
download Magikarp

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this will tell you magikarps life and information

Transcript of Magikarp

  • 1. magikarp! This will tell you all about magikarp!

2. magikarp! DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Its top fin strongly resembles a crown. STATS IN POKMON (SCALE OF 1 TO 5) NUMBER: 129 HP: 1 AT: 1 DF: 1 SP: 1 SA: 1 TOTAL: 1.0 EVOLUTION: Gyarados at level 20 Read more: 3. What he looks like! 4. Magikarp is strong and awesome who hates him ? 5. But some people think he is useless! 6. He is brave and he evolves but I like him the way he is! really! You are awesome Hey this is my story! 7. Will he find love Magikarp disagrees he thinks he is ugly and useless and couldnt do anything to help his girlfriend 8. He did! He found love with a girl she loved him and he loved her aswell he cried with happiness 9. love They kissed he loved her foreva and eva he wont let her go whatever people say