Magazine cover research

The colours of the masthead have been chosen to match the cover models clothing There is not really a tag line on this front cover. The models on the cover are all wearing the same colours, this shows that they are all together. This then anchored to writing to the right of the image. The models are stood behind a gray background which also goes with what the models are wearing. The gray makes the blue of the Masthead stand out. The models on the cover look like they are having fun but also have a serious side to the way that they are posing. This could be an The woman who is stood in the forefront compared to the others looks slightly intimidating compared to the men in the picture who look like they are having fun and are more inviting. There is no secondary image on the front cover of Rolling Stone. This shows that the people on the cover are the most important. There are 6 other coverline on the front cover. These are used to try to lure in the reader. They might be things that other people will be interested in There is no bar code on the front cover but they do have the price and edition They change the colour of the title and the writing depending on the colour scheme of the photo shoot The writing on the left hand side is a different font compared to the right.

Transcript of Magazine cover research

Page 1: Magazine cover research

The colours of the masthead have been chosen to match the cover models clothing

There is not really a tag line on this front cover.

The models on the cover are all wearing the same colours,

this shows that they are all together. This then anchored to writing to the right of the


The models are stood behind a gray background which also

goes with what the models are wearing. The gray makes the blue of the Masthead stand


The models on the cover look like they are having fun but

also have a serious side to the way that they are posing. This could be an indication of what their show is going to be like.

The woman who is stood in the forefront compared to the

others looks slightly intimidating compared to the men in the picture who look like they are having fun and

are more inviting.

There is no secondary image on the front cover of Rolling Stone. This shows that the

people on the cover are the most important.

There are 6 other coverline on the front cover. These are used

to try to lure in the reader. They might be things that

other people will be interested in rather than just the main


There is no bar code on the front cover but they do have

the price and edition

They change the colour of the title and the writing depending

on the colour scheme of the photo shoot

The writing on the left hand side is a different font compared to the right.

Page 2: Magazine cover research

The colours of the masthead match the colour of the models hair

The tag line is under the masthead and is also in the same box The central image is a close up

of the models head. Her pose is quite enticing because you are drawn to her eyes before anything else

There are no secondary images on this page. This is because they believe that the main image will be enough to get people to look at the cover.

The writing above the image gives an insight into what the article will be about. Apart from the logo this writing is the biggest on the page. This is to catch peoples attention

They use a Puff on the cove. It shows you a new edition to the magazine, that you might not know if you don’t read the magazine

They use a direct mode of address this is because the model is looking right down the camera

There are 5 other cover lines on the front cover. This is used to get people to buy this magazine even if they don’t like who is on the cover

The style of the writing changes depending on the photo shoot but the logo never changes colour

They have a barcode on the bottom of the magazine. Above it they have the price and edition

Page 3: Magazine cover research

The cover model covers some of the title of the magazine, but people still know what magazine it is.

The cover model is also in a different colour to the rest of the magazine, this makes him stand out.

The tag line looks like it is slightly covered by the cover model, it also goes straight through the title.

The tag line is much bigger then all of the other cover lines on the front cover. They use white and black separately to each other

The secondary image on the front cover is the what is on the cover of the free CD. This show that most of the content will be about the cover model

There are over 10 different cover lines on the front cover. This is there to try and lure the audience in with other things rather than the central image.

The puff is there to promote the free CD that the magazine is giving away.

The barcode is at the bottom of the page. It is quite small and you cannot see the price very well.

They have changed the colour of the masthead. The masthead is usually white but they have changed it because it my have become lost behind the cover models head.