Magic Eggs ITEC

Contents Project Purpose.............................................. 3 Description of the problem that project is solving:.........3 Opportunities that the project is providing:................3 How project will improve current system.....................3 Project worth pursuing or not:..............................4 Project Scope and Its Constraints............................4 Project Scope:..............................................4 Project Constraints:........................................4 Proto type:.................................................4 Evidence..................................................... 5 Data Collection.............................................5 Primary Data collection.....................................5 Employee Data Collection, Graphical Analysis and Results:...6 Customer Data Collection, Graphical Analysis and Results...12 Feasibility Study........................................... 23 Operational Feasibility....................................23 Proposed System:......................................... 23 Managers and Staff Support:..............................23 Staff Training in New system.............................23 Customer Experience...................................... 24 Risks Involved in implementing new systems...............24 Legal and Ethical Issues.................................25


1. Finding ways to provide better employment opportunities for women2. Finding ways for ethical out-sourcing.3. Finding ways to be competitive in the market.4. Developing international supply chain.

Transcript of Magic Eggs ITEC

ContentsProject Purpose3Description of the problem that project is solving:3Opportunities that the project is providing:3How project will improve current system3Project worth pursuing or not:4Project Scope and Its Constraints4Project Scope:4Project Constraints:4Proto type:4Evidence5Data Collection5Primary Data collection5Employee Data Collection, Graphical Analysis and Results:6Customer Data Collection, Graphical Analysis and Results12Feasibility Study23Operational Feasibility23Proposed System:23Managers and Staff Support:23Staff Training in New system23Customer Experience24Risks Involved in implementing new systems24Legal and Ethical Issues25Technical Feasibility25Necessary Resources25Future Transactions26Economic Feasibility27Opportunity Cost of not developing the system or postponing the project28Schedule Feasibility29Timetable for the Project29

Project Purpose Description of the problem that project is solving:1. Finding ways to provide better employment opportunities for women2. Finding ways for ethical out-sourcing.3. Finding ways to be competitive in the market.4. Developing international supply chain.Opportunities that the project is providing:1. Better opportunities for international traders in developing countries like enhanced trading conditions and sustainability.2. Providing women with improved quality of life.3. Enabling local production to meet the worldwide market standards, developing SOPs.4. Enabling suppliers internationally to engage in import/export with the company using internet and enhanced trading conditions for stakeholders in developing countries.5. Targeting suppliers internationally through promotional media campaign6. Enabling stakeholders to provide high quality products to help companies operating in Africa in capturing their local marketsHow project will improve current system1. Eliminating Poverty2. Providing better employment opportunities for women.3. Eliminating underpaid jobs and developing a provident fund for women enabling them to afford a proper diet and live a happy life after retirement.4. Fair price to be paid in return of the raw materials provided by international suppliers5. Developing an efficient international supply chain to countries like UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, European Countries and Ghana.6. Providing competitive prices for 100% natural and pure products.7. Fighting against Child Labour.

Project worth pursuing or not:Project worth pursuing because of the following:1- Enabling Magic Eggs to be competitive in the global market, by finding ways to offer competitive prices.2- Developing new and efficient ways to link stakeholders globally 3- Developing a global supply chain4- Removing Child Labour, Low Wages and PovertyProject Scope and Its ConstraintsProject Scope:1. Exploring the boundaries of web site design and development2. Exploring the possibilities in a global online egg ordering systemProject Constraints:1. The project will concentrate on suppliers only in developing countries.2. Project will only focus on finding ways to empower women, as we only have women in work force.Proto type:Ordering system for the following Magic Eggs:1- I like you2- Good Luck3- I kiss you4- Smile5- Happy Birthday6- Miss Magic Egg

Evidence Data CollectionTo collect data and explore concrete evidence have used primary data collection techniques.

Primary Data collectionThe primary data collected by using both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques, has two stages in this project. The questionnaire has both open ended and close ended questions, hence using both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. The questionnaire also has an interview section, which will provide qualitative data. The two stages of data collection are as follows:1- Employee Data Collection Graphical Analysis and Results2- Customer Data Collection, Graphical Analysis and Results

Employee Data Collection, Graphical Analysis and Results:

The questionnaire used to collect employee data is attached along with the SPSS data file and SPSS graphical analysis output. The results are pasted here as below:1- The first question asked was about the age of the employee to find out what age groups are working in the workforce, which is represented by the following graph:

The codes 1, 2,3 and 4 stand for the age groups which are: 19-25 (1)25-31 (2) 32-47 (3)48 and over (4)The above graph show that almost 40% of the workforce in Magic Eggs falls in the age group of 32 to 47 years old.2- The second question asked was regarding the suggestions for improvements, the results are shown by the following graph:

The codes 1, 2,3 and 4 stand for the suggestions which are: Hardware 1 Software 2 Training 3 Face Book 4

The graphical analysis show that 66% of the workforce opted for Hardware and Software improvements and 20% suggested training for improvement and the rest 14% opted for social media campaigns on facebook.

3- The third question was on training requirements of employees, as shown by following graph:

80% of the workforce said that the employees need IT training and 20% replied with a no.4- The following graph shows the results of the question, would you like to have database for the online website, 76% of employees replied by ticking option 1 for yes.

5- In response of the question, do you think database will give you an advantage for keeping records, 76% employees responded with a yes by selecting option 1 as shown by the following graph:

6- Responding to the question do you think you need training for your new system, most of the managers replied with a no as shown by following graph:

7- Mentioning the weakness of old system the replies of the employees are shown by following graphical analysis:

In this question the options represented : Online Access 1 Inconvenience in order placing 3

Global Reach 2 Delivery Problems 4

Here 40% employees said online access was the weakness of the old system, approx 33% selected delivery problems as the weakness of the old system, 20% selected inconvenience in order placing and the rest 7% said that global reach was the weakness of the system.

This graphical analysis clearly shows the importance of the new Magic Egg Online Ordering System.8- The reply to the question, every one replied with a no as shown by following graph:

9- The last quantitative question was on how many customers do they have, the results are shown by following graph:

The option 1 for 0 to 100 customers was selected by 60% of the work force and approx 32% selected option 2 for 100 to 500 customers and only 8% selected option 3 for 500 to 1000 customers.Customer Data Collection, Graphical Analysis and Results

The questionnaire used to collect customer data is attached along with the SPSS data file and SPSS graphical analysis output. The results are pasted here as below:1- The first question about the gender, revealed the gender of our customers, as shown by following graph:

The graph above clearly shows that approx 82% of our customers are female as they selected option 1 for female. The bar against option 2 Male is only 18%. Hence our customer base majorly involves female customers.

2- To reveal the age group following graph shows the age group of our customers:

The graph shows that 50% of our customers selected option 2 which is the age group of 16 to 31 years old, hence showing that most of our customers are in the age group of 16 to 31 years old. The next age group category are the customers who selected option 1 i.e. 0 to 15 years old, 30% of of our customers are young people between the age of 0 to 15 years old. The 3 option which is almost 18% presents customers in the age group of 32 to 47 years old and in the last option 4 which is for 48 years old and over only has 2% of our customers. Consequently we know now that 50% of our customers are young people in the age group of 16 to 31 years old.

3- In response to the question do you prefer to buy online 82% customer replied with a yes by checking option 1 as shown by the following graph:

4- When asked if our customers mainly purchase in physical retail store or online 82% replied online by selecting option 1 as shown by the following graph:

5- The results of the fifth question how long have you used our online products/Services are shown by following graph:

Here in this graph the options 1,2,3 and 4 are as follows: Less than 6 months 1 1 year to less than 3 years 2 3 years to less than 5 years 3 5 years or more 448% customers selected option 1 identifying that they have been using our online products/services for less than 6 months, 30% of our customers have been using the online product service for 1 year to less than 3 years and about 18% customers are those who have been using our online products/services for 3years to less than 5 years and approximately 4% of our customers are those who have used our online products/services for 5 years or more.

6- 82% of our customers reply by selection option 2 for No, when asked do they prefer to go to store to buy our products, as shown by following graph:

7- In response to the question where do you prefer to get our product 80% customers replied with online by selecting option 2, only 4% customer opted for option 3 for separate shop and 4% opted for option 4 i.e. blackberry and 2% customers said Mall by selecting option1, as shown by following graph:

8- When asked if the customers prefer the old system, 82% replied with a No selecting option 2, as shown by the following graph, which shows the importance of the new Online Egg Ordering system.

9- The ninth question was for the major problems faced by our customers in the old system, the options presented were as follows:

No immediate responds from the company 1 No online payment system 2 No price details 3 No information 4 No Catalogues 5 Delivery details 6

The red number written next to each option presents the code number used in SPSS for the specific option for graphical analysis; the following graph shows the results:

46% of the customers said the company does not have an online payment system which is the major problem facing them to purchase Eggs, 12% said the major problem is no immediate response from company by selecting option 1 and 12% said the delivery details are not available which is a major problem to purchase products. Fewer price details, lesser information and no catalogues were the major problems of 10% each of our customers.Consequently the egg ordering system must have an online payment system which is the major problem faced by our customers.

10- In response to, due you prefer to use the following to order products/services the following graph shows the percentage of the given answers:

The presented options were: Direct from website 1 Both 3

Using BlackBerry instant 2

82 % customers said the buy online, showing us the opportunity cost not to have the online Magic Eggs online ordering system.

11- The most preferred feature according to 50% of our customers is facebook option 4, 30% said instagram option 2 and for 20% it was twitter no votes for phone option 3, as shown by following graph. Therefore we know how important it is to run a social media campaign for Magic Eggs.

Twitter 1 Instagram 2 Phone 3 Face Book 4

12- By selecting option1 for Yes 82% customers said they would like to have database on the website of online Magic Eggs ordering system as shown by the following graph:

13- On response to the question to indicate their level of satisfaction, the customers were only satisfied with the price as the only selected option was option 6 i.e. price, among the presented options:a. Delivery of service 1b. Quality of training provided to your staff 2c. Methods of communication 3d. Quality of support 4e. Quality of proposals created 5f. Price 6g. Post-service follow-up 7h. Knowledge of our staff 8The graph shows the results:

Feasibility StudyThe feasibility study follows examining the Operational, Technical, Economic and Schedule Feasibility of the new online Magic Eggs Online Ordering system.Operational FeasibilityProposed System:The new proposed system is an online Magic Egg online ordering system. The system will enable us to manage our supply chain globally, exploring the new niche in the new online system. The system will be used effectively as the proposed system is an online user friendly system and every one who can use internet and browse websites will be able to use this system. The proposed system will be used effectively as it will be used for:1. Order Taking2. Payment Processing3. Product delivery options4. Promotional OffersManagers and Staff Support:We will conduct a research to answer the question if managers and staff like the project or not and the results of this analysis will be present in the main report. The managers have already brought into the notice of higher management that following areas of our business need attention:1. Higher order processing costs with old system2. Decreasing sales due to customer inconvenience3. Global delivery problems4. Marketing and promotion of our productsAll the problems as explained above require urgent attention of the management to implement the new system, and it is required urgently.Staff Training in New systemThe system will actually create jobs in the Magic Eggs, the new IT department will be held responsible for the management of the new system and the database. Software engineers in IT will develop the in-house software and updates required in case we face problems in the future after the implementation of the new system.The new system is an online system and very user friendly only requires a basic training for the staff to get to know the online ordering system, global delivery and promotional offers. Thus it will be a very basic training session and only requires following resources:1. Staff Training Facility (with multimedia)2. Trainer (From IT department)Customer ExperienceThe new online Magic Eggs Online ordering system will target to provide customers with experience to remember, by offering promotional schemes, easy ordering process, online payment facility and global same day delivery. All these factors will delight the customers by giving them experiences to share with their family and friends consequently increasing word of mouth sales. Global reach of the new system will open new markets for Magic Eggs and also help in making a global supply chain.Providing customer retention program is a continuous developing program introduced in the new system in which surveys will be sent along with products to the customer on how did they find the product, also the website will also have a customer feedback session. Customers will also be able to star the products according to their level of likeness for Magic Eggs. All this vital information will be used in our emergent strategies to increase customer satisfaction.Risks Involved in implementing new systemsImplementing the new system will also mean changing the psychology of how things work at Magic Eggs and introduce the concept backup of the backup. Since it will be an online system Magic Eggs will maintain and develop the back up and backup of the backup systems to coupe with any system breakdowns and other technological glitch encountered by our website.Fraud management will also be implemented by the IT department in our Online Payment Processing systems to prevent any sort of scams or frauds in online payments.Delivering eggs is a delicate process the delivery system will also cater the needs and requirements to get the Magic Eggs in their best condition to the customer, whether be speciality delivery system and has a same day deliver policy.Legal and Ethical IssuesAfter careful consideration of the product line i.e. Magic Eggs the Ethical and Legal considerations of the system will only be attached with the payment processing and delivering fresh items. Freshness of the product is at the core of Magic Eggs, there are high ethical considerations attached with the freshness of our products. To tackle this supply chain in the new system has one day delivery policy ensuring the freshness of the products shipped to the customers.Our company policy is based on Women Empowerment and Child Labour Elimination; the new system will allow us to counter child labour in developing countries.All our products are we provide are organic, to tackle any legal issues globally we are already in process of pushing organic products internationally. Technical Feasibility Necessary ResourcesMagic Eggs will also have to acquire following assets in effective implementation of the new system:1. Hardware 2. Equipment required to develop Backup of the Backup3. Software 4. Network ResourcesMagic Eggs will create a new IT Department which will have the expertise to run and maintain the online ordering system. The details of all above are provided in the Economic Feasibility section.Future TransactionsThe system will be continuously developed by the IT Department to cater all the technological developments and future transactions.

1.1 Economic FeasibilityTotal Cost

Variable CostHR cost

IT DepartmentSoftware EngineerxxxSalary

Network AdministratorxxxSalary

Backup SupervisorxxxSalary

Trainer (Internal Staff Training)xxxSalary

Total HR Costxxx

Licences and Feesxxx

Consulting Expensesxxx

Facility CostsIT Department Facilityxxx

Equipment for backup

Training Facilityxxx

Fixed CostTotal Facility Costxxx

Hardware & Software Cost

Software Cost

Servers and Desktop Computersxxx

Generators for back upxxx

Other Networking Equipmentxxx

Total & Software Hardware Costxxx

Total Cost

Opportunity Cost of not developing the system or postponing the projectMagic Eggs faced with high opportunity cost for not implementing or delaying the project the form of following costs:a. Increased order processing costs due to old systemb. Decrease in sales due to customer inconvenience and online access.c. Product delivery problems.d. Forgoing global Marketing Channel

Schedule FeasibilitySome of the IT factors controlling the time frame of completion of our project are the software development and other factors are data collection. The following timetable outlines all the deadlines of the project:Timetable for the Project