Mai n to p i c: Post 1914 Literature text: c o v e r e d ...

YEAR 10: CURRICULUM OVERVIEW (Sept-Oct 2021) 1 Subject Topics to be covered Key Learning Main topic: Post 1914 Literature text: ‘An Inspector Calls’ or ‘The Woman in Black’ Other topics: Non-fiction extracts Students will focus their studies this half term on either ‘An Inspector Calls’ or ‘The Woman in Black’. They will analyse the text in detail zooming in on key scenes and identifying the language and structure used by the writer to portray characters and themes. Students will also look at the wider themes across the texts and the contextual factors that influenced the writing of the text. The skills they practise in this unit are assessed at GCSE in the English Literature exam. As well as studying ‘An Inspector Calls’ or ‘The Woman in Black’ this half term, students will be introduced to a range of non-fiction extracts, focusing in particular on how language and structure is used to create meaning. Pre-exposure homework 1. Research what life was like in Britain after 1914. What impact did the First World War have on society? (consider the position of women, the state of government, international relations, social class etc.) ‘An Inspector Calls’: 1. Find out about the life of J.B. Priestley- create a biographical mind map. 2. Look up the terms ‘Socialist’ and ‘Capitalist’ and write down a definition. Consider the differences between the two. 3. Research what life was like in Edwardian Britain (e.g. politics, class structure, position of women etc.)

Transcript of Mai n to p i c: Post 1914 Literature text: c o v e r e d ...

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Subject Topics to becovered

Key Learning

Main topic:Post 1914 Literature text:‘An Inspector Calls’ or ‘TheWoman in Black’

Other topics:Non-fiction extracts

Students will focus their studies this half term on either ‘An InspectorCalls’ or ‘The Woman in Black’. They will analyse the text in detailzooming in on key scenes and identifying the language and structureused by the writer to portray characters and themes. Students will alsolook at the wider themes across the texts and the contextual factorsthat influenced the writing of the text. The skills they practise in thisunit are assessed at GCSE in the English Literature exam.

As well as studying ‘An Inspector Calls’ or ‘The Woman in Black’ thishalf term, students will be introduced to a range of non-fiction extracts,focusing in particular on how language and structure is used to createmeaning.


1. Research what life was like in Britain after 1914. What impactdid the First World War have on society? (consider the positionof women, the state of government, international relations,social class etc.)

‘An Inspector Calls’:1. Find out about the life of J.B. Priestley- create a biographical

mind map.2. Look up the terms ‘Socialist’ and ‘Capitalist’ and write down a

definition. Consider the differences between the two.3. Research what life was like in Edwardian Britain (e.g. politics,

class structure, position of women etc.)

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‘The Woman in Black’:1. Find out about the life of Susan Hill- create a biographical mind

map.2. Research Gothic Literature (The British Library website is


Higher tierKey learning: For full details please look in the specification at and search for the code below.

Measures N16, G14, N13, R1, R11

Surds N8, A24

Stats S4, S5, S1

Indices N6, N7

Properties of Polygons G3, G4


1. Think of at least 3 examples of where surds can be applied toa real life situation.

2. Find an example of a graph or a chart from anewspaper/magazine or the Internet. Explain what thisdiagram is trying to illustrate.

Foundation TierKey learning: For full details please look in the specification at and search for the code below.

Standard Form N2, N9

Measures N16, G14, N13, R1, R11

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Statistical Measures S4, S5, S1

Indices N6, N7

Factors, multiples andprimes

N4, N5


1. Find an example of a graph or a chart from anewspaper/magazine or the Internet. Explain what thisdiagram is trying to illustrate.

2. Review the meaning of factor, multiple, and prime.

Edexcel GCSE (9-1)Biology Topic 2 Cells andControl

● How do cells divide and specialise?● What is the structure of the brain and how can it be imaged?● What is the structure of neurones and how is information

passed between them?

What is the structure of the eye and how can ailments which effect theeyes be explained?


1. Search on Google for the ‘Secret life of the brain’; go to thePBS website and look through the sections on the life of thebrain. Focus on the ‘teenage brain’ and look at why sleep isimportant. Be prepared to discuss this in a lesson.

2. Search on Google for the ‘eye’. Go to the webpage web mdwebpage and read up about the eye. Take a look through thedifferent conditions which can affect the eyes, choose threeand make notes about each one.

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C3 and C4 AtomicStructure and the PeriodicTable

● How have our ideas about atoms changed?● What is relative atomic mass?● How do we calculate relative atomic mass for an element● How did Mendeleev arrange the elements known at the time in

a periodic table?● How did Mendeleev predict the existence and properties of

undiscovered elements?● How did Henry Moseley help to confirm Mendeleev’s ideas?● How can we use the periodic table to predict and model the

arrangement of electrons in atoms?● How are indicators used in acid-alkali titrations?


1. Do some research into the development of the atom.2. How have ideas changed over time?3. What have been the significant discoveries and what evidence

supported them?

Edexcel GCSE (9-1)

P5 ElectromagneticSpectrum

● Describe the uses of light in the Electromagnetic Spectrum● Explain how different colours of light are harmful effects of

some waves with EM Spectrum● Use ray diagrams to find out about reflection, refraction total

internal reflection and lenses


1. Learn the Electromagnetic Spectrum order2. Remember some of the key uses for different types of light

from the electromagnetic spectrum.3. A song to help you can be found here:

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Edexcel GCSE (9-1)Combined Science

CB2 Cells and Control

● How do cells divide and specialise?● Why are stem cells important?● How are specialised cells identified and how does the nervous

system work?


1) Watch the video:

Edexcel GCSE (9-1)Combined Science

CC3 and CC4 AtomicStructure and the PeriodicTable

● How have our ideas about atoms changed?● What is relative atomic mass?● How do we calculate relative atomic mass for an element● How did Mendeleev arrange the elements known at the time in

a periodic table?● How did Mendeleev predict the existence and properties of

undiscovered elements?● How did Henry Moseley help to confirm Mendeleev’s ideas?● How can we use the periodic table to predict and model the

arrangement of electrons in atoms?● How are indicators used in acid-alkali titrations?


1. Do some research into the development of the atom.2. How have ideas changed over time?3. What have been the significant discoveries and what evidence

supported them?

Edexcel GCSE (9-1)Combined Science

● What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

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CP5 Light and theElectromagnetic Spectrum

● What are some of the uses of waves in different parts of theelectromagnetic spectrum?

● What are some of the harmful effects of waves in differentparts of the electromagnetic spectrum?


1. Visit the BBC Bitesize website to learn about the different partsof the electromagnetic spectrum:

Artist inspired lettering Students will:● Build on their research, development and designing skills to

create an illustrated word inspired by a choice of Artists anddesigners.

● Produce a detailed and creative research board and Finalillustrated word.


1. Research a range artists and designers you find inspiring -begin to collect visual and written research.

2. Resources will be available on google classroom.a. The class code is - k1ysw

3. Any visits to galleries would also enrich the widerunderstanding of art

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Unit 1: Business Activity Students will begin the introduction to business unit. This includes thefollowing key learning:● The role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship● Business planning● Business ownership● Business aims and objectives● Stakeholders in business● Business growth


1. Complete a home survey. This is a very simple task wherestudents consider the products which are within their homesand try to identify what businesses make those products. Theaim of this activity is to help students understand just howmuch they rely on businesses for everyday life.


Design a BusinessProposal

(Project worth 25% ofoverall GCSE)

Students will be introduced to the Business challenge whereby theyneed to design a proposal for a new product.During this half term students will work on the following twocoursework activities:

● Task1: Identify the customer profile for a business challengeproduct.

● Task 2: Complete market research to aid decisions.


During this half term students need to carry out a variety of marketresearch and gather their results. This is likely to include:● Questionnaires● Visits/observations at clothing stores (which sell hats)● Internet research● The research gathered will be used to inform the product decision

in students coursework.

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UNIT 1:L04 Food Hygiene

UNIT 2:L03 Skills in making dishes

Students will understand the theoretical principles to prevent illnesswithin food preparation. This will support their understanding of foodhygiene and safety exam questions and within their practical workUsing an oven, hob or grill. Knife skills and a range of cookingmethods eg. creaming method, roux sauce, chopping vegetables,rubbing in technique to make a wide range of dishes eg. mushroomrisotto, lasagne, autumn crumble...


1. Research a range of dishes from other countries/ nationalities,maybe new discoveries from your holidays or within lockdown!

Technology Students will be learning to understand, discuss and write about thetechnology they use in their everyday lives in French. They will beable to use language to talk about mobile phones, the use of theinternet and social media. They will consolidate grammar and tensesalready studied in year 9 and apply this knowledge to new verbs andlanguage. They will be assessed in speaking, reading and translationskills on this topic.


1. In your books, make a list of 20 items of vocabulary you wouldneed to discuss this topic eg. mobile phone, computer etc. andthen write 10 sentences including all the words.

2. Go to to revise the present tenseverb endings for

o –er verbso avoiro être

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Resource Management Learners will look at the importance and use of water withindeveloping and developed countries. Investigate the sources of waterin the forms of domestic and industrial consumption. Understand theproblems of water supply in developing and developed countries aswell as problems of seasonal variation and increased demand.Investigate a case study of a major water management project and ofconflict over water supply.


1. Do a household survey of all the water use within yourhousehold – how many devices in your house use water andhow often are they used?

2. Investigate a major water management project – produce afact file about its location, why it was built, the impact it hashad etc.

Holidays Students will revise structures in the present and future tenses todescribe holiday experiences They will discuss accommodation/transport and activities and they will develop their knowledge and skillswhen expressing opinions . They will then learn the formation of thepast tense to talk about past holidays. They will be assessed inreading, and translation skills at the end of this topic.


1. Review how to form the present tense in German2. Use the websites and to

learn vocabulary relating to the topic. Students should searchfor AQA GCSE German vocabulary.

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America 1920-73:Opportunity & Inequality.

Students will develop their extended writing and communication skillsthrough the completion of AQA examination questions. Through thisprocess they will also develop the historical skills required to makeprogress and achieve in the subject.

Students will develop contextual knowledge and understanding inrelation to:

● The American Election of 1932● Roosevelt’s New Deal● Social developments in the 1930s & Second World War● The economic impact of the Second World War


1. Undertake independent research on the two 1932 electioncandidates & record a minimum of five relevant facts perelection candidate (Hoover & Roosevelt).

2. What was Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’? After researching the topic,produce an outcome, such as an acrostic poem or anewspaper front cover, which demonstrates your knowledgeand understanding regarding the key topic area (New Deal).

3. Watch the following link & record the three most interestingaspects of life in 1930s America:

Introduction to DigitalDesign

As part of the course, students will learn about the technical featuresof digital products:

● site structure● functionality● content● design

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1. Use the mini website about webpage design at to make notes about the key features of webdesign

Introduction to MediaStudies


Introduction to practicalwork

Theoretical FrameworkGetting to grips with the Key Concepts which underpin the course


Preparation for Component 1 Section A of the first GCSE exam● Study of set topics● Magazines – ‘GQ’ and ‘Pride’

Section A: Exploring Media Language and RepresentationIn this section, learners will analyse media language, considering howthe selection and combination of elements of media languageinfluence and communicate meanings in media products.Learners will also explore the concept of representation and relevantrepresentations of gender, ethnicity, age, issues and events in themedia.‘Me Magazine’Introduction to Photoshop and planning a design piece by using theirnewly acquired understanding of magazine design and content tocreate their own magazine cover.


MAGAZINES:1. Look at as many magazine covers as possible – either the real

thing if you get magazines at home or if not, on-line (justsearch ‘magazine covers’ in images).

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2. Think about the ways in which design and content use thingslike colour, images, written information and layout to appeal todifferent audiences/readership.

Composing performingand listening

Examining approaches to creating music – how ideas are generated.Introduction to the course. Consolidate basic musical vocab andknowledgeRecording the first performances and evaluating the playback.Introduction to the Instrumental set works – starting with thebackground to each of them.


1. Practice a piece which could be recorded in the first few weeksof the course.

2. Familiarise the set works by listening to them and followingthem with the Anthology.

Introduction to GCSEDrama - Skills Workshops

Pupils are to be introduced to the course through a series of skillsworkshops.Pupils will learn about:

● proxemics,● staging,● script work,● theatre design (links to component 1)● Theatre practitioners.

Pupils will earn and build upon skills that will assist them throughoutthe duration of the course.


1. Revision for drama terminology test- for pupils to fully accessthe course they must be able to use the correct terminologywithin lessons and exams, therefore there will be a keywordstest towards the end of the half term.

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2. Learning lines- pupils may be required to learn lines to helpthem develop skills related to script work.

3. Topic related research- pupils may be required to research thehistory of a play, style of a practitioner, different styles ofstaging or design.

Sport, Health andWellbeing activities

Students will refine their skills in sporting activities and participate inactivities of interest. Lessons will aim to be inclusive, active andengaging in order to cater for the individual needs of all students.Some students will participate in lessons linked to their more favouredactivities while others will be exposed to a range of alternativeactivities to maintain interest and maximise activity levels in a fun andpurposeful manner..

Students will also participate and follow a health based curriculum toraise awareness of the importance of physical activity, with the aim forstudents to challenge themselves to improve levels of fitness andimprove general well being in a range of fitness activities.

Enrichment activities will be offered to allow students to participaterecreationally and competitively in a range of sporting activities linkedto competition calendars..

The Study of Religions -Buddhism

Introduction to the key beliefs of Buddhism with specific reference tohow these beliefs influence Buddhist teachings.


1. Look out for news articles linked to prominent Buddhists; I.e. theDalia Lama.

2. Research the story of Buddha’s early life and create a timelineon this.

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Holidays Students will revise structures in the present and future tenses todescribe holiday experiences They will discuss accommodation/transport and activities and they will develop their knowledge and skillswhen expressing opinions . They will then learn the formation of thepast tense to talk about past holidays. They will be assessed inreading, and translation skills at the end of this topic.


1. Review how to form the present tense in Spanish with regularverbs using your verb tables, and ‘tener’ and ‘ser’.

2. Research ‘tourism’ in Spain – find out information about oneparticular holiday resort and make notes of food/drink/ climate/places of interest

Applied anatomy andphysiology Physicaltraining

Socio-cultural influencesSports psychologyHealth, fitness andwell-being

Practical activityassessment Analysingand EvaluatingPerformance (AEP)

Students will develop their knowledge of physical fitness by learningabout the components of fitness, training methods and exercisingsafely to prepare them for the completion of their AEP controlledassessment which has a deadline by the end of Year 10. Students willlearn about an individual component of fitness, apply this to sportingexamples and learning how to train appropriately to improve thisStudents will develop their knowledge of socio-cultural issues, sportspsychology and health, fitness and wellbeing. Students will be able toapply topics to practical examples from physical activities and sports

You will be assessed in a range of activities which will include team andindividual sports as well as evaluating your fitness and skill performance incontrolled assessment. It is desirable that you represent sports clubs at acommunity level


1. The EverLearner will be used to support students with videosprior to the lessons to use a Flipped Learning model to prepare

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students for the lesson followed by assessments to consolidateunderstanding.

Year 10 Cambridge NationalLevel 2 in Sports Science

R041:Reducing the risk ofsports injuries

R042:Applying principles oftraining

You will understand different factors which influence the risk of injuryand understand how appropriate warm up and cool down routines canhelp to prevent injury. You will learn how to respond to injuries within asporting context as well as understanding how to respond to commonmedical conditions.

You will learn now to apply the principles of training in a sportingcontext and apply them to show how training methods target differentfitness components. You will then demonstrate how to conduct a rangeof fitness tests and design a training programme


1. The EverLearner will be used to support students with videosprior to the lessons to use a Flipped Learning model to preparestudents for the lesson followed by assessments to consolidateunderstanding.

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About Me

The Society we would liketo be part of

Knowledge● Individual learning styles● Different ways of learning● What society is and how it works

Understanding● Of how to overcome barriers to individual learning.● Of what good learning looks like across all curriculum areas.● Strengths and weaknesses and how to transfer skills effectively.

Skills● Transferable skills in communication and creativity.● Thought for others and solution orientated planning and

implementation.● Planning for the future and building on skills developed that will

help to ensure success in as many areas of life as possible.

Health and Safety

Jewellery and BodyAdornment Project


Unit 1 and 2

Exercise to develop a practical understanding of H&S in the workshopand application in industry.

Flatpack Jewellery and Body Adornment: Research,Design andDevelopment.

CAD: Introduction to Isometric Projection.Theory: Core Technical PrinciplesUnit 1: New and Emerging Technologies

a) Industry and Enterpriseb) Sustainability and the environmentc) People, Culture and Societyd) Production Techniques and Systems

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e) Informing Design IdeasUnit 2: Energy, Materials, Systems and Devices

a) Energy storage and generationb) Developments in new materialsc) Systems approach to designingd) Electronic systems processinge) Mechanical devices


Unit 1 New and Emerging Technologies1. This

contains most of the materials you will require to enhance yourlearning for this topic.

2. Work through slides 1-6 and complete the test:

3. Watch the YouTube clip on Circular Economy.

4. What is the main principle of a circular economy and how is itdifferent to a linear economy?

5. How is cradle to cradle different from cradle to grave?6. How will using the circular economic principles make you a

better designer for the environment and sustainability. List threeways.

Introduction to Prince’sTrust

Teamwork Skills

Students will be able to:● understand what we will learn in Prince’s Trust Achieve

programme● set ground rules as group● explore what their strengths, interests and ambitions are

Students will be able to:● understand the importance of teamwork● understand the roles and relationships within a team

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Designing & MakingPrinciples:FPT 1 (focussed practicaltask)

Core technical principles

Specialist technicalprinciples

Students will develop skills and confidence in using the sewingmachine and additional specialist equipment including the over locker.They will demonstrate a wide variety of surface decoration techniqueseg. Applique, stencil printing, transfer printing and embroidery toproduce a decorative tote bag.In order to make effective design choices students will gain a breadth ofcore technical knowledge and understanding that consists of:

● materials and their properties● developments in new materials

In addition to the core technical principles, all students will develop anin-depth knowledge and understanding of the following specialisttechnical principles:

● selection of materials or components● sources and origins● using and working with materials● specialist techniques and processes● surface treatments and finishes.


1. Sketch, photograph, collect as many images as you can ofdecorative techniques that inspire/ interest you.

2. Look at innovative ways to create images on a textile product.

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Graphic Communication Unit 7 Heroes and VillainsSessions 1-8Design for a teaser film poster /standee representing a new superherofilm.

Practicals: Drawing and mirroring using Illustrator. Applying colour andgradient tones. Texture and fill options.

Focus skills: What makes a good teaser poster? Analysis of otherposters and Perception Design SpiderMan Far from Home Graphics -Perception...

Elements of Art:Focal Point, Rule of Thirds, Golden ratio, Value, Texture and Space.

AO: 1 2 3 and 4


1. Using Google slides create a Collage based on the work of StanLee.

a. Using text boxes describe his work in a paragraph as ifdescribing the work to someone who cannot see.

b. Identify key similarities and differences and what makeshis work successful?

c. Do you think his art has dated? why? Add notes.