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    ROUTING City Council Public Hearing | Delegation S. MackieWRITTEN BY C. Jersak | October 29, 2012 Sustainable Development 2012SCP561

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    Bylaw 16271Text Amendment to the ZoningBylaw to implement ResidentialInfill Guidelines and allow

    Subdivision of 50 Foot Lots


    To implement Residential InfillGuidelines design recommendations forinfill housing in low density zones, aswell as to allow subdivision of 50 footlots for Single Detached Housing in the(RF2) Low Density Infill, (RF3) LowDensity Development, and (RF4) Semi-

    detached Residential Zones, and forSemi-detached Housing in certainlocations in the (RF1) Single DetachedResidential Zone.


    Bylaw 16271 is ready for three readingsafter the public hearing has been held.

    If Council wishes to give three readingsduring a single meeting, then prior to

    moving third reading, Council mustunanimously agree That Bylaw 16271be considered for third reading.

    Advertising and Signing

    This Bylaw has been advertised in theEdmonton Journal on Friday, October12, 2012, and Saturday, October 20,2012. The Bylaw can be signed andthereby passed following third reading.

    Position of AdministrationAdministration supports this Bylaw.

    Previous Council/Committee Action

    At the June 11, 2011, ExecutiveCommittee meeting, the followingmotion was passed:

    That Administration return to a futureCity Council Public Hearing withproposed amendments to the ZoningBylaw 12800 and the ResidentialInfill Guidelines, to allow for the

    subdivision of 50 foot lots.Report

    Bylaw 16271 amends the (RF1) SingleDetached Residential Zone, (RF2) LowDensity Infill Zone, (RF3) Low DensityDevelopment Zone, (RF4) Semi-detached Residential Zone, the (RF5)Row Housing Zone, and the MatureNeighbourhood Overlay.

    Bylaw 16271 increases opportunities forinfill development, ensures that impactsof infill development are adequatelymitigated, and encourages well-designed, compact newneighbourhoods.

    Bylaw 16271 will not allow additionalDwellings to be constructed on a smalllot once subdivision has occurred:

    The Zoning Bylaw does not allow

    Secondary Suites, Garage Suites orGarden Suites to be built on smallSingle Detached Housing lots.

    The Zoning Bylaw does not allowSecondary Suites to be built inconjunction with attached housingforms, including Semi-detachedHousing and Duplex Housing.

    Bylaw 16271 is summarized as follows:

    Residential Use Class Definitions

    Row Housing and Stacked RowHousing definitions amended so thatthey include three or more Dwellings,rather than two or more Dwellings.This change differentiates RowHousing and Stacked Row Housing


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    Bylaw 16271 Text Amendment to the Zoning Bylaw to implement Residential InfillGuidelines and allow Subdivision of 50 Foot Lots

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    from Semi-detached Housing andDuplex Housing, which, by definition,each contain two Dwellings.

    Changes to (RF1) Single Detached

    Residential Zone

    Location criteria for Semi-detachedHousing and Duplex Housing movedto the Development Regulationssection of the RF1 Zone.

    Development regulations for Semi-detached Housing added to the RF1Zone: minimum lot width proposed tobe 14.8 metres for the building(7.4 metres per Dwelling).

    Maximum total site coverage forSemi-detached Housing on sitessmaller than 600 m2 proposed to be42%, rather than 40%. This will allowadequate coverage for a double-cargarage. The maximum site coveragefor the Dwelling remains at 28%.

    Aesthetic criteria from theResidential Infill Guidelines added tothe RF1 Zone.

    Changes to the (RF2) Low Density InfillZone

    Location criteria for Duplex Housingmoved to the DevelopmentRegulations section of the RF2Zone.

    Location criteria will now apply toSemi-detached Housing in the RF2Zone, following therecommendations of the Residential

    Infill Guidelines. Minimum lot width for Single-

    detached Housing and DuplexHousing decreased from12 metres to 7.6 metres.

    Minimum lot width for Semi-detached Housing decreased from

    15 metres for the building to13.4 metres for the building(7.5 metres per Dwelling to 6.7metres per Dwelling).

    Maximum total site coverage for

    Single Detached Housing and Semi-detached Housing on small sitesproposed to be 42%, rather than40%. This will allow adequatecoverage for a double-car garage.The maximum site coverage for theDwelling remains at 28%.

    Aesthetic criteria from theResidential Infill Guidelines added tothe RF2 Zone.

    Changes to the (RF3) Low DensityDevelopment Zone

    Name of the Zone changed to (RF3)Small Scale Infill Zone

    Apartment Housing, Row Housingand Stacked Row Housing movedfrom Discretionary to PermittedUses. Location criteria will apply,following the recommendations ofthe Residential Infill Guidelines.

    Minimum lot width for Single-detached Housing and DuplexHousing decreased from12 metres to 7.6 metres.

    Minimum lot width for Semi-detached Housing decreased from15 metres for the building to13.4 metres (7.5 metres per Dwellingto 6.7 metres per Dwelling).

    Maximum total site coverage forSingle Detached Housing and Semi-

    detached Housing on small sitesproposed to be 42%, rather than40%. This will allow adequatecoverage for a double-car garage.The maximum site coverage for theDwelling remains at 28%.

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    Bylaw 16271 Text Amendment to the Zoning Bylaw to implement Residential InfillGuidelines and allow Subdivision of 50 Foot Lots

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    Maximum total site coverage forRow Housing increased to 45%, toalign with the RF5 (Row Housing)Zone.

    Aesthetic criteria from the

    Residential Infill Guidelines added tothe RF3 Zone.

    Changes to the (RF4) Semi-detachedResidential Zone

    Duplex Housing moved fromDiscretionary to Permitted Uses.

    Minimum lot width for Single-detached Housing and DuplexHousing decreased from

    12 metres to 7.6 metres, where aLane exists. Minimum lot width willremain at 12 metres where no Laneexists.

    Maximum total site coverage forSingle Detached Housing andDuplex Housing on small sitesproposed to be 42%, rather than40%. This will allow adequatecoverage for a double-car garage.The maximum site coverage for the

    Dwelling remains at 28%. Attached garage regulations have

    been removed because they are notin step with current developmentpractice or with regulations in otherzones.

    Aesthetic criteria from theResidential Infill Guidelines added tothe RF4 Zone.

    Changes to the (RF5) Row Housing


    Aesthetic criteria from theResidential Infill Guidelines added tothe RF5 Zone.

    Mature Neighbourhood Overlay (MNO)

    Front setback regulation amended toadd greater flexibility. Newdevelopment must be within2 metres of development on

    adjacent lots, rather than 1 metres. Aesthetic regulations have been

    removed and added into eachindividual zone so as to apply tonewly developing areas as well asmature neighbourhoods.

    Regulation added to prevent rearattached garages in the MNO.

    Flexibility added to the regulationsfor front access, Garage protrusion,and Rear Setbacks.

    Design criteria added for housingforms with attached Garages.

    Regulation added to restrict thefaade length of Row Housing,Stacked Row Housing, or ApartmentHousing to 48 metres.

    Side Setbacks will default to theunderlying zone on sites less than18.3 metres in width, so that infilldevelopment will not be impeded.

    Consultation requirement modified

    so as to require the consultation tooccur after the development permitapplication has been made, ratherthan before.

    Ancillary Changes

    Garage and Garden Suites:Minimum lot size changed so that itis not calculated using the lot size inthe underlying zone.

    Regulations that were formallyincluded within lists of Permitted andDiscretionary Uses have beenmoved to the regulations section ofeach zone.

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    Bylaw 16271 Text Amendment to the Zoning Bylaw to implement Residential InfillGuidelines and allow Subdivision of 50 Foot Lots

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    Bylaw 16271 implements Policy C551,The Residential Infill Guidelines, andsupports The Way We Growdirection to provide broad and varied

    housing choices and to make efficientuse of infrastructure.

    Corporate Outcomes

    This report relates to the strategic goalof improving Edmontons liveabilityas described in The Way Ahead Cityof Edmonton Strategic Plan, 2009-2018.

    Public Consultation

    March 24, 2011 - A webpage was

    posted on the city website describingthe proposed amendments.

    April 11, 2011 - One member of theUrban Development Institute and threemembers of the Edmonton Federation ofCommunity Leagues met with

    Administration to discuss options andimplications of decreasing the minimumlot widths and implementation of theResidential Infill Guidelines. Participants

    were generally in support of theproposed amendments.

    April 13, 2011 - Two members of theCanadian Home Builders Associationmet with Administration to discussoptions and implications of decreasingminimum lot widths and implementationof the Residential Infill Guidelines.Participants were generally in support ofthe proposed amendments.

    January 23, 2012 - Administration metwith six representatives of the CanadianHome Builders Association, threerepresentatives of the UrbanDevelopment Institute, tworepresentatives of the EdmontonFederation of Community Leagues, and

    three general stakeholders to discussdraft amendments.

    August 29, 2012 - The proposed textamendments were circulated to the

    Urban Development Institute, theEdmonton chapter of the CanadianHome Builders Association, theEdmonton Federation of CommunityLeagues, adjacent municipalities, civicdepartments and utility providers.

    Transportation Services indicated thatthey would prefer if the minimumsetback for Dwellings facing the flankingroadway on Corner Sites was increased

    to 5.5 metres, from the current 4.5metres. This change has not beenmade, as it would impede developmenton small lots and thus work at cross-purposes with the intent of Bylaw 16271.

    There were no other concerns raisedregarding the passage of the proposedtext amendment.

    September 12, 2012 - Administrationmet with two members of the CanadianHome Builders Association, onemember of the Urban DevelopmentInstitute, two representatives of theEdmonton Federation of CommunityLeagues and two stakeholders involvedwith infill development, to discussrevisions to the draft amendments.

    Suggested revisions have beenincorporated into Bylaw 16271.Stakeholders generally supported theproposed amendments.


    1. Bylaw 16271

    2. Mark-up Showing ProposedAmendments

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    Bylaw 16271

    A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 12800, as amended,

    The Edmonton Zoning BylawAmendment No.1565

    WHEREAS City Council at its meeting of February 22, 2001, gave third reading to Bylaw 12800,

    as amended; and

    WHEREAS Council considers it desirable to amend the text of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw;

    NOW THEREFORE after due compliance with the relevant provisions of the Municipal

    Government Act RSA 2000, ch. M-26, as amended, the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton duly

    assembled enacts as follows:

    1. Bylaw 12800, as amended, The Edmonton Zoning Bylaw is hereby further amended by:a) deleting subsection 7.2(2) Duplex Housing and replacing it with the following:

    2. Duplex Housing means development consisting of a building containing only two

    Dwellings, with one Dwelling placed over the other in whole or in part. Each

    Dwelling has separate and individual access, not necessarily directly to Grade. Thistype of development is designed and constructed as two Dwellings at the time of

    initial construction of the building. This Use Class does not include SecondarySuites or Semi-detached Housing.

    b) deleting subsection 7.2(6) Row Housing and replacing it with the following:6. Row Housing means development consisting of a building containing a row of

    three or more Dwellings joined in whole or in part at the side only with no

    Dwelling being placed over another in whole or in part. Individual Dwellings areseparated from one another by a Party Wall. Each Dwelling has separate,

    individual, and direct access to Grade. This Use Class does not include Stacked

    Row Housing.

    c) deleting subsection 7.2(8) Semi-detached Housing and replacing it with the following:8. Semi-detached Housing means development consisting of a building containing

    only two Dwellings joined in whole or in part at the side or rear with no Dwelling

    being placed over another in whole or in part. Each Dwelling has separate,

    individual, and direct access to Grade. This type of development is designed and

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    constructed as two Dwellings at the time of initial construction of the building. This

    Use Class does not include Secondary Suites or Duplexes.

    d) deleting subsection 7.2(10) Stacked Row Housing and replacing it with the following:10. Stacked Row Housing means development consisting of a building containing

    three or more Dwellings arranged two deep, either vertically so that Dwellings are

    placed over others, or horizontally so that Dwellings are attached at the rear as wellas at the side. Each Dwelling shall have separate and individual access, not

    necessarily directly to grade, provided that no more than two Dwellings may shareaccess to Grade. This Use Class does not include Duplex Housing, Row Housing,

    or Apartment Housing.

    e) deleting subsection 87(1) and replacing it with the following:1. The minimum Site area shall be as follows:

    a. Garage Suite (above Grade): the minimum Site area shall be 460 m2, except inthe RR Zone, where it shall be 1.0 ha, the GLD and GLG Zones, where it shall

    be 370 m2, and the TSLR Zone, where it shall be 412 m2.b. Garden Suite and Garage Suite (at Grade): the minimum Site area shall be 525

    m2 except in the RR Zone, where it shall be 1.0 ha.

    f) deleting the words floor area and replacing with the words Floor Area in subsection87(3)(c);

    g) deleting the word yards and replacing with the word Yards in subsection 87(8);h) deleting subsection 110.1 and replacing it with the following:

    110.1 General PurposeThe purpose of this Zone is to provide for Single Detached Housing while allowing otherforms of small scale housing in the form of Secondary Suites, Semi-detached Housing and

    Duplex Housing under certain conditions.

    i) deleting subsection 110.3(2) and replacing it with the following2. Garage Suites

    j) deleting subsection 110.3(3) and replacing it with the following3. Garden Suites

    k) deleting subsection 110.3(8);l) adding the following to subsection 110.3 in accordance with the alphabetical order of the


    Duplex Housing


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    m) adding the following to subsection 110.3 in accordance with the alphabetical order of thelist:

    Semi-detached Housing

    n) renumbering subsection 110.3 accordingly;o) deleting subsection 110.4 and replacing it with the following:

    110.4 Development Regulations for Permitted and Discretionary Uses1. Site regulations for Single Detached Housing and Duplex Housing:

    a. the minimum Site area shall be 360 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 12.0 m; andc. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    2. Site regulations for Semi-detached Housing:a. the minimum Site area shall be 488.4 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 14.8 m, except that if the Dwellings are

    arranged along the depth of the Site rather than the width, the minimum SiteWidth may be 12.0 m; and

    c. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.3. Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing shall only be located:

    a. on Corner Sites;b. on Sites abutting an arterial or service road;c. where both Side Lot Lines abut existing Duplex or Semi-detached Housing; ord. where a minimum of one Side Lot Line:

    i. abuts a Site where Row Housing, Apartment Housing, or a

    commercial Use is a Permitted Use, orii. is not separated from a Site where Row Housing, Apartment

    Housing or a commercial Use is a Permitted Use by a publicroadway, including a Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    4. Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall comply with Section 87 of this Bylaw. Inaddition, Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall only be located:

    a. on Corner Sites;

    b. on Sites abutting a service road;c. on Sites backing onto a Lane adjacent to an arterial road, where the arterial

    road is separated from the Lane by a landscaped boulevard; or

    d. on Sites where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts the CS1, CS2, CS3, or CS4Zone, or abuts a Site zoned to accommodate Row Housing, ApartmentHousing, or Public Parks as a Permitted Use, and is not separated from

    these Sites by a public roadway, including a Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    5. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0 m or 2 1/2 Storeys.


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    6. Maximum Site Coverage shall be as follows:Principal




    Principal building

    with attached Garage

    Total Site


    a. Single Detached

    and Duplex Housing 28% 12% 40% 40%b. Semi-detachedHousing Site area

    600 m2 or greater28% 12% 40% 40%

    c. Semi-detachedHousing Site area

    less than 600 m228% 14% 42% 42%

    d. All other Uses 28% 12% 40% 40%

    7. The minimum Front Setback shall be 6.0 m.8. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except on a Corner Site, where a

    primary Dwelling with an attached Garage faces the flanking public roadway, it

    may be reduced to 4.5 m.

    9. Side Setbacks shall be established on the following basis:a. Side Setbacks shall total at least 20% of the Site Width, with a minimum Side

    Setback of 1.2 m on each side;b. where there is no Lane abutting the Site, one Side Setback shall be at least

    3.0 m for vehicular access, unless there is an attached Garage or a Garage that

    is an integral part of a Dwelling;


    on a Corner Site where the building faces the Front Lot Line or the Side LotLine, the minimum Side Setback abutting the flanking Side Lot Line shall be

    20% of the Site Width, to a maximum of 4.5 m;

    d. on a Corner Site where the building faces the flanking Side Lot Line and theDwelling does not have an attached Garage also facing the flanking Side Lot

    Line, the minimum Side Setback may be reduced to 3.0 m, in order to increase

    the Private Outdoor Amenity Area in the interior Side Yard; ande. Side Setbacks for Semi-detached Housing on Corner Lots with a Site area less

    than 600 m2

    shall be a minimum of 1.2 m for the interior Side Setback, and aminimum of 2.5 m for the flanking Side Setback. However, if a Dwelling has

    an attached Garage that faces the flanking Side Lot Line, the flanking Side

    Setback shall be a minimum of 4.5 m.

    10. Separation Space shall be provided between two or more Dwellings or portionsthereof on the same Site in accordance with Section 48 of this Bylaw, except that itshall not be required between a Garage Suite or a Garden Suite and the associated

    principal Dwelling on the same Site.

    11. Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be provided on Site in accordance withSection 47 of this Bylaw.


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    12. Each Dwelling within Semi-detached Housing shall be individually definedthrough a combination of architectural features that may include variations in the

    rooflines, projection or recession of the faade, porches or entrance features,

    building materials, or other treatments.

    13. On Corner Sites the faades of a principal building abutting the Front Lot Line andthe flanking Side Lot Line shall use consistent building materials and architectural

    features, and shall include features such as windows, doors, or porches.

    14. Each Dwelling that has direct access to Grade shall have an entrance door orentrance feature facing a public roadway, other than a Lane. On Corner Sites, the

    entrance door or entrance feature may face either the Front Lot Line or the flanking

    Side Lot Line.

    15. A maximum of one building containing Single Detached Housing, Semi-detachedHousing, or Duplex Housing per Site shall be allowed.

    16. Secondary Suites shall comply with Section 86 of this Bylaw.17. Signs shall comply with the regulations of Schedule 59A of this Bylaw.

    p) deleting subsection 110.5 in its entirety;q) deleting subsection 120.1 and replacing with the following:

    120.1 General Purpose

    The purpose of this Zone is to retain Single Detached Housing, while allowing infill onnarrow lots, including Secondary Suites under certain conditions.

    r) adding the following to subsection 120.2 in accordance with the alphabetical order of thelist:

    Semi-detached Housing

    s) adding the following to subsection 120.2 in accordance with the alphabetical order of thelist:

    Duplex Housing

    t) renumbering subsection 120.2 accordingly;u) deleting subsection 120.3(2);v) deleting subsection 120.3(3) and replacing it with the following

    3. Garage Suites


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    w) deleting subsection 120.3(4) and replacing it with the following4. Garden Suites

    x) deleting subsection 120.3(9);y) renumbering subsection 120.3 accordingly;z) deleting subsection 120.4 and replacing with the following:

    120.4 Development Regulations for Permitted and Discretionary Uses

    1. Site regulations for Single Detached Housing and Duplex Housing:a. the minimum Site area shall be 250.8 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 7.6 m; andc. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    2. Site Regulations for Semi-detached Housing:a. the minimum Site area shall be 442.2 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 13.4 m, except that if the Dwellings are

    arranged along the depth of the Site rather than the width, the minimum Site

    Width may be reduced to 10.0 m; andc. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    3. Semi-detached Housing shall only be located:a. on Corner Sites;b. on Sites abutting an arterial or service road;c. where both Side Lot Lines abut existing Duplex or Semi-detached Housing; ord. where a minimum of one Side Lot Line:i. abuts a Site where Row Housing, Apartment Housing, or a

    commercial Use is a Permitted Use; orii. is not separated from a Site where Row Housing, Apartment

    Housing or a commercial Use is a Permitted Use by a public

    roadway, including a Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    4. Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall comply with Section 87 of this Bylaw. Inaddition, Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall only be located:a. on Corner Sites;

    b. on Sites abutting a service road;

    c. on Sites backing onto a Lane adjacent to an arterial road, where the arterial roadis separated from the Lane by a landscaped boulevard; or

    d. on Sites where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts the CS1, CS2, CS3, or CS4 Zone,

    or abuts a Site zoned to accommodate Row Housing, Apartment Housing, or

    Public Parks as a Permitted Use, and is not separated from these Sites by apublic roadway, including a Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    5. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0 m nor 2 1/2 Storeys.


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    6. Maximum Site Coverage shall be as follows:Principal




    Principal building

    with attached Garage

    Total Site


    a. Single Detached

    and Duplex Housing Site area 300 m2 or


    28% 12% 40% 40%

    b. Single Detached

    and Duplex Housing Site area less than

    300 m2

    28% 14% 42% 42%

    c. Semi-detachedHousing Site area

    600 m2 or greater

    28% 12% 40% 40%

    d. Semi-detached

    Housing Site arealess than 600 m

    228% 14% 42% 42%

    e. All other Uses 28% 12% 40% 40%

    7. The minimum Front Setback shall be 6.0 m.8. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except on a Corner Site, where a

    primary Dwelling with an attached Garage faces the flanking public roadway, itmay be reduced to 4.5 m.

    9. Side Setbacks shall be established on the following basis:a. Side Setbacks shall total at least 20% of the Site Width, with a minimum SideSetback of 1.2 m on each side;

    b. on a Corner Site where the building faces the Front Lot Line or the Side LotLine, the minimum Side Setback abutting the flanking Side Lot Line shall be

    20% of the Site Width, to a maximum of 4.5 m;

    c. on a Corner Site where the building faces the flanking Side Lot Line and theDwelling does not have an attached Garage also facing the flanking Side Lot

    Line, the minimum Side Setback may be reduced to 3.0 m, in order to increase

    the Private Outdoor Amenity Area in the interior Side Yard; and

    d. Side Setbacks for Semi-detached Housing on Corner Lots with a Site area lessthan 600 m


    and for Single Detached and Duplex Housing with a Site area lessthan 300 m2 shall be a minimum of 1.2 m for the interior Side Setback, and a

    minimum of 2.5 m for the flanking Side Setback. However, if a Dwelling hasan attached Garage that faces the flanking Side Lot Line, the flanking Side

    Setback shall be a minimum of 4.5 m.

    10. Separation Space shall be provided between two or more Dwellings or portionsthereof on the same Site in accordance with Section 48 of this Bylaw, except that it

    shall not be required between a Garage Suite or a Garden Suite and the associated

    principal Dwelling on the same Site.


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    11. Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be provided on Site in accordance withSection 47 of this Bylaw.

    12. Each Dwelling within Semi-detached Housing shall be individually definedthrough a combination of architectural features that may include variations in the

    rooflines, projection or recession of the faade, porches or entrance features,

    building materials, or other treatments.

    13. On Corner Sites the faades of a principal building abutting the Front Lot Line andflanking Side Lot Line shall use consistent building materials and architectural

    features, and shall include features such as windows, doors, or porches.

    14. Each Dwelling that has direct access to Grade shall have an entrance door orentrance feature facing a public roadway, other than a Lane. On Corner Sites, the

    entrance door or entrance feature may face either the Front Lot Line or the flanking

    Side Lot Line.

    15. A maximum of one building containing Single Detached Housing, Semi-detachedHousing, or Duplex Housing per Site shall be allowed.

    16. Secondary Suites shall comply with Section 86 of this Bylaw.17. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A of this Bylaw.

    2. Bylaw 12800, as amended, The Edmonton Zoning Bylaw is hereby further amended by:a) deleting subsection 120.5 in its entirety;b) deleting Section 140 in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

    140 (RF3) Small Scale Infill Development Zone

    140.1 General Purpose

    The purpose of this Zone is to provide for Single Detached Housing and Semi-detached

    Housing while allowing small-scale conversion and infill redevelopment to buildings

    containing up to four Dwellings, and including Secondary Suites under certain conditions.

    140.2 Permitted Uses

    1. Apartment Housing2. Duplex Housing3. Limited Group Homes4. Minor Home Based Business5. Row Housing6. Stacked Row Housing7. Secondary Suites8. Semi-detached Housing9. Single Detached Housing


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    10. Fascia On-premises Signs140.3 Discretionary Uses

    1. Boarding and Lodging Houses2. Child Care Services3. Fraternity and Sorority Housing4. Garage Suites5. Garden Suites6. Group Homes7. Major Home Based Business8. Religious Assembly9. Residential Sales Centre10. Freestanding On-premises Signs11. Temporary On-premises Signs

    140.4 Development Regulations for Permitted and Discretionary Uses

    1. Site regulations for Single Detached Housing and Duplex Housing:a. the minimum Site area shall be 250.8 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 7.6 m, andc. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    2. Site regulations for Semi-detached Housing:a. the minimum Site area shall be 442.2 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 13.4 m, except that if the Dwellings are

    arranged along the depth of the Site rather than the width, the minimum Site

    Width may be reduced to 10.0 m; andc. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    3. Site regulations for Row Housing:a. the minimum Site area shall be calculated as the sum of:

    i. 186 m2 for each end Dwelling, plusii. 150 m2 for each internal Dwelling;

    b. the minimum Site Width shall be calculated as the sum of:i. 6.2 m for each end Dwelling, plusii. 5.0 m for each internal Dwelling; and

    c. The minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.4. Site regulations for Apartment Housing and Stacked Row Housing:

    a. the minimum Site area shall be 750 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 17.0 m; andc. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    5. Row Housing shall only be located:a. on Corner Sites;b. on Sites abutting an arterial or service road; orc. where a minimum of one Side Lot Line abuts a Site where Apartment

    Housing or a commercial Use is a Permitted Use.


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    6. Apartment Housing or Stacked Row Housing shall only be located:a. on Corner Sites;b. on Sites abutting an arterial or service road;c. where both Side Lot Lines abut existing Apartment Housing or Stacked

    Row Housing; or

    d. where a minimum of one Side Lot Line:i. abuts a Site where Row Housing, Apartment Housing, or a commercial

    Use is a Permitted Use, orii. is not separated from a Site where Row Housing, Apartment Housing

    or a commercial Use is a Permitted Use by a public roadway, includinga Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    7. Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall comply with Section 87 of this Bylaw. Inaddition, Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall only be located:

    a. on Corner Sites;

    b. on Sites abutting a service road;

    c. on Sites backing onto a Lane adjacent to an arterial road, where the arterialroad is separated from the Lane by a landscaped boulevard; or

    d. on Sites where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts the CS1, CS2, CS3, or CS4Zone, or abuts a Site zoned to accommodate Row Housing, ApartmentHousing, or Public Parks as a Permitted Use, and is not separated from

    these Sites by a public roadway, including a Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    8. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0 m nor 2 1/2 Storeys.9. Maximum Site Coverage shall be as follows:

    Principal Dwelling




    Principal building

    with attached


    Total Site


    a. Single Detached

    and Duplex Housing

    Site area 300 m2


    28% 12% 40% 40%

    b. Single Detachedand Duplex Housing

    Site area less than

    300 m2

    28% 14% 42% 42%

    c. Semi-detached

    Housing Site area

    600 m2 or greater

    28% 12% 40% 40%

    d. Semi-detached

    Housing Site arealess than 600 m2

    28% 14% 42% 42%

    e. Row Housing 32% 17% 45% 45%

    f. All other Uses 28% 12% 40% 40%


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    10. The minimum Front Setback shall be 6.0 m.11. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except on a Corner Site, where a

    Dwelling with an attached Garage faces the flanking public roadway, it may bereduced to 4.5 m.

    12. Side Setbacks shall be established on the following basis:a. Side Setbacks shall total at least 20% of the Site Width to a maximum total

    of 6.0 m, with a minimum Side Setback of 1.2 m on each side;

    b. on a Corner Site where the building faces the Front Lot Line or the Side LotLine, the minimum Side Setback abutting the flanking Side Lot Line shall

    be 20% of the Site Width, to a maximum requirement of 4.5 m;

    c. on a Corner Site where the building faces the flanking Side Lot Line and theDwelling does not have an attached Garage also facing the flanking Side

    Lot Line, the minimum Side Setback may be reduced to 3.0 m, in order to

    increase the Private Outdoor Amenity Area in the interior Side Yard; and

    d. Side Setbacks for Semi-detached Housing on Corner Lots with a Site Arealess than 600 m2 and for Single Detached and Duplex Housing with a Site

    Area less than 300 m2 shall be a minimum of 1.2 m for the interior SideSetback, and a minimum of 2.5 m for the flanking Side Setback. However,if a Dwelling has an attached Garage that faces the flanking Side Lot Line,

    the flanking Side Setback shall be a minimum of 4.5 m.

    13. Separation Space shall be provided between two or more Dwellings or portionsthereof on the same Site in accordance with Section 48 of this Bylaw, except

    that it shall not be required between a Garage Suite or a Garden Suite and theassociated principal Dwelling on the same Site.

    14. Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be provided on Site in accordance withSection 47 of this Bylaw.

    15. Notwithstanding the Landscaping regulations of Section 55 of this Bylaw,where new development consists of replacement or infill within areas of

    existing housing, Landscaping shall be implemented as a component of such

    new development in order to replace vegetation removed during construction orto reinforce an established Landscaping context in the area.

    16. The maximum number of Dwellings per Site shall be as follows:a. a maximum of one Single Detached Dwelling per Site, and, where the

    provisions of this Bylaw are met, up to one Secondary Suite, Garage Suite,

    or Garden Suite;b. where Semi-detached Housing or Duplex Housing are allowed in this Zone,

    a maximum of two Dwellings per Site shall be allowed; and

    c. where Apartment Housing, Stacked Row Housing, or Row Housing areallowed in this Zone, a maximum of four Dwellings per Site shall beallowed.

    17. Each Dwelling within Semi-detached Housing and Row Housing shall beindividually defined through a combination of architectural features that may


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    include variations in the rooflines, projection or recession of the faade, porches

    or entrance features, building materials, or other treatments.

    18. On Corner Sites the faades of a principal building abutting the Front Lot Lineand flanking Side Lot Line shall use consistent building materials and

    architectural features, and shall include features such as windows, doors, or


    19. Each Dwelling that has direct access to Grade shall have an entrance door orentrance feature facing a public roadway, other than a Lane. On Corner Sites,the entrance door or entrance feature may face either the Front Lot Line or the

    flanking Side Lot Line.

    20. Secondary Suites shall comply with Section 86 of this Bylaw.21. For Boarding and Lodging Houses, the following regulations shall apply:

    a. no more than four Sleeping Units may be developed, whether or not incombination with a Dwelling;

    b. the minimum Site area shall be 360 m2 in all cases and the Site area shall becomprised of the aggregate of 200 m

    2for each Sleeping Unit, or for each of

    the Dwelling and each Sleeping Unit when they are in combination; and

    c. the Development Officer shall exercise discretion with respect to thenumber of Sleeping Units developed, having regard to the character anddensity of existing Residential Uses.

    22. Fraternity and Sorority Housing shall only be located on a Site within theGarneau Area Redevelopment Plan area where lawfully existing at the effective

    date of Bylaw 6220.

    23. Signs shall comply with the regulations of Schedule 59A of this Bylaw.c) deleting subsection 150.1 and replacing it with the following:

    150.1 General PurposeThe purpose of this Zone is to provide a zone primarily for Semi-detached Housing and

    Duplex Housing.

    d) adding the following to subsection 150.2 in accordance with the alphabetical order of the list:Duplex Housing

    e) renumbering subsection 150.2 accordingly;f) deleting subsection 150.3(4);g) renumbering subsection 150.3 accordingly;


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    h) deleting subsection 150.4 and replacing it with the following:150.4 Development Regulations for Permitted and Discretionary Uses

    1. Site regulations for Single Detached Housing and Duplex Housing:a. the minimum Site area shall be 250.8 m2 ;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 7.6 m, where a Lane exists;c. the minimum Site Width shall be 12.0 m, where no Lane exists; andd. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    2. Site Regulations for Semi-detached Housing:

    a. the minimum Site area shall be 442.2 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 13.4 m, where a Lane exists;c. the minimum Site Width shall be 15 m, where no Lane exists; andd. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    3. Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall comply with Section 87 of this Bylaw. Inaddition, Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall only be located:a. on Corner Sites;b. on Sites abutting a service road;

    c. on Sites backing onto a Lane adjacent to an arterial road, where the arterial

    road is separated from the Lane by a landscaped boulevard; ord. on Sites where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts the CS1, CS2, CS3, or CS4

    Zone, or abuts a Site zoned to accommodate Row Housing, Apartment

    Housing, or Public Parks as a Permitted Use, and is not separated fromthese Sites by a public roadway, including a Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    4. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0 m nor 2 1/2 Storeys.5. Maximum Site Coverage shall be as follows:






    building withattached Garage

    Total Site


    a. Single Detached and

    Duplex Housing Site

    area 300 m2or greater

    28% 12% 40% 40%

    b. Single Detached andDuplex Housing Site

    area less than 300 m2

    28% 14% 42% 42%

    c. Semi-detachedHousing Site area 600

    m2 or greater

    28% 12% 40% 40%

    d. Semi-detached

    Housing Site area lessthan 600 m2

    32% 17% 45% 45%

    e. All other Uses 28% 12% 40% 40%

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    6. The minimum Front Setback shall be established on the following basis:a. 5.5 m for Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing or Duplex

    Housing with front or flanking access to required off-street parking space oran attached Garage or a Garage that is an integral part of the Dwelling; and

    b. 4.5 m for Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing or DuplexHousing with rear access to required off-street parking space or a Garage,

    except that:i. the Front Setback may be less than 4.5 m, to a minimum of 3.0 m

    when a landscaped boulevard strip between the curb and the walkwayof the road cross section at the front of the Site is provided as per the

    City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards.

    7. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except on a Corner Site, where aDwelling with an attached Garage faces the flanking public roadway, it may be

    reduced to 4.5 m.

    8. Side Setbacks shall be established on the following basis:a. Side Setbacks shall be a minimum of 1.2 m on each side;b. where there is no Lane abutting the Site, one Side Setback shall be at least

    3.0 m for vehicular access, unless there is an attached Garage or a Garage

    that is an integral part of the Dwelling;

    c. on a Corner Site where the building faces the Front Lot Line or the Side LotLine, the minimum Side Setback abutting the flanking Side Lot Line shall

    be 20% of the Site Width, to a maximum of 4.5 m; except that

    d. on a Corner Site where the building faces the flanking Side Lot Line and theDwelling does not have an attached Garage also facing the flanking Side

    Lot Line, the minimum flanking Side Setback may be reduced to 3.0 m, inorder to increase the Private Outdoor Amenity Area in the interior Side


    9. On-Site parking shall be located in accordance with Section 50 of this Bylaw.On-Site parking shall be provided by means of one of the following options:

    a. on-Site parking may be provided within a Garage. A mutual Garage may beconstructed on the common property line to the satisfaction of theDevelopment Officer;

    b. on-Site parking may be provided by means of a Garage pad. A Garage padshall not be constructed over a common property line; or

    c. on-Site parking may be provided by means of a Parking Area, thedimensions of which shall conform to the off-street parking space

    requirements of subsection 54.2(4) of this Bylaw. The Parking Area shallinclude an underground electrical power connection with outlet on a postapproximately 1.0 m in Height, located within 1.0 m of the Parking Area.

    A hard surface walkway is required between the Garage, Garage pad, or ParkingArea and an entry to the Dwelling.

    10. General Site Landscaping shall be developed in accordance with the following:a. one deciduous tree or one coniferous tree, and two shrubs shall be required

    in the Front Yard for each Dwelling, except where the Front Setback is 4.5


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    m or less, and a landscaped boulevard is provided in accordance with

    subsection 150.4(6)(b)(i) of this Bylaw, the tree may be placed within the

    Rear or Side Yard, rather than the Front Yard;

    b. all applications for a Development Permit shall include a Site plan thatidentifies the location, species and size of Landscaping required in

    subsection 150.4(10)(a) of this Bylaw; and

    c. all required Landscaping shall be consistent with the relevant requirementsof subsection 55.4 of this Bylaw.

    11. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with Section 48 of this Bylaw,except that it shall not be required:

    a. between a Garage Suite or a Garden Suite and the associated principalDwelling on the same Site; or

    b. where side walls of abutting buildings face each other and habitablewindows are not located directly opposite each other, such that privacy is

    not impacted and:

    i. in the case of Dwellings on separate Sites, each development complieswith the minimum Side Setback requirements for each Dwelling; and

    ii. in the case of Dwellings on the same Site, the separation distancebetween Dwellings is at least equal to the total of the minimum SideSetback requirements for both Dwellings.

    12. Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be provided on Site in accordance withSection 47 of this Bylaw.

    13. The maximum number of Dwellings per Site shall be as follows:a. where Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing are allowed in this

    Zone, a maximum of two Dwellings per Site shall be allowed; andb. where Single Detached Housing is developed in this Zone, a maximum of

    one Dwelling per Site, and, where the provisions of this Bylaw are met, upto one Secondary Suite, Garage Suite or Garden Suite shall be allowed.

    14. Notwithstanding subsection 150.4(13) of this Bylaw, for Multi-unit ProjectDevelopment on Sites 750 m2 or greater, the maximum number of Dwellings

    shall be 34 Dwellings/hectare.

    15. Each Dwelling within Semi-detached Housing shall be individually definedthrough a combination of architectural features that may include variations in therooflines, projection or recession of the faade, porches or entrance features,

    building materials, or other treatments.

    16. On Corner Sites the faades of a principal building abutting the Front Lot Lineand flanking Side Lot Line shall use consistent building materials and

    architectural features, and shall include features such as windows, doors, or


    17. Each Dwelling that has direct access to Grade shall have an entrance door orentrance feature facing a public roadway, other than a Lane. On Corner Sites, theentrance door or entrance feature may face either the Front Lot Line or the

    flanking Side Lot Line.


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    18. Secondary Suites shall comply with Section 86 of this Bylaw.19. Notwithstanding the other regulations of this Zone, where a Multi-unit Project

    Development abuts a Site zoned to allow Single Detached Housing as a Permitted

    Use or the RF5 Row Housing Zone, the following regulations shall apply along

    the said property line:

    a. a minimum Setback of 7.5 m shall be required. The Development Officermay reduce this Setback to a minimum of 3.0 m only where the proposed

    faade is a flanking wall and where an acceptable landscaped buffer isprovided;

    b. no outdoor parking, garbage collection, common amenity areas, or outdoorstorage areas shall be developed within 3.0 m;

    c. a solid screen fence, 1.83 m in height, shall be installed, except for alongcommon flanking Front Yard boundaries;

    d. design techniques including, but not limited to, the use of sloped roofs,variations in building Setbacks and articulation of building faades, shall beemployed in order to minimize the perception of massing of the building

    when viewed from adjacent residential areas and roadways;e. building finishes shall be compatible with the exterior finishing materials

    and colours typical of adjacent development; and

    f. the Development Officer may require information regarding the location ofwindows and Amenity Areas on adjacent properties, to ensure the windowsor Amenity Areas of the proposed development are placed to minimize

    overlook into adjacent properties.

    20. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A.i) adding the following to subsection 160.4:

    19. Each Dwelling within Semi-detached Housing and Row Housing shall beindividually defined through a combination of architectural features that mayinclude variations in the rooflines, projection or recession of the faade, porches or

    entrance features, building materials, or other treatments.

    20. On Corner Sites the faades of a principal building abutting the Front Lot Line andflanking Side Lot Line shall use consistent building materials and architectural

    features, and shall include features such as windows, doors, or porches.

    21. Row Housing shall not repeat the same architectural features more than six timeson a block face.

    22. Site design for Row Housing developments of six or more attached Dwellings shallinclude entry transitions such as steps, decorative fences, gates, hedges, low walls,

    and planting beds in the Front Yard.

    23. Each Dwelling that has direct access to Grade shall have an entrance door orentrance feature facing a public roadway, other than a Lane. On Corner Sites, theentrance door or entrance feature may face either the Front Lot Line or the flanking

    Side Lot Line.


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    j) deleting subsection 814.3 and replacing it with the following:814.3 Development Regulations

    1. The Front Setback shall be within 2.5 m of the Front Setback on adjacent Lots.However, the Front Setback shall not be less than 3.0 m, and shall not be required to be

    greater than 6.0 m. Separation Space and Privacy Zone shall be reduced toaccommodate the Front Setback requirement where a Principal Living Room Window

    faces directly onto a local public roadway, other than a Lane.

    2. Where the Site Width is less than 18.3 m, the Side Setback requirements of theunderlying Residential Zone shall apply.

    3. Where the Site Width is 18.3 m or greater:a. Side Setbacks shall total 20% of the Site Width but shall not be required to exceed

    6.0 m in total;b. the minimum interior Side Setback shall be 2.0 m; andc. on a Corner Site, the Side Setback requirements on the flanking public roadway,

    other than a Lane, shall be in accordance with the requirements of the underlyingZone.

    4. Where a structure is two or more Storeys and an interior Side Setback is less than2.0 m, the applicant may be required to provide information regarding the location of

    windows and Amenity Areas on adjacent properties, and the windows of the proposed

    development shall be located to minimize overlook into adjacent properties.

    5. The minimum Rear Setback shall be either:a. 40% of Site depth; orb. the Rear Setback of the underlying Zone, in which case it shall be considered aClass B Discretionary Development.Row Housing not oriented to a public roadway is exempt from this Overlayrequirement.

    6. Notwithstanding Section 44 of this Bylaw, a single Storey Platform Structure mayproject a maximum of 2.0 m into a Front Setback from the first Storey of a Dwelling,

    provided that a minimum of 3.0 m is maintained between the Front Lot Line and the

    Platform Structure.

    7. Notwithstanding Section 44 of this Bylaw, a single Storey Platform Structure mayproject a maximum of 2.0 m from the first Storey of a Dwelling into a Side Setbackabutting a flanking public roadway other than a Lane, providing there is at least 1.5 mbetween the property line and the Platform Structure.

    8. Platform Structures greater than 1.0 m above Grade shall provide privacy screening toprevent visual intrusion into adjacent properties.

    9. Principal buildings shall face a public roadway other than a Lane.


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    10. There shall be no vehicular access from the front or flanking public roadway where anabutting Lane exists, and

    a. a Treed Landscaped Boulevard is present along the roadway adjacent to theproperty line; or

    b. the Site Width is less than 15.5 m.11. If vehicular access is provided from a public roadway other than a Lane, a Garage may

    protrude beyond the front wall of the principal building to a distance that ischaracteristic of development for the majority of the blockface, as determined by the

    Development Officer. The Garage shall have a width that is characteristic ofdevelopment for the majority of the blockface, as determined by the Development


    12. The maximum width of a faade of Row Housing, Stacked Row Housing or ApartmentHousing that faces a public roadway shall be 48.0 m.

    13. The maximum Height shall not exceed 8.6 m nor 2 1/2 Storeys.14. The Floor Area of the upper half Storey of a 2 1/2 Storey building shall not exceed

    50% of the structures second Storey Floor Area.

    15. When a structure is more than 7.5 m in Height, the width of any one dormer shall notexceed 3.1 m. In the case of more than one dormer, the aggregate total width shall notexceed one third of the length of the buildings wall in which the dormers are located,

    excluding attached Garage walls.

    16. The Basement elevation of structures of two or more Storeys in Height shall be nomore than 1.2 m above Grade. The Basement elevation shall be measured as thedistance between Grade level and the floor of the first Storey.

    17. The minimum distance from the Rear Lot Line to a detached Garage where the vehicledoors face the Lane shall be 1.2 m.

    18. Rear attached Garages shall not be allowed, except on Corner Sites where the Dwellingfaces the flanking public roadway.

    19. For Single Detached Housing, Duplex Housing and Semi-detached Housing with noLane access, with a front or side attached Garage, the Garage shall be developed inaccordance with the following:

    a. The Garage shall be constructed to accommodate a maximum of two vehicles;b. Front attached Garages for Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing shall bedesigned so that the Garage is attached to a shared common wall and includes a

    shared driveway apron;

    c. Building mass shall be articulated through features such as recessions or off-sets,architectural treatments, and landscaping; and

    d. Each Dwelling shall have an entrance door or entrance feature at the front of thestructure and oriented toward the roadway.

    20. A rear detached Garage shall be fully contained within the rear 12.8 m of the Site.


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    21. For Stacked Row Housing and Row Housing the maximum width of a rear detachedGarage shall be 12.0 m. Rear detached Garages for Row Housing on Corner Sites

    oriented towards the flanking street shall have a maximum width of 14.0 m. Garages

    shall be separated by a minimum of 1.8 m.

    22. A principal building shall be separated from a rear detached Garage by a minimum of3.0 m.

    23. The Development Officer shall have regard for any applicable Statutory Plan and may,where a Statutory Plan specifies, notwithstanding subsection 11.4 of this Bylaw, varythe regulations of both this Overlay and the underlying Zone as they affect Height,

    Density and Floor Area Ratio. In all cases, the variances shall be within the ranges

    specified in the Statutory Plan. In all such cases, the application shall be aClass B Development Permit and the pre-application consultation provisions of

    subsection 814.3(24) shall apply.

    24. When a Development Permit application is made and the Development Officerdetermines that the proposed development does not comply with the regulations

    contained in this Overlay:a. the applicant shall contact the affected parties, being each assessed owner of land

    wholly or partly located within a distance of 60.0 m of the Site of the proposed

    development and the President of each affected Community League;

    b. the applicant shall outline, to the affected parties, any requested variances to theOverlay and solicit their comments on the application;

    c. the applicant shall document any opinions or concerns, expressed by the affectedparties, and what modifications were made to address their concerns; and

    d. the applicant shall submit this documentation to the Development Officer no soonerthan twenty-one calendar days after initiating the consultation process articulated insubsection 814.3(24)(a), (b), and (c), above.

    READ a first time this day of , A. D. 2012;

    READ a second time this day of , A. D. 2012;

    READ a third time this day of , A. D. 2012;

    SIGNED and PASSED this day of , A. D. 2012.






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    Attachment 2

    Page 1 of 27 Report: 2012SCP561 Attachment 2

    M ar k - up Show i ng P r oposed Am endm en t s

    Black Font = existing TextUnderlined Front = proposed additional to Zoning BylawStrikethrough = proposed deletion from the Zoning Bylaw

    7. Use Class Def in i t ions

    7.2 Res ident ia l Use Classes

    7.2(2) Duplex Hous ing means development consisting of a building containingonly two Dwellings, with one Dwelling placed over the other in whole or inpart. with individual and separate access to each Dwelling. Each Dwellinghas separate and individual access, not necessarily directly to Grade. Thistype of development shall be is designed and constructed as two Dwellingsat the time of initial construction of the building. This Use Class does not

    include Secondary Suites or Semi-detached Housing.

    7.2(6) Row H ous ing means development consisting of a building containing arow of two three or more Dwellings joined in whole or in part at the sideonly with no Dwelling being placed over another in whole or in part. EachIndividual Dwellings shall be are separated from the one another adjoining,

    where they are adjoining, by a vertical Party Wall. which is insulatedagainst sound transmission. Adjoining rooms may or may not be HabitableRooms. Each Dwelling shall have has separate, individual, and direct accessto Grade. This Use Class includes Semi-detached Housing. This Use Classdoes not include Stacked Row Housing.

    7.2(8) Semi -de tached Hous ing means development consisting of a building

    containing Row Housing consisting of only two Dwellings joined in whole orin part at the side or rear with no Dwelling being placed over another in

    whole or in part. Each Dwelling shall be separated from the one adjoiningby a Party Wall. Each Dwelling has separate, individual, and direct accessto Grade. This type of development is designed and constructed as twoDwellings at the time of initial construction of the building. This Use Classincludes two family Dwellings, does not include Secondary Suites or


    7.2(10) Stacked Row Hous ing means development consisting of a buildingcontaining three or more Dwellings Row Housing, except that Dwellingsmay be arranged two deep, either vertically so that Dwellings may be areplaced over others, or horizontally so that Dwellings are may be attached at

    the rear as well as at the side. Each Dwelling shall have separate andindividual access, not necessarily directly to grade, provided that no morethan two Dwellings may share access to Grade, and such access shall notbe located more than 5.5 m above grade. This Use Class does not includesDuplex Housing, and Row Housing, or Apartment Housing.

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    Attachment 2

    Page 2 of 27 Report: 2012SCP561 Attachment 2

    87. Garage and Garden Sui tes

    Garage and Garden Suites shall be developed in accordance with the

    following regulations:

    1. The minimum Site Area area shall be as follows:

    a. Garage Suite (above Grade): the minimum Site Area is that area

    required for the principal Single Detached Dwelling plus 100 m2,

    except in the case of the RPL and RSL Zone, where the minimumSite area shall be 460 m2 and in the RR Zone, where it shall be thesame as the minimum Site area for the Zone. 460 m2, except inthe RR Zone, where it shall be 1.0 ha, the GLD and GLG Zones,where it shall be 370 m2, and the TSLR Zone, where it shall be 412m2.

    b. Garden Suite and Garage Suite (at Grade): the minimum Site areashall be 525 m2 except in the RR Zone, where it shall be 1.0 ha.the same as the minimum Site area for the Zone.

    2. the maximum Height shall be as follows:

    a. Garage containing a Garage Suite (above Grade):

    i. 6.5 m or the Height of the principal Dwelling as

    constructed at the time of the Development PermitApplication, whichever is the lesser, where the buildingcontaining the Garage Suite has a roof slope of 4/12(18.4) or greater.

    ii. 5.5 m or the Height of the principal Dwelling asconstructed at the time of the Development PermitApplication, whichever is the lesser, where the buildingcontaining the Garage Suite has a roof slope of less than4/12 (18.4).

    iii. notwithstanding (i) and (ii) above, in the case of theTSDR, TSLR and the GLG zones, the maximum heightshall be 7.5m.

    b. Garden Suite and Garage Suite (at Grade): the maximum heightshall be 4.3 m

    3. the maximum Floor Area shall be:

    a. 60 m2 for a Garage Suite (above Grade).

    b. 50 m2 for a Garden Suite and for a Garage Suite (at Grade).

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    Attachment 2

    Page 3 of 27 Report: 2012SCP561 Attachment 2

    c. notwithstanding (a) and (b) above, the maximum floor areaFloor Area may be increased by up to 7.5 m2, only where this

    additional floor area comprises the area of a Platform Structureassociated with the Garage Suite or Garden Suite.

    4. the minimum Floor Area of a Garage Suite or Garden Suite shall be 30


    5. the minimum Site width for a Site with a Garden Suite, or a GarageSuite (at Grade) shall be 15 m, except in the case of the RR Zone,where it shall be the same as the minimum Site width for the Zone.

    6. the minimum Side Setback shall be:

    a. for that portion of a detached Garage that contains a GarageSuite, the same as that for the principal Dwelling in theapplicable Zone.

    b. for a Garden Suite, the same as that for the principal Dwellingin the applicable Zone.

    c. on a corner Site where a Garage Suite or Garden Suite abuts a

    flanking public roadway, other than a Lane, the minimum SideSetback shall not be less than that provided for the principal


    7. the minimum distance between a detached Garage containing aGarage Suite, and a Garden Suite and the principal Dwelling on thesame Site, shall be 4 m.

    8. windows contained within the Garage Suite portion of the detachedGarage or the Garden Suite shall be placed and sized such that theyminimize overlook into yards Yards and windows of abutting propertiesthrough one or more of the following:

    a. off-setting window placement to limit direct views of abuttingrear or side yard amenity areas, or direct view into a GarageSuite or Garden Suite window on an abutting Site;

    b. strategic placement of windows in conjunction with landscapingor the placement of other accessory buildings; and

    c. placing larger windows such as living room windows, to face alane, a flanking street, or the larger of any Side Yard abuttinganother property.

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    Attachment 2

    Page 4 of 27 Report: 2012SCP561 Attachment 2

    9. no decks on Garage Suite or Garden Suite roofs shall be allowed.

    10.Platform Structures, including balconies, shall be allowed as part of a

    Garage Suite developed above a detached Garage only where thebalcony faces the lane or a flanking roadway.

    11.only one of a Secondary Suite, Garage Suite or Garden Suite may be

    developed in conjunction with a principal Dwelling.

    12.notwithstanding the definition of Household within this Bylaw, thenumber of unrelated persons occupying a Garage Suite or GardenSuite shall not exceed three.

    13.a Garage Suite or Garden Suite shall not be allowed within the sameSite containing a Group Home or Limited Group Home, or a MajorHome Based Business and an associated principal Dwelling, unless theGarage Suite or Garden Suite is an integral part of a Bed andBreakfast Operation in the case of a Major Home Based Business.

    14.where Garage Suites or Garden Suites are Discretionary within theapplicable Zone, the Development Officer may exercise discretion in

    considering a Garage Suite having regard to:

    a. compatibility of the Use with the siting, Grade elevations,

    Height, roof slopes and building types and materialscharacteristic of surrounding low density ground-oriented

    housing and development;

    b. the effect on the privacy of adjacent properties;

    c. the policies and guidelines for Garage Suites and Garden Suites

    contained in a Statutory Plan for the area.

    15.a Garage Suite or Garden Suite shall not be subject to separation from

    the principal Dwelling through a condominium conversion orsubdivision.

    16.Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall not be included in thecalculation of densities in this Bylaw.

    17.notwithstanding Garage Suites and Garden Suites being listed asPermitted or Discretionary Uses within any Zone, they shall be subjectto the regulations of the Edmonton- Strathcona County Joint PlanningStudy Area Secondary and Garage Suites Overlay in Section 822 ofthis Bylaw.

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    Attachment 2

    Page 5 of 27 Report: 2012SCP561 Attachment 2

    110 (RF1) Sing le De tached Res iden t ia l Zone

    110 .1 Genera l Purpose

    The purpose of this Zone is to provide primarily for Single Detached Housingand Secondary Suites under certain conditions, while allowing other forms ofsmall scale housing in the form of Secondary Suites, Semi-detached Housingand Duplex Housing under certain conditions.

    110 . 2 Permi t t ed Uses

    1. Limited Group Homes2. Minor Home Based Business3. Secondary Suites4. Single Detached Housing5. Fascia On-premises Signs

    110 . 3 Discre t ion ary Uses

    1. Child Care Services2. Duplex Housing3. Garage Suites:

    a. on corner lots; or

    b. on lots fronting onto a service road; orc. lots backing onto a lane adjacent to an arterial road that is separated

    from the lane by a landscaped boulevard; ord. lots where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts a Site in a Row Housing,

    Apartment, or Community Services Zone, or any Site in a Zone wherePublic Parks are a Permitted Use, or is not separated from these Sitesby a public roadway more than 10.0 m wide.

    4. Garden Suites:a. on corner lots; orb. on lots fronting onto a service road; orc. lots backing onto a lane adjacent to an arterial road that is separated from

    the lane by a landscaped boulevard; ord. lots where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts a Site in a Row Housing,

    Apartment, or Community Services Zone, or any Site in a Zone where PublicParks are a Permitted Use, or is not separated from these Sites by a public

    roadway more than 10.0 m wide.5. Group Homes

    6. Major Home Based Business7. Religious Assembly8. Residential Sales Centre9. Semi-detached Housing10.Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing where a Side Lot Line abuts a

    lot in an Industrial, Commercial, Row Housing, or Apartment Zone, or isnot separated from it by a public roadway more than 10.0 m wide.

    11.Freestanding On-premises Signs12.Temporary On-premises Signs

    110 . 4 Deve lopmen t Regu la t io ns fo r Perm i t t ed and Discre t ion ary Uses

    1. Site regulations for Single Detached Housing and Duplex Housing:

    Comment [cj1] : The Duplex HUse is moved from 110.3(10), belo

    Comment [cj2] : Regulations amoved to the Development Regula

    Section of the zone, 110.4(16).

    Comment [cj3] : Regulations amoved to the Development Regula

    Section of the zone, 110.4(16).

    Comment [cj4] : The Semi-detHousing Use is moved from 110.3


    Comment [cj5] : Regulations amoved to the Development Regula

    Section of the zone, 110.4(3).

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    a. the minimum Site area shall be 360 m2; for each Single DetachedDwelling.

    b. the minimum Site Width shall be 12.0 m; andc. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.

    2. Site regulations for Semi-detached Housing:a. the minimum Site area shall be 488.4 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 14.8 m, except that if the Dwellings

    are arranged along the depth of the Site rather than the width, theminimum Site Width may be 12.0 m; and

    c. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.3. Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing shall only be located:

    a. on Corner Sites,b. on Sites abutting an arterial or service road,c. where both Side Lot Lines abut existing Duplex or Semi-detached

    Housing, ord. where a minimum of one Side Lot Line:

    i. abuts a Site where Row Housing, Apartment Housing, ora commercial Use is a Permitted Use, or

    ii. is not separated from a Site where Row Housing,Apartment Housing or a commercial Use is a PermittedUse by a public roadway, including a Lane, more than10.0 m wide.

    4. Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall comply with Section 87 of this

    Bylaw. In addition, Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall only be located:a. on Corner Sites;

    b. on Sites abutting a service road;c. on Sites backing onto a Lane adjacent to an arterial road, where the

    arterial road is separated from the Lane by a landscaped boulevard; ord. on Sites where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts the CS1, CS2, CS3, or

    CS4 Zone, or a Site zoned to accommodate Row Housing, ApartmentHousing, or Public Parks as a Permitted Use, or is not separated fromthese Sites by a public roadway, including a Lane, more than 10.0 mwide.

    5. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0 m or 2 1/2 Storeys.6. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 40%, with a maximum

    of 28% for a principal building and a maximum of 12% for Accessory

    Buildings. Where a Garage is attached to or designed as an integral part ofa Dwelling, the maximum Site Coverage for the principal building shall be

    40%.7. Maximum Site Coverage shall be as follows:



    Principal buildingwith attachedGarage

    Total SiteCoverage

    a. Single Detachedand Duplex Housing

    28% 12% 40% 40%

    b. Semi-detached

    Housing Site area600 m2 or greater

    28% 12% 40% 40%

    c. Semi-detached

    Housing Site arealess than 600 m2

    28% 14% 42% 42%

    d. All other Uses 28% 12% 40% 40%

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    7. The minimum Front Setback shall be 6.0 m.

    8. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except in the case of on aCorner Site, where a primary Dwelling with an attached Garage faces theflanking public roadway, it shall be may be reduced to 4.5 m.

    9. Side Setbacks shall be established on the following basis:a. Side Setbacks shall total at least 20% of the Site Width, with a

    minimum Side Setback of 1.2 m on each side; except that theminimum Side Setback for buildings over 7.5 m in Height shall be

    2.0 m;b. where there is no Lane abutting the Site, one Side Setback shall be at

    least 3.0 m for vehicular access, unless there is an attached Garage ora Garage that is an integral part of a Dwelling;

    c. on a c Corner Site where the building fronts onto faces the Front LotLine or the Side Lot Line, Setback the minimum Side Setback abuttinga flanking public roadway other than a Lane the flanking Side Lot Lineshall be 20% of the Site Width, to a maximum of 4.5 m; and exceptthat

    d. on a cCorner Site where the building fronts on faces a the flankingpublic roadway other than a Lane Side Lot Line and the Dwelling doesnot have an attached Garage also facing the flanking Side Lot Line, theminimum Side Setback abutting the flanking public roadway shall be4.5 may be reduced to 3.0 m, in order to increase the Private Outdoor

    Amenity Area in the interior Side Yard; ande. Side Setbacks for Semi-detached Housing on Corner Lots with a Site

    Area less than 600 m2 shall be a minimum of 1.2 m for the interiorSide Setback, and a minimum of 2.5 m for the flanking Side Setback.However, if a Dwelling has an attached Garage that faces the flankingSide Lot Line, the flanking Side Setback shall be a minimum of 4.5 m.

    8. Separation Space shall be provided between two or more Dwellings orportions thereof on the same Site in accordance with Section 48 of thisBylaw, except that it shall not be required between a Garage Suite or aGarden Suite and the associated principal Dwelling on the same Site.

    9. Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be provided on Site in accordance withthe regulations of Section 47 of this Bylaw.

    10.Each Dwelling within Semi-detached Housing shall be individually defined

    through a combination of architectural features that may includevariations in the rooflines, projection or recession of the faade, porches

    or entrance features, building materials, or other treatments.11.On Corner Sites the facades of a principal building abutting the Front Lot

    Line and flanking Side Lot Line shall use consistent building materials andarchitectural features, and shall include features such as windows, doors,or porches.

    12.Each Dwelling that has direct access to Grade shall have an entrance dooror entrance feature facing a public roadway, other than a Lane. On CornerSites, the entrance door or entrance feature may face either the Front LotLine or the flanking Side Lot Line.

    13.A maximum of one building containing Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing, or Duplex Housing Except where Semi-detachedHousing, Duplex Housing, Secondary Suites, Garage Suites and GardenSuites are allowed in this Zone, and may thereby constitute two Dwellingson a Lot lot, a maximum of one Dwelling per Site lot shall be allowed.

    14.Secondary Suites shall comply with Section 86 of this Bylaw.

    Comment [cj6] : This will ensuminimum dimension of 4 m x 4 m

    Comment [cj7] : Aesthetic critfrom the Residential Infill Guideli

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    15.Signs shall comply with the regulations of Schedule 59A of this Bylaw.

    110 . 5 Add i t ion a l Deve lopm ent Regu la t ions fo r D iscre t ion ary Uses

    1. Notwithstanding Section 110.4, Semi-detached and Duplex Housing shall bedeveloped in accordance with the provisions of the RF2 Zone.

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    120 (RF2) Low Dens it y I n f i l l Zone 120 .1 Genera l Purpose

    The purpose of the this Zone is to retain Single Detached Housing, while allowingsensitive infill on narrow lots, at a slightly higher density, including Secondary Suitesunder certain conditions.

    120 . 2 Per m i t t ed U ses

    1. Limited Group Homes2. Minor Home Based Business3. Secondary Suites4. Single Detached Housing5. Fascia On-premises Signs6. Semi-detached Housing7. Duplex Housing

    120 .3 D iscre t ion ary Uses

    1. Child Care Services2. Duplex Housing, where a Side Lot Line abuts a lot in an Industrial,

    Commercial, Row Housing, or Apartment Zone, or is not separated from it bya public roadway more than 10.0 m wide.

    3. Garage Suites:a. on corner lots; or

    b. on lots fronting onto a service road; orc. lots backing onto a lane adjacent to an arterial road that is separated from

    the lane by a landscaped boulevard; ord. lots where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts a Site in a Row Housing,

    Apartment, or Community Services Zone, or any Site in a Zone wherePublic Parks are a Permitted Use, or is not separated from these Sites by apublic roadway more than 10.0 m wide.

    4. Garden Suites:a. on corner lots; orb. on lots fronting onto a service road; orc. lots backing onto a lane adjacent to an arterial road that is separated from

    the lane by a landscaped boulevard; ord. lots where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts a Site in a Row Housing,

    Apartment, or Community Services Zone, or any Site in a Zone wherePublic Parks are a Permitted Use, or is not separated from these Sites by a

    public roadway more than 10.0 m wide.5. Group Homes6. Major Home Based Business7. Religious Assembly8. Residential Sales Centre9. Semi-detached Housing10.Freestanding On-premises Signs11.Temporary On-premises Signs

    120 .4 Deve lopmen t Regu la t ions fo r Perm i t t ed and D iscre t ion ary Uses

    1. Site regulations for Single Detached Housing and Duplex Housing:

    Comment [cj8] : Moved to Perfrom Discretionary Uses.

    Comment [cj9] : Duplex Housimoved to Permitted Uses. Regulat

    deleted from the zone, as the buildfootprint for a Duplex is the same

    Single Detached Dwelling.

    Comment [ cj10]: Regulationsmoved to the Development Regula

    Section of the zone, 120.4(17).

    Comment [ cj11]: Regulationsmoved to the Development Regula

    Section of the zone, 120.4(17).

    Comment [ cj12]: Moved to PeUses.

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    a. the minimum Site area shall be 360 250.8 m2; for each Single DetachedDwelling, and 300 m2 for each and Duplex or Semi-detached Dwelling,

    b. the minimum Site Width shall be 7.6 m; 7.5 m, for each Duplex or Semi-detached Dwelling and 12.0 m for each Single Detached Dwelling, with orwithout a Secondary Suite, and

    c. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.2. Site regulations for Semi-detached Housing:

    a. the minimum Site area shall be 442.2 m2;b. the minimum Site Width shall be 13.4 m, except that if the Dwellings are

    arranged along the depth of the Site rather than the width, the minimumSite Width may be reduced to 10.0 m; and

    c. the minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.3. Semi-detached Housing shall only be located:

    a. on Corner Sites;b. on Sites abutting an arterial or service road;c. where both Side Lot Lines abut existing Duplex or Semi-detached

    Housing; ord. where a minimum of one Side Lot Line:

    i. abuts a Site where Row Housing, Apartment Housing, or a commercialUse is a Permitted Use; or

    ii. is not separated from a Site where Row Housing, Apartment Housingor a commercial Use is a Permitted Use by a public roadway, includinga Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    4. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0 m nor 2 1/2 Storeys.

    5. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 40% with a maximum of28% for a principal building and a maximum of 12% for Accessory Buildings.Where a Garage is attached to or designed as an integral part of a Dwelling,the maximum for the principal building shall be 40%.

    6. Maximum Site Coverage shall be as follows:



    Principal buildingwith attachedGarage

    Total SiteCoverage

    a. Single Detachedand Duplex Housing Site area 300 m2

    or greater

    28% 12% 40% 40%

    b. Single Detachedand Duplex Housing Site area less than300 m2

    28% 14% 42% 42%

    c. Semi-detachedHousing Site area600 m2 or greater

    28% 12% 40% 40%

    d. Semi-detachedHousing Site arealess than 600 m2

    28% 14% 42% 42%

    e. All other Uses 28% 12% 40% 40%

    7. The minimum Front Setback shall be 6.0 m.

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    8. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except in the case of on a Cornercorner Site, where a primary Dwelling with an attached Garage faces the

    flanking public roadway, it shall be may be reduced to 4.5 m.9. Side Setbacks shall be established on the following basis:

    a. Side Setbacks shall total at least 20% of the Site Width, with a minimumSide Setback of 1.2 m on each side, except that the minimum SideSetback for buildings over 7.5 m in Height shall be 2.0 m;

    b. on a Corner corner Site where the building fronts on faces the Front LotLine or the Side Lot Line Yard, the minimum Side Setback abutting a

    flanking public roadway other than a Lane the flanking Side Lot Line shallbe 20% of the Site Width, to a maximum of 4.5 m; and except that

    c. on a cCorner Site where the building fronts on faces a the flanking publicroadway other than a Lane Side Lot Line and the Dwelling does not havean attached Garage also facing the flanking Side Lot Line, the minimumSide Setback abutting the flanking public roadway shall be 4.5 may bereduced to 3.0 m, in order to increase the Private Outdoor Amenity Areain the interior Side Yard; and

    d. Side Setbacks for Semi-detached Housing on Corner Lots with a Site arealess than 600 m2 and for Single Detached and Duplex Housing with a Sitearea less than 300 m2 shall be a minimum of 1.2 m for the interior SideSetback, and a minimum of 2.5 m for the flanking Side Setback. However,if a Dwelling has an attached Garage that faces the flanking Side Lot Line,the flanking Side Setback shall be a minimum of 4.5 m.

    10.Separation Space shall be provided between two or more Dwellings orportions thereof on the same Site in accordance with Section 48 of this Bylaw,

    except that it shall not be required between a Garage Suite or a Garden Suiteand the associated principal Dwelling on the same Site.

    11.Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be provided on Site in accordance withthe regulations of Section 47 of this Bylaw.

    12.Each Dwelling within Semi-detached Housing shall be individually definedthrough a combination of architectural features that may include variations inthe rooflines, projection or recession of the faade, porches or entrancefeatures, building materials, or other treatments.

    13.On Corner Sites the facades of a principal building abutting the Front Lot Lineand flanking Side Lot Line shall use consistent building materials andarchitectural features, and shall include features such as windows, doors, or

    porches.14.Each Dwelling that has direct access to Grade shall have an entrance door or

    entrance feature facing a public roadway, other than a Lane. On Corner Sites,the entrance door or entrance feature may face either the Front Lot Line or

    the flanking Side Lot Line.15.A maximum of one building containing Single Detached Housing, Semi-

    detached Housing, or Duplex Housing Except where Semi-detached Housing,Duplex Housing, Secondary Suites, Garage Suites and Garden Suites areallowed in this Zone, and may thereby constitute two Dwellings on a Lot lot, amaximum of one Dwelling per Site lot shall be allowed.

    16.Secondary Suites shall comply with Section 86 of this Bylaw.17.Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall comply with Section 87 of this Bylaw.

    In addition, Garage Suites and Garden Suites shall only be located:a. on Corner Sites;b. on Sites abutting a service road;c. on Sites backing onto a Lane adjacent to an arterial road, where the

    arterial road is separated from the Lane by a landscaped boulevard; or

    Comment [ cj13]: This will enminimum dimension of 4 m x 4 m

    Comment [ cj14]: Aesthetic crfrom the Residential Infill Guideli

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    d. on Sites where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts the CS1, CS2, CS3, or CS4Zone, or a Site zoned to accommodate Row Housing, Apartment Housing,

    or Public Parks as a Permitted Use, or is not separated from these Sites bya public roadway, including a Lane, more than 10.0 m wide.

    17. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A of this Bylaw.

    11.Notwithstanding the Landscaping regulations of Section 55 of this Bylaw,where new development consists of replacement or infill within areas of

    existing housing, landscaping shall be implemented as a component of suchthe new development in order to replace vegetation removed duringconstruction or to reinforce an established landscaping context in the area.

    120 .5 Add i t i on a l Deve lopm ent Regu la t ion s fo r D iscre t ion ary Uses

    1. The Development Officer may exercise discretion in considering adevelopment permit application for Duplex Housing or Semi-detached Housingdevelopment having regard to for:a. compatibility of the Duplex or Semi-detached Housing Use proposed

    development with the siting location, Grade elevations, Height, buildingtypes and materials characteristic of surrounding low density ground-oriented Housing and development;

    b. the effect on the privacy of adjacent properties; and

    c. the policies and guidelines for Duplex Housing and Semi-detached Housingdevelopment contained in a Statutory Plan for the area.

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    140 (RF3) Low Dens i t y Sma l l Sca le I n f i l l Deve lopment Zone

    140 .1 Genera l Purpose

    The purpose of this Zone is to provide primarily for Single Detached Housing andSemi-detached Housing while allowing small-scale conversion and infillredevelopment to housing forms buildings containing up to four Dwellings, perbuilding, and including Secondary Suites under certain conditions.

    140 . 2 Per m i t t ed U ses

    1. Duplex Housing where a Side Lot Line abuts a lot in an Industrial,Commercial, Row Housing, or Apartment Zone, or is not separated from it bya public roadway more than 10.0 m wide.

    2. Limited Group Homes3. Minor Home Based Business4. Secondary Suites5. Semi-detached Housing6. Single Detached Housing7. Fascia On-premises Signs8. Apartment Housing9. Row Housing10.Stacked Row Housing

    140 .3 D iscre t ion ary Uses

    1. Apartment Housing or Stacked Row Housing, provided that each buildingcontain not more than four Dwellings

    2. Boarding and Lodging Houses3. Child Care Services4. Duplex Housing other than where permitted5. Fraternity and Sorority Housing, where lawfully existing on a Site within the

    Garneau Area Redevelopment Plan area at the effective date of Bylaw 62206. Garage Suites:

    a. on corner lots; orb. on lots fronting onto a service road; or

    c. lots backing onto a lane adjacent to an arterial road that is separated fromthe lane by a landscaped boulevard; or

    d. lots where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts a Site in a Row Housing,Apartment, or Community Services Zone, or any Site in a Zone where

    Public Parks are a Permitted Use, or is not separated from these Sites by apublic roadway more than 10.0 m wide.

    7. Garden Suites:a. on corner lots; orb. on lots fronting onto a service road; orc. lots backing onto a lane adjacent to an arterial road that is separated

    from the lane by a landscaped boulevard; ord. lots where a Side or Rear Lot Line abuts a Site in a Row Housing,

    Apartment, or Community Services Zone, or any Site in a Zone wherePublic Parks are a Permitted Use, or is not separated from these Sitesby a public roadway more than 10.0 m wide.

    8. Group Homes9. Major Home Based Business

    Comment [ cj15]: Moved to Pefrom Discretionary Uses. Regulati

    apply; see 140.4 (7), (8), and (17).

    Comment [ cj16]: Apartment Hand Stacked Row Housing moved

    Permitted Uses; regulations apply.

    Comment [ cj17]: Regulation mto the Development Regulations se

    of the zone, 140.4(25)

    Comment [ cj18]: Regulationsto the Development Regulations S

    of the zone, 140.4(23).

    Comment [ cj19]: Regulationsto the Development Regulations S

    of the zone, 140.4(23).

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    10.Religious Assembly11.Residential Sales Centre

    12.Row Housing, except Semi-detached Housing, in buildings of up to fourDwellings, each Dwelling having Frontage on a public roadway, other than aLane

    13.Freestanding On-premises Signs14.Temporary On-premises Signs

    140 .4 Deve lopmen t Regu la t ions fo r Perm i t t ed and D iscre