m f lONgI tn fcl life! -...

MawwWHMftlawMMBHWMB.ilH.5iWirW Xmti W'f fi Tbe World's Situation Day is Thursday. THK WOULD: WEDNESDAY EVENINft, APK1L 26. 139. Thursday llel WanicJ Ads, ttcpeatca In The Evening World Free. I jlE 1 5TIIT BF Ml.. PUT. SW,. I rltsx Pigman Aooounts for His '$pP ' ' ! Admirablo Impersonation. ' Wkt j j ! Mr. B!t Try lot to Secure Clieva. V' if ' lltr-Ot- her Sto Ntwt. 'Ill'"' ! t ' "t Mt up nights," sata Jinx Pieman tin tm' If I'Ctlwr dajr, "iiudjln. Ino character of Witt I iMtu Dalr as 1 Interpret It In Tbe Port '' ' fc - POOF818- -' 1 contess tbat the usk 'till il not anew one tor any mtuns. Hereto. fift 1 D!r ben burlesqued. Willie 5 $ ' $L comer gTe a wrj exa.-gorat- picture of fffl ! i' ' fcim. Mr We m to avoid burlesque and f ' to Meer clear ot all previous conceptions ot t lift ) m ' i utnor.manager'B cliaracter. 1 tiy to Hm l pUyAnpwtlnDalras be IM, i K in dreaa, manner and pecullarltlea. You will 't fS if wadUy understand tbe dltllcultlcs of ucb a ' - ' I J06- - 1 burned midnight oil ttud)ltEll)ism, 'i ! l 9 tnd I spent considerable moner In KSttltiK a ' Si correct nat ana costumes." ar. Daly lias, of Jrf' ''ft' course, paid no attention to Mr. Pieman's H& ! f effort, but It li whispered that bo does not ! ft? ' fi object to tbe impersonation In the least. (W, ,. ;'i ' 'f ' A,otrt B,i ot tno nrm of Ko,ter nlRl' If'. ! ' ? feaDeentr;instonriOtUto nltb Cberaller, tig'. Hi , J', tne famous London coster singer, with a new l ; t j; to taking nlm to Chicago during the Pair. 9' ' Mil u now ,n L0D(l0I1 na' " ls Mia Ullt ,1B '.- - hi -- Ji ) ba been making moat frantic efforts to ap- - K ' ' Jr F011 ChoralUr. That rery Independent K-- M' gentleman, however, will not consider any W m' iff otter, no matter how tempting, ills salary In JW England la enormous, and bis appearance , W' W I8 f nere would M something of a risk, for It ls W 9! 'j ot ' " lur tht Indon coster songs f Iv .BH would be Terr much appreciated In America. 1Jk- - '9 t In Wi new comic orera-th- at li to say. olla s V V (S ( podrlda entitled " Panjandrum," lie Wolf t fe B" ! Hopper will mako his entrance in a vehicle 2 P w: .'? ' drawn br a pair ot wblto mules owned by f. r Si 2 James Kowe, tbe n starter. Mr. i',V S Howe, It Is aald, Is financially Interested lu tit B a. the Hopper entrance. The white mules will i i Hi ' take the nlace of tho lamout "Waiiif" cle- - ; " W 5 ' phanu A comic opera or olla poirlda ' f 'S ' comedian nowadays pays rreai attention to ' l ' C Bit Brat entrance. Ho much dependa upon If Si St mat "reception," don't you know. ' f'' m 11 ... f jHj 'iJi Ulxer I really growing a voice. Although 'i "V H! ' MUl somewhat hoarse, there are now some ; Hi 'J ' genuine tones In the place where ths voice ; 3 ought to be. Dlxey attributes bis vocal iili t, ; tress to a severe cold ho took a long I liuengo. ' ',' Hi .? , He Is working very bard and with auccesi to ' Or I recover himself. " j i mi U ... jKf A f Miss Lily Burnand, a " favorite " ot the ' Mt') 'i? i London concert halls, has been engaged by 1 Hti j' I Tony Pastor and will be In New York ere HI i lon- - "be has just been Intervlena by one tHtfrJi ot these London scribes who make a soim- - f ? Jff what feeble attempt to copy tho Auicrlcnn K ' I' InterTlewlng Idea. " I havp been enituged , WT'bV. tor some lime past by Tony pastor 10 apiiear ' 4r at Ms theatre in Now York," said Miss llur. I 1 ' H'-- t 1 1 Band to tbls luminary, " but 1 shall bo back : 9m q & in tbo Autumn. ' Is I 4 J Whilst over there you will payavttlt to K! j J. the Chicago Kzhlbltlon, I suppose," queried ir ! 3? the fond youth. ! t? j 1 Hatber," was tbe reply, "lam also ko. )' 9M 3J tog to visit Buffalo and Washington." ; H4 fit "'0 mash tue Preildent, 1 presume ;" M 5ft f " You've guested It. I bae an aunt In New ' i Ml it F York who Is a member of the Army, I. H I3 snd before I return 1 may be c inverted." ' iswi ? Ob, bright Miss I.lly liurnnnd ,i f fllli ... 4 all a P. J. C Duff has Just revived Gilbert and Sul- - , I - ml f I Ilvan'a o Plualora" In Pbllaael- - l 'i JR5 3 S pbls. lor which city such thlogs as chestnuts S'ilsstllS' do not exist. Uuitnlwa) spins blsfulih to f iBII ?4 Plnaiore." Two or threo seasons ago be ' ',, wit 1'. 1 did a colossal business with It at the Chicago 1 .'(fS'J Jf ' i Auditorium. -- ' Latl' Alas for the poor Chicago chorus girls f 3HI I The damsels now appearluv 111 Abbe) & r JfrMf ?' t Hchoeffel's big spectacle, Progress," nre to MTS v k pay $14 s weex tor board and lodilng. sleep. V 1MI S r log lour In a room, aflor May 1. 'Ihuoonsld- - - M't wBi $' erate landladies are charging sin per eclc "'?' iUI ' fcr those accommodations ooioro llay 1. "' Ssf1' fflM c ... 4 5S a A Chicago girl writer baa made tho awful LL iwf S' ' discovery that Kyrle liellew is bor.egged. 17-3- 51 m' bhe says that this innrmlty ls ot very recent JR SMfl "J origin, for ho vas not thuj afflicted B 1 i! when be appeared In " Koineo and Juliet," m.i flu'' z "Aniony and Cleopatra" and "'Iherese." ' M:, Ml ft 5 4 His nas only been appnrent r wm), 5 during the last, few uecka, i fact that leans X; Hi;. X the Ingenious critic to infer that It Is duo to . ; fflj L' advandDg years, UUo wrinkles and gray balr. Hf IHj ... ' H S I i A new story ot tbe late Adelatdo Ndlson 'Bl , AfiJ i has just been discovered. It appears that her m giVV9 friends could not induce her to maLo nnllU IB' Ntsfii!f(L Kjr reason for not doing so was tlio lec'.lnj W 'SH'rJv that such an act would precipitate ber death. K SSMvI Time tore on ana she received a very lucra- - L, PKHJ3' tlve offer to play in America. Ilrr friends HI1 SKjP? ! besieged her and told her that It would bo ''MP' '! wicked It she still refused to make u will. m'-'im- i Bhe yielded to tbelr importunities, but ns art'1 tMVSS oon as she bad signed tbo document she I'M: i'KJfli'J ' said: "lfeelasir 1 bad signed hit death 1 ' Tli?S i warrant." Within three weeks slio was 1 & 3r5n p dead. fj W8 "EDDIE" DEVIN IS DEAD. ''m' iMii "" Blaysrof Uax Clertret e. V:ctlra Mr. jffjii ' of Consumption. Wj-- i "&1j, L The fact that Edward Devln, tbe young .iff I "UB mh0 (tot tDa klUcd' D tue Court ut lj'; M, $ General Sessions, young Max Llerget, who Hi oad criminally assaulted Derm's mtecn-jea- r- 1 M.!'IBfc f 'd slater Earah,dled April 8 In Uocsevclt ' smi SKI Hpspltal bas just become public. ' MIh J Tbe shooting occurred .lunoi'T, 1802, juu i'Mf wlWlP 1 after Clerget bad pleaded guilty to the charge I ( X3fcy ri ' assaulting ftarati Devln and as ho was iflf tW A i being led to the "pen" in tne rear of the M San ' ' court-roo- iBdllfi 1 Devln was tried and acquitted on tbo lir ill!) ground of Insanity. Consumption developed. I n SWi'ViB I sud last February be was removed to ltouso. U Isly' r Telt U capital, where be oled. THE LEAGUE SEASON OPENS, Now York Meets Boston on tbo Polo Grounds Arrnnsoinrnts for the Ives-Robe- nilllnrtl Mnli'h. " A Study In curves" would appear to bo an appllcablo term to apply to Mm little that the nine wise men from out of the Kast, yclept lloslon, havo mado tor to- morrow atternocn at tlio Polo nrounds with tlienlnoot Unttain, who claim to be able to play such a right lively panic of b.ill that tho savnnsof the great American fastluie from theseat of culture will open their ryes In nmaeinent and cnuie them many moments ot deep thought. It will Lo the opening game of the League hcbedule, anil tlio Mgns of 1I11. limes are that tbo public Is quite as much Interested In three- - baso lilts sacri- fices, Inshoots nnd drop currci as tnry were In tho gold old btlmy days of four years ago. KcallHni: that an unusual effort was necessary to revive tue Inlerist In the game, which bos been so dormant for three years, Manager John M. Ward, of the Now Yorks. has labored like a 'I rojan to gel together a band of players that Cannot tall to compel the closest attention ot tho patrons nf bascbalLAs now constituted New York pos- sesses a team that at tho outset pronilvjsto make It extremely Interesting for nuy and all ot her competitors. Tbo players havodono aheap of preliminary practice wirk, and there Isn't a man on the team who ougnt not go Into the field fit as the traditional fldale and cagi r to play tbe game ot bis life. It li no easy thing the (Hants will hnvu In defeating tho Hustons, and uobody realizes that tact better than Manager Wurd himself. The present holders ot tho champion pennant from tbe Hub do not lack confidence in their ability to give New Yorkers a vivid Imitation of a ball nlno winning a game right off the reel. That ls exactly what suits tho metro politan enthusiast, and so long as an Al at ti- de of ball ls piesenlcd bu Is not loo nairovr-minde- d to bestow his meed of pratso In tlio direction It deserves, albeit bis favorllu team may bo snowed under. Tbero will be a lew musical atlaebincutH to opening which will add to thu general eclat uf the arrrlr, and when tbe opposing nines pai ado across tbe greensward preceded by tho blaro of trumpets, then It will have been admitted that tbe season has opened with a hurrah and no mistake. '1 he liohtons will have Kid Nichols and Charley llennelt as tbelr battery.and Johnny Ward will try to beat thut pair with great hulking Amos Hums and tho chunky Doylo lu thu points. 'I bo Now Yorks will tnke a final " breather " thli nlteriioon, when (boy tacklo tho v.ulo 'Varsity nine. Tbetlmotot for game, 4 o'clock, will not Interfere In any way wlin tbe naval parade, as the latter specta- cle will havo been finished lung b;foru the garuo begins. . . Every billiard pliyer In the 1'nltcd Mates will be dieply interested in huh piece ot news, nhleh comes from Chicago, aneut the International match between Champion Itcb-rrt- ot England, aud America's champluu, Prank Ives: Thomas Taylor, tbe representative of Itoberts, I bo Knallsli champion billiard plajer, arrivid In Chicago taturday, but It was not unill vcslerdaj that ho lalledou t numplou lvej and n.ado known his mission. Taylor is bere tor thu purpimn ot arranging all lbs details ot the m tho English game, concerning his mission be said last night : I have roino to arrauguulluetallBnf the mstch to bo played by Ives and Huberts In Loudon during Derby week, which begins, I bellevo, May an. We have derided to make 11 lew alterations lu the regular English game, lu order that (bo con- test be more equal. Ives may talk as ho pleases, but he 1 an no muro beat Huberts at bis gamo than uooerts can beat him nt trench caroms. Ko wo propose to make the pockets tbreo and a quarter Inches In width Instead ot tbrco and and tlio balls two and a quarter inches instead uf t u and lucbes. 'Ihts will make a very great dlfforence In tliu play. 1 cal'lvl Kolei is regarding tbeso changes to.oayand ' 1 know that ho will agreo to them. All England Is Interested lu the match and 1 know tbo proposed changes will bo hulled with delight, ob It Is tbe ambition ot English billiard men to make the English and American games resemble each other as much us possible. It Is also part ot my mission to ni range a return mutch In Chicago, lu take place home time next Fall. I am r'ady to bet Mr. Ives tj.ouu on tho result, but ho docs out wish 10 accept until he bus met Kobcrts and ees bow lie plays.' Taylor will return to Englund next '1 uesday." ... 1 he Western wirs also bring us lalo Infor- mation from Jako v ho Infantum downstairs nvo weeks ago broko tbe small bones of his right wrist. A wtek ugo tho upllnls were lemoved, and Jako has been practising his billllant masses ever Klnco. hcbaelcr tn-d- issued a challenge, opon to any man In tho world, to play at balk, straight rall.cushlon caroms ur tbo American champion's game, lto deposited tsuu with the Brunswick company as fur-te- (bamplon Ires said be wns glad Ncbnefer bad recovered tho use of nis arm, but at present could pay no attention to his challenge. ' 1 hat sturdy, hard-hlttl- little Cblcagoan. Johnny Van lleest, who so easily defeated I Danny ltusscll ill Coney Island a couplu ot weeks ago, will conduct a sparring entertain- - mem at Ko'x Hall Friday nlgbt nnd uttempt to outpoint tbreo leathci-welhl- s lu unu night. Ills manager, K. W.Thoinpaon, writes thus ai to Van Ileest's alleged narrow escaie from a knock-ou- t In Philadelphia last week: " In regard to the report 111 the I'hllartel- - pbla papers wlilcn SAM that an llecsl bail the wurst of It, 1 would say that II was n repetition of the llussell-Va- n Hecst go. on y the gloves were so large that Van llerst could not kticck his mini out. Ills opponent bit him on (he noBO and made It bleed, and only lpd three limes In tho four rounds. n lleel' appretit. grogglness was feigned ho as to get his ! nnciit to lead." Alexander Halvlnl, who Is by many consid- ered ho tnot expert swordsman on tho stage, Istoititei Prof, senae. the well.knonu teacher of fencing, In a sword combat nu tbe slafc of the Manhattan Opera House this uitrrnoun at 1 P. A!. thalrinan.t. II. Woodruff, of the Committee In ihurgo of the amateur boxing and wrest- ling contests of the Metropolitan Association, held In .Sew ai k some weeks ago, filed the long uitcrred Itemized rupori ot thorn) contests yesterday with Htcrotaiy James i. hulllvau. .Mist what the net financial rcMills are has iiol been made public, but It Is bcileved that a matirlal deficit Is shown. The contest-- , therefore, must be put down ss decidedly uisjppolulHig ttotn a monetary point of view. ... Tho program mo for tbe Hanover Athletic Club boxing tournament to night nt Poole's Elgntli fctieel 'lueairu has been elaborated wlin mi uddltloual pugilistic attraction in tho persons of Eddie l.oeber and Fddle NMccney, both HrookDn boxers. It will bo an tight. round bout. ... The fourth shooting contest for the Coney Island A. c. trophy was held yesterday al tlio Atlantic Hod and Oun club's (iruunds, Ilrlglitou lleach. The New t'trecbt and Olen-mo- nun Clubs tied at 117 tlrds when the suuply gave out. Tbo next mutch will be lit Id at Dexter Park, I. L, May UU. May 18 has been selected as tbe date of tbo testimonial to Hilly Hexlon, tbe e billiard expert. All tbe wizards of tbo cue will appear at .Maurice Daly's. FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR. The dentil ls announced of .Terry Hur-le- y, a iiimber of Ilorseshuem' Union Nu. lit. The (Irntul Division of the TeleK-rnplier- s' llrollierhood meets nt Toronto, tint., Mny IS. l,.irt,'e nuiiiUers of women nml girls 11 n Joining the l'."tull t'lerks' 1'nlon In I'lfM-lutlll- , (J. The International Convention of the Tin, Hheet-Iru- n nml I'onilce Workers' I'nlons Ih In Kesslon nt Ut. I.ouls. The I'nlun r.iclllc s' strike hiiH been ileplnred off. The men re- turned to work yesterduy. I ci" delivery men have been orirnnlzed Intu 11 locnl iiBsombly of the Knights uf l.nbor In Uniiibii, Neb. l'lremen's I'nlun No. 1 has Riven 2fl to the BtrlkltiK Journeymen brewers of t'olH-K- Point. I'ntlerii-muker- s nre asked not to ro to Indlun.ipiills, 11H there Ih no work for tin-Il- l there, nlthoiiKli the bosseB lire for men. The ileleitntes of Horseshoers' t'nlon No, to tin- - International Union Con- vention will be ulveii Instructions ut the next Iileetlllt! uf the I'llloll. Valentine Hatnlers and Vnlentlne SchlllliiK lire Hie new derrffutes of Car- - iienters' I'lilun No. 513 tu the Curpenters UlBllll't Cuiincll. The Sun KriinelRco Hxumlner bemoans the Ulimlstiikiible fact thut the trusts nml iimnopullPH lire cutivertlnK the work- men of ull cuiintileH tu Socialism. About l.lMO went on Ptrlki In i'IiIcuko jesterduy. They de-- , miilid per iluy. Most of the strikers uru iniii'litneiy moulders. W'ngeH have been reduced nt the KiiRle box fuetuiy 111 HI. I.oiiIm, und the union men lilllieito einplnyeil there weie um-in,- it lly illHcliniKed when they protested. On .Memoilul Day the lubor iinluns of Cleveland, O., will luive u picnic whose ptnceeils me to be devoted townrds mak-- l I UK llielr ulllclal orgnn, which nt pres-- I Is a weekly, 11 dally luboi newo-- . paper. On Mny 13 Clgnrmakers' I'nlon No.' ' Hi will vute upon nominees fur nt of the International Cigar-- 1 i .Makers' Union. Members fftlllng to at- tend will be lined Jl ouch. United .Machinists' Union No. 2 has appointed a Hpeclal committee whose iluty It will bo to see thut nil foreign burn membeis of the Union become citizens. Mrs. M. .1. Jones, well known nmong me ,,,'meiu iniK"!" ui imuui, , un i. oi'KiiiiUntloii tour throiiKh Illinois, She Is one uf the most earnest workers fori woman bUlTiniie. Mimlieis of Iirewers' Union No. C9 who neglect tu take part In the eight huiir demonstration ut Fort Ureene, llruoklyn, net Monday evenlni,-- , will for- feit tl each. Hi ewers' I'nlun No. 2, Newark, N. J., has inmli new annual cnntrnctH with tbo Home 111 eu Inn Cumiuiny, CiiHle Urewery Cuinii.iny, lOssex County lfrevv-ini- ? Compniiv, Upoikc Wlndeiiiayer und ltlslng Sun llrevvlm; Comimny. "Frlcklsm In America" Is (he subject upon which IturKess Mcl.uckle, uf llome-Hten- d fume, Is about tu lecture on a lour be will make thrniiKli the irlnclpal cities uf tbe United Stntes und Canada. The annual contract of the Bricklayers' Unions In this city with the ICmployers' Association still bmiKS tiro, but, even if It weie not slKiied by the bosses, tin- men do not expect unv set lulls trouble about hours and vvuges. The KnlglilH of l.nbor assemblies of Oniiilin, Neb., who withdrew fium the Central Ijibor Union uf thnt city last veur, are again jeiulliu; ileleKates to that body, us he differences between the upon unions nml the Knights lit t Omaha hnve been adjusted. The Citizens' Industrial Alllunce, of Plttslnirtr, has Issued a call fur a cuiivcn-tlo- n of all Inlior urnanUatlons, to be held III ChlciiKO 1111 July 1. "to formulate de- mands as a basis for a permanent po- litical union fur the better protection of the Industrial classes of America." Stove moulders have demanded an nd-- l vnnce of 1.1 per cent, of their wattes wherever they are uiKanlzed In this country, but the Imsses are determined to flsht them, and theie mny lie n Kcnewil ntrllie In lie n and brass rutin- - dries, ns the In will with thu stove men. Kmlle Hcholl has been elected Mnrslinl for the West Side Division of the elitht-bo- purade next Suttiitlny evening. The division assembles nt tbe Labor Lyceum, 'iU West street, and murcheH to Ninth avenue, Fortv -- fourth street, Tenth avenue, Thlrty-tilnt- li street, avenue, Seventeenth stieel and Union Situiiie. In iransas City, Sfo., a Labor Hx- - change has been established by the unions In that city. They piupose to erect u bulldliiK after the pattern of the I'nrls Huiirse du Travnll. The nlll-cer- s nre: CI. II. l)e Ilerunrdl, President; II. (I. Muulder, t; Thomas Morrison, Secretary; I'lilllp Aiker, Sta- tistician: A. .1. Steulienhiiver, A. I.. II. W. Strife, Trustees. Sacramento merchants aKteed to close eurly, when the Kas und electric Unlit companies stepped In and threatened to shut off the light nltOKetber if the proposition be cairled Into elfect. Tbe lubor urKiinlzatlous uf Snernmeiito have now redoubled their energy In UKltatlm; for munlclpul ownership of kuh und electric llitht iilnuts. Twenty new membera were enrolled by 1'roKiesslvo Tiillors' Union No. 11 this week. A special committee of the union will confer with the Ilrotherhoud uf Tallois and the Contractors' Assocl.i- - Hon this ovenlnir to make an nureement for the season. The contractors noem to be willing to Kinnt the demands of the men to a certain extent. The new hendiiuarteis of the union Is at 2.",7 Kast Houston stleet. ijB ; Clean House & A IB" wwi onlv with f I fir 3 1 Hvffl 1 Eeca,USe there is nothing which is harmless, that will make things perfectly MKj' clean with so little labor in so short a time; besides, it is economical and makes KLiV the work easy. MHH DO yOU Suppose that anything could attain such popularity as PHARL-WljWfflJ- m 1NE enjoys, and hold it, without wonderful merit that people would use it year WmWmWmf ater year were it harmful to fabric or hands that the hundreds of imitations arc Kf ' attracted by anything but its wonderful success ? RBM1) YOU 11 QO Well to use Pearlinc see that your servants use it, and insist HHKHr lat ley not,usetne imitations which they are often induced to try because of MpHRIlk e worthless prize accompanying it, or by the glib and false argument of some jKK'-.'s- ' PCddler. Remember rEARLINEIineverpcddled. t)l JAMES PYLE, New York. HHlCrSa&a K LvVavHHHIavHHaVHav ,.. - t v h EjavvSsvWilaiLavVBaVxSaBBa iCUREaSk S W,LL ufS. fioooi sleep! CLEAR 1 lONgI skimI MX life! teil Bit fcl Htr:iil, Ih .tfTyg i "a W B i v mental! lto ; strong! energy! 2 nerves! L AVER'S 1 Sarsaparillai I jr A Man Another Jlan A Dispute A Pi A World Almanac "What' II you have?" The Third Ilillllon has been ready fer sevcrul days. Price 23c. CUntlY.-- On Tattdtj, Aptll 35. K. A, Cunr.T, mfoof JimM K. Ourr. HebtlTM nd frlandt, alta ratmben of rrk Ixitt SIC, Y. and A. M. , and VVoicom Loifct 232.1, K. of 11., InTitad (o attend tnnMal from hur lato hema, 271 7th ara., on Frl.'Sr at a !'. M. CUItTIN.-OnTDaa- di;, April 23, Joltrn V.Ccn-III)- , in hlaSCtaatr. ItaUllfeaani frltndl ara Inflted to attand IliafuuaralarrTlcai frnra 1 la lata ranldanca, (8 Ilanrr at--, TburiJaj, 2.30 P. M. FA(IF!,r.Y, -- On April 2(, Ciiai. Fiorr.r.T, In tha 6rthytlr of liU agp. lrandaandralatltanra tMptctfutlt iniritad to attand hia funeral aarrlca Irom bla lata 34S Want 12th at. , on Wednesday eren-liit- r. April 2C,at So'o oik Inter man tin (iteju. wood Ceroatery, HAKIHT.-- On Mintny at 11 o'clock, Sarah Ann. balorad wife of Joieph llaifbt. Fnneralat 8 I. M Wednaailay from her late rraldance, 2111 Eat l&tbat. Interment at (lie confenlenoe of the family. IHI.bAM.-OilTu-.- dat. April 25, 1803. Wltr.tAM ,1, HlLI.AU, In tbe 8lth yrar of Ida age. ItelatiTea and ftienda are Inrltel to atten I tbe funeral from (he residence of hla aon.ln-law- , Jamee J. Leterbrojk. D Webster are., Jer-ea- y City, N. J., on Tburadsy, April 27, 16tlJ,a 12.30 1. M. Interment Statin Island. KM'.NOK.-- On Sundar, after a short Illness, d Tuouas Jrrrrnaos Klcnck, in bis U7tb year, ItelatUes and friends ara Intlted tn attand (tie funeral aerelcea at bis iste na,dence, &2 Dumlniclc at., on Wednesday afternoon, Airil 20, at 2 o'cloolc. LINilKRK.-- On April 21, at bar residence, 167 Wast 12th si., Makik ANtniM te, eldest dangbterof Jobn A, and Mary A. I.iuberr. Relatives and friends ara invited to attend the funeral aerriaes, ou Ihursday morning, at 10 o'clock, at IbeCbarob of Ht. rands Xavler, Weit ICthat. April 25, at 1(8 tait 41th at. Ilosoni TnrnzsA, beloved wlfo of Jobn Lynch and daughter of the late Thomas and Mary Judge sjuldoon, a native of (lie parish of Kllasbee, C'oun(y Longford. Ire land. Friends and relatives are InvKed (oaKend the funeral from Ht. Agnes'a Cbnrob, Fast 4.ld it., Friday, 28th Inst,, at 8 o'clock A, M. County Longford (Ireland) papers please copy. Lord have mercy on ber soul. MAKT1N. Funeral services of Maroasct Mill- - TIN, wife of Itafeas L, Martin, will ha bald at 'JCt East 8th at. at 1.30 P. M. Thursday, April 27, 181)3. MOK.-- OD Tuesday. April 25, 1 A. M., of pneu. monla, M. F. II. Moe, aged 41 years, Funeral on Friday, April 28, 10.30 A. II., from lata realdence, 212 West CJth at. MUKPIIY.-- On Tuesday, April 25. Mart A. Mcu. pur, the beloved daughter of Catharine and John Murpby, aged 32 years. toaHend (he funeral from the residence of ber parenu, 62) East 118th St.. on Thursday nait, (be 27th Inst., at 10 A. M.. thence (o (he Church of (he Holy Hoaary, in 115th at. Inter-me- Calvary Cemetery, lU'.urAril.-G'in- mr V. Iir.DPATit, widow of James Hediatb, on Tuesday, April 25, at ber 139 West 22dst.. In her C3d year. Nodco of funeral hereafter. Waahington papera pleaae copy. HERD In Paris, France, on Monday, April 24, of pneumonia, Marie Louirt. eldeat daughter of the late Jo'in Yan Duasen Heed, of this city. BHARP.-Undercl- lff, N. J., Tueeday, April 28, llr.anu A., daughter ot William A. fibarp, aged 21 yeara and 8 znon(ha. Reladvea and frlenda are InvKed to attend the funeral aervieea at (ha residence of ber ala-t- el Underdid at 10.30 A. M. on Thursday, and at tbe bouse of Jobn Young, 375 New York ave., Jersey City Uelghte, at 3 P. M. tho same day. SNOW, On Monday night, I.ILLtl DRCCr, aged 4 yeara, only dauyhterof lYtetam 11. and ilatde M. Snow, Jlempaleid, S. Y. Funeral prlvatj. Interment In Woodlawn, Tburaday alttrnoon. SUTIIGIILANO.-- On Mender. April 24, attar a ehort Illness. ALFBKU W. SCTniRLASD. In tbe 27(byearof his age. Iteladvet and frlenda ara lnvlled to attend thefunerat from his lale reatdasoe, 444 West 57th St., on Thursday, at 1 o'clook P. 1L WATERS. On Saturday evening, April 22, at Hotel San Remo. Horace Waters, in tbe blat year of bla age. Relativaa and frlenda are invited (o aHend (he funeral services, at the Trinity Baptist Church, 55th at,, near Leiington ave., Wednesday morning, at 11 o'clock. InUrment private. WARBURTON.-Ap- rll 24, of pneumonia, Samuel Warbcrton, be!oved husDand of Mary Farrall, Relallvev and frlenda respectfuTiy invited (o attend (be funeral, 1355 2d ave., April 20, 3 P. M. WOOD.-Ap- rll 25, at Hobokan, ELliAnrrn P. Wood, beloved wife of Isaao Wood, in her 83d year. Funeral Friday, at 2 P. M., at ber late resi- dence, No. 15 8t bst. CourANloss: You are hereby notified to attend (he funeral aervieea of our la(e Companion Robert O. Meteh, from Trinity chnrcb, corner of 7th and Washington sta., Hoboken, N. J at 2 P. II.. April 26. Tours fraternally. Thomas M. Killt, Commander. O. F. Middleton. Secretary. Brooklyn. IICTLER.-- On Tnsaday, April 23, 1833, John Jostru llUTi.En, ao.iofl'. II, Datlar, aged 21 yeara, Relativaa and frlenda are Invited lo attend the funeral from the residence of hla parents, 320 Degraw at,, on Tnursdey morning, April 27, laJ. at V A. M., th.ncetoM. Agnes'a (,'bnrob, corner Sackett and Hoyl ata., where a solemn requiem mats will be offered for the repose of all soul. Interment in Flatbusli. Hl'.:tlMVIO.N.S.-- Oii Tuesday, April 25, Thomas 1',, betored son of Philip and l'oianna nephew of Hev. J, Flttslmtnnne, i,l Mt. Andrew's Church, New York, in bis Dial year. helatlves and frlenda are respecttnlly tnvlleit toatleid funeral, from hit late resldenoi, 1SS Hlcbardson St., llrooklyo, Filday morning, at U o'clock, thence to M, Ctclha'a Churvti, where aotemn high requiem inasawllt be celebrated lor the revsiie of bis sojI. ln(erment tn Cat. vary Cemetery; LICIIT. At(er a llngerlnir Illness, Fhward M , beloved husband of Minnie . htadt lauder and eon of KreJerlok and the late I.IUa Leth Lkht, In tbo 2Hth year of bla age. Funeral bervlcei will be held at his late 177Pcnnat., Urooklyn, on Walnesdar evening, April 20, at 8.3U. Ileatlvei and frlende are rejpectfnlly InvKed to a((end, Interment 'I hursday morning. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston parers please copy. MCItnilT.-- On Monday, April 24, 1893, at 11.30 P. M., JaursU Mr. itniT'. Tuneral private. Interment at Greenwich, Conn. STAPLF.TON.-- At Flatbush, t. I., on April 25, John Htaplfton, tbe beloved husband ol Mary Oats, a native of the pariah of Kllmore, County itnscominon, Irelaud, Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral from hie late rrsldeoc. Butler at. , near Prospect, on Thursday, April 27, at P A, M. , theme to the Cburob of the Ho'y Cross, where a su.etnn requiem mass will bo odered for the repose of bis soul. WOODLAYTJi riaiETKItV. Woodlawn Station (24th Ward). Harlem Railroad, umce No. 20 Cast J.lil st. UNFUBNISHLD ROOMS TO LET. Advertisements Under This Classi- fication Repeated In THE EVENI- NG" WORLD Every Day but Mon- day Without Additional Cost. 12T1IBI'. . ."0 HAST, near nroadway-l.ar- ge. light bachelors' rooms, jh monthly, gas Included; business apartments proportionately. 230 8T.. 340 W1WT-- A large and small room to rent: unlurnlshed; separate!). 45TI1 ST.. 10.1 front unfurmahed room; closele and bath; dealrable private house, MTU ST.. In KAhT Two ronneotlnit rooms. name lor iiKuv jiuuseKuopiua, i private uuuic, rent $15. CIIKAP ROOMS 10 I.FT on 7th ave , near 41vt at., from 96.50 to 916 per month. Apply 1C0 West2ethst. UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. TWO UNFUKNISHKO CONNKOTINO IIOOMS by bachelor, preferably between 20th, 34th sta. , Mnngton. Otli aves. ; atate price and size. Charles O. Maasj 33 Wall it. UNtURNISHF.n ROOMS. 2. In private house fromCllthto 110th at. , moderate. 51. S., box 231VVorld, uptowuj, WANTKD Uaeof 'air size room 2 evenings per week for rehearsing , between 30th and Stub, ata. , 2d anil 6th aves. i stile terms. Address W., 12ii liroadway WANTKD One nnfurnished room in privale house, from 75th to doth at., west. Address Mr;. Htorms,J2 Wesl 00th at. WANTED One or two lHrht rooms for dressmak- ing, between 2d and 8th aves. Rooms, boa aJ9 Harlem World. WORLD'S HOUSE ;AND ;H0ME DAYS ARB Saturday, Sunday. o J House and Home Ads. In the Horning S World on these days are repeated lu THE EVENING WORLD I FREE. DANCING ACADEMIES. Advertisements Under This Classi- fication Repeated In THE EVEN-IN- d WORLD Every Day but Mon-da- y Without Additional Cost. AVn.HVuOM uI)aITiV" teju lu all private lev eons, with muelc, oT jiiu wll utanuliigtl.o Ian that, this la naiuraVtha rooleer s.lomy lu the city. 1 win add tu the com! HOSE A KIGGINS 1 tnonllily. i laseei VIO.V., 1 UI.S., THUILs" Yl'M "'i auernoon mnX "d'IIIUIC.,iU3il(o..1Ui prlvste l.isonj .ticket, used al pupil's convenience, beginners! .las.ei. lour lesons, 1 , iiuarler, 21 leons. isi leieptiona VVe.i. hsta. jHrst leeanna private ' """'''llllNa.lu bla rlaae lasaona.gfM Inillvlilual Instruction lu a roo-- separate (mm ceneral . illMdenl pupils And thu inetliiiil a areit aitvautage. Ill', flltAUANTt MISS McCAfvr'", 2t 1'nt litliflt, lietwffti nth aT'v, much, bat tbt rmiM any hour, Ui . Mltrcir WUD' Ifsiuns, fr, lour clt tn I iiiiiK, v la I) atnl KvntlftT,Mn at Newark, N.J ULL'I.PllONn WEDaNI HIJ l.N.innM it anv ttm. I at aiY;."1 efl,a W Hp?tUUn I individual at'tjntulT1"" I u iu- - l4riilntc Il3 wait?, also thu hlr L'ULUMIIIJH DANCINd JA KKmV0 nt., urarftlhaTfl. ,i j.eu all iuu VJ rvrnttiK . 4 l'ciim, l, sttU'tl ft.i cttw York. prcUlty diy or evcnuiif, 41 . f UooU fir flpilotrulriiction matleij Lu DUMAK-Hljrl- it and left wait V Vllt tatly asuiitantf , I'ont wait teiu bd ' tiyi.34 j Ul 115th at. um At bilol Ff'.HNA.VnO'S nA.N'riNfl ACAD n.imi), aofl ftMlifiL.-Mpri- t.it tfirm, lulf prico '! CHTiccia ' rftaantu privitr tanon any hour. Jtarnatljf UV.YY.Tav l(I.(l XrAUi.Artl!1. ! 'Jtdst UUMiwreryafelnK. 1 .ffi,rl,.cV quarter, V4 lpannna. a.prlrato Iph..10 I liuur, InttUlilual (net ruction, latpflt darces CaJi,. j lad j and crntlftiiiaii aifitanti. circular. ' KCKMl'S 8hl.KOr HL'HOOi. Fou iianciniTbT 1 tfth are., near luth at. Waltz and alUrmlatNt rJautet taught rapidly; prltate Usoua. Slpach Utoititlyu branch, J2i'J lied ford ave. , near Fulton, Hond fort'irculara. MANHATTAN I)AN?:l.N( A!AIKM 20VSt ra)tri at. bptwpati .1th and Gth arei. Ifstous, HI i 24 Ipffsont. S5; privatn Ipihoiii. , correct waltz guaranteed lu o tn 8 fttrtctlypmiu Ubboup, with inutile, 3. afternoon claaaoi 'Vn9 dajfi ami batunlaya, i.H) lady and entlemn te.ichar4! bent place in city j pojmltr prices, htofj addrpns tur circular. Private lemoni lu tbe wain nnr ippclalty. Hreption thf erpnlnr; dantv i.ijr, H tu VI P. M. ; admtaiton, geotlemeu tail lad). 40cenU, Open all ajir.mer. MISSKS MONT(l()Mi:ilY,31H Wf.t 17th it., teach klrt. Spanish, fao, "butierlly dance' aatt aO tage dincpfl. WALTZ and alt fashionable dancea tanjrbti pn. vatp nnd clans Ipnona, circular. KNJUKEE. UOCKi:U CUNSKUYATORV, 44 Wtit 14th at. LOANS. 23e. per line: Second Time, 33a, 1 bird anil Bubseqaoot Times, 30s. Dally and Sunday. Advertisements Under Thli ClaisN flcatlon Repeated In THE EVEN. INO. WORLD Every Day but Mon- day Without Additional Coat. nMERICtJJlJNJSJpCIATIOII, si:ciiii;s .iionhy at h i'nii cknt., on furniture, without removal: atrictly confldsa Hal. from 8'J5 to mi.UQU, at lowest rat. HARLEM LOAN COTi- - 1AO Hunt I'Z.tth St., Koora 3. I Loans money at f par cent, onurulture, piano CejhMiap.rrowet rat j. co.u.ii.kciai7hi;imt CO.. ' IM) aNAiSAU MT. To reliable uartlp New York. New Jeraeya&41 Brooklyn credit!. 1C0 to l,(JU0.IobUlned; Inr nlttireln use, without removal, accepted at oollat eral. strictly contidenttal. lASV.iti.S iNlt, A: li. A.sh'.N, i:i2.MASHAirriT.. KOO.UO. KromtluUup, reliable parties accommodated Immediately ; no publicity ; chattels, any kind, at collaterat,M;V'OltK ANO lHlOKlaN. L'KSt. I.OANM OK 8100 or lata procured lameday on furniture, co., wit hoot removal or Inoonveulance; afy terras I 1 4 AV HT.. KOO.M 4ti. 8IOO lH I.KMH I'lt(K'I;Ki:i "hA.IIH lAV O.N FIUNJTIrUI.WlTIIOUTltK. .HOVAI.t KAnV T Kit.IIS ANO CONKj. li:.N'llla. ;i8 I'Altlt HOW, ICO Oil 1Q8. I'NION'LOAN (t KAST 420 MT.. Ionnwon jurnlture :r.( rqiiflurntlal. A. LOANa procured on furniture In use witbeat remoTal at U; eaay uaymenta; loncest time; strictly confidential. UNION RQUAHHLOAN OO., Lincoln Ituild nif,roomC01.1J mon Sq.and 14th st. A. LOAN'b made ou household furniture, without rem oral, quickly and confidentially. Address rooTPn i pnt, box 11 'i World A LA1)V lirliiR prUatply loans tmall amount on furniture in urn. i25 llatemeyer St., Brooklyn. aDVANCKS Immediately on furniture; easy pay- ments; conlidentlal. IVKSLKY. prlrate 'J 28 ht. James place.near Fulton. Brooklyn. AUYANUirTou furniture day of application with- - outrpmoval; reasonable charKei. easiest iostal mpnti; private office , no references required! oiiiMdentfal. Webster, 108 Montague st,, Brook lyn, rm 37. ADYANCTS O.N tUUMTUUK and storije r- - celpta; easy payments, nonlidentlal. Room 7, Jefferson Building, Boernmplaoe, Urooklyn. LOANS ON FUHN1T&IIK. Ac. without reraoral or inconrenlence; terms to suit. 145 N&ssausUt room 103. M0NEY1O LOAN on furniture without remoutl termy; strictly confidential. Fulton Lo Co., a7JFultonst., Brooklyn, rooms 66 and flfi. MONEY LOANKli on furniture without ramoral KINGS IIOIINIY LOAN CO., room Ul. 373 rul-to-n St., Brooklm. Where World "Want" Ads. May Be Left. BATTERY TO 14TH STREET. EAST OF BROADWAY. 1th st., East, 48. i Ave. A, 52, 82. I Bowery, 162. i Grand st, 233, 640. 14th st., East, 25, 44, 2d ave., 14,. Canal st, 17. 214. 4th ave., 157. Division st, 157. 14th st, cor. 3d ave. "Wall st, 10. ' Frankfort st, 7. I BATTERY TO UTH STREET. WEST OF BROADWAY. 3d St., West, 55. 8th avo., 70. Hudson st, 415. Varick st, 198. 14th st., West, 2, 20. Bleeckor st, 210, 325. Hudson st, 495. Uth avo., 152., 224. Broadway, 71, room 23. University place, 11. EAST SIDE. ABOVE UTH STREET, TO 125TH STREET. 23d st., East, 1G2. 89th st., East, 173. 3d avo., 177, 329, 493, 2d ave., 788, 1318, 1331, 42d st, East, 26. 125th st, East, 15G. 554, 604, 650, 850, 1366, 1469, 1519, l(J(i3( 47th st., East, 159. Avo. A, 1551. 942, 957, 1026, 1052, 2163, 2363. 48th st., East, 203. Madison avo., 763, 985. 1096, 1162,1338,1504, 51th st.East, 154. Broadway, 864. 1563, 1921,2051,2110, 59th st, East, 206. 1st avo., 330, 1708. 2254. " WEST SIDE, ABOVE UTH STREET, TO 125TH STREET. 23d st., West, 124, 270. 125th st., West, 104, 9th avo., corner 57th st., Amsterdam avo., 05, 34th st, West, 265. 217, 243. 852. 447 745 39th St., West, 59. 6th avo., 381, 666, 821, 10th avo., 564. Broadway ,' 1227, 1243, 42dst, West, 106,257, 990. Columbus avo, 142, 251, 1267,1397,1775. 402. 8th avo. & 14th st, 90, 453,469,708,729,852, 124th st., West, 244. 251, 387, 904, 2180. 90. NORTH OF 125TH STREET. 145th st., Wont, 320. 3d nvc., 2345, 2617, 8th avo., 2128, 2477, 7th avo., 2157, 22(33. 130th stand Lenox avo. 2662. 2682. 10th avo near 157th st 138th st, East, 631. BROOKLYN. Bedford ave.,451, 1003, Fulton st, Arbucklo Fulton st,, 2153. Balph avo., 91. 123- - Building. Graham avo., 282, 329, Sands st., 59. Broadway ,41, 48, 290, Fulton st., 1119, 1197, 408. Waverly ave., 105. 431, 862, 1364. 1778, 1369, 1831. Lafu yotto ave, 1116. Second avo. and 54th st Broadway, cornorMyr- - Flatbush avo., 99. Manhattan Crossing and Third avo., 641. Uo avo. Beid ave., 257. Fulton tt Fourth avo., 71. Court st, 63, 361. Halsoy fct, 961, 772. Monroo st, 211. Fifth avo., 69, 240, 413 Do Kalb uvo., 717, 919, Atlantie avo., corner Mvrtlo avo., 859, 1152, Fifth avo., corner Par ','2'1- - Georgia. 1221. placo. Fulton st.,397, 591, 824. Grand st., 335, 273, 277. Balpli avo., corner Mar-- Sixth avo., 508. Columbia st, 251. ion st Soventh nvc., 413. H0BKE"J!'J- - JERSEY CITY. N. J. Hudson st, 69. Willow avo., 531. 156. Newark Montgomery st, 38, 76. avo., 1 ashuigton st, 107,410 Xowk r, fo Qrand Bt & Bummit av IIEWAR .,-'- , fivnvn fit l')l! Broad st 774. ,ot st.. 180. I ' JmmL " ' ' J "" iu ' " -- f "V"- - llaMaWM RAILROADS AND RAILROAD MEN. News nnd Gonalp of Interest In Transportation Circles. The Southern Pacific has at last been compelled ,o reduce ltn California lutes to meet the extremely low figures quoted by the I'nclllc Mall and North American Compnnles. C. C. Mldwood, Assistant Secretary of tho Ilendlnp, has resigned, to follow his chief. President Mcl.eod, as Secretary of the llostou und Maine, The meeting yesterdny of the Passen- ger Committee of the Trunk I.lne As- sociation HtrengthenH the Impression that the pio-pec- ts for n war In World's Fulr tateH nre brighter than ever. The Kastern Passenger Agency of the Pennsylvania, nt S49 Hroadwny, which Is presided over by Snmuel Jollyby Car- penter, Is to move next Saturday to the Houthenst comer of Hroadwny nnd Twenty-nint- h street. II, Osborn, the Chicago ngent of the Queen nnd Cicscent, vvab In town yes- terday. President M. V.. Iiigalls, of the Pig Four and Chps.ipenke nnd Ohio, Is In the city, Incidentally tu take In the naval celebration from the deck of the Old llomlulim Htrun'ir Konnoke. The eight-foo- t model of the engine hauling the Kmplre Stnte I.'xpiess on the New York (Vntinl, which lias been placed In the otllce of ThlHl Webb, cost J4.000 to build. It Is reported Hint Commeicl.il Agent Unll of the Ui le, ut 401 Iliniiilnny, Is to resign May 1, The PasseiiRer Dcpnitmcnt of the New York Central jesterd.iy notltled Its agents to begin booking pnu.sengers for the twentv-hou- r YVorld's l'"nlr flyer, the Initial trip of which will be made May 11. Oenerel Manager .1. 1 I.nng, of the West Shore, has gone on nu Inspection tour of the road. The new extension of the lleech Creek rond, which Is leased bv the New York Celitl.il, has been opened for bu.ilnet.ri betwien Ken more nnd Mnhaftv, Pa. Uastern Passenger Agent McUougnll, of the Illinois Central, was vestorday untitled that the Company had put on a thiougli buffet (deeptnif-eu- r between Chi- cago nnd Sioux Falls. CANCELLED TICKETS Conspiracy Bald to Have Deon on the " L" Rond. A conspiracy Is said to hive been ills-- c ivered li (Jeneral Managrr lluln among the tk'Itct fcelhrs of the Klevntecl roads by which old and cancelled tickets havo been to luhsengns. The (.Uicne, it is na'd, has been In operation two months and war. first dis- covered at one of the Ninth avenue nat- ions. It Is not known how Hie ticket agents were able lo secure cancelled tickets, but Col. Main says that the conspiracy wns not lone In operation before It was discovered ffc Comlnir Kvent". Cotnmenesiuflnl lrrclt of the loe;o of fbir-mtc- j, at Carnvgl Sluu 1111 thit 9fhagt AdJrti I j lienrtfl PcnintBon on An I'ftnina In lh Urrten tit hitnii, ' tt liops I htlt, lb tit Fonrlh f trert, ah la ATrnlo i, KnUrtftloni4nt in M of (lit fund to proviri a Worla'a Ktrinlbli(or Hmnptnu InttltQtvtir Mr. JoUn O. Curlii, t t'hirkaiiiie 1111 (bit (ftnina, I)lKit to lh MtrotoltUa Aicocutlon ol Crebna Ulubf will mm it tht4Cotainti, lltoidwij ail rsurttiaib mill, on I'rlaij inslii(, 'V'1Mt'"'iBMW17nOrriiavtiaaiaiaBi AUDUBON MONUMENT UNVEILING To Take Placo This Afternoon with Great Ceremonies. The monument which has been built to perpetuato the memory of John James Audu- bon, the Amcilcan naturalist, will bo un- veiled this afternoon In 'Irlnlty Cemetery, lloulcvard and one Hundrod and Fifty-thir- d street, In tho presence ot many members ot scientific societies from different parts ot the tne country. Tlio monument, which Is of blue stone, was constructed from contributions received Horn scientists all over tho United Status and cost $111,000. It will stand near the entrance of the Au- dubon family vault, at a point In the ceme- tery on otic Hundred nnd Flfty-nft- h street, directly opposite Audubon Park, wlilch was onco the residence and (auto ot the famous uaiurallst. Addiesaes by leadlnc scientists will form the principal feature or the uiirellliu;. Audubon wus tho son of a Frenchman and Spanlbhwoinan, and wbs bom lu Louisiana In 17K0. In enrly Hie he was engaged In busl-irs- s, but settled down to country Hie at now Audubon 1'atk. whero ho wrote his great works on natural history. . Ills greatest work vras"lllrds of America." He died in I8i. WHISKEY TRUST'S NEW POLICY. Tbe Flffbt Against Opposition to Be Renewod. CHICAGO, April SO. Seven of the nine directors of tho Whiskey Trust met In this city yesterday and expressed themselves In lavor cf a change In tho policy of the Trust, which, 11 adopted, It ls said, will mean a re- newal ot tho battle against opposition dis- tilleries with more vigor than It was carried on before. It will mean an Issue ot bonds running Into tho millions, but will nave as one ot Its prob- able cousoiiuences cheaper whiskey In cer- tain sections of tho country und tbe Intro- duction ot tho '1 rust as Its own distributor. .1. II. (iroenbut. President; John Ucggs. ; V. N. Uobart, 'l reasurer ; 1. J. Hounessy, ; - 11. Green, Nel-so- n, .Morris and J. W. l'rleburg were the D- irectors who discussed this proposition. '1 hey are to meet ORnln when, It Is stated, a decl-lo- n ot the momentous questions will be reached. CUT IN HALF BY A TRAIrl, A Erakemnn's Awlul Do nth on the Jnrsoy City Meadows. A. Mcllulre, a brakeman on the Ponmyl-vaul- a Railroad, was run over and Instantly killed this morning on tho meadows, near Jersey City. Mciiu'ro was standing on tho root ot a car, when tbo train stopped suddenly Just west lot tho Hackcnsick bridge. '1 he Jolt threw him to tbe track and tho wheels ot two Height cars passed over him, cutting him in half. Tho remains were taken to the Morgue. Meiiulre lived In West Philadelphia. - John Wynn Acquitted. JolmWjnu, charged with killing with a carl rung Charles McNally.nn express driver, on lledtord street, Dec 7, l bill, ami who was placed on trial lefore Justice Ingraham In llielouriut oyer and 'Icrmlner jcMcrday. was nciiulttcd, li having been shown that McNallj s death was due to a fall. Wnr Veasel Balls for Chicago. KHIK, l'a., April an Tho United states steamship Michigan, tho only war vessel on the great lakes, left this port yesterday, to reach chlcico In tlmo tor tlio opening cere- monies ut ma World's Fair. She hai been on rbauled at lluffalo and painted while,wlib gold irlitiuilnga. - mm Girls Killed by Poisoned Pie. I.I.MA.o., April KO. Nora Wood and illn. nle lllioda, two little girls, whllo playing about tho homo ot the latter )eslerday found a pie which thoy ate. Souu afterwards the) neru taken wllu convulsions and died. Tbe pie had been filled with poison and placed where It was found fcr ists. Tornado Kills Elnven Persons, c,l TIIHIK, o. 1., April ya-W- ord reached i hero early this morning thai a tornado nvcpt over tho country near Norrnan, okla. houia, laal evening doing linracnsi damage, l.lcven jcr'ons are icportcJ klllcJ. Iho win a aro rtow n. DIM. ' COITON. - Moritr, April 24, ol constiroptoo, O. (J (OLroN, r, ' V lon.li t Iniilo.l to attend tho fnnrtl mt h iltr irililrnte, 1(1 i'lit 39th iU, IlinJiy, STlh, t I P. M.

Transcript of m f lONgI tn fcl life! -...


Xmti W'f fi Tbe World's Situation Day is Thursday. THK WOULD: WEDNESDAY EVENINft, APK1L 26. 139. Thursday llel WanicJ Ads, ttcpeatca In The Evening World Free.

I jlE 1 5TIIT BF Ml.. PUT.

SW,. I rltsx Pigman Aooounts for His

'$pP ''

! Admirablo Impersonation.

'Wkt j j ! Mr. B!t Try lot to Secure Clieva.

V' if ' lltr-Ot- her Sto Ntwt.

'Ill'"' ! t'

"t Mt up nights," sata Jinx Pieman tin

tm' If I'Ctlwr dajr, "iiudjln. Ino character of

Witt I iMtu Dalr as 1 Interpret It In Tbe Port'' ' fc - POOF818- -' 1 contess tbat the usk

'till il not anew one tor any mtuns. Hereto.

fift 1 D!r ben burlesqued. Willie5 $ ' $L comer gTe a wrj exa.-gorat- picture of

fffl ! i' ' fcim. Mr We m to avoid burlesque and

f ' to Meer clear ot all previous conceptions ot

t lift ) m' i utnor.manager'B cliaracter. 1 tiy to

Hm l pUyAnpwtlnDalras beIM, i K in dreaa, manner and pecullarltlea. You will

't fS if wadUy understand tbe dltllcultlcs of ucb a

' - ' I J06- - 1 burned midnight oil ttud)ltEll)ism,'i!

l 9 tnd I spent considerable moner In KSttltiK a

' Si correct nat ana costumes." ar. Daly lias, of

Jrf' ''ft' course, paid no attention to Mr. Pieman'sH& ! f effort, but It li whispered that bo does not! ft? '

fi object to tbe impersonation In the least.

(W, ,.

;'i ''f ' A,otrt B,i ot tno nrm of Ko,ter nlRl'

If'. ! ' ? feaDeentr;instonriOtUto nltb Cberaller,

tig'. Hi , J', tne famous London coster singer, with a newl ; t j; to taking nlm to Chicago during the Pair.

9' ' Mil u now ,n L0D(l0I1 na' " ls Mia Ullt ,1B

'.-- hi -- Ji ) ba been making moat frantic efforts to ap- -

K' ' Jr F011 ChoralUr. That rery Independent

K-- M' gentleman, however, will not consider any

W m' iff otter, no matter how tempting, ills salary In

JW England la enormous, and bis appearance, W' W I 8 f nere would M something of a risk, for It ls

W 9! 'j ot ' " lur tht Indon coster songsf Iv .BH would be Terr much appreciated In America.

1Jk- - '9 t In Wi new comic orera-th- at li to say. ollas V V (S ( podrlda entitled " Panjandrum," lie Wolft fe B" ! Hopper will mako his entrance in a vehicle2 P w: .'? ' drawn br a pair ot wblto mules owned byf. r Si 2 James Kowe, tbe n starter. Mr.i',V S Howe, It Is aald, Is financially Interested lutit B a. the Hopper entrance. The white mules willi i Hi ' take the nlace of tho lamout "Waiiif" cle- -; " W 5 ' phanu A comic opera or olla poirlda' f 'S ' comedian nowadays pays rreai attention to

' l ' C Bit Brat entrance. Ho much dependa uponIf Si St mat "reception," don't you know.

' f'' m 11 ...f jHj 'iJi Ulxer I really growing a voice. Although

'i "V H! ' MUl somewhat hoarse, there are now some; Hi 'J ' genuine tones In the place where ths voice; 3 ought to be. Dlxey attributes bis vocal iili

t, ; tress to a severe cold ho took a long I liuengo.' ',' Hi .? , He Is working very bard and with auccesi to' Or I recover himself.


i mi U ...jKf A f Miss Lily Burnand, a " favorite " ot the

' Mt') 'i? i London concert halls, has been engaged by1 Hti j' I Tony Pastor and will be In New York ere

HI i lon- - "be has just been Intervlena by onetHtfrJi ot these London scribes who make a soim- -

f ? Jff what feeble attempt to copy tho AuicrlcnnK ' I' InterTlewlng Idea. " I havp been enituged, WT'bV. tor some lime past by Tony pastor 10 apiiear

' 4r at Ms theatre in Now York," said Miss llur.I1' H'--t 1 1 Band to tbls luminary, " but 1 shall bo back

: 9m q & in tbo Autumn. 'Is I 4 J Whilst over there you will payavttlt to

K! j J. the Chicago Kzhlbltlon, I suppose," queriedir ! 3? the fond youth.! t? j 1 Hatber," was tbe reply, "lam also ko.

)' 9M 3 J tog to visit Buffalo and Washington."; H4 fit "'0 mash tue Preildent, 1 presume ;"

M 5ft f " You've guested It. I bae an aunt In New' i Ml it F York who Is a member of the Army,

I. H I 3 snd before I return 1 may be c inverted."' iswi ? Ob, bright Miss I.lly liurnnnd,i f fllli ...

4 all a P. J. C Duff has Just revived Gilbert and Sul- -, I - ml fI Ilvan'a o Plualora" In Pbllaael- -

l 'i JR5 3 S pbls. lor which city such thlogs as chestnutsS'ilsstllS' do not exist. Uuitnlwa) spins blsfulih tof iBII ?4 Plnaiore." Two or threo seasons ago be' ',, wit 1'. 1 did a colossal business with It at the Chicago

1 .'(fS'J Jf ' i Auditorium.

-- ' Latl' Alas for the poor Chicago chorus girlsf 3HI I The damsels now appearluv 111 Abbe) &

r JfrMf ?' t Hchoeffel's big spectacle, Progress," nre toMTS v k pay $14 s weex tor board and lodilng. sleep.

V 1MI S r log lour In a room, aflor May 1. 'Ihuoonsld- -- M't wBi $' erate landladies are charging sin per eclc

"'?' iUI ' fcr those accommodations ooioro llay 1."' Ssf1' fflM c ...

4 5S a A Chicago girl writer baa made tho awfulLL iwf S' ' discovery that Kyrle liellew is bor.egged.

17-3-51 m' bhe says that this innrmlty ls ot very recentJR SMfl "J origin, for ho vas not thuj afflictedB 1 i! when be appeared In " Koineo and Juliet,"m.i flu'' z "Aniony and Cleopatra" and "'Iherese."

' M:, Ml ft 5 4 His nas only been appnrentr wm), 5 during the last, few uecka, i fact that leans

X; Hi;. X the Ingenious critic to infer that It Is duo to. ; fflj L' advandDg years, UUo wrinkles and gray balr.Hf IHj ...

' H S I i A new story ot tbe late Adelatdo Ndlson'Bl , AfiJ i has just been discovered. It appears that herm giVV9 friends could not induce her to maLo nnllUIB' Ntsfii!f(L Kjr reason for not doing so was tlio lec'.lnjW 'SH'rJv that such an act would precipitate ber death.K SSMvI Time tore on ana she received a very lucra- -

L, PKHJ3' tlve offer to play in America. Ilrr friendsHI1 SKjP? ! besieged her and told her that It would bo

''MP' '! wicked It she still refused to make u will.m'-'im- i Bhe yielded to tbelr importunities, but nsart'1 tMVSS oon as she bad signed tbo document she

I'M: i'KJfli'J ' said: "lfeelasir 1 bad signed hit death1 ' Tli?S i warrant." Within three weeks slio was1 & 3r5n p dead.


''m' iMii "" Blaysrof Uax Clertret e. V:ctlraMr. jffjii ' of Consumption.Wj-- i "&1j, L The fact that Edward Devln, tbe young

.iff I "UB mh0 (tot tDa klUcd' D tue Court utlj'; M, $ General Sessions, young Max Llerget, who

Hi oad criminally assaulted Derm's mtecn-jea- r-1

M.!'IBfc f 'd slater Earah,dled April 8 In Uocsevclt' smi SKI Hpspltal bas just become public.

' MIh J Tbe shooting occurred .lunoi'T, 1802, juui'Mf wlWlP 1 after Clerget bad pleaded guilty to the chargeI ( X3fcy ri ' assaulting ftarati Devln and as ho wasiflf tW A i being led to the "pen" in tne rear of the

M San ' ' court-roo-

iBdllfi 1 Devln was tried and acquitted on tbolir ill!) ground of Insanity. Consumption developed.I n SWi'ViB I sud last February be was removed to ltouso.U Isly' r Telt U capital, where be oled.


Now York Meets Boston on tbo

Polo Grounds

Arrnnsoinrnts for the Ives-Robe-

nilllnrtl Mnli'h.

" A Study In curves" would appear to bo

an appllcablo term to apply to Mm littlethat the nine wise men from out

of the Kast, yclept lloslon, havo mado tor to-

morrow atternocn at tlio Polo nrounds withtlienlnoot Unttain, who claim to be able toplay such a right lively panic of b.ill that thosavnnsof the great American fastluie fromtheseat of culture will open their ryes In

nmaeinent and cnuie them many momentsot deep thought. It will Lo the opening gameof the League hcbedule, anil tlio Mgns of 1I11.

limes are that tbo public Is quite as muchInterested In three- - baso lilts sacri-

fices, Inshoots nnd drop currci as tnrywere In tho gold old btlmy daysof four years ago. KcallHni: that an unusualeffort was necessary to revive tue Inlerist Inthe game, which bos been so dormant forthree years, Manager John M. Ward, of theNow Yorks. has labored like a 'I rojan to geltogether a band of players that Cannot tall tocompel the closest attention ot tho patronsnf bascbalLAs now constituted New York pos-

sesses a team that at tho outset pronilvjstomake It extremely Interesting for nuy and allot her competitors. Tbo players havodonoaheap of preliminary practice wirk, andthere Isn't a man on the team who ougnt notgo Into the field fit as thetraditional fldale and cagi r to playtbe game ot bis life. It li noeasy thing the (Hants will hnvu Indefeating tho Hustons, and uobody realizesthat tact better than Manager Wurd himself.The present holders ot tho champion pennantfrom tbe Hub do not lack confidence in theirability to give New Yorkers a vivid Imitationof a ball nlno winning a game right off thereel. That ls exactly what suits tho metropolitan enthusiast, and so long as an Al at ti-

de of ball ls piesenlcd bu Is not loo nairovr-minde- d

to bestow his meed of pratso In tliodirection It deserves, albeit bis favorllu teammay bo snowed under. Tbero will be a lewmusical atlaebincutH to openingwhich will add to thu general eclat ufthe arrrlr, and when tbe opposingnines pai ado across tbe greenswardpreceded by tho blaro of trumpets, then Itwill have been admitted that tbe season hasopened with a hurrah and no mistake. '1 heliohtons will have Kid Nichols and Charleyllennelt as tbelr battery.and Johnny Ward willtry to beat thut pair with great hulking AmosHums and tho chunky Doylo lu thu points.'I bo Now Yorks will tnke a final " breather "thli nlteriioon, when (boy tacklo tho v.ulo'Varsity nine. Tbetlmotot forgame, 4 o'clock, will not Interfere In any waywlin tbe naval parade, as the latter specta-cle will havo been finished lung b;foru thegaruo begins. . .

Every billiard pliyer In the 1'nltcd Mateswill be dieply interested in huh piece otnews, nhleh comes from Chicago, aneut theInternational match between Champion Itcb-rrt-

ot England, aud America's champluu,Prank Ives:

Thomas Taylor, tbe representative ofItoberts, I bo Knallsli champion billiardplajer, arrivid In Chicago taturday, but Itwas not unill vcslerdaj that ho lalledout numplou lvej and n.ado known his mission.Taylor is bere tor thu purpimn ot arrangingall lbs details ot the mtho English game, concerning his missionbe said last night : I have roino toarrauguulluetallBnf the mstch to bo playedby Ives and Huberts In Loudon during Derbyweek, which begins, I bellevo, May an. Wehave derided to make 11 lew alterations lu theregular English game, lu order that (bo con-test be more equal. Ives may talk as hopleases, but he 1 an no muro beat Huberts atbis gamo than uooerts can beat him nttrench caroms. Ko wo propose to make thepockets tbreo and a quarter Inches In widthInstead ot tbrco and and tlioballs two and a quarter inches instead uf t uand lucbes. 'Ihts will make avery great dlfforence In tliu play. 1 cal'lvlKolei is regarding tbeso changes to.oayand

' 1 know that ho will agreo to them. AllEngland Is Interested lu the match and 1

know tbo proposed changes will bo hulledwith delight, ob It Is tbe ambition ot Englishbilliard men to make the Englishand American games resemble eachother as much us possible. ItIs also part ot my mission to ni range a returnmutch In Chicago, lu take place home timenext Fall. I am r'ady to bet Mr. Ives tj.ouuon tho result, but ho docs out wish 10 acceptuntil he bus met Kobcrts and ees bow lieplays.' Taylor will return to Englund next'1 uesday." ...

1 he Western wirs also bring us lalo Infor-mation from Jako v ho Infantumdownstairs nvo weeks ago broko tbe smallbones of his right wrist. A wtek ugo thoupllnls were lemoved, and Jako hasbeen practising his billllant masses everKlnco. hcbaelcr tn-d- issued a challenge,opon to any man In tho world, to play at

balk, straight rall.cushlon caroms ur tboAmerican champion's game, lto depositedtsuu with the Brunswick company as fur-te-

(bamplon Ires said be wns gladNcbnefer bad recovered tho use of nis arm,but at present could pay no attention to hischallenge.

' 1 hat sturdy, hard-hlttl- little Cblcagoan.Johnny Van lleest, who so easily defeated

I Danny ltusscll ill Coney Island a couplu otweeks ago, will conduct a sparring entertain- -mem at Ko'x Hall Friday nlgbt nnd uttemptto outpoint tbreo leathci-welhl- s lu ununight. Ills manager, K. W.Thoinpaon, writesthus ai to Van Ileest's alleged narrow escaiefrom a knock-ou- t In Philadelphia last week:

" In regard to the report 111 the I'hllartel- -pbla papers wlilcn SAM that an llecslbail the wurst of It, 1 would say that II was n

repetition of the llussell-Va- n Hecst go. on ythe gloves were so large that Van llerst couldnot kticck his mini out. Ills opponent bithim on (he noBO and made It bleed, and onlylpd three limes In tho four rounds. nlleel' appretit. grogglness was feigned hoas to get his ! nnciit to lead."

Alexander Halvlnl, who Is by many consid-ered ho tnot expert swordsman on thostage, Istoititei Prof, senae. the well.knonuteacher of fencing, In a sword combat nutbe slafc of the Manhattan Opera House thisuitrrnoun at 1 P. A!.

thalrinan.t. II. Woodruff, of the CommitteeIn ihurgo of the amateur boxing and wrest-ling contests of the Metropolitan Association,held In .Sew ai k some weeks ago, filed the longuitcrred Itemized rupori ot thorn) contestsyesterday with Htcrotaiy James i. hulllvau..Mist what the net financial rcMills are hasiiol been made public, but It Is bcileved thata matirlal deficit Is shown. The contest-- ,therefore, must be put down ss decidedlyuisjppolulHig ttotn a monetary point of view....

Tho program mo for tbe Hanover AthleticClub boxing tournament to night nt Poole'sElgntli fctieel 'lueairu has been elaboratedwlin mi uddltloual pugilistic attraction intho persons of Eddie l.oeber and FddleNMccney, both HrookDn boxers.It will bo an tight. round bout....

The fourth shooting contest for the ConeyIsland A. c. trophy was held yesterday altlio Atlantic Hod and Oun club's (iruunds,Ilrlglitou lleach. The New t'trecbt and Olen-mo-

nun Clubs tied at 117 tlrds when thesuuply gave out. Tbo next mutch will belit Id at Dexter Park, I. L, May UU.

May 18 has been selected as tbe date of tbotestimonial to Hilly Hexlon, tbe e

billiard expert. All tbe wizards of tbo cuewill appear at .Maurice Daly's.


The dentil ls announced of .Terry Hur-le- y,

a iiimber of Ilorseshuem' UnionNu. lit.

The (Irntul Division of the TeleK-rnplier- s'

llrollierhood meets nt Toronto,tint., Mny IS.

l,.irt,'e nuiiiUers of women nml girls 11 nJoining the l'."tull t'lerks' 1'nlon InI'lfM-lutlll- , (J.

The International Convention of theTin, Hheet-Iru- n nml I'onilce Workers'I'nlons Ih In Kesslon nt Ut. I.ouls.

The I'nlun r.iclllc s' strikehiiH been ileplnred off. The men re-

turned to work yesterduy.I ci" delivery men have been orirnnlzed

Intu 11 locnl iiBsombly of the Knights ufl.nbor In Uniiibii, Neb.

l'lremen's I'nlun No. 1 has Riven 2fl

to the BtrlkltiK Journeymen brewers oft'olH-K- Point.

I'ntlerii-muker- s nre asked not to ro toIndlun.ipiills, 11H there Ih no work fortin-Il- l there, nlthoiiKli the bosseB lire

for men.The ileleitntes of Horseshoers' t'nlon

No, to tin- - International Union Con-vention will be ulveii Instructions ut thenext Iileetlllt! uf the I'llloll.

Valentine Hatnlers and VnlentlneSchlllliiK lire Hie new derrffutes of Car- -iienters' I'lilun No. 513 tu the CurpentersUlBllll't Cuiincll.

The Sun KriinelRco Hxumlner bemoansthe Ulimlstiikiible fact thut the trustsnml iimnopullPH lire cutivertlnK the work-men of ull cuiintileH tu Socialism.

About l.lMO went onPtrlki In i'IiIcuko jesterduy. They de-- ,miilid per iluy. Most of the strikersuru iniii'litneiy moulders.

W'ngeH have been reduced nt the KiiRlebox fuetuiy 111 HI. I.oiiIm, und the unionmen lilllieito einplnyeil there weie um-in,- it

lly illHcliniKed when they protested.On .Memoilul Day the lubor iinluns of

Cleveland, O., will luive u picnic whoseptnceeils me to be devoted townrds mak-- lI UK llielr ulllclal orgnn, which nt pres-- I

Is a weekly, 11 dally luboi newo-- .paper.

On Mny 13 Clgnrmakers' I'nlon No.''Hi will vute upon nominees fur nt

of the International Cigar-- 1 i

.Makers' Union. Members fftlllng to at-tend will be lined Jl ouch.

United .Machinists' Union No. 2 hasappointed a Hpeclal committee whoseiluty It will bo to see thut nil foreignburn membeis of the Union becomecitizens.

Mrs. M. .1. Jones, well known nmongme ,,,'meiu iniK"!" ui imuui, , un i.oi'KiiiiUntloii tour throiiKh Illinois, SheIs one uf the most earnest workers foriwoman bUlTiniie.

Mimlieis of Iirewers' Union No. C9

who neglect tu take part In the eighthuiir demonstration ut Fort Ureene,llruoklyn, net Monday evenlni,-- , will for-feit tl each.

Hi ewers' I'nlun No. 2, Newark, N. J.,has inmli new annual cnntrnctH withtbo Home 111 eu Inn Cumiuiny, CiiHleUrewery Cuinii.iny, lOssex County lfrevv-ini- ?

Compniiv, Upoikc Wlndeiiiayer undltlslng Sun llrevvlm; Comimny.

"Frlcklsm In America" Is (he subjectupon which IturKess Mcl.uckle, uf llome-Hten- d

fume, Is about tu lecture on alour be will make thrniiKli the irlnclpalcities uf tbe United Stntes und Canada.

The annual contract of the Bricklayers'Unions In this city with the ICmployers'Association still bmiKS tiro, but, evenif It weie not slKiied by the bosses, tin-men do not expect unv set lulls troubleabout hours and vvuges.

The KnlglilH of l.nbor assemblies ofOniiilin, Neb., who withdrew fium theCentral Ijibor Union uf thnt city lastveur, are again jeiulliu; ileleKates tothat body, us he differences betweenthe upon unions nml the Knights lit t

Omaha hnve been adjusted.The Citizens' Industrial Alllunce, of

Plttslnirtr, has Issued a call fur a cuiivcn-tlo- n

of all Inlior urnanUatlons, to be heldIII ChlciiKO 1111 July 1. "to formulate de-mands as a basis for a permanent po-litical union fur the better protection ofthe Industrial classes of America."

Stove moulders have demanded an nd-- lvnnce of 1.1 per cent, of their watteswherever they are uiKanlzed In thiscountry, but the Imsses are determinedto flsht them, and theie mny lie nKcnewil ntrllie In lie n and brass rutin- -

dries, ns the In willwith thu stove men.

Kmlle Hcholl has been elected Mnrslinlfor the West Side Division of the elitht-bo-

purade next Suttiitlny evening. Thedivision assembles nt tbe Labor Lyceum,'iU West street, andmurcheH to Ninth avenue, Fortv -- fourthstreet, Tenth avenue, Thlrty-tilnt- li street,

avenue, Seventeenth stieel andUnion Situiiie.

In iransas City, Sfo., a Labor Hx- -change has been established by theunions In that city. They piupose toerect u bulldliiK after the pattern ofthe I'nrls Huiirse du Travnll. The nlll-cer- s

nre: CI. II. l)e Ilerunrdl, President;II. (I. Muulder, t; ThomasMorrison, Secretary; I'lilllp Aiker, Sta-tistician: A. .1. Steulienhiiver, A. I..

II. W. Strife, Trustees.Sacramento merchants aKteed to close

eurly, when the Kas und electric Unlitcompanies stepped In and threatened toshut off the light nltOKetber if theproposition be cairled Into elfect. Tbelubor urKiinlzatlous uf Snernmeiito havenow redoubled their energy In UKltatlm;for munlclpul ownership of kuh undelectric llitht iilnuts.

Twenty new membera were enrolled by1'roKiesslvo Tiillors' Union No. 11 thisweek. A special committee of the unionwill confer with the Ilrotherhoud ufTallois and the Contractors' Assocl.i- -Hon this ovenlnir to make an nureementfor the season. The contractors noemto be willing to Kinnt the demands ofthe men to a certain extent. The newhendiiuarteis of the union Is at 2.",7 KastHouston stleet.

ijB ; Clean House & A IB"

wwi onlv with f I fir 3 1

Hvffl 1 Eeca,USe there is nothing which is harmless, that will make things perfectlyMKj' clean with so little labor in so short a time; besides, it is economical and makesKLiV the work easy.

MHH DO yOU Suppose that anything could attain such popularity as PHARL-WljWfflJ- m

1NE enjoys, and hold it, without wonderful merit that people would use it yearWmWmWmf ater year were it harmful to fabric or hands that the hundreds of imitations arc

Kf ' attracted by anything but its wonderful success ?

RBM1) YOU 11 QO Well to use Pearlinc see that your servants use it, and insistHHKHr lat ley not,usetne imitations which they are often induced to try because ofMpHRIlk e worthless prize accompanying it, or by the glib and false argument of somejKK'-.'s- ' PCddler. Remember rEARLINEIineverpcddled. t)l JAMES PYLE, New York.

HHlCrSa&a KLvVavHHHIavHHaVHav ,..- t v h



S W,LL ufS.

fioooi sleep!

CLEAR 1 lONgIskimI MX life!teil Bit fclHtr:iil, Ih .tfTyg

i "a W B i vmental! lto ; strong!energy! 2 nerves!

L AVER'S 1SarsaparillaiI jr

A ManAnother JlanA DisputeA PiA World Almanac

"What' II you have?"The Third Ilillllon has been ready fer

sevcrul days. Price 23c.

CUntlY.-- On Tattdtj, Aptll 35. K. A, Cunr.T,mfoof JimM K. Ourr.

HebtlTM nd frlandt, alta ratmben of rrkIxitt SIC, Y. and A. M. , and VVoicom Loifct232.1, K. of 11., InTitad (o attend tnnMal fromhur lato hema, 271 7th ara., on Frl.'Sr at a!'. M.

CUItTIN.-OnTDaa- di;, April 23, Joltrn V.Ccn-III)- ,

in hlaSCtaatr.ItaUllfeaani frltndl ara Inflted to attand

IliafuuaralarrTlcai frnra 1 la lata ranldanca, (8Ilanrr at--, TburiJaj, 2.30 P. M.

FA(IF!,r.Y, -- On April 2(, Ciiai. Fiorr.r.T, In tha6rthytlr of liU agp.

lrandaandralatltanra tMptctfutlt iniritadto attand hia funeral aarrlca Irom bla lata

34S Want 12th at. , on Wednesday eren-liit- r.

April 2C,at So'o oik Inter man tin (iteju.wood Ceroatery,

HAKIHT.-- On Mintny at 11 o'clock, Sarah Ann.balorad wife of Joieph llaifbt.

Fnneralat 8 I. M Wednaailay from her laterraldance, 2111 Eat l&tbat. Interment at (lieconfenlenoe of the family.

IHI.bAM.-OilTu-.- dat. April 25, 1803. Wltr.tAM,1, HlLI.AU, In tbe 8lth yrar of Ida age.

ItelatiTea and ftienda are Inrltel to atten I

tbe funeral from (he residence of hla aon.ln-law- ,

Jamee J. Leterbrojk. D Webster are., Jer-ea- y

City, N. J., on Tburadsy, April 27, 16tlJ,a12.30 1. M. Interment Statin Island.

KM'.NOK.-- On Sundar, after a short Illness, d

Tuouas Jrrrrnaos Klcnck, in bisU7tb year,

ItelatUes and friends ara Intlted tn attand(tie funeral aerelcea at bis iste na,dence, &2

Dumlniclc at., on Wednesday afternoon, Airil20, at 2 o'cloolc.

LINilKRK.-- On April 21, at bar residence,167 Wast 12th si., Makik ANtniM te, eldestdangbterof Jobn A, and Mary A. I.iuberr.

Relatives and friends ara invited to attendthe funeral aerriaes, ou Ihursday morning, at10 o'clock, at IbeCbarob of Ht. rands Xavler,Weit ICthat.

April 25, at 1(8

tait 41th at. Ilosoni TnrnzsA, beloved wlfoof Jobn Lynch and daughter of the lateThomas and Mary Judge sjuldoon, a native of(lie parish of Kllasbee, C'oun(y Longford. Ireland.

Friends and relatives are InvKed (oaKendthe funeral from Ht. Agnes'a Cbnrob, Fast 4.ld

it., Friday, 28th Inst,, at 8 o'clock A, M.County Longford (Ireland) papers please

copy.Lord have mercy on ber soul.

MAKT1N. Funeral services of Maroasct Mill- -

TIN, wife of Itafeas L, Martin, will ha bald at'JCt East 8th at. at 1.30 P. M. Thursday, April27, 181)3.

MOK.-- OD Tuesday. April 25, 1 A. M., of pneu.monla, M. F. II. Moe, aged 41 years,

Funeral on Friday, April 28, 10.30 A. II.,from lata realdence, 212 West CJth at.

MUKPIIY.-- On Tuesday, April 25. Mart A. Mcu.pur, the beloved daughter of Catharine andJohn Murpby, aged 32 years.

toaHend (he funeral from the residence of berparenu, 62) East 118th St.. on Thursday nait,(be 27th Inst., at 10 A. M.. thence (o (heChurch of (he Holy Hoaary, in 115th at. Inter-me-

Calvary Cemetery,

lU'.urAril.-G'in- mr V. Iir.DPATit, widow of JamesHediatb, on Tuesday, April 25, at ber

139 West 22dst.. In her C3d year.Nodco of funeral hereafter.Waahington papera pleaae copy.

HERD In Paris, France, on Monday, April 24, ofpneumonia, Marie Louirt. eldeat daughter ofthe late Jo'in Yan Duasen Heed, of this city.

BHARP.-Undercl- lff, N. J., Tueeday, April 28,llr.anu A., daughter ot William A. fibarp,aged 21 yeara and 8 znon(ha.

Reladvea and frlenda are InvKed to attendthe funeral aervieea at (ha residence of ber ala-t-

el Underdid at 10.30 A. M. on Thursday,and at tbe bouse of Jobn Young, 375 New Yorkave., Jersey City Uelghte, at 3 P. M. tho sameday.

SNOW, On Monday night, I.ILLtl DRCCr, aged4 yeara, only dauyhterof lYtetam 11. and ilatdeM. Snow, Jlempaleid, S. Y.

Funeral prlvatj. Interment In Woodlawn,Tburaday alttrnoon.

SUTIIGIILANO.-- On Mender. April 24, attar aehort Illness. ALFBKU W. SCTniRLASD. In tbe27(byearof his age.

Iteladvet and frlenda ara lnvlled to attendthefunerat from his lale reatdasoe, 444 West57th St., on Thursday, at 1 o'clook P. 1L

WATERS. On Saturday evening, April 22, atHotel San Remo. Horace Waters, in tbeblat year of bla age.

Relativaa and frlenda are invited (o aHend(he funeral services, at the Trinity BaptistChurch, 55th at,, near Leiington ave.,Wednesday morning, at 11 o'clock. InUrmentprivate.

WARBURTON.-Ap- rll 24, of pneumonia, SamuelWarbcrton, be!oved husDand of Mary Farrall,

Relallvev and frlenda respectfuTiy invited (oattend (be funeral, 1355 2d ave., April 20, 3

P. M.WOOD.-Ap- rll 25, at Hobokan, ELliAnrrn P.

Wood, beloved wife of Isaao Wood, in her 83dyear.

Funeral Friday, at 2 P. M., at ber late resi-dence, No. 15 8t bst.

CourANloss: You are hereby notified to attend(he funeral aervieea of our la(e Companion RobertO. Meteh, from Trinity chnrcb, corner of 7th andWashington sta., Hoboken, N. J at 2 P. II..April 26. Tours fraternally.

Thomas M. Killt, Commander.O. F. Middleton. Secretary.

Brooklyn.IICTLER.-- On Tnsaday, April 23, 1833, John

Jostru llUTi.En, ao.iofl'. II, Datlar, aged 21yeara,

Relativaa and frlenda are Invited lo attendthe funeral from the residence of hla parents,320 Degraw at,, on Tnursdey morning, April27, laJ. at V A. M., th.ncetoM. Agnes'a(,'bnrob, corner Sackett and Hoyl ata., wherea solemn requiem mats will be offered for therepose of all soul. Interment in Flatbusli.

Hl'.:tlMVIO.N.S.-- Oii Tuesday, April 25, Thomas1',, betored son of Philip and l'oianna

nephew of Hev. J, Flttslmtnnne, i,lMt. Andrew's Church, New York, in bis Dialyear.

helatlves and frlenda are respecttnlly tnvlleittoatleid funeral, from hit late resldenoi, 1SSHlcbardson St., llrooklyo, Filday morning, atU o'clock, thence to M, Ctclha'a Churvti, whereaotemn high requiem inasawllt be celebratedlor the revsiie of bis sojI. ln(erment tn Cat.vary Cemetery;

LICIIT. At(er a llngerlnir Illness, FhwardM , beloved husband of Minnie . htadtlauder and eon of KreJerlok and the late I.IUaLeth Lkht, In tbo 2Hth year of bla age.

Funeral bervlcei will be held at his late177Pcnnat., Urooklyn, on Walnesdar

evening, April 20, at 8.3U. Ileatlvei andfrlende are rejpectfnlly InvKed to a((end,Interment 'I hursday morning.

Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston parersplease copy.

MCItnilT.-- On Monday, April 24, 1893, at 11.30P. M., JaursU Mr. itniT'.

Tuneral private. Interment at Greenwich,Conn.

STAPLF.TON.-- At Flatbush, t. I., on April 25,John Htaplfton, tbe beloved husband olMary Oats, a native of the pariah of Kllmore,County itnscominon, Irelaud,

Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attendthe funeral from hie late rrsldeoc. Butler at. ,

near Prospect, on Thursday, April 27, at P A,M. , theme to the Cburob of the Ho'y Cross,where a su.etnn requiem mass will bo odered forthe repose of bis soul.

WOODLAYTJi riaiETKItV.Woodlawn Station (24th Ward). Harlem Railroad,

umce No. 20 Cast J.lil st.


Advertisements Under This Classi-

fication Repeated In THE EVENI-

NG" WORLD Every Day but Mon-

day Without Additional Cost.

12T1IBI'. . ."0 HAST, near nroadway-l.ar- ge. lightbachelors' rooms, jh monthly, gas Included;

business apartments proportionately.230 8T.. 340 W1WT--A large and small room to

rent: unlurnlshed; separate!).45TI1 ST.. 10.1 front

unfurmahed room; closele and bath; dealrableprivate house,MTU ST.. In KAhT Two ronneotlnit rooms.

name lor iiKuv jiuuseKuopiua, i private uuuic,rent $15.CIIKAP ROOMS 10 I.FT on 7th ave , near 41vt

at., from 96.50 to 916 per month. Apply 1C0West2ethst.


TWO UNFUKNISHKO CONNKOTINO IIOOMSby bachelor, preferably between 20th, 34th sta. ,

Mnngton. Otli aves. ; atate price and size. CharlesO. Maasj 33 Wall it.UNtURNISHF.n ROOMS. 2. In private house

fromCllthto 110th at. , moderate. 51. S., box231VVorld, uptowuj,WANTKD Uaeof 'air size room 2 evenings per

week for rehearsing , between 30th and Stub, ata. ,2d anil 6th aves. i stile terms. Address W., 12iiliroadwayWANTKD One nnfurnished room in privale

house, from 75th to doth at., west. AddressMr;. Htorms,J2 Wesl 00th at.WANTED One or two lHrht rooms for dressmak-

ing, between 2d and 8th aves. Rooms, boa aJ9Harlem World.






Saturday, Sunday.o

J House and Home Ads. In the HorningS World on these days are repeated lu




Advertisements Under This Classi-fication Repeated In THE EVEN-IN- d

WORLD Every Day but Mon-da- y

Without Additional Cost.AVn.HVuOM uI)aITiV"teju lu all private lev eons, with muelc, oT jiiuwll utanuliigtl.o Ian that, this la naiuraVtharooleer s.lomy lu the city. 1 win add tu the com!

HOSE A KIGGINS1 tnonllily. i laseei VIO.V., 1 UI.S., THUILs"

Yl'M "'i auernoonmnX "d'IIIUIC.,iU3il(o..1Ui prlvste l.isonj.ticket, used al pupil's convenience, beginners!.las.ei. lour lesons, 1 , iiuarler, 21 leons. isileieptiona VVe.i. hsta. jHrst leeanna private '

"""'''llllNa.lu bla rlaae lasaona.gfMInillvlilual Instruction lu a roo-- separate (mmceneral . illMdenl pupils And thuinetliiiil a areit aitvautage. Ill', flltAUANTt

MISS McCAfvr'",2t 1'nt litliflt, lietwffti nth aT'v, much, bat tbtrmiM any hour, Ui . Mltrcir WUD'

Ifsiuns, fr, lour clt tn IiiiiiK, v la I) atnl KvntlftT,Mn at Newark, N.JULL'I.PllONn WEDaNI HIJ

l.N.innM it anv ttm. I at aiY;."1 efl,a WHp?tUUn I individual at'tjntulT1"" I u iu- -

l4riilntc Il3 wait?, also thu hlrL'ULUMIIIJH DANCINd JA KKmV0nt., urarftlhaTfl. ,i j.eu all iuu VJrvrnttiK . 4 l'ciim, l, sttU'tl ft.i cttw York.prcUlty diy or evcnuiif, 41 . f

UooU fir flpilotrulriiction matleij LuDUMAK-Hljrl- it and left wait V Vllttatly asuiitantf , I'ont wait teiu bd '

tiyi.34 j Ul 115th at. um At bilolFf'.HNA.VnO'S nA.N'riNfl ACAD n.imi), aofl

ftMlifiL.-Mpri- t.it tfirm, lulf prico '! CHTiccia 'rftaantu privitr tanon any hour. JtarnatljfUV.YY.Tav l(I.(l XrAUi.Artl!1. !

'Jtdst UUMiwreryafelnK. 1 .ffi,rl,.cVquarter, V4 lpannna. a.prlrato Iph..10 I

liuur, InttUlilual (net ruction, latpflt darces CaJi,. jlad j and crntlftiiiaii aifitanti. circular. 'KCKMl'S 8hl.KOr HL'HOOi. Fou iianciniTbT

1 tfth are., near luth at. Waltz and alUrmlatNtrJautet taught rapidly; prltate Usoua. SlpachUtoititlyu branch, J2i'J lied ford ave. , near Fulton,Hond fort'irculara.MANHATTAN I)AN?:l.N( A!AIKM 20VSt

ra)tri at. bptwpati .1th and Gth arei.Ifstous, HI i 24 Ipffsont. S5; privatn Ipihoiii. ,correct waltz guaranteed lu o tn 8 fttrtctlypmiuUbboup, with inutile, 3. afternoon claaaoi 'Vn9dajfi ami batunlaya, i.H) lady and entlemnte.ichar4! bent place in city j pojmltr prices, htofjaddrpns tur circular. Private lemoni lu tbe wainnnr ippclalty. Hreption thf erpnlnr; dantvi.ijr, H tu VI P. M. ; admtaiton, geotlemeu taillad). 40cenU, Open all ajir.mer.MISSKS MONT(l()Mi:ilY,31H Wf.t 17th it., teach

klrt. Spanish, fao, "butierlly dance' aatt aOtage dincpfl.

WALTZ and alt fashionable dancea tanjrbti pn.vatp nnd clans Ipnona, circular. KNJUKEE.

UOCKi:U CUNSKUYATORV, 44 Wtit 14th at.

LOANS. 23e. per line: Second Time, 33a,1 bird anil Bubseqaoot Times, 30s.Dally and Sunday.

Advertisements Under Thli ClaisN

flcatlon Repeated In THE EVEN.

INO. WORLD Every Day but Mon-

day Without Additional Coat.

nMERICtJJlJNJSJpCIATIOII,si:ciiii;s .iionhy at h i'nii cknt.,on furniture, without removal: atrictly confldsa

Hal. from 8'J5 to mi.UQU, at lowest rat.HARLEM LOAN COTi-


1AO Hunt I'Z.tth St., Koora 3. ILoans money at f par cent, onurulture, pianoCejhMiap.rrowet rat j.co.u.ii.kciai7hi;imt CO.. '

IM) aNAiSAU MT.To reliable uartlp New York. New Jeraeya&41

Brooklyn credit!. 1C0 to l,(JU0.IobUlned; Inrnlttireln use, without removal, accepted at oollateral. strictly contidenttal.

lASV.iti.S iNlt, A: li. A.sh'.N,i:i2.MASHAirriT.. KOO.UO.KromtluUup, reliable parties accommodated

Immediately ; no publicity ; chattels, any kind, atcollaterat,M;V'OltK ANO lHlOKlaN.L'KSt. I.OANM OK

8100 or lata procured lameday on furniture, co.,wit hoot removal or Inoonveulance; afy terras

I 1 4 AV HT.. KOO.M 4ti.8IOO lH I.KMH I'lt(K'I;Ki:i "hA.IIH


(t KAST 420 MT..Ionnwon jurnlture :r.( rqiiflurntlal.A. LOANa procured on furniture In use witbeat

remoTal at U; eaay uaymenta; loncest time;strictly confidential. UNION RQUAHHLOAN OO.,Lincoln Ituild nif,roomC01.1J mon Sq.and 14th st.A. LOAN'b made ou household furniture, without

rem oral, quickly and confidentially. AddressrooTPn i pnt, box 11 'i WorldA LA1)V lirliiR prUatply loans tmall amount on

furniture in urn. i25 llatemeyer St., Brooklyn.aDVANCKS Immediately on furniture; easy pay-

ments; conlidentlal. IVKSLKY. prlrate'J 28 ht. James place.near Fulton. Brooklyn.

AUYANUirTou furniture day of application with- -outrpmoval; reasonable charKei. easiest iostal

mpnti; private office , no references required!oiiiMdentfal. Webster, 108 Montague st,, Brooklyn, rm 37.ADYANCTS O.N tUUMTUUK and storije r- -

celpta; easy payments, nonlidentlal. Room 7,Jefferson Building, Boernmplaoe, Urooklyn.LOANS ON FUHN1T&IIK. Ac. without reraoral

or inconrenlence; terms to suit. 145 N&ssausUtroom 103.M0NEY1O LOAN on furniture without remoutltermy; strictly confidential. Fulton LoCo., a7JFultonst., Brooklyn, rooms 66 and flfi.

MONEY LOANKli on furniture without ramoralKINGS IIOIINIY LOAN CO., room Ul. 373 rul-to-n

St., Brooklm.

Where World "Want" Ads. May Be Left.BATTERY TO 14TH STREET. EAST OF BROADWAY.

1th st., East, 48. i Ave. A, 52, 82. I Bowery, 162. i Grand st, 233, 640.14th st., East, 25, 44, 2d ave., 14,. Canal st, 17.

214. 4th ave., 157. Division st, 157.14th st, cor. 3d ave. "Wall st, 10. ' Frankfort st, 7. I


3d St., West, 55. 8th avo., 70. Hudson st, 415. Varick st, 198.14th st., West, 2, 20. Bleeckor st, 210, 325. Hudson st, 495.Uth avo., 152., 224. Broadway, 71, room 23. University place, 11.

EAST SIDE. ABOVE UTH STREET, TO 125TH STREET.23d st., East, 1G2. 89th st., East, 173. 3d avo., 177, 329, 493, 2d ave., 788, 1318, 1331,

42d st, East, 26. 125th st, East, 15G. 554, 604, 650, 850, 1366, 1469, 1519, l(J(i3(

47th st., East, 159. Avo. A, 1551. 942, 957, 1026, 1052, 2163, 2363.48th st., East, 203. Madison avo., 763, 985. 1096, 1162,1338,1504,51th st.East, 154. Broadway, 864. 1563, 1921,2051,2110,59th st, East, 206. 1st avo., 330, 1708. 2254.


23d st., West, 124, 270. 125th st., West, 104, 9th avo., corner 57th st., Amsterdam avo., 05,

34th st, West, 265. 217, 243. 852. 447 74539th St., West, 59. 6th avo., 381, 666, 821, 10th avo., 564. Broadway ,' 1227, 1243,

42dst, West, 106,257, 990. Columbus avo, 142, 251, 1267,1397,1775.402. 8th avo. & 14th st, 90, 453,469,708,729,852,

124th st., West, 244. 251, 387, 904, 2180. 90.NORTH OF 125TH STREET.

145th st., Wont, 320. 3d nvc., 2345, 2617, 8th avo., 2128, 2477, 7th avo., 2157, 22(33.

130th stand Lenox avo. 2662. 2682. 10th avo near 157th st138th st, East, 631.


Bedford ave.,451, 1003, Fulton st, Arbucklo Fulton st,, 2153. Balph avo., 91.123- - Building. Graham avo., 282, 329, Sands st., 59.

Broadway ,41, 48, 290, Fulton st., 1119, 1197, 408. Waverly ave., 105.431, 862, 1364. 1778, 1369, 1831. Lafu yotto ave, 1116. Second avo. and 54th st

Broadway, cornorMyr- - Flatbush avo., 99. Manhattan Crossing and Third avo., 641.Uo avo. Beid ave., 257. Fulton tt Fourth avo., 71.

Court st, 63, 361. Halsoy fct, 961, 772. Monroo st, 211. Fifth avo., 69, 240, 413Do Kalb uvo., 717, 919, Atlantie avo., corner Mvrtlo avo., 859, 1152, Fifth avo., corner Par

','2'1- - Georgia. 1221. placo.Fulton st.,397, 591, 824. Grand st., 335, 273, 277. Balpli avo., corner Mar-- Sixth avo., 508.

Columbia st, 251. ion st Soventh nvc., 413.

H0BKE"J!'J- - JERSEY CITY. N. J.Hudson st, 69. Willow avo., 531. 156.NewarkMontgomery st, 38, 76. avo.,1 ashuigton st, 107,410 Xowk r, fo Qrand Bt & Bummit av

IIEWAR .,-'-, fivnvn fit l')l!Broad st 774. ,ot st.. 180.


'JmmL " ' ' J "" iu ' " --f"V"- -



News nnd Gonalp of Interest InTransportation Circles.

The Southern Pacific has at last beencompelled ,o reduce ltn California lutesto meet the extremely low figures quotedby the I'nclllc Mall and North AmericanCompnnles.

C. C. Mldwood, Assistant Secretary oftho Ilendlnp, has resigned, to follow hischief. President Mcl.eod, as Secretaryof the llostou und Maine,

The meeting yesterdny of the Passen-ger Committee of the Trunk I.lne As-sociation HtrengthenH the Impressionthat the pio-pec- ts for n war In World'sFulr tateH nre brighter than ever.

The Kastern Passenger Agency of thePennsylvania, nt S49 Hroadwny, whichIs presided over by Snmuel Jollyby Car-penter, Is to move next Saturday to theHouthenst comer of Hroadwny nndTwenty-nint- h street.

II, Osborn, the Chicago ngent of theQueen nnd Cicscent, vvab In town yes-terday.

President M. V.. Iiigalls, of the PigFour and Chps.ipenke nnd Ohio, Is Inthe city, Incidentally tu take In thenaval celebration from the deck of theOld llomlulim Htrun'ir Konnoke.

The eight-foo- t model of the enginehauling the Kmplre Stnte I.'xpiess onthe New York (Vntinl, which lias beenplaced In the otllce of ThlHl

Webb, cost J4.000 to build.It Is reported Hint Commeicl.il Agent

Unll of the Ui le, ut 401 Iliniiilnny, Isto resign May 1,

The PasseiiRer Dcpnitmcnt of the NewYork Central jesterd.iy notltled Itsagents to begin booking pnu.sengers forthe twentv-hou- r YVorld's l'"nlr flyer, theInitial trip of which will be made May 11.

Oenerel Manager .1. 1 I.nng, of theWest Shore, has gone on nu Inspectiontour of the road.

The new extension of the lleech Creekrond, which Is leased bv the New YorkCelitl.il, has been opened for bu.ilnet.ribetwien Ken more nnd Mnhaftv, Pa.

Uastern Passenger Agent McUougnll,of the Illinois Central, was vestordayuntitled that the Company had put on athiougli buffet (deeptnif-eu- r between Chi-cago nnd Sioux Falls.


Conspiracy Bald to Have Deonon the " L" Rond.

A conspiracy Is said to hive been ills-- c

ivered li (Jeneral Managrr lluln amongthe tk'Itct fcelhrs of the Klevntecl roadsby which old and cancelled tickets havobeen to luhsengns.

The (.Uicne, it is na'd, has been Inoperation two months and war. first dis-covered at one of the Ninth avenue nat-ions.

It Is not known how Hie ticket agentswere able lo secure cancelled tickets,but Col. Main says that the conspiracywns not lone In operation before It wasdiscovered


Comlnir Kvent".Cotnmenesiuflnl lrrclt of the loe;o of fbir-mtc- j,

at Carnvgl Sluu 1111 thit 9fhagtAdJrti I j lienrtfl PcnintBon on An I'ftnina

In lh Urrten tit hitnii, ' tt liops I htlt, lb titFonrlh f trert, ah la ATrnlo i,KnUrtftloni4nt in M of (lit fund to proviri a

Worla'a Ktrinlbli(or Hmnptnu InttltQtvtir Mr.JoUn O. Curlii, t t'hirkaiiiie 1111 (bit (ftnina,

I)lKit to lh MtrotoltUa Aicocutlon olCrebna Ulubf will mm it tht4Cotainti, lltoidwij

ail rsurttiaib mill, on I'rlaij inslii(,



To Take Placo This Afternoon withGreat Ceremonies.

The monument which has been built toperpetuato the memory of John James Audu-bon, the Amcilcan naturalist, will bo un-

veiled this afternoon In 'Irlnlty Cemetery,lloulcvard and one Hundrod and Fifty-thir- d

street, In tho presence ot many members otscientific societies from different parts ot thetne country.

Tlio monument, which Is of blue stone, wasconstructed from contributions receivedHorn scientists all over tho United Status andcost $111,000.

It will stand near the entrance of the Au-dubon family vault, at a point In the ceme-tery on otic Hundred nnd Flfty-nft- h street,directly opposite Audubon Park, wlilch wasonco the residence and (auto ot the famousuaiurallst.

Addiesaes by leadlnc scientists will formthe principal feature or the uiirellliu;.

Audubon wus tho son of a Frenchman andSpanlbhwoinan, and wbs bom lu Louisiana In17K0. In enrly Hie he was engaged In busl-irs- s,

but settled down to country Hie atnow Audubon 1'atk. whero ho wrote

his great works on natural history. . Illsgreatest work vras"lllrds of America." Hedied in I8i.WHISKEY TRUST'S NEW POLICY.

Tbe Flffbt Against Oppositionto Be Renewod.

CHICAGO, April SO. Seven of the ninedirectors of tho Whiskey Trust met In thiscity yesterday and expressed themselves Inlavor cf a change In tho policy of the Trust,which, 11 adopted, It ls said, will mean a re-

newal ot tho battle against opposition dis-

tilleries with more vigor than It was carriedon before.

It will mean an Issue ot bonds running Intotho millions, but will nave as one ot Its prob-able cousoiiuences cheaper whiskey In cer-tain sections of tho country und tbe Intro-duction ot tho '1 rust as Its own distributor.

.1. II. (iroenbut. President; John Ucggs.; V. N. Uobart, 'l reasurer ;

1. J. Hounessy, ; - 11. Green, Nel-so- n,

.Morris and J. W. l'rleburg were the D-irectors who discussed this proposition.

'1 hey are to meet ORnln when, It Isstated, a decl-lo- n ot the momentous questionswill be reached.


A Erakemnn's Awlul Do nth on theJnrsoy City Meadows.

A. Mcllulre, a brakeman on the Ponmyl-vaul- a

Railroad, was run over and Instantlykilled this morning on tho meadows, nearJersey City.

Mciiu'ro was standing on tho root ot a car,when tbo train stopped suddenly Just west

lot tho Hackcnsick bridge. '1 he Jolt threwhim to tbe track and tho wheels ot twoHeight cars passed over him, cutting him inhalf.

Tho remains were taken to the Morgue.Meiiulre lived In West Philadelphia.

-John Wynn Acquitted.

JolmWjnu, charged with killing with acarl rung Charles McNally.nn express driver,on lledtord street, Dec 7, l bill, ami who wasplaced on trial lefore Justice Ingraham Inllielouriut oyer and 'Icrmlner jcMcrday.was nciiulttcd, li having been shown thatMcNallj s death was due to a fall.

Wnr Veasel Balls for Chicago.KHIK, l'a., April an Tho United states

steamship Michigan, tho only war vessel onthe great lakes, left this port yesterday, toreach chlcico In tlmo tor tlio opening cere-monies ut ma World's Fair. She hai beenon rbauled at lluffalo and painted while,wlibgold irlitiuilnga.

- m m

Girls Killed by Poisoned Pie.I.I.MA.o., April KO. Nora Wood and illn.

nle lllioda, two little girls, whllo playingabout tho homo ot the latter )eslerdayfound a pie which thoy ate. Souu afterwardsthe) neru taken wllu convulsions and died.Tbe pie had been filled with poison andplaced where It was found fcr ists.

Tornado Kills Elnven Persons,c,l TIIHIK, o. 1., April ya-W- ord reached

i hero early this morning thai a tornadonvcpt over tho country near Norrnan, okla.houia, laal evening doing linracnsi damage,l.lcven jcr'ons are icportcJ klllcJ. Ihowin a aro rtow n.

DIM.' COITON. - Moritr, April 24, ol constiroptoo, O.

(J (OLroN, r,' V lon.li t Iniilo.l to attend tho fnnrtl mt

h iltr irililrnte, 1(1 i'lit 39th iU, IlinJiy,STlh, t I P. M.