Ma Shari- jihad

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  • 8/10/2019 Ma Shari- jihad


  • 8/10/2019 Ma Shari- jihad




    T&' **+,- /0&...................................................................8

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  • 8/10/2019 Ma Shari- jihad


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    CHAPTER4 THE"IRTUESOFRIBAAT(THESTATIONIN!) ANDTHE"IRTUESOFTHEONE$HODIESINRIBAAT.............................................................?'2,0 +2,'-......................................................?'2,0 , +0' &2,0.....................................?@

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  • 8/10/2019 Ma Shari- jihad




    CHAPTER ONDUELIN!.......................................................?

    CHAPTER1'2,0 9+2- 3 /0&2,0................................................@?

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    A *:+&2- ;& 0' , 2&+- +,- -2' ;2&: /0&2,0 2 + S&+&''-@@

    CHAPTER1? MARTYRDOM....................................................@4

    A52,0 3 *+6-* +,- 0'2,0 2............................................@4

    T&' =2:' 3 *+6-*............................................................@4

    T&' '+& -' , ,:*' &' >-2' 3 &' *+6.................@

    T&' =2:' 3 *+6.................................................................@1. 'esire to die again for the sa+e of Allah:.............................................352. orgives all sins:..................................................................................353. The angels #rovide shade for the *haheed with their wings:...............3!4. artyrdom guarantees "aradise:.........................................................3!5. Are in the inside of green %irds in "aradise:.........................................3!!. They are not #unished in their graves:...................................................3!$. The *haheed is s#ared from the shoc+ of the %low of the orn:.............3!(. The *haheed intercedes for seventy of his family mem%ers:..............3!10. The *haheed feels #eace on the 'ay of udgment:..........................3!


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    11. The %lood of the *haheed doesnt dry until he sees his wives in "aradise: 3!12. The one who dies as a *haheed is %etter than the one who wins and returns homesafely:3$13. The *haheed does not feel the #ain of death ece#t li+e a %rief sting:3$14. The angels continuously visit the martyrs and deliver their salaams to them: 3$15. Allah is #leased with the *haheed:...................................................3$1!. or martyrdom to %e acce#ted no good deeds are re6uired to #recede it: 3$1$. The *haheed is married to al oor 7the woman of "aradise8:...........3&


    CHAPTER14 THEHISTORYOFJIHAD.......................................422, 3 !&+...........................................................4

    R:2,0 '0+-2,0 S+>................................................................4

    R:2,0 '0+-2,0 M:2* PO$..................................................5

    I,-:2,y comments are enclosed in%ra+ets >?

    D'/,22, 3 J2&+-The linguistic meaning:

    Lisan Alara%: ighting theenemy. )t involves using alle@ort in words and deeds.

    uam matn al lughah:ihad is commonly used torefer to waging war for thesa+e of Alha6 7the truth8

    )n )slamic terminology it means:alling towards the true religionand =ghting with ones soul andwealth against those who reect it.7Al )nayah *harh al idayah7ana=88ihad is =ghting. 7Al *heeraBi in aluhadha% 7*ha=i8ihad is a uslim waging waragianst a non,uslim who has no#eace agreement with uslims andthe =ghting is for the sa+e of theword of Allah to #revail. ihad isalso =ghting the non,uslim whoattac+s uslim territory and it isalso the uslims attac+ing the non,uslims in their land. 7awahi% alaleel = *harh u+htasar Chalil7ali+i88

    ihad is a cure for the individualand the society. )t cures theindividual %y delivering him fromthe sic+ness of dis%elief to thewell%eing of )slam. 'is%elieving inAllah is the greatest disease of alland the most destructive on allhumanity9 while )slam is thecom#lete cure. ihad cures the

    society %y eliminating the source ofcorru#tion and o##ression. Leavingthe dis%eliever unharmed increasesthe disease and strengthens it andallows the cancer to s#read.Therefore )slam cannot Dourish anduslims cannot live in #eace unlessthe disease is cured. )f it is #ossi%leto cure the disease %y using amedicine then %e it. Etherwise theinfected #ortion must %eam#utated even though theam#utation could cause #ain andsu@ering for the %ody. -ut then noone could claim that the

    am#utation cruel or inhumane. )twas necessary for the survival ofthe %ody. That is #recisely the roleof ihad in )slam. irst the messageshould %e conveyed through#eaceful means. )f the #eacefulcourse is ehausted and it did not%ear its fruits9 the %earers of thetruth would need to draw theirswords and =ght in order for theword of Allah to #revail.

    I*9+, '*ihad:/i%aat: )s the stationing in a land%ordering the enemy for the#ur#ose of ihad. The land of /i%aatis a land that is under threat ofattac+ %y the enemies of )slam. Theone who is stationed in /i%aat iscalled a ura%itFaBw: Linguistically refers toG#ursuitH )t is used in )slamicterminology to refer to #ursuingthe enemy in order to =ght him.

    T&' :2,0 3 J2&+-

    There are two ty#es of fardh7duty8in )slam: Fardh Ayn and fardhkifayah.Fardh Ayn7individual duty8: This isa mandatory duty that must %e#erformed %y everyone. ;am#lesof this ty#e of duty are the =vedaily #rayers and fasting.Fard kifayah 7collective duty8: Thisis a mandatory duty that must %edone. )f some uslims ful=ll it thenthe rest are releived of the duty.

    ;am#le of this ty#e of duty isenoining good and for%idding evilThis is a duty that must %e done inthe Immah. )f some uslims ful=lthat duty then the rest are reliefedof the duty %ut if they dont thenthe whole uslim Immah is sinfuuntil the duty is ful=lled. Anotheeam#le would %e the Adhan

    According to some schools othought the adhan is fardh +ifayah)f Adhan is not #erformed in auslim community then they areall held accounta%le for that untione of them #erforms it.

    ihad is a collective duty (fardhkifayah). 7A command which isim#erative u#on all to #erform it%ut if some do #erform it9 it will %esuJcient8. That is the o#inion othe maority of scholars.)n al idayah 7ana=8 it states thatighting the non,%elievers is

    mandatory even if they do notinitiate war and that is accordingthe general tets of )slam.Al ugni: ihad %ecomes anindividual duty in three cases: 1Khen the armies meet it ismandatory to =ght and not Dee. 28)f the non,%elievers descend onuslim territory. 38 )f the )mamcalls for war it is mandatory onevery a%le uslim to res#ond.)%n aBm: ihad is mandatory onuslims. )f some do ful=ll the duty%y #rotecting our %orders9 and=ghting the enemies in their ownland and con6uering it9 then theother uslims are relieved of theduty otherwise it is a duty on eachone of them according the verse: Go forth9 whether light of heavyand strive with your wealth andyour lives in the cause of AllahThat is %etter for you9 if you only+newH

    The classi=cation of ihad intominor and maor ihad:The hadith of GKe returned fromthe minor ihad to the maor ihadH

    is fa%ricated. )t hasnt %eennarrated %y any of the scholars ofhadith.)%n Taymiyah states: The hadith ofG Ke returned from the minor ihadto the maor ihadH is fa%ricatedand is not narrated %y any of thescholars who have +nowledge othe words of /asulullah9 his actionsand his ihad against thenon%elievers. )n fact ihad againstCufar is among the greatest o


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    deeds. )ndeed it is the greatestvoluntary deed a human could do.

    ;vidence that ihad isoverwhelmingly used to refer to=ghting non,%elievers:1. The o%ection of women: Khen

    women came to the essengerof Allah and com#lained thatthe men oin you in ihad whilewe dont. The essenger ofAllah told them that the ihad ofwomen is ha.)t is o%vious here that ihadrefers to com%at. )f it meantstruggle of the soul then whycant the women do itM

    2. *im#ly loo+ at the ta%le ofcontet of the %oo+s written %your traditional scholars. )n their%oo+s the cha#ter titled ihadonly refers to =ghting. )f theyunderstood it to directly includeother meanings this wouldhave %een reDected in their

    writings. As an eam#le ofwhat ) stated you can refer tothe following %oo+s and ta+e aloo+ at the cha#ter of ihad7notice that they called it ihadand not Fitall 7=ghting88: Alughni %y i%n Fudamah AlImm %y )mam *ha=i Aludawanah %y )mam ali+ ,The three commentaries onu+htasar Chalil %y Al Charshi9Alaysh and Al ata% Aluhala %y )%n aBm *u%ul Al*alam

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    T&' **+,- /0&

    Gighting has %een enoined u#onyou while it is hateful to you. -ut#erha#s you hate a thing and it isgood for youO and #erha#s you lovea thing and it is %ad for you. AndAllah +nows9 while you +now notH7al -a6ara 21!8

    G And =ght in the cause of Allahand +now that Allah is earing and

    CnowingH 7al -a6ara 2448G And if it were not for Allahchec+ing >some? #eo#le %y meansof others9 the earth would have%een corru#ted9 %ut Allah is full of%ounty to the worldsH 7al -a6ara2518G Then +ill the #olytheists whereveryou =nd them and ca#ture themand %esiege them and sit in waitfor them at every #lace of am%ushH7al Taw%a 58Gight those who do not %elieve inAllah or in the Last 'ay and who donot consider unlawful what Allahand is essenger have madeunlawful and who do not ado#t thereligion of truth >i.e.9 )slam? fromthose who were given the *cri#ture >=ght? until they give the iByah1

    willingly while they are hum%ledH7al Taw%a 2(8

    )mam Al aleemi in *ua% al )man:Allah clari=ed that if it werent forAllah chec+ing the non%elieversthrough the %elievers and givingthe %elievers authority to #rotect)slam and %rea+ the armies of

    dis%elief9 dis%elief would havereigned on earth and the truereligion would have %eeneliminated. This #roves that thereason for the survival of religion7i.e.9 )slam8 is ihad and whatever isin this status deserves to %e a #illarof )man.

    1Jizyah: A tax imposed on the Christian and

    Jewish subjects of the Muslim Khilafah.

    1. En the authority of )%n Imar7may Allah %e #leased withhim89 the essenger of Allah7#eace and %lessings of Allah%e u#on him8 said: G ) have%een ordered to =ght againstthe #eo#le until they testifythat there is none worthy ofworshi# ece#t Allah and thatuhammad is the essengerof Allah9 esta%lish the #rayerand give the Ba+ah. Then9 ifthey do that9 their %lood andwealth will %e #rotected fromme ece#t in accordance withthe right of )slam. And theirrec+oning will %e with Allah9 the;altedH -u+hari9 uslim9Tirmithi9

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    hearts of some men and Allahwill #rovide the =ghters fromthem until the =nal hour startsand the #romise of Allah isful=lled and good is on theforeheads of horses until theday of udgment. )t is %eingrevealed to me that ) will %ede#arting you soon and youwould follow me while you are=ghting each other and thehouse of the %elievers is in alshaam2.

    )n the commentary on Al Ke have a right to as+: Kherehave these hadiths %eenM owcome our scholars have left usin the dar+ regarding thesehadithsM ow come weveheard the hadiths on Taharahand the eti6uettes of the toilethundreds of times while onehas to dig dee# in our classical%oo+s to retrieve thesetreasuresM?

    5. Anas narrates that theessenger of Allah said: Gightthe non%elievers with yourwealth9 arms9 and tonguesHKith your tongues means hurtthe non,%elievers %y lettingthem hear what dis#leasesthem.*ahih9 al

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    7fardh ayn8 on each and everyindividual.The minimum #artici#ation in ihadis once a year9 and more is always%etter. )t is not allowed to have ayear #ass you %y without any=ghting ece#t out of necessity li+ethe wea+ness of uslims and thegreat num%ers of the enemy9 orfear of etermination if you attac+them =rst9 or lac+ of #rovisions9 orsimilar ecuses. Etherwise9 if thereis no necessity it is not allowed todelay attac+ing the non,%elieversfor more than a year. )mam *ha=istates that.The imam of al aramain says: )ado#t the o#inion of the scholars ofusool. They stated that ihad is amandatory call and must %eesta%lished according to the a%ilityuntil none remains in the world %uta uslim or one who has su%mittedto uslims. Thus9 ihad is notlimited to once a year. )t should %e

    done more fre6uently if #ossi%le.Khat the scholars of =6h stated is%ecause usually the time s#ent in#re#arations for com%at limit thea%ility to wage war to once a year.The author of al ugni from thean%ali school states: GTheminimum ihad is once a year9 so itis mandatory every year. )f there isa need to =ght more than once ayear9 it %ecomes mandatory on theuslims to ful=ll that need.HAl Furtu%i states in his tafseer: G)tis mandatory on the )mam to sendan army of uslims to the land of

    the enemy once every year and the)mam should #artici#ate himself insuch e#editions. )f not9 then heshould send someone ca#a%lewhom he trusts9 to call them to)slam9 +ee# away their harm9 togive victory to the religion of Allah9until they enter )slam or #ayiByahH>in addition to themadha% of the author which is*ha=i?.)f the enemy am%ushes theuslims in a certain area and theydont have a chance to assem%letogether and #re#are to =ght9 thenwhoever is faced %y a non%eliever9

    or a grou# of non%elievers9 and theuslim +nows that if he surrendershe would %e +illed9 then he must=ght. There is no di@erence in thisruling %etween a freeman9 slave9man9 woman9 %lind9 lim#9 or ill. )fthere is only the #ossi%ility of %eing+illed if surrendered9 %ut wouldde=antly %e +illed if he refuses tosurrender9 then it is allowed toeither surrender or =ght9 %ut=ghting is %etter.)f a woman thin+s if she is ta+en#risoner she would %e seually

    a%used9 it is mandatory on her to=ght9 even if that would lead to herdeath %ecause if a #erson is forcedto commit adultery or fornication itis not allowed to give in even if tosave ones life.

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    adhere heavily to the earthM Areyou satis=ed with the life of thisworld rather than the ereafterM-ut what is the enoyment ofworldly life com#ared to theereafter ece#t a >very? little.)f you do not go forth9 e will#unish you with a #ainful#unishment and will re#lace youwith another #eo#le9 and you willnot harm im at all. And Allah isover all things com#etent 7Taw%ah3&,3(8

    Those who remained %ehindreoiced at their staying >at home?after >the de#arture of? theessenger of Allah and disli+ed tostrive with their wealth and theirlives in the cause of Allah and said9G'o not go forth in the heat.H *ay9GThe =re of ell is more intense inheatH, if they would %ut understand*o let them laugh a little and >then?wee# much as recom#ense for

    what they used to earn. 7Taw%a &1,&28

    10. )%n Imar narrates: ) heard theessenger of Allah saying9 G)fyou trade in each9 and followthe tails of cows9 and %ecamecontent with %eing farmers9and ignored ihad9 Allah willim#ose on you a humiliationthat would not %e ta+en awayuntil you go %ac+ to yourreligion. 7A%u 'awud Authentic8

    The meaning of the hadith isthat if #eo#le ignore ihad%ecause of their involvement inagriculture and similar a@airs9Allah will unleash u#on themtheir enemies which would%ring them humiliation whichcannot %e eliminated unlessthey go %ac+ to what is a dutyu#on them to start with andthat is ihad against the non,%elievers9 and %eing harsh andrough on them9 andesta%lishing religion to give

    )slam and its followers victoryand to raise the word of Allahhigh and to humiliate dis%eliefand its followers. This hadithshows that leaving ihad isleaving )slam %ecause theessenger of Allah said: Guntilyou go %ac+ to your religionH

    11. A%u -a+r states that9 G )f any#eo#le sto# ihad Allah will

    cover them all with#unishmentHal Ta%arani9 7agreea%le chain8

    12. )%n Asa+ir narrates that whenA%u -a+r %ecame the Chalifahhe stood on the #ul#it andamong what he said was9 G )f#eo#le do not #ractice ihadAllah will inDict them with#overtyH

    Ene might say that ) see some#eo#le not #racticing ihadnevertheless they are wealthy. Theanswer is that wealth is not theamount of money you have9 %utwealth is a feeling of contentmentand satisfaction that eists in theheart. Khen #eo#le sto# #racticingihad they miss out on the %ooty ofwar. Khen they do that and insteadturn their attention and e@ort toma+ing wealth from various othermeans9 they get involved in a lot of

    #rohi%ited methods of ma+ingmoney. ou then rarely =nd anyoneamong them whos wealth is all#ure halal. They %ecame greedyover miser things of this world.That made them humiliated andthey %ecame slaves to money.-ut the muahid is free of greedand is de#ending on Allah for his#rovisions. Allah #rovides for himfrom the %ooty. e wins it %y hissword and it is #ure halal.

    13. A%u urairah narrates that theessenger of Allah said: G

    Khoever dies and has notfought or had the intention of=ghting dies on a %ranch ofhy#ocrisyH uslim

    14. A%u Imamah narrates that theessenger of Allah said: GKhoever has not fought or#re#ared a =ghter or ta+encare of a =ghter in his a%sence9Allah will stri+e him with adisasterH A%u 'awud7Agreea%le8

    A, +-=2' &' ,' ;& +6>'&2,-

    E you who have neglected ihadand stayed away from the #ath ofsuccess: ou have #ut yourself inthe #osition of eclusion from themercy of Allah. ou have de#rivedyourself from the greatest reward.

    Khat is it that caused you to stay%ehindM Khy havent you oinedthe ran+s of the muahideenM Khyare you holding %ac+ your soul andyour wealthM)t must %e one of the followingreasons: The desire to live a longlifeO attachment to family9 wealthfriendsO desire to do more gooddeeds %efore =ghting ihadO love ofa %eautiful wifeO your #osition o#owerO or love of a comforta%le lifestyle.the matter? with you thatwhen you are told to go forth in thecause of Allah9 you adhere heavilyto the earthM Are you satis=ed withthe life of this world rather than theereafterM -ut what is the

    enoyment of worldly life com#aredto the ereafter ece#t a >verylittle.HListen carefully to how ) res#ond toeach and every one of the causesthat are holding you %ac+ fromihad. ou will then come to realiBethat you are de#rived and youwould learn that it is nothing %utyour self and *haytaan that is#reventing you from ihad.

    1. T&' -'2' 2=' ,0'

    )n the name of Allah9 fearlessnessdoes not decrease your life andcowardice does not increase itAllah says:GAnd for every nation is a>s#eci=ed? term. *o when theitime has come9 they will noremain %ehind an hour nor will they#recede >it?.H 7Al Aaraf 348And e says:G-ut never will Allah delay a souwhen its time has come. And Allahis Ac6uainted with what you do.H7Al una=6oon 118And e says:

    G;very soul will taste death. Thento Is will you %e returned.H 7AAn+a%oot 5$8E you who have deceived yourself/emem%er that during death isagony and #ain. And on the 'ay ofudgment is the great fear. 'o youremem%er that the *haheed iss#ared of all of thatMe does not feel the #ain of deathece#t li+e a sting of an insect. y


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    %rother9 why miss out on thiso##ortunityM And then after deathyou will %e s#ared from the#unishment of the grave9 you willnot go through the 6uestioning ofthe angels in the grave9 and youwill %e tran6uil on the 'ay ofudgment when everyone else isafraid. After your death your soulwill %e in the insides of %irds Dyingin " you see the di@erence%etween dying a natural death and%eing a *haheedM

    ?. A+&*', 3+*26

    )f what is #reventing you from ihadis family9 wealth and friends thenAllah says:GAnd it is not your wealth or yourchildren that %ring you nearer to Isin #osition9 %ut it is >%y %eing? onewho has %elieved and done

    righteousness.H 7*a%a 3$8And e says:GCnow that the life of this world is%ut amusement and diversion andadornment and %oasting to oneanother and com#etition inincrease of wealth and children li+e the eam#le of a rain whose#lant growth #leases the tillersOthen it fries and you see it turnedyellowO then it %ecomes de%ris. Andin the ereafter is severe#unishment and forgiveness fromAllah and a##roval. And what is the

    worldly life ece#t the enoymentof delusion.H7Al adeed 208The essenger of Allah said: Gandthe area under a whi# or underyour foot in "aradise is %etter thanthe world and everything in itH7-u+hari8*o does it ma+e sense to leave thisvast +ingdom in "aradise for thesa+e of your family who in a shortwhile will %e among the deadM Afamily that might e#ressanimosity9 %ad %ehavior9 orealousy. )f you have money theylove you9 if your %ro+e they forsa+e

    you. Ene day they are with you andthe net day against you. )n theend9 on the 'ay of udgment9 theywould leave you alone and theywould hold you accounta%le for thesiBe of an atom. They would alldesire that they could %e saved onthat day even if it is %y %y yougoing to ell=re.

    @. L=' 3 ;'+&

    )f it is your wealth that is +ee#ingyou %ehind then how can it do sowhen you +now that it willeventually leave youM And %ecauseof this wealth you would %e as+edon the 'ay of udgment: ow didyou ma+e itM And how did yous#end itM ou will %e as+ed thesetwo 6uestions on a day that would

    ma+e a child gray headed. A day ofhorror.The essenger of Allah said: GThe#oor uslims would #recede therich in "aradise %y half a day: 500yearsNHAllah says:Gour wealth and your children are%ut a trial9 and Allah has with im agreat reward.H 7Al Tagha%un 158And how can your children +ee#you from ihadM

    4. L=' 3 6: &2-', +,-

    +2,0 3 &'*

    )s it %ecause you care for themMKell Allah is more careful for themthen you. 'idnt e care for themwhen they were in the dar+ness oftheir mothers wom%Mow can such a child #revent youfrom ihad when if he is young youare concerned and when they growold you are still concerned. ou areconcerned a%out them when theyare healthy and when they are sic+.)f you disci#line them they revoltagainst you. )f you advice them

    they hate you. And after all of yourcare for them9 when you grow oldthey forsa+e youN And you still seethem as a %lessingNet them out of your mindN Andhand them over to the one whocreated them. And trust Allah intheir #rovisions as you trust im inyours. ow can you admit thatAllah is the one who manages thea@airs of the eavens and ;arthand you dont trust im with the#rovisions of your childrenM)n the name of Allah you have noauthority over the harm or %ene=tthat %efalls them or even yourself.ou have no control over your lifeor theirs. ou cannot add a day totheir life. )n one day you could %edead and then you would leaveyour children or#hans %ehind you.Then you would say: ) wish ) werewith the martyrsN And the res#onsewould %e: i.e*atan?H 7Lu6man 338sothey will %e? %rothers9 on thronesfacing each other.H 7Al ir 4$8

    . P;' +,- 9'20'

    ou might %e staying %ehind theran+s of the muahideen %ecauseyou fear the loss of what you haveesta%lished so far in your life interms of #osition9 #ower9 and#restige.This #osition you are holding9 howmany hands did it #ass throughuntil it reached youM *o if this

    #osition left them it would one dayleave you. our #ower is tem#oraryand your #restige will soon %eforgotten. our #osition9 #ower and#restige are +ee#ing away from the#ath of "aradise. The lowest #ersonin "aradise will own ten times thewhole world and everything on itThis is the #ower and #osition othe lowest #erson of "aradise. )t isgreater than that of the greatest+ing of this world.


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    saying:?G"eace %e u#on you for what you#atiently endure. And ecellent isthe =nal homeH 7Al /aad 23,248

    . A+&*', +*3+>' 23'6'

    )t might %e the tran6uility of your

    mansion. The shade of yourgarden. The comfort of your %ed.The amenities of life that aresurrounding you and ma+ing yourlife #leasant and #ain free.-ut remem%er that none if thatwould last forever. our mansion isnothing %ut stones9 %ric+s andmortar. )f it is not cleaned it wouldrot and if it is not maintained itwould %rea+down. And eventually itwould turn into the dirt it was madeof. Kouldnt you #refer to live in a#alace %uilt from %ric+s of gold and

    silverM A #alace that is everlasting9and doesnt need cleaning ormaintenance. )ts furniture ischosen and arranged %y angels. )nit you would %e served with the%est food %y servants whom Allahsays a%out them:GThere will circulate among themyoung %oys made eternal. Khenyou see them9 you would thin+them >as %eautiful as? scattered#earls.H 7Al )nsan 1(8)n "aradise everything is clean ,everything is #ure. There is no callto nature or sweating. Eur %odies

    will come in a di@erent form.Life therein is in=nite. There is notime #ressure. The #eo#le of"aradise are free to do what theyli+e whenever they li+e and for aslong as they li+e. Ene of themcould recline on his throne for 40years tal+ing to his wife.i.e.*atan?)ndeed9 *atan is an enemy to youOso ta+e him as an enemy. e onlyinvites his #arty to %e among thecom#anions of the -laBe.H 7atir 5,!8

    This is nothing more than a tra# of*haytaan. That is not the way ofthe Awlyah 7friends8 of Allah.Kerent the *aha%ah and Ta%ieen+eener to do more good deeds thanyouM -ut that never held them%ac+ from =ghting in the cause ofAllah. ant you here Allah tellingyou:Go forth whether light or heavy9and strive with your wealth andyour lives in the cause of Allah.That is %etter for you9 if you only+newH 7Al Taw%ah 418

    ant you see that the %est way to%etter yourself is actually throughihadM Allah says:G-ut Allah has #referred themuahideen over those who remain>%ehind? with a great rewardH 7Al

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    Cee# in mind that leaving your wife%ehind is inevita%le. ou will dieand so would she. And insha Allahyou will %e reunited in "aradise andthen you will =nd her to %e evenmore %eautiful than the oor.Khen that ha##ens you will =ndher free of all the dis#leasures ofthis life.

    Ka+e u# %efore its too late9 andfree yourself from the #rison of thisworld9 and #ray to Allah to grantyou martyrdom. 'ont let anythingstand %etween you and this greatreward.

    1. A%u urairah narrates: Theessenger of Allah said G The*haheed feels the #ain ofdeath ust li+e one of you wouldfeel the sting of an insectH

    Al Tirmithi Al

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    T&' =2:' 3 J2&+-

    Allah says: at home? other than the disa%led and theuahideen in the cause of Allahwith their wealth and their lives.Allah has #referred the uahideenthrough their wealth and their livesover those who remain >%ehind?9 %ydegrees. And to all9 Allah has#romised the %est >reward?. -utAllah has #referred the muahideenover those who remain >%ehind?with a great reward.'egrees from im and forgivenessand mercy. And Allah is everorgiving and erciful. 7Al in echange? for thatthey will have "aradise. They =ghtin the cause of Allah9 so they +illand are +illed. >)t is? a true #romise

    >%inding? u#on im in the Torahand the os#el and the Furan. Andwho is truer to his covenant thanAllahM *o reoice in yourtransaction9 which you havecontracted. And it is that which isthe great attainment. 7Al Taw%a1118

    E you who have %elieved9 if yousu##ort Allah9 e will su##ort you

    and #lant =rmly your feet.7uhammad $8

    The %elievers are only the oneswho have %elieved in Allah and isessenger and then dou%t not %utstrive with their #ro#erties andtheir lives in the cause of Allah. )t isthose who are the truthful. 7Alurat 158

    E you who have %elieved shall )guide you to a transaction that willsave you from a #ainful#unishmentM>)t is that? you %elieve in Allah andis essenger and strive in thecause of Allah with your wealth andyour lives. That is %est for you9 ifyou should %ut +now.e will forgive you your sins andadmit you to gardens %eneathwhich rivers Dow and #leasantdwellings in gardens of #er#etualresidence. That is the great

    attainment.And >you will o%tain? another>favor? that you love victory fromAllah and an imminent con6uestOand give good tidings to the%elievers. 7Al *a@ 10,138

    J2&+- 2 &' >' -''- +3'S++& +,- >'2,0 -:23:;+- ,'% 9+',

    3. The essenger of Allah wasas+ed what is the most %eloved

    act of worshi# in the eyes ofAllahM e said9 G"raying ontime9H ) said9 G Then whatMH esaid9 G-eing dutiful towardsyour #arents9H ) said and thenwhatM e said9 Gihad in the#ath of AllahH 7-u+hari8

    4. )%n Imar used to consider ihadto %e the %est of all deed after*alah 7al -ayha6i8

    J2&+- 2 &' 0'+' -''- +3'>'2'=2,0 2, A+&

    5. The essenger of Allah wasas+ed9 GKhat is the %est of allacts of worshi#MH e said9G-elieving in AllahH e wasas+ed9 GAnd then whatMH eres#onded9 Gihad in the #ath ofAllahH Then he was as+ed GAndthen whatMH e said9 GAnacce#ted aH 7-u+hari anduslim8

    !. aiB narrates9 the essengeof Allah was as+ed9 GKhat isthe %est deedMH e saidG-elieving in Allah9 and thenihad9 and then a whichwould %e %etter than everyother deed li+e the distance%etween the sunset andsunriseH 7Ahmad8

    >This is an indication that thestatus of these deeds is notonly higher than anything else%ut it is so with a huge margin.?

    $. A%u 'harr narrates9 ) as+ed theessenger of Allah a%out the%est deeds9 he said9 G -elievingin Allah and ihad in is #athH7-u+hari and uslim8

    &. A%u Fatadah narrates that theessenger of Allah stood anddelivered a reminder to them

    and said that ihad in the #athof Allah and %elieving in Allahare the greatest deeds. ) manthen stood u# and as+ed9 GEessenger of Allah9 what if was +illed in the #ath of Allahwould my all my sins %eforgivenM The essenger oAllah said: es 7uslim8

    (. A%u urairah narrates that the

    essenger of Allah said Gthe%est of deeds in the eyes oAllah are: A %elief in Allah withconviction9 FaBw with no

    6ulool39 and an acce#ta%le haH7A%u ChuBaymah )%na%%aan8

    J2&+- 2 0'+' &+,;&292,0 2, &' H:'3 A+& +,- '=2,0 2+,- '=2,0 &' 9202*

    10. Al

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    resting until the muahid comes%ac+NH 7uslim8

    21. A man came to the essengerof Allah and as+ed him a%outsomething to do e6uivalent toihad. The essenger of Allahsaid9 G ) dont =nd anyH Then hesaid9 GKhen the muahidleaves9 can you enter into yourmasid and #ray and fast withno %rea+MH The man said9 GAndwho could do thatNH 7-u+hari8

    22. A%u urairah says: The horseof the muahid would %erunning in a #astureland andthe muahid would %e givenrewards for thatN 7-u+hari8

    )f the ones with high as#irations9those who had their rewardsmulti#lied %ecause of theircom#anionshi# of the essenger ofAllahO if they cannot =nd anything

    e6uivalent to ihad9 then how canwe %e at ease with lower deeds.ow can we settle for other deedswhen even then we might havethem mied with insincerity andshortcomingsME Allah wa+e us u# from this slee#and grant us ihad in your cause%efore its too lateN ou are ourho#e for any good and there is nostrength with anyone %ut you.

    R'3'',' &+ &' ''9 3&' *:+&2- 2 >''&+, &' 9+62,0 3 &',20& +,- 3+2,0 3 &'-+6 3 &'

    23. *afwan %in *aleem said A%uurairah as+ed9 Gan anyone ofyou #ray continuously withoutrest and fast continuouslywithout a %rea+MH They said9 GEA%u urairah9 who could dothatNH e said9 G) swear in thename of whom my soul is in hishands: The slee# of themuahid is %etter than thatNH

    7)%n al u%ara+8

    )f this is the status of their slee#9then what a%out their #rayers. Thisis what the com#etitors shouldcom#ete for and this is what othersshould cry for missing.

    A+& ''='- ,' &:,-'-'=' 2, P++-2' 3 &'*:+&2-'',# >';'','+& '=' +,- &' &'2 &' -2+,' >';'',&' &'+=', +,- '+&

    Allah has #referred the muahideenover those who remain >%ehind?with a great reward

    'egrees from im and forgivenessand mercy. And Allah is everorgiving and erciful.H 7Al

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    enter him into "aradise or toreturn him home with reward or%ootyH 7-u+hari and uslim8

    2(. A%u urairah narrates: Theessenger of Allah said9 GThereare three whom it is grantedthat Allah will hel# them: Themuahid in the #ath of Allah9the slave who started the#rocess of mu+ata%ah9 and theone who wants to marry forchastityH 7A%dul/aBa6 alTirmithi al a+im8

    A+& ;2 ,'=' 3+5' &'*:+&2-'', >: ;:-&'9 &'* +,- '9,- &'2 9+6'

    30. a%ir %in A%dullah narrates: Kewere sent on an e#edition %ythe essenger of Allah to raid a

    caravan owned %y Furaish9 andhe a##ointed A%u I%aydah asour leader. The essenger ofAllah found nothing to #rovideus with ece#t leather %ags=lled with dates and nothingelse. A%u I%aydah would thenhand us one date each. Thenarrator was as+ed: GKhatgood would a date %eMH e saidwe would eat it and then suc+on the date seedN )n addition todrin+ing water9 that was theonly food we would have for

    the whole dayN Then we wouldgather leafs of trees and soa+them in water and eat them.Then we headed for thedirection of the coast. Ke sawwhat a##eared li+e a sanddune and to our sur#rise it waswhale. A%u I%aydah at =rstsaid it is dead 7therefore itcannot %e consumed8 e thensaid: G-ut we are themessengers of the essengerof Allah and we are in thecause of Allah9 and this is anecessity so eat from itH Ke

    stayed there for a whole montheating from it until we grew fatand we were three hundred innum%erN Ke would collect oilfrom its eyes with %uc+ets andcut from its Desh #ieces aslarge as a %ull. A%u I%aydahhad us =t 13 men in its eyesoc+etN e then had one of itsri% %ones =ed to the groundli+e an arc+9 then he had the

    tallest camel with us #ass fromunder it without the cameltouching the %oneN Ke then#ic+ed u# dried meat to carrywith us to adina. Khen wetold the essenger of Allah ourstory he said9 GThat wassustenance Allah send for you.'o you have any of that meatleft with you to give me someMKe send some to him and heate from itH 7uslim8

    M2'+,': ';+- 3 &'*:+&2-'',

    Allah says: GRthat is %ecause theyare not aQicted %y thirst or fatigueor hunger in the cause of Allah9 nordo they tread on any ground thatenrages the dis%elievers9 nor dothey inDict u#on an enemy anyinDiction %ut that it is registered for

    them as a righteous deed. )ndeed9Allah does not allow to %e lost thereward of the doers of good.

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    advise you to go on ihadH 7i%nal u%ara+8These were the words of Chalid%efore his death.

    3!. e also said: G) was #reventeda lot of reciting of Furan%ecause of my #reoccu#ationwith ihadH7)%n Asa+ir A%uala8

    R'3'',' 9'3'',' 32&+- =' &+

    3$. )%n Imar said: Ene tri# onihad is %etter than 50 has7)%n al u%ara+ i%n A%i*hay%ah8This narration to i%n Imar isauthentic

    3&. 'hirar %in Amr said: G ) haves#ent a very long time in ihadand my heart was longing to

    ha. ) made my #re#arations togo and then went to greet my%rothers. ) visited )shaa6 %inA%u arwah to tell him good,%ye. e as+ed me9 GKhere areyou goingMH ) said: G) am goingon ha9H e said: Gas youro#inion on ihad changed orwhatMH ) said: G

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    and said: Gay Allah never%ring us together ece#t on the'ay of udgmentNHA%dulKahid said: GKhen wereached the enemys territoryand #eo#le were called to =ght.)%rahim was in the front and he+illed many of the enemy %utthen they overwhelmed himand +illed him. En our way%ac+ ) told my soldiers not totell Imm )%rahim that her sonwas +illed until ) tell her. Khenwe entered al -asra she metme and said: G'id Allah acce#tmy gift so ) can cele%rate orwas it reected so ) should cryMH) said: GAllah did acce#t yourgift and your son died as a*haheedH *he then #rostratedto than+ Allah and said: GThan+you Allah for acce#ting my giftHThe following day she came tome in the mos6ue and said:G/eoiceNH ) said: GKhat good

    news do you haveMH *he said:G) saw my son )%rahim lastnight in a dream. e was in a%eautiful garden dressed ingreen clothes9 sitting on athrone made of #earl and hehad a crown on his head. etold me: G/eoice my motherN )got married to my %rideNH

    T&' =2:' 3 +2,0 ;+-2&+-

    Allah says: And the forerunners9the forerunners. Those are theones %rought close to Allah 7alKa6iah 10,118Ithman %in A%i *awdah said wewhere told that the forerunnersmentioned in the verses are the=rst to go out on ihad and the =rstto go to *alah. 7)%n A%i *hay%ah7authentic88

    40. Ithman is one of the )mams ofthe Ta%ieen and one of their=ghters. e was as+ed: Are you

    going out to =ght this yearM esaid: es9 ) wouldnt want tomiss =ghting even if ) were toma+e 1009000 dinars

    41. Al assan %in A%i al assansaid that the essenger ofAllah sent an army and amongthem was uadh %in a%al. ewas late in going out with thearmy so the essenger of Allah

    saw him and said: G ) see thatyour com#any are one monthahead of you in "aradiseNHuadh said: G E essenger ofAllah ) only stayed %ehind inorder to catch the #rayer withyou and so that you can ma+edua for me in order to ma+e meahead of my com#any inrewardsNH The essenger ofAllah said: G

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    will save him from ell=reH7-u+hari8

    4$. A%u 'ardaa narrated: Theessenger of Allah said: GAllahwill not com%ine in the lungs ofis servant the dust of the #athof Allah with the smo+e ofell=re9 and whoever gets hisfeet dirty in the #ath of Allah9Allah will +ee# him away fromell=re the distance of 1000years travel for a fast horse9and whoever is inured in the#ath of Allah will receive theseal of martyrdom. The inurycomes on the 'ay of udgmentwith the color of sa@ron andthe smell of mus+. )t is a signthat would %e recogniBed %ythe all the creation9 the%eginning and the end. Theywill say: Ge has the stam# ofmartyrs.H And whoever =ghts inthe #ath of Allah for a #eriod

    e6uivalent to the time it ta+esto mil+ a camel is guaranteed"aradiseH 7Ahmad8

    T&' =2:' 3 2-2,0 &' '+ 2,2&+-

    4&. Anas %in ali+ narrated: Theessenger of Allah would visitImm araam %int alhaan andshe would feed him. Immaraam was the wife of

    I%aadah %in al *aamit. Eneday when he visited her9 aftershe fed him she sat down tocom% his hair. The essengerof Allah fell aslee#. e thenwo+e u# laughing. *he as+edhim: GKhat is ma+ing youlaughMH e said9 G) was#resented with some of mynation who were going out to=ght in the cause of Allahriding the sea li+e +ings onthrones.H ) said E essenger ofAllah9 as+ Allah that ) %e one ofthemN e #rayed for her and

    then went to slee# again. ewo+e u# again laughing. *hesaid what ma+es you laughM esaid he saw another grou# anddescri%ed them as he did%efore. *he said #ray to Allahthat ) am one of them. Theessenger of Allah said: Gouare with the =rst grou#Hears later Imm araam#artici#ated in an army

    traveling through the sea.Khen they reached ashore shefell o@ her mount and diedH7-u+hari8

    4(. Imm araam heard theessenger of Allah say: GThe=rst of my Immah to ride thesea in the cause of Allah areforgivenH Imm araam said9GE essenger of Allah am )among themH e said Ges youareH e then said9 GThe =rstarmy of my Immah to attac+the city of aesar are forgivenH*he said9 GAm ) among themMHe said9 GThis hadith is an indication of thes#ecial honor of naval warfare and=ghting the /omans.?

    50. Caa% al Ah%ar said: GKhen aman =rst sets his foot on theshi# he leaves all his sins

    %ehind him and %ecomes cleanli+e the day he was %orn. Andthe one who su@ersseasic+ness is li+e the inuredwho is #ouring his %lood in the#ath of Allah. And the one whois #atient in the sea is li+e a+ing with a crown on his head.7*aeed %in ansoor in hissunnan with an agreea%lechain to Caa%8

    51. ayy al aa=ri said they weresitting with A%dullah %in Amr

    under the Aleandrialighthouse when the shi#s ofihad em%ar+ed on theirourney. A%dullah said: GEaslamah9 tell me where arethe sins of those #eo#leMH esaid: GThey are hanging ontheir nec+sNH A%dullah said:G)t is mentioned in hadith that ifAllah laughs at someone tha#erson will never %e #unishedin ell=re?

    The author of al ughni and othersfrom the school of )mam Ahmadstate that the e#editions of thesea are greater in reward thanthose of land since it is morediJcult and dangerous.)n my o#inion there should %e nodi@erence of o#inion in that due tothe aforementioned hadiths thastate the great status of ihad inthe sea. )t should %e statedhowever that one should not ridethe sea when it is so dangerousthat the li+elihood of survival isvery slim.

    T&' =2:' 3 &' +,-5''92,0 &'* 3 &'9:9' 3 2&+-

    Allah says: And #re#are againsthem whatever you are a%le o#ower and of steeds of war %ywhich you may terrify the enemy ofAllah and your enemy and others%esides them whom you do not+now %ut whom Allah +nows. Andwhatever you s#end in the cause ofAllah will %e fully re#aid to you9 andyou will not %e wronged. 7Al Anfa!08

    53. A%u urairah narrated: The

    essenger of Allah saidGKhoever +ee#s a horse for thesa+e of Allah9 %elieving in Allahand is #romise9 then thehorses feeding9 drin+ingdro##ings9 and urine are goingto %e on his scale of gooddeeds on the 'ay oudgment.H 7-u+hari8

    T&' =2:' 3 3'+ 2, &' 9+& 3A+&

    54. *alman said: G)f the heart othe %eliever trem%les in the#ath of Allah that would sha+edown his sins ust li+e thesha+ing of a cluster of datesH7)%n al u%ara+ i%n A%u*hay%ah Ta%arani 7aw6oof88

    55. A%dullah %in Amr %in al Aasnarrated: The essenger oAllah said: GAny e#edition that=ghts in the #ath of Allah and


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    win or come %ac+ safe havealready received two thirds oftheir rewards. Khile an armythat looses9 feels fear and ishurt have their entire rewardreserved for themH 7uslim8

    T&' =2:' 3 +,-2,0 2, &'+,5 , &' >+'/'-

    Allah says: )ndeed9 Allah lovesthose who =ght in is cause in arow as though they are a >single?structure oined =rmly. 7Al *a@ 48

    5!. *ahl %in *aad al *aidinarrated: The essenger ofAllah said: GTwo moments9Allah o#ens in them the gatesof the heavens and when thatha##ens hardly ever would a#rayer %e reected: 'uring thecall to #rayer and when the

    armies line u# their ran+sH7A%u 'awud8

    5$. )%n Imar said: GTo stand in theran+s facing the enemy evenwithout me stri+ing my sword9throwing my s#ear9 or shootingmy arrows9 is %etter to me thanworshi#ing Allah for !0 yearsand not committing any sinH 7Alami8

    5&. )mran %in aseen narrated: Theessenger of Allah said:

    G*tanding in the ran+s of thearmy in the %attle=eld is %etterto Allah than the worshi# ofsity yearsH 7Al a+im7authentic according to al-u+hari rules and agreed %y alThaha%i88

    5(. aBeed %in *haarah 7acom#anion8 said: G) was toldthat swords are +eys to"aradiseH 7A%dul/aBa6 with anauthentic chain to aBeed8

    !0. A%dullah %in Amr said: *hall )

    tell you a%out the %est martyron the 'ay of udgmentM Thatis the one who stands in theran+s on the %attle=eld andwhen they face the enemy hedoes not turn left or right./ather he carries his sword andsays: GE AllahN Today ) handover to you my soul to ma+e u#for my #ast daysNH and then heis +illed. That #erson is among

    the martyrs who now lay downin the high rooms of "aradisewherever they wishNH 7)%n alu%ara+8

    A &+9' , &' 3+';' 3&' /0&'

    !1. A%u -a+r al *iddee6 escortedan army and wal+ed with themand then said: G"raise %e toAllah for having dust on ourfeet in his cause.H A man said:G-ut we ust escorted them andgave them farewellMH A%u -a+rsaid: GKe #re#ared them9 gavethem farewell and made#rayers for themH 7al ussanaf%y i%n A%i *hay%ah al *unnanal +u%ra %y al -ayha6i8


    Allah says: Kho is it that wouldloan Allah a goodly loan so e maymulti#ly it for him many timesoverM And it is Allah who withholdsand grants in a%undance9 and toim you will %e returned 7al-a6arah 2458

    Allah says: The eam#le of thosewho s#end their wealth in the way

    of Allah is li+e a seed which growsseven s#i+esO in each s#i+e is ahundred grains. And Allahmulti#lies for whom e wills. AndAllah is all,;ncom#assing andCnowing 7al -a6arah 2!18

    !2. The essenger of Allah #rayedto Allah to give his Immahmore. Allah revealed: GKho is itthat would loan Allah a goodlyloan so e may multi#ly it forhim many times overMH Theessenger of Allah as+ed formore. Allah revealed: G)ndeed9

    the #atient will %e given theirreward without account >i.e.limit? 7al -ayha6i8

    !3. The essenger of Allah said:GKhoever s#ends in the #ath ofAllah9 it would %e multi#lied forthem $00 timesH 7Tirmithi

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    %in A@aan came to theessenger of Allah carrying athousand dinars 7gold coins8and he #oured it on the la# ofthe essenger of Allah. Theessenger of Allah was tossingthe coins and turning themwhile he +e#t on saying againand again: GKhatever Ithmandoes after this day wont harmhimNH 7Ahmad Tirmithi8

    !(. The essenger of Allah said: GE Allah %e #leased withIthman %ecause ) am #leasedwith himH 7)%n ishaam8

    $0. uhi%aldeen al Ta%ari said:Ithman =rst came with 300camels full with their saddles9then he came in with 1000 golddinars9 then when he saw thatthe army is still short he%rought in horses and camelsu# to a total of a 1000. Khen

    that wasnt enough he sent in109000 dinars and 20 horses.

    T&' 9:,2&*', 3 ;2&&-2,0;'+& 3* >'2,0 9',2, &' 9+& 3 A+&

    Allah says: And s#end in the way ofAllah and do not throw yourselveswith your own hands intodestruction. And do goodO )ndeed9Allah loves the doers of good 7al

    -a6arah 1(58

    $1. uthaifah said the meaning ofthe ayah is that when #eo#ledo not s#end their wealth inthe #ath of Allah they arethrowing themselves intodestruction. 7-u+hari8

    )%n A%i atim in his tafseer saysthat this is the o#inion of: )%nA%%aas9 )+rimah9 al assan9uahid9 Atta9 *aeed %in u%air9 A%i*aleh9 al 'haha+9 al *uddi9 u6atil%in ayaan9 Fatadah9 and others.

    Al Furtu%i states in his tafseer thatuthaifah9 i%n A%%as9 Atta9 )+rimah9uahid and others say that youshouldnt refrain from s#ending inthe cause of Allah for fear of#overty. This is also the o#inion of-u+hari and he didnt mention anyother o#inion.

    Allah says: Rand those who hoardgold and silver and s#end it not inthe way of Allah give them tidingsof a #ainful #unishment.The 'ay when it will %e heated inthe =re of ell and searedtherewith will %e their foreheads9and Dan+s9 their %ac+s9 GThat iswhat you hoarded for yourselves9so taste what you used to hoard 7alTaw%a 34,358

    Allah says: ere you are, thoseinvited to s#end in the cause ofAllah %ut among you are thosewho withhold. And whoeverwithholds only withholds fromhimselfO and Allah is the ree ofneed9 while you are the needy. Andif you turn away9 e will re#laceyou with another #eo#leO then theywill not %e the li+es of you.7uhammad 3&8

    Allah says: And why do you not

    s#end in the cause of Allah while toAllah %elongs the heritage of theheavens and the earthM 7Al adeed108

    $2. Asslam A%i )mran said we werein an army heading fromadina towardsonstantino#le. The head ofthe army was A%dul/ahman %inChalid %in al Kaleed. The/omans had their %ac+s facingthe gates of the city. A manfrom among us rushed alonetowards the enemy. *ome

    #eo#le said: GThere is no od%ut AllahN e is throwinghimself into destructionNH A%uAyu% al Ansari 7a com#anion8said: GThis verse was revealeds#ea+ing a%out us the Ansar.Khen Allah gave isessenger victory and )slam#revailed9 we said lets go %ac+to our %usinesses and ta+e careof it. Allah then revealed theverse GAnd s#end in the way ofAllah and do not throwyourselves with your own

    hands into destruction. And dogoodO )ndeed9 Allah loves thedoers of goodH*o throwing our selves intodestruction meant going %ac+to our farms and %usinessesand leaving ihadHA%u )mran said: A%u Ayu%remained in ihad until he was%uried in onstantino#le.H 7A%u'awud Tirmithi al a+im8

    $3. Al Fasim %in u+hamarah7ta%iee8 said: destruction iswithholding s#ending in thecause of Allah %ut if a manalone attac+s ten thousandstrong of the enemy that is =neand Allah +nows %est. 7a*unan al Cu%ra al Ta%ari intafseer8

    *haytaan may tell you that sinceyou might die why not leave youwealth %ehind for your family. Thisthought is only acce#ted %y onewho has little trust in Allah. )shows the eistence of dou%ts inAllahs a%ility to #rovide. -ecause iyou %elieve that you are nothing%ut a middleman %etween Allahand your family and that in realityit is not you who is #roviding fothem9 then you would not worry foyour family after you die.

    $4. A%u 'harr said the essenge

    of Allah saw me entering andhe was sitting under the shadeof al Ca%ah. Khen he saw mehe said: G)n the name of theLord of al Caa%ah9 they are thegreat losersNH ) couldnt hel#%ut go to him and as+ himwhom they wereM e said: GThewealthy. ;ce#t for those whos#end it li+e thisH and hewaved his hand left9 right and%ehind. Then he said: GAnd feware theyNH 7uslim -u+hari8

    T&' =2:' 3 9=2-2,0 3 &'/0&' 2, A+&% 9+&+,- +52,0 +' 3 &'23+*22'

    $5. A%u *aeed al Chudri said theessenger of Allah sent anarmy to -ani Lahyan. e saidfrom every two men one goesout. Then e told the onesstaying %ehind: GKhoever oyou ta+es care of his %rothersfamily until he comes %ac+

    would receive half the rewardof those who went outH7uslim8

    $!. The essenger of Allah saidGKhoever #rovides for a =ghtein the cause of Allah hasactually fought9 and whoeveta+es care of the family of a=ghter has actually foughtH7-u+hari uslim8


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    $$. )%n asood said: Gor me toe6ui# a =ghter with a whi# is%etter to me than ma+ing haH7)%n al u%ara+ i%n A%i*hay%ah8

    $&. Iday %in atem as+ed theessenger of Allah a%out the%est sada6ah. The essengerof Allah said: G*erving yourcom#anions in the #ath ofAllahH e said and then whatMThe essenger of Allah said:G-uilding a structure that would#rovide them with shadeH esaid and then whatM Theessenger of Allah said: GAsaddle for a horse in the #athof AllahH 7*unnan *aeed %inansoor8

    $(. Aamir %in Fays 7ta%ii8 used to#artici#ate in ihad against the/omans. e had a mule9 which

    he would share with aluhaireen. Khen he is a%outto oin an army he would goaround glancing at the faces of#eo#le studying them. )f hesees a grou# of men who wouldsuit him he would wal+ u# tothem and say: G) would li+e tooin you %ut ) have threeconditionsH They would say:GKhat are theyH e would say:G18 That ) %ecome your servantand ) dont want anyonecom#eting with me in that. 28 )%ecome the one who calls the

    Adhan among you and ) dontwant anyone to com#ete withme in that. 38 ) cover youre#enses according to mya%ility.H )f they agree he wouldoin them. )f they ever com#etewith him he would de#art themand move on to =nd anothergrou#. 7)%n al u%ara+8

    The early uslims if they go out inarmies they would strive to serveothers and to ma+e their com#anyha##y. They would #refer others to

    themselves. They would do all thatfor the sa+e of Allah and to gain is#leasure.


    Allah says:Rthen +ill the ones whoassociate with Allah other godswherever you =nd them9 andca#ture them and %esiege themand sit and wait for them at every

    #lace of am%ush 7al Taw%ah 58

    Allah says: E you who have%elieved9 #ersevere and endureand remain stationed and fearAllah that you may %e successful7aal )mran 2008

    Al assan said the meaning ofG#ersevere and endureH in theverse is that the uslims werecommanded to outdo thenon%elievers in endurance andsteadfastness until the

    non%elievers end u# giving u# theirreligion.

    )%n areer:uhammad %in Caa% al Furadhiused to say a%out this verse: -estationed in the cause of Allah untilhe 7the non%eliever8 leaves hisreligion for yours.

    &0. The essenger of Allah said: G-eing stationed for a day in thecause of Allah is %etter thanthe world and everything on itH7-u+hari8

    &1. *alman al arisi said: Theessenger of Allah said: G-eingstationed in the #ath of Allahfor a day is greater than fastingthe days of a month and#raying its nights. And if hedies the rewards of the deedshe used to do would continueand his #rovisions wouldcontinue and he would %es#ared the trial of the angels ofthe graveH 7uslim8

    &2. The essenger of Allah said: G;very dead #erson would havehis deeds sealed9 ece#t theone stationed in the #ath ofAllah9 for they would have theirdeeds grow until the 'ay ofudgment9 and they would %e

    /-ibaat: %s the stationin) in a land borderin) the

    enemy for the purpose of jihad. 0he land of-ibaat is a land that is under threat of attac( by

    the enemies of %slam. 0he one who is stationed in

    -ibaat is called a Murabit.

    s#ared the tri%ulation of theangels of the graveH 7A%u'awud al a+im8

    Al Furtu%i states: This meansthat /i%aat #rovides thegreatest reward of all aftedeath. The essenger of Allahsays: G)f the son of Adam dieshis deeds would terminateece#t for a charity that heleaves %ehind9 +nowledge that%ene=ts9 or a righteous sonwho would #ray for himH7uslim8 harity9 +nowledgeand a righteous son would alend one day. )t would end whenthe charity runs out9 when the+nowledge is left and when hisson dies. -ut the rewards of theone stationed in the #ath oAllah continue until the 'ay ofudgment. That is %ecause algood deeds cannot %e#racticed ece#t when safety

    from the enemy is #rovidedand that is done %y themuahideen who are stationedand guarding the Immah.

    &3. Ithman stood on the #ul#it andsaid: G) heard from theessenger of Allah a hadiththat ) didnt tell you a%out#reviously %ecause ) feared youwould all leave from adinah. heard him say: -eing stationedin the #ath of Allah for a day is%etter than a 1000 daysanywhere else. *o let everyone

    choose what they li+eH7ussanaf i%n A%i *hay%ah aTirmithi al

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    ultitudes of #eo#le followedhim out of a++ah until hereached to al -adha with the#eo#le around him crying.Khen he saw that he himselfcried and then said: GE #eo#le9) am not leaving you %ecauseyou are not dear to me.

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    the ura%it is the one who leavesfrom his home with the intention of/i%aat in a land of danger.)t a##ears to me that the one whoare living in an area of /i%aat andthe only intention he has in stayingthere is ihad or guarding the land9and this #erson has the a%ility tomove to another #lace withoutdiJculty9 my o#inion is that such a#erson is a ura%it and would %erewarded accordingly even if he isaccom#anied %y his family. The*aha%ah and the Ta%ieen used tolive in the land of /i%aat with theirfamilies with the intention of/i%aat.ay%e what )mam ali+ meantwas those who were %orn in theland of /i%aat and %rought u# thereand they lived there %ecause it wastheir homeland and the #lacewhere their families lived and theyare not there for the #ur#ose of/i%aat. This is also the o#inion of

    i%n Atyah. e states that: GTheones who live in the land of /i%aat%ecause it is their home and the#lace of their wor+ are considered#rotectors of the land %ut notura%iteenH*o the one who lives in the land of/i%aat for a #ur#ose that does noteist in other #laces9 or %ecausehis family insist on living there9 orfor the #ur#ose of wor+ is not aura%it. Also9 if a #erson is in the#lace of /i%aat and the danger ofthe enemy ceases to eist andnevertheless this #erson continues

    to live in that #lace9 that is anindication that the #ur#ose of sucha #erson is not ihad and thus9 the#erson does not 6ualify as aura%it.

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    T&' =2:' 3 +0' &2,0

    >All this would a##ly to modernforms of wea#onry?

    Allah says: And #re#are againstthem whatever you are a%le of#ower 7al Anfal !08

    ($. I6%ah %in Aamir narrated: )heard the essenger of Allahon the #ul#it say: G GAnd#re#are against them whateveryou are a%le of #owerH and#ower is the a%ility to shoot9#ower is the a%ility to shoot9#ower is the a%ility to shootH7uslim8

    (&. Chalid %in Paid said ) used to%e good at archery and I6%ahwould go out target shootingwith me. Ene day ) wasreluctant to go out so he toldme: GE Chalid9 let me tell youwhat ) heard the essenger ofAllah say. e said: GAllahadmits three #eo#le into"aradise %ecause of one arrow.The one who ma+es it9 doing sowith the intention of good9 theone who shoots it and the onewho hands it over to the archer.*o go out and train in archeryand in horse%ac+ riding. And )#refer you train in archery.;ntertainment is a##ro#riate inonly three forms: Training yourhorse9 #laying with your wife9and archery. And whoeverlearns archery and thena%andons it has reected a%lessing from AllahH 7alussanaf usnad A%i Awnah A%u 'awud al a+im7Thaha%i agreed88

    ((. *alamah %in al A+wa said: Theessenger of Allah #assed netto %oys #laying a game ofarchery. e said: G*hootchildren of )smael9 your fatherwas great archer. *hoot and )will oin so and soH and heoined one of the teams. Theessenger of Allah then said:GKhy did you sto#MH They said:Gow can we do so when youare with themMH e said: Go

    ahead and shoot9 ) am with allof youNH 7-u+hari8

    100. I6%ah said: ) heard theessenger of Allah say: Gouwill con6uer many lands andyou will %e safe and secure. )fthat ha##ens dont fail to #laywith your arrowsNH 7uslim8>)n other words even if theuslims are safe from war theyshould still not neglect militarytraining?

    101. Ata %in /a%ah said: ) sawa%ir %in A%dullah and a%ir %inImair al Ansari target shootingwhile one of them got %oredand sat down. The other toldhim: ) heard the essenger ofAllah say: G;verything that isnot remem%rance of Allah is invain ece#t four things: ourwal+ing %etween your targets9training your horse9 #layingwith your wife9 and swimming

    #racticeH 7

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    >uthaifah would run ratherthan wal+ %etween the twotargets and would not wearclothes on the u##er half of his%ody as a training on hardshi#?

    10(. uahid said: ) have seenA%dullah %in Imar running%etween his two targets and hewas saying how can ) achieveitN ow can ) achieve itN 7*aeed%in ansoor 7authentic88

    Gow can ) achieve itH refers tomartyrdom since that was theiras#iration. Although it could#ossi%ly %e refering to the targets.

    This shows you the attention thecom#anions gave to targetshooting. They used to cele%ratetarget shooting and they wereactive in it to the etent that one ofthem would not even wal+ %etweenthe two targets %ut would run in

    order to train themselves. This wastheir #ractice and they are the sunsand stars of guidance9 and the+ings of this world and the net.Khat they did was the %est ofactions. )t is enough that Allah saida%out them: Guhammad is theessenger of AllahO and those withhim are forceful against thedis%elievers9 merciful amongthemselves. ou see them %owingand #rostrating9 see+ing %ountyfrom Allah and is #leasure. Theirmar+ is on their faces from thetraces of #rostrationH

    Therefore the target shooter shouldleave %ehind formalities while#racticing and should %e laid %ac+with their %rothers when in#ractice. The intentions should %efor Allah and see+ing is reward9and should realiBe that what theyare doing is one of the greatestacts of worshi# and not merely aform of entertainment or s#ort.They should than+ Allah for givingthem health and strength to#ractice and should #raise Allah forma+ing it %eloved to them. )t is

    acce#ta%le to laugh and #lay withyour %rothers while #racticing9 infact9 it is recommended since itma+es target shooting dearer toyou. -ilal %in *aad said: G) haveseen men who would run %etweentheir targets and o+e with eachother9 %ut when night arrives theywould %e mon+sH -ilal was one ofthem. e was one of the greatscholars of al Ta%ieen and one oftheir worshi#ers. e was among

    the ones who would #ray athousand ra+ahs #er night.*hams al 'een %in al awBiahstated in his %oo+ GCnighthoodHthat )%n Taymiyah said: G)t isnarrated that some men wheretarget shooting when it was told tothe essenger of Allah: G)t is timefor #rayersH e said: GThey are in#rayersH *o he considered thattheir target shooting is e6uivalentto #rayingH

    R:' 3 >'2,0 , +2,0 +,-+0' &2,0

    >;ven though the rules regardinghorse%ac+ and camel racing mightnot %e relevant to the reader9 ) ammentioning them with the #ur#oseof allowing the reader to see theattention our #redecessors gave toihad to the etent that even their

    s#orts were geared towards thatgoal. The so#histication of the rulesand their ela%orated details are awitness to that fact. The translatedmaterial is a%ridged?

    Khen )ve seen that some who#ractice horse%ac+ racing andtarget shooting are involved in=nancial dealings that areina##ro#riate from a *hariastand#oint9 ) decided to write a%rief cha#ter on the rules thatgovern racing and target shooting.

    The =rst of our scholars to write anentire %oo+ on the su%ect is )mamal *ha=i and thats why #eo#le ofour madha% are the most ela%orateon the to#ic. Then come thefollowers of )mam Ahmad since hewas a student of )mam al *ha=iand a follower of his *unnah inthat.

    R+2,0:)t is the consensus of the scholarsof the Immah that com#etitions inhorse racing and target shootingare not only allowed %ut are a

    sunnah and the one who#artici#ates in them would %erewarded as long as the intention is#re#aration for ihad.

    R:' 3 >'2,0 , &'>+5+2,0:

    1. The race needs to involve ananimal that could %e used inihad such as a horse or a

    camel as is the consensus oscholars and in mules9 don+eysand ele#hants according to oumadha%.

    2. The eistence of a cleastarting and ending #ointEtherwise the race is invalid.

    3. The entire amount of money oat least most of it goes to thewinner.

    4. )f the two racers themselvescontri%ute the money9 thereneeds to %e a third #erson withthem. This third #erson wouldget all the money if he wins %utif they win he gives themnothing. The one who winsamong the two would get themoney contri%uted %y %oth.

    5. There needs to %e a feasi%ilitythat any one of the racerscould win. >eaning it is notim#ossi%le for one of them towin due to a disadvantageotherwise the race is

    considered unfair and %ecomesinvalid from a *haria #oint ofview?

    !. The identi=cation andagreement on the s#eci=chorses 7or camels8 #artici#ating#rior to the race.

    $. The identi=cation andagreement on the riders #rioto the race.

    &. The distance of the race needsto %e #ossi%le to =nishA%dullah %in Imar said: Theessenger of Allah had thehorses trained for racing run

    from a=a to Thaniat al KadaKhile he had the untrainedhorses race from Thaniat aKada to the asid of -anPurai6 7The training of horsesfor racing at that time involvedamong other things9 graduareduction of their diet for themto %ecome slimmer and moreca#a%le of running8. *ufyansaid the distance %etweena=a to Thaniat al Kada is 5 to! miles and the distance%etween Thaniat al Kada to

    the asid of -ani Purai6 is onemile.(. The agreement on the amount

    of the %etting money.10. The avoidance of conditions

    that invalidate the contract.

    R:' 3 >'2,0 , +0'&2,0


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    1. The eistence of a third #ersonif %oth archers contri%ute themoney.

    2. The similarity of the e6ui#mentused. or eam#les it is notallowed for one #arty to use a%ow and arrow while the otheris using a s#ear.

    3. The target needs not %eim#ossi%le to stri+e nor %e tooeasy9 %ut should %e #ossi%le tostri+e.

    4. All of the following needs to %es#eci=ed %efore thecom#etition: The amount ofmoney contri%uted to the%etting9 the num%er of shots to%e =red9 the distance in whichto shoot from9 and the order inwhich the #artici#ants wouldshoot.

    5. The s#eci=cation of the twocom#etitors #rior to thecom#etition.

    !. The starting #osition needs to

    %e s#eci=ed and it should %ee6ual for %oth.

    T&' ;+,2,0 +0+2, ;&'=''+, &2,0 +,- &',-'' 2

    a6eem al La+hmi told I6%ah %inAmer: Gou are running %etweenthese two targets and you are atthis old ageNH I6%ah said: G)f itwasnt for some words ) heard from

    the essenger of Allah ) wouldnthave gone through thisH Thenarrator as+ed what those wordswere9 he said: GKhoever learnstarget shooting and then a%andonsit is not one of us or he said9 Ghascommitted a sinHG 7uslim8

    *ome of the scholars are of theo#inion that learning targetshooting and then a%andoning it isone of the maor sins %ased on therule that whenever the essengerof Allah say: Ge is not one of usHor a statement similar to that9 it is

    referring to a maor sin.

    T&' =2:' 3 ;-

    Allah says: And let them carry theirarms 7al

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    113. A%u urairah narrated: Theessenger of Allah said:GAnyone who is inured in the#ath of Allah and Allah +nowswho is inured in is sa+e willcome on the 'ay of udgment

    with his inury %leeding. Thecolor is that of %lood and thesmell is that of mus+NH 7-u+hari uslim8

    )%n 'a6ee6 al ;id: The #resentationof inury on the 'ay of udgmentindicates two things:

    1. The inury is a witness forthe #erson.

    2. )t is a %adge of honor forthe #erson in front of allcreation.

    114. Ayisha said whenever A%u-a+r would remem%er the dayof Ihud he would say: GThat isa day that %elongs to Talhah7he means Talhah %inI%aidillah8. ) was the =rst to go%ac+ to the essenger of Allah%ut ) found a man =ghting withhim and ) said to myself: G-eTalhahHG Intil he said: GTalhahhad around seventy inuries inhis %ody and his hand was cuto@H 7)%n u%ara+ al a+im A%u

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    righteous. And ecellent arethose as com#anionsH 7al

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    Allah says: GR*o when you meetthose who dis%elieve >in %attle?9stri+e >their? nec+sRH 7uhammad48

    123. A%u urairah narrated: The

    essenger of Allah said: GThenon%eliever and the one who+ills him will never %e oinedtogether in ell=reH 7uslim8>)n other words the uslim is sorewarded for +illing thenon%eliever to the etent thatAllah will never dishonor theuslim %y oining him with thenon%eliever in ell=re?

    124. Anas %in ali+ heard his%rother al -araa humming#oetry so he told him: GE my%rother you are humming#oetryM Khat if this is the lastthing you s#ea+MH >KhenFuran was revealed the*aha%ah disli+ed recitinganything %ut Furan. Anas waswarning his %rother and sayingthat if you die this moment andthe last words you s#o+e werelines of #oetry9 how would youface AllahM )n another narrationhe told him to rather remem%erAllah? Al -araa said: G

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    Allah says: -ut those who werecertain that they would meet Allahsaid: Gow many a small com#anyhas overcome a large com#any %y#ermission of Allah. And Allah iswith the #atient 7al -a6arah 24(8

    Allah says: And of the #eo#le is hewho sells himself9 see+ing meansto the a##roval of Allah. And Allahis Cind to >is? servants. 7Al-a6arah 20$8

    131. udri+ %in Awf said: G) waswith Imar when he received amessenger from al is? servants.H 7Al-a6arah 20$8 7Al ussanaf8

    Asslam A%i )mran said we were inan army heading from adinaheading towards onstantino#le.The head of the army wasA%dul/ahman %in Chalid %in alKaleed. The /omans had their%ac+s facing the gates of the city.Ene among us rushed alonetowards them. *ome #eo#le said:GThere is no od %ut Allah9 he isthrowing himself into destructionNHA%u Ayu% al Ansari 7a com#anion8said: GThis verse was revealeds#ea+ing a%out us the Ansar. KhenAllah gave is essenger victoryand )slam #revailed9 we said letsgo %ac+ to our %usinesses and ta+ecare of it. Allah then revealed theverse GAnd s#end in the way ofAllah and do not throw yourselveswith your own hands intodestruction. And do goodO )ndeed9

    Allah loves the doers of goodH*o throwing ourselves intodestruction meant going %ac+ toour farms and %usinesses andleaving ihadHA%u )mran said: A%u Ayu%remained in ihad until he was%uried in onstantino#le.H 7A%u'awud Tirmithi al a+im8

    133. uahid said: Theessenger of Allah sent onlytwo men: A%dullah %in asoodand Cha%a% as an army9 and hesent 'ihyah as an army alone.

    7Al *unan al Cu%ra8

    134. Al *ha=i said: Ene of alAnsar was late %ehind whenthe +illing of the *aha%ah netto the well of aunah too+#lace. -y the time he arrivedvultures were alreadydevouring his com#anions. etold Amr %in Imayah: G) amgoing to go alone and face theenemy so they can +ill me. )dont want to %e left %ehind

    when our com#anions were+illedH e did and he was+illed. Khen Amr %in Imayah7the only survivor of theincident8 told the essenger ofAllah a%out what ha##ened9the essenger of Allah saidgood words a%out the man andthen he told Amr %in Imayah:GAnd why didnt you go aheadwith himMH 7Al *unan al Cu%ra8

    135. aBeed %in A%i I%ayd saidG) as+ed *alamah %in al A+waGKhat was your #ledge to theessenger of Allah on the dayof uday%iahMH e said: GKe#ledged to dieH 7-u+hari uslim8

    13!. The essenger of Allahsaid: GA time will come whenthe %est among man+ind would%e a man holding on to the%ridle his horse in the sa+e ofAllah9 whenever he hears a calto %attle he mounts his horseand searches for deathH 7A%uIwanah8

    13$. )%n asood narrated: Theessenger of Allah of Allahsaid: GAllah is amaBed with twomen. Ene of them is a manwho wo+e u# from hiscomforta%le %ed to #ray9 eageto receive the reward from

    Allah and fearing is#unishment. The second man isone who went to =ght in the#ath of Allah %ut his com#anyturned their %ac+s in the%attle=eld. e realiBed the#unishment of turning ones%ac+ in %attle and the rewardof %eing steadfast so he went%ac+ to =ght in order to havehis %lood s#illed. Allah wouldsay: Loo+ at this servant omine. e went %ac+ to =gheager for what ) will reward himand fearing my #unishmen

    until his %lood was s#illed7Ahmad 7authentic8 aussanaf Ta%arani8

    )f there werent any hadith on thevirtue of immersing ones self inthe enemys army this hadithwould have %een suJcient.

    13&. *alamah %in al A+wanarrates: Then we movedreturning to edina9 and haltedat a #lace where there was amountain %etween us and -anu

    Lihyan9 who were #olytheistsThe essenger of Allah 7may#eace %e u#on him8 as+edods forgiveness for one whoascended the mountain anight to act as a scout for theessenger of Allah 7may #eace%e u#on him8 and hisom#anions. ) ascended 7thamountain8 twice or thrice thatnight. 7At last8 we reachededina. The essenger of Allah


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    7may #eace %e u#on him8 senthis camels with his slave9/a%ah9 and ) was with him. )7also8 went to the #asture withthe horse of Talhah along withthe camels.Khen the day dawned9 A%d al,/ahman al,aBari made a raidand drove away all the camelsof the essenger of Allah 7may#eace %e u#on him89 and +illedthe man who loo+ed afterthem. ) said: /a%ah9 ride thishorse9 ta+e it to Talhah %.SI%aidillah and )nform theessenger of Allah 7may #eace%e u#on him8 that the#olytheists have made awaywith his camels. Then ) stoodu#on a hilloc+ and turning myface to edina9 shouted thrice:ome to our hel#. Then ) setout in #ursuit of the raiders9shooting at them with arrowsand chanting #oetry:

    ) am the son of al,A+waAnd today is the day of defeatfor the mean.

    ) would overta+e a man fromthem9 shoot at him an arrowthat would reach his shoulder.And ) would say: Ta+e it9chanting at the same time theverseAnd ) am the son of al,A+waAnd today is the day of defeatfor the mean.-y od9 ) continued shooting at

    them and hamstringing theiranimals. Khenever a horsemanturned u#on me9 ) would cometo a tree and 7hid myself8sitting at its %ase. Then ) wouldshoot at him and hamstring hishorse. 7At last8 they entered anarrow mountain gorge. )ascended that mountain andheld them at %ay throwingstones at them. ) continued tochase them in this way until )got all the camels of theessenger of Allah 7may #eace

    %e u#on him8 released and nocamel was left with them. Theyleft meO then ) followed themshooting at them 7continually8until they dro##ed more thanthirty mantles and thirtylances9 lightening their %urden.En everything they dro##ed9 )#ut a mar+ with the hel# of 7a#iece of8 stone so that theessenger of Allah 7may #eace%e u#on him8 and his

    om#anions might recogniBethem 7that it was %ooty left %ythe enemy8. 7They went on8until they came to a narrowvalley when so and so9 son of-adr al,aBari oined them.They 7now8 sat down to ta+etheir %rea+fast and ) sat on theto# of a ta#ering roc+. Al,aBarisaid: Kho is that fellow ) amseeingM They said: This fellowhas harassed us. -y od9 hehas not left us since dus+ andhas %een 7continually8 shootingat us until he has snatchedeverything from our hands. esaid: our of you should ma+e adash at him 7and +ill him8.7Accordingly89 four of themascended the mountain comingtowards me. Khen it %ecame#ossi%le for me to tal+ to them9) said: 'o you recogniBe meMThey said:

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    the marauders and ) will =nishthem all so that no%ody is leftto convey the news 7of theirdestruction to their #eo#le8. 7Atthese words of mine89 theessenger of Allah 7may #eace%e u#on him8 laughed so muchthat his molar teeth could %eseen in the light of the =re9 andhe said: *alama9 do you thin+you can do thisM ) said: es9 %ythe -eing Kho has honoredyou. e said:

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    feeling any #ain till ) caught u#with my com#anions %eforethey reached the "ro#het towhom ) conveyed the goodnews.H 7-u+hari8

    )n the %attle of Al Fadisiyah theuslims were a little over seventhousand while the non%elieverswere forty or seventy thousandaccom#anied %y seventy ele#hants

    141. Al Tartooshi mentions in*ira al oloo+ that Amr %inaadi a+ri% went net to theriver and told his #eo#le: G) amgoing to cross the %ridge. )f youfollow me after a timee6uivalent to the time it ta+esto slaughter a camel you would=nd me with my sword in myhand =ghting whoever is infront of me with the enemysurrounding me and ) am

    standing %etween them. )f youcome later than that you would=nd me dead.H And then hecrossed the %ridge over theriver towards the enemyscam#. A while later his #eo#lesaid: GE sons of Pa%idN Are wegoing to leave our man aloneMKe might not even catch himaliveH *o they crossed the%ridge and found him withouthis horse while he was holding%oth %ac+ legs of an enemyshorse and the horse failed tomove. The =ghter on the horse

    was trying to reach Amr %ehindhim with his sword with noavail. Khen the =ghter saw usattac+ing he came down fromhis horse and ran away. Amrthen mounted the horse. ethen told us: Gou were almostgoing to miss meH They as+edhim: GKhere is your horseMH esaid: G)t was hit %y an arrowthat +illed and ) fell o@ its%ac+H

    142. Al Tartooshi mentions in

    *ira al oloo+ and al Furtu%iin his history that Tari6 %inPiyad crossed into Andalusia7the )%erian #eninsula8 with1$00 men. Tath=r was thede#uty of Lathri6 and he foughtwith Tari6 and his army forthree continues days. e sent amessage to Lathri6 that some#eo#le crossed over to us and )dont +now whether they%elong to this earth or they

    came from the heavensN Kehave no ca#a%ility of =ghtingthem alone so we urge you tocome to assist us yourself.Lathri6 came with anenforcement of ninetythousand strong. They foughtwith the uslims for anotherthree days. Things wheretightening on the uslims soTari6 told them: Gou have norefuge %ut in your swords.Khere are going to go whenyou are in the middle of yourenemys territory and the seais %ehind youM ) am going to dosomething that would %ringeither victory or death9H Theysaid: GKhat are you going todoMH e said: G) will attac+ theirleader straight on. )f you seeme charge then charge withmeH They did that and Lathri6was +illed and many of hissoldiers and they were

    defeated. Enly a small num%erof uslims were +illed. Tari6then sent the head of Lathri6 tousa %in

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    'ueling is allowed according to theconsensus of the scholars.Acce#ting the invitation to a duel%y a non%eliever is recommended.As+ing for a duel is neitherrecommended nor discouragedaccording to the adha% of al*ha=i. )t is a##ro#riate for the

    e#erienced and is discouraged forthe wea+9 who doesnt havesuJcient con=dence in himself. )nfact it is said that it is #rohi%ited forsuch a #erson to as+ for a duel. )t is*unnah to get the #ermission ofthe Amir 7leader8 %ut it is stillallowed without his +nowledge.)mam ali+ was as+ed a%out theones who stand out in front of thearmy and as+ for a duel. e said: )tde#ends on his intentions. )f he isdoing it for the sa+e of Allah9 ) donot see a #ro%lem with that. *incethat was the tradition of the ones

    %efore us.)mam al *ha=i said: ) dont see a#ro%lem with duels.

    Cnow that duels during wars9 andacce#ting the invitation to it9 is theway of the heroes9 it is the %adgeof honor for the %rave men9 and ithas %een their #ride during )slamand %efore.

    145. Amr %in A%dwod 7one of the greatest =ghters ofFuraish8 during the %attle ofthe trench came out as+ing fora duel. Ali9 veiled in ironarmory9 stood u# and said: G)wouldH The essenger of Allahrefused to allow him and said:G)t is AmrN *it downNH Amrcalled again saying: G)snt therea man among youN Khere isthe "aradise that you claimwhoever dies among you willenter itM )snt there a manamong you to stand u# andface meMH Ali stood again andsaid: G) wouldH The essengerof Allah said: G)t is AmrN *it

    downNH Amr called again9 thistime reciting lines of #oetrychallenging the uslims. Alistood for the third time andsaid: G) wouldH. The essengerof Allah said: G)t is AmrH Alires#onded: GAnd what if it isAmrNH The essenger of Allahthis time allowed him. Aliwal+ed u# to Amr reciting tohim lines of #oetry. Amr toldhim: GKho are youMH e said:

    GAli the son of A%u Tali%H Amrsaid: Gave someone of yourseniors ste# forward instead. )wouldnt want to s#ill your%lood my sonNH Ali said: G-ut )would %e ha##y to s#ill yoursNHAmr was furious. e wal+edtowards Ali and #ulled out hissword violently from its sheathas if it was a %laBe of =re. estruc+ Ali angrily %ut Ali#rotected himself with hisshield. The stri+e was so strongit #assed through the shieldand inured Ali in the head.owever9 Ali sur#rised Amrwith a swift stri+e on hisshoulder that threw Amr downin a cloud of dust that eru#tedfrom their =ght. The essengerof Allah then heard thethunderous ta+%ir of theuslims. Ali has +illed Amr %inA%dwod. 7)%n isham8

    14!. Khile Chalid was layingsiege to a town9 one of their=ghters came out of the gateswith a sword in his right handand a shield in his left and heas+ed for a duel. A uslimvolunteered to =ght him and+illed him. Then the uslimas+ed for a duel so they sentout to him the their greatest=ghter. The uslim +illed him.e as+ed for a third duel. Thistime they told him: GLet thedevil =ght youNH

    14$. Ali said: It%ah %in /a%iah9his son al Kalid and his %rother*hay%ah came out in -adras+ing for duels. Three youngmen from Al Ansar went to facethem. It%ah as+ed them whothey were. Khen they told him9he said: GKe have no desire in=ghting you. *ent out to us oure6uals from our own #eo#le7meaning from Furaish8H Theessenger of Allah said: G*tandu# amBah. *tand u# Ali. *tandu# I%aydah %in al arithH

    amBah faced It%ah and +illedhim and ) faced *hay%ah and+illed him9 while I%aydah andal Kalid %oth inured eachother and fell down. amBahand me wal+ed u# to Al Kalidand =nished him o@ and wecarried I%aydah away. 7A%u'awud8


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    there are from you one hundredsteadfast9 they will overcome twohundred. And if there are amongyou a thousand9 they will overcometwo thousand %y the #ermission ofAllah. And Allah is with thesteadfast. 7Al Anfal !5,!!8

    )%n Al u%ara+ narrated that )%nA%%as said: )f one man runs awayfrom three9 he hasnt turned his%ac+ in %attle. )f he runs from twothen he has turned his %ac+ in%attle.

    Al Furtu%i in his Tafseer: As long asthe enemy is more than twice thenum%er of uslims they can retreat%ut %eing steadfast and =ghting is%etter. )n the %attle of utah theuslims with only 3000 faced the/oman army of 2009000 /omansoldiers and 1009000 Ara% soldiers.)t is also mentioned that when Tari6o#ening al Andalusia he had only

    1$00 soldiers while his enemy was$09000 strong)mam ali+ was as+ed a%out auslim facing ten enemy soldiers9should he =ght them or retreatM esaid: -oth o#tions are allowed forhim.

    14(. The essenger of Allahsaid: GAn army of twelvethousand would never %edefeated due to fewnessH 7A%u'awud al *unan al Cu%ra Tirmithi , 'arimi al a+im8

    ost of the scholars consider thishadith to %e an ece#tion from therule set %y the verse that as longas the enemy is more than twiceyour num%er you can retreat. >Thescholars say that this rules a##liesto armies less than 129000 innum%er. owever9 if the uslimarmy is 129000 or more then theycannot turn there %ac+s no matterhow large the enemys army is.?


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    suJcient to reach the status ofmartyrdom. -ut the correct o#inionis that this intention is suJcient inreaching the status of martyrdomand there is an a%undance ofevidence from Furan9 *unnah andthe action of the *aha%ah tosu##ort that.Allah says: )ndeed9 Allah has#urchased from the %elievers theirlives and their #ro#erties >inechange? for that they will have"aradise. They =ght in the cause ofAllah9 so they +ill and are +illed. >)tis? a true #romise on im in theTorah and the os#el and theFuran. And who is truer to hiscovenant than AllahM *o reoice inyour transaction which you havecontracted. And it is that which isthe great attainment. 7Al Taw%ah1118E you who have %elieved9 shall )guide you to a transaction that willsave you from a #ainful

    #unishmentMou %elieve in Allah and isessenger and strive in the causeof Allah with your wealth and yourlives. That is %est for you9 if youshould +now.e will forgive for you your sins

    and admit you to gardens %eneathwhich rivers Dow and #leasantdwellings in gardens of #er#etualresidence. That is the greatattainment. 7Al *a@ 10,128

    15$. The essenger of Allahsaid: GKhoever =ghts in the

    #ath of Allah the time it ta+esto mil+ a camel is granted"aradiseH 7)%n a%%aan al

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    action of the essenger of Allah isalso evidence. e has sent manyraids on the caravans of thenon%elievers. *ome otherreferences to show that such anintention is valid:

    1!1. A%dullah %in uthafah said:The essenger of Allah sent uson a raid to win %ootyR7A%u'awud al -ayha6i in *unnan8

    This is clear since the essenger ofAllah sent them s#eci=cally to win%ooties.

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    Allah says: And whoever emigratesfor the cause of Allah will =nd onthe earth many >alternative?locations and a%undance. Andwhoever leaves his home as anemigrant to Allah and isessenger and then deathoverta+es him his reward hasalready %ecome incum%ent u#onAllah. And Allah is ever orgivingand erciful. 7Al

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    A52,0 3 *+6-* +,-0'2,0 2

    Allah has made it mandatory on usto as+ im in every #rayer to %eguided to the straight #ath9 the#ath of those whom Allah has%estowed is favor on.

    Allah says: uide us to the straight#ath. The #ath of those u#on whomou have %estowed favor. 7alatihah8And the ones whom Allah has%estowed is favor on are the onesmentioned in this verse:And whosoever o%eys Allah and theessenger those will %e with theones u#on whom Allah has%estowed favor of the #ro#hets9the steadfast aJrmers of truth9 themartyrs and the righteous. Andecellent are those as com#anions7al

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    an army waiting to meet myenemy the net morning. )advise you to go on ihadH 7i%nal u%ara+8These were the words of Chalid%efore his death

    1$$. A%dullah %in Imar said: yfather Imar during the %attleof Ihud told