thank you, my friends. May God always bless you. Sincerely, X.Source: 1995 Collier’s Year Book.Who is X??

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X (1883-1945), founder of Fascism and prime minister and dictator of Italy (1922-1943). Known as Il Duce (Italian for “the leader”), he centralized political power in Italy and bound the nation to him with his charisma. His vast personal power, strong-arm methods, and extreme nationalism made him a model for leaders of like-minded authoritarian movements in the 1920s and 1930s. German dictator Adolf Hitler saw him as a precursor, and many similarities existed between the Fascist and German Nazi movements. Allied with Hitler from 1938 to 1943, he helped plunge Europe into World War II (1939-1945). The Black Shirts were a paramilitary squad organized in Italy by dictator X in 1919.Who is X??

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(Q5) The X is a col between the the Jungfrau and the

Monch.It lies at a height of 3, 466 metres above sea level in the Bernese Alps,on the boundary between the cantons of bern and Valais,between Interlaken and Fiesch.It is a glacier pass on the upper snows of the Aletsch glacier.Since 1912,the X is accessible to the tourists by Jungfrau line ,a railway from intelaken and Kleine Scheidegg,running partly underground through a tunnel through the eiger and monch,the railway is the highest in Europe.The Y one of the highest astronomical observatories in the world is reached by an elevator from the X.It houses one of the global atmosphere watch’s atmosphere research stations.

What is X and Y??

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(Q6) X(family), name of a family of French origin, members of

which became rulers of several European countries. The chief family seat was the castle and town of X, the first capital of the former province of Xians in central France. It is now a village of X-l’Archambault, Allier Department, about 24 km (about 15 mi) west of Moulins.  

The earliest documented member of the X family was a French feudal lord, Aimar or Adhémar, who became baron in the late 9th century. In 1276 a Bourbon heiress, Béatrix de X (died 1310), a direct descendant of Aimar, married Robert de France, comte de Clermont, sixth son of the Capetian king Louis IX. Robert’s son Louis (1279-1342) was created 1st duc de X in 1327. The Spanish house of X was founded by Philippe, duc d’Anjou, a grandson of King Louis XIV of France and great-grandson of Philip IV of Spain

The Italian house of X was founded by two sons of Philip V of Spain. In 1734 Carlos de X, later Charles III of Spain, conquered Naples and Sicily and became Charles IV, king of the Two Sicilies. Acceding to the Spanish throne in 1759, Charles made his younger son King Ferdinand IV of Naples. Ferdinand became king of Sicily in 1806, and, as Ferdinand I, king of the Two Sicilies in 1816. What is X…

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X is the principal civic square in the city of Glasgow,Scotland.laid out in 1781,it is today home to the headquarters of Glasgow city council,and boasts and important collection of statues and monuments including those dedicated to sir walter is generally regarded as the defacto centre of the city.the city chamber buildings shown behind is contructed in the famous Italian renaissance style which was very famous during the 19th century.what is X…

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Who are present in this controversial conversation??


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(Q9) The X Policy (CAP) was established by the 1957 Rome treaty that

created the European Economic Community. The policy reflected a belief in the economic value of agriculture. Memories of the economic hardships that followed the two world wars led the EEC founders to believe that member states should be able to feed their populations from their own resources.

The X was intended to stabilize agricultural markets, improve productivity, and ensure a fair deal for both farmers and consumers. It has three major elements: a single market for agricultural products with a system of common prices to producers across the EU; preference for EU producers through a common levy on all agricultural imports from abroad; and shared financial responsibility for guaranteeing prices.

From the beginning, the common prices set were based on political pressure from farmers and governments rather than market considerations. This led to massive overproduction. Prices remained artificially high, and all surpluses were bought by the EU and either stored, destroyed, or sold at very low prices on international markets. What is X?

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X,s.a.b de c.v is the largest Mexican-owned baking company with operations in the Americas,asia and Europe.In 2013 generated us$ 13.786 billion in sales.producesover 10,000 products under more than 100 household brands including:Arnold,barcel,ben’s,bimbo,brownberry,dempster’s,dulces vero,fargo,marinela etc.The products of grup X are sold in more than 2.2 million points of sales across 21 countries.Recently ranking of the companies with best reputation from MERCO to grupoX in first place for two consecutive years in 2013 and 2014.X is a shirt sponsor for three teams of mexico’s top flight professional soccer league.the logo can be seen on the front of America,chivas de Guadalajara and monterry team jerseys.It received the bcg global challengers from boston group in 2013.For its advertising many football superstars had been seen such as chicharito hernandez,Cristiano Ronaldo,lionel messi…..What is X??? 

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The American space shuttle X undocked from Russia’s Mir space station on July 4, 1995, after completing the first joint space mission American piloted space flight. The Buran program, first flown in 1989, was put on hold after the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) collapsed in 1991. But the U.S. shuttle X was able to use the Buran port for the first shuttle-Mir docking in June 1995. In November 1995 astronauts aboard space shuttle X attached a docking module designed specifically to fit a U.S. shuttle to Kristall’s Buran port to make shuttle-Mir dockings easier. Space shuttles that docked with Mir used a docking mechanism installed on the shuttle that fit the mechanism on Mir. What is X….

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One visitor to the All England club has occupied seat number seven in the players’ box for every match on the centre court of the Wimbledon championships over the past 16 years.He isn’t a player,a coach or a friend or a competitor,yet he is warmly greeted by family members of the great champions upon entering the sports’ cathedral.He has been seen sitting behind Mirka Federer,Toni nadal,kim spears.His cult status developed in 2003 as a result of popular irish broadcaster terry wogan,giving him the nickname Genaeral custer.He had been from 1974 in this very court and had seen famous players such as pete Sampras,andre Agassi ,jim courier.He works as a construction industry leader in abu dhabi and insists he will keep making his journey from the U.A.E to all England club for the years to come….who is this person???

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(Q13) X is an informal title for certain high-level officials in the

united states and united kingdom.political X can run or organize governmental departments, and may devote their expertise to a single area of work.they have various official titles such as adviser,director,administrator,or diplomatic envoy.

In the united states ,X are generally executive branch officials appointed by the president.

In the united kingdom the term is more loosely used to refer to high profile appointments who devote their skills to one particular ares.

The term X is a word of Balkan region,etymologically originating from the name “Caesar” as does the word X ,a title of sovereignty adopted by the late rurkid dynasty (ivan 3 and ivan 4) rulers of Muscovy.They were being confused by Russian,Bulgarian or Serbian monarchs of pre-world war 1…..what is X???

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(Q14) X is a multinational media and information firm based in

new York was created by a corporation’s purchase of british based group on 17th april,2008and today is majority owned by the woodridge company.The company operates in more than 100 countries,and has more than 60,000 employees around the world.X was ranked as canada’s leading corporate brand in the 2010 interbrand best Canadian brands ranking.It is headquartered at 3 times square,manhattan.The corporation was founded by roy Thompson in 1934 in Ontario as the publisher of the times daily press and the group was founded by paul Julius in 1851 in London as a business transmitting stock market quotations.It negotiated a

Contact with London stock exchange to provide stock prices from the continental exchanges in return for access to London prices….what is X??

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Known by many as The Rock, X Island is located just north of San Francisco in San Francisco Bay. The United States Department of Justice used the island as a military prison from 1868 to 1933, and then as a federal prison for dangerous criminals from 1933 until 1963. In 1972 X became part of the Golden Gate National Recreational Area. X island, western California, in San Francisco Bay, near San Francisco. It rises 40 m (130 ft) above the surface of the bay and is 535 m (1,755 ft) long. Spanish Lieutenant Juan Manuel de Ayala explored the island in 1755; he named it Isla de los Alcatraces (Isle of the Pelicans), after the large pelican population there.what is X???

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X is a national day of remembrance in Australia and Newzealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and the Newzealanders”who served and died in all wars,conflicts and peacekeeping operations.”and “the contribution and suffering of all those who have served.”Originally 25th april every year was to honour the members of the Australian and newzealand army corps who fought at Gallipoli in the ottoman empire during the world war I.X day is also observed in the cook islands,niue,pitcarin islands and tonga.It was first celebrated in 1916 and a half day holiday was declared in newzealand…identify X??

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(Q17) 14 February 2014

No words can adequately capture my feelings about the devastating accident that has caused such heartache for everyone who truly loved – and continues to love Reeva.The pain and sadness – especially for Reeva’s parents, family and friends consumes me with sorrow.The loss of Reeva and the complete trauma of that day, I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Following the tragic event and the enormous global interest, the family of Oscar X has taken the decision to devote his official website to the latest news about developments as well as messages of support.The website will provide the opportunity for the media to make enquiries or requests but for understandable legal reasons it may not always be possible to respond or comments.

X’s management company have been inundated with messages of support and condolences for X and for the family of Reeva Steenkamp from all over the world.uncle of X, said on behalf of the family: “We believe that this is an appropriate way to deal with the expressions of support we have received as well as keeping the media informed about any key developments in the case.

“We have every confidence as a family that when the world has heard the full evidence that this will prove to be a terrible and tragic accident which has changed many lives forever. We are praying for everyone touched by this tragedy.”who is X??

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A X is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator. Operators of X usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The idea, present in novels (for example, Charles Dickens' 1844 novel Martin Chuzzlewit and 1857 novel Little Dorrit each described such a scheme),was actually performed in real life by X who with his operation took in so much money that it was the first to become known throughout the United States. X’s original scheme was based on the arbitrage of international reply coupons for postage stamps; however, he soon diverted investors' money to make payments to earlier investors and himself.The founder became nototrious for using this in 1920 which was one of the main causes of great depression…identify X

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