Magic Tutorial by Magician, Heather Rogers



Awaken your inner magician! This is a well rounded Magic Tutorial that teaches strong, easy to do magic with pictures and descriptions, the presentation also touches on the history of magic, the Magician's Code, creating scripts and presentations for your magic.

Transcript of Magic Tutorial by Magician, Heather Rogers

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Magic reminds us that life is subject to change without notice, and that we are living in a great mystery.

When used skillfully and strategically magic can create extraordinary moments of astonishment and

connection between people that will leave a deep and lasting impact.

But even more than transforming audiences, Magic transforms the Magician.

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HEATHER ROGERSMagician, Speaker and Quick Change


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History of Magic

Modern Magic

Real Magic

Magicians Code


Learn Magical Effects




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A brief History of Magic

• There is evidence that 50 thousand years ago magic was practiced by cave dwellers, perhaps as part of a ritual.

• Magicians were the scientists and researchers of their time. Many were interested in alchemy and astronomy.

The earliest written evidence came from a document called

the Westcar Papyrus. It

documented an Egyptian magician in 3766 BC severing

the heads of ducks and bringing them back to life.

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How could Egyptian magicians turn a freely examined staff into a

slithering serpent?

What caused the craft of magic to be taken out of the realm of the ancient sacred

mystery schools and lowered to the ranks of ‘trivial tricks’?

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Modern Magic

Robert Houdin is generally regarded as the father of modern

Magic. He lived between1805-1871. He was a watch maker

before he was a magician which allowed him to engineer many amazing effects including an orange tree that blossomed

and bore fruit.

As early as 1737 Jacques de Vaucanson invented the first self-operating automation called the

mechanical duck which was capable of eating and “digesting”.

Three years after Robert Houdin died, Harry Houdini was born Erich Weiss. At age 12 he ran away and changed his name to Houdini in homage to

Robert Houdin. Modern magic continues to evolve as visionaries in the field keep asking new questions

and raising the bar in the many different genres of magic.

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What is real magic?Abracadabra has its origin in Aramaic Language in which ‘Abra’ means “to create” and ‘Cadabra’

means “as I say”.“That which I speak I create”.

This was the central idea of he film “The Secret”. Quantum science has proven that just focused

attention does alter matter. So in speaking your intention for something

you are enlisting your power to create it.Simply put,

Real Magic is the skillful use of one’s own power to affect change

in the world.

Whether it is a mother lifting up a large car to free her child, or going to the polls

on election day.

The documented case of Padre Pio during WW II:

When American planes were sent to bomb the city of San Giovanni and they

saw a monk, 10,000 feet in the air, motioning them to turn back.

All attempts to release the bombs failed. They turned back. In the military records,

their official stated reason for turning back was because they saw a monk in

the sky waving back. Is Real Real?

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Magicians Code


Difference between Practice and Rehearsal

It is all about misdirection not speed

Be aware of effect you want to create in the spectator’s mind

Practice intelligently, it is repetitive so stay aware & precise

Don’t Repeat a Trick

Don’t reveal the Secret


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PresentationYour presentation is you topic, theme or script

Ideas come from your signature style and your interests

Three presentation approaches that disarm skeptics:


Magician in trouble


A new branch of neuroscience called neuro-magic has shown that magicians & advertisers can manipulate people’s minds by using the brains own intrinsic properties in a form of mental jujitsu, because humans have a hardwired process of attention and awareness that is hackable.

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Let’s learn some Magic!Crying Coin

Palming a Coin

Coin Production

Multiple Coin Production

Toss Vanish

Coin inside a dinner roll

Mind reading with crayons

Cut and Restored Napkin

Bonus ‘Coin Pyramid’ mystery

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Crying Coin

To prepare, cut a piece of napkin to measure about 3” x 3” inches. Then fold it into a small square. Dip it in water. This is called the “gimmick” because it it the secret device used in execution of the effect.To perform, hold the soaking wet gimmick behind the coin, and squeeze them both. The water will drip down from the back.

After the magical moment you can hand the wet coin to spectators to examine by placing the coin in your other hand to give to hand off while retaining the wet gimmick in the original hand.You can ditch the gimmick in your pocket at the moment when you reach in to get a cloth to dry your hands and the coin. The most important part of this effect is the PRESENTATION you craft around the magic to give it impact.

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Palming a Coin When first learning the Classic Palm, just place the coin in the palm of your hand between the muscle extending from the thumb the Flevor brevis pollicis and the muscle that extends from the pinky finger the Flevor brevis minimi digiti.

Hold your hand in a natural position, versus trying to extend the fingers to ‘prove there is nothing in your hand.

It’s really good to just keep a coin palmed in your hand throughout regular daily activities so that you can get accustomed to it and build the muscles in your hand up.

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Coin Production

While palming a coin, open the other hand palm-up.Starting near the elbow the hand holding the palmed coin slides down the

forearm passes the open hand and on its way back it drops the coin in the palm and the

fingers close around the coin undercover of the moving hand.The moving hand continues back up to the elbow.

Make a magical gesture to indicate the moment of magic and the slowly open the fingers to revel the appearance of the coin.

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Multiple Coin Production

A version of the “Miser’s Dream”, this is a simple and self-working multiple coin production that’s very convincing. You’ll need a coin, a paper bag and tape. Take a

piece of tape about 3 inches long and make a tab on the coin as shown in the pictures. You’ll place the tab of tape between your fingers and hold the bag in the other hand. You are concealing the coin from the audience just by letting it hang, resting on your fingers. To produce the coin, just place your thumb under it and

push up in a quick motion. Act as if you’re pulling it out of the air, by slightly pulling back when you push it up with the thumb. Seemingly drop the coin in the bag by

placing it in the bag and making a snap sound with the thumb and forefinger of the ‘bag hand’ to reinforce the illusion (see photo). Let the coin drop by releasing the

thumb. Take “empty” hand out of the bag and continue to produce coins in mid air.

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Multiple Coin Production

Make each coin production different. Produce it from different locations in the air, behind a pant leg behind your arm, from your hair, etc. It’s critical that your eyes

follow where the magic is happening and your facial expression emphasis the magical moment. Keep your movements crisp and precise, but slow and steady. Practice the timing and mime of ‘dropping’ the coin in the bag while flicking your thumb and index finger to indicate the sound. (You’ll need to beholding the bag

with your pinky, ring and index fingers to free up the other fingers to ‘flick’ against the bag.) Then release thumb so the coin is not visible.

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Toss Vanish

You can make an object seem to vanish in mid air by creating the illusion that you are tossing it up while retaining the object in finger palm. To perform: display

the coin between your thumb and index finger. Then distract the audience by making a comment while using your other hand to push the coin into your palm.

You can ask, “Have you seen an object vanish in mid air? I get a lot of frequent flyer miles

this way.” Then toss both hands up and a broad sweeping motion. The middle illustration

shows both hands apparently empty and the coin having vanished. You can also do this same illusion with bottle caps, poker chips, wine corks, grapes or any coin

sized object... making this a very impromptu effect.

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Signed Coin in a Dinner Roll

Here is an interesting way to produce the coin that you just vanished. You’ll just need a dinner roll.

After having just done the Toss Vanish, use the hand that is still palming the coin to point to a near by dinner roll as you pick it up with your free hand. While doing this

you can say to the audience, “Speaking of dough. Have you ever seen ME make dough?”

Still pointing, casually show the top and bottom of the dinner roll while bringing both hands together. Under the cover of the dinner roll, move the coin from palmed

position to the tips of your fingers as shown in the middle illustration. Pause for dramatic impact and then say, “It’s one of my favorite things to do. I find it very enriching.” Use the fingers to push the coin up through the roll while pulling it a

part slightly with the thumbs to create the effect that the coin is emerging from the center of the roll.

You can also do this with a coin that has been signed by a spectator, so they can keep it as a souvenir.

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Cut and Restored NapkinTo prepare this effect you will need a pair of scissors and 2

napkins - one regular napkin and a cut piece of the gathered central corner of another napkin which will appear to be the tip.

In magic this is referred to as the “gimmick”.

To perform, display the napkins in your hand (matching picture illustration but keep the fingers closed). With a pair of scissors cut the tip of the napkin and then casually cut two more snips as you use the scissors to draw the rest of the tip out of your

hand, letting the whole gimmick fall to the floor.Rub hands together and pull the ‘restored’ napkin out of your

palm and open it completely to reveal the restoration. Cutting and restoring an object is a very powerful act, especially if your presentation draws upon the larger theme of wholeness

that affects everyone’s life, like recovering from sickness, reuniting relationships, healing broken dreams, & finding that

which has been lost.

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Mind Reading With Crayons

To prepare you’ll need a box of crayons. To perform you can say: “Sometimes I can read people’s mind just by blindly feeling an object they have touched. Here, I’ll

turn around, my eyes are closed, pick any crayon from this box, and then place it in my hand.” While the crayon is behind you, secretly rub it against your thumb nail while shifting your back slightly away from view and saying, “Notice my eyes are

completely shut.” Turn so that back is in full view and gesture for them to take the crayon. Say, “Put it away, I don’t want to see it!” Then point to the person while

glancing at your thumb. Now you can use any creative presentation to really give the sense you are reading their mind before revealing the color.

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Coin Puzzle

Can you make this arrow face the opposite direction

by moving only 3 coins and never lifting them off the table?

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Coin PuzzleYou can use this mental puzzle as a wager, a teaching tool, a metaphor or even as a

means to tell a story that you’ve crafted around how it is solved.Start by laying out 10 coins in a pyramid shape on a flat surface. Then challenge your spectator to “Make the arrow face the opposite direction by moving only 3

coins and never lifting them off the table.”

The solution is to slide 2 bottom-outer coins up and place them on both sides of the two coins near the tip of the pyramid. Then slide the top, single coin where the

bottom was. Now the pyramid is inverted.

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Crying Coin

Palming a Coin

Coin Production

Multiple Coin Production

Toss Vanish

Coin inside a dinner roll

Mind reading with crayons

Cut and Restored Napkin

History of Magic

“Real Magic”

Magicians Code


Learned Magical Effects

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If you have any questions or would like to watch videos of my Stage & Close-up

Magic feel free to visit

Thank you for joining us.Keep practicing your magic!