Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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Transcript of Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    1. Person Reporting (last name, first, middle i~itia 0 2. Court or Organization 3. Date of RcporlAdelman, Lynn S. Eastern District of Wisconsin 5/10/2010

    4. Title (Arlicle II1 judges indicate active or sem or s~alus; 5a. Report Type (check appropr iate type) 6. Reporting Periodmagistrale judg~-~ indicate ~11- or part-time) ~ Nominaion, Dat~ 01i01/200912/31 ,2009

    ~b. ~ Amended R~pon7. Chambers or Office Address 8. On lh basis of Ihe inform~lion contained In ~his Reporl ~nd ~n ymodifications perlainlng lherelo, it is, in my opinion, in compliance517 E. Wisconsin Ave. ~n. 36~ with applicable laws and regulations.Milwaukee. WI 53202

    R~viewing O~cer

    I31POR T ANT N OTES: The instructions accompanying this form must be follo~,ed. Complete all parts.checking the NONE box for each part wbere you hav e no reportable information. Sign on la~t page.

    l . P O S I T I O N S . (Report ing individual o~(r; see pp. 9-13 o f filing i ....... ions.)[] NONE (No reportable positions.)



    NONE (No reportable agrccments.) -.- 0 ~D A T E p A R T I E ~ A N D T E R M S ~

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Name of Person Reporting Date ofFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTI A d e l m a n , L y n n S .

    5 , ; 1 0 / 2 0 1 0Page 2 of 9

    A. Filers Non-Investment IncomeN O N E OVo reportable non-investment income.)

    D A T E S ~ O UR CE A ND T YP E INCOME(yours, not spouses)1 . 2 0 0 9 State of W isconsin - Pensioa:Retirement $19,383.00

    2. 2009 State of W isconsin - D eferred Compensation $81.82


    4 .

    (Dollar or~wunt not requ red except for honoraria.)~ N O N E (No reportable non-invdstment income.)D A T E SOURCE ANI~ TYPE


    3 .4.

    IV. REIMBURSEMENTS -[_~ NONE (JVo reportable reimbursements.)

    .SOURCE D A T E S LOCATION P U R P O S E ITEMS pAID OR PROVIDEDi. Northwestern University Law 4/20-2112009 Chicago, IL Particlpaled m seminar l lot!! room for two nightsSchool

    3 .4.5

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTPage 3 of 9 Adelman, Lynn S. 5/102010

    V . G I F T S . ~ t , ,, t ,, a , .~ a , , , ~ e t , , , p . . . . . . a dependent children; s e e p p . 2 g - 3 1 of filing instru,tion.r.)NONE 6~ repotable

    ~URCE D E S C R I P T I O N V A L U EI. .

    [~ N O N E (No reportable liabililies.)Ct~EDITOR DES(~RIPTION VALU1F~

    I. .

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ,~ .... fP .....ReportingI aateofRtportage 4 of 9 Adelman, Lynn S. 5!10/2010

    N O N E (No reportable income, ~setx, or transactions.)

    Description of Assets Income during ~ G ross value al cnd Transac tions during reposing period(including Imst assets) reporting p~-riod of rcpomng period

    Place "(X)" after each a~sel ~Amount T~e (c g, Vzlue Value T)~e .e g., i Da~e Va lue Gain ldeelity o fCode I di~.. rent, Code 2 [ Method buy, sell, [mmtd&/Ey Code 2 C~e I buyer/sellerfrom prior disclosuret] (A-H) or ink) t J-P) I Code 3 redcmptioe) ~ (I-P) ~ ( A - H ) (if pit,aleI ; t~ transacBon)

    i. Exxon A Dividend K 1

    2. Nike A Dividend K T

    3. Pfizer, Inc. B D iv idend K T

    4. Royal Dutch Pet. Co. A Dividend J T

    5. Recital Property - Milwaukee, Wl E Re nt N S

    ~ 6 . Citizens Bank of Mukwonago None K T! 7 . Citizens Bank of Munkowago A Interest K TI 8 ~ Mutual Savings Baok A I n t e r e s t K T1 9 . Citizens Bank of Mukownago A Interest 3 T 10. Citizens Bank of Mukownago None J T

    I I . Mutual Savings Bank A Imerest K T

    !2 . Business - planl nursery at residence None J W

    13 W ells Fargo Mun. Fund B Interest K I-14 Puerto Rico 5.0% A Imcrcst J T

    15. Eaton Vance Tax MGD C Dividend M T

    16 . Eaton Vance Mat. FDTR C Dividend N T17 . Guam Power Auth C Interest K T

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT .~ .... f P ......Reporting I Dale of ReportPage 5 of 9 ade~.,~n, Lynn S. I 5 t 1 0 / 2 0 1 0VII. IN V E STMENTS an d TRUSTS .- i ........ t o , , , . . . . . . . ~ o . , (Includes those of sp ........ d d e p e n d . .. . h i l d r e n ; S e e p p . 3 4 - 6 0 of filit,g instructions,)

    N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)[-- A ....... [ B, -] C. q D " .........D escr tp tton of A~ts t Income during Gross value at en d i Transaclioas dur ing repo~ing period{ (including t~st assc~s) ~, rcpo~ing period of repoaing period

    P~ace "(X)" after each asset ~Amount I T~c (eg. V alue V alue Type t* g . , Date I Value G am ldent,ty ofexempt Iron prior d~sctosurc Code I i div., tent, . Code 2 Method buy. sell, rant ddt~ Code 2 Code I buyer/sellerI (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code 3 ~ redcmpnon) (J-P) (A-H) (if pri~at(Q - W ) t transaction)

    18. Midcap SPDR A Dividend L T19. Energizer Holdings None J T

    20 Alliance Bemstein Small Cap Value IRA A Dividend K T I21 . Fidel i ty New lnsight 1RA A Dividend K T

    22 . Fidet i ty New nsigtu Sop IR. .~, A Dividend K Tt23. Mutual Discovery Sop IRA A Dividend K T

    24 . Henderson European Focus Fund HFEBX B Dividend L T( fom~erly } ! FEDX ) (IRA)25. Saviem Pharma None Sold 06.,24,09 .1 B(par*)

    ] 26. Sold 07.~29/09 J D[ ( p a r * )27. Donated28. Alliance InIl Growth AWPAX ~tbnnedy A Dividend J TAWPBX)29 . Montana State Brd Hsg A Interest K T30 Puerao Rict~ G/O Comwlth 1 3 Interest K T Redeemed 1!04/09 J A(part)31 Orange Count). Ft, IIsg Fin Auth. B Interest K T Redeemed 02/03/09 3 A(par*)32 . Redeemed 08/04/09 J A~,part)3 3 . Sar~ l"atricio TX Mun. W ater D~st . 1 3 Interest L T

    NY State Tw), Auth Hwv B Interest L T

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DIS CLOSURE REPORT [ ~ .... f ~ . . . .. r ~ e p o , ~ , , ~ o . . o f R ~ p o nPage 6 of 9 [ I n a e ~ , .~ . , L y , ,n S . 5 / ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0VI I. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - i ........ ,~,,,, t ....... ions lnch des h o s e o ] s p .. . . . . d d e p e n d e n t c h il d r e n ; se e p p . 34 -6 0 of f il in g

    N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) D e s c r i p t io n o f A s s e t s I n c o m e d u r i n g G ro s s v a l u e a t e n d ] T r a n s a c t i o n s d i n i n g r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d( i n c l u d i n g t r u s t a s s e t ~ ) r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d o f r e p o t l i n g p e r i o d

    P l a c e " |X ) " a f t e r e a c h a s s e t A m o u n t I T y p e ~ e g , V a l u e Value " f ~ p e ( e g . D a t e V a l u e G ain l ldcnmy ofe x e m p t | ro m p r i o r d i s c l o s u r e C o d e I d i v . . r e i n , C o d e 2 Method i b u y , s e l l , ~ r o m i d d . y y i C o d e 2 C o d e I buyer:seller( A - H ) : er inL) (J-P) Code 3 ] tcdemplion) (JP) [ IA-|l) 0 f p r i , . a l e

    3 5 . Pue~o Rico Elec Power A uth. C Interest L T3 6 . Peoria AZ Impt Dis[ B Interest L T

    37. Bay County FL Sch. Bd. B Interest K T: 3 8 . FL Hsg Fin. Coq~. B Interest K T Redeemed 01/02/09 3 AI

    (pa,t)3 9 . Redeemed 0 4 / 0 1 1 0 9 1 A(part) ;

    1 4 0 . Pirnco Total Return B Dividend K T41. Trartsamerica None J T4 2 . Metropolitan Wash D C B Interest Matured 1001!09 K A

    4 3 . Elan Corp. None J T4 4 . Henderson European Fund A Dividend4 5 . RBCMoney Market A Interest J " F

    4 6 . RBC Money Market B Interest L T4 7 . Gilead Scinece (GILD ) None J T Bu y 619/09 J4 8 . Kirby None .! T Bu y I I/!9/09 J49 W.P. Carny None K T Bu y 1 / 1 9 / 0 9 K

    5 0 . Herderson (HFEBX) A Dividend J T Bu y 07/24/09 J5 1 . Genessee C%, MI None K T Bu y I/I 8/09 K

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT I~ .... f Person Reporting Dal, of Repo~tPage 7 of 9 ]1 Adelman, Lynn S. 5/10/2010

    VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - i ......... ~ ............ io,, a,c~,,~ ,, ,~o,~ o/~p ........ ~ ~,~,.~,., ~,,~,,.;.,~, p;. ~.~o ot~iNONE (No reportable income, assets, or tranvactions.)

    ~ ...... ~ - ~. - --~ ....... c. ............... t ~ ~ .....[~scription of Assets Income during t Gross value at end Transactions durl~g reporfng pc~od(includtng lm~t assds) ~ reporting period : of reposing periodPl~c "(X)" ~f tc r each asse~ Amount T~e (c g., Value Value Type (e g, Date [ Val,Je Gain Idcnt) y ofcxen)pt from prior d)sdosure Code 1 di~, renl, Code 2 Method bu~, :;ell. ,mmid~yy Code 2 Code I buyer.%cller(A-H) or int} (J-P) ] Code 3 redcmp~io)0 ~ ~ (I-P) ~ (A -H ) (ifpri*a~

    52 . Pica Cry AZ Go Bonds None K T Bt~y I I/I 8,;09 K~3 . Pueao Rico Pub Bldg Auth None K T B uy I 1il809 1 K

    I Inc~me Gain Codes A -$1,ra)O o{ less B =$1.D OI - $ 2,.~00 C =$ 2,501 . ~,5,{ )00 D =$5,001 . $15,000

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Iam~ of Person Reporting Dae of Repo~F IN A NC IA L D I SC L OS U RE R E PO R T[ ade lm~n , Lynn S .

    Page 8 of 9 s / ~ o / 2 o ~ oVIII. ~DITIONAL INFO~ATION OR EXPLANATIONS. o,,a~

    Section VI I, line 9, rental property, is located in and assessed by the City of Milwaukee, W isconsin at $43 3 600 with a fair market value of $467,600.Section VII, line !2, plant nursur-y at residence, had no incom e during the reporting pctfiodSection VII, lines 75 and 46, are accounts with broker where divider, ds, p~oceeds of investments that malured, were redeemed or sold (as disclosed in their, dividual investment listings in this report) were deposited during the reporting period.

  • 8/3/2019 Lynn S Adelman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ! N .... fP . . . . . Reportingl D a~, of Report

    Page 9 of 9 Adclman, Lynn S. 5 1 1 0 , 2 0 1 0IX. CERTIFICATION.

    I certify that al information given abov e (incloding information pertaining In my sp ouse and m inor or dependen! children, if ~ny) isaccu rate, true, and com plete to the best of my know edge and belief, and thai any Information no t reported was withheld because II met applicableprovisions permitling non-disclosure.I furlhcr certify thai earned income from outside cmploym enl and honoraria and the acceptance of gif/s which have been reported arc incompliance w i~h the provision~ of 5 U.S.C. app. 501 et. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and J ndicial Conference regulations.



    F IL IN G IN S T R U CT IO N SMail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

    Comm ittee on Financial DisclosureAdm inistrative O ffice of the United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Columbus Circ le, N.E.W ashington, D.C. 20544