M UDim i,m -**eT££Brs 10/New York NY Evening Post/N… · SCHEME. 1 oriaeof f 15.000 I 1 pme of...

W" ^ISP^ w for V \fsi M and Lot d f OfMttd. NolU B„. PhusV*me cornerof Omen at. nnve oc- R r "PUS "Th*H*iimfeS5fo*t in tho beat manner There are other rooma, he- fty Mm Hi Wht Oknfoa. taWidih " f « ^ J ^ i f t ,, Sp UDim ie«m f mom*. -**eT££Brs other convenience for* 9£*3mZLm «r«l..ill h. The title »• unq««»i«f bl "> g* •"""^ ° * " " w " ' " »-^Ho«eem«» •>• V,6W,K, brtw< * n *»»»IM«» of 1* »7«aSJ P. M «!"?"• ••*• P* 1 ""* ,ua mmma t week. .rticofers inquire of ff.>r further aaHltm***m inquire oi For ' Urt D aJONES. NO. 3 Bondd at. or _ .. ... a No. 39 Pine street TABSTZT \V US f CHESTER, AT AUCTION James P l l l h r will sell at the Merchante" Ztm.on Tiioeday. l&h injbuii. tho Farm at Want- T iianrr Esq consisting <***> ocroe, including a wood X T l 7 acre? The Fsrro fe feniwiad by the VVeatche.- ' •** f w |r, divided into convenient lota by atone fence*, atid ia w e " watered. There are three apple orchards uid a variety of peach, pear, cherry and ornamental " f em. «iid the garden » w rf' •" ,cked *'! h •™ | l/rail and shrubbery. The dwelling house ahd out building* ( re eoiivinient and in good order > l«.rt , . • Tf^ Per LIVERPOOL, •ft* t u f u r flamed 4 mpgaad ehip AMEB ponton of bar oargo engaged*. wflT»e»l da-patch Forfreight or piiiijgi, apply to Capt. Whtollom board, at Pier No. H E . R„ to BOGERT * KNEELAND. F101w or STEPHEN WHITNEY. for UVERPOOL. The Briii.li alrip LORD OF THE ISLES, ""in. Fleming commander, being detained by , can well accommodate mveral more cabin passenger*. Apyly to the Captain on •Id* of Old Slip, or at IS Nassau at. HY.AGEO. BARCLAY. for BUHNOSA¥RM¥- The new fast Bailing copper faatenad and cop- 1 brig , JoM>ph Addara*. master, will have early despatch. For freight or paaaage, having ele- gant accommodation*, apply to Fl 1 DE FOREST A SON, 82 South st. FU dt.re HOUSE TO LIST, troiu ti»> iir«t of next May The two story brick House No. 19, on H the north aide of Franklin-street, and oppmte jhTpnJnyteriao f'litirch, built in the modern styes, with f„l,luig doors and marble chimney pieces in the first or r. The accommodation* aro very convenient, and .»,, li-iiMewia good order. Applyto Ml if BENJ. BAILEY. 93 Chamhers-gt. To LET—To a small family, pttrt ol a two atoiy brick HiMiae. No. 40 Ann street, oppoaiie the Catholic Church, luqture on tho prenu- fell for NEW ORLEANS—IStk tab. Packet, One of the New Line. Th coppered ship TALMA. E. 8. Dennis, master, will aail aa above For freight or pasaage, apply on board, at Murray's « hart', or to SILAS HOLMES & CO. 62 South st. No gnosis will be received on day of sailing. Fll I H E New.York Coneobdaitd LoBry. r law. No 8. L .lira—«0 drawn Numbers-Ten Drawn Ballots SCHEME. 1 oriaeof f 15.000 I 1 pme of fS.OOO i do 8.000 r do i,m I do 1.0301 ft do 1.000. aVe. Whole Trket. only fo, Halvne t flO. Quarwre 1 SS For sale at W AITE'S, comer of Maiden sine £ Bsvad- way. . Plying Cards, ofall qualities, by thedoaen. grosa or single peak; Gold Leaf; Durable Ink, for martins; on linen with a pen—for salem above. Fll For NEW ORLEANS—Old Uat. 32d February Packet. The ship AZELIA, Capt. Chas. Stoddard, will sail as above. For freight or pasaage, apply on board, ut Pine street wharf, or to C. &. 3. B ARSTOW & CO, 73 South at. No gooJi can be received on board the day of sailing, fll O UR TURN TO-MORROW.-M aaU lue cap*. ,. •• , « l J l »••*»« «v«vy lottery, ln r *#fa class 15 w . sold the $15,000 prise in a whole tkkaf; in class 15our neighbour sold ih« 110,000. and again it i. our turn to eellthe $15,000 unlay. TnWonly $3. halvae $9 50. quarter* $1 25. T n this there ia no mistake. Rest assured if you desire to gain the $10,000 you muktrallor send to the (properlv eo railed) all luckv - , SYLVESTERS. 130 Broadway. N.B. The ladies will meetatteniion, It wee onlv the other day we aold to a young lady the $5000 prtae" Broken Bank Notes taken ia exchange for tickets, or bought for caab. Orders from the country solicited Fl I \L S ORDER O P T H E MP -Tl«s N ORTH RIVER SI KAM BOAT LINE, n frun Courllaunl Mtrtet to Jiarclax, itrtet North River Line of Steam Boau Mill leave <the eti.u- tng soaaooJ the new steam boat pile, foot of Barclay street, for Albany, daily, morning and evening. j28 tf STORE & iuJUafc IN TtlEBOWERV. n To let. the neat and commodious store No. 130 Jllfl Bowery, wnb dwelling house aitached. The ±reh»s been i«cupied for dry go.*!., fiir which it is a id stand, being a few doors from Grand st. on the west Applv at 244 P-'ari st. up stair* for SAVANNAH. The superior fast sailing schooner BOLI- [V Alt, D. Steams, master, having a conaider- ehle p.rt of bar cargo engaged, will positively sail on Saturday next. For balance of freight or nasaage, bav- ins good accommodation*, apptv onboard, at Murray's Wh«rf. or to SCOTT & SHAPTER, Fll Ti South street. side. STABLE & COACH HOUSE TO LET, from first May next. The brick stable with thjico stands and coach house. renrofSOGreen wieb" street, entrance fn.m Washington st. Apply at >o 244 Penrl »t. up stairs. » 11 %r fl^O STEAM ENGINE MAKERS— »ealed.Pro- 1 tiosala will be received by the Committee of the Cor- poration, on the Fire IVpartmi-ntet tho Str*et Commis- iiooer's OfTic*. No. 8 City Hall, until Monday, the 1st d»y of March ne\t, for makine and erming a Steam Elaine) with boiler and apparatus complete to be con- structed oo the most approved principle*, and the work- rn%n«hip to bo performed in the host manner, and with hiling and forcing p-iinp*. cofxiurtiiKt pipes, Arc. The pnposed Enitineto be cspablo of raising three hundred p«l!.ms of water per minute (from the Public Well, near the intersection of the Bowery and TUirteenih street) and disehawe the aame into the Ri^ervoir adjoining the well. The d,»pth of ihe well is seventy feel below the nirfaceofthe ground, and the elevation of top of the R.-*orvoir will be forty-seven feet above the .uriace. making tog»tuer. one hundred ami issveiiwen feet for Ihe v. holeheiglit of the lift. Persons intending to estiniote for lU above are desired to apply at the Street Com- rui**ioner « Office for further information previous to of- tsrinB their propoaals. Bv order. R CRAVES Street Commissioner. Street Commifioner's offi.'c. 9. 1S3I>. Fll Fee SA VANNA H—Schooner Line. The fine fast sailing packet scbr. EXCEL. iCaprain HiUiker, will sail to-morrow. For troight or passage, having elegant furnished accommo- dations, apply on board, west side Fly market *• barf.or to fll HOWLAND& CORN WALL. 136 Frontal. tor CHARLESTON—Union Line. Sails Saturday, 13th, , The fast sailing packet brig CORAL. Wm. lulklev, master, will sail as above. For freight or pas- sar;e, having good accommod alions, apply on board, east side Burling slip, or to f 11 liUDLEV A 8TITYVESANT. 90 South st U NITED STATES MAIL, fry the Hudson Rivtr Steam Root Line.—This Line of Boau _ (the ensuing season) will conti- nue to leave the foot ofCourtlaodt sweet, daily, moro- iugand evening, for Albany. F5tt I^OR PHILADELPHIA - X Cheap Travelling, faro $3. I Accommodation Line tor Phila- Idelptua start* daily at S o'clock A. M Paeaengere take coaches at Amboy, lodge at Trenton, and arrive at Philadelphia next tnoming at 9 o'clock. Fare through, $3. For seats, apply at No. 6 Courtlandt at. pg JAMES BLEECKER will aeil on .day tha 17th taw. at IS o'clock, at tha _ fro premises No. 19 Day atreet. kato the proper- lUtl H. Magutuis. dsoaaaad. The siiuaimn ia exeeOstit for the blacksmith business, it having been oc- wpsstiMsiichtortaanyyear. One half ot the purchase amain atjB per oent. f8$t TO LET-NO.. U«, ua, m, B WSE+ st —P.ice $300. Nos. 534 it 536 Gmenwich-atreet. opposite snUaw-sf.—$ story brick buildiugs— Price $250 Nos. 585 4 587 Broad way—2 story brick buildings. Mar Spring-ai —Pnca 385. No. 88 Spring st. near Broadway—brick building— Psiee $300 Nos. 91.93 4 95 Canal-st —3 story brick building— Plica $400 Comer of Carlisle and Washington-streeU—a Store— Price $875. Catharine st. No. S3—a board building—Price $800. Caiharine.lip, No. 16—brick building—Price $350. Catharine-st. No. 44—3 story brick building—Price $890. ^ FOR SALE OR LEASE - 1 Ix»t, Centre-street, rear of No. 116 White-st - Pm e $K»0. $ Lota, Chriirtopher.it between Bssarksr and Hudson •tt— Price $125. A Parm, at Fort Washington, 10 miles from this city, containing44 acre*—Price $100. A Farm at Yonkera.of 104 acres—Price $6,600—one of the bast farms within 10 mile* of its neighborhood. Enquire at 48 Chatham-si FSlw TO LET—The 3 stoty brick Houae No. 66 'm. Warren st. comer of Chapel st. ,68 VV.rren st. next door. Apply at No. F6 lw' ff-% ' IssasB coi lUJ'B TV W ANTED, hum 10 to $W,000 atO per i t . pa* i payable half yearly for 10 years, to be aecui ror CHARLESTON—Packet .>Atp Line. The coppered ship EMPRESS, W. Sinclair. l ma*ter, has one hslf of her cargo engaged and will Save quick despatch. For freight or passage, hav- ing extensive accommodations, apply on board, east aide Burling slip, or to f II G. KlTTTON, 181 Front »t comer Rollins slip. 15.000 DOLLARS TO LOAN, on bond and mortgage, at f. per ct. Also, $30,000, in sums to suit applicant*, at 7 per ct. Apply to JACKSON^A CO 74 Nassau st. F5 Iwred T ifE MONTREAL ALMANAC, or l„.wer Cana- da Register, for 1*30. just received and for sale by fell O &C &.H CARVILL. 108 Broad»ay. M' an. „ aecured by bonds 4 mortgagee, on first rate property in the 1st and 2d ward*. Apply to B. HUNTINGTON, FlOlw 50 Walls*. A N ATTORNEY AT LAW i, desirous of forming a connexion with a member of the profession estab- lished in busineea in this city Unexceptionable refer- ences can be given. Addree* S. T. at the offiasr of this f»pet F9 3i* M Kli.S D. BENJAMIN & CO. have removed to the new building No. 195 Pearl-si. up stairs, 2d door below the comer of Maiden lane—where they have received by the Hfivro. Henri IV. and Frame, and will receive regularly by the Havre Packets, a variety of French Goodi, selected bv one of the firm. F 9 4t" FOR SALE—The Lot and Houses on the oiner of Broadway and Chamber* street.— .The front on Broad wav ia 30 feet 3 inchts, and on Chamber* street 100 feet. There are five separate three story nrick houses covered with the beat of Welch •late. They rent annually for twenty eight hundred and fifty dollars. The house at the corner of Broadway and Chamber* street, and the one adjoining, would be aold teget her if required Twenty five thooaand dollar* may remain on bond and mortgageatsix percent. For terms, apaly to T1IOS. C. TAYLOR, J9 if 41 Robinson street. TO LET, The new four story Store. nil 41 Rent $600. Apply at this office. Pine street. F8 B OTANICAL ALBUMS—E. BLISS has this day received a lew Botanical Albums, consisting of in- digenous Plants of this country, beautifully prepared and displayed on paper, with iheir botanical and com- mon names aitached to thern. and their l.innean class »no order: tlw w hole enclosed in a Port Folio, of a new «nd elegant contraction, so aa to be examined w nh the ireatest conveoience. They have been prepared tinder the inspection of an experienced B>uni»t. and a* the sp*< iroens are correct- ly named, tbey would afford a good opportunity to stu- dents of Botany as subjects of comparison, and at the same time, from the beautiful manner in winch they have been prepared, they would lorm an elegant orna- ment for a I ady'e cabinet or drawing room. For sale bv E. BLISS, two d.Kirs from Ctfv Hotel Fl 1 C ^HEAP SILK HOSE— Juntos Earle. 28 Maiden J lane, has jiwt received 500 pair heavy black raw W ANTf 1) TO CHARTEH, A first class BRIG, of about 1800 barrels burthen, for a voyage to the Western Islands. Immediate despatch will be given. Apply at 15 Nassau at. to HENRY* GEORGE BARCLAY. Fll USICALANNUALS, containing new waltzes, airs, quadrille*, 4 c ; Appollo'a Gift, or the Musi- cal Souvenir, with 5 erabeluhmenta ; The Musical Bi- jou, an album of music, poetry, and pro*e, edited by Burney.containing 5 embelishments; The Musical Gem, a Souvenir for 1830 containing 6 etnbeliabmente. None of these wnrka have been before offered to the public, and aa hut few have arrived those who may wish to purchase had better make immediate application to E. BLISS, two doors from City Hotel, comer of Trinity church yard. Alan, received aa above, a few copies of the Landscape Annual, for 1830. Walter Scott's third serine Tales of a Crandfinher. 2 vsls. Sullivan's Plymouth Discourse Library ot Entertaining Knowledge, 2d part, for sale as ahove. Fl 14t TO LET—The House and Store 86 Canal st. The House is 50 feet deep, and very con- __ vement for a genteel family. The Store has n occupied aa a Chitia and Crockery Store, and is one of the best stands in Canal-st. For particulars, ap- ply-o JOHN THOMPSON, 89 Canal st. opposite. Sit* Hose. 6- ftd a pair. rhich will be told at the very low price of fell C * AUZE &. SILK UAKKEGE SCAHFa—3 car- 1" tons Gauze ft Silk Barrege Scarfs this day weeiv- ed, and will be sold at 65 Maiden lane, corner of William atreet, by (fell) E. P.CLARK 4 CO. A '"EROPHANECRAPE—Pink.cherry. atraw, light blue, blue black, and white .Crophane Crape, of C*vv) qoality. recetvedaod 6* sale at As $4 per yard, at - by CLARK 4 CO. Maiden lane, corner of William st fell E P 8 W AIM> PANACEA At VERMIFUGE.—WM. L. RUSI1TON ha* the above Medicines constant- ly for eel*, wholesale and retail, on the most favorable terms; and being an agent regulariy appointed by Mr Swaim himself, can eaeom tf-e public that hi* Medicine may elway* he found fresh and genuine at 81 Williem st. 24 *mt from theenmarof liberty st. Fll J ^OK BOVION * PSOVI- 1 DENCE, Via New Haven •and Hartford.—Ttie *team boat __|PROVIDENCE. Cant. Sand. xordTsifJl reave the foot of Maiden lane, at 12 o'clock on Satorday. noon, for N . Haven. Post coaches will he in readiness on tbeamvalot the boat to convey psweengers to Providrnce and Boston via Hartford. . . . , . . . * . N. B. Freight will be taken for Hartford via New 'Haven, and forwarded on immediately. For further information, eojinre at the store of lotormaison. " ^ ^ coRUE8 . 283 Pearl at. N. B. The stoop Comet, lying at the foot ojMaiden lane, wUl reeaire any freigbts for the ateam boat in her [ on Doard the steam boat on her C OURT OF CHANCERY.—State 0/New York, tt.—In pursuance of a dncreial order of the Court of Chancery of the State of New York, will be sold st Public Auction, at the Merchants' Exchange in the ci- ty of New York, on the sixth dav of Mnrch next, at 12 o'clock at noon, under the direction of the subsenber. one ot the Matters in Chancery—'' All that certain Lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate, lying and being in Manhattanwlle, in the (late) Ninth (now Twelfth) ward of the city of New York—Bounded as foil" ws. viz ; bt> ginning at the southerly comer of the House called the Manhattanville Hotel, being the corner of the Bloom- ingdale Road am: Manhattan atrort; and running thence north-easterly on aline with the front of the said Hotel, in a direct line to Lawrence atreet, 199 feet; thence norih-wesierty along the south-westerly side of Law- rence street, to the house of the late Mark Griffin, de- ceased, 136 feet 6 inches; thence sonth-westerly to the southerly corner of the bouse of Joel Post, on Manhat- tan street, 200 feet; and thence sonth-eaanrly along the north-easterly tideofsaid Manhattan atreet, 149 feet to the place of beginning, be the same in length and breadth more or less : a* the same is now enc'<»sed And. also, th* House, coifed the ManbatianviUe Hose), the sfablea and out-buildings thereto belonging, subject, nevertheless, to a lease given to the Mayor. Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of New York, for the piece of ground whereon the Fire Engine House no •* (tends— Together with the buildings and improvement* thereon erected, and the hereditaments and appurtenancea there- unto belonging. Dated New York, February 11, 1830. THOMAS WILLS, Master in Chancery. Fllgt*wt25Fdt» a D R HULL'S TRUSS FOR THE RELIEF AND CURE OF HERNIA OR RUPTURE—This M ONEY TO LOAN.—Ttnny Thousand Dollars, in sums to suit applicant*, on unincumbered real estate in this city, aecured hv bond and mortgage. Ap- ply to HERMAN HUGHES. 61 William at. Also for sale. Bill* on London and Liverpool; Bank of England Note* ; Sovereign* and Guineas. JtjgjA TO LET. the two story brick front house* [ssisV and stores No. 39 and 43 Hudson st. Excel lijiill [ ent stands for dry goods or merchant tailors- V ALUABLE LANU& MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE —The FARM of the late David Allen, of Great Nock, beautifully situated at the entrance of Lit- tle Neck Bay, on the north side of Long Island, border- ing on the Sound, about 20 miles from New York, conl taming about 300 acres of fertile and highly cultivated Land, including about ten acres of excellent Salt Mea- d<nr, and forty acre* of thrifty and heavily timbered Wood Land, watered" in various puts wi.h never foiling springs, and furnished with large Apple Orchards, and a variety of other Fruit Tree*—two good Dwelling II011- •es and Barns, with oilier useful and necessary out build- ings. The Grist Mill i* nearly new, with four run of stone, and machinery fur manufacturing wheat, in ex- cellent order, and of superior construction. A good Saw Mill 1* attached to the aame, and both have an ample supply of water. Tha location is so near the Sound that tho navigation to the mills is rarely interrupted by ice. If not previously disposed of at private sale, the above property will bo offered at public auction, on the pre- mises, on Tuesday, 'he 9ih day of March next, at 1 o'- clock P. M. Should the weather then be atormy, the sale will take place the first fair day following. Per sons inclined to purchase are invited to call and view the premises, when the conditions of sale will he made known. North Hempstead, Queens County, Dec. 31, 1829. MARIA ALLEN, ) p w „„;„, j85d*ets DEBORAH R. ALLEN, \ Executriae*. TO LET-.—From the IstofMay next, the two new four story substantial built stores, ,w ith cranite fronts, 41 and 43 Pine, next to the corner of William street. There are two neat and spsnous counting houses, lathed and plastered in each •tore. The cellars are light, airy, dry, li«ed with plank longued and grooved, and painted. To good tenant* tbey will be let reasonably. Apply at this office. 4k CO. « ... Friday, 11 o'clock. Goat Shne.-Tw Got* 8km*. «... .. _ Saturday, $0. Valuable Fmrrn,-t-A farm .1 lusted in the township of $ w J? M r ek ' J W«stchester eo. 51 miles distant from N. York, situated on the bordora of Lena Mw»d Sound, eontaintng 94 acres of land, moat of which E in a high state of oulutrnuon, end | 7 ^^ of woo dland, af- St?.*!! ,buod * nl 1 ""PP-ly of fencing stuff and f a n l . - The fence* are mostly of atone and in good Older. Oil he Premises 1* a.neat 2 story house, a hall 11 feet wide. leading through the houae, and room, about 17*3 sqiiare-the garret neatly finished, kitchen ••^rio- Ing. The farm houae, carnage houae, crib, awoke house, hovels, Ac. nearly new, and iu good order Then, are two orchards, bearing annually an extensive variety of fruit; a spring of never failing water within a tew yards of the door. It* proximity to the Soond and to tha public landing at New Roehetle, (between which place and N. York a steamboat daily pliea in the summer lime) to various ncadeente* end places of wor-1 •hip. iu local privileges of fishing, shooting, 4c. tender) it a desirable residence for aformeror gentleman. Title 1 indisputable. For further particulars inquire of Gibaoo. I Post4Gibson, 111 Peari at. Tuesday. 23', V.duoble Real Estate—13 o'clock at the Merchanta' Exchange, the three story house and lot No. 39 Fourth st fronting on Washington Square, 25 feat front and rear by 210 feet deep, extending from Fourth to Amity •t*. The house is thoroughly finished from the cellar to the garret, in the best «tyle. The premises csn be view- ed at auy time after 10 o'clock A. M. Possession will be given on the 15th of April. Also, nine valuable lota of ground on the souih aide of Barrow (late Fifth) atreet, west of the 6th avenue, and in eight of Washington Square. Sold to close a trust estate. Fur further particular* apply to the auctioneer. Private Suit —5000 at.,.. of land, situate in the south- ern patt of Lower Canada, northern part of Vermont, and Chenango county ; will be sold low, or exchanged for real estate in this city, ot may remain 00 mortgage for a term of years. Alan, 40 piece* German duck; 4000 lb*, spelter; 150 bale* tint quality Mesiina rag* ; and Hamburgh demi- john*. Also, a chain cable, (Brown 4 Imogen's make.) 90 fa- thoms long, 11 inch ; lampblack, indigo, chocolate. MM GIN t Dotrheeterek W GIN in pipe* London Excise. TORTOISE SHELL-81 nor quality. Abo. 00 bake Dorceeter Ticks. B Y f M.^MOORE-Park Safe.-Room, S14 Bread woy. 'way. A largo and Thursday Evening, d splendid ooffection of : graving., nontamioj too works of Una Engiiah Woelfil; s»" BY JAMES BLEECKER,Tuesday, the 16th lust at 1% o'clock, at the Exchange, Richmond Hill Farm,eiluated at Whiteatone L 1.14 miles nmfl. 1 . 4 2 1 from Flushing,oppositeThrog'* Neck, 4 has a commanding 4 splendid view of the Sound 4 its navigation, of a part of Connecticut, and the west of the Hudson.N Y. Island,EastA- West Chester, 4c. Nearly t w. -thirds of it is bounded on the north and east by the East River and a little Bay, which supply it with era and rock weed in aullicient abundance for manure ; game bird*, and shell, and scale Ash, abound on and near its shores : It has many fine spring* of water. Thi* valuable estate is under high cultivation, with substantial stone fences, containing 180 acres tillable and woodland, and 30 acres of salt meadow ;•—its fa- cilities of communication and transportation, give it very great advantages. Steam hoars and stages run daily to and from the city. On the premises are a large mansion, barn, hovel, crib, ice. wagon, sheep, 4 other out houses, exterume fruit orchard, an excellent garden, 4c. There are several beautiful sites for build- ing on this farm, 4 it can be divided so a* to allow each site a proportionable share of water front. Two thirds of the purchase money may remain on mortgage. For further information applv on the premise*, or to CORNELIUS BOGERT. 216 Front «t. or F9tl6th HENRY K. BOGERT. 70 South st. PACKAGE SALE IMPORTERSTH1RD PUBLIC SALE OF SPRING GOODS. J«r On Saturday, 13th February, inst., at half past 9 o'clock A. M. will be offered by public auction, 500 package* of fresh imported English, Scotch, and Irish DRY GOODS, comprising an unusually extensive a*- sort men t. to be offered f«*» and mrreaerved to purchasers, and on the same fair and liberal conditions which dis- tinguished the Importers aale on the 4th inst. Catalogues will be ready and the goods exhibited on the dsy previous to tha sale, 111 the 2d and 3d lofts of atore No. —. atreet. F5tl3 BY MILLS, BROTHERS 4 CO. Saturday, At 9 o'clock at their auction room, a valuable assort- ment Manchester and other British Dry Goods, 4c. Also, under inspection of th* Port Wardens tor ee count of underwriter*. 1 cam 6-4 fancy chain check muslins, damagrd on the voyage of imp notion At Private Sale.— SQOO piece* first chop long yellow Nankeens. Sharp, Morgheu, Fillex. . Vlvstes, 4e Friday. At 10 o'clock at — Brood way, a aptendid of elegant 4k fashionable furniture, nearly sisting of mahogany dining tea 4 card table*, dressing tables, bedsteads, beds, glassware, 4c I jkswiae, at loo same lime, a fartasge, l.atne**. 4 c . all belonging to the Mine en N.B. S«le« of Furniture, Houeee. Lot*, and out sates generally attended to on very favogabfe terms. At Private Sale Ladies and gentlemen are particularly invited to view • large collection of splendid and aaagaifnaatf T nigs, kept for the sccon.modaiion of tkoaonot able to at- tend th. public 1 «ile..ih*pncmforwl»iel.wxaboinconi foranty * nh the safe, at auction. At tho Fork Sale* Room can be generally men a greater daaplay of troly valuable and splendid engravmgs than at amy other es- lahtiahiuent In thi* country. ' J hn joa's Scraps— Just received a supply of the above celebrated Scrap* for 1829-30, for safe at the pobliasssr'a price. . Old stained and soiled engravings taitna.il to reaaanble new. N.B Consignments of Books. Engra imgs Paint incs Ac. respecifiilly solicited, upon which the usual ad. vance* w ill be made Safes ut Furniture, llnnaaa. Lota and out door sales generally, attended le 00 favorable term*. A complete estt of Dr. Rote' Cyclopedia, boond ha Russia. A few amall port folioa containing each Una prints,•*- lected from annual., a few beautiful impreaaiom of Mm-shiUa views in England, Ireland and* Wales, for scrap hooks. B Y HAOUERTY, AUSTIN 4 CO, Steio 167 Pearl street To-t.jrmw. Isghont llau — ll o'clock, ot their auction mom, at 6 mo*, credit, 150 caaw Leghorn halt rnfutallng ttf women's bat* with 4 without extm crown*; manau 4 misae* gipsies; Bolivar man, buys 4k girls, of superior •tyfe 4 quality. Cam loam* am now ready. Monday, Ijace Goods and Silk Hoee.—Ao 9 o'clock, ol then auction room, an extensivessmrtmentofEngliah thread Iscss, bohinet and gimp laces, vests, pelerines, shawl*, caps, quillings, 4 4 4 0 4 plain bobmata, eVc, aaena and women* English silk bnee and half hose. Thursday, PACKAGE SALE. At 91 o'clock, at their auction room. 800 packages British and American Dry Goods. Catalogues will bo toady, and the goods prepared for examination the day previoo* to aale. . i •;'-. C OPARTNERSHIP NOTICE—lue copartner- J ship heretofore exietang between the subscriber*, tinder the firm of Smith 4 Phillips, was by mutual con- ssnt dissolved on tha 9th in,t. Signed, JAME8 C. RMITH. SAMUEL PHILLIPS The Auction and Commission Busineea wilt be con- tinued by the lubecnher. under the Arm of James C. Smith 4 Co. who is duly authorised to settle the con- cern* of the late firm. JAMES C.SMITH. BY JAMES C. SMITH, 4 CO.' PRIVATE SALE. 12 superb double scroll sofas, C do spring seat do Alio, a aptendid assortment of mahogany pillar 4 elow breakfast, dining and work tables, mahogany bedsteads 4 chairs, wardrobes, 4 c . of superior wo kmanship. Also, 50 demijohns first rate Madeira wine, 50 do Port do, 50 do do Sherry do. in lot* to suit purchasers. Liberal advances made on all kind* of goods left for sale B Y J. PEARSON, New York _ Broadway, opposite Maiden lane. Thuraday Evening, BOOKSELLER'S STOCK. Lottf Room, lit B OARDING, corner of Broadway dt Fulton st*.— (sentlemen with their wivee, and several tingle gen- tlemen can be accommodated with Board and very pleas- ant Room*, by immediate application at 156 Fulton at. first door from Broad wiry. F9 tf W ILLIAM H AGAR 4 CO. offer for sale at their Type and Stereotype Fonndnj. No. 29 Golds!.— 2d hand founts of Long Primer,of 225 lbs; 1 do of 400 lbs. and 1 do of 150 lbs Small Pioe, tn fount* of 400, 800, ggt) aVSgtMH Pioa founts of 100 or 200 lb* . Also, a fount of Music Type, of about 150 lbs, in good order and wellasaorted, has been used on but one work. Specimens of all the above mentioned ./pea can be at their foundry. FlO Ira eiecnce, and pot them < rat Fll ..OR PROVIDENCE and JT BOSTON, MI N. London •—The Steam Boat FANNY. I Capt. Davison, will leave Ful- ton market * lip on Friday morning at 7 o'clock. On the arrival of the Fanny at N. Loudon, post coeche§ will be in readiness on the wharf to convey passenger* to Providence and Boston, on the new turnpike road, di- rect. Also, to Woweater. via Canterbury. Brooklyn, Porafret, dec. Freight taken as usual. For t urthet in- formation enquire at the ftora of flO JACOB CORUBS 4 SON. 283 Pearl at, D READFUL ACCIDENTS.—A man last bad theteaafrity.notwithstanding theee^erity of tho weather, to attempt tho tmvellingtips Road to Wealth; in hia progress ho *ttimbt»sLem« *hocking to relate. fWl npoo 110,000! Anothek individual, who wee equally imprudent, travelling the MM route met with M.»cid«tofas4mili«enemm.^ We em happy to state that both are doing wall, and it ia said are \a better health and .pint* than they had beanforsome time prior to the accident. For the ln- xTormation of tmvelkwi we inf.vre* them that this Road lead* to the following pl«ees—Ee*e. Competency, Inde- pendeuce, Fortune, Comfort. Influence and Power.— Ticket* to travel on this mad. which i* always open, may he procured from •boai«£frvi*or. Fii _ 8E1XAS. 162 Broadway. I " JxISH LIN r.NS.SHEE'T.NOS. DIAPERS. Ac - Tmemm Safim. «4 Potriot, offer*forsafe, by the package, tha sallowing Oooda, received par late arrivals, vig: Burnt M A M Mth Skottinga Hmvy ondraoaoi Irish Ltnert*, do extm fine Do. do. in dami pa, Tohm Diaper, o-l to 10-4 3-4 Draper. Drilling _ _ ., I.«Hg Lawn* in 6 yd pfece*, 1M, 6-8 4 7-9 wide DonMa Dameak Table Ctotha and Napkin* Memnm Jaconet Muslins, plain 4 figured M.illMual.n*. plain 4 flgusad. tamboured Bonk* Rirt oaedfe worked rtor»ma»»iCellars. Ac. 4o Fn B ataRS OIL—The puhtto era infotmed that this . at*icw.»ojiu«ilyealenviit*ijforr*oxsnrttigt^^ of kair, ia to be procured at the Drag Store, 79 Fulton, eotuat of Gold street T n t .iirwcnbar having hoi the Oil extracted under hte own n^spettJon, can wajrnmf it to be y w Fl grtoLoii Vy lomdT ED TAFFETA JUBBONei- : »0boMacr>. fotodTaiJeta Rilihoiie. No. 9. it. If.4»,fooeiv. odand for aeia hy E. P. CLARK 4 CO. 66 Maiden fen*, corner of Wm. st. . F U p IxXNOEA¥CrFlG'ft 0*OS ftfertARES- ^ 10 piOBw change able ftg'd Cro* da Nspfea. »»ew wyfeaitd trary hareJ*wn*\ (km day received and will be ">M low hy E P. CLARK4 CO. 64 Maiden *««£«•*> rswofWmat. Fll Surgical instmrnent is now so well known to the medi- cal profession, and so extensively used by unfortunate sufferers laboring under the disease of Hernia, that a particular account of its mechanical construction or its Surgical effects is thought unnecessary. The subjoined remarks from Physicians and Surgeons of high respect ability ID our country, am the result* of much practical experience in the use end application of thi* trims. Juav* Thatcher. M. D.. author of the " Modern Prac- tice," in bia 2d edition, under the subject of " hernia," remarks—" Dr. Hull is exclusively entitled to tho credit of first adapting the trot surgical principle for the radi- cal cure of hernia. He happily conceived tho idea that the pad of the truss ihould be eo constructed, as simply to support the muscular fibre* around the ring or aper- ture a* much a* possible, in the stale in w Inch they am maintained in perfect health. Utiles* ihis be attained the part* can never recover their natural tone, whatev- er may be the degree of pressure applied " Samuel AckerTy, M. D, in his excellent edition of " Hooper's Medical Dictionary," under the head of " Truss." after enumerating tbe evil* resulting from the u«e of the defective trusses formerly worn, say*—" Thi* evil was not fully remedied until Dr. Amos G. Hull, ol New York, turned hi* attention to the subject, and by his improvement in the construction of trusses, has ren- dered it certain that all recent rupture* and those of children, may be permanently cured ; and thoea of old people and of long standing, may, in many ess**, also be remedied. The pad of Dr. Hull's Truse is concoae, and not convex; and hence the raised circular margin by proper adaptation, presses upon the sides of the her- nial opening, and tends to close tbe aperture and cure the hernia." M. L Knapp, M. D. late Physician and Surgeon to th* Btlumore General Diapaniary, in a communication to Dr. Hull, says—•• I have applied your trusses in several hundred ca«-< during the Is-i three years. A great ma- ny upon whom I have applied your trusses, have been radically cured ; and some of these were caaw of long standing, where*!! other trusses had foiled. I aand you a note of thank* from Mr. Prasbtng. a citixen of grea' respectability, who was cured of a bad scrotal rupture, of thirty Ave year* standing, by wearing one of your trusses for two year* ! He had worn other truetea 29 year*. His eon, also, aged 16 years, ruptured from hi* infancy, was cured under ay care in less than two year*. A case of scrotal rupture.of 20 years »tanding.in a labor Ing man 40 fear* old, was cured under my notice by one of you r truss*, in six month*. A cam of groin ru p tore, from lifting, in a laboring man 90 years old, on whom I applied one of your trusses, the day after the in- jury, we* cured in three month*. Experience alone can make known to the surgeon lb* full powers and excel- lence of these instrument*. Yourtruaaea are exclusive- ly preferred by the Professor* in both of the Medical School* in thia city, and the Faculty in general." Baltimore, January, 1830. FoiVntiae Moll. M D. Prototanr of Surgery, my*— " Tbe great and signal benefits which am produced by this True*, result from its strict subservience to. and ac- cordance with Scientific and Surgical principle*. • The operation and effect of this True* is directly the reverse of all the Trusses heretofore in use, which being cmves, Haded to enlarge the dimensions of As rupture opening. I am of opinion that tbe union of Surgical design and mechanical structure in thia instrument ren- der it w hat haa long been the desideratum of Practical .Norgeoti* in Europe and America." Professor Molt also in lecturing upon Hernia, recom- mends Dr. Hull's Truss to lite exclusion of all other* Dr. Hull's Trnsee* may be had in any quantity at hi* office No. 132 Fulton, near Nassau at. Fll 8 TOLEN from the house No. 210 Fulton street, on the evening of Monday, February 81 h— 1 Silver Soup Ladle, marked P.M.F., J. Sayre, maker. 6 do. large Table t*ponna, same mark and maker. 1 do. do do. do. old fashion'd.raark believed fs.fl.Jf. 1 do. old fashioned Milk Cup. marked J H ti. 1 large Potted Tea Pot, no mark. Silver smiths, pawn broken, and other*, am requested to stop sard article* if offered for sale, and give inform- ation at the Police Office, or at 210 Fulton at. A •una- ble reward will be riven. fe9 3t* J HURLEY respectfully inlotm* hi* friend* that he haa opened a House of Spruce atreet. Refreshment at No. 5 F9 1w D R » P. 8. T O W N S E N D has removed to No. 342 Broadway. J23 3taw4w I CE VV A>Tr-.lJ— WsntHl to purchase a quantity of lea. Apply at 173 Front at. F2 A YOUNG MAN, who has a good knowledge of dry goods, may obtain a situation in a wbolaeale and retail dry goods store. Apply at22 Maiden lane. N. B. Foreigners need not apply. J3S L ATERAL CURVATURE OF THE SPINE— Casey's patent apparatus called the Dormant Ba- lance ia now in full operation, under the open and avow- ed sanction of the first Surgeon* and Physiologists in Europe as well aa America. Particular* and reference* may he h*d hy application in person or by letter to T. K. Casey. No.9 Broadway, New York. 6tred» TO LET, the neat two story House No 369 Hudson st. the second house below St. Luke's .Church ; it poasca'M every accommodation f-r a small genteel family. Possession on the 1st May next. For terms apply to CORNELIUS OAKLEY, 108 Front *t. or at 59 Morton st. F105t Office Of tho Jeflerson Insurance Company. / February 6th, 1830. , T H E President and Dimeter* have thia day declared a Dividend of three and one half per cent, out of the profits for the last six months, payable to the stock- holder* on and after the 15th inst. The transfer book will he ctoeer. until that time. f8tl5 WM.S.THORNE, Secretary. ion* Lehigh Coal of sope- nor quality, for sale bv BLACKWELL 4 MFARLAN, j26 No. 8 Coentie* slip. B Y R. N. HARMON ; B LANKET*).—The subsenber* keep constantly for sale (by wholesale or retail) a large assortment of Blanket* of all rizee from 8-4 to 15-4 large; tbey have now on hand a few pair extra heavy and large, worth 15 dollars tbe pair. Also, thick twilled Blanket*, •un- able for servants. PURDY 4 RAPELYE. F9 No. 61 Maiden lane. W INTER 8TOCK1NGS.—Six thread While Cotton Stockings, patent •tamped, warranted, intended expressly for winter use; varioue aizee and qimlifiee for Ladies. Also, Ribbed and Plain Mohair and Thibet Wool Hoae and half Horn, of beautiful qual- ity and very soft—together with an extanaiva assortment of Hosiery and Gloves, at wholesale or retail, by R. 4 A. LANE, No*. 11 4 18 Maiden lane, near the Arcade. FlO B LANKETS.—Superior quality double Rose and double Napped, extm »ixe, for *afe low, logether with fine, middling and extra superfine White Flannel, by R. 4 A. LANE. FlO 1 1 4 18 Maiden lane, near Arcade. dr. A.LEVY, Storo 128 Broadway. Tuesday. 16th. . Splendid Oil Paintings—At 11 o'clock. 350 Oil Paint- ings, mostly in superb Hume*, in which will be found a number of original* of th* Italian, flemish, and French school*, equal to any offered thia season, from tbe fol- lowinr master* :—J. Kuyp, Rosa de Tivolf.>VUnde Mu- len, Wilson. De Tboimv. Pate) Victoire. M. Cam, Ten- niers, Breughel, Caetetlo Vsnderv elde, 4e. The pann- ing* are now ready for exhibition. At Private Sate.—A private collection of superb origi- § inal oil pointinga. consisting of 4 Landscapes, by Ruys- ail. Decker, l.uthen 4 D. Breughel; Temptation of St. Anthony, by D.Tenniers; Andromeda, »>y J Van Hm- renberg; Departure for the Cham, by P. Wooverman*; The Drinker*, by Brnner; Landscape and Cattle, by M. Carri; Noah'a Ark, D. Breughel, Interio-* of Churches, by P. Neaf and Van Buesum; Ecce Homo, a superb painting, Italian school; 2 Floker Piece*, Castello, Ac. Also, 2 German piano* ; 3 csae* fancy b o n a ; 1 do brace lei*; 36 buckskin shirts 4 drawer*; 2 mahogany case*, sheila 4 minerals; 40 eet * chess men ; musical bo i*s; bead bog* ; 400 gems; 70 German clock*, and 1 tlmre in the N. V Society Library. N. B. Particular attention pant to sale* of furniture at pnvs'e house*. Will commence tbe aale of a atodk o r a l dining business. This catalogue will 1 and mostly in quantitie*, and all boond in tbe best style; it will be found worthy of the notice of dealer* from the country, a* well oa tha city buyers purchasing for tho spring business. Particulars hereafter Friday, ASSIGNEES SALE OF FURNITURE. 101 o'clock, at the Broadway Hotel, corner of Broej- way 4 Ms.fenlane, by order of aseignew, thewbufeof the furniture of tbe above establtahment, conai*ung of chairs, dining, card, toilet and kitehen tables, looking glasses,stair 4 floor carpet*,sideboards, k m v m 4 forks, crockery 4 glass warn, cot A field bedsteads, 33 feather beds 4 bedding, bar 4 entry Ism pe, chimney ornament*, fire eats, 4c. Together with o general «**ertmant of kitehen furniture, with which the aale will 1 nrasaaill* Saturday Evening 13, . A private collet lion of oil painting* neatly framed, also 300 line engraving* of the moat celebrated raeaaets of the EngliaV, Italian 4 French schoofe. Catalogute on the day of safe. Trade Sale.—Tho undersigned respectfully informs his friends and patrons, ihsthis Spring Sale to the Trade, will commence on Tiwsdsy, tho 13th of April nest, and will be continued from day 11 day until the whole catalogue ia finished. It ia his moat ear DO ward their invoices, (with or before the *5U> of March ensuing, login will be imoed on or as near thefinrtday of April, as circumstsnce* will permit; all invoieee tocoived sfear the 1st of April, wiU be placed in III 11 lanisBil toiaksgoi. which will be in readiness on tbe first day of his regu- detir* that Bookseller* will for- ith samples of the property,! on latch anatiing. aa the first cam. L ACKAWANNA COAL, via Delaware 4t Hud- son Canal.—Edwarrt Dunscomb haa for *»le, at hi* Yard. Front atreet. near tbe Navy Yard Ferry, tbe above description of Coal, of a superior quality, in quan- titie* to atiit purchaearo, at f 10 50-100 par 100, broken, and delivered to any part of tho city. Order* left ot the Office, No. 7 Broad street, at No. 900 Front street, or at th* coal yard, will be punctually attended tn. Film D RUGS.—-A small lot assorted Drugs, received Ibis day. and offered for aale at the cheap print 4 v* net* store 435 Broadwav. 1 door shove Howard st. folO ft»>TE BANK OFTMKNTON—Th* subscribers ofnoealua. fj (rti i ximt m * . « , small pitwhaeetbjms. 1 *» procure certiocetm In* thorn of^jfcyJgmrt g j T i e n - «°»- N. 4 S. iYLTBiTlR. fll 130 Broadwav L EHIGH COAL dt NAVIGATION CO. YARD. Lebigb, Lackawana, Schuylkill 4 Ijverpool Coal. For sale by the subscriber, at the yard of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, corner of Beaver lane and Washington *tr*et. WM. O. JONES N. B. A box to receive order* i* feft el the office ol the Mercantile Advertiser, 56 Wall at, J32 U ~ NION COAL YARD —PoraaJe by theaubeenber. at tbe Union Coal Yard, Lehtih, Lackawana, Schuylkill, Liverpool and Newcastle Coal.. Apply at the offie*. corner of Chambers and Washington street* WM. G. JONES. N. B. Bo« for order*, at tha omce of the Mercantile Advertieer. 56 Wall st. J*3 1UCKAPS, SCRAPS, SCRAPS.—Ladies desirous of C5 procuring 8crap Engraving* am invited to call at the cheap print and variety atore 435 Broadway, 1 door above Howard street, whore a large and beautiful col- lection may be four^l felO m 0 1 L E T 4 MANTEL ORNAMENTS.—Jost re- X cei ved from Park a small invoice of Watch Case*. Catchalls, Scgar A Toper Stands, suitable for mantel ornaments or the toilet* of ladies 4 gentlemen. For safe at tbe cheep print 4 variety (tore 435 Broadway, 1 door above Howard street. felO |\JEW STYLE GL-VGUAMH. * C — amall pattern I™ and all pink Ginghams, of the finest quality that can be made; Gimp Lace*. Quilling*, Lace Veils, Tut- ting*, dec.—For sale by the package, by OLDFIELD. BERNARD 4 CO. FlOdtf Exchange 4 Broad ate. W*TltA FINE 4,4 UNKN.-Atowa^aiienrwf •»^ l «c«aliiy hmvy tmdimoad Irish Unen*. for safe by _?» TttOMASf" f »«*ARYofliiia*Tntm »M-«|»O. 4. • : H ADLOCK'S VEGETABLE POWDERS.an tn- valuable remedy for Disease* of tbe Lungs,forsafe by fit WM. L RUSHTON. Apotbaoary, 81 William straat. TltOM AS BUFFERN.t44Prartat. n"ntml*dge, No 4,..« Y of Kntertamintr Knowieoge. no. 0,0, o .. Tho Pursuit of Knowledge under difBcnl * * • Hhistrated by Anecdote*, with Portraita of h - WW& Jobjtllnnejr. F. R. 8. 4 N... g VeeambfoSnrsaanee*, FroRo, tttutt. ]yi f> Inaect Architecture, patt 1. with . Just reonived and foi;aafe by tVrm 169 . r ' l , G"4C, A H7CARVlti; 108Broadway B ATTING 4 WADDlNa-4^**aaphytawcaeoor atassssfL-sW fun J. CON ANT. 181 W HITE'S TOOI'H ACHE DROPS—A sure com for that dwtmaaing and aggmvaiinglpain the Tooth Ache, for sale by W.L. RUSHTON, 81 Wil- Ham st. the only Agent in New York. fll C -*. R08 DKS INDE8—A larpaeaortment Mock and Jf colored, for sale few by the piece or at retail, by fll F- J. CONANT, m Maiden lane. ODERN SCEPTICISM—AnExposiiiooof M> di»m Scepricwm, inaletteraddraeeedtotheeditiirs of the Free Knouirier. by William Gibbon*. M. D. third edition, pnca 131 cents Just received and for safe hy FU G 4 C. 4 H. CARVILL. 108 Broadway \,tW VokH *i H:\mima. COAL VAIIT. II iahoytkitl, Laokawanna. Uvorpool T Coal, for mfe In quantities to suit parebaear*. . in .«tlmN.Y.4a>huylluttCohlO«eo,foot ris atfeat (lam aWavorlane ) M, fa^CHU YLK1LL COAL—Of very •uperior ouality, 1 3 delivered at f 10 60 per ton, or fi» 35 a load, war- ranted to be equal to any aold in the city, except from Spohn's mine, or the Psora Orchard Coal, of which the subscriber has had the exclusive aupply in this market for these three year* put. „___ SAMUEL B. REEVE. Corner of Murray 4 Washington st* and Canal and Elm st*. opposite th* Ga* Work*. J36 L ACKAWANNA COAL of* .upanor quality, at f 10 per ton delivered, or f 5 per load, for safe in quantities to *uitoonsumer«, by SAMUEL B. REEVE, corner of Murray and Washington, and comer of Ca- nal and Elm at* —afen. order* received hy A. Da Camp. 47 Wall at. and Wm. Newoomb, Jr. 10 Broad st. will be punctually attended to. r& fcJCHUYl.KlLL COAL— I'hesuliscriber oiler* lor d sole in quantftfee to «uit enstomnre, Schuylkill Coal from tho Centreville Mine*, which he will guarantee equal to any that be* been received from them thi* em- son. Pricef 10 60 per ton. delivered Halve* S6 45. Afen for aale, the Peach Orchard Coal, which the subscriber receive* from Spolm'* Mine eaolueively.— Price f l l per too, delivered—part* of a ton in propor tion. SAMUEL R. REEVE. Corner of Murray and Washington at*, and of Canal and Erm »t. oppoafrethsOo* Work*. J* 8 isri D ARK CALICOES—I case just received, color* dark and rich. F4 JOHN STRANG. 434 Peari-at. E 1NEN SHEETING—A fmsh lot of Irish. Rmaia, and Flemish, of the best quality, warramed strong, for sale by JOHN STRANG. 434 Peort-t- F4 L ASTINtiS. PKUNELL8, GALLOONS, Ac — Jet 4 blue black Lasting*, of every aoahty , fine black f'runells; Galloon*; buck 4 drab Hat Bands , Boot Cord; Braid, of assorted colours, 4c.—For sale by ihepackege. by OLDFIELD, BERNARD4CO. FlO dtf Exchange 4 Broad si* L ACKAWANNA COAL, via Delaware 4 Hudson Canal.—The subscriber offer* for sale the above de- scription of coal, of a superior quality, in quantities to •mi purchasers, broken and fitforimmediate uao, al f 101 per too or f51 per load, sent to any pert of the city free of cartage. Ordera feft at t he office. No. 7 Broad street, at No.' 300 Front street, or at the Coal Yard, will meat with prompt attention. F8 1w EDWARD DUNSCOMB. No. 7 Broad st NEW AUCTION ESTABLISHMENT. PHILA- DELPHIA. NOTICE.—//. C. Corbit having procured a commis- sion aa Auctioneer in tbe city of Philadelphia, ho* associated with him his brother, Joaapb Corbit, who will transact tho Auction and Commission busineea for tbe mfe of every description of merchandise, under the firm of H. C. CORBIT At CO. They have taken the large atom and warn rooms No. 39 North Front at. and am now preparing to receive consignments. Every fa- cility and attention will be aftbrdtd, and they respect- fully solicit the notice of importer* and daafera. Philadelphia, February 1st, 1830. j l Ira BY H. C. CORBIT 4 CO. (Philadelphia.) Wednesday. Feb. 10. Package Sale—150 cases British and Domest ic Good*, Irish Linene, 4 c . c ttnprising s general assortment. Co- taloguea will bo ready and the goods exhibited on the dav before tho mfe. Fltd* B Y WOObHEV . WARD BEACH, StolwNo 171 Pearl sir—t Friday. Feb. 19th. Package Salt of Hardware.—-At their auction room, at 9 o'clock, A. M. 800 package of fresh imported Bir- mingham and Sheffield Goods, comprising a general and valuable assortment of seasonable Hardware 4 Cutlery Catalogue* ready and good exhibited one day previous ml*. Priimf* Sal* —SO bales brown Sheeting*. 7 esses 4-4 black silk Hdkfa.8 do light dye* India Sewing* B Y CORUES.MABBETTACO BsoreNo lit Pearlatreei. Monday. At 9 o'clock, at their auction room, a men! of Dry Good*. Monday. Feb. 23. PACKAGE SALE. At 10 o'clock, at their auction room, 150 packages oi British and American Dry Good*. Caialoguea and sample, one day pravieu*. TO LET—Tbe convenient two story brick I House, 11100104 38 Mutt street For partuu lara. inquire of COKLIES, MABBF.TT 4 CO. 157 Peatl atreet. I N LI NT GLASS, CO AIX Ac—300 cask* Turn- . biers. Wine*, blue, plain and figured, Flower Root Glasses, Soap Cup*. French China. Swiss and common tumblers, Ac 300 chaldrons large and beat quality Coal*, for family nee; 4 cask* Lampblack, in quarter, half, and one pound papers, just received per brig Caro- line, from New castle, and for mfe at 15 Naaaeu-et. F8 HY. 4 GEO BARCLAY. L IVERPOOL 4 ORREL COAL AFLOAT- landing from tha British ship Lord Gambter, a au- nerior quality Liverpool Orret Coal, selected expressly for fhmily ma, all lowered into the hold, and for aale in 3 uantititiea to suit purchasers, hy applying on board at on**' wharf. E. R. or to H. 4 A. STOKES, 157 Broadway, At 374 Washington st near Bench, Also in yard. Schuylkill, Lackawanna, Lehigh and New Castle Coal. F8 4 Lehfeh C CALICOES—Of an entire now style, Wght cotow, J )u*t received and for safe by F4 JOHN STRANG. 484 Pearl *t R USSIA IHAPERS-100 piece., floe and heavy, for sale by F4 JOHN STRANG. 414 PaorM, C *HOPr Ao.->6 6emm 1 jmtj» d*». for •»*£"" / r»] . JOSIAHDOWm CO. llf Fosalot A BERNETHV'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC LOZEN- GES. CALLED LONG LIFE.—A supply of th* above moat valuable and agreeable antidote to the Dyspepsia, fe just r.-ceived and for sale at-ihe Drug Store. 7'.» FIIIUMI. corner of < Jold st The many thousand case* in which relief and reme- dy has been effected hy this incomparable article, am aufficwnt to recommend it toall who are afflicted with indigestion, low of appetite, acid stomach, and general debility of the digmtive organ*. The recipe from which the Lotengs* am prepared, emanating from, and being approved of, by one of ihe facuUy (Dr. Abrmethy) of the highest standing in Europe, one who haa caused so great a revolution in the treatment of the dear**** of the digestive organ*, 1* of itself sufficient tn recommend it to the use ofall who are laboring under this Isshkinabfe complaint For safe III boxes, price SO cents each. If D O U B L E D A M A S K 8 A - « - 7 . 8 a n d 10-4 of the first quality; also. Birds-eye Disper, Irish Linens; 8-4 hmvy Russia Table Uiaper; blue and green Table and Piano Cover* ; hlack Bombazines ; Furniture Dimity ; Furniture Chintz ; Merino Cloths ; India Satins, Ac 4c. tor sale by f6 JOHN STRANG. 434 Pearl st rilOILKT A MANTEL ORNAMKNT.H—Juetre JL ved from Pari* a choice and beautiful lot of **- gar case*, taper stands, catchalls, and watch cases, suit- able for mantel ornenteutt, or the toilet* ol either ladies or gentlemen, Tbey will be aold low at tbe cheap prim and variety «tore 435 Broadway. 1 door above Howard street. Ft The Auctioneer expressly wishes it to bo 1 to the Trade, that ho shall offer no property sot aale, that is not in Ins possession on tbe I3thof April neit, or therein placed in tbe band* of some respectable Book- seller in this city, auhjecttohi* order. No greater or less quantity of on article will be offer- ed, than ia expressed in the catalogue, exept notice fe given before the same fe exposed, ot struck off at the time of mfe. No draft will be honored otherwise predicated OB asle*. unless the property is in band, or bill of lading for- warded, with orders to affect insurance on tha mase.— Immediately after the mfe of the Books. 6 cases of « - parb French Engravings will bo aold, constating ofmven thousand lot*; no two cases aand admrmbly rakulated for the Sooth American, as wail a* the different mar- kets of the United States. Any information aa to the state of tho market aa K*> pocu the s*fe of property, will meet whh doe attention by the Auctioneer, B V AM09 HAWLEV-W>JI 5 B K B foe. Room, No. St. /vmete Sale— Ungord*Engfend, 10v; Nichofeon'* Encyclopedia, ltv; 8tenneu'* Work*, 3v: Jacob'* Law Dictionary. 6v; Cbitt) *J Plssadingn, 3v; Abbott eo Strip ping | Byron'*, Scott's. Bum*', and Muofe** Works, oc- tavo; Kent's C'ommetWortN,3vt Gibaen'*Surgery,tf; Thomsons Chemistry. 4v; Wbmton'a 8*1 wyn, t»| Edward'* Want Indies. 5v: Starkie'a Evidence*, Sv; Life of George 1st, 3d. and 3d, lOv; History of Spain. 5v; Newman'* Dictionary, 1 A 3v: 8cott*e Family Bi- ble. 6 v; Lame Family Bible*; Rollin, 4v; Robertaon'* Work*. 3 4 1 v ; Boyer 4 Nugent** Dictionary ; Walk- er"* large 4 small do; Watt'a 4 Dwifht'a Psalms and Hyms; Jnsephn's Works, 1,4 4 «v • Waverly Novels. 45v. plate* ; School Tmtament* 4 Pocket do: fiehool Bibles 4 Pocket do; Chalmer'a Works, 3v; William Mason'* Works,4v; Spectator, Sv; Afexaoder'sHistory of Women, Sv; Goldsmith's History of Greece, stv; Clarke's Homer, Sv; Gedman'a Natural History, 3v/pT*; Gregory'* Practice, Sv; T*plin'* Spotting Dictionary 2v, plate*; Hunter's Secred Biography, 4v 1 l^logfee on Jpflereon snd Adams; Darwin's Zoonoraia, Sv; Li* of Franklin, Sv. 8 vo. London; Gregory'a Economy of Na- tions, 3v; Smiths Wealth of Natione, Sv; Baker* Livi- u*,6v; Brown'* Dictienary of the Bible; Crabb'*8y- nonvines, Dsvfe'*5fermons,3v: Blan'sSermon*; Edge- worth's Work*, 13v; 8atmn"« Sermons. S v ; Pergoabn'* Astronomy, Sv; life of PaOrink Henry ; Dnrght'* Tra- vel*. 4v. maps; Plutarch. 4v; Lawrenos's lectures, Hum*. Braollru. 4 Bimett'a England. 9v ; Bell'* Ana toray. 3v ; Bell'* Sunwy, Sv: Cavallo'a Philoaophy; Ratio'* Iudv; Malta Bnin'a Geography, 4T; Dolby** Universal History. 6v ; Gibbon* Rome, 4 4 6 ? ; Dor aay'a Surgery, Sv; Dewea* on Women, Female*, and Children; Lady of tha Manor ,7 volume*; Adam Smith'* Work*,5v; KuaaelT* Ancient History, 3*; Wharton** Virgil, 4v; Wi.tar's Anatomy, Sv; Biography of the Signers of tho Declaration of Independono*. 9v ; Iile of Wm. Pitt. 3v. Lond ; Ctarendon's History of the Rebel- lion. 3v fol, 170 plates; St. Pierre's Studim of Nature, 3 and 4v ; Gill'* Commentaries. 9v; Blank Rooka, Jh{- tir,« P«per, Hcho«il Rook* in quantities, Ac all of svUoll will be sold at reduced prices, for cash.—New York, Feb «, 183IX AMOS llAWLssT. B Y 8HOTWELL, FOX 4 CO. E N lHpOatl Friday. At 9 o'clock at their auction 1 tnent af British 4 Amerimn Dry Gooda," B YKOO<JH.THOMIh»ON4CO.a>iotelUPoail street Friday, At 9 o'clock, ai their auction 1 mem of fresh imported Dry Goods STORE—R. L. Todd haa consttntly oa hand 1 .0 W.Wff.A'ffi R ICE~*W casksipnme Rio*, for mfe by F4 SCOTT 4 SHAPTER. 73 Somh at B HLCUERTOWN NOTES.—f500 for mfe at J30 SYLVESTERS'. 13ft Broadway, C HANGEABLE SILKS— R. L. TODD haa thia morning received from auction, 1 cam Changeable Silk, for sal* at 63 Maiden fene, F9 LACK aWMRAtlNBS^Thwmomtng received B' from auction. 1 erne jetblk Bombesins*, for sole by ft L TQDD, A$ ajasden lame. «_ rtOTTON —ff bale* North Carolina .Cottotv «»f *L/ good quality, landing from sloop l.srdiissl, at Hoom.Up * ^ 350 bale* ia atom. For mfe by F6 H. WARING A SON. 173 Front tt R USSIA hHEETlNtJS—700p* brown Roaaia Sheetings, for *ale by F9 *JO*lAHDOW4CO 119 Pearl tt. O A A'SETS CANTON TEA 4 TABLE MTTI. ^IJUfornfebv W. D. WINDLE. F9 8f Maiden lan«. C HAMPAir.NEWII^-40rBsea.eachc*miaining 1 dosen bottfea, of tbe Anchor brand, the quality of which ia pronounced by competent judge* to bo equal to any imported, for sal* by 18 FISH. GR1NNKLL 4 CO. 134 Front *t H ll»cJS-40 Ox. fending par. ech Nile, at Steven* wharf, for aaleh< . PS • hy DtJ D l . E Y 4 8TUYVESANT ,oALT PKTSK—300 ban E. 1. Crude Salt Petm, O for safe by PETER KEMSEN 4 CO. f 8 Hanover square, S—An extensive assortment of Mbeeung and Sheetina Mu*lin—also. Bed Tickings, linen »I aad Cotton, for safe at 434 Peail st. by 1 F* JOHN STRANG. IV geoeralaaaoruoent of long and square, black, white, A scarlet. Merino, Thibet wont and CamaT* hair Shawl* c«rtnprising almost every pattern that can bo found ii thia city, and at unusual low price* LaWnsat, fedfei and miasm Bolivar Hate, fresh and goad color*, at tkt low est market price*: N. B. Purchasers in wont of tho above will de few to call and examine the M M at tho Marina Shawl oat Hat Htore 63 Maiden fene, one door float WitMam *t. F941 R. L. T. R ICE 4 COTTON—143 whole and St batf tferol Rice, and It balm Upland Cotton, for m i l by F9 DUDLEY A 8TUYVK8ANT. »0 South sr. JELLING OFP AT REbl)<;fi6 PtlCtSa^sl k 5 carton* Satin and Lustring, No. | to Mo. 60. base) white and colored Ribbon*, a complete aaaartaam, 1 No, 193 Broadway. , F9 E BANCROFT 4 430 •M.-HOK A P-KVV W K K a . g v - t k w a m m e . U t k e . V of Piece Good*, at 193 Broadway, earner af Dt of Pfece Go.«fe. *t 193 will be sold at reduced nwmo, Italian Silke, Sincnawi, Nankt lio*. Gingham*, Ac Fl ACE CLOCK'D JLasmClark'd comer Broadway A Canal *t F5 Doyi feNaj* a. Mo I ACEC 4 fedrae E. BANCROFT CO. Hoea, MARK B\ "vlCS Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of M UDim i,m -**eT££Brs 10/New York NY Evening Post/N… · SCHEME. 1 oriaeof f 15.000 I 1 pme of...

Page 1: M UDim i,m -**eT££Brs 10/New York NY Evening Post/N… · SCHEME. 1 oriaeof f 15.000 I 1 pme of fS.OOO i do 8.000 r do i,m I do 1.0301 ft do 1.000. aVe. Whole Trket. only fo, Halvne

W" ^ISP^ w


V \fsi

M and Lot d f OfMttd. N o l U B „ . P h u s V * m e cornerof Omen at. nnve oc-Rr " P U S "Th*H*i imfeS5fo*t

in tho beat manner

There are other rooma, he­

fty M m H i Wht Oknfoa. taWidih " f « ^ J ^ i f t , , S p U D i m i e « m f mom*.

-**eT££Brs other convenience for* 9£*3mZLm « r « l . . i l l h .

The title »• unq««»i«fb l"> g * •"""^ ° * " " w " ' "

» - ^ H o « e e m « » •>• V , 6 W , K , b r t w < * n *»»»IM«» of 1 * »7«aSJ P. M «!"?"• ••*• P*1""* , u a mmmat week.

.rticofers inquire of ff.>r further aaHltm***m inquire oi F o r ' U r t D a J O N E S . NO. 3 Bondd at. or

_ . . . . . a No. 39 Pine street


James P l l l h r will sell at the Merchante" Ztm.on Tiioeday. l&h injbuii. tho Farm at Want-

T iianrr Esq consisting <***> ocroe, including a wood X T l 7 acre? The Fsrro fe feniwiad by the VVeatche.-' •** f w | r , divided into convenient lota by atone fence*, atid ia we" watered. There are three apple orchards uid a variety of peach, pear, cherry and ornamental

"fem. «iid the garden » wrf' • " , c k e d * ' ! h • ™ | l / r a i l and shrubbery. The dwelling house ahd out building* (re eoiivinient and in good order

> l«.rt

, . • Tf^

Per LIVERPOOL, • f t* t u f u r flamed 4 mpgaad ehip AMEB

ponton of bar oargo engaged*. wflT»e»l da-patch Forfreight or piiiijgi, apply to Capt. Whtollom board, at Pier No. H E . R„ to

BOGERT * K N E E L A N D . F 1 0 1 w or S T E P H E N W H I T N E Y .

for UVERPOOL. The Briii.li alrip LORD OF T H E ISLES, ""in. Fleming commander, being detained by

, can well accommodate mveral more cabin passenger*. Apyly to the Captain on

•Id* of Old Slip, or at IS Nassau at. H Y . A G E O . BARCLAY.

for BUHNOSA¥RM¥-The new fast Bailing copper faatenad and cop-

1 brig , JoM>ph Addara*. master, will have early despatch. For freight or paaaage, having ele­gant accommodation*, apply to

Fl 1 DE FOREST A SON, 82 South st.

FU dt.re

HOUSE TO LIST, troiu ti»> iir«t of next May The two story brick House No. 19, on

H the north aide of Franklin-street, and oppmte jhTpnJnyteriao f'litirch, built in the modern styes, with f„l,luig doors and marble chimney pieces in the first „o rr. The accommodation* aro very convenient, and .»,, li-iiMewia good order. Applyto

M l if BENJ. BAILEY. 93 Chamhers-gt.

T o LET—To a small family, pttrt ol a two atoiy brick HiMiae. No. 40 Ann street, oppoaiie the Catholic Church, luqture on tho prenu-

fel l

for NEW ORLEANS—IStk tab. Packet, One of the New Line.

Th • coppered ship TALMA. E. 8. Dennis, master, will aail aa above For freight or pasaage, apply on board, at Murray's « hart', or to

SILAS HOLMES & CO. 62 South st. No gnosis will be received on day of sailing. F l l

I H E New.York Coneobdaitd LoBry. r law. No 8. L .lira—«0 drawn Numbers-Ten Drawn Ballots

SCHEME. 1 oriaeof f 15.000 I 1 pme of fS.OOO

i do 8.000 r do i,m I do 1.0301 ft do 1.000. aVe.

Whole T r k e t . only fo , Halvne t flO. Quarwre 1 SS For sale at W AITE'S, comer of Maiden sine £ Bsvad-way. . Plying Cards, ofall qualities, by thedoaen. grosa or

single peak; Gold Leaf; Durable Ink, for martins; on linen with a pen—for salem above. F l l

For NEW ORLEANS—Old Uat. 32d February Packet.

The ship AZELIA, Capt. Chas. Stoddard, will sail as above. For freight or pasaage, apply on board, ut Pine street wharf, or to

C. &. 3. B ARSTOW & CO, 73 South at. No gooJi can be received on board the day of sailing, f l l

OUR TURN T O - M O R R O W . - M aaU lue cap*. , . •• ,« lJ l »••*»« «v«vy lottery, lnr*#fa class 15 w .

sold the $15,000 prise in a whole tkkaf; in class 15our neighbour sold ih« 110,000. and again it i . our turn to eellthe $15,000 unlay. T n W o n l y $3. halvae $9 50. quarter* $1 25. Tn this there ia no mistake. Rest assured if you desire to gain the $10,000 you muktrallor send to the (properlv eo railed) all luckv

w » - , SYLVESTERS. 130 Broadway. N.B. The ladies will meetatteniion, It wee onlv the

other day we aold to a young lady the $5000 prtae" Broken Bank Notes taken ia exchange for tickets, or

bought for caab. Orders from the country solicited Fl I



-Tl«s NORTH RIVER S I KAM BOAT LINE, n frun Courllaunl Mtrtet to Jiarclax, itrtet

North River Line of Steam Boau Mill leave <the eti.u-tng soaaooJ the new steam boat pile, foot of Barclay street, for Albany, daily, morning and evening. j28 tf

S T O R E & iuJUafc IN T t l E B O W E R V . n To let. the neat and commodious store No. 130

J l l f l Bowery, wnb dwelling house aitached. The ± r e h » s been i«cupied for dry go.*!., fiir which it is a

id stand, being a few doors from Grand st. on the west Applv at 244 P-'ari st. up stair*

for SAVANNAH. The superior fast sailing schooner BOLI-

[V Alt, D. Steams, master, having a conaider-ehle p.rt of bar cargo engaged, will positively sail on Saturday next. For balance of freight or nasaage, bav­ins good accommodation*, apptv onboard, at Murray's Wh«rf. or to SCOTT & S H A P T E R ,

F l l Ti South street.


from first May next. The brick stable with thjico stands and coach house. renrofSOGreen

wieb" street, entrance fn.m Washington st. Apply at >o 244 Penrl »t. up stairs. » 11

%r f l ^ O STEAM ENGINE M A K E R S — »ealed.Pro-1 tiosala will be received by the Committee of the Cor­

poration, on the Fire IVpartmi-ntet tho Str*et Commis-iiooer's OfTic*. No. 8 City Hall, until Monday, the 1st d»y of March ne\t, for makine and erming a Steam Elaine) with boiler and apparatus complete to be con­structed oo the most approved principle*, and the work-rn%n«hip to bo performed in the host manner, and with hiling and forcing p-iinp*. cofxiurtiiKt pipes, Arc. The pnposed Enitineto be cspablo of raising three hundred p«l!.ms of water per minute (from the Public Well, near the intersection of the Bowery and TUirteenih street) and disehawe the aame into the Ri^ervoir adjoining the well. The d,»pth of ihe well is seventy feel below the nirfaceofthe ground, and the elevation of top of the R.-*orvoir will be forty-seven feet above the .uriace. making tog»tuer. one hundred ami issveiiwen feet for Ihe v. holeheiglit of the lift. Persons intending to estiniote for l U above are desired to apply at the Street Com-rui**ioner « Office for further information previous to of-tsrinB their propoaals. Bv order.

R CRAVES Street Commissioner. Street Commifioner's offi.'c. f± 9. 1S3I>. F l l

Fee SA VANNA H—Schooner Line. The fine fast sailing packet scbr. EXCEL.

iCaprain HiUiker, will sail to-morrow. For troight or passage, having elegant furnished accommo­dations, apply on board, west side Fly market *• barf.or to

f l l H O W L A N D & CORN WALL. 136 Frontal.

tor CHARLESTON—Union Line. Sails Saturday, 13th,

, The fast sailing packet brig CORAL. Wm. lulklev, master, will sail as above. For freight or pas-

sar;e, having good accommod alions, apply on board, east side Burling slip, or to

f 11 l iUDLEV A 8TITYVESANT. 90 South st

UNITED S T A T E S MAIL, fry the Hudson Rivtr Steam

Root Line.—This Line of Boau _ (the ensuing season) will conti­

nue to leave the foot ofCourtlaodt sweet, daily, moro-iugand evening, for Albany. F5tt

I ^ O R PHILADELPHIA -X Cheap Travelling, faro $3.

I Accommodation Line tor Phila-Idelptua start* daily at S o'clock

A. M Paeaengere take coaches at Amboy, lodge at Trenton, and arrive at Philadelphia next tnoming at 9 o'clock. Fare through, $3. For seats, apply at No. 6 Courtlandt at. pg

JAMES BLEECKER will aeil on .day tha 17th taw. at IS o'clock, at tha _ fro premises No. 19 Day atreet. kato the proper-lUtl H. Magutuis. dsoaaaad. The siiuaimn ia

exeeOstit for the blacksmith business, it having been oc-wpsstiMsiichtortaanyyear. One half ot the purchase amain atjB per oent. f 8 $ t

TO LET-NO.. U«, ua, m, B WSE+ st —P.ice $300.

Nos. 534 i t 536 Gmenwich-atreet. opposite snUaw-sf.—$ story brick buildiugs— Price $250 Nos. 585 4 587 Broad way—2 story brick buildings.

Mar Spring-ai —Pnca 385. No. 88 Spring st. near Broadway—brick building—

Psiee $300 Nos. 91.93 4 95 Canal-st —3 story brick building—

Plica $400 Comer of Carlisle and Washington-streeU—a Store—

Price $875. Catharine st. No. S3—a board building—Price $800. Caiharine.lip, No. 16—brick building—Price $350. Catharine-st. No. 44—3 story brick building—Price

$890. ^ FOR S A L E OR LEASE -

1 Ix»t, Centre-street, rear of No. 116 White-st - Pm e $K»0.

$ Lota, Chriirtopher.it between Bssarksr and Hudson •t t— Price $125.

A Parm, at Fort Washington, 10 miles from this city, containing44 acre*—Price $100.

A Farm at Yonkera.of 104 acres— Price $6,600—one of the bast farms within 10 mile* of its neighborhood.

Enquire at 48 Chatham-si F S l w

TO LET—The 3 stoty brick Houae No. 66

'm. Warren st. comer of Chapel st. ,68 VV.rren st. next door.

Apply at No. F6 l w '

ff-% ' IssasB coi lUJ'B TV

WANTED, hum 10 to $W,000 atO per i t . pa* i payable half yearly for 10 years, to be aecui

ror CHARLESTON—Packet .>Atp Line. The coppered ship EMPRESS, W. Sinclair.

lma*ter, has one hslf of her cargo engaged and will Save quick despatch. For freight or passage, hav­ing extensive accommodations, apply on board, east aide Burling slip, or to

f II G. KlTTTON, 181 Front »t comer Rollins slip.

15.000 DOLLARS T O LOAN, on bond and mortgage, at f. per ct. Also, $30,000,

in sums to suit applicant*, at 7 per ct. Apply to JACKSON^A CO 74 Nassau st. F5 Iwred

T i fE MONTREAL ALMANAC, or l„.wer Cana­da Register, for 1*30. just received and for sale by

fell O &C &.H CARVILL. 108 Broad»ay.


an. „ aecured

by bonds 4 mortgagee, on first rate property in the 1st and 2d ward*. Apply to B. HUNTINGTON,

F lOlw 50 Walls*.

AN A T T O R N E Y AT LAW i, desirous of forming a connexion with a member of the profession estab­

lished in busineea in this city Unexceptionable refer­ences can be given. Addree* S. T. at the offiasr of this f»pet F9 3i*

MKli.S D. BENJAMIN & CO. have removed to the new building No. 195 Pearl-si. up stairs, 2d

door below the comer of Maiden lane—where they have received by the Hfivro. Henri IV. and Frame, and will receive regularly by the Havre Packets, a variety of French Goodi, selected bv one of the firm. F9 4t"

FOR SALE—The Lot and Houses on the oiner of Broadway and Chamber* street.—

.The front on Broad wav ia 30 feet 3 inchts, and on Chamber* street 100 feet. There are five separate three story nrick houses covered with the beat of Welch •late. They rent annually for twenty eight hundred and fifty dollars. The house at the corner of Broadway and Chamber* street, and the one adjoining, would be aold teget her if required Twenty five thooaand dollar* may remain on bond and mortgageatsix percent. For terms, apaly to T1IOS. C. TAYLOR,

J9 if 41 Robinson street. TO LET,

The new four story Store. nil 41 Rent $600. Apply at this office.

Pine street. F8

BOTANICAL ALBUMS—E. BLISS has this day received a lew Botanical Albums, consisting of in­

digenous Plants of this country, beautifully prepared and displayed on paper, with iheir botanical and com­mon names aitached to thern. and their l.innean class »no order: tlw w hole enclosed in a Port Folio, of a new «nd elegant contraction, so aa to be examined w nh the ireatest conveoience.

They have been prepared tinder the inspection of an experienced B>uni»t. and a* the sp*< iroens are correct­ly named, tbey would afford a good opportunity to stu-dents of Botany as subjects of comparison, and at the same time, from the beautiful manner in winch they have been prepared, they would lorm an elegant orna­ment for a I ady'e cabinet or drawing room. For sale bv E. BLISS, two d.Kirs from Ctfv Hotel Fl 1

C^ H E A P SILK H O S E — Juntos Earle. 28 Maiden J lane, has jiwt received 500 pair heavy black raw

W ANTf 1) TO CHARTEH, A first class BRIG, of about 1800 barrels

burthen, for a voyage to the Western Islands. Immediate despatch will be given. Apply at 15 Nassau at. to H E N R Y * GEORGE BARCLAY.

F l l USICALANNUALS, containing new waltzes, airs, quadrille*, 4 c ; Appollo'a Gift, or the Musi­

cal Souvenir, with 5 erabeluhmenta ; The Musical Bi­jou, an album of music, poetry, and pro*e, edited by Burney.containing 5 embelishments; The Musical Gem, a Souvenir for 1830 containing 6 etnbeliabmente.

None of these wnrka have been before offered to the public, and aa hut few have arrived those who may wish to purchase had better make immediate application to E. BLISS, two doors from City Hotel, comer of Trinity church yard.

Alan, received aa above, a few copies of the Landscape Annual, for 1830. Walter Scott's third serine Tales of a Crandfinher. 2 vsls. Sullivan's Plymouth Discourse Library ot Entertaining Knowledge, 2d part, for sale as ahove. Fl 14t

TO LET—The House and Store 86 Canal st. The House is 50 feet deep, and very con-

__ vement for a genteel family. The Store has n occupied aa a Chitia and Crockery Store, and is

one of the best stands in Canal-st. For particulars, ap­ply-o JOHN THOMPSON,

89 Canal st. opposite.

Sit* Hose. 6- ftd a pair.

rhich will be told at the very low price of f e l l

C * AUZE &. SILK UAKKEGE S C A H F a — 3 car-1" tons Gauze ft Silk Barrege Scarfs this day weeiv-

ed, and will be sold at 65 Maiden lane, corner of William atreet, by (fel l) E. P.CLARK 4 CO.

A'"EROPHANECRAPE—Pink.cherry. atraw, light blue, blue black, and white .Crophane Crape, of

C*vv) qoality. recetvedaod 6 * sale at As $4 per yard, at - by CLARK 4 CO.

Maiden lane, corner of William st fe l l E P

8 W AIM> PANACEA At VERMIFUGE.—WM. L. RUSI1TON ha* the above Medicines constant­

ly for eel*, wholesale and retail, on the most favorable terms; and being an agent regulariy appointed by Mr Swaim himself, can eaeom tf-e public that hi* Medicine may elway* he found fresh and genuine at 81 Williem st. 24 *mt from theenmarof liberty st. F l l


•and Hartford.—Ttie *team boat __|PROVIDENCE. Cant. Sand.

xordTsifJl reave the foot of Maiden lane, at 12 o'clock on Satorday. noon, for N. Haven.

Post coaches will he in readiness on tbeamvalot the boat to convey psweengers to Providrnce and Boston via Hartford. . . . , . . . * .

N. B. Freight will be taken for Hartford via New 'Haven, and forwarded on immediately. For further information, eojinre at the store of lotormaison. " ^ ^ c o R U E 8 . 283 Pearl at.

N. B. The stoop Comet, lying at the foot ojMaiden lane, wUl reeaire any freigbts for the ateam boat in her

[ on Doard the steam boat on her

COURT OF CHANCERY.—State 0/New York, tt.—In pursuance of a dncreial order of the Court

of Chancery of the State of New York, will be sold st Public Auction, at the Merchants' Exchange in the ci­ty of New York, on the sixth dav of Mnrch next, at 12 o'clock at noon, under the direction of the subsenber. one ot the Matters in Chancery—'' All that certain Lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate, lying and being in Manhattanwlle, in the (late) Ninth (now Twelfth) ward of the city of New York—Bounded as foil" ws. viz ; bt> ginning at the southerly comer of the House called the Manhattanville Hotel, being the corner of the Bloom-ingdale Road am: Manhattan atrort; and running thence north-easterly on aline with the front of the said Hotel, in a direct line to Lawrence atreet, 199 feet; thence norih-wesierty along the south-westerly side of Law­rence street, to the house of the late Mark Griffin, de­ceased, 136 feet 6 inches; thence sonth-westerly to the southerly corner of the bouse of Joel Post, on Manhat­tan street, 200 feet; and thence sonth-eaanrly along the north-easterly tideofsaid Manhattan atreet, 149 feet to the place of beginning, be the same in length and breadth more or less : a* the same is now enc'<»sed — And. also, th* House, coifed the ManbatianviUe Hose), the sfablea and out-buildings thereto belonging, subject, nevertheless, to a lease given to the Mayor. Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of New York, for the piece of ground whereon the Fire Engine House no •* (tends— Together with the buildings and improvement* thereon erected, and the hereditaments and appurtenancea there­unto belonging. Dated New York, February 11, 1830.

THOMAS WILLS, Master in Chancery. Fllgt*wt25Fdt» a


MONEY T O LOAN.—Ttnny Thousand Dollars, in sums to suit applicant*, on unincumbered real

estate in this city, aecured hv bond and mortgage. Ap­ply to HERMAN HUGHES. 61 William at.

Also for sale. Bill* on London and Liverpool; Bank of England Note* ; Sovereign* and Guineas.

JtjgjA TO L E T . the two story brick front house* [ss isV and stores No. 39 and 43 Hudson st. Excel • l i j i i l l [ent stands for dry goods or merchant tailors-

VALUABLE L A N U & MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE —The FARM of the late David Allen, of

Great Nock, beautifully situated at the entrance of Lit­tle Neck Bay, on the north side of Long Island, border­ing on the Sound, about 20 miles from New York, conl taming about 300 acres of fertile and highly cultivated Land, including about ten acres of excellent Salt Mea-d<nr, and forty acre* of thrifty and heavily timbered Wood Land, watered" in various puts wi.h never foiling springs, and furnished with large Apple Orchards, and a variety of other Fruit Tree*—two good Dwelling II011-•es and Barns, with oilier useful and necessary out build­ings. The Grist Mill i* nearly new, with four run of stone, and machinery fur manufacturing wheat, in ex­cellent order, and of superior construction. A good Saw Mill 1* attached to the aame, and both have an ample supply of water. Tha location is so near the Sound that tho navigation to the mills is rarely interrupted by ice. If not previously disposed of at private sale, the above property will bo offered at public auction, on the pre­mises, on Tuesday, 'he 9ih day of March next, at 1 o'­clock P. M. Should the weather then be atormy, the sale will take place the first fair day following. Per sons inclined to purchase are invited to call and view the premises, when the conditions of sale will he made known. North Hempstead, Queens County, Dec. 31, 1829. MARIA ALLEN, ) p w „ „ ; „ ,

j85d*ets DEBORAH R. ALLEN, \ Executriae*.

TO LET-.—From the IstofMay next, the two new four story substantial built stores, ,w ith cranite fronts, 41 and 43 Pine, next to

the corner of William street. There are two neat and spsnous counting houses, lathed and plastered in each •tore. The cellars are light, airy, dry, li«ed with plank longued and grooved, and painted. To good tenant* tbey will be let reasonably. Apply at this office.

4k CO. « . . . Friday, 11 o'clock. Goat Shne.-Tw Got* 8km*. «. . . . . _ Saturday, $0. Valuable Fmrrn,-t-A farm .1 lusted in the township of

$ w J? M r e k ' J W«stchester eo. 51 miles distant from N. York, situated on the bordora of Lena Mw»d Sound, eontaintng 94 acres of land, moat of which E in a high state of oulutrnuon, end | 7 ^ ^ o f w o o dland, af-S t ? . * ! ! , b u o d * n l

1 ""PP-ly of fencing stuff and f a n l . -The fence* are mostly of atone and in good Older. Oil he Premises 1* a.neat 2 story house, a hall 11 feet wide.

leading through the houae, and room, about 1 7 * 3 sqiiare-the garret neatly finished, kitchen ••^rio-Ing. The farm houae, carnage houae, crib, awoke house, hovels, Ac. nearly new, and iu good order — Then, are two orchards, bearing annually an extensive variety of fruit; a spring of never failing water within a tew yards of the door. It* proximity to the Soond and to tha public landing at New Roehetle, (between which place and N. York a steamboat daily pliea in the summer lime) to various ncadeente* end places of wor-1 •hip. iu local privileges of fishing, shooting, 4 c . tender) it a desirable residence for a former or gentleman. Title 1 indisputable. For further particulars inquire of Gibaoo. I Post4Gibson, 111 Peari at.

Tuesday. 2 3 ' , V.duoble Real Estate—13 o'clock at the Merchanta'

Exchange, the three story house and lot No. 39 Fourth st fronting on Washington Square, 25 feat front and rear by 210 feet deep, extending from Fourth to Amity •t*. The house is thoroughly finished from the cellar to the garret, in the best «tyle. The premises csn be view­ed at auy time after 10 o'clock A. M. Possession will be given on the 15th of April.

Also, nine valuable lota of ground on the souih aide of Barrow (late Fifth) atreet, west of the 6th avenue, and in eight of Washington Square. Sold to close a trust estate. Fur further particular* apply to the auctioneer.

Private Suit —5000 at., . . of land, situate in the south­ern patt of Lower Canada, northern part of Vermont, and Chenango county ; will be sold low, or exchanged for real estate in this city, ot may remain 00 mortgage for a term of years.

Alan, 40 piece* German duck; 4000 lb*, spelter; 150 bale* tint quality Mesiina rag* ; and Hamburgh demi­john*.

Also, a chain cable, (Brown 4 Imogen's make.) 90 fa­thoms long, 11 inch ; lampblack, indigo, chocolate.


t Dotrheeterek W GIN in pipe* London Excise.

TORTOISE S H E L L - 8 1 nor quality.

Abo. 00 bake Dorceeter Ticks. •

BY f M.^MOORE-Park Safe.-Room, S14 Bread woy. 'way.

A largo and Thursday Evening,

d splendid ooffection of : graving., nontamioj too works of

Una Engiiah Woelfil;


BY JAMES BLEECKER,Tuesday, the 16th lust at 1% o'clock, at the Exchange, Richmond Hill Farm,eiluated at Whiteatone L 1.14 miles

n m f l . 1. 4 2 1 from Flushing,oppositeThrog'* Neck, 4 has a commanding 4 splendid view of the Sound 4 its navigation, of a part of Connecticut, and the west of the Hudson.N Y. Island,EastA- West Chester, 4 c . Nearly t w. -thirds of it is bounded on the north and east by the East River and a little Bay, which supply it with era and rock weed in aullicient abundance for manure ; game bird*, and shell, and scale Ash, abound on and near its shores : It has many fine spring* of water.

Thi* valuable estate is under high cultivation, with substantial stone fences, containing 180 acres tillable and woodland, and 30 acres of salt meadow ;•—its fa­cilities of communication and transportation, give it very great advantages. Steam hoars and stages run daily to and from the city. On the premises are a large mansion, barn, hovel, crib, ice. wagon, sheep, 4 other out houses, exterume fruit orchard, an excellent garden, 4 c . There are several beautiful sites for build­ing on this farm, 4 it can be divided so a* to allow each site a proportionable share of water front. Two thirds of the purchase money may remain on mortgage.

For further information applv on the premise*, or to CORNELIUS BOGERT. 216 Front «t. or

F9tl6th H E N R Y K. BOGERT. 70 South st.


GOODS. J«r On Saturday, 13th February, inst., at half past 9

o'clock A. M. will be offered by public auction, 500 package* of fresh imported English, Scotch, and Irish DRY GOODS, comprising an unusually extensive a*-sort men t. to be offered f«*» and mrreaerved to purchasers, and on the same fair and liberal conditions which dis­tinguished the Importers aale on the 4th inst.

Catalogues will be ready and the goods exhibited on the dsy previous to tha sale, 111 the 2d and 3d lofts of atore No. —. atreet. F 5 t l 3


At 9 o'clock at their auction room, a valuable assort­ment Manchester and other British Dry Goods, 4 c .

Also, under inspection of th* Port Wardens tor ee count of underwriter*. 1 cam 6-4 fancy chain check muslins, damagrd on the voyage of imp notion

At Private Sale.— SQOO piece* first chop long yellow Nankeens.

Sharp, Morgheu, Fillex. . Vlvstes, 4 e Friday.

At 10 o'clock at — Brood way, a aptendid of elegant 4k fashionable furniture, nearly sisting of mahogany dining tea 4 card table*, dressing tables, bedsteads, beds, glassware, 4 c

I jkswiae, at loo same lime, a fartasge, l.atne**. 4 c . all belonging to the Mine en

N.B. S«le« of Furniture, Houeee. Lot*, and out sates generally attended to on very favogabfe terms.

At Private Sale Ladies and gentlemen are particularly invited to view

• large collection of splendid and aaagaifnaatf T nigs, kept for the sccon.modaiion of tkoaonot able to at­tend th. public1«ile..ih*pncmforwl»iel.wxaboinconi foranty * nh the safe, at auction. At tho Fork Sale* Room can be generally men a greater daaplay of troly valuable and splendid engravmgs than at amy other es-lahtiahiuent In thi* country. ' J hn joa's Scraps— Just received a supply of the above celebrated Scrap* for 1829-30, for safe at the pobliasssr'a price. ™ . Old stained and soiled engravings taitna.il to reaaanble new.

N.B Consignments of Books. Engra imgs Paint incs Ac. respecifiilly solicited, upon which the usual ad. vance* w ill be made Safes ut Furniture, llnnaaa. Lota and out door sales generally, attended le 00 favorable term*.

A complete estt of Dr. Rote' Cyclopedia, boond ha Russia.

A few amall port folioa containing each Una prints,•*-lected from annual., a few beautiful impreaaiom of Mm-shiUa views in England, Ireland and* Wales, for scrap hooks.

BY H A O U E R T Y , AUSTIN 4 CO, Steio 167 Pearl street

To-t.jrmw. Isghont llau — ll o'clock, ot their auction mom,

at 6 mo*, credit, 150 caaw Leghorn halt rnfutallng ttf women's bat* with 4 without extm crown*; manau 4 misae* gipsies; Bolivar man, buys 4k girls, of superior •tyfe 4 quality. Cam loam* am now ready.

Monday, Ijace Goods and Silk Hoee.—Ao 9 o'clock, ol then

auction room, an extensivessmrtmentofEngliah thread Iscss, bohinet and gimp laces, vests, pelerines, shawl*, caps, quillings, 4 4 4 0 4 plain bobmata, eVc, aaena and women* English silk bnee and half hose.


At 91 o'clock, at their auction room. 800 packages British and American Dry Goods.

Catalogues will bo toady, and the goods prepared for examination the day previoo* to aale.

. i


CO P A R T N E R S H I P N O T I C E — l u e copartner-J ship heretofore exietang between the subscriber*,

tinder the firm of Smith 4 Phillips, was by mutual con-ssnt dissolved on tha 9th in,t. Signed,


The Auction and Commission Busineea wilt be con­tinued by the lubecnher. under the Arm of James C. Smith 4 Co. who is duly authorised to settle the con­cern* of the late firm.


PRIVATE SALE. 12 superb double scroll sofas, C do spring seat do —

Alio, a aptendid assortment of mahogany pillar 4 elow breakfast, dining and work tables, mahogany bedsteads 4 chairs, wardrobes, 4 c . of superior wo kmanship.

Also, 50 demijohns first rate Madeira wine, 50 do Port do, 50 do do Sherry do. in lot* to suit purchasers.

Liberal advances made on all kind* of goods left for sale

BY J. P E A R S O N , New York _ Broadway, opposite Maiden lane.

Thuraday Evening, BOOKSELLER'S STOCK.

Lottf Room, l i t

BOARDING, corner of Broadway dt Fulton st*.— (sentlemen with their wivee, and several tingle gen­

tlemen can be accommodated with Board and very pleas­ant Room*, by immediate application at 156 Fulton at. first door from Broad wiry. F9 tf

WILLIAM H AGAR 4 CO. offer for sale at their Type and Stereotype Fonndnj. No. 29 Golds!.—

2d hand founts of Long Primer,of 225 lbs; 1 do of 400 lbs. and 1 do of 150 lbs

Small Pioe, tn fount* of 400, 800, ggt) aVSgtMH Pioa founts of 100 or 200 lb* . Also, a fount of Music Type, of about 150 lbs, in good

order and wellasaorted, has been used on but one work. Specimens of all the above mentioned ./pea can be

at their foundry. FlO Ira

eiecnce, and pot them < rat F l l


•—The Steam Boat FANNY. I Capt. Davison, will leave Ful-

ton market * lip on Friday morning at 7 o'clock. On the arrival of the Fanny at N. Loudon, post coeche§ will be in readiness on the wharf to convey passenger* to Providence and Boston, on the new turnpike road, di­rect. Also, to Woweater. via Canterbury. Brooklyn, Porafret, dec. Freight taken as usual. For t urthet in­formation enquire at the ftora of

flO JACOB C O R U B S 4 SON. 283 Pearl at,

DREADFUL ACCIDENTS.—A man last bad theteaafrity.notwithstanding theee^erity of

tho weather, to attempt tho tmvellingtips Road to Wealth; in hia progress ho *ttimbt»sLem« *hocking to relate. fWl npoo 110,000! Anothek individual, who wee equally imprudent, travelling the M M route met with M . » c i d « t o f a s 4 m i l i « e n e m m . ^ W e em happy to state that both are doing wall, and it ia said are \a better health and .pint* than they had bean for some time prior to the accident. For the ln-

xTormation of tmvelkwi we inf.vre* them that this Road lead* to the following pl«ees— Ee*e. Competency, Inde-pendeuce, Fortune, Comfort. Influence and Power.— Ticket* to travel on this mad. which i* always open, may he procured from •boai«£frvi*or.

F i i _ 8E1XAS. 162 Broadway.

I" JxISH LIN r.NS.SHEE'T.NOS. DIAPERS. Ac -Tmemm Safim. « 4 Potriot, offer* for safe, by the

package, tha sallowing Oooda, received par late arrivals, vig: Burnt M A M Mth Skottinga Hmvy ondraoaoi Irish Ltnert*, do extm fine Do. do. in dami pa, Tohm Diaper, o - l to 10-4 3-4 Draper. Drilling _ _ . , I.«Hg Lawn* in 6 yd pfece*, 1M, 6-8 4 7-9 wide DonMa Dameak Table Ctotha and Napkin* Memnm Jaconet Muslins, plain 4 figured M.illMual.n*. plain 4 flgusad. tamboured Bonk* Rirt oaedfe worked rtor»ma»»iCellars. Ac. 4 o F n

BataRS OIL—The puhtto era infotmed that this . at*icw.»ojiu«ilyealenviit*ijforr*oxsnrttigt^^

of kair, ia to be procured at the Drag Store, 79 Fulton, eotuat of Gold street

T n t .iirwcnbar having hoi the Oil extracted under hte own n^spettJon, can wajrnmf it to be y w Fl

grtoLoii V y lomdT

E D T A F F E T A JUBBONei-:»0boMacr>. fotodTaiJeta Rilihoiie. No. 9. i t . I f . 4 » , f o o e i v .

odand for aeia hy E. P. CLARK 4 CO. 66 Maiden fen*, corner of Wm. st. . F U p I x X N O E A ¥ C r F l G ' f t 0 * O S ftfertARES-^ 10 piOBw change able ftg'd Cro* da Nspfea. • »»ew wyfeaitd trary hareJ*wn*\ (km day received and will be ">M low hy E P. C L A R K 4 CO. 64 Maiden *««£«•*> rswofWmat. F l l

Surgical instmrnent is now so well known to the medi­cal profession, and so extensively used by unfortunate sufferers laboring under the disease of Hernia, that a particular account of its mechanical construction or its Surgical effects is thought unnecessary. The subjoined remarks from Physicians and Surgeons of high respect ability ID our country, am the result* of much practical experience in the use end application of thi* trims.

Juav* Thatcher. M. D.. author of the " Modern Prac­tice," in bia 2d edition, under the subject of " hernia," remarks—" Dr. Hull is exclusively entitled to tho credit of first adapting the trot surgical principle for the radi­cal cure of hernia. He happily conceived tho idea that the pad of the truss ihould be eo constructed, as simply to support the muscular fibre* around the ring or aper­ture a* much a* possible, in the stale in w Inch they am maintained in perfect health. Utiles* ihis be attained the part* can never recover their natural tone, whatev­er may be the degree of pressure applied "

Samuel AckerTy, M. D, in his excellent edition of " Hooper's Medical Dictionary," under the head of " Truss." after enumerating tbe evil* resulting from the u«e of the defective trusses formerly worn, say*—" Thi* evil was not fully remedied until Dr. Amos G. Hull, ol New York, turned hi* attention to the subject, and by his improvement in the construction of trusses, has ren­dered it certain that all recent rupture* and those of children, may be permanently cured ; and thoea of old people and of long standing, may, in many ess**, also be remedied. The pad of Dr. Hull's Truse is concoae, and not convex; and hence the raised circular margin by proper adaptation, presses upon the sides of the her­nial opening, and tends to close tbe aperture and cure the hernia."

M. L Knapp, M. D. late Physician and Surgeon to th* Btlumore General Diapaniary, in a communication to Dr. Hull, says—•• I have applied your trusses in several hundred ca«-< during the Is-i three years. A great ma­ny upon whom I have applied your trusses, have been radically cured ; and some of these were caaw of long standing, where*!! other trusses had foiled. I aand you a note of thank* from Mr. Prasbtng. a citixen of grea' respectability, who was cured of a bad scrotal rupture, of thirty Ave year* standing, by wearing one of your trusses for two year* ! He had worn other truetea 29 year*. His eon, also, aged 16 years, ruptured from hi* infancy, was cured under a y care in less than two year*. A case of scrotal rupture.of 20 years »tanding.in a labor Ing man 40 fear* old, was cured under my notice by one of you r truss*, in six month*. A cam of groin ru p tore, from lifting, in a laboring man 90 years old, on whom I applied one of your trusses, the day after the in­jury, we* cured in three month*. Experience alone can make known to the surgeon lb* full powers and excel­lence of these instrument*. Yourtruaaea are exclusive­ly preferred by the Professor* in both of the Medical School* in thia city, and the Faculty in general."

Baltimore, January, 1830. FoiVntiae Moll. M D. Prototanr of Surgery, my*—

" Tbe great and signal benefits which am produced by this True*, result from its strict subservience to. and ac­cordance with Scientific and Surgical principle*.

• The operation and effect of this True* is directly the reverse of all the Trusses heretofore in use, which being cmves, Haded to enlarge the dimensions of As rupture opening. I am of opinion that tbe union of Surgical design and mechanical structure in thia instrument ren­der it w hat haa long been the desideratum of Practical .Norgeoti* in Europe and America."

Professor Molt also in lecturing upon Hernia, recom­mends Dr. Hull's Truss to lite exclusion of all other*

Dr. Hull's Trnsee* may be had in any quantity at hi* office No. 132 Fulton, near Nassau at. F l l

8TOLEN from the house No. 210 Fulton street, on the evening of Monday, February 81 h—

1 Silver Soup Ladle, marked P.M.F., J. Sayre, maker. 6 do. large Table t*ponna, same mark and maker. 1 do. do do. do. old fashion'd.raark believed fs.fl.Jf. 1 do. old fashioned Milk Cup. marked J H ti. 1 large Potted Tea Pot, no mark. Silver smiths, pawn broken, and other*, am requested

to stop sard article* if offered for sale, and give inform­ation at the Police Office, or at 210 Fulton at. A •una­ble reward will be riven. fe9 3t*

J HURLEY respectfully inlotm* hi* friend* that he • haa opened a House of

Spruce atreet. Refreshment at No. 5

F9 1w

DR» P. 8 . T O W N S E N D has removed to No. 342 Broadway. J23 3taw4w

ICE VV A>Tr-.lJ— WsntHl to purchase a quantity of lea. Apply at 173 Front at. F2

A YOUNG MAN, who has a good knowledge of dry goods, may obtain a situation in a wbolaeale and

retail dry goods store. Apply at22 Maiden lane. N. B. Foreigners need not apply. J3S

LA T E R A L CURVATURE OF T H E S P I N E — Casey's patent apparatus called the Dormant Ba­

lance ia now in full operation, under the open and avow­ed sanction of the first Surgeon* and Physiologists in Europe as well aa America.

Particular* and reference* may he h*d hy application in person or by letter to T. K. Casey. No.9 Broadway, New York. F » 6tred»

TO LET, the neat two story House No 369 Hudson st. the second house below St. Luke's

.Church ; it poasca'M every accommodation f-r a small genteel family. Possession on the 1st May next. For terms apply to CORNELIUS OAKLEY, 108 Front *t. or at 59 Morton st. F105t

Office Of tho Jeflerson Insurance Company. / February 6th, 1830. ,

TH E President and Dimeter* have thia day declared a Dividend of three and one half per cent, out of

the profits for the last six months, payable to the stock­holder* on and after the 15th inst. The transfer book will he ctoeer. until that time.

f 8 t l 5 W M . S . T H O R N E , Secretary. ion* Lehigh Coal of sope-

nor quality, for sale bv BLACKWELL 4 M F A R L A N ,

j26 No. 8 Coentie* slip.

BY R. N. H A R M O N ;

BLANKET*).—The subsenber* keep constantly for sale (by wholesale or retail) a large assortment of

Blanket* of all rizee from 8-4 to 15-4 large; tbey have now on hand a few pair extra heavy and large, worth 15 dollars tbe pair. Also, thick twilled Blanket*, •un­able for servants. PURDY 4 RAPELYE.

F9 No. 61 Maiden lane.

W INTER 8TOCK1NGS.—Six thread While Cotton Stockings, patent •tamped, warranted,

intended expressly for winter use; varioue aizee and qimlifiee for Ladies. Also, Ribbed and Plain Mohair and Thibet Wool Hoae and half Horn, of beautiful qual­ity and very soft—together with an extanaiva assortment of Hosiery and Gloves, at wholesale or retail, by R. 4 A. LANE, No*. 11 4 18 Maiden lane, near the Arcade.


BLANKETS.—Superior quality double Rose and double Napped, extm »ixe, for *afe low, logether

with fine, middling and extra superfine White Flannel, by R. 4 A. LANE.

FlO 1 1 4 18 Maiden lane, near Arcade.

dr. A . L E V Y , Storo 128 Broadway.

Tuesday. 16th. . Splendid Oil Paintings—At 11 o'clock. 350 Oil Paint­

ings, mostly in superb Hume*, in which will be found a number of original* of th* Italian, flemish, and French school*, equal to any offered thia season, from tbe fol-lowinr master* :—J. Kuyp, Rosa de Tivolf.>VUnde Mu-len, Wilson. De Tboimv. Pate) Victoire. M. Cam, Ten-niers, Breughel, Caetetlo Vsnderv elde, 4 e . The pann­ing* are now ready for exhibition.

At Private Sate.—A private collection of superb origi-

§inal oil pointinga. consisting of 4 Landscapes, by Ruys-ail. Decker, l.uthen 4 D. Breughel; Temptation of St.

Anthony, by D.Tenniers; Andromeda, »>y J Van Hm-renberg; Departure for the Cham, by P. Wooverman*; The Drinker*, by Brnner; Landscape and Cattle, by M. Carri; Noah'a Ark, D. Breughel, Interio-* of Churches, by P. Neaf and Van Buesum; Ecce Homo, a superb painting, Italian school; 2 Floker Piece*, Castello, Ac.

Also, 2 German piano* ; 3 csae* fancy b o n a ; 1 do brace lei*; 36 buckskin shirts 4 drawer*; 2 mahogany case*, sheila 4 minerals; 40 eet * chess men ; musical bo i*s; bead bog* ; 400 gems; 70 German clock*, and 1 tlmre in the N. V Society Library.

N. B. Particular attention pant to sale* of furniture at pnvs'e house*.

Will commence tbe aale of a atodk o r a l dining business. This catalogue will 1 and mostly in quantitie*, and all boond in tbe best style; it will be found worthy of the notice of dealer* from the country, a* well oa tha city buyers purchasing for tho spring business. Particulars hereafter


101 o'clock, at the Broadway Hotel, corner of Broej-way 4 Ms. fen lane, by order of aseignew, thewbufeof the furniture of tbe above establtahment, conai*ung of chairs, dining, card, toilet and kitehen tables, looking glasses,stair 4 floor carpet*,sideboards, k m v m 4 forks, crockery 4 glass warn, cot A field bedsteads, 33 feather beds 4 bedding, bar 4 entry Ism pe, chimney ornament*, fire eats, 4 c . Together with o general «**ertmant of kitehen furniture, with which the aale will 1 nrasaaill*

Saturday Evening 13, . A private collet lion of oil painting* neatly framed,

also 300 line engraving* of the moat celebrated raeaaets of the EngliaV, Italian 4 French schoofe. Catalogute on the day of safe.

Trade Sale.—Tho undersigned respectfully informs his friends and patrons, ihsthis Spring Sale to the Trade, will commence on Tiwsdsy, tho 13th of April nest, and will be continued from day 11 day until the whole catalogue ia finished.

It ia his moat ear DO ward their invoices, (with or before the *5U> of March ensuing, login will be imoed on or as near the finrt day of April, as circumstsnce* will permit; all invoieee tocoived sfear the 1st of April, wiU be placed in III 11 lanisBil toiaksgoi. which will be in readiness on tbe first day of his regu-

detir* that Bookseller* will for-ith samples of the property,! on latch anatiing. aa the first cam.

LA C K A W A N N A COAL, via Delaware 4t Hud­son Canal.—Edwarrt Dunscomb haa for *»le, at

hi* Yard. Front atreet. near tbe Navy Yard Ferry, tbe above description of Coal, of a superior quality, in quan­titie* to atiit purchaearo, at f 10 50-100 par 100, broken, and delivered to any part of tho city.

Order* left ot the Office, No. 7 Broad street, at No. 900 Front street, or at th* coal yard, will be punctually attended tn. F i l m

DRUGS.—-A small lot assorted Drugs, received Ibis day. and offered for aale at the cheap print 4 v*

net* store 435 Broadwav. 1 door shove Howard st. folO

ft»>TE BANK OFTMKNTON—Th* subscribers

ofnoealua. fj(rtii ximt m * . « , small pitwhaeetbjms. 1 • *» procure certiocetm In* thorn of^jfcyJgmrt gjTien-«°»- N. 4 S. iYLTBiTlR.

f l l 130 Broadwav

LEHIGH COAL dt NAVIGATION CO. YARD. Lebigb, Lackawana, Schuylkill 4 Ijverpool Coal.

For sale by the subscriber, at the yard of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, corner of Beaver lane and Washington *tr*et.

WM. O. JONES N. B. A box to receive order* i* feft el the office ol

the Mercantile Advertiser, 56 Wall at, J32

U~ NION COAL YARD —PoraaJe by theaubeenber. at tbe Union Coal Yard, Lehtih, Lackawana,

Schuylkill, Liverpool and Newcastle Coal.. Apply at the offie*. corner of Chambers and Washington street*

WM. G. JONES. N. B. Bo« for order*, at tha omce of the Mercantile

Advertieer. 56 Wall st. J*3

1UCKAPS, SCRAPS, SCRAPS.—Ladies desirous of C5 procuring 8crap Engraving* am invited to call at the cheap print and variety atore 435 Broadway, 1 door above Howard street, whore a large and beautiful col-lection may be four^l felO

m 0 1 L E T 4 MANTEL ORNAMENTS.—Jost re-X cei ved from Park a small invoice of Watch Case*.

Catchalls, Scgar A Toper Stands, suitable for mantel ornaments or the toilet* of ladies 4 gentlemen. For safe at tbe cheep print 4 variety (tore 435 Broadway, 1 door above Howard street. felO

| \ J E W S T Y L E G L - V G U A M H . * C — amall pattern I™ and all pink Ginghams, of the finest quality that can be made; Gimp Lace*. Quilling*, Lace Veils, Tut­ting*, dec.—For sale by the package, by

OLDFIELD. BERNARD 4 CO. FlOdtf Exchange 4 Broad ate.

W * T l t A FINE 4,4 U N K N . - A t o w a ^ a i i e n r w f •»^ l «c«aliiy hmvy tmdimoad Irish Unen*. for safe by _ ? » T t t O M A S f " f »«*ARYofliiia*Tntm »M-«|»O. 4. • :

HADLOCK'S VEGETABLE POWDERS.an tn-valuable remedy for Disease* of tbe Lungs, for safe

by f i t

WM. L RUSHTON. Apotbaoary, 81 William straat.

TltOM AS BUFFERN.t44Prartat . n"ntml*dge, No 4 , . . « Y of Kntertamintr Knowieoge. no . 0 ,0 , o

.. Tho Pursuit of Knowledge under difBcnl * * • Hhistrated by Anecdote*, with Portraita of h -

WW& Jobjtllnnejr. F. R. 8 . 4 N... g VeeambfoSnrsaanee*, FroRo, tttutt.

]yi f> Inaect Architecture, patt 1. with . Just reonived and foi;aafe by

t V r m 169 . r ' l , G " 4 C , A H 7 C A R V l t i ; 108Broadway

BATTING 4 WADDlNa-4^**aaphytawcaeoor atassssfL-sW

fun J. CON ANT. 181

WHITE'S TOOI'H ACHE D R O P S — A sure com for that dwtmaaing and aggmvaiinglpain the

Tooth Ache, for sale by W . L . R U S H T O N , 81 Wil-Ham st. the only Agent in New York. f l l

C-*. R 0 8 DKS INDE8—A larpaeaortment Mock and Jf colored, for sale few by the piece or at retail, by f l l F- J. CONANT, m Maiden lane.

ODERN SCEPTICISM—AnExposii iooof M> di»m Scepricwm, inaletteraddraeeedtotheeditiirs

of the Free Knouirier. by William Gibbon*. M. D. third edition, pnca 131 cents Just received and for safe hy

F U G 4 C. 4 H. CARVILL. 108 Broadway

\,tW VokH*i H:\mima. COAL VAIIT. I I iahoytkitl, Laokawanna. Uvorpool T Coal, for mfe In quantities to suit parebaear*. . i n . « t l m N . Y . 4 a > h u y l l u t t C o h l O « e o , f o o t ris atfeat (lam aWavorlane )


fa^CHU YLK1LL COAL—Of very •uperior ouality, 1 3 delivered at f 10 60 per ton, or fi» 35 a load, war­ranted to be equal to any aold in the city, except from Spohn's mine, or the Psora Orchard Coal, of which the subscriber has had the exclusive aupply in this market for these three year* put. „ _ _ _

SAMUEL B. R E E V E . Corner of Murray 4 Washington st* and Canal and

Elm st*. opposite th* Ga* Work*. J36

LA C K A W A N N A COAL of* .upanor quality, at f 10 per ton delivered, or f 5 per load, for safe in

quantities to *uitoonsumer«, by SAMUEL B. REEVE, corner of Murray and Washington, and comer of Ca­nal and Elm at* —afen. order* received hy A. Da Camp. 47 Wall at. and Wm. Newoomb, Jr. 10 Broad st. will be punctually attended to. r& fcJCHUYl.KlLL COAL— I'hesuliscriber oiler* lor d sole in quantftfee to «uit enstomnre, Schuylkill Coal from tho Centreville Mine*, which he will guarantee equal to any that be* been received from them thi* em-son. Pricef 10 60 per ton. delivered Halve* S6 45.

Afen for aale, the Peach Orchard Coal, which the subscriber receive* from Spolm'* Mine eaolueively.— Price f l l per too, delivered—part* of a ton in propor tion. SAMUEL R. REEVE.

Corner of Murray and Washington at*, and of Canal and Erm »t. oppoafrethsOo* Work*. J*8 isri

DARK CALICOES—I case just received, color* dark and rich.

F4 JOHN STRANG. 434 Peari-at.

E1NEN SHEETING—A fmsh lot of Irish. Rmaia, and Flemish, of the best quality, warramed strong,

for sale by JOHN STRANG. 434 Peort-t- F4

LASTINtiS. PKUNELL8, GALLOONS, Ac — Jet 4 blue black Lasting*, of every aoahty , fine

black f'runells; Galloon*; buck 4 drab Hat Bands , Boot Cord; Braid, of assorted colours, 4c.—For sale by ihepackege. by OLDFIELD, B E R N A R D 4 C O .

FlO dtf Exchange 4 Broad si*

LACKAWANNA COAL, via Delaware 4 Hudson Canal.—The subscriber offer* for sale the above de­

scription of coal, of a superior quality, in quantities to •mi purchasers, broken and fit for immediate uao, al f 101 per too or f51 per load, sent to any pert of the city free of cartage. Ordera feft at t he office. No. 7 Broad street, at No.' 300 Front street, or at the Coal Yard, will meat with prompt attention.

F8 1w E D W A R D DUNSCOMB. No. 7 Broad st


N O T I C E . — / / . C. Corbit having procured a commis­sion aa Auctioneer in tbe city of Philadelphia, ho*

associated with him his brother, Joaapb Corbit, who will transact tho Auction and Commission busineea for tbe mfe of every description of merchandise, under the firm of H. C. CORBIT At CO. They have taken the large atom and warn rooms No. 39 North Front at. and am now preparing to receive consignments. Every fa­cility and attention will be aftbrdtd, and they respect­fully solicit the notice of importer* and daafera.

Philadelphia, February 1st, 1830. j l Ira

B Y H . C. CORBIT 4 CO. (Philadelphia.)

Wednesday. Feb. 10. Package Sale—150 cases British and Domest ic Good*,

Irish Linene, 4 c . c ttnprising s general assortment. Co-taloguea will bo ready and the goods exhibited on the dav before tho mfe. F l t d *

BY WOObHEV . WARD • BEACH, StolwNo 171 Pearl sir—t

Friday. Feb. 19th. Package Salt of Hardware.—-At their auction room,

at 9 o'clock, A. M. 800 package of fresh imported Bir­mingham and Sheffield Goods, comprising a general and valuable assortment of seasonable Hardware 4 Cutlery

Catalogue* ready and good exhibited one day previous ml*.

Priimf* Sal* —SO bales brown Sheeting*. 7 esses 4-4 black silk Hdkfa.8 do light dye* India Sewing*

BY C O R U E S . M A B B E T T A C O BsoreNo l i t Pearlatreei.

Monday. At 9 o'clock, at their auction room, a

men! of Dry Good*. Monday. Feb. 23.

PACKAGE SALE. At 10 o'clock, at their auction room, 150 packages oi

British and American Dry Good*. Caialoguea and sample, one day pravieu*.

T O LET—Tbe convenient two story brick I House, 11100104 38 Mutt street For partuu

lara. inquire of COKLIES, MABBF.TT 4 CO.

157 Peatl atreet.

IN LI NT G L A S S , CO AIX Ac—300 cask* Turn-. biers. Wine*, blue, plain and figured, Flower Root

Glasses, Soap Cup*. French China. Swiss and common tumblers, Ac 300 chaldrons large and beat quality Coal*, for family nee; 4 cask* Lampblack, in quarter, half, and one pound papers, just received per brig Caro­line, from New castle, and for mfe at 15 Naaaeu-et.


LIVERPOOL 4 ORREL COAL A F L O A T -landing from tha British ship Lord Gambter, a au-

nerior quality Liverpool Orret Coal, selected expressly for fhmily ma, all lowered into the hold, and for aale in

3uantititiea to suit purchasers, hy applying on board at on**' wharf. E. R. or to H. 4 A. S T O K E S ,

157 Broadway, At 374 Washington st near Bench, Also in yard. Schuylkill, Lackawanna, Lehigh and

New Castle Coal. F8

4 Lehfeh

CCALICOES—Of an entire now style, Wght cotow, J )u*t received and for safe by F4 JOHN STRANG. 484 Pearl *t

RUSSIA IHAPERS-100 piece., floe and heavy, for sale by

F4 JOHN STRANG. 414 PaorM,

C*HOPr A o . - > 6 6emm1jmtj» d*». for • » * £ " " / r » ] . J O S I A H D O W m CO. l l f Fosalot


th* above moat valuable and agreeable antidote to the Dyspepsia, fe just r.-ceived and for sale at-ihe Drug Store. 7'.» FIIIUMI. corner of < Jold st

The many thousand case* in which relief and reme­dy has been effected hy this incomparable article, am aufficwnt to recommend it toall who are afflicted with indigestion, low of appetite, acid stomach, and general debility of the digmtive organ*.

The recipe from which the Lotengs* am prepared, emanating from, and being approved of, by one of ihe facuUy (Dr. Abrmethy) of the highest standing in Europe, one who haa caused so great a revolution in the treatment of the dear**** of the digestive organ*, 1* of itself sufficient tn recommend it to the use ofall who are laboring under this Isshkinabfe complaint For safe III boxes, price SO cents each. I f

DO U B L E D A M A S K 8 A - « - 7 . 8 a n d 10-4 of the first quality; also. Birds-eye Disper, Irish Linens; 8-4

hmvy Russia Table Uiaper; blue and green Table and Piano Cover* ; hlack Bombazines ; Furniture Dimity ; Furniture Chintz ; Merino Cloths ; India Satins, Ac 4 c . tor sale by

f 6 JOHN STRANG. 434 Pearl st r i l O I L K T A MANTEL O R N A M K N T . H — J u e t r e JL c« ved from Pari* a choice and beautiful lot of **-

gar case*, taper stands, catchalls, and watch cases, suit-able for mantel ornenteutt, or the toilet* ol either ladies or gentlemen, Tbey will be aold low at tbe cheap prim and variety «tore 435 Broadway. 1 door above Howard street. F t

The Auctioneer expressly wishes it to bo 1 to the Trade, that ho shall offer no property sot aale, that is not in Ins possession on tbe I3thof April neit, or therein placed in tbe band* of some respectable Book-seller in this city, auhjecttohi* order.

No greater or less quantity of on article will be offer­ed, than ia expressed in the catalogue, exept notice fe given before the same fe exposed, ot struck off at the time of mfe.

No draft will be honored otherwise predicated OB asle*. unless the property is in band, or bill of lading for­warded, with orders to affect insurance on tha mase.— Immediately after the mfe of the Books. 6 cases of « -parb French Engravings will bo aold, constating ofmven thousand lot*; no two cases aand admrmbly rakulated for the Sooth American, as wail a* the different mar­kets of the United States.

Any information aa to the state of tho market aa K*> pocu the s*fe of property, will meet whh doe attention by the Auctioneer,

BV AM09 HAWLEV-W>JI 5 B K B foe. Room, No. St .

/vmete Sale— Ungord*Engfend, 10v; Nichofeon'* Encyclopedia, l t v ; 8tenneu'* Work*, 3v: Jacob'* Law Dictionary. 6v; Cbitt) *J Plssadingn, 3v; Abbott eo Strip ping | Byron'*, Scott's. Bum*', and Muofe** Works, oc-tavo; Kent's C'ommetWortN,3vt Gibaen'*Surgery,tf; Thomsons Chemistry. 4v; Wbmton'a 8*1 wyn, t » | Edward'* Want Indies. 5v: Starkie'a Evidence*, Sv; Life of George 1st, 3d. and 3d, lOv; History of Spain. 5v; Newman'* Dictionary, 1 A 3v: 8cott*e Family Bi­ble. 6 v ; Lame Family Bible*; Rollin, 4 v ; Robertaon'* Work*. 3 4 1 v ; Boyer 4 Nugent** Dictionary ; Walk­er"* large 4 small d o ; Watt'a 4 Dwifht'a Psalms and Hyms; Jnsephn's Works, 1,4 4 «v • Waverly Novels. 45v. plate* ; School Tmtament* 4 Pocket do: fiehool Bibles 4 Pocket d o ; Chalmer'a Works, 3 v ; William Mason'* Works,4v; Spectator, Sv; Afexaoder'sHistory of Women, S v ; Goldsmith's History of Greece, stv; Clarke's Homer, Sv; Gedman'a Natural History, 3v/pT*; Gregory'* Practice, Sv; T*plin'* Spotting Dictionary 2v, plate*; Hunter's Secred Biography, 4v 1 l^logfee on Jpflereon snd Adams; Darwin's Zoonoraia, Sv; L i * of Franklin, Sv. 8 vo. London; Gregory'a Economy of Na­tions, 3v; Smiths Wealth of Natione, Sv; Baker* Livi-u*,6v; Brown'* Dictienary of the Bible; Crabb'*8y-nonvines, Dsvfe'*5fermons,3v: Blan'sSermon*; Edge-worth's Work*, 13v; 8atmn"« Sermons. Sv; Pergoabn'* Astronomy, Sv; l i f e of PaOrink Henry ; Dnrght'* Tra­vel*. 4v. maps; Plutarch. 4 v ; Lawrenos's lectures, Hum*. Braollru. 4 Bimett'a England. 9v ; Bell'* Ana toray. 3v ; Bell'* Sunwy, Sv : Cavallo'a Philoaophy; Ratio'* Iudv; Malta Bnin'a Geography, 4 T ; Dolby** Universal History. 6v ; Gibbon* Rome, 4 4 6 ? ; Dor aay'a Surgery, Sv; Dewea* on Women, Female*, and Children; Lady of tha Manor ,7 volume*; Adam Smith'* Work*,5v; KuaaelT* Ancient History, 3 * ; Wharton** Virgil, 4v; Wi.tar's Anatomy, Sv; Biography of the Signers of tho Declaration of Independono*. 9v ; Iile of Wm. Pitt. 3v. Lond ; Ctarendon's History of the Rebel­lion. 3v fol, 170 plates; St. Pierre's Studim of Nature, 3 and 4v ; Gill'* Commentaries. 9v; Blank Rooka, Jh{-tir,« P«per, Hcho«il Rook* in quantities, Ac all of svUoll will be sold at reduced prices, for cash.— New York, Feb «, 183IX AMOS l lAWLssT .

BY 8 H O T W E L L , FOX 4 C O . E N l H p O a t l

Friday. At 9 o'clock at their auction 1

tnent af British 4 Amerimn Dry Gooda,"

BYKOO<JH.THOMIh»ON4CO.a>iote lUPoai l street

Friday, At 9 o'clock, ai their auction 1

mem of fresh imported Dry Goods

S T O R E — R . L. Todd haa consttntly oa hand 1

. 0


RICE~*W casksipnme Rio*, for mfe by F4 S C O T T 4 SHAPTER. 73 Somh at

BHLCUERTOWN NOTES.—f500 for mfe at J30 SYLVESTERS' . 13ft Broadway,

CHANGEABLE S I L K S — R. L. T O D D haa thia morning received from auction, 1 cam Changeable

Silk, for sal* at 63 Maiden fene, F9 LACK a W M R A t l N B S ^ T h w m o m t n g received B' from auction. 1 erne jetblk Bombesins*, for sole

by ft L T Q D D , A$ ajasden lame. « _

r t O T T O N — f f bale* North Carolina .Cottotv «»f *L/ good quality, landing from sloop l.srdiissl, at Hoom.Up * ^

350 bale* ia atom. For mfe by F6 H. WARING A SON. 173 Front tt

RUSSIA hHEETlNtJS—700p* brown Roaaia Sheetings, for *ale by

F9 * J O * l A H D O W 4 C O 119 Pearl tt.

O A A'SETS CANTON TEA 4 TABLE MTTI. ^ I J U f o r n f e b v W. D. W I N D L E .

F9 8f Maiden lan«.

CHAMPAir .NEWII^-40rBsea .eachc*miaining 1 dosen bottfea, of tbe Anchor brand, the quality

of which ia pronounced by competent judge* to bo equal to any imported, for sal* by

18 FISH. GR1NNKLL 4 CO. 134 Front *t

H l l»cJS-40 Ox. fending par. ech Nile, at Steven* wharf, for aaleh<


PS • hy DtJ Dl .EY 4 8 T U Y V E S A N T

, o A L T PKTSK—300 b a n E. 1. Crude Salt Petm, O for safe by P E T E R KEMSEN 4 CO.

f 8 Hanover square, S—An extensive assortment of Mbeeung

and Sheetina Mu*lin—also. Bed Tickings, l inen »I aad Cotton, for safe at 434 Peail st. by


IV geoeralaaaoruoent of long and square, black, white, A scarlet. Merino, Thibet wont and CamaT* hair Shawl* c«rtnprising almost every pattern that can bo found ii thia city, and at unusual low price* LaWnsat, fedfei and miasm Bolivar Hate, fresh and goad color*, at tkt low est market price*:

N. B. Purchasers in wont of tho above will de few to call and examine the M M at tho Marina Shawl oat Hat Htore 63 Maiden fene, one door float WitMam *t.

F941 R. L. T .

R ICE 4 COTTON—143 whole and St batf tferol Rice, and I t balm Upland Cotton, for mi l by

F9 D U D L E Y A 8 T U Y V K 8 A N T . »0 South sr. J E L L I N G OFP AT REbl )<; f i6 P t l C t S a ^ s l k 5 carton* Satin and Lustring, No . | to Mo. 60. base) white and colored Ribbon*, a complete aaaartaam, 1 No, 193 Broadway. ,

F9 E B A N C R O F T 4 430 •M.-HOK A P-KVV W K K a . g v - t k w a m m e . U t k e . V of Piece Good*, at 193 Broadway, earner af Dt of Pfece Go.«fe. *t 193 will be sold at reduced nwmo, Italian Silke, Sincnawi, Nankt lio*. Gingham*, Ac


JLasmClark'd comer Broadway A Canal *t


Doyi feNaj*

a. Mo

I A C E C 4 fedrae

E . B A N C R O F T CO.



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