MAF Canada 2014 Annual Report

Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada



Transcript of MAF Canada 2014 Annual Report

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Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada

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Who we areMission Aviation Fellowship of Canada is

a Christian, humanitarian, relief and development

organization whose mission is to fl y light aircraft

in developing regions so that people in remote

areas can receive the help they need. Since 1946,

our planes have been speeding the Good News of

God’s love through word and deed, to thousands

of isolated places where fl ying is not a luxury, but

a lifeline.

Every three minutes, somewhere in the world,

an MAF plane takes off or lands. Many of MAF’s

fl ights enable crucial work by many development

and aid agencies, missions, local churches and

other national groups. Because of MAF, medical

care, adequate food, clean water and Christian

compassion are reaching countless thousands of

men, women and children living in some of the

most isolated places in the world.

AccountabilityRegistered Offi ce Auditorsand Principal Address RLB LLP

264 Woodlawn Rd. W. 15 Lewis Rd.

Guelph, Ontario Guelph, ON

N1H 1B6 N1H 1E9

Principal Bankers LawyersTD Commercial Banking Miller Thomson LLP

381 King St. W. 301-100 Stone Rd. W.

Kitchener, ON Guelph, ON

N2G 1B9 N1G 5L3

Corporate Dunn & Bradstreet Number Number052777-7-M 240751768

Registered Charity Alberta Corporate Number Number12994 2561 RR0001 532467305

Website Date Incorporation 11 April, 1973

Affi liationsMAF Canada has a formal alliance with MAF-US,

and is an associate member of MAF International.

MAF Canada is a charter member of the

Canadian Council of Christian Charities.

Board of Directors

Chairperson Bill Watson

Calgary, AB

Vice Chairperson

Greg Cox

Middletown, NS

Treasurer/SecretarySuanne de Boer-Miedema

Toronto, ON

David Hutchinson

Toronto, ON

Hal Rainforth

Calgary, AB

Laura Selig

Moncton, NB

Paul Short

Moncton, NB

Our missionSharing God’s love through aviation and


Our visionIsolated people physically and spiritually

transformed in Christ’s name.

Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada | fy2014 Annual Report

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Bill with some new friends in Papua New Guinea. BiiBillllll wwitith h sosomeme nnewew ffririenendsd iinnn PaPPaaapupupupupp aaa NeNeNeNewww w w GuGuGuGG ininneaea.


The last fi nancial year ending September 30th 2014,

has been a year of change, challenge and blessing

for our ministry. We have seen leadership and

staff changes within MAF Canada, but also God’s

faithfulness as He has blessed our ministry beyond

our expectations.

There has been continued improvement in

our fi nancial status due to increased donor giving

and non-strategic asset sales. Improved focus on

fi nancial reporting and enhanced fi nancial controls

have enabled us to continue to be good stewards

of the resources God has entrusted to us.

Key activities included the development of

a new four-year strategic plan, as well as the

implementation of a more focused and functional

organizational structure to propel the ministry


However, the greatest achievement in the

ministry from my perspective is the way our

missionaries are transforming lives, both physically

and spiritually, in the many countries we serve;

often with great personal sacrifi ce and risk. I am

constantly touched and encouraged through the

many missionary letters I receive and read. Our

people are living out their passion; serving those in

need of humanitarian and medical aid, as well as

those who need to hear the life transforming news

of the Gospel.

I would like to recognize Gary Toews, who at

short notice agreed to take on the responsibilities of

Interim CEO in May. Gary has done an outstanding

job in leading the organization and bringing stability

and encouragement to the staff .

The Board is truly grateful.

Chairman’s updateAfter a thorough search process, the Board is

pleased to announce that a new CEO has been

appointed. We would like to welcome Brad Bell,

into the MAF Canada family.

Lastly I would like to thank everyone who is

involved with MAF Canada, directly or indirectly,

for your participation in making MAF Canada the

impactful ministry that it is. None of this would

be possible without the extraordinary passion and

commitment of all our supporters, partners, staff

and missionary families serving around the globe.

The Board of Directors truly thanks each of you for

the role you play in realizing the vision and mission

of MAF Canada.

It is truly a privilege to serve as the Chairman of

the Board alongside my fellow Directors and Staff

of MAF Canada. I look forward to what God has

planned for our Ministry in 2015 and beyond.

Serving Christ and MAF Canada together,

Bill Watson

Board Chair

MAF Canada

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of

those who bring the Good News, who proclaim

peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim

salvation, who say to Zion,“ Your God reigns!”

Isaiah 52:7 | 1.877.351.9344

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Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada | fy2014 Annual Report

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Numbers alone only tell half the story. The real story is told through the dedication, sacrifi ce, and commitment of the men, women, and families who serve...

MAF is often called upon to help in areas of need

that others struggle to access. In the Democratic

Republic of the Congo when an outbreak of the

Ebola Virus was confi rmed, MAF aircraft provided a

critical link to the remote district of Boende, where

the outbreak was identifi ed. “There is a small airstrip

in the area that we can use to deliver medical

personnel and supplies such as personal protective

equipment, medication, syringes, and quarantine

equipment. We have also carried specimens

out to Kinshasa for testing,” said Nick Frey, MAF

Programme Manager in West DRC. “MAF has

been working with World Food Program, Ministry

of Health, World Health Organization, and other

agencies to coordinate eff orts in the fi ght against

Ebola.” By the end of the outbreak, MAF had fl own

6,302 kilograms of cargo and 109 passengers into

the aff ected areas of the country, travelling over

12,000 nautical miles.

While performing fl ights for MercyShips in

Madagascar, MAF pilot Josh Plett had the pleasure of

meeting a young man named Eli. Encouraged by

his parents to tithe his pocket money, Eli’s keen

interest in aviation lead him to choose MAF, and

he has faithfully been donating each month for the

last two years (and counting!). Eli has been living

aboard the MercyShips hospital ship for two and a

half years, with his parents who serve as the ship’s

chaplains and his two sisters.

MAF crews take the initiative to ensure every

ministry opportunity is used to the fullest. In

Mongolia, the team recently received a fl ight

request for a Korean missionary serving in Uliesti,

who was sick and could not endure the grueling 30

hour trip by ground to Ulaanbaatar. Realizing that

transporting only one passenger would mean a lot

of empty seats, the MAF team called the remote

Uliesti hospital, and a number of other sick patients

and doctors were quickly added to the passenger

list. Thanks to the team’s thoughtful planning, these

additional patients were able to receive necessary,

more advanced treatment than what could be | 1.877.351.9344

Photo Jo Lamb

A worker disinfects the MAF airplane after returning from an ebola infected region

MAF pilots Josh Plett and Becki Dillingham with MAF donor, Eli

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found locally. They were also given some special

reading material for the 3 hour trip. MAF pilot Ryan

Van Geest reports “The green and blue books the

ladies are reading are ‘The Daily Bread,’ a small

devotional printed in Mongolian. Besides the

Korean missionary, there were no other Christian

passengers so it was a good opportunity to share

through the devotions.”

MAF Missionary Kid Jonathan Smith, son of Tim

and Sandra Smith, put his gifts and talents to use

while with his family serving in Indonesia. He joined

an initiative by missionaries with The Alliance (C&MA)

aimed at educating Papuans on the dangers of HIV/

AIDS called “Semua Harus Tahu” or “Everyone Must

Know.” Jonathan was involved in the production

of a video in Indonesian that helped explain the

dangers of HIV-AIDS. The video was aired on the

local television stations, and Jonathan’s senior class

also raised money to fl y to the interior and show

the fi lm to people in the village of Kobakma where

they do not have access to TV. During that trip they

also showed the Jesus Film and conducted Sunday

Services in the village. Jonathan says about the

experience: “We had so many crazy opportunities

to share with people about AIDS and the Gospel,

even just small conversations after church were

fi lled with God’s presence...Not only did God work

in the people of Kobakma through us, but he also

worked in us through everyone we encountered,

friends and strangers. We really learned the power

of God.”

In Papua New Guinea, Jason & Melanie Marsh

showed that MAF families are truly willing to answer

the call, whenever it comes. Just after serving

Melanie breakfast in bed on the morning of their

wedding anniversary, Jason received a call over

the radio with a request for an emergency medical

evacuation – a young boy had suff ered a snake

bite in the village of Owena. Without the reliable

refrigeration in the village necessary to keep the

anti-venom on hand, the boy would need to be

rushed out to a main centre to save his life. While

this changed the outlook of the couple‘s day

somewhat, they were still able to spend it together

as there was space for Melanie to accompany

Jason on the fl ight. As they were fl ying, Melanie

was praying about a few diff erent things: “... that the

little boy would be able to hang on until we were

able to get him to a hospital, that the wind would

remain calm and the airstrip clear for landing and

that my breakfast would remain where I had put it

that morning.” Thankfully Naha, the snake’s victim,

cheated the usual outcome of a death adder’s bite.

He was lucky that it struck his fi nger and therefore

the poison did not make its way into the blood

stream quickly and with MAF’s quick response he

made it to treatment in time to save his life.

Our MAF maintenance teams work behind the

scenes to not only repair aircraft when sudden issues

arise, but also perform routine inspections to keep

the aircraft operating safely and in peak condition.

Passengers read Gospel literature including a copy of MAF’s Flying for Life periodical

Jonathan Smith (far left) and the class from Hillcrest International School along with MAF pilot, Tim Smith (third from left)

Canadian MAF pilot, Jason Marsh provides last minute instructions prior to take off from Owena, PNG

Chief Engineer Romão Meto Antônio guides the overhauled propeller onto C-GADK in Angola

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When one of those regular inspections on one of

our C182 SMAs stationed in Angola revealed the

failure of an internal washer and irregular bearing

wear in the aircraft’s propeller, our AMEs determined

that the propeller would need to be overhauled

much sooner than anticipated. An inspection of

our second C182 revealed a crack in that plane’s

crankcase, grounding it until the engine could be

replaced. We thanked God that this failure was

discovered during our team’s diligent inspections

and not while the plane was in operation. With

the ongoing need for fl ights in Angola, even a few

weeks of downtime meant MAF would have to turn

down fl ight requests. Our engineers made the most

of the situation by using the serviceable propeller

on the second C182 keeping it in operation, and we

began seeking out the funds urgently needed for

the repairs. We were overjoyed by the immediate

response and generosity of our donors allowing the

aircraft to be repaired and back on the line serving

the people of Angola.

2014 saw 6 new families and individuals begin

their overseas assignments with MAF. Chris and

Karyn Ball were one of these families, and began

serving the people of South Sudan. Karyn refl ects:

“Most people sounded shocked when we told them

we were moving to South Sudan. I’m sure countless

others called us crazy, though thankfully they didn’t

all say it directly to our faces. But God has called

us here, clearly and passionately. And thankfully,

He has also given us a love for this country and

a desire to call it our home.” Chris quickly found

out fi rsthand how vital MAF’s role is in this new and

tumultuous country. In the middle of September,

when the town of Renk in northern South Sudan

unexpectedly exploded in gunfi re and shelling,

MAF was called in to rescue MEDAIR staff caught in

the unrest. Chris piloted the second of two fl ights

on consecutive days that evacuated a total of 17

people from the dangerous area. “We agreed on a

ground signal with the MEDAIR team so they could

make the decision for me to land or not at the last

minute depending on the situation,” remembers

Chris, “Thankfully the ground signal was positive, so

I continued with my approach. I parked the plane in

the middle of the runway where their vehicles were,

loaded up the plane with their gear and got them

on board. It was a very quick turn-around getting

back in the air. The MEDAIR staff was quite relieved

to be on their way out of the insecure situation.”

In the late summer, MAF Canada received a

generous donation of a Cessna C182. Because this

variant of the C182 ran on avgas which is expensive

and hard to fi nd in developing countries, a decision

was made in consultation with the donor, to sell

the plane, and apply the proceeds towards a more

suitable project.

When a couple from Canada’s West Coast

felt God calling them to give a sacrifi cial gift

towards the purchase of an aircraft for MAF, they

didn’t hesitate to contribute the last $1.5 million

needed to purchase a new Quest Kodiak for use

in MAF’s Ecuador program. Before this new Kodiak

could be put into service, it had to undergo some

break-in fl ights which provided us with the perfect

opportunity to visit a select number of cities across

Western Canada! The autumn weather co-operated

and the plane, fl own by MAF pilot Tim Chase with

pilot and MAF volunteer, Jim Muir in the right seat,

was able to visit 7 cities in 4 provinces during its 8

day journey. “It was a tremendous opportunity for

us to meet so many of our faithful supporters, and

hear their stories and connection to MAF. We came

away feeling truly blessed,” said Craig Lewis, MAF

Canada’s Director of Resource Development. | 1.877.351.9344

Canadian MAF pilot, Chris Ball fl ies the Caravan to Renk, South Sudan

People gather to get an up close look at the new Quest Kodiak donated for use in Ecuador

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Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada | fy2014 Annual Report

MAF staff in Botswana serve the rural communities of that African nation through partner organization, Flying Mission Services.

MAF staff in Botswana se


MAF missionaries serving in Canada work to promote the ministry of MAF and recruit and train new individuals and families for missionary service.

Canadians based in Haiti provide a life-link to communities and those helping to rebuild following 2010’s devastating earthquake.

MAF helps to facilitate the eff orts of many organizations that are working together to see the Gospel shared in this country.

MAF helps to facilitateA


Canadians based in the UK oversee many aspects of the maintenance of our global fl eet that keep our planes serviced and fl ying.

MAF is instrumental in providing rural communities with access to health care through our Flying Doctor service.

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anadians based in the UCa


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Canadians based in Haiti


Canadian MAF missionaries serve in two restricted access countries (which we are not able to list here for security reasons) where government or local restrictions forbid the preaching of the Gospel.

Canadian MAF missionaries


MAF is expanding into the southern regions of Angola, and is providing a valuable Flying Doctor service.

is expanding into thMAF isis expanding in


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All countries served by MAF

Countries served by Canadians in MAF

Our People Make

the Diff erence

52,206HOURS FLOWNHours fl own helped

to provide lifelines to

communities isolated by

hostile terrain.

78,108 FLIGHTSTake-off s turned God’s love

into practical action for

those in need.

199,267 PASSENGERSOn average, MAF carried

545 passengers every day,

many of whom had no

other way to get across vast

rivers, jungles, or mountains.

6,233,476 NAUTICAL MILESMAF planes fl ew a total of

11,544,397 km, a distance

equal to over 288 times

around the equator.

6,766,184kgs of FREIGHTIn addition to passengers,

MAF delivered water, food,

animals, fuel, Bibles, tools,

mail, medical and school

supplies and more.

MAF’s holistic approach to ministry focuses

on meeting people’s physical needs. MAF

Canada’s primary contribution to this

global work is found in our people

who in 2014, served in 19 countries

around the world.

Together, Canadians serving with MAF

contribute to a global eff ort that impacts the

lives of countless families living in thousands of

communities around the world. In fact, in a recent

global 12 month period, Canadians serving with

MAF helped to make the following possible:

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Despite the fragile security, there is a great need to expand our services in South Sudan. MAF staff are working to bring hope to this beleaguered African nation.

Despite the fragile securspite the fragile secur


From hockey to orphanages, the Mongolia team is always looking for new ways to help the Church and Christian organizations bring the Gospel to Mongolia.

From hockey to


MAF missionaries help to impact the burgeoning church in Indonesia as its members strive to mature in their faith.

MAF staff in Madagascar are making a huge impact and witness through Medical Safaris that provide health care and vaccines to rural communities.

MAF staff in Madagascar


Canadians in Zambia serve the country through our partner Flying Mission Services.

Canadians in Zambia ser


In a country with few roads, MAF is a major source of access to Papua New Guinea’s vast interior, providing non government and mission agencies with safe and reliable transport, as well as providing remote communities with access to the outside world.

In a country with fewn


MAF missionaries are working with partner organizations to develop expanded programmes in the northwestern area of the country.

MAF missionaries areeMMA


MAF missionaries serving in Uganda provide access to that country as well as neighboring South Sudan.

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MAF missionaries in Kenya not only provide support to organizations based here, but to those working in South Sudan as well.

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Canadian MAF staff in Australia serve at the Australian Center for Mission Aviation (ACMA) which is a mission aviation training school run collaboratively between ACMA, MAF, and JAARS.

Canadian MAF staff in


In cases where individuals have more than one role, the numbers above refl ect their primary role only. These roles include programme and country directors, fi nance and logistics staff , technology specialists, teachers, and administrators.

MAF missionaries help toM


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Page 10: MAF Canada 2014 Annual Report

We have audited the accompanying fi nancial

statements of Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada,

which comprise the statement of fi nancial position

as at September 30, 2014 and the statements of

operations and changes in net assets, changes in

net assets and cash fl ows for the year then ended,

and a summary of signifi cant accounting policies

and other explanatory information.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial StatementsManagement is responsible for the preparation and

fair presentation of these fi nancial statements in

accordance with Canadian accounting standards

for not for profi t organizations and for such internal

control as management determines is necessary to

enable the preparation of fi nancial statements that

are free from material misstatement, whether due

to fraud or error.

Auditor’s ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express an opinion on

these fi nancial statements based on our audit. We

conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian

generally accepted auditing standards. Those

standards require that we comply with ethical

requirements and plan and perform the audit

to obtain reasonable assurance about whether

the fi nancial statements are free from material


An audit involves performing procedures to obtain

audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures

in the fi nancial statements. The procedures selected

depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the

assessment of the risks of material misstatement of

the fi nancial statements, whether due to fraud or

error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor

considers internal control relevant to the entity’s

preparation and fair presentation of the fi nancial

statements in order to design audit procedures

that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not

for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the

eff ectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An

audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness

Chartered Accountants

Licensed Public Accountants

Independent Auditor’s Report to the members of

Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada

Guelph, Ontario

of accounting policies used and the reasonableness

of accounting estimates made by management, as

well as evaluating the overall presentation of the

fi nancial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained

is suffi cient and appropriate to provide a basis for

our qualifi ed audit opinion.

Basis for Qualifi ed OpinionIn common with many charitable organizations,

the organization derives revenue from the general

public in the form of donations, fundraising

activities, and other revenues, the completeness

of which is not susceptible to satisfactory audit

verifi cation. Accordingly, our verifi cation of these

revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in

the records of the organization and we were not

able to determine whether any adjustments for

unrecorded receipts might be necessary for these

types of revenues received during the year.

Qualifi ed OpinionIn our opinion, except for the eff ects of the matter

described in the Basis for Qualifi ed Opinion

paragraph, these fi nancial statements present

fairly, in all material respects, the fi nancial position

of Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada as at

September 30, 2014 and its fi nancial performance

and its cash fl ows for the year then ended in

accordance with Canadian accounting standards

for not for profi t organizations.

Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada | fy2014 Annual Report

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Greg CoxAudit Committee Chairman (fy2014)

How the resources were used in FY2014

Missionary Support 51%

Aircraft Purchase 18%

Special Projects 11%

Development of

International Programs

and Recruitment 3%

Fundraising 10%

Administration 7%

Condensed statementof operations


Suanne de Boer-MiedemaTreasurer/Secretary (fy2014) | 1.877.351.9344



Missionary Support 3,744,537 3,525,773

Special Projects and Programs 2,008,488 847,823

Capital Campaign 2,300 -

General Missions 882,587 900,138

Gift in Kind 958,070 80,651

7,595,982 5,354,385

Aircraft Reserve Contributions - 17,264

Program Fees 13,031 19,201

Interest 1,804 -

Other Revenue and

Non-Receipted Donations 741,845 715,680

8,352,662 6,106,530


Missionary Support 4,205,913 3,947,483

Special Projects and Programs 887,780 688,763

Capital Campaign Fundraising Costs 33,587 14,585

Dental Fund Costs 66,349 64,701

Development, international 227,871 399,980

General Administration 617,623 586,099

Fundraising Costs 786,345 621,621

6,825,468 6,323,232



Amortization (73,768) (60,495)

Premium Transfers 72,908 71,182

Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Assets (5,494) (109,172)

Gain (Loss) on Exchange and Investments 6,986 (20,197)

632 (118,682)

SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 1,527,826 (335,384)

NET ASSETS, beginning of year 2,099,289 2,434,673

NET ASSETS, end of year 3,627,115 2,099,289

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Our health intervention projects are in some

of the hardest to reach corners of DRC. MAF

is an important partner for us as we deliver

health care to over 8 million people.

Dr. Larry SthreshleyCongo Director for IMA World Health

[email protected]

1.877.351.9344519.821.3914 (local)

264 Woodlawn Rd. W.Guelph, ON N1H 1B6