Macbeth Term Paper Topics

Macbeth Term Paper Topics 1) The peril of unchecked ambition in Macbeth 2) The character of Lady Macbeth 3) Macbeth the man – Macbeth as a warrior and a king 4) Theme of Evil in Macbeth 5) Theme of Masculinity in Macbeth 6) Macbeth as a tragic hero 7) Role of the secondary characters in Macbeth 8) Dark Imagery in Macbeth 9) Witchcraft and Demonology in Macbeth 10) Compare and contrast Macbeth, Macduff and Banquo – Male leads 11) The symbolization of blood – Blood imagery 12) “Proleptic” Imagination in Macbeth – Macbeth’s visions and hallucinations and the role they play in the development of his character 13) Macbeth as a moral play 14) Macbeth as a Tragedy and a History 15) Compare and contrast the historical Macbeth with the Shakespearean Macbeth 16) The development of the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth 17) “When fair is foul and foul is fair”. Paradox and equivocation in Macbeth 18) Stylistic devices used in Macbeth 19) The setting of Macbeth 20) Fear and the motives of evil 21) Macbeth hath murdered sleep – sleep imagery in the play 22) The theme of identity and its presentation in the play 23) The structure of the play and its significance 24) The role of the feminine in Macbeth 25) Retribution and revenge in Macbeth 26) Imagery and Irony in Macbeth 27) Burden of guilt in Macbeth

Transcript of Macbeth Term Paper Topics

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Macbeth Term Paper Topics

1) The peril of unchecked ambition in Macbeth2) The character of Lady Macbeth3) Macbeth the man – Macbeth as a warrior and a king4) Theme of Evil in Macbeth5) Theme of Masculinity in Macbeth6) Macbeth as a tragic hero7) Role of the secondary characters in Macbeth8) Dark Imagery in Macbeth9) Witchcraft and Demonology in Macbeth10) Compare and contrast Macbeth, Macduff and Banquo – Male leads11) The symbolization of blood – Blood imagery12) “Proleptic” Imagination in Macbeth – Macbeth’s visions and hallucinations and the role they

play in the development of his character13) Macbeth as a moral play14) Macbeth as a Tragedy and a History15) Compare and contrast the historical Macbeth with the Shakespearean Macbeth16) The development of the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth17) “When fair is foul and foul is fair”. Paradox and equivocation in Macbeth18) Stylistic devices used in Macbeth19) The setting of Macbeth20) Fear and the motives of evil21) Macbeth hath murdered sleep – sleep imagery in the play22) The theme of identity and its presentation in the play23) The structure of the play and its significance24) The role of the feminine in Macbeth25) Retribution and revenge in Macbeth26) Imagery and Irony in Macbeth27) Burden of guilt in Macbeth28) A study of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship29) The natural and supernatural in Macbeth30) Deception in Macbeth31) Macbeth as a psychological study – physical and mental illness