Madonna Priestess of the Music Industry

Madonna’s Superbowl Halftime Show: A Celebration of the Grand Priestess of the Music Industry By VC | February 6th, 2012 | Category: Music Business | 724 comments When I learned that Madonna – aka the Grand Priestess of the music industry – would be performing at the Superbowl halftime show, I thought: “This should be interesting”. And it was. While most were amazed by a woman in her fifties dancing around with LMFAO and others were annoyed at her lip-syncing, I was interested with something else: the flurry of symbolism flashed to billions of viewers worldwide. While most considered Madonna’s performance as an entertaining interlude to the most important football game of the year, those blessed with symbol-literacy will probably agree with the following statement: Madonna’s halftime show was a big celebration of the Illuminati industry and of its Grand Priestess, Madonna. A week before the Superbowl, Madonna described on Anderson Cooper the spiritual importance she attributed to her halftime show: “The Superbowl is kind of like the Holy of Holies in America. I’ll come at halfway of the “church experience” and I’m gonna have to deliver a sermon. It’ll have to be very impactful.”

Transcript of Madonna Priestess of the Music Industry

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Madonna’s Superbowl Halftime Show: A Celebration of the Grand Priestess of the Music Industry

By VC | February 6th, 2012 | Category: Music Business | 724 comments

When I learned that Madonna – aka the Grand Priestess of the music industry – would be performing at the Superbowl halftime show, I thought: “This should be interesting”. And it was. While most were amazed by a woman in her fifties dancing around with LMFAO and others were annoyed at her lip-syncing, I was interested with something else: the flurry of symbolism flashed to billions of viewers worldwide. While most considered Madonna’s performance as an entertaining interlude to the most important football game of the year, those blessed with symbol-literacy will probably agree with the following statement: Madonna’s halftime show was a big celebration of the Illuminati industry and of its Grand Priestess, Madonna.

A week before the Superbowl, Madonna described on Anderson Cooper the spiritual importance she attributed to her halftime show:

“The Superbowl is kind of like the Holy of Holies in America. I’ll come at halfway of the “church experience” and I’m gonna have to deliver a sermon. It’ll have to be very impactful.”

It is rather appropriate that this Kaballah-intiate referred to the Superbowl as the “Holy of Holies” as it was the name of the most sacred place in Solomon’s Temple. No one was ever permitted to enter the Holy of Holies but the High Priest. This privilege was only granted on the Day of Atonement, to offer the blood of sacrifice and incense before the mercy seat. Madonna’s analogy was therefore telling of the mindset behind her performance. Let’s look at the main parts of her show.

Vogue or Entrance of the Priestess

Madonna entrance is an elaborate procession fit for a High Priestess or even a goddess.

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Pushed by hundreds of Roman soldiers and welcomed by hundreds of women, Madonna's glorious entrance is a reflection of her status in the entertainment world.

Her first performance was highly influenced by ancient Egypt-Sumeria-Babylon and Madonna’s costume recalls an ancient Babylonian goddess.

The decor of Madonna's first performance combines elements from ancient Egypt, Sumeria and Babylon. Madonna herself is dressed in a way that highly resembles an Ancient Sumerian/Babylonian goddess, Inanna-Ishtar.

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Ishtar with her foot on a roaring lion and wearing a distinctive headdress resembling Madonna's horned crown. Ishtar is often depicted with wings, a feature that is recalled on Madonna's "carriage".

Ishtar was a powerful and assertive goddess whose areas of control and influence included warfare, love, sexuality, prosperity, fertility and prostitution. She sought the same existence as men, enjoying the glory of battle and seeking sexual experiences. Madonna’s portrayal as Ishtar is therefore quite interesting as one can argue that the pop singer has embodied, throughout her career, the same assertive yet highly sexual qualities of Ishtar, even achieving a state of power in the music industry that is usually reserved to men. On an esoteric level, Ishtar is associated with the planet Venus, known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star.

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The presence of two Sphinxes in front of Madonna greatly resembles the tarot card The Chariot. According to Manly P. Hall: "This card signifies the Exalted One who rides in the chariot of creation. The sphinxes drawing the chariot resent the secret and unknown power by which the victorious ruler is moved continuously through the various parts of his universe."

So, in this mythologically-charged setting, Madonna performed Vogue. During the performance, covers of Vogue Magazine were displayed, a publication that is at the forefront of Illuminati symbolism in fashion (as seen in the series of articles Symbolic Pics of the Month).

Vogue ends with a symbol that is consistent with the Egyptian-Babylonian theme of the performance, one that is also of highest importance in occult Secret Societies such as Freemasons, the Rosicrucians and the Illuminati: the Winged Sun-Disk.

The song ends with the displaying of a Winged Sun-Disk.

Egyptian mystics used the winged sun for ritualistic magic and invocations:

“‘Emblematic of the element of air, this consists of a circle or solar-type disk enclosed by a pair of wings. In ritual magic it is suspended over the alter in an easterly direction and used when invoking the protection and co-operation of the sylphs.”-Hope, Murry, “Practical Egyptian Magic”

The winged sun is still being used today by groups like the Freemasons, the Theosophists and the Rosicrucians.

“The Winged Globe is pre-eminently a Rosicrucian symbol, although the Illuminati may lay claim to it, and it may be admitted that it is of Egyptian origin. The Winged Globe is the symbol of the perfected soul making its flight back to the source of its creation in the Elysian fields beyond.”-Swinburne, Clymer, “The Rosicrucians, Their Teachings”

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The symbol of the winged-sun inside a Masonic lodge.

The display of this symbol, although apparently trivial and aesthetic, emphasizes on the occult spiritual dimension underlying Madonna’s entire performance.

Give Me All Your Luvin’ or Madonna’s Sex Kittens

Later in the show, Madonna performed her new single Give Me All Your Luvin’. The song features two new industry favorites: Nikki Minaj and M.I.A. In the song’s music video and during the Superbowl performance, these two female rappers are portrayed in a specific way: Instead of being presented as full-fledged artists contributing to Madonna’s song, they are portrayed as her “minions” who are cheering for the industry’s High Priestess. This “relationship” where Madonna is in power – and therefore the handler – is drenched in Mind Control symbolism, specifically Beta Programming, also know Sex Kitten Programming.

In the video for Give me Your Luvin', Madonna, Nikki Minaj and M.I.A. are dressed as Marilyn Monroe, the ultimate prototype of Sex Kitten Programming.

Another symbol associated with Sex Kitten programming is feline prints clothing and textiles. The entire half-time show was an animal-print extravaganza.

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Like a Prayer or the Final Sermon

Madonna closed the halftime show with one of her biggest hits: Like a Prayer. The video of this song was always controversial due to its mixing of religious themes with sexuality. As the song starts, the show takes on a very solemn and spiritual vibe as Madonna and Cee-Lo Green enter the stage to give the final sermon. Religious figures are usually dressed in white to represent purity and godliness. The two singers where dressed in black robes and black robes are usually used in…black masses.

As the song begins, a huge eye pupil is displayed before the stage, hinting to the Illuminati-influence of this spiritual performance.

Madonna’s halftime show ends in a dramatic yet very significant matter:

At the end of her performance, the floor opens underneath Madonna's feet and she falls into oblivion.

As Madonna is swept in what appears to be the “Underworld”, Madonna sings “I hear you call my name, And it feels like home”. This is another inversion of conventional religious symbolism as “home” should be in the heavens. In Madonna’s case, she obviously didn’t go in that direction.

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The show ends with a message no one can disagree with.

The words "World Peace" appear on the stage, a PR-friendly slogan used by those pushing for a New World Order lead by a one world government.

In Conclusion

When taken individually, the symbols described above can be simply considered as “cool-looking” and most Superbowl viewers did not give them much attention. The packing all of these signs and symbols in one comprehensive 13 minute performance cannot however be dismissed as “random images”. Quite to the contrary, the combination of all of these symbols form a whole and define with great depth the underlying philosophy and Agenda of those in power – the Illuminati. Madonna’s embrace of the Illuminati symbolism discussed on this site coincides with her signing with Interscope Records, one of the main purveyors of Illuminati symbolism in the music industry. Her halftime show performance can therefore be considered as the “launching” of her three-album (and 40 million dollars) relationship with the prominent label. Madonna’s Superbowl performance has shown that, despite the fact that she is an industry icon and that she pioneered most of the themes modern pop stars still exploit, she still needs to fit the mold and to embrace the same symbolism rookie pop stars.

Laced with profound imagery, Madonna’s halftime performance was a massive Illuminati ritual, one that was witnessed by billions of viewers. On this Superbowl “Day of Atonement”, Madonna, the High Priestess of the Illuminati industry, entered the Holy of Holies of America and delivered a 13 minutes sermon that was heard by all…but understood by few.

Madonna’s MDNA Tour Replete with Illuminati Agenda

By VC | June 4th, 2012 | Category: Latest News | 218 comments

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The Grand Priestess of the music industry is back on tour and it began in Tel-Aviv, Israel. As we’ve seen in the article on the 2012 Superbowl Half-Time show, Madonna signed a multi-year deal with Interscope records and, since then, all of her new works fully embrace the same Illuminati Agenda as the rest of the music industry. However, since it is Madonna things are taken to another level. People have come to expect controversy from Madonna, but this is not simply controversy for the sake of it like she used to do in the 90 s. Nope, this is ′ symbolic and calculated controversy, engineered to carry all of the Illuminati’s messages. Here’s a short article from the Telegraph that sums up her show.

Madonna tells Israel: you can’t be a fan of mine and not want world peace

Madonna, whose conversion to the esoteric Jewish sect Kabbalah sparked an unlikely trend in Hollywood, launched her world tour in Tel Aviv last night with a plea for peace in the Middle East.

The American singer greeted 30,000 Israeli fans in Tel Aviv’s Ramat Gan Stadium with the declaration: “You can’t be a fan of mine and not want peace in the world”. Her management had distributed hundreds of free tickets to

“We all bleed the same colour,” Madonna told her ecstatic crowd, standing against the backdrop of an enormous illuminated crucifix and satanic symbols. “If we can all rise above our egos and our titles and the names of our countries and our religions, and treat everyone around us with dignity and respect, then we are on the road to peace. If there is peace here in the Middle East, there can be peace in the whole world.”

The diva then went on to perform her song “Gang Bang” accompanied by images of blood stains, video clips showing the singer spraying bullets from both a hand gun and a machine gun, and closing on the phrase “die, bitch!”

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Israel’s ultra-orthodox community, however, were outraged that the “Like A Virgin” singer was performing in the Jewish state. A report in religious journal ‘HaEda’ described the tour as “disgraceful” and claimed rumours the “famous gentile singer” would be visiting religious sites in the country’s north had spared “pain and rage within the god-fearing community”.

Madonna has reportedly postponed a planned tour of Galilee following protests by the local religious community.

- Source: The Telegraph

So the show began with Madonna pleading for “world peace”, a slogan of the New World Order. A few minutes later, she dances around toting machine guns, revolvers and an AK-47 – a weapon that is widely used in wars across the world, including in Israel. The cognitive dissonance between what Madonna says (i.e. “If there is peace here in the Middle East, there can be peace in the whole world”), and what she does (shooting and killing bunch of people with blood stains everywhere) is typical of Illuminati double-speak. Like Orwell wrote several decades ago, WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

Glamorizing death, violence and oppression. Also, leopard prints represent Sex-Kitten programming, hinting that these women were “programmed” to do this.

Atop hypocritical double-speak involving war, there is also hypocritical double-speak involving spirituality. After her moralizing speech about “respect”: “If we can all rise above our egos and our titles and the names of our countries and our religions, and treat everyone around us with dignity and respect, then we are on the road to peace”, the show turns into a big Black Mass insulting Christianity.

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The show begins with a red (bloody) illuminated crucifix bearing the letters MDNA – an acronym strangely similar to MDMA, another name for Ecstasy – a drug that is very popular on dance floors across the world.

Madonna’s Black Mass included monks turning into male strippers along with guts, guns and satanic symbols being flashed on the walls. Things that so many pop stars did in the recent years. This is not about art, this is all-out, insistent propaganda.

In short Madonna’s MDNA tour reflects how the Illuminati confuses the world with its double-speak. It lulls the world with talks of “world peace” while glamorizing the death, bloodshed and oppression of the masses. It moralizes people about “religious tolerance” while systematically attacking and destroying all faiths that are not part of the belief system of the world elite – which incidentally includes a bastardized version of Kabbalah as practised by Madonna, the Grand Priestess of the Illuminati music business.