M2M Week 6 - Student Version

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M2M Week 6

M2M Week 6Question 1A woman comes in with complaints of fatigue, cold intolerance, 30 pound weight gain in 3 months, and increased lactation from her breasts. A diagnosis of hypothyroidism is made based on lab results. A specimen of the thyroid shows atrophy of the thyroid gland indicating that the thyroid is the primary issue. In short, without production of thyroid hormone, there is no feedback regulation on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Therefore, her pituitary gland is pumping out thyroid stimulating hormone to try to increase her level of thyroid hormone in the body (basic negative feedback loop). Which disease process is illustrated by her symptoms of fatigue, cold intolerance, weight gain, and lactation?A.) etiologyB.) clinical manifestationsC.) morphologyD.) pathogenesis2Question 2In a general sense, what is the basic difference between apoptosis and necrosis?A.) apoptosis requires energy, while necrosis is passive and does not require energy.B.) swelling of the cell only occurs in apoptosisC.) the end result of necrosis will be phagocytosis of the dead/dying cell, this does not happen in apoptosisD.) to a certain degree, apoptosis is reversible, necrosis is irreversiblee.) pyknosis, karyolysis, and karyorrhexis only occur in necrosis

3Question 2Which of the following is one of the mechanisms of cell injury that can lead to cell death?A.) a decrease in lactic acid, leading to a decrease in pHB.) an increase in glycogen inside the cellC.) an increase in oxidative phosphorylation and a decrease in anaerobic glycolysisD.) an increase in ATPE.) an increase in Ca+2 influx, and an increase in Na+ due to a slowing of the Na/K ATPase.4Question 3Which of the following enzymes has antioxidant properties by causing hydrogen peroxide to be broken down?A.) Superoxide DismutaseB.) glutathione reductaseC.) catalaseD.) glutathione synthaseE.) NADPH oxidase

5Question 4Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the virus that is known to cause cervical cancer in women that are infected and untreated. HPV is known to cause a gene mutation in p53, leading a dysfunction in the normal function of p53. What is the likely dysfunction in p53, caused by HPV, that leads to formation of cervical cancer?A.) HPV causes an increase in function of p53, causing increased survival of abnormal cellsB.) HPV causes a loss of function of p53, leading to increased survival of abnormal cellsC.) HPV causes increased production of p53, which is a tumor growth gene that will cause abnormal tissue to proliferateD.) HPV will cause p53 to activate other tumor promoting genes, leading to abnormal growth of tissue.6Question 5A pathology specimen is observed under the microscope and the pathologist can see there are lots of cells that appear to have a nucleus that has disappeared. All that is visible is the eosionophilic cytoplasm, but the nucleus are either not present, or barely present. Which process demonstrates the description above?A.) pyknosisB.) karyolysisC.) karyorrhexisD.) apoptosis

7Question 6

Which process is best demonstrated to the left?a.) liquefactive necrosisb.) coagulative necrosisc.) caseous necrosisd.) hemorrhagic necrosise.) gangrenous necrosis

8Question 7What is found inside of foamy macrophages that is responsible for the foamy appearance?A.) carbohydratesB.) organic carbon compoundsC.) cholesterolD.) sphingolipidsE.) oxygen9Question 8

Question 8What type of inheritance is shown by the pedigree on the previous slide?A.) Autosomal RecessiveB.) X-linked RecessiveC.) Autosomal DominantD.) multifactorialE.) mitochondrial11Question 9Huntingtons disease is a disorder characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance of a CAG trinucleotide repeat. In one particular family, the grandfather developed symptoms of Huntington's disease at age 45, the father developed symptoms of Huntington's disease at age 33, and sadly, his the daughter (also granddaughter) developed signs of Huntington's disease at 27 years old. What principle is being demonstrated In this case?a.) penetranceb.) co-dominancec.) anticipationd.) expressivity

12Question 10

Question 10What is the most likely method of inheritance for the pedigree on the previous slide?A.) Autosomal RecessiveB.) X-linked RecessiveC.) Autosomal DominantD.) multifactorialE.) mitochondrial

14Question 11Which of the following is considered to be a hallmark of multifactorial inheritance?A.) affected men cannot pass the disorder on to their sonsB.) the more severe the disorder, the more likely it is to recurC.) it is always found in every generation of a family lineageD.) affected children always have affected parentsE.) the best way to prevent the disorders from occurring is through consanguinity 15Question 12

Question 12Which of the following is shown by the arrow on the previous slide?a.) hemosiderinb.) calcium soap depositionc.) cholesterol estersd.) anthracotic pigmente.) caseous necrosis17Question 13

Question 13Which process is best demonstrated by the middle arrow on the previous slide?A.) apoptosisB.) karyolysisC.) pyknosisD.) karyorrhexis19Question 14

Question 14Which process is best demonstrated by the two outside arrows on the previous slide?A.) apoptosisB.) karyolysisC.) pyknosisD.) karyorrhexis

21Question 15

Question 15Which of the following is demonstrated on the previous slide?A.) apoptosisB.) karyolysisC.) pyknosisD.) karyorrhexis