M -f I · 2015. 1. 2. · - NTY, N.J.-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1S9482 PER. YKAR?• ?.'"•"•'' -...

?• ?.'"•"•'' - 1 - ' • •• •" VOL. 1. No! 46/ CRANFORD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1894. . M -f _ I • , . $2 PER YEAR. THE GREATEST Ever held is-flOTV in progress for iiftecii "days gt THE ORIOINATORS OF UOW CASH PklCES. 133 Broad St, Cor. E. Grand Street, ELIZABETH,- N. J. We wish to inforni onr customers nml the public In general tllnt notwith/ gtiindingtue'efforts of a combination of Hevirnl loeal growers to compel tja to ad- vance 1 , onr. 1trice*, wo will still coutiimo to sell' our goods at tne same Lp\V PRICES 11 s heretofore, and make furtlier rtuinctu'ms wherever .possible. We/ are here for thobenefit of the public and will not be (lictnted to by any association or combination of,grocers as to hOw we. shall sell onr goods. * ., // - ' •RE7VD BE Best Elgin Creamery Bntter; only 25e lb Very Best Duiry Btit;ter, only S.'lc lb Fino Clireso.'..-. 8u lb Hfinrp Cheese 10c lb Best Milil Ch'eeso. Uc lb Lard, only... ".': Oc.lb Best Siifpir Cnrccl Hums // Beat Suyar Ciireil Shoulderfl ...file lb 8e 11) Best Hngnr Cured Bacon.../ ...... 18c lb - - - - ...lOclb ...•.10c lb .:! for 20c Best Salt Pork... 2 lb Brick Codfish ...... /./ .... New Salt Muckerel .... / ..... BEST FAMILY FLOUR, .ONLY '. Every article in these columns .... /.. ..$3.35 Per Barrel at Cut Prices. Lender Milk.;'...:'.' 7c can Boll Milk Vie can 7 Cakes Laniidry Soap X. .23c 7 Pkgs. Washing Powder. ...... 25c Best Starch..'..;.; ....... ;..:.•.•.:.' Ac lb Puro Ammonia, large'bottlo 5c Large Bottle Bin 1 ). .. r >c Dixon's Stovo Polish ..: ..... .ilc Ginger Snaps, .1 lbs 20c Nic Nncs. 5 lbs ; ." . . . .-.20c Graham Crackers. ...... Qc lb Mustard Sardines...;..." ..... ::.5e Spice Sardines:../ .... Oil Sardines. :../ ..... Alaska Salmon/...,.. Breakfast Cocoa.-. ....'• New Tomatoes ..... '... New Corn../..;...:..' New String Beans... New Bartlett Pears... r> lb/Carolina Rico .... 0 lbs Tapioca..., ...... Assorted Jelly Cooper's Gelatine ...... 4c .'......'.'. ,1c ;;->-. ...:.17c; .,' .... .Be can ...... 8c can ...... Oo can ...-.:. ,0c can .' .... 2,10 ..23c . .V..5c glass. .Tic package Don't forget tlint we nro sellintrllt jiounds'of Gramilnteil Sngar anil l.ponhd of onr Fine Tea at SU cents per ponnd! •/ ; Ooiiipairjv THE LARQEST RETAIL CASH GROCERS IN THE CITY. A series of Splendid Opehings for BEEHIVE INI )ening £ CLOAKS With Exceptional Inducements Drake Opera House .TO-NIGHT-!- FIRST APPEARANCE IN ELIZA- . BETHJ: :,. .- . Nef York M Opera Local Items. Prof. ^ValsVs dnifciiig clas.".4S stroiiK, held its iirst ineetiiiu4ii tlio Casino yes- terday afternoon. 7 : "~ - i - \Gas and electric light fixtnreH art 1 be;, in^put in the rj^idenee of John iHego" juaiv«n.Uniou.areuue,-. •-..,,- •'••>,• -, Tho Et^WSeries of the' Building & i d h TheW. C. T. U. met yosterUay at the hons.. of Mrs: S: C. Bluka '. ' . . To day at ;l o'clock the Ladies Aid Society will uieet ut Mrs.' P. D. Van Saun's. . . - A few more moderate sized KiihsrriiK •tioiiH will bring the Presbyterian fair fnndto tluMlesirpil unlunilt: " V"' . ' i Association will be opened on the 2ml-MondaytrrOotwinber."•"•'"" 7 '.."" FredyElv. of clareniont place, and Miss Addle Pryor, ofNBrooklyn,' are to be married on the lith inst; "/Sir. mid Mm Kenyoiu.Parsons, wlm Md been absent from ' t.own/JVr . some time, returned last Thursday. x x Mr. and Mr*. H.- A. Preston removed from Springfield avenue to. their new hoiucnt Slielton, Conn.",' 'on. Monday last.. -.-• : Eduar Heston lias purchased the lot on Roosevelt Manor directly in rear of J. W. Ferguson's houeo mid -will bnild thereon shortly. ~" "[•"' Architect Frank T.. Lent 1ms removed bis oflico'to the Rath building. Real Estate Agent D. B. Dent has made a similar change. Our genial town clerk 8jro,iled nK i^bi.>j;,t "towii'yesterday with" ii leather in -liis cap. To those who asked the reason he explained that there was another Plmue in town. .-•'.- The bowling team of the Country Club and of the Sonth Orange Field Club divided tho honors on Monday night, each winning n game. Cranfoi'd'fl to t Alcii'us wijl dra\y for their turns" ofrhoosinj Xoxt.TuesYl.-iyimtternooii Edwanl Ev- erett *iul .Miss Grace Allen will In* quietly nmrried at the bride elect's lonie. —-- , ../-,- ' ' - Y~* • A'conceit in aid of tho Trinity Kuii- lay .School will bo lield in tho Casino HI Nov.• Mb... ittiactivo. Bcores were 7J9 and tiOo; Grange's,- H27 nnd 727. Charles-Winckler received a cable dis- patch from Germany yesterday auuonnc- Dig the death of Mrs. Winckler's moth- er. The end came a few minutes after tho arrival of-Mra.-Winckler lit her'for- uicr home. ' . : : • .-"" " Edward Bennett, of tho firm of A. Bennett & COinpuuy, transacting^! fruit business at No. 150 West Street, N.-Y., died at his home in Belmar, N. J., on Monday night. Deceased wan an uncle of Miss Bennett, of Riverside avenue. C. H. St. Hill, of Panama, is a gni at Hampton Hall. Mr. .St. Hill is man- ager of tho West India Steam Ship Coin j y p p j ei'imol and Panama, lie" came to C'rnn foril to\;isit his friend. Dr. Dnncan, of Jliln street. . TheDemocratic Excentive Cnininittu liiet at the ri'siilenco of Jnsper C. Hunt !iM] i h I t inndiu-.stooil Ui-'nio. , r -' ;.QHAS, A. V .K:A.(§|E_R, .,,_...„ MR :-f FREISCHUTZ: ;; :: o n ••___- :•.••.•— : The Seven Charmed Bullets. STAR CAST' OK TWKXTY. IIK^IDES CIIOUL'S. " • HM Voorliwi and t'liariei N. Fowler, all of Klizalietli. lire ticket hohlerH for the dramatic eiitcrtaininent n the Casiiio fo^iniirnnv nijiiit: (Jur Democniti(' friends *honld see tliut their liarty is equally a.s well represented. Freeholder Littell with. Spartan firm- 13, B10YS ? CLOTHING Showing pxtenslvo Htylesof ' Foreign atid Domestic make in SUITS, HATS, CAPS, WAISTS, REEFERS, OVERCOATS, Etc. SustiiliilnK our reputation tut KIHHI value ylvvrri, hy nfTorlntf lfri-otor returns this rjeaKon than over,buforu. \y« have made tills (Icjwrt- mi'iit tho Mecca for thousands cifHiarontu who look for It4)V»C)othlnit nmt to whom wo have jirovt-n Bunfn mid i.Kiiin that Itellalile and Hty- llsh Clot liiiiir can b«4>l)taIiH>d hero at a, wiving •otiSi torn IHT tfiii.-fmiii prltTn ltruvultlitu any where cL-w, Onr n.wiifiitf values are nuitflii- 11 n>lit and worth linttmliate attentlnti. Ladlos Jackets, FortheComiiiK^vaHonall -1>ettrthe,flli\u»pof."Tailor IIIRIIO" tho most ef- —f*H'tfyVt)»rln^tlitf4n u* 45 Inrh loriitthn, nm'lo tfubt Jilting with inrjiOHlwvef, Velvet Collnrji nnd. .il.wil wltfes; mattiriulH runtiiiiK mainly to Hoavera, Kei>o>H, Cheviots. Vicuna* ami Ox- (onin. '; • ' Onr Variety, .13 rompowd of T. r , dbtlnct Vovcltli's Mont nf them Itolnt;'our own exrlti- MvtMH^lKtis with prices fully RH iittrfutlvu an the riiiin-seiitatlohHof.Styles: Prices $:UW to 49.- LadleaCap^a- TlH'f'iipe this year bids faiixto rival tho Jnokvt In iw.iulnrlty, thy most dutiuct Xitvi'ity IM-IHH *'tho (.oir* mudc «>r faiu-y Mlxturi'-t nr ri'vi-rxlhle riotIIH with plaid > >> ' U<kH Marie full lml^liiK Imi^ily trxmi tilt) f-hiHiidcr ninihaviiiKiKUVffp uf from 4 to 5 yards, the* only oriialnHilicm alUnve<i IH'IHK n Iiood with faiR-y plaid lltiltiknixt fiistt'iiinK In front with, fancy*'In*p. iirltvtt $tl.IW t, «tWflorMt; MK]i|Hof wlilix-ordrt, rlii'vlolnnlid oxford mlx tun?H-wlth I'rlnrnAllM'rfon Ciituwny catitrt, SklrtM^W t»Ji* yards wliln nil Hnnl with'line Toffi'tn Hilk. l'rl<vM$H.UMo ••i.w. Children. Garments. Nev have, wnirutni-rtMl titirliiicutiiiiluto nwMirtmuHt of LittleCliiMrctii Cloaks, Mliwcti OntcbciiH nnd 5IlH*o«.liirki-tiv All our cloths tin* lailynplrrt(«i-'vrra*(t-'vipw^(»^tl»:ir^-»- fltinlltleB ut well OMlioAiiti* o( nt>l«'. A hiimtifm whlvli will Us tipiitvclutpd by parvnt. ' MILLINERY OPENING. Hlmwlnu for tho Foil and Winter m-iwon of BlnndWm'leot M^!clitnril<>itiiftD. Unnnd IIKIH mid Turlmtm including In Ihh display tho fineHt Ft>rt-ficii Htyk-H OMrreatnl by tho Ivndlnic dcHlKnerii «f Paris and I^.ndon, MtrHher with many cxqiilslto . IUVM frenh fnim tho skillful lmmln of pur OMIIBUIHTIP ntnlT of nrtisU of NKWFA IX AM> Saturday Evg., Oct. HOYT'S - MASTERPIECE, A TEMPERANCE TOWN. MAGNIFICENT.. J.nODUG'TIOJ. 1 ! SPECIAL f)KI.KOTKl> CAST FROM-KOYT'S THEATR&, N, -Y. SO, 3O, ana SOc. d l . p ness continues to emtilate -the example of tile illustrious and lamented late Vice President Hannibal Hainliu' by forego- inf; tho ^>•annth nnd comfort of a top- coat. It is to he hoped tiiat our esteem- ed tinrnKinan"will not make tho i|ii»take which rained J. Sloat. Fassetfs chances for the Governorship of New York. The congregation of the Presbyterian chnrch welcomed home 011 Thursday i|!lit, Uev. and Mrs. Geo. F. G A'jdtidlcr feeeirtioh'conld Vciirielylm, inuiKiued, and tho heart of the returned travellers ;innst have—f^owed at the nnmlterlenfr e The I Lyceum $ Theatre, TO-NIGHT! Madison Square Theatre Success"" Young Mrs. Winthrop. A CO.MKDY WITH .< OIIEAT CAST, FRIDAY EVENING~OCT. 12th, FREEMAN'S FUX MAKERS, Inclnding the Dancing Boy EULALIE. FUniUUHLY FUNNY I'.VIICK. _ A : Railroad: Ticket nV ;A Sa(lre on Ticket ^cali>erN; ovt-ry Mr Mr- fur «nmp|» LS.PUUT&CO., 707 to 731 Broad SI,, Newark. JOHN R. RANKIN, Electrician -and Locksmith, 111) BROAD ST., ELIZABETH. Kin-Irk dm Mghtlnic, CallllolUanrt llurelnr AUnnr, -Ijiwn 5lu»cr», Saw* ami Cotlcry SATURDAY, OCT. 13th, MATINEhi AT SSU. NIUIIT ATH. KIMBALLOPfiKA COMiyUECO. AND TIIK I'KKIll.KHS CORRjlNINE,- Hendrick Hudson ! Or the Discovery of Columbus I'llICEH— . ' . -Mnl(iU'O AtlinU»lon.riiililr«mnn(l AOuIlll, Nlulit, "flt-.,fth;,IVWr. nml 2."»e. HpntH on i TlmnWInv.Oit. II, O!d Danhelor (Vary noaralgUtcJ)— Whoro's your husband? Charming Widow (twin «l»tor of th» other lady)—Vm inro I dorft know,— UXa. . Spar -the f^ a ff of lovo" that J •wrrt' manifested at the Hociable. An nt?ree lihlofeatnro of 1)10.evening was aphono f^raph concert, conducted by Judgi Drnee. . An exhibition of trno English pluck, was given on Sunday last by Hector John EdKecnmbe, of Trinity church. Only seven days previously the clergy man had l>een attacked with a terribly painfnl inalfidy, which imposed a strain on his nerves that was well nigh unbear- able, and Mhausted. ulmoiit. all -of his physical strength. Yet bonio np by the HUiH-'rior force of will, the rector resum- ed his sacred work and conducted a ser- vice that seemed to his hnarers nunsual ly rich in spiritual lienulitH. Tile Democratic .Primary was held last night in the town roonis.y Bnt OIM delegate was to boelected atid 1 but oni candidate was in the race. ^ The ,p«]ls werojjpened at 7 o'clock by Iiichiml E, Clement of the County Executive Coili-; niittey, who.'announced that the business liaiid was the selection of a delegati to tho Congressional convention nt Orange. Cornelius J. Crowley w : as made chairnlan, and James P. <}ilhij5ly7 secretary. Twenty two ballots-Trmai cast of •which Mr. Gilhijjly receiyi'd 11), ICWDIarniiiVi;'•VilShlt'-i:' 'Mr. 1 "CWsvley received Bno vote as alternate. ThougluCranford doisn't'mi|iuliiiii 111 expensive ]>oliee department. tlnj''occa- sioual lawbreakers who operate' hen.* do not always find plain Hailing. Iiol>crt t'owley, who Was recently discharged Uy'5nui>n"3i»MU : «i'Cf^5l&Vr(>Vii6u}iIil'lii'r«V taliato on Kiiiulay night by Htealing IIIH former employer's liorKo nnil carriage. Hut while huriirfxiiiK tho aniuinl ho was HtirprlKoil by Kreil Moore, who minimon- eil lu;li). Omstalilo Heimowie.v took Cowlev into rn^todv and marched him IT to jail. Mr. Moore xajH that tho cjixo will l lironecnti'd vigorously. Tho (^neeii ICsthor Circle of the Moth oilinl ICjifHcnjinl church helil itn iiiiinin meeting and election of ofllcerH WIMI neflday, Oct Jlrd. at tho homo of Miw Mendeli. Tho following went elected Mi«4fkhindler, President: JUKH Viola Everett, lHt Vicn-nro»ldent;'Ml»s Ang- usta Ilnglieg, 2nd Vic(!-]iresi<lmit; Minn Lottio Mendeli. (.'orreaiionding Been tnrj p : Minn Lottio B. Mondell, UecorduiL Socrftar)-, Mls» Mary Ham, Trenmrer, »nct Mix. H. K. Wllliani", Chairman Literary Commlttoc, after tho meeting adjourned. Tea was npnedjnnd a pleaa- ant hour enjoyed liy tho circle and Iti friends. Tho progrimnuo will be Mr., and Mrs. S. T. Marshall have a C in their household; a sbnilar vent has luigbteiu'd ,nd Mrs.^Mnrdock. the home of Mr. If Charles N. ..Fowler, . onr former townsman, cjiiitnre.s' the ileimhlican iioniinalioa for Congress, lie can count >n a big vote from (Jranford. The Boiml of Registry, is at work ooking np the legal voters of tho .Town- ihip.' Messrs. Fox nud Iscnman htiye ^,...,,..,.i«ii..:,i-J^JJ tvefk's".""'- ••--•••""• RECEIVED BV MRS." j, C. HUNT. "be Wednesday fiornlng Club and its - . -!_, FriendsEntertained. - Tho Wednesday Monfei> Clnb nnd iiboht 1W) of its friends were entertained last WedneMliir night by Mrs. Jasiier C. Hunt, at her pleasant home on union avenue." The commodious rooms, al- ways attractive on account o£ the works fart anil brie a-brac so wellcliosuniind fll d further heau- (xrashni )iy floral decora I'fTectivo disjilay/of these c nstefnlly arranged, were iiied tor tho'occasion ions. The 1 ' . _ , .... __ ....... plants anil cnMlowors was the result of Mr. Wagner's combination of industry with artistic taste. JndaL. OiY). H. llrntp delighted the 'mjiaiiv i'nr an hour- "with an exhibiton if Ins "iihoiu." as he fondly calls his l>houoL,'rai>h. Ailaintilv ]< 1 i 1111• < 1 pro- rninrme, tied with true blue ribbon in Ufi^LVll M and described • the numbers tliat the iiislruiiu'iit was rendering. l£ef.n'shm*'jils were .snbst'(|U(''ully servetK- iiinl pociuliility ri'igned lil| midnight, ilinsi'present were: Mr. and g ] ; Mr. and Mrs. Ii. li. Horion, Mi.-s Iloiton. Mr. d M L Vl' H * M ; 'hil and-Mrs.--L. -Vr- M M ahil 11.nt «.i.fi. ±*. 1 . 1 ._• i J f ^ i i M ' l , . , 1 1 . -JUKI Mrs. .Inii.IIegemiin. Mr. and Mrs. Hen, TOWN FATHERS MEET. Transactions at the Town Rooms on Monday Night. ' The- Township Contniitt^'e met. on M.iJ|ul»y night;; The sewer project, (if course, was the principal subject of con- sideration; Engineer Uassett was pivs- eiit with maps showing prW-isely the lu- catiVrtiorjIieYtiii|iV Jfifevioiisly .M?fe('ted. "Prior to organiriug, the C'omniittee- inen trhestioned the Eiigiiieerconcernin;: his inient'whi'ii milking tile ambiguous pro]Kisal embodying his lompcusntioun.i supervising cnginifr. Mr. • Uassrtt .nr ; ) gued tliat tin' reduction; in the-rate' o[L compensation npplif.l only .to Ilie cost i of the work in O-vceiis of .S."I.">;OIHI. . As :j !• comproniisi. lie offered to reckon lu* I I'oinpeiisation at 5 per cent.- on , the cost j should such cos.t ciimil or'lm'less than #.M.IKi(i;iihonld itcxcttHl S.V'S.iiOli, his pay to be coiiipute<l at ,"i per" cent, on tim't amount plus 4) per cent..011 the remain '•I-. This proposal was subsequently accepted. • ' The specifications for the se\verfMr. Uassett Hiiiil were practically ready, •A coiamunicalion was read * from Chairman Welles of the Westlield ('oni lnittee, asking if Cranford, was ready to s'ewi'r thiit would accnniniodate West^* field. Un this puiiit/Mf. Horton saill hat Mr. Welles had assured him that Opera,llouscllloclf, Craiil'ord. I have 1 . suitabf j .for AMD HBPAIRIWG. inrgis. stu.:t or cAssim:uKri,'VVOHSTKD?;, CHKVIDTS. and WmterGlothing. itf Clth t Od f that *\Ve, ---•stfield .Keuliiuent in'favor of tide water Hewago was increasing. At pres- ent Only j thoneyetvuiry signaturi's In empower that Coiiiniitteu to liuililiiseu-- er)mye.l)eeh Hecnred. - - '•- An objection to a union sower would •IMI that Westtield would claim a. share in controlling the system. Jt wns re-, solved to ask Mr. Uassett to draft speii- ilcatioiiH for Cranford- 11I0110, Iinil for Cranford and Westlleld in coiijmn : tion. A petition fur an additional light 011 Riverside avenue near tho CasinoMvas granted.. Chairman. Horton reported that Mayor Daly of Railway had said that as HOOII as the limp tif ' was received. In __ of tbii City Cdiincil to grant the right (il way through their streets. Clerk l'lntuii was <llrecled to obtain from tbe Town Counsel proper receipt forms for the list; of U. \v. Littell in securing private property niredi'd for the right of way. . Contractor lirown reported lhat the the limp uf onr sewi'r le would call a inciting pletf'd. Timbridge, howi'Vi-r, has not yet been built. As the dirt 011 the sides ufthu mail limy he needed for future use it was resolved to forbid ther'einov.- ii 1 of any dirt by.tho (jarwood Company or other pt'i-son without iicriiiissiou, --i;he;fiilti>Wirijf1iills"w'erirp'rildV O. H" Brown balance for grading Siitlj x A G6od Suit-of Clothes to Order for -/• BETTER ONES FOR $15 AND OPWARDS. guaranteed satisfactory in material, worl^riianSliip and fit. YOUR PATRONAQH IS SOLICITED. \ Frank T. Lent Architects L.OPCRA HOUSE IILOCKj CRANFORD/ :::: :: NEW JERSEY. Entire Attention Qlvcn to Suburban Work in this Vicinity. ONE HUNDRED OUILDINOS IN F?WRJVEARSI Incluillnir Hie WKIHCM Chili Mourn,'II11, Xlatiilnril Illia-k, Hie IIIIUHM uf (: K."oili'ij ('. K. CMil. 1II11C F. A. TiiCK'irt, J. M. ('. MitrHlt fitxl it Hi-un> »f others lu Wt-xliU'liI nii<l llio frt<l(lrncr4 of John \\ . niuikt'r, .IjitiuM HiHlKet^, If. K.t'iK'linui; llrnrlrlt ImliDml, Ilfoniitiiri llnll. A.I - II. riunnm'rniul Jnloi Ivmiiiui; tliu Ciniiitry Club, llii,.luliu Illix-k iiml TilKOrcaA IIOCll IIMICK, hi <.'ciuifonl. \ - . . . .. -. .'^ound 5cnie In Suburban Architecture." mi UliiHtrtitcl IMMIIC nf ]IHI pn^e^.' wUlrlr hni« nut ft'ltlillliniiiiltnol) siln:e'**, lim rt'ceivixl hfuliiwt i^ ii'lldatlmi nt the l»riwsiiinl HN rt'iuU'Dt. nml la liivnliinbloiisAca:vi:im.(i|-i[.K furnnyiMiu liu.ii.llriKH, Imllil t'ooiiomliall)'. caicr,OSB UOL. I.Aa. l'o^t l'aitl liMiti L1 - J \ Monuments, Headstones and Cemetery Work OF-EVJRXJRej?«PJRlPJCio.N r ~^.u.»-™ "~y r Tiibs. J^iiBiNE & SON, . • E8TABI.IBHED 1SU0. ' :' STEAM GRilllDi AN ilD IARBLE JWRKS, UKOIHiivH AVK, NKAIl (IHAND STHEET, liankcr, Air and Mrs. Urewer. Mr.-anil .1fr«..l.-iuii>.s Banker, 3fr. nml .Mrs. Geo DamoN.Mr. ami Jlrs. Kiltt-ard Hale.Mr. and Mrs. K \V. Austin, Mr. and Jlrs. A. E. Mnddtn, Mr. ami Mrs. PaK'\ Mr. Warner. Mrs. .Smith, of Toicst avenue, Mr. and Mrs. lleKK.-r. Mr. ,1. A". Wilson/ Miss Wiiirtirrr" Mr. and Mrs. '.lames K(iJ(!crs. Mr.-'-niul Mrs. James Dolir- man. Mr..anil Mrs. It. E. Cochran, Mr Paifriter, Mr. mid Mrs. E. liookhout, Jr., Mr. andJMrs^Kl;ise.. Mr. atid Mrs! Lawrence; Jlfs. Ulomb'll, Mr. and Mrs. ITij. Mr. and Mrs. Win. M. IliKliie. Mr. and Mrs. Voorlh's, Mr. and Mrs. Iulhorst, Mr. and Mrs. Wagstalf, Mr. and Mrs. (jeo. Nix, Mr. anil Mrs. Ed- };arH. Heston,JJr, ain.l .Mrs...AU«iu Mr.- aiidilrs! Chas L«i Abfy, Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Crime, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Taylor. Mr- «nd Mrs.-Travis. Mr. and Mrs- Kirkrv Mr. afid Ulrs. James Mil- ler, Mr. and Mrs. John Denman, Miss Dcnninn.Holit Kinilell. Mrs. Oakey.Mrs. Annstroti^. Miss Ueunett, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Starr, Miss Day, Miss Win(r, MiKses Mjuniu and Eniilte Vreeland, Mr. and Mrs, (ianzd. Mr anil M^rs. Frank IJourne, Mr. Wint.tn. Mr. and Mrs. Heleker atul Miss OslKirn, DcIegntci Chosen by Cranford Mem- bers of the <J. O. P., The Republican CIIIMH nsMi'iitltlcil in lit? 'JVWII lioojiiH nu l-'riiiav ni^lit. Om- lt'iu^thiit the party w'miM tnuinpli in e coniiiitf olcciioii lmiimed from the eo.H uf tin: VOKTM, and enthusiasm was inji.iiit. Upim JIIIIUVH W. 'I'VrgUHnii liiul.-tli(MiiHit'alt-taHk' nry, tfjrf. nrving u proper dcconini, mid ho nijct-'ccded ud- nnnibly. Nat Foster ujllciuti'il as m-vrv- t '" ^ ,^ aiid ATHLETIC CLUB,ELECTION. Other Business Doric at The Annual Meeting. At tht!' business meeting and annual election of officers of tho Athletic Club., held last evening, oflicers were elected as follows: E. B. Hurton. President; F. II Valentine, Vice-President; ,M- iHTt Tomb. Jr., Secretary; Oii>.-SJi}. Teller, Troasnrer; Olnf Ussiiig^>-l''ilian' ; ' ciarKecretary; Howard Coj; Captain: CIIIIH. V. Fox, 1st Lient. jifto. H. Uittes, Siwl Lieut. K. .1. Cox?Member of tlie Executive ('oinmittiH'' Tlie Trea.Hiirer'fl report for the past illoweilDthat the club eniliu j-ear, fcdl. dl.lK) wcd||that the dub. rii alijiiiil. LawrotK-e Ed(;ecninbe MI a lueljilier of the club. l i l f Ji gemthatTie wotilil give, tlie club per- ' isCuti... tu.. 11M! tliu-grtianilH (formerly Casino Base Itall gronudsj on Roosevelt Manor, for anv athletic purposes thev desired. TI10" liiiinu of Rev. Oeo. F. Oreeini wan placed on tho honorary lueinlKrslii]) list of the clnb. ilgprs to build a club honse contain ing a reception room, a billiard room, two bowling alleys, a largo gymnasium a dresHing'and toilet room with. baths and lmkers for inembi'rH line; the wim til IK.' built in the rear of the Opera House, nud nu entrance to IK) had through thu main entrance of the Opirn Honse. TI10 club passed favorably up un this proposition, and thu mutter wax left with the Executive) Committee, who were instructed to go more into details with Mr. Hodgers and nunoon 111 all th' pluns have been comiiloted, to call a H]H*.'iiil mooting of tho clnb, NOTKH OF THE MAD. Tim gnino of hand bnll which was to have lufii playinl hist night wait post- poned until thin eveming. when Chas. D. Fox will play ngniiist William Hart. Th« Athletic Clnb Foot B a t e a u will play tho Konollo Foot Bnll team01 their grounilH nt Roosevelt Manor n«x Satanluy : nt 3.W). ... "nine, mi nccoiint si ! rvici's "as Assessor, I5t>: JohnWaterson. cnisswalks. S( 1 :*. - 3;i;Ai:l>ilxe|. n'uiil rejuiirM, ijUil.CJ.' Ad- iouriieil to Thurriilay JiiKhtr- RKPIBLICAN PKIMAKV. otrmany prutioim occa^ionrt ot the kind waa in a ^.sition to ln;\iudm:rd to tiiku whatever plntim thi? purty iniKht ivish to pivKont toliim.— Air. Littell was mihra dekgate "to tlmCon^rei^ tonal imvention, ami Town Clerk PJiiiun wu< oiiiiiiiHHioni-d tqkt-i'ph'im coiupaiiy. K. \V. Aiistin iiml Jowph II. Severance were chosen IIH alternateH. y^ ' K .was the plum tfeo shaken. Fruit in the Hhapo of iipfiointtnciiN to he County t'unvt'iitinn'fell at thu fwtof K IJ. Horton, W. . \V. Mendeli, James Ko<lgern and Charles N. Drake SeOond liddles wt*r« Xiidw)!! E. Ludlow, J. \V. LVrKnHuiyl2. ii. Woodling- and and J. W. itank'in., Tho following ^nu-efnl ribute to the leading caudldiito'for Cuii- yr^H,sAviis introduced by K. W. Austin ami adopted with gusto: . •_• _ Id-.s4>lvt-<l, '1'lint the It.'luiMfraiisc.fCrnnronr 'i-tlUi-Ht tlti'ir ilcti-Kitlt-H In llitr ('oiiKrc.^louul 'tmvcntlim todiuitl In tlu-ir t-nver to M-iuri' IioiiiiiiiiimllDiiof .Mr. rimrlcs N. KOVVUTH^ liumiiilliliiteur tho imrtj (vr n-jiri-M-nlaliVf roinlhiriilinlrlrt. tlii'lr. ktimrliMltte il rinlhl 'I tun by ll i*f of tin l h t lil/i'ii of Cruiitunl lor htx y u i uring ivlilrli tl^-vn-coKiil/.t'il him UH it ]>riui<ituiirii (t'liiittlit'iin a n i l i'iiriti-Mt i w r l y « i n k e r , tln-y lie* :U'Vi* hi- u m i j i l l>b it viilimtilu <-aiiili<luli-, utul ff •h-rttd. (THlllubly rei>n.wiit Ihu ili»tr(rt. The jiriiiiary.thi-riafter, ,>VJW...try.nH- oTineU'iritri « loVo'ft'Iiht. " 'liirniiyny in L'huuk.4 hi.x iiK'hi'Hi 'thick -was nerved to thVcitizciiH and everylxMly went nxvi\y nth'! amiable fr;miH of mind inspired >y the refleelion thiit,,hi> was better than verylMxly elseajut uverybody wan just l hilf yy ju UH gootl us himself. ilostt Company meeting to-uiorn>w (Jn Frirlay Freeholder Littell who has •cincmploycd to secure thn rigiit of ay for tlie" sewer will go over tho pro wed lino with Engineer Bus.iett. Tickets aio'Helling rapidly for the plays to he presented on the Casino stage to morrow night. Mrs. Dennett has al most completed painting tiio, ppecial nery needed. ,' 'Theron," whom everybody acknow- ledges to Is.' tlie handsomest (log lu Uu ion county, with tho possible exceptioi of "Fritz," has. liecii -photographed for Jaunty Jasper by Berkley Austin, of Forrest avenue. ' A acrliniH inlshiip ltefel J. Dayton Wi- nann on Haturday. Mr. Wituins, who hnsjnst reached tho Hist milestone in life busied himself In picking apples. Tho breaking of n limb canned liim to fall to tho ground breaking lila wrist and Injuring his hack. Blankets, Robes, Whips & Horse^oods. H. L. FINK, CARRIACES, JU CARRIAGE nnd SLIvIGHS, ELM St. ALL ; pilj...; J Jobbirig Pmpiptly Attended to. BMCflES. y DAVID B. LENT, O pra Hous Block, Cranford, N. J. REAL;> ESTATE +. INSURANCE * LOANS, Agent for:the Home Insurance Co., New York, andThc^U. S, Mutual Accident Association.— - .. llouiei For Sale anil To Lit and Hie Choice)! llulldlnit l.oli In Town al llollom Prlco >lci:torlal Windows INnil; Opalcncent Antique Glass. LEADING SHOE STORf OF WESTFIELD! Ladies and Cents FINE FOOT-WEAR. RUBBERS Travelling Bags ^Trunks. 0' Brdad Street Westifiejd.

Transcript of M -f I · 2015. 1. 2. · - NTY, N.J.-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1S9482 PER. YKAR?• ?.'"•"•'' -...


    ?• ? . ' " • " • ' ' -1 - ' • •• • "


    . M -f _ I • , .

    $2 PER YEAR.


    Ever • held is-flOTV in progress for iiftecii "days gt


    133 Broad St, Cor. E. Grand Street, ELIZABETH,- N. J.We wish to inforni onr customers nml the public In general tllnt notwith/

    gtiindingtue'efforts of a combination of Hevirnl loeal growers to compel tja to ad-vance1, onr. 1 trice*, wo will still coutiimo to sell' our goods at tne same Lp\VPRICES 11 s heretofore, and make furtlier rtuinctu'ms wherever .possible. We/ arehere for tho benefit of the public and will not be (lictnted to by any association orcombination of,grocers as to hOw we. shall sell onr goods. * ., // - '

    •RE7VD B EBest Elgin Creamery Bntter; only 25e lbVery Best Duiry Btit;ter, only S.'lc lbFino Clireso.'..-. 8u lbHfinrp Cheese • 10c lbBest Milil Ch'eeso. Uc lbLard, only... ".': Oc.lb

    Best Siifpir Cnrccl Hums / /Beat Suyar Ciireil Shoulderfl

    ...file lb8e 11)

    Best Hngnr Cured Bacon. . . / . . . . . . 18c lb- • - - - • . . . l O c l b

    ...•.10c lb.:! for 20c

    Best Salt Pork...2 lb Brick Codfish... . . . / ./ . . . .New Salt Muckere l . . . . / . . . . .


    Every article in these columns. . . . / . . ..$3.35 Per Barrel

    at Cut Prices.Lender Milk.;'...:'.' 7c canBoll Milk Vie can7 Cakes Laniidry Soap X . .23c7 Pkgs. Washing Powder. . . . . . .25cBest Starch. . ' . . ; . ; . . . . . . . ; . . : . • .• . : . 'Ac lbPuro Ammonia, large'bottlo 5cLarge Bottle Bin1). ..r>cDixon's Stovo Polish . . : . . . . . .ilcGinger Snaps, .1 lbs 20cNic Nncs. 5 lbs ; ." . . . .-.20cGraham Crackers. . . . . . . Qc lbMustard Sardines.. . ; . . .". . . . . ::.5e

    Spice Sardines:. . / . . . .Oil Sardines.: . . / . . . . .Alaska Salmon/. . . , . .Breakfast Cocoa.-. ....'•New Tomatoes..... ' . . .New Corn . . / . . ; . . . : . . 'New String Beans...New Bartlett Pears...r> lb/Carolina Rico....0 lbs Tapioca.. . , . . . . . .Assorted JellyCooper's Gelatine......

    4c.'......'.'. ,1c;;->-. ...:.17c;.,'.... .Be can. . . . . . 8c can.. . . . .Oo can...-.:. ,0c can

    . ' . . . .2 ,10..23c

    . .V..5c glass.

    .Tic packageDon't forget tlint we nro sellintrllt jiounds'of Gramilnteil Sngar anil l.ponhd

    of onr Fine Tea at SU cents per ponnd! •/ ;


    A series of Splendid Opehings for


    )ening £CLOAKS

    With Exceptional Inducements

    Drake Opera House.TO-NIGHT-!-


    Nef York M Opera

    Local Items.

    Prof. ^ValsVs dnifciiig clas.".4S stroiiK,held its iirst ineetiiiu4ii tlio Casino yes-terday afternoon. 7 : "~ -i-\ G a s and electric light fixtnreH art1 be;,in^put in the rj^idenee of John iHego"juaiv«n.Uniou.areuue,-. •-..,,- • ' • • > , • -,

    Tho Et^WSeries of the' Building &i d h

    TheW. C. T. U. met yosterUay at thehons.. of Mrs: S: C. Bluka '. ' . .

    To day at ;l o'clock the Ladies AidSociety will uieet ut Mrs.' P. D. VanSaun 's . . • • • • • . -

    A few more moderate sized KiihsrriiK•tioiiH will bring the Presbyterian fairfnndto tluMlesirpil unlunilt: " V"' . '

    i Association will be opened on the2ml-MondaytrrOotwinber."•"•'"" 7 '..""

    FredyElv. of clareniont place, andMiss Addle Pryor, ofNBrooklyn,' are tobe married on the lith inst;"/Sir. mid Mm Kenyoiu.Parsons, wlmMd been absent from ' t.own/JVr . sometime, returned last Thursday. x x

    Mr. and Mr*. H.- A. Preston removedfrom Springfield avenue to. their newhoiucnt Slielton, Conn.",' 'on. Mondayl a s t . . • -.-• :

    Eduar Heston lias purchased the loton Roosevelt Manor directly in rear ofJ. W. Ferguson's houeo mid -will bnildthereon shortly. ~" "[•"'

    Architect Frank T.. Lent 1ms removedbis oflico'to the Rath building. RealEstate Agent D. B. Dent has made asimilar change.

    Our genial town clerk 8jro,ilednKî bi.>j;,t"towii'yesterday with" ii leather in -liiscap. To those who asked the reason heexplained that there was another Plmuein town. . - • ' . -

    The bowling team of the CountryClub and of the Sonth Orange FieldClub divided tho honors on Mondaynight, each winning n game. Cranfoi'd'fl

    to t Alcii'us wijl dra\yfor their turns" ofrhoosinj

    Xoxt.TuesYl.-iyimtternooii Edwanl Ev-erett *iul .Miss Grace Allen will In*quietly nmrried at the bride • elect'slonie. —-- ,

    ../-,- ' ' - • Y ~* •A'conceit in aid of tho Trinity Kuii-

    lay .School will bo lield in tho CasinoHI Nov.• Mb...ittiactivo.

    Bcores were 7J9 and tiOo; Grange's,- H27nnd 727.

    Charles-Winckler received a cable dis-patch from Germany yesterday auuonnc-Dig the death of Mrs. Winckler's moth-er. The end came a few minutes aftertho arrival of-Mra.-Winckler lit her'for-uicr home. ' . : : • .-"" "

    Edward Bennett, of tho firm of A.Bennett & COinpuuy, transacting^! fruitbusiness at No. 150 West Street, N.-Y.,died at his home in Belmar, N. J., onMonday night. Deceased wan an uncleof Miss Bennett, of Riverside avenue.

    C. H. St. Hill, of Panama, is a gniat Hampton Hall. Mr. .St. Hill is man-ager of tho West India Steam Ship Coinj y p p jei'imol and Panama, lie" came to C'rnnforil to \;isit his friend. Dr. Dnncan, ofJliln street. .

    TheDemocratic Excentive Cnininittuliiet at the ri'siilenco of Jnsper C. Hunt! i M ] i h I t inndiu-.stooil


    , r-' ;.QHAS, A.V.K:A.(§|E_R, .,,_...„

    M R :-f FREISCHUTZ:• ; ; : :

    o n • • _ _ _ - : • . • • . • — :

    The Seven Charmed Bullets.STAR CAST' OK TWKXTY. IIK^IDES

    CIIOUL'S. " •

    HM Voorliwi and t'liariei N.Fowler, all of Klizalietli. lire tickethohlerH for the dramatic eiitcrtaininentn the Casiiio fo^iniirnnv nijiiit: (Jur

    Democniti(' friends *honld see tliut theirliarty is equally a.s well represented.

    Freeholder Littell with. Spartan firm-

    13 ,

    B10YS? CLOTHINGShowing pxtenslvo Htylesof '

    Foreign atid Domestic make inSUITS, HATS, CAPS, WAISTS,

    REEFERS, OVERCOATS, Etc.SustiiliilnK our reputation tut KIHHI value

    ylvvrri, hy nfTorlntf lfri-otor returns this rjeaKonthan over,buforu. \y« have made tills (Icjwrt-mi'iit tho Mecca for thousands cifHiarontu wholook for It4)V»C)othlnit nmt to whom wo havejirovt-n Bunfn mid i.Kiiin that Itellalile and Hty-llsh Clot liiiiir can b«4>l)taIiH>d hero at a, wiving•otiSi torn IHT tfiii.-fmiii prltTn ltruvultlitu anywhere cL-w, Onr n.wiifiitf values are nuitflii-11 n>lit and worth linttmliate attentlnti.

    L a d l o s J a c k e t s , FortheComiiiK^vaHonall-1>ettrthe,flli\u»pof."Tailor IIIRIIO" tho most ef-

    —f*H'tfyVt)»rln^tlitf4n u* 45 Inrh loriitthn, nm'lotfubt Jilting with inrjiOHlwvef, Velvet Collnrjinnd. .il.wil wltfes; mattiriulH runtiiiiK mainly toHoavera, Kei>o>H, Cheviots. Vicuna* ami Ox-(onin. ' ; •

    ' Onr Variety, .13 rompowd of T.r, dbtlnctVovcltli's Mont nf them Itolnt;'our own exrlti-MvtMH l̂Ktis with prices fully RH iittrfutlvu anthe riiiin-seiitatlohHof.Styles: Prices $:UW to 49.-

    L a d l e a C a p ^ a - TlH'f'iipe this year bidsfaiixto rival tho Jnokvt In iw.iulnrlty, thy mostdutiuct Xitvi'ity IM-IHH *'tho (.oir* mudc «>rfaiu-y Mlxturi'-t nr ri'vi-rxlhle riotIIH with plaid

    > >>'Urt-ficii Htyk-H OMrreatnl by tho IvndlnicdcHlKnerii «f Paris and I^.ndon, MtrHher withmany cxqiilslto . IUVM frenh fnim thoskillful lmmln of pur OMIIBUIHTIP ntnlT of nrtisU

    of NKW FA I X AM>

    Saturday Evg., Oct.




    FROM-KOYT'S THEATR&, N, -Y.SO, 3O, ana SOc.

    d l . pness continues to emtilate -the exampleof tile illustrious and lamented late VicePresident Hannibal Hainliu' by forego-inf; tho ̂ >•annth nnd comfort of a top-coat. It is to he hoped tiiat our esteem-ed tinrnKinan"will not make tho i|ii»takewhich rained J. Sloat. Fassetfs chancesfor the Governorship of New York.

    The congregation of the Presbyterianchnrch welcomed home 011 Thursday

    i|!lit, Uev. and Mrs. Geo. F. GA'jdtidlcr feeeirtioh'conld Vciirielylm,inuiKiued, and tho heart of the returnedtravellers ;innst have— f^owed at thennmlterlenfr e

    The I Lyceum $ Theatre,TO-NIGHT!

    Madison Square Theatre Success""

    Young Mrs. Winthrop.A CO.MKDY WITH .< OIIEAT CAST,


    Inclnding the Dancing Boy EULALIE.FUniUUHLY FUNNY I'.VIICK. _

    A : Railroad: TicketnV ;A Sa(lre on Ticket ^cali>erN;


    Mr Mr- fur «nmp|»

    LS.PUUT&CO.,707 to 731 Broad SI,, Newark.


    Electrician -and Locksmith,111) BROAD ST., ELIZABETH.

    Kin-Irk dm Mghtlnic, CallllolUanrt llurelnrAUnnr, -Ijiwn 5lu»cr», Saw* ami Cotlcry



    CORRjlNINE,-Hendrick Hudson!

    Or the Discovery of ColumbusI'llICEH— . ' .

    -Mnl(iU'O AtlinU»lon.riiililr«mnn(l AOuIlll,

    Nlulit, "flt-., fth;, IVWr. nml 2."»e. HpntH on iTlmnWInv.Oit. II,

    • O!d Danhelor (Vary noaralgUtcJ)—Whoro's your husband?

    Charming Widow (twin «l»tor of th»other lady)—Vm inro I dorft know,—UXa. .


    f̂ aff of lovo" thatJ •wrrt'

    manifested at the Hociable. An nt?reelihlofeatnro of 1)10.evening was aphonof^raph concert, conducted by JudgiDrnee. .

    • An exhibition of trno English pluck,was given on Sunday last by HectorJohn EdKecnmbe, of Trinity church.Only seven days previously the clergyman had l>een attacked with a terriblypainfnl inalfidy, which imposed a strainon his nerves that was well nigh unbear-able, and Mhausted. ulmoiit. all -of hisphysical strength. Yet bonio np by theHUiH-'rior force of will, the rector resum-ed his sacred work and conducted a ser-vice that seemed to his hnarers nunsually rich in spiritual lienulitH.

    Tile Democratic .Primary was heldlast night in the town roonis.y Bnt OIMdelegate was to bo elected atid1 but onicandidate was in the race. ^ The ,p«]lswerojjpened at 7 o'clock by Iiichiml E,Clement of the County Executive Coili-;niittey, who.'announced that the business

    liaiid was the selection of a delegatito tho Congressional convention ntOrange. Cornelius J. Crowley w:asmade chairnlan, and James P. crtt'owley, who Was recently dischargedUy'5nui>n"3i»MU:«i'Cf̂ 5l&Vr(>Vii6u}iIil'lii'r«Vtaliato on Kiiiulay night by Htealing IIIHformer employer's liorKo nnil carriage.Hut while huriirfxiiiK tho aniuinl ho wasHtirprlKoil by Kreil Moore, who minimon-eil lu;li). Omstalilo Heimowie.v tookCowlev into rn^todv and marched himIT to jail. Mr. Moore xajH that tho

    cjixo will l«l lironecnti'd vigorously.

    Tho (^neeii ICsthor Circle of the Mothoilinl ICjifHcnjinl church helil itn iiiiininmeeting and election of ofllcerH WIMIneflday, Oct Jlrd. at tho homo of MiwMendeli. Tho following went electedMi«4fkhindler, President: JUKH ViolaEverett, lHt Vicn-nro»ldent;'Ml»s Ang-usta Ilnglieg, 2nd Vic(!-]iresi Clnb nnd

    iiboht 1W) of its friends were entertainedlast WedneMliir night by Mrs. Jasiier C.Hunt, at her pleasant home on unionavenue." The commodious rooms, al-ways attractive on account o£ the worksfar t anil brie a-brac so wellcliosuniind

    f l l d further heau-(xrashni )iy floral decoraI'fTectivo disjilay/of these

    cnstefnlly arranged, wereiiied tor tho'occasionions. The 1' . _ ,. . . . __ .......

    plants anil cnMlowors was the result ofMr. Wagner's combination of industrywith artistic taste.

    JndaL. OiY). H. llrntp delighted the'mjiaiiv i'nr an hour- "with an exhibiton

    if Ins "iihoiu." as he fondly calls hisl>houoL,'rai>h. A ilaintilv ]< 1 i 1111• < 1 pro-rninrme, tied with true blue ribbon inU f i ^ L V l l M

    and described • the numberstliat the iiislruiiu'iit was rendering.l£ef.n'shm*'jils were .snbst'(|U(''ully servetK-iiinl pociuliility ri'igned lil| midnight,

    ilinsi'present were: Mr. andg ] ; Mr. andMrs. Ii. li. Horion, Mi.-s Iloiton. Mr.

    d M L Vl' H * M ; ' h i land-Mrs.--L. -Vr-M

    Mahil1 1 . n t « . i . f i . ±*. 1 . 1 . _ • i J f ^ i i M ' l , . , 1 1 . - J U K I

    Mrs. .Inii.IIegemiin. Mr. and Mrs. Hen,


    Transactions at the Town Rooms onMonday Night. '

    The- Township Contniitt^'e met. onM.iJ|ul»y night;; The sewer project, (ifcourse, was the principal subject of con-sideration; Engineer Uassett was pivs-eiit with maps showing prW-isely the lu-catiVrtiorjIieYtiii|iV Jfifevioiisly .M?fe('ted."Pr ior to organiriug, the C'omniittee-inen trhestioned the Eiigiiieerconcernin;:his inient'whi'ii milking tile ambiguouspro]Kisal embodying his lompcusntioun.isupervising cnginifr. Mr. • Uassrtt .nr ;)gued tliat tin' reduction; in the-rate' o [ Lcompensation npplif.l only .to Ilie cost iof the work in O-vceiis of .S."I.">;OIHI. . As :j !•comproniisi. lie offered to reckon lu* II'oinpeiisation at 5 per cent.- on , the cost jshould such cos.t ciimil or ' lm'less than#.M.IKi(i;iihonld itcxcttHl S.V'S.iiOli, his payto be coiiipute

  • *\ * Sm~Si..

    , GflSH08 Elizabeth Ave,, Elizabeth.




    »on>« Srtabl. Example. Which ]>Iy to the $55,Odd aswel l .as to tlie access, lint in lionof this ljii^inesslikt* and strictly hon-©ralJc Cdtirtie. the committee listen-ed to such weighty arguments us "1can't afford to do the work at thatjiricf," and fiimllv agreed jtn nccepta compromise which will probablyprove mere expensive to the town-riiip 'firaff'CttW -itf."'nHniotVii iiifcr-juvLation of his first oiler.

    A feiv figures will make this pointclear.. Mr. llassott's original iiiopo-lition as construed by himself andttjiicli we will calL Oiler No. 1, oilsas follows; *> per cent on the first$55. WO plus 4- 'J-lOof &1.000 if thecort reaches *5S.iTl 1OO1TKOO(1 iis' new.

    Had MunuritV'tiirtiil » Nupplr.Jlr. Mnures (iiisinimtinKly)—1>6 you

    clieve in sn.ch a tiling us l:ive?- - ;Mis* Hatty—\\Yll..l)ierc ouffht to Le,

    1 tor all yo»!\i?' niuili.v'tlurjn.(3>l-3rour*Hre.

    ChleaifO Keenrtl*' :

    - A'arinlnu littnlllifrfice. . .Ills Little \Vife-h. (luclty.tlic calie

    AvaH inaUiliK* this aftenuHni fell. "*'Younu Ilnsliaiiil (iiu.\iously)r-Did it

    break anything'.'—Hallo. « t r v:•'. . I'erfcctly True. •

    - IHngs—They heeni to leaJ a hand-to-inoujh nort of existence, dojliey notV

    Hungs—^'ho?Ilings-Ilal>Ies.-N..y. World.



    !n ntUns Rpeetarlo Sam to tbo E i n Bolh

    Having selected npatrof framaiTrithi'nojo ploco of tho rlpht height andiprcad to bring tho glasses into thoproper position, nnd having had, themItted with glosics mado in accordanceivith tbo oculist's prescription, tbo op-;iclao now proceeds to fit tho completedipcctocles to your head. You might pnthem right on and wear them off jnsIis thoy aro.

    But, no; ho reaches over and placesibobows over your eare himwlf. Thenho trios tho •pcctocles gently, as theyrest npon your nose, taking bold at tborater ends of tho frame, v here tho bowshinge. Not just right. Ho takes themiff again and smooths tho^bbws ont be-tween tbo tips of his fingers and changestheir ehapoalittlo aneu brought forward shops nndrards thnt can produeo in any ijuantityuid of tho highest ipjality any work InHeel, brass or Iron that tho now navyjuuiamlK — Hardware.

    Frtwcti Ontactc jWhen oranges havo bocu frozen, they I

    ion bo thawed without Injury by put-ling them in cold water or tight barrels'Immediately after arrival and allowing;them to thaw out gradually.—Phlladol- >(hl» Lodgor. . '

    •JBeecham's , pills are ~ forbiliousness, bilious headache,dyspepsia, heartburn, torptliver, dizziness, sick head-ache, bad taste in the mouth,coated tongue, loss of appe-tite, sallow skin, when causedby constipation ;• and consti-pation is the most frequen(causa of all of them.

    Book free; pills 25c. Adrugstores.or write &.F. AllenCcJ.,365 Canal St., New York.

    J. A. OAKLET, Jr. _


    Eiiabeth, _ . .". ; H. J.

    104 Broad St., Elizabeth.•>-- ••- IIEADQCAlltEKK FOK -

    Dressmaker's Supplies!NEW FALL LININGS,


    'ii Perea.ir.es, Siltt-ia.", Sateens. . plain•olorr?, nml nninefout* fancx,liiiiiigt»t fust(Jack Moire liikin^H, from

    iac. Id to 25c. yd.RASSCLOTH, HAIR CLOTH,

    CANVASS: . .,'••Vprsted Varns,; Ice:Wool, - :saxony , :Gerrnanto>vn,Wash Silks, Emb'y Twisti


    Cts. Yard.59'onner Price $1 Yard. Dome Early



    New Fall Dress Goods.


    1 ••' ttiiip

    l< Wlmlow Shiulrs. We have lilvch hntiHfnc-nn to Bovcral tuslomen. • r^*l*t us do youri t work. • =-. . "•••..-

    Irl.h Saprntltloiis.Sir. lo Faun, writing oa Irish Enpor-itlons, Baya: "Tbo so called tattles ol

    ho Deri us (baryings). originated in thoinperstition that tho lost person bnriodas, in addition to his other troubles, tcillay tho thirst of all pnivionsly laid inho churchyard. Where tho water car-ed is proouri'w,ntcr...,carryiug.ralKT"Ori'rTicighlwr, John Hyau, pro-ided two pairs of shoes in his wifo'alllii—a light pair for ordinary wear

    nd a strong pair for bad weather."

    Looking It l"p. ~Jlothcr—Why, Aenncheiivlivhatovcr

    iro yon. doing with papa's big diction-iry? ' .

    Aenucheu (5 years old)—I am onlykiriR for my dolly's lost (dipper. Papa

    id yesterday you could flud uvery thing1 tho dictionary.—Lej-ehiin*'.

    A Dranch E»l*bll«1imcnt.

    "You, mo an him b twins—«o much•Uko nobody kin tell as apart 'ccpUnthey knows how. What's tho difference?Only in tho leg.. BUI'S bow lojged."-

    M/illiams & BassetLTOWELS, &c.

    .25 doz. largo Jacqnanl Towels, 10c.10 doz. Turkish Bath Towels, 83c.5doz; Turkish Bath Towel*, very

    large, 89o ' • ..10 dozen Linen Damuak Towels, em

    broidered ends, 21c.1 200 yarda all wool Novelty Snitiiig?,

    29c, former price 80c.* SO dozen Ladies' All Linen Em-broidered Handkerchiefs, manufactur-ers' seconds, worth from 40c. to O0c., at20c. -

    50 dozen Men's Grey Jliied 6hirtsand Drawers, half wool, 40c. .

    Ready-Made Sheet.M 0 0 4 003x1)0—IDcr72x00—50c,8UD0-55c.WxOO-02c. :

    Special Offerings

    Fall Carpets Now In.


    . ' ••. 54x80—18c: "-> .-B Special lot Pillow Cases, 42x30, Oc, o3 f o r 2 3 c . • • • - . .


    Utica Muslin Sheets,Bolsters and Pillow Cases.

    ~AEL SIZES.Live Geese Feather Pillows, 3 lbs

    each, 81.75.\Tnrkey Feather PillowB, 20x27. 09c.

    Turkey Feather Pillows, 22x28, 05c.

    QUILTS, alt grades.Euibrojdered Baby Carringo Blankets,

    25.- Crib Blankets.

    CRAWFORD, N. J .

    Choice Building, Lofefe Sale!W h y you should own a Home Qn this

    spkndid-prppertyr-—--—-—-- •—r~-— '•


    Five minutes walk from tlie Rnil1LL. way ^Statio^n

    "iu Crauford.

    .iAn.efial)linliffll Ujti(^ilwrivx«l;..ipnnposMof elegiiiit private residencesand tho Crauford Country Clnb.

    D V A N T A Q E S : ""'" •""•"•'" " .••'•

    Pnro air; unsnrpassed- monntainViews; wide avenues; good side-

    .. walks; abundant water supply; gius,electric lights; fire protection.


    ^^0pljCifiSS!!lJiS-fltenecessay4ojriaintnfir the chanicter of tho future

    .,.neighborhood.. ....-

    . Money for bnilding.purposes advaneed to purchasers of lots; easy teniisof re-payment made. , • .


    J75O to fl.SOO, according to size mid; location:" Perfect titles' given.

    A,beautifully illustrated book, descriptive)f Roosevelt Marior, and other inforfiiation:oncerning the property, may be obtained byppl.ying.to '•/''•: '-.

    "cRANFORb,:N. J


    The best meats to bo obtained in .tlio market iilwilye on li;md, nt low-:: - ' : cat prices, . . ,4, ' '

    Fruit, Vegetables, Eggs, Lard and Sea Food.Westfield, N. J.

    Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received DallyAT THE

    Westfield Fish & Oyster Market.CLAMS, LOBSTERS, SOFT SHELL CRAUS.

    ull'vevlvH In Ormiror«l-,"Tiu-n«myH,



    OAS FOR CRANFORD & ROSELLE.Pipes fur supplying Crauford and Kosclle with Gas have

    , been' extended- from Elizabeth, and this Company is ready to

    supply all who want gas for light, heat, or cooking purposes.

    House connections and setting of meters will be done by this

    '• company at a nominal charge. '

    A S R A N G E S P l a c e d R e a d y for u s e A T C O S T !

    Price for Gas: $ 1.75 per IOOO Feet.

    Slizabethtown Gaslight Co.,124 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J.

    Central B a M pf Hew Jersey, I \FROM CRAXFORD TO EUZABETn .%

    NEW YORK, t l U A M >


    AM-ion aa. am JI^BJB I "'


    P M l OH «l i UJ1S » l 7 opt» 00, l Jlfl.

    niOM EUZ.\Krrtioor ion


    LeM£h Valley B. B.Time Table lo tOrrt Jnw]|>. l«pi.

    TRAINS FnOM.^Ortn^ CRAyiFtmi, to

    SOCTU-OI),0(Oo.m.: i!3


    LtareforXcwY r.S5p,]]l..'' • ' . '"l«avc for Ibe West—7 50 «. m.. 4 i l p., „ : ' J. I IiEusr IvD.T. VUlttfu.N, DblriLuUngCUrk. -|

    HHE MISSES VAIL & UReopen Their School,

    279 North Broad St., Elizabeth,

    Qn Wednesday, Sept. 26.Primnrr,'. Intenuwliate ami AcaJimic

    Di-iartinents.•&•- A-fTO- luinnlinc papili ukrn. For circo-irs opply at theschua'L •.• ', .

    NEWARK S KEW YORK (L R. fifJILDINGS.??,.»**. «3d. 838, S1O and Jir.Mlr0.4-t.

    Best Shorthand nnil TyjieWritingDeimrtment in the State.

    locneor.Coltrcf Journal,'*- •_,*-•-̂ 1'111 t'rt* V \ i »V" I>w.*:!i™iT I

    Yfie Newark Serriiiiary,BOABDISQ USD DAT SCHOOL,

    . Si IIIU. STREET.WSSWHITiiORE. - - Principal

    Reopens, Thursday, 8ept. 27.Thorough ractboda.of vtad]r.' . *French, the lnnBU&iiP ur the erLool.CiTlillrnlcnilmllslu W I 1 I « I , J fullriw.^ix-clal training; in t-(ini|)O îlioti anil o>ii'.>r- .itlon. \ . .fln̂ M*« In Klorulion. AVslbi-IIc. Cullurr. Ill-ry, .I.IUrnlutv. TalnllnK. Ilranlni;, Mii--:c ,nl thl' IJIIIKUIICCT'. \Primary Dfitarlmettt uniler ̂ ulterior Inslrn'1-tu., A llmitrd nuhiLi-r of l«)» m t i w i l h '

    UU ilepitrtntl'iit.

    BusinessGqllege323 Jefferson Aye., Elizabeth.

    lo thi. rouuuin Urnl forTho New Rapid Easy Short-

    hand and Typewriting.

    'all Term Opcus Sept. 17.

    $75 TYPEWMTER FREE!P Every Btuilent who enters duringptember or OctoWr will be presenttj^rnduation, with — -*• :

    $75 TYPEWRITER FREE!tly for circtilara or ail mission |o

    . H. LAH8LEY. Ph. D. Principal.


    Dli.VLER IX

    'ainls, Oils, Glass,. Varnish,


    C. VREELAND,Ity Surveyor & Civil EngineerIIAYONNK. N. J. AMI CB.\NrOIII>.

    M.J.SriLUX, ¥.caler in Fruits and Vegetables,

    OtuuantMtl frrth rvrry d»y.

    Deilrrrim In Cranford TDTMUJ"** Tbttir-i) » and SAtanUjTB.

    Ilctltlencc CentnJ arcnttr, ̂

  • t,\ J

    . VOL. i . No. 47. CRANFORD, UNION COUNTY, N. J.", WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, j 894 $2 PER YEAR.

    JOHN J. REIDDenier la

    . 51S

    Good Building Brick.. a.

    • . 1 •-

    I havb famished .brick in Westfleldfor the WestfleM Clab House,' Standardbuilding, Heinecke, Darsh and Knr t -hals btuldings and many private resi-dences, and desire, to EXTEND MYBUSINESS TO CRANFOHDT

    Eotlmmtea h n l t l u i an all work. -JOHN J.REID,

    P: O Box 0. ; Netherwood, N. J.



    ' TO


    SCOTCH PLAINS, ̂ N. J .Crtulicd 8tono for Puiillc Roads andPrivate Orounds. Kino Stoiio for

    AValksand Drives, For salo at Fan-wood, %r wilt-be delivered at~ resi-dence. Address,. - -

    . John C. Cook,Scotch Plains, N. J,

    Orders Promptly Attended to.


    4Xn IJKALEll IX •_.... . ,;...HOBSE,J2QUU11IENIS, . .,

    148-152 E. Front St., PIolnfleld.N. J .

    Woolston & Buckle-,PAINTERS AND DECORATORS



    Ho.. 141 & 145 North ire., Plaii.fitia, H. J.

    Taylor's Drejss Cutting School.*• And Dro« Milking I'nrlon*. Kutab.

    Itsltitl for two yennt nt 44 HrululHfnH-l,Ellxalicth, N. .!. KvcrytliinK liuiifhtpvrtaininK ti> flivt-clmM rireiwiuiklni:.Gipliia* younBft* 14 tnkfti. Ooatumi'nmiulo, nt reiisoimhln prii-et*. Dny unilevcnlnttcliiKw**, "1'ayinentniiuulot'imy."

    44" ItllOAU HTIIEET. EUZ. Mine. J. N.F. Brooksj a r Also 041 llrond Str«t. Ncwurk. . .

    McNULTY'8Photqgraph Parlors,

    ""Tor. Main SChefry Streets,"RAHWAY, N. J. .t 8 i d l o in the Hlhte.

    Work KquallyXrtlstlc.-


    •'.—lib BfiOAD STf.; ELIZABETH.1 *""

    .AYll^tlyo .Ifac CllimNKXE Ilpnil^rR .^.DQ/^II-f•at*«:"ArIst»":. ., Elimbelli, X, J .

    Agency Universal Patterns,

    Woodruff's StagesFor Picnic Pal-Hen '

    2, 4 and 0 HORSE STAGES TO LET.Address . . ' . - •

    ROBERT WOODRUFF, J r .Look Box 40G,Westfleld.

    TELEPHONE CA1.U liV F. ,,

    W. W. WENDELL,


    Ji V. BON NELL,

    CUfTrLOWERS AND PLANTS,87 Broad Street, Elizabeth.

    - u-.

    A tlnit-clrtSH .family Hotel;, also.cvtiry ciilivi-iilfitLi- JoteniertfliUxujoiit of iiriviile-piirlleon short jiotlro. •. • :

    C.H..HALE, Proprietor;Tclopliono.'Giiil.'VOJI, Koscllt: .*_.

    Broad St., Westfleld, Now Jorsey,(Kvxt door to Welch Brun.,)

    ' - Denier In

    Harness and Horse Supplies.Repairing, promptly and neatly done,

    A. & F. CLARK,

    BL.UE STONE.JIaiitelH, Heiivths, Rills and SSteps.

    Eai t Broad St.. Elizabeth. N. J .



    KINDLING WOOD.QJJlcc, IiiHvn'11, Optra Jlnmc Jlf'W.v r .

    !"Vnt>itive, to >vrito "Mr Sn-nml-ito aiidono."i y..h»,ip comutimes

    Many city people exhibit their igno-ranco of good brwdinBHiv^oingjto n lo-t'iVlUotul ami giving tlio number midstreet of their residence. A notable in-'stance of this i«.ii well known jywehT,1.who, when lio pnts his namo on n regis-ter, which is frequent, invariably puts.his buHUiess addresn after-it- To putHon., (Jen;, (.'apt. or nny other title be-fore a man's namo ouii hotel register isas b a d a s Prof, or Dr.—in fact, it islooked upon as worso by all gotnl hotelmen,. . , ' '

    Tho only-except ion to tho nbovo is incaso of theatrical :people, whir put tlioiK\mo of their comjuuiy after theirnames. All profossiunftl stage people getreduced rates ut h'ostelries in nearly ev-ery instance, and /or them to put thenames of their t roo^ ou tho In^tk is agf«-d thing for the hotel people. r It giH'rtto show.that the jierson thus registeringin not afraid of being qm-stioiied as tohis. coniieetfuu with n conipany and isnot trying to get lower rates in a snr-

    of theatrical people that there"may" \**Apermjssiblu violation of the rules in/re-gnrd"tti"|'ruttiuK Mr. iH-foroVtliu niiiue.Many stars dô not regbiter, but/ allowMimo oiHM-lsuto do it for them/general-ly tho manager." In Order ( show all|Kiia«ihk' de.fereiieij t - • . • « --••••; •• - . ; . . . : , - •

    \ ' All-this, .oioputl \7ith 'til ominous .hiss, was *:alculatis, I threw hî ni ^ix ftvrlrom tho

    i gronnd, ii'M M>rii;{t'Lly *Vu\ he-turn over. that l:o uirjeil^o s'tntr 1:1 his lai'k.• Oneouii I i i / t a r t , nothing VTraM in-dncoliim lj#'mo\v. Tapring. int»ddiiig,t^i^'j.i^/^1 ' ' ''tail—all vrui' iu vain.Tin i t l /u-pt -IMI«1 him frtt::i tin- .limb ofa tree/retrt-att'tl a little and watchuLAt iho i'Uil *if tvro.nmmtv* tlu* npti lo

    ' nuiVed. Slowly lio tanit-»l on his ^pinalt'liluuiu it* tia an a i i s s-unvvx-d tho•̂yiVn îrtt'̂ ' 'flum '̂̂ iS'itiy iV'.'itT.Tî jit''̂ n̂ jyrou^'"'drniiiie.) to tho ground and was making

    At my appnr.ich ho di^l again.; AftersunilryprnntU to GrtU r n . Within Krarl..

    "Kt;.!.; ::r;' \ery fund « f inu-ic,"* raid(J. 1* Tiiiri]i.;i"if-iif N"» w I%i-d tlutifoars slowly, jn Ibv water ai:il ^nng in .

    "ui'UMVirri'weird, wiliVJMriVg'iii a]R^.auliarundiTtuue- Tii me, N ing uiiiuitiaUxl iiithe sjNirt, this ff tmnl t«» Iv a curious,un*i)]ii|i4tniui« nt to a xxil. hunt . bnt.Xwasstill mure. Mirpri-ot wfi«u'f>i»i of ^ho.men prtxluetd i. tlut«- ;uul playctl ou i ta ^uaiiit; K.vin^.tt.» tie'. 'i.r ' : " ' * ; '"~ "Tim fill el i >f theinu>icAvas wxiiitvi-

    K ; g ( {'.'And yoii tcrenmed;'" queried one ot

    thu women. • _

    ,|,.,rt;vuk•••.•,\BZnii iii M ^ K Ik;5;,,"ii -

    club I've Irt'cii keeping for tho dogmruisAH I rubbed dowu stairs, my husbni|ilninhcil iip, and w*» Collided and rolleddowiiiuto thnkitcliunutitt undur thu ta-ble, anil 1iu ralltHl juo namefl, and Ithuni]>tdjmu, nnd lK'foro I could getout thn dog man -Was gone,' and withhim thn bleWedcvt. dog that Detroit willever know. "—Detroit Freo Press., .

    Well Done. " / vOnn"cf tho ninst iiniijuo sjiecimens of

    thn courting erixit* on rt'Cunl incurred ata London * ditnu-r party. Hn had longmadu lovo to lu.r, and wliilu at tho tablehn learned from a friend sitting next tohim tliat his rival intended to "pop thuquustiimV tliat very. day. W i t u t viran tolie, done? He was mmr distancn fromher, while flit* dreade ,|,,-. „!,„„._ u,,. ,,1HM,-ian all. „„. ,vhil,, k«pniK op ih- niaintUv air; „„„ ,,f t | i 0 „,,.„ jnhiiMl out'. H./carnwl• witli liium.liup. d o b ami a loiWiiaip-! k n j r i s N l , iM. j t ^ | y '.-rw-piuj. to when.I ;.,„„„ o f „„ , M.a|sK.r,-lyiiig..nlln.r ih.' iuu>i,-. ho itealt| om. of them a t.rrihl,-b!mvon tf. UTWS qut^titaiinf; a no- •

    gro wH**yrt in ufm nf th«- ju>Utxi courtsthofitlicr day and witin not to mi** anything •'Tbty'ro call-in nainct* nn threaten to do ono an-other." * ,

    'What in i t?" tuk^l thu 1"Alight?" • .

    "Nawl J thought they wm Ibut I frontu they're only pngiliW:uhititftou Star.

    II I« On*n I"Mru. Bolton U lookingII. What do yon attribato it tor*'The


    08 Elizabeth Ave., Elizabeth..81.00

    PRECOCIOUS CHILDBEN.X It i s not troe that m«nJj cbiTaby tebeing purred, cnr and replaced bj ncre

    JU tl«Ji»JlniurfnJnc3.andKtreogthhitbeE.rlr Will, Glrl-M with/Bqj*^s(TO.«jJ!"Then lie &at nprfcbt/oti the mew-. *'UmIBat it'a fun—ibis rlayin^ psssum."

    ; —Kato Field'j W a l l

    \ " ' A NEVADA JOKE.

    » Was riajrrtl H on an I^ouce' " . Jtlnff 8pori«iii»D. \


    ' • ' •


    r- ,

    < j .

    > ! • .

    I , t

    Nothing can bu mdio interesting inpn ordinary way than tho fcto of^praoti.col jokers. Shooters andFpnrtfimcu jjeiicral lywl l appreciate • tlio latest from

    - ' Eurekai Nc.v./ lient on" lauding game, avisitor IK Id /ortli-in- Iris hotelwith re-gard, to his ability to brjng quail toearth. Auioiig tliu niidienci wa» ii, v ;tvbo, l)eiiig/»i^i>ort himtclf, was dcsinof testing^/ tlio forcigiier's abilify as aeiiot.,.,,;.;_. ..•,;...«:,..;..:.-,";:.".J. .WV.'-,,-J.,-,......••.

    "Wo do not'shoot qnnil," paid lie,''wo baa them, and if' you.'want to «oout yort may do to. tonight aud see.,bet-ter funtban any guii can furnish." . '

    -Accortfiugly tho soi disant giunesterjourntyid out from a-KIIIU'II hotel- inNeviula to *-eo thu extraordinary plan byn'lii/'hquail could 1)6 "ba^ed'.* at nijjht-tiuic, The jiarty walked 1 wu mile* intolliii hills and urraiigeil a trap by layingdown 'M' piece.-* of eaudlu* in V shape."Into thin," tiny csplaiiic hold tho i*aek."Generously enough,1 to thu' Itoastingeport.smau wa^-givi'U tliu honor of hold-ing a bag lionud at tlio mouth to! a hoop$o as to catch tlio birds. All tlio others

    /lull to lieat Jup*~quaiL For threo hours> the visitor faithfully held Unit Hack,' and

    \vhiri • tlio ;htftcnlidlo burned bnT hofound himself in .thu midst of a lonulyvalley, .which was full of doserfod tdinftnand" ijther dangerous holes, two milesfrom anyhou.su aud surrounded by adarkness which resembles a stack ofblack cat*. When ho .arrived at thishotel and found that his cohtiutcrs hadbeen there enjoying tho joko for hours,ho ximply. went tie bed anil Wept. Iiottold his gun next moriiinu and left forCalifornia — a Htatu where, lm nays,

    '—:San Francisco Call. ' ] • •.

    The, dress nf tho wnineu throughoutSIpnKWKTM v"arjes bnr'hlightl.v, and asno distinction i»f rank e.xists the-onlydilTt reucu iN'tW'een tlio Karmeiits i>f -thi)rich anil tlto pr.Kjj-er chLs-ses t'ousiwU-intho sU|KTior llueness o f tho materialsUKKI, or ' in the quantity or quality ofIhr. orHaiiMiit*—Thcrrdn'SJt'rs'KJiniily'a'long lluwiiig wjiiitrcainiehi/ girdled by "aUai-Sr«»li | '1!Ia(' l i aijdivfhitiiari)Hhu"


    liatitmal colors "of thiof the women

    j»Uac!tj;its!i.'-'l!lacl! a'u\hu.'. . . . . . . . . , •• *-.••"-•;••••.•. j i ^ J i i m ^ r i y ^ . .

    veart ,a., jW\\jr;..tlSn^-W-ttmr

    rows *if liirgo carncliau stones, some' tinics fastened in front by a. massiveaiitifjao silver clasp. -A simple piece ofbladecluth.irt an addition worn oirthohead 1>3'the older matrons. Moiiteucgtola evtrywlicro inountaiiious. As a pre-.caution against invasion thcni arc.noroads,, aud carts aro unknown. Tholjoo, could onlybe taught to cimnt their honest failuresas no many pn>iuiums paid to enperi-cuct>, how much discouragement wouldbe Kivcd and how many ultimato tri-umplH wini! Parents nnd tuachui u donot half appreciate thu value of a fail-

    , '. nre, which with tact anil kjuduess isturned to good account, and which intho.cud may lie far more beneficial thana success. Cliildn-ii should early IMJtraineil to cousidcr them not in thu light"of diM'tiuragi-mentu, but ua'tlio lx ŝt iu-rentives ptHsibln.—Hew York Tribunu.

    / ' VoralWe Cold llalli. ^ . :i*coplowh« havu iiervuus prostratloh,

    he.nlaches, tliu blues or dysjwpsia,-whotaku cold easily, who are. subject tu ir-ritability, who lead sedentary lives,who need their .wits about them ail' thutiuie, mid who aro uot making thu prug-

    the culd 'bath habit. It 4* not only;"""cleansing, but -curative,"'stimulating,

    cncouVjiKiug and invigorating. It isbrain brightening, nervuuootliiug, bloodquickening,mid thu" best treatment everlakeii for tbo complexion, dlguttion aud

    ••••'•tfhipositioiiu—Nuw'York ' W T " " ' " ' ' "

    Kid Hllllns.Ilenxl'a ilaugbter of tlio innocents

    -was not a circumstance to tho kid Hau-rifico ofli'nsd yearly for tho hand of fair.woiniui. In round iiumlierH U.OOU.UUOidiU aud lambs uro filaughturcd to sup-ply the necessary stock for ono fauiounFrench niauufacttu-cr. Ono skin ill goodcondition ylcMsT thrco Kluvoa, but thoaverage \» nbout 1 >4, or a pair and apair

    Tllrotifchu why, i-laslvt* jjlram.. ., ̂ ,: It niiwt'luiimt th« Munny lu-lKhts

    Xrar tlje vallryn when* we druun.v^ d • —Chicafo IJsconl.

    xpteA their fatA and after ahnrriedfarewell to their mare fartnnato fellow*nrere conducted to tht-jr cella for thelast tiiuo> • , _ •

    Some of the pruonen tlept sonndly,ts tbongb entirely unconcerned in tho

    I'griia tra?e0y to bo cnceied oa tho morijrow. Kot to Badovitch. Fromsido ti rido of hii narrow cell, l i t e some caged; wild animal, ho parol, listerinc thoi tvhilo intently for the footit«"P of tho'j messenger tha* was to recall hici to

    frecilom and to the ioT') of life Tha'• long night passed, all too quickly forj him,- for whom the mt&*iiger fo unac-countably delayed. Ho .had seen Gen.

    [ eral Gara?hiiiin in court from day to.j day, and once a plnnco of intelligence,

    he. pc-rsnaded Jiimself, ha• •••• ••

    ' "Come, Dimrri," said one, ''wo allowe nature.a death. As well pay it nowas la'ter. '• .

    "Cheer np, comrade," whispered an-other. "It makes these hirelings rejoice

    hing to your excellency?" : j to eco yon afraid. V , r"Speak out,..man. Wliat frightens! ' Ha all a mistake.• mumbled tho

    •ou now? I bavoTuld you that you have i "retched man. •• Where is General Gar-

    lothing to fear, and I can make my j ns''!n"-1:-' " • " - . .vord observed." ' "'Ho_wnercr present at cxecn.Hons."

    'That I know well, nnd yet, and | replied the noldur ho addressed. "Ho.„(•• ' 1_______IJHOUHIhi* final onltrsrlast m s h t . ' :

    Anil then a melancholy procession K'-'pair to nloye/ towartl the glacis of tliufortress . prison. A priest led tho way,holding afoftj a large cross.J*cfiiry thoeyes of Jhe doomed men,' who followed

    "Well?""My lifo will not. bo worth it clay's

    inrehaso if it is known that it is I whojave furnisfied this i?ifonnatiouJ_'_

    "You should havu thought of that be- .•aro joiningtlielrWwiety. Iseo youlmvu m "ugle tile, their onlmary dress cov

    ' W t 'n 'a W I t h a '""" u>he o f w n l t e havu-j g y y

    oimthiiig t.) suggest. ' What is it?" j t 'n 'a W I t h a '""" u>he o f w n l t e havu-•'That when the seizure by-thn pulico" i"at *"llv a ">«""« »V the living and a

    ak.s place no distinction bo made be- ;Snro'«»• th^rammit of thouspicion?"

    understdnil you. .Best an-ll h f finredyoivw;ill havo no reason for fear

    n. that respect.""I thank your excellency,. .Any fqr-

    hor orders?' :.'"' ..'iNono; yon may go. "- ""Tho chief of polico smiled to himselfi the spy took his doparturoV"Aud HO you want to bo treated like

    •our Jcllow conspirators, Jhnt. you maylot'bo found out by such as escape, us.3o bo it. You will havo all you havejargain.cd fur,.niy man." .' " •

    That very evening tho po^co raidook place. .Taken as they-wera•bynnr-irisu and unconscious of any treachery

    thu part of ouo of theiijiumber, thotlo.;.£oterie.4 f̂.>.Htudt>Hts,.:-artiBts niid-

    oung doctors found themselves bngged,itliout a siugluexcTption. They indig-antly denied tho charge of conspiringgainst tho government. Their discus-ions were social, not political, they as-uverated. But General Ktirashinin'slyrniidoiifl merely shrugged their ?lionl-

    lers deprecatiiigly, parhups incrcduloas-ly. TJiey had lieiir'd that sort of _thingjeforc, aud it had meant Sllieria foriany, if not a more suiiiniary fate,.mtnig thu !32 was lladovitoh,*'SVbo was1BI> among thu loudest in protesting in-mvuee. . • ' • 'Iu a mouth thu trial took place. Rad-

    long. even slopu of tho rampart' Tothe-so they were bound in couples,, fac-;.ing the east, now kindling with thowarm flush of tho rising sun,whosecoining was to be the rignal. for theirdeath. Ranged in front of them, at adistance of 15 yard.", "was.a company ofsoldiers with haded rifles, whoso cap-tain, standing a little way apart, heldin bis - hand a while handkerchief, at,whoso fall GO tongues of firewonld leapforth anil CO bullet* seek the hearts oftho unhappy men. . •" .

    There was still time for the last scenobnt one in the tragiily beforo tho sunh l d r i a e . .-Thecrowwas-hrfil t>efore

    turn. Then a dagger was broken-overtheir Jicarfs, by a soldier dutoiU-d fniiu.tho thoosanits~drawn up to Tfitness thovengi'auce of the czar. At that momenttho sun scrmed fo bound intofipaoe, andevery heart almost Btoppcti. Bat the officer hxs not let tho signalhandkerchief falL Ins'eail the retreatis sounded hail carrieil out hU promisemndreils of documents, many of them p

    niinuturo essays, uml most of purely |«»ly too literally. The>pyha« absolutely, free". There is mi taint ofquacke'rj' oF^det-eption; no claim oistatement is'iiiade that is in.'t,l)oru6 ouiby facts 'arid 'living witnesses.

    . . . - ' . • ' DR. STAIlKWEATUEIt.: There is not n pennvto pay for thofullest • mediciil ndyice. Dr. Stark-weather ia a graduate of the BerkshireCollege, Massachusetts, and of theMedico Chinirgical college of Philadel-ihia: endorsed also by the College of'hysieiaiiH ami Surgeons' nnd BellevneMedical College of New York. We in-lite all sufferers from whatever cause to-all at our offietf. No. 105 Halsey street,Newark, where Dr. Starkweather is initfciidnnee daily to give examinationmil advice entirely free of charge. It

    l t ; t m t t l l i

    p T V .Onr oillee is.ope|),d»jiy Xroni,i0.a..«i.,nt'ji'.'in. Himdays 4 to, (1 p. in. •-

    li\-ing at a distance can consults ^ K ; ;

    Semi or. call' for "our Book of Testi;itonials. " t:

    HOME REA1EOIES,No. 105 Halsey Street.. Newark, N.J.

    J. WATERSON,'arpenter- & Builder,

    OFFICE ROOM 4, .

    Opera House Block. ,Locks Knolis, Butts. Screws, Nuils o

    all kinds, nml—

    General Hardware for A/c, .,At. JJeiwonable Prices. :

    ^ I I o n e » ^

    Tho French -marshal, Turouno, was agreat general, and his character bears

    xamination* for nobility. Ho was agreat man. Many Incidents which arorelated of him show his modesty, gener-osity and honesty as woll as his conrngo

    nd military ability. A little story of3uo of his German campaigns illuRtratesis rare ncrupulousuess even in tinio of

    war. ' ' . ; • ' • • / • .,. -Tho authorities of Frankfort behoved,

    from tlio movements of -hi.f army, tlmtO intended passing through their terri-ory. They sent a deputation to him

    which_offered him alargoBum of moneyif. ho would alter tho direction of Illsmarch and leave Frankfort unmolested.

    They were surprised in inoro ways:han ono by his answer. "Gentlemen,"te. paid, "my coascionco will "not per-mit inn. to accept your money, for I havoever- intended to lead my army through•our town,lf—Youth's Companion.

    Frathcrf In Germany.

    As , soon as she is • nblo to run abouteach daughter of a German farmer'samily is presented with a litieu bag

    i i l i lr j l . w i h , t.% w jajria fltowh'puts all' tlilf ft'afiierH sliocan' plcfi

    p. Not tho Bllghtest downy bit escapeser, and tho fioonttr'tjio bag is filled tho

    greater tho < pruisa Bho gets from thearents. The bag being full, It ia emp-

    tied into a. larger ono, which hangH inho garre* or

    aro feathers enough they are mado intoillows or bolsters or, beds or cushions

    far easy chairs. Wo wanto a great dealin this conn try. Although wo do noteep BO hiany geeso as rjeriuahs keep,

    •hicken feathers aro plentifully strownbout most farms nud xuako good bods.

    —New York Dlspatcli.

    Slie tV»* Hungry, 'Thisonoon aUiitrcct hoardinghonse:little girl asked if eho uiight hnvon

    mall pieco of meat. A veryBiunll piecewas placed on her plate, when nho ro-marked: , •

    "Iwaut a pleco to oat, not to lookat!" .

    An audible smile travclod aroundanioug tbo boordcra, anil on audible.frown settled ou tho brow of tho land-lady.—Washington Capital.

    f ines and Whiskies.A B O V E all others in quality, quantity and assortment

    B E L O W all others in prices,, i

    BfcOEKER & CO.,contiiino to do n, lively -trade, making friends who stayforever.

    ,. il'iirc.Olil. jjyp, .Whiskey, ..Gin, Kueiiunel, cJamnica Kuni ^'

    ..'.- Applejack, Bittoi-s, Etc., E t c . . . . . . . . . . . ) ; r . . '.60c. per .qt. ' v "

    Ffnc Old California & French Brandy for family or medical use.',_, .>.','.^^.J'wi.or.Shprry.W'iiiej^lf $1.50,' nnd *3 per ̂ ulibiir" - - -••- •-- •• \ •

    Piilutcliok Bittera mid Wild Cherry Hrandy, COc. per bottle. ""*'*" i

    All kinds of Imported --Cordials,- Glmmpngiics; Rhino ulid'Fi-cncli 'Wiiie '

    Price lint coiiiplete thereof free on application.

    Elizabeth Avenfe 7th St, Elizabeth

    EVANS & WHftE CYCLE CO.,118a Elizabeth Ave. - Elizabeth, N. J.


    gppf|iftMnterial selected mid tested by n» personally, and warranteil to be of

    . •..-,. ' the very best qnality. . . . ' 'All Wheefs a n d W o r k ' a u a r n n t e e d for. One. Year I ' .

    W E I G H T S F l t O M 111TO 311 IMS. ' , ' •

    Agents for trie Steams Bicycles.

    STOP A.T THE '

    Union County Jiotel,GARWOOD, IM. J.

    Iietween Cranforil anil Westflelil. Tlie finest public hbiise on tlioCounty Road. Accommodations for ix'nnanent nml transient gnestH.




    LAGGREX $• CLEVELAJy-l),^, .._..„;....... ,;.

    liiysiiiid Tiiurailuys.

    GEO.H, DAVEY, Manager,371, 2 7 3 Morris Ave., Elizabeth, M. J.


    New York and P e n ™ a n i a Bloestones01IAIMJ1FS AT .'State l i n e « f l « Windsor Brooms Co. N .Y.U U A K K1 CO A l^ , ^elro«e, Sosqachonna Countr, JPB.Flagging. Qopiujr, Sillu, Linlfti. CurbonJ Gutters-of • nlldescrip-

    ' tibiiH, Fhigtrfinriniil, Curb nn