Machining of composite materials - State of the art

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  • 8/7/2019 Machining of composite materials - State of the art





    11. Basic Definitions

    Many structural applications require the use of materials combining,

    simultaneously, superior strength and stiffness with low weight. Composite

    materials are excellent candidates for fulfilling these requirements because of their

    high specific properties. In this scenario, one of the most interesting aspects is the

    fact that the material itself is also a structure, which consists of two or more

    phases on a macroscopic scale, as shown in Figure 1-1[1].

    Figure 1-1: Phases of a composite system (after [1])

    A structural composite is designed with the following purpose in mind: the

    properties and mechanical performance of the composite material are superior to

    those of the constituent materials when acting independently.

    The matrix is the less stiff and weaker phase and is a continuous medium. The

    reinforcement is usually discontinuous, stiffer and stronger. Needless to say, the

    properties of a composite structure depend on the properties of the constituents,

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    geometry and phase distribution. The homogeneity of the material system

    depends on the more or less distribution of the reinforcement. Composite

    materials are, therefore, rather anisotropic in their nature. This fact implies that

    the materials properties, at a certain point, vary with direction or depend on the

    orientation of the reference axes (Figure 1-2).

    Figure 1-2: Unidirectional ply and principal coordinate axes (after [1])

    A laminate is made up of several unidirectional plies stacked together with

    various orientations as shown in Figure 1-3 [1]. Since the principal material axes

    vary from ply to ply, it is desirable to analyse laminates using a common fixed

    system of coordinates (x,y,z). The orientation of each ply is given by the angle

    between the reference x-axis and the major principal material axis (fibre

    orientation) of the ply, measured in a counter clockwise direction on the x-y


    12. Applications of Composite Materials

    Composites have unique characteristics that make them perfect material choices

    for several applications, such as: high strength, high stiffness, long fatigue life,

    low density and great adaptability to a specific function.

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    Figure 1-3: Multidirectional laminate and reference coordinate system (after [1])

    The aerospace and aeronautical industries have been major users of composite

    technology in the last decades. From small parts to fairly large structures, weight

    savings while preserving high material properties has always been an issue in

    commercial aircrafts, such as the Boeing 777 shown in Figure 1-4 [2].

    Figure 1-4: Boeing 777 commercial airliner (after [2])

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    Another example is a speedbrake structure of a military aircraft, the Vought A7,

    composed of several composite parts, Figure 1-5 [3].

    Figure 1-5: A7 speedbrake structure (after [3])

    The examples of composite applications shown above are only a small part of

    many hundreds of other similar applications, not only on the aerospace and

    aeronautical industries.

    13. Trends in major civil aircraft manufacturers

    After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a negative financial fallout

    occurred with many air carriers. As of 2005, a slow recover took place and the

    two main commercial aircraft carriers and rivals, The Boeing Co. (Seattle,

    Washington) and Airbus Industrie (Toulouse, France) developed significantly

    different views regarding the future of commercial air travel.Airbus reasoned that the number of non-stop flights between large number of

    paired cities would decrease, although populations continue to concentrate in and

    around major metropolitan areas. Based on these predictions, Airbus developed

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    the super-jumbo A380, capable of carrying 555 to as many as 890 passengers to

    fly at lower per-passenger costs.

    Boeing, on the other hand, expected the population distribution to contribute to

    an increase in new non-stop flights and growth in the number of trips between

    paired cities. According to Boeings calculations, large aircraft like the B747 and

    the A380, will be only 4% (790) of the total commercial jet fleet, while almost

    4300 are expected to be regional jets over the next 20 years. Consequently,

    Boeing came up with the 7E7 (E means efficiency) and then renamed 787

    Dreamliner. Being this a mid-sized jet, belonging to the same category as the

    B767, and taking into account that this category makes up the greatest number

    of in-service commercial jets, airlines began to look more at fuel efficiency,

    especially with rising fuel prices.

    In the quest for more efficient aircraft, both aircraft manufacturers turned their

    attention once again to composite materials.

    14. General Materials Information on the B787

    The B787 Dreamliner will be the first full size commercial aircraft with

    composite wings and fuselage (Figure...).

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    Figure 28-B787 Dreamliner fusellage section

    Composites on the B787 (Figure...) will account for 50% of the aircrafts

    structural weight. Aluminium will comprise only 12% of the mentioned weight.

    Titanium will make up a greater percentage than aluminium, namely 15%. Steel

    will comprise 10% and other metals 5%.

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    The material to be used on the B787s primary structures, such as the wings and

    fuselage, is Torays 3900-2 prepreg material (comprised of intermediate-modules

    T800 carbon fibre and a toughened 350F-cure epoxy), used in both unidirectional

    tape and woven formats.

    15. Special Materials for the Aerospace and Aeronautical


    Aluminium-Lithium Alloys

    Among the new aircraft materials, aluminium lithium alloys are particularly

    attractive because of their weight-saving potential. When aluminium is alloyed

    with lithium, for every 1% addition of lithium, there is approximately a 3%

    reduction in alloy density and an increase in stiffness of about 6%. The

    commercial alloys typifIed by 2090, 2091, 8090, and 8091 contain from 1.9-2.7%

    lithium. Therefore, they offer up to about 10% density advantage over the 2000

    and 7000 series alloys. They also have correspondingly higher stiffness and offer a

    25% advantage in specifIc stiffness. With alurninum-lithium alloys, weight saving

    in aircraft structures of up to 10% is possible in strength-critical structures and of

    up to 18% in stiffness critical structures. In addition to being light and stiff, the

    alloys are strong, damage tolerant, and corrosion resistant. However, their

    properties are strongly sensitive to processing conditions and, therefore, product

    quallty is more diff1cult to control than for conventional alloys. Other short

    comings include high anisotropy of unrecrystallized products caused by the strong

    crystallographic textures developed during processing, low short-transverse

    properties of thick plates, lack of thermal stability of some products, limited

    experience with manufacturing requirements, and limited amounts of design data.

    Aluminium-lithium alloys were introduced more than 30 years ago by Alcoa as

    alloy 2020 for use on the RA-5C Vigilante military aircraft. Outside of the

    U.S.s.R., where several alloys were developed in the 1960s, the technology

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    appeared to lay dormant until the mid-1980s, when Alcoa, Alcan, and Pechiney

    introduced alloys 2090, 8091, and 2091, respectively, and Alcan and Pechiney

    joint1y introduced alloy 8090. During the late 1980s, a mechanically alloyed

    powder metallurgy product known as AI-905XL (formerly IN 9052) was also

    introduced by IncoMAP and, more recently, a cast Al-Li-Cu alloy known as

    Weldallte 049 (now registered as alloy 2095) was developed by Martin Marietta

    Laboratories. The latter material has excellent weldability, superior to that of the

    2000series alloys, including alloy 2219, and is a strong contender as fuel tank

    material for NASA'sspace shuttle because of the material's excellent cryogenic

    properties. The 2000 and 8000 series AI-Li alloys are available commercially in a

    variety of forms and tempers which can be selected to meet the specific design

    requirements of either high strength (e.g., 209O-T8X, 8091-1'8), medium strength

    combined with corrosion resistance and damage tolerance (e.g., 8090T8XXX,

    2091-T8X), or high damage tolerance (e.g., 2091-T8XXX).

    Applications of AI-Li alloys are not widespread to date. Alloy 8090-T83 is used in

    limited quantities by Airbus 1ndustries, for the D-nose skins of the leading edge

    of the A330/340 aircraft wing. Alloys 2090-1'83 and 2090T62 are used by

    McDonnell Douglas for some flooring sections fi the C-17 air lifter craft. The new

    Boeing 777 aircraft makes only limited use of AI-Li alloys. In contrast, Westland-

    Agusta, U.K./Italy is unique in making extensive use of 8090 forgings and sheets

    and 2090 and 2091 sheets for the EHI0l helicopter. The alloys are also being

    tested for a variety of new applications, inc1uding lower wing skins and fuselage

    applications (panels and doors).

    Aluminium Bases Metal Matrix Composites

    The 2000 series alloys offer strength and damage tolerance, the 7000 series alloys

    offer higher strength potential' and the 6000 series alloys are conducive to good

    corrosion resistance and improved machinability, whereas the Al-Fe-X (8XXX)

    alloys provide opportunities for high-temperature performance

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    Meanwhile, a matrix based on AI-Li provides a unique combination of high stiff-

    ness and low density. Composite properties are also strongly influenced by the

    type of reinforcing medium. Fibbers provide the highest stiffness, strength, and

    toughness combination. Particulate reinforcement is often used for wear-

    resistance applications and offers high stiffness but only low strength and low

    toughness, whereas whisker reinforcement offers high stiffness, medium strength,

    and low toughness. Several reinforcing mediums have been used for AMCs,

    including alumina, carbon, and Sialon fibbers, but SiC is the most common

    reinforcing medium.

    Hybrid Composites

    Hybrid composites are FRP-metal sandwich laminates consisting of alternating

    layers of high-strength aluminium alloys and fibre reinforced epoxy adhesive.

    This hybrid structural material, illustrated schematically in Fig. 9, was developed

    in the late 1970s at Delft University in the Netherlands and Fokker Aircraft and

    was later commerciallzed in collaboration with Alcoa and Akzo. Two categories

    of hybrid composites are available commercially today, the ARALLi!!) and

    GLARE@ laminates, which differ in the type of f:1ber used for reinforcement.

    ARALL laminates (for aramid reinforced aluminium laminate) use 50% fibre

    volume of adhesive prepreg of high-modulus aramid fibres. GLARE laminates (for

    glass reinforcement) are unidirectional or bi-axial reinforced with 60% fibre

    volume of high strength glass fibres. GLARE laminates are a more recent

    development, complementing the original ARALL product through provision of

    higher compression strength.

    Both ARALL and GLARE laminates come in different configurations ranging

    from two layers of aluminium with one FRP layer in between, to f:1ve layers of

    aluminium with four interspaced FRP layers. In GLARE laminates, the glass

    fibres can be layed up in a cross-ply configuration. Also, both ARALL and

    GLARE laminates can be fabricated with different aluminium alloys. This allows

    laminate properties to be c10sely tailored to component design requirements. The

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    laminates are produced by curing in a heated platen press. After curing, ARALL

    laminates can be stretched to eliminate undesirable residual stresses.

    FRP-metal laminates have the ability to impede and self-arrest fatigue crack

    growth, which makes the materials highly damage tolerant. As cracks develop in

    the aluminium face sheets, fibre bridging across a propagating crack causes the

    unbroken fibres to carry increasing portions of the load, which may decrease the

    stress intensity at the crack tip to the point where the cracks cease to grow. This

    makes the material particularly well suited to applications requiring good fatigue

    resistance. GLARE laminates are particularly well suited for f1rewall applications

    because of a high bum-through resistance.

    Figure 29-A380 Materials overview

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    16. Machining of Composite Materials

    Although composite parts may have the advantage to replace many mechanical

    fastened pieces, and so a significant reduction in the number of fastener holes

    leading to cost reduction, the need to unify components by mechanical fastening

    is still considerable.

    New problems may arise during the machining of composite materials when

    compared to the machining of traditional materials like metals, in the basic

    operations of drilling or milling. Fibre reinforcement in composites is usually very

    abrasive which leads to rapid tool wear and deterioration of the machined

    surfaces. Delaminations can be introduced into the workpiece and several types of

    damages can be observed on the workpiece surfaces. Parts must be very well

    supported to resist force applied by the tools during machining, which requires

    expensive fixtures to be built.

    Drilling composite Materials

    Generally, the thrust and torque applied on a drill bit depend on speed, feed rate,

    tool geometry and tool wear. Experimental testing showed that as drilling

    progresses, thrust increases steadily until a nearly constant value corresponding

    to steady drilling through the thickness of the laminate is reached, after which it

    drops sharply when the tool exits the laminate on the opposite side (Figure).

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    A sharp decrease in normal force as the bit enters the workpiece is always

    associated with the introduction of delamination by mechanical action of the tool

    peeling up the top layer of the laminate. Delamination of the top layer can also

    be produced by high thermal stresses generated by drilling, but in that case no

    discontinuities are observed in the normal force history. Delaminations near the

    exit side are introduced because the tool may act like a punch, separating the

    thin uncut layer from the rest of the laminate. This phenomenon is associated

    with an almost instantaneous drop in normal force from its steady-state value to

    zero. Delaminations can be greatly reduced or eliminated by reducing feed rates

    near the exit and using backup plates to provide support and prevent

    deformations leading to exit side delaminations.

    The oscillations observed during the steady portion of the drilling process are

    related to the different ply orientations of the laminate. With unidirectional (UD)composites, the amplitude of such oscillations is rather large. For cross-ply or

    quasi-isotropic laminates, the amplitude is much lower. Maximum normal force

    and maximum torque both increase significantly with the number of holes drilled

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    due to chipping and wear of the cutting surfaces. Figure shows the increase in

    the maximum axial force with number of holes for an 8 mm split point carbide

    bit drilling 4.5 mm thick graphite-epoxy laminates with a speed of 1900 RPM

    and a feed rate of 0.015 mm/min.

    17. General Tool Design

    Because glass and carbon fibre s are very abrasive, drill bits made out of high-

    speed steel (HSS) fail after drilling just a few holes in composite materials.

    Tungsten carbide tools possess adequate life, particularly when sub micrometer

    carbide is used, because its resistance to rupture is 50% higher and it is harder

    than the standard C2 grade carbide. A much higher number of holes can be

    drilled with tungsten carbide tools coated with polycrystalline diamond (PCD).

    PCD-coated tools can be easily chipped, particularly when used with portable

    drills, and cannot be sharpened. Another approach involves grinding the pointangle into carbide tipped blank. PCD veins are then sintered in that groove, and

    the drill point geometry and flutes are ground in. These diamond veined drills

    can be sharpened. For graphite-epoxy or glass-epoxy, best results are obtained

    with a solid tungsten carbide dagger drill or with PCD-coated twist drills.

    Another factor to consider in the selection of a drill bit is cost; PCD tipped drills

    are typically 20 times as expensive as solid carbide drills [28]. It must bedetermined if the longer tool life and improved hole quality balance the higher


    MilIer tested nine types of 4.85 mm diameter drill bits in 6.35 mm thick graphite-

    epoxy at 20,000 rpm and feed rates 0.025 mm/rev, using portable self-feed air

    motors. Among those tested were the carbide tipped chisel point bit, the eight-

    facet bit, the jodrill, and the four-flute tapered straight flute bit shown in Fig. 6.A solid carbide drill with an eight-facet split point and a jodrill with 30 helix

    geometry produced the maximum numbers of holes with a tolerance of +0.051

    and -0.025 mm. The success of the eight-facet split point bit is attributed to the

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    long taper angle at the shoulder, which tends to minimize fibre breakout. The

    same effect is obtained in the jodrill using a step at the drill shoulder. Solid

    carbide tools must be handled with care to prevent breakage and chipping of the

    cutting edges. A micro grain carbide grade is recommended to provide as much

    toughness as possible.

    The helix angle is not so important for machining graphite-epoxy composites

    because the chips are in powder form and are continually suctioned off. Positive

    rake angles (Fig. 7) are needed to generate the least amount of heat during

    cutting. However, the more positive the rake angle, the more fragile the cutting

    edge becomes. A small chisel angle is the second element of good tool geometry

    and serves to improve the penetration rate.

    Figure 30-Examples of drill bits used with composite materials (a) carbide tipped chisel point; (b)

    eight facet; (c) jodrill; (d) four flute, tapered, straight flute

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    Composites are often bonded to aluminium or titanium parts, and the hole to be

    drilled must go through both the composite and the metal. Drilling aluminium

    with a tool designed for drilling graphite-epoxy calls for a tool of a very different

    shape in order to remove the long stringy aluminium chips. Drilling titaniumwith the same tool as is used for composites is difficult because tool wear makes

    drilling through titanium difficult. It is recommended to drill the composite first,

    remove the tool, and drill the titanium part with a different tool. Then, because

    the titanium chips damage the surface of the hole in the composite section as

    they are removed, the hole must be reamed. This procedure, involving three tools

    and three operations, is expensive. Ways are sought to provide combination tools

    or to design drills that automatically change operating conditions as the drill bit

    enters different materials.

    The machining of materials containing aramid fibre s requires special tooling.

    Because of their low compressive strength, aramid fibre s have a tendency to

    recede within the matrix instead of being sheared off. Frayed fibre s will protrude

    from the hole surface to create what is commonly known as fuzz. To drill this

    type of material, fibre s should be pulled from the periphery of the hole toward

    the center and then sheared. This can be accomplished by tools with protruding

    peripheral cutting edges and positive axial and radial rake angles. Rake angles

    and relief angles (Fig. 7) in the range of 29-35 and 12-30, respectively, were

    found adequate. Self-centering drills were designed so that around the

    circumference, serrations are ultimately oriented upward and downward (Fig.

    8a), introducing a cutting action in both directions to cut unsheared aramid

    fibres. A serrated spade drill (Fig. 8) for drill press operation and a serrated

    countersink are also recommended. For these three types of drill bits, serrations

    are designed to trap the uncut fibres and shear them.

    Drilling of composite materials with boron fibre reinforcement requires the use of

    diamond impregnated tooling. The major problem encountered with boron-epoxy

    laminates comes from the heat generated. Material thinner than 3.17 mm can be

    drilled without fluid cooling. Above that thickness, coolant must be supplied

    through the tool at pressures up to 75 psi to prevent damage to the workpiece.

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    When a layer of boron-aluminium is bonded to one piece of titanium, a two-tool

    approach is preferable. A multilayered section would require too many tool

    changes and must be drilled with one tool, using a reduced feed rate when

    cutting through a titanium layer. Tool wear was shown to depend on prior heat

    treatment when drilling boron-aluminium composites. Although ultrasonically

    vibrating the tool was not effective when drilling boron-epoxy, it reduced friction,

    tool wear, and the tendency of the aluminium to accumulate on the tool when

    drilling boron-aluminium. Drilling with an ultrasonically vibrated tool was also

    successful in producing holes in boron-aluminium /titanium laminates.

    Graphite-Bismaleimide Titanium

    To minimize the positional errors and to obtain tight tolerances during

    manufacturing, composite panels and structural parts are typically drilled

    together in a stack and assembled. However, drilling of dissimilar material like

    graphite composite and Ti metal in a stack is a challenging task to

    manufacturing engineers because of the different machining properties for each


    The main problems encountered with regard to the quality characteristics of

    drilled composite Ti stacks inc1ude severe tool wear, heat induced damage, hole

    size, roundness, shape, surface texture, and presence of titanium burrs.

    Drilling Graphite-Bismaleimide Titanium Stacks

    The fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) material used in this study was a multi-

    directional Gr/Bi composite consisting of IM-6 graphite fibre s and a 3501-6 ther-

    moset matrix with a ply orientation of [45/90/-45/0/-45/ 0/45/0/-45/90/-

    45/0/45/0/45/90/-45/90/90], which was acquired from The Boeing Company.

    The Gr/Bi thickness was 7.62 mm with a ply thickness of 0.2 mm. Ti 6AI-4V

    alloy sheets with 3.1 mm thickness were used in the experiment. It was decided

    that the most efficient stacking sequence would be to rest the Gr/Bi on top of

    the Ti alloy. This approach in stacking sequence would result in the least amount

    of exit delamination. Drilling experiments were performed with water soluble syn-

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    thetic coolant on a commercial vertical mill, which was retrofitted with a CNC

    control and drive unit. Two types of drill materials with a standard drill

    geometry were selected for this investigation based on their availability and

    widespread use in industry: high-speed cobalt (HSS-Co) and carbide.

    Figure 31-Hole quallty features of Gr/Bi-Ti stacks

    Tool Wear

    Tool wear was measured at the flank face on the drills. Flank wear, occurring at

    the outer cutting edges of the drill, was more notable than wear on chisel edge

    and cutting lips. Tool wear was measured by viewing the drills underneath amicroscope.

    Drill wear was measured in various feeds and speeds to characterize the wear characteristics of each drill bits

    in drilling GriBi-Ti stacks. Tool wear on the HSS-Co drills occurred rapidly when

    drilling the Gr/Bi- Ti stacks. Flank and crater wear was observed on HSS-Co

    drills. Some of the more extreme tool wear was observed on the helical cutting

    edges of the HSS-Co drills as well. Minor flank wear was beginning to form onthe carbide drills. The least amount of wear occurred at the tip of the point angle

    for all the drills tested.

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    The largest number of holes that failed were drilled using carbide drills. In the

    case of HSS-Co drills, the time to failure of tool was determined either by the

    CNC machine stopping because a maximum thrust limit(~3700 N) was reached,

    or visually by noticing worn cutting edges and smoke. Due to difficulties of

    measuring the wear length of failed HSS-Co drill bits, the wear length was

    designated I mm. Fig. 8 present the tool wear at various feed and speed. For the

    HSS-Co drills, slow feed was detrimental to tool life because of the long tool

    engagement periods. This seems be contrary to normal cutting conditions of the

    HSS-Co tools. However, Ti alloys heat up rapidly during drilling and do not dissi-

    pate the heat quickly because of the low thermal conductivity. Increasing the

    spindle speed created more heat generation due to friction in the cutting zone of

    the Ti plate, decreasing the tool life. Therefore, the longest HSS-Co tool life was

    achieved at the combination of high feed and low speed (0.25 mm/rev and 660

    rpm). Heat generation was the primary concern when drilling Gr/Bi- Ti stacks

    because high temperatures in the drilling region were detrimental to tool life and

    allowed for increased matrix degradation. As a result, fewer holes were produced

    when high spindle speeds and slow feeds were used for HSS-Co drilling.

    Figure 32-Effect of speed and feed on the hole production for HSS and HSS-Co drills: (a) constant

    speed; (b) constant feed

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    Figure 33-(a) Drill flank wear versus hole number with different tool materials. The effect of (b) feed

    and (c) speed on the carbide drill flank wear at the 20th hole

    Hole Quality Parameters

    Hole quality in Ti alloys and composite material were evaluated in terms of ma-

    terial integrity, hole diameter and roundness, Ti burrs, and surface finish on the

    first hole drilled at each feed and speed. Fig. 1 presents hole quality features of

    Gr/ Bi- Ti stacks. The first holes made by fresh drills at each drilling condition

    were used to verify the effect of feed, speed, and tool materials on hole quality

    parameters. The hole diameter error can be readily calculated as the difference

    between the actual hole diameter and the specified drill diameter. Hole geometry

    and diameter were measured with a coordinate measuring machine (CMM)

    mounted with a 1 mm Renishaw ruby tipped, spherical probe, and a Control

    Console, which displays all system functions and measurements. At least 40

    points were measured to obtain the least square diameter and roundness at a

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    given depth in the hole. For each hole, both diameter and roundness of a hole

    were measured at every 10-15 Ilm on the entire stack hole. Optical microscopy

    was utilized to observe the drilled hole quality. Surface formation and topography

    were characterized in terms of surface describing parameters from the surface

    profile measurements. The surface roughness across the depth of the hole walls

    were me asured on a Surfanalyzer System 4000. Surface roughness measurements

    were performed on both Gr/Bi and Ti alloy materials. Profilometer operation

    parameters consisted of a 0.80 mm cut-off length and 0.25 mm/sdrive speed. The

    surface roughness parameters such as, average surface roughness ((RRaa)),, average root

    mean square (Rq), average peak-to-peak height (Ry), and average roughness

    value of lO-point height (Rz), were measured and recorded. ln order to measure

    the burr height, an electronic digital height gage was used. Unlike HSS-Co drills,

    carbide drills showed the least amount of tool wear because carbide has a greater

    hot hardness. The tool-life criterion is defined as the carbide drill flank wear

    length exceeding a value of 400 flm. It is obvious that the carbide drill wear

    increases exponentially with increase in the feed and spindle speed. The thrust

    forces produced by a carbide drill did not increase drastically with increase in

    number of holes, as HSS-Co did. This is due to the greater hot hardness of

    carbide. Consequently, high speeds and high feeds had negative effect on the too

    1 life of carbide drilIs, because heat generation was not a major factor on the

    carbide tool wear.

    Selection of Drilling Conditions

    To select the feed and speed range, preliminary experiments were performed at

    0.03-0.25 mm/rev and 325-2750 rpm, respectively. If a drill made at least one

    hole on the stack at a given condition, the condition was passed (P). If not, the

    condition was failed (F). Fig. 3 present the passed or failed conditions for both

    drills. At the combination of low speed and high feed, both drills failed to make a

    single hole. HSS-Co drills were not successful at making holes over 2720 rpm.

    Selected feeds were 0.08, 0.13, 0.20, and 0.25 mm/rev.

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    Hole Diameter and Cylindricity

    The average hole diameter, which defines the size tolerance, was measured by the

    CMM at a given depth of an entire hole. A roundness (circularity) criterion

    specifies a tolerance zone bounded by two concentric circles within which each

    circular element of the surface must lie and applies independently at any plane.

    Cylindricity is a surface of revolution in which all points of the surface are

    equidistant from a common axis.

    Fig. 4(a) and (b) show average values of the typical stack hole diameter error,

    which is a subtraction of the actual diameter from the drill diameter, by both

    drills with various feeds and speeds. Generally, HSS-Co drills have a tendency to

    produce undersize holes, whereas holes made by carbide drills tend to be larger

    than the drill size. The amount of oversize increases with increasing feed and

    speed in carbide drilling. This phenomenon could be due to vibrations induced at

    higher feed and speed. Fig. 5 show the typical hole profiles measured at the

    machined stack hole for both drills. Generally, variation in the profiles tends to

    be higher for the Gr/Bi holes than Ti holes. So, the hole roundness of Gr/Bi- Ti

    stacks is dependent on the Gr/Bi plate. li can be seen that the variation of the

    profiles of holes by HSS-Co drills is higher than carbide drills. Speed has an effect

    on cylindricity of drilled holes in that higher speeds produce larger cylindricity.

    Feed is negatively proportional to cylindricity, because roundness deviations of

    Gr/Bi holes were reduced on higher feed for both drills.

    Workpiece Damage

    HSS and HSS-Co drills produced workpiece damage inc1uding fibre exposure on

    the Gr/Bi- Ti interfaces and Ti burrs. By placing the Gr/Bi on top of the Ti

    alloy, the exit plies of the composite were supported. Thus, as the drill exited the

    composite there is very little delamination of bottom plies.

    Two types of material damage were present at the exit surface of the Gr/Bi. The

    first damage was the discoloration ring located around the hole and the second

    can be referred as a damage ring, which was induced by both heat and metal

    chips. The discoloration zone may be due to heat generated during drilling,

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    however, there was no fibre breaking and fibre s were not exposed at the

    discoloration ring. Fig. 8 shows micrographs showing damage at the interface

    surface of Gr/Bi specimens. The Gr/Bi damage was noticed when the HSS and

    HSS-Co drills were used, but minimal damage took place when carbide drills were

    used, at least for the amount of holes produced using carbide drills. During

    drilling, damage rings, located iu exit plies of the composite at the Gr/Bi and Ti

    alloy interface, were formed. The damage radial distance was measured, where 0

    is the diameter of the damage obtained by subjective averaging and, D is the hole

    diameter (Fig. 8(a)). The radial distance of both the discoloration rings and

    damage rings increased as the number of holes drilled increased when both HSS

    and HSS-Co drills were used. In Fig. 8(b), the damage revealed that the fibre s

    were exposed as a result of the matrix overheating, causing a defect in the

    material. Also, as shown in Fig. 8(c), delamination induced by both heat and the

    metal chips can be observed at the exit ply. Therefore, the damage was minimal

    when the carbide drills were used because carbide had a higher hot hardness com-

    pared to HSS and HSS-Co drills, thus the cutting edges remained sharper,

    shearing away material more efficiently and generating less heat.

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    Figure 34-(a) Gr/Bi damage region at the Gr/Bi-Ti interface at 0.08 mm/rev and 1750 RPM (The

    Gr/Bi damage radial distance, t, is specified as t=(fi-D)/2) (b) The top view of Gr/Bi damage region

    produced by HSS-Co drill at 0.08 mm/rev, 2720 RPM (microscope) , (c) SEM

    Figs. 9(a) and (b) show that the damage radial distance decreases as the feed

    increases when HSS drills are used. In case of HSS-Co drills, the trend with

    various feeds seems to be unclear, but the damage radial distance is large at slow

    feed, under 400 rpm, and decreases at higher feed. This damage was caused by

    localized heat generation in the Ti alloy around the cutting zone. The lower feeds

    resulted in longer tool engagement times between the tool and the workpiece.

    Longer machining times led to more heat generation in the Ti alloy. The radial

    distance increased with increasing speed for both HSS and HSS-Co drills. Damage

    by carbide tools was negligibly small, thus it was not measured.

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    Figure 35-Damage radial distance at the Gr/Bi interface


    Ti alloy burrs were found to depend upon spindle speed and feed. The exit burrs

    of Ti were induced on hole quality parameters in Gr/Bi-Ti stacks. Generally,

    carbide drills produced smaller exit burr heights, which are under 1 mm in all

    conditions. li is dear that speed has a major influence on the exit burr heights.

    The exit burr heights increased as spindle speed increased and slower feeds

    produced higher exit burr height. This could be due to the low thermal

    conductivity of Ti, which heat up rapidly during drilling but does not dissipate

    the heat quickly. Heat generation was the primary concern when drilling Gr/Bi-

    Ti stacks, because high temperatures in the drilling region negatively effect too!

    life and exit burrs. The formation of a Ti burr was affected by several factors

    including thrust force and friction heat generated when drilling at high speed,

    long tool engagement time, and slow feeds. Prior study proved that thrust force

    and feed rate are major factors in exit burr heights. At the same thrust force,

    lower feed rate produces higher burr height. Burr height is proportional to thrust

    force at the constant feed rate. As the drill pierced through the bottom surface of

    the Ti alloy material, the bottom surface layer of the Ti alloy became quite hot

    and the ductility increased, allowing the material to flow easier. Also, the last

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    thin layer of Ti alloy did not get sheared properly because the cutting edges of

    the drill became worn out. When the worn drill exited the Ti alloy, the cutting

    edges pushed the Ti alloy outward, creating the burr around the perimeter of the

    hole. Rapid tool wear in HSS-Co drills had induced higher thrust force and

    frictional heat which in turn produced the largest burr heights at high speed and

    low feed. However, carbide drills experienced the 1east wear and resu1ted in the smallest burr heights.

    Figure 36-Entrance/exit burr height at the first hole of Ti alloys with various feed and speed: (a)

    constant speed, 660 RPM; (b) constant feed (0.08 mm/rev); (c) constant speed (660 RPM); (d)

    constant feed (0.08 mm/rev)

    Surface Quallty

    The surface roughness parameters in Gr/Bi are much higher than those in Ti.The average surface roughness, Ra, in Gr/Bi ranged from1.23 to 5.78, while

    those in Ti ranged from 0.48 to 2 Also, surface roughness of Ti is very close

    in both HSS-Co and carbide drilled holes. Surface roughness parameters of Gr/Bi

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    are critical in drilling of Gr/Bi-Ti stacks, so Rv (maximum peak-to valley) of

    Gr/Bi was chosen to quantify the surface characteristics of drilled holes. Fig. 6

    show the effect of feed, speed, and drill material on the surface roughness

    parameter, Ry. Overall, HSS-Co drilled holes have higher surface roughness

    parameters values than carbide drilled ones, which do not exceed 15 ~lm. Drill

    speed is a major factor in Ry of Gr/Bi in HSS-Co drilling, while feed effects

    mostly in carbide drilling. It was observed that HSS-Co drill wear was drastically

    increased over 1115 rpm, and much heat was generated cutting. In the case of

    holes made by carbide drills, drill wear and heat generation were not severe

    enough for speed to affect the surface roughness parameter. For both drills,

    rougher surface were produced at high feed. In fibre reinforced composites, deeper

    fibre pullouts occur while the depth of cut is getting larger.

    Fig. 7 show the optical micrographs of a typical surface of the sectioned holes

    made by HSS-Co and carbide drills. The surface damage generated in drilling

    Gr/Bi is dependent on the relative angle between fibre orientation and the

    direction of cutting motion. Fibre pullout, which caused a pitting phenomenon,

    general Jy occurred with the fibre at a negative angle to the cutting direction. In

    case of positive angle between fibre orientation and cutting direction, the surface

    produced tends to be smooth and usually covered with matrix smearing and

    crushed fibres. As the depth of pits is dependent on the manner in which the

    cutting load was applied and the relative angle between fibre orientation and

    cutting direction, it is expected that the holes made by HSS-Co drills have deeper

    fibre pullout than those by carbide drills. Torque by HSS-Co drills is at least 40%

    higher than that by carbide drills. It can be seen that deeper fibre pullout regions

    occurred in -45 plies and 90 plies on a hole made by HSS-CO drill. The

    surface made by carbide drills has swallow fibre pullouts only at -45 plies.

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    Figure 37-Surface roughness profiles