M The a1- Globeufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03345/00163.pdfMr L M Graham of Conner and...

P 4 7 S t i 1 ti OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY DECEMBER 11 109 STll X OCAlA OCCURRENCES J K of P meet Monday evening Elks meet Tuesday evening Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night Eagles meet Wednesday evening- Mr 4 Walter Ellison of Anthony was in town today If you want a hot drink oiie that is really goodgo to Troxlers Hugh Nichols sold three head of mules yesterday Tho county jail contains 40 prison- ers ¬ 0 Col R F Rogers of Lynne was a familiar figure on the streets today Judge Titcomb of Dunnellon was a visitor to the city today G X Shealy a young farmer of BHtchton was in town today- A new shipment of Hudnuts toilet articles Just in at the Court Phar ¬ macy I Captain DeLong postmaster and merchant at Candler made Ocala a business call today Hand painted china at the Ocala News Co suitable for wedding and Christmas presents Robert Stripling the insurance mart fame down from Gainesville this aft- ernoon ¬ Phone us for you prescriptions We call and deliver them The Court Pharmacy- A new safe from Franze Son Jacksonville is being placed in the office of Mr A P Stucky- All kinds of holiday and presenta- tion ¬ books at the Ocala News Co also the latest copyrights Mr J A Pittman who has been on the sick list is able to sit up again and hopes to be out in a few days 4t FOR RENTOne nicely furnished- bed room on second floor Apply 34 Oklawaha avenue Mrs DePass and sister Miss Trev onant of Memphis Tenn are guests of Mrs T E Bridges Bileine Cniil Tonic Isn bitter dose but it does the work 25 cents per bottle at the Postoffice Drugstore- A I vitrified brick sidewalk has been laid from Osceola street to the rear of- t If the Montezuma block Pot plants for sale Apply at 101 South Orange street at once M B Reed Mr Hallic Blitch manager of the Teapot Grocery returned home last right but is too ill to be up Mrs A M Lansford spent the day in the country the guest of Mrs S R Pyles Pennsylvania Grit and other leading newspapers and magazines at Bal lards news stand < Ii Mclver MacKays undertaking es ¬ tablishment burled a negro today from Dunnellon Dont fail to try our famous oyster loaf at the Brick City Restaurant S A Moses Manager- Rev I W Ogle went down to Cor- nell this afternoon to fill his appoint- ment ¬ tomorrow at that place OLD SANTA CLAUS Mail Box Now Ready AT THE BAZAAR- L B Griggs a thrifty farmer across the river was in town today with a good supply of hen fruit Cherry Juice Cough Syrup one of the Rexall family 25 and 50 cent bot ¬ tles to be had only at the Postoffice Drugstore E C Caddy an industrious young farmer of Lowell was in town today looking at Santa Claus Founda good place to buy cigars the kind that suits the particular smoker Troxlers yes thats the place Mr W H Coleman went up to Mc- Intosh today to till the pulpit of the Christian church at that place Sun- day ¬ Mr and Mrs Edward Holder have returned from a short visit to Jack- sonville ¬ Jf While there they took in the races which Mr Holder says are good Mr and Mrs M J Roess are re ¬ joicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home on Oklawaha aven- ue ¬ Mother and child are doing nicely- A bottle of Bileine Chill Tonic will cure the most stubborn case of chills and fever 25 cents at the Postoffice Drugstore- Mr r Erastus Hopkins is home from Connecticut where he went several weeks ago to be present with his wife who was operated upon for appendici- tis ¬ The operation was a success and Mrs Hopkins is doing nicely Remember our stock of Edison phon ¬ ographs and records is the best and largest in the country Several thou ¬ sand different records to select from and we receive each week the latest selections just as they are put out A E Burnett exclusive agent for this city Rev and Mrs R H Barnett are en- tertaining ¬ their son Rev R Ira Bar- nett pastor of the Methodist church at Wqst Palm Beach who was accom- panied ¬ by his wife and baby b THEY ARE HERE MAKE YOUR SELECTION THE tEAPOT GROCERY SWISS CHEESE M LIMBERGER CHEESE ROQUEFORT CHEESE- NEUFCHATEL CHEESE- PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE NEW MACKEREL DUTCH HERRING HALIBUT CHUNKS SMOKED OX TONGUE LAMBS TONGUE IN JARS PICKLED MESS BEEF SHELLED WALNUTS t SHELLED PECANS SHELLED ALMONDS ROYAL SCARLET STRAWBERRY ROYAL SCARLET RASPBERRY ROYAL SCARLET BLACKBERRY PEELED IMPORTED PEACHES r PICKLES OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE CHEAP- A desirable building lot on North Second East Adams street opposite- the Jewish synagogue Address Box 180 city Mr A M Lansford the enterprising piano man has disposed of two superb instruments this week one a Knabe Baby Grand to Mr B A Weathers lor his charming young daughter Miss Janet the other a Knabe upright- to Mr A T Thomas There is no game law against any one hunting for PLANKS CHILL TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma ¬ laria chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know Men our illustrated catalogue ex ¬ plains how we teach barber trade in few weeks mailed free Moler Barber College Atlanta Ga Sumter Brooks the postmaster and merchant of Zuber was in town today and reported everything mowing along nicely at the big mill Regular mealr w served at the Brick City P urant Breakfast from 5 to 7 inner from 12 to 2 Supper from 6 to S S A Moses manager FURNISHED ROOMSFor light housekeeping bath and all conven- iences ¬ Apply at 81 North Magnolia street Old Man Santa Claus JUST ARRIVED Bring the Children to see Him AT THE BAZAAR STORE NOTICE- Of Final Settlement and Discharge Notice is hereby given that on the first day of April A D 1910 the un ¬ dersigned as administrator of the es ¬ tate of Thomas J Owen deceased will present my account and vouchers and will make my final settlement and will apply for final discharge as adminis- trator ¬ of said estate Ocala Fla Sept 29th 1909 R E Yonge- As Administrator of the Estate of Thomas J Owen Deceased I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby gvyito all cred ¬ itors distributees land siPolher per ¬ sons having claims or flemands against the estate of Aris M Hunter to present the same to the undersign- ed ¬ administrator within one year from this date Sept 18th 1909 W E Hunter As Administrator of the Estate of Arts M Hunter Deceased Mount Pleasant Tenn W M Barco Resident Agent Ocala Fla The Baptist sewing circle will hold its annual Christmas bazaar at the residence of Mrs J D Robertson on Tuesday Dec 14th beginning at 2 p m All friends are cordially invited OLD MAN SANTA CLAUS Just Arriv Bring the Children to See Him AT THE BAZAAR Short orders served at all hours of the day or night at the Brick City Restaurant Belle Meade Sweets- Sugar Fruit and Chocolate THATS All These Delicious Candies Can be Had Only at the Court PharmacyM- ISS PANSY SOUTER VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR Special Attention Given Beginners Term Begins Monday Nov 22 Xo 106 Fort Sing Avenue TO THE VOTERS OF OCALA- I have allowed my name to go before the voters of Ocala as a candidate for the office of mayor of our city in the coming municipal election not for hon ¬ or power glory qr personal reasons but simply to gratify the wishes of my friends r I am not anxious for th office but if elected I shall do my duty and en ¬ force the ordinances of the city and dodge no issue Respectfully 1 J M Meffert SPECIAL DINNER AT THE ARCADE A special dinner will be Served at the new restaurant in the Arcade I building tomorow from 12 to 2 p m nhe dinner will consist of soup chick- en ¬ I three vegetables and various en ¬ trees The management also desires to state that famines wishing meals served at their homes can rfrrange same by telephone Everything is of I the best that the season affords We I solicit your patronage Charles Rodoff Proprietor Phone 293- SCHOOL HOUSE BURNED- The Homosassa school house caught fire last night and burned down de- stroying ¬ I all the school books in it The school will not reopen until after the Christmas holidays- Mr F V Ditto returned from his hunting expedition last night and left today for Jacksonville to attend the funeral of his father Mr Ditto and his companions were completely cut- off from the world during their trip j and he had not the slightest intima ¬ tion of his fathers last sickness until he reached home I Among those registered at the Ocala House today were Mrs Florence Mor I I liston of Morriston and Mr Arthur Ilardaker a well known business man of Tampa formerly a resident of this city Messrs J P Galloway J H Spen- cer ¬ Louis Lang and Mason Tyson re ¬ turned from a hunt in the big scrub across the river They had plenty of amunition and enthusiasm but some- how ¬ they struck a cold trail and after almost shivering to death Thursday night they returned home with a duck and two quail to their credit which Louis Lang appropriated- Prof G H Thompson principal of the Wildwood school was in town to Jay chatting pleasantly with his school friend Mr J H Brinson The Wildwood school numbers 100 pupils and is doing well He said the county seat question in Sumter county was- a red hot issue- J Is Hillman the young home teader several miles north of town was in town today and reported a very enjoyable dance last night at the Ho- spitable ¬ home of Mr and Mrs D A Waldron of Oak Eighteen couples occupied the floor at one time The dance was so greatly enjoyed that it did not break up until 2 oclock this morning- A r v J Albritfon1pioneer settler cf he Daisy section was a caller in the city this morning and said he was I thinking some of the proposition to open a store at the new town of Bur bank He said quite a number of settlers had located and were pre- paring ¬ to create homes and well pleased with the outlook Colonel Burnham of WacoTex and Atlanta Ga who is spending the winter among his orange groves on Lake Weir was a business visitor to Ocala today Mr L A Vaughn who operates a turpentine farm at Higley was a bus ¬ iness visitor in Ocala today He re ¬ ported the death of Mr Robert Aiker liveryman at Leesburg Wednesday of heart failure He was setting in a rocking chair and fell over dead Mr Aiker tweityflve years ago was a resident of Belleview He was a mem- ber ¬ of the Knights of Pythias and was buried by them His funeral was the largest that Jias taken place in Leesburg for years He was a very estimable gentleman Mr Vaughn said about all the oranges around Higley had been shipped- Our line of cut glass this season is the largest and best we have ever carried It will be both pleasing and provitable for you to call and look the stock over Almost any design you could wish and the shapes and cuttings- are beautiful A E Burnett- Mr L M Graham of Conner and commander of the Marion camp of Confederate Veterans was in town foday visiting his sons Messrs J L r nd W D Graham- Mr Tom Sexton superintendent of the Dutton Phosphate Co came in this afternoon to spend Sunday with his family Sheriff Carter of Inverness paid the Brick City a call today Miss Sue Barco who spent several days with her aunt Mrs W K Ze wadski returned to her home at Sun- ny ¬ Slope Farm this afternoon John It Martin the Istachatta tur- pentine ¬ operator made this city a business call today Mr Martin has he reputation among operators in his line tohave the best disciplined and most methodical camp in the state and gets along splendidly with the convicts under him I I Mr Mike Waldron the retired cat- tle ¬ king of the Daisy section was in town today with his young wife and son who brought in a cold for a vet- erinary I surgeon to operate on The I old gentleman bears his years well ExMayor Millsom of Belleview was m town today and said the beautiful r ity of oaks was donniig Its winter garments and the birds of pasage are now enjoying the soft sunshine and the sparkling waters of Lake Lillian A bright and cheerful winter was In store for all with Its accompaniment- of winter sociable Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night REMOVAL SALE Prices Sti11 On a1- I I The Globe t- l < An Opportunity of A Life Tiirfie v Though our great Removal Sale is now of 1 thing- of the past we still have a great quantity of goods that must be disposed of before we move iyito our new store in the Anderson Block In order to com- pletely ¬ close out this stock before the first f Janu ¬ ary we have decided to let the Removal SAle price tickets remain on the goods until every Vestige is gone Those who visited our store during two weeks need not be told of unprecedented bargains we have been offering on every piece of goods in the store but to th0s r who did not avail themselves of the opportunity 9 7 wish to say that- it will be many a long day Before these prices will ever be duplicated by us or anyone else 4 I our store chlthint a past few weeks Shoes Our line t bf LADIES HEAVY AND House LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR is 0 not surpassed in this part of Florida for All either as to quantity quality or Furnishings price Come and look over these goods o A pair of our fine shoes placed As there has been very little cold right on top of the pile of Christmas weather this season our line of BLAN ¬ presents no matter whether for father KETS and COMFORTS is almost un ¬ Mens and mother sister or brother will be ap- preciated ¬ broken and though the Removal as much as anything that Sale tickets have been on them all you could buy and perhaps more so the time forthe past few weeks there Boys Cloth- ing than a lot of articles that are more are great numbers of them still to be for display than real worth We can had for less than they can today be 0 fit you in SHOES from the ordinary purchased for at wholesale In this work shoe to the finest patent Rather department may also be seen the best dress shoe made In this department COUNTERPANES SHEETS TOW ¬ as in the others the Removal Sale ELS NAPKINS ETC ever manu- factured ¬ Our big stock of MENS and BOYS prices will prevail until we mcve into and they are all included in CLOTHING still have the Removal- our new store on Jonuary 1st the must go proclamation A big Sale price tickets on them and they line of Smyrna Rugs of all sizes and will be left until the entire line is designes For Ladies I r > l closed out We dont intend to carry- a r single suit of clothes now in stock Wear into our new store so they MUST GO Our if not at our prices you own Here All the latest weaves styles and de ¬ is an opportunity to buy clothes for Sales people signs in LADIES SUITS CLOAKS SKIRTS and SHIRTWAISTS may be yourself and the boys at prices that We have two of the best and most seen here There is not a desirable will warrant keeping them for months popular salespeople that ever came to color in suits that will not be found in if you are not in immediate need of Ocala The leading dmhnsfi name is Mr High Quality an cousin this line and then too the prices we them We seek the trade tof the man Mr Low Price is equally as good av salesman They will save you mar are now getting for these goods will who has no money to squander but dollars especially at this time vKiU the Removal Sale tickets are slfl on astonish you if you have not been to I who wants every cent to count the goods II- IC THE GLOBEj t The Underselling Store FLA BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN- Have Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Very Methods t We have just received one o the famous Ideal Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built I for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which I does the work perfectly If you Till favor us witb I your patronage we guarantee to give you back the Mower in better condition than the day you bought I it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the I old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced ¬ Ii workman with a file or an emery wheel I I h = o 2 Next time your Mower needs sharpening k i = bring it in or notify us and we will > s make it cut so nicely it will surprise you I MARION HARDWARE CO

Transcript of M The a1- Globeufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03345/00163.pdfMr L M Graham of Conner and...

Page 1: M The a1- Globeufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03345/00163.pdfMr L M Graham of Conner and commander of the Marion camp of Confederate Veterans was in town foday visiting his



7 S






K of P meet Monday evening

Elks meet Tuesday evening

Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night

Eagles meet Wednesday evening-


Walter Ellison of Anthony wasin town today

If you want a hot drink oiie that isreally goodgo to Troxlers

Hugh Nichols sold three head ofmules yesterday

Tho county jail contains 40 prison-ers



Col R F Rogers of Lynne was afamiliar figure on the streets today

Judge Titcomb of Dunnellon was avisitor to the city today

G X Shealy a young farmer ofBHtchton was in town today-

A new shipment of Hudnuts toiletarticles Just in at the Court Phar ¬

macy I

Captain DeLong postmaster andmerchant at Candler made Ocala abusiness call today

Hand painted china at the OcalaNews Co suitable for wedding andChristmas presents

Robert Stripling the insurance martfame down from Gainesville this aft-ernoon


Phone us for you prescriptions Wecall and deliver them The CourtPharmacy-

A new safe from Franze SonJacksonville is being placed in theoffice of Mr A P Stucky-

All kinds of holiday and presenta-tion


books at the Ocala News Co alsothe latest copyrights

Mr J A Pittman who has been onthe sick list is able to sit up againand hopes to be out in a few days

4tFOR RENTOne nicely furnished-

bed room on second floor Apply 34Oklawaha avenue

Mrs DePass and sister Miss Trevonant of Memphis Tenn are guestsof Mrs T E Bridges

Bileine Cniil Tonic Isn bitter dosebut it does the work 25 cents perbottle at the Postoffice Drugstore-


vitrified brick sidewalk has beenlaid from Osceola street to the rear of-

tIf the Montezuma block

Pot plants for sale Apply at 101South Orange street at once M BReed

Mr Hallic Blitch manager of theTeapot Grocery returned home lastright but is too ill to be up

Mrs A M Lansford spent the day inthe country the guest of Mrs S RPyles

Pennsylvania Grit and other leadingnewspapers and magazines at Ballards news stand


Mclver MacKays undertaking es ¬

tablishment burled a negro today fromDunnellon

Dont fail to try our famous oysterloaf at the Brick City Restaurant SA Moses Manager-

Rev I W Ogle went down to Cor-nell this afternoon to fill his appoint-ment


tomorrow at that place



L B Griggs a thrifty farmer acrossthe river was in town today with agood supply of hen fruit

Cherry Juice Cough Syrup one ofthe Rexall family 25 and 50 cent bot ¬

tles to be had only at the PostofficeDrugstore

E C Caddy an industrious youngfarmer of Lowell was in town todaylooking at Santa Claus

Founda good place to buy cigarsthe kind that suits the particularsmoker Troxlers yes thats theplace

Mr W H Coleman went up to Mc-Intosh today to till the pulpit of theChristian church at that place Sun-day


Mr and Mrs Edward Holder havereturned from a short visit to Jack-sonville

¬Jf While there they took in

the races which Mr Holder says aregood

Mr and Mrs M J Roess are re ¬

joicing over the arrival of a babygirl at their home on Oklawaha aven-ue


Mother and child are doing nicely-

A bottle of Bileine Chill Tonic willcure the most stubborn case of chillsand fever 25 cents at the PostofficeDrugstore-


Erastus Hopkins is home fromConnecticut where he went severalweeks ago to be present with his wifewho was operated upon for appendici-tis


The operation was a success andMrs Hopkins is doing nicely

Remember our stock of Edison phon ¬

ographs and records is the best andlargest in the country Several thou ¬sand different records to select fromand we receive each week the latestselections just as they are put out AE Burnett exclusive agent for thiscity

Rev and Mrs R H Barnett are en-tertaining


their son Rev R Ira Bar-nett pastor of the Methodist church atWqst Palm Beach who was accom-panied


by his wife and baby
























FOR SALE CHEAP-A desirable building lot on North

Second East Adams street opposite-the Jewish synagogue Address Box180 city

Mr A M Lansford the enterprisingpiano man has disposed of two superbinstruments this week one a KnabeBaby Grand to Mr B A Weatherslor his charming young daughter MissJanet the other a Knabe upright-to Mr A T Thomas

There is no game law against anyone hunting for PLANKS CHILLTONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma ¬

laria chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know

Men our illustrated catalogue ex ¬

plains how we teach barber trade infew weeks mailed free Moler BarberCollege Atlanta Ga

Sumter Brooks the postmaster andmerchant of Zuber was in town todayand reported everything mowing alongnicely at the big mill

Regular mealr w served at theBrick City P urant Breakfastfrom 5 to 7 inner from 12 to 2

Supper from 6 to S S A Mosesmanager

FURNISHED ROOMSFor lighthousekeeping bath and all conven-iences


Apply at 81 North Magnoliastreet

Old Man Santa ClausJUST ARRIVED

Bring the Children to see HimAT THE BAZAAR STORE


Of Final Settlement and DischargeNotice is hereby given that on the

first day of April A D 1910 the un ¬

dersigned as administrator of the es ¬

tate of Thomas J Owen deceased willpresent my account and vouchers andwill make my final settlement and willapply for final discharge as adminis-trator


of said estateOcala Fla Sept 29th 1909

R E Yonge-As Administrator of the Estate of

Thomas J Owen DeceasedI


Notice is hereby gvyito all cred ¬

itors distributees land siPolher per ¬

sons having claims or flemandsagainst the estate of Aris M Hunterto present the same to the undersign-ed


administrator within one yearfrom this date Sept 18th 1909

W E HunterAs Administrator of the Estate of

Arts M Hunter Deceased MountPleasant Tenn

W M Barco Resident AgentOcala Fla

The Baptist sewing circle will holdits annual Christmas bazaar at theresidence of Mrs J D Robertson onTuesday Dec 14th beginning at 2 pm All friends are cordially invited

OLD MAN SANTA CLAUSJust Arriv Bring the Children to


Short orders served at all hours ofthe day or night at the Brick CityRestaurant

Belle Meade Sweets-

Sugar Fruit and Chocolate


These Delicious Candies Can be HadOnly at the

Court PharmacyM-



Special Attention Given Beginners

Term Begins Monday Nov 22

Xo 106 Fort Sing Avenue


I have allowed my name to go beforethe voters of Ocala as a candidate forthe office of mayor of our city in thecoming municipal election not for hon ¬

or power glory qr personal reasonsbut simply to gratify the wishes of myfriends r

I am not anxious for th office butif elected I shall do my duty and en ¬

force the ordinances of the city anddodge no issue Respectfully

1 J M Meffert


A special dinner will be Served atthe new restaurant in the Arcade I

building tomorow from 12 to 2 p mnhe dinner will consist of soup chick-en


three vegetables and various en ¬

trees The management also desires tostate that famines wishing mealsserved at their homes can rfrrangesame by telephone Everything is of I

the best that the season affords We I

solicit your patronageCharles Rodoff Proprietor

Phone 293-


The Homosassa school house caughtfire last night and burned down de-stroying


I all the school books in itThe school will not reopen until afterthe Christmas holidays-

Mr F V Ditto returned from hishunting expedition last night and lefttoday for Jacksonville to attend thefuneral of his father Mr Ditto andhis companions were completely cut-off from the world during their trip j

and he had not the slightest intima ¬

tion of his fathers last sickness untilhe reached home


Among those registered at the OcalaHouse today were Mrs Florence Mor



liston of Morriston and Mr ArthurIlardaker a well known business manof Tampa formerly a resident of thiscity

Messrs J P Galloway J H Spen-cer


Louis Lang and Mason Tyson re ¬

turned from a hunt in the big scrubacross the river They had plenty ofamunition and enthusiasm but some-how


they struck a cold trail and afteralmost shivering to death Thursdaynight they returned home with aduck and two quail to their creditwhich Louis Lang appropriated-

Prof G H Thompson principal ofthe Wildwood school was in town toJay chatting pleasantly with hisschool friend Mr J H Brinson TheWildwood school numbers 100 pupilsand is doing well He said the countyseat question in Sumter county was-a red hot issue-

J Is Hillman the young hometeader several miles north of townwas in town today and reported a veryenjoyable dance last night at the Ho-spitable


home of Mr and Mrs D AWaldron of Oak Eighteen couplesoccupied the floor at one time Thedance was so greatly enjoyed that itdid not break up until 2 oclock thismorning-

Ar v

J Albritfon1pioneer settler cfhe Daisy section was a caller in the

city this morning and said he wasI thinking some of the proposition toopen a store at the new town of Burbank He said quite a number ofsettlers had located and were pre-paring


to create homes and wellpleased with the outlook

Colonel Burnham of WacoTex andAtlanta Ga who is spending thewinter among his orange groves onLake Weir was a business visitor toOcala today

Mr L A Vaughn who operates aturpentine farm at Higley was a bus ¬

iness visitor in Ocala today He re ¬

ported the death of Mr Robert Aikerliveryman at Leesburg Wednesday ofheart failure He was setting in arocking chair and fell over dead MrAiker tweityflve years ago was aresident of Belleview He was a mem-ber


of the Knights of Pythias andwas buried by them His funeral wasthe largest that Jias taken place inLeesburg for years He was a veryestimable gentleman Mr Vaughn saidabout all the oranges around Higleyhad been shipped-

Our line of cut glass this season isthe largest and best we have evercarried It will be both pleasing andprovitable for you to call and look thestock over Almost any design youcould wish and the shapes and cuttings-are beautiful A E Burnett-

Mr L M Graham of Conner andcommander of the Marion camp ofConfederate Veterans was in townfoday visiting his sons Messrs J Lr nd W D Graham-

Mr Tom Sexton superintendent ofthe Dutton Phosphate Co came inthis afternoon to spend Sunday withhis family

Sheriff Carter of Inverness paid theBrick City a call today

Miss Sue Barco who spent severaldays with her aunt Mrs W K Zewadski returned to her home at Sun-ny


Slope Farm this afternoon

John It Martin the Istachatta tur-pentine


operator made this city abusiness call today Mr Martin hashe reputation among operators in hisline tohave the best disciplined andmost methodical camp in the stateand gets along splendidly with theconvicts under him



Mr Mike Waldron the retired cat-tle


king of the Daisy section was intown today with his young wife andson who brought in a cold for a vet-erinaryI surgeon to operate on The

I old gentleman bears his years well

ExMayor Millsom of Belleview wasm town today and said the beautifulr ity of oaks was donniig Its wintergarments and the birds of pasage arenow enjoying the soft sunshine andthe sparkling waters of Lake LillianA bright and cheerful winter was Instore for all with Its accompaniment-of winter sociable

Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night

REMOVAL SALEPrices Sti11 On a1-


I The Globe t-



An Opportunity of A Life Tiirfiev

Though our great Removal Sale is now of1 thing-

of the past we still have a great quantity of goodsthat must be disposed of before we move iyito ournew store in the Anderson Block In order to com-pletely


close out this stock before the first f Janu¬

ary we have decided to let the Removal SAle pricetickets remain on the goods until every Vestige isgone Those who visited our store duringtwo weeks need not be told of unprecedentedbargains we have been offering on every piece ofgoods in the store but to th0s r who did not availthemselves of the opportunity 9 7 wish to say that-it will be many a long day Before these prices willever be duplicated by us or anyone else



our store chlthint a past few weeks

Shoes Our linetbf LADIES HEAVY AND House


not surpassed in this part of Florida

for All either as to quantity quality or Furnishingsprice Come and look over these


A pair of our fine shoes placed As there has been very little cold

right on top of the pile of Christmas weather this season our line of BLAN ¬

presents no matter whether for father KETS and COMFORTS is almost un ¬Mens andmother sister or brother will be ap-


¬ broken and though the Removal

as much as anything that Sale tickets have been on them all

you could buy and perhaps more so the time forthe past few weeks thereBoys Cloth-

ingthan a lot of articles that are more are great numbers of them still to be

for display than real worth We can had for less than they can today be0

fit you in SHOES from the ordinary purchased for at wholesale In this

work shoe to the finest patent Rather department may also be seen the best

dress shoe made In this department COUNTERPANES SHEETS TOW ¬

as in the others the Removal Sale ELS NAPKINS ETC ever manu-



Our big stock of MENS and BOYSprices will prevail until we mcve into and they are all included in

CLOTHING still have the Removal-our new store on Jonuary 1st the must go proclamation A bigSale price tickets on them and they line of Smyrna Rugs of all sizes and

will be left until the entire line is designes

For LadiesI

r > lclosed out We dont intend to carry-



single suit of clothes now in stock

Wear into our new store so they MUST GO Ourif not at our prices you own Here

All the latest weaves styles and de ¬

is an opportunity to buy clothes for Sales peoplesigns in LADIES SUITS CLOAKSSKIRTS and SHIRTWAISTS may be yourself and the boys at prices that

We have two of the best and mostseen here There is not a desirable will warrant keeping them for months popular salespeople that ever came tocolor in suits that will not be found in if you are not in immediate need of

Ocala The leadingdmhnsfi

name isMr High Quality an cousin

this line and then too the prices we them We seek the trade tof the man Mr Low Price is equally as good avsalesman They will save you mar

are now getting for these goods will who has no money to squander but dollars especially at this time vKiUthe Removal Sale tickets are slfl onastonish you if you have not been to

Iwho wants every cent to count the goods




The Underselling Store FLA


HaveHave Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Very

Methods t

We have just received one o the famous IdealLawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built

I for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers whichI does the work perfectly If you Till favor us witbI your patronage we guarantee to give you back the

Mower in better condition than the day you boughtI

it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than theI

old style way which is usually done by inexpe-rienced


Ii workman with a file or an emery wheelI

I h=

o 2 Next time your Mower needs sharpeningk i = bring it in or notify us and we will

>s make it cut so nicely it will surprise you