Magazine Research

Analyzing Magazines

Transcript of Magazine Research

Page 1: Magazine Research

Analyzing Magazines

Page 2: Magazine Research

Empire Magazine

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Empire is the first magazine that we have researched into and this is because it is such a popular film magazine, and is probably the most well known. We felt as though this were a good place to start. However after researching into

the magazine we found that they rarely featured films that were not produced from major studios. We also found that they had never really

featured any short films and focussed mainly on popular films in the media rather than the more independent films that we were focussing on. However

we did pick up some ideas from empire and we also looked at how they positioned the main characters on the front page, we took this and brought it

with us.

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Total Films Magazine

We started researching total film alongside our research of empire and found almost the same problem, although total film did focus a lot more

on independent films than empire did, we were still not really that interested in its layout which was quite busy and expressed

connotations of the film being an action genre rather than its actual genre. Which was not something that we were interested in taking part

in, however it was interesting to find another more popular film magazine that did feature some more independent films, this really inspired confidence in us, however it was not exactly what we were

looking for.

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Little White Lies Magazine

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When we started our magazine research we knew that we wanted to use a magazine that was completely independent, however we stated looking at magazine such as

empire and total film to gain a knowledge of magazine readership and also the layout of the specific magazines. However after a bit of research we found that neither were really applicable to our own short film as empire and total both do not on the whole

do not feature any kind of short film and this is of course because they are not as recognised in the film industry as many of the normal length films that occupy

societies film industry at the present time. We knew that this is life would be out of place to be fit into empire or total film and so we started searching for other

independent/ niche film magazines that would be more suitable for our short film. And this is when we found little white lies. We were instantly enamoured with this

beautiful magazine that not only featured, feature length films but also short films, and more indie/ niche full length films. We liked how quirky their style was and how the

did not have a specific theme except for the constant artistic interpretations of the film posters. After researching further in to their website we found that they produced

exactly the sort of content that we were looking for. We were also excited about thw artistic interpretation side and we are very enthusiastic about the art side of our short

film and have entertained throughout the project our own specific style and illustrations, linking of course to our ident.

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Sight and sound magazine

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This is the final film magazine that we researched, it is alike to little white lies as it is another independent film magazine. We did really like its style and its layout, and if it weren’t for us finding little white lies I believe that

we would have chosen sight and sound to be the magazine that we chose. It was very near to the style that we were looking for as they edited their

own front covers in an artistic way. However it we both believed that it did not catch the ye the same way that little white lies did, we found that its

layout although different and artistic was a bit boring and dull, especially in their colour choices. In our magazine we want colour and for it to shout out

at you, letting the cover describe the story which was something that we admired in little white lies.