Magazine cover montage:

I was instantly attracted to this image of the Patriotic British Bulldog. If I included this in my magazine cover, It would be relevant to my genre and also be an effective way of breaking up the text. Like my genre ‘Britpop’, this is perfect for representing this. As it is connoting ‘British music’ and therefore, it can easily be recognized as Britpop. I found this image particularly appealing as it is very similar to my experimental logo. Which I included in my questionnaire. Therefore, I think it is a very recognizable design. The British colours also relevant and representational. I like this design as it has the genre clearly written and therefore, is instantly relevant. It is clearly composed and the font appears almost artsy, much like a stencil.

Transcript of Magazine cover montage:

I was instantly attracted to this image of the Patriotic British Bulldog. If I included this in my magazine cover, It would be relevant to my genre and also be an effective way of breaking up the text.

Like my genre ‘Britpop’, this is perfect for representing this. As it is connoting ‘British music’ and therefore, it can easily be recognized as Britpop.

I found this image particularly appealing as it is very similar to my experimental logo. Which I included in my questionnaire. Therefore, I think it is a very recognizable design. The British colours also relevant and representational.

I like this design as it has the genre clearly written and therefore, is instantly relevant. It is clearly composed and the font appears almost artsy, much like a stencil.

This image on the left has nice lighting, Highlighting his face and I like that he is not staged. His expression is unexpected and I like that he isn’t facing the audience directly. However, I do think this image would have been more appropriate if he had direct eye contact.

The image above is probably my preferred shot. I love how the figures are not in the centre of the page, this is unique and artsy. I also like how the band members are holding individual expressions and not all looking at the audience.

The image below is nicely composed. I really like the square that the four characters have formed. Which gives a sense of balance and symmetry. There is also room left around the edges allowing room for the masthead and text.

The image above, is another favourite as it has another sense of symmetry. The figures are balanced out evenly and all dressed the same, connoting they are all in a band and related to one another in some way. I also like the mixture of expressions shown by each.

On the right, is my least favourite image as the band members all look unhappy and the majority of the page is taken up by their bodies. Therefore, the main focal point is their clothing.

This font I found was quite functional and artistic. I like the simplicity of it as this would ensure that it can be seen and recognized from a distance.

Not quite as old as the others shown on this page, however it is very unique and again, very artsy. Although it is not quite as easy to read, it would be remembered by the audience and could therefore represent my magazine and act almost like a logo.

Like the ‘Rolling Stones’ masthead, this particular font is quite similar. I like how it is bold and easily read. However, it is quite a common font style, I still like how simple it is.

My favourite font on this page, is this one shown. I really like how the font type is very ‘musical’ and artsy. Almost representing my genre of ‘Bripop’ simply by looking at its style.

Much like my ‘Unicorn’ font, this one is again, quite a commonly used font. However, it is very attractive and easily read. I like how it flows nicely and is very simple and unique.

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are needed to see this picture.

This colour scheme is one of my favourite, ‘Black, White and Red’ which is vibrant and bold. The red is relevant to my genre of ‘Britpop’ as it is featured in the British flag. The red text also connoted passion and warmth. Therefore, my target audience would find this appealing and eye catching.

The ‘Black, White and Yellow’ colour scheme is attractive and appealing. The yellow connotes happiness and liveliness. Which suggests that this particular magazine is positive and therefore, will attract my t.a to read on.

This is my favourite magazine colour scheme, the warm red/pink of the background links in well with the colour of the figures lips and the yellow greatly contrasts with the text and the red. Therefore connoting a passion for music and positivity. And the same time, also standing out to the t.a.