Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

Lyndon Institute Fall – winter 2013 alumni newsletter



Transcript of Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

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Lyndon Institute

Fall – winter 2013

alumni newsletter

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HeaDmasterRichard D. Hiltonassistant HeaD FOr aCaDemiCsAdam A. Norwoodassistant HeaD FOr CamPus liFeRobert G. Heath, Jr., ’88assistant HeaD FOr eXternal aFFairsMary Ellen “Mel” Reisassistant HeaD FOr FinanCeCharles W. Bucknamassistant HeaD FOr sPeCial eDuCatiOn anD teCHniCal eDuCatiOnTwiladawn W. Perry, ’77

P.O. Box 127 168 Institute Circle

Lyndon Center, VT 05850

802 626-3357 fax 802 626-8302

Letter from the Headmaster......................................... 1

On Campus ............................................................................................ 2

Athletics Update ............................................................................ 7

East meets West ............................................................................. 8

Commencement .........................................................................10

Development ................................................................................12

Annual Giving Report .........................................................14

Alumni Weekend ......................................................................21

Class Notes ........................................................................................27

In Memoriam .................................................................................32

Rivalry Update .............................................................................33

Regional Events ...........................................Back Cover

It is the policy of Lyndon Institute not to discriminate on the basis of a student’s or his/her family member’s actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, age, military/uniformed service or veteran’s status, disability, or other legally protected classification in the provision and administration of its educational programs, activities, services, and access provided to the public, in accordance with and to the limits of applicable requirements of state and federal laws. Lyndon Institute complies with the American Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as well as other applicable state and federal laws with respect to accommodating individuals with disabilities. Lyndon Institute provides special education to eligible students in accordance with the School’s special education approval from the State of Vermont, state and federal legal requirements, the School’s policies and in coordination with the student’s school district.

Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter is published twice a year by the Development Office. We welcome submissions for publication and letters in response to articles. Please send submissions to Melissa Hall, Director of Development, [email protected].

BOarD OF trustees

PresiDentRichard D. Ashton ’61ViCe PresiDentDr. Gregory J. McCormick ’91seCretaryNorman R. MessiertreasurerElaine A. Smith ’63memBer at largeMeredith R. Feltus ’87memBer at largeDavid R. Stahler, Sr. ’65

David B. Aronoff ’82Laura P. AshtonLinda H. BishopEarl F. Daniels, III ’67Marlin W. Devenger ’67Jeanne A. Elliott ’64Patricia B. Emery ’70Joseph C. FlynnT. Michael FlynnJames C. Gallagher ’63Stephen A. Gray ’65Daniel D. Heath ’68Peter C. Hopkins ’75Elizabeth P. Koenig ’01Lorraine C. Matteis ’65James A. McDonald ’66Amy M. McGarry ’86Randall D. NorthropEmery J. Noyes ’62Thaddeus G. RichardsonSara J. Simpson

I n s t I t u t e

Alumni Newsletter


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FALL – wINter 2013 1

Dear Alumni and Friends of Lyndon Institute,

The search for the next headmaster of Lyndon Institute has generated much excitement on campus this year. An international search showed us just how respected Lyndon Institute is, as dozens of men and women from as far away as Hong Kong and as near as Vermont vied to become the nineteenth headmaster of this institution.

I shall hand over the keys to O.D. Mathewson’s office on July 1 with a strong sense of optimism. As of press-time, we have not announced my successor.

There are bigger schools. There are older schools. But there is no better school when it comes to preparing a young person for success in the global economy that all of our sons and daughters will face, wherever they choose to work.

Our strength comes from our institutional independence, which enables us to meet each student’s needs individually. It comes from our size, which University of Michigan research has shown is the ideal size for a high

school. It comes from our core values, which make character the foundation of all that we do. And it comes from our faculty, chosen from near and far for their excellence in their academic subjects, their proven success in teaching, their worthiness as role models, and the real-world experience that they can share with our students.

But first of all, our strength comes from our mission, which guides the school steadily through changes in politics and personnel. Even a change in headmasters is weathered safely and positively by a private school with a clear mission. And our mission is clear: “Lyndon Institute is an academic community providing students with excellent preparation for success in school, college, careers, and life.”

this year nearly 600 students from fifteen countries and several American states understand the value of our mission, for they have chosen to prepare for their futures in this diverse, inclusive academic community, where classroom theory becomes real-world practice in our labs, our shops, our studios, and our wilderness areas.

I invite you to visit campus soon to see your school in action. We have a proud past, a vibrant present and a more promising future than ever, thanks to your support.


— Rick

I hope that you will come to campus soon to see your school in action. We have a proud past, a vibrant present and a more promising future than ever, thanks to your support.

From the HeadmasterRichard D. Hilton


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Lyndon Institute Alumnus Earns Honors For AP® Achievement

ZHili “ClOuD” Feng, a 2013 graduate of Lyndon Institute, was one of two Vermont students to earn recognition in the 2012-13 Siemens Award for Advanced Placement program.

The award recognizes the nation’s top achievers in Advanced Placement (AP) courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This year, 101

high school students in all 50 states, including 93 seniors and eight juniors, were honored. Two national winners (one male and one female) were recognized, each receiving a $5,000 scholarship. Ninety-nine state winners will each receive a $2,000 scholarship. Feng is currently pursuing a computer science degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

A native of Hangzhou, China, Feng spent two years as a boarding student at Lyndon Institute. He took seven AP classes at LI and was named by the College Board as an AP Scholar with Distinction.

Director of residential life, mr. angell and assistant Head of Campus life, mr. Heath greet students during the first Community Dinner of the year.


Keep In TouchThe following is a reprint of an e-mail sent to Headmaster Hilton from an alumnus. We encourage you to keep in touch with your school.

Good afternoon Mr. Hilton,

This is Recruit Lemnah, class of 2013, at Norwich University. Just e-mailing to see how the year is going back at school and what’s changing back on campus.

I was talking to my mom and she has told me that there is a great group of dorm students this

year from a variety of countries, which I think is awesome. The more diversity and exposure to different cultures my old classmates can get the better. Being able to be friends with people from all around the world helped me to open up my eyes and always have an open mind. It also provides the chance to have international connections for later in life.

Balancing life in the Corps of Cadets and a college work load is challenging to say the least, but I feel that LI prepared me very well. A lot of my classes require a research paper at the end of the semester and since all science classes back at LI required that, I know these papers will be a simple task. I wish I could bring back the leadership skills that I am learning here to share with my old classmates. Knowing how to manage your time to partake in activities and finish school work is very important, but something that we had to figure out very quickly.

One thing that I learned at Lyndon was that helping your community is an important part of life. I have continued that here at Norwich, and my love for travel, by joining the NU Visions Abroad program. This winter, I will be heading to a rural village in Haiti to help rebuild water routes, build a school, and help teach English to children.

I hope to come back and visit campus again, hopefully for the Big Game.

Best Regards, Recruit Robert Lemnah Class of 2013

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Complete results from the 2013 Vermont Open russian language Olympiad

written russian, level 1: Samantha Stewart (1st) and Kasey Hartwell (2nd).

written russian, level 2: Darian Stewart (1st) and Kira Cogger (2nd)

Declamation, level 2: Derik Gagnon (1st), Kira Cogger (2nd) and Gabriel Whitcomb-Paulson (3rd)

David Peters and Jake Blankenship (Tied for 1st)

Lyndon Institute Welcomes New FacultywelCOme tO tHe new memBers OF tHe li FaCulty. From left to right, Benjamin Clarke (ESOL teacher), Loralee Laing Tester, ’96 (French), Sandra Mings-Lamar (Chair, International Students Program), Richard McCarthy (English), Susan Foy (Special Services) and Jonathan Speer (Math). Missing from the picture is Audra McHarg Sicard, ’98, LNA Nursing Program teacher. All biographies are available on the website.

Russian Language Students ExcelstuDents enrOlleD in Lyndon Institute’s Russian language class attended the Vermont Open Russian Language Olympiad at Lyndon State College. They competed in several categories and finished first in four, including Level Three Declamation in which seniors Dave Peters and Jake Blankenship (pictured at left) tied for first place. LI students have been competing, and winning, at the Olympiad since its beginning in 2010.

Lyndon Institute began offering instruction in Russian during the 2009-2010 school year under the direction of Elena Strokanova. There are now 14 students studying Russian and the 2013-2014 academic year will mark the first time that a fourth level class, Russian 4, will be offered. LI is currently the only high school in Vermont offering classes in Russian.

the lyndon institute gardens produced over 200 lbs. of produce per week during harvest time!

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LI Teacher Awarded Environmental FellowshipJerri POtter, a sCienCe teaCHer at li has been awarded a fellowship to Costa Rica with Ecology Project International. The fellowship is scheduled to begin in March 2014. ecology Project International is a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve and inspire science education and conservation efforts worldwide through field-based student-scientist partnerships. They offer educational programs in Costa Rica, Galapagos, Mexico, Yellowstone, and Belize.

In Costa Rica, the Ecology Project International partners with the Pacuare Nature Reserve and focuses on the protection and study of the critically endangered Leatherback turtle. Fellowship attendees will work with scientists and staff to assist in collecting data on nesting turtles and will participate in nightly beach patrols to observe and protect nesting sites.

The Pacuare Nature Reserve was established in 1989 and consists of 1,050 hectares of tropical rainforest on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. The reserve is home to about 30 species of mammals, 230 bird species, and many reptiles.

Potter is a 20 year veteran teacher who currently teaches Chemistry and Biology at Lyndon Institute. She has had a lifelong interest in marine science and ecology, and pursued undergraduate coursework in Cape Cod in conjunction with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and graduate work in Belize (Caribbean Manatee and Barrier Reef studies). She leads a group of Lyndon Institute students every other year on a science field study trip to the Big Island of Hawaii.

technology integration specialist, Dan Fales assists a student with his iPad. all freshmen, sophomores, and faculty at li now have an iPad.

members of the lyndon institute Band invited alumni to join them to “crank up the spirit” during home football games!

Music Student Awarded National Scholarship

lyDia Ham, a graduate from Lyndon Institute’s Class of 2013, has been named a 2013 Regional Scholarship winner by Modern Woodmen of America. The organization honors students from throughout the United States with thirty-nine scholarships ranging from $7,000 to $16,000. Lydia was one of six winners from Region 1 that included 16 states and areas outside the contiguous United States.


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lyndon institute students (l-r) Harwant sethi, Jr., nick ruede, Krysta gingue, emily Doty and Paul reed.

Duck Stamp HonorslynDOn institute art stuDents have again shown their talent for creating award-winning art work for the Junior Duck Stamp Art Program and contest. Junior Stephanie Bonnett (l) and Allyssa Daniels ’13 captured first place with their renderings of the state’s water fowl and senior Daisy Skinner-Steele was awarded a second place ribbon. As part of their preparation for the contest, student’s in Mrs. Reeve’s Art Honors and Painting classes studied waterfowl displays at The Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury to gain a three-dimensional sense of the birds they were drawing.

Retiring Faculty

Lyndon Institute Students Receive Academic AwardsseniOr Harwant setHi, Jr. has received the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal for outstanding achievement in math and science. The award is valued at $60,000 over four years. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a prestigious engineering school in Troy, New York.

The St. Michael’s College Book Award is given to students who are in National Honor Society and who demonstrate a strong social conscience. This year’s award winners are Nick Ruede and Emily Doty.

Nick Ruede has also been named a Green and Gold Scholar by the University of Vermont. This honor includes a full tuition scholarship to UVM. Nick earned this honor by having the highest grade point average in his class over his first three years of high school.

Clarkson University, another engineering school in upstate New York, offered scholarships to two students worth $60,000 and $45,000 over four years of college. Selected this year for these honors are Paul Reed and Krysta Gingue respectively.

at left, alice wuertele is shown receiving her chair and at right, ellen Dorn levitt works with a student in the John l. norris Center for the arts. alice retired from the language department after nine years and ellen taught in the fine arts department for 19 years. we thank them for their dedicated service.

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Lyndon Institute Students Receive Math Honorsa grOuP OF lynDOn institute students participated in the University of Vermont’s annual math contest. Of the 49 students who took the exam, twenty students scored in the top ten percent of the 1446 test-takers in the state of Vermont. Lyndon Institute and Burr and Burton tied for the highest number of students scoring in the top ten percent. Senior Binyan Ding (pictured left) placed third overall in the state and Rong Ding, Class of 2013 placed second in the region.

Leadership HonorsseniOr Harwant setHi, Jr. was chosen to participate in this year’s National Football League-Wharton Prep Leadership Program at the University of Pennsylvania. Students, male and female, are eligible to apply for the program regardless of the sport they play. Thirty-six student athletes from across the country were chosen to attend based on their applications and their action on and off of the field. Harwant is a two-sport varsity athlete at LI, participating in football and basketball.

Harwant has also received the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal for outstanding achievement in math and science. The award is valued at $60,000 over four years. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a prestigious engineering school in Troy, New York.

resident life students celebrated their heritage and culture during multicultural Community Fun Day!

Leading Climate Scientist Speaks at LIli was PleaseD tO welCOme an industry specialist on atmospheric science, Dr. Alan K. Betts, for a lecture on climate change and global warming. Dr. Betts is serving as a mentor for a group of Lyndon Institute students who are participating in a year-long independent study course on global warming. Dr. Betts was educated in England. He has a BA and MA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in Meteorology from Imperial College, University of London. In 1970, he came to the United States to join the Atmospheric Science Department at Colorado State University, where he served on the academic faculty. He continued research on tropical weather, and in 1974, he was appointed the Convection Subprogam Scientist for a major international field program in the tropical Atlantic with the acronym GATE.


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From last year’s results to this year’s hopes and expectations, the view from the Athletic Office is very clear. Our student athletes are meeting or exceeding their goals and aspirations. At Lyndon Institute, our students have opportunities not afforded students at larger schools. They are given a chance to not only participate, but to excel in their selected activities. Our staff of coaches, faculty members and advisors is second to none. They are committed to providing quality instruction, a safe environment, and healthy life choices for our students. They are leaders by example. That’s the reason why our student population participates in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities at such a high rate. Nearly 70% of our student body will be involved in sports, drama, music and clubs.

While the BOys gOlF team provided our only state championship in the 2012-13 school year, the quality of play and the sportsmanship our teams are known for was quite evident again.

The Varsity FOOtBall team barely missed the playoffs last fall. They completed their season with a record of 5-4. With a majority of the team returning, the 2013 season could be very exciting. During the winter season we enjoyed the success of boys basketball despite a first round playoff loss to essex. the team returns nearly intact and a successful season is a very real possibility. The baseball and softball teams were once again very competitive, with softball making it to the semi-final round again. A tough loss to Vergennes ended their season one game short of playing for the championship, but the 2014 season promises to provide a chance at another title run. Baseball will return all but one graduated senior from their winning season so the 2014 season will be fun to watch.

In 2013-14, a new direction for BOys’ sOCCer has kicked off the fall season. Varsity coach Dick McCarthy and JV coach Brendan Mold have infused energy into our program and are anxious to turn our teams into contenders. Also new this year is a familiar face in the coaching ranks. Pat Guckin will take the helm of the BOys BasKetBall program. Pat had coached boys basketball for a number of years at LI before turning his attention to our sOFtBall program. We all know how successful that turned out! Pat’s passion for and knowledge of the game as well as his experience in coaching high school athletes will be great for our program.

AthleticsAn update from Athletic Director, Paul Wheeler

109th riValry game

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COngratulatiOns BOys gOlF DiV ii s tat e CHamPs!

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On June 21, 2013 sixteen students enrolled in the Lyndon Institute/Shaoxing Number One High School Branch dual-high-school program graduated in a ceremony that blended Eastern and Western traditions.

Students and faculty wore traditional Western “mortarboard” caps, for example, with academic robes adorned with Chinese embroidery and ornate knotted fasteners.

Music for the program included the Chinese national anthem and, in a move that surprised and delighted American faculty, the theme from Rawhide, chosen as a typically “Western” composition.

The ceremony including speeches by the American and Chinese headmasters, a student representative, a parent representative, and American teacher and Chinese teachers; the presentation of awards, certificates, and diplomas; and a recitation of poetry in both Chinese and English.

On June 9, Lyndon Institute Headmaster Rick Hilton had spoken to 131 Lyndon Institute graduates in Lyndon Center, all of whom had earned their LI diplomas in a record-setting year. In Shaoxing he spoke in English, pausing for a translator to repeat his words in Chinese for the benefit of parents and others who might not speak English. He told

the audience of several hundred, “Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America is vitally important to the future of our world. Our countries are leaders, and these young men and women are now better prepared to take their place as leaders in the next generation’s businesses and professions.” He also praised Shaoxing Headmaster Jin’s “courage and dedication in making this dream a reality,” calling him “a true colleague, what we call in English a ‘kindred spirit.’”

The graduating students had completed both Chinese and American high-school programs since enrolling as tenth-graders in the 2010-2011 academic year. Housed in a dedicated wing of the 3,500-student Shaoxing school, the students have been taught by Chinese teachers and by American teachers and advisors selected by Lyndon Institute but paid by the Shaoxing school. Unlike some international programs in China, the LI program has seen continuity among its faculty. Several, including St. Johnsbury Academy Alumnus Brendan Mold, have actually made the transition from the Shaoxing program to Lyndon Institute’s Vermont campus.

“Ours was one of the first two high schools permitted to offer a true American high-school program in China along with the Chinese program,” explained Hilton. “It makes

East meets Westlyndon institute’s shaoxing China campus celebrates first commencement

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sense for our school as we prepare all of our students for success in a necessarily global economy. We have not had to invest any capital, just time and talent, and the rewards are great—academically and financially. In effect, we are ‘exporting’ education from Vermont to China.”

The Shaoxing program near Shanghai opened in 2010, followed by a similar program in Hefei, between Beijing and Shanghai, this year and a new program that begins in the fall on the newly constructed campus of a high school in Fuzhou on the southern coast of China.

Students in all three programs come to Lyndon Institute in the summer to study English language and American history, taking time during their visit to see colleges in the region and to tour major American cities.

“Our Assistant Headmaster, Mr. Norwood deserves great credit for leading this program to success,” said Hilton. “His rapport with Chinese students and parents is excellent, and his credibility as an American academic leader among his Chinese counterparts is strong.”

With three campuses in China cooperating with Lyndon Institute, managing the education of students overseas requires special attention, explained Hilton. “Assistant Headmasters Adam Norwood and Rob Heath both have experience working with our partners in China, and no fewer than eight other faculty and staff have taught at or at least toured our locations in China. Our new Dean of Faculty, Michelle Ralston, will help us develop and guide our teachers in China. Fortunately, our contracts with the Chinese schools include travel expenses, so the results for Lyndon Institute are almost entirely positive—if you do not mind the fifteen-hour flight to Shanghai.”

According to Hilton, local students benefit from LI’s programs in China in several ways.

“Our programs in China introduce our local students and community to the global economy of the future. Our Chinese partners have now offered free tuition, room, and board to American students who might want to experience China. Our teacher exchanges are making our faculty in Lyndon Center experts in international education and in preparing all students—Vermonters as well as others—to succeed in international business. Now that Lyndon Institute is emerging as the leading American school in China—with three partner campuses this year and six next year—the possibilities for exchanges, partnerships, and other ventures that benefit our students in Vermont as well as China are limitless.”

“Our on-campus boarding program and our overseas programs help to pay for our academic, athletic, and arts programs. In fact, every student on our campus receives about $3,500 in subsidies, a ‘scholarship’ if you will, from revenues generated by boarding, special programs, and endowment income.”

“After all, the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Li Keqiang, is an alumnus of one of our partner schools. As our local students prepare to succeed in providing products and services to 1,500,000,000 consumers in the Chinese market, our programs here and in China give them a distinct advantage.”

“Finally, our efforts to build mutual respect and understanding between young citizens of the world’s two greatest powers may have profound benefits for our children and our children’s children. We believe that our programs and those that follow can build a stronger foundation for world peace and prosperity in the future.”

lyndon institute assistant Headmaster adam norwood and Headmaster rick Hilton (second row, fourth and fifth from left, respectively) join students and faculty in the lyndon institute/shaoxing number One High school Branch following the first-ever graduation from the dual Chinese/american high-school program in eastern China.

all sixteen graduates of the lyndon institute/shaoxing program will attend american colleges and universities, including:

University of California at San DiegoCase Western Reserve University Drexel UniversityGeorge Washington UniversityHobart and William Smith CollegesUniversity of OregonRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteSt. John’s UniversityTemple University University of Washington Wesleyan

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Lyndon Institute President, Richard D. Ashton and Headmaster Rick Hilton lead commencement exercises for the Class of 2013 on a slightly overcast day, Sunday, June 9th. Headmaster Hilton greeted the class of 131 graduates by reminding them that they have been members of the Lyndon Institute community for 1,382 days.

“The world outside this tent is a turbulent place. Our team here and you seniors have raised awareness and relief. The special friendships formed at LI have brought you more close to each other and by coming together, you have helped those less fortunate,” said Hilton. “The world has many problems but Lyndon Institute is offering 131 graduates to the world to help solve them.”

Hilton then honored parents for their support and dedication. “Our teachers are ineffective without the support of families.” He asked that all the family members of graduating seniors stand up and be recognized.

Valedictorian Ashlynn Doyon credited the parents and partners who helped guide her and her class to greater achievement.

“We can take these memories, this process of trial and error, and never giving up, and apply it to the challenges that we are about to face as we graduate from high school. We are

Commencementa class of prize individuals, of artists, clarinetists, runners, comedians, welders, mechanics, and outstanding leaders that has a history of persevering and of making incredible comebacks. As a graduate of Lyndon Institute, and as a product of the community here, know that you are armed with all of the skills and resources that you will need to combat any challenge that comes your way.”

She described the foundation of support created by the Lyndon Institute network of faculty, staff, friends, family and alumni.

“Although this is a time of pursuing our individual paths, know that you also have a safety net, a support system to fall back on if things don’t go quite as planned. That is the beauty of the friendships we have forged, the relationships with teachers that have developed, and the community that we have created as a class over the past four years.

As a wildlife biologist employed by the National Park Service at Yellowstone National Park, Commencement speaker Dr. Daniel Stahler, Class of 1992, has served as a lead biologist for the Yellowstone Wolf Project coordinating all aspects of the world renowned ecological research program.

He described being a freshmen student in Dave Williams’ biology class and how that experience set him on a course

after diplomas were received, the graduating students celebrated with a toss of their caps and proceeded to celebrate with friends and families.

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to becoming a wildlife biologist. His very first high school paper was on wolves and his walks with teachers and classmates in Victory Bog provided additional inspiration. He was pleased to hear about the future outdoor education center planned on the 300-acre Binney Woods campus at Burke Mountain.

Stahler is Yellowstone’s Threatened & Endangered Species Coordinator working with species such as lynx, wolverine, and grizzly bears. He is also establishing a cougar study at Yellowstone to complement his other work on large carnivores. He has served as a member of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Team representing Yellowstone, and is recognized as a leading scientist in carnivore ecology and conservation.

He also described that his “roots are right here at LI.”

Born and raised in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, he spent the first six years of his education at one of Vermont’s last operating one-room schoolhouses, Squabble Hollow, near his home in Lyndon. He joins many members of the Stahler family, over three generations, who have attended Lyndon Institute.

He asked the Class of 2013 to spend time outdoors and continue to help others. “Become good stewards of the planet, because it’s the only one we have.”

After diplomas were received, the graduating students celebrated with a toss of their caps and proceeded to celebrate with friends and families.

Headmaster rick Hilton is joined by Commencement speaker Dr. Daniel stahler as they lead the procession.

Class of 2013 members Jessica Colby and simeon graden share in the excitement of the day.

salutatorian noah manning celebrates with lyndon institute math teacher tim ulrich.

Commencement speaker Dr. Daniel stahler, Class of 1992

Class of 2013 graduate anthony maillet receives his diploma from Headmaster Hilton.

lyndon institute President richard ashton Headmaster rick Hilton Valedictorian ashlynn Doyon

“In life you can prepare and train but you never know what the luck of the draw will give you. Stay calm, think it through, and make the best of what you have been dealt.”

ValeDiCtOrian asHlynn DOyOn

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2013 inDePenDenCe FunD gOlF tOurnament a suCCess!

T he fourth Annual Independence Fund Golf Tournament was held

on Friday, June 7th at the St. Johnsbury Country Club in St. Johnsbury, VT. This year, the tournament saw a date change from late summer to alumni weekend and the change proved to be a positive one as it enabled additional alums to attend the annual fundraiser. It was a chilly and damp day out on the course but the weather did not dampen the spirits of our loyal supporters. Thanks to the sponsors, golfers, committee of volunteers, and staff, the tournament was a great experience for everyone involved.

A special thank you goes out to Ryan Noyes for his leadership in organizing this successful event which improved the Independence Fund by approximately $10,000. We invite you to save the date for next year’s tournament which will be held on May 30, 2014 at 10 a.m.


we’d like to recognize the following for making our fourth annual tournament a success: tOurnament sPOnsOrs (Bell tOwer leVel): Community National Bank, Ed Buschmann, Passumpsic Savings Bank

HOle sPOnsOrs (marOOn leVel): AMVAL Associates, Bourne’s Energy, Crosstown Motors, Grant, Norten & Associates, PLLC, Linda and Rick Hilton, Vincent & Lorraine Matteis, and NSA Industries

tee sPOnsOrs (wHite leVel): Flood Concrete and Sand, Fred’s Propane, Image North Photography, North American Composites, Northern Physical Therapy and Jason Prendergast

OtHer sPOnsOrs: Amerigas, The Valley View Restaurant, Green Mountain Books, Asia restaurant, the wildflower Inn, LI Alumni Association, walt Disney world resorts, The Pizza Man, JA McDonald, Lyndon Furniture, Stahler Furniture, Boston Red Sox, Burke Mountain, The Carpet Connection, Dr. Greg McCormick: Vermont Laser Vision, Community National Bank, Village Sports Shop, and The River Garden Café

Thank you to all our sponsors, participants and volunteers!

If you are interested in more information for students who are looking for travel assistance, please contact Melissa Hall, Director of Development at 802 626-6127 or [email protected].

traVel sCHOlarsHiPs FOr stuDents

The Global Stewardship Scholarship is an award established to assist students who wish to participate in school-sanctioned trips but do not have the means

to do so. For some students, the opportunity to travel outside of the Northeast Kingdom only presents itself through LI. Sadly, some of these very students have not been able to partake in these learning opportunities due to lack of funding.

this scholarship is awarded to candidates who meet the requirements for financial need with the understanding that they have to raise half of the funds necessary for the trip themselves. To date we have had one fortunate recipient of this newly established funding opportunity.

COngratulatiOns 2013 tOurnament winners! Dave Cady,

ryan noyes, Pat guckin, Kevin sleeper

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ligHts, Camera, new Curtains & sOunD system….

The cast of LI’s upcoming fall play, “Into The Woods,” will be heard loud and clear in the newly revitalized Alumni Auditorium.

Through the fundraising efforts of several classes, alumni, faculty and friends, the cast will have the distinction of being the first theater performance with the new sound system and stage curtains which were gifted earlier this year.

Work began in the winter of 2012-2013 to replace the old stage curtains which were the originals from 1964. Once the old curtains were removed, it was evident that the rigging system was also sorely in need of replacement in order to create a safe environment on stage. The beautiful new curtains were installed while the students were on break in April 2013 and the Student Dance Showcase was the first performance with the curtains in place.

It was through the generosity of the Class of 1948, 1962, 1963, 1968 and 1988, that we were within reach of raising the $10,500 needed to install a new amplifier, speaker system and mixer for the auditorium. with only $1,000 short of our goal, we e-mailed the LI community to ask for help. The response was quickly received and it is because of your support that we were able to complete the project prior to the start of school in August. The upgrades have greatly improved our sound and recording quality during performances and enhanced a facility that is utilized by many organizations in our community.

We invite you to LI’s production of the musical intO tHe wOODs november 14, 15 & 16 we HaVe a winner!Congratulations to Beverly (Simpson) Coolbeth, ’41, for being selected the winner of the LI Rocking Chair Contest! Beverly’s e-mail address was randomly chosen out of the hundreds of e-mail addresses entered into the drawing.stay connected with yOur school! sign up for monthly electronic communications online at

Page 16: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

the annual gift report provides an opportunity for the extended li community to look back at the previous school year and recognize those who supported efforts to strengthen the school and its diverse programs. gifts to lyndon institute totaled $187,451 for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 in the form of cash, stocks, in-kind gifts, matching gifts, gifts in memoriam, and scholarships. with your support our students continue to receive the tools they need to succeed today and in the future.

annual giVing rePOrt 2012–13

Page 17: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

FALL – wINter 2013 15

1867 sOCiety $5,000+Laura & Richard Ashton ’61Louise & Edmund Buschmann ’57Community National BankMartha ElliottRachael Elliott ’95 & Jeff RawsonMonica Fiorenza

& Gregory McCormick ’91Jason Prendergast ’89The estate of Barbara Bailey Sahlin ’57Jane & Rodney Taylor ’64

HeaDmaster’s sOCiety $1,000+AnonymousJessica & David Aronoff ’82Burklyn Arts CouncilGenise & Earl F. Daniels, III ’67Davenport & Company LLCJames Douglas ’60Jeanne Akley ’64 & Arthur Elliott ’63Valeria Tumasella & Matthew Elliott ’97Patricia Bona ’70 & Dana Emery ’70Larissa & Michael FlynnSusan Crosby & James Gallagher ’63Anna & David Hartwell ’70Paul Harvey ’84Nancy & David Hill ’59Linda & Richard HiltonMichael John ’79Lyndon FurnitureLyndon Institute Alumni Assoc.Lyndon Youth BaseballLorraine Charron ’65 & Vincent MatteisLinda Noyes ’68 & James McDonald ’66Moonlight Inn Vermont B&BPassumpsic Savings BankRuggco Inc.Rena & David Stahler ’65The White MarketRose Stimpson ’51

& Douglas Wheeler ’47

t.n. Vail sOCiety $500+Karen & Donald Blake ’63Martha Hill ’63 & Timothy BrooksElmer Brown ’45Andrew Davis ’46Elizabeth Dawson GE FoundationDebbie & Bradley GebbieLorraine Brown ’66 & James ImpeyLyndonville Rotary ClubLyndonville VFW Auxiliary Post #10038Katherine MathewsonDeborah Merriam

MonsantoSusanne & Adam NorwoodElaine Ingalls ’63 & Marvin Smith ’63the wildflower InnJohn Vinton ’79Sarah Robinson ’58

& Dayton wakefield ’57David Watson ’86Weidmann Electrical Technology Inc.Donna & Michael Wheeler ’79Karen & John Wishart ’64

ViKing CluB $250+AnonymousSandra Durocher ’77

& Randy Amadon ’74Karen & Richard Amadon ’62Anne Crooks ’78 & Timothy Amadon ’78Gene & Sheila Kropsky Aronoff ’54Susan Pasell ’63 & David Beattie ’61wendy wakefield ’74

& Kenneth Beattie ’74Anita Sheltra ’55 & Alfred Cole ’54Sheryl Beattie ’79 & Donald Cota ’78Crosstown MotorsRonald Darling ’56Marlin Devenger ’67Meredith Feltus ’87 & Michael LocherMarie Richard ’71 & Larry FloodKathleen & James Fowler ’74Fred’s Plumbing & HeatingGate’s Electric, Inc.Marion Drew ’65 & Stephen Gray ’65Deborah Amadon ’68 & James Green ’66Jane & Daniel Heath ’68Jimmie Howard ’55Pattie & Ernest Hutchins ’61Kinney Pike InsuranceKirby Mountain Lawns & LandscapingTessa Thomas ’88 & Aaron KwittkenElsie Easterbrooks ’62

& Robert Lawrence ’54Lyndon Booster ClubLyndonville Redemption Inc.David McDermott ’58Northern Physical Therapy, PCNSA IndustriesVivien Emery O’Leary ’63Queen City PrintingMcCuliffe FamilySusan & Cedric Sherrer ’48Sara SimpsonLeah Cox Smith ’41

Paulie Greenwood St. Hilaire & familyCatherine Pottier Toran ’80Joanne Washburn ’55Linda McGregor ’65 & Walter WheelerJudy & Richard Wheeler ’51Wheeler Sports

Century CluB $100+Dorothy Allard ’72 & G.W. MartinDawn Anderson ’73 & Edward AlmonAmerigasAMVAL AssociatesAnonymousIrene Austin ’63 & John BadgerAvis Wallace Baird ’41Mary Beach ’68Betty & Carlos Bean ’51Brian Beattie ’62Beverly & Ronald Bennett ’50Linda & Fred BishopJulie & Richard BoeraLawrence Bona ’68Dorothy Nutting ’58

& Albert Borsodi ’58Louise George ’48

& E. Theodore BoulterBourne’s EnergyLeslie Haines Boyd ’93Catherine Boykin & Walter MorseArthur Brown ’68Hildegarde Amadon Brown ’42Deborah & Charles BucknamSally Blair & Robert BullardPhyllis Burbank ’43Burke Mountain, LLCCapitol Steel and Supply Co. Inc.Kate & Gary Cassady ’63Lucille Gero ’55 & Carleton CasteelMarilyn & Ronald Clifford ’52Trina Stuart ’83 & Skip CrosmanDads 4 By Tool & SupplyJohn Davis ’58Phyllis & Edward Day ’53Germaine Hebert ’43

& Raymond DesiletsSusan & Steven Douglas ’65Downs Rachlin MartinKimberly Hill ’78 & Michael Drew ’78Drummey Rosane Anderson, Inc.Dawn Smith ’83 & Terry Dwyer ’81James EllisDonald Emery ’70Elizabeth Stevens ’68 & Edward FarrMartha & Stephen Feltus

Page 18: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013


Karen & Joseph FlynnLois Fisher ’62 & William FowlerJames Gaboriault ’83Grant Norten & Associates, PLLCAnnie & Michael Guyer ’70Melissa Boulay ’92 & Stacy Hall ’87Thomas HandySybil Shonyo ’54 & Waldo Hazen ’53Nancy Davis ’54 & Lewis HillHonematic Machine CorporationJanice Whitcomb ’77

& Peter Hopkins ’74Margaret & Stephen Hopkins ’68Pamela Legge ’78 & James HortonRose & Patrick Huntoon ’61Patricia & James Jackson ’57Carolyn Houghton Johnson ’38Barbara & John KadamusColleen Pierce ’54 & William Kerr ’54Kingdom Landscape, Inc.Elizabeth Koenig 2001Jeanne & Sherman LaughtonNancy Eaton ’62 &

Richard Lawrence ’60Staci & Daniel Lay ’79Maura DiGioia ’83 & Keith LeonKristen Dilley ’96 & Russell Lepine ’85Vernon Levine ’65Connie & David Libbey ’63Stephen Libbey ’63Lyndonville House of PizzaGarrit Mace ’68William MaresMichelle & Michael Matteis ’89Mayo’s Glass ServiceLaura & Norman MessierEric Metoyer ’78Norma Grant ’64 & Steven MetzRita Cassady Miller ’47Isabelle & Bertram Mills ’53Miss Lyndonville DinerSuzanne & William MollMorrill & Guyer AssociatesClaire Stevens ’68 & Harry MorrisonLouise & John MosesUrsula & Richard Murray ’63North American CompositesNortheast Sports NetworkNortheastern Vermont

Regional HospitalRoy Norton ’42Shelly Flood ’91 & Ryan Noyes ’93Shannon & Donna Boera O’Harren ’88Judith Patoine ’72

Sheila Wood ’63 & Denis PelletierJoyce Domey Perantoni ’42Anne & Michel Perrault ’59Shirley Beane ’53 & Linwood Pierce ’50Nancy Prince ’78 & Douglas DolanLorna Field ’46 & Richard QuimbyMarjorie Astle ’52 & Paul ReedMichel Sanderson ’71 & Bob RichardsLois Rossier, Glenn & Marianne Rossier,

Gail Rossier & familiesLucille & Eric Royce ’63Gail Austin ’65 & George RugglesPatricia Moore Sanborn ’62Tim SanbornPaul Sears ’68Eri Seguin ’02Nora & Harwant SethiTina Buzzi ’98 & Jacob Simpson ’98Kathryn Jackson ’93 & Justin Smith ’93Ann & Joe SolomonJudith Laclair ’63 & Robert StowellMary Garcia ’83 & Dennis StraightThea & Randall SwartzNina & Arthur Taylor ’59The Carpet ConnectionThe Village Sports ShopOralie Lane Thurston ’45Marilyn & David Tilton ’53Marilyn Costanzo & Joanne ToussaintJanet & Paul ToussaintKaren Townsend ’88Wayne Vanasse ’83Pamela & Dana wakefield ’64Mary Patoine ’78 & Shawn WaldronRalph Wheeler ’63Lois Field White ’49Frederick Wilkerson (deceased)

Michael Willey ’80Gregory Williams ’69W. David Williams ’78Carolyn & Earle Wilson ’53Rachel Astle ’56 & David WozniakMary & Daniel WyandXIP Training

li assOCiates $10+AnonymousAsia RestaurantSuzan Clifford Baillargeon ’83Sarah Graeve ’84 & Stephen BakerAnna & James Bassett ’60Harriet Hall Beattie ’63Elizabeth & John BerubeJuliet & Gerry Blair ’63Betty Simpson Blake ’45Bonnie Phelps ’59

& Robert Blanchard ’59Patricia Boera ’73Laurie BoswellHailey Broderick 2001Raymond Brooks ’50Heidi Cotte ’93 & George BroomePaul BruhnGloria Buzzi Buck ’62Marlene & Charles Bull ’49Burke View GarageDonna Smith ’67 & Charles Camber ’63Leslie Carpenter ’57James Chamberlain ’66Corinne Berry ’76 & David ChamberlinPaula Maynard ’73

& William ChamberlinSylvia & Robert Charron ’47Clarendon Elementary SchoolDavid Coates

annual giVing

Caleb temple, ’00, and an unidentified employee of Kirby mountain lawn & landscaping plant a linden tree on the Buschmann House lawn in august 2013.

Page 19: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

FALL – wINter 2013 17

Beverly Simpson ’41 & Ernie CoolbethKara Winot & Jason Coons ’93Allene & Frederick CornellEleanor Morse Craig ’43Barbara Woodworth ’53

& Samuel CummingsCarol & Robert CurtisEthelyn DaleyRebecca Henderson ’71 & Timothy

Daley ’68Carolyn Rice ’78 & Malcolm DarlingDenis Ricker & Brown Inc.Irene & Robert Derosier ’50Blanche Lachance ’58

& Leonard DessormeauGerald Dickerman ’45Richard DickermanAdrienne & Doug D’OlimpioJanet Simpson D’Orazio ’55Linda & Eric Douglas ’66Barbara Dresser ’83Marjorie Dodge Drown ’42Kumiko & Paul Dubey ’56Donna & David Ducham ’62John DunlapKathy & David DwyerPatty & Richard DziadulHolly Burgess ’98 & Jeremy Ely ’95George Soule Fairchild ’36Ann Ruggles Fassett ’54Nancy & Charles FergusFifth Third BankJohn Findlay ’67Judith & John Forrest ’63Debra Newland ’83 & Matthew FournierPatricia & Stanley Francis ’61Rachel Rich Gale ’41Sheila & James GallagherConnie & David Gilman ’57Jodi Gonyaw-WorthCarol & Carroll Gorham ’55Rhonda & Arthur GraceLynn & Stephen Grant ’58Clifton Gray ’43Sharon Hill ’62 & David GrayGreen Mountain Books & PrintsBonnie Greenwood ’49

& Norman GreeneAnna Greer-Jarry ’56Jennifer Griswold ’75Beth & Patrick Guckin ’87Marcia & Gustav HagmanElizabeth Jewell Hale ’62Kathleen Perry ’77 & William Hall

Jean & Stephen Hall ’68Betsy HamElston Hawkins ’60Nancy Hutchins ’43 & Arlington HazenRadha & Robert Heath, Jr. ’88Helen Sage DesignsHope HenryColleen Herrity ’73Marianne & Barry HertzKathleen Guy ’78

& Timothy Hodgdon ’73Wallace Holbrook ’50William Holt ’64Nancy & Ford HubbardHarley Hubbard ’54 (deceased)Morris Hubbard ’74Dustin Hunter 2006Rosemary & David Jardine ’57Jonathan Kascenska 2011Alice Campbell ’67 & Peter KentThomas Keppel ’61Kingdom Stove WorksBonnie Kirchoff ’98Carol KrochakPamela Simpson ’69 & Daniel KvamRichard Labounty ’81Elaine Charron ’62 & Gerald LaferriereHazel Hoag Landa ’60Amanda Norris ’68 & Paul Lane ’72Michelle Lane ’98Richard Laramee ’66Carleta Bandy Legacy ’53Ellen Dorn LevittSusan Densmore Luby ’83Amber Hopkins ’98 & Dan MacekWanda & Richard Macnair ’47

Desiree Hertz ’89 & Christopher Manges ’87

Maple Grove FarmsCheryl Smith ’62 & James MatzenDonna & Earl MayGwendolyn Eastman Maynard ’50Joanne St. Hilaire ’58 & Leo McClure ’53Patrice McDonoughPhyllis & Willard McGinnis ’58Erin Barksdale ’98 & John McKinnonDenene Switser ’82 & Steven MerrillCharlotte Cox ’63 & Robert MiddletonMarion McSherry ’62 & Ned MinahanLinda & Edward MitchellBrendan MoldDonald Morrill ’62Ann MoultonSharon Sanderson ’63

& Michael MurphyMary Brooks ’83 & Michael Murray ’80Gary Nelson ’73Keith NewlandTonya Clark ’90 & Chris Newland ’89Daniel Nolan ’95Cheryl Ronan ’63 & Emery Noyes ’62Brian O’FarrellHelen Gilman O’Neil ’43Alice Powell ’64 & Gregory Peck ’63Stuart Peck ’43Carole Dutton ’63 & Eddie PerronJoan Stark ’51 & Russell PierHarriet Graham ’53 & Tom PiotrowskiTheia Gray Poczabut ’38Heather Pulver-Gaillard ’02Pamela Richardson ’62 & David

PurringtonKelly Rafuse ’88

Page 20: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013


Michelle RalstonVirginia Lawrence ’55 & Albert RayChristopher RaymondCynthia ReeveDonna Brown Richardson ’68Hester Taylor ’62 & Tyler RobieJay Rogers ’63Diane Hudson Ruggles ’63Debbie & Roland Ruggles ’63Heidi Gray ’87 & Kevin SanbornJason Sanderson ’84Lorraine & Richard Sanderson ’48Amanda Bedor ’92 & Mark SanvilleAdam SargentMary Hazen ’53 & Albert SchneiderAgnes Croft Sears ’43Jennifer Holmes ’88 & Alan Seymour ’76Susan Sharpley ’57Tracy Willey ’84

& Michael Sherbrook ’84Sharmon & Keith SimoneauCarolyn Simpson ’62Jessica Lussier ’02

& Chad Simpson ’00Alice diZerega ’72 & Dan SlingoDawn & Brian Smith ’80Mark Smith ’83Judi St. Hilaire ’77 & Paul CooganStahler FurnitureDiane Daley ’70 & Michael Stahler ’70Jennifer & Roy StarlingElizabeth Barksdale ’00

& Donald Steen ’89Dorothy Hall ’70 & Willie Stevens ’70Rebecca Griswold ’62

& Kenneth Stevens ’60Teresa & William Stimpson ’78

Suzanne & Michael Stone ’83Elena StrokanovaGerald Tanner ’06Benjie & John TessierThe Pizza ManThe River Garden CafeThe Valley View RestaurantMary & Peter ThomasBarbara & Douglas Thompson ’47Melissa Lyford ’03 & Scott TinkerCynthia & Daniel ToussaintRuth Shonyo Trask ’48Elizabeth Wishart ’63 & Gordon TraverErika & Stephen TuranLisa & Timothy UlrichErin Williams ’85 & Christopher UmmerTiaan Van der LindeMerritt Vantine ’64Joel VarleyVFW Post #10038Ville Auto SupplyJanice Wakeham ’52Gregory Weaver ’82William Webber ’58Joanne Parker ’52 & Gordon WebsterBetty WehseMarilyn Charron Weigel ’50Lynn Blake ’73 & Lyle Welch ’69Jean & Paul Wheeler ’74Liz & Roland WilliamsAnna Krauss ’83 & David WilsonPatricia & Russell Wilson ’39Woodbury SchoolTiffany Lussier ’92

& Matthew Young ’88Marjorie Stahler Zamoic ’40Martha Zipf

in-KinD giFtsAmerigasAnonymousAsia RestaurantLoren Bressor ’46Elmer Brown ’45Burke Mountain, LLCGreen Mountain Books & PrintsMichael John ’79Kirby Mountain Lawns & LandscapingMarjorie Greenwood ’55

& Norman Legge ’56Lyndon FurnitureLyndonville HardwareMaple Grove FarmsGregory McCormick ’91Claire Morrison ’68Gary Nelson ’73Jason Prendergast ’89Stahler FurnitureThe Carpet ConnectionThe Pizza ManThe River Garden CafeThe Valley View RestaurantThe Village Sports Shopthe wildflower InnVFW Post #10038The Walt Disney Co.Wheeler Sports

stOCK giFtsLouise & Edmund Buschmann ’57Susan & James C. Gallagher ’63

matCHing giFtsFifth Third BankGE FoundationMonsanto

restriCteD giFtsAcademicsAthleticsBinney WoodsBTK EndowmentBuildings & GroundsBuschmann HouseBusiness Department

a special thank you to nsa industries and matt smith, ’87, for donating the new grates for the barbecue pit.

annual giVing

Class giFts1938194319481953195819631968


Page 21: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

FALL – wINter 2013 19

ChorusDaniels HallEndowmentEquipmentFine ArtsGolf TournamentHeath TrackJohn L. Norris, Jr. Center for the ArtsLIAALibraryMcDonald Family Baseball FieldNordic Ski TeamProfessional DevelopmentRoboticsScholarshipsSkillsUSAStudent AssistanceStudent LifeSuppliesTechnical Education

new liFe memBersHiPs tO liaaEdward BlakeEd DayMadeline H. HallDale HarveyFayleen (Pillsbury)JessemanArthur LavelyNicholas LavrovBruce NorcorssCierra PepinMengzhen “Jimmy” ShiZi “Emilee” Ye Fay Young

COntriButiOns were maDe tO tHe FOllOwing sCHOlarsHiPs:Archie P. & Catherine P. Mallon AwardBusiness Education AwardClarence V. Akley AwardClass of ’59 Scholarship AwardCliff Greenwood Music AwardDavid J. Dwyer Teacher of the Year

AwardDonald Erskine ScholarshipJacob Kadamus Memorial Athletic

ScholarshipKimberly E. Hill ScholarshipLibrary AwardNorm Legge AwardPaul Harvey Technical Education AwardStephen Starbuck Nursing ScholarshipThomas and Mabel Player Family

ScholarshipTina Ruggles Memorial Scholarship

li tHanKs all tHOse wHO DOnateD tO sPeCial FunDs in memOry OF Or in HOnOr OF tHe FOllOwing inDiViDuals:Beverly AmadonLaurence G. AmadonDale R. DawsonGerald M. DickermanJohn H. ElliottHarriet F. FisherPaul Fisher

Kimberly E. HillJacob KadamusBertha T. KouryCheryl OlsonHank RobinsonSusan RossGifford O. Rossier

Tina G. RugglesBarbara A. SahlinArthur B. SanbornAmory D. SeaverJohn A. SimpsonJerry TavaresEleanor M. Weissent

Care was taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this report, but we recognize that mistakes do occur. If you were a donor in 2012-2013 and your name was inadvertently misspelled, omitted or listed in the wrong place, please forgive us and let us know so that we can correct our records.

New Student Awardsthe larissa and t. michael Flynn Faculty award for excellence will honor students who achieve such successes as Duck Stamp, Poetry Out Loud, Boys’ Nation, Poster Contest, etc. Awards are for special achievements in academics, arts, technical education, drama, etc., which brings honor to the student and thus the school. Cash awards in the amount of $25 or $50 will be distributed, depending on the degree of merit, and decided on by administrators of the fund, until the $1,000 per annum has been depleted.

the tammy greenwood Creative writing award will be presented to an outstanding graduating senior who meets the following requirements:

– Student must have plans to be a professional writer (preferably a fiction writer or poet).

– Preference is given to a local student, one who is from Lyndon or its surrounding towns.

– Student must have maintained a 3.0 minimum in English classes.

For more information on establishing a new award, please contact Melissa Hall, Director of Development at 802 626-6127 or e-mail [email protected].

Page 22: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013


lynDOn institute BOarD OF alumni trustees

PresiDentMichel Sanderson Richards, ’71 (16)ViCe PresiDentPaula Graves Gaskin, ’71 (14)treasurerJeffrey O’Meara, ’04 (15)ClerK OF tHe COrPOratiOnHeather Root Wheeler, ’90 (14)

Candace E. Dane, ’74 (14)Robert G. Heath, ’58 (14)Timothy L. Kirchoff, ’96 (15)Michael D. Matteis, ’89 (16)Kathy Jackson Smith, ’93 (15)Daniel B. Thompson, ’87 (15)Paul E. Wheeler, ’74 (14)liFetime memBersDwight A. Davis, ’50Gertrude Angell Grant, ’49Norman A. Legge, ’56Shirley Beane Pierce, ’53

lynDOn institute alumni newsletter COntriButOrsMelissa Boulay Hall, ’92Rick HiltonSteve LeggeMary Ellen “Mel” ReisMichel Sanderson Richards, ’71Heather Root Wheeler, ’90Paul Wheeler, ’74

lynDOn institute alumni newsletter PHOtOgraPHyCandace E. Dane, ’74Mark DelucaTimothy L. Kirchoff, ’96Steve LeggeMary Ellen “Mel” Reis“The Copter Cam”Paul Wheeler, ’74

At Lyndon Institute I was involved in student government and the competitive public speaking team

– eventually leading them. The public speaking team was small enough that I was allowed to compete yet

large enough that there was always someone there to encourage me to try again when I failed. The sense of community at LI has also allowed me to enter college

with the confidence to succeed at whatever I put my mind to. These are the things that LI gave to me.

Noah Manning ’13 Dartmouth College ’17







You should have recently received the above mailing which featured recent graduate, Noah Manning, ’13. The reverse side of the card contained a letter which explained the purpose of the Independence Fund and how it supports every student in every program at LI. It is our hope that you have had the time to read over this important message.

If you have not yet contributed to the 2013-2014 Independence Fund, we hope you will make your gift or pledge today online at or by phoning Melissa Hall, Director of Development at 802 626-6127.

Every gift, large and small, makes a difference. Thank you!

annual giVing






Page 23: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

FALL – wINter 2013 21

Dear Alumni and Friends of Lyndon Institute,

I start this edition’s letter with a sincere “Thank You” to Rick Hilton, Heather Wheeler, the LIAA Board, and especially to you alumni. This June’s newly structured Alumni Weekend turned out very, very well. In addition we got valuable feedback showing us how we can improve delivery in some areas and what we should keep. According to Ryan Noyes, our golf tournament chair, switching the tournament to alumni weekend was a very positive move. Our “All Class Social” continues to grow with this year’s attendance reaching just over 500 people. We had 290 RSVP’s and food for 400 people at the “Alumni Cookout Under the Tent”. These numbers are amazing, aren’t they? A very special thank you to Matt Smith ’87 and his employees at NSA Industries for working so quickly to donate new grates for the barbecue pit. Had they not come through with this in such a timely manner, I am not sure the delicious ribs and chicken would have been an option. I so appreciate that all of you embrace this weekend as your own event (because it is) and tell us what you liked and what you’d like changed. This is the best way to create events worth celebrating. If you haven’t had a chance to let us know your opinion of the weekend events, please feel free to call, e-mail or send a note. We do want to hear from you. Next year’s Alumni Weekend is one week earlier on May 30th – June 1st. See you then!

Heather, Melissa and I also hosted the 5th Annual Graduating Seniors Ice Cream Social where we exchanged ice cream for e-mail addresses – Moose tracks was the hit flavor.

through the Sanderson Fund this year we awarded two underclass students financial assistance to attend summer program to enhance their education and $1,000 went to the Math Department to purchase 100 scientific calculators to keep in the department for student use. Seven scholarships totaling $6,500 were awarded to fourteen graduating seniors going on to postsecondary education.

Please stop by the Alumni Office/Museum and LI Store in thompson Cottage – we would love to see you and there are great gift ideas in the store.

Blessings, Michel “Mickey” Sanderson Richards, ’71 LIAA President

From the LIAA President Michel S. Richards






Page 24: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013


all Class sOCial – BurKe mOuntain

THANK YOU FOR COMING!we greatly appreciate the willingness of our alumni to try something new. alumni weekend started off with the largest

turnout to date for the all-Class social at Burke mountain. Combining the alumni cookout and the chicken barbecue into one event brought many of our alumni, families, and friends to the campus. the alumni board has taken all of the feedback we

received from those who attended, and plan to make next year even better. we thank all of the class secretaries and reunion organizers for all that they do.

– your lyndon institute alumni association Board

Page 25: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

FALL – wINter 2013 23

men’s lOng JumPTim Kirchoff ’96 17’ 5”Jack Brown ’15 16’ 7”Ayan Cole ’13 13’ 7”

men’s DisCus Tim Kirchoff ’96 119’ 5”Rob Heath ’88 97’ 6”TJ Tanner ’99 95’ 3”Dan Thompson ’87 91’ 1”Dave Lussier ’76 89’ 9”D. Steen ’89 85’ 4”Steve Elliott ’67 83’ 4”Bob Heath ’58 74’ 4”

men’s sHOt Put TJ Tanner ’99 46’ 0”Dave Lussier ’76 41’ 7”Dan Thompson ’87 37’ 7”Rob Heath ’88 36’ 11”Keith Laplant ’14 35’ 2”Tim Kirchoff ’96 35’ 0”Bill Laramee ’88 32’ 9”Bob Heath ’58 29’ 8”

men’s 1600 m runAyan Cole ’13 5.17Chris Manges ’87 5.32Bill Laramee ’88 6.40David Beattie ’62 8.47

wOmen’s DisCusBonnie Kirchoff ’98 82’ 9”Heather

Root Wheeler ’90 82’ 5”Mary Kelly ’83 53’ 3”Joan Kirchoff (Friend) 29’ 8”

wOmen’s sHOt Put Bonnie Kirchoff ’98 27’ 0”

wOmen’s JaVelinJen Patridge ’02 87’ 3”Heather

Root Wheeler ’90 83’ 3”Bonnie Kirchoff ’98 76’ 5”

OutstanDing PerFOrmerTim Kirchoff ’96

Class sCOres1st ’96 41 pts.2nd ’88 24 pts.3rd ’13 20 pts.4th ’99 18 pts.5th ’98 16 pts.6th ’87 14 pts.7th ’76 12 pts.8th tie ’89 & ’90 10 pts.10th ’15 9 pts.11th ’61 7 pts.12th ’02 6 pts.13th ’14 5 pts.14th ’53 4 pts.15th ’83 3 pts.16th tie ’58 & ’67 2 pts.

saVe tHe Date

2014 Alumni Weekendmay 30 – June 1

men’s HigH JumP Tim Kirchoff ’96 5’ 6”Jack Brown ’15 5’ 0”

men’s JaVelin Tim Kirchoff ’96 162’ 5”Rob Heath ’88 154’ 0”TJ Tanner ’99 129’ 1”Dan Thompson ’87 123 ’1”D. Steen ’89 101’ 10”Bill Laramee ’88 98’ 7”

men’s 100 m DasHTim Kirchoff ’96 12.06D. Steen ’89 12.41David Tilton ’53 23.9

men’s 400 m DasHTim Kirchoff ’96 1:05Ayan Cole ’13 1:09Chris Manges ’87 1:23

men’s 3200 m runAyan Cole ’13 11.51Chris Manges ’87 13.04David Beattie ’62 19.00

traCK meet results



i tr




Page 26: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

FrOnt rOw: mary (Deos) sicard, germaine (Hebert) Desilets, Phyllis Burbank, stuart PeckBaCK rOw: agnes (Croft) sears, Helen (gilman) O’neil, wendall “Jack” Cassady

sitting: Carol (Dutton) Perron. Front row: martha (Hill) Brooks, sheila (wood) Pelletier, Karen (Hutchins) schady, sherry (ronan) noyes, elizabeth (wishart) traver, elaine (ingalls) smith, gerry Blair, Kenny grant seCOnD rOw: Charlotte (Cox) middleton, gil aldrich, Vivian (emery) O’leary, John Forrest, Charlie Camber, Judith (laclair) stowell, David libbey, teresa (Johnson) Vasko, margot Pendleton, Jim gallagher, marvin smith, Jay rogers, gary Cassady, greg PeckBaCK rOw: gary aubin, roland ruggles, arthur elliott, John gregory, steve simpson, richard murray, sidney young, Otis thompson, eric royce

linda (nutting) Carlisle, Harriett (Hall) Beattie, linda (gee) rexford, susan (Pasell) Beattie, russell rexford, stephen libbey, sharon (sanderson) murphy, Donald Blake

Class OF ’43

70th reunionClass OF ’45

68th reunionCarolyn (Houghton) Johnson is presented with a gift for being the most distinguished alumna in attendance at the cookout.

Class OF ’38

75th reunionFrOnt rOw: ann staffeld, Betty (simpson) Blake, Pauline (Basner) winslow, Pearl (ward) BairdBaCK rOw: elmer Brown, gerald Dickerman, ruth (mason) allard, ed young

Front row: Julie (Bean) mecham, Colleen Herrity, Beth (garfield) laplant, linda (Clifford) leeseCOnD rOw: Carol (weed) Butynski, Dave rivers, teresa (Jewett) Corrow, lynn (Blake) welch, sue griswoldBaCK rOw: ann (Findlay) lepine, Cindy (Barrett) griffith, robert lepine, Bernie timson, glenn laplant, John Dickerman

FrOnt rOw: rob Heath, tracey abbey-lee, shelly Cole, monica (Franz) newell, wendy williams, serena (Paquette) Parker, Barb (richardson) tucker, Jenny newland, mary Beth toborg Boe, amy (Dolloff) Joyal, Karen townsendBaCK rOw: eric anderson, matthew masten, william laramee, Joe welch, todd steele, matt young

inset PHOtO: Jennifer sicard, Jennifer (Holmes) seymour, Carolyn emerson

Class OF ’63

50th reunion

Class OF ’88

25th reunion

Class OF ’73

40th reunion

Class OF ’63

50th reunion

Page 27: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

FrOnt rOw: Joanne (st. Hilaire) mcClure, lois (lang) williams, Dot (nutting) Borsodi, sarah (robinson) wakefieldseCOnD rOw: arland “al” Dunbar, John talman, Bill mcginnis, John Davis, Dave mcDermottBaCK rOw: Bill webber, Dwayne garfield, Bob Heath, al Borsodi

Class OF ’53

60th reunion Class OF ’58

55th reunion


FrOnt rOw: leslie (Haines) Boyd, Julie yerkes, treny (turner) Burgess, Kathy (Jackson) smith, lisa CharronseCOnD rOw: Krista (Day) Colby, amber Bevilacqua, Kelly (mcClure) Dudas, sam (Hudson) Baumgarten, Krista (lantagne) Poquette, Justin smith, Pam (Francis) Henderson, Heidi (Cotte) Broome, robin HamelBaCK rOw: Ben elliott, KC mason, Phil Dudas

FrOnt rOw: Verneda (Burrington) urriola, sheila (Carr) Bugbee, rosalyn (moore) gilman, Carleta (Bandy) legacyseCOnD rOw: roland greenwood, shirley (Beane) Pierce, anne (wheeler) green, Harriet (graham) PiotrowskitHirD rOw: David tilton, waldo “skip” Hazen, ed Day, leo mcClure, spencer Hill

Class OF ’68

45th reunionFrOnt rOw: Deanna (Dutton) wesley, arthur Brown, Jean (rosselot) Chase, Donna (Brown) richardson, linda (Cassady) sylvester, Patty (little) Peck, liz (stevens) Farr, amanda (norris) lane, ellen (stoddard) BickfordBaCK rOw: Clint Hudson, mac Curtis, larry Bona, Claire (stevens) morrison, ervin “stan” weed, garrit mace, tim Daley, rick aubin, larry titemore, steve HopkinsnOt PiCtureD: steve allard, Barb (eaton) Follett, Kathy Kark, larry simpson, John Franz

Class OF ’03

10th reunionnikki (Vendituoli) Berry, Casey westcott, Jessica (ely) lund, matt wells, Kathryn Oliver

FrOnt rOw: Jake emery, Bonnie Kirchoff, erik armstrongBaCK rOw: amber (Hopkins) macek, emily (russell) Poginy, Jodi (nelson) morris, ali mulholland, Holly (Burgess) ely, Kelly taylor, Kelly Dennison, sara Desrochers, adria (morrison) sawyer, Joni (nelson) newland

Class OF ’93

20th reunion Class OF ’98

15th reunion

Page 28: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

Commencement speaker, Dan stahler, ’92, addresses alumni at the cookout.

Class members of 1945, Pearl (ward) Baird, Pauline (Basner) winslow, and ruth (mason) allard, looking through old photos.

assistant Head for external affairs, mel reis and Development Director, melissa (Boulay) Hall, ’92, take a moment after greeting over 300 alumni attending the alumni cookout.

Former faculty and football coach, Dennis sweet introducing his granddaughter.

Betty (simpson) Blake, ’45, and elmer Brown, ’45

We’re renaming the Alumni Newsletter, and want your help!

Judy (Paquette) little, ’62, and elsie (easterbrooks) lawrence, ’62

Classmates sue griswold, ’73, and Cindy (Barrett) griffith, ’73, reconnect at the cookout.

All votes must be received by July 15, 2014

Submit your vote online at: or call the alumni association at 802 626-9096.

Please senD us yOur VOte!

Lyndon LegacyViking VoiceThe Lyndon ConnectionThe Alumni NewsletterThe Alumni MagazineLyndon MagazineThe Lyndon ReviewThe Viking ReviewViking ValorLyndon Life

alumni COOKOut

nikki (Vendituoli) Berry, ’03 and Derrick Berry, ’04.

2003 classmates and family of all ages enjoying the cookout.

Lyndon Institute

Fall – winter 2013

alumni newsletter

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FALL – wINter 2013 27

1943agnes (Croft) sears organized the 70th reunion under the tent on the football field. Seven class members enjoyed the delicious cookout while visiting and getting reacquainted.

1959Congratulations to David Hill and wife, Nancy, of Fancy Gap, Va., on celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in July 2013.

1964Diane (wixtead) Cobbett retired in April 2013 after 48 years of working.

1969Diane surridge taught at LI for 13 years and then Lake Region Union High School for seven. In 1994 she moved to Ocklawaha, Fla., where she finished her last ten years of teaching at Carver Middle School in Leesburg. Diane is now retired and enjoying her church work, traveling, arts and crafts. She is an avid jewelry maker and still resides in Ocklawaha.

1973ann (Findlay) rouse and robert lepine Jr., were united in marriage on August 3, 2013. The couple resides in Lyndonville, Vt.

1974Jim Fowler of Virginia Beach, Va., is enjoying retirement golfing and doing stained glass.

Paul wheeler was named President of the Vermont State Athletic Director’s Association. He has served as Vice-President for the last two years and this appointment will also be for two years.

1977Carrie (Bingham) Boera completed her studies and is now a Registered Nurse. michael Boera continues his duties as director of Air Force programs at the Pentagon. Both are enjoying life as grandparents now.

1978lynnanne (shene) Ott wanted to thank all her classmates that could attend the 35th reunion in June. It was a great turnout with 27 classmates and friends. She hopes to do it all again at the Lilac Lodge in East Burke for the 40th reunion in 2018.

1987Patrick guckin has been named head coach of the Lyndon Institute varsity boy’s basketball team. He has 13 years of high school basketball coaching experience and has been a longtime teacher and administrator guiding students at LI since 1991.


Julie (williams) and Andy Levering of West Lawn, Pa., announce the birth of their daughter, Avery Virginia Levering on August 26, 2013. She joins sister, Lacey.

Class Notes

the daughters of Julie (williams) levering, lacey and avery

Jamie (royer), ’06 and evan robinson.

Photo by Double Diamond Media.

Page 30: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013


Kevin Hudson graduated from Ohio Diesel Mechanic School in 1992. He worked as a certified diesel technician in the Lyndonville area until 1998, and then he moved to Florida continuing his work in Ocala. In 2009 Kevin moved to Nebraska and married Leslie Dean. They have two children, Kavena and Luke. He joined the US Army in 2010 and is now stationed at Fort Polk, La., where he resides on base with his family.

1992Patrick ely began his new position this fall, as the Principal at the Newark School in Newark, Vt. It is a shared administrative and teaching position with approximately 60 percent of his time as Principal and 40 percent as a teacher. Pat resides in St. Johnsbury with his wife, Joy and three children. Pat is also a veteran of the US Navy and served in the first Gulf war.

Keith Hudson graduated from Sacred Heart University in Connecticut in 1998 and worked in public relations with various companies. He returned to Sacred Heart and completed his Master’s degree in Education in 2010. Keith is currently residing in Connecticut and is employed at Post University.

1996andrew Johnson the former Middlebury skier and two-time U.S. Olympian has been named the new head coach of the Nordic ski program at Middlebury College. For the past three years he has been the assistant coach for the Nordic program at UVM.

2000elly Barksdale and D. steen, ’89, of Lyndon Center, Vt., were united in marriage on August 24, 2013. D. has taken on a new position at LI as the Director of Admissions, while Elly continues working as a dorm parent.


Danielle (John) and Damon Carr, ’04, of East Haven, Vt., were united in marriage on August 3, 2013.

aimee Hopkins and Jason Stanton, announce the birth of their son, Maxson Bradford Charles Stanton on August 10, 2013.

Daniel wheeler started his career, as a physical therapist, at Dan Wyand, P.T. & Associates in St. Johnsbury, Vt. He graduated from UVM with his Doctorate in Physical Therapy in May 2013.

2003amanda (wozniak) and matt Hill, ’06, of Lyndonville, Vt., were united in marriage on August 18, 2013.

michael miller launched a new book for international students in March, 4 Weeks To Your American Dream Job. It hit #1 on Amazon and can be found on Amazon’s website.

melissa (lyford) tinker graduated from Johnson State College on May 18, 2013 with a BA in Business Management. She is currently employed as the Finance Assistant at Community National Bank in Derby, Vt. Melissa resides with her husband, Scott, in Orleans, Vt.

elly Barksdale, D. steen and familyamanda (wozniak), and matt Hill with a li alumni wedding party

melissa (lyford) tinker

Danielle (John) and Damon Carr

aimee Hopkins and maxson stanton

Page 31: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

FALL – wINter 2013 29

2004michelle French and Brandon Mitchell of Lyndon, Vt., announce the birth of their son, Cole Joseph Mitchell on August 10, 2013.

nichole lefaivre is running the full time dance program at Lamoille Union High School.


lindsay Powers and matt Clark, ’97, of Westbrook, Maine, announce the birth of their daughter, Ella Leigh Clark on March 21, 2013.


lyndi (gaskin) and Jason Medico were united in marriage on August 17, 2013. Lyndi has taken on a new position at Northeastern Vermont

Regional Hospital in St. Johnsbury, Vt. The couple resides in Lyndonville, Vt.

Zach newland took fifth place in the 2013 Vermont Amateur Golf Tournament.

Ken Pao of Taipei, China was a gracious host to LI’s administration, faculty and staff members, Pat guckin, ’87, Rick Angell and Brendan Mold last April when they visited China. He graduated from Purdue University in 2010 where he studied Selling and Sales Management. He is currently working as an Associate Consultant at Cornerstone Global Partners, and resides in Shanghai.

Jamie (royer) and Evan Robinson were united in marriage in July 6, 2013. Photo on page 27.

steve shannon is still break dancing professionally and plans to return this fall to work with LI students.

2007grace Cheng of Taipei City, Taiwan, had the opportunity to stay with her extended LI family this summer. She stayed with Frank and Barb (Eaton) Follett, ’68, at their home on Echo Lake in Vermont. Grace graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a degree in Accounting and is currently applying for graduate school.

abby raymond of Philadelphia, Pa., recently accepted a position at The Wharton School as a staff writer in their External Affairs department. She graduated from Ursinus College in 2001 and is engaged to fellow UC alumnus, Christopher Schaeffer.

2008Brenna Banister is part of three dance companies in Boston and teaches Creative Movement classes to young children.

Jake gorham and Chelsea McDowell of West Burke, Vt., announce the birth of their son, Gracen Jacob Gorham on May 29, 2013.

lindsay Powers, matt Clark and ella leigh Clark

lyndi (gaskin) and Jason medico Photo by Double Diamond Media

Chelsea mcDowell , Jake gorham and gracen Jacob gorham

grace Cheng with former dorm parent Frank Follett

Pat guckin, Ken Pao, rick angell, and Brendan mold

Page 32: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013


2009Caleb Burrington received a BA in Architectural Studies from Norwich University in May 2013, and is continuing his education to receive a MA in Architecture. He is currently one of the students driving a project to design, build and operate a solar powered house. A team of 28 Norwich University students are designing and building the Delta T-90, a solar house for the common man. Norwich University is competing next year in a major international competition. the house must be finished by July and shipped to Irvine, California in time for the October competition. If you would like to read more on the Solar Decathlon Project go to

DistinguisHeD alumna awarD 2013

agnes sears, Class of 1943, has been a loyal Class Secretary serving her school and her classmates for the past 70 years. Not only has she organized the traditional fifth year reunions for her class but starting in 2004 she began coordinating an annual reunion for the Class of 1943. 70 years of dedication puts Agnes among Lyndon Institute’s longest serving Class Secretaries.

LI is not the only organization Agnes has made long standing commitments to over the years. She was also honored by the Lyndonville Rotary Club in May 2013 for being associated with their club for some 40 years and serving as pianist for at least 18 of those years.

The Distinguished Alumna Award was established to honor those individuals who have rendered meritorious service to the community, the nation, the school or who has achieved outstanding distinction in a profession or business.

Thank you Agnes for your continued support!

career at the Lyndon Town School teaching eighth grade science this fall.

evan sherbrook graduated summa cum laude from the University of Vermont with a BS in Organic Chemistry in May 2013. He received the Hannah Howard prize, which is awarded to undergraduate senior(s) achieving the highest GPA while enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences on a full-time basis. Evan has been accepted to the Ph.D. program in the Chemistry department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Danyelle shufelt was chosen as the Great Northeast Athletic Conference Woman of the Year. She graduated in May with a BS in Biology/Pre-Physician Assistant from St. Joseph’s of Maine. She finished her softball career as the Monk’s all-time leader in games and at bats and ranked second in team history in hits. By earning the GNAC Woman of the Year honor, Danyelle is now a candidate for NCAA Woman of the Year. The award honors graduating student-athletes who have distinguished themselves throughout their collegiate careers in the areas of academic achievement, athletics excellence, community service and leadership.

travis Courser graduated with honors from Unity College in Maine. He received the Unity Integrity Award and was selected to the Loon Society for academics and community involvement. Travis is the US Collegiate Stihl Lumberjack Runner-up. He began his teaching

agnes (Croft) sears, ’43, accepts the honor of being named lyndon institute’s 2013 Distinguished alumna.

travis Courser

Caleb Burrington

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FALL – wINter 2013 31

tim simpson graduated in May 2013 from the New England School of Communications in Bangor, Maine, earning a BS in Communications.

2011madison Benoit entered this fall semester as the Vice President of Johnson State College’s Dance Ensemble. Not only is she involved in this elite group of dancers and is now leading the team, but she was given the opportunity to branch out her knowledge and expertise of dance, psychology and education with other students. This fall she began

incorporating her passion for dance into her new job as a Peer Mentor. This is an on campus job where she will be mentoring students who have disabilities through Movement Therapy.

sally simons is currently attending Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, Pa. She is the winner of a $1,000 Tractor Supply Company Scholarship. The TSC Scholarship program was established to reward the outstanding accomplishments of the sons and daughters of their employees.

megan (Vallancourt) and Daniel allard Jr., ’10, of Lyndonville, Vt., announce the birth of their daughter, Brooklyn Grace May 30, 2013. She joins brother, Bentley.

2012taryn Colby is attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa through the National Student Exchange program at Johnson State College. While there she will be studying Elementary Education and Dance.

army PVt Jered Hall graduated from Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

army PVt Zachary weisinger graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.

2013Jordin newland and Uriah Cochran of Lyndonville, Vt., announce the birth of their daughter, Gracelyn Louise Cochran on August 16, 2013.

We take pride in the accomplishments of our alumni and look forward to hearing from you. Please share your recent activities (career advancement, honors, publications, appointments, etc.) with us. We welcome newspaper clippings, press releases, and pictures. If you would like to share your news with us, please e-mail [email protected] or mail to: Melissa Hall, Lyndon Institute, PO Box 127, Lyndon Center, VT 05850

Be sure to include your e-mail address, if applicable, so we can contact you.

Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeast United States and boasts roads so steep few drivers dare to climb it. On August 4, 2013, Jeff Cleveland, ’95 reached the summit of the mountain in a wheelchair, up nearly eight miles of road to the 6,288 foot peak. Jeff, who suffered a spinal cord injury in a motorcycle accident at 16, left the base at 5:00 am with a team of supporters, shown here, and climbed with five other adaptive athletes as well as over 100 supporters to reach the highest point in the Northeast. The 4th Annual Sunrise Ascent of Mount Washington, organized by Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country, raised over $60,000 in support of people with disabilities. steven legge, Jr., ’07, and mallory Jacob, ’09, participated as support members for Bella Hibbard who made her third ascent of the mountain.

Jeff Cleveland and friends at the summit of mt. washington.

Page 34: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013


ethel (alger) Jenkins, ’36, of Lyndonville, Vt., on July 30, 2013.

In Memoriamit is with sorrow that the alumni association records the deaths of the following alumni.

we extend our deepest sympathies to the families of these individuals.

leona m. Hebert, ’37, of Lyndonville, Vt., on July 5, 2013.

Kenneth r. wheeler ’38, of Honolulu, Hawaii on August 20, 2013.

russell “skip” Chase, ’40, of Orlando, Fla., on April 16, 2013.

Barbara (Kellaway) Hudson, ’43, of Lyndonville, Vt., on February 18, 2013.

thelma (Pearce) laplant, ’46, of Lyndonville, Vt., on August 11, 2013.

Harley J. Hubbard, ’54, of Lyndonville, Vt., on June 27, 2013.

Barbara “Jean” ruggles, ’56, of Derby, Vt., on July 16, 2013.

gretchen (Jannell) Fisher, ’58, of Marblehead, Mass., on January 25, 2013.

Kermit a. weed, ’68, of West Burke, Vt., on July 28, 2013.

reginald O. Chamberlain Jr., ’73, of Wilmington, N.C., on October 3, 2012.

rodger t. noyes, ’76, of Lyndonville, Vt., on July 4, 2013.

nicholas “nick” lavrov Jr., ’78, of Springtown, Texas, on August 5, 2012.

Kathy l. wagner, ’80, of Salem, Va., on July 8, 2013.

Keisha a. gingras, ’11, of Sheffield, Vt., on June 14, 2013.

alumni and friends desiring more complete information or a copy of an obituary can contact the alumni office at 802 626-9096.

Page 35: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

109th riValry gameHOmeCOming weeKenD 2013

li 63 sJa 29

we were pleased to welcome back our alumni majorettes and band members.

Page 36: Lyndon Institute Alumni Newsletter fall/winter2013

Visit the alumni section on our website for details!

FriDay, DeCemBer 13, 2013

Burlington Social – Courtyard Burlington Harbor Hotel

FriDay, DeCemBer 27, 2013Hockey Night Social at The Pizza Man

saturDay, DeCemBer 28, 2013Alumni Hockey Game – Fenton Chester Ice Arena

FriDay, FeBruary 28, 2014Moonlight Snowshoe & Bonfire – Burke Mountain

saturDay, marCH 1, 2014Burke Mountain Ski & Ride ($40 lift tickets!)

saturDay, marCH 22, 2014Radisson Resort Orlando – Celebration, Florida

sunDay, marCH 23, 2014Cove Cay Country Club Clearwater, Florida

saturDay, aPril 12, 2014 Westin La Paloma Tucson, Arizona

FriDay, may 30, 2014

5th Annual Independence Fund Golf Tournament at the St. Johnsbury Country Club

may 30 – June 1, 2014Alumni Weekend

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P.O. Box 127168 Institute CircleLyndon Center, VT 05850

Golf Tournament

Moonlight Snowshoe


Alumni Hockey


Alumni weekend

2013-2014 regiOnal reuniOns/alumni eVents