Magazine inside first 26 pages (3)

October 2015 Highlights of this Edition # l CEO Journey ( 11 ) l Explore our Workshop Join us ( 45 ) l Helicopter Parenting ( 18 ) l Languages of Flowers ( 27 ) l Willpower Trick ( 08 ) l The rise of the Phoenix - an inspiring story ( 19 ) l Beauty & Style ( 36 ) l Don’t Rely on your friends for advice ( 34 ) l Touch Base ( 49 ) l Spiritual Ecstasy Versus Sensual Pleasure ( 39 ) l Dressing for success ( 32 ) l Corporate Wellness Training Programme ( 02 ) l 12 step Chair Surya Namaskar ( 33 ) l Time Prespective ( 50 ) l Corporate Gifting ( 43 ) l Fashion Designer ( 48 ) I am not body I am not Emotions I am not Thoughts I am not Mind I am the soul I am that I am Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Transcript of Magazine inside first 26 pages (3)

Page 1: Magazine inside first 26 pages (3)

October 2015

Highlights of this Edition#

l CEO Journey ( 11 )

l Explore our Workshop Join us ( 45 )

l Helicopter Parenting ( 18 )

l Languages of Flowers ( 27 )

l Willpower Trick ( 08 )

l The rise of the Phoenix - an inspiring story ( 19 )

l Beauty & Style ( 36 )

l Don’t Rely on your friends for advice ( 34 )

l Touch Base ( 49 )

l Spiritual Ecstasy Versus Sensual Pleasure ( 39 )

l Dressing for success ( 32 )

l Corporate Wellness Training Programme ( 02 )

l 12 step Chair Surya Namaskar ( 33 )

l Time Prespective ( 50 )

l Corporate Gifting ( 43 )

l Fashion Designer ( 48 )

I am not body

I am not Emotions

I am not Thoughts

I am not Mind

I am the soul

I am that I amGrand Master Choa Kok Sui

Page 2: Magazine inside first 26 pages (3)

October 2015 01

Good Day my readers!

Smitha Chaturvedi

We welcome you to explore Bliss EQUITY with us.

Our magazine Bliss EQUITY is dedicated to creating a happy, healthy and

holistic world by imparting knowledge and guidance to attain higher consciousness

and live with awareness. We wish to enable people to reach their full potential, to

experience personal fulfilment, happiness and satisfaction, and help them to

achieve wholeness.

Today people have more problems than earlier previous generations. People are

stressed, unhappy, lost confused and depressed.

Most people spend almost 10 to 12 hrs of their day at the workplace. (Some even more) Add to that almost 3 to 4

hrs travelling each day. They are so busy trying to make ends meet that they don't even have time to

heal themselves.

Most of the problems are so complex and complicated that we can't even pin point them and it is even more

difficult to explain them to another person. So we are left with no one to share our problems. The pressure keeps

mounting and it explodes in road rages, domestic violence, office bickering, and sometimes even suicides.

It is always a profitable investment for Corporates to take care of their employees. We believe companies

should actively invest time and resources to care for emotional and spiritual health of their employees.

Happier and stress free employees would definitely lead to more productivity and lower attrition.

In addition to a peaceful and

happy atmosphere at work

companies would also have

more profits and greater

employee loyalty.

We will be focussing especially

on the Corporate employees

keeping in mind the time

constraints and stress

triggers of modern day

corporate life.

This edition covers important

topics like Corporate problems,

Positive thinking, Navel

consciousness, Numerology,

Crystal healing, etc.

Do look out for our Angel card

readings and special offers on


Happy reading!

From the Editor’s Desk

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October 2015 02

I express my Sincere Thanks to each and everyone who have supported me throughout this journey.Thank you UniverseThank you my Mum and my Family.Thank you to Our Editor in Chief Ms.Smithaa M ChaturvediThank you to our Virtual Image Consultant: Meenal JaiswalThank you to our Columnists for their immense ContributionThank you to all the Speakers for their WisdomThank you to all Exhibitors and Advertisers for their Contribution.Thank you to THE HIVE COMMUNITY for the Venue and all support in there.Thank you to sujata singhi for her sound bowl performanceThank you to Richard rodriques anr shikha for NARA+NARIThank you to Keshav for his MINDFULNESS

Editor in Chief: Smithaa M. Chaturvedi

Virtual Image Consultant: Meenal Jaiswal

Marketing & Circulation: Anand

Designing & Printing: Sudhir Dalal

Legal Advsior: Roshni Lachwani

Financial Planner: Vinay Thali

Our Team

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October 2015 03

Sharmee Divan


Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing

modality or method that involves working with a person's

guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize

every aspect of life. Angel Therapy also helps you to more

clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Universe/God/

Creator and angels.

Angel Blessings -Predictions /Guidance /Pathways

Everyone has guardian angels, and these angels perform

God's will of peace for us all. When we open ourselves to

hear our angels' messages, every aspect of our lives

become more peaceful.


Oracle cards are an ancient, time-honored way to connect

with angels. I usually pray to the Divine as I begin to

shuffle my cards to help me receive accurate guidance

from the Universe that would be in the highest and best

interest of all those who are willing to receive the reading.

These readings are guidance based along with being

predictive so they are easy to follow by anyone who is

open to receiving guidance from heaven and its Beings.


For the purpose of this reading I have used Messages

from Your Angels oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue.

Let's see what this month has in store for us!

GENERAL THEME: The theme of this month is about

owning your power. You know how to be powerful in

a gentle and loving way. Being powerful has nothing to

do with being mean or harsh. In fact, the most powerful

world leaders are compassionate and non-violent.

For eg: Dalai Lama

PROBABLE OBSTACLE: Your inner wisdom/intuition

is the voice of your soul. When you don't follow the

guidance of your intuition you often falter. So that is

something you must be aware of this month.

ANGEL GUIDANCE: Angels guide us towards a healthier (more satvik) lifestyle. Allow your body some gentle movement

through yoga. Take some time out to meditate even if it is just 5 minutes of lying in silence when you wake up. Listen to your

body, and your body and senses will automatically attune you to your intuition.

PROBABLE OUTCOME: The final outcome of all the activities give you a creative edge. You will be bubbling with new

ideas that are divinely supported. Start working towards your desires and in Divine time you shall see the fruits of your labor!

Trust your instincts! For those of you who are planning a family, this is a fantastic time for conception.

Let us also take an overview of the 3 most prominent themes that we usually seek guidance for.

Angels are asking you to be honest about your emotions. Speak your truth but assertively, which means

without any blame, shame or guilt. If this is a new love that is yet to be expressed, angels say that now is a good time to do so.


WORK: Angels ask you to update yourself with your work. Take a new class or a workshop, buy some books and read up to

update with what is new in your field and how can you better apply it in your work to make your projects more fruitful.

FAMILY: This month your family members will consult you and rely more on your inner wisdom and intuition. It is

important to guide them in that right direction so ask God and Angels to help you with guiding them for any concern that

they may have. Don't go into the logic; instead, go with the flow.

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October 2015 04


At times, reaching out and holding a hand is the

beginning of a journey.

So peaceful like falling asleep yet awake …

and as ridiculous as it may sound, all that one needs

in life is, love, compassion, togetherness, faith, humility

and harmony.

Every individual has an ,

an .

The solution to all your questions in LIFE lies within

you. We at guide you

through your journey with care and compassion.


inner voice, an inner guidance

inner intuition


Life is not about the number of breaths you take, but

the moments that make you breathless……

Compassion is going out of your way, with a strong

desire from within to elevate an individual physically,

emotionally and spiritually.

Being compassionate does not mean the other person is

in misery or sorrow, it's just the absence of joy, fun,

floric, laughter and true guidance that he or she cannot

foresee in the near future. Such individuals see the road

as a dead end. Friends let me clarify,

where there's an end, there lies a bend…….

Beliefs and belief systems are the cause of unhappiness

We at connect with compassion, are the guiding light

through the journey of life by removing your beliefs

and unearthing happiness from within……..

Stay connected to unwrap the gift of life…

Expertise in: Alternative Healing Therapist for EFT

(Emotional Freedom Technique), ACCESS

CONSCIOUSNESS, and BACH flower therapies,

Numerology, Angels and Tarot, Channeling through

magical world of words – SWITCH WORDS.

Anjanaa Mehta

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October 2015 05

Terry Manchanda

Healing with crystals date back to ancient times.

Sumerians made magic potions from Quartz crystals,

the Greeks wore amulets made of Amethyst , the

Romans drank from Amethyst goblets to ensure any

poison added to their drinks would not harm them , the

Chinese added Jade to their medicines, the Hindus

wore gems to counter the effect of ill placed planets in

their horoscopes while indigenous tribes and Shamans

carried them and used them for protection.

Healingwith Crystals

So how did these crystals grow in the Earth? Yes they

grew ,unlike rocks , and that process happened over

billions of years. The atoms in a crystal are arranged in

a particular repeating three dimensional pattern. The

unit cell of a crystal ( 1Silicon Dioxide Atom and

2Oxygen Atoms) is reproduced over and over in

geometric patterns which exhibit symmetry. This

symmetry of the crystals fall under 6 main groups.

These are all in a regular geometrical shape- squares,

triangles, rectangles, hexagons, Parallelograms,

trapezius and Rhombus. When a crystal breaks into

several parts, the pieces are again in the above shapes.

Believers say that harnessing the energies from a

Quartz crystal and using them in modern technology

which include watches, radios, computers and satellites

etc is proof enough that crystals carry energy within

them. Crystals can conduct electricity, and our bodies

contain 100 watts( when we are resting) and can raise it

further when we are active.

Crystals have been used to enhance meditation

practices for hundreds and thousands of years. They

were used for healing, astral travel, creative

visualisation and to communicate with Angels, Devas,

Deities, saints and Ancestors that were in the spiritual


There are more than 4000-5000 different minerals in the

Earth crust. Each crystal has a purpose and a story to

tell. They will work according to the people who use it.

With the immense knowledge stored in a crystal it will

help you on your path. It will give wisdom, love, peace

and harmony and will protect you from all unwanted

energies. They are able to receive and sense both human

thoughts and emotions.

To use a crystal for healing is very beneficial as while

the healing goes on, the root of the issue is also healed.

It will heal mind, body and soul. These are ancient

symbols for the Light Of The Spirit. The energy

radiating from a crystal resonates at the quantum level

in harmony with human frequencies.

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October 2015 06

Priyanka Ghode

We are all born with a purpose, everyone is remarkably

different yet all strikingly similar- the soul within works

on the same theory of karma- balance or imbalance our

call. Whether we live in mansions or dwell in a hut

what don't change are the air that we breathe and the

prayers that we offer, the sky above and the ground

below serves a beggar and a multi millionaire alike.

What differs is our state of mind and our attitude to

deal with our own selves, our goals and our aspirations.


Numbers came to me as a gift from the universe when I

was doing well for myself as a resume writer and

content developer. I had a flair for writing ever since I

was a teen and had a fascination for numbers since the

days Linda Goodman book was gifted to me in school. It is

rightly said the universe serves us the right quality and

the right quantity we want to be treated with and yes all

at the divine timing.

My calling was for numbers. There are numerous

schools of Numerology, popular being- Pythagorean,

Chaldean, Vedic, Hebrew-Kabbalah, Chinese, South

Indian among several more. In simple words, education

is important irrespective of international or state board.

Numerology makes one accept people, their thoughts,

deeds, situations, experiences and the way they live life

in a non judgemental manner. Numerology helps one

realise his/her potential coming from the power of the

date we are born on and the number our name adds to

worth adding here is this that even the vowels and

consonants play a pivotal role in our lives. While

Numerology is a science of numbers, a numerologist is

an artist, who colours your desires by the paint of

his/her numerical imagination.

Understanding life's journey by way of numbers can be

extremely intriguing-The more vivid the numerologist's

imagery of your desires, the better your chances of

progress and positivity. Each alphabet resonates to some

values which in turn are ruled by planetary

configurations. The vibrational change with any change

that the numerologist makes in your spelling is

stupendous. Numbers weave magic by way of bridging

the gap between one's desires and the destined


Numerology is a healing modality that makes one

accept life as it comes and doesn't believe in changing

people or situations around but by making one strong

enough to face any challenge that life throws.

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October 2015 07

Pooja Punjabi

We all have great friends, Acquaintances, BFFs best friends forever……. Do we wonder how do we usually make friends?


No this article is not about a tips on how to make friends, but an interesting observation by me of two toddlers as how they develop friendships.

Recently my 3 year old daughter taught me very valuable lesson on the way we choose our friends. We unknowingly look out for a certain qualities that we want our would be friends to possess. This is where my experience began; My daughter Aarushi was entering her first day in school and had only one question am I gonna be okay here mom? After a few days of the same routine, she turned and said to me with a smile which was reassuring that I am happy and safe here. So what happened in a weeks' time for her to change her reaction? Not that I was complaining. But that got me wondering as to what brought about the change? She said “mom I have made a friend in school, his name is Arshan and I like him”. So my next question to her was why out of so many classmates Arshan was the one to be her friend? To which she innocently replied “Ma I like him & he makes me feel comfortable”.

The very first thing that we look in any friendship is our COMFORT & LIKING. A person when allows us to be ourselves with no judgment's whatsoever we open up to be ourselves. We may put up a face for the world, but with friends we all want to let loose and let our true selves & peep out. Then we announce them as our friends. The second thing that I observed was Aarushi now shared her food and toys to talk with Arshan. And that my dear friend is what the second step aheadis SHARING. We cement our friendship into a stronger bond when we share deepest secrets with friends and that's when they become special in our lives.

One fine day Aarushi came home and declared that Arshan is my Best Friend. So how did that happen? While in school all were playing together another girl approached them and asked Arshan to be her best friend and not Aarushi's. I have no idea how my daughter felt in that moment, but I am guessing she was holding her breath. To which Arshan replied “No Aarushi is my best friend first, you can be my friend after that if you want?” That answer won Arshan the tittle of Best Friend Forever. So lastly we all look for in our friendships is LOYALTY.

We can have more than one best buddy. But we want our buddies to be loyal to us in all circumstances. We appreciate if they stand by us, support us. They win our hearts forever and become our BFFs best friends forever.My dear readers the innocent experience of these todllers has given me a deeper understanding about friendships. Hope their sweet journey from friends to BFFs motivates you and enlightens you in your friendshipsIn our new venture we are looking for a strong friendship with you readers.

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October 2015 08

Dharmedra Rai

A HUGE Willpower Trick Common To Steve Jobs , Obama & Zuckerberg !

The smartest people in the world seem to intuitively

know that willpower science is extremely critical to

success in life . In fact the latest research confirms that

the 2 biggest factors that influence your success are

1 ) Intelligence &

2 ) Willpower

& between them Willpower is more important !


Quite simply the more decisions you make the worse

decisions you ll make

Dharmendra Rai Is The World 's First & Only

Wontpower Science Trainer , Coach & Consultant

Zuck - Grey t shirt - custom made

Quick quiz that you can take yourself & that you can

use on your friends or attractive strangers :)

What is common to Steve Jobs , Obama &

Mark Zuckerberg

Think for a while - the more you think the more you

learn & the more you memorise !

Ok I presume you ve done some heavy lifting . The

answer I was looking for is - they hardly have any

variation in dress !

Steve Jobs - Black T shirt by St Croix , Blue Jeans

By Levis ( 501 ) & Shoes by New Balance

Obama - Black or blue suits by Harmarx , white shirt


Isn't it ironical that most people get rich so they could

wear better clothes ?

To understand the reason we need to understand first a

line that you would be well to blowup & stick in every

room of your house for a few days


No shit !

Use it sparingly because it depletes .

So the next question is what factors deplete Willpower ?

A looooooooong list Here s one

So get rid of as many decisions as you can !

Now you re thinking - Now waiiiiiite a minute ! Are nt

some decisions small & some big ? Yes they are but they

draw on the same horsepower ! If Obama s wasting

energy with small ( presumed ) decisions like what to

wear it , he has less energy to decide on big things like -

how many billions of dollars go into defence this year

Does that mean you are doomed to one look or you have

to give up variety in your dress - not necessarily

Here are 2 options

1 ) Get someone else to select what you’re going to wear

2 ) Have a fixed “ menu “ of clothes for the month

I guess now there 's a new definition to the term

' Dress For Success '

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October 2015 09

Ashna Ddhannak

Blessing from the land of unicornZodiac Unicorn Predictins -October 2015By Ashna DdhannakHolistic Life Coach

The unicorn is a legendary creature like a horse, but with a slender

body, usually with a spiral horn growing out of its forehead.

Unicorns have been attributed with many Magical qualities; it is

believed that when one touches the horn of the unicorn and makes a

wish, it is always fulfilled. The Unicorn is a highly intelligent creature

and it is known to be wise & telepathic, and able to broadcast their

thoughts and feelings to whomever they wish.

Let's see what messages the lovely Unicorns have for each of the Zodiac signs below for the month of October 2015.

Aries - March 21 – April 19

A relaxed mind is a gateway to manifest desired

changes in life. Don't try to do too many things at the

same time. Breakup & simplify your tasks. Unicorns

are asking you to nurture your inner self. Spending

time alone will be very fulfilling.

Taurus - April 20 – May 20

A tough situation will soon turn in your favour,

bringing you that much needed relief. Meditate on the

picture of the RISING SUN to bring about the time

period closer. Unicorns suggest you to keep all

communications on a humble note for this month.

Gemini - May 21 – June 20

Practicing the Law Of Attraction is the answer to all

your concerns for this month. Find ways of inducing

fun & laughter into your routine. Dress Up & be your

most Gorgeous Self. Handle any confrontations with

a sense of amazement. BE READY & PREPARED FOR

A VERY HAPPY SURPRISE… Something very good

is about to happen !!!

Cancer - June 21 – July 22

Keeping unresolved feelings within your system for a

very long time brings invitation to diseases. Call up a

best friend now & express your anger & negative

emotions & ask them to support you in the time of

need. All you need to keep within yourself is just a

planning for the future & let everyone be curious

about your SILENCE. Rest all should be out of your

system, is the valuable advice from the Unicorns.

Leo - July 23 – August 22

Eliminate any Fear, as you are blessed with divine

Love Frequencies for this month. Don't let others talk

you into doing something that you know is wrong.

Stand TALL in the face of adversities. Trusting your

higher intelligence & taking a brave step forward will

lighten up the heavy energies around you. Wearing a

TIGER'S EYE crystal on your left hand will soar up

the required courage.

Virgo - August 23 – September 22

Slight delays are expected in tasks that you were

expecting for completion this month. The wait is

definitely worth it as your patience would be

rewarded in unexpected ways. Burning Aromatic

Fragrances of Jasmine oil in a diffuser will work

wonders to keep your spirits high. Warmth, love &

care from the females in your life can revive you on

a 360 degree note.

Libra - September 23 – October 22

Set aside the traditional ways of dealing with

challenges. Practicing an OUT OF THE BOX approach

will not only hit the BULL's EYE, but also open new

doors of opportunities. All Sundays of this month are

favourable for brainstorming new ideas. Travel plans

will materialize quickly, so get ready to fly distances.

Scorpio - October 23 – November 21

The Unicorns strongly suggests you to DETOX your

body of the toxins, specially the colons & intestines.

Flush out your system with a high intake of liquid diet.

A diligent effort for 21 days to eat lighter food in the

evenings will see you through a big positive shift in

your health.

Sagittarius - November 22 – December 21

Watching Life with only Black & White perspective

brings stagnancy. Infuse Colour therapy all around

& then see the positive vibrations reaching Cloud

nine. Pull out your crayon set & draw a vibrant

rainbow with all the 7 colours. Red, Orange, Yellow,

Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet on a plain white paper.

It should be first thing in the morning before you get

out of your bed as this would have a stimulating effect

on your subconscious mind. The day will then begin

with nothing less than a MIRACLE.

Capricorn - December 22 – January 19

Expectation is the root cause of all evil. Unicorns

advice you this month to practice loads of

unconditional love. Using an Amethyst crystal on

your crown chakra will open doors of Universal Love.

Get inspired from the elders in the family on values of

bonding & unity which will increase your core strength.

Aquarius - January 20 – February 18

A BIG YES is coming from the Universe for all the

answers to your questions falling in place this month.

Admiring & expressing your feelings towards the

loved ones in your life, will not only brighten up your

atmosphere, but also set a pathway in motion for your

much needed Joy & Happiness.

Pisces - February 19 – March 20

This month shows hectic with social activities taking a

priority. Investing time with meeting with like minded

people will soon establish strong connections for future

prospects. Visiting your home town or touch basing with

the family roots will bring a deep sense of satisfaction.

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October 2015 10

Meenal Jaiswal

'Verso' in Latin means reverse side of the leaf, in usage

it is the left side of the page and also the back side of a

photograph or coin. There has been a custom to write

finer points about the image, on the reverse side of the


Healing Verso -Capturing Stories andCreatingFutureThe First Step

Here, I would like to connect with you through my

writing combined with photography.

The neo movement in photography works on healing

the world through photography. I shall be bringing it

to you, one image at a time.

Do you wish to experience healing with photography?

Let us start healing today, grab your mobile, your

camera, your DSLR and an open mind.

Start with sitting in meditation for a while if you do not

follow any method, try focusing on your breath for a

while. Once you feel calm, move around or go out of

your office or home. Look for a corner or a face that

provides you peace, calm and joy. Look for stillness

and silence or look for chaos and movement. Go for

anything that connects with YOU.

You may choose to edit the image or SOOC, take print

outs, or use it on a desktop or a phone. Let it be there.

Looking at it regularly will put you in a calm state over

and over again. Smile every time to you see the image.

In a week's time you would realize that the more you

see your Healing image, more the calmness shall

surround you.

Undertake this exercise often to connect better with

yourself, be more creative, have a new perspective

about life and of course explore a whole new world of

healing. Share your image and experience with me at

[email protected]

Capturing love and light!

Sunset at Tongyeong , South Korea by Meenal Jaiswal

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October 2015 11

CEO's Journey

Hemang Jhangla

This month we are covering the CEO journey of Hemant Jangla , founder , MD

and CEO of Havmore Insurance Brokers Private Ltd. An experienced man with

over two decades of experience strengthened by his qualification, an alumni of

IIM-A, have diplomas in different spheres, his interest are varied and attaining

knowledge is a value. Also, learnt spiritually through advance diploma in

Philosophy, where he is committee member also.

He started early, soon after his SSC, since the age of 16 when he could make

Rs. 2 per cassette for selected songs. These two rupees would get him four

samosas still it was his hard earned money. He learnt early on , to work hard

with focus and dedication. Desire to work made him the youngest person in the

broking ring as a sub broker which maneuvered to journey in finance finally

towards insurance brokering . In 2005 he started his company and it deals with Life and Non- Life insurance

for claims, underwriting.

Being the first generation entrepreneur was the biggest challenge and opportunity , a son of a banker, started

his journey in the era of license raj where a phone took 8-10 years to connect. He faced challenges, ups and

down on a daily basis. He smiled and fought back never ever gave up . He insists , Entrepreneurship is a way

of life, it has its cycle but as a roller coaster its thrilling . Do NOT ever give up.

The world knows him not only for his entrepreneurship ventures but the social work he regularly does. He

calls it blessings of his mother,that he has always believed in giving back at every age and stage of his life.

Life is not easy, he feels stuck at times, the goals are not met, personal commitments delayed all the time, and

fights it out.

The three learnings that he would like to share with the readers are first start reading about your religion,

faith and scriptures preferably before 25 so you are ready for life not at the age of 60 when you have already

lived your life. He is a follower of Vaishnav Pushti marg and realized what Alvin Toffler and others are

talking today has been in the scriptures for centuries. Secondly give back , do not wait for a special economic

standard to start giving . Giving does not require anything except a will to give to back to society. Thirdly

there is no age for doing or leaning something new, age is only a number and is governed by our mental


He always believe in being a learner a student for life. That is shown not only in his degree and education and

even in his attitude towards life. He ensures that every day he is learning new things. He can't wait to get up

and enjoy new challenges every day, he loves meeting people consider himself a lifelong student. He

continuously improves himself and give to those near him like his staff he wants to make their lives better. Do

not delegate the joy of giving, he himself visit schools, slums and distribute stuff himself, the joy of giving

never comes from delegation. GIVE and you will enjoy it, that seems to be his motto.

From a holistic health view point when we enquired, he shared they have diabetes running in the family. He

calls it more of a heredity than lifestyle. Now spectacles are not seen as a lifestyle issue. Otherwise the family

enjoys good health.

This is one area one needs to be more consistent, he goes for walks then discontinued many practices like

Pranic Kriya, Art of Living, joined gym, anyways now finally he has installed a treadmill at home and try to

run for half an hour daily on that. He is hard pressed for time though would like to devote more time to his

health and healing.

Age is just number, you must do what you want to at any age, there is no age for learning, there is no age for

giving or starting it all over again. He looks much younger for his age of 48 years, he has over 32 years of

hands work experience that gives him wisdom . He wished good luck for our Bliss Equity magazine and


(Interviewed and compiled by Meenal Jaiswal and Shobhaa Arya)

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October 2015 12

In this monthly feature we will be discussing the concerns and expectations of

Corporates and their employees and looking into holistic methods for resolutions.

Life in metros have become very hectic, especially for employees working with

MNCs. Long hours at work, increasing travel times, heavy traffic, office squabbles,

no family time, high expectations of bosses, market fluctuations, lack of sleep, all

leading to a lot of STRESS. We all often use this word; so today let us go into more

details about it.

What is STRESS?

The term stress as is currently used was coined by Hans Selye in 1936. Stress is defined as a state

of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.

Being subjected to pressure or tension is stress.

As a layman we generally use the word stress when we feel that the burden or pressure in our lives or our workload is

too much. Anything that poses a challenge to our wellbeing is stress. It does not mean stress is bad; some stress is good

as it makes us get up and get to work.

Common Symptoms of STRESS:

Anger,Anxiety,Depression,Insecurity,Forgetfulness,Irritability,Lack of concentration,Fatigue,Food cravings, Sudden

angry outbursts, Drug abuse, substance abuse, Alcohol or smoking addictions, Relationship problems, Rise in BP,

Heart rate or pulse rises, Immune system goes down, Muscles become tense, Sleep disorders/Insomnia, Too much

sweating, Back or chest pain, Obesity, Erectile dysfunction, etc.

Why do we get STRESSED?

Whether we will get stressed and how stressed we will be in a given situation depends on how we respond to stress.

A persistently negative response to challenges will have a negative effect on our health. How we react to stressors now

is a predictor of our health 10 years later. It has also been found that too much psychological stress may play a role in

breast cancer in women and heart attack and diabetes in men.


Different peoplerespond differentlyto situations.

How we perceivea situation and react to it determines ourstress level.

The common techniques used for stress management is pranayama, yoga, walking, jogging,

laughter clubs, meditation. Some people also go out for picnics, holidays, movies or

shopping to relieve stress.

Though all these techniques are good at managing stress. I too have used them many times

in the past. But they never helped me eliminate the stress. Stress always invariably came

back sooner or later. That's when I realized that we do not need to manage our stress but to

eliminate it altogether.

How do we do that? By working on the soul level….by altering our core beliefs and understanding ourselves we will

be able to respond differently to situations, break the patterns and hence increase our emotional and spiritual quotient

and achieve a peaceful state.

Offi-Souly Yours

By Smithaa M Chaturvedi

Page 14: Magazine inside first 26 pages (3)

October 2015 13

Anu Mehta

Are you META-Healthy?

Have you ever wondered why someone gets unwell? What really triggered the disease process? Was it bad diet, environment, pollution, lack of exercise, virus, and bacteria or is it something else? Is our body really making a mistake by getting unwell? Could stress, our thoughts and emotions cause a disease process?

The word disease means 'lack of ease'. Research proves that diseases are triggered after a stressful event [trauma] occurs in a person's life where the person may feel overwhelmed and loss his/her ability to cope up with the situation So de-stress causes stress which then creates body to undergo adaptation to deal with the stressful event. Traumas can be big traumas like -death of a loved one or small traumas like - My dad slapped me today. These create emotions.

Most of us do not even realize that our emotions like

feeling vulnerable, shame, not being good enough, not

feeling heard, loved and cared for, fear, guilt, anger,

sadness can cause unhealthy beliefs, behavioral patterns

and diseases, which can haunt many generations to


META-Health is a diagnostic tool that helps us to

identify which stressful event caused the health issue

and the time taken by individual to get healthy.

People have benefitted from META-Health and

NES-Health Provision body scans immensely.

Individuals have found relief from various physical and

behavioral health issues like Parkinson's, Infertility,

Obsessive Compulsive disorder, Depression, Bipolar

behavior, Cholesterol, Obesity, problems related to

Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Reproductive,

lymphatic's, Bones, skin, Gynecological and Prostrate

issues and even different types of Cancer and maintain

good health and wellness.

Healing is truly a combination of three “A” pillars -

Awareness, Acceptance and Action. First step to health

is to answer the burning question 'Why you or someone

who is unwell wants to get well?' Second step- is to take

responsibility for ones own healing and the Third step-

is to deal with all the emotions that are making you

unwell. Clearing restraining emotions and beliefs and

the trauma can halt a number of diseases in their tracks

and create health and happiness.

It's important to understand that the only person who

can heal you is you yourself. The Mantra to give yourself

permission and set yourself free from the chains that

are holding you down and making you cry. Breaking free

of the bondages that you have created so that you can

untie your wings and fly high again in your life

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October 2015 14

Gesu Aftab


Your Navel is not a scar left behind by cutting the

umbilical cord. It is the point at which your life begins.

It is the point at which the universal intelligence

interacts with your individual existence. But we are

deprived of this infinite source, which is our birthright,

right at our birth. Mother Rabia calls it the fundamental

wound. Our life begins with a sense of loss. Have you

ever wondered where exactly does the sense of

inadequacy, incompetence, stress, procrastination,

feeling incomplete and insecure begin? Let us take a

closer look at our life what do we spend most of our

time on? Aren't most people spending their time on

striving harder, trying to reach peace, become stress

free, find fulfillment?

All our life we strive to fulfill a strange sense of loss or

emptiness. It does not matter what name we give it.

We may call our quest becoming mindful or stress free

or getting enlightened.

You receive your first wound by disconnecting with

your Navel. Imagine that you have purchased a ticket

to a foreign destination. As soon as you arrive, you

receive a heavy bump on your head. When you come

back to your senses you realize that you have no clue

about who you are, why you are, where you are?

Imagine the confusion. Imagine the sense of loss.

Imagine the desperation. This is what happens to each

human being as soon as it arrives on this material reality.

The Navel portal is injured. The being is thrown into the

abyss of confusion, which then forms countless loops of

lifetimes. Haven't you ever wondered why does a

human being, the supreme intelligence here on Earth

need to take billions of births to break free from the

karmic cycle?

This is what Mother Rabia discovered when she died in

1987. She arose from her physical death with a never

before understanding on human Navel. Navel

Consciousness took twenty years before becoming a

tangible science that she began to share. With the task

of sharing this unprecedented phenomenon came the

responsibility of educating people about it. More next


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October 2015 15

Bhairavi Mehta

Reconnective Healing is return to an optimal Balance. It

is a result of interacting with the fully comprehensive

Reconnective Healing Spectrum of frequencies that

consists of energy, light and information.

ReconnectiveHealingHeal BeyondPossibilities

Dr. Eric Pearl is the founder of this work. He has been a

Chiropractor in the U. S. A. earlier in his life. Now he

teaches this work in many different countries around

the globe to spread awareness of these all new

frequencies to as many people as possible

Reconnective Healing completely transcends traditional

energy healing techniques as it allows us to let go of the

concept and approach of technique itself. It is neither a

therapy nor a treatment, as it does not focus on

symptoms, nor does it have a focused approach on a

client's problem. It is something much, much more. In

Reconnective Healing we do not diagnose or treat. We

simply interact with the RH frequencies, bringing about

healing that are often instantaneous and tend to be


We have witnessed healings in various chronic diseases

with the Reconnective Healing. Eg. Cancer, Epilepsy,

Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Depression etc. This

work does not need the permission of the person nor

does it need the person to be present it can be well

facilitated in distance also. The healing is absolutely a

hand off healing, we do not touch the client at any point

of time during the healing session. The session gives the

client an absolute unique experience and gives them the

essence of its profoundness. The other application to

this work is The Reconnection.

The Reconnection is an accelerated exchange of the

energy, light and information found in the

Reconnective Healing Frequencies. It is a focused

formation to connect three systems: the lay lines of our

planets, the meridian lines of the human body and the

Universal Energy grid. The Reconnection is a once in a

lifetime experience that ties us back into a timeless

system of intelligence.

There are scientist and physicists conducting various tests

to understand how this works. There are significant

tests and experiments being conducted in order to

understand this frequencies.

Stay tuned to know more on how Science Proves


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October 2015 16

Priyanka Patel

If you were to define yourself, how would you define?

- MY MUSE - MY INNERSELF asked. With no filtration

of my thoughts, I replied "I am who you define me as".

And post 3 deep breaths, I heard a voice coming deep

inside from my soul and it was My Muse in its warm


KIND TO ME" and the tears rolled down from my eyes

Redefining Relationship -withthoughtsTalk toyour Muse !

Have you ever thought of defining yourself? Ask "your

muse" to define you."The definition by your voice is the

projection of the life you are living in." Dig deep within

yourself and reach the core to define yourself. If your

thoughts pertaining to your definition are self

constructive, stay grounded and continue evolving and

if those thoughts seems self destructive then start

researching on your paradigm of thoughts. Create a

buffer against your mind to protect it from the negative

or self destructive thoughts.

“Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, re-define

your relationship with your thoughts. If you can change

one belief about yourself, you will discover the ability

to change your entire life. The kind of life you live is the

projection of your inner thoughts that define you as an

individual. Your thoughts, your beliefs create you."

Invoke your INNER MUSE once again and ask him/her to

"REDEFINE YOU". Every time there's something that

upsets you, switch on a reality check and research on

your thoughts that attracted this situation, Change &

Redefine. The more you understand the Power of

Change, the more simpler your life becomes. Change to

Sparkle, Change to Glitter, Change to Glow and

Change to Love.

Stay Happy & Tune into Redefining Yourself To Create

And Recreate The Life You Own!

Love & Joy Towards Our Success in

"Redefining Relationships".

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October 2015 17

Shivi Krishna

The stories of tarot are the reason for its existence. With a deck of cards, we can tell the stories of where we come from, how it is that we are here, what awaits us, and what we will or might become. Tarot tells the story that we are made in a divine image, and that the world is made in that same image, so that in some subtle way God, humanity, and the world are all the same shape and are made of the same things. A beautiful story of faith, hope and love.

Tarot Sutra -Faith,Hope &Love

Some time back a lady contacted me for help through Tarot. She was desperate, panicky and totally confused. She was not able to conceive for almost 6 years of her married life. Family members and husband forced and pressurized her to undergo several tests and medical procedures that were extremely painful and demoralizing for her. Tired of all that she called me for help.

We had a chat over Skype as she was from York, England. Her husband was also online listening to our chat. When I read her cards I realized that she did not need all that medical help at all and that the news of her pregnancy was on the way, but it would come if she relaxes herself and stops all the medical procedures. The medical procedures were unnecessarily deteriorating her body. I asked her strongly to not undergo any procedure from that day. Her husband literally stared at me and chuckled. The call abruptly came to an end. Okay my part was done. I had conveyed what Universe had in-store for her.

Yesterday she calls me up and tells me that she delivered a baby girl. She had confidence in what I had said. She did used to go out of the house saying to everybody that she was going to the hospital for procedures, but she actually used to go n watch movies, shopping complexes, park, etc to relax herself and enjoy.

My job was well done & conveyed. She was rewarded for her long wait. Thanks to the power of Tarot !!!

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October 2015 18

The term "helicopter parent"

was first used in Dr. Haim Ginott's

1969 book Parents & Teenagers by

teens who said their parents

would hover over them like a

helicopter; the term became

popular enough to become a

dictionary entry in 2011.

Who is a helicopter parent?

Although the term is most often applied to parents of high school

or college-aged students who do tasks the child is capable of

doing alone (for instance, calling a professor about poor grades,

arranging a class schedule, manage exercising habits), helicopter

parenting can apply at any age. "In toddlerhood, a helicopter

parent might constantly shadow the child, always playing with

and directing his behavior, allowing him zero alone time,

" Dr. Dunnewold says. In elementary school, helicopter parenting

can be revealed through a parent ensuring a child has a certain

teacher or coach, selecting the child's friends and activities, or

providing disproportionate assistance for homework and school


Why do parents hover?

Helicopter parenting can develop for a number of reasons. Here

are four common triggers.

Fear of dire consequences

A low grade, not making the team, or not getting a certain job

can appear disastrous to a parent, especially if it seems it could

be avoided with parental involvement. But, says Deborah Gilboa,

M.D., founder of, "many of the consequences

[parents] are trying to prevent--unhappiness, struggle, not

excelling, working hard, no guaranteed results– are great

teachers for kids and not actually life-threatening. It just feels

that way."

Feelings of anxiety

Worries about the economy, the job market, and the world in

general can push parents toward taking more control over their

child's life in an attempt to protect them. "Worry,"

Dr. Daitch says, "can drive parents to take control in the belief

that they can keep their child from ever being hurt or



Adults who felt unloved, neglected, or ignored as children can

overcompensate with their own children. Excessive attention and

monitoring are attempts to remedy a deficiency the parents felt in

their own upbringing.

What are the consequences of helicopter parenting?

Many helicopter parents start off with good intentions. "It is a

tricky line to find, to be engaged with our children and their

lives, but not so enmeshed that we lose perspective on what

they need," Dr. Gilboa says. Engaged parenting has many

benefits for a child, such as increasing feelings of love and

acceptance, building self-confidence, and providing guidance

and opportunities to grow. "The problem is that, once

parenting becomes governed by fear and decisions based on

what might happen, it is hard to keep in mind all the things

kids learn when we are not right next to them or guiding each

step," Dr. Gilboa explains. "Failure and challenges teach kids

new skills, and, most important, teach kids that they can

handle failure and challenges."

Decreased confidence and self-esteem. "The main problem

with helicopter parenting is that it backfires," Dr. Dunnewold

says. "The underlying message [the parent's] overinvolvement

sends to kids, however, is 'my parent doesn't trust me to do

this on my own,' [and this leads] to a lack of confidence."

Undeveloped coping skills. If the parent is always there to

clean up a child's mess--or prevent the problem in the first

place--how does the child ever learn to cope with loss,

disappointment, or failure? Studies have found that helicopter

parenting can make children feel less competent in dealing

with the stresses of life on their own.

Increased anxiety. A study from the University of Mary

Washington has shown that overparenting is associated with

higher levels of child anxiety and depression.

Sense of entitlement. Children who have always had their

social, academic, and athletic lives adjusted by their parents to

best fit their needs can become accustomed to always having

their way and thus they develop a sense of entitlement.

Undeveloped life skills. Parents who always tie shoes, clear

plates, pack lunches, launder clothes, and monitor school

progress, even after children are mentally and physically

capable of doing the task, prevent their children from mastering

these skill themselves.

How can you avoid being a helicopter parent?

So how can a parent love and care for their children without

inhibiting their ability to learn important life skills? Dr. Gilboa

offers this advice: "As parents, we have a very difficult job. We

need to keep one eye on our children now--their stressors,

strengths, emotions–and one eye on the adults we are trying to

raise. Getting them from here to there involves some suffering,

for our kids as well as for us." In practical terms, this means

letting children struggle, allowing them to be disappointed,

and when failure occurs, helping them to work through it. It

means letting your children do tasks that they are physically

and mentally capable of doing. Making your 3-year-old's bed

isn't hovering. Making your 13-year-old's bed is. As

Dr. Gilboa says, "Remembering to look for opportunities to

take one step back from solving our child's problems will

help us build the reliant, self-confident kids we need."

Peer pressure from other parents

When parents see other overinvolved parents, it can trigger a

similar response. "Sometimes when we observe other parents

overparenting or being helicopter parents, it will pressure us to do

the same," Dr. Daitch says. "We can easily feel that if we don't

immerse ourselves in our children's lives, we are bad parents.

Guilt is a large component in this dynamic."

Think about it

What's Your Parenting Style?

Helicopter Parenting

Page 20: Magazine inside first 26 pages (3)

October 2015 19

The rise of the Phoenix- an inspiring story!

Agnelo Rajesh Athaide

Today we feature an inspiring story of a child who used to make handmade “binds” at the age of 13 and earned Rs 3.50 a week and now is the proud founder of an ISO Certified St. Agnelo's Institution for Technology and Management, The only Computer Education Company to get sanction from Bombay Stock Exchange & Ahmedabad Stock Exchange to come out with a public issue in 2000.

This inspiring story is of Mr. Rajesh Athaide or “AgneloRajesh” as he calls himself, a man whose work is his religion as well as his entertainment. He respects all religions, but does not believe in going to shrines. He revers his work and also enjoys it tremendously. Exercising regularly and spending quality time with hisfamily is his way of rejuvenation.

We can call him a “Serial Entrepreneur”. He started St. Agnelo's institute in 1993 and has never looked back. His institute boasts of having educated more than 3, 25,000 students all over the world. He aims high, not only for himself but also for his students; and educates and inspires them to be global citizens.In the last 10 years he has forayed into Construction, Events, Technology and even hospitality; having created the beautiful and enchanting Dewdrops retreat at Igatpuri.

His latest achievement being, collaborating with Major Universities and offering his students the option to do their bachelors and Masters Degrees with his Institution. Thousands of students have benefited with this move.

He is a great motivator not only to his students but also the public at large. His institution also trains the Mumbai Police and the Traffic police. But the person who motivates him is our PM Mr. Narendra Modi, who hefeels will take India to great heights with his vision and focus. He feels this is a very promising time for Entrepreneurs to grow exponentially under the guidance of Mr. Modi.

In spite of reaching great heights and achieving so much, he has not forgotten his humble background and wants to give people what he didn't have. He is creating high class affordable homes using latest technology and resources all over the country.He is generous and believes that we should also share our abundance with the society. He quotes verybeautifully, “Learn, Earn and Return”. He has created a trust, IDWF that has helped hundreds of people by doingfree cataract operations, blood donations and also educating underprivileged children.

He is also being talked about, for his book “Samasya Te Sandhi” and“Inspiring Conversations”. A programme that connects budding Entrepreneurs and businessmen to famous and successful people so that they can learn from them. The list of his achievements is endless and overwhelming, truly a remarkable man!On an ending note he was kind enough to share a few tips from his vast knowledge for our readers:1) Always be clear about what you want.2) Do not fear taking tough decisions in life. Once it is made, take it through.3) Do not continue a wrong action due to ego, correct it asap.4) The world watches you with a microscope and mistakes are not spared. So travel with awareness on the journey called life.5) A man is judged by the company he keeps. So keep a positive circle of people around you and they will become the ladder that will help you achieve greatness.

His signature line: Do not let a situation control you, be in control of the situation instead!!

My best wishes to you always.

Life is a picnic when u love what u do.

Agnelorajesh athaide,CMD ,

St. Angelo's group of companies. EDUCATION : CONSTRUCTION: HOSPITALITY : SPORTS,

"Be so good they can't ignore you."

" Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."

(Interviewed and compiled by Shobhaa Arya and Smithaa M Chaturvedi)

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October 2015 20

Zill Botadkar

Building Pathways toCommunicate

Your child and you… two distinctive creations, two different viewpoints—one miscommunication - mystery begins.

Communicating with your children can be challenging. However, there are so many essential dialogues you need to have with your kids throughout their lives. You need to communicate with them about their responsibilities at home and school. Sometimes you need to have tough discussions about things like peer pressure, bullying, online safety, drugs and alcohol, and sex. And then you need to communicate about topics outside of their control like violence in the world, events being reported in the news, or natural disasters. You may even need to communicate about how to communicate with others!

Many parents can relate to the following:

“Sometimes it feels like talking to my child is like talking to an alien from another world."

“Talking to my child is like talking to a brick wall — nothing going in or coming out."

Studies and research show that the finest parent-child relationships are characterized by lots of positive communication and interaction, which build mutual respect between parents and children. Talking to them regularly by giving positive attention, children are less likely to act out or behave in ways that create conflict and will increase their self-esteem.

Some tips for healthy parent-child communication

l Let your child know that you are concerned. Less focus on "instructing”, more focus on feelings and interests. l Turn off the television or put the newspaper down when your child wants to talk. Give them undivided attention. Listen carefully. Don't interrupt when they are trying to narrate a story. l Don't embarrass your child or put them on the spot in front of others; this will lead only to resentment and hostility.l If you are very angry about a behavior, do not attempt communicating until you regain your cool, because you cannot be objective until then. It is better to stop, settle down and talk to your child later. l Avoid using words like "dumb," "stupid" or "lazy," or statements like "What do you know? You're just a child." l Reinforce your child's attempts at keeping communication open. Do this by accepting and praising their efforts.l Do not be ambiguous when communicating with children.

Each of us has our own perspective. As with many things in life, we are not "born" with good communication skills, but we have to learn them.Communication is the key in a healthy positive parent-child relationship.

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October 2015 21

Supriti Singh

As a fitness trainer & dancer in the 90s, 'low fat” and 'sugar-free' was a regular mantra. Diet drinks, artificial sweeteners, cream-crackers and dry toast were on the daily menu, along with 90 minutes per day of aerobic exercise.

The Cleanse -Food,Fitness,Fun

I was miserably thin, obviously; and I assumed that thin also meant fit.

I was wrong.

A bad bout of acne, irregular periods, and hair-loss were eventually diagnosed as PCOD; when 5yrs of trying didn't result in the baby we longed for. I had tried every soap, face peel and vitamin for acne, and some sort of birth control pill in order to jog my ovaries into doing their job. The wakeup call finally came when I was offered some very expensive 'last resort' hormone treatments - a battalion of invasive procedures, with no guarantee of an actual pregnancy. I was horrified.

Instead of fixing the outside, I finally decided to change from the inside.

Going against years of conditioning and current medical and nutritional advice made the process an arduous one, but fortunately I had myriad past experiences to fall back on.My experience as a trainer helped me design shorter, more intense workouts to increase muscle mass.My training as a chef helped me invent smoothies and salads, lean meat bakes and dressings with good quality fats.To reverse my Metabolic Syndrome, I would also have to decrease stress drastically. Art and music re-entered my life, and I learned to do handwork such as crochet and macramé to increase my serotonin levels, and decrease cortisol.

Slowly but surely, I transformed. My body and mind slowly came back into rhythm with each other.I've reversed my insulin resistance and PCOD through holistic methods alone, and (most wonderful of all) - I'm finally a mom!

The one legacy I would like to leave our daughter is the knowledge that her body and mind are hers' to cherish, nurture and honour-. We make it a point to eat clean, live clean and play a lot.

Combining years of widely varied experiences into one holistic approach towards wellness has been a journey I am truly proud of. Here I will share recipes, fitness tips, and creative endeavours – anything that warms the heart and lifts the spirit.

I hope you'll join us on our wellness adventure, and treat your body well too.

After all, it's the only place you truly live in!

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October 2015 22

Radha B. Doshi

“We are what we eat” – a phrase commonly used by our elders and ancestors- holds true even today. A balance of body mind and soul is the key to success. In our struggle to climb the corporate ladder, we tend to leave these three at the bottom of our priority list- then that success too is of no use if one cannot be happy and spread happiness.

Health on aPlatterNeed GoodHealth -Keep itSimple

In today's world, good food habits, home cooked food, or even regular meals, has become a rarity- and this is affecting our youth, our future. Such young girls and boys are totally 'burnt out' by the time they reach their 30's.

We are made of Earth, so let's stay connected to Earth. Eat food that's closest in form to nature- is the 'ground' rule.

A few tips to give health a fresh start…

- Watch what you eat- Concentrate on the meal being eaten, do not eat while working or watching television, or while on your phone.

- Cook from scratch – no ready to cook foods, use fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and pulses, eggs, fish, meats.

- Involve the family in the cooking process – when a family, children inclusive, cooks together, they realize the value of foods and their nutritive value.

- Plan in advance – don't we do so in our offices. Plan well so that you have all the ingredients fresh while you cook.

- Enjoy your meal- Good food is a blessing, not a punishment – enjoy it.

- Create your own healthy recipes, from healthy foods that you have taken the trouble to arrange for.

- Exchange tips on how to cook healthy meals in minutes – very important for corporates.

So let's cook well, eat healthy and do not allow disease to enter our body – OUR TEMPLE.

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October 2015 23

Bach ToLife -The Magicof BachFlowerRemedies

Aarti Randaive

“In true healing there is no thought whatsoever of the disease: it is the mental state, the mental difficulty alone, to be considered: it is where we are going wrong in the Divine Plan that matters”. Health depends on being in harmony with our souls.... Dr Edward Bach.

Today Research conducted in India and Abroad has clearly proved that positive emotional states promote healthy perceptions, beliefs and physical well-being itself. Dr.Bach was one such medical professional who saw beyond what others did even as early as in the 1930s.He believed as many as doctors do today, that attitude of mind plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovering from illness.

Dr Edward Bach was an English Homeopath and Bacteriologist. He was a man who had the courage of going against all odds and even giving up his high income conventional medical practice to follow his dreams and philosophy about wellness and Life. The culmination of his work was the creation of the 38 Bach flower remedies also known as Bachblüten, Flores de Bach and Bach flower essences in other countries.

These safe and gentle remedies are used worldwide by private individuals, medical practitioners, counselors, psychotherapists and vets. The purpose of these remedies is to support the patient's fight against illnesses by addressing the emotional factors like depression, anxiety, and stress and is helpful to address multitude of emotional disorders.

The Bach Flower Therapy is no substitute to Allopathy or Medical Treatment but certainly a modality that compliments and aids the process of healing, without interfering with the treatment itself.

The Remedies are highly recommended and effective for people from various constituents of society.

l Professionals / employees dealing with stress pressures at workplace.lPeople suffering from psychosomatic disorders, depression, anger, anxiety, stress, loneliness, indecisiveness .The remedies work on the emotions associated with the disorder and treats the very root of the problem.l Children who have special needs, suffering from ADHD, Difficulty in learning, lack of focus.l Teenagers coping with the stress associated with the competitive system of education.l Animals suffering from depression, lethargy, trauma, aggression, fear / phobia of fire crackers.

Dr Bach believed such a simple system of healing will be the medicine of future. As time goes by more and more people will benefit from an approach that looksat the individual as a whole and not just the symptoms.

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October 2015 24

Poornima Dayal

Love is the basic ingredient of life. Love is the eternal truth. It is a sweet nectar and like Sunlight is abundantly and plentifully available for all. You have to do nothing to deserve it. Love is already a part of you.It is equally within you and everybody else. The entire Universe is Love. The cosmos is Love. Just be open to receiving it. Love flows from the Divine into you, into each and every soul. Every soul is light. We are the secret vessels for love to flow through and from us this love expands and fills the hearts of others as well. Feellove. Live love. Give love. Love is an egoless state-the state where you realize that every situation is divinely planned and beautifully crafted for the best of all. Every action has a purpose, as we unlearn, learn and grow.

Openingthe Petalsof Life

To accept, live and move with gratitude is called Love and is the path for a blissful life. Happy living.

Affirmation to enjoy love:

I am love. Love is within and around me. I see with Love. I sense love. I am love.

I am love. Love is within and around me. I see with Love. I sense love. I am love.

Aasha Warriar


VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity)

by enhancing emotional fortitude. Aasha is an excellent

communicator an desires to bring about changes in the way

people think about holistic healing .She is also the

co founder of Clover -Leaf Learning Academy. She brings

with her years of hands on experience in various

modalities like hypnotherapy, Past life and age regression

therapy and many more workshops for students as well as

adults. Some of her signature

workshops include DANCE


so on. Aasha has also

authored a book

Mediocrity to Madness ----

Roopali Bajaj

Money Consciousness Money is

never a problem we are. Money is

never a problem you are. If you

keep creating money as a solution

to the problem then you have to

keep creating problems to find a

solution with money. Money consciousness talk will give

you awareness about all those places where you are chosing

to be unaware and buying into fears and lies related to

money. It will clear your myths surrounding the physical

definition of money and free you from your money beliefs.

If you are truly willing to be conscious around money and

change your financial reality then this talk is for you!

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October 2015 25

Indu Ahuja

Everything in this world is made up of five fundamental elements;Earth,Water,Fire,Wind and Sky.Principles of Vaastu are mainly dependent on the arrangement of these five essential elements.


Fengshui is the chinese technique to understand universal energy and its effect.Fengshui has also become famous in India,specially from Buddhist religion,which reached China from the roads of India to Tibet.

Fengshui depends upon the notion of Energy which is invisible life force known as Prana in India and Chi in China,which not only flows within the body but also forms an integral part of the environment.If the flow of energy is not smooth within the body,then it results to physical problems.Same way when the energy flow is not proper in the environment,then the occupants start facing problems even in their day to day lives.

A combination of Vaastu and Fengshui technique when applied,it creates magic in life.Without anyreconstruction,Fengshui and Vaastu simple tips can be applied.Below here,I am presenting few tips which you can apply in your daily life and make your life peaceful and harmonious.

1.To have loving Relationship in married life,Keep a nice happy photograph of husband and wife together in the South-west corner of the bedroom.Also in addition, take two artificial yellow flowers and keep it in a ceramic cream coloured pot in the south-west corner of bedroom.

2.Make sure that all the watches and clocks in the house or office are in working condition.If not then fix them or give them away.It could feel like there is never enough time or like time is standing still.

3.Slope of the land should always be towards North and East,If not, it should be made artificially by landscaping.

4.Underground water tank should always be in North-east part of the plot.

5.Never keep broken utensils, broken combs, non working electrical applainces, expired medicines or food cans in fridge. Also never keep unused clothes more than two years, old newspapers or magazines in your home. Try to remove clutter from time to time.Even junk mails should not be there in your mails on computer or mobile.

6.Keep your computer worktop table very clean and away from clutter and dust to bring positive energy.Never keep very old bills ,junk papers and even broken pens in your drawer. Keep the centre of the worktop table empty as it's the Brahmsthan.Follow these tips in your life and make it peaceful,harmonious and successful.