M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A...

I XXX-Part.— 21 WT sFnfcF 2 ( Pm 7 ) Wrfhrn^ VTTfH f M t T wnm ^ ynifuici % * n ~*m t f a r a r f q * "frrfer-ira .... ;cr^FfteT ..... rr^r ..... *...... ; farar;1 , ..................... trip;- ...... ..... f ............... 3 fw?r t, Tfwfarq- 3#riWT, 1.973 ’( 1973 ^7 44 ) G R PRJ—FS/2S8— 12/2000-^4.000 Tf£S C.G.C 0 UWC^S r£ S EW£f?4L R^ | c CG.fr£CHN0L0Qr

Transcript of M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A...

Page 1: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated


XXX-Part.— 21WT sFnfcF 2

( Pm 7 )

Wrfhrn VTTfH

f M tT w n m

^ ynifuici % *n ~*m t f a r a r f q * " fr r fe r - ir a

.... ;cr FfteT..... r r ^ r ..... *...... ;

farar;1,..................... t r ip ; - ...... ..... f...............3 fw?r t,

T fw farq - 3#riWT, 1.973 ’ ( 1973 ^7 44 )

G R PRJ—FS/2S8— 12/2000- 4.000


C.G.C0UWC S r£ S EW£f?4LR | c CG.fr£CHN0L0Qr

Page 2: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated



Memorandum of Association

1. The name of the Society sh a ll be the Chhattisgarh

Council of Science and Technology.

2. The head o ffice of the Council w ill be situated at Raipur

in Raipur Tuhs.il o f Raipur d is t r ic t and its address w il l be

2/22, c iv i l Lines, Raipur.

The ob i 'pi. s cf Li?.' Council shall be

(1 } To identify arcus :ui which science and technology can

u tilised for achieving the* socio-economic objectives of

the State and in particu lar, the objectives of tackling

the problems of backwardness, unemployment and poverty

in the rural areas, and among the under-privileged secti­

ons o s u e j t u.s bchcbulgd Cas.tes^Sc.hpduled Tribes

La nd Junk's' 'fiabdu'r^ Srftall and Maf'gi'riai Farmers and

Wo me h i -

(2) To advise Government on p o lic ie s and measures necessary

to promote u tilisa tion of Science and Technology for the

achievement of the said socio-economic objectives.

(3) To in it ia te , support, promote and co-ordinate such rese­

arch, and development p ro jects , and programmes (.including

demonstration projects) as are lik e ly to be relevant to 'm ‘ .p ■ i v ■ ‘

the tjchieveiiiep,^c<v-f.c t iv e s and problems andsmv.ri if, (i.) «... • ' f.w :

Page 3: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

help in the fru it fu l exp lo itation of the natural resource;

of the State through various institutions and organisetior

in the state.

(4 ) To establish# or a s s is t in the establishment of in frastru ­

cture (In stitu tions, Organisations etc) necessary to Scien

ce and Technology to fu rther the development e ffo rts of

the State.

(5 ) To set up ana administer documentation centers and / or

laboratories .

( 6) To prepare or ass ist in the preparation of Science and

Technology plans and formulate research and development

programmes, approve such programmes i f received from other

in stitu tions and finance and / or aid such projects by

means of grants, loans, supply of materials, provision of

experts etc.

(7 ) To promote the p o p u la r is a t io n o f sc ien ce and the spread

of a sc ien tific temper and attitude amongst the people of

the State and to disseminate sc ientific knowledge by means

of pamphlets, journals, film s etc. and to organise seminars

and conferences. to promote science and Technology.


( 9 )

To supplement the a c t iv it ie s of the State Government in the

f ie ld of Science and Technology.

To interact with other S ta te jGSJSilAftnd national ScienceC.G. COUNCIL OF SCIENCE « TECHNOLOGY

duel i\-< lino.) ouy b od ies w i t h ririifiAISiP (loS1) r e la t e d ot-j-'-'c

Page 4: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

i t 3 : :

(10) To take any other steps which are relevant to the app li­

cation of Science and Technology to the problems of the

State and to promote education in science and Technology.

(11) To in stitu te prizes and awards fo r meritorious research

and development work in Science and Technology ; and

(12) Generally to take a l l such measures with the approval of

the Council as are l ik e ly to accelerate the process of

modernisation in the state through the use of Science and


4. The management of the a ffa ir s o f the Council is entrusted

by the Regulations o f the Council to the Executive Committee.

'Ihe names# addresses and occupations of the members Of the

Executive Committee are specified below x-

S.No. Name Address Occupation( l ) (2) (3) (4)

Shri Satya Narayan Sharma, Minister#Government of Chhattisgarh, Science & Technology, Higher Education, Technical Edu., Manpower Planning Deptts.,

Mantralaya D.k .Bhawan,Raipur

Government Servic~c

2. Shri Tanura Dwaj Sahu, Mantiruluya Government ServioState M inister, D.k. Bhav.’an, RaipurGovernment of Chhattisgarh,Science & Technology, Higher Edu., Technical Edu,, Manpower

•Planning Deptts.,

3. Shr i 3. K • MJ.shro; Mantra la y a, D.K. Government SecvjeP r i n c i p a l .S e c r e ta r y , Bhawan, RaipurGovernment o f chhat.tisgarh .Finance i> : Planning D e p tts .,

C.G. COiC.C.}

Page 5: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

fjffjo. N ame Address ~ Occupationr 2 . 3. 4.

. ^ s h r i O.S. Mishra,S e c r e t a r y , G ov t. o f Chh., S c ien ce & T e c h . ,H ig h e r E cu ., Tech. £du. , Manpower P la n . D ep tts

Manatralaya D.k . Bhawan

• #

Government . S e r v ic e

. D i r e c t o r ,In d u s t r i e s ,Government o f C h h a tt is g a rh

K han ij Bhawan, Ring Road, T e libanaha , Raipur

GovernmentS e rv ic e

. D i r e c t o r ,T e ch n ica l E d u ca tion ,

Bairon Bazar Ra ip u r

GovernmentS e rv ic e

Government oil C hhat.tisgarli

7. D irector General,Chhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology

2/22, C iv il Government.Lines, Raipur Service

5. One copy o f the Regulation of the Council duly c e rt ified as.

required by sub-section (3 ) o f Section 6 of the Madhya Pradesh Soci*

ety Registry Karan Adhiniyam. 1973 (No. 44 of 1973), is f i le d with

this Memorandum of Association.

We, the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribf

below, are desirous of forming a Council in pursuance of the afore-

-safd Memorandum of Association and have signed the Memorandum in th<

presence of the witnesses as shown below

S.No. Names and addresses of the subscribers

(1) (2) _______________ ■

1. Shri A ji t Jogi,„Chief M inister, government o f Chhattisgarh, C iv il Lines, Raipur

Shri Ram Chandra Singhdev,Minister,Government of Chhattisgarh, Finance, Planning Departments, E -l, C iv il Lines, Raipur


Page 6: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

SignatureMamas and addresses of the subscribersn ) ( T f ~?. Shri Arun Kuin-ir,

Chief Secretary,Government o f Chhattisgarh/Maotralc.ya D.K. Bliawan, Raipur

(3 )JL


4. dljrx K.K . C! 1 akroborty,P r . in c ip a 1 3 e a i :c ta r y , co ve minent o f Chhattisgarh/ i-orest & Environment Departments/ Mantralaya D.K. Dhawan^F»ipar^'?

• I'.r jSmf. Ind ira M ishra,P r in c ip a l Secretary/ f Government o f Chhattisgarh/!^J a nc 1 Kiya t & ilu ra 1. Development «■ be pa r tme nt s / Man t r a Raipur .

5« Shri S.K • Mishra/P rin c ip a l S e c r e t a r y . / ' .v G o v e r h m e n t o f 1 G h h ^ . t t i s g a r h ' / X ' J i ■ Finance/ PlanningGl^partxnents./ Man tr a layia /D. K.^;Bhawan^ Raipur

1, Shri D .S. Mishra,S e c r e t a r y ,Government o f Chhattisgarh,:Higher Edu.f Technical Edu.,School Rdu./ Manpowar & Planning,4 ( Science & Technology Departments/'': .■Mantralayia/D.K. Bhawan'/* Raipur if-* '•


D a t e : I :f / 0 / j2<*l I

To /<f.

The Hegisttar/ l-’4rms and Societies

Q_'--£'(/V s i g n a t u r e d *

S .K ^ M ^ te N a ra a ,


(f - 2 ; fKfe a° W M * F u ll AddreasIa ^ H W ? # :

v ' ; r^r Riot, w-Mr frrOT, Ffir-H^ frtfT ,



♦ - r; - >

Page 7: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

: : 6 : :



R egu lations

1* SHORT TITLE - These regulations may be called the

Chhattiiigarh council of Science and Technology Regulations


2. DEFINITIQNS - In these regulations# i^nless the conte ;>

otherwise requires :

a ) "Chairman" means the chairman of the Executive

Committee -

b) "Council" means the Chhartisgarh Council of

Science And Technology.

c) "Director General" means the Director <3QAQ£al

of the Council appointed under these Regulations.

g ,

'' JiU/*d) "General Body" means the/ body nominated for the

directoi/generalcvera 11 contr&l’ council.

Page 8: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

"Government“ means the Government of Chhattisgarl

“Executive Committee'* means the committee cons­

tituted under the regulation 1G.

"Financial Year" means the period of 12 months -

commencing of 1st A pril and ending on 31st March

of the follow ing year.

"President" means the president of the Council.

"Science" includes social science.

"Scientist" includes social sc ien tists .

"Special Committee" means a committee constituted

under regulation 27.

"Task Force & Research Group".,means.-.the. body

constituted under regulation 28.

Page 9: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

::eu ST I TUT I US! OF the council The General Body of the coun

shall consists 6£ the follow ing members :

1. Chief Minister# PresidentGovernrent of Chhattisgarh.

2. M inister, Vice-presidentGovernment of Chhattisgarh,Science & Technology,Higher Edu., Technical Edu.,School Edu., Manpower Planning Departments.

3. State M inister, MemberGovernment of Chhattisgarh,Science & Technology,Higher Edu., Technical Edu.,School Edu., Manpower Planning Departments.

4. M inister, MemberGovernment o f Chhattisgarh,Finance, Planning Departments.

5. M inister, MemberGovernment of Chhattisgarh,Agriculture Department

6 . Chief Secretary, MemberGovernment o f Chhattisgarh

7. P rinc ipa l Secretary / Secretary, MemberGovernment of Chhattisgarh,Science & Technology,Higher Edu., Technical Edu.,School Edu., Manpower Planning Departments.

8. Principal Secretary / secretary, MemberGovermiivnl; of Chhattisgarh,Finance & Planning Departments

9. Principal Secretary / Secretary, MemberGovernment o f Chhattisgarh,Commerce & Indus tries Dep-a r tin-'**n t

10. Principal secretary / Secretary, Government of Chhattisgarh

be . r n t .Rural b'S.to



Page 10: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

• • Q • •• • • 0

11’. Principal Secretary / Secreury Government o f Chhattisgarh, Forest/ Environment Departments

1i . Chairman/Chhattisgarh E lectric ity Board

13. One Vice-chancellor of theUniversities of Chhattisgarh State/ otherthan Vice-chancellor,Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishvavidyalay-, Raipur, to be nominated .by the President

14. Vice-chancellor, MemberIndira Gandhi Krishi Vishvavidyalay*,Raipur

15. One Principal of Engineering College^- Member of Chhattisgarh State, to be nominatedby the President.

16* One. Eminent Scientist- to be nominated<< Member by the President.

M e m b e r


Membe r

One Eminent Social Sc ientist/ MemberEconomist1 to be nominated!by* the.’President.

18. Engineer-in-<5hief, MemberWater Resources Department,Government of Chhattisgarh

19. Engineer-in -dh ie f, MemberPublic Health Engineering Depcttf iwfnr Government o f Chhattisgarh

2o. Engineer.'r.-^v-in-^hief MemberPublic Works Department,Government of Chhattisgarh


21. D ir e c t o r ,G eology and M: Government o f

n m g ,Chha ' , , DIRECTOR GENERAL



Page 11: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

M em beri./i rec to.c,i\y ricu J. t.u r.e Depa r tment, Government ol: C h h attisga rh

23 # Director# MemberIndustries Department Government of Chhattisgarh

24. D irector, MemberTechnical Education,Government of Chhattisgarh*

2$. One Progressive Agricu lturist. Memberto be nominated by the President

20. One Distinguished Industria list. Memneror Manufacturer to be nominated by the President

.27, President, MemberChhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum,Ra ipur

20. A representative of public sector Memberundertakings of the State Government to be nominated by theipresident*

29 Two representstiverof public sector Memner2 q undertaking*. o f the Govt, of India

engaged in R & D activ itie s to be n ;minated by the peebsident'

t j . A representative of the Department Memberof Science & Technology,Government of India

A representative of the IndiantHij.onci.! science Academy


A repre > 'fn m cil

sen tii tive of Seein

of the Indian 1 Sc ience Re sea re h



Page 12: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

s i l l * :

rep re sen Ui ti. vo of the Indian Council o f Agriculture^ ResearchNew Delh i.A representative of the Indian Council of Medical Research

New Delh i.

D irector General of Chhattisgarh Council o f Science & Technology.


M em ber


Member Secretary



Page 13: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

x »12 : :


1) The Government may vary the composition and strength of the

council at any time - as i t may deem f i t .

2 ) Any ad-interim vacancies in the council due to causes such

as resignation/ death, retirement e tc ., or to changein the

designation and/ or re sp on s ib ilit ie s of the official members

sha ll be f i l le d in according to the directions of the presi­



member o f the council otherthan o f f ic ia l members, shall be three

years from the date of their nominations or t i l l such time as

their membership is terminated by the state Government, but w il l

not continue fo r mor^han 6 months.

6 . AUTHORITIES OF THE COUNCIL - The council shall..,function through

the fo llow ing authorities x>•

V' ^ , 1 * General Body,

2. Executive Committee.

3. Special Committee.

7. 'CONSTITUTION OF GENERAL BODY - The General Body shall consist

o f a l l the members of the council.

8'. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - The Annual me’ t^jig of the General Body

:£ore the C.8. COUNCiL ’

s h a l l ord inarily be held before the'vpnd of .§e,^^>pber ofRAIPUR (C.G.)

e a c h

Page 14: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

: j 13 s

year, on such date, time and place as may be fixed by the £ x e c «

J.ve .Committee/Provided that, due to any reason i f the General Body is unable to meet, the president sha ll have powers to act on beha-i

of the General Body and take such actions as he may deem necesa

ary and there -a fter his decisions shall be reported to the aena

ra l body.

9. ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING - An ordinary meeting of the general

tody shall Le held as often as may be necessary.

1°. DATE, TIKE & PLACE OF GENERAL MJ ETIRG - The date, time & pl-so

of the ordinary meeting of the General Body shall be fixed Lv

the Executive Committee.

11.l-iUTICS 0F meeTING - Notice of the annual meeting of the Gene i

Body shall be given atleast 15 c lear days before the date of

such ^meeting, and that of an ordinary meeting a tleast 7 clear

days before the date of such meeting, specifying the general

nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting.

SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING - The president may, whenever he thi

f i t , and shall upon the requisition of not less than one this

o f the members of the General Body c a ll a special General Me<

ng a fte r giving seven days c lea r notice.


\\ry 1) The Quorum fo r a meetin

third of the total numbe

q of ; the. ,GeA?i;al Body shall let.G. council as~ I ' e v ie fty j; Ci ifcCh'tfGLO'lV

iber c S f r s « h ( ie dateo n e

Page 15: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

2 ) No business shall be transcted at any meeting unless

there is a quarum at the time when the business is tc-


3) I f within half an hour from the time appointed for the

meeting no quorum is found, the meeting, unless other­

wise stated in the notice ca llin g the meeting, shall be

ad journed by the presiding o ff ic e r to such date and plac

as he may announce ; provided that a) No quorum shall

be necessary at an adjurned meeting in accordance with

this sub-reyula tion and b) A meeting called on the requ­

is it io n of members under regulation 12 shall not be ad.J

urned but disolved.

14. CHAIRMAN CF THE MEETING - At every meeting of the General Body*

the presided i f present, or in his absence the vice-president

and i f their^no president or vice-president present, such mem­

ber as the members present may e le c t from amongst themselves

sha ll preside as chairman.

15. DECK SION BY MAJORITY OF VOtES - A ll questions- brought before

any meeting of the General Body sha ll be decided by a majority

of votes of the members present, and in the case of and equal Li

of votes, the person presiding over the meeting shall have 'a

second or casting vote.

DECISION BY CIRCULATION - Any proposal in respect of which the

decesion of the General Body is urgently required may be circu­

lated to the members and i t approved by a majority0 3,hall be deejae

to have been passed by a resoulation at a meeting placed before tiel •>:-ixi-. (,.•» tsa.cHAL h

.... - m m m r ......hRAIPUR (fcfcfnext meeting o f the General Body for fiTECHNOLOGY. .... ...... 'RAIPUR ' -

Page 16: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

MINUTES OF PROCEEDIMGS - Minutes of the proceedings at each mee­

ting of the General Eody sh a ll be drawn up by the Joint Director

of the council nominated by the Director General as secretary*of

Utf? Executive1 Committee and signed by the Director General and

the person pie siding over the meeting# and shall be circulated

1 i he members o f the General Body. The minutes shall be confix**

■notl in the next meeting.


tU.'O sha ll consist of the fo llow ing namely i

(U n is ter* Chair ma nGovernment o f Chhattisgarh, science <Tx Technology,Higher Edu., Technical Edu.,School Edu., Manpower Planning Departments.

State M inister, MemberGovernment o f Chhattisgarh,Science &. ^technology,Higher Edu., Technical Edu.,School Edu., Manpower Planning Departments.

A V ice-chancellor, MemberMember of the Council nominated by the President.

A member o f the Council representing MemberIndustries nominated by the President.

A member o f the Council Member/ representing agricu lture nominated

by the President.

t>» Principal secretary / secretary Government of Chhattisgarh,

rieneo & Technology,Higher Edu., Technical Edu.,School Edu., Manpower Planning f)< •[ >.i rtments .

i . Principal Secretary / Secretary ■ '.ov -rnnunt o f Chhattisgarh,Fin >nc<? Planning Departments^



Page 17: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

A R e p re s e n ta t iv e o f the MemberDepartm ents o f sc ien ce & 'it c h . ,Government of India, of tho Council.

1)1 r e c t o r ,Commerce & Industries Departments MemberGovernment of Chhattisgarh.

Director/ MemberTechnical Education-,Government o f Chhattisgarh.

Director General, MemberChhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology.

Executive Director, ConvenorChhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology.



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I t l 8 i :

( i i i ) I f within fifteen minutes from the time appointed fox

the meeting no quorum is formed the meeting shall stand adjour

ned. The convenor shall give at le a s t two days notice of such

adjourned mee ting to the members.

A. NOTICE OF MEETING - Notice of every meeting of the Executive

Committee setting out therein the general particulars of the

business to be transacted at.such meeting shall be delivered

or sent by post to each member of the Executive Committee.

*>. CONFIRMATION OP THE MINUTES - The Director General shall have

powers to appoint one of the Joint Directors of the council <";s

secretary to the Executive Committee. The secretary shalli

i ecord the proceedings. p£ the meeting in a minute Book Kept Tor

■ i><' purpose. The minutes recorded by the secretary shall he

oori1:1 rmod ^before it s circu lation to the members* by the chairman.


shall function as the Executive Body of the council for the

management of it s day-to-day a f f a i r s . The Executive Committee

rvh-j.il/ in te r -a lia discharge the following functions :

< J) To manage the a ffa ir s o f the council and, fo r this pur­

pose, to formulate and implement administrative, finan­

c ia l and personnel p o lic ie s designed to promote scienti­

f ic and technological ac t iv it ie s* I t shall have a l l pow­

ers which may be necessary or expedient, for the purpose.


RAIPUR (C.G.) I , i y ' 1

Page 19: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

t l 9 s :

To prepare the budget and plans for the ac t iv it ie s and

the programmes of the council.



c re a te/appoint and control such s ta ff as may be rcquir-

l:or the e ff ic ie n t management of the., a ffa irs of the coun­

c i l and regulate their recruitment and conditions of ser­


To formulate, approve and follow up Science and Technology

schemes and programmes.

To promote basic sc ien tific research and to give support

to a l l a c t iv it ie s related to technological development,*

through proto-type p ilo t plant / f ie ld t r ia ls , up to the

setting up the operation of demonstration un its.

To provide Science and Technology inputs to Government,

qua si-Government, Science Technology voluntary f ie ld grou­

ps, and other agencies fo r this extensive application of

demonstrated technology.

To constitute Task forces fo r specific problems research

projects, studies and sim ilar other activ ities, as may be


To sanction grants approved purposes.

To in stitu te prizes and awards for outstanding research

and development work. r,G Or "G*

Page 20: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

J : 2 0 j t

< to) To organize seminars and conferences.

( 11) To spread sc ien tific knowledge by means of journals/ pam­

phlets, film s, etc.

!> *-QN3ri‘THTIQM OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES - (1) Special committees may

be constituted by the General Body. They shall consist

of not less than fiv e , and not more than ten, members as

may be determined by the General Body.

i/) A special committee may discharge such functions of the

council re lating to planning and development, finance,

personnel administration, resource mobilization and simi-*

la r other matters which may be assigned to i t by the Gene­

ra l Body.

U ) The quorum fo r a meeting of the special committee shall

be three.

The special committee may co-opt members, or invite spe­

X c ia l in v itees ' to a s s is t in the discnarge o f - i t s functions

but co-opted members and special invitees shall not form

part of the quorum.

Vc>) The chairman and,the convenor of the special, committee

shall be appointed by the General Body. In the absence

of the chairman of the special committee in the meeting

i t sha ll e lect it s .own chairman to pre^d&ipw&mthe mee-CG co«

ting. C-G'Cm P.AMR1C.G.)

Page 21: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated


(1) Task forces and Research Groups constituted by the Exe­

cutive committee for spec ific jobs like a particu lar res'

arch study or investigation or preparation of a project

or plan or scrutiny of research projects received by the

council, may consist of members o f the General Body and

or experts who are not members of the General Body.

(2 ) The chairman of the Task force shall be appointed by the

Executive committee. The Director General shall appoint

the convenor of the Task force . In the absance of the

chairman in any meeting the remaining members of the Task

force sha ll e lect a member from amongst themselves to

presideover the meeting.

(3 ) The convenor shall record the minutes of meetings of the

Task force and shall submit reports on behalf of the Task

force to the Executive committee.


( l ) The president and the vice-president of the GeneralrBody sh a ll be entitled to participate in the d e li­

berations of the Executive Committee or any Special

Committee or any Task Force.

(2 ) A copy o f the minutes o f each meeting o f the Execut.ir

Control Ltec:/special Commi ttse/afcj.stes tfoasete. s h a ll be sentt.G CCvKsi ‘ ■ SCEKC5 STSCK5&10GY

ty th e convenor to a ll. memN?r$:;.cdrt©erned.

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(3) Every special committee or a Task Force shall

forward to the Secretary quarterly reports of its

working and ac tiv it ie s and the secretary 3 h a ll place

such reports before the Executive Committee fo r its

consideration and such directions as the Executive

Committee may choose to give,

(4) The Executive committee sh a ll place report on the

working of special committees and Task Forces before

the annual meeting o f the General Body.


( 1)

(3 )

The D irector Gene ra l of the council shall be appoi­

nted by the State Government in consultation wL th

the president of the council, and sha ll hold o ffice

for such period and on such terms and conditions

as the State Government may determine from time to


In the absence of the Director General on leave or

otherwise the president sha ll have the power to make

alternative arrangement.

The Director General shall be the Chief Executive

O fficer of the council and 3hall be responsible for

the proper administration of the a ffa irs of the

council. He shall be assisted by other o fficers

U )

o f hhv cou n c il fo r ca rry in g out the o b je c t iv e s .

DIRECTOR GENERAL/ft X ,The d ir e c to r G e : » s u c h power

RAIPUR (C.G.) 10 3 r 'r f> 1 0 (7 cl L^c3 l*n M m f ^ . v , - ~ r r : j •

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: *2 3 t

(5) I f , in the opinion o f the Director General,

emergency has arisen which requires immoUl,

action to be taken he sha ll take such action <'t>

he may deem necessary and thereafter at the

opportunity to report the matter to the IixucwV iv

Committee or the General Body as the case mny


( 1) 'Dir- council w il l have its own consolidated £un<!.

Monies received from Goverrunent or other sources-

w;i.ll be credited to the said. fund.

(2) AJ I monies belonging to the said fund sh a ll be

deposited in any scheduled bank or banks as rnay .

approved by the Executive Committee.

(3.) A ll financia l transactions shall be carried out

in the name of tie council by any o ffic e r or

o ffic e rs of the council authorised by tie General


A ll payments, out of the consolidated fund shall be

made through cheques by sue h o ffice r or o fficers

as may be authorised by the General Body, provided

that payment of amounts below Rs, 1,000 may be made

in cash.

(5) Any money to the c red it of the council in th=?

consolidated fund and not immediately required by

i t fo r the business of the council rnay be invested

by the General Body in autb©SC£^^^®to(iiQL^ies in

Nationalised or Co-or M ^ t * * P * ^

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The D irector General shall prepare and submit to the

Executive Committee for approval in the month of Sep

ember every year, the budget of the council.

The financia l budget and other financial statement p<

ed by the Executive committee shall be placed before

annual meeting of the General Body whenever i t meets.

I f at any time during the course of the year i t i 3 cc

side red necessary to make any modifications in the bu

get, it shall be Of>en to the General Body to make sue

chai.no s at an ordinary meeting or a special meeting c

v©nsvi for the purpose.

No expenditure shall be incurred for which provision

has not been made in the 'nudget provided that the Rxe*

entire committee may authorise the Director General tc

incure expenditure on any item not provided in the ) uc

get in accordance with the rules approved in this rega

rd by the Executive committee.

The Director General shall be responsible fo r proper

maintenance of accounts of the council.

The accounts of the council shall, be maintained in accc

rdance with such general instructions as may be issued

from time to time by the General Body or the Executive



Page 25: M T w n m - Chhattisgarh · Chhattisgarh Science & Technology Technology Forum, Ra ipur 20. A representative of public sector Member undertakings of the State Government to be nominated

( 1 2 ) The annual accoun ta sha ll Le .audited by a Chartered

Accountant appointed by the state Government / GeneioJ.


(13) The D irector General shall produce a l l accounts, regis­

te rs , documents and .subsidiary papers which may be calLet

fo r by auditors appointed by the State Government / Gene­

ra l Body.

(14) The Executive Committee shall then place the audit reporl

before the General Body with it s remarks.

' 32. CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP - A non o f f ic ia l merabej o f the General

Body, Executive Committee,. Task Force sha ll cease to be member

there of i f -

he reasigns or becomes physically un fit.

he does not attend three consecutive meetings of the

General Body, Executive Committee or Task Forces as the

case may be without p rio r intimation in writing to the


33. RESIGNATION WIIE11 TO TAKE EFFECT - Resignation of the non -o ffi­

c ia l members o f the General Body, Executive Committee or Task

Force sha ll lie tendered to the president or chairman as the

cvine r.p v ) : « , w;d n iva l J n o t take l >. ct unless i t has been -uucc-



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; 1 2 6 : j


e ra l Body may function notwithstanding that any person who is

en titled to be a member by reasons of his o ffice is not a mem­

ber of General Body fo r the time being and notwithstanding

any other vancancy in i t s body whether by non—appointment or

otherw ise.


(1 ) Whenever by a requisition of not less than one third

of the members of the General Body or by a resolution

of UK; General Body i t is found expedient or advisable

to a lte r , extend or abringe the regulations or to arnal-»

gar«atfe the council either wholly or p a rt ia lly with any

other sccity or body shall be considered in a special Ageneral meeting with a p r io r notice of 15 clear days

t.o the members of the General Body and such propositior

v shall not be carried into e ffe c t unless i t has been co­

nsidered and passed by a resolution voted by atleust

two third of the total strength of members of the Gen-

e ra l Body.

(2) No less than three f i f t h (3/5th) of the members of the

General Body may determine that i t shall be dissolved

forth with or at the time agreed upon, and a l l nece­

ssary steps shall be tak«en for the disposal and sett-

lemon t o f the p ro p e rty o f the cou ncil by the General

Body in such manner as i t may determine, subject to .

r a t i f i c a t io n by Govt, of Chhattisgarh.

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*jo . xne executive Committee with the approval of the General Body

may make bye-laws on matters in regard to the conduct of busi­

ness o f the council and it s special committee# the Executive

Committee# and the Task Force const!touted by i t .

37. INFORMATION TO BE SENT TO THE REGISTRAR A l i s t o f the member

o f the Executive Committee shall be filed ; with the Registrar#

Firms ands o c it ie s within ^5 days o f the Annual General Meeting

held under regulation 8 .

38. PROPERTY - A ll the movable and immovable properties of the

council sha ll be in the name of the council. Immovable pro­

p ert ies of the council sha ll not be acquirea .or. disposed o ff

by sale# g i f t or in any other manner without the- written p e r m i­

ssion of the Registrar# Firms & Societies.

DISPUTES - The president, shall# with the permission o f the

General Body se tt le a l l disputes whicn arise in the council.

However# i t the parties: are not sa tis fied with the decision of

the president the matter may be referred to the Registrar# Firms

and Societies whose decision shall be fin a l.

4 0 . MEETING TO I3T,: CALLED BY THE REGISTRAR - Whenever an annual

meeting is net called according to the regulations of the coun­

c i l or i f i t i s deemed necessary# the Registrar# Firms and Soci­

e ties sha ll have the r ig h t to convene a meeting. He sh a ll a lso

decide tho Or,ejid>.», 4 '/ DiRECTCR fceNEfcM. .