M + ncr Nerea Ky I the Interests thenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk948m2d/data/1264.pdf · The worst...

O eeo ooeoeoe iOOOOeo o g BEREA PUBLISHING CO o iUICUItlOUAtoU o o STANLEY FROST M+ ncr 0 Uankred el the YoI + tAN Nerea Ky I eeeond otlno inns canter 0 00000000000000 iIX rive cents a copy DEll EA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY 12 Dollar a year No 2e NEWS OF THE WEEK Awful Mine Explosion Four Hundred KilledKing of Sweden Dead Tatf Salts for Home The worst accident of tho year so tar occurred Friday morning In Nus 0 and 8 of tho Fairmont Coal Com ¬ pau8 mines at Monotigah W Va when about four hundred men wore Imprisoned and most of them killed by a terrific explosion Tho exact number of dead Is not yet known but thero were about four hundred men In tho mine at the time and ox ¬ cept for four or five who wore brown to tho opun air none are expected to be rescued alive Tho cause tf tho explosion Is not known About a hundred bodies had been taken out when tills was written ull burned and torn by the explosion This has been the word year en rec ¬ ord for mlno dlsaitem tho the great est singe accident camo last year At the CourrlorB mine In France when lI D men were killed Altogether Int- rlr 1000 man were killed In mine no cldents whllo this year there had 1493 born killed before this last hor ¬ ror and the four hundred who are probably dead there will make the total about 1900 The mines are still afire and there Is danger of another exJo lon which keeps the rescuers tram getting far Into tho mine and makoa It more like- ly that no one will be savad Thero has been n great doal of fianger teo from tho poisonous gas which U al ways left by an xploslon so that the work of clearing the mine has been veiy difficult Secretary Taft wiled for homo from Hamburg Germany on Iftturd y af ¬ tor having been ontortalMd by the Czar of HnMta and outer high digni ¬ taries He ta oxpocttd how Saturday or Sunday but will probably too too lato fur the funeral of his mother who died Sunday ateMitlbury Mass Her body will be taken to Cincinnati for burial bwlde her Im > band King Oscar 11 of Sweden the beat- loved of all the European moanrcltt and cnnneeted by blood or marriage with mast of the sovereign of KB rope died taMtajr In his palace at EtHkhoim There will be no political rctuiu from his death ai hU nation once one of Ute strongest huts IHKHHBO too weak to GOut In the Xruwiiri among nations HU ion follows Mm on the throne Many of hit children and relative have been chosen to ruo small countries because they would IrmunrsienTldrd1eeel LOGSDONSThe I wish to call tho attention of tho people of Bcrca and Madison County and also of adjoining counties to tho fact that It will pay them to stop In or If they liavo to to drlvo In look nt tho big lino of goods 1 have Just ro- flied and let mo tell my prices Tho goods are Just what you have been wanting for Christmas Hero are norao of tho things I have NICE c1fINA ¬ WARE GLASS WARE VASES I DOLLS a complete lino of LAMPS QUEENSWARE also HARDWARE a fine line and TINWARE besides GROCERIES FANCY and STAPLE and In fact all kinds of GOOD THINGS TO EAT I would bo glad to have everybody call and see things and you will find it will pay you to come soon before the best things are i sold out ns It is too lato to get an ¬ other lino In before Christmas If you como early you will not ha disappoint- ed ¬ I I wish also to thank my many friends for their liberal patronage and I hopo to continuo In their con ¬ fidenceTo and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Now Year I am very respectfully W D LOGSDON I NEW BRJCK BUILDING irnerMnln and Prospect HtreeU Itercn n 1 THE CITIZEN Devoted to the of the People DECEMBER A WIDE OPEN ODOR Berea College Is just clueing tho best tall term In its history so far ns tho students ore concerned and will soon begin a wlnler term that will bo better yetfull of good thlnis for young people things that hop them to live right and make them better men and women husbands or wives neighbors and clilnns These things are open to all young im It a HOST Irrildrnt uf Itxrru College people of good character The fees are low and anyone can earn part of the necessary money here Do not think that this does not Interest you and stop reading this Are you sure it does not Internet ou7 1ttIu arc young Is your education finished Do you not sometimes wish you know n little more about some things Hero Is your chance Come and learn It you are older have you not a son on ltILt llHII Principals trnilciii I vrra College daughter younger brother or stater or Bouio other dear unu that you want to give a good wart In urr I This Is your chance tootJlvo them education You want to know about n Collage that you fond your frlwiAa to or go to younolf So rend carefully the nr tleJes following this and telling tho things you want to know about Borea Read carefully think it over then- COMHyou will be wolocmod ACADEMY COURSES The Academy otters the following T A KinVAltllS SIlIthIIllt Model KrlimiU opportunities to those who wish to pursue studies In that department Mathematics Beginning Algebra a- more advanced course In Algebra which those may enter who have dono something more than n years Work K V IZ J Y- AIant HUIerlnm lent of Model Hclioolii In tho subject Thoso who have stud- Ied ¬ Geometry for half a year or moro may take up that subject completing Solid Geometry in tho spring term Continued on Sixth rage I N I GETTING WISDOM The Boob of Proverbs is full of good advice to young people and the heart of it all is GET WISDOM I Wisdom is knowing what to do and how to do in all the various occasions of life The man that finds the best way to do the common duties and also when new or sudden occasions rise dues not lose his head but knows how to act in any emergency that man has wisdom he always succeeds his neighbors have confidence in his judgment and his ability They say he can make things go he always knows just what to do No won der Solomon said wisdom is better than gold or silver more precious than diamonds or rubies Now how can we gt wisdom Wisdom is the re ¬ sult of two things a trained mind and experience A good school lilts Berea is the best place to get your mind well trained First there are a largo number of skilful teachers who know the best and quickest to train the minds of their pupils a good teacher is worthmore than a thousand books two teachers are better than one and forty are better still brightenergetic upto radeship Third there is a wonderful equipment fine buildings well heated well lighted with the best seats and black ¬ boards and pictures A few of these are The Library 0 30000 books open to all students freely the Printing Building where boys learn that trade the Vood Working Building where the classes in Carpentry and Architectural Drawing are taught the new Barn for Horticulture and two new Barns for the Farm Department the Laundry with all its modern ma ¬ girlslearn 11Sittglite It is foolish to blunder along and learn at sadcost only from your own experience The wise way the eco ¬ nomical and quick way is to take advantage of the ex ¬ perience of others Januaryfirst you know if you are in earnest there is a place for you in Berea College There are eight grades in the Model Schools thoro arc four classes in tha Academy four in the Normal Department and four in you are ambitious and honest there is a place in there somewhere for you Get wisdom Come to school and come soon SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES AT BEREA To earn while you learn To attend tho free choral classes To hear some of tho great musicians MKSJKNMI HILL In Charge of Iloiiiritlo Science TVnclilnj sing and play To havo the use of tho largest school library Jn tho South To hear tho College band of more than 26 Instruments To participate In good clean ath lodes To bo a member of ono of tho elx T IOHIIOUNi Trmmirerof next t Colles great literary societies To hear some of the great men of tho country speak To bo in tho large gymnasium classesTo tho wonderful refloctoscope which will throw on the canvass a picture from a book photograph or card To attend the Lyceum Course of entertainments I FACTS ABOUT BEREA No saloons Our Chapel seats 1400 Largest school In Kentucky MISS KATIIMUIM IIOWKKSOX- I Demi lit Women of lleren College Berea was established 1S5- 5Bcrca has eighty moro students this fall than over before Berea Is a religious school but not a denominational school Berea has twentyflvo buildings used for school purposes Berea has tho largest corps of work WILL C OAMIILK- Hocretary of llemi College ers of any school In Kentucky Boron provides for her sick students In her own hospital under tho taro of her own nurses and physician heron had eleven hundred students last wear Look for the 1200 nark this year You can live In Berea and go to school almost as cheaply as you can stay at home without the school Winter term opens Jan 1st 1908 See advertisement on litst page TAAININGTfACHfASi In common with every other South ¬ thorIoughly public schools Great Improvements have beets made In the post and It IsI almost certain that the Legislature in its coming session will do more than any previous one In the way of enact ¬ leg better school laws and providing JAV mvsMoni Mend of Noriinil liiiirliurnt I If mi College more funds for educational purposes In the past young men and women ould not afford to enter the teaching work as a profession for it did not otter a living but with longer terms better pay better houses and an awak- ened public sentiment conditions are rapidly changing The Public Schools will soon demand teachers who Lre entering the work as a profession and oung people who are thoroughly pre C II lrM IS rrofrntorof Niifuml Scleiice Normal Department pared will soon be In great demand with good salaries offered them The Normal Dept of B rea Col- lege ¬ has been doing its best In the past to bring about this condition and now it Is making every effort to lead all other schools In the thorough courses which It offers to teachers tf every grade The motto of the Berea Teachers Club not the good nor the better but the best may well stand for the motto of the Normal Depart ¬ ment for wo strive to obtain the best In equipment in Instructors in text books in matter and in method We seek to ever hold a high ideal r p A K THOMSON Cliniilulli or It rcn College before ourselves and our pupils while at the same time we try to meet the real problems which confront the teachers and the schools of our state To do this we must train tho best possible teachers for the 3rd grade J K NNIXA- cting 1rofeMor of Mntliemntlcd Normal efuirtuient country school Just the same as the 7 1st grade teacher for thai more fortun ¬ I ate districts For this purpose wo have ii II Cpntloue t oa Sixth I 51 c t 1ieoeoeoeoell wn Denoeeoeo o The Citizen is Growing Rap o- g Idly Let Your Business g Keep Pace With it By Adver g gO uoooooaolloltoeo > o K 1007Olle STORE Interests Mountain MONEYTALKS Hoya Bank is Managed and What Makes a Bank Safe A bank is a stock company or cor ¬ poration It dues out belong to any one man Every person who has helped to furnish tho banks capital has a share in the management of the bank Tbcso people who own the banks capital are called stockholders and they ure the bank The fifty thousand dollars capital of the Bcrca flank and Trust Company Is owned by fifty three different people Wnen you deal with this bank you arc dealing with these fiftythree different people Most of tho stockholders of the Be 5i8 Bank and Trust Company live in Madison County and in the nearby counties of Jackson Rcckcaitlo and Garrard But even though most of the people who have a share In the bank do live close to Berea it would not bet possible for all of thorn to come to the banks place of business every day to take deposits cash checks and loan money And so the stock holders have sel- ected ten men from among them ¬ selves to have charge of the bank and run tho business for them These men are Mr J J Moore Dr P Cor ¬ nelius Mr E T Fish Mr J Wl Herndon Mr A W Stewart Mr W H Porter Mr Choa Burdttte Prof J W Dlnsmoro Mr J E Johnson and Mr J F Dean These men are the directors of the bank Tho peopo who own the banks capital and who are personally liable for the banks debts know that their Interests in the bank will bo well looked after They picked these directors to run the bank for them because they knew that they are hon- est ¬ that they are good buclness men and that they will see to it that the batik Is run safely and according to hw But the directors are all busy men and they can not spend all their time at the bank every day and Itls not necessary for them to do so So the stock holders through tho directors employ a cashier and assistant to stay at the bank all tho time to take in de posits and cash checks and do the bookkeeping for the bank So this bank Is not a one man Insti ¬ tution but Its various Interests oft closely looked after by its Board Of Directors who are responsible to tho stock holders and to the State of Ken tucky for the faithful discharge of the banks obligations And once every month all of the di ¬ rectors meet at the bank and thor ¬ oughly sift everything that the cashier and his assistants have done They look at the notes and see that they are all good They count tho money and see that It is all there And they go over the books and ceo that they are correct So when you deal with a bank al- ways ¬ remember that It Is the stock holders who are the bank that tho directors are managing tho bank as agents for the stock holders and that tho cashier and the clerks who help him nro agents for tho stock holders and directors and are heavily bonded to the bank for the faithful discharge of their duties And In Judging of the safety of B bank always Inquire what is the amount of tho banks capital and who are tho directors who are funning the bank If the capital is sufficient and the Directors are honest and good bus bees men and Jf they visit the bank 1 often to see that it is run right then the bank Is safeand It Is a good bank t + put your money in for safekeep ¬ ing Our capital la fSOOOO surplus 10 000 Borea Bank Trust Company MAKE NEW FRIENDS Many young people hesitate about going away to school because they will have to be among so many stran- gers ¬ You will not bo among stran ¬ gers at Berea You will find some ono from nearly 1 every codnty of Eastern Kentucky nndi from twentyfive states Look at the faces of tho Berea teachers and tee how friendly they look You will have more friends here in a month than In any other place in the world The man with something good to sell is not afraid to tell about it Watch our advertisements to find the 1 good things r 4

Transcript of M + ncr Nerea Ky I the Interests thenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk948m2d/data/1264.pdf · The worst...

Page 1: M + ncr Nerea Ky I the Interests thenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk948m2d/data/1264.pdf · The worst accident of tho year so tar occurred Friday morning In Nus 0 and 8 of tho Fairmont Coal

O eeo ooeoeoeiOOOOeo og BEREA PUBLISHING CO o

iUICUItlOUAtoU oo STANLEY FROST M + ncr 0Uankred el the YoI + tAN Nerea Ky I eeeondotlno inns canter 000000000000000iIX rive cents a copy DEll EA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY 12 Dollar a year No 2e


Awful Mine Explosion Four HundredKilledKing of Sweden Dead TatfSalts for Home

The worst accident of tho year so

tar occurred Friday morning In Nus

0 and 8 of tho Fairmont Coal Com ¬

pau8 mines at Monotigah W Vawhen about four hundred men woreImprisoned and most of them killedby a terrific explosion Tho exact

number of dead Is not yet known

but thero were about four hundredmen In tho mine at the time and ox ¬

cept for four or five who wore brownto tho opun air none are expected

to be rescued alive Tho cause tftho explosion Is not known About ahundred bodies had been taken out

when tills was written ull burned and

torn by the explosionThis has been the word year en rec ¬

ord for mlno dlsaitem tho the great

est singe accident camo last year At

the CourrlorB mine In France when

lI D men were killed Altogether Int-

rlr 1000 man were killed In mine no

cldents whllo this year there had

1493 born killed before this last hor ¬

ror and the four hundred who areprobably dead there will make the

total about 1900

The mines are still afire and there

Is danger of another exJo lon which

keeps the rescuers tram getting farInto tho mine and makoa It more like-

ly that no one will be savad Thero

has been n great doal of fianger teo

from tho poisonous gas which U always left by an xploslon so thatthe work of clearing the mine has

been veiy difficultSecretary Taft wiled for homo from

Hamburg Germany on Iftturd y af ¬

tor having been ontortalMd by theCzar of HnMta and outer high digni ¬

taries He ta oxpocttd how Saturday

or Sunday but will probably too too

lato fur the funeral of his motherwho died Sunday ateMitlbury Mass

Her body will be taken to Cincinnatifor burial bwlde her Im >band

King Oscar 11 of Sweden the beat-

loved of all the European moanrclttand cnnneeted by blood or marriagewith mast of the sovereign of KB

rope died taMtajr In his palace atEtHkhoim There will be no politicalrctuiu from his death ai hU nationonce one of Ute strongest huts IHKHHBO

too weak to GOut In the Xruwiiriamong nations HU ion follows Mmon the throne Many of hit childrenand relative have been chosen to ruosmall countries because they would



I wish to call tho attention of tho

people of Bcrca and Madison County

and also of adjoining counties to tho

fact that It will pay them to stop In

or If they liavo to to drlvo In look nt

tho big lino of goods 1 have Just ro-

flied and let mo tell my prices

Tho goods are Just what you have been

wanting for Christmas Hero are norao

of tho things I have NICE c1fINA ¬


DOLLS a complete lino of LAMPS


fine line and TINWARE besides


and In fact all kinds of GOOD

THINGS TO EAT I would bo glad

to have everybody call and see things

and you will find it will pay you tocome soon before the best things are

i sold out ns It is too lato to get an ¬

other lino In before Christmas If you

como early you will not ha disappoint-



I I wish also to thank my many

friends for their liberal patronage

and I hopo to continuo In their con ¬

fidenceToand all a Merry Christmas

and a Happy Now Year

I am very respectfully



irnerMnln and Prospect HtreeU Itercn


1 THE CITIZENDevoted to the of the People



Berea College Is just clueing thobest tall term In its history so far nstho students ore concerned and willsoon begin a wlnler term that will bobetter yetfull of good thlnis foryoung people things that hop themto live right and make them bettermen and women husbands or wivesneighbors and clilnns

These things are open to all young

im It a HOSTIrrildrnt uf Itxrru College

people of good character The fees arelow and anyone can earn part of thenecessary money here Do not thinkthat this does not Interest you andstop reading this Are you sure itdoes not Internet ou7 1ttIu arcyoung Is your education finished Doyou not sometimes wish you know nlittle more about some things HeroIs your chance Come and learn Ityou are older have you not a son on

ltILt llHIIPrincipals trnilciii I vrra College

daughter younger brother or stateror Bouio other dear unu that youwant to give a good wart In urr

IThis Is your chance tootJlvo themeducation

You want to know about n Collagethat you fond your frlwiAa to or goto younolf So rend carefully the nrtleJes following this and telling thothings you want to know about BoreaRead carefully think it over then-COMHyou will be wolocmod


The Academy otters the following

T A KinVAltllSSIlIthIIllt Model KrlimiU

opportunities to those who wish topursue studies In that departmentMathematics Beginning Algebra a-

more advanced course In Algebrawhich those may enter who have donosomething more than n years Work


AIant HUIerlnm lent of Model Hclioolii

In tho subject Thoso who have stud-Ied


Geometry for half a year or moromay take up that subject completingSolid Geometry in tho spring term

Continued on Sixth rage



The Boob of Proverbs is full of good advice to youngpeople and the heart of it all is GET WISDOM I

Wisdom is knowing what to do and how to do in all thevarious occasions of life The man that finds the bestway to do the common duties and also when new orsudden occasions rise dues not lose his head but knowshow to act in any emergency that man has wisdom healways succeeds his neighbors have confidence in hisjudgment and his ability They say he can makethings go he always knows just what to do No wonder Solomon said wisdom is better than gold or silvermore precious than diamonds or rubies

Now how can we gt wisdom Wisdom is the re ¬

sult of two things a trained mind and experience Agood school lilts Berea is the best place to get your mindwell trained First there are a largo number of skilfulteachers who know the best and quickest to trainthe minds of their pupils a good teacher is worthmorethan a thousand books two teachers are better than oneand forty are better stillbrightenergeticuptoradeship

Third there is a wonderful equipment fine buildingswell heated well lighted with the best seats and black¬

boards and pictures A few of these areThe Library 0 30000 books open to all students

freely the Printing Building where boys learn thattrade the Vood Working Building where the classesin Carpentry and Architectural Drawing are taught thenew Barn for Horticulture and two new Barns for theFarm Department the Laundry with all its modern ma ¬girlslearn11SittgliteIt is foolish to blunder along and learn at sadcostonly from your own experience The wise way the eco ¬

nomical and quick way is to take advantage of the ex ¬

perience of othersJanuaryfirstyou know if you are in earnest there is a place for you inBerea College There are eight grades in the ModelSchools thoro arc four classes in tha Academy four inthe Normal Department and four in you areambitious and honest there is a place in there somewherefor you Get wisdom Come to school and come soon


To earn while you learn

To attend tho free choral classesTo hear some of tho great musicians

MKSJKNMI HILLIn Charge of Iloiiiritlo Science TVnclilnj

sing and playTo havo the use of tho largest

school library Jn tho SouthTo hear tho College band of more

than 26 InstrumentsTo participate In good clean ath

lodesTo bo a member of ono of tho elx

T IOHIIOUNiTrmmirerof next t Colles

great literary societiesTo hear some of the great men of

tho country speakTo bo in tho large gymnasium

classesTotho wonderful refloctoscope

which will throw on the canvass apicture from a book photograph orcard

To attend the Lyceum Course ofentertainments



No saloonsOur Chapel seats 1400

Largest school In Kentucky

MISS KATIIMUIM IIOWKKSOX-I Demi lit Women of lleren College

Berea was established 1S5-5Bcrca has eighty moro students this

fall than over beforeBerea Is a religious school but not

a denominational schoolBerea has twentyflvo buildings

used for school purposesBerea has tho largest corps of work

WILL C OAMIILK-Hocretary of llemi College

ers of any school In KentuckyBoron provides for her sick students

In her own hospital under tho taroof her own nurses and physician

heron had eleven hundred studentslast wear Look for the 1200 narkthis year

You can live In Berea and go toschool almost as cheaply as you canstay at home without the school

Winter term opens Jan 1st 1908

See advertisement on litst page


In common with every other South ¬

thorIoughlypublic schools Great Improvementshave beets made In the post and It IsIalmost certain that the Legislature inits coming session will do more thanany previous one In the way of enact ¬

leg better school laws and providing

JAV mvsMoniMend of Noriinil liiiirliurnt

I If mi Collegemore funds for educational purposes

In the past young men and womenould not afford to enter the teachingwork as a profession for it did nototter a living but with longer termsbetter pay better houses and an awak-ened public sentiment conditions arerapidly changing The Public Schoolswill soon demand teachers who Lreentering the work as a profession andoung people who are thoroughly pre

C II lrM ISrrofrntorof Niifuml Scleiice Normal

Departmentpared will soon be In great demandwith good salaries offered them

The Normal Dept of B rea Col-


has been doing its best In thepast to bring about this conditionand now it Is making every effort tolead all other schools In the thoroughcourses which It offers to teachers tfevery grade The motto of the BereaTeachers Club not the good nor thebetter but the best may well standfor the motto of the Normal Depart ¬

ment for wo strive to obtain the bestIn equipment in Instructors in textbooks in matter and in method

We seek to ever hold a high ideal



A K THOMSONCliniilulli or It rcn College

before ourselves and our pupils whileat the same time we try to meet thereal problems which confront theteachers and the schools of our stateTo do this we must train tho bestpossible teachers for the 3rd grade

J K NNIXA-cting 1rofeMor of Mntliemntlcd

Normal efuirtuient

country school Just the same as the7

1st grade teacher for thai more fortun ¬I

ate districts For this purpose wo have

ii IICpntloue t oa Sixth

I 51c


1ieoeoeoeoell wn Denoeeoeoo The Citizen is Growing Rap o-

g Idly Let Your Businessg Keep Pace With it By Adver ggOuoooooaolloltoeo > o K



Interests Mountain


Hoya Bank is Managed andWhat Makes a Bank Safe

A bank is a stock company or cor¬

poration It dues out belong to anyone man Every person who hashelped to furnish tho banks capitalhas a share in the management of thebank

Tbcso people who own the bankscapital are called stockholders andthey ure the bank The fifty thousanddollars capital of the Bcrca flank andTrust Company Is owned by fiftythree different people Wnen you dealwith this bank you arc dealing withthese fiftythree different people

Most of tho stockholders of the Be5i8 Bank and Trust Company live in

Madison County and in the nearbycounties of Jackson Rcckcaitlo andGarrard But even though most of thepeople who have a share In the bankdo live close to Berea it would not betpossible for all of thorn to cometo the banks place of business everyday to take deposits cash checks andloan money

And so the stock holders have sel-

ected ten men from among them ¬

selves to have charge of the bankand run tho business for them Thesemen are Mr J J Moore Dr P Cor¬

nelius Mr E T Fish Mr J WlHerndon Mr A W Stewart Mr WH Porter Mr Choa Burdttte Prof JW Dlnsmoro Mr J E Johnson andMr J F Dean

These men are the directors of thebank Tho peopo who own thebanks capital and who are personallyliable for the banks debts know thattheir Interests in the bank will bowell looked after They picked thesedirectors to run the bank for thembecause they knew that they are hon-


that they are good buclness menand that they will see to it that thebatik Is run safely and according tohw

But the directors are all busy menand they can not spend all their timeat the bank every day and Itls notnecessary for them to do so So thestock holders through tho directorsemploy a cashier and assistant to stayat the bank all tho time to take in deposits and cash checks and do thebookkeeping for the bank

So this bank Is not a one man Insti ¬

tution but Its various Interests oftclosely looked after by its Board Of

Directors who are responsible to thostock holders and to the State of Kentucky for the faithful discharge ofthe banks obligations

And once every month all of the di¬

rectors meet at the bank and thor¬

oughly sift everything that the cashierand his assistants have done Theylook at the notes and see that theyare all good They count tho money

and see that It is all there And theygo over the books and ceo that theyare correct

So when you deal with a bank al-



remember that It Is the stock

holders who are the bank that tho

directors are managing tho bank asagents for the stock holders and thattho cashier and the clerks who help

him nro agents for tho stock holdersand directors and are heavily bondedto the bank for the faithful dischargeof their duties

And In Judging of the safety of B

bank always Inquire what is theamount of tho banks capital and whoare tho directors who are funning thebank If the capital is sufficient andthe Directors are honest and good busbees men and Jf they visit the bank 1

often to see that it is run right thenthe bank Is safeand It Is a good bankt + put your money in for safekeep ¬

ingOur capital la fSOOOO surplus 10


Borea Bank Trust Company


Many young people hesitate aboutgoing away to school because theywill have to be among so many stran-gers


You will not bo among stran¬

gers at BereaYou will find some ono from nearly


every codnty of Eastern Kentucky nndifrom twentyfive states Look at thefaces of tho Berea teachers and teehow friendly they look

You will have more friends here ina month than In any other place inthe world

The man with something good tosell is not afraid to tell about itWatch our advertisements to find the


good things r