Magazine - FICCS - 2011

16 ficcs FOUNDATION FOR INTERNATIONALCARDIAC AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES 2011 PROVIDING CHARITY SERVICES TO EAST AFRICA SINCE 2003 IN THIS ISSUE Food or Healthcare? Simple Care Saves Lives Cycle of Poverty Who is FICCS? Charity Begins at Home Anna Banana Dance

Transcript of Magazine - FICCS - 2011

ficcs F O U N D A T I O N F O R

I N T E R N A T I O N A L C A R D I A C A N D C H I L D R E N ’ S   S E R V I C E S

2 011



Food or Healthcare?

Simple Care Saves Lives

Cycle of Poverty

Who is FICCS?

Charity Begins at Home

Anna Banana Dance

W w w . F I C C S N E T

Dr. Patel is the Director of Cardiology Fellowship and the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois. During his first visit to Kenya in 1989 as a first year medical student at Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medi-cine in Iowa, Dr. Patel witnessed first-hand the lack of basic medical supplies such as a simple stethoscope. He also noticed undertrained medical workers dealing with overwhelming num-bers of patients and routinely watched patients die from easily preventable dis-eases. Born in Kenya and raised in Amer-ica, Dr. Patel then began sending medical equipment and supplies to help improve access to medical care for disadvantaged Kenyans. Dr. Patel soon began perform-ing free cardiovascular surgeries and in 2003, FICCS was born.

Dr. Parag V. Patel/Chairman




Due to the extreme poverty and lack of basic medical supplies and skilled

workers, Kenya, and the rest of the Third World, suffer from easily pre-

ventable diseases. Women and children routinely die from illnesses such

as typhoid, malaria and TB, however, increasingly, Africans are now suc-

cumbing to the same illnesses as in the west, such as cardiac diseases, dia-

betes and cancer.

This increase in on communicable diseases is putting an increased strain

on an already overloaded healthcare system, thus, African are getting less

and poorer quality treatment. With skyrocketing healthcare costs, poverty

prevents women and children from accessing basic medicines such as an-

tibiotics or even simple cough syrup.

“Thank you FICCS and Dr. Patel for coming to Kenya and saving my life. After hav-ing a heart attack I knew I could not afford treatment and I would not be able to go back to work and take care of my family. Today, thanks to Dr. Patel, I am back to work and doing my chores.”

Mary Nyendo in April 2010

In rural areas, Africans have to walk

miles to access a clinic and often-

times these clinics do not have

medicines or necessary supplies.

Rural areas lack most basic ser-

vices, including immunizations.

Dr. Patel looks on as Medtronic South Africa’s, Wendy Watton, assists in training Kenyan cardiologist in 2010


M a k i n g h e a l t h c a r e s u s t a i n a b l e i n A f r i c a

In response to the extremely high infant mortality rate and the lack of basic

medical care and medical supplies in Kenya, Dr. Patel and FICCS have been per-

forming free heart surgeries and have donated over $4 million worth of medical

equipment, medicines, medical and school supplies since 2003.

Due to extreme poverty, over half the population makes less than $1 per day, and

the lack of a healthcare system, many Kenyans, especially women and children

die from easily preventable diseases. HIV/AIDS, TB, cholera and heart disease

ravage the slums and many families go hungry because an ill parent cannot


To improve the access to healthcare, FICCS not only provides state of the art

medical equipment, they also provide training to local physicians, nurses and

technicians, and these trained healthcare personnel take their new skills and

tools into the communities where thousands of people are provided with diagno-

sis and treatments that they otherwise would not receive. According to the UN “You are lucky to turn 5 in Kenya”.

Children Services

Donated over $ 4 million

worth of medical and

school supplies

Over 50 charity heart

surgeries, including do-

nated pacemaker

Training East Africa car-

diologist, nurses and

biomedical engineers

Young women and girls

healthcare training

Medical scholarships

Job skills training


To increase access to healthcare services for poor and disadvantaged Kenyans by providing access to modern equipment and medicines and training local healthcare professionals. Provide medical treatment, including surger-ies, to those who cannot afford the lifesaving services and provide children and women medical services to those living in the slums and rural areas. Combat malnutrition and pov-erty, especially among children, to help reduce deaths due to easily preventable diseases.


Many small hospitals and clinics in Africa simply do not have the proper equipment or trained per-sonnel. FICCS donates state of

the art equipment and trains medical workers.

FICCS volunteers prepare for another surgery (l to r) Dr. David Nicholson, Casey Pullano, Anna Baniak, Dr. Patel, Dr.

Betty Gikonyo (CEO/TKH), Khala Dean (Medtronic USA), Stacy Harris , Nairobi student and Judy Nyanga (TKH)



W w w . F I C C S N E T

FICCS volunteers donated over $5,000

USD worth of medicines and medical

supplies to the impoverished Maasai

communities in southern Kenya. Loita

Hills Maasai and Shompole Group Ranch

Maasai in Magadi all received much

needed medical assistance. In addition,

beginning in 2012, a nurse and clinical

medical officer will be trained from each

community which will enable them to

receive improved medical care. Dr. Patel

also performed impromptu medical

camps and found the Maasai communi-

ties are relatively healthy despite all the

limitations. Donations included, malaria

medicine, antibiotics, sanitary supplies,

blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, first

aid kits and much more. Watch for our

authentic Maasai jewelry store coming

soon and help send their girls to school.



“Our husbands have left us for jobs in Nairobi, leaving us women with noth-ing. Most of us (women) have not gone to school and we have to sit around all day watching our girls get married off at young ages. I was mar-ried to a 90 year old man when I was 14 and we had 3 kids and he died; now I am all along and I do not want this to happen to my girls. Thank you FICCS for supporting our dreams of sending our girls to school and giving them a better life than we had.”

Nantunbula Hjuken, Women’s Group

10 scholarships were awarded for

girls primary boarding school.

Also, 1 nursing, 1 nutrition and 2

clinical medicine scholarships

were awarded to provide future

community medical workers.

Dr. Parag V. Patel and Dr. Rupa Patel with the Ilirimoso Women’s Group in Magadi, Kenya.



Due to the drought, which has been ongoing for three years, most of the

cattle have died in the Maasai communities and the water has dried up.

This has caused an increase in food prices and subsequently, Maasai

girls are taken out of school and being prepared for early marriage.

Maasai girls are being married off as early as 13 simply for the bridal fee

to take care of the other children, and this combined with multiple mar-

riages by the men, has left the Maasai women with added burdens.

However, a group of courageous women have embarked upon a project,

with the support of FICCS, to sell authentic Maasai jewelry in America

with the proceeds providing school fees, food and healthcare for the

women and girls.


Safe Spaces is a girls basketball program and Box Girls Kenya is a girls boxing

program serving a combined 1200 girls in the slums of Nairobi. FICCS has

partnered with these programs to provide healthcare training, medical and

food support and basic day to day assistance. Each program provides the girls

with not only sporting activities, which are essentially non existent for girls in

the slums, they also provide life and job skills support. FICCS is also commit-

ted to sending girls to nursing school so they can come back and be an asset to

the communities they live in.

“It is so good to have medical support be-cause the girls cannot afford treatment so hav-ing a nurse visit them is life changing. Even sim-ple things like sanitary pads are a blessing be-cause the girls use dirty rags, which often makes things worse and then they miss school for weeks at a time.”

Penina Musiyma

Director, Safe Spaces


Sanitary Pads Deodorant Body Lotion Hand Lotion Antiseptic Cream Olive Oil Petroleum Jelly Toothpaste Toothbrush Band Aids Cotton Wool Gauze Ace Bandages Toilet Paper Antibacterial soap Shampoo


Girls from Safe Spaces bas-ketball team receive personal

hygiene kits from FICCS Chairman Dr. Patel.

Students at Loita Hills primary school are happy to have a new soccer ball.



“Girls in the slums mostly have no one to look after them and they are vulnerable to attack and molestation. This program gives them confidence in themselves and lets them know they can be somebody in this world.”

Alfred “Priest” Analo, Director of Box Girls Kenya

W w w . F I C C S N E T

CHARITY HEART SURGERIES Since 2003, Dr. Patel and FICCS have been performing charity heart surgeries for

poor and needy Kenyans. The average Kenyan cannot afford medicine let alone

surgery. To date, FICCS has provided over 50 surgeries, including donated

pacemakers and state of the art equipment. In addition, state of the art medical

equipment is donated to hospitals and clinics to provide better access to healthcare.

CHILDREN Schools in the Kenya slums lack all the basic essentials including books and food. FICCS

assists these children with medical and school supplies and scholarships to high school.

In addition, FICCS has begun to implement a feeding program to ensure the children are

thinking about studying rather than where their next meal will come from.

RURAL COMMUNITIES The rural Maasai community is suffering from extreme drought, which leads to malnutrition and numerous medical

problems. FICCS assists these communities with medicines and medical supplies as well as school supplies. FICCS

is also supporting Maasai Women’s groups to ensure that the young girls have an opportunity for empowerment.


Young women and girls in Africa are often treated as second class citizens. FICCS, in

conjunction with partners, has designed programs to help these girls in the slums overcome

societal obstacles through healthcare and job skills training. FICCS has begun providing

bachelor, diploma level and high school scholarships to ensure a brighter future for the

young women and girls.



Due to the lack of training, many of the best African doctors move to the West for more lucrative

positions. FICCS provides training for cardiologist, nurses and biomedical engineers to ensure

East Africa has a sustainable healthcare system. Girls are given training in first aid, hygiene, nu-

trition, disease prevention and much more as they are the future heads of households.

Water is an obstacle for rural communities. Water is needed not only for drinking, but for bathing, cooking and watering

their livestock.

b r e a k i n g t h e c y c l e o f p o v e r t y

“ M o s t g i r l s a r e s o p o o r t h a t t h e y w i l l d o w i l d t h i n g s j u s t t o p r o v i d e t h e i r b a s i c n e e d s . N o w t h a t t h e y h a v e

i t e m s s u c h a s s a n i t a r y p a d s , t h e i r M I N D I S S E T T L E D

a n d t h e y c a n f o c u s o n i m p r o v i n g t h e m s e l v e s . ”

Cecilia Nderitu, Staff at Hawkers Market Girls Center in the slums of Nairobi

Living in the slums consists of extremely high crime rates, lack of power and clean water, and extreme congestion. Diseases flourish in these environments, many children die from easily preventable diseases, and disease prevention is either non existent or it is impossible to implement without clean water.

Ramah is made of aged wood and could easily fall down with a large wind. There is no kitchen, library or in some cases there are not even enough desks and chairs for the students. Outside the school, the children suffer even greater consequences as school becomes their only sanctuary.

About 70 years ago, before colonization, the Maasai controlled most of Kenya, grazing their cattle up and down the rift valley. The southern Kenya area, once teaming with wildlife and full of trees, has now been degraded to a point that the entire area has become desertified. Now this community has been completely devastated with droughts, dying wildlife and constant struggles with neighboring communities in Tanzania. One woman recently spent her savings on cattle, only to have them die of thirst.

“With no water and no opportunities for work, the community is suffering. All the cattle are dying and there is not even medicine for the babies. What do we do because we are so far from Nairobi that no one comes to help us, but thanks to FICCS, someone is looking out for us.

Peter Tingai, Shompole Group Ranch (Maasai) Elder, after receiving donations

Maasai women and children live in environmentally degraded areas. They walk miles each day for water and lack

all basic amenities including medicines and doctors. Most use community doctors who are untrained.


Raw sewage literally runs in front of homes and schools leading to many preventable diseases such as cholera.

W w w . F I C C S N E T



C o r p o r a t e s p o n s o r

D o n a t e s u p p l i e s

S t a r t f u n d r a i s e r

V o l u n t e e r

S p o n s o r a g i r l

T e l l y o u r f r i e n d s

V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e

G i r l S c o u t p r o j e c t

Healthcare Problems in Kenya

3.8 million people in need of immedi-ate food relief 47.2 years is the life expectancy 33% of all Kenyans are malnourished Over 2 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS 180,000 people die of AIDS each year 1.4 million AIDS orphans 79 of 1,000 babies die at birth

Thanks to the efforts of St Pius X School in Lombard, Illinois, 1500 uni-forms were donated to Ramah Care Center and other needy schools. Most kids in the slums are forced to live in substandard, at best conditions, lack-ing clean water, toilets and for many a simple meal each day. Even though there are free schools they often require a parent to purchase a uni-form and the basic supplies which immediately eliminates most families in the slums living off $1 per day.

As a result, the new uniforms have made a dramatic impact not only on the schools, but also upon the entire community. The burden of finding resources to purchase a uniform has now brought smiles to all the mothers and caregivers, there are many AIDS orphans in the schools so they can use the money for other pending needs, such as food and shelter.

“This is a day the children will never forget”, stated Ayub Shimaka, Director or Ramah Care Centre in Nairobi, “We now have children from other schools coming here, just

because of the uniforms.” ST PIUS X

It all began when Jen and Ken

Law and their children Jenna, 6,

and Emma, 3, who are students

at St. Pius X decided to make a

difference in someone’s life. Several months later, the stu-

dents donated 1500 uniforms.

A girl at Ramah Care Center in

the slums of Nai-robi proudly dis-

plays her new school uniform

FICCS volunteers share a moment with the girls at Ramah Care Center posing with their new uniforms. These

are the same uniforms that were packed in the photos at the top of the page.


a n n a b a n a n a d a n c e


One farmer from the country was

faces with an extreme decision. His

daughter was sick and needed sur-

gery, yet his only option was to sell

his cattle and is belonging to pay for

the life saving surgery.

Like in most cases, especially when it

comes to girls, the farmer chose to let

the girl die rather than sacrifice his

belongings. In Africa, the typical rural

household has 10 or more people and

the mind set is that they can always

make another girl, but they cannot

replace their livestock. Hence, feed-

ing the family is the priority over

medical care.

In the slums women make $1 per day

and food costs have doubled since the

financial crisis. With such low in-

comes, women and children cannot

afford medical care and often suffer

from easily preventable diseases and

many will miss school.

Young women and girls bear the

greatest burden in African society

because they are expected to do so

much. When they should be play-

ing, they are working. When they

should be in school, they are fetch-

ing water. Yet, these are the future

mothers who benefit the most from

healthcare training. Now they can

teach the next generation what

their parents did not teach them.

“When Anna (Baniak) arrived all the girls got excited. She danced the Banana Dance with the girls, she played football (soccer) and she made the girls feel so good about themselves. Because of Anna (and her dancing) this will be a day the girls never forget.”

Head Teacher, Ramah Care Center

Anna teaches the girls at Ramah Care Center how to dance American style.


Wildlife is the main source of income for the Maasai, but unfortunately, not many benefit from their beauty.

These amazing animals literally live next door the rural communities we work in.


Anna and Khala play with the students at Ramah

s i m p l e c a r e s av e s l i v e s


At Hawkers Market Girls Center.,

each year up to 100 girls are provided

with a secure place to learn, grow and

find employment at girls centers in

the slums of Nairobi.

These girls are provided with lunch,

computers and sewing machines all

in a well supervised environment. If

not for the programs, these girls

would be subject to the daily rigors of

life in the slums, which is unpleasant

at best.

The girls grow their own food, have

eco friendly water systems and pro-

vide an outlet for these young women

to express their views and opinions.

FICCS has been providing healthcare

and Job raining, medical supplies,

laptops and solar power and internet

to help empower these young women

to become the future leaders.

In rural areas, girls are subject to

FGM, female genital mutilation,

which is not only extremely pain-

ful, but it also causes health prob-

lems. Most girls undergo this ritual

at about 13 and are soon after mar-

ried off. It is banned in urban areas

but still continues in rural commu-

nities. For women, it is viewed as a

right of passage, for girls, it is the

loss of their innocence.

The program has boosted the girls self-esteem, made them feel good about themselves and the program has

given them much needed healthcare assistance. Before the healthcare program many girls would leave the

center due to their ailments. ”I wish you had come earlier because so many girls have left the program because of health problems.”, stated Esther Maina, 20 from Kibera

The 15 week class covers the following topics:

Physical Exam Breast Exam First Aid Breast Exam Caring for sick

Personal Hygiene Disease Prevention STD’s HIV/AIDS/TB Counseling

Sports Injuries Basic Life Support Mental Health Nutrition Medical Camp

Rural areas suffer the most due to the lack of basic medicines, such as malaria and infant immunizations and often they have to walk miles in the hot sun to reach the nearest clinic



Girls from the Oloika Primary School in Magadi, Kenya are happy to receive medical supplies and a new soccer ball!


“I thought problems I was having with my body were normal because no one ever told me there was something wrong. Now I know to check myself often and see a doctor if something is wrong, but best of all, I have been able to teach others what I have learned about taking care of yourself.”

Ann Waniru, 20, Kibera

Ann Waniru and Esther Maina, both 20, receive healthcare awards

m e d i c a l c h a l l e n g e s


Most African doctors, nurses and

biomedical engineers leave for the

more lucrative obs in the West.

This leaves a huge void in the

healthcare system and often leads

to patients seeking alternative

sources of help, such as tribal eld-

ers. As the population continues to

On July 16, 2009, Elijah Moses Seka, 43, from Nairobi, Kenya, suffered a heart attack while at his job as a driver/clerk in the city of Nairobi. Worried about his wife Leah and his three girls, Norah, Gloria and Miriam, Elijah was concerned that he would never be able to provide for his family again. However, Elijah was granted a reprieve when FICCS and Founder, Dr. Parag V. Patel happened to be in town and performed angioplasty and stenting procedures which have enabled Elijah to lead a healthy and

normal life. “Most people in Kenya die because they cannot afford medical care,” stated Elijah.

With over 200,000 people in Kenya requiring heart procedures each year and only 3 heart surgeons there is a drastic need to improve Kenya’s surgical abilities. Most heart patients are relegated to a life of misery as they cannot work nor do their daily chores as they sit around and wait to die. Even worse, the surgical fees are simply too

much for a person making only $1 per day. “If not for them (FICCS), my surgery would not have been possible”, stated Elijah, “I could not afford the cost of the surgery ($7,000) and with no money and no way to work I was lost. Many people in Kenya just die but I was given a miracle .”

This elderly patient has had his life extended because of a donated pacemaker.

Dr. Patel examines Maasai patients at the Loita Hills Dispensary


“Many people in Kenya just die because they cannot afford medical care, but I was given a miracle and I greatly appreciate it.” Eliah Seka, after having a heart attack

Non Communicable Diseases (NCD’s) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respi-ratory diseases and diabetes represent a major threat to al-ready overburdened healthcare systems in the developing parts of the world. Since the majority of the world health initiatives focusing on HIV/AIDS, TB and other communicable diseases, these NCD’s are swiftly becom-ing the biggest healthcare prob-lem in low-income countries. Amazingly, 80% of all NCD’s are in low and middle income countries and it is estimated that over 30 million people will die from these NCD’s, nearly five times as many that will die from HIV/AIDS.

c o m m u n i t y c h a l l e n g e s


Rivers of raw sewage, 10 foot high

piles of trash, animals and children

competing for food are only a few

obstacles faces by low-income fami-

lies in East Africa. The smell alone

causes respiratory problems and the

malnutrition and crime rates are ex-

tremely high.

Average Africans make between $1-$2

per day which leaves little room for

anything other than food. With

women carrying the burden of feed-

ing the families, this often leads to

deviant behaviors, such as drug abuse

and prostitution.

Children are most vulnerable as they

are used as forced labor and are even

sold as sex slaves. It is not uncom-

mon for a mother to sell her girl into

marriage as early as 11 simply to feed

the rest of her children. Poverty can

make good people make bad deci-

sions which destroy lives.

Clean water is a luxury for the ma-

jority of Africans. Drought and

poor planning have led many peo-

ple to die due to poor quality

drinking water. Many drink water

from the same sources as the ani-

mals and where they wash them-

selves and their belonging. In

some cases, it takes all day just to

walk to the nearest water hole.

Young women and girls are the last to be fed, leading to malnutrition and devel-opment related problems and they are often taken from school to care for their siblings and in extreme cases, and they are subject to FGM (female genital mu-tilation). All these factors, and more, combined with extreme poverty; leave these young women and girls with no access to healthcare or medical supplies. Girls in the slums miss school regularly due to the lack of simple sanitary pads. Thus, the healthcare issues for young women and girls in Kenya is more than a medical problem, it is a socioeconomic problem.

70% of the girls we work with have only reached the 8th grade. Many have only completed up to grade 3rd grade which poses a major problem in disease aware-ness. Young women and girls in Africa suffer disproportionately in both NCD’s (non communicable diseases) and communicable diseases due to a second class status for women in society. The burden is even greater for orphans who are girls and Kenya has an extremely large orphan population.

Many young women and girls walk miles each day simply to fetch water. This tiresome

chore leaves little time for school or play.


The slums are littered with raw sewage which poses many health problems, especially for the young and those

with weak immune systems. The toilets (behind girls) are merely holes dug in the ground by the community.


o u r v o l u n t e e r s


Pam Knight, Medtronic Kenya, Khala

Dean, Medtronic USA and Wendy

Watton, Medtronic South Africa, all

assisted Dr. Patel in 2010.

Medtronic USA has been a long term

partner with FICCS, having donated

over 50 pacemakers to poor and disad-

vantaged East Africans since 2003.

The partnership has enabled FICCS to

perform very costly procedures free of

charge. In East Africa, most people

cannot afford the cost of the surgery let

alone the cost of the pacemakers.

All patients have benefited from Med-

tronic's state of the art equipment and

highly trained volunteer personnel who

travel with the volunteer doctors.

In addition, Medtronic employees

have assisted in training of African

medical workers and have been a huge

asset when working with the young

women and children. Thanks for all

the good work Medtronic!

In 2010, the Aqualia Foundation,

located in Bermuda, donated

$50,000 USD to assist with the

young women and girls programs.

Thanks to their support, we are

currently bringing healthcare, ob

skills training and scholarships to

hundreds of disadvantaged girls in

the slums of Kenya. Thanks

Aqualia, you are saving lives in Af-

rica, one girl at a time!

The First Annual “Changing Lives in Kenya” Fundraiser was held in Chicago, in September

2010, and was a great success thanks to partners such as St Jude Medical Foundation.


Medtronic employees from around the world work with Dr. Patel and FICCS in Kenya From left to right, Pam Knight,

Medtronic Kenya, Khala Dean, Medtronic USA and Wendy Watton, Medtronic South Africa

19 Charity Heart Surgeries in 2010

s p e c i a l t h a n k s


Advocate Lutheran General Hospi-

tal is a 645-bed teaching, research

and referral hospital located in

Park Ridge, Illinois. It has a level I

trauma center and it is one of the

largest hospitals in the Chicago

area. It also has the only Chil-

dren’s hospital in the greater north and northwest suburban region of

Chicago and a major regional refer-

ral center for a broad range of in-

fant and pediatric services.

Lutheran General has been recog-

nized ten times as one of the Top

100 Hospitals 15 Top major teach-

ing hospitals in the country. Since,

1999, Lutheran General has been

rated by US News & World Report

as being one of America’s best hos-pitals and received “TOP 50 in the Nation” for medical excellence and advanced capabilities in many


Nairobi X Ray, Meditec Systems

and Fuji (Kenya) Ltd have been

integral partners since 2003. These

Kenyan companies provide logisti-

cal support, communications sup-

port and hands on training of bio-

medical engineers. In addition,

they provide all maintenance and

installation of donated state of the

art medical equipment. In short,

they are invaluable to our mission.

Meditec Systems biomedical engineers

install donated medical equipment and

train local Kenyan biomedical engineers.


State of the Art medical equipment on its way to East Africa thanks to our supporters and friends!


Ww Hh Aa Tt ’ Ss Nn Ee Xx Tt ?


Provide state of the art medical

equipment and training

Provide school supplies and medi-

cines for children

Healthcare and women’s hygiene training and supplies

Charity heart surgeries

Training African cardiologists,

nurses and biomedical engineers

Pacemaker donations

University scholarships

High school scholarships

Disease prevention programs

Health awareness workshops

USA medical volunteers

Women’s Programs

Dr. Parag V. Patel D.O./Chairman

Stacy Harris/Managing Director Programs (Kenya)

Karen Mulcahy/Managing Director Operations and Development

Arvinder “Raju” Bharaj/Biomedical Engineer and Logistics Specialist

Anna Baniak/Women and Children

Khala Dean/Medical

Jen Law/Women and Children

Feeding program to help combat malnutrition

Healthcare and First Aid training for over 2000 women and girls

Disease prevention workshops and medical camps

Nursing and Nutrition scholarships to provide access to care for the needy

Teaching scholarships to promote a better educated community

High School and Primary School scholarships for needy girls

Community business development programs to empower women

Water and sanitation projects to help prevent disease

Charity Heart Surgeries and Training at Uganda Heart Institute TBD

Due to government schools being located miles away, many rural Maasai children never get a chance to attend



In remote areas such as Magadi and Loita Hills, transportation is a huge obstacle. These boys carry donated medical and

school supplies back to their school.



W W W . F I C C S . N E T



1010 Sheridan Road House of Vanguard

Wilmette, IL 60091 PO Box 41669-00100 Nairobi

Phone: 224-875-1631 Phone: 011-254-713-480-736


Donate online by visiting our website at or make a check or money order payable to: FICCS

Mail to: 1010 Sheridan Rd, Wilmette, IL 60091 US 501 (c ) (3) non profit organization


Aqualia Foundation Medtronic Nairobi X Ray

Boston Scientific Fuji (Kenya) Meditec (Kenya )

Grand Worldwide Logistics Guidant Owens& Minor

City of Rosemont (IL) Ecotech Map International

St Jude Medical Foundation MERCK University of Nairobi

Advocate Lutheran Hospital Shering-Plough The Karen Hospital

Advocate Medical Group St Pius X Oloika Primary School

Melchizedek Hospital Safe Spaces St Peter Parishes

Under the Acacia Box Girls Ramah Care Center

Buffalo Wild Wings Bar & Gril Oloika School Shompole Lodge

Southwest Airlines Magadi Soda Shompole Maasai

Chicago White Sox Charities Loita Clinic Hawkers Market

“Changing Lives in Kenya” 2nd Annual Fundraiser Date: Friday, October 28, 2011

Location: Stan Mansion, 2408 N. Kedzie, Chicago

Time: 8 pm

* Silent Auction * Live Entertainment *

$50 in Advance $60 at the Door

For more information contact [email protected]

Edited by Stacy Harris/FICCS