MAGNESIUM-DEFICIENT AMERICA Presented at the Healthy Harvest Natural Product Retailers Convention...

MAGNESIUM-DEFICIENT AMERICA Presented at the Healthy Harvest Natural Product Retailers Convention September 27, 2008. Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND Phone Consultations for Health

Transcript of MAGNESIUM-DEFICIENT AMERICA Presented at the Healthy Harvest Natural Product Retailers Convention...


Presented at the Healthy Harvest Natural Product

Retailers Convention September 27, 2008.

Dr. Carolyn Dean MD NDPhone Consultations for



Are you in


If you want to help people plus build your business

Recommend Magnesium!The safest supplement

Does not build up in the bodyIt’s only side effect is loose BM’s—a benefit to most people

InexpensiveDelivers results

Often immediately relieving cramps, improving sleep and energy, migraines, and intestinal motility

Minerals Can’t Be Made

Our body can make some vitamins but it can’t make


We are dependant on food, water, & supplements for our mineral requirements.

American Soil is Magnesium Deficient

Minerals from the mountains wash into rivers which flood the banks in the spring and enrich the soil.

Soil organisms (bacteria and mycelia mushrooms) make minerals smaller so they can be absorbed by plant rootlets.

Minerals are enveloped by plant proteins in a process called chelation, and become a water soluble mineral with plant access

The minerals are now the correct size and electrical charge, perfect for absorption and assimilation by any animal/human

The Magnesium MiracleUse this book as your third

party tool to promote magnesium.

Visit me at the Natural Vitality Booth all day Saturday.

Magnesium: a daily fact of life

Magnesium is an essential cofactor in 325 different enzymes in thousands of chemical reactions.

Energy production Control of digestion, absorption, and the utilization of proteins, fats,

and carbohydrates. Cholesterol production and breakdown Temperature regulation Nerve and muscle firing

How Magnesium Works!A unique video produced and narrated by Andrea

Rosanoff PhD normally accompanies this slide show but has to be accessed through It is called Balancing Calcium and Magnesium.

Dr. Rosanoff is co-author of the book "The Magnesium Factor" and is the Directing Scholar of the Center for Magnesium Education & Research.

What is shown on this video is cutting-edge science and has been validated by leading science experts in magnesium and cellular research.

Magnesium creates energy

Ask your customers - “Are you fatigued?”

The most important magnesium enzyme creates energy by activating adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the fundamental energy molecule of the body.

ATP may be what the Chinese refer to as Qi or life force.

Magnesium is required for the body to be able to produce and store energy.

Magnesium relaxes muscles

Ask your customers - “Do you have muscle cramps?”

Calcium causes contraction in skeletal muscle fibers, and magnesium causes relaxation.

Too much calcium inside a cell causes muscle contraction-twitches, spasms, and convulsions.

Smooth muscles with too much calcium and insufficient magnesium can affect: The bronchial tract, causing asthma Muscles in the blood vessels, resulting in hypertension The fallopian tubes causing infertility The bladder causing frequency and pain Interstitial cystitis Painful periods

Magnesium and the Heart Ask your Customers – “Do you want to prevent heart disease?”

Heart Disease and Stroke account for 40-50% of the annual death rate.

Magnesium deficiency common in heart disease.

Women have a higher death rate from heart disease than men.

Women seem to require more magnesium than men.

30% of angina patients do not have badly blocked arteries but may be suffering from an “electrical” imbalance that is driven by mineral deficiency.

Magnesium and the Heart 40-60% of MI sudden deaths are due to artery spasms. There

is no artery blockage, clot formation or heart rhythm abnormalities. Magnesium is a natural anti-spasmodic.

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to sudden cardiac deaths in the US for the past three decades.

Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker. It should be the first line of treatment for hypertension.

An analysis of seven major clinical studies showed that intravenous magnesium after acute heart attack reduced the risk of death by 55%.

Magnesium versus Statins Magnesium-ATP is the controlling factor for the

enzyme that makes cholesterol and that enzyme is targeted for destruction by the statin pharmaceutical drugs. Andrea Rosanoff, PhD and Mildred S. Seelig, MD.

Comparison of Mechanism and Functional Effects of Magnesium and Statin Pharmaceuticals Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 23, No. 5, 501S-505S (2004)

Magnesium is a natural statin.

Statins affect formation of cholesterol in blood, but this cholesterol is required to make hormones, and to make cell membranes for all the cells in the body, including brain nerve cells. Side effects of statins: muscle pain, impotence, memory

loss, global amnesia, depletion of Coenzyme Q10.

Goals of this lectureDr. Dean will outline a magnesium eating plan

and supplementation plan to treat heart disease anxiety muscle cramps diabetes women's health issues.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

1. Anxiety and Panic attacks

Stress reaction, low blood sugar attack, fear, performance anxiety.

Adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal glands require Magnesium for production.

Magnesium deficiency leads to erratic production and erratic release of these powerful hormones

Chronic Magnesium deficiency leads to adrenal exhaustion

Magnesium deficiency conditions

2. Asthma

Spasming of the bronchial tubes.

Bronchial spasms and histamine production (due to allergies) increase with Magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium relaxes bronchial muscles.

Musicians suffer exercise-induced asthma, like athletes.

Triggers: Dust, dampness, and mold.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

3. Blood clots

Magnesium prevents blood clots and keeps the blood thin - much like aspirin but without the side effects.

Blood clots in the legs can travel to the heart, lungs, or brain.

The most common trigger for blood clots in the legs is long periods of time sitting confined in airplanes.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

4. Bowel disease

Magnesium deficiency causes constipation (toxicity, malabsorption, colitis).

Travel upsets diet, sleep, and the “normal” routine and is a trigger for constipation. More magnesium is needed when traveling.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

5. Depression

Serotonin-the feel-good hormone is dependent on Magnesium for it’s production. Prozac stops the breakdown of serotonin in the brain and allows it to build up.

A Magnesium-deficient brain is more susceptible to allergens, excitotoxins (MSG, aspartame), chemicals, heavy metals, and foreign substances that can cause symptoms of irritability and depression.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

6. Detoxification

Magnesium is crucial for the removal of toxic substances including heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum and lead.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

7. Diabetes

Magnesium enhances insulin secretion, facilitating sugar metabolism. Without Magnesium insulin is not able to transfer glucose into cells.

Glucose and insulin build up in the blood causing various types of tissue damage.

Magnesium improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic control in diabetes.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

8. Fatigue

An early symptom of Magnesium deficiency is fatigue.

Magnesium is required for the production of ATP, the basic energy source in the body.

Magnesium deficiency reduces ATP and the power is turned off.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

9. Heart disease

30% of angina patients do not have blocked arteries but may have an “electrical” imbalance that is driven by Magnesium deficiency.

40-60% of sudden deaths from heart attack occur without artery blockage, clot formation or heart rhythm abnormalities, from spasms in the arteries (magnesium is a natural anti-spasmodic)

IV Magnesium should be used in hospitals for acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmia.

Magnesium is nature’s calcium channel blocker.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

10. Hypertension

Magnesium deficiency causes spasms of blood vessels leading to high blood pressure.

Diuretics, often the first treatment for BP, drain Magnesium as well as potassium.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

11. Hypoglycemia-low blood sugar

Magnesium is involved with the secretion of insulin from the pancreas and it’s action on blood sugar

Insulin is overworked and acts erratically if the diet high in sugar and simple carbs.

High sugar meal causes high insulin output leading to hypoglycemia

Magnesium deficiency conditions

12. Insomnia

Sleep-regulating melatonin production is disturbed without sufficient Magnesium.

Magnesium relaxes muscles.

Magnesium enhances a deeper level of sleep and dream production.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

14. Migraine

Serotonin balance is Magnesium-dependent. And deficiency of serotonin can result in migraine headaches and depression.

IV Magnesium quickly reverses migraines.

Magnesium, either alone or with B6 and feverfew treat most migraines.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

15. Musculoskeletal conditions

Magnesium Prevents and Treats

Charlie horse

Chronic neck and back pain



Focal Dystonia

Muscle spasms

Muscle cramps

Muscle twitches

Restless Leg Syndrome

Magnesium deficiency conditions

16. Nerve problems

Magnesium Prevents and Treats

Numbness and tingling

Diabetic neuropathy

Idiopathic neuropathy

Central nervous symptoms of vertigo

Central nervous symptoms of confusion

Magnesium deficiency conditions

17. Obstetrics and GynecologyMagnesium Prevents and Treats

Premenstrual Syndrome

Dysmenorrhea (cramping pain during menses

Premature contractions

Preeclampsia, and eclampsia in pregnancy

Pregnancy causes depleted magnesium

Lessens the risk of cerebral palsy

Lessens the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).


Magnesium deficiency conditions

18. Raynaud’s Syndrome

Magnesium helps relax the spastic blood vessels that cause pain and numbness of the fingers.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

19. Tooth decay

Magnesium deficiency causes an unhealthy balance of phosphorus and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth.

Magnesium deficiency conditions

20. Osteoporosis

Calcium is not deposited into bone in the absence of sufficient Magnesium and Vitamin D

Bisulphonate drugs like Fosamax destroy osteoclasts, which removes the repair and remodeling cells of the bone making them brittle and MORE susceptible to fracture.

Fosamax is associated with osteonecrosis of the jawbone

Calcium Overload The calcium-magnesium ratio is out of balance in our

modern diet, creating greater magnesium deficiency

Foods have more calcium than magnesium because of soil depletion

Magnesium is depleted by processing and cooking

High dose calcium supplements makes it even worse

6:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium is standard

2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium is textbook advice

2 parts calcium:3 parts magnesium ratio is necessary for treating a magnesium deficiency

Calcium ToxicityCalcium is promoted to the exclusion of all other


Is excess calcium the cause of an increase in heart disease in women?

Calcium toxicity causes gall stones, kidney stones, heel spurs, fibromyalgia, calcification in breast cysts because there is not enough magnesium to keep calcium in solution

At the Bristol Cancer Center in England, on autopsy, every woman dying of bowel cancer had the lumen of the bowel full of toxic carbonate from calcium carbonate.

The Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency

Mg Deficiency Unrecognized

In medical school the biochemistry of magnesium was very clear but we were not told to apply this knowledge clinically.

Only 1% of the total body magnesium is in the blood

That level is guarded closely to maintain a healthy heart beat making blood tests inaccurate

A ionized magnesium test is not available to the public

With the safety margin of magnesium, people can take it for symptoms and watch for improvement

100 Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

On page 16 of The Magnesium Miracle I’ve outlined 100 factors in 68 categories that help identify magnesium deficiency.

Symptoms range from alcohol intake, anger, angina, anxiety, arrhythmia and asthma to wheezing.

Drop by the Natural Vitality booth to pick up a brochure listing these important magnesium deficiency factors as a guide for you and your customers.

Magnesium RequirementsAmount of Magnesium in the diet then and now

500 mg of magnesium in 1900 150 mg of magnesium in 2008

RDA is 350-400 mg. It’s too low!

Double and triple amounts of magnesium are needed by: People with high stress* People in hospital Type A personalities People on poor diets Athletes and musicians Coffee Drinkers People on medications People eating sugar People having surgery People drinking

Magnesium Eating PlanEat significant amounts of magnesium rich foods

that are organic, uncooked, unprocessed

Seaweed Collards and kale (deep leafy greens) Whole grains Nuts and seeds

Make a blender salad with water, collards, sea salt and sunflower seeds for a high magnesium snack.

Take Oral MagnesiumIn the health food market, according to Dr. Paris

Kidd, chelated magnesium is only 2 % better absorbed than oral

Magnesium is best absorbed if it is dissolved in water-especially warm water

Take magnesium in divided doses to avoid the laxative effect

Take 200 mg of magnesium citrate one to four times per day

It is almost impossible to overdose on

Magnesium Side effectsLoose stool when taking too much at one time

Contraindications It lowers blood pressure—high amounts may not

be good for someone with extremely low blood pressure or extremely low pulse rate (someone needing a pacemaker)

Kidney failure

VidaCosta Spa el Puente In Costa Rica, late 2010

VidaCosta Laboratory using CLIA approved urinalysis testing and a computerized Wellness Program

VidaCosta Academy training Lab Technicians and Wellness Guides

California is the only state that doesn’t allow our Lab Techs to practice without an MD”s supervision

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