MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s...

MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital Medicine Office of the Vice President for Medical Affairs / CMO Duke University Health System

Transcript of MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s...

Page 1: MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital

MACRA, MIPS, and APM’sUnderstanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP)

John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H.Division of Hospital MedicineOffice of the Vice President for Medical Affairs / CMODuke University Health System

Page 2: MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital



Page 3: MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital

CurrentHospitalist at Duke University HospitalMedical Director within the Office of the Health System VPMA / CMO

Strategic initiatives related to Payer Strategy, Network Development

EducationUNC-Chapel Hill - Economics and Politics, Morehead ScholarGoldman Sachs International, London - AnalystBryn Mawr College – Post Bac Pre MedUNC Chapel Hill – M.D. / M.P.H.Duke University Hospital – Internal Medicine / Management & Leadership

My Background

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1. Appreciate the historical context for the current state of health care payment reform

2. Understand the essential elements of the Quality Payment Program (QPP) created by MACRA

3. Identify the potential implications of the QPP on provider practice

Learning Objectives

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Historical Context for Payment Reform

Understanding the Quality Payment Program

Implications and Insights


Page 6: MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital

Why we’re here today

Deloitte’s2016SurveyofUSPhysiciansn =523physicians(non-pediatricgeneralistsandspecialists)

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Why we’re here today

Deloitte’s2016SurveyofUSPhysiciansn =523physicians(non-pediatricgeneralistsandspecialists)

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Ignore at your own risk!

Page 9: MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital

Historical Context for Payment Reform

Understanding the Quality Payment Program

Implications and Insights


Page 10: MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital

The U.S. spends a lot on healthcare







1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018 2022



Source:CucklerGetal.,“NationalHealthExpenditureProjections,2012–22:SlowGrowthuntilCoverageExpandsandEconomyImproves”HealthAffairs 32,no.10(2013).

U.S. Healthcare Spending, as a share of GDP

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The U.S. spends more than other countries

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U.S. health care spending is variable

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Average Life Expectancy, 1970 & 2011

Relatively poor return on spending

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And it’s not just life expectancy

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Increasing Attention to Quality



Healthcareshouldbe:- Safe- Effective- Patient-centered- Timely- Efficient- Equitable

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Past:Volume- Based Future:Value- Based

Careforindividuals Managepopulations

Specialtycarefocus Primarycarefocus


Feeforservice Value/Riskbasedreimbursement

A New Paradigm: Value-Based Care

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Nobody Knew Health Care Could Be So Complicated


• Pharmaceuticals:– Should we pay $$$$ for drugs to treat XYZ disease?

• Technology:– Should we start using the newest “ABC” implant or device?

• Providers– Should we pay “inefficient” or “low quality” hospitals and doctors less?

• Population health: – Should we pay for population based outcomes?

Page 18: MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital

Brief Historical Context for Payment Reform

Understanding the Quality Payment Program

Implications and Insights


Page 19: MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s - Family Medicine...MACRA, MIPS, and APM’s Understanding Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) John Patrick Yeatts, M.D., M.P.H. Division of Hospital

The QPP was formed by MACRA




Repealed Created



a pieceoflegislation

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A Word about the SGR

MedicareSustainableGrowthRate(1997– 2015)

• LegislativemechanismtoensureannualincreasesinMedicareexpensedidnotexceedgrowthinGDP

• Regulatedproviderexpenseandsomeexpensesincidentaltoprovidervisits(labtests,imaging,physician-administereddrugs)

• Medicarebudgetdeterminedannually• Actualspendingcomparedwithbudget

Ø Ifspendinghigher,providerpaymentsdecreasedthefollowingyear

Ø Ifspendinglower,providerpaymentsincreasedthefollowingyear

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The SGR: In practice

1997– 2001:Actualexpenditures<budgeted,paymentsincreased


2003 - 2015:Actualexpenditures>budgeted,multiple“docfixes”toavoidfurthercuts



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MACRA has two tracks








MACRA appliestopaymenttoPROVIDERSonly,nottohospitalsorotherfacilities

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2016 2018





The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) links

fee-for-service payments to quality and value.


MACRA also provides incentives for participation in Alternative Payment Models (APMs) and bonus payments to “eligible”


All Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) payments

Medicare FFS payments linked to quality and value

Medicare payments linked to quality and value via APMs

Medicare Payments to those in “eligible” (most highly advanced) APMs under MACRA

How MACRA Helps CMS Accomplish Its Goals

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Which track will you belong to?


70,000– 120,000providers

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What is “MIPS”?

The Merit-based Incentive Payment System or “MIPS” combines parts of the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), the Value Modifier (VM or Value-based Payment Modifier), and the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) incentive program into a single program.

A single MIPS composite performance score will factor in performance in 4 weighted performance categories:


ScoreQuality ResourceUse





New ReplacesMeaningfulUse


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Weighted Performance Categories Under MIPS


October2016– FinalRule– ResourceUse=0%andQuality=60%

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Measures: A Closer Look







• Fulfillasetof5requiredmeasures

• Submitupto9additionalmeasuresforextracredit










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Examples of Quality Measures (Submit Data)






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Advancing Care Information (Attest)

FiveRequiredMeasures• SecurityRiskAnalysis:Perform1• E-Prescribing:Transmitatleast1prescriptionelectronically• ProvidePatientAccess:Onlineaccessforatleast1patient• SendSummaryofCare:Createandsendforatleast1encounter• Request/AcceptSummaryofCare:Receiveandincorporateforatleast1newpatient

AdditionalMeasures(Examples)• SecureMessaging: Sendtoorreceivefromatleast1patient• ClinicalDataRegistryReporting: Haveanactiveengagementtosendclinicaldataelectronicallytoaclinicaldataregistry

• Patient-GeneratedHealthData: Incorporatepatient-generateddataintotheHERforatleast1patient

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Examples of Improvement Activities (Attest)





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• Based on the Composite Performance Score, providers will receive positive, negative or neutral adjustments

• Each provider will receive a quality score between 1 and 100

• Those above average will be eligible for incentives, those below average will receive penalties


Adjustment to provider’s base rate of Medicare Part B payment

4% 5%7%9%

2019 2020 2021 2022 onward

-4%-5% -7%-9%

How Payment Works for Providers Under MIPS

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Exceptions to MIPS:

What about APM’s?



Providerswhoaren’toneofthefollowing•MD•PA•NP•ClinicalNurseSpecialists• CertifiedRegisteredNurseAnesthetist


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What is an APM?





• AccountableCareOrganizations(ACO’s)

• Bundles• PatientCenteredMedicalhome


• BasicallyACO’s



• GundersonLutheranHealthSystem

• IndianaHealthInformationExchange(IHIE)

• MeridianHealthSystem• NorthCarolinaCommunityCareNetwork(NC-CCN)


• Unclear

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What is an “eligible” or advanced APM?

Eligible APMs are the most advanced APMs that meet the following criteria according to the MACRA law:

• Base payment on quality measures comparable to those in MIPS

• Require use of certified EHR technology

• Either (1) bear more than nominal financial risk for monetary losses OR (2) are a medical home model expanded under CMMIauthority

ProviderswhoreceivepaymentsfromaneligibleAPMaredefinedaseitherQualifyingParticipants(QP’s)orPartialQualifyingParticipantsbasedonmeetingeitherthePaymentor PatientRequirement

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APM Participation Requirement

PaymentThreshold TotalPaymentsinEligibleAPM


Determination of Qualifying Participants or Partial Qualifying Participants status is based onwhether or not a percentage of total Part B payments or Patients is derived from an eligible APM.

• Qualifying participants:• Meet the payment or patient threshold• Receive a 5% bonus on their total Part B payments• Do not have additional MIPS reporting• 0.75% payment adjustment in 2026

• Partial qualifying participants:• Fall short of revenue threshold• Do not receive a 5% bonus on their total Part B payments• 0.25% payment adjustment in 2026• Can choose whether to report MIPS*

• Choosing not to report will result in no payment adjustment for that year• Decision is made at the entity level and applies to all providers

PatientThreshold AttributionEligiblePatients



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Payment and Patient Thresholds


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List of Advanced APM’s

ComprehensiveESRDCare– TwoSidedRisk



SharedSavingsProgram– Track2

SharedSavingsProgram– Track3

OncologyCareModel(OCM)– Two-SidedRisk



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Initial performance period: Jan 1, 2017 – Dec 31, 2017Can start collecting data anytime, but the more the betterMust submit data to CMS by March 31, 2018First payment adjustment on Jan 1, 2019

Timeline and Key Dates

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Choices in 2017: Data Submission

If… Then… When?

Youdonot submitanydatatoCMS







Eligiblefora partialfeescheduleadjustment


Yousubmitafullyear’sworth ofdata

Eligible forafullfeescheduleadjustment



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Historical Background for Payment Reform

Overview of the Quality Payment Program

Implications and Insights

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Risk = cost of provider services

MACRA shifts risk to providers



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Risk = cost of provider services

MACRA shifts risk to APM providers, too



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• MIPS is budget neutral• This differs from meaningful use, where

everyone who hits a threshold gets incentive

• Provider bonuses for some will be offset by penalties for others

• Competition among providers, but not in the traditional sense of just patients in the door

MIPS may foster competition

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Budget neutrality will mean funds will flow from small group practices to larger group practices

Small practices will be adversely affected


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Help for smaller practices


CMSnamesalocalorganizationto:- Assistpracticeswithqualityreportingmeasures- Engagepracticesincontinuousqualityimprovement- OptimizehealthITwithpractices- Evaluateapractice’soptionsforjoininganadvancedAPM


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CMS wants you to become an APM

The5%bonusinyears2019– 2024ismeanttoentice:

1. ProviderstogravitatetowardsAPMsandbecomeQP’sinaneligible(or“advanced”)APM

2. ForexistingpracticestoseekalignmentwithaneligibleAPM

3. Fornon-eligibleAPM’stobecomeeligible



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MIPS vs APM: Which is better?



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• Will CMS provide practices data-driven feedback in a timely manner to drive performance?

• How easy will it be to move between pathways?

• How will MACRA affect provider transitions and their value in the marketplace?

• How will MACRA affect physician productivity?

Outstanding questions

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• Performance based on quality, resource use, clinical practice improvement activities and meaningful use of EHRs

• Significant reporting burden• 4-9% of total Part B Spending at risk over

time over future FFS rates

• Eligible for 5% bonus on Part B claims (2019-24)• Higher update starting in 2026• No MIPS reporting required

PQRS* MeaningfulUse*




PartiallyQualifyingParticipant(providerdoesnot meet“significantparticipation”inAPMthreshold)

• Not eligible for 5% bonus• Lower annual update • MIPS optional, but will receive no payment

adjustment for that year

• Bothoptionscontainsomelevelof“risk”• Bothmodelsrequireafocuson“efficiency”tosucceed• ParticipantsinaneligibleAPMqualifyforbonuseligibility(whichcanhelp


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Government- ValueBasedPurchasing- Valuebasedmodifier- PhysicianQualityReportingSystem

(PQRS)- MeaningfulUse- MIPSandAPM- ACOs(MedicareandMedicaid)- HospitalReadmissionsReduction

Program- HospitalAcquiredConditionsProgram- MedicareAdvantage:STARratings- HospiceQualityInitiative- Manyothers

PrivateInsurers:- ACO- Narrownetwork- Highperformingnetworks

Providers- Internalqualitybenchmarkingfor

QIandcompensation- Transparencyofpatients


Many Value Based Initiatives


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Historical Context: Key Points