Magazine cover analysis

Magazine Cover Analysis…

Transcript of Magazine cover analysis

Magazine Cover Analysis…

The title of this master head stands out from others as it is clear, spaced out and bold, as the font is on a black/grey toned background, this means that people are able to see this better. This font is the perfect font to use as it highlight what the magazine is called so that the audience can remember it. There is no other features to the font, so is simplistic however shows that simple fonts can work best. The best part about this master head is that the letters are spaced are wider than other magazines, adding an effect which no other magazines possess.

The subtitle used, is the name of the man featured, which is also

bold, showing that this is the main feature of the magazine. By doing this the magazine can advertise what will be inside of

it, which will make people decide whether this is there kind

of feature or not. The font matches the master head so they don’t clash and it looks

professional, which is something I need to focus on so that I can highlight in a professional way.

The model is looking directly into the camera, which shows the intimacy and thought that has gone into creating the

magazine. The shot is close up so that we can focus on the face, which is another key feature of the magazine, nothing

else is exenterated, which also allows the focus of the audience to be on the features of the model.

The background of the photo is simple so that this allows the picture to stand out. I like the

overall theme to this design as it is very simple and works well. I would describe the theme as

“monochrome” as the only colours which are used are

white, grey and black. Parts of the photo, shadow features to

add an edge.

This magazine style, is very different from the style in which I would normally look at, however I think that the features incorporated onto it contrast well together. The overall theme of the magazine is monochrome, however there is a pop of red which helps with the key features of the magazine to stand out, such as the title, this element is needed as some of the text is covered by the model, in order for it to be legible. The colour palette of this magazine is in the same style in which I would go for. However, the downside to this magazine, in my opinion, would be the sizing of the text, as I feel that some text is oversized, which draws attention from the main aspect of the magazine (Megan Fox). For example the text to the right of the model is large, and though it looks good by the way in which it is placed on her, I feel that the sizing of the subheadings could be scaled down.

In this magazine, I feel that too much text is on the front, however this is because I like the cover of magazines to look ‘clean’.

To improve this I would make sure that I only

included relevant text on the front, such as key

features of the magazine.

This is another magazine where the model is looking directly into the camera, also showing the intimacy and thought that has gone into creating the magazine so that it appeals to a specific audience in which they aim for. This magazine have gone with a mid-shot, however, in some ways, still allows the audience to focus on the models face, as she is wearing plain black clothing and the shadows created by the lighting highlight her face, which is another key feature of the magazine, as nothing else is as bold, this highlights the main feature of the magazine.

Though this doesn’t follow the same colour palette in which I want to incorporate in my design, I feel that there are a lot of elements within this magazine which I could use to inspire me when creating my own. Though not a monochrome theme, this is one of my favourite colour schemes which I have seen on a magazine, as it is filled with neutral colours which contrast together to give a soft, chic look on the magazine. The attention to detail on the model is shown by the makeup which has been put on her face. They have also ensured when doing this that they do not over exenterate on the makeup, so that it fits in with the scheme of the magazine, but also highlighting key features.

The main reason as to why I like this magazine so much is because of the layout. The positioning of the model is central, which means that we are able to focus on the features which have been incorporated through her style. The text in on the plain background, so that it is legible and easy to read. It also is not too big so that we are still able to read it but it does not take over the main focus of the magazine. The title is spaced out so that it fills up the length of the page. This is another feature I like on the magazine as the title is spaced out, and bold making it easy to read, and will help stand out amongst other magazines. However the main reason as to why I like this is because that the only text that touches the model is the title which shows that the model is the main feature. I think some other features need to be added such as a price, barcode and issue number so that it looks more like a professional magazine.