M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a...

El Semanario Edison Language Academy – Together Through Two Languages (310) 828-0335 www.edison.smmusd.org FROM THE PRINCIPALS DESK: MARCH MADNESS! M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 ANNOUNCEMENTS March is a short but very busy month. We have only 14 instructional days before we head off to Spring Break. But in addition to all the teaching and learning that goes on every day, we’ve have several other special and important things during those 14 days. We’ve been doing final orientations and applications for Kinder were due 3/7 and for our new Pre- K and TK programs were due 3/8. We have ten IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and seven SST (Student Success Team) meetings. Our teachers have been working in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to plan standards-based writing units, common formative assessments, and pre- and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra Jacqueline has culminating concerts for Kindergartners, First Graders (3/14 at 8:30 am), Second Graders (3/11 at 6:00 pm) and the after-school 3 rd and 4 th grade music program (3/11 at 6:00 pm). In our PS Arts Theater program with Maestra Martha, our 5 th graders are doing last rehearsals for their culminating 5 th Grade Play which will be presented to parents on Thursday evening, March 17 (all are invited!) and to fellow students on Friday morning, March 18. The construction project has kept us busy too (as it has for several years!) – with the playground, landscaping, fencing, and the building housing the field restrooms being finished up. The perimeter fence along Kansas Avenue is going in and the permanent entrance gate on Kansas Avenue is now open in the morning (near the field restrooms). If all goes as planned, it should also be open for pick up in the afternoon after spring break. With the opening of that entrance, there’s now no reason that any children or parents should be entering campus through the parking lot gate. That gate will now be kept locked and students redirected to the Kansas Avenue gate. We’re also looking forward to our annual Noche de Cesar Chavez celebration this Friday, March 11 when we gather to celebrate the life and work of César Chávez. The ELAC and PTA Boards are collaborating to provide dinner for sale, we’ll report on the Corazon de Vida service project, and be treated to a concert of songs of peace and justice by our 2 nd grade students and the afterschool music program with Maestra Jacqueline Fuentes. Please come and join the celebration! FAREWELL AND THANK YOU BELVETH! Belveth Marroquin, of Family Services of Santa Monica (FSSM) has been our school counselor for the last four years. She has supported many children and families, led multiple social skills and friendship groups, taught Cool Tools and other self-regulation and problem solving skills in many classrooms and been an integral part of our Edison community. She has truly loved our students and helped us be a better caring community for kids. She leaves us this week to assume a new position with UCLA and we will dearly miss her. If you'd like to say thank you and good luck, please pass by Cafecito on Wednesday morning and sign one of the cards for Belveth. BOX TOP CONTEST – Thank you to all those who turned in Box Tops to earn money for our school. Maestra Boxer’s class won the class party for the Box Top contest with 668 collected. Please keep collecting Box Tops! JOGATHON IS COMING! – The Edison Jogathon coming up on April 6. It’s time to start collecting pledges! Jogathon is fun, healthy and a major fundraiser for our school! It’s exciting to be back on our own campus this year. There are some new and exciting prizes -- including a Jogathon backpack hangtag for all runners -- and raffles for different levels of fundraising - and the three top earners plus three students selected randomly from among all runners will participate in the fabulous limo lunch. This year the teacher whose class has the most COLLECTED pledges will win $100 Staples gift card for the classroom. PRIVACY AND STUDENT DATA – Please note that because of all the outcry about recent case ordering the release of student data in a Special Education case, the Court has reversed itself and will not release student information. 5 th Grade Play Parents -- March 17 at 6:30 p.m. Students – March 18 at 8:45 am March 11 Noche de Cesar Chavez – 6:00 pm. March 21-April 1 Spring Break!!

Transcript of M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a...

Page 1: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

El Semanario

Edison Language Academy – Together Through Two Languages

(310) 828-0335 www.edison.smmusd.org



M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6


March is a short but very busy month. We have only 14 instructional days before we head off to Spring Break. But in addition to all the teaching and learning that goes on every day, we’ve have several other special and important things during those 14 days. We’ve been doing final orientations and applications for Kinder were due 3/7 and for our new Pre-K and TK programs were due 3/8. We have ten IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and seven SST (Student Success Team) meetings. Our teachers have been working in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to plan standards-based writing units, common formative assessments, and pre- and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra Jacqueline has culminating concerts for Kindergartners, First Graders (3/14 at 8:30 am), Second Graders (3/11 at 6:00 pm) and the after-school 3

rd and


grade music program (3/11 at 6:00 pm). In our PS Arts Theater program with Maestra Martha, our 5

th graders are doing last rehearsals for their

culminating 5th

Grade Play which will be presented to parents on Thursday evening, March 17 (all are invited!) and to fellow students on Friday morning, March 18. The construction project has kept us busy too (as it has for several years!) – with the playground, landscaping, fencing, and the building housing the field restrooms being finished up. The perimeter fence along Kansas Avenue is going in and the permanent entrance gate on Kansas Avenue is now open in the morning (near the field restrooms). If all goes as planned, it should also be open for pick up in the afternoon after spring break. With the opening of that entrance, there’s now no reason that any children or parents should be entering campus through the parking lot gate. That gate will now be kept locked and students redirected to the Kansas Avenue gate. We’re also looking forward to our annual Noche de Cesar Chavez celebration this Friday, March 11 when we gather to celebrate the life and work of César Chávez. The ELAC and PTA Boards are collaborating to provide dinner for sale, we’ll report on the Corazon de Vida service project, and be treated to a concert of songs of peace and justice by our 2


grade students and the afterschool music program with Maestra Jacqueline Fuentes. Please come and join the celebration!

FAREWELL AND THANK YOU BELVETH! Belveth Marroquin, of Family Services of Santa Monica (FSSM) has been our school counselor for the last four years. She has supported many children and families, led multiple social skills and friendship groups, taught Cool Tools and other self-regulation and problem solving skills in many classrooms and been an integral part of our Edison community. She has truly loved our students and helped us be a better caring community for kids. She leaves us this week to assume a new position with UCLA and we will dearly miss her. If you'd like to say thank you and good luck, please pass by Cafecito on Wednesday morning and sign one of the cards for Belveth. BOX TOP CONTEST – Thank you to all

those who turned in Box Tops to earn money for our school. Maestra Boxer’s class won the class party for the Box Top contest with 668 collected. Please keep collecting Box Tops!


Jogathon coming up on April 6. It’s time to start collecting pledges! Jogathon is fun, healthy and a major fundraiser for our school! It’s exciting to be back on our own campus this year. There are some new and exciting prizes -- including a Jogathon backpack hangtag for all runners -- and raffles for different levels of fundraising - and the three top earners plus three students selected randomly from among all runners will participate in the fabulous limo lunch. This year the teacher whose class has the most COLLECTED pledges will win $100 Staples gift card for the classroom. PRIVACY AND STUDENT DATA – Please note that because of all the outcry about recent case ordering the release of student data in a Special Education case, the Court has reversed itself and will not release student information.


Grade Play Parents -- March 17 at 6:30 p.m. Students – March 18 at 8:45 am

March 11 Noche de Cesar Chavez – 6:00 pm.

March 21-April 1 Spring Break!!

Page 2: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

El Semanario

Edison Language Academy – Together Through Two Languages

(310) 828-0335 www.edison.smmusd.org

1 6 – 2 0 D E M A R Z O , 2 0 1 5


Marzo es un mes ocupado en Edison. En adición a las enseñanzas diarias y aprendizaje llevándose a cabo en nuestros salones, estamos continuando trabajo de desarrollo profesional alrededor de escribir a las Normas Comunes Estatales, implementando unidades de escritura del Colegio de Maestros, y visitando a maestros usando el taller de escritores en la Escuela Primaria Roosevelt. Estamos continuando a trabajar en la Instrucción Guiada Cognitivamente en matemáticas y ayudando a los estudiantes aprender a navegar los deberes de presentación (problemas de matemáticas del mundo real y de múltiples partes). Acabamos de comenzar una segunda tanda de programas de intervención académica antes y después de clases en los grados K, 2, 3, 4 y 5. Gracias a Elizabeth Ipiña, Stefani Tovar, Vincent Alvares, Emma Casillas, Virginia Johanna Brown, Alexandra Brandoli y Geralyn Goodman por su trabajo con estas clases y a Aileen Salmaggi por guiar y supervisar los asesoramientos en las clases después de clases. Tenemos varios proyectos de 5º grado que llegan a su culminación este mes – Jóvenes Contando Cuentos, Mathletas, y la Obra de Quinto Grado. ¡El Gran Show de Jóvenes Contando Cuentos se llevará a cabo el miércoles, 11

de marzo a las 6:00 pm. Diez estudiantes de 5º grado (solicitantes elegidos por

sorteo) han estado trabajando de 1:1 con escritores profesionales para producir

obras originales cortas que se traerán a la vida trabajando con actores

profesionales en la tarima de Edison. Todos son bien venidos a este evento


La maestra de 5º grado Constanza Murcia ha estado entrenando a más

de 20 voluntarios estudiantes de 5º grado a quienes les encantan las

matemáticas para participar en la Competencia de Matemáticas de Culver City

USD. Todos estos “mathletas” han estado entrenando para la competencia de

matemáticas. ¡Buena Suerte!

Los estudiantes de 5º grado también están trabajando con nuestra

maestra de Artes de Teatro de PS Martha Ramírez Oropeza para ponerles los

toques finales a su producción de teatro anual. Este año en el 26 de marzo de

6:30 – 8:30 p.m. ellos presentarán Cambia Todo Cambia una obra bilingüe

mirando al teatro a través de las épocas. La obra incluye música y baile al igual

que drama y es una producción sorprendente. Nuestro programa de teatro es

patrocinado por la Visión para Éxito Estudiantil de SMMEF. ¡Por favor


Finalmente, nuestra observación anual de la vida y trabajo de César

Chávez que se llevará a cabo el viernes, 20 de marzo a las 6:00 p.m. que

presentará a nuestros estudiantes del 2º grado. Ellos estarán presentando

canciones escritas en honor a Chávez durante una clase de seis semanas de

escribir canciones con la maestra de música Jacqueline Fuente (¡Gracias VSS y

SMMEF!) También esperamos tener un reporte sobre el paseo reciente de

Edison a Corazón de Vida en Ensenada. ¡Hay tantos eventos maravillosos

este mes – por favor vengan cuando puedan!

Caminata –Gracias a todos los padres quienes organizaron y ejecutaron la Caminata Anual de Edison. ¡Esta es una de nuestras actividades favoritas del año – divertida, saludable y recauda mucho dinero para apoyar programas en nuestra escuela! Todos los estudiantes disfrutan de la diversión de un día en el parque – trotando, saltando, caminando, gateando y moviéndose al ritmo de algunas canciones divertidas. ¡Es un evento que es imposible no disfrutarlo! ¡Ahora es tiempo de colectar los compromisos de la caminata y entregarlos para ser elegibles para premios!

Si Ustedes Cambian Su Número de Teléfono o Dirección –ustedes deben avisar a la oficina principal para que podamos poner al corriente las tarjetas de emergencia de su hijo/a y sus archivos en Illuminate. Se requiere comprobantes de la nueva dirección – un cambio de dirección del DMV (Departamento de Motores y Vehiculos) y un cobro de utilidades de su nueva dirección dentro de los últimos 30 días.

Informes de Instalaciones – La instalación del

aire acondicionado y unidades de aire forzado para los salones ha comenzado, con la meta de la instalación para mediados de abril. Trabajo también continua en el

horario del sitio de construcción, con tubería bajo tierra,

bombas y tanques ya instalados. Los fundamentos de

las escaleras en el segundo piso han sido excavadas y se

está poniendo la fundación. Pueden ver el horario en las

ventanas cerca del cafecito, en la pared de boletines en

la oficina, o al visitar

http://fipcontractors.smmusd.org/edison-new-construction.aspx Las reuniones semanales del Comité

de Instalaciones continúan los miércoles por la mañana

a las 7:45 am en el Salón Comunitario. Talleres Que Vienen para Padres

Yoga para la Familia en la Vida Diaria, Reunión de Asociación de la PTA-ELAC; 18 de marzo – 8:30 a.m.

Academia de Inteligencias Escolares – los lunes de 8:30 – 10:00 am. Comuníquense con Yoly en el (310) 828-0335 extensión 61-307.

Desarrollando Habilidades Sociales de Niños – 25 de marzo, 8:30 am

Apoyando a los Niños Con Transiciones y Creando Fortaleza – 22 de abril, 8:30 a.m

Terminando el Año Escolar – 20 de mayo, 8:30 am

Reflexiones Para Padres – en español – Una clase de 10 semanas en español, los martes, comenzando el 17 de marzo. Los espacios son limitados; comuníquense con la consejera de la escuela Belveth Marroquin en el (310) 828-0335, extensión 61-319



[Type a quote from the document or the

summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools

tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

[Type a quote from the document or the

summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools

tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

[Type a quote from the document or the

summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools

tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

11 de marzo –

Reunión del Concilio


4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Salón Comunitario

12de marzo –

Reunión Especial de

ELAC 8:30 a.m.

Salón Comunitario

30 de marzo – 10 de abril Vacaciones de Primavera No Hay Clases

Page 3: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra






PTA Executive Board 2016-17 Term

Please HELP us! We need your help with recruiting parents for the positions listed below. If

you would like to share your nominations or have any questions, please contact Essie Blankson-

Turner at [email protected] or (310) 713-0283 or Luhanda Garvin at

[email protected] or (310) 428-1522.

Nomination Timeline:

-Feb 23rd @ 8:30 AM - Nomination Committee Meeting in the Edison Community Room

-March 10th at 8:30 AM - Nomination Committee Meeting in the Edison Community Room

-April 13th @ 8:30 AM - Present slate of nominations. Slate of nominations remains open for

additional nominations.

-April 20th @ 8:30 AM - PTA Association Committee Meeting: Members vote on slate of


-July 1st - Elected board members assume their positions.

We are actively looking for suggestions of people for the following positions:

1) President

2) Executive Vice President

3) VP of Communications and Membership

4) VP for Fundraising

5) VP for Special Events

6) VP for Health and Safety

7) VP for Community Integration

8) Secretary

9) Room Rep Coordinator

10) Financial Secretary

11) Parliamentarian

12) Historian

Page 4: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

Position Descriptions –

1. President: Lead PTA toward goals set by its members. The president is the presiding officer and

the official representative of the association.

2. Vice President: The Executive Vice President will serve as an aide to the president. If the President cannot perform his/her duties, the Vice President will perform the duties of the president.

3. First Vice President: Director of Membership and Communications, including informational displays at school, PTA Membership Drive, El Semanario/Wednesday Packets, Edison School Directory, E-blast, and Edison Amigos Website.

4. Second Vice President: Director of Fundraising, including Annual Giving Campaign, Cartridge Recycling and Rebate, Book Fairs, Jog-a-thon, Incentive Programs, Scrip, Raffles, Silent Auction, Box Tops and Labels for Education, Gift Wrap or Product Sales, School Spirit Clothing Sales.

5. Fourth Vice President: Director of Special Events, including Valentine’s Day Dance, Fall Festival, Teacher and Staff Welcome Luncheon.

6. Fifth Vice President: Director of Health and Safety, including Emergency Preparedness, Traffic Safety and Parking, and Lost and Found.

7. Sixth Vice President: Director of Community Integration, including Hospitality Coordinator, Welcome Coffee, Kinder Welcome Picnic & Tour, School Tours, School Beautification Days, School SMARTS Program, Corazon de Vida and is responsible for facilitating communication and fostering sense of community for the diverse groups of families at Edison.

8. Seventh Vice President: Director of Room Representatives, Will secure two room representatives for each classroom, and send communications to room representatives.

9. Financial Secretary: Records all incoming checks and makes bank deposits.

10. Secretary: Take notes at board meetings and provides minutes to the board.

11. Historian: Keeps official record of volunteer hours and events and provides official annual statement to the board and State PTA.

12. Parliamentarian: Helps the board follow the defined California State PTA bylaws and helps create and maintain current set of bylaws and helps create the nomination committee.

People are encouraged to visit the California State PTA Toolkit to see much more detailed descriptions of

roles and responsibilities. Position descriptions start on page 50 on this link:


Page 5: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra







Junta Ejecutiva de la PTA 2016-17

Por favor, ayúdanos! Necesitamos tu ayuda para formar el grupo para el próximo año. Por

favor, ponerse en contacto con Essie Blankson-Turner por email [email protected] o

teléfono al (310) 713-0283 o Luhanda Garvin por email [email protected] o teléfono

(310) 428-1522 respecto a su nominación o cualquier pregunta.

Proceso de Nominación:

-23 de febrero @ 8:30AM - Reunión de Comisión de Nombramientos, en el Salón Comunitario

-10 de marzo @ 8:30AM - Reunión de Comisión de Nombramientos, en el Salón Comunitario

-13 de abril @ 8:30 AM - Confirmar nominaciones. Proceso de nominaciones de candidatos

queda abierto.

-20 de abril @ 8:30 AM - Reunión de Asociación PTA. Los miembros votan.

-01 de julio - Los miembros del consejo elegidos asumen sus cargos.

Estamos buscando sugerencias de las personas para las siguientes posiciones:

1) Presidente

2) Vicepresidente Ejecutivo

3) VP de Comunicación y Membresía

4) VP de Recaudar Fondos

5) VP de Eventos Especiales

6) VP de Salud y Seguridad

7) VP de Integración de Comunidad

8) VP de Coordinadores de Representante del Salón

9) Secretario de Finanzas

10) Secretario

11) Parlamentario

12) Historiador

Page 6: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

Descripción de Cargos:

1. Presidente: Maneja el grupo hacia los objetivos establecidos por sus miembros. El presidente es el representante oficial de la asociación.

2. Vicepresidente Ejecutivo: El Vicepresidente servirá como ayudante del presidente. Si el Presidente no pudiera ejercer sus funciones, el Vicepresidente asumirá las funciones del Presidente.

3. Primer Vicepresidente - Director de Membresía y Comunicaciones: incluyendo pantallas de información en la escuela, El Semanario/Paquetes de los Miércoles, Campaña de membresías del PTA, Directorio de la Escuela Edison, Comunicación con los Padres, Sitio Web Edison

Amigos, EBLAST, Pagina de Facebook, paquetes electrónicos.

4. Segundo Vicepresidente - Director de Recaudación de Fondos: incluyendo la Campaña Anual de Donaciones, reciclaje de cartuchos y de reembolso, Ferias del Libro, Jog-a-thon, Programas de incentivos, Scrip, Rifas, Subasta Silenciosa, Box Tops y Etiquetas para la Educación, Venta de papel de regalo o otras productos, Venta de camisetas y ropa de Edison.

5. Cuarto Vicepresidente - Director de Eventos Especiales: incluyendo Danza del Día de San Valentín, Festival del Otoño, Almuerzo de bienvenida para los maestros y personal de la escuela.

6. Quinto Vicepresidente - Director de Salud y Seguridad: incluyendo preparación para emergencias, Seguridad Vehicular y Estacionamiento, Objetos perdidos y encontrados.

7. Sexto Vicepresidente - Director de Integración con la Comunidad: incluyendo Coordinador de hospitalidad, Café de bienvenida (Cafecito), Picnic de bienvenida del Kindergarten, Recorridos en la escuela, Día de Embellecimiento Escolar, Programa de Inteligencias Escolares, Corazón de Vida, Responsable para facilitar la comunicación y fomentar sentido de comunidad entre las diversas familias en Edison.

8. Séptimo Vicepresidente - Director de Coordinación de Representantes de Salón: incluyendo garantizar dos representantes de salón por cada clase, iniciar comunicación entre los representante de salón y maestras(os), así como con miembros de la PTA y demás personal de la escuela, tener reuniones, comunicarse constantemente e instruir a los representantes de salón de sus deberes y responsabilidades.

9. Secretario de Finanzas: Llevar registro de todos los cheques y hace depósitos bancarios.

10. Secretario: Tomar notas en las reuniones del consejo y proporcionar las minutas a la junta.

11. Historiador: Mantiene un registro oficial de las horas de voluntariado y eventos y ofrece un resumen anual a la junta directiva y la PTA Estatal.

12. Parlamentario: Ayuda a que la junta siga las reglas establecidas por la PTA Estatal y ayuda a crear y mantener las reglas actuales; ayuda a formar el comité de nominaciones.

Los invitamos a visitar la PTA de California para ver descripciones más detalladas de las funciones y responsabilidades. Descripciones de los cargos empiezan en la página 50 en este

link: http://downloads.capta.org/pub/toolkit/toolkit-en.pdf.

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Jogathoniscoming:April6,2016 ElJogathonyacasiestaaquí:El6deAbril



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REGISTER ONLINE: santamonicamusiccamp.com

Santa Monica Conservatory 1501 Colorado Ave.Santa monica, Ca 90404(310) 576-3600


Movie time, Snacks, Outdoor Play All Included.1 Hr Music Theory Daily • Weekly Concerts

3 Hrs of Instrument Playing Daily

Single Day $70 • AM/PM Care $10/Hr



Multiple week/ sibling discounts available

Week 1: December 21-24Week 2: December 28-31

TWO WEEKS WINTERMon-Fri, 9am-3pm

"My daughter attended the Santa Monica Music Camp last summer and the summer before. She really enjoyed her time there. Her violin playing definitely improved a lot with the number of hours they play every day, but more importantly, she ended up more enthusiastic about her instrument, and wants to attend again before her school auditions for advanced orchestra." — Shirley




AGES 5-13santamonicamusiccamp.com

Winter 2015 - Spring 2016Winter 2015 - Spring 2016Santa Monica Music Camp

Westside Children’s Educational Programs proudly presents

TWO WEEKS SPRINGMon-Fri, 9am-3pmWeek 1: March 21-25

Week 2: March 28-April 1

Evie BanuelosCamp Coordinator

[email protected]

Experts agree that playing a musical instrument at a young age also enhances aptitude for math, language, and social skills. At the Santa Monica Music Camp, children participate in a variety of fun and educational activities including music composition, chamber groups, and games that improve rhythm.

Why Santa Monica Music Camp?

Earlybird, SiblingMultiple-Week Discounts

Available!Space Limited - Register Now santamonicamusiccamp.com

Piano, Voice, Guitar, Ukulele, Violin, Viola, Cello, String Bass, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon,Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba...

Page 9: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra


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REGISTER ONLINE: santamonicamusiccamp.com

Santa Monica Conservatory 1501 Colorado Ave.Santa monica, Ca 90404(310) 576-3600


Movie time, Snacks, Outdoor Play All Included.1 Hr Music Theory Daily • Weekly Concerts

3 Hrs of Instrument Playing Daily

Single Day $70 • AM/PM Care $10/Hr



Multiple week/ sibling discounts available

Week 1: December 21-24Week 2: December 28-31

TWO WEEKS WINTERMon-Fri, 9am-3pm

"My daughter attended the Santa Monica Music Camp last summer and the summer before. She really enjoyed her time there. Her violin playing definitely improved a lot with the number of hours they play every day, but more importantly, she ended up more enthusiastic about her instrument, and wants to attend again before her school auditions for advanced orchestra." — Shirley




AGES 5-13santamonicamusiccamp.com

Winter 2015 - Spring 2016Santa Monica Music Camp

Westside Children’s Educational Programs proudly presents

TWO WEEKS SPRINGMon-Fri, 9am-3pmWeek 1: March 21-25

Week 2: March 28-April 1

Evie BanuelosCamp Coordinator

[email protected]

Experts agree that playing a musical instrument at a young age also enhances aptitude for math, language, and social skills. At the Santa Monica Music Camp, children participate in a variety of fun and educational activities including music composition, chamber groups, and games that improve rhythm.

Why Santa Monica Music Camp?

Earlybird, SiblingMultiple-Week Discounts

Available!Space Limited - Register Now santamonicamusiccamp.com

Piano, Voice, Guitar, Ukulele, Violin, Viola, Cello, String Bass, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon,Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba... REGISTER ONLINE: santamonicamusiccamp.com

Santa Monica Conservatory 1501 Colorado Ave.Santa Monica, CA 90404(310) 576-3600

LOCATION:Movie time, Snacks, Outdoor Play All Included.1 Hr Music Theory Daily • Weekly Concerts3 Hrs of Instrument Playing Daily


"My daughter attended the Santa Monica Music Camp last summer and the summer before. She really enjoyed her time there. Her violin playing definitely improved a lot with the number of hours they play every day, but more importantly, she ended up more enthusiastic about her instrument, and wants to attend again before her school auditions for advanced orchestra." — Shirley




Week 1: March 21- 25Week 2: March 28 - April 1

SPRING CAMPMon-Fri, 9am-3pm

Week 1: June 13 - June 17Week 2: June 20 - June 24Week 3: June 27 - July 1Week 4: July 4 - July 8Week 5: July 11 - uly 15Week 6: July 18 - July 22Week 7: July 25 - July 29Week 8: August 1 - August 5Week 9: Aug 8 - August 12Week 10: Aug15 - Aug 19

SUMMER CAMPMon-Fri, 9am-3pm

Single Day $70 • AM/PM Care $10/Hr

$350/WeekMultiple week/sibling/earlybird discounts

Spring & Summer 2016

Westside Children’s Educational Programs proudly presents

Santa Monica Music Camp

Page 10: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra



! Soul of Cali invites boys and girls of all levels to learn the freshest new moves to the songs they love! With routines and exercises designed to improve coordination, get the body moving, and mind sharp, kids are able to feel their growth week by week. As an outlet for expression, Soul of Cali empowers youth to be uniquely them, connect with peers, and discover that true style flows from with in.

F R I D A Y S 4 / 8 - 5 / 27 @ Marine Park Auditorium 1406 Marine St, Santa Monica, CA 90405

City of Santa Monica Community Classes Office

1450 Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90401Phone: (310) 458-2239 | Fax: (310) 899-0840

Email: [email protected] Register Online: www.smgov.net/reserve

3:30 - 4:30 pmSoul of Cali Dance Club Ages 5-9 4:30 - 5:30 pm Soul of Cali Hip-Hop Dance Ages 10-14

Residents $83 / Non-residents $95


Page 11: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra
Page 12: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra


& SELF-DEFENSEClasses Sponsored by Warrior Youth Programs (A Non-Profit Organization)

A martial arts class designed for self-defense, that includes techniques from many differentmartial arts styles, including karate, judo, ju-jitsu, muay thai and boxing. Classes are taughtby a Masters Hall of Fame Instructor, who holds the rank of 7 th degree black belt.

Class Locations and Times (Choose 1 class time or more)


Wednesdays or Fridays

Penmar Recreation Center

(Students 5 to 17 years old)

Location: Penmar Recreation Center is located at 1341 Lake St., Venice, Ca.Locacion: Las clases se llevara a cabo en la sala polivalente de Penmar Rec Center:

CLASS DAY & TIME / Dia y tiempo:

Starting March 9th and 11th, 2016

Wednesdays: 6:00-6:45 p.m. Wednesdays: 6:50-7:35 p.m. Fridays: 6:30-7:15 p.m.

Class Fees and Costs: Registration is $7Registración: $7 pagado por cada sesión

Class Fee/ Costos: $8 per class (or $7 per class if you pay the session in full)


Culver-Palms Methodist Church

(Students 5 to 12 years old).

Location: CPUMC is located at 4464 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City.Locacion: Las clases se llevara a cabo en la iglesia Culver-Palms United Methodist Church.

CLASS DAY & TIME / Dia y tiempo:

Starting March 7, 2016

Mondays: 5:45-6:30 p.m.

Class Fees and Costs: Registration is $7Registración: $7 pagado por cada


Class Fee/ Costos: $7 per class (or $6per class if you pay the session in full)

START DATE & REGISTRATION/ La fecha de principio para registrarse:New students may enroll in classes at four different times throughout the year:

October 2015 December 2015 March 2016 August 2015



English: (310) 910-9101 or [email protected] or Mrs. Sandoval, (310) 738-8953

Español: Para más información en español, llame Señora Sandoval, (310) 738-8953

Page 13: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

Shoot Hoops like LeBronLaunch Rockets!Paint MasterpiecesJump-Start Kindergarten

Be a CartoonistLearn the Latest Dance MovesDiscover the Wonders of the OceanBe Tech Savvy

June 20 – July 22(5 weeks; closed July 4th)

8:30 am – 12:30 pm daily

John Muir Elementary School2526 6th StreetSanta Monica 90405

Barry [email protected]

Sponsored by

John Muir Elementary SchoolFor students entering grades K-5

Pam GoodmanAdministrative Assistant [email protected]

Five affordable weeksof non-stop fun, exploring and creating!

PLEASE NOTE. There are two locations for the Santa Monica Elementary program: Roosevelt and Muir. Students have the option of enrolling at either site. There are separate brochures for each site.

$550for full morning program

Early Bird Discount!Sign up by April 15th and pay only $525 for the full morning program.

Childcare available for an additional fee

Scholarships available for qualifying students enrolled inSMMUSD for August 2016

Registration starts March 14thonline at www.smmpta.org or www.smmef.orgin person at the District OfficeMarch 14th & 15th, 8:00am - 2:00pm and 10:00am - 2:00pm thereafter

310-450-8338 x70419

Page 14: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

ENROLLMENT INFORMATION: Grade level is determined by the grade the student will enter in August 2016. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning March 14, 2016. Classes are offered subject to enrollment and are limited to 20-25 students. Confirmation of classes will be sent to the student’s home address and/or parent’s email address. Enrollment continues as long as space is available. NOTE: Unless enrolled, children may not visit classes as a guest. FEES: Tuition for full program is $550 per child (or $525 if you register by April 15). Some classes have a materials fee in addition to the tuition that is non-refundable and non-transferable after June 10. ALL FEES MUST BE PAID BY June 10. Make checks payable to: Santa Monica-Malibu Council of PTAs. No students will be allowed to attend class without full payment. Bank-returned checks are subject to a $25 fee and will disqualify the student from the program until a cash payment is received. A non-refundable, non-transferable $6 per-student convenience fee is charged when a credit card is used. TUITION REFUND POLICY: Full refund less $25 handling fee if cancellation is received by June 10. NO REFUNDS AFTER JUNE 10. Credit cards are accepted through June 10. SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION: Scholarships are only considered for students enrolled in SMMUSD for August 2016. Scholarship prices apply to the full program; they are not pro-rated. Please submit a copy of your student’s free or reduced lunch eligibility notification letter with your registration no later than May 27, 2016. If you do not have your letter, please contact Patsy Herschberger in SMMUSD Food Services to obtain a new copy ([email protected], 310-450-8338 x70228). For students NOT on free or reduced lunch, an application for reduced tuition may be requested from the Summer Adventure Office. Late applications will be accepted at the discretion of the Principal.

CHILD CARE: Child Development Services will offer child care from 7AM to 8:30AM and 12:30PM to 6PM daily. See attachment for fees and enrollment information, or visit: www.smmusd.org/CDS/index.html


AN ANIMAL A DAY! #010 Kindergarten Join our summer safari as we travel through oceans, jungles, forests and farms to meet an animal a day. We will practice letters and sounds, counting and patterns, and learn about animal habitats as we circle the globe to find some furry friends. On the way we will explore reading, writing, math, science, social studies, cooking, sculpting, painting, puppets and music to learn fun facts about the animal world! Materials fee: $20 Elayne Borenstein

PRIMARY OCEANOGRAPHY #020 Grades 1-2 This very popular class is back for another year! Taught by a team of three experienced primary teachers, this course is an in-depth study of sea life. Students will attend research trips to the library and the Santa Monica Pier and even have visits from real marine scientists, in order to gather knowledge and hands-on experiences with sea life. Students will be encouraged to apply their knowledge of sea life in a variety of activities: sea life stories, sea life riddles, pop-up books, and under-the-sea murals, just to name a few! Math and science will be integrated throughout the program. Teachers will adjust instruction to challenge and motivate the individual learning needs of all students. Don’t miss the fun! Materials fee: $20 Brandy Kelly, Cynthia Thatcher,

Rebecca Urias



Page 15: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

PERIOD I 8:30 AM – 9:40 AM

ART ELEMENTS #101 Grades 2-3 Experiment with the main elements of art: line, shape, color, value, and texture. Have fun and get creative by drawing, designing, painting, and making collages! We will explore a range of art materials such as crayon, pencil, marker, watercolor, tempera paint, pastels, as well as work with a variety of papers. Materials fee: $15 Stephanie Neumann

STORIES THAT POP UP! #104 Grades 2-5 (Curriculum adapted for student skill level ) Express yourself with words and 3-D pop-ups! Awaken the creative writer and artist within you! Once you learn the basic steps for making pop-ups, using all kinds of crafty materials, you can create your own designs. Use your imagination in new ways to illustrate your stories. Write better paragraphs with captivating details that actually jump off the page. Have fun improving your essential writing skills. Our summer session will culminate with a WRITERS AND ARTISTS SHOWCASE for families to attend. Freedom of expression is your key to Stories That Pop Up! Materials fee: $15 Ila Sender

BRICKS 4 KIDZ #102 Grades 2-5 This class provides an extraordinary atmosphere for children, where we learn, build and play…with LEGO bricks. Your child will be introduced to principles of engineering by constructing a new model every day based on exciting themes, from space to sports, amusement parks to animals, and transportation to inventions. Bricks 4 Kidz teachers lead a discussion related to that day’s model, using materials designed by educators to teach STEM concepts across a variety of subject areas. Kids will learn about everything from gears, torque and friction, to geography, space exploration and weather, while they build and have FUN. Materials fee: $10 Autumn Moss-Peñaloza

SCIENCE: HOW’D YOU DO THAT? #105 Grades 3-5 In this hands-on science class using ordinary household items, students will learn various science concepts and how they relate to our everyday lives. Some of the concepts we’ll explore include air pressure, states of matter, meteorology, electricity, magnetism, physics and more. Students will develop their scientific processing skills, challenging them to think like scientists by observing, comparing, hypothesizing, planning and conducting investigations, gathering and recording data and drawing conclusions. Materials fee $15 Michael Donovan

BASKETBALL FUN! #103 Grades 2-5 Children will learn various basketball skills and fundamentals. We will play games while practicing teamwork and sportsmanship. Rules, positive reinforcement, hustling and FUN will be emphasized. We will use age-appropriate basketballs and courts. Basketball is a great sport that children will enjoy for a lifetime! Materials fee: $15 Tony Murphy



Page 16: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

PERIOD II 9:55 AM – 11:05 AM

PE FUN IN THE SUMMER #201 Grades 2-5 Students will play and participate in a variety of PE games that are demonstrated throughout the school year. All their favorite games are designed to build teamwork, cooperation, skills and FUN! We will play games from SPARK PE, part of the current district-wide curriculum. The importance of daily physical activity, warming up, staying hydrated and cooling down will be emphasized. Materials fee: $20 Tony Murphy

SCIENCE: HOW’D YOU DO THAT? #204 Grades 3-5 In this hands-on science class using ordinary household items, students will learn various science concepts and how they relate to our everyday lives. Some of the concepts we’ll explore include air pressure, states of matter, meteorology, electricity, magnetism, physics and more. Students will develop their scientific processing skills, challenging them to think like scientists by observing, comparing, hypothesizing, planning and conducting investigations, gathering and recording data and drawing conclusions. Materials fee: $15 Michael Donovan

STORIES THAT POP UP! #202 Grades 2-5 (Curriculum adapted for student skill level) Express yourself with words and 3-D pop-ups! Awaken the creative writer and artist within you! Once you learn the basic steps for making pop-ups, using all kinds of crafty materials, you can create your own designs. Use your imagination in new ways to illustrate your stories. Write better paragraphs with captivating details that actually jump off the page. Have fun improving your essential writing skills. Our summer session will culminate with a WRITERS AND ARTISTS SHOWCASE for families to attend. Freedom of expression is your key to Stories That Pop Up! Materials fee: $15 Ila Sender

ART ELEMENTS #205 Grades 4-5 Experiment with the main elements of art: line, shape, color and texture. Have fun and get creative by drawing, designing, painting and making collages! We will explore a range of art materials such as crayon, pencil, marker, watercolor, tempera paint and pastels, as well as a variety of papers. Materials: $15 Stephanie Neumann

BRICKS 4 KIDZ #203 Grades 2-5 This class provides an extraordinary atmosphere for children, where we learn, build and play…with LEGO bricks. Your child will be introduced to principles of engineering by constructing a new model every day based on exciting themes, from space to sports, amusement parks to animals and transportation to inventions. Bricks 4 Kidz teachers lead a discussion related to that day’s model, using materials designed by educators to teach STEM concepts across a variety of subject areas. Kids will learn about everything from gears, torque and friction, to geography, space exploration and weather, while they build and have FUN. Materials fee: $10 Autumn Moss Peñaloza



Page 17: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

PERIOD III 11:20 AM – 12:30 PM

ART ALL AROUND US! #301 Grades 2-4 Students will use a wide variety of media and materials while exploring the world of visual art. We will learn origami as well as study composition, perspective, balance and the use of color in the creation of beautiful works of art. Materials fee $15 Michael Donovan

BRICKS 4 KIDZ #304 Grades 2-5 This class provides an extraordinary atmosphere for children, where we learn, build and play…with LEGO bricks. Your child will be introduced to principles of engineering by constructing a new model every day based on exciting themes, from space to sports, amusement parks to animals and transportation to inventions. Bricks 4 Kidz teachers lead a discussion related to that day’s model, using materials designed by educators to teach STEM concepts across a variety of subject areas. Kids will learn about everything from gears, torque and friction, to geography, space exploration and weather, while they build and have FUN. Materials fee: $10 Autumn Moss-Peñaloza

PE FUN IN THE SUMMER #302 Grades 2-5 Students will play and participate in a variety of PE games that were demonstrated throughout the school year. All their favorite games are designed to build teamwork, cooperation, skills and FUN! We will play games from SPARK PE, part of the current district-wide curriculum. The importance of daily physical activity, warming up, staying hydrated and cooling down will be emphasized. Materials fee: $20 Tony Murphy

ART ELEMENTS #305 Grades 4-5 Experiment with the main elements of art: line, shape, color and texture. Have fun and get creative by drawing, designing, painting and making collages! We will explore a range of art materials such as crayon, pencil, marker, watercolor, tempera paint and pastels, as well as a variety of papers. Materials: $15 Stephanie Neumann

THE MAGIC OF NUMBERS #303 Grades 2-5 (Curriculum adapted for student skill level) Have you heard about the greatest number ever discovered? Do you know the trick with 9s? Improve your basic math skills by playing a variety of fun activities. Challenge yourself to figure out math puzzles using logic and reasoning. We will practice mental math and computation, develop critical thinking skills, play dice games and money math, solve algebra problems and engage in math art projects and games. Strengthen confidence in solving problems. The Mathematical Mystery Tour is waiting to awaken you to The Magic of Numbers! Materials fee: $10 Ila Sender



Page 18: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

Shoot Hoops like KobeLaunch a RocketPaint MasterpiecesJump-Start Kindergarten

Be a CartoonistLearn the Latest Dance MovesDiscover the Wonders of the OceanBe Tech Savvy

June 20 – July 22(5 weeks; closed July 4th)

8:30 am – 12:30 pm daily

Roosevelt Elementary School801 Montana AvenueSanta Monica 90403

Sponsored by

Roosevelt Elementary SchoolFor students entering grades K-5

Pam GoodmanAdministrative Assistant [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE. There are two locations for the Santa Monica Elementary program: Roosevelt and Muir. Students have the option of enrolling at either site. There are separate brochures for each site.

Five affordable weeksof non-stop fun, exploring and creating!

$550 for full morning program

Early Bird Discount!Sign up by April 15th and pay only $525 for the full morning program.

Childcare available for an additional fee

Scholarships available for qualifying students enrolled inSMMUSD for August 2016

Registration starts March 14thonline at www.smmpta.org or www.smmef.orgin person at the District OfficeMarch 14th & 15th, 8:00am - 2:00pm and 10:00am - 2:00pm thereafter

310-450-8338 x70420

Barry [email protected]

Page 19: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

ENROLLMENT INFORMATION: Grade level is determined by the grade the student will enter in August 2016. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning March 14, 2016. Classes are offered subject to enrollment and are limited to 20-25 students. Confirmation of classes will be sent to the student’s home address and/or parent’s email address. Enrollment continues as long as space is available. NOTE: Unless enrolled, children may not visit classes as a guest. FEES: Tuition for full program is $550 per child (or $525 if you register by April 15). Some classes have a materials fee in addition to the tuition that is non-refundable and non-transferable after June 10. ALL FEES MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 10. Make checks payable to: Santa Monica-Malibu Council of PTAs. No students will be allowed to attend class without full payment. Bank-returned checks are subject to a $25 fee and will disqualify the student from the program until a cash payment is received. A non-refundable, non-transferable $6 per-student convenience fee is charged when a credit card is used. TUITION REFUND POLICY: Full refund less $25 handling fee if cancellation is received by June 10. NO REFUNDS AFTER JUNE 10. Credit cards are accepted through June 10. SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION: Scholarships are only considered for students enrolled in SMMUSD for August 2016. Scholarship prices apply to the full program; they are not pro-rated. Please submit a copy of your student’s free or reduced lunch eligibility notification letter with your registration no later than May 27, 2016. If you do not have your letter, please contact Patsy Herschberger in SMMUSD Food Services to obtain a new copy ([email protected], 310-450-8338 x70228). For students NOT on free or reduced lunch, an application for reduced tuition may be requested from the Summer Adventure Office. Late applications will be accepted at the discretion of the Principal.

CHILD CARE: Child Development Services will offer child care from 7AM to 8:30AM and 12:30PM to 6PM daily. See attachment for fees and enrollment information, or visit: www.smmusd.org/CDS/index.html


CHICKA, CHICKA, BOOM, BOOM-ABC #010 Kindergarten Ready for FUN? Come join us this summer and take part in delicious cooking, fun games and many learning activities. We will practice letters, reinforce letter sounds, play math games, make crafts and build new friendships. We’ll also take a field trip to the local library. Ready, set, join! Materials fee: $20 Martha Vasquez

AMAZING MAPS #030 Grade 1 Join our class and learn about all kinds of maps through reading, math, writing and fun art projects. Children will be taught how to use a compass, learn their address and how to find their house on a map of the Los Angeles area. They will also learn fun facts about their state, and find their country on a map of the continents. In addition, students will be using Google Earth to find their home, school and exciting points of interest. Students will also use their new mapping skills to make pirate and treasure maps. Come and explore with us! Materials fee: $15 Mara Chenik

KINDERMASTERS #020 K-1 Going into Kindergarten or not quite finished with Kindergarten learning? This is the class for YOU! Have fun with letters, sounds and review sight words. Make fun projects, kooky crafts and quicky-snicky snacks. Literacy-rich activities, phonemic awareness, reading, writing and social science activity centers are part of the daily routine. Materials fee: $20 David Petrilyak



Page 20: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

PERIOD I 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

BASKETBALL FOR BEGINNERS #101 Grades 2-3 This class welcomes all beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of basketball by working on their skills through drills, learning to defend and scrimmaging amongst each other. Students will also learn teamwork and good sportsmanship, and stay fit at the same time. Materials fee: $15 Paul Kumasaka

LET’S DANCE #106 Grades 2-5 Feel the power of dance! Last year’s Up Town Funk showcased the Westside’s finest. Students will experience the power of creative dance while developing confidence, problem-solving, perseverance and collaboration. Dancers will choreograph and perform their own creations. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. Come join us and show your moves. Let’s dance! Materials fee: $5 Linda Brown

BRICKS 4 KIDZ #102 Grades 2-5 This class provides an extraordinary atmosphere for children, where we learn, build and play…with LEGO bricks. Your child will be introduced to principles of engineering by constructing a new model every day based on exciting themes, from space to sports, amusement parks to animals, and transportation to inventions. Bricks 4 Kidz teachers lead a discussion related to that day’s model, using materials designed by educators to teach STEM concepts across a variety of subject areas. Kids will learn about everything from gears, torque and friction, to geography, space exploration and weather, while they build and have FUN. Materials fee: $10 Autumn Moss-Peñaloza

SCIENCE OF THINGS THAT GO! #107 Grades 3-5 Let’s build them and watch them goooo! This is a hands-on course where students will design and build boats, cars, airplanes, rockets and more. Materials fee: $25 Dan Neumann

RUN (AND EAT) INTO SUMMER FUN #103 Grades 2-5 Food and fun lovers, this is for you! Students will get a fun crash course on how to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Students will learn and practice a variety of teacher-supported exercises including running, push-ups, calisthenics, games, sports, and even Crossfit and light weight training! Along with learning how to keep moving, students will sample and make a variety of healthy and delicious food options each week. Set aside your video games and come outside with us for some fun! Materials fee: $20 Kimberly Marshall

PARLEZ-VOUS FRANÇAIS? #108 Grades 2-5 Parlez-vous Français? Alons-y! We’ll learn about the wonders of France through La Belle Langue. Together we will explore the food, music, places, and art of France while learning simple phrases and vocabulary to use in conversation. Materials fee: $25 Carl Avitia-Witt

HEROES, MONSTERS AND MYTHS #104 Grades 2-5 Journey back in time 2,500 years. You will be introduced to the world of Ancient Greek Mythology, where monsters had snakes for hair and heroes were stronger than lions. We will recreate our favorite Greek myths into comics, sculptures, mosaics, masks, stories and more! We will finish the summer with our version of the first Olympic Games! Grab your suitcase and let’s go! Materials fee: $15 Rosio Medina

POETRY #109 Grades 3-5 You are the poet! Poetry is a fun and creative way to express yourself. With structure and guidance, everyone will learn how to write poems, as well as experience and appreciate poetry from established authors. Students will have an opportunity to share their favorite poets and exercise their creative and artistic skills through illustrations connected to their poems. Materials fee: $15 Faron Isom

WORLD TRAVEL THROUGH ART, #105 LANGUAGE AND COOKING Grades 2-5 All aboard Air Roosevelt! Let’s travel to five different continents during our 5-week summer journey, including Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Australia! Children will become “world travelers,” learning about a variety of countries and cultures through art, language, music, geography and delicious cooking. At the end of our travels, students will walk away with their very own International World Traveler Passport, packed with helpful phrases, delicious recipes and a gallery of awesome globe-trotting pictures! Materials fee: $15 Akiko Gooden

DIGITAL STORYTELLING #110 Grades 3-5 Are you a creatively-minded, tech-savvy kid looking for tons of fun? Join us in the computer lab, where you’ll be given an opportunity to learn and master the art of storytelling using digital technology! Students will use animation programs such as Claymation, Storyboard Generator, Go-Animate, FRAMES 5 and Stop Motion movies to perfect and publish their work. Each student will receive a Go-Animate subscription and a flash drive to take home their creations to share and enjoy. Are you ready to be a digital star? Materials fee: $15 Deborah Talbott

Page 21: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

PERIOD II 9:55 AM – 11:05 AM

RUN (AND EAT) INTO SUMMER FUN #201 Grades 2-5 Food and fun lovers, this is for you! Students will get a fun crash course on how to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Students will learn and practice a variety of teacher-supported exercises including running, push-ups, calisthenics, games, sports, and even Crossfit and light weight training! Along with learning how to keep moving, students will sample and make a variety of healthy and delicious food options each week. Set aside your video games and come outside with us for some fun! Materials fee: $20 Kimberly Marshall

BRICKS 4 KIDZ #205 Grades 2-5 This class provides an extraordinary atmosphere for children, where we learn, build and play…with LEGO bricks. Your child will be introduced to principles of engineering by constructing a new model every day based on exciting themes, from space to sports, amusement parks to animals, and transportation to inventions. Bricks 4 Kidz teachers lead a discussion related to that day’s model, using materials designed by educators to teach STEM concepts across a variety of subject areas. Kids will learn about everything from gears, torque and friction, to geography, space exploration and weather, while they build and have FUN. Materials fee: $10 Autumn Moss-Peñaloza

WORLD TRAVEL THROUGH ART, #202 LANGUAGE AND COOKING Grades 2-5 All aboard Air Roosevelt! Let’s travel to five different continents during our 5-week summer journey, including Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Australia! Children will become “world travelers,” learning about a variety of countries and cultures through art, language, music, geography and delicious cooking. At the end of our travels, students will walk away with their very own International World Traveler Passport, packed with helpful phrases, delicious recipes and a gallery of awesome globe-trotting pictures! Materials fee: $15 Akiko Gooden

WELCOME, ALL SOCCER PLAYERS #206 Grades 3-5 This class welcomes all beginning, intermediate and advanced players. Have fun interacting in skills drills, passing, dribbling and scoring lots of goals. Enjoy playing soccer while learning teamwork and sportsmanship, as well as getting some exercise. Materials fee: $15 Paul Kumasaka

LET’S DANCE #203 Grades 2-5 Feel the power of dance! Last year’s Up Town Funk showcased the Westside’s finest. Students will experience the power of creative dance while developing confidence, problem-solving, perseverance and collaboration. Dancers will choreograph and perform their own creations. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. Come join us and show your moves. Let’s dance! Materials fee: $5 Linda Brown

LEARNING WITH COMPUTER GAMES AND #207 CODE PROGRAMING Grades 3-5 Become a computer whiz this summer! This class is loaded with academic games for math, language arts, science and social studies that are aligned with the Common Core Standards. You’ll have fun learning and using games and websites that will keep your skills sharp and that you can use during the school year. Each week, you’ll walk away with a list of learning websites for every subject. Join the fun! No Materials Fee Deborah Talbott

HEROES, MONSTERS AND MYTHS #204 Grades 2-5 Journey back in time 2,500 years. You will be introduced to the world of Ancient Greek Mythology, where monsters had snakes for hair and heroes were stronger than lions. We will recreate our favorite Greek myths into comics, sculptures, mosaics, masks, stories and more! We will finish the summer with our version of the first Olympic Games! Grab your suitcase and let’s go! Materials fee: $15 Rosio Medina

SCIENCE OF THINGS THAT GO! #208 Grades 3-5 Let’s build them and watch them goooo! This is a hands-on course where students will design and build boats, cars, airplanes, rockets and more. Materials fee: $25 Dan Neumann



Page 22: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra


CREATIVE CHEFS #209 & #308 Grades 3-5 ******This is a two period class****** Learn to cook like a professional. Cooking is an art and many master chefs are also talented artists. Students will participate in designing and making food from scratch, while also creating works of art to compliment the cooking theme. Some days students will cook and some days they will create art inspired by the regional cuisine. We will also grow some of the food we prepare. Adventurous palates and artists are welcome! Materials fee: $65 (total for 2 periods) Davida Raffa

ACTING-DRAMA #210 & #309 Grades 4-5 ******This is a two period class****** Working with simple scripts, students will learn the basics of acting. Over the course of five weeks, students will perform skits and work on a short play, be expected to memorize their lines and learn the basics about working on a stage, as well as performing for an audience. Materials fee: $15 (total for 2 periods) Faron Isom

PERIOD III 11:20 AM – 12:30 PM

RUN (AND EAT) INTO SUMMER FUN #301 Grades 2-5 Food and fun lovers, this is for you! Students will get a fun crash course on how to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Students will learn and practice a variety of teacher-supported exercises including running, push-ups, calisthenics, games, sports, and even Crossfit and light weight training! Along with learning how to keep moving, students will sample and make a variety of healthy and delicious food options each week. Set aside your video games and come outside with us for some fun! Materials fee: $20 Kimberly Marshall

LET’S DANCE #303 Grades 2-5 Feel the power of dance! Last year’s Up Town Funk showcased the Westside’s finest. Students will experience the power of creative dance while developing confidence, problem-solving, perseverance and collaboration. Dancers will choreograph and perform their own creations. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. Come join us and show your moves. Let’s dance! Materials fee: $5 Linda Brown

WORLD TRAVEL THROUGH ART, #302 LANGUAGE AND COOKING Grades 2-5 All aboard Air Roosevelt! Let’s travel to five different continents during our 5-week summer journey, including Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Australia! Children will become “world travelers,” learning about a variety of countries and cultures through art, language, music, geography and delicious cooking. At the end of our travels, students will walk away with their very own International World Traveler Passport, packed with helpful phrases, delicious recipes and a gallery of awesome globe-trotting pictures! Materials fee: $15 Akiko Gooden

BRICKS 4 KIDZ #304 Grades 2-5 This class provides an extraordinary atmosphere for children, where we learn, build and play…with LEGO bricks. Your child will be introduced to principles of engineering by constructing a new model every day based on exciting themes, from space to sports, amusement parks to animals, and transportation to inventions. Bricks 4 Kidz teachers lead a discussion related to that day’s model, using materials designed by educators to teach STEM concepts across a variety of subject areas. Kids will learn about everything from gears, torque and friction, to geography, space exploration and weather, while they build and have FUN. Materials fee: $10 Autumn Moss-Peñaloza




Page 23: M A R C H 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 El Semanario and post-unit assessments and they have been subbed out a little bit to facilitate team planning. Our music enrichment program with Maestra

PERIOD III (continued) 11:20 AM – 12:30 PM

MATH GAME MANIA #305 Grades 2-5 Enrich your math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, number sense, money and problem-solving. We will also improve critical thinking while playing with dice, cards and math puzzles. Fridays are Math Mania days, when the students play any of the games we have learned and win prizes. The class ends with designing your own board game! Improve your math skills while having fun! Materials fee: $5 Rosio Medina

BASIC KEYBOARDING SKILLS #307 Grades 3-5 Ready, set, TYPE! Get your “digits” ready by learning how to position your fingers, sit with proper posture and learn to type. Students will strengthen their digital knowledge by creating certificates and a keyboarding scrapbook. They will also learn how to find fun, safe and grade-appropriate academic games that will keep them motivated, challenged and learning at the same time. Your child will learn the basics of keyboarding essential for state testing. Materials fee: $5 Deborah Talbott

PLAY BALL #306 Grades 3-5 This intermediate class is for all basketball players wishing to polish their skills and wrap up the day with team scrimmages. Learn the value of teamwork, sportsmanship, skill drills and face strong competition while having fun. Materials fee: $15 Paul Kumasaka