lwl ~ ''' '¦'''sMpMf &ut W&i v i • RAILWAYS

" THE WATERPOBD NEWS. " ' S8TABI.raHJ5B—1847.- •¦ ¦ . '• .: ' . - LARGEST CIRCOLATION IN THK SOOTH or I RELAND, r«Ui ' »hfi orcri) FR1DAX £«nitvj at No. », Xi«j-S(rr«l , ; (orrosirE THK raovraciu BAHX). PRICE—THREE PENCE ; Yearly (iu Advance), 13a. ; By Post (Yearly), 15s., in 'Advance. - AOKXTB TOR S ALE OP ,THE NEWS . WATERFORD—Mr. W. 'KKLLT J Little- Gcorgo ' s-st. TRAMOEE—Mis* CLANCT V Refreshment ' Rooms ' , in Strand-street. _ ' ' .1 . . ' " ¦ . ' ) ' . ' . ¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ PASSAGE EAST—The Misses Lovje/Hotcl , S quare. ¦. CARSICK-ON-SUIR—jur J. M. MTJBPHT , News Agent LONDON—(For Advta.) Mr. WrLMAV^AEBoti,^ 123 ' / Loughboro' -road (North) Britten. ' ' . i- DUBLIN—AdTe ' rtiiring.Agcnta ; Measrs. W. H. Surra & Sox, Abboy-stropt. ' DUNGABVAN—MT V EDWABD BEKNNAN, Stationer, &c, Post and Telegrap h Office , The S quare. KTLKEJTNT—lirl ¦ Josof JfMtPHTy Ro««' Inn- ' stietjt. CASTLECOMEB—Mr. J. HOLOHAN, Majn, -street. ,c< EStfEnnnuro WUl' H^WCOJ^jaST'ire* ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ .] : ¦ : ^^^^^^ mW 0 ¦ ' Milford Haven. In connection with the "WATXRTORD and LTMKBICK and WATEWOBD & CXHTBAI . IBBIARD LINIS. ' . Shortest Bout© and Reduced Far«B. "lr-— |- jj\ Ezprets Trains and New New Fast ^ S *V*V9HQ QEB^^* Jfixil Steamers. ¦ (Conveying - Passengers and Cargo only) every Week Day. No CATTLE , SHEEP. or HGS, Carried by UHMW Boot*. DOWN.LKAVS LONDON (Paddington) at 5.15 p.m., and AKBIVS AT WATKKroTD (weather and circ ums tan ces permi tting) abont oloTen a.ni., in timo for the Trains on tho . Waterford and Limerick and Central Ireland lines. ' UP. Leava Waterford at 4. 30 p:m., on Arrival of , 11.20 a.m Train from Limerick, and 10 , 35 a.m. Train from Maryborough , ABKIVIKO in LON-, DON (weather and ciroumstanccs permitting) at 12.10 noon , following day. ¦ :. . - No Cargo oan bo received ¦ ¦ on board - after 4.15 p.m., when the stages will be removed , to enable the Steamers to depart PONCTUAXLY at the appointed time. ¦ $3B" S pecial Boats will (weather and circumstances permitting) sail with live Stock from Waterford to New Milford on snch days as may bo required. ¦ For'hoars of Sailings, 4c , nee special Bills. FARES— WATERFORD AND LONDON : SIMOLE( available for 5 Days) 1st Class and Saloon, 46a Od " " 2nd Class and Saloon , 85s 6d " •• ¦ 3rd Class and ForeCabin. 20s Od RimjBNB (available for 2 months) lstJClass & Saloon , 76a " " " 2nd Class «fc Saloon 59s. . " " 3rd Class and Fore Cabin , 33a 6d. Further information can bo obtained from Mr. J. M. D0WMKT , Railway Terminus, Limerick; Mr. W. D. Me- NAJCAKA , Adcl phi Wharf, Waterford. Tho REDUCED FABSB between other important Stations , tho Time Tables , and Through Bates for Goods, Ac., can be obtained of Mr. W. J. BU8S * LL, the Great Western Railway Company' s District Agent, Adelphi Wharf, Waierford. . . . J. GE1ESSON, General Manager. Paddington Terminus: - - j7.tf SATIOSAI. LINE to BTEW TOBK , LAEGEST PASSENGER STEAMSHIPS. Shi ps ' Ton* Ship$ ¦ Tons EGYPT , ' Grog&n 5061 E NOLAND , Thompson...4900 SPAIN, Grace 4000 THE QUEEN, Bragg...4441 ITALY, TyebBtCT....:4302 HOLLAND , Simpson...3847 FBANOB, "Altr6e^. ~357r ^EEIN;Spenoer. " ....:. . ";:n3956 CANADA,- Stunner; 3500 H* LV * TIA, Thomson, 3974 OBEECE, Andrevrs , 3500 DENMABK. Williams , 3723 From L JTXBPOOI, to NKW YOBK every Wednesday. From Q TJBKNBTOWN , THTTHSDAY ; from London to Nxw YOBX every SATURDAY. Saloon Fares , 10, 12, and 15 Guineas, according to ac- commodation. Betnrn Tickets, 24 and 22 guineas. Steerage to New York, Boston, and Philadelphia and Baltimore, £6. -' . - ¦ . / . . ¦ \i Superior accommodatiou and abondance of Fresh Pro- visions. ' Apply to tho National Steamship Company (Limited), ; . 23 , Water-street , Liverpool. :. SOLE AGKNT SOU WATERFOBD : ¦ , ¦ JEREMIAH MGKFHT , Barronseraod-sireefc " 3. M. MTJBPHYrCarrick-on^Sulr ' - HICHABDLDNDT, Main-gfrect , do/ ; BICHARD PHKLAN , Brown-street , Portlaw ; WILLIAM FOBBISTAL, Grocer , New Boss ; PATRICK LANOAV , Bonmahon ; J OSEPH MEANT, Gro- cer , Dnnga rvan ; or to N. and J. CUMMINS and'BBos., Queenstown. . AMERICAN LINE. -v_ T . UNITED STATES MAIL «K^^T^V STEAMERS , "¦"^ TfiiTlfH— TnTfirr^<*1 to Philadelphia . EVEBY WEDNESDAY. Calling at Qucen . stown every Thursday. First-class Full-powered Iron Steamshi ps are appointed to Sail :— . ILLIONIS July 4 INDIANA July 25 LOBD CLIVE 11 ' ¦ . •• Ang 1 PHIB... " 18 PENNSYLVANIA .,, , 8 No intermediate Passengers carried on voyages marked thus* ' < ¦: .. - .. . The on\y Trans-Atlantic lino Bailing under the Uni- ted States Flair, and carrying tho American Eafts for saving life, besides tho uxual complement of Lifeboats, and an extra number of lif e Preservers. Tho , accom- modation for all classes or passengers is equal to any of the European Steamshi p lines. Every 8teamor camea a Surgeon and Stewardess. ' ' ' ¦ ' ' Paniengers and goods are landed at Philadelp hia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which DM the shortest and most direct route to all places in th« Western States. •• Patsengers by this line can pass direct into the Bad- road Cars without leaving the Landing Wharf,- and nn- dcr the same roof, there- are Refreshment Booms, Uni- ted States Letter Box, Telegraph Office, Exchange Of lice, and Baggage Express Office. ' - ¦ . "; C ABIN PASSAGE , 10 to 18 guineas. Rctarn Tickets at redneed rates. ¦ ' ¦ ' : STXIBAOE PASSAGE as low as by any other fast line, including an ampl q supp ly of good Provisions. Steer- age Passengers are ' forwarded to New York or ' Boston without additional ieharg e. - ¦ ¦ ¦ < ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦: IMTSBXEDIATB PASSAOE, inclnding Beds , Bedding, and all necessary Utensils and separate Table , JE8 8s. ' App l y in Philadelp hia to PETZB WEIGHT * Sossy General Agents, 3q7 , Walnut-street ; in Oneenstown , to N. & J. CUMMINS & BBOTBXBS ; and in Iiverpoool ,. to BICHABDSON, 8PENCE 4 Co., - ._tf... - „. . . 17and l9 .Water-»treet ; ,. JOHN DEVEBEUX , Quay, Waterford. ¦,;i WILLIAM WIGHTMAN, Kwtcr.st.,;W* ,: 1 " ' ¦ Custom-house OuayyWateriord. •'• THE IRISH BOATS ! WHITE STAB LINE' . UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS, 5, 000 Ton*:Burthen. 3, 000 Eone-power , •^pm ^?m '' Xdverpool lor ' How York ^HBisf Mm- every Thursday ; From QUEENSTOWN (Cork) every FBIDAY , , . . : . I forwarding ¦ Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada , Returning from New York every Saturday. The well-known fast Mail Steamer* ot this lino, all eotwtrtuitod by Messrs. HABLAMD A WOLFS, of Bel- fast , tako the Lane Routes , recommended by Lieut. HACBT, on both Ontward and Homeward Passages. .They sail as wider :—s I .. . From Liv»*POOL, s— " ' ¦ ADBJATIC i ... Thntadayi ... 28th June . : i BRITANNIC... Thursday. it . July 5«» ' I ; FBOkC NIW TOBK ! ¦ j ADRIATIC ! .„ Satnrday, ... July 9th \ V j BBTTANIC l ... . Saturday, ... Julj lCth. ';. . ' Thes« new and sp lendid vessels rednoe the puagci to the shortest possible time, and afford to Passengers the highest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at sea- - ! Average Passage, in Summer , 81 days ; Winter, W j days. . Each Teasel is constracted in 7 waters-tight ' compartments, i »\ i ' . - ¦ ' - > \ Th^STssBAOM are unusually spacious , well-lighted , ventilated , and warmed , and Passengers of this class receive the utmost civility and attention. An unlimited supply of Cooked Provisions. Medical comforts free of charge. Stewardesses ;in" Steerage to attend the Women and Children. SteerageFare at Seduced Bate. For freight and further particulars , .apply at the Offioea of the . Company, 37, Broadway, New York j In Qnsenatown; to JAMM S COTT A Co; ii or ¦ • • ' ' IBMAYj MBIE *Co.; 10 , WateMtroet , Liverpool , ' end 34; _Lead«nhaU-«trflet , ' London. E.C f &O-ti JAMES Ei^NESgY.GTt^O^etf^WMorford. JOHN WALL, Jnn., Duagvvan. : ¦ ¦ ¦•> ¦¦ •¦ ¦ JOHN HOLOHAN. Caitleco iner. ' : ' " ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ JAMES ¦WATTS , Bonmahon. ., - ,•/. , OABBICK.ON.BXriEr BMIGBA TlOVjOmqs^ GOVERNMENT : EMIG R AT ION TO NEW ZEALAND , QUEENSLAND , * CAtfADJU TTIBKI PASSAGES to NEW ZEALAND grsntM JO . , to eli gibleAppIicanti: , ASSISTED PA8SAGK8 Granted to. CANADA. (ParticnUri of which canbe bad on appplieitioti to J- II. Ui'9* . ir , AguA. : ' .) J ' ^ < ?: Btcamri tof Neif York tWic« » ' *«k , Xrom Qneen*. . town , Lirerpool , Dorrr, Dablio/OWgowj «sd Loiidoa, JtriUlMi Bblpi ban Lirerpool Bnd'LondonW Au ' U^ Md Qaa^dind obo-inSatli. - -3 ^1 '' ' '' ' ¦ 'T "" ' ^£W»ilon Offlde—43 MEW LAHB , 0ABEI0K- .0H.BTOB. I i j»>.tf.] m" -t .l ¦ ¦ ' :| ¦ ¦ lwl ' : ~ '' ' ' ¦ '' 'sMp Mf &ut W&i v i " OLYDE SHIPPINO f COMPAIPrf ¦ - ., ...; - . ¦ :,¦¦ ¦ JVW . i Wi- ! . ¦> ' ¦ *¦' f ??^<^-^ ' ¦ ¦ ! ' , .. ' ¦ ¦ ~;- <t <" <- -L nTT" r)-;; - ' ii *:>jWf r > ' ¦ ¦>. '• < ¦ < , i . Regular, Si«pn»|.Oo5»ijntim. eoKo» tttyjc cn. ^ WATEBPOBioi. J ' »ndL;j lL '6' H VO. ' X^ Via Sontham ptoif and Loadbnj) and South We stern u ; ¦ . ; ! ¦ Bailway. . ¦Ai.ii ' . ^l ^^ls ' r. htv^ PLYUODTHlXDiSOWBAirPTOM , A»»- SOUTH XNO- ' ^AHD, CX)BBypDtmL^3ELFi^T . Aiin .apB^pyr v^- ^a^ gjfclt^f-' j Bgfiss.TVDBR' cgwwtffi;'^5cic ' are ' btt eniea to fM^Se^^^p^tt^a^' w- vented I? uufotejtan efa«tan»taM«iV WW lflwrty W , W«r VewBlf , 1 and' to ^Ftt ^Tvi^ s^ Ur si^otdBV. tu 'o» on! of jtba va*Unmei?BoaM^i»MieimHM UUKhut* CkrnO , or for an/other p«po«» ' .whiJ|n9<^« ,,, { <^^>. «!; (..wST-, FiWar , ^-/ iflth. ' ¦ ,, ' 1; p.m., : .. vIaCorka»i4B<afc*t. : 8»«oid»r, <in" . " «hihi.j ' vu'i. ' j! 6 Ip.ut^/ vl« Belia>k>r, 5)»f : JCftMajr^vVtkib^A^^rv»ilp»pi«iit~T»a"l>o*aicf 1 ** *- 't. WadcexUT. 18th .. 1 cm.. ria Co rk.' nwJinu*/, loui ,, & y. m.i im \^ VAK . TrUnr , 30th 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast. - > Satardsy, Zlst S' p,ta., via B«Uut Tuesday. 34th . 1 pjn., ria. Dublin. Wadnoaday, 2Sth ,. 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, 27th 1 p.m., via Cork and BeUott. Saturday, 28th 6 p. m., via Belfast. Tnecdar, 31st ,, . ' 1 p.m., via Dublin, nux ousoow TO WATSiroaD.. ¦ ' ¦¦ Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, andFBIDAY , at2 p.B ' ' Caledonian Ttmm to 'Oremock at d p.m. ' : Nora—The Steamer on Friday roe* via Cork. ' nox wirauosD TO BUTAST . Eierj FBIDAY. via Cork . > I ¦ . . . . at 1 p.m. Erery SATURDAY , direct ;. , ,..; . -> , . . at S p-1 "- , , BIUAST TO wtTnrOBD, direct. Erery THtTBSDAY, also . MONDAY, 9th asdS3nl July. ¦ nw>i« wATxarosn TOD OBI.IV, diieot. Every TUESDAY, - - - at 1 p.m. muk TO wAjxBJuui , VIA cosx. . . ¦ : ; Xvery : aATUBDAY.. i . ¦ no *. wJL Ttnrona TO COM. Every WEDNESDAY - . - at 1 p.m. Etery FBIDAY, ' . -' ¦ ' * ' : ' at l p.m. : - ' Vnon Couc TO 'WATBaiois , direct. ' Ereiy HONDAY. , , ¦ . ; ,: . . - , . T?ArXBTOIU> 10 I/OSDOf. . ¦ Steamer to Southampton , thence by. London sad South Western Boflwar to Nine ElnU Btoaon. at Throorh Bate* , Eisry SATOBDAY, and on WEDNESDAYS , 11th and SSth Jol /, at •p.m. I/OHDOH- TO WiTOltromD—E'erj TUESDAY, i - Goods received at any ot the Becelring Bonsea of the London and South Western Ballmy Company, and at Nine Elms Station; opl t6'039 .fejn. v , ¦ ¦ ' »- (ri ' .i: " ¦ l .3- ' ¦ ¦ WARJUOBD TO Pimopra , direct. > Erery 8ATDBDAT, and on WEDNESDAYS , 11th and 25th July, at * P-m. ¦ ' . PtTKOCTS TO WAixaroiD , direct, ¦ ' - . . Ererjr TBIDAY, at8 p.ni. : : . 1 WATXBIOBO TO SoBTHiMrroK .ivu PLTMODTH , Every SATUBDAY . and on WEDNESDAYS , Uth and 25th July, at 4 p.m. . S OTTIIHJTOH TO WATzaroaD , ni 1 PITHODTH, Every WEDNESDAY , at Noon. These Steamers hare excellent accommodation for Passengers. PASSAOE-MONEY. .. ¦ . Cabin. ' Betorn. Deok. Wlterford to Glasgow and Belfast ¦ 17s. ' 6d. 25s. 10a. Cork »s. 14«. 5e. Dnbllfl. ..; 10s. " ' 15s. 6s. . Flnnontu & Sonthampton , 20s, ' . 30t. 10s.' . ,. ' London , ... ... . 25s. . ... Us. Children above 3 and nadar 12 yean of age. Half Fare. «- Ncm. —Th* Clyde Sliipplar Coapanr Insure all Goods shipped hy these lines ot Steamers at 3* id per cent, to Traders having yearly agreements , and 5s. par Cent to occasions] Shippers. Values to be deolared at time of Shipment. Forms andaU intozmution to be nad at the offices, r For Bates of Freight , Ac., . appl y, to—J" ..C. Puxxxroir , Belfast ; B EVBT J. WAXIRO A Co., Plymouth ; H. W. Wnuuu , London and South-Western Bailwar Company, Exeter Buildings, 'Arthur Street , West , and at the L. 4 8.W. Baflrray Beoeiring' Houses thronghont LondoAi CtTDS BHIrrjxo Co., Glasgow , Qtvenock; 2. Qneen-street, Ximeriik ; Bonthampton;. 27 Eden . Qnay, .DnbUn i and Patiiok' s Quay, Cork. CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY, .,, Custom House Quay. Waterford. ¦ S pecial forms of Bills.ot Lading required b y the Clyde Shipping Company to be htd of the Agents. ¦ Waterford Steamshi p Company (LOOTED). ' - ¦ ¦ , ¦ INTENDED OBDEB' ' OP SAILING—JULY , 1877. STHAMEE8 t ' ' GIPSY, LABA . ZEPHYB , and APOLLO , or CLIO. v , «*. ;¦¦ ¦VTO TIOE. —Thp Watorford ^qaBBBBB^Hv^ -1^> Steamship Company (Limited) ¦~K WJ»K\J |VV leceira Goods for Shipment on . the ^ aa tsSHBBoBa» ' oUowill f Terms ¦ pnl y . —They reserve the right to carry by any, sot by porUenlar Vessels , with liberty to tow Sups , and call at ouwr Pprts. and will not be accountable for Injuries or losses arising from delay. Accidents o( the Sws , Blrers, Fin; tha Queen' s Enemies , Defective Natigation, or Accidents from any other cause , nor for any loss which might have boenfeovered- .bylnsuranoe , nor for Leakage , Breakage, Condition , Quality, or Contents of any Parcel* , or Packages; unless specially entered and ad-valorem Freight paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the rlak snd expense ot the Consignees. All Goods will be considered u subject to a general lieo, and held not only for freight ot the same bat /or all arrears ol Freight , Storage , or other charges due by-the importer . Owner , or- Cpaxi gooes , to the Company: In order to Insure ' Punctun! Sailings . Slippers will pfcnofl take notice, that all Goods , most' be oa ooaid Two Hoars and all Cattle at least One Hour before the advertised time of 8aillng; and the Company will not be responsible for the Carriage of , or Injury or Delay to, any Cattle or Goods not so delivered to them on board their Ships. WATEBFOBD AND BBI8TOL. ' - nOX WATXBfOXD to SXIST0L , ; 7B0> BB1SIOL to WATIXIOXO , Direct : . , Direct j ... ., Tuesday, Jnly 3...13 noon. ' IThunday, July S...12 noon Tuesday, 10... 7 monilng Thursday, ¦ 12.:. 7 morninf Tnawlar, - ' 17...U: noon' I Thnraday, Ii 19 .lt noon; . : Tuesday, 24... 7 morning iThureday, 29... 7 morning ¦ nosdnT. 31:..12 noon. ' . ITharaday, Aug. 2.1.10 morning "Ts ' -: " i ¦ ¦¦ ¦••¦ APorjxj oB Ciror'^^ "" " ¦¦ rsox wATCxroao TO nntn i r«o» IBISTOL TO vunnu . .Direct. '¦ CalUng at Pembroke Dock., . Friday, Jul y 8 ... 31 Aft'n Tuesday, July 8 .. 10 Hotn *&. . .. ^ •••'"-te;.-.^;;;: ?:^ •a* On early Moip lng SaQbgt, Cabins or Ute ' stesasrs win be open to x«oetve Passengers arrirlag from London by the fLrht Mall Train. * ~ ¦ - vj*- ;. ¦ Cabin Fare , Us. j Servants (travelling with ' FimffieJ) and Children , 10s.: ' Betnrn ilo! '(availaUe for two months); 25s. Cbildrea under Twelve , Us.), or with libtrty to return bom hiblia , Cork , or Wexfonl , SCs. (Cbildren mdar twelve, &* .) lUnrard' s fee included. Deck, 7s. M. Females attend the Lsdies' CsUn. " > ''" ..; ' ¦ I. " Extenaon of iTinie granted on all Betorn TiefcsU oo the ' ¦ Following terms:— :i:U . ' ' - - For a Fortnight , 3s. Sd., and for tnerj subseauent week, 2s. . WATEBFOBD AND IIVEBPOOL. rxo« wiriBJWBiT . 'T' S ' -L ^>' wm ' -£ivx>i»oofci J Houdsy.l Uulyl i ... 8tAft ' nUonday, Jul y » ... t Aft' n W.3SS&y. , « - •WwjtaAfr 7 ;l 4 ^ 3 Aft' , "rlday, i, ..• 9 Morn ' Friday, , t., 6 ... 6 . Mora fonday, ¦ " ' " 8 ...WUttVMonday, 1 ' ' ,, »'.;:• » Mori WedSSuay, . U .. ' . tArtJutWedaeiuay, ^ Uf:..10Hotm ftSayT^ , " , 13 + . 1 Affn FrSayT^ . " , 13 ...12 Noon Sudsy. » % SlAIfn Monday. .. K ¦ ••• 2 42' a WednSav, .7 18 ..J 8 Morn Wednesoay, < 18 ..: «'Atf» rXurT J ' 20 ... 8 Mora Friday, 20 ... 9 Mora Wednesday. 25 ... 1 Aft' n Wednesday, . » . .•¦» »»» ¦ rlday, ; ,, ' *> V..U N°<>» **•»/. ' ' ,. *7 , :.U Morn fondsy, V. SO „. SlAtt' n Monday, : ., » ' .;.-1 Aff ri Cobfi Fare , 17s. 6d; ServanU (travelliug with families) and Children , 10s ; Dock , 10s- 1 Chndren , Ss. , : ,. ;,-!¦: Females attend the Ladle* CaUn. Goods reedted at'CUr- ence Dock , LlrerpooL ¦ ' ¦ '¦ : : 1 WATEBFOBD AN D DTJ N O AB V AW. . WxmiOMD TO DWOABVAB : I DtW8ABTA» TO WATXB1OBDI ( Monday, July 2 ... 1 Alfn ' Tuesday, . July , 3 ... 1 Aft n rednSiay, 4 ... * Atfn'Thursday, ,, ' 5' .;. 9 Mom , FrfdayT^ ,, « - ¦ ¦* Alt' nISaturta/. ' 7 ...HBMorn Sndsy, » ...U MomTuesday. , 10 .;. ' fJAft' ii ^SnSday. U :..1« Noon' ThurSiy; 12 ... 4 AfVn HJ . . 1.1 .. i Aft' n Saturday. .. 14 ... 7 Morri Friday. 13 ... » Affn Saturday, 14 . ' .. . 7 gwH SnSr , ;;- .-I«v.<eAlfnTtasday, . ,. 17 ...»Mom Vedneiiay. 18,,.., * AffnThnrsdiy, , 19 ... 9 Mora FrtdsyT ^ ;;.ao ... . ' 4 Affnflsturdsy. ( ,,. 21 ... 13 Noon t^dky. 83 ...11 Momffr esdsy. ; , '».» «»« Wednesday, M f M-...I* NoonlThaisday; ' M . ! *^t^ londay, ¦ 30 ... 8 Att ' nTuesdaT , „. $1 ... 7 Aft « ^ Faox WATxiroa» ^ft«ny;' 8uiiaays exeep tei' atS^p.m. ; •Fao« NEW Boss^-Dauy, Sundays txeep&d , at »45 a.m. j VjiTESrOlD AND ' DUXCAWXOV. . ' Fao« WATBBTOBO Dally; Sowlays exeeptod , at SM p.m. I ' FEOBI Vncunm—Vtiij, Sundays exeepted , st 8.15 ajn. ; | Berths secured and every Information g iven by Age a«»«t i BaisTov-Thfli Otaersl Steam Packet OflloMS W«2!S!J5 BraoABViJt Mr. Ti ' Dowooy, Msfa^treetr l-jjw^r Waterford StMmihlp. Company (LtnuUd), ' 33 Brabswiefc street, Washington Biuldmgs , sod at the Company ' s Offlees, In MAU , Wjuxxroxn... . >. ;. . . , , , ;„ ¦ , . . ¦ !.; j " , 1-i •(! ¦; . ! i, ProftMor: CJJSS$, qR'a ^ SEVi0 ' " , - . i ti T Have Anal jr«d k epeofmen ' of Messri. AILHAI , JL , * CO. ' B WBIBKSS, forwarded U>. mf to that purpose b y ' Mr. ' 1 Cn»i«TOpn«« WOOD*., . « .1 * . i\ good old Wbldcey, f ree from Fnsel Oil and other im. pnritio) , and potaetned p( an exceHtnt flavpQaDd gowl arcma. ' ' " '¦ ' . :. . . .. -•; " ¦ •: ;. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ _ . " ¦ ¦ ¦ , " OHAELKP Ai OAMEBON, MJ)., Pwf«f«»[ . in the Bojsl Crtlego or,8ttrgopM f-M««e»l ¦ : ' Offletr.pf Health;«n4AD«Jy«t fpr)lW>U«. "To Mr. CHSJSTOBBK * WOODI , I -ir,i;:i ivr ii ,'<' *0'J Wine Merobant , 8, Cook-street, Cork, ''J •. «1> BILE , vrnxi, imimoriov.^. } ' " . ;?-:.. ' i -- i: ¦'" ; ¦ ' ¦ ¦ "- ' :^. -*"^ fc '(^V/' . ' -M'V DE. - KlNa-8 TILLS.^mf Tiro 'Moaloinef '^r :: act npon the lira^ons is MercprTDr Bloe rah the other I^eUon.^fBoMSS of ObBtttuttoni^ ^ hart beendcrtrojedb y Mercurjv Bhw rfiJi -JLSsSSftV'i.ff «^.fcare - riftdyjtt DBi 'ifaNO'SpDi»DEiaa8' Utt HJmiNB , JJVEB HLL8, ' whiDh| iM*i!reiy I^Xi? :Hndige«ai5 K*H»ada^ ijBTTonBii^/nd •" *K order. tt J&»stonuvoFSd bbwoli. ' 1«) l, d.i »' *ft if «; a«4Uiu r ptt . b()x;.of ;»iIjBedl<»ap.iendor».. r ^j »5a OF all lriDd8 , i ttritet^:*iUi<Tie»taei*i«nd *n ¦ |. « , Klmj^Ueet , Watwfort.]. ' ¦ . i RAILWAYS ; WATEBFOBD AND ' CfiNTBAL IE EL AND AND KILKKNNT. JUNCTION SAILWATS; -" - i . ' .The shortest route from Watertord and Kilkenny to Dublin, Atblona, Portnmma II ParsQnstbwn > , or Nanog h.Ji.tia Hary- boroughl ryAvTt/ijLtTri ilJU?Z %r? ¦ Improrod quick and through dally, communication between Maryborough , and other stations , to Waterford , thence rii New Milford to London , and all Stations on tbe Great Weot- erni Bailway of England. | »EO* wATiETOnp. " " r " ¦ -.•*'-* - ' ¦ '• ¦ ' - ' i , ' : niin o»i imx 'im:i' tiiinmV. ! STATIOSB " . iaft3 ' l4 v 2 lSisliA- 'a 12 3 j ' 1 a d ... s ' ,. . ".- . . Class Clsss Class. Class. Class. Class. ; , j , . , *•?• ' . ?• * r.». I ».K. ' noon p.«. L. i I ¦ ' I hm h. ni. lh.ln. h.m. hV in.I him!' WttUrford , departure 1 7 15' 1 l 0 4 : 0 ¦ ' —• 18 9 B 30': KUBJWOW. 7 . 25. 1 .10 .4 10 -r Uja.7 . 0 MuTunavat':..v.. ' , ' .:.,:.V. 7S5 '- ¦ '<» ?*- WO^tU) Ball jhaleL...... [.. 7J5 135 4*0 . ' ;— , . U;W<.7 30 , Thbmsstown 8 ' 10 ISO ' 4 K " —• " rT 7 M Beonetshrjd ge;... ' .,. - ... 8 25• * ' rS 6"3 ; ~' L40 ,8 6 . Kilkenny...... _^iTiTU 8 40 2 20 5 20 . 1.4« 8tS l^Do i :' . - .., '7.departtir« ! 8 85 ;2'30 '6 80 j ^-: 1 ' ¦ ¦ ¦litO >~8 8S 1 - AttanagS ..... v.i:;. ' ,?B . 'ff ' SS '8^' t?b l^ l tVf* ' S 1 M«TTboro ' ..;...»rrtTaJ 10 10 3 85 $ . 45 t—^ Jx£jDu&j*Hi Marytatoag tt. 'd«iijn lfl M. 14'iB 1 . KM- I 2>V JJI MKH:' /! fonaxUkrtonJna a. Uyll' 4 17 8'7 <—¦ ^ t43 ¦— <¦ •- Ihiblm3v.. l .;.;.urlvsl 1 15' 5 40 ; Il0'0' ' Ij S - Athlone . June arrlr . 4 45 8;30 . ,, . . .: Maryboro ' dei. down 10 SO ' 7 11 .' ' 9 S2; 52 Boll ybrophy. 10 &S . - , 748 . 10 25T 10 « Boscm . 11 34 8 3 Fanonstown ;...:. 12 4 9 0 •— . —' ' Porhunna 12 44 9 40 I Neoagh...,:; :..,..... 12 2S 9 20 ' ' ' Teinp lemore 118 . 8 17 10 54, 10 54 Thurles arrival 1 88 8 S5 11 1S> 11 13 TO WATXarOBB. : TBAIHS OX WXXK SATS. BBKD1TJ sTinoits. la ' s ias i*eii*i ... iClaas. CUss. Class. Clsss. 12 &812 Jc3 1 A.K. A.K. A.ac. r.K. Class. Class. hm hm bm hm hm tun Thntlss . ' dep.t - 7 10 ' ' 145 J i Temp lomore - ' 7 29 2 2 a 20 Bollybrophy ' . 7 59 2 24 - 2 47 Nenagh . . . - .,. . . . 6 30 : ,1. 0 Fortumna . . ' 6 0 Forsoastown ¦ ;• . 8 40 . ¦ ¦ 120 ¦ —: Beecrea - ' 7 13 152 Maryboro 1 srrl up ' 8 88 ¦ " 8-8 3 24 Athlone JoncMoq . 815 2 30 , Dublin ; . detf. ' 6 0' 915 10 ' 9 30 PorUrling tonJnnc'tn 83 919 245 ¦ Haryboro 1 arrl dwn 8 25 10 13 3 9 11 52 DOWK TKAIH8, . . Mail 1, 2, 3 Maryboro': ,,< ¦ dep. 8 40 10 .^5 , 3 90 8 30 4 0 Abbeylelx' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ -— 0 0 10 55 3 M 8 50 4 20 Attansgh . . . _ 9 15 At 9. IS 4 85 Ballyragget ' - - 9 25 11 15 4 15 9 15 4 45 Kilkenny arrival 9 45 11 40 4 38 ' 9 40 5 10 Do. departure 730 10 0 11 45 450 950 5 20 Bennetsbridge 1 . .-' 7 45, 110 , 12 ^ " S'3 10'2 5 32 Thomutown ' -I 8 * 5 ' l0 25 12 * 5 6 SO 10 IS 5 44 BalWhale - - 8 25 ,10 40 12 15 5 SO 10 30 6 0 MallinaTat - - 8 SO 11 0. 8 ' 0 10 55 8 25 Eilmacow - . . - 0 5 11 10 12 45i »10 11 .6 6 85 Wntertord arriral! 9 30 111 SO 11 0 « 30 U 30l 7 0 HnrsiT EXCDKSIOFS Excursion Tickets to Waterford wiD 1 be issued by tho Train leaving Maryborong h at 8.30 njn,, ' avtilable to return bythe 6.50 p.m.;Train>iram ' ,Wot«rfonlj Fares from Maryborough , Abbey leix, Attonag h,; and Bally.; rajgett , to Waterford and back—First i Class, 5s. i Cowed Carriages , Ss. From Kflkennv to Waterford. and back- ^ and2s . M. < Bennetsbridge ana Thomastown—3s. Od, and 2a; BOlj hlJo-2s . «U and Imfld; KalUnaraH-U: «d. ana Is * Kitaaoow—Is. 3d and M. " And to and from all intermediate Stations at Sing le Fares. Tickets not transferable, no Inggsge allowed , and no halt-fares, i . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i, . ,.. ,: ' , Bpecial Fores are charged to First and Second Class Pso. ' sengers booking to'travel by tho Express Mail Trains on Q:;«at Southern and Western Line. ' ' ' , ' Tickets issned for Single Journey ire available ' only for the Tisin by which they are issued. ¦ ¦ ¦ , ' : i - . ' -.L •,!. .:¦ _ . '- . •( Market Tickets to Wsterford and bock will be issued at M aryborough , Abbeyleix , Attanag h , and Ballyragget , by (he 8. M ajn Down Train, arnilable for return h y the 4.0 p.m. up Tinln on date of issue. Fares—First Clsss , ' 12s., Second Clsss , 9f.-and Third Class , 6s. ' -:•¦ :¦/:¦ ¦ > I Betum Ticketd ore issned between any two Stations , aval], able for the date ol issue and day following ; those issned for any distance, eloeeding SO miles , are available for return on tlie day of Issue and the seven following days—Sun days not nckoaed. Beturu ; Tickets issued on Saturda y are returnable on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. . -: , Jnne2Otb , 1877. .<¦ , W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. ' ' ; ' WATEBFOBD AND LIMEBICK BAILWAY. .. " , ' 7 tfj> Train* from Waterford. \ \ 7~~ ~ . ~ TBJII8S OK WXSX DATS. Sd y, WATXsroBD Mail I I Hail ' Mall TO UKXBICX 1 A 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 23 1A2 12*8 . Class. Class. Class. CIIM . Class. Clou, class ' . ; ' A.V. A.M. P.M. I P.M. | P.H. r.K. F.Mi "Vraiertord dep. 4 15 8 50 U 45 2 45 8 30 8 30. tarrlck-on-Sur 5 80 9 49 12 17 3 25 9 15 8 15 doomei... 7 5 10 20 1245 4 4 100 , LO ' Ct < lipperory 8 0 11 27 150 5 9 11 36 . 11 85 Junction arrival 8 15 11 40 2 10 5 . 20 11 55 . . UU. IiubUn;;..;....,, 115 515 5 40 10 0 4, 0 .. 4 . 5 Cork::..:....::.,, -' 130 20 4 $5 8 15 2 5' ' 20 Dublin depoitut ! " 9 0 1030 1 :l O 7 45 ' 7 J 4S Cork ^ .... - ..;Z 8 0 i— i 2 4S 10 6 —¦ ' 10 8 Junction . ' ........ 8 20 12 12 2 25 5 45. 12 3 i 1% 24 limerick arrirl 9 35 12 52 3 IS 6 50 1 1 30 - 1 30' : . . Dow n Traini .from Limerick. " . , ' ;, ' \) ' ' - , .. ... . . . ¦ , ' UUIN8 OS WXJTX DATS, i . ¦;. .; | Sd ys. . 1IKEKICX | . I'Moil l . ' . MO& TO WATXsrOBS. 12t312i3 1 42 12431 4 2JI 4 2 1 2'3 .I ' Class. ' iClass. Class. Class. Closs. 'Class. Class. . ' A.K. | A.K. ' A.K. r.K: j p.m'J r.K, r.x. limerick dep... 6 0 7 O ' 11 20 4 0 llO 40 —. 10 40 Junction arrir. 7 10 8 25 12 20 5 15 11 55 10 55 i>>rk - .,. 130 2 0 815 g 3 . > 2 0 . •Dublin - ' ... ¦ ' ' 115 S 15 10 0 4 5 4 5' IBublin ' dep.,. 9 0 1 0 ' - 745 iJoik' ¦ •• ¦- ¦ ¦ ... ¦ ' 8 0 2 45: . - ' ¦ 10 t- function¦ ... 7 25 9 0 12 30 3 85 112 23 >- 12 23 'npperary. 7 40 9 15 12 40 6 50 12 50 .12 30 aoonUr 8 55 . - , 1-40 7 , 0 2 20 - , 2 . 20. 3arri ck............ 9 40 - . 2' 5 7 45 3 0 - 3 , 0 Watertord arrlr|lO 25 . 2 45 8 30 3 45- . ' 9 45 F ACBSFirst O USTSutgls TJaksi, 14«. 64 /Second do., list | Third do., 8s. M. Eetarn-Flrtt Class , 21s . 9d. i . Seoood do., , . ' : ; "[' ; ; "' ¦ ' . ' ¦ " ' . H..-:. J. ' , KENIf lSpj, - Soaretiir.}. ' . . ' . WATEBFOBD AND TEAMOBBi KAIL WAT. (;¦ ¦ : i. Week Day Train*; ¦ ¦>¦:'¦ - ¦ :•• ' 'j' 1 S 3 . ,4 . 5 . ..J . . 7 .. ,. 8 ;.. . i .. noK am am pm pm pmjpm pm ; y ——I h m hm hm hm hm in' h'm hm , ¦ ¦ Wfrd"8 0 , l l . D U a* 0 ; 4 0 -l« 7 15 9 0 - . Rn' re, 9 15 »U 80) 1 15 ] 3 0 4 30 . '6 . 0 7. 45 . 9. 30 i '* ' » . - - ¦ '- . - ' ; Sunday : Traint. ' ¦ i l: '"' ¦¦ " ¦ ' ;' . "'Ky' 1 1 ' 2 , ! . 3 T- 5; ,8 l.V . 7 ,|_ 8j-8 , . , ' FBO« [am a m I p m p m pni j pm | p m [ pm l pm , "~ | hm I hra l l nj hm hm'lhm hmjh m' h' m" W'frd|8.0 11 15 | 12 15 1.1 30: .^ SO U 80 5 80 tt 80 8; 0 Tm ' rei m U1. 45 IU *in: i'P, * 0> 5 ; 0 »8 ; O 17 45 9 80 , -' ¦; 1 :<•:: ¦: 1. D . . -. - . ;":' pABE8 : ''' , '"' ,\ '' ' ' , !¦ ¦ ;. - ' "? «! ' . ' . First Cls«» : Bingl» Ticket, ' Is. ' ;'Return. Ticket; Is. 8J. : ( Third - c; ditto. - ' ' ¦"" 8d. » Bet nrn .ditto, ' Is: 04. 1 ' ' j::V r -.. . . y.QEOEGE BAKES, 7 SoorotaW. " ' ffHB. BIOX,Q Ii B FOB 1877. !:4' ';; ^^j Mj ^M ^^i % ^^WH»ii ^»^»^^^^Bff^<-Vif'ttt . . ;. 1 -a l ¦¦ THJSrDTOL ^ hKJjOBIJSIOB , ] H!ii ' - ., ' . ' v ¦• ¦' .: , ' ^,-XAjll 1 «r6TI»«» 1 . 1 M ' t . W!O i i!«' .'5;j.|i - . l}7li) . MESSRS. ; BATL188 ,, THOMAS. * COj t S T. M«rM . Tfow. *. *MPCH tfn w , -Bnxn , ;;. Cmnrm; InTobtbr* br ib^^VOm^O^tg^Miiipii tA " . by ibem only ' td Trent , backj*h«*1i , and pedflli . ; tvMacktnei V ranout htif Ut in ttock aijlie Depot , , I. ' i ,.. .;„. , - JD«t.irarwi , ready kfoij Wtwy. ;. -r( ;:- - <i* 7> , " u-« -f ¦ \ Jj$* -tit Boutk ^f llM tf A : ^ -H'*' .' ! , ' . : B. - 'SOTVABD BBFftAH^JBduXjit^'DinioAiTA* [J. r. ] :- W6i'Mit« ,\ia;;BtiimpJi l %M;0^ 1!'t rV'; 'i'V . ,;. J i:8TAlDi,l8HKD, 1782. i- j ' ¦ .,, f V- - ? A> iA. ' immm.h\ilZ ' ! ' { t ;i0T. . K(r-' ¦ " '£¦ nnHR .PHffiNI* ii one " ofl ;tt« oldwt ma tatet. Rre OffloeB th tbe Worht- ,Jt, VW*tomj»* -IlbenUIty te 1 •ettleinent of clalnWHoTe beVo-tow W *Ud Si; the pablfo b y a.^ ym. nV , ofkpir^|; B*«- ¦J» ' -IU eri»gpment«i«r. gq«r«n<«a, bT; the«,t {!i . tIlf nflD XUBiirri 0'» nnmerpiii^ndmwUuT proiffaWy fa iddition.to 6 hrgo iateUti Oaplun *£^'°|tf**"£ ¦Bicuint to ' tbe ? P»bH^— w?!!!^ J ' i£" ° ft "V 'Aft ' i +nA U «M>t^at4KM>VMHi l rVillPV- MlMrJt*><HM.B<MU -WQ*§ •HWi ¦•* |"^^^^^^^| V^^ ^ t-'' -^ \A Wf^g JaBj lJj/ffW' sBBBaB>aB^BBait > :- .;¦ . : ¦;>¦ . . ' ;: . -;jj} ' -: - ¦ i , (]; , /;; H««j f; EASpN , 1877 IH ^ « ' ¦ ' -i- "' ' ¦ •¦ ¦- . ¦¦¦ 'l- . - if -VSJ^'V . " ¦ ¦ j ¦ ' -:r . ; rj, / ,; :;] . . '. ' jj iO By. 'tie.following Eminent Makers—viz. ' :— i * #001) , SAMUELSON, PICESLT , 1 HAERISSOJf , McGBEGOB , and BURGESS A- KEY. y ¦ n UJ. ¦U& .JJ f. . . , 1. , ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ;HaBS!E^na ) A^Blte]!LJ 1' TiAT HAND DBAO E.AKE3 , Scythes, Boards , i /V Stonosj aiid H^n ' d^' ,;.Porks, Grindstones, riles , Sections, See, !; i .. ¦ ' .!. •' . ' . . i -^ 'i-^&iAEW A'TS IN STOCK. : j; : 1: Alao , INDIA' POND STONtp' /lttie onl y suitable Stones for MOWING and REAPING " ¦ " ¦ ¦ MA 95^ N 5x?BS^P NS ; Best MACHINE OIL, at 4 B. ' 6d. per Gallon. ' ' 1 ' ' ¦ ' fSF Otir ' pla^ brftbEolutdy Mufcnfccliig all oiir Machines to g ive satisfaction has worked so well , ( thit we Kave . iioV ' ttajfleWii; ' flied , ^ princi p le. . Representing moat of the celeb ra ted Manufactures, . Bhjfi tiTiiive ' iLchoice ' bf ' 8eleetJo^'JDOt.|6' | be i had elsewhere. , I WA am alnn propartv; in ^ipn^ti ' r /Viirfr.n.ort, |^ fl benefit of the recent great fall in the Price of MOWEES 8ad'EEAPEES; ' iS*aMai«aibw a liberal Discount for Cash. ^K ^Briyew ^iid / do w ' etfw |S^^m ' stock before buying elsewhere. ^B^0i»uj^l^l%R: ^ AND ; COTT E R / 22]...,.:" , '35. "" ana 86; KUfdiSTEEEfriwid IITOPLE PATEICK-STEEET, WATEBFORD. [8t RAW P MIIYIA H GOVERNMENT GUANO . ' , ' ¦ " ' PBICE AND PABTICULABB ON APPLICATION . WJB 'ABB KOT A"WABE OF AKT HOUSE -WHERE TOEBE IS BO .. LARGE A STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOFS. EO WANT VAR1ET1E8 TO SELECT FHOM—WUEBE ALL CLASSES CAN BE SUITED , ' ' ' <2T And PRICES so Moderate, as at - M. SMI TH'S, THE GLASGOW HOUSE, 39, BAREON S'lHAND STBEET , WATERFORD. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •: .. . .. . i. - . - ¦ ¦ ' . •• - ¦ ' - ¦'- ' ¦ ^. . . ¦ ,. , . : . !:.i,^ . :u ...EBTABiii BBa^TB^KILKENNy i) CAELOW. ' j !8-y T>BP?ER' S QUn!'iNE , and IBON TONIC puri- g HYAM'B . ]\{ EW 20- . CCIATP. Jt- . Uw ' ana Wrlchestie Slc^d. ' strmgtlions the iftrres *>' In I U Uustell Shap o and Unsonlar^rstem i pn>mot«a ApMtH* and fanprores Dl- uv ,..„ -.i-w wit mi TV gestion , animates the Sp irits atid ii_ital FaeufUes i tho- B HYAM 8 TJ EW m h .. COATS , ?*aglilj t recnilt«..tha general , bodfl/,, health , and. Induces a ¦ ' ¦" In the Lome Sh»p« proper healthy condition of th ' s HsrTons and Physical Forces. ¦ ~~~ " " .„. ' ^tfes oonfalilngfflJMasaieadcwsl . Ji.ad, •• " ' .'> ' T> IIYAM'S N EW "• . *-X)AT8i . . . - . ¦ In the ' preparation of this .Toatothe greatest oar* la mar- XJ» I' In Ibe Sp>nc>r Shipei dsed. ' Itls afalthfal compound of Qaiilne , theoctlTBrPrln- . ~—: ~ oftle«<>f.XeUow C^choos l or TiiniT_IiB«Tk , blenaei irtth a |> HVAU'S T^EW 20- . COATS. refliled trustworthy preiwntlonof Iron ,produced fa a form AV« -^ J M the titntsl S:jlej which' the lexperienoe of many years has proved the best. .This Toalo offers a ready taeans of gaining the stren gth and r> UYAM'S X| tW 10j. tUlTS. other benefits afforded by Quinine and Iron , without any fear ¦*->• 1> Iu (ho Lf.iling Sliape,. of Ul consftflnences; as Its composition is that approved of by : , tbe,groat majority of medical' men throughout tho country, JJ HYAJl'S IV tW 4U^. SUIT^ . i_ . •" « •*¦ " In Turieiv ol 1' iilfein DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO : ¦ ¦ Treated with EULPHUBIC ACID oodor oar control AT MEBSHS OHLENDOEFF & ; Co' s WonKs , PiiAiSTow , YICTOBIA DOCK, ¦ ' . ' OU»«»NTBKD TO ' CONTAIN Nitrogen equal to 9 per Cent, of non-Tolatila Ammonia. ¦ : : ' , 20 ,„ . ; ,; . ¦: ;. .. . . •¦ . . ¦ .. ,.,, 2 . . ' .. . . - Prepared in a fiuo powdery (JST PE1CE and FABTICtJLABS on Application. Depote in BELFAST, DUBLIN, CORE, GALWA7 , SLIOO, JDEEEY, LIMERICK and WATERFORD. Tznias OABU . J. HENRY SCHRODER & CO.. , ' ::> . : .:. '; ~V . '" . •:¦ . "¦ " ' ' ' ¦' ¦:< ' ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ General ¦ . ; ¦¦ r . . ' . . . ¦ Perariaa Departmcot, East lodia Arenae, ; ' LohdoD. B.C.. Marob, 1877. VNDER TlJE SOLE CONTROL IN IRELAND. OF : ' ,. '' RICHARDSON BROTHERS & CO.. BELFAST, 'DUBLIN, CORE, QALWAY, AXD 8LIGO. . ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ DEPOT A GEUTS- GEORGE WHITE & SONS, WATERFORD. a6.10t TO E_STGiXJIRE3R,S ! PEPPEE' S QUININE and' IE0N TONIC— Bottles containing 32 measured doses , is. 6d. Tonic treatment will remore Indtoestioji, .Flatulence , Constant Heartburn , Weassess ot th* Btomaoh , Sinking Seusatious in that Organ, Nausea , 4c. The whole digestire functions are powerfully assisted by Qolnlne and Iron. ¦ . ' . PEPPER'S: QUININE , and . IRON TONIC— Quinine and Iron tana the most effective treatment in all comp laints aristng from derangement of tbe Norroas Sys- tem, u the most weakened state of: the Nerves , a course ol Quinine and Iron Is sure to benefit . Ague , ' Sciatica , . 'Weak- ness of the Limbs , Prostration , Incipient Ponl yais , St. Vitna' Dance , Fevers , 4c. ">=¦ ¦; ¦ ' . TJEPPEE'S QUININE and IRON TONIC, JD strongly recommonded as a Oesirable , safe, economical , a&d adrsntaseous mode of taking strenghtening medicine. The 4a. 6d. Bottle contains 32 measured doses, which, If token dally, last* IS days: The next size bottle is Us., sufficient to last 13 days.; Tbe stone Jan , sold st 22s. each , contain nearly s_ ot the 4s. U. Bottles. npURAXACUM & PODOPHYLLIN, 0. Stimulant " __[ to the Liver. —A dose of , .this, combination is recom- mended to any one complaining of Liver Derangement , more particularly when arising from sli g ht congestion. By gently stimulating- the Liver sod ilirhUy movug the Bowels , the hsaVy drowsy feeling sad Headache , with, generally. Pains in the Chest and Back, especially after eating, is dissipated. T AKIUCCX JLI ID PosoniTua is much safer in its action than Calomel or Blue Pill, and certainly . quite equal in power in removing tha often distressing ' Inconvenience and Pain atten- tot on Dyspepsia, Bottles , S»: Pd. each. , ' ¦ ' - PEPPER'S "WHITE COtJQH MIXTURE. —A great bnvrovemoni on Cough Xedicinu. It possesses a peculiar soothing eQect upon thai irritated membranes , which are .tha seat of coughing, detatohlng the Phlegm and accumulations , ' without canslnif any feeling of sickness. These qualities make it ot service in Bronchitis and' Asthmatic At- /satkwo , ' while for ordinary < cooghUg it Is a spedflo core. A dose of tha WHITS C OOOB Uizruu will ensure the sufferer iron these complaints a certain ni ght' s rest. ' Price Is. lid. and Sa. Od. each. CJtTLPHOLINE LOTION. —An arternal remedy O for Skte Disease. - . Should be. applied erery night before going to bed , when its use is followed by wonderful relief. . The -moat mveieriio ' obstinate Eruptions ore 'rfubdued kv Bolp holine , and a dear , healthy Bkln ensured. Ladies who aufler from tender , reddened , irritahle Skins will derive great ooskfort and beae&t br aMlag Sucruotm l *mo *. ttmayslsobe appfled to the Ekinof Children , when ro- outred , with advantage. . Sulpholine has powerfully conserv- Gig action on-the skin. ' Bottles , 2s. M. each. ¦ •TVELLAR'S BUNION ' PLA8TERS, for curing ' Ml * Bunions and reducing tha size of enlarged toe Joints. Bow, i»., l|<». ' «d as. M. es<y. .; ' ,, " •'¦ ¦¦ ' ' TTkELLAR'S CORN PLASTER. BOMB 1 B. lid. il ! # andis. Bd. Tin * Ooitf Plasters are a oertaln cure for &t& or soft corns , th»y comp letely dry up and eradicate pain- tul corns 'Athe Bunion Plasters a proved remedy for Bunions and enlarged! to. }oluts. i Sold by all Chemists/ Be careful Dellsr ' s Plasteni araiiupplled.i/,,. ' ¦ .. ••. ;» ; . . . ,.. , : .;./. /iiRAiCBOFT'g ' ARE ' CI ' NUT ' TOOTH PASTE. Vi/ft— ST using this. Aromatic Dentlfrioe. the enamel ot 'the teeth , become* white , found , and polished, like Ivory. It is «xes«aiagiy 'frsgrsnt;ahd spedsUy , useful for removing in- «nstation»ot tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chem- Ists. -'i' oU . U. 'aodSt W. eaoh. - (OetCrscroft' s). -- " ; '; ; ' ; "ITlBAFiiEBS; Noises in the Ear . ic;—Della^ , ILf^ESBENCBFOB DKAFITESe has proved an^xtroor- dinary remedy. It always ' relieves , Renerally cures ^ and is . ' stamglyTCooiBaendfxIby thousands who havedsrlved benefit. . It uTulte harmless. Bold in bottles. Is. lid. and 2s. M. each , byaOIChemists. ; ; ' . ... ; . . ' . ft 0CfeTB^^ 8 < -SUI/5HUR i HAIE EB8TOEEE JJJ . wmdatksn , to the former - shade , . Hair that is abso ^ lutelT Whlta/ lil ^iiout tendmysi tut wbencimiesaj'ls aom-. ' meocW at the tront and temp les , Bol t ^S ^f ^f O W^ ij Mmn j - n aA u b a it.tindisU»nilfhame honi j U>a£ jib&h , hu not changed. ;in*ge Botttes .VM. •eh. 1 -^ ' v ' ... - -f ' ' iLOCipnBE'S ^ sptPHtrti 'HAIE ' EESTOEEE/;. '<, For the Blood it thtliifc. —Seepeuteronomy. ehap^ £i - A -* . -' i' . v *X *w?<l;&. % •' . ' , ,. ¦¦ ¦%¦ ^ Oliurka ' s Wcifld-fsvmea Blood' ntixturo , TJWB 1 CLEANMNCI and CLEABINa ' tho BiiOOD' P from all Imparities; whether arising from yonth- fal Indiscretkmt or fafjptifer cajiw, oooootj>o ' toollghly ledommended. It cnrseei Old-Sores ; onrea Uloeratea Sores ip the.Neck 11 . CJoerated Sore . Legs,: Blackheads, or PijnplM /»>, the. Jraoei Bcnrr/j Sorei):, ' Canoerona 01- ' oeM ' } Blood and Skin 'iHsoases , QIandnlar ' Swellings,. and otears\ tho Hood ' from »Ut Enporo ' Matter, ' . horn, wh»A^^n»^ari»iB« * .i: 1 ! !)l . i '«•? **•> ; >¦> ¦**\ .^-^nn ¦ ¦ ' As this miitnr«iUpIe«i«air« to theta«t«;andwarranted' fraelrc^nwret^-^irHMirAiBPnMnaiBOitiBedtemes- sold tor the . abcrvB dlaoasei contain—the Proprietor '^UcitsvsQffR^rtBgitHt»trial to te>Ht» t*lKe. "J # ^^ . vtJtOBSAlaW <>J>iT4*iW0lfIAta »m<Jal ALL TA*T». - *' k SoH Jn Bottle* SWeflfteeS. a»d ln Oas»» , 'i>»ti»iflfa>»i 6 Bottle*; ll»i oaMA.m*W"rtw ' «««it* p«rman««t tat*- U ilpril-rtandlnf ;'tiasesjr^r>r [ *fcll ' Ci fU<i r >nd' <P»ts«t MedWae VehdoM t ors«n»to ar$4&tm otiif iMi^or- " ; ^ha ^Sm '(^i ^^m)( ^^jj biMU *»»i v . i .1 -a-^s. ' v v.U x»iwBumuta'A4mf n<tn*i't:<*i!t(i i if>K ¦ ; Bim^r *' S^irLc*doti , *ana sJl WholeiaUe HonscJ. -' Si IWsh^ . and Sanc^. -C»ation^-OenBiB« &nly with' facsimiles of Bsron LltUg ' s Signatore across label. ' ¦ •;¦ ¦:¦ ., --' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦:•!¦ :- ¦: - ' : :;/ {MW ¦ BEAPERS Solabla ~ l Guano Insofablo j Phosphate and dry condition. Agents for Dsxrrus EHOTHEBS & Co., Contractors - with tha Peruvian Government. It Ul' All 'S ' 1V EW 40* - buns' . JJ ' xl In F.-tinii»bl« MnitrisU il YAM'S XJKW <G^ SUIT. -. ~ ^ Ait nuiqailltd Value B HYAM'S TOKW 10-. 6a. THOUSEKS ^ In Twreda and Uue«km>. ~ |J 11 YAM S -vj EW 10a . 6J. TUOUsEUS - u a lv lu Varicl/ or Pallrror. HYAli S T\rB\V 12*. ft). , TRUUSEKs j* In Cli.ct-. S np. >, &• ¦ ' U HVAM'S VKW W- . 01. TBOUsEUS •*-*^ In fifwml P»llern>. B UVAM'S TtiEW 1 U. TKOUSEKS 11 Ju Auxolaa , Duetkiur, tu- . \i liYAil'8 Vj EW H. TKOUSERS ¦ " ' . w In all lh« New JUt.rial.. B hYAJVS T«E\V IK TUOUSERS , ¦ i" loim-Diw vatirtj of PatUruV B ~ UYAM'S xjKW 14^ TllOUi«EUS ** . Well Ctt soj Kiniabrri. ti 11V Ail'S IV EW 1&<. TROUSEIlb ¦*- * x ' and Vest in Fancy ceU», 4c UYAil'S XJEW 18k TKOUSERS . A1 And V«t in urent r«n«ij. ; U IIYAM'S ! WKIV 30-. TRODSGHS •"• . . *• * ¦ And \nt in sll malsculr. .. R H YAM'S - KT EW 20. . TKOL'SEnS .i . yU' i ' 1 " .. snd V«at iu sll rolonrsi ; ^ HYAM'S ' IU KW I SO. . TKOUSBK^ . ' X1 Au ' d V«t in lieal Siylea; Ns<r Sbowi'-pioof Oirr-Coa' a, ... 15?., SO-., 24( , 30-. HtH Wilking Coau I8t., 20-. , 20- ., 3i- . New Ktotk Costn , ' ... . ... 2B»., 8a« ., «»., 60<. . Now 8p»bccr Jacket s ... ... lUe fi.J tu 2U> . ' U' litdtm' s 1 Sailor 'a ' uilf , ' J< 91 10 15 . Children' s VirtorSuits ... ' ... 61 lu'26':' " Ulnldrrn ' s Norfolk SuiW ... :.. ' I2a 0J Iu 2o5. Bois' .SptncerSmts . ... ' ' ... 15a W to SO. r . Uors' Heeler Ban* . . ' ¦ ;.. 20« Od to 4O« . , t Eufra ' vtd tllnstrntiui'i (' aiterns and direetioaa for Self- incaaureuisiit will Iw for»«ided Post Fres na tpplicstiob. I' srctla valatd £J «ud upwsHs are lorw.idcd, Carrlagt f re-paid, tosnj. Udilimy ttia ' tibu in Ireland. ' Any O.irnifUt will U i lchanued st an; lint withln ' -a moutli alter purebssr, if n t wom or. injured. , . ¦ .; I \, J. B * ' H ' Y'A. .M 'rAILOB , l OLOTHIi'B , HATTBB, ' * OT/TFITTE B ' , 20 AND 80 ,.DAilE-BTREET , DUBLIN , AKD 23 - ; " OAST.LE PLACE , BELFAST. , = ml8 , To Wiai; JHeichantM , Claret, JU«7»nd Porter ¦ - " . ' : aad Fa inily Bottieri. ¦ •¦¦ .- . ¦ '--• ¦ ¦ ¦ ' I BEG; to intimnfe 'thaflam noir in » positioo to torn oat, in the highest strle of workmanship, ' FOUR and Six ¦ SiTHONiD DEAWIHO - OW ILkCKaau; spociall jr designed for the Trade b y myself.' | : - Also , my justly^ole brated anilarftlT-patron U ed : .. . ,.;, ErowaioBi Cbjunxo JUOSTTK *- , i n¦' ;c >-j whiohis nbw,:boy<ind j ilonW; l aicknowUdffid ,io be thej ««lr perfect Corking Machine in exisienoe. \ Hnndreds of Testimonials from the UrgsstBotUlajTirma throug h- out the three Kingdoms caii ite had oh ' applioation »t my Worto/^ JT?^«PArti ^fes«iTr , :BjffirAJsTJ.ii ¦ ¦'¦ i . Bto.;-iy!tpHpHr» "i.<)hlM*.9 flUt; ^i 1 U, ! OATBiDBJ*;SQt)^il^SyAT^M I OBD.j .i ¦ T|/O^AjJ^«*&V/il^vWiriMds that ' imixf i!IX ! [ ,tUo' , de^hpf.her hiubsnd.(asr. ) Ios3rB ^laBi- PHI ), she has osrricd on the soon with' ritrked ssx). ' oess , and hopes to bo faTorW ' .viHh ' ai'*mttousnce ' of .the kind battidaige ' so " long iind so Hbarallj bestowed Aa ' hto. .. .: . . . ,:,, ':. ^.. . -r "';,J"^i'V y. ml8:4t (\ 0 l G 3 8 rf i Q X jp m W ' WIMEi.CQLW, : Kj also omnisr^tM/BrM^tW aa^ ciher affections of t* if *n* 1 "M r viwl'fjTTKM OT tsisMj BWiIBTBT) efflaa?r '^ ofr Ujl«»Siar^2a£^«S^aai^E Dm U^JuS ^^^^ miSm ^m^HSS ^f Si i*&*MT2 ''fSr-FoV^iiSig-oil r frwjr description 1 ,ootoe to the HOTELS : ] DUBLIN.} Commercial and Private Lodjging House, 49, MAB.LB0R0UGH STREET. PARTIES Visiting; Dublin can bo .'iccommodatcd , with or without Board, and all tho comforts of a homo, on Moderate Terms; *" ¦ ' [o25-tf] t&£" Situation central , cloao to Sackvillo-street. CITT MANSIO N HOTEL, 30 LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN I BEG to inform my nnmerous Friends nnd the Pnblic that, through olim ' on of time, I haro become Pro- prietor of. tho above old-established Hotel. I have completely and most comfortably re-furnished it , and havo considerably enlarged it, fitting it np throughout in best modern style. , I trust by careful and constant ' attention to tho , wants and comforts of my visitors to merit tho patronage 80 liberally bestowed on mj late father, and respectfully solicit an early trial. MICHAEL COFFET, Proprietor. ' Son of lato MAURICE C OFFBT. . PloMe . nQte^ddr^Br-^JjftWEB BB . IDGE STBEEff , KELLY'S CKOWN HOTEL, MONCK STREET , "WEXFORD. (CLO8X TO T?nB HAH.WAT STATION). THIS is a Contral and Comfortable Hotel in which everything can bo had on tho moat moderate terms. Best Dublin and Woxford Spirita j also, Brandies , Wines, Porter, Georgo Younger and Son' s colobrated Alloa Ales , &c. Cars on Hiro at the shortest notice ' . (au-15-tf THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL, DUBLIN (Established 40 Tcars ^, i, 5, 6, and 7, LOWER BBIDGE-STEEBT , EIOHABD CO1 FEY, Proprietor. rTiHE abovo Fiiwr-Ciiss HOIEL has been newl y JL Painted, Papered, and ro-Decoratcd, gercral addi- tional Booms added , and fitted up with all modern irn- proTomonts ma superior st ylo of comfort and elegance, and continues to receive the undivided personal attention of Mr. and Mrs. COTPET. ¦ From its cen- tral position it will bo found most convenient for tho visitor, being in tho immediate vicinity of the Law Courts, five to ten minutes ' drivo from, any City Bailway Terminus, and a few doors from King ' s Bridge Tramway Line. Supplies of first-class quality. ! Notwithstanding present high rates, tho terms will bo found most mode- rate. .Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Tablo' d'Hofco, 2s. ; ' on week days at three o' olock ; on'Sundays at five o' olook. Beds, Is. 6d. each. ••¦ . . . Oontlemen ' B Coffee and Smoking Booms. Ladies ' Coffeo and Privato Sitting Rooms. Accommodation for 180 persons. A Night Porter in attendance, and all Servants paid by tho Proprietor. f2G.ly The European Hotel "TTISTERS to DUBLIN will find at tho EUROPEAN, y BOLTON-STBEET , first-class accommodation, with moderate charges and assiduous attention. Largo and elegantly-appointed LADIES' COFFEE BOOM. .I^J" . Grand BANQUET HALL for Public Dinners, Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Suppers , <4c. . Ecataurants—Billiards. Beds, 2s. Cd., 2s., snd Is. Gd. ' . . [m31-tf] J. M O L O N Y , Proprietor^ BBAZE2T HEAD HOTEL, 20, LOWEB BRIDGE STREET , DUBLIN, TTNDEB new management, thoroughly renovated 1 U central and convenient, combining Cleanliness and Comfort with Cheapness. Beds, Is. to Is. 6d. por nig ht; Breakfast , Is. to Is. 6d. ; Dinner from Is. 6d. ; Tea, lOd. Jameson' s five year old Halt, guaranteed, 4d. per g lass. . Table d'Hote at 4.30, Is. 8d. W.C. and Bath-rooms recently added on cachlanding. Night Porter in attendance. (JSS" Within five minutes walk of King' s Bridge Terminus. [ja8-ly. CONVENT OF THE VISITATION, ROSELANDS , VPPJCR WALUER , DEAL, KEN T Under the sacction of tbe Bisuopof SournwAEK. THIS E8tablishmot offers yonng ladies vfLile remaining in England, all tho advantages of a superior Continental Education. Tho course of studies comprises all:the bragchoiof-a good English odscatioa. Gorman (with the pure Hanoraloa acc&nl) and Trench aro the languages chiefly spoken. . Drawing and every kind of ncodlo-work oro also tuught. : ' Latin, Italian, Music , and Singing, aro chargod extra. For particulars apply to the Superioress , as above. The Convent is beautifull y situated, commanding a magnificent view of tho sea. Tho air IB healthy and bracing. The gardens aro extensive , and tho railway only a short distance from tho Convent. ml8.3m Fains in the Back, Gravel, Lumbago, Bhetunatism , Gout , Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Stricture , tc. T\R- DE ROOS' COMPOUND EENAL PILLS jj are celebrated all over the world, as the most sate and speedy remedy for tho above dangerous complaint* , Dig. changes of any kind , Stone in the Bladder , and Diseases . ol tbe Kidneys ' andTTrinary Organs generall y. PosneKslnj tonic properties; ' taejr ' agree with the most delicate etomaeh , streng then the digestive organs , increase the appetite, im- prove the general health, and in throe days will ionect a cure, when copaiba , cubebs, and all dangerous medicines of that class hive utterly failed. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lit. and 33s. per box. These celebrated Fills are an Infallible remedy In tho most obstinate cases, .By their use alone manj.thousands have been annually restored to health, when ever; other medicine has failed. Their vast superiority over everything else In the core oj t-he above complaints is universall y acknowledged , and the extraordinary ' demand tor them ever since their first in- troduction' is without precedent. In so instance haVethey ever been-known to fail, or produce those dangerous symp- toms so often resolting from copaiba , cubebs , taTpe&ti&e, and other medicines usually resorted to. They require neither osn&aement nor ousnge ot diet, and may Justly be considered the only safe, . efficacious remedy for all stages<ot those dis- orders for which they ore recommended. . . . THE MOST WOHDKBFUI. rilXS JN'THlI WOBlDv DE. DE HOOS' PILULE .TITiB,. , or : VBOK - TABU Zarx ' Pixxs. —All suJferors'from/general ner- vousness and morbid feelings, low splrith or -hantslng dreams , unnecessary fears , mental irritability, failure of the mental and bodily powers, 'weakness of the nerves , .heuuebe, noises in the 'head , giddiness , ' indigestion , ana other symptoms of chronic disease , .wfll hail with Joy tho discovery of Dr. ' Do Boot " Life Pills , which speedil y and almost -marfcaH y remove pain and disease , of whatever nature ; restore cheerfulness to the spirits , vi gour to the body, and strengthen all the organs on which life and death depend. They .do not contain a par- ticle of mercury, but are purely vegetable , and for affections of the liver , rlstalency, bile , sick headache , dixzinegs , loss of appetite, lownesa of spirits , ' sensations ot fulness ot the pit of the stomach , pain between the shoulders , and the distress arising from Indigestion and general debility, they will be found of unexampled efficacy ; and it is no small advantage that they can be token at. any time , without 'danger either from wet or cold , or necessity for restraint from business or pleasure. ''.They - act mildly on the bowels^ without pai n or griping- , ' Impart strength to the stomach , - provide a healthy aqtlon of the liver, thus preventing, or when present , curing the 1 jaundice- and dropsy, cleansing the skin, removing sallowness ' snd pimples , purifying the blood, bracing the nerves , and .marvellously invigorating the vrhole system. Females ; of an'ages' will find them Invaluable , and Bhould never be without them. - Prioe lt>. lid.; 2s.' Od., 4>. M., lls., andS3s.pcr box. " .i¦•> , ' - . -,; i ¦ ' ... . w Sold, at THK NSWS Omci, Waterford. The rnost sistoundinK 'Cures ore daily beingeflocted in coses of Nervous Debility, 'Impurity of Blood , JDefoctlve Circuln- . tion, Longonr , .Lossituae, ' Deprossicn of Spirits; Indlges- ' tion, Pain and Palpitation In the Sldo , Harassing Dreams , Ac by means of '.' -v - t- ' " ii ' ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ ¦- .. - ' TVB- . DE EOOS' , world-Jamed aUTTjE VIT^I, . I f ; or Vegetable . LIFE DEOPS. . whose effects are really magical in restoring lost tone to , tha system (arising from whatever cause), re-mvigoratlng and enlivening toe whole cor- poreal frame , and graduall y but effrtiTely building up tho most ¦batteredconstitut ion - .¦- . ¦ ¦ - ¦ . Althougb this truly wonderful recupeiaUve . 'tonJo is not pot forward as imparting immortality, it: li no t too much to say that by its means New Life is , as , tt were, lnrpirted to the BSrvoustad debOttated , who . were evidentl y mnldnc: into an early nsve t whilst to those of maturer years It will gently aadTserra elr-protract the close of life: -Thonsandaof upco- >fently liuuuii »s cases , given up'by uui faculty, ore now in the enioyuxait of health (life' s {(reaiest Messing), a Uring testi- mony, to tha Dnspeokable . vafue . of . this; remarkable medicine. Hundreds of testimonials , 'too ' numerous ta pablish , may. be seen by any one. ' The ' ^ preparation. lt extwni/Jly pleasant to Ski , and nose need suffer whilst ¦ *uch>'>ntri«uloas medica- Eient is in eilstenoe, ' / Persons of studious hnbit , deblllUted femalssv andtthose OU' whom'the wear and ttarot'llfs is be- ginning to toll , should , -persevere statdily with this lifc-reviv. L.i«Jn hw ' nna'Mnnfl, »v%A fKjMT Will Va .nfAnt ahlui nt ft* results. All those wbe.have triedi ot]>er means , .galvanls-and eleotrice tppUsooes^a./withotit onr lwnrfdal result , ore earn- 'istly recommended to make fair trial of this medicine , which , " bemVsnade op on tia hi ghest scientific principles , mvariably mooeeds. wTbe 'great suocess attendants on this . . wonderful Bscovery. hasled toahcietot worthless imitations. Price 41s. and S3s . per bottle;. The large size contains sufficient for or four weeks. " . ;;.f. 'r . H 'JI- " . . "' "" ' ' ¦ ' ' . , _ ( Ixromrurr Koncx to m POTLICEvery package of Dr. De Boos " preparations bean the Oovernment Stomp, with the wOrus , ' .< ' (Vralt«T dS Eoos; London,' . " te whits letters on. a red " gtound, by otdep ot ier . Majesty S;Honourable Commission- en , . without which , nous can b«i>psEiblyJt>o xenuine, Dr. Do noos '-worWi-ramed Medicines are soldT>y Mr. Kenney, " The Watorford Hews" Office ; , Mr. White ,. "Observer:; Office , Ballynisna .; aid they maybe obtained at every , Patent Medi- cine Vendor la the. world , <md«r mo«t Chemists ; or , 'should ; the least dlflcnlty oe«nr,^ will be forwarded to any part of' the iTJoited Kingdom (carriage free), per return , on recei pt of tha asaount , by JDr. De , Boos ,>3, HoUord Square , London, W.C. ,, -J^yiitat*a and nervous s\ifferer» «houia read t>o " Medical -idviwr , " byiDr. D«'Soo« , on tha aeeret' eanses of ' nervom? 'detaty . riBnarw B^- 'uiifrultfnJ marrU geJ , impotonoy. de- •ftssslnn ot trwW, «ud oonfimed melanoholy^ too frequently (Saceable to csrtaln pernicious hablu acquired In early life. ' TnlxilffiV fr1 ftnfTj T4 , 1 "'infiirji-1*^*17^1 ^ ff^T^t*" . T^nilfin ' f W.C. ' >AteuSwttbM ni^fb*-h»^Met free lor fofe^nunps¦ '{:. . ' { ' '* !mHBB*PEIOU' , v Ui« ' ; he«r '! ' Prcrio 'h l( r«ftiedy " for; i-.i k lrt«*T«ufcness ' , -Debnity; r and sU those msUsest prwhich; jUTcmryiDaTsaparOla , *«. ' , ' ore geserslly prBscrfbejL'-Devoid OT a^jKa^Vo^Wiclnol \l idoAtf earrfed ta tha pocket; ; S«CTBS?ii^aiB^la^cu5^«^?r < ^t .52 tt %"t^f r;^!Srf^ l ^"r: ' M' " f w.<«Si-f aii"* !?^?'' -? 1 ?' 1 5SKEBAPm0N'UpTms«am three diflsiTOt formsrHes. ? t«, aadS , aocorftng to the purposo for waich it is intended -ifor full particulars of whioh rood tbe detcri p Uve pamphlet sent free for threo stamps , by Mr. Johnston , Bookseller , 87, y«rulam-itreet , London , E.C ¦ ; ! : .:. ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ ' ¦ ' . :' . . ' 'is ' ' . ; ' )> ¦/'' ¦ ¦.. ¦ ¦ 1 ! ¦¦ ' ; ' - . -i:. .-; "v . BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO THE CATHOLIC CLEKGY, BOOKSELLERS , 4 On Sole ot T7ie News Office , With tha Hecommondation of tho Bishop of "Watcrford and Lismorc, tho Eight Rev. Dr. POWER A Cathechism for the Instruction of Children BT THE MOST Key. Dr. JAMES BUTLER, Arch - bishop o fCashol and Emly. RECOMMENDATION : " I approve of of this Edition of tho Ri ght Rev. Dt JAMES BUTLER' S Catechism, and recommend it to th Faithful of theso Dioceses. 4< " JOHN POWER, R.C.B. . " Waterford, Sept. 10th, 1875." Printed on Good Paper, and in large clear Type. ORDERS from any part of the Dioceso , sent in and directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher , Waterford News Offico , 49 King-street , promptly at- tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms. May bo had Retail from evory Catholio Bookseller in tho Dioceso. Bishop & Sons' Quinine Wine- fpHIS INVJLGOKATING WINE, strong ly re. J- commended by tho highest Medical authorities for its Tonio and Restorativo Qualities, is prepared with the most careful attention to tie purity of its ingrodients, and contains One Grain of Quinine, each Glass. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Dublin- -Wholesale by B OILEAU & B OTD , M'M ASTEB, HODGSON & Co. ; HUGH MOORE & Co. ; ALEXANDER FINDLJTOB A Co. ; FAWCETT i Co. ; CANTSELL and COCHRAHE. Retail by HENRT ToniN, JAMEB 1' LANA- OAN , J OHNBTON and OLDHAM , ana others. BUxcfcrocJi^J. RICHARDSON. Corfc—TOMKIN8 and S ON , WOODFORD, BOUBNF, * Co. ; H. MOBRIS, J. MoBOAf; SMITH. Belfast—^WILLIAM DOBBIN 4 Co ; CLARK 4 UI'MOL- LAN ; J and J. HABLETT, HCOH WHITE, EAKIS i. Co., and LEATHEM, C OULTER, and HOWARD, and W. GII. MORE 4 Co. Londoiiderri/—OSBORNE & PATTEN, JAMES THOMP - SON and SON. Dungannon—3. M. FEROUBOh* & Co. Mannfactnrod and Bottled by Messrs. BISHOP and SONS, FINSBURT . DIBTILLERT , LONDON. apG.7m On the First Day of each Month. mHE IKISH A-B C RAILWAY GUIDE X Prico 3d., by Post 4Jd. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM m IRELAND. Terms on application to my^ JOHN FALCONER, 53, Upper Sackville-st., Dublin P ORTBAITS " TAKEN DAILY by WINTER, and Finished in tho best stylo of AKT, at his approved PHOTOORAPHIC STUDIO : < &T 62, QUAY (S/ws ENIBAKCE) WATERFOBD ja28.1y SEASON 187/ THE POWERFUL SUFFOLK CART STALLION, FARMER'S GLORY, WILL Stand this season at BACHELOB ' S- wAiK, MATOR' S-WALK, WATERTORD. TEBMSGentlemen' s ' . Mares, &2, \ Groom ' s Fee Ss. Farmora' Marcs, £1 ; Groom ' a Fee , 2s <xi. Groom' s Feo to bo paid at tho first service. DESCRIPTIONFARMER'S GLOBT is o beantifu Bay, rising 5 years, with black points; stands sixteen and a half hands high. Fanner' s Glory is by Farmer ' s Glory ; his dam is a first-olasa Suffolk Mare , grand dam by Catling ' s Royal Drako Season terminates 10th of July. No accountability for accident happening to maros or foals sent to this horse. All money to be paid b y tho First of Ootober , or Ten Shillings extra will bo charged. PBOPRIETOR-JOHN WEDGER. SEASON 1877 YOUNG MATGHLESS, A VERY fino Red Roan 0ART COLT, rising G years old of great power and substance, -very qniot, sonnd , and a capital worker, bred by Mr. J. Imins, Callow, Herefordshire. He is by " Yonng Callow," by ' Yonng Active ,' by 'Blackthorn ' (bred b y Mr. Godson, Eckington, Lincolnshire), his dam by ' Old Jt crryciaD , ' great grand dam by "Old , Cobham," thus combining tho best breed of cart horses in Lincolnshire and York- shire. His sire " Yonng Callow, "' was winner of the first prizo at tho Hereford Agricultural sho<v in 1870, an tho best: cart stallion in tho county beating several first class horses Will stana :lhiB " Seasori'' n,E" BACHTELOB' B WALI, MAYOR'S WALK, WATERVORB. TERMSGonUemen ' s:Marcs , £2 ; Grooms Fee, 5s. Farmers ' Marcs £1 Groom' s Feo 2s. 6d. Groom' s Fee to bo pnid at first service Season terminates 10th of July. No accountability for accidents happening to mares or foals sent to this horse. All to be paid b y the First of October, or Ten Shillings extra " will bo charged. m23 PsopRtEl'OR—JOHN WEDGEE. DANIEL, HALF-BROTHER TO LORD CLIFDEN. NOW . LET AT :100 GUINEAS A MARE. Tho Propert y of ROBERT PHELAN, Islandkcane, ' \\Ti.Lh STAND this SEASON, 1877, at the follow- If " . ing places :— On WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS, at Mr. THOMAS POWER' S, Ballybricken, WATERFORD ; onFsiDATS, at Mr. MICHAIL ToBra' 8, KILMACTHOMAS j and tho remainder of tho Week at ISLANDKEANE. Gentlemen' s Mares, £3, and 5s. to tho Groom ; Far- mers' Marcs, -6110s., and 2s. 6d- to tho Groom. Groom ' s Fee to bo paid at First Service. PEDIQEEE. DANIEL was bred by Lonl Fitxwilliun, and «nus got fcr NewnunBt«r, who served at 50 Qufneu a ifare ; hit' dim Lioness , 'b y Ballinkeele ; ber dam .Alliance by Confederate , out of Chnkerina (tbe dam of Uumphory, Clinker, tbe sire ot Melbonme , who wsa the sire ' of West-Austnllan, winner of tho Two Thouxand-Derby and St. Lexer; ot Bliskbonny 1 winner of tho Derby and Oaks j of Thormanby, wbuer of the Derb y). Buxixmuc wna by Irish Birdcatcb .*, out of Ferdltte,. br Loogar , out of Del&nde , by Qohnna. BIWMIKSTIE was got by TouchBtone , out of the famous Beeswing, by Dr. 8ynt&x ; ArdroMan, Whltwort ,. Spidllle , Sylvia, by Young Uanke. ^ewminiUsr won the St. Leger in 1861, nnd was the sire ot MtMJid, winner of the Derb y ; Nemesis , wuirer of tbe 1,000 guineas ; Oldminister, Lord Clifden, ana was the winner ot the it Leger in 1863, that day proving himself to be one of the ;best horses in England ; and it is admitted b y everyone that he sbonld hnvo won the Derby—at all events, he waa only beat«n~by a short bend. He is also sire of Cambusc&u , who beat General Feel, who ran second to Blair Athol , winner of the Derby and St. Leger ; of Lad y Egidio , Oppressor , Stan- ton, who boat Callar-ou , winner oi Ten Boyal Plates and up- wards, and also . of the first-class two-year-olci, victorious winner ot the Goodwood Nursery, carrying the enormous weight of fist. ToccnnoMX got three winners of the Derby in Uottorstone , Orlanda, ana Surplice , one winner of the Oaks in Mendicant , and threo winnen of St Leger. ' His Fsxrosiuxcx. —In 18i8 , -Bt Neweastle-on-T yneBucin. won the Gold Cup Stake* of 105 aovs., which wo* won by his grand-dam (Bcaswing) six times , beating, .the QlfVBachel , iriffln ' , Tho Batt , and Maggy. At Carllile he won Her Ma- csty' s Plate of 100 guincaa—two miles—heating by n short lead Shofto , at that time the best three jear old in England j Oreystock , and Secret Treasure. He won the same day tho Lottery Stakes , beating Hiss Steward , Lottery and Shafto. He was then brought to Ireland and won . the Vlaitora Plata of SO aova., at Jenkinstown Park , carry ing 7s. 121b., beatinr Uimosa , Early Percy, Jane, Hibemiaa , Kapoleon, Ni ght of tho Elate, Lovebird , and Companion . Ho alao won at Stra- bane the Stakes of 131 SOVB., beating Panlomimo , Frank , and Hebe. In I860 , st the Currag h September Iloetlng, he won the Wellington of 121 sovs., carrying 8rt. 31b., beating Mountain Dew and INightlngalft—«to 4 on nan. At the Cur- nigh October fleeting, he won HerHsgeaty * * Plata of 100gt. ( three miles , beating Jeanette (to whom he gave Sat)., Love Dird, Lena Biven (who beat Druid), . and several other*. The day following he won the Lord Lieutenant's Plate ot 100 g»., beating Kosegay, Bandtman , Britith Qrenadior , Lore ' Bird , and four othen. In 1861 , at Cork , he won the CitUea ' t Plate of 178 sova.—two mile*—carrying 8(t 91b. beating Con.. solution. Forager , Frailty, ¦ Sjorto, and Maid ol Magsmft;?. He won tho Uuoen ' s County Stakes of 130 BOvs., carmtK\ Bat. 121b., beating frailty. 8at 31b., The OeneraL BuBy Boe^r Bhstic Boy, Keynard , and Irritation. Hewonthedayfucoeed* Ing the Health Stake* of-53*or*., canytngSst. Sib.; beating Orphan Girl , 6*t. 41b., (who waa gold for a larga sum, and won v three times in Paris running in rory hi»h Korm—ate of toe . ¦ best mares ot her yeAra) , Allegone ani ^ratohmaker. Is . 1362 , at the Cumgh April Meetinj, he won the Welliugtou nf 175 Bora., carrvinir Sat. 71b.. —beatinir Paidalotte. 8it. ilb.. (who. when a three-year oW, beat Petra, S yean oW, with equal weight). Fetra alterwarda wonthe-Uverpool Autnnui . Cup, value i.700 ; the Shr«w*bary Cup, value &S70 , with. Set. . ilb. ; the Leaming ton Welter Cup, ,witjh l£st. ' 41b. 1 Diana , ?ut. 121b .; Bellman . Sat.. 71b., who beat Callar-ou , winner ot the Leger. I who on that day. ' proved herself the net man in Englana), HHtown. YorknunWer , Fada; andEBon, . 'Thl»'- •¦ ended DIZIXL' B jsclug carcer ,.hy-which.it will. bo. seeaiis may be daased aa one of the lint BaaeboiaamEnclaud and-- 5elond.v ¦ •:/ :¦ ¦ ¦:' ¦> i^iiT. ' .r r —; .'• n:, !i •> ' " DASIU . closely combines th* blood.of , Touch»tone , Bud- , catcher , Melbourne , and Langar , which is adnltttd by aU sporUmon to oe the best racing blood. ' in the wprw. ' Ha stands IS hand*3 inches high ; dark boj- , 'with black tog* , mane , and taiL r From hi* . ' game porfonBances , 1 grand shape , : mod bone and >ub*t«nos , ' *ound constitution and mort docile ,. { «mper, hemurti>roTeaKlrt.lo th« bree*r* o( . thi*locallty. ' DJJIIJX is the £0 of Dan, a winner at Queen ' s CounW and ¦ Carlow , and rtin »eooridto Joey Ladle foi! too DroghcdaSukea ' ' at Punche»town , ! earryingneairry, tor*wr»aht ; : of Drindy, 1 who '' ran aeoond to Merlin for the ' Grand MflrWryv oarrj ing J2»t |i. ' of Mls» Susan. - . who:wonth« Handicap *t ;Kilroen , - County. : Bligo , beating . Blackthorn and nina others., Sha jaoa very. , cloaasecood to Stella for the Bailway* at FuneheatownJ who' ; the £00 tovav. 'Sfeika: a? Cork. .Ho 'il. - 0 aire of Shy 'loek , ' '' ' Winner of -the Veteran Stake* at Punch' cstownTbeatmar ' a'Iaigv '' 1' field, and winning very easily. Also aire of Monarch , winner i.i of a >toka a , t Baden-Baden , volne 44C0 , and >wonthe;Grand , j, National in Germiny. carrviiig tho enarnouajweirht of I2*t. Tib., on both occasions?ind IB recorded at tho mtf Irisb-nred"^ -j home thatever ' won'tnatrich' priM. " :;l i?- •: ! .i-ijs^a:: ¦ >:. I ;,> I. 1 - DAXiu ' s-'prodnce ' u' hanten and; marketihorje* cannot .v : boeiccltoivi For inatonce , -Elcnard>>£]r». <X»4.W Oreeahall,., ;, .Kanogh/ told,two half-lured, colt*, ' /n«tr«Jn»dV got .b^i thla ^ .. thorae , forthe . flgure of iSPOj ond at ^jne at. OotoheraUe a . ;; haU.br^horBe rot by 'DarJeIi brcdbr J?HiloM , l>q., fiMI ic- . ' las. , BO M forSOO plmJb y T,ublidiu«lonA;8e*5 f . fe-tavf. - " llihrnest; Dublin: unoT- wu the' -hlskert prio* ootained at th»:; ¦ . 'Bale; J- , vs6iM.r. * .w 1 ti''>:»S ;u»t-i ' f<« {•»:»!•"! *'^ : 1 ' l; ' '. fc« v f .-i»:. ; xDuttBiSM , haU-brothar ito;Adve6tur«r;. «lra .or pretender., j:. ¦Wiimerof tha A3^' p«4Dn>y>fJ»o , raltV»UM|«Lc*d; CUfdet; tin of^airthorWfn , winh«r;or the Bti JLeVJet' , and' I , ' ot WeatocltJ' irlnheTOt tn« l»5T«^;|hll871- -'t«»alfd«l» .n' la let to manit thi* '*aii*mii» ^lpffeacn Tnart;otrc«-lnrUi«»'!' . 5arldeulara; v«a Bainnf;CBlBldaiQ.i; -f<itU.i« . 1 HDTjfciiiKsrh 8hfflmg» addiaonal wfll M charfsd;; 1 c vp;. :^,;;t^ia^riiais* H.B. -Mar«« win not>bo-atteadodlo {aa.9mttif r<a ' - O SS V A day* , and no^ ^ aecounUuBttT for acddcfrU >J**l rt^MSgSH to man* or foals *entto tbis horse. B*a«oa ' * f mMS8mGf zm TvasswaamB ^UMiBB

Transcript of lwl ~ ''' '¦'''sMpMf &ut W&i v i • RAILWAYS

Page 1: lwl ~ ''' '¦'''sMpMf &ut W&i v i • RAILWAYS

" THE WATERPOBD NEWS."' S8TABI.raHJ5B—1847.- • • ¦ • •

¦ .' • . : ' . -

LARGEST CIRCOLATION IN THK SOOTH or IRELAND,r«Ui'»hfi orcri) FR1DAX £«nitvj at No. », Xi«j-S(rr«l, ;

(orrosirE THK raovraciu BAHX).PRICE—THREE PENCE; Yearly (iu Advance), 13a.; By Post (Yearly), 15s., in 'Advance.

- AOKXTB TOR SALE OP ,THE NEWS •.WATERFORD—Mr. W.'KKLLTJ Little- Gcorgo's-st.TRAMOEE—Mis* CLANCTV Refreshment' Rooms', in

Strand-street. _ ' ' .1 • . . '• "¦. • ' ) '. '. •¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ •PASSAGE EAST—The Misses Lovje/Hotcl, Square. ¦.CARSICK-ON-SUIR—jur J. M. MTJBPHT, News AgentLONDON—(For Advta.) Mr. WrLMAV^AEBoti,^ 123'/

Loughboro'-road (North) Britten. ' ' . i-DUBLIN—AdTe'rtiiring.Agcnta ; Measrs. W. H. Surra

& Sox, Abboy-stropt. 'DUNGABVAN—MTV EDWABD BEKNNAN, Stationer,

&c, Post and Telegraph Office , The Square.KTLKEJTNT—lirl ¦ Josof JfMtPHTy Ro««' Inn-'stietjt.CASTLECOMEB—Mr. J. HOLOHAN, Majn,-street. ,c<

EStfEnnnuro WUl'H^WCOJ jaST'ire*¦ ¦¦ .] : ¦ : ^^^ mW 0¦ ' Milford Haven.


Shortest Bout© and Reduced Far«B."lr-—|-jj\ Ezprets Trains and New New Fast

S*V*V9HQQEB^ * Jfixil Steamers. ¦

(Conveying - Passengers and Cargo only) every WeekDay.

No CATTLE, SHEEP.or HGS, Carried by UHMW Boot*.

DOWN.—LKAVS LONDON (Paddington) at 5.15 p.m.,and AKBIVS AT WATKKroTD • (weather andcircumstances permitting) abont oloTen a.ni., intimo for the Trains on tho . Waterford andLimerick and Central Ireland lines.'

UP.— Leava Waterford at 4. 30 p:m., on Arrival of, 11.20 a.m Train from Limerick, and 10,35 a.m.

Train from Maryborough, ABKIVIKO in LON-,DON (weather and ciroumstanccs permitting) at12.10 noon, following day. ¦ • :. .-

No Cargo oan bo received ¦¦ on board - after 4.15 p.m.,when the stages will be removed, to enable the Steamersto depart PONCTUAXLY at the appointed time. ¦

$3B" • Special Boats will (weather and circumstancespermitting) sail with live Stock from Waterford to NewMilford on snch days as may bo required. ¦ For'hoarsof Sailings, 4c, nee special Bills.

FARES— WATERFORD AND LONDON :SIMOLE( available for 5 Days) 1st Class and Saloon, 46a Od

" " 2nd Class and Saloon, 85s 6d" •• ¦ 3rd Class and ForeCabin. 20s Od

RimjBNB (available for 2 months) lstJClass & Saloon, 76a" " " 2nd Class «fc Saloon 59s.." " 3rd Class and Fore Cabin, 33a 6d.

Further information can bo obtained from Mr. J. M.D0WMKT, Railway Terminus, Limerick; Mr. W. D. Me-NAJCAKA , Adclphi Wharf, Waterford. Tho REDUCEDFABSB between other important Stations, tho TimeTables, and Through Bates for Goods, Ac., can beobtained of Mr. W. J. BU8S*LL, the Great WesternRailway Company's District Agent, Adelphi Wharf,Waierford. •

. .„ . J. GE1ESSON, General Manager.Paddington Terminus: - - j7.tf


Ship s ' Ton* Ship$ ¦ TonsEGYPT,' Grog&n 5061 ENOLAND,Thompson...4900SPAIN, Grace 4000 THE QUEEN, Bragg...4441ITALY, TyebBtCT....:4302 HOLLAND, Simpson...3847FBANOB,"Altr6e .~357r ^EEIN;Spenoer."....:. .";:n3956CANADA,- Stunner; 3500 H*LV*TIA, Thomson, 3974OBEECE, Andrevrs,3500 DENMABK.Williams, 3723

From LJTXBPOOI, to NKW YOBK every Wednesday.From QTJBKNBTOWN, THTTHSDAY ; from London to

Nxw YOBX every SATURDAY.Saloon Fares, 10, 12, and 15 Guineas, according to ac-

commodation. Betnrn Tickets, 24 and 22 guineas.Steerage to New York, Boston, and Philadelphia and

Baltimore, £6. -'.- ¦ . / . . • ¦ \iSuperior accommodatiou and abondance of Fresh Pro-visions. ' •Apply to tho National Steamship Company (Limited), ;

. 23, Water-street, Liverpool. : .SOLE AGKNT SOU WATERFOBD : • ¦ • , ¦ •

JEREMIAH MGKFHT, Barronseraod-sireefc "3. M. MTJBPHYrCarrick-on^Sulr'- HICHABDLDNDT,

Main-gfrect, do/ ; BICHARD PHKLAN , Brown-street,Portlaw ; WILLIAM FOBBISTAL, Grocer, New Boss ;PATRICK LANOAV , Bonmahon ; JOSEPH MEANT, Gro-cer, Dnngarvan ; or to

N. and J. CUMMINS and'BBos., Queenstown.


«K^ T V STEAMERS,"¦¦" TfiiTlfH— TnTfirr^<*1 to Philadelphia

• . EVEBY WEDNESDAY.Calling at Qucen.stown every Thursday.

First-class Full-powered Iron Steamships are appointedto Sail :— .

ILLIONIS July 4 INDIANA July 25LOBD CLIVE „ 11 '¦ . •• Ang 1PHIB... " 18 PENNSYLVANIA .,, , 8No intermediate Passengers carried on voyages markedthus* ' < ¦ : .. - . . .

The on\y Trans-Atlantic lino Bailing under the Uni-ted States Flair, and carrying tho American Eafts forsaving life, besides tho uxual complement of Lifeboats,and an extra number of l if e Preservers. Tho, accom-modation for all classes or passengers is equal to any ofthe European Steamship lines. Every 8teamor cameaa Surgeon and Stewardess. ' • ' '¦ ' '

Paniengers and goods are landed at Philadelphia onthe Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,which DM the shortest and most direct route to all placesin th« Western States. • • „

Patsengers by this line can pass direct into the Bad-road Cars without leaving the Landing Wharf,- and nn-dcr the same roof, there- are Refreshment Booms, Uni-ted States Letter Box, Telegraph Office, Exchange Of •lice, and Baggage Express Office. • '- ¦.";

CABIN PASSAGE, 10 to 18 guineas. Rctarn Ticketsat redneed rates. ¦ • ' ¦ ' :

STXIBAOE PASSAGE as low as by any other fast line,including an amplq supply of good Provisions. Steer-age Passengers are' forwarded to New York or' Bostonwithout additional ieharge.- ¦• • ¦ ¦

< ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

• ¦:

IMTSBXEDIATB PASSAOE, inclnding Beds, Bedding,and all necessary Utensils and separate Table, JE8 8s. • '

Apply in Philadelphia to PETZB WEIGHT * SossyGeneral Agents, 3q7, Walnut-street ; in Oneenstown, toN. & J. CUMMINS & BBOTBXBS ; and in Iiverpoool,.to BICHABDSON, 8PENCE 4 Co., -

._tf... - „. . . 17andl9 .Water-»treet; ,.JOHN DEVEBEUX, Quay, Waterford.

¦ , ; i WILLIAM WIGHTMAN, Kwtcr.st.,;W*,:1 " ' ¦ • Custom-house OuayyWateriord. • • • ' •



5,000 Ton*:Burthen. 3,000 Eone-power,

• pm ?m '' Xdverpool lor' How YorkHBisf Mm- every Thursday;From QUEENSTOWN (Cork) every FBIDAY, ,

. . : . I forwarding • ¦ •Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada,

• Returning from New York every Saturday.The well-known fast Mail Steamer* ot this lino, all

eotwtrtuitod by Messrs. HABLAMD A WOLFS, of Bel-fast, tako the Lane Routes, recommended by Lieut.HACBT, on both Ontward and Homeward Passages..They sail as wider :—sI .. . From Liv»*POOL, s— "'¦ ADBJATIC i ... Thntadayi ... 28th June . :i BRITANNIC... Thursday. it . July 5«» 'I ; FBOkC NIW TOBK !


j ADRIATIC! .„ Satnrday, ... July 9th \ Vj BBTTANICl ... .Saturday, ... Julj lCth.';. . '

Thes« new and splendid vessels rednoe the puagci tothe shortest possible time, and afford to Passengers thehighest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at sea--

! Average Passage, in Summer, 81 days ; Winter, Wj days. . Each Teasel is constracted in 7 waters-tight' compartments, i »\ i ' . - ¦ ' - > •\ Th^STssBAOM are unusually spacious, well-lighted,ventilated, and warmed, and Passengers of this classreceive the utmost civility and attention. An unlimitedsupply of Cooked Provisions. Medical comforts freeof charge. Stewardesses ;in" Steerage to attend theWomen and Children. SteerageFare at Seduced Bate.

For freight and further particulars, .apply at theOffioea of the .Company, 37, Broadway, New York jIn Qnsenatown; to JAMM SCOTT A Co; ii or ¦• • • •' '

IBMAYj MBIE *Co.; 10, WateMtroet, Liverpool,' end 34;_Lead«nhaU-«trflet,' London. E.C f &O-tiJAMES Ei NESgY.GTt^O etf^WMorford.JOHN WALL, Jnn., Duagvvan.: ¦¦¦ •> • ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦JOHN HOLOHAN. Caitlecoiner. ':'"'¦' ¦ ' ¦' '•¦' ¦

JAMES ¦WATTS, Bonmahon. ., -,•/. • , •


GOVERNMENT : EMIG R AT IONTO NEW ZEALAND, QUEENSLAND,* CAtfADJUTTIBKI PASSAGES to NEW ZEALAND grsntMJO ., to eligibleAppIicanti:, ASSISTED PA8SAGK8Granted to. CANADA. (ParticnUri of which can bebad on appplieitioti to J- II. Ui'9*.ir, AguA.-» :'.) J '

<?: Btcamri tof Neif York tWic« »' *«k, Xrom Qneen*.. town, Lirerpool, Dorrr, Dablio/OWgowj «sd Loiidoa,JtriUlMi Bblpi ban Lirerpool Bnd'LondonW Au'U^

MdQaa dindobo-inSatli.--3 1''' '' '¦ 'T "" '

£W»ilon Offlde—43 MEW LAHB, 0ABEI0K-.0H.BTOB. I i j»>.tf.]

m "-t . l ¦ ¦' :| ¦


lwl ': ~ '' ' '¦'' 'sMpMf &ut W&i vi " OLYDE SHIPPINOf COMPAIPrf •¦ -., • . . . ; -.¦ :, ¦ ¦ ¦ JVW . i Wi- !.¦> '¦*¦'f??^< -^

'¦¦ ! ' , . .' ¦¦~;- < t < " <- -LnTT"r)-;;-'ii *:>jWf r > '¦¦>•.'• < ¦<, i . Regular, Si«pn»|.Oo5»ijntim.eoKo» tttyjc cn. WATEBPOBioi. J '»ndL;j lL'6'H VO.'X ^Via Sonthamptoif and Loadbnj) and South Western u; • ¦ .; ! ¦ Bailway. .¦Ai.ii '. l^ ls'r.htv^

PLYUODTHlXDiSOWBAirPTOM, A»»- SOUTH o» XNO-' AHD, CX)BBypDtmL 3ELFi^T.Aiin .apB pyrv -

a gjfclt f-' j Bgfiss.TVDBR' cgwwtffi;' 5cic '

are' btteniea to fM Se^ ^p tt a 'w-vented I? uufotejtan efa«tan»taM«iV WW lflwrty W ,W«rVewBlf,1 and' to Ftt Tvi^s Ur si otdBV.tu'o»on! of jtba va*Unmei?BoaM^i»MieimHM UUKhut* CkrnO,or for an/other p«po«»'.whiJ|n9< «,,,{ <^^>.«!; (..wST-,

FiWar, ^- / iflth.' ¦>¦ •,,' „ 1; p.m., :..vIaCorka»i4B<afc*t.:8»«oid»r,<in". "«hihi.j'vu'i.'j! 6 Ip.ut / vl« Belia>k>r, 5)»f:

JCftMajr vVtkib^A^^rv»ilp»pi«iit~T»a"l>o*aicf1** *- 't.WadcexUT. 18th .. 1 cm.. ria Cork.'nwJinu*/, loui ,, & y.m.i im \ VAK .TrUnr, 30th „ 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast.-

> Satardsy, Zlst „ S' p ,ta., via B«UutTuesday. 34th „ . 1 pjn., ria. Dublin.Wadnoaday, 2Sth ,. 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, 27th „ 1 p.m., via Cork and BeUott.Saturday, 28th „ 6 p.m., via Belfast.Tnecdar, 31st ,, . ' 1 p.m., via Dublin,

nux ousoow TO WATSiroaD. . ¦'¦¦Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, andFBIDAY, at2 p.B

' ' Caledonian Ttmm to'Oremock at d p.m.' : Nora—The Steamer on Friday roe* via Cork.

' nox wirauosD TO BUTAST.Eierj FBIDAY. via Cork • • . > I ¦ . • .. . at 1 p.m.Erery SATURDAY, direct ;. , , . . ; .->, . . • atS p-1"-

, , BIUAST TO wtTnrOBD, direct.Erery THtTBSDAY, also. MONDAY, 9th asdS3nl July.¦ nw>i« wATxarosn T O D OBI.IV, diieot.

Every TUESDAY, - - - • at 1 p.m.muk TO wAjxBJuui, VIA cosx.

. . ¦ : ; Xvery:aATUBDAY..i . ¦ no*. wJLTtnrona TO COM.

Every WEDNESDAY • - . - at 1 p.m.Etery FBIDAY, ' .-' ¦ ' * ': ' • • • • at l p.m.

: -' Vnon Couc TO 'WATBaiois, direct. '• Ereiy HONDAY. , ,

¦ . ; , : .. • - , • . T?ArXBTOIU> 10 I/OSDOf. . ¦

Steamer to Southampton, thence by. London sad SouthWestern Boflwar to Nine ElnU Btoaon. at Throorh Bate*,

Eisry SATOBDAY, and on WEDNESDAYS, 11th andSSth Jol/, at •p.m.

I/OHDOH-TO WiTOltromD—E'erj TUESDAY, i- Goods received at any ot the Becelring Bonsea of theLondon and South Western Ballmy Company, and at NineElms Station; oplt6'039.fejn. v , • ¦ ¦' »•- (ri '.i: "¦ • l . 3 - ' ¦¦

WARJUOBD TO Pimopra, direct.> Erery 8ATDBDAT, and on WEDNESDAYS, 11th and

25th July, at * P-m.¦ ' • . PtTKOCTS TO WAixaroiD, direct, ¦ ' -. . Ererjr TBIDAY, at8 p.ni. : : . 1


• 25th July, at 4 p.m. .SOTTIIHJTOH TO WATzaroaD, ni1 PITHODTH,,¦ Every WEDNESDAY, at Noon.

These Steamers hare excellent accommodation forPassengers.

P A S S A O E- M O N E Y ... ¦ . Cabin. 'Betorn. Deok.Wlterford to Glasgow and Belfast ¦ • 17s. ' 6d. 25s. 10a.

„ Cork »s. 14«. 5e.„ Dnbllfl. ..; 10s. " ' 15s. 6s.„ .Flnnontu & Sonthampton,20s, '. 30t. 10s.'.,. ' London, ... ... . 25s. . ... Us.

Children above 3 and nadar 12 yean of age. Half Fare.«- Ncm.—Th* Clyde Sliipplar Coapanr Insure all Goods

shipped hy these lines ot Steamers at 3* id per cent, to Tradershaving yearly agreements, and 5s. par Cent to occasions]Shippers. Values to be deolared at time of Shipment. FormsandaUintozmution to be nad at the offices, r

For Bates of Freight, Ac., . apply,to—J"..C. Puxxxroir,Belfast ; BEVBT J. WAXIRO A Co., Plymouth ; H. W.Wnuuu, London and South-Western Bailwar Company,Exeter Buildings, 'Arthur Street, West, and at the L. 4 8.W.Baflrray Beoeiring' Houses thronghont LondoAi CtTDSBHIrrjxo Co., Glasgow, Qtvenock; 2. Qneen-street, Ximeriik;Bonthampton;. 27 Eden. Qnay, .DnbUn i and Patiiok's Quay,Cork.

CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY,.,, Custom House Quay. Waterford. ¦

Special forms of Bills.ot Lading required by the ClydeShipping Company to be htd of the Agents. ¦

Waterford Steamship Company(LOOTED).

' • ' ¦ -¦¦ • , •




v , «*.; ¦ ¦ ¦VTOTIOE. —Thp WatorfordqaBBBBB Hv -1 > Steamship Company

(Limited)¦~K WJ»K\J |VV leceira Goods for Shipment on .the

aatsSHBBoBa»'oUowillf Terms ¦ pnly .—They reservethe right to carry by any, sot by porUenlar Vessels, withliberty to tow Sups, andcall at ouwr Pprts. and will not beaccountable for Injuries or losses arising from delay. Accidentso( the Sws, Blrers, Fin; tha Queen's Enemies, DefectiveNatigation, or Accidents from any other cause, nor for anyloss which might have boenfeovered-.bylnsuranoe, nor forLeakage, Breakage, Condition, Quality, or Contents of anyParcel*, or Packages; unless specially entered and ad-valoremFreight paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the rlak sndexpense ot the Consignees. All Goods will be considered usubject to a general lieo, and held not only for freight ot thesame bat /or all arrears ol Freight, Storage, or other chargesdue by-the importer. Owner, or- Cpaxigooes, to the Company:In order to Insure' Punctun! Sailings .Slippers will pfcnofl takenotice, that all Goods , most' be oa ooaid Two Hoars and allCattle at least One Hour before the advertised time of 8aillng;and the Company will not be responsible for the Carriage of,or Injury or Delay to, any Cattle or Goods not so delivered tothem on board their Ships.


Direct : . , Direct j • . . . ., •Tuesday, Jnly 3...13 noon. ' IThunday, July S...12 noonTuesday, „ 10... 7 monilng Thursday, ¦ „ 12.:. 7 morninfTnawlar,- „ '17...U: noon' • I Thnraday,Ii „ 19.lt noon; . :Tuesday, „ 24... 7 morning iThureday, „ 29... 7 morning¦nosdnT. „ 31:..12 noon. '. ITharaday, Aug. 2.1.10 morning"Ts '- : "i ¦¦¦¦• • ¦ APorjxj oB Ciror'^^"" " ¦ ¦rsox wATCxroao TO nntn i r«o» IBISTOL TO vunnu

. .Direct. '¦ CalUng at Pembroke Dock., .Friday, July 8 ... 31 Aft'n Tuesday, July 8 .. 10 Hotn

*&. . ..^•••'"-te;.-. ;;;:?:•a* On early Moiplng SaQbgt, Cabins or Ute 'stesasrs win

be open to x«oetve Passengers arrirlag from London by thefLrht Mall Train. * ~ ¦ - v j * - ;.¦

Cabin Fare, Us. j Servants (travelling with' FimffieJ) andChildren, 10s.:' Betnrn ilo! '(availaUe for two months); 25s.Cbildrea under Twelve, Us.), or with libtrty to return bomhiblia, Cork, or Wexfonl, SCs. (Cbildren mdar twelve, &*.)lUnrard's fee included. Deck, 7s. M. Females attend the

Lsdies' CsUn. • " > ' ' ". . ; ' ¦ I. "Extenaon of iTinie granted on all Betorn TiefcsU oo the '¦

Following terms:— :i:U . ' ' - -For a Fortnight, 3s. Sd., and for tnerj subseauent week, 2s. .WATEBFOBD AND IIVEBPOOL.rxo« wiriBJWBiT.'T'S'-L ^>'wm'-£ivx>i»oofciJ

Houdsy.l Uulyl i ... 8tAft'nUonday, July » ... t Aft'nW.3SS&y. „ ,« - •WwjtaAfr 7;l 4 3 Aft',

"rlday, i, • ..• 9 Morn'Friday, , t., 6 ... 6.Morafonday,¦" •' " 8 ...WUttVMonday,1 ' ' ,, »'.;:• » Mori

WedSSuay, . U ..'. tArtJutWedaeiuay, Uf:..10HotmftSayT , " , 13 +. 1 Affn FrSayT . ", 13 ...12 NoonSudsy. » 1« % SlAIfn Monday. .. K ¦••• 2 42'a

WednSav, .7 • 18 ..J 8 Morn Wednesoay, „ < 18 ..: «'Atf»rXurT

J' 20 ... 8 Mora Friday, „ 20 ... 9 Mora

Wednesday. „ 25 ... 1 Aft'n Wednesday, „ .». .•¦» »»»¦rlday, ; • ,, ' *> V..U N°<>» **•»/. ' ' ,. *7 ,:.U Mornfondsy, V. SO „. SlAtt'n Monday,: ., »'.;.-1 Aff riCobfi Fare, 17s. 6d; ServanU (travelliug with families) and

Children, 10s ; Dock, 10s- 1 Chndren,Ss. , : ,. ;,- !¦:Females attend the Ladle* CaUn. Goods reedted at'CUr-

ence Dock, LlrerpooL ¦'¦'• ¦ : :1 W A T E B F O BD AN D DTJ N O AB V AW. . •

WxmiOMD TO DWOABVAB : I DtW8ABTA» TO WATXB1OBDI (Monday, July 2 ... 1 Alfn'Tuesday, . July , 3 ... 1 Aft nrednSiay, „ 4 ... * Atfn'Thursday, ,, '5'.;. 9 Mom,

FrfdayT ,, « - ¦¦* Alt'nISaturta/. ' 7 ...HBMorn

Sndsy, „ » ...U MomTuesday. , „ 10 .;.' fJAft'iiSnSday. U :..1« Noon'ThurSiy; „ 12 ... 4 AfVn

HJ.. 1.1 .. i Aft'n Saturday. .. 14 ... 7 MorriFriday. „ 13 ... » Affn Saturday, „ 14 .'..•. 7 gwHSnSr, ;;- .-I«v.<eAlfnTtasday, . ,. 17 ...»Mom

Vedneiiay. 18,,..,* AffnThnrsdiy, „ , 19 ... 9 MoraFrtdsyT ;;.ao....'4 Affnflsturdsy.( , , . 21 ...13 Noont dky. • 83 ...11 Momffresdsy.; „ ,'».» «»«

Wednesday, Mf M-...I* NoonlThaisday; „ ' M . !* t^londay, „¦ 30 ... 8 Att'nTuesdaT, „. $1 ... 7 Aft «

Faox WATxiroa» ft«ny;'8uiiaays exeeptei'atS^p.m. ;•Fao« NEW Boss -Dauy, Sundays txeep&d, at »45 a.m. jVj iTESrOlD A N D ' D U X C A W X O V . .'Fao« WATBBTOBO—Dally; Sowlays exeeptod, at SM p.m. I

' FEOBI Vncunm—Vtiij, Sundays exeepted, st 8.15 ajn. ; |Berths secured and every Information given by Agea«»«t i

BaisTov-Thfli Otaersl Steam Packet OflloMS W«2!S!J5BraoABViJt — Mr. Ti ' Dowooy, Msfa treetr l-jjw rWaterford StMmihlp. Company (LtnuUd),' 33 Brabswiefcstreet, Washington Biuldmgs, sod at the Company's Offlees,In MAU, Wjuxxroxn.... > . ;. . . , , • , ;„ ¦, •. .¦!.; j ", 1-i •( !

¦;.! i , ProftMor: CJJSS$,qR'a^SEVi0 '„ ",-. i

t i T Have Anal jr«d k epeofmen'of Messri. AILHAI, JL , * CO.'B WBIBKSS, forwarded U>. mf to

that purpose by' Mr.'1 Cn»i«TOpn«« WOOD*., .« .1*. i\good old Wbldcey, f r e e from Fnsel Oil and other im.pnritio), and potaetned p( an exceHtnt flavpQaDd gowlarcma.

' ' " '¦ '.:. . . .. •- • ; " ¦• : ;.

¦¦¦¦.¦ ¦

_. "¦¦


, "OHAELKP Ai OAMEBON, MJ)., Pwf«f«»[. in the Bojsl Crtlegoor,8ttrgopMf-M««e»l

¦ : • • ' Offletr.pf Health;«n4AD«Jy«t fpr)lW>U«.• "To Mr. CHSJ STOBBK* WOODI, I -ir,i ;:i ivr ii ,'<'*0'J

Wine Merobant, 8, Cook-street, Cork,''J •. «1>

BILE, vrnxi, imimoriov. .}'"

.;?-:.. 'i • - - i : ¦'"; ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • "- ': .-*"^

fc '(^V/'.'-M'V

DE.- KlNa-8 TILLS.^mf Tiro'Moaloinef' r:: act nponthe lira ons

is MercprTDrBloe rahthe other I eUon. fBoMSS of ObBtttuttoni^hartbeendcrtrojedby MercurjvBhw rfiJi -JLSsSSftV'i.ff« .fcare-riftdyjtt DBi'ifaNO'SpDi»DEiaa8' UttHJmiNB, JJVEB HLL8,'whiDh|iM*i!reiy I^Xi?

:Hndige«ai5 K*H»ada^ ijBTTonBii /nd •" *Korder.tt J&»stonuvoFSdbbwoli.' 1«) l,d.i »'*ft if«; a«4Uiurptt.b()x;.of ;»iIjBedl<»ap.iendor»..r j»5a

OF all lriDd8,ittritet^:*iUi<Tie»taei*i«nd *n¦ |. «, Klmj Ueet, Watwfort.]. '


KILKKNNT. JUNCTION SAILWATS; -"• -i .'.The shortest route from Watertord and Kilkenny to Dublin,Atblona, PortnmmaII ParsQnstbwn> ,or Nanogh.Ji.tia Hary-boroughl ryAvTt/ijLtTri ilJU?Z %r? ¦

Improrod quick and through dally, communication betweenMaryborough, and other stations, to Waterford, thence riiNew Milford to London, and all Stations on tbe Great Weot-erni Bailway of England.

| »EO* wATiETOnp." " r" ¦ -. •* ' -* -'¦ '• •¦'- '

i , ' : niin o»i imx 'im:i' tiiinmV.

! STATIOSB". ia f t3'l 4v 2 lSisliA-'a 12 3 j ' 1 a d. . . s ' , . . " .- . . Class Clsss Class. Class. Class. Class. ;

, j , . , *•?•'. ?•*• r.». I ».K.' noon p.«.

L . i I • ¦ ' I hm h. ni.lh.ln. h.m. hV in.I him!'WttUrford, departure1 7 15' 1 l 0 4 : 0 ¦'—• 18 9 B 30':KUBJWOW. 7.25. 1 .10 .4 10 -r Uja.7 . 0MuTunavat':..v..','.:.,:.V. 7S5 '-¦' < » ?*- WO tU)BalljhaleL...... [.. 7J5 135 4*0 .';— ,. U;W<.7 30,Thbmsstown 8'10 ISO ' 4 K "— • " rT 7 MBeonetshrjdge;...'.,.-... 8 25• *'rS 6"3 ; ~' L40 ,8 6 .Kilkenny......_^iTiTU 8 40 2 20 5 20 . — 1.4« 8tSl^Do •i:'.-..,'7.departtir«! 8 85 ;2'30 '6 80 j -:1' ¦¦¦litO >~8 8S 1-

AttanagS .....v.i:;.',?B. 'ff 'SS '8^' t?b l^ l t V f * ' S1

M«TTboro'..;...»rrtTaJ 10 10 3 85 $.45 t— ^ Jx£jDu&j*HiMarytatoagtt.'d«iijn lfl M . 14'iB1. KM- I 2>V JJIMKH:'/!fonaxUkrtonJnaa. Uyll' 4 17 8 '7 < — ¦ t 4 3 ¦— <¦•-Ihiblm3v..l.;.;.urlvsl 1 15' 5 40;Il0'0' —' IjS - •Athlone. June arrlr. 4 45 8;30 — — . , , — . — . .:Maryboro' dei. down 10 SO ' — 7 11 .' — ' 9 S2; '» 52Bollybrophy. 10 &S . - , 748 —. 10 25T 10 «Boscm . 11 34 — 8 3 — — —Fanonstown ;...:. 12 4 — 9 0 — • — . —' 'Porhunna 12 44 — 9 40 — — I —Neoagh...,:; :..,..... 12 2S — 9 20 ' — ' —' —Teinplemore 118 . — 8 17 — 10 54, 10 54Thurles arrival 1 88 — 8 S5 — 11 1S> 11 13



sTinoits. • • la 's ias i *e i i*i. . . iClaas. CUss. Class. Clsss. 12 &812 Jc3

1 A.K. A.K. A.ac. r.K. Class. Class.

h m h m b m h m hm tunThntlss . ' dep.t - 7 10 '— ' 145 — J iTemplomore - •' — 7 29 — 2 2 — a 20Bollybrophy • ' . — 7 59 — 2 24 - 2 47Nenagh . . . - . , . . . . — 6 30 : — ,1. 0 — —Fortumna . . — ' 6 0 — — — —Forsoastown • ¦ ;• — . 8 40 .— ¦¦ 120 ¦ —: —Beecrea - ' • — 7 13 — 152 — —Maryboro1 srrl up — ' 8 88 ¦— " 8 - 8 — 3 24Athlone JoncMoq . — — 815 2 30 — , —Dublin ;. detf. ' — 6 0' 915 1 0 — ' 9 30PorUrlingtonJnnc'tn — 8 3 919 245 — ¦ — •Haryboro1 arrl dwn — 8 25 10 13 3 9 — 11 52

DOWK TKAIH8, . . Mail 1, 2, 3 —Maryboro':, , < ¦ dep. — 8 40 10. 5 ,3 90 8 30 4 0Abbeylelx' ¦ • ¦' ¦ - — 0 0 10 55 3 M 8 50 4 20Attansgh . . • . _ 9 15 — A t 9. I S 4 85Ballyragget' - • - 9 25 11 15 4 15 9 15 4 45Kilkenny arrival — 9 45 11 40 4 38 '9 40 5 10

Do. departure 7 3 0 10 0 11 45 450 950 5 20Bennetsbridge 1 . .-' 7 45, 110, 12 " — S'3 10'2 5 32Thomutown ' -I 8* 5 'l0 25 12 * 5 6 SO 10 IS 5 44BalWhale - - 8 25 ,10 40 12 15 5 SO 10 30 6 0MallinaTat - - 8 SO 11 0. — 8 ' 0 10 55 8 25Eilmacow - . . - 0 5 11 10 12 45i »10 11 .6 6 85Wntertord arriral! 9 30 111 SO 11 0 « 30 U 30l 7 0

HnrsiT EXCDKSIOFS—Excursion Tickets to Waterford wiD1be issued by tho Train leaving Maryborongh at 8.30 njn,,'avtilable to return bythe 6.50p.m.;Train>iram',Wot«rfonljFares from Maryborough, Abbeyleix, Attonagh,; and Bally.;rajgett, to Waterford and back—First i Class, 5s. i CowedCarriages, Ss. From Kflkennv to Waterford. and back-^and2s. M. < Bennetsbridge ana Thomastown—3s. Od, and 2a;BOljhlJo-2s. «U and Imfld ; KalUnaraH-U: «d. ana Is*Kitaaoow—Is. 3d and M." And to and from all intermediateStations at Single Fares. Tickets not transferable, no Inggsgeallowed, and no halt-fares, i . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ i , . , . . ,: ' ,

Bpecial Fores are charged to First and Second Class Pso.'sengers booking to'travel by tho Express Mail Trains onQ:;«at Southern and Western Line. ' • ' ' , '¦ '

Tickets issned for Single Journey ire available' only for theTisin by which they are issued. ¦ ¦ ¦ , ': i - . ' -.L •,!.• .:¦ _ .'-.• •(

Market Tickets to Wsterford and bock will be issued atM aryborough, Abbeyleix, Attanagh, and Ballyragget, by (he8. M ajn Down Train, arnilable for return hy the 4.0 p.m. upTinln on date of issue. Fares—First Clsss,' 12s., Second Clsss,9f.-and Third Class, 6s. ' :¦ • -:•¦ :¦/: ¦ ¦ > • I

Betum Ticketd ore issned between any two Stations, aval],able for the date ol issue and day following ; those issned forany distance, eloeeding SO miles, are available for return ontlie day of Issue and the seven following days—Sundays notnckoaed. Beturu ; Tickets issued on Saturday are returnableon Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. . - : ,

Jnne2Otb, 1877. .< ¦ , W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. '

' ; ' WATEBFOBD AND LIMEBICK BAILWAY. . . ",' 7 tfj> Train* from Waterford. \\

7~~ ~. ~ TBJII8S OK WXSX DATS. Sdy,WATXsroBD Mail I I Hail ' Mall

TO UKXBICX 1 A 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 23 1 A 2 12*8.Class. Class. Class. CIIM . Class. Clou, class' . ; ' A.V. A.M. P.M. I P.M. | P.H. r.K. F.Mi

"Vraiertord dep. 4 15 8 50 U 45 2 45 8 30 — 8 30.tarrlck-on-Sur 5 80 9 49 12 17 3 25 9 15 — 8 15doomei... 7 5 10 20 1245 4 4 1 0 0 , — LO ' Ct <lipperory 8 0 11 27 150 5 9 11 36 —. 11 85Junction arrival 8 15 11 40 2 10 5 .20 11 55 . — . U U .IiubUn;;..;....,, 115 515 5 40 10 0 4, 0 — .. 4 .5Cork::..:....::.,,-' 130 2 0 4 $5 8 15 2 5' — ' 2 0Dublin depoitut ! — " 9 0 1030 1 :lO 7 45 — ' 7 J 4SCork ....-..;Z — 8 0 i— i 2 4S 10 6 —¦' 10 8Junction .'........ 8 20 12 12 2 25 5 45. 12 3 i 1% 24limerick arrirl 9 35 12 52 3 IS 6 50 1 1 30 - 1 30'

: . .'¦ Down Traini.from Limerick. " . ,' ; , '\) ''- , . . . . . . . . ¦ ,

' UUIN8 OS WXJTX DATS, i . ¦; . . ;

| Sdys.

. 1IKEKICX | . I'Moil l . ' . MO&TO WATXsrOBS. 12t312i3 1 42 12431 4 2JI 4 2 1 2'3

• .I ' Class.'iClass. Class. Class. Closs.'Class. Class.. ' A.K. | A.K.' A.K. r.K: j p.m'J r.K, r.x.

limerick dep... 6 0 7 O ' 11 20 4 0 llO 40 —. 10 40Junction arrir. 7 10 8 25 12 20 5 15 11 55 — 10 55i>>rk •- „ .,. — 130 2 0 815 g 3 . — > 2 0.•Dublin - ' ... ¦'— ' 115 S 15 10 0 4 5 — 4 5'IBublin ' dep.,. — — 9 0 1 0 ' — - • — 7 4 5iJoik' ¦•• ¦- • ¦„ ¦... —

¦— ' 8 0 2 45: .-— ' ¦— 10 t -

function¦ „ ... 7 25 9 0 12 30 3 85 112 23 >- 12 23'npperary. 7 40 9 15 12 40 6 50 12 50 — . 1 2 30aoonUr 8 55 . - , 1-40 7 , 0 2 20 -, 2.20.3arrick............ 9 40 -. 2' 5 7 45 3 0 - 3, 0Watertordarrlr|lO 25 — . 2 45 8 30 3 45- .'— 9 45

FACBS—First OUSTSutgls TJaksi, 14«. 64 /Second do., list |Third do., 8s. M. Eetarn-Flrtt Class, 21s. 9d. i .Seoood do.,

, . ' : ; "[ '; ;"' ¦'.'¦"'. H..- :.J.', KENIf lSpj,- Soaretiir.}.'.

. ' . WATEBFOBD AND TEAMOBBi KAIL WAT. (; ¦• ¦ • : i . Week Day Train*; ¦¦>¦: '¦-¦: • • ' ' j '

1 S 3 . ,4 . 5 . ..J .« ..„ 7.. , . 8 ;.. .i ..noK a m am pm pm p m j p m pm f» ;y

——I h m h m hm h m hm in' h'm h m , ¦¦Wfrd"8 0 , l l . D U a*0 ;4 0 -l« 7 15 9 0 -.Rn're, 9 15 »U 80) 1 15 ] 3 0 4 30 .'6 . 0 7.45 .9. 30 i'*'» . - -¦ '- .- '; Sunday :Traint. '¦il : '"' ¦ ¦"¦';'. "'Ky '

1 1 '2 , ! . 3 T- 5 ; ,8 l.V .7 ,|_ 8 j - 8 ,.,'FBO« [am a m I p m p m pnij pm | p m [pm l pm ,

"~| hm I h r a l l nj hm hm' l h m h m j h m' h'm"W'frd|8.0 11 15 |12 15 1.1 30: . SO U 80 5 80 tt 80 8; 0Tm'reim U1. 45 IU *in: i 'P, * 0> 5 ;0 »8 ; O 17 45 9 80,

-'¦; 1 :< • : : ¦: 1 . D . . -. - .• ;":'pABE8:' ' ', '"' ,\

' ' '',! ¦ ¦ • ; . -

'"? «!

'.'. First Cls«»: Bingl» Ticket,' Is.';'Return. Ticket; Is. 8J.:

( Third- c; ditto. - ' '•¦"" 8d. » Betnrn .ditto,' • Is: 04.1' ' j: :V r - . . .. y.QEOEGE BAKES,7 SoorotaW."'

f f H B . BIOX ,Q Ii B FOB 1877. !:4'

';; ^ j Mj ^M ^ i %^ WH»ii ^» » ^ ^Bff^<-Vif'ttt ..;. 1 -al¦¦ THJSrDTOL hKJjOBIJSIOB,] H!ii' - .,'.'v ¦•¦•'.:,' ,-XAjll1«r6TI»«»1.

1M't .W!O

ii!«'.'5;j.|i -. l}7li)

. MESSRS. ; BATL188,, THOMAS. * COj tST. M«rM . Tfow.*.*MPCH tfn w ,-Bnxn,;;.Cmnrm;InTobtbr* br ib^^VOm^O tg^Miiipii tA ".

by ibem only'td Trent, backj*h«*1i, and pedflli. ;

tvMacktnei V ranout htif Ut in ttock aijlie Depot, ,I . ' i ,...;„. , - JD«t.irarwi, ready kfoij Wtwy.;.-r(;:-- <i *

7> ,"u-«-f ¦\ J j$ *-tit Boutk f llMtf A : -H'*' .'! ,'. :B.- 'SOTVABD BBFftAH JBduXjit 'DinioAiTA* [J.

r. ] :- W6i'Mit«,\ia;;BtiimpJil%M;0 1!'trV'; 'i'V

. „ ,;.J i:8TAlDi,l8HKD, 1782. i - j'¦ •.,, fV- - ?A> iA. 'immm.h\i lZ ' !'{t;i0T..K(r- ' ¦" '£¦

nnHR .PHffiNI* ii one " ofl;tt« oldwtma tatet.f ± Rre OffloeB th tbe Worht- ,J t, VW*tomj»*-IlbenUIty te1 •ettleinent of clalnWHoTe beVo-tow W *UdSi; the pablfo by a. ym.nV,ofkpir |; B*«-

¦J»'-IU eri»gpment«i«r. gq«r«n<«a,bT; the«,t{!i.tIlfnflDXUBiirri 0'» nnmerpiii^ndmwUuT proiffaWy faiddition.to 6 hrgoiateUti Oaplun *£ '°|tf**"£¦Bicuint to' tbe ? P»bH^—w?!!! J'i£"°ft"V

'Aft'i +nA U «M>t^at4KM>VMHilrVillPV- MlMrJt*><HM.B<MU-WQ*§ •HWi ¦• * |" ^^ ^ |V^ t-''- \A Wf^gJaBjlJj/ffW'sBBBaB>aB^BBait>

:- .;¦.• :

¦ ;> ¦ •. . ' ;: . - ;j j } ' -: - ¦


,(]; , / ;; H««j f;EASpN , 1877I H « ' ¦ ' • - i -

"' '•¦• ¦¦- . ¦¦¦'• l - .-if -VSJ 'V ."


¦ j ¦ ' - :r .;rj, / ,; :;] . . '.' j j iO By.'tie.following Eminent Makers—viz. ':—



¦ n UJ. ¦U& .JJf. . • . , 1. ,¦¦¦ . ¦

¦ ;HaBS!E na)A^Blte]!LJ1'TiAT HAND DBAO E.AKE3, Scythes, Boards,i /V Stonosj aiid H n'd ',;.Porks, Grindstones, riles, Sections, See,!; i .. ¦ '.! . •'. ' . . i-^'i-^&iAEWA'TS IN

STOCK. :j; : 1: Alao, INDIA' POND STONtp'/lttie only suitable Stones for MOWING and REAPING" { ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦

MA95 N5x?BS PNS ; Best MACHINE OIL, at 4B.' 6d. per Gallon. ' '

1 ' '¦'fSF Otir 'pla brftbEolutdy Mufcnfccliig all oiir Machines to give satisfaction has worked so well,( thit we Kave. iioV 'ttajfleWii;' flied ,principle. . Representing moat of the celebrated Manufactures,. Bhjfi tiTiiive'iLchoice'bf'8eleetJo 'JDOt.|6'|beihad elsewhere., I WA am alnn propartv; in ipn ti'r /Viirfr.n.ort, | fl benefit of the recent great fall in the Price ofMOWEES 8ad'EEAPEES;'iS*aMai«aibw a liberal Discount for Cash.

^K Briyew iid/do w'etfw |S^ m'stock before buying elsewhere.^B^0i»uj l l%R: AND

; C O T T E R/22]...,.:" ,'35.""ana 86; KUfdiSTEEEfriwid IITOPLE PATEICK-STEEET, WATEBFORD. [8t





' ' ' <2T And PRICES so Moderate, as at -


¦¦ ¦ ¦

¦ •: . . . . . . i.-. -




.• • -



-¦'- ' ¦

.. . ¦ , .

, . :

. !:.i, . :u ...EBTABiiiBBa^TB^KILKENNy A»i) CAELOW. ' j!8-y

T>BP?ER'S QUn!'iNE ,and IBON TONIC puri- g HYAM 'B . ]\{EW 20-. • CCIATP.Jt- . Uw'ana Wrlchestie Slc d.' strmgtlions the iftrres *>' In I U Uustell ShapoandUnsonlar rstem i pn>mot«a ApMtH* and fanprores Dl- uv ,..„ -.i-w wit mi TVgestion , animates the Spirits atid ii_ital FaeufUes i tho- B HYAM 8 TJ EW mh .. COATS,?*agliljtrecnilt«..tha general, bodfl/,, health, and. Induces a *» • ¦ ' ¦" In the Lome Sh»p«proper healthy condition of th'sHsrTons and Physical Forces. ¦ ~~~ " ".„. „ '

tfes oonfalilngfflJMasaieadcwsl. Ji.ad, •• " ' .'> • ' T> IIYAM'S NEW • "• .*-X)AT8i . . . - .¦In the 'preparation of this .Toatothe greatest oar* la mar- X J » I' In Ibe Sp>nc>r Shipei

dsed.' Itls afalthfal compound of Qaiilne, theoctlTBrPrln- . ~—: ~ oftle«<>f.XeUow C choosl or TiiniT_IiB«Tk, blenaeiirtth a |> HVAU'S T^EW 20-. COATS.refliled trustworthy preiwntlonof Iron,produced fa a form AV« -^ J M the t i tntsl S:jlejwhich' the lexperienoe of many years has proved the best. .— This Toalo offers a ready taeans of gaining the strength and r> UYAM'S X| tW 10j. tUlTS.other benefits afforded by Quinine and Iron, without any fear ¦*->• 1> Iu (ho Lf.iling Sliape,.of Ul consftflnences; as Its composition is that approved of by : ,tbe,groat majority of medical' men throughout tho country, JJ HYAJl'S IV tW 4U . SUIT^.i_ . •"« •*¦" In Turieiv ol 1'ii lfe in



Nitrogen equal to 9 per Cent, of non-Tolatila Ammonia.¦ : : ' , 20 , „ . ;

, ; . ¦: ;. . . . . • ¦ • . .

¦.. , ., , 2 ..'„ . . . . -

Prepared in a fiuo powdery(JST PE1CE and FABTICtJLABS on Application.


Tznias OABU . J. HENRY SCHRODER & CO.. •,'::> .

: .:.';~V . '" . • : ¦ ."¦" ' ' '¦ '¦'¦: < '¦ "¦¦ '¦ General¦ . ; ¦ ¦ r . .

' . .. ¦

Perariaa Departmcot, East lodia Arenae,; ' LohdoD. B.C.. Marob, 1877.



¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦

' • ¦ ¦ '




PEPPEE'S QUININE and' IE0N TONIC—Bottles containing 32 measured doses, is. 6d. Tonic

treatment will remore Indtoestioji, .Flatulence, ConstantHeartburn, Weassess ot th* Btomaoh, Sinking Seusatious inthat Organ, Nausea, 4c. The whole digestire functions arepowerfully assisted by Qolnlne and Iron. ¦ . ' .

PEPPER'S: QUININE ,and . IRON TONIC—Quinine and Iron tana the most effective treatment in

all complaints aristng from derangement of tbe Norroas Sys-tem, u the most weakened state of: the Nerves, a course olQuinine and Iron Is sure to benefit. Ague,' Sciatica, .'Weak-ness of the Limbs, Prostration, Incipient Ponlyais, St. Vitna'Dance, Fevers, 4c. • " > = ¦ ¦; ¦• '. •

TJEPPEE'S QUININE and IRON TONIC,JD strongly recommonded as a Oesirable, safe, economical,a&d adrsntaseous mode of taking strenghtening medicine. The4a. 6d. Bottle contains 32 measured doses, which, If tokendally, last* IS days: The next size bottle is Us., sufficient tolast 13 days.; Tbe stone Jan, sold st 22s. each, contain nearlys_ ot the 4s. U. Bottles.

npURAXACUM & PODOPHYLLIN, 0. Stimulant"__[ to the Liver.—A dose of, .this, combination is recom-mended to any one complaining of Liver Derangement, moreparticularly when arising from slight congestion. By gentlystimulating- the Liver sod ilirhUy movug the Bowels, thehsaVy drowsy feeling sad Headache, with, generally. Pains inthe Chest and Back, especially after eating, is dissipated.TAKIUCCX JLIID PosoniTua is much safer in its action thanCalomel or Blue Pill, and certainly. quite equal in power inremoving tha often distressing' Inconvenience and Pain atten-tot on Dyspepsia, Bottles, S»: Pd. each. , ' ¦' - •

PEPPER'S "WHITE COtJQH MIXTURE.—Agreat bnvrovemoni on Cough Xedicinu. It possesses

a peculiar soothing eQect upon thai irritated membranes,which are .tha seat of coughing, detatohlng the Phlegm andaccumulations,' without canslnif any feeling of sickness. Thesequalities make it ot service in Bronchitis and' Asthmatic At-/satkwo,' while for ordinary < cooghUg it Is a spedflo core. Adose of tha WHITS COOOB Uizruu will ensure the suffereriron these complaints a certain night's rest. ' Price Is. lid.and Sa. Od. each.

CJtTLPHOLINE LOTION.—An arternal remedyO for Skte Disease. -.Should be. applied erery night beforegoing to bed, when its use is followed by wonderful relief. .

The -moat mveieriio'obstinate Eruptions ore'rfubdued kvBolpholine, and a dear, healthy Bkln ensured. Ladies whoaufler from tender, reddened, irritahle Skins will derive greatooskfort and beae&t br aMlag Sucruotm l*mo *.

ttmayslsobe appfled to the Ekinof Children, when ro-outred, with advantage.. Sulpholine has powerfully conserv-Gig action on-the skin.' Bottles, 2s. M. each. ¦

•TVELLAR'S BUNION'PLA8TERS, for curing' Ml * Bunions and reducing tha size of enlarged toe Joints.Bow, i».,l|<».'«d as. M. es<y..;' - ¦,, " • ' ¦ ¦¦' '

TTkELLAR'S CORN PLASTER.—BOMB 1B. lid.i l !# andis. Bd. Tin* Ooitf Plasters are a oertaln curefor&t& or soft corns, th»y completely dry up and eradicate pain-tul corns'Athe Bunion Plasters a proved remedy for Bunionsand enlarged! to. }oluts.i Sold by all Chemists/ Be carefulDellsr's Plasteniaraiiupplled.i/,,.' ¦•. .••.;» ;. •..,.. , : . ; . / .

/iiRAiCBOFT'g 'ARE'CI' NUT' TOOTH PASTE.Vi/ft—ST using this. Aromatic Dentlfrioe. the enamel ot 'theteeth, become* white, found, and polished, like Ivory. It is«xes«aiagiy'frsgrsnt;ahd spedsUy , useful for removing in-«nstation»ot tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chem-Ists.-'i'oU.U.'aodSt W. eaoh.- (OetCrscroft's). -- " ;'; •;' ;

"ITlBAFiiEBS; Noises in the Ear. ic;—Della^, ILf^ESBENCBFOBDKAFITESe has proved an xtroor-dinary remedy. It always'relieves, Renerally cures and is .'stamglyTCooiBaendfxIby thousands who havedsrlved benefit..It uTulte harmless. Bold in bottles. Is. lid. and 2s. M. each,byaOIChemists. ; ; ' . . . . ; . . '.

ft 0CfeTB^ 8<-SUI/5HURi HAIE EB8TOEEEJJJ . wmdatksn, to the former-shade, .Hair that is absolutelT Whlta/lil iiouttendmysi tut wbencimiesaj'lsaom-.'meocW at the tront and temples, O» Bol t ^S f f O W^ij Mmnj - n aA u b ait.tindisU»nilfhame honijU>a£ j i b &h,hu not changed. ;in*ge Botttes.VM. •eh.1- ^ 'v'. . .- -f ''iLOCipnBE'S

sptPHtrti 'HAIE 'EESTOEEE/;.

'<, For the Blood it thtliifc.—Seep euteronomy. ehap^£i - A-* .- 'i ' .v *X *w?<l;&.% •'. ', ,.¦¦¦ % ¦

^Oliurka's Wcifld-fsvmea Blood'ntixturo,TJWB1 CLEANMNCI and CLEABINa 'tho BiiOOD'P from all Imparities; whether arising from yonth-

fal Indiscretkmt or f a f j p t i f e r cajiw, oooootj>o'toollghlyledommended. It cnrseei Old-Sores ; onrea UloerateaSores ip the.Neck 11 .CJoerated Sore .Legs,: Blackheads,or PijnplM/»>,the.Jraoei Bcnrr/jSorei):,'Canoerona 01-'oeM'} Blood and Skin'iHsoases, QIandnlar'Swellings,.and otears\ tho Hood'from »Ut Enporo' Matter,'.horn,wh»A^^n» ari»iB«*.i: 1!!)l.i '«•? **•> ;>¦> ¦**\ . - nn

¦¦' As this miitnr«iUpIe«i«air« to theta«t«;andwarranted'fraelrc^nwret - irHMirAiBPnMnaiBOitiBedtemes-sold tor the .abcrvB dlaoasei contain—the Proprietor'^UcitsvsQffR^rtBgitHt»trial to te>Ht» t*lKe."J# ^. vtJtOBSAlaW <>J>iT4*iW0lfIAta »m<Jal ALL TA*T». -*'k SoH Jn Bottle*SWeflfteeS. a»d ln Oas»»,'i>»ti»iflfa>»i6 Bottle*; ll»i oaMA.m*W"rtw'«««it*p«rman««t tat *-U ilpril-rtandlnf ;'tiasesjr r>r[*fcll ' Ci fU<ir>nd'<P»ts«tMedWae VehdoM t ors«n»to ar$4&tm otiif iM i ^or-"; ha Sm '( i m)( ^ jj biMU *»»iv.i .1 -a-^s.'v v.U x»iwBumuta 'A4mf n<tn*i 't:<*i!t(iiif>K ¦; Bim^r *' S irLc*doti,*ana sJl WholeiaUe HonscJ.-'

Si IWsh.andSanc . -C»ation -OenBiB«&nly with'facsimiles of Bsron LltUg's Signatore across label.'¦• ; ¦ ¦: ¦ ; ¦ . ,

- - ' ¦¦ -¦ ¦¦ : • ! ¦ :- ¦:-

' : : ; / {MW


Solabla ~l GuanoInsofablo j Phosphate

and dry condition.

Agents for Dsxrrus EHOTHEBS & Co., Contractors- • with tha Peruvian Government.

I t Ul'All 'S ' 1V EW 40*- buns'.JJ ' xl In F.-tinii»bl« MnitrisU

il YAM'S XJKW <G^ SUIT.-. ~

• Ait nuiqailltd Value


• In Twreda and Uue«km>.~|J 11 YAM S -vjEW 10a. 6J. TUOUsEUS

-ua lv lu Varicl/ or Pallrror.

HYAli S T\rB\V 12*. ft). , TRUUSEKs• j* In Cli.ct-.S np. >, &•¦'

U HVAM 'S • VKW W-. 01. TBOUsEUS•*-*• In fifwml P»llern>.

B UVAM 'S TtiEW 1U. TKOUSEKS11 Ju Auxolaa, Duetkiur, tu-.

\i liYAil'8 Vj EW H . TKOUSERS¦" • ' .•w In all lh« New JUt.rial..


• , ¦ • •i" loim-Diw vatirtj of PatUruV


UYAM 'S xj KW 14 TllOUi«EUS** . Well Ctt soj Kiniabrri.

ti 11V Ail'S IV EW 1&<. TROUSEIlb¦*-* • x' and Vest in Fancy T« ceU», 4c

UYAil'S XJEW 18k TKOUSERS• . A1 And V«t in urent r«n«ij. ;

U IIYAM'S ! W K I V 30-. TRODSGHS•"• . . *•* ¦ And \nt in sll malsculr. ..

R H YAM'S -KT EW 20.. TKOL'SEnS• .i . yU ' i '1" .. snd V«at iu sll rolonrsi; ^

HYAM'S ' IU KW I SO.. TKOUSBK^• . ' X1 Au'd V«t in lieal Siylea;

Ns<r Sbowi'-pioof Oirr-Coa'a, ... 15?., SO-., 24( ,30-.HtH Wilking Coau I8t., 20-., 20-., 3i-.New Ktotk Costn , ' ... . ... 2B»., 8a«., «»., 60<..Now 8p»bccr Jacket s ... ... lUe fi.J tu 2U>. 'U'litdtm's1 Sailor'a'uilf , ' J< 91 10 15 .Children's VirtorSuits ... '... 7« 61 lu'26':' "Ulnldrrn's Norfolk SuiW ... :.. • ' I2a 0J Iu 2o5.Bois'.SptncerSmts • . ... ' '... 15a W to S O . r.Uors' Heeler Ban* .. ' ¦ ;.. 20« Od to 4O«. ,t

Eufra'vtd tllnstrntiui'i ('aiterns and direetioaa for Self-incaaureuisiit will Iw for»«ided Post Fres na tpplicstiob.

I'srctla valatd £J «ud upwsHs are lorw.idcd, Carrlagtf re-paid, tosnj. Udilimy ttia'tibu in Ireland. '

Any O.irnifUt will U ilchanued st an; lint withln'-amoutli alter purebssr, if n t wom or. injured. • , .¦ •.; I \, J.



,To Wiai; JHeichantM, Claret, JU«7»nd Porter¦-". ' : aad Fainily Bottieri. ¦•¦¦.- .¦ '--• ¦¦¦' •

I BEG; to intimnfe'thaflam noir in » positiooto torn oat, in the highest strle of workmanship,'FOUR and Six ¦ SiTHONiD DEAWIHO-OW ILkCKaau;

spocialljr designed for the Trade by myself.' | :- Also, my justly^olebrated anilarftlT-patronUed:

. . • .,.;, ErowaioBi Cbjunxo JUOSTTK*-, i n¦' ;c >-jwhiohis nbw,:boy<ind jilonW; l aicknowUdffid ,io be thej««lr perfect Corking Machine in exisienoe. \ Hnndredsof Testimonials from the UrgsstBotUlajTirma through-out the three Kingdoms caii ite had oh'applioation »tmy Worto/^ JT? «PArti fes«iTr,:BjffirAJsTJ.ii

¦¦'¦ i .Bto.;-iy!tpHpHr»"i.<)hlM*.9flUt; i1U, ! OATBiDBJ*;SQt) il^SyAT^MIOBD.j

.i¦T|/O^AjJ «*&V/il vWiriMds that'imixfi!IX![ ,tUo',de^hpf.herhiubsnd.(asr.)Ios3rB laBi-PHI), she hasosrricd on the soon with'ritrkedssx).'oess, and hopes to bo faTorW '.viHh'ai'*mttousnce'of.the kind battidaige'so" long iind so Hbarallj bestowedAa'hto. ...: . .. , :,, ':. ...-r"';,J" i'V '» y. ml8:4t

(\0lG38rf iQXjp m W 'WIMEi.CQLW,:Kj also omnisr tM/BrM tWaa^

ciher affectionsof t*if *n*1"Mrviwl'fjTTKMOT tsisMj BWiIBTBT)

efflaa?r' ofr Ujl«»Siar 2a£ «S^aai^E Dm U^JuS

^ ^miSm m HSS fSi i*&*MT2

''fSr-FoV iiSig-oilr frwjr description1,ootoe to the

HOTELS: ]D U B L I N . }

Commercial and Private Lodjging House,49, MAB.LB0R0UGH STREET.

PARTIES Visiting; Dublin can bo .'iccommodatcd,with or without Board, and all tho comforts of a

homo, on Moderate Terms; *"¦ ' [o25-tf]t&£" Situation central, cloao to Sackvillo-street.


I BEG to inform my nnmerous Friends nnd the Pnblicthat, through olim'on of time, I haro become Pro-

prietor of. tho above old-established Hotel.I have completely and most comfortably re-furnished

it, and havo considerably enlarged it, fitting it npthroughout in best modern style. , •

I trust by careful and constant'attention to tho ,wantsand comforts of my visitors to merit tho patronage 80liberally bestowed on mj late father, and respectfullysolicit an early trial.

MICHAEL COFFET, Proprietor. 'Son of lato MAURICE COFFBT. • .

PloMe.nQte ddr Br- JjftWEB BB.IDGE STBEEff ,


(CLO8X TO T?nB HAH.WAT STATION).THIS is a Contral and Comfortable Hotel in which

everything can bo had on tho moat moderateterms.

Best Dublin and Woxford Spirita j also, Brandies,Wines, Porter, Georgo Younger and Son's colobratedAlloa Ales, &c.

Cars on Hiro at the shortest notice'. (au-15-tf

THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL,DUBLIN (Established 40 Tcars ,i, 5, 6, and 7, LOWER BBIDGE-STEEBT,EIOHABD CO1 FEY, Proprietor.

rTiHE abovo Fiiwr-Ciiss HOIEL has been newlyJL Painted, Papered, and ro-Decoratcd, gercral addi-tional Booms added, and fitted up with all modern irn-proTomonts ma superior stylo of comfort and elegance,and continues to receive the undivided personalattention of Mr. and Mrs. COTPET. ¦ From its cen-tral position it will bo found most convenient for thovisitor, being in tho immediate vicinity of the LawCourts, five to ten minutes' drivo from, any City BailwayTerminus, and a few doors from King's Bridge TramwayLine. Supplies of first-class quality. ! Notwithstandingpresent high rates, tho terms will bo found most mode-rate. .Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Tablo' d'Hofco, 2s. ;' onweek days at three o'olock; on'Sundays at five o'olook.Beds, Is. 6d. each. •• ¦ • < ¦ . .

.Oontlemen'B Coffee and Smoking Booms. Ladies'Coffeo and Privato Sitting Rooms.

Accommodation for 180 persons. A Night Porter inattendance, and all Servants paid by tho Proprietor.

f2G.lyThe European Hotel

"TTISTERS to DUBLIN will find at tho EUROPEAN,y BOLTON-STBEET, first-class accommodation,

with moderate charges and assiduous attention.Largo and elegantly-appointed LADIES' COFFEE

BOOM..I J". Grand BANQUET HALL for Public Dinners,

Wedding Breakfasts , Balls, Suppers, <4c. .Ecataurants—Billiards. Beds, 2s. Cd., 2s., snd Is.

Gd. ' • . . [m31-tf]J. M O L O N Y , Proprietor^


TTNDEB new management, thoroughly renovated1U central and convenient, combining Cleanliness

and Comfort with Cheapness.Beds, Is. to Is. 6d. por night; Breakfast, Is. to Is.

6d. ; Dinner from Is. 6d. ; Tea, lOd. Jameson's fiveyear old Halt, guaranteed, 4d. per glass. .Table d'Hoteat 4.30, Is. 8d.

W.C. and Bath-rooms recently added on cachlanding.Night Porter in attendance.

(JSS" Within five minutes walk of King's BridgeTerminus. [ja8-ly.


THIS E8tablishmot offers yonng ladies vfLileremaining in England, all tho advantages of a

superior Continental Education. Tho course of studiescomprises all:the bragchoiof-a good English odscatioa.Gorman (with the pure Hanoraloa acc&nl) and Trencharo the languages chiefly spoken. .

Drawing and every kind of ncodlo-work oro alsotuught. :'

Latin, Italian, Music, and Singing, aro chargod extra.For particulars apply to the Superioress, as above.The Convent is beautifully situated, commanding a

magnificent view of tho sea. Tho air IB healthy andbracing. The gardens aro extensive, and tho railwayonly a short distance from tho Convent. ml8.3m

Fains in the Back, Gravel, Lumbago, Bhetunatism, Gout,Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Stricture, tc.

T\R- DE ROOS' COMPOUND EENAL PILLSj j are celebrated all over the world, as the most sate andspeedy remedy for tho above dangerous complaint*, Dig.changes of any kind, Stone in the Bladder, and Diseases.oltbe Kidneys'andTTrinary Organs generally. PosneKslnj tonicproperties; ' taejr ' agree with the most delicate etomaeh,strengthen the digestive organs, increase the appetite, im-prove the general health, and in throe days will ionect a cure,when copaiba, cubebs, and all dangerous medicines of thatclass hive utterly failed. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lit.and 33s. per box.

These celebrated Fills are an Infallible remedy In tho mostobstinate cases, .By their use alone manj.thousands havebeen annually restored to health, when ever; other medicinehas failed. Their vast superiority over everything else In thecore oj t-he above complaints is universally acknowledged, andthe extraordinary' demand tor them ever since their first in-troduction' is without precedent. In so instance haVetheyever been-known to fail, or produce those dangerous symp-toms so often resolting from copaiba, cubebs, taTpe&ti&e, andother medicines usually resorted to. They require neitherosn&aement nor ousnge ot diet, and may Justly be consideredthe only safe, . efficacious remedy for all stages<ot those dis-orders for which they ore recommended. . . .


TABU Zarx 'Pixxs.—All suJferors'from/general ner-vousness and morbid feelings, low splrith or -hantslng dreams,unnecessary fears, mental irritability, failure of the mentaland bodily powers,'weakness of the nerves, .heuuebe, noisesin the 'head, giddiness,' indigestion, ana other symptoms ofchronic disease, .wfll hail with Joy tho discovery of Dr.' DoBoot" Life Pills, which speedily and almost -marfcaHy removepain and disease, of whatever nature; restore cheerfulness tothe spirits, vigour to the body, and strengthen all the organson which life and death depend. They .do not contain a par-ticle of mercury, but are purely vegetable, and for affectionsof the liver, rlstalency, bile, sick headache, dixzinegs, loss ofappetite, lownesa of spirits,' sensations ot fulness ot the pit ofthe stomach, pain between the shoulders, and the distressarising from Indigestion and general debility, they will befound of unexampled efficacy ; and it is no small advantagethat they can be token at. any time, without 'danger eitherfrom wet or cold, or necessity for restraint from business orpleasure.''.They - act mildly on the bowels^ without pain orgriping-,' Impart strength to the stomach,- provide a healthyaqtlon of the liver, thus preventing, or when present, curingthe 1 jaundice- and dropsy, cleansing the skin, removingsallowness' snd pimples, purifying the blood, bracing thenerves, and .marvellously invigorating the vrhole system.Females; of an'ages'will find them Invaluable, and Bhouldnever be without them. - Prioe lt>. lid.; 2s.' Od., 4>. M., lls.,andS3s.pcr box.".i ¦•> ,' - .-, ; i ¦ '

... . w Sold, at THK NSWS Omci, Waterford.The rnost sistoundinK'Cures ore daily beingeflocted in coses

of Nervous Debility,'Impurity of Blood, JDefoctlve Circuln-. tion, Longonr, .Lossituae,' Deprossicn of Spirits; Indlges-' tion, Pain and Palpitation In the Sldo, Harassing Dreams,Ac by means of '.' -v - t - '" i i ' •¦ "¦' ¦ ¦ - . . - '

TVB- .DE EOOS', world-Jamed aUTTjE VIT I,. I f ; or Vegetable .LIFE DEOPS. .whose effects are reallymagical in restoring lost tone to , tha system (arising fromwhatever cause), re-mvigoratlng and enlivening toe whole cor-poreal frame, and gradually but effrtiTely building up tho most¦batteredconstitution - . ¦ - . • ¦ ¦ - • ¦ •

. Althougb this truly wonderful recupeiaUve.'tonJo is not potforward as imparting immortality, it: lino t too much to saythat by its means New Life is, as, tt were, lnrpirted to theBSrvoustad debOttated, who .were evidently mnldnc: into anearly nsve t whilst to those of maturer years It will gentlyaadTserraelr-protract the close of life: -Thonsandaof upco-

>fently liuuuii »s cases, given up'by uui faculty, ore now in theenioyuxait of health (life's {(reaiest Messing), a Uring testi-mony, to tha Dnspeokable.vafue.of . this; remarkable medicine.Hundreds of testimonials,'too 'numerous ta pablish, may. beseen by any one. ' The' preparation. lt extwni/Jly pleasant toSki, and nose need suffer whilst

¦*uch>'>ntri«uloas medica-

Eient is in eilstenoe,' / Persons of studious hnbit, deblllUtedfemalssvandtthose OU' whom'the wear and ttarot'llfs is be-ginning to toll, should,-persevere statdily with this lifc-reviv.L.i«Jn hw 'nna'Mnnfl, »v%A fKjMT Will Va .nfAntahlui nt ft*

results. All those wbe.have triedi ot]>er means, .galvanls-andeleotrice tppUsooes a./withotit onr lwnrfdal result, ore earn-'istly recommended to make fair trial of this medicine, which,"bemVsnade op on tia highest scientific principles, mvariablymooeeds. wTbe 'great suocess attendants on this ..wonderfulBscovery.hasled toahcietotworthless imitations. Price41s. and S3s. per bottle;. The large size contains sufficient foror four weeks.". ; ; . f . 'r . H 'JI- ". . " ' "" ' ' ¦' • '. , _( Ixromrurr Koncx to m POTLIC—Every package of Dr.De Boos" preparations bean the Oovernment Stomp, with thewOrus,'.<'(Vralt«T dS Eoos; London,'." te whits letters on. a red

"gtound, by otdep ot ier. Majesty S;Honourable Commission-en, .without which, nous can b«i>psEiblyJt>oxenuine, Dr. Donoos'-worWi-ramed Medicines are soldT>y Mr. Kenney, " TheWatorford Hews" Office ; , Mr. White,. "Observer:; Office,Ballynisna.; aid they maybe obtained at every, Patent Medi-cine Vendor la the. world, <md«r mo«t Chemists ; or,'should; the least dlflcnlty oe«nr, will be forwarded to any part of' theiTJoited Kingdom (carriage free), per return, on receipt of thaasaount, by JDr. De,Boos,>3, HoUord Square, London, W.C.,,-J yiitat*a and nervous s\ifferer» «houia read t>o " Medical-idviwr," byiDr. D«'Soo«, on tha aeeret'eanses of 'nervom?'detaty . riBnarw B^-'uiifrultfnJmarrUgeJ, impotonoy.de-•ftssslnn ot trwW, «ud oonfimed melanoholy too frequently(Saceable to csrtaln pernicious hablu acquired In early life.'TnlxilffiV fr1 ftnfTj T4,1 "'infiirji-1*^*17 1 ff^T t*" . T^nilfin'f W.C.'>AteuSwttbM ni fb*-h»^Met

free lor

fofe nunps¦ '{:. . '{ ''*

!mHBB*PEIOU', vUi«';he«r'!'Prcrio'h l(r«ftiedy" for;i-.ik lrt«*T«ufcness',-Debnity;rand sU those msUsestprwhich;jUTcmryiDaTsaparOla, *«.','ore geserslly prBscrfbejL'-DevoidOT a jKa^Vo^Wiclnol \l idoAtf earrfed ta tha pocket;;S«CTBS?ii aiB la cu5 « ?r< t.52 tt%"t f r; ^!Srf ^l ^"r: 'M' " f w.<«Si-f aii"*!? ?''-?1?'15SKEBAPm0N'UpTms«am three diflsiTOt formsrHes.?t«, aadS, aocorftng to the purposo for waich it is intended-ifor full particulars of whioh rood tbe detcripUve pamphletsent free for threo stamps, by Mr. Johnston, Bookseller, 87,y«rulam-itreet, London, E.C ¦ ; ! : . : .


' ¦ '.

: '. .''is

' '.

;' )> ¦/'' ¦¦. .

¦ ¦ 1 !


; '

• - . -i : . .-;"v .


On Sole ot T7ie News Office ,With tha Hecommondation of tho Bishop of "Watcrford

and Lismorc, tho Eight Rev. Dr. POWERA Cathechism for the Instruction of Children


bishop o fCashol and Emly.RECOMMENDATION :

" I approve of of this Edition of tho Right Rev. DtJAMES BUTLER'S Catechism, and recommend it to thFaithful of theso Dioceses.

4< " JOHN POWER, R.C.B.." Waterford, Sept. 10th, 1875."Printed on Good Paper, and in large clear Type.ORDERS from any part of the Dioceso, sent in and

directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher ,Waterford News Offico, 49 King-street, promptly at-tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms.

May bo had Retail from evory Catholio Bookseller intho Dioceso.

Bishop & Sons' Quinine Wine-fpHIS INVJLGOKATING WINE, strongly re.J- commended by tho highest Medical authorities forits Tonio and Restorativo Qualities, is prepared with themost careful attention to tie purity of its ingrodients,and contains One Grain of Quinine, each Glass.






Dungannon—3. M. FEROUBOh* & Co.Mannfactnrod and Bottled by Messrs. BISHOP and


On the First Day of each Month.mHE IKISH A-B C RAILWAY GUIDEX Prico 3d., by Post 4Jd.

BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM m IRELAND.Terms on application to my^

JOHN FALCONER, 53, Upper Sackville-st., Dublin

P O R T B A I T S "

TAKEN DAILY by WINTER, and Finished intho best stylo of AKT, at his approved






TEBMS—Gentlemen's '.Mares, &2,\ Groom's Fee Ss.Farmora' Marcs, £1 ; Groom'a Fee, 2s <xi. Groom'sFeo to bo paid at tho first service.

DESCRIPTION—FARMER'S GLOBT is o beantifuBay, rising 5 years, with black points; stands sixteenand a half hands high. Fanner's Glory is by Farmer'sGlory ; his dam is a first-olasa Suffolk Mare, granddam by Catling's Royal Drako

Season terminates 10th of July. No accountabilityfor accident happening to maros or foals sent to thishorse. All money to be paid by tho First of Ootober,or Ten Shillings extra will bo charged.



A VERY fino Red Roan 0ART COLT, rising

G years old of great power and substance, -veryqniot, sonnd,and a capital worker,bred by Mr. J. Imins,Callow, Herefordshire. He is by " Yonng Callow," by' Yonng Active,' by 'Blackthorn ' (bred by Mr. Godson,Eckington, Lincolnshire), his dam by ' Old Jt crryciaD,'great grand dam by "Old ,Cobham," thus combiningtho best breed of cart horses in Lincolnshire and York-shire. His sire " Yonng Callow,"' was winner of thefirst prizo at tho Hereford Agricultural sho<v in 1870,an tho best: cart stallion in tho county beating severalfirst class horses •


TERMS—GonUemen's:Marcs, £2 ; Grooms Fee, 5s.Farmers' Marcs £1 Groom's Feo 2s. 6d. Groom'sFee to bo pnid at first service

Season terminates 10th of July. No accountabilityfor accidents happening to mares or foals sent to thishorse. All to be paid by the First of October, or TenShillings extra "will bo charged.m23 PsopRtEl'OR—JOHN WEDGEE.


NOW . LET AT :100 GUINEAS A MARE.Tho Property of ROBERT PHELAN, Islandkcane,'\\Ti.Lh STAND this SEASON, 1877, at the follow-

I f " . ing places :—On WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS, at Mr. THOMAS

POWER'S, Ballybricken, WATERFORD ; onFsiDATS,at Mr. MICHAIL ToBra'8, KILMACTHOMAS j andtho remainder of tho Week at ISLANDKEANE.

Gentlemen's Mares, £3, and 5s. to tho Groom ; Far-mers' Marcs, -6110s., and 2s. 6d- to tho Groom. Groom'sFee to bo paid at First Service.

PEDIQEEE.DANIEL was bred by Lonl Fitxwilliun, and «nus got fcr

NewnunBt«r, who served at 50 Qufneu a ifare ; hit' dimLioness, 'by Ballinkeele ; ber dam .Alliance by Confederate,out of Chnkerina (tbe dam of Uumphory, Clinker, tbe sire otMelbonme, who wsa the sire' of West-Austnllan, winner oftho Two Thouxand-Derby and St. Lexer; ot Bliskbonny1winnerof tho Derby and Oaks j of Thormanby, wbuer of the Derby).Buxixmuc wna by Irish Birdcatcb.*, out of Ferdltte,. brLoogar, out of Del&nde, by Qohnna. BIWMIKSTIE was gotby TouchBtone, out of the famous Beeswing, by Dr. 8ynt&x ;ArdroMan, Whltwort,. Spidllle, Sylvia, by Young Uanke.

ewminiUsr won the St. Leger in 1861, nnd was the sire otMtMJid, winner of the Derby ; Nemesis, wuirer of tbe 1,000guineas ; Oldminister, Lord Clifden,ana was the winner ot theit Leger in 1863, that day proving himself to be one of the

;best horses in England ; and it is admitted by everyone thathe sbonld hnvo won the Derby—at all events, he waa onlybeat«n~by a short bend. He is also sire of Cambusc&u, whobeat General Feel, who ran second to Blair Athol, winner ofthe Derby and St. Leger ; of Lady Egidio, Oppressor, Stan-ton, who boat Callar-ou, winner oi Ten Boyal Plates and up-wards, and also .of the first-class two-year-olci, victoriouswinner ot the Goodwood Nursery, carrying the enormousweight of fist. ToccnnoMX got three winners of the Derbyin Uottorstone, Orlanda, ana Surplice, one winner of theOaks in Mendicant, and threo winnen of St Leger.

' His Fsxrosiuxcx.—In 18i8,-Bt Neweastle-on-TyneBucin.won the Gold Cup Stake* of 105 aovs., which wo* won by hisgrand-dam (Bcaswing) six times, beating,.the QlfVBachel,iriffln', Tho Batt, and Maggy. At Carllile he won Her Ma-csty's Plate of 100 guincaa—two miles—heating by n shortlead Shofto, at that time the best three jear old in England j

Oreystock, and Secret Treasure. He won the same day thoLottery Stakes, beating Hiss Steward, Lottery and Shafto.He was then brought to Ireland and won.the Vlaitora Plataof SO aova., at Jenkinstown Park, carrying 7s. 121b., beatinrUimosa, Early Percy, Jane, Hibemiaa, Kapoleon, Night oftho Elate, Lovebird, and Companion. Ho alao won at Stra-bane the Stakes of 131 SOVB., beating Panlomimo, Frank, andHebe. In I860, st the Curragh September Iloetlng, he wonthe Wellington of 121 sovs., carrying 8rt. 31b., beatingMountain Dew and INightlngalft—«to 4 on nan. At the Cur-nigh October fleeting, he won HerHsgeaty** Plata of 100gt.(three miles, beating Jeanette (to whom he gave Sat)., LoveDird, Lena Biven (who beat Druid),. and several other*.The day following he won the Lord Lieutenant's Plate ot100g»., beating Kosegay, Bandtman, Britith Qrenadior, Lore 'Bird, and four othen. In 1861, at Cork, he won the CitUea'tPlate of 178 sova.—two mile*—carrying 8(t 91b. beating Con..solution. Forager, Frailty, ¦ Sjorto, and Maid ol Magsmft;?.He won tho Uuoen's County Stakes of 130 BOvs., carmtK\Bat. 121b., beating frailty. 8at 31b., The OeneraL BuByBoe^rBhstic Boy, Keynard, and Irritation. Hewonthedayfucoeed*Ing the Health Stake* of-53*or*., canytngSst. Sib.; beatingOrphan Girl, 6*t. 41b., (who waa gold for a larga sum, and won vthree times in Paris running in rory hi»h Korm—ate of toe . ¦best mares ot her yeAra), Allegone ani ratohmaker. Is *¦.1362, at the Cumgh April Meetinj, he won the Welliugtounf 175 Bora., carrvinir Sat. 71b..—beatinir Paidalotte. 8it. ilb..(who. when a three-year oW, beat Petra, S yean oW, withequal weight). Fetra alterwarda wonthe-Uverpool Autnnui .Cup, value i.700; the Shr«w*bary Cup, value &S70, with. Set. .ilb. ; the Leamington Welter Cup, ,witjh l£st.' 41b. 1 Diana,

?ut. 121b.; Bellman. Sat.. 71b., who beat Callar-ou, winnerot the Leger. I who on that day.' proved herself the net manin Englana),HHtown. YorknunWer, Fada; andEBon, .'Thl»'- •¦ended DIZIXL'B jsclug carcer,.hy-which.it will. bo. seeaiis —may be daasedaaone of the lint BaaeboiaamEnclaudand--5elond.v •¦•:/ : ¦ ¦ • • ¦:' • ¦> i^iiT. '.r r • • — ; .'• n:,! i •> '"

DASIU.closely combines th* blood.of ,Touch»tone, Bud-,catcher, Melbourne, and Langar, which is adnltttd by aUsporUmon to oe the best racing blood.' in the wprw. ' Hastands IS hand*3 inches high ; dark boj-,'with black tog*,mane, and taiL r From hi* .'game porfonBances,1 grand shape, :mod bone and >ub*t«nos,'*ound constitution and mort docile ,. {«mper,hemurti>roTeaKlrt.loth« bree*r*o(.thi*locallty.' DJJIIJX is the £0 of Dan, a winner at Queen's CounW and ¦Carlow, andrtin»eooridto Joey Ladle foi! too DroghcdaSukea ''at Punche»town,!earryingneairry,tor*wr»aht;:of Drindy,1 who ''ran aeoond to Merlin for the ' Grand MflrWryv oarrjingJ2»t |i. 'of Mls» Susan.- .who:wonth« Handicap *t;Kilroen,- County. :Bligo, beating .Blackthorn and nina others., Sha jaoa very. ,cloaasecood to Stella for the Bailway* at FuneheatownJ who' ;

the £00 tovav.'Sfeika: a? Cork. .Ho i« 'il.-0 aire of Shy'loek, ' '' 'Winner of -the Veteran Stake* at Punch'cstownTbeatmar'a'Iaigv'' 1'field, and winning very easily. Also aire of Monarch, winner i.iof a >toka a,t Baden-Baden, volne 44C0, and >wonthe;Grand, j ,National in Germiny.carrviiig tho enarnouajweirht of I2*t.Tib., on both occasions?ind IB recorded at tho mtf Irisb-nred" -jhome thatever'won'tnatrich'priM." :;l i?- •: !.i-ijs^a:: } ¦ ¦>:. • I ;,> I.1 - DAXiu's-'prodnce' u' hanten and; marketihorje* cannot .v :boeiccltoivi For inatonce, -Elcnard>>£]r».<X»4.W Oreeahall,.,;,.Kanogh/ told,two half-lured, colt*,'/n«tr«Jn»dV got .b^i thla^ ..thorae, forthe.flgure of iSPOjondat jneat.OotoheraUea. ;;haU.br^horBerot by'DarJeIibrcdbrJ?HiloM, l>q.,fiMIic- .'las., BOM forSOO plmJby T,ublidiu«lonA;8e*5f. fe-tavf. -"llihrnest; Dublin: unoT- wu the'-hlskert prio* ootained at th»:; ¦.'Bale; J-,vs6iM.r.*.w1ti''>:»S ;u»t-i 'f<« {•»:»!•"!*' :1 'l;''.fc« v f.-i» :.; xDuttBiSM, haU-brothar ito;Adve6tur«r;.«lra.or pretender., j:.¦Wiimerof tha A3^'p«4Dn>y>fJ»o, raltV»UM|«Lc*d;CUfdet; tin of^airthorWfn, winh«r;or the Bti JLeVJet', and' I ,'ot WeatocltJ'irlnheTOt tn« l»5T« ;|hll871--'t«»alfd«l».n'la let to manit thi*'*aii*mii» lpffeacn Tnart;otrc«-lnrUi«»'!'.5arldeulara; v«a Bainnf;CBlBldaiQ.i;-f<itU.i« .1 HDTjfciiiKsrh

8hfflmg» addiaonal wfll M charfsd;; 1 cvp;. : ,;;t ia riiais*H.B.-Mar«« win not>bo-atteadodlo{aa.9mttif r<a'- OSS VAday*, and no^aecounUuBttT for acddcfrU >J**lrt^MSgSHto man* or foals *entto tbis horse. B*a«oa '*f m M S 8 m Gf z mTvasswaamB^UMiBB

Page 2: lwl ~ ''' '¦'''sMpMf &ut W&i v i • RAILWAYS

SALESImportant Sale by Auction




rpUE ENTIRE First-dara POSTING APPOIKT-JL Ml'JJTTS, comprising :—

Ten prime Young Horeua and Marea, in good con-dition, and all perfect!/ kind in single or doubleHarness.

Two .Bpx Hearses (ona-of which, has been lately,done up) ; Mourning Concli, Two Seta of New Oa-trich Feather Plnuice j. Two Second Seta of j ditto ;Velvet Horse . Covers j Two Palls ; alight-rnn-niii^ Omnibus, to carry eight inside and._ fiyeoutsulo "; »' long Car, to'carry 12 ; a light runningOpen Carriage ; three Broughams (two of which-oreequal to new) ; one six-passenger Car ; six four-passcngcr ditto ; five Fly-cars, four Covered Cars.

Also, Five Seta of Double Harness ; Six Sets ofSinglo ditto i One Set of Four Horse ditto; Saddles,Cart Tackling, &c ¦

Terms—Cush. Solo to commence %t 1 o'Clock.WALSH & SOX, Auctioneers.

Woiford, Juno 13, 1877.P.S.—Tho West Gate Hotel and Yard will be let

or Sol.l. Apply to tbc Auctioneers. i22.2t14, BERESFOBD STREET, WATERFORD


Furniture and Household Appointments.

JOHN PENDERhaving received instructions fromtlie Representatives of the late P. NKTTEKVII.I,K13.u;RON, Esq., will


On W E D N K S D A X i JOLT- ilk, 1877,The Select and Beautiful FURNITURE of Draw-

inj; Room, Dining' J'oom, and Bod [Room Appoint-ments, oalj about 2 Yean in use,' and scarcely soiled,consisting chiefly of :— < : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

In.DRAWING ROOM—1 Suite of Spring-seatedInlaid Walnut Wood FuimitUre) upholstered in BlueRep, with Window • Hangings' . 'en suite ; Loo andOccasional Tables two superb. Chimney . Glasses inEbony .'an <i Gold.Frames ; 1 pair of superior BronzeStatues'; an Inlaid Marque tie Cabinet, with PlateGloss Enrichments, ,2Secretaires, with Bookcasesand Books, Chimney Clock, Brussels Carpeta andRugs," Fenders and Steels, Handsome ¦ Lustres,Gasaliers (3 Lights), Massive Mahogany Sideboard,with newest appointments; Mahogany Dining'TableChairs andCouch tb iiatch ; 1 very superior Hat andUmbrella Stand,'with Plate Glass Back and MarbleSlab, Hall Chain, .Lamp, <Ic, do. . . . .

The BEDROOMS are tastefully supplied withIron Bedsteads, pair of Duchess Mahogany Tablesand Wash-stands, Marble Slabs and¦• Ware;<HWrMiittrteaes, Feather 'Beds, Bolsters'nnd ' PillowB,'Linen Sheeting, Tablo Linen, Mahogany WingedWardrobes and Mahogany Chests of Drawers, ToiletGIOSSCH, and all .other. Bedroom, .requisite* pf themost Buperidr class. . .' . '', ' :

The PANTRIES and :. KIi;CHEIf are fullysupplied. 1 Dinner Service, in , Stone. China (95pieces), Morning and,^Evening Sets of China inWliitc, burnished with Gold, Epergne, Cut Glass,Set of Electro-Pl»te«r3V«reV" Knives- Jarid Forks,Spoons, (Sec, iC . , . .; ¦: . , . • ' , '• ¦¦' ,

J. P; would call uibst 'particular attention to thisSale, as the Furniture1"' ia

^only a short time in use,

and it is of the uioet'Modern atjle. ' 'As all niuBt'be Sold iii'orie day; the Sale ~irill com

mencc'at Elovcn o'Clock with the Kitchen.j22 JOHN PENDER, Auctioneer.


¦ .. . ¦ '« ' ¦¦ ¦ •< ¦¦

.: . ¦. .

DE3lRABLE rJi$4$EtiOhD. l Jf ( X B & K 8 TrOB BASE BY AUCTION. : <

JO UK TENDER having received io«favctiotu, will. SELL BY. PUBLIC AUCTION,


ON F sin-JLt^ ij vit;"#*,' ; i877,The INTEREST in thei,EA8E of Three HOUSES

and Nine Large PIGGERIES,Situated in Five AlleyXanc; t$e Property of Mr.

JOHIf FLTKK. ' '¦': , ¦¦ > " .7 . '- ' •

'.' .

This desirable Interest . is held under Lease, datedthe 20th August, 1873; for a enh of . 52. years, at thevery low Rent of XI1 a year, and measures in front80 feet .

¦ •>¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • • ' : -

Tho Piggeries andjp_art"of the" Premises.arc atpresent Let (or £20 a! year, which letting expires on17th January.1378, wheri.posseeaion will bo given toPurchaser. . ¦ ¦ '; ¦• '_ • ' ! • • •

Immediate possession will be given of the Dwell-ing Houses. The Vendor has expended on tho Pre-mises nearly £250 in permanent and useful buildings.The Pijrtreries ore capable of holding 300 Pies.Private offen will be received by the Auctioneer up

to 1st of July; a reasonable offer will not be refused.Sale at 12 o'Clock.i22 JOHN PENDEE, Auctioneer.


House Property to be Sold ty Auction.

JOHN PENDEE having received ingtntctJms /rom.' Mis, STIPHKNSON, S*




Held under lease for 80 years, from the 25th March1855, at .the yearly Rent of JKJ , and producing aProfit R-E'nt of £23 a year. To persons with mode-rate capital, this would be a desirable purchase.

Sale at Twelve o'Clock. ' _ . . ; '...j29 • JOHN PENDEE, Auctioneer.

WAHTBD, ; • • -

A YARD MAN.and TIME'KEEPEE ; musthave a knowledge of the Timber Trade, and bo

strictly sober. Address, ." B. A." Office of thiBPaper, with testimonials from previous Employers.

• ¦ • ; - • • ; WAXTTED, '. , ' / / ;' ; .;',BY. a respectable steady 'Person, a Situation as

Housekeeper, Nursery Governess, or At-tendant on a Lady. - Highest references, can. be'given. ¦¦' ' . . . ¦ ¦. . -'15.3t

Addresr, " M. A. P." 47, John's-hlll, Waterford.

Watenord and Central Ireland RailwayIssue of New Central - Ireland Railmay Block', viih

receip ts tecurtd to pay from dale ej iuui a dividendof bper Cent p e r annum. , ;. . . , . , - . •» . . : i ' . ¦THE DIRECTORS of the Waterford and Central

Ireland Railway Company are prepared to issna NewCentral Ireland Eailway 8tock, upon which will b» paid.a Dividend of 5 per Cent, pet annum front; receipt* »e-cared for Uut purpose under agreementa MDctioaed byParliament between the Gnat Weston Bailway Ootn.pany of England,andtha Waterford and Central Irelandand Kilkenny Junction Railway Companies, the fall par-ticnlars of which can be obtained on application to theScecretary. ' ¦ ' . " , . '. . . 'LUANS fit VEBSNTVRE8, DEBENTURE STOCK

or DKPOS1T.m HE D IB ECTOES also, for . the.pnr>'A. iwse of REPLACING the INSTALMENTS of the

GGVEENiilENT. LOAN and BONDS falling doe, areprepared, until fnrthe* Notioe, to accept LOANS ONMOKTQ AQE BONDS at I ' per Cent, parable upon OneYear's notioe, or for such term of Yean at may befixed ;. ami for the Debenture Stock, having' equalpriority with the Mortgage Bond*, bearing: Interest ati per Cent, in perpetuity. • "' ' ' ¦ " ,( "• '

ITicy wiU also accept LOANS on DEPOSIT; bearingInterest nt 31 PER CENT., ' payablo on 8ix Month*,notice^uid ai 3 per Cent, payable on 3 Month's notioe. ••.

For the year ending 2Sth> 8ept.L 1676, the rramoReceipU were £40,180 lls. Od.—the Workliv and otherExDome* being £22,021 16*.;0d:—leaTin* • balance olJC18.158 lit'. 2d., being. more, than dcmble the; amountrcquir*l for the Intcrett 'on' Loani,'.'after the paymentof whioh there U, therefore, a oonaidentble turpuu fordividenda to 8hareholddra.' : • » . ..i -•*.'•; . ¦!¦ » ; . ¦(. , : CJ - .- I I

They wfll, every HaU.yoar, tend to each Creditor aStatement showing the /full particulars and Amount oftho several Loans duo by the Company., ..,;r.;: ; . , ¦.,

AppUcataons to be.addresatdto the undorsigned, attho Oomr^ny1! Office*, Waterford TenniaosV ¦ [.- ¦ ¦ • ¦ >

,>. ¦¦¦¦•. ; • TBy Order),';- ' ¦¦•/ ¦ f '- " ; •;•¦¦¦-;' ' r1 '

7 •: WlUilAM WLUUIB, Bcenttijl *Waterford, Jannary lOOi, IB77.1,,'/ , ,y , ,(mh8*-tf).;,

EPP'B COCOA—GKATKrui,jjn>;0oiuoBTiH<i ll^ro eop otxrwt bwM f a*;, ^—" By a Bwnongh knowledfe o* the natural law*; wUeh Phototraptii;!-''-'';r—t' S&'&i '&A '- V£i*te*m'£. ngoTcra'tho,opeiiti<m», d tton*'»»|hntrfttia,'«id; itAmTiANIBBNS AOT blSWLVINO^VIEwS.by a careful apvh^ vf.^eJtobproperHosjRtjiU. ;rr<%ar',l?raii*a*,'« fe'thoatir^BeleotiTcoooa. J1>.! P

«HM proTided onrbreakfart MHPM'-fo. ft«*vaS*$^C6 j^

Ubleswittl adeKeater/flavondbeversgewhichuVMTe 'Illtt»treanrJ taW;"'Wtr*; iraveli-,V-^^Ar»«ferV»;DI many heat/doctort' bfflt.1 '¦¦'' It U by the nwof «nc« Xaaktn and, 10,.»nde«ifro«, 7»i M^SA CMttogwi palarticles WidfeK that'a .bnirtttii on may be gridBftlly - ff Ulk^^^^ M ^^U^mT A if ^ ,built up unHl itrona enough to re«Ut eTery toid««e(r to \ADICBAL> tyilr^a»(>T'8irt> DCPBOVM>'-iiBAB»disease.iitiu^^of«nb&m^diea«nflofl ii>«Howrf 0>CBm^A««u .4w*e -«WWeat ,hal»d.'us ready to attaek wherever there iia weak poU*.- ¦ We ¦'•mt^m^ r^'\iA^^^ lxmmAw,'m»y e*4pe;«aW«-faW.haftibyke«ptorb*rKivM-we0 'V ^ ^ M B^ ^ ^¦ fortifiM( ViS>nre; blood- t!Tvnp<nij. i>omj ^d~ 'ISOtpSOlTiiMn ]»0DJffiSABOMBr«priceUbcUtd..."JameaEpp*.tCo^HombtopatMoCktmkb, ut ',Da ym^WmK >ammaajTS lotj

Throa^ i ^ t T y lfeu: \j isSSSSSS SSwSS ^boldly f*oo the ergs Qioy, y t M nn r^Umiim iW^yiBW "ViTfiT^MSraiiBBff ' iff'

S^ % tU S L f uSe*. heaUMuleJaUa^! M MSmSHa! « '! *!HwSM'*»JBS»:

isS&iwAiiSSsftrS&SSs I

Waterford, Jtangarvan, and Iosmor^COMPANY. . v .

¦VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pnnuant"¦•ilT-. to the 67th Standing Order of the Houses ofPartounent, a1 Bin, enUUel, "A.Bill V> Amend the¦

jWoterford, Dungarvan, and LIsinore .Railway Act,lSWr nd fbr enabling ittw WaterfoHiD f11*?*11'1 and LiamoreRaflway Company.to ia&e additionalcapital, andlorioiher jpnrposes','? **ffl,\at t*ea»r\Afezes to be hold«h for the County of the City ofWaterford, be submitted to the Grand Jury of thesaid County of the City of Waterford for their ai*proval, in which Bill are rontfiii pro'ieipnstoenable the occupying Tenants of Lands and Here-ditaments in the County otl'W!ateTfortr"and*in~the"County of the City of Waterford, to deduct from theRents payable by them a proportion of the Satenot exceeding one-half thereof, which, after theRailway shall be- openod for pdblio tfaffie, shall bepaid by them in respeot of Jthe- Cera to be levied forthe purposes of the gunranted Dividend on theSharo Capital of the Company, provided by the saidAct of 1873. . / . ; ¦ ! ¦ • >

Dated this 28th day of June,1877." :.t '. '¦:. - .EDMOND POAVEB, Clonmel, „

j29.2t, Solicitor for the said Company.¦ Watezford, Dunffarvan, and Idsmore¦


¦\TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,': that pursuantXX to the 67th Standing order of the Houses ofParliament, a Bill entitled, "A Bill to amend theWaterford. Dungarvan, and Lismoro Railway Act,1873, and for enabling the Waterferd,/ Dungorvan,and Lismore Railway Company to 'raise additiona]Capital, and for other purposes," will, on the 17thday of July, 1877, be submitted to.the .Grand Juryof the County of Waterford for'their approval, inwhich Bill are contained proviaions to enable thooccupying Tenant? of Lands' and Hereditament inthe County of the City of Waterford,, to deductfrom tho Rente payable by; them a proportion ofthe Rate not exceeding one-half thereof, which,after the Railway shall be opened for public traffic ,shall be paid by them in respect, of the Cess to beleviad for the-purposes of the . guaranted-Dividendon the share'Capital, of , the Company/provided bythe said Act of 1873.' '¦' • ¦' •" "¦ " ' "' •' • •' • ¦

Dated this i8th day of June, 1877. ~ ' ' v¦ : . ; - EDMONp POWEE/ Clonme!.', -; ,


i28.2t: : - : "!:: Solicitor for the said Company.


^ GRAND EBEM3UM; GIFT !!. •- ¦

. _' : .^8&*p £&^$3&xoi MAn ART GALLKET for 'every -Borne' nt the smallest'

;. . ¦'• : ' - ' - -'of'Coste.1 ¦' • ¦' ¦¦

• ' ' •; •;¦; : f [ ¦¦

. ONE GDINKA'S-WOBTH POB EIOUTBKN PKNCK.The " London" Pntliahing Society, . ;

ESTABLISHED foe tie. di*iribution,of Genuine

Works of Art by the 'most eminent Masters.Offioes—122, London.Wall, London, E.C. ;:¦

Tho Directors having concluded .their arrange-menta, are now issuingito" the- 'Subeeribers it thisPaper'their 1 Third vpw>duct5oB,''printed'"in : sixteencolours. '. The plctorea1 canliardfy.be detected fromthe!flneat OaiPainting«;': '{ ''""-¦ " ' .'¦¦'. - '¦' '"• "'

. Oolou>»', l'ariB,always pleaain'g to the, eye, ,; Prints

are mow at a Disconnt.. l '' i ': ;~ • . ., :... ; ...,-;,- . ;•> .• , .! .¦¦.¦. ¦;,i '.-Tha object of Uu« Society ja to) produce valuable

copy:right Pictures at one-tenth; their original cost,and to cultivate a taste for the fine Arts, and bythis means' to-- displace coarsely fetocuted pictures;and cheap worthless Engravinge."1"'1 ',' ::'. ,"; : '';

;Tbe third Ime .will :be a'Magnificent Set ofFoiir Oleograpns.'entidod,'' ! '" ; ' " 'SPRING' !

; SUMMEE ! AUTUMN ! WINTER !'¦¦ (Id Sfarteeri-Colaure)." '"•

.The. lour Seaeona, are. represented by, beautifulyoung woineiCexecufecC ,uv <ie first<<ij(e.of -Art.Spring i« repreaente

br a fair young dameel.waik^

ing in a park, carrying a nest of joong birds in herhand. Summer is.al8o represented by a young dam'iscl.'in as orchard ;' gho is laden fwith'beautiful ripegropes, peon, and oppleg.!' • Aytnnfn ehbih a younggirlin'a' field ful of tipe corn f she ia carrying asickle snspen'ded from her wrist.,-. Winter shows afair! young, damiul, ' wrapt -up in furs and'velvet,Waling throa da. park, covered '.wiffi i gUsteningsnow. •/ . } - ¦] "¦' ¦ '', '" ' :' '\ : - '. :". '\ •I '. '. 'i i : . . . ' .

The above can. be had singly at. la., 8d. each, or. inpairs at 2a. lOd., or the set of four'sent poet free for5a; id.

¦'¦ ' • ¦ • ¦ • ¦ .


; , . . .,, .: . . . .; ../ ¦. . -.

' The following Pair of Pictures wiU also be issuedat the same time, vii. :—; - - i : . . • ¦ . ; • •

¦••u ¦ • > ¦ ;

' .' ' -"'ATTACK- AND VICTOEY," . '. . .. .. f . v, (In Sixjteen,Colours).., . . . .j i/ i: ;.;. / ',

The Attack shows a troup of. merry village child-ren i who ¦ are attacking t the fiddler, half draggingandi half persuading him to accompany thorn to thefields, and Join in their sports by pjaying t<rthenj.;-

The Victory,'aa the title impljes/snows they havesucceeded, and are now engaWl joyfully in a'ringround the captive, who himself ia enjoying the funimmensely. . - ¦•"Price Is. 6d., by poet Is. 8d., or the pair, price

2a. lOd. . , . . .: . ¦• . ., . • ¦• ; , . ; , . ;. -The. price , of either of the above' pairs is One

Guinea, unless the Coupon is: enclosed' with order,filled in with names of pictures required. : ¦ '

No. 1092 Priie Coupon.

Hornet of Pictures required .:

For the London Publishing Company,122, London Wall, London, E.C.

: ' j, .J. CUMLBOH,'SecretaryTo whom P.0.0. must be made payable at .

the ColemaBL St. Post-Office. i " . t

. The public' are requested to notice that all impres-sions issued by this Society are direct from the ori-ginal plates, and are not spurious imitations. ' '

All letters to be addressed' and P.O.O. mode pay-able to ' • ¦ - • • • ¦ - - •

. ,

J. CAMEEON,;: Secretary, • ' • ' >' : ;;l22,'liondon Wall, London, E.C. 'P.0.0. payable at Cobman treet Post-office. ¦ ' ¦luTpsrurr'N,oricx.-f AH persons Subecribing 12

Shillings, jrill bei made members of the above Society,and will be entitled to receive one copy of each pic-ture free, together with 20 Coupons of each, picture,for the' purchase of extra copies for their friends, atIs. 6d- each copy. • > - '¦ '• ¦ ¦•' --mlS.Om '1'

8o»>xoars', BPECTACUGS'¦¦] MB. E: SOLOMONS, Omcux ', } ; , -

. V.' 19, N A£| Sit .;8TBEET ,; DU B L I N '.¦- ¦¦(Who baa Voen Jl nan prof««fcmalljr e«i»kUjheiUa Dublin)T>EGS to jeantioB. .the Poblia aninstthe ase otthe'J3 .' common,':' impropor, . and [badly-mannfacturedGUssea. and Pebbles generaUysoU, whioh are so highlydetrimental to VWon,' that numbers have . seriouslyBuffered from them, and trorta that it is now unneces-sary to dwell;'a.t 'length'on'the excellonce of bis Spec-'!taelei (so different,from .'pebble or wjipifc* .jivbstence.which he neither constructs, approves, »or disposes of,)and on the advantages'derivable from - his •oourstomethod of adapting Qlaoses to Sef eetivo Sight (a matterof mnoh deeper impottanee' than U frequently nipposed)M- such are admirably, calculated to preserve tie eyesnnhnpaired to! extreme pld age.1,liTher,have been usedby the most distingnlshed persons and 'Members of theJfaemyot me jungaonu ¦ • M M : J •" "i - * •¦<. t • > ¦. m < • -> •

< . .OBSERVE.—Per»on»' can' be suited 'by.'onbloeing a'pair of < Spectacles m- one of.(he Glasses,'in'» letter,stating the'distaaoe, from the eye. ,they<mn read small,print with it, andthop* who hav».not employed spec-taol*s by mentioning their age and'deseribiag'sight.'Communication* from Waterford' ia& tta Vicinity to bedirected to K». SOWMONSV.ErtabUshment, No. 19,NASgAU^TREET, .rEBJrattu ty. HcaJ.Doory, withinon door of DAWaON TBEET; DUBLIN..' •• i , '

$&:S *vtinot aU UttdspromptiyatMided to. ''" ¦>¦.. ), •: | NEWLY INVENTED TELESCOPES,1.''/ '/ ' ';¦Combming poitabiUtyi/with J«x»ah)rdinarJr'l»mTer' andetearness of Vision, whioh inperiedeevm'other'kindfor the Wairtooat Pocket, Deer Stalking; Military, Sea,;and all purpo«e»; both by day and night* and sbmefrom4inches wnFihowdTsUncUf m Vlafanito. Ae.,Prioe- 10. 66V, 12s. 6d-, 16*.,21* 80s.?vkei'J 'JM«¦?¦<*»«.

NEW. DAT AND AffS6NOMICAL jBLEaCOPE,:PRICE XS OOMPtJ7rK-7With snperior, inik''aeliio>!matic object 'glass. ,two Jmproyea ert place*,'njp glassi'portable- metal, pointed stand. JThi« jtxbaonusanrin-b^a\5iixh^^d2S^^^diridaal/orotayoek,'«be ,'cattl«j'W.;at ymue«UMWMWI yHS^y^*-jy*iwy-"«w,uyiiu«.ii p v un * worn

'GLA88B8-Woe lOs^Mj 1&3* tf some »w)>sSntilla^Uiat.t« sBpmV>!a^VatesiicftkVt, 'rivaliB


$C ) ;|i;J)'D B I N G A L T E R A T I O N S ;"?pO Kront of PUEUISES (which we expect.4 *9 he speedily accomplished by the eminent

*>"y?»rfa of Builders to wlnm the wort Las boon\ entrutted), Boiiness will bo carried on as usual

"witbeat ioconrenience to our Customers.f/i \JAli h \} OlJ t \HT HT !v ¦ <

SPECIAL ADVANTAGESAre offered to present PoroWors/ond ell Orders

oiecoted with iatiBfactioD and derpntob.

P. TOBIN ft. Sf NS; Imil 58 4 59/ ttuay, Waterford.




.," .c,j ¦ ' WATERFORD.

Uuv ing purcbaeed the Interest and Flunt or tbo late;: : i , ' ;•; .• '. (Fiinj o f / ; ;o 'J' [ ' . J i c L E A N . ^u i M c I N . T O S U ,Statics me to execute nil Orders entrusted to mo asTJLUMDEp, ,BRASS . FOUNDER, and GAS-FIT.JL TETiV Alao.lIealiDg.of .Grtscn-houaos, CoDserva-tories, and Pdblis'B'iiililings , on the' most improvedprinciple, by the circulation of hot water.

flouw on'f ' ISVi/1 'Wiiet 'OUsett'y -"Baths '; Lift andForce Ptimj'j j Uydraulie Rar.it ; Gatalier's 'O"i Heat-ing, and Cooling Steves always on hands. [mh2-ti

HUGH McLEAN. - .. .3, Little Qcorgiti-streel, Watajird.

BEACK SILKS and VELV.ETS,- » ¦ ; -xpf f c tMtiqH rtjR/v>s )j/; / . i .

¦•O P S U P E R I O R M A N U F A C T U R E .! • "' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

. •T\URlNncAt»5B«J'ION5', ".1ro i ehsll,Offer i

the above well-known G O O D S at tempting

Prices, affording a rare opportunity for intending

Parcboscrs to provido (hcmselvos with a really*- Finit-clas* Articlo nt tlie Price usually patd fo/

iofcrior Goods.

' ' EAtiLV' fNspfeoTYoN INVITED

. : ; P. TOBIN ft SONS,ml8 ""' ^FI :••¦• • ; ¦ Quit;'WATijBroEn82T Ladies' Frenoh G i.ovcs, all ebaJoa, best makes




¦' iiTT~M•¦

•C:' ' ' ¦'¦

\ ' ;


PUBLIC 3UlLDlXGS:ilEATED by.llot Wa-.,ter, on tho molt approved principle..f- .Tettinioaials, too numeroun fur insertion, from theload/og Gentry of Wsterfprd and. sam>a;iding Conn-ties, whose plaees I have heated, may bo teen ot myoffioes. £

r^ £-, j.. .o r~\ > ,'. . • ''. " ' ' "¦ ' )P.8.—HaviDg""'pnrcoascd" at the Sale at Little

'George's street too entire Stock of Brass, Wood, and. Lead Patterns connected with the Foundry, rorBrroaCantiogs, I am enabUd to. execnto sll orders for. Coseing'st the ibortesfc'notii?;atid ou reasonable' tertq&e. ' 1ST Entfsnee to Wufks from Peter street, [mhr/"• j WHOLESALE AND !BETAIIT '

-. WINE AND SPIRIT STORES,86 QlfAT, and Comer or CONDUIT LANE," - WATRRVORV. "' ¦ " ! W I L L I A M P O W E R '

Beg* respeetfully t6 intimate to his Friends and the'¦ Public generally, that he has , . ,

NOWi OP^N, the above STORES, where he hopes,by strict attention to bosioebs, and keeping

tbo: very BEST WINES nnd SPIRITS merit ashare of putroDoge. i" UovscKurcs* will find it their ioteroat to pat ion-{so the above atablishmuiit.

02 *PIeast jbservo tlie uddrees:. . , I ' No. 86 THE yUAY,

1 (Corner of Conduit Lane),f28 ; WATERFORD.


AN EXTENSIVE STOCK or FISUINO TACKLK ,comprising every article tbo Angler can require,

i • ¦"¦' • ; 'PAPER HANGINGS.A great variety to select from, and at most reason,

able price*. ' ' , ' ¦1 • • - ¦; " • pnAMES.Piotnre Frames of erery description mnuufacturcd

oa the premites. ¦ •' Ii DAVID KOLAN,

ml9.1y] ' 19 & 20 BuoiD, STBtKT/WATKurouD.


¦ ¦¦•¦ •' • .; WATKSIOtD BtUK Cll :' !: Bv W '. 'J E R O M E r A G E N T ,


SINGLE JBOTTLES, or, any Qoantity, supplied, ' - ! from npwsrds of

" i 206 yA«irnis or. 'iat;Wi!(ta AXD' SPIRITSOf every producing oonotr'y, at precisely the samePrices, sod, Quality as. from the. .Head Establishment,

Guin'nesVs Double Stout, Guaranteed Pare XX.,¦.','¦ : "¦-¦•""'tfais 4Cots :Bprton P»Ip Aley' •

i. \ S. AIIsopp "*'¦ Boos* Barton Pale Ale j and'y . . \ rj,j;: >'.::0ade4 Sons' llinersl Waters. ' ¦

'Price Lists forwarded on spplicotion. d8.Gm

| GRJBAT SALE OF PIANOFORTES.T JIPQBT^p.direct from tbo Mapufacturert, MetsraJLi CbtIJ»n'4 CoLiaED,"Kisvvirf, DiLUAiNK, BsiNB.MAD, to., &C ' at i•o i - C. A. JONES' MUSIC DEPOT.¦i . !isO j . o-'u IA r;j, w A T X R F 'O n D .']";,; & ABM 0 N ItT M 8 in great variety, English nnd|Frenob njakp ^Violinf, CoTneta, ConcertiDai, Drams,: Flutes; Banjoes, tiusio Boxes, 4c. io., ; .

I ' ¦--- •• ..'TAT'I C. : A. JONES'. • :... WSfo ltHDniQ LIBRARY, WATBRF0RD.

20,000,NEWi SONGS and PIECES, at OHB TBISDI the llaiked Price lor Caib, tho. entire STOCK now


:••• • > ' ¦ | ! V,?.|,A* '^ifi-fl.-"?!! •• •! • • ' ¦ ' - l

JIfrOBTKBofPIAN0FG9TJlB, BARUONIVilS, f rcI 120 QUAY, WATBRF0KD, AND BAGWELL 'F ! |STBKET, CLONMKL,.Bq » to call i special) atientW <¦ to ' bis cxteotiveTU SISG wl TlIPAIBlKG'boiiDMS.- IIis Tuners

:'.vJ«b all the t8odtaorn"snd 'stidltod bonnties of Ire.'.itaaKjBartorly.'.TIi/^.l'.it .^¦• .M'I. ¦¦- : ¦ ¦¦ >x.\if t r - Piaoofortes ' »nd Uaraoniams bired by the,)toad»ar.)TetiiCvUa.Ai>ti«ar>tb) irtiitbiiie/and onxhoTfcreeTean* tf »tmzi 'j !i'l :\Lrssi i i!r,i lQ. Ai^EJS^USIOjWABEHOUSE.' l-lc,,rOriolcsUiug^Archeoy,]Croquet,' and other Gamos,at ¦nosaalljtliowtticm/i. x ,,:;/. .v: ni rmv4-tn '\:: i.)di^&*'*>O : -v- ^ v ¦

¦,• ¦¦¦¦> ¦.

JiMj*'"* *&*'%£$•' ^WMfiBOB'-OF' MUSIC,

Or^Omc sV> VeuiOfiW[Jsstoj!''WATEBIY>lil).

^"iDsut ajs^vbi»Wy»«» fttpetyfeiphate.bSttf!«q»i «»jnS.««rj{S5^ ,) t w j >...,i o, s , (»?A I vi iiui UWF^T^V*^"ilv'iL."'' tJ <"*•¦'• - >'"¦• ?% \ki&mmM *®3&&g¥!l8?wm

irj .-,«».m'.,,L.ii4,ii)jL » ,2VCTTT.j :bWLjs:

iy,Jto.si lsMswJwifwi ttodtM^ww


' - TO BE LET, UNFURNI8HEpV>vith inmediato '


and coiomodiuos OaUOfficcB. This Tlouae has latelyundergone .thoroogh- repair, and jlS fit for' t|| fecoj)>tibn of a largo family, withont one shilling outlay.

. Also, TO BE LET, FULLY FURNISHED, theH0US.B in : the adjoining' L^wnj in- tho occapfttioa pfthe Rev. T. O'BRIEN , nntil his recent appointment asPastor at Kooolrandre. ' Will'be'Let' for the ' 8 taiori,'or by the year. - ,. ¦„ • ; ; - . .-,' For terms', apply to Tnojcis PowiRi1 2,:Sti LegorPlaoo, Tramoro. a!57-if


• and OUT-OFFICES.The- HOUSE , which has been remodelled, is eituutcd

in tho CotiNTT KILKENKT, within onn mile and a halfof Watorfbrd Bridge.

For particulars, apply to Capt. P. P BKENAN , 3«1-mont, AVaterford. myl-U

TO BE LETiA. MOST DE61RABLB OFFICE, oontrally located

uoder the Imperial .Hotel, Mall , in whioh thePostal aDd Telegraph business wos trausactcd nntillately. Immediate possession can bo had.

Apply at tho Bar of the Imperial HoUtl. [mL9

TRAMORB-HOUSES, fully Famished, TO BE LET, by tbp

Month, for the Season or by tho year, « ST.LEOER TESBACE, Tramore. Apply to Mr. T. POWER, atKo. 2, on tho Premises. tf


; .. Schoolmi»tra4S« ' ¦ Wanted.THE GUARDIANS1 of: the'abbvo Union will,

. at their-Moeting to be held on TUESDAY;lh€ 24th day of JULYK 1877,,proceed,to .Elect aSdHOOLMISTRESS t ai lar 'of 2f/per. A -nnm, Rations arid"Apartments.'

Sealed .Tenders, accompanied by Testimonials,addressed to'the Chairman, ivill be received by meup to 12 o'Clock, noon, on the above mentioned-day.

Candidates must appcar^n D«rwjjr;;. , - f -• ¦ ' • I A " By'drdcr,

j29.3t . ;:¦ . : : ¦ • WM.jHUNT, Clerk of Union.

KILMACTHOMAS VXI QXrflHE Guardians of the above Union will, at theirX .Meeting, to be held on TUESDAY, the 10thday of JULY, 1877, receive Proposals for BUILD-ING anJADDmoN to the INFIRMARY KITCHEN.Also, to execute sundry ALTERATIONS and RE.PAIRS. -:: :i '• :•¦ • ¦ ¦ • • :

Particulars can bo, had on application .to theMaster of the'Workhouse. ' ' '*" "

' By order, . ,}29.2t "'• • •• " • ; WM. HUNT, Clerk;6f Unfefa:

Clerk's Office. 27th June. 1877.


• ¦'•.. • , . . :• . >

¦¦ ¦ '¦ ¦


i Btorokeeper and Agriculturist Wanted.THE Boaad of Guardians of the: abovo Union

will, ak'thelr Meeting to Wheldjbn THUEfli>Af,the 12th JULY, pro<.; consider Tenders from com-petent persons to, fill the.conibined offices of'' STOREKEEPER AND AGRICULTURIST,

Ata Sohiry of -J&10 per:Annum. 'withTRations and/ > Apartments in the Workhouse.

The person appointed must reside upon the work-Wnse premises. . . r ,¦' A'pplicatiotm for tno Office , ¦witnT rrionijjB, andstating the names of two solvenr persons willing to"join'-the Candidate in a bond for .£200, for the faith-ful'discharge of his duties, will be received by meup to 12 o'Clock, noon, on tho day of election, onwhich day candidates must attend in person.

By-order, ., . .JOHN F. BOYLE/.'Clerk of, Union. .

Board-room, 2Sth June, 1877. • ~- ; "-' H29.2t;


.CABRICK-O^ SUIR DiaPENVSAKY.DISTRIOT.' i i ¦¦ I ..'!. r LJJkL- J • ? •• I • ' ' •¦

mUE COlOUTTEjdBF, MANAOEMENT ofJL~ this- Disjdbaj District' Will; tat'their Ifeet-ing on the 9th^ nf next, proceed to ELECT a

: ,;IEe)dical^^P«r for :th

e District,At a Salary of JHrper Annum as -Medical -OfScer,XI5 per Annnnf as , Sanitary Officer |Of tho Bora)portion of the District; and KlB'pe'r Annum as Bani-tary Officer . for - the- Urban : District, together withBegistration and Vaccination Fees. ' - ¦' The person elected must possess the qualifications

required by the Local Government Board, and theduties connected with the Office will be defined- bythe Committee of Management. . '¦ Applications, accompanied by Diplomas and Tes-timonal, will be received by me up toEleveno'Clockon the day above named.j22.2t OWEN CALLAHAN, Hon. Seeretaxy.Carrickbeg, Carrickon-Suir, 16th June, 1877.


SEA COALS WANTED.THE Board of Guardians of the Callan Union

invito Tenders for Supplying, the Workhousewith 40 TONS of BEST CARDIFF or RED ASH'NEWPORT, COALS, free from Slock, at—per ton,delivered at Ballyhale Station. - <; Tenders to be Lodged in the Tender Box at theWorkhouse,' or delivered to me before 12 o'Clock ofTHURSDAY, the 12th JULY next.' . (By Order) ' . ! : : :

M, MAKER, Clerk of the Union, .¦ '¦ Callan, 28th June, 1877. .


DURING ALTERATIONS we have made arrage.' ments for the Supply of ,- ' '.' . '', ;

F R E S H N E W : . G O O D 8 . ' 'In COATINGS, TB0U8EUINGS, and SUITINGS.¦ LINCOLN and BENNETTS, and CHBISTH'B ¦¦* , . . , . ¦ HATS j ¦ . . , . . . .. , . . , ¦.,


. GLOVES, HOSIERY. SCARFS, TIES, »rid 'i . M UMBRELLAS , • : . . . ..¦ - ¦. :»- .BAGS, PORTMANTEAUS, TRAVELLING BUGS,; I,. '. COLORED SHIRTINGS j : . , ' ;.SHIRTS and COLLARS made to order on tho Prey: , mines, on tha shortest notice.' ' '

Fit Warranted


^.v - COATS.- ' " " ¦ ' •;, .;

; '" ; ¦;;; :],

: P. TOBIN & SONfti -CLOTHIERS A«D: pUT-FlTTEBS^; . . !' .]

mil 68 4 69, QUAY , WATBRPOTiD.¦ ¦ . > -. .j-:v. /', : f . - i ', . . \A ¦¦: : > i . 1 • . <¦(



. ¦' . - ' : . ¦¦: !—-f !

¦'¦ •¦

¦¦¦ ¦¦ • - : ¦!/ / .. ! .5 ' fjf

. ; ••¦ > JOSEPa OLAMPETT, ' ', ¦¦'¦¦ j

Audimeef and y aXwitmi- Hcnite and Land'AgmL) 'HAYING enlargodTny Premises in Henrietta-

street, myJMark is now ready to reooivO J « 'r lFITBKITUigS'of jptT'.D^SCBarnONrforlnime.-;¦ , ..; i >.T IdlaieordeferredSALES.''. :C- h K f 'J i ")(

An'Auctkms' entruited to wy 'care.'ln Toirn .or''Coontry, wffl h»Wrmx;T) i>t''and;can!fnl atti«aon'''jud M btuM Uf i'for pi?the day snocedlnj- ale.' ,r y:,:;$rrln c:onneotion;wiUiT»iyJtart, J bare. laijreSJI'OBE.BOOMS for tt*,oonv«nieac« of Parties who raaydMireto have,their. Fnrnitnre stored. I alsoholdafloatias;Policy of'Insnrance to cover:allgood»;«ont in fir Salt,Or Storage."''t ; > ' 'Jr >-;« l/:- - .-> "¦¦¦ ¦ > • -^"'ir .'t .iirsj itsf v:i

i O)-A large Stock of Furniture always on hand* forauer ';:'-* r '-:"r i± <**':~" "'" ' '"'' "\1'j & &.V.; wiMOKE jAwrao . socmrr.'mil 'Foi^WlVo"DAYS\'navei.'b iaxlti for>JL Mh«r«H0W8'«< 1W7 :— "- ^'¦¦'Vl :* >¦

^'<i , iH'OB8J! 8HOW:;;WEPyE8PAY>!ApC%jt.? ;;

f f CATmJ3,8BOW;.v .THUil8DAY, iAno, iui,'.ntr 5 .'i '}on_THDR8DAT, 'th ftth.

¦ ¦¦r, v : -, W. H?,BALDWIN, ) Hon g««,¦ a , ;« iwM» > ow ";fe^S ife^ffi® . ¦r .,:, -V,V 3Vi/v .rM'«II ; ^^^m^;«i'8«*d'Potatow.;'; ' -V'-¦'<:¦¦TA0K 8ALB at IWALLAOk'S ST0EE8,' QUilBN^IJD '«8tmXj Good 8OOT0H DOWKTOTATOIBS;

¦i><ta tfa«>e1Toa.or.>si rss ;* .Uk«c,; ,r,\ i;,j| t tf . f ,

t a i N T I N O 'rV- 'P K.I J T T I H C r !

- :WITH. , W^% AND

0 Y , -fM^mi^aHiHinlT

-XLESUMED AT " THE NEWS" OFFICE ,i 30, KIN Q-STREET, WATERFORD ,- Where excellent WORK, at a moderate rato, will

1)0 executed as usual. ¦

835" Patrons and Friends will please toko Notice,50, KING-STREET. WATERFORD.



Mr. HENRY MATTHEWS has, at the verylast moment, abjured his Home Rule crror8,andhe is now seeking your suffrages upon substan-tially the platform which I initiated, although Ithink it would have been more generous uponhis part ,.if .. lie had declared his intention at amucn earlier period of time ; yet I am a loyalConservative and a tnie friend to Ireland, and Itherefore desire to place my personal feelingsand convenience out of consideration; Mr.HENRY MATTHEWS ; has previously representedyour Borough in Parliament, and as our politi-cal sentiments are now in accord, he has a priorclaim ,to. your support. I have, therefore, de-termined not to divide the Conservative interest.I retire in his favour, and I beg my friends (whohave so generously assisted me in my efforts) togive £61 him the votes which they had promisedto record in my favour. • .

I appeal to, them most strongly to do so, forMr. MATTHEW'S r" only opponent is a candidatewhose political principle.are wholly antagonisticto the true interest of Ireland.

My introduction to you and this part -of yourmost charming county has been a source of un-mixed gratification and pleasure ; and thankingyou for the courteous, kindly, and generous re-ception which you have accorded , to me, I bidyou for the present respectfully farewell.

I have, the honor to be,: Your faithful Servant,

GEORGE DILLON-WEBBFlynn's Hotel, DuDgarvan, Tuesday Night,

19th June. 1877.

HOW; ¦ TO BECOME BICH."¦ I I " NoH ting venture} nothing tern."

\Af £ would rill like to become rich ; money, althoughf f1' it is. ealledJHOl]/ lucre is snch a happy medium

for making matters ran smooth and comfortable. Thepossession of money is (so philosophers any) an ovil,yet it is an evil that the: human family in general areroOipr indjned-to bear, and all are striving more or lessto obtain ;' tot ttio question w Ww to obtain it \ IVcanawor ia iridoed very simple; do as others, befot yoa.Eavd dqno, vix. : Bnv and : soil—How have all or. nearlyall onr great families, (such as Tho'Dukcs of Devonshire,Westminster, Ac., Earls OranvUle, Derby, Marquis ofBnte, Messrs. Cobden, Bright, Milner Gibson, and ahost of'others wo could montion) becomo so wealthy cIf we examine'the root or commencement of their pros-perity,' what shall wo find f why that the minerals ofour tight littlo Isle, cither Tin, Copper, Lead, or Coal,have beon and" are. now the great and prolific sourcefrom; whence .their vast fortunes have beon and arebeing made. . If instances were wanted thousandscould be produced : wo will givo a few as examples ofMining success :— -

• ¦ ¦¦ • ¦ ¦ : PBOFITS. CAPITAL.DCTOO Great Consols gare ... f 1,192,960 ... £1,021Botalhok .-.. 124,0 0 ... 2J.250Dolcoath ... 500,000 ... NonlmalCam Brea 309,000 ... 35,000Cook'a Kiteben ... ... ' 300,000 ... KonhnalEMtPool :r. "..;• lOO^WT-— SJMDFoxdale ... 308,200 ... 70,000LMmrae ¦ ' ... 229,900 ... 7.M0Htnera 590,000 ... 45,000Great Carodon 373,248 ... 600Tincroft T 300,000 ... 54,000Wert ChlTtrton 150,000 ... ao.000When! Basset 326,656 ... 2.024Wicklow. • 1,312,500 ... 62,500Wbettl'Bnlter 300.000 ... 1.024

i Total... £6,313,464 iS34,622thus leaving a profit upon tho aggregate stun of nearlysix millions sterling after deducting Capital, or sayover 1600 per cent. ; This needs no comment, it speaksfor itmlf, and proves all we have said; but nntil withinthe last few years the general publio wore not allowedto join in these good things,—they were plums for afew, still there are as good fish in the sea an ever weretaken out. and the 'publio have (since the wisdom ofonr Ilegislaturo posted tho Limited Liability Act,) op-portunities of reaping some of the enormous benefitsto be derived therefrom. Our great Principality, bothNorth and Sooth, East and West, in toeming with theprecious motels, and there aro persons with (sufficientstrength of mind to "join in the hunt and amass vastfortunes, as witness tho proprietors of the Van Mine ,tho'Minera, thoXisbnrne, Prinoo Patrick, &c, f ee. Anan Illustration we will take tha " Van Mine" situatedin tha Llanidloes, which had a Capital of 15,000 Shares,of £i 5s. each, and, up to the end of 1876 each sharehad received in dividends .£20, within a fow pence, andtho;Shares now , readily sell at about £37 each, thusrailing the nominal value of this Mino from JMG.OOO toits CBtiinatod worth now of nearly .£600,000. Everynow and then we find that invitations aro made throughthe^ress

to join in some nowly ushered enterprise oftho. abovo 'description, and we note that Messrs. iigham,Son & Co.', of - Manchester, the well known Brokers andFinancial, Agents, have JMuod a Prospectus invitingenqsoriptions to tho amount ot £6,000 only, in a celeb-rated littlo property, situated in.Flintshire, named tho"Little Wonder," bat known in the Welsh tongue asCorta Bryn.' Q is a well known fact that tho County of Flint has

produced an enormous amount of l eadUre, and so suc-cessful have some of- its Mines been that they are ofWorld-Wide fame ; only just .recently a nice littlo mine(thfa .Ooriedd .'and MerUyn,)'within an easy distanceof the " Little Wonder created quite a sensation bythe! report of the finding of a beautiful Bib of splendidOre, whioh at once advanced the price of the shares onenuidred per cent, and yet instances of this land are therub and not the exoepbon. On perusing tho Prospectusof the "Little Wonder" we .obaervo.that tho Oro hasnot to bo searched for, (whioh is somenm'es an expensiveexperiment) but is absolutely;found cropping ont in 4 or5 different places, and that-thero are already severalshafts sunk on tho property, and that Ore is now actuallybeing got; therefore, we have no doubt good dividendswill be returned to the, Shareholders,; especially as inhia report on this Mine Captain Woolcock, an eminentMining Engineer .who has had many years practicalAY tfviATiM fn 'mf ima 'at ihtt "htmt Tj *u\ Minna in the tinff.

- dots,- states that there are 3 lead producing lodes runningthrough theaettjfreinWeof'which'etonos'of Ore nearly109 lbs. weight have already beej iroken, and from its

.cldso proximity to other oaubiaMK^Hines, which havoreiumedOre in t 1" '"O Jirflifipptfal J1^^ ""! and paidenormous profit* to the AMKbRHpTinUjte geological;po|dtion and present iMJfinioqs, nS will b S first chuis;concern in a;very si jfcSVTx /TLiW nder''

6 000.Shares M | e«aKSf()n | n/V^^ tt> forjjrhiafc Share WaBJtBtO»^M*ei ¦uj npiung hus: in consequence Ovtse (iwifcilsAB^dinxOovernmcnteMmpbeing impressedv 0)TT»ich-Tn«n t'fivW'tHe~ pojfeill tomihblder,theM0f to p jpi* i*10» flank Note.TCertainhr ibitl i.j JS n ^o}^ Cktft soagR rU.,.(JpO^

ki ofTlio^ratpre t-bflferflln .pq'bliooWorinir'; ..ohjfadocimenU ,*M tBo|BhVWV«J«^om.pahy; dW rttfa adrW ont W temHng to.tokeSm i Jo S nojiap d, or^eyV»y;wsadly*sappofi**4tii»jrB f ully «xp8Ct( soon, to hear that thewhole of the eapt>0hai been placod and that the sharesiave had aifie<i=f SSt!>'4 *vfu l -^CJ 'S;; '.T> ¦-. , .¦'FMeMrs. iKOHArf/SoiTA 'Co'.rof l^Maft plice,Vanahesto aHOtf iinthorised Brokers of tho Company,to Vhom applications for Shares can at onco be mode.si ii . ;. 'X) :\\ ¦•*J Kor.<: \ \. ; : :¦.; ¦¦'¦:: ' .: je22,6L -


; SuiidJ 'lUteiii*(w'' ftt rCliefcp'Par«8.itlRTBOBOUQH jUtDi SJUdUTNT TO WiTIErOBD.ON SUNDAY, 1st JTTLY, aad.the following SUN-

: DAYS, until further. Notice, Exoursion Ticketswill be Iwned at all Station, by the Train leaning Jtoy.borough at 9.90 • Jn.,! aratUWe forEaturn .aame, d»jr bytha Train leaving Waterfotd fat'6.50 p.m'., and arriving!- U.U_HBL .( D i A n (B .'' ' " — ¦in Maryfc roog

^ ^ pH-.$ i , : ¦ ; ¦¦'. • !-» ( 1 > ' . ,¦¦• iii iBlst clats. 'Oov. carg'gLeave Maryborough 8.30 a,«r— oa. Od. St. 0d.¦« ii i,AbbeyW«;H-|::,, •.«.»¦;!, ¦ •:, ;. 5 0". I < :- ;>3.-;o :i.ii..# jiiii-AMwagh ^^g-^

i, ,v: .¦*, .0 ,,,,.t= 3 ,0 .,,„ i BattWHWttj nr|tlS4:,i,, i'.? 5 l > 01. l!t , . ji8 , i Q,;:.r(

, « i ' : '!Be»JJe3DrKige''''10.'.l2 '"; < 8 .6, -\ '„, 2 '.»f ''. • '[„ i i Thonartown . C.10.15 i /"f 1 3-'6- ' 2' 'o'-"u'' ii l

^BUtyWe>P?;"T1?lO«r^*in-''! 2r-'a '"" li 'i • ••' s:

,-1 I H'MnlHil«v»t'; ;r;5il0:»s!t.i8 '1:¦¦vw « \\- 'QII us..¦ f KiW *ia^M'>blte*.ty fy U*' 'til > <><; 'iti 0"0''; i-ArrivijataWMwfiW.ll.aOi-fJi?^!'! . ¦•I'. I OJ r::rt^^ZfcM».*W_Jftj^id

to .nd fr<,» aU;

•7«ftu Bij )jCT «TO^ j^ .£j| ionr '

ii'- - -i !j-Ajmwaoiy!ww^?.:*'<iW''/** I^ fo"iii 6'¦:¦ ;1.tBttg'y.fr^55ti^i>aiii:{iiaivrttwwi>i;y.vt-iJ!it''g4.-.fr


In the Matter ef JAMKS BTRNES , of Carnck-on-Suir, in the County of Tipperary. Grocer andProvision Merchani, -. A Bankrupt.


In the County of Tipperary, at the Premises,On WEDNESDAY . ll th JULY , 1877,

At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon,ALL THE ESTATE and INTEREST of the

Bankrupt, hie- Assignees and equitable Mort-taiees; of, in; and to that Messunge or Tenement,with the Yurd and Appurtenances thereunto be-

longing,AT WESTOATE, in the TOTVTI of Carrick-on-Suir,

Lately in the occupation of the Bankrupt, heldby lease! for a term of thirity-ono years from 1stMay, 18GS, at the yearly rent of £ib, payable half-yearly 1st May and 1st November.

The Biddings taken by the Auctioneer will besubmitted to the Court, at the Four Courts, Dublin,pn TUESDAY, the day 17th of Jnly 1877, when, ifapproved of, the purchaser will be declared.

A Statement of Title and Conditions of Sale arelodged' in the Office of the Court, and may be seenalso in the Office of the undernaiued Solicitors, hav-inor carriage of the Sale.¦ THOMAS FARHELL, Chief Clerk

Doled this 20lh day of June, 18//

DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARSThe House, which is situate at Westgate (the

best business quarter of Carrick-on Suir), has onthe 'ground floor two shops, one of which has beenlicensed for tho last fifty years, and in which theGrocery and Spirit Trade has been hitherto carriedon. The other shop has been used as a Bakery,and has attached to it at the rere a Bakehouse,in which there are two ovens and other requisitesof a bakery.

There is also a Kitchen on tho ground floor atthe rcre of- the licensed shop. On the first floorthere are six looms and a small room used as apantry. The premises measures from front to rereabout 74 feet, nnd have a. frontage to the Westgatcof 27 feet. .

The roof is slated and in good repair.I A large and extensive business has been carried on

in the premises, which ore situate in the most con-trol pint of tie town.

sJgrPropsals for purchase by Private Contractwill be received by the Official ; Assignee up to thehour of 12 o'clock noon;, on the 7th'day of Jnly,1877. If an offer bo made which can be recom-mended by the Vendors, it will be submitted to theCourt for approval without further notice.

For furtnerinformation apply toLUCIUS HENRY UfclEBING, Esq., Offi-

' cial Assignee, 33, Upper OJmond Quay,Dublin.

EDWARD FITZJAMES SMITH and J. JFEELY,SolictorB for the Mortagee, hav-ing Carriage of the Sale, 23, D'Oiierstreet, Dublin, where may be seen state-ments of title and condition of Sole.

JOHN DENNEHY? Solicitor for the Assig-nees, 12 Lower Ormond-quay Dublin.

CHARLES CABEOTHEBS Auctioneer,Clonmel : i29.2


PROFESSOR J. J. MORONEY,Late of St. KTBAN'8 College, Kilkenny,; wpl. on the

Evenings ofMONDAY and TUESDAY, 2nd and 3rd JULY,

Instant, deliver two most , interesting andhighlyrpopular LECTURES, in the above HaJl,

under the distinguished Patronage of theRight Worshipful THOMAS PUBCKLL, Mayor,

And PATRICK A. POWER, Esq., High Sheriff.




Font Seats, 2». ; Second Seats, Is. ; Third do. Cd.Tickets to be had at the door, and at the Leading

¦ Mercantile Houses of the City.Doors open at half-post 7 o'Clock, p.m. Lectures

to commence at 8 o'Clock, p.m. j29



OVER 200 VARIETIES to select from, and canbo supplied with Single Bottles at the same

Price 48 por dos.The Celebrated " Costla D.O.," .tbo Finest OLD

DUBLIN WHISKEY, 18s. Cd. per Gallon.Our new DESCKIFTIVE PHICE Ltn for . 1877 now

ready) and is forwarded, post free, on Application.As it coDtaiuft ibe fullest information regarding allWINES in UEe in this country, from ibo most mode-rn to in price, to tho most expensive, gentlemen woulddo well to consult it before ordering.

We beg to direct special attention to the pago onthe re.introduction of Moderate-Pi iced M ATKRIAB.

E. W. JEROME, Agent.It 7 Littlo George's Street, Watcrfoid.

MILLIlfEB."OOBERT LOCKE & CO. require a first-classJA; MILLINER to take charge of their Work-room. Apply personally or by letter. It



MRS. KAVANAGfl, PBorniEikEss, ;Ilespcctfully intimates to the numerous Palmns of. this favorite Snmmer resort, that, for th; Third.

Season under her mauageainnt, she hasEE OPENED T11IS FAMED ESTABLISHMENT

: aflor n most complete renovation.'Mrs. KAVINAGB begs to thank her former patrons

in Tramore, and trusts that, by diligence in manage-ment, and moderation in charges, she will merit acontinuanceof tho eupport.whiuh has been so liberallyacoorded under her management to tbU favorite andad mirably.situated Hotel.

Spectul attention paid to the selection of WINE*nnd Smixvaiid the KITCBKH is ucder most expe-rienced fupervleion.

The Hotel contains GO Bed-room?, laige Bail-Room,several Sitting-rooms and . Diniog.rooms; spaciousCuDoe-room splendid Billiard-rootn, new Bar-toom,Smoking-room, Ac " ': 13T Cborgej moderate. For particulars, secprinted tariff.

Tromore, May 18, 1877. . ml8.tfCHAJEHTABLE BEQUESTS

MISS MARY POWER, late.-of Barronstrand-¦ Btreet, Waterford, dooeaeed, by her Will,'dated the 16th day of MAECH, 1377, bequeathed :' Forty Pounds to the Most Rev. JOHN POWKB,^R.CBiahop, for such of the Poor People of Waterfordas he may select .¦¦ . ¦¦•. is: ' ¦ ¦ •- .,: Twenty,Pounds to her Executors in aid of theschools for the'education of .poor children in Water-ford under the control of the Christian Brothers.

Twenty Pounds to" the ' Treasurer. of. the Societyof St yincent De Paul in; Waterford for the reliefof the poor. • ¦ • ¦. Ten Pounds to her: Executors in aid of the fundsfor the Orphanage in Waterford under the care ofthe Siaters of.Charity; and . . ; .- . FIVE POUNDS unto the Roman Catholic PariahPriest of the Parish of Slieverue,, for the poor ofsaid'Parish. L . . . '. ' . i ,:' . ; . And Notice is hereby given, that Probate of theBaid Wul was granted on the 6th 'day of Jane, 1877,to PATRICK HINXBIRRTV of Singville (Waterford),in the County "of .Kilkenny,' Farmer, and the Rev.PSIUE Powrai, of Saint John's; College, Waterford,R.C.c;—Patejlthij 13th day of 'Jane, 1877. .

PEIRSE KELLT, Solicitor for said Executors,' .,.: ,2;Littfe Goorge'a street, Waterford. v; .To the OomnuKBioneis of Charitable Donations and

Bequests for Ireland, and all others whom it mayconcern.') . - - . : •;.- • ¦- : [jel6-3t

i ! Select Ifervmata1: Registry Office..¦:.'["*9,4LM)TTLANE, WATBEFOBD.

. ; ,-.-'..r>i ) <rr<i ' i.i- y - *- r \ i± —- . ¦ : ".:i> '.l..; i . •! ; ; • . •

THE LADIE8 who conducted; the1" Servante'rJTomeTinCSlriaaerhaviii -lranWerreorffie

bntineos to, itr«.,Wii,iaB,N th&.8ervant'a Office iscarried on BB Wretofore , 'Nor Servant reobminendedbefore .the strictest •crutin'y is "first made xeffardiocchimSiter.""" ;'''.'

1 "l""''"• ' ." ¦' ' . - ¦<• ' •,¦•- /> ¦•¦- ?

: ; ' Ont-Dsor Oficers of Cnjrtama. ' ' :

|V| NfO^EN COMPETITION foribt than 36UJJ''.|Anpointmeat«Srnibehdd On'FRIDAY - thettib#4mi%illgl7i In LONDON*. 5BDrNBUSOH,iP f »\ l> vPUib*^WJj'ioffo--8^- ,xi <*.dei; Wpo admitted tb the ExMalaitJODj'pandldateBirjUBtsond to tho Secretary; Civil; gervice Commis-*ion;LonSfl© BiWiQiS iCt6 «4EeT»«d ibal«ate.fore JTJLY l^an application,onaprescribed form,VW Jaay j)bta&flei|rojiLhjhi %O9c«; f a i i i t M

¦ t^i'K^^aaafcUitJp^Wi '' ' i- ?

erfo^:a>B*rtita M4^ b ';vi ;:'r"^

md ilX^ ) ^^m i^^%UU-ltriA tovkwIferf^Oeo.^^aydelLi, fciIfc) ^wji fi^

tw -fe^ i^ ' ^ -^-^F r : ' "¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦• ¦ [.ii -^u / \v i ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦

iWMwUf c f af : ¦'. NV1 : :; v t i ? - - - ': :- :, - ¦ -, ' ¦' .: . , ; : ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . - ., j . : { : j ; : ' . ; . ¦ ' • • ¦ iv -J %&&



. Mis. KZLLTBEGS to announce her THIKD an.l I.isn


Owing to the lateness of the Season, Mrs. K ELLThas secured 'several VERY CHEA P LOTS, pur-chased at a large Discount, an early inspection ofwhich cannot fail to repay a visit.

iiniongst the rest will be found particularly worthyof notice :—

A Lot of Cheap SUMMER COSTUMES from0s. 6d. up.

A largo assortment of MANTLES and MILLI NE RYA varied Stock of STRAWS, including a lot of




A large Ptock of BOOTS and SHOES.

75, QUA Y, WATERFORD.June 20. 1877.

WATEllFOlll) MABKETS.Wattrfori , June 20fJi , 1877.

Weathor not so warm thin wcok.NATIVE WHEAT—None offering.BLACK OATS—Extremely dull.FOREIGN WHEAT—Finn nt our quotation*.MAIZE—A fair trade doing "it n decline of ad. \vr barrelFLOUB-No change.


P R I C E S C U E R B N T .IRISH. New. OM.

WHEAT, "pcr'tnrrel uf ¦AOIba. «.' il." B. J« . il.""* «'. a'.— White - - . 00 0 to 10 000 0 to 00 0

Bc4 - - - . :« 0 35 000 0 (0 il— Shipping do . . ;XI 0 00 00) 0 00 «

JJAKLE1", per bnrrel ot 2241t».— Grinding . . . lfi 0 1G 6(0 0 00 n— Maltinif - - - 18 6 18 600 0 UJ 0

OATS, pcr.barrel of IDOlt*— Blnei - - - - 1:1 0 1.1 3m fl 00 0— White . . . oo o on oio o oo o— Grey - - - - oo o oo OIXI o no o

FLOUB, per sack, of 28011M.— Saporflncs - - - 50 0 52 000 0 00 0— Inferiors - • - VI 0 •« 000 0 (o p

OATMEAI/, per Sack - - M 0 M 0i)0 0 00 (IBRAN, per Cwt. - - - - 6 0 f i f i 0 0 o oPOLLABD do 8 6 7 0 0 0 0 fl

FOKEIGN. F»it.WHEAT,"per barrel of 2801ha. ' " «." <I. s. rt

— American 8prin(- nnd Winter ¦ ¦'¦<« (I to 36 6— Mariammle i«> u 01 0— Nicaolieff . ; . . . . • • -.a 0 :ft 6— Ghlrka, Tngouroi', and Oilesai - -10 0 no o

Jbrail '"1 0 00 0INDIAN CORN, Yellow, Odessa nnd Giilntr. -00 « W 0

— Ibrail nnd Foionian (old) .00 0 (U n— — American - - - -15 0 15 :l— — French and American White- 00 0 00 0-• ¦- Vanvbian • • • .)6 fl 17 0— — DamavcA »<V O <» «

FLOUR , American, tier barrel o( lOStljs. • -< t fl 00 0French, per Kick, of 28011*. - - W 0 00 0

INDIAN MEAL, American, per sack - - W O 00 0I Home Manufacture, l*r i ,« n .- --. ' ( . Mck , Of. 2«011«. >' '' ° '' 6

Imports ami Exports for ireek ending Thursday, 28(A.. rstroRTs.v"'. "" ¦ EXPORTS, ";¦'• ;

Indian Corn a8O Quarters. Indian Corn ... -U Quart eraWheat 137 do. Wheat — Barrels.Oats do. I Oats 20K do.Barley Sucks. ' Barley -- do._, f 147 do. Flour M Sacks.Floar I Barrels. I Oatmeal 8 do.MeaL Sacks. Indian meal ... 16 do.

(Corrected this day for the Waterford News).PROVISIONS.

». il. «. d.BACOS Pias, per cwt. — — 55 0 to 00 »STTAKS do. — — 61 0 81 0F.KJ5T do. — — It 0 12 0Hiura do. . - - 23 0 2S 0SCKAPS do. — — U 0 4t 0LARD (chandler's) — — 38 0 :S 0

BUTCHERS' MEAT.. • 8. .1. *. d.

BEEF, per lb. — — 0 « to o 7¦ Do. roast — 0 7 O SMOTTOS, per lb. — — 0 8 0 10LAHB , per quarter — — t» G l» 0V EAL, per lb. -¦ — 0 0 0 0POM , per lb. — — 0 0 0 0

rOTATOFS.B. d. 8. U.

OLD, per stone — — 0 It to I 'iNEW, per do. _ - 0 o n i;

BREAD.s. .1. s. d._ — 0 8 to 0 I)


is. d. s. •].• — — -JO « to l«l 0

— in :; uo n_ — 18 0 00 0

F I S H .H. d. R. d.

W HITE , per -Ubs.HOUSEHOLD, per do

DUBLI N , per gallonCo»r. pnnchcon.OLD COM . imllou.

NKWFOC.VDUHD, jier cwt. -- •- -'< " to '."7 nHKRBIKOS , per barrel — - ¦ 25 0 2i> nSALKOK, per lb. — ¦- 1 « 1 "PEAI, per do. — — 0 " O HSoix. per do. — — 0 11 1 nTTOHOT, per do. - - 0 11 1 0

FOWL AXD EGGS.s. d. «. d.

FOWL, per pair — — B 0 to 0 0Ducrs, per cooplc — — 5 0 5 0En<!8, per 120 — 9 0 D ilGEESE, per pair — - - " « « "SOAP AND CANDLES.

s. d. s. d.WHITE, per cwt. — — 20 0 to 21 oBROWIS per do. - - 20 0 21 0MOOLD, per doren lbs. — -- 5 0 « 0Dirr, per do. — — 5 * 5 ¦>

WOOL AND HIDES.s. d. s. il.

HOMET WOOL — - I 3 to 1 *.WKITHEI 4 EWE - - 1 2 1 3SKIIT WOOL — "- 1 0 0 0HIDES, per nwt. — • - 18 8 00 0Kira, per lb. — — 0 i 0 0CALr, per dozen . — — X » 00 0

; • s TIMBER.' £ s. d. s. d.RED PISE per ton, — — 00 0 to 00 0YELLOW PIKB per do. -- — 00 0 00 0SrATM, per 1000 — — 90 0 0 00 0LATHS, per do. — — 12 0 16 0

: C O A L S .s. d. s. d.

COALS, pet ton ¦ ' — — 16 0 to 00 0CoiF, perdo. - - 15 0 00 0

FODDEE A*'D GREEN CBOFS.¦' i • a. d. •. d.H» T, per ton. — — 65 0 to W 0STRAW, .wheaton, per do. — — 120 0 125 0

Do., oaten, per do. — — , 110 0 HO 0Ttriuriw, per do. — — 00 0 00 0MAKOOUM, per do. — — 00 0 00 '0CAEBOT*. per do. — — 00 0 00 0

girths,. 3tfntjfo0civ and Jl taths.A niottnctMtnlof BirOui, Ify rtiage t , and Dtathr, mutt he (.i-f-jwiJ

. ' B I ITT H"S .April the 27lh at BMunond, Uelboame, the wife o( M. J. .

Murphy, Esq. <latf of Waterford), or a, duuvMeJ.On Friday night, «t the reridenoo of her nnsbaiid, Bolton-

ttraet, in this dtjr, tho wife of Mr. Junes Mohony, Jan., of adaughter. .. . .

• Jnneli, »t Thorn. Hill, Bligo, the wife of Tlios. W. French, _,E«<|M RM.', ofttdiitighter:

¦. • - • . .«. » ;. •¦ ¦• -;

June 21, at 80, Pembroke-rood, Dublin, the wife of Charlet.,,,Oeogeghaiy of a son. • * ¦»••¦ *•"*•>Al Tipperary, the wife of W. H. M. Bennett, Esq., ot a son; 'A* 7, Batland-sqnare, East, tho wife of Valentino B. Dillon,

fani, »olr., of a daughter. ¦ •• : ¦' 'June 22. at the Bank Honw, Wicklow, the wife of T. J.

O'Borkfl, Esq., Manager.' Hibernian Bans, of a son..Qn tbe l2th inst., at Glenworth-street, Unierick, the wife

M Hr. Georjte TroasdcU, of a son.'

M A B E I A O E S . fJnno 25, at the pnrish church, Baldoyle, by tho Rer. Chas.

Cnddihy, C.C., John M. Galwey Foley, Eta-, S.I.. Royal Irish ¦Constabulary, second son ot the late Edmund Foley. Esq:, ofOwbeg. Usmore.toAiuxie.eJdertdanghtcrof Wnj.Thoaipwn, .Esq., Clare Hall. Bahcny, county DaBlin. . .

Jnse li, at Killmtrn Church, ' county Wcxforu, jjandorFiUHetbert Fonton, Waloott, Esq., Bank or Ireland, Gorey,to Anno, second snrrlTlng danshter of the Bev. Robert Wo, , .Burton, bte Sector of Babeny, eotmty Dublin. „ . ' ,'At Csstlemigner Church, John'A. Bouter, India Once,'

london, ton of WlUiam. BoUt«r,= Esq, Tullerboy, ooonty - |-'TJm rL-V, to Anae, only daughter of the late Edward Ledger, /XM., 8.JL, BXC. ¦ ¦' * .• ¦ . ¦'.<

June liat Christ Church, Gorey, DoTid Roe. Esq., C.E., _ ,neoond BOTTIring son o( Peter Boe. Esq., of BallinacUre, co;'Waxford,' to Anne Elixaboth,' sneond donghtcr of the ht« 'John Trndall, Esy.,- M.D., of' The Lodge, • Gorey, county"' 'Vedoii.!,, . - . '. • • ' '. ¦ . : . , • . ' : ¦¦ • "''

: . j - '. 'l ' : •> '. - D E A T H 8 . ¦ -; ;';;,! .

. ..June's, ai Tramore, aged 28 years, Mary, tho beloved wife .ot DafM Nolan, EM., of Brood-street, and danghtcr of P. \ .Casey, Esq., Ckmmeli v On Wednesday morrdtur Offlce and '.'Bl«h Mass were offered up in St. Patrick's CathoUo <4mxh,', t ;::whither the ttmains had been conveyed i the Right before, farhe* eternal repose, in'the presence of a large, sorrowinr.con.sregstien-' - TM high priest was; Ber. O. (%nnunk,'C,Cv St.Jil rick's i Bet. ¦WTWqlsh,' C.C, Trinity. Withobt, waside»?<w,noc Brr.B, CotUr/jlOiv dhto, sab-deacon.' There ireMslso-presentr.Bew P.KeBtjiPJ'vSt. Patrick's, and Pi ITrian,P.P., Trinity Without; M.-Keating. Adm., St., Jobs'*lit*.Polrar, Bt. John's College; B. Bnwden, W. J. Brown. Mc-Carthy,, ond Uaher, C.C.'B, Tnunore t 'Dean Powet./attjrf :

¦ ; •OHearo, Brady. OJS.P., and ChiaiDen. OIF: "After-' tM .,notonmserriccathe nansins werecoreyed, for inteimeBt, to- ¦:.-Ot-fMarr's, ioociboj, followed by, « *"s2. "nd hJ«iir:f*"): •¦ .Bi4 »ra»wJooi -B.tP >lr.B.>ltigerald,-1iai>or; - .:.;.ooadnctfti tha'proceetlingi. '.- ¦¦?- ¦ ¦; »«j *v*'V ^- 'jTamML-teBnbUB.aneTobrlef fUness, tothcrcSeep naf *M,J^:;:hSrtbgrii andfrtesdiLlbK'Kuf SC IonntioO,"*fciaw <f . x r- ¦

Page 3: lwl ~ ''' '¦'''sMpMf &ut W&i v i • RAILWAYS

¦ • i ) A R R I V E D .jft-j-LWiitarford. «, Mnforrt. 'Watcrtoni . g c; Victoria,

Mitchdl. Cori. Iiverpool. timber | Frederick. Bulher. Hew.Mtt. Botubetrr. cool; Mahtoff , 8, Guy, Hilford, Water-(ort-c c: Erin, i, Duupurran, Watcrtord, g c ; Combine, »,Bdhrti ditto, gc. ¦ati-tofriud, s, Olas ow, Belfast, WMertoid, e c '; Wm-

ttrtoul », JDJfopd, Wsteriora, g c; Clio, s,. Bristol, W»ter»

ffitlf-Jfew Zrtila^.l, Cahill. Report, Watertord, coals.

. - - i , S A I L E D . iOTb-MVnrt, Cnnllff, DH-J IS, ballast ; Erin, 8, Dnngar-ran,

• e; Btngeri a, Uvejpool, p e | Ooreland, a, Glasgow, e o;MUforJ. t. SQltord, a c j Oriental, Cardiff, Camming, txilliut ;Otancr, CoraUf, Couord, Inllut ; Cumbrae, 8, Plymouth &Southampton, gel • • . ¦ . " ¦

. " • '.

¦' WATEBFORD BUT^EB MARKET. ' 'Kumber of f rk!ti»'vx iy hed at the PitWie Butter Market

far mat ending Friday (this day) and price*.SotunUy, — N8 — 115.. ud. to 1228. <M.Mosdar. , — 268 — , 115B. Od. to 12CI». Od.TuMOnr. - 2 - 116«. Od. to 000s. Oil.Wedmwlnj — .115 — 116B. Od. to 130B. Od.'Thoredv, — HK — ]16e. 04. to 124a. Od.Frid»j\ — 1 ¦ — ' 116*. Od. . to 000B. Od. ¦No. of Firiins corresponding: f ee * but rear 1217.Price p«r ft • 122»- *>. to 126e. Cd.

LOCAL RAILWAY TRAFFIC,Tor He lKftk tni in} FRIDAT, JUNE 22«i, 1877.

• iVTaterfordi Athenry Kilkenny; and i and Wutertord Junction! Limerick Enrds and Kil- Railway(Hit milts' <S6 miles kenny (31 (28| miles

I open). | open), mile* open), open).

£ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ «. 0.P»ww«r«, '

Fatools, tellSSS 3 1 M 11 It 211 16 7 114 11 5Goods>CattIejl677 1? 11 SH 0 « | 303 10 4 66 2 9

Total ; .:...'. MOU 1 0 389 1 J ; 605 6 11 180 14 2Corwtp'diDL- ¦ : Iveck.lut yr.laOU It 3 351 . fl 1 | 723 0 0 216 13 11

"* . u , MOON'S: CHANGES.L&gt Quarter.. .Tuesday, July 3 9.2 p.m.New Moon - Tuesday; „ 10 10.6 p.m.First Quarter • ../ ..Tuesday,. „ 17.........1.12 a.m.-Fnll Mo6n......:..,.WectnaBd»y, 25 ;7.20 p.m.-

^W^ x\- : s" BB JUBT. AND TJSAR NOT."



The Rubicon has been passed, the Russianshave'erossed tbie Danube, and now we may lookforwju4 to'one or more' battles oh a;great Scale,which majriiaTe the effect of the more speedilybringing; atxmt Jpeace.' The passage took placenear (rajata. at Isatch, nearly opposite Matchin.A bridgc^ iad'been prepared, and a.portion ofthe troops haJ already'passed, and w'ereat .workupon, a road towards latchin. The guns ofMatchin opened for a time upon] the Russians,'and inflicted a certain amount of: loss. 'U ponthe Russians. crossing in force, the Turks ap-pear to have at once cvacnated Matchin. Iheonly'Msd fighting ¦ which occurred was betweenten companies,' two ' Russian regiments, andfrom three'thousand to four thousand ' Turk-ish infantry'.supported by three bundred'caTalry,1',and two 'guns., That at least is the Russian ac-count of the affair, but as the telegram fromPlojesti is palpable false in many of the portion-lirv no' reliance' whatever ,can be placed on it..The JRoWans are crossing.; the : nver in boatsnear JCfebYa', and their passage there • also' ap.pears to' have been but. slightly, if at all.'op-posed.' ; The Russians will probably be some fewdays before they have concentrated their troopsand transports on.the Turkish bank, and areready to ¦ commence an onward march. Theywill meet with no resistance until they comedown upon the line of railway which runs fromKustendji to the elbow of the Danube.' Theneach steo they take south will' be fraught withdanger; * On their right will lie Silistria, withthe army gathered beneath its walls, ready asthey prtoceed farther towards Varna to sally ontand fall upon their'communications ; in frontwill lieTai-na,' with its surrounding forts, whileon the right front will be Schumla, with the mainbody of, the Turkish army. Add to this the in-fernal foes, fever and dysentry, and the positionof the forty thousand men who at present com-pote the army of invasion of the Dobrutcha, be-comes one which is the reverse of enviable.

BUCHAREST, SATTTBDAT.—Ten battaloins ofRussians crossed the river yesterday nearGalati,- defeating the ! Turks, who, after sixhour'B fighting,' retreated in the direction ofMatchin. The.Russiana captured sixty prison-ers, with a loss to themselves of six killed and•ttty wounded. '

CONSTANTINOPLE, WEDNESDAY. — HassanSobri Pacha, the general who lost Ardahan, bosbeat arrested.' on an accusation of having soldthat town to the Russians. What is certain isthat ft large sum of Russian money was remittedto Ardahan some days before the fall of theplacc:for some unknown' purpose. .

Louioif, THTJE8PAT1—Ihe Daily TeUgrapgRustchuk correspondent telegraphs that tieRussian*. are trying, to. cross the.Durabe nearSistova, not far from Jantra. Terrible fightingis now going on, and the Turks are doing theirutmost to resist the enemy. ¦ The bombardmentoi Rnstehuk continues/ : The Pasha's house, thehospitals, and the mosques have all been burned:

The' Standard "t ¦ cotttspondent telegraphs-^TheCzar baa left Plojesti if or < seven days' jocrney ofimpectton along the Danube. The Bussiaa outpoetsue withk 'tweh>emfle« 6f Tehernavodas. ' ' •'• ' ' -

BTJC«I«I8T,'! TwrgsDJiT.—The • Grand '; DukeNichoUs, iOt tte head of the 8th Army Corps,crossed the-Danube yesterday : at daybreak, bear.SemnlttavJ-JThe Tttrb -were driven from their poei-tions. f A "Bnchatest telegram saya that the Sou-Diani«a'.'rjap*r» annonnce' that the Prince Imperialof Friteefe'exp«ot«d in Bucharest ' . : : '

BsittouM, TcBSTMT.—The Turks aire still follow-ing tin enemy,' »tbo are W ft bad position. Kein-(orcem«nU are coming in rapidly, and the Ottomanheadquarters are in'front of Zivia. . ' ' ' . '; BASBBA, WrDHTiTJAT.—Mehemet Ali has' beenWaten: hj - the -Montenegrins, and driven' out ofMontenegro with heavy loss. . ' : :


TheDungarvan contest , has resulted, as wefolly believed it would end, in another triumphfor that cause *iiich ; the Irish people have somuch'at heart, that cause by which alone theybelieve their country can be regenerated; and towhich, for that' cogent reason they ore steadfastlyattached. ; '.With that' great cause Mr. F. H.O'DONHELL, tho newly /returned ,member forthe borouch. has been early, , and, since thenVconsistently identified, therefore, when selected,as he. was, the popular, candidate he .came beforethe electors of that patriotic • borough withchums which as; compared witii those of his Dp.ponent Mr. MATIBIWS, Q. O., could not laflto strike any unprejadiced mind M most likelyto achieve success. I < v /. .'. ¦''• : - • ;, " , '

Gracefully given the position of ¦¦" first favo-rite", by those other' gentlemen of the tamfe poll-'ticalprincipal as himself, who Vent forwardscaiid ie« 1 .to " tli ->i)pmt 6£ /BefecUon,^Mr.O'JJOHHEIXJ'MI P.1 used that " position . withmuch'tact1 and 'energy > ¦h? ^W *D!ai™»*f Ac«ndfdates, W.to the' pomtoi . Beiecuon, inx. , , OBSTBUCTWC!*H« Sr«rts,—ThoaumonuesnreO'lkflurnxi'M: P.r : «*ed that " position . with determined to prevent an obstmctionist policy in ournmch'tacTaiid 'energy ; .he finnly ennnciated reetBi and that:.wai rbg ¦*!¦ btesring to free pedalthe'orincipjei'inscrifcd upon,his bannei:( those »ajon. Three-women wore brought to bar op Mon-

ne sho S himself Ernest and true, «nd the re- strucUonista .ta.Arundel-jane.One oTtte fen-g,

- tTHi ^ br-noidoubti.-a most 'fl ^G^ U A U meeting ofestin e3pnvftte tihtootor:.£e*sy be.a first ^^ ^K» held/a&eno'doek, onclass pleader— nodonbt he is from beingiil sfllr,1 S~_STjnS- R » Powxu.>J P., High Sheriff, pwa iTcVWbe^Vlcoe to^the^Stote. S t wluchttWnffiWy


nure of c >y.#.pT* !gpv«*unent, but of iS7fl, N.NeTiis,Beowt»Ty,»nould be sent to Londonone thing we are certain—tne.tewttoi tne elec-tion fully'proves ftrilW* politics1 wuV not 4o fortM Co^%'consUt^ ;ol;fiel f1«a *»/»» *n* '*\f \lf i *>t, f A Ilia 1 iWilitl tt] fifimin ' liaVA

! any use in crossing lie' Channel m> the -hope of,; teZrof ^xtvw^PJf km&f cmh'I turje, "they,»b<>tdd affect » ,«>i*.,ntU»£(Hi^>»j>>olI (^mmons. th must narrow ,th< ,eflo ;toi1ifi,1 i area afforded by the other rideifvA»:inVioTO.:««! ' cent county elect - peM r i.wntest¦ teaches the lesson-that none-but. thosevwell

': i ciuje^haTikibeiwfiBi claim,ito i;»eefc tftejpowtow

§;ittmpr^^MS|«^y¦¦¦¦? ,-: t ; TAvepfy *f™fa \ yi*Y ¦ ' "':"' r~~"*<i*! $i¦ •' M ^^m

RETIREMENT OF MR. G. DILLON-WEBB. I -WhUst driving alone tho Paiwace-road, Upper Nowtown, I . BOABD ¦ OF GUABDIANS—WBDKSSDAT. I Ho saw from a return, presented to thcu- last I est fimire stiU he thouffht it would be very hard to




We would wiah to <jall pai-ticular attention tothe farewell - address of Mr. GEOEOE DILLON-WEBB, addrcaacd to thc electors of Dungarvan,which, however we may differ from that gentle-man in political fa tli, we must admire forstroighfordwordness, candour, and thoroughsincerity, with a firm belief in the policy which,apcording to . his view, is the beat calculated toadvance the material prosperity of Ireland.When Mr. WEBB come over to Dungarvan asan honest, ; out-spoken Conoervative, he was ledto believe that he alone would be the only candi-date standing on that political platform ; butwhen he had got into the field, he found, he says,Mr. HENRY MATTHEWS, at tho very last mo-ment, " abjuring his Home Rule errors," bypronouncing the great political faith of themajority of Ireland ¦"_ a dead horse ;" and asMr. MATTHEWS had ureviouslv represented theborough, and their sentiments'being now in ac-cord, Mr. DILLON-WEBB, .in order not to dividethe Conservative interest, retired, and stronglyrecommended his friends to support Mr.MATTHEWS.

Nothing could, indeed, be more straightfor-ward and honorable than this act of Mr. W EBBtowards a political confrere, and he deserves wellof his party for exhibiting such honesty of pur-pose. ; Indeed, any'Constituency requiring agentleman-of the political sentiments of Mr:W BBB would be happy in the selection of suchan honorable and'upright representative^—a manof nmple'fortune as well as of: independent, out-spoken principles ; and at somo future time wemay expect to see Mr.'DILLON-WEBB standingweft "before a constituency which will admirecandour, sincerity, good, honest Conservatism,embodied in a gentleman who has conscientiousconvictions that his is the best and surest policyto serve bis native Ireland., -

as » witness iUithe ,aonse>f, Lonji agamn £».Waterfoid Ga.i B01>.aad-' that- Mr.;. Martini Leslie,jPariiamentaryiagent, jslwuH be .retained for we.board to appear against the lbilL-•. ' .\, <i '¦ £^ - 'I ' l, '"•iaBowpTSi^W Wn, ftTrfrBowdyttn has become;i» preralenfeof j UU> lajhetity that the,inagwUWteshare' baeFfowd toinflidtlvery serw* Pf^?^the oonvfctloiwhao bef«w them for snch nueoondnct.Qn-TuesdayiaiJoffendw -of ;.thl» ' m '.' i i*

con«Ub>-;»fl4jto an atfdiUooal; three for beating a

i%«i^^rf «Wv^i^»* -"S*HSE'SS»J»«i* it- aa enerabaal ,«ha«»cia« to tkt, w»an««W ••¦ •

gK SdviStiaM to SklpuinaitiU WakjrhWiLJ»»»noikl*,'i»o6tm I tttam* of ottrictt mW •wSSl-

i&::- ~! t - :'- '-:- ':'.f c J ''l- i : - & ': h: VI :i > ' ¦ '¦: ¦ l : : ' ' ¦¦¦"¦': ) ¦ i f '"''


The letter which we publish this evening fromour revered and patriotic Bishop, the Must Rev.Dr. POWER, to the BUTT Testimonial Com-mittee, enclosing cheque for £498, which, witha sum previously forwarded, made the contribu-tion from the dioceses of Waterford'and Lis-more to the National Fund to the Nationallealer exceed £500, cannot have failed to havedemonstrated ¦ to the world ¦ that Waterford isunflinchingly steadfast to the grand politicalprinciples which so ; justly raised her,' : yearssince, 1 1/> apinnicle'of famo,' deservedly confer,ring upon her the warm gratitude of our commoncountry.' Beyond1 question'the gift is a nobleone', ' and beyond ' question, 'too, is the fact thatthe contribution was conveyed in terms so. wellknown, as the heartfelt Bentiments of the mostrev. -writer, conveyed, too,- in a manner whichcannot but a>H,. in; a very great degree, to thoconfidence with , which the country recards theIrish party- in Parliament,, so admirably led bythe . man whom all' lovers of the -lonO. have somuch reason to regard and h *rvr. His Lord-ship, in his letter, adds sotm'l advxa as to thesuBtainment of unity and loyalty amongst thatparty/advice never out of season; advice, com.ing from so higha 'soure'e, certain to commandearnebt attention and respect. ' This is one moreinstance to the many we have had already in con-nection with this, testimonial, proving, if proofwere " necessary, 'the clone alliance betweenbishops, priests, and people, where the rdvancs-meat of the country , is concerned, as. well asshowing the generons appreciati m, at all timeB,of the Irish nation for efforts mo-leMi their bc-hdlf, "such as have Im uned, Mith his ceaselessenergy, by Mr. BUTT. I '


Tuesday last Messrs. Smith & Son, auctioneers,Michael-street, set-up for sale at the Adelphi Hotel,Mall (Mr. I). Keogh, T.C., proprietor), the dwellingand' demesne- of • Glenbower, the latter contain-ing 27a. Or. 23p. statute measure, of im Miinml valueof £125, with the lands' of- Ballydavid, containing134a. 3r. and 33p. statute, producing a net profitret of £101 /«. . Amongst those present were :—TW Eight Worshipful Thomas Purcdl, Mayor ofWaterford ; Capt, Armstiong, J.P., Messrs. G.Symes, T. Cumin, E. J. Banon, P. M'Sweener; Aid.Byrne (Clonxnel), J. Waring, P. Boutcher, D.Duggan, Bathgar, Dublin ; P. Kenny, A. N. O'Neill,J. Kyan, &c, Ac The dwelling house and demesnewere first put up in one lot, but no bid was made.The land#.of BaUydavid wero then put up, and Mr.M'Swiney bid JC2,CO0, Mr. Boutcher .£2,S00,and Mr.Jhiggan, £2,600. : As there was no higher offer Mr.Duggan'* bid was allowed to lie over, and the two lotswere put together, for which Mr. Barron bid .£4,000 jMr. Duggan, £4,050, and Mr. T. Curran, £4,1( J. Itwas then announced by Mr. Scott, solicitor, that thereserve price wasX 4,35o, and Mr. Barron offered.£1,000 for one lot, which would not be accepted. AsMr. Duggan declined, under the circumstances, tostand by his bid of £2,600 for lot two, the biddingwas j then ..resumed for tho entire property — Mr.Duggan, £4,355; Mr. Earron, £4,360; Mr. Duggan,£4,365 ; : Mr. Bant>n, £4,370; Mr. Doggan, £4,376,at (which sum he was declared the purchaser. Thesale Vaa conducted in a highly satisfactory manner.Tho iMessrs. Wobb, Scott, and Seymour, 7, Dawsomstreet, Dublin, were the solicitors for the vendors.On Monday. Mr:. John Pender set up for sale at theCity' Auction Mart, Barronitrond-stoeet, ' the rever-sionary profit rent of £57 Js, 8d. arising out of .thet>romises- in Colbeclt toeet known as "..'Hickey'sHotel and Store," which will fall to the purchaser onthe dropping of two lives now of on advanced stage.There :waa a large attendance, and the competition,which was spirited, waa as follows :—Mr. N. Allen,£200;

r. J. O'NeiU,'£210 j Mr.'W. Grant,£316;Mr. OINeiU, £220; Mr. Ornnt, £226 ; Mr,.0. Power,£230;, Mr. N, Allen,£240;.Mr. O'Neill,£250; Mr.Grant, £255 ; liilO. Power, £260; Mr. Allen, £270 1Mr. O. Power, £280f Mr. Grant, £285; Mr. Allen,£290; Mr. O. Power,£300; Mr. Allen, £310; Mr.O.Power, £315; Mr.< Allen, £320, and at £325 Mr. O.Power was declared the purchaser. : - ¦ ., Foxnn> DBOWKTO'.— On Wednesday' last Mr,Shirley, one of the coroners for the county Kilkenny,held an inquest at the public house of Mrs. Henne-berry, Dnnkitt, on thebodyofa manfound floatingthe day before' in the river at Grannagh. ' The find-ing of the body-was deposed to, and'a verdict returned of " Pound Drowned." ¦ It is believed thatthe body was that of 'Captain Lawless, of the ykchtSunAower, the. property of G,: Waters,' Esq., Q.C.,Chairman of our county and city, whose melancholydrowning at our Quay it was our duty to record lastweek.- - : " • • : -

¦ ¦ ', - : ¦ • •¦ ' ¦•• ¦;¦ ' •' : ' ¦


; .BAI> ' PopB.' -On Wednesday High1 ConstableMohony, as'senior city sub-sanitary officer , had twowomen before the justice ali the Police Office for ex-posing bad food for sale; Margaret Sullivan .wascharged with offering: pork for sale which was so badthat, when shown to Dr. 8.. Brown, Waterford dis-pensary' doctor,1 he condemned it at once., ' Theoffender was fined 6s. and costs. ' : Tho other wasCatherine Everett, charged with exposing a quantityof • putrid fish, - and she .was similarly fined. ' A; fewdays before Mr. Wahony obtained an order from thejustices' to have a carcaiU of putrid beef destroyed;which- had'been-Stopped by: him'on'Sunday, frombeing told, 'and- subsequently condemned 'by Dr.Brown as unfit for food;, The poison was destroyedin the usual tray, and thus another sanitary benefitbaa been ¦ conferred on' this * public' by > this activeofficer. ' '¦• < i - 'i- ;'- ¦- - ; *, ~ : '¦¦ ' f ?; /; - ' ; i ;';;r

; ' TBX EASTIBW DCBITB'.—We havo reoeivod a oopyof. sn eloquent (peedi made by. onr talmtxl senior tdijmember, B. Power, Esq., ia the debate on the BwtornQosstibn, which we i fcbalT Insert with pleasure nextweek. H reached too Ute for thii port. I ,' '¦'< '¦' ¦¦ .i- '

Mr. Graves stood; up in UiA' sociable'1 to look into anadjoining fielC, when the horse suddenly shied, and throwhim ont, hurting Mg head very ranch, one of the, whcebipassing over his chest.' A ntunber of persons, i itnessesof the accident, immediateiy had hun - coaveyed to anadjacent cottago, 1 and Mr. G. Gibson,, who was in-hevicinity at the time, harjenod ,to Uw board-room of 'Jieworkhouse, --where > the . i .gnardians; were ;, sitting,and there procured the servioes of Dr. Q. I., Mac-kesy, and Dr. Sooli J.P. . Both: KcnUomon renderedoverj asmstance in their po'wer.' and w« are gratified inbeing ablo to stato that Mr. Grovos ia now progressingmost favorably, a matter of mnocro ploasnre to his veryniany friends. . .. , ' . . . - , .. . i , . •

EXCUB8I0N.—Tho annual excoraion of the omployeosof the WaierfordGos Company, took placo on Monday,under the respocted manager, ¦ Mr. ;Dansldn, who wasaccomponicd by Mrs'. Banskin and family, the exenrsio-nists to tho number' of abont eighty, procooded by carto Dnnmoro, where, at tho appointed time, they partookof a plenteous luncheon in the fielu above the pier. Theafternoon was spent in dancing, and pleasant ramblesin that charming locality, returning in tho evening the-'roughly pleased with the very enjoyable day day hadspent.NABBOW ESCAPE.—About half-past soven on Sunday

oVening, three young men—named Sutherland, Power,find Flynn—met with an accident which nearly resultedfatally. Haying spent a portion of the day in enjoyingthomsolvcs oh the river thoy retumod, and injudiciouslyattempting to row across the stern of tho largo steamerZephyr, wero dashed against her bohn by an usuallystrong tide Tho little craft capsized, precipitating thethree into the water. Power and Flynn grasped a chain,and remained there tdU the arrival of a boat, mannedby Messrs Holmes Smith and Lomloy. MeanwhileSutherland had swept down as far as the hulk, and, asit was expected ho would bo forced in' 'between tho hulkand the steamer, ono . of; the . sailors, a man , namodDaniels, dropped down in order to intercept his passage.Fortunately, however, this -was not necessary, as ayoung man from Limeriok, a stone-cutter, but whosoname seemed to be unknown to every one present, cour-ageously plunged in and rescued the young man fromhu perilous position, amid .the, plaudits of the largecrowd which Bad collected.' '... ' '¦ . .

POLIC* Dorr.—Sixty of . our city police, underHead Constable O'Brien, returaedto town on Mondayfrom doing duty at the Dungarvan election. Beyonddust covered tunics, the men appeared nothing thoworse of the expedition. No casualties. :-


THB. IOBD'BISHOP. 'Waterford, 21st June, 1877.

•¦ MT DKAB MB. GBAT—I enclose you bank orderfor £198 7s lid, which you will kindly place to thecredit©! the " Butt Testimonial Committee." Thissum has been contributed by the priests and peopleof the diocese of Wuterford and Lismore towardscompensating Mr. Butt for the sacrifice of time andprofessional income incurred by him in his advocacy,both in and out of Parliament, of measures' whichthe people of Ireland: hold as indispensable. Jor thereligious and social welfare of the country. I enclosealso the list of .parishes which . have contributed,and the sum received from each, which yon w:1'pleasohavo published in the Freeman'* Journal. Of thevery few parishes not 'appearing oh'that list,1 1 haveto observe that the parish of 7<er;iown.' contiibutexlthe sum of £!,' which' 1 understand had been for-warded to the Testimonial Conuvittee some' tt.xtmonths since, ' This 'makes the - suin contributedfi«m Waterford oi<d Lismore diocese somewhat over£500. It is gratifying i to; see that the 'partial mis-understanding whioh waa looked on by some withpleasure, but by the many with dismay, as potsiblycontaining the germ of dissension, and foreshadowingthe.dissomtionof the V Irish Parluw3ntary party,"hos bein cleared up, not to be renewed, it ia hnped.There u> a universal disposition, throughout th:counbT tor.ld, asopnoiianitiosmay offer, to the nu-merical strength and influance of that pvty, in theexpectation that, tbjou h i te agoncy, those grie-vances under whidi MO labour shall ;be redressed,and the measures which areewontial for thepeopb'swelfare speedily ol)taine<1. JJut if those -who areselected to rspreccnt th.3 nation's \rishes and tocart}- out tho pop' 'ar programmo' in P jliamentshould exhibii. tho sad spectacle • of disunion anddivision, and "jetL:Be m- tloir body- Ireland's here-ditary curse, the people will lose hops, constitutionalefforts for the :'.iedre<i8 of .trr'. jvoncei will be paralysol,and the natk: >. U sink into apathy. It bu ht'.obe clearly unleratood: thai no r«k.ljr can long cristwithout a rocognised herA and 'lc.vler. No partycan be efficient forf.ocinnioss by rn'.ted council didaction aad rcaeonftbb loyalty to' its head,' whilstsectional and disorganised cction is che certain fo'.e-runoer of dissolution.—I remain, my dear Mr. Gray,yOr> very trc.y, , • ' : ¦"¦• ¦ .¦

. : f J- POWKB, Bishop of Wateiford cad. . -. • ¦ - .; Lismore.

- E. Dwycr Gray, Esql M.P. • - ¦ * ;The following is tho list :— . - '

. - ' Cathedral Parish, including—Franciscn Church, £8 ; Dom.: Icon . ¦¦. i .

Churoh, £5 10s Cd ...: . . . .„' £Sj 7 jdooxnel—SS- Peter and Pad's, L:- . ¦ , -

eluding i*ranciscan Caureh „'. 30 0 0St. JoluiT8 ajid Banygn3n9r(Waterfjrd)... , 26 0 0

1 Dungarvan, including—Augustinkn Ohttrch, .-H l»g 6d ... ' 22 15 0Carrick >n-Suir ¦ .:. ... 18 0 0Touranecn* and Nir« ... „, ! 17 2 aLasmorc ... ... ... 17 0 0Portlaw andBallydafi ... ... 17 0 0St. Kmry's, Clonmel ,v ... ]j 0 0Daunorc and Passage ..'. ... 15 17 10Tahow ' ... ... . 15 5 0Tramore and Cirbally ... ... . 14 10 0Ballyneale and Cranseaiolia.' . ... ... : 14 5 0Claalmore and Piltown ' ... ... 14 0 0Newcastle •¦ ' ' 14 0 0Bai'/bricken and Brtaersbjm ..; ... 13 12 -•Str dbally andBauylaneen 12 2 8PowerstownandLi8»nagh ... ... 12 0 0Calx ... ... 11 H 0Clcauiai-dMotbel • ... . ... • 11 U 4Ardfitan and Oranffo ... 11. 1 3Cappoqjin ' . ... ... " ', 11 0 0Ba. ;porccn ... ' ... 10 16 6Ardmoro and Orange ... ... 10 8 0Cirrickbog ' ' 10 8 0Ag:isl» end B»!tnamiLlagh ... ... 10 0 0Baiiylooby -r, . ... ... 9 10 08t. Patrick's, Watoiford ... ... : ¦ 8 .5 6Modoligo and Aflane . . ¦ ... — 7 10 0Enockanorc and Glenc 'no ... . ... . , . . 7 . 5 . 0Cloghcen ... . . ... . 7 2 6Dnnhill and Fennor ... ... 6 0 0Abbeyside ... ... , . 515 0Kilsheelan and Kil cash ..; ... ; 5 5 0Ballyduff ' >: ;.. •• ... ' 4 2 0Kill - ••

'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: -¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦- ¦', ¦ I .

¦ ¦ > ¦

-..- . ¦ ' 3 15 1

Joeeph Donnelly, Eeq.v 1 Capel-street ¦. .. 1 0 0

MAJOE O'GpBMANl M,P.;;ONOTNDAT;CLpSING.' . TO THX XDITO».'.<)r' :TH«'»RK«iAk.'; '. . ". V, ','

¦ j . , -! , - House of .Commons', Jrjie 25fi','.'iSIB—I wocJd be extremely obllj,;d ,by your having

t'tt goodness tj puKjhiii'the Jraerwxn.the enok«J.dcopy of a le.tir nddrWed by me to 'Mr. Shwloct, oiBelfast, on the Suilay Closing '(Ireland): BLl.—i 1td^main, si,your obee'entservant,''.; 'J ' " ; *t J!. ' 1, . '!'',', j~\ ', ^' , . , ' , POWJKA'OIGOBWK, M.P. ";

' ¦ .. j - . . - ¦" :f^j V:*.- vii" '. • ?.:¦ -' ¦ ¦;' -

, • "House of .Commons,June25th. ':" SIB—I have the honour it acknowledge the reoeipt

of yotj letter of the 23rd ilst., invitinj me, on tha porjo< ' kjs Grace the Archbishop of DuK In and, a number of>uflucn!aal clergyiiien audlaimon, occupftLig (#«ioi(theiU-'oi are mroe) ' positions h. n 'onn parts of Ireland,'t.. suppoi; on next WrCnesday the Suj y C!a&iff (Ire-land) Bil', and r jue3ijg-roe ,'pot vo f a ,') to bainmyplace on that day, j;use a ¦ my >• faeces ia e««B; JI» Hsenaclmont U-!s sowion.' In' reply,1 1'beg .« aow&atyoai for the icformstion cf ttie libfahr ,«f SibVjiind the nrmbor of influena ' elewaea and tajaMBooouprl soJBcial posi'-cnil re-exrsd;tr,"ttat,wlAthehelp« God,- II shall be i i my rplaco in -StxiMmoA onW taesday,endshjJl'ect in a masino die vBnrw«»eof that reebmmonded \>j the Aionbiship oiDabtoandthe'-umber of tifloenUal gentlemen ocenpy-'aroBoiadotiZonB. For three'sessions I have ioaed ttiis W3,|and I shal'. conjnne tJ do'BO.•' <B»'Prcviyon» fran. tjthe Archbishop of Dublin aad tho m«nental gratleiar»occupying official pciitloiia -theiftt'lest Uboty tomnlaSSVMat-elaSi cii hoxM ad-llbttHmrwKk flJvforbldihe ittdu»&:oasr»r'Uiarii!aiia^^w»ri

(who MIfrom Monday mor.-in* • f-> Bato V i» fct> -.**» «»«•meit, ia » iespoct ie ««riab:i»h3ient MeauA jto}toslatrie,Tie^fv l wfr dunent.,.Wth sp-cehe. a»l;

af our srandpxpler and oxp--»asive of ttb g BmatmaUmniTana. do feil atvthe abeeoc er fa e«Sdald, a'few:pentiemeujaldf *?«w br J tbishop of Dabuaandperaons rfoffioW ooaHjcoJ wfco,famy memory; never yetmoved 'a finger foqflie-beaeitoCIrelana r addn tatrodr ajea^^w«*^

by a»4W P«rtaJf 3»tat^%.falhaiirtlft*

iUTend ths ftramptog <*^& ZgJZ£iQ

'•'^SherUvBsqvBel^^ J. fr^ l'rmmmfV-.pnrnnS|g6?iSa^wy.y-Mfff;jff ? J iw uaSS

Ki'Xv""«JrS5SSSi!i*nUilnie<:tbe's*«Mj«JH5S51T Zmtttm



j r. caair.'¦ Abo present—Captain Power, V.C., Mr. Leamy,D.T.C., 8irB. J. Paul, Bart, ».£., Messrs. C. Rogers,J.P., P. Barron Newell, J.P., J. H. Jones, D.L., F. G.Kent,T. Veale, O. Meade, J. Norwood, M. O'Shca, E.Hoberts,' J.P., F. G. Bloom6eld, J.P., M. Barry, J.Whittle,; J. Oostello, B. T. Corew,,D.L., M. Dooly,Capt. CogUao, J.P., W.Hally, J. Deverenx, J. Hcarne,J. L, Conn, P. K. Beid, J.P., J. Lawless, E. MorriRsey,J. ConnolW, Aid. Manning, J. Hincs, W. Kelly, N. A.Power, J.P., P. 8heehy, Dr. Soott, J.P., M. Shanahan,and Q. I. Mackesy, M.D., with Mr. W. J. HamJton.L.G.I.

' SUDDKN DEATH—AN IHQUIBT.A letter was read from the Local Government

Board, asking for fuller information respecting theadmission, on the 15th, to the fever hospital, of oneMichael Murphy, who died in five hours after hav-ing been taken in, than was afforded in the master'sreport, as appearing in the lost day's minutes. TheMA8TCB now stated he had afforded all the infor-mation he had in the cose, the only addition hecould make being, that Murphy was sent up by Dr.Delandre, and not thro' the usual channel Mr.Kyan (master) was directed to furnish a fuller re-port, if possible, to the next board.

SANITABT BTATX OF MOONCOIX.A letter was next read from the Bame board in-

quiring '"upon what area the guardians proposecharging the expenditure to carry out the_ recom-mendation of the medical officer of TJllid to improvethe sanitary condition of the village of Mooncoin."It was held judicious to postpone decision on thisimportant questionin tho absence of Mr. E. Bren-nan/ the elected guardian of the district, and torequest his early attendance.

DOCTOR'S rsES—A BXDUCTION OBJECTED TO.A letter was read from Dr. D. J. Freeman,

"BotundoJ Hospital, Rutland Square, Dublin," in-forming the board that he had been made aware ofthe ' recent resolution of the board reducing thescale- of payment ordered him by the Waterforddispensary committee for acting as temporary sub-stitute for Dr. Delandre, on sick leave, from threeguineas to two guineas per week, to which reduc-tion he strongly objected as wholly inadequate, andmuch less than what was given for similar doty inother unions,' " As, however," wrote Dr. Freeman," the committee have done me the honor to elect meto the position I will undertake the duty, trustingto the committee's sense of justice to alter the¦cole; for, otherwise, I would much prefer to do thework for nothing."

' Mr. HACLT—what nonsense I What a combina-tion seems to be amongst them. Two guineas aweek is quite enoneh, and we never gave three.

The CLCBK explained that the Dispensary Com-mittee' had resolved upon giving three guineas aweek, but the board reduced it to two. There wasa standing resolution of the board that such sala-ries should not exceed two guineas a week, and toalter the present ruling would require a notice ofmotion. .

-No member seemed disposed to hand in suchnotice, and the discussion, briefly indulged in, ended.

I -. vurriNQ OTJABDIAN'S BIPOBT.A report was read from Aid. St. George Freeman,

J.P,, stating that he had visited the house upon the19tn, and again that day. He would recommend, asforrberly .suggested by Mr. Newell, J.P,, the con-struction of a bath-room over the kitchen; he foundthe'schools clean and well managed, and the house,generally, in excellent condition. '

There did not appear a strong disposition upon thepait of the' board to have the bath-room, no doubtas the, estimate for the rate was coming on for dis-cussion with a ceitainty of a reduction, and the re-port was simply received. , . . .

1 THE BATE—THE DECI8ION.1 Sir E. PAUL inquired if the clerk had anythingto add, by waj*of explanation, to his estimate beforethoy would enter upon the «? 'scussion f¦¦ CLICK—No, sir, I have nothing to say.' Sir B. PAUL then commenced by saying that whathe; was about to propose was literally an amend-ment to the clerk's estimate;,it was not so in fact,for he, had no intention to cast any censure, what-ever, - upon the estimate. He thought that theclerk was perfectly correct in his figures, and it didnot rest with him (8ir B. P.). to suggest any altera-tion! in them; he wished simply to propose a parti-cular method, whereby to meet the heavy rate thatwas now upon them (hear, hear). He would takehis' own division of Woodstown to illustrate what hemeant.... He saw that from that division there werebut; six inmates in tho house for the year, and theerst of out-door relief for the same period was but£0, j and yet the rate had been largely increased inthe : new estimate, from la. Id. to Is. lOd. in theponnd. There was the division of his friend, Capt.Power, of BallinakDl, which bad its rate doubled,from Sd.'to Is. 4d. (hear, hear, and laughter). Mr.DivBBXUx t And what ' about Waterford ? 8irROBIBT I The rate on Waterford this year is 2s. Cd.,whilst last year it was 9«. 3d. (bear, hear). Theycould not forget that their general expenditure inthe past year nal been largely increased, and shouldbe met in the present estimate. - They had got ladymines into the hospital ; that may or may not havebeen , economy, but the first cost was a serious item,and should be met now (hear, hear). Then theyhad' the Cattle Plague Fund. That Act, however,was; on advantage, for he could congratulate thefanner upon the certainty of his getting fair pay-ment for any beast he misht lose; lie could congra-tulate the purchaser on the freedom with which hecould, go to a fair and buy a cow free from disease,and he could congratulate .the public on their feel-ing that they were not eating diseased meat, so farad pleuro-pneumonia was - concerned (hear, hear).The, next item they had to consider was the rider totho Poor Law Act, which now, in its operation, re-lieved the Waterford division of any share in theliability to, rate of the rural divisions, casting theburden on the latter. He .did not object to theprinciple of the change, see-Ing it waa embodied inan Act of. Parliament, which was a thing they wereall bound to obey, but he did think it rather hardthat' where the Act only passed last year the whole iSU°rtf'v:K^n *)•»« 4»niii i^nm tMa'nuin tn iwv r«code from tne nonorraoie poeu.ja caey.nac -..siren iy 1 ,>¦ nv *ou> , 10,« .wei3hi th^ year should Wthrown on these divi- tt>a ": -°\thft r ^ V t^JJ Tf ^lV I

(cheers of "we ».". not"). Let them secr -e thtaEelvM I

KVund^hyL.rSucWU totiriSeCsi they U-fO

to the cr«:-.tof tte Bunal Boom, out aanoef 1-daiid «n& won!d never bo forgo., an (loud „,„ h,n,u-.a-,le snef.bei- - -s eed a V.nb r a-, a bad

much£^d^, Of^ nottouchin^e ^*?^%£tt"JttS&W£ ^'*»- ^ X *.*: ******| \ ^tt^^d T^^|KN^g^emotio£ . .- ., ^:^^^T^i S&t gJSs^ /^^^S iii^^^iJfls^rsirsi«dtorm^m?whw i~ thiii twopenceinthe ^V"i^taj ff^.a^s«-

jta; a»£*ti ^WwSKs*«Si £?^^^&£zis&&

- - - - - — • ' - tciaUuieoc an objecUousabout incr««ing .the* fa the first place, iiwas the'wraenro.deihjmen &.^WorTdfe.•(:8ir E PAuiry;It w:U beanarrcarforatime again8t ouj.ts.y exti-avugantly Ue wocld propose that the li-jht QaughtJi). I wo»-'d never beveve :n Dmjarvan tho Ba.ngs, Mr the-.ons, orB.-^o1 ; ds, could be b'x>».ithe rural divisions. - , ' ' '. ¦ , '

. . " man be paid 14s a week, which wo\<!d be bet on in- :: j d'd not be' '.eve the women foboiljhiQnoTelapglKar in Home 3\ "e ; and f>uch a tr^g is possible, «•

I Mr.'''Miu)X-Tou'n .havetogotothe bank and crease of two shillings a week. Mr. O'SHEA seoon- anioheers). If the women wBrono.-r.-irius wewon.daU jopiwistf tJ tbo cjn rary. Ido not Uow if yon w"'.

$£8SS^i&&^* ssA8»&"«^^»s» a-^a^^t^^assfc s . Sissx s^:otMmtetloti oujht to taJse.any ookctioj to what pay, 12s. a week, was quite enough for him. Mr. j he was r ared in (b'jeai cheering). To necme „ wag rot acne iu Dnngarvr.n, and is done in England•owned to him to oe the very rea*onable proposition CON'.' a d l, he did not see what the man wanted to tho farmer when he is djji», the oonsolaUonof-aow- — mV; Jlp.nchostc.-, BLmm"ham, ic.—ihon, and not t: 1taade by Sir Robert Paul (hear, bear). , If they hti thei-e ai u.\ Mr. DEVEBEDX said, as Capt. Power !ng the Und wi! go t j bta w. e and eh'dren ; to necure tjjeni y -t \ Homo Kr'.e stonS a ohonoc. If Birminghameheavyrate to iaeettbis jear, as they most oer irly M -0 ice 'erate he wocld let h'm have the increase, ;: them tt* land that he wator w.th the sweat of

nis WBnts a man, aho, clcctoraUy specking, does not sendba-1/ 5e ttbpglik. the gaf.-dianf - were, tbenwelves, out &e maiority decided the other way, Ur. Newell, '--•'wjtho tand.ra wi^ ai^ l kiok




fcr one. Why, thereCore, should Ireland

**S&F§te£2lk&iss2?£Z ^^"V^^STuiissr1-

J^s^ X iS^^s^ ^a jf ss^sss=^&z.everia^ V.iwrea«ng \eiF«di .ref .2g Capt Power whose motion was tbrowj out. « he was reared in, io go anothev.waen he ti«a, and . , - * ; FBANCIS MCDOWNEW.

ttDg!it, or r wnea wwixe <oear, near;. . ue, \,mr. ¦ INBOBWO THB HOUSS "«»"»>• ].-, wife and ol_.dr«i -to be cast loiiH ¦on tto 9 Mincing Lano, London, E.C.e ttooe dUw boaidttls change

was pending in

ihe following stood us notices

for this da?;. :— ,„« wHlwnt a twne ( cr:es of r"no,no.'') Is the old ' B

,the'r»fc«y,the caution wao .w:iheed<dr and now his : . ''Ish«.v. move, on this day foiinight, that this board tarmm of seventy years to know Oat a Nataanlel „„- ._.„„ nmOT™ . OK,oimia ,„ .„U ha4coii»etnie.:He hf.dthefai~ertconfidence i.-_ncfe. iieb iniaranoe from . epresent company lo

ier ct m Patfcn Britge wEl W» pc«««rion«f fte THOMASTOWN QUABTEB SESSIONSJ-JDNE £7.

|S ^S| M

ts^s -

r,^: p ^^BSB ^^ I§f SE$^^^ ^ ¦ n.-t^SSf-fc? ! v :, :«TcJa"meve,'on ft«6da7fo.;irish'i,- t»i ae boe.-d l£ 'l ";, i. rmfox iSie Irish race more honest Vn, op5nst Join Kennedy, of ^GlMshonse M s, on tho

'jitwaa tehf V .^ '^ t - iy ^I *? eoniauV tatSe b the "Ben" office, with which v;e ^ ore iirioiio. E^gUieHngComof Heaveawith bjikscf the Snirv.brocsht under fto Slst section of tholamld seefofAem .to; ootatoeay.reMefwaaly tAept- ^b /del'mVforurmarfabf aS ye rsfit c falri .

"ten eiSow £in eitt ngland or Scotland 23.tl 4

Mth 0.'Vic' , cap. 15*. for . cnitinjr down

W, the! ;p* tion ''before theen;and he thought 7-7" °-«. «' - » * «.p.. BAiBOwKmf»K*.'.' rjwi SinsB). No' man' las a tMA io if M U * orer, trees on tho btnLs of Glasshouse, adjonrning the mi-Is,jWoA 'safe.teaeet get g' ie' moBey ;; .<• : t,ivo noUes tif.t '.'. na? O'JMI O be made ia tae p-.'c ii U ":J I dcm't't .wle^eAewM plaoidhew. y.ittout the pWntefTs leave or 5-ccnse. _ _

floi'thebiiik. Hefct' to.n t lh 'the yery. ',*,*. t»ia3em(mto for tiielnsuranea of the worraor e, y &omwe:.OTEJx»l1»bTjra«»B:r.(«lieers) Thaoks The pla&iff . Ad. BeHmondj and Mr. P._Power,^larj efe^«^^^«5 S«W> iiici ^,u to co^uon.

- ^_ „ *j *.t t& &jf ctfj ™*** iS ^e^^n^a^D^danro;

St^^^&&S^& mmm£*$^$£*f i##^IS^SrJ5= Ef&'Sffia&swssaR^s¦SsMSSRra&agiSte Sr^ssiS'SSPS^ss^sii SfM?# j?|ws 5,*: & /ssi£"°a'- %-- ~M,y MU -

%8£giS&££8&&&$ s±iS^')»fett»2as I^&a^ssi: FfeT? ""1' *"SSS SSSSESS zgs^Msixmm &£&&&£&&& ?*?&mg&*°-. _ i2 SL,. V*S7-WrJL2l I?t?SL, W fea iheinonosedhisnwtfcmasa izst wid the P*»ent,bo h.e>o]toi*a«»*o , ; WATBEBFOBD MABKET,BEVIEWi t MM n er a T O V Dnm.wi w i . M w w ow* --r . " ~"f fs ¦"*"• • : Jl-7T7r.~-—»^T - r ¦ /_ ; % o#''Youf ^not:1). Ther«»oolcUlnoti»enQca . . .. . : ;-— :—- —~ - .^^<*t4Min&bo»kdolT *haU»(l) »*n

Jar cue ' .,!. ; :,;.. \- -; J^

;:.v./ ; - . - ]?w^h« 'X« o*1 :ft -rti l»heBl , ,. ' . ; • ' '. TOK .TM'PBBSBNT.WIM. •• ¦ ¦i^ ore

tiem rtotrati-;!-«,. a 'fo^d ^Mr.B. itaWMwrf the mofaon. ¦ S^^ SS^m^ tn¥f, : xrm».~r Bm^ '<t<^ :^^Vepodiiy .B

-itfMrrf aa'aatWt ITSeVwewaachiaila'powd; .. H^aMAli-AJ Iwm^ lcd.xpon.ice yhj ^ .ayhonwi beWMiowhatl* rioter yon wo;k}' «ome, :however,' «Ut and keaiod from flie close,

SSSf iSOAtU iJrSm KU S&i a^ «W: ?*^ '« 5ta, ^ naP°a. .S&S>ttt.^a«g.gti-SSX mtf e t i tS-'aft hotweatherwetoI«h«l,..oa atlowp^: Anviig'Kr'T 'o^w'took'riTSieiKiioiit'ei kef vanei wi.iLcls'coj»»fcay wis pcejaredto Co dur MUTC . w a amon^

yo ilwasijeaiettta^^ 'lBttM nrimeiwaa m good. demand, and eoMfredyat lfes. toS!liu fi ] tSI twlkl^M£wm awe/ KJd

ackl^anf irSe levr'wlth the 'tcard..: » 1 tf tt; WM- *\fyWW 2&1nti#<i *iMand j£os; Some.priiroJEil-salted But;ar brooght lffls. t3¦2£J3Liff££rflSLS)WSK^^ ^iw s^>nnfl' lie'1x^ide^^to' po?Wone' w<™£^3^mV ' V ' ^ < '- [ '±^ ¦ Utvh- ' A Vsi ^ fe i igifeflS ^s f^p i sp ips1 WMaMKwr'that abocifacriyS»--«<W»}yT»>«aMe fe^ i tl Tj tteai1 'wrSe iarvaalo&S.I J»). lf;tt: fl?*rf«^S*V'lfe* aa.J boflgti by rePe»'a?lW'6d.^tol«.'6d. >u smc;!

WatMMI ^M:e^***f *WMti>k *-m «*i«K, **=*c,' ltlf - — v -i ' i ^v !; S5^ ^ >« fe«WWT^ P£, Awi«^ / eUswe»»dd«tl8s:ilWthe

deriiar^ss^B^^iSS ^m^&^^m% g^mf rff isssB^^S ^S £ilS£ : ^mMm^^^r$: ^S^m^^^i m^ ^ ^mmiag^ o^ pss m^ ^ xm ^Sraa fiftww^Bk ^ i^ ^^ISpgpispplis1 s»#sss^.is^s!f'* S Sii ^ MlfS^ssj^

^ ^ m&f±S& ^ s! i im ss!mt Bs^ Sgsra ^M#* S»fe«i

year by tho clerk, that those charges were £1,100less now than they were iu 1856, just twenty yearsago, a fret sufficiently answering the allegation(hear, hear). Out of nn annui>) expenditure of some£15,0( 0, or £16,000 the out-relief cost about £2,C00,but talking there on the passing of an estimate wasnot tho way to effect a reduction. Guardians shouldattend the rdmipeion board, as he did, regularly,cad there, ami there only, could they hope to dogood in tho way mentioned (hear, hear).

Capt. POWBB said this proposition put the ruralgunrdiaos in the position of begging mercy from theWnterfonl division for a paltry £800, and he stronglyobjected to mieU a course. They were not to findft.» ;t. with the law, but they were to find fault witht'ae government for passing: so o'jscvt: an net, anditey vero also to find fav't with their representa-tives for giving their tr-;it consent to such a mea-sure, but, perhaps, they did not understand it (aj .ugh). What explanation corld they give to theirconstituents when they would be asked, wby theyhnd doubled the rates (hear, hear) ? If tbe coun-try scale, as it must if rr.ten are to be doubled, thetown was sure to fo"ow, and town and countryshot-Id go band in hand in keeping down tbe rr.tes(hear, hear). Their expenses were incvensing.Who increased them ? Mr. DUVEBKTJX (mostgravely) : This bouse (laughter). Captain Powerwent on say that he bad opposed the introductiorof the nrns as nurses into the houses, not from anyobjection to the ladies, far from it, but because ofthe grsat expense which wov'd be enta'led. Hecautioned the board against it, but be wus niet bypooh ! pooh!; the motion was carried, and nowthey saw the expense. For bis port be wop'd bearthe infliction with Christian patience (hcaity laugh-tor). It was sak) tbat the appointment of theseladies would reduce the number of nurses in tbehospital, bnt at that moment they had but two lessthan the former number. He would not be underany compliment to the division of Wnterford, or tothe bank, and he wor'd propose that they leave theestimate untouched.

Sir R. PA ox said a few words in reply, and bismotion passed wilhort opposition of any kind.

TENDERH, *C.There were two tenders for beef, each at fias. per

cwt., end two for ox-heads, one at Is. 8d. and theother Is. lOd. per head. A very lively episodeoccurred over these tenders, extraordinary vitalitybeing shown by some of tbe giiarc'ir-cs in th:s warmweather. In some way tho names of the tenderersgot into the months of Boveral of the members—Mecsrs. Miehivel Flynn and Michael Connolly, twoexceKent men—and the offer of Mr. Fljan wasurged from the fact of- his having betn several yearsa contractor, always giving satisfaction , whilst thatof llr. Connolly was supported from the fact of he,likewise, leaving no fault whatever to be found withhim when he bad the supplying of the house, theKaster statins, in answer to a question put him bythe Chairmnn, that he was tbe contractor for theport month, and had given every satisfaction, Mr.Kyan ndOing that that was all he had to say in thematter. For several minutes there wivs really arefreshing ccene between tbe guardians round thehead oi tbe board urging both meats, of a naturecompletely to prevent hearing tbe utterance of e,eentence ; indeed, the observations were rather of adetached and then of MI interwoven nature. Theprevailing exclamations were, " old contractor,'""satisfrilon," on one aide; on theother, "cbeaparcontractor," "cheaper heads," the Cbairmrn vainlycalling for " order," and taking nothing for his pains.At length this energy somewhat abated, when catcepeeli of thnndermg discontent from Mr. WriterHa:Jey J corner (Jup iter tonani) at the wr.y tbiugswere n'.t going on; Capt. Power celled out that theprice WPC the scjne ; Ifr. Leamy as energeticrllyBtat.i it WRo not. Captain POWEB ! You Bhor/tdictite to ine, sir. Mr. LEAMT : I con't wont to doso, bnt I repeat the prico is not the same. Thencame a proposition to take tbe beef from the oldcontractor, pxd the heodc from tha cheapest man,but this ic'tea 0'<! not stand, for more then c minute,co no beef contractor could Hrbinit to separate sucha tender. Finr.vy Mr. O'SHKA moved, secone'ed byM;. LKAMT, that the lowest tender be taken fo>- bothaiUcles. The motion panned on p. (Vision, cveryraevoting for the lowest except Capt. Power and Mr.Coon, vho <i:o. not vote at all ; contrr.ctor, Mr.Conxo' y.

COA!*J.—Th.-ie wore two tenders for 2< J lonG ojcoil: tVuvsra. at the workhouse ; one at 15B. ad.,tiie oioi lit 1G«. 4i\ per ton. Tbe former tenderWM Mospveu, contractor. Aid. B. Power.

STEALS.—There was one tender for pork steaksr.t 71" per lb. ; strips, OJd., and eggs at 8d. perdoz. Tike Master said tboee prices were too b<ghwit a bacon down to 54e. per c«U V/ben it was upio 5Ss. and GOs. he got pork steaks at these pricss.l'k\ LxAUr : But you invst rememl^er that k"'>ngis now very scaice. Capt. POWEB 1 No such thing.Mr. CONK suppor<x<l the vew of tbe master wlienhe was told by llr. 6'heehy that the price ot pigshr.J nothing to say to tbe price of offal. The ten-der wes accepted, N. Power, Johnstown, contractor.

MILK—A tender to supply skimmed m*'k at 3)d.per grJ. wus rejected us too high.

PLASTBBWO.—-The tender of John 8hea, (Wil.!>_u-street) to dash and plaster No. 9 ward wastaken at £4 10s., the guardians BV.pply Ing materials.There was another tender in at £6 1G«.

BBKAO.—Mr. Michael Mmpby, I'atriok-street,was accepted for wh'.te brcal at 6|d., and for brow aat &ld. per 4lbs.

KASTEPJS BEPORT.I'he Mester reported that he attended Pi'town

nations tho day before: and obtained a decree a^ -'istMarks Foley for the cost of bis wife's keep wl-.' t- inhospital.

A PBOPOSED SMALL INCBEA8E.Capt. POWEB, pursuant to notice, rose to move un

increase of pay to the caretaker of Bollyncnecshaghcenietry, of 8s. per week, making Fs weekly wa ea16s., and in doing so he uvec that tlie lnrn wcamofct attentive to his duty, but 001 '£ not sr.pportbiuself and his large family upon his present pcy o?12s. a week. Feelingly describing tho man's fat:,which forced him to live with the de'.(i, fc patheticpictuie which, certainly, should not have been re-called, as it was, with some laughter, Cnpt. Powertaii. they would be stanOting in their ona V'jht byTerusi cr this siua'1. increase. If they gave this1'tttie addition they would iuAuce tivs majo to pfiythe most minute attention to the state of the ceuie-tery grounds, and one result oeruiin to fo W, theyT/OV d have people buritd in ahnoet no other pb.coia to..u. - Iu answer to Caut Power, the clerk saidthey U..1£7O to the cretMtof the Burial Board, outof •;.hich fuuCs Oiw increase, if poased, wor d come.

take the surance from the " Sun," with whom theybad dealt; so long. Besides they had no tendersbefore them.

CLERK—Although wo did not ask for tenderssome have been sent in to us, but they have notbeen opened. In addition, Mr. Mackey said theypaid for the insurance at the rate of 2s. per cent.,the yearly payment coming to within £10. Mr.Mackey further cxplainad that if they should issueadvertisements for tenders those tenders could notbe entertained until that day fortnight; the four-teen days grace would then have been outrun byfour days, for which four days they would be withoutan insurance on. the premises, a state of thingswhich might have a most serious result.

Sir B. PAUL Baid he certainly could not, in anyway, support a proposition which would have theeffect of leaving the premises one night uninsured.The whole discussion collapsed under the statementfrom the clerk, and Mr. NeweU's motion passed as amatter of course.



TiCTOBT—THE JUBILATION—BEJOIC1NG8 IN THETOWN A- D ON THE M ..UNTAIN8.The poV.'n booths were opened on ?at-irdiiy

morning at eight o'clock. W- ain M. WoodrooffjHigh Sheriff, and R. G. Hudson. Esqrs. atlenioi;Mr. Robert T. Longan, C.P.S., and Mr. '£. Kennedy,acted as presiding officers. At nine o'clock tbe firstvoter entered No. 2 booth, and from tbat hour untilhalf-past ten, very few put in an eppearance. At11 o'clock, however, the presiding officers pad per-sonating agents were kept busy, and there wnsscarcely a cessation in the stream of voters unf" fot .7o'clock ; ot three o'clock 230 bx '. po"ed, a d at 4,250, and when the po" closed only H'T mere ho .! re-gistered their votes, making a total of 250, out of a-r-igistry of 318. There, was very little excitementduring the day, although the. police patro ei titsstreets. However there was more than a sufficientforce oxawn up before the Coui>house to quell anyriot which might occur, but it is plersing to notetbat there was scarcely an instance during the daywhen their sen ices were reqr* ed. The street infront of the Corvi-house was thronged v.ith a very?"j e crowd that ar-.iously pwaited the declarationof the po". They er 'vened the dr.y by a variety ofsquabbles, some of wVch threatened to beoni?seilous, but the ai.-«Bt of a onple of the most pugi-listic individuals h'. \ a salutary effect upon thetemperaments of the others. No effoit was sparedby either pai y to secrre thi maj"rity for the"- re-speciive candidate, and it reminded one o£ the elec-tions of days gone by to sec the ol-1. and infirm menbrought in on cars. In one case there was a fightover one of those v capital specimen of the old Irishtenant farmer, who hi 1 b?en brought into the townto vote for O'Donne", from a long «' 'stance put inthe country. As he was entering the Couit-house,f Tcompsnied by MeBsrs. W."'iaia Honnigon, r.ndD. F. Hanrigan, he was intercepted by a numberol' the rdherents of Mr. Matthews, and a sharp tussbtook place for the possession of the old man. SomeLsrd knocks were given and t'ken by both pax Jes,ip the cor"Be of which Mr. Wm. Hannigan had oneof his fingers put out of joint The police then putin an appearance and separated the combatants,and in the melee the old man walked dogge<"y intoth3 booth by himrelf, and recorded his vote. Aboutir\y o'clock the excitement had reached its richestX-i'::i-, end bet3 began to be mr '.e on the event. AtJl.e o'clock the po 'ng ceased, pnd the counting ofILC ^>-tc8 commenced. An immense concourse ofi tcpit co.lected outside the booth awaiting the do-cli i tion, and at a qua. !er past e't the Hi<,°n Sheriff(ii r. Woe ." "ooffe), announced the return of the vot-ing, ns fo owe :—Mr. Frank Hu?h O'Donne", 137 ;Mi. Hcciy Matthews, 119. The people becameso"_n;wbat excited on the announcement, and nov'ciibi had not the local magistrates wisely orderedthe closing of a* . puttie houesi an hour pre- I;ualy,the consecuences woi *..'. have been serious.

The r n~.ouiccment was received, with tremendotar,pi lau8e, and the crowd, hit 'cu by father P.Flynn pro eodeil to Mr. O JL>one' *s hotel r-ndchecreO. neart".y for 1 >m.

In a few rcimtes Mr. O'Donne1'. r.ppeorcd at oneof tho windows and was received w.th a shout ofjoy that woo re-echoed across tbe p . ;id waters ofDungarvan harbor. He said—Electors of Dun-garvan, I heart'ly thrnk .you for pVcing mc inthe vroud position I now occupy (cheers). This is agie ; epoch in tho Us 'j ory of your borough. It isthe good old times of John Francis Ma^uire comebrjci: p gain (cheers). Tto vote you haxc given today \ enc^nrajte Ii'jbmcn ibroughont '¦rcland andGreat Britain ant-, oveiy member of tho Home Rr.'cLca ao in I.vland and the Home Bn*3 COR V.erat'.on inGrcac Britain w".> thnnk you for the gloi 'cns exampleyou have set an \ ihe good work you have ('cno tf'is day.Ii. '.. now go i.> fulfil my pleCi-es ca bola '' of HomeBuie aud iorrnt i\ht in pni jccUr, because there canbe no Homo Er.'e w.ihout the li^ht of tho Irish vsnant(cheers). I »"' vote tor freedom of education and theamnesty of ihe political prisoners (more cheering). Ica. rot say much more now, but ia a fow weeks as soonas tbe pK sent session of Par'iament is ovir, I« V. comoback to Dcn'^arrrjj an" ccrnrli with yen o-. the pio-L.-C88 of Home E- !e rnd i.naut ii ht and naaonr. !.ty(c pplau^o), t reoeive from you fu-taer enoovrajement5or the work •.« the next yerr (lon<l chceilTij).

iir. W. I*iao O'Nei '. then camo ioi .vari, and onshoi. 'ngllaiBi wrs received.T.lth riny.rgcheers. Hotok'. tlie jwopio t'jrt the bn'V.lo iiad been los'; and won(ttcom). CorrupUon and biljeiy had loit, p.nd pat:oiism end ovt'.'. i" !jf iihatwas sacr;d to i'aeir l.rcas ji ha1",t'-jit day tlumphec (more oieei'.ii). Evoiy o a of tliomsi-cell remember i vxt ihe'. !c0o :•' was mairjly >' ue to iheeiet -'ons and jnco sinjr bibours of Cheir boloved p ozi ¦¦-•and clergy (apuUu *). A Voice : Th ee ch or: for Dr.Clo..ry (8r J chec'ig).

7AT. 6'Nr; con "nu.d £:, sr-y ihat tbc;.r v-- -L - > r rn:'.ciirgy laA •.-U'J'ca'x4 iho nairon end ihe br ouyfcofDuaTrivan, ac«'. k-.d eovere*' .jcrcsel- » :'¦ K. .~: y v ., . ihonour oy tie oou.se Ihoyhadr :.oh Le!/> pe.s.. ;rtn •!'-,a-.i 1 nuccessfClj adopted (hc-r, he:.-;). They, i'- ;occp.3of Di-'jai /an, m'_ nt bold themsc.vtj '.

¦jhe-.- v .al-

w.iSii naiion, n- w that they >»>a t ;en : _ p.t-c:'.g'.otiona example to ovei/ cons'iltuency ' ' i ohna(sheers).

A Voiot—We »"' send you tj Par 'iment 'he nextt jne (cheers).

llr. G'Ne. 1 proc;edel to cJ'. upon tho psople not t>recede from the honorrable positloa thoy had izlum up(cheers of " we *'. '. not"). Let them secr_<e theatEelvr?against over loaTng ohat position. The tictcy t':e7 b»dgai ted showed them irat " hone;.\,y is the best po cy,"and thoy ougnt to s'.-.cb to thai pi' lciple (npplnuse).

man raises nX>end to Btrike r.nofacr or a policeman,I say that mafcj. no friend of mine, and I will crushand pumsli him r>ore cheering). I say that any manwho ihrows a stoneHn policeman will bring do« n dis-liaci upon the parish aKhmgarran (hear, hear). TTiepo ice are your friends. IXus give three cheors for thop-> ice (lond cheers). Go home «>bcr ty.-nisht; go .iom:ato proper hour, and let no manSe in the s jwts I ).• .hapurr/Me nf disorder (cheers). . LcJ-,TC,.y n,an „<. ;n hiBhooso at ha'f-r08'ten o'cloc:. Won't' you (" Wo will. ")There is a new fellow I want to fl.icw yon.Mr. O'T nne'l was bronjUt forward , csd chcci 1cjrin and a ain.Dr. Cl3ary—If I ha: a "iib pi- i cf My wai;- IT7«,tild baptise h'ui (cheers tin I 'p.rghicr). Now Id. % :n

eo hvmc i. ietly, and irr\y Gx" !.!.-« ;ou '.tremendjmcbieciijg).'

Mr. .'). P. Hanr:j,an briefly r.- '- \xsiii tha ncetiij,and ouloglsid the con'.'.uci of cho cnajt formers in ihaclcjti>.n who hai the intcroe. of Ircl vjd r.i heart, r.!-Aoagh a.-ovnd down b;'pct*ytlc»potsi.T irnny i'j tanc:'!(chocrs).

Fathers I !j an and Bf.-kc also adi'resa;-] ihe 'argoassein'jlaje at seme lcr.w .1. W .icn thj ;csult oi »jopol "ng was declared, Mr. Henry .i.'.tthews left U>wr .¦>caxh the late train froji Lism':-o t. i)u'o '.•.

Messrs. O'Durinc" art* O'Neill , def n Ic ! on Snndnyfor Wr.tcv'ord, a**^ \leij ei ' T;-c!ncrc in th2 e\C7irg. O.iMjnCay morning, they left tho AdclpK Hof A ij t Duc-lin.

About ten o'clock on Satard.-y r :''ht the mountain-,round Dungaivan for nr'es we.-o j '-icd up with bor.-fires, and tho Btreeti were poret*.ed *. .th cio-v 's, bearin- 1numerous tar-barrels. At eleven o'clock they had al!gone to their homes, and dnrlmesM nettled ('own on r,town OR penccfr M "The DcseiUxl Village," sav2 ft .-tha hcav ¦ hamp of iwirols of p-,'ice. It was xnf g cetc '»t firse thatRb.\nquciiihoi''d Je^'ven to Mr. O'Donno ,but it was re;io..c. :nh^eau t'_r.i hU cxpenHcs should bdefrayed by the boioujh, fo. ,y or ? 'ty names were a 'conce put down at subscribe.*.

THE LATE DUG 'EVAN ELECTION.We have T>een requested i 5 publish the To-iowing

lctlirs, wb'vb. v,"=. i-; with •. 'ayjvre :—TO THJ EDITOI-. OF THE NEWS.

SIR—I thank you for choking words you have writtenv ith refcrenca to my late candidature for the represen-tation of Dung.v.-van. lly dr.tics recal me U> London,but Teforc again qr'tting l.-elnnd v 'A\ yon add to theobl:gation you have already conferre*! upon mo, thoporm'ssio-.! to use youv colunrns to address a few wordsto my countrjmen.

I do not objsct t > the term Home Rnlor, but I demurto ie inlerpre'.ation e'ven ! 0 it , by (OM I be'iove) a sjiallminority of Iii.fli.n n. Horn , Jlnlc , a; I nnderstand it,means H > m t Progress ; wb.\t is really wnnie l is notBepe-.l, but a close?, a pciTed ri ijn. J' tha union o'the two countries were bcinjf now ( scnss.d for tho 6r3ttime tho f;ucst;Oii would i'K'.ceil bo a m. »t iinc but itin an accompl:shcd Tftct a^ainxt which Iiixhmcn mn«tstrugKle in vain. Eujjlau . v» ill never reduce hcrsc1' toa third r.-.ic pewer by part:ng viih Ireland, and it willbo wiser for nil of us to accept the mcuntion. Thowicked crnclties formerly indicted \y England uponIreland shonld now bo «*orgo.ten: nnd what has beendone t:y way of atcnemont iu tho last few years shou'.dalona bo remembsred.

Wnen O'Connell commcncc<l the Brrxp.l nt,It»tionCatholic Emancipation had just been K.v.nted, and th-;Dracoi ian sovciiiy of the laws then in force v. .1 > ivIOl ypresent themselves to every m;nd.

"ilait, n'.us avens change tout ecla."Now—

(A.) —Irish estates are gencrallyfrce from mortgage.(B.)—Ti 'ago has been vastly increased.(C.)—St. fstics shew that tho stocks on Irish farms

contrast favotmibly nith those of the best Englishcounties.

(D.)—Many mlUions of money are lodged in the lo«.albanks.

(E.)—Patipcrism is reduced al-nost to a minimum.(F.)—Ecl 'u-or.s ("iffere.icc; ore r.t an end, by tho nbo :-

tion c: th? I'lf.h Ohuich.Ap ropos or this, His Ho :ncs3 tho Pops said ,

bnt a t'tw drys si".cc, in the most mr.r cd mr.n.ierf-.at Gr«.-,j Britn n wrs the only cocn'ry ir. whichrc..l religious freedom e: istcd.

(G.)—*l\io Uir.Te:8'-;'es r.ro free to cvci-y cne ha\Inj»biC'ns and a c.iipo-:i-'.on to v/o.':, anC bchools have bc.JCSiu'j'.-shsd thror ':ov.t the la...\

(H.)—Cirac o. .o.io;'.s cha*.ac«er is \cry rare .(I-j —The L_ad Q>.c;.ixi is in n. fair 7cy io bescttied ,

oj.;... a basis vr ci \ i iot me .1 co ifiacaiion for thela. loid nor 'j ur.'j i'.:?niuil .or the 'I 'QI ant.

I might wiito mi-.^h mori , oui HU .;/ »','i3 prove-, tli.ilF~ lud is sjicoic'y te'rou - -.' (\lzig jiia.ic-' t; !.•¦•Ir..;j. Bnt r.jtwlt r.l n TJ r- , . ' c ni -.i:i ':r'. jco . ,5jsoC IrolanG ho;) not :.v.r y ';i- . equa'i .mco T. -tn tiiacoiScotlanl or of W s. A . " \ .h - Sc. .lanu a.iri Wales ,altliovgh fovjjo.Ii- .rv.ccu b En?ln.n". with an eq nlamount of in.'asj.e, lip.vc > •> .!/ ; 0: "cd to i,hai wb'chthoy were powerless to r vol.', r!n.'. r.0 :n consequencoin possess'jn of ycp.r: rr.d p:cs -e i ,y as breal as thr-.t oiEnrlanO.. Ir'sh" . o" . :.-.! i> " .' j.s on tao contrary,foolis'jly crcaic Eii~ jh ¦¦'•,..nl , am1, prevent Eng'Vicapital 7ro.ii s'ml-inj Imn'lt (as iv were) wi-h Iiish .: •duefcy pn<" ioieV :;'erce.

Had hat \.bo money throv.n by England :nto t'.-equr jmi.o cf vo-c ;/, 1 Iu ns, '¦ en it..ts.i>". in Irifib. indr.vi.if.s rrd Hccr>l. 'e--, or .' c ic.ir;' world how 1 ave bct.irri .c<*. ioni 'Mi p. !evcl ?. i.>.a« or r.ny j .« .*f :*h ". ri-tish ET •" .•e. And even yet, c. pi ' rl is waiihi^ in Ei.g-lr.*?.t* scctijt" } u vain fo* invc^.oienl, bec v.se Irlshme iwill not stornly %. mp .»rtU»r.i r '! , vton v?h:ch is alonstho b.'.m or Iil-h . r - <> .¦?. Be !cv; ;nc tbat t. ere arcno 'jk ±c\a-~ ?-; n'.- t.yi - i"jwl chop • ' c^'ilaiora a.-e n;'ab: c * • • •

¦>• • .; '

¦iou w ill ne-u • t ,n I - .'. - '¦ P.\ vime.it. Itin iTi-practice e. Bi ¦ \.i .el', you hat yyc a'.n ushievc.Under thesrnt- ion o' • I atnent yon cai: i'< .ji.'i LocalBo-rds ,h OIPJI- CII < ¦. and, v.-l ic!i could >.c ' considerend rapor nii.vi t o ic s: . .' lc re ri.vmc. t cf t' - .inV i -K 'n.s.

Tlie n-i..; prc sin;, qnc?* ons .: c—1—II- .- - . •- .•:¦ • : J >OTC .^ —Dcvelo;tr* tol n ne ,* l ir r re sI* -De\elo, ion ' 0* lea '.• i-s , Her re of .1st v.-calt 1'.i -Be. 3 ov,; h. on of h- K i • .- sy em, a"d

pajmen.'; Ci Go.: nne... Lo. >'3 by -ho n .i sor. <,fin ncc.

5—^cepcn'uy c* Ha 'JOI r- "d con' ti: iis c-»roun* *-ration v. to ihe ..

Thcr..- .TO o.iicr in.- 1 ' sra r.oi Id at o-:c? receive th.considcr.it 0 • r.-sdrs"-; n .00' t lelmpc IplPa>r |: imcnt.

Men of Itelriid ! A few > .-o" s< n conclusion. Tv 0nations rro v.01, ;n .^ d i a »- . 1 i c. Thc rUimat :n-'snlto * J i> i- till s - a '•* ^ i.'rdly i • di-ubi ; but th:v. :sest -r.i.-. (,st • carnois h- .. icon B I.Ish iuurf -nn» i 1 r c --s ar/, a'k; '< •: urc^ec ', her ov.n in-tores'., , auo. 'o prese .>e and 'jnlargo tho ''be Ic i of thow^rl'1. I) ii C" '.hen tl-:* •:•• t'c- 1 jrnct' e shr.!ar ire o si>e k ; n unc 1 a> 1 < ¦. dcil vo'co -n tu:Co. ncils of Emp r'S, tut '. 1 ,i . scn '. he •„ .mdspscvcleof a happy, r ''. end p' • Je ov.H voop'o, demant! n",rest'eo and 'recd-.m a' he for a'.1.—I have tho honor iobo, S>, yon- i"ri'! '• ' ei fnni.

GEO. DIT.LON WKBBB >yal Viety.ia Hotel , Killauev,

J' no 25th, 1877. " •

Page 4: lwl ~ ''' '¦'''sMpMf &ut W&i v i • RAILWAYS

0ri0uml....-.% odrij -v :-. . ; ; . " ¦

•S ,.T..:::i.:PA ' -U L- '.X- : •

¦" ;."T V.- M nfcht.wHhla-, Jerusalem - clona v

deil?a wi- th°. Wood of Uoa, ' ;... . .1 7 - :

HQliod throjeh tho loria .kj.: K<H^On

""".li ,v • ?»-To ;wi«t her wliilo hand to taat'tS?1"16 wreathing thro thflhumlii so-.l, : . , . - ,/ • ¦ ' > „

¦ '¦: > > '¦ ' ' '

Whore Btill hi porplo sbam'i 0 *"* tMe 5OK3;, . • • ;.i ,

It i» not lo.ij elicomm tfrtci'y «?« lh0 *™-«Ual cry, Btilllicar.1— . • - ><

1 :;' ' V ' '.. ' , ' . . . .

Not Ion;; since hru W>t t*vnv*l into .iKraco God1. EternalWord / : > • - " . ¦' ¦" " ¦'¦'•

And brntil Hi* »?*t on Hiii Christ's calm P.w». , ; .;.

And othor tilood iB flowing nowalong tio «tonos whore Jostu' gtiXXl, ., ' ¦ - ¦ ,. ¦ : : - ". ' ' ''' • ' '- '¦ : ¦ • '

Awl other limbs writho'in the piings of doath t • .A tho'iawrt h'imAn vultures shrieked load and savagely lor

Slo;>hoa "sWood, . : . ¦ ¦ ¦ . , '

. .

Dtfciniou iu vnivea conld qn'eaeh tno torch or Faith ; ¦ , ¦'Aud inifi.iuij tenderly, amid the din of rushing stones olid

rrlrs, '. '¦¦ " l ' ¦ ; > '

¦ • . • i: ."

The M.irtyr's voico bi loving cadence rose, - '¦ t , . •- -His face li.tcd to th'o' gloty of Christ, shining thro', the

o|«i:iiig «1oca— . . . " '. ." FiitbLT, foivivo and punish not my foes." , '

A lilll-5 way "opart , MB stroii;; avins folded ,ou his breast, bind:\rk eres l-cnt . ¦ > ' . . '. . . . ..'

Ou Stepson , hi* foot upon tho nurtyr'B clothes,A vou>i£ mui stool j the rich trippings of a Koman offlccr

lo i.t .- . ¦¦ • ¦ .-. . ¦ . '¦¦ iiOr.iee to hid ]irc«cnce., lie nnrko<l the fioroo.blowfl ¦ i 7 '•

Cut hv i!ic K!I irp, hissing stones ui>ou t ho quivering flesh, and'l v.v ,i:il U:\g • . • ¦ . ¦ ,. . > . . .

I[:;t s.-ot-ilttl l:m;*]iter flo;ite-l on tho ulr, - . . M IE.< iln IJ.-. till , H:;e llie soft, struct mcloly of nn angel's«onr,"

I'lio iiot breeze vaftoil towinbj him Stephen's prayer! •' "'

It tv.is not pity tricisl thit lino alou^ the broad, clear lorjaoeOf !l?« IflMff , ' , . " . ' . .

A'l'l :itillo I t!io m<>ckin£ im^Mer on his lips—He »-nv Urn Ji[urt> r'a culunt fu<--o litv> 1th a strange; mjstcriotu

t-!ow, . • ' • . ( .¦:¦¦¦ ¦¦.¦ • ¦•


Aa iloru hij nianKk-d Urabs Ilio reil blood drips. , . - ¦:¦, J

Not p t. -. IIi.l tlioy slid ta him tho mother who.had boniaJiii n in lier womb ¦ ¦

.. .., ' . . . . - . '. - , ^(.tV»'ns no*- :i follower of tho Crucified, • "'¦ " * ¦ • ¦ ' 1

He wo lid have droved her forth remorselessly to moot thoClirtstiui 'a doom, . ¦ , ¦ ' . • * '. ' ( ! l ' i "

And smiled upon her tortiircs ns sho diod. \ t". ,

One p ission bnr.w.l mally in hui breast, hato for the Name otM iry's Son ;

mic<o*cri'ii; >-'rcjtnc8»ot''his poworfal mrad ' .HcTOltotl at the Urnly doctrino fonndod by tho Holy Ono, '

Anl a;or.ioJ the bomls which sought men's wills to bind. .He spurned tho martyr's clothej, and drawing round his

soldier's cloak, i>osaod on . '. . ... ., . , . -V/itU upr.usod brow and firmly haughty tread : '

Yet , often as ho heard too dull, thick filming of the blood-wetstone, - - ¦" ¦ -

¦¦*' ¦ ¦¦•' ¦ '' *Sjm.'thi:i^ not all ot hate bia face o'erspraad.

W.'toro wont hat To the Jadgcs, and he songht the blooil-ho-.uiil's mission—deith. ' - ¦ ¦ ' . ' ¦ ¦ * '

G'ivs him bat leave to hunt tbo Christian herd, ' ¦• ¦. ''

And sooa tho amphitheatre should teom with victims for tlisF.iitb. , . . . . .:.. : ¦

TaU fierce demand their thirst for caroago stlrrod. . . , ,Ho woat. '* Thre.itonlnrrs and sliinghter * 'flashed from his

oyo, spoke from Ids iio, : ¦ ¦ ' ' " ' ::Yot, HOin-itimes, like a whisper in thft alr, . ' ' ' - '- ' ' ''•' ¦ ''

Wli ja Katiuz oa his hands ha thought they soon in' Chrbitknbloo I shojlJ dip, . . -.; . . ; - .-. - -

¦,-llj heari the low, sweet wordsi of Stephen's prayer. : .- . .

0-i, to Diimascos, on! . Tho ; night is dark, but there's a firewithia. : . ' . , ¦¦ . . . . - ' ;. ' •'¦ i -. - . ¦ :¦ .

Thayounjr nr\n's breast brightar than beams of day, . ,- ¦'II ite , wliich has drAjjed that God-liko spirit in the miro of

FUar* HOW' its lurid beaooa on Ms vray, •' ' ¦' . ' ;On, to D imaacm, oa 1 The syift steed flics. Afar a flickcrjriir

Uyht . - . . ¦ • • . ."\' t - . ¦ : ¦ •¦

. '• •¦ ¦¦ - i- i


Glcim^, miybc, from soino hitldeo Christian home.., - • ¦'.* ' *Ha! h.i ! his scent is kepn," his Instinct sure; uot oreu tlie

(rlooni of nUrht¦ '¦ ' '^ ' . "'' ¦

Can &'.'roen their haunts from him who now has como.On, to Damascnj, on! In reckless pride ho riiBod.his haughty

liro-.y, .: ¦ • ¦ '• . " ' . • ' :'

As if to dashdeflanco at his Ood ; : ¦¦ ¦' ' . ' "'¦ ' '"• '• < ¦I'M still dark face of heaven grew luminous'with a strange;

mystic glow ; . , IIlis horse 8 uk down convulsed upon tho sod. :: • ' * . , .

On, to Damascus, ou! 'But how ? Net as ho dreamt, Instrength and power, . . . , ¦ ' .

In all tho dreadful pomp of heathen pride, / ¦Cut with slow steps aud bliaded eyes, and limbs that tromble,

quake, aud cower, ' . • 1 ' . . ' 'Led by a follower of tho Crr.cinod. . ¦¦¦j . .. , ; . . , ». . ; -1

He hoard God's Toiceroproaching him, and heard, he thongbt/St. Stephen's prayer. • !¦ ¦. - . • ¦ . * . J l ¦'.-:. .

" Wlio art thou?" cried the fallen man alond 1 -. • ¦'¦¦ . ' u" Jesus of Naxareth, whose friends thy hand mi Deror

kno-flu to spare," ¦ " • • ., ¦,. .IV.iled in majestic aocents from tWcload. , ¦ ' • '" " ' : '

Then shone the greatness of that young man's sonl ; ho spokeno ploa for grace, , /. , • ¦ ': . .' . • ¦. ' - ' .

Or mercy, or forgiveuops; he knew !. ' > :'¦ i- . 1 '¦"¦'I' -'Twas God's preventing love that stayed him in that wild,

revengeful chase. • t ¦, .He cried, " Oh 1 Lord, what wUt thon that I do ?": .' . ¦ >..;.

Oh! what a sonl vras his, all earnestness and fire; nd pause tocraro ¦ ; .. . .:. ;¦

God's mercy for tho scandals of his youth ; - . - *Ho knew that blow, that light, that voice, Go-l's'gracious

pardon gave. : *' ' • ¦ ' -' 'He panted now to spread thsrlorkras truth. ' ¦ ' : '

If words were needed by God, conld ho sot with eloquencesnblime . . . ¦. . • ., -, , ( 3

¦ -. ¦ 1 •Tour forth his TOWS of constancy and faith ? ; , ' • •

His life shall be his pledge; his penitence shall only end withtimqt ' .: • : : . > • ' . - ¦ ,

Ilia sina shall dio; his glory conquer death. " ' - 'Where'will ho choose bis labours' fruitful field? they ask, na

o'er . . * t - - . - 'His brow Regeneration's Tfaters flow. ' .*" ' * ' . :f -Ho flashed his brilliant eyes oast, west, north, south, whero-'

ever souls adore i V .. . • . - ,.• • " !Where'er God's likeness dwells them ho will go. ' •• '.

No ties of country bound him. for his soul, oa fire with ie»l;claimed all' • • ' " ' . ' • ¦

Pooplos and nations as of Mndrea race :His heart' had broken true from earthly lovo's entrancing

thrall ... ', ' It . • ; • .'i • • .: . . - . .When flooded with, tho bounty of Ood's grace. •¦• n;

He Btood alone, distinct, magnificent, unutterably grand 1 'The sphere that bound the others chafed his sonf. ' ' '

His ores beheld tho star which pointed to the far-off Gentileland ;. . - '. . ., ... . ,, : - .' : . • . •• ¦'• ¦

His i>anUn« heart declare} that land his goal. . '. I .!Whoa tho consecrating hand touched his head, and toiiin

was decrt l > • • .Tho name " Apo3tlo," liko to the swift dart ''

Shot from tho quiver, ho sprang forward, from the last shacklef road, . • .. •

To tread tint path so precious to his heart. . .. •Wo shill not follow him for flvo and thirty years from clime

to clime, . : •.: : < - . '.Jorusalcm, Arab! 1, Asia, Groeco, ; - , ¦ ' .

Ulyricuin, and Home. It were tho labour of a mind subliino ,To teU his life beyond the Western Seas. • , 1

What ho was in his reckless jouth, sncli is ho Btni-impaH-sioao I, strong ; '

Then did he guard the harsh Mosaic laws, ' ' ¦> • ¦ . •Tho old traditions, of his slres.i and doomod all innovations

wronj, ' . ¦ ¦... 1 ¦ ¦ .' : • • ¦-. 11 ii ¦

And cnuihed all followbrs of another cause. ¦ , . . . -And now the same strong feelings burn within, by grace divine

mado grand , * • > ¦ ., . , - ¦ ¦ , . . ; .Tho same impassioned. Jealousy and love. ¦

" 1 havc-tor.theo," he tells the Church at Corinth, founded byhishond, . " ¦¦- . ' i . ' . •

" The joslousy that fills God's Heart above."Aud as iu bygone days he tore with furious rrtga the Christian

altars down; . • • . . •' .*- . ¦¦¦ . ¦ 1 ' . ' •> : :~ 1 ' .' -• 1

So with the solf-eimo zeal behold him now ' ' ;< :iAt Athens, when .his fiery rage and indifrn&tioa boil ssd drown

Tho superstitions which* around him flow. ' • ¦ ¦

Oh I who could tell hisiliboars sad his pains? His own lipisneak the tale, .. .. , .•(./ : . ) ,• ; , ; . i- . - V i i

Yet Ohrysostom asserts he mentions few ' — .; ,. •Thro' deep humility. A hundred martyrologlcs would fail '

Recount that life, heroic, grand, and true, 'From Pole to Pole, from so* to sea,. St. Jerome tells us, like

tbo sun, . 1 -i •. . . . . . . ,.Who9o starting and whose circuit Is the end

Of tho great' heavens, he went, no sooner wanting ground totread nnon ' a - ' 1 . . ¦ • . •Than flamed his real all hearts to Christ to bend. ' '

The world looked on and wonuerod.. ' Ho woi like un'd yet ion.like therost ; ¦ ¦ ' > ' •

The furrowed brow of Peter oalmly bent; "' ' 'Paul's towered aloft- as if the Barging wares of genius In hisbreast . • ¦ i i - ,. ¦. ' .:¦ r . : . . ¦: . : .

Their high. Impetuous lorrent upward sent. . . " . , , t :The angol's voice called Philip, and be went to seek the Gentile

tord j . • .¦¦" ¦

. ¦ • . - . :

Paul waited not tor vision or for dresra.' ' ¦¦' • " • " :1In gravo and cautious speech did James set forth the 'M'lster'f

heavenly Word ji , ¦ ¦ : • : , . . . . 1 . ¦ . ¦.. - ,• . . ;.

" In season, out of season,", was Paul's theme. • .- ': . . < . •And even he, the brightest and the best of Christ's disciple*

—John— : • ¦¦ • . , I - ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ . . . - . :• .' . t . . .. .The Guardian of the Virgin and the Friend I / ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦

Of Jesus. As ye've seen the fair, pure morning star besidethe sun," •' '). ¦ '

. . . ¦', ¦! .: . ¦

. - .¦• '

So seemed he in Paul's daiiUng course to blend. " ; 'And yet 'tis sweet;' when; mind, ud heart, and soul.' art

strained to foUdw Paul ¦• - : . ¦:¦ -¦¦¦ ¦ • . . ¦'•« ..

Along the diuy heights he shines opou',' 1 : • ; ¦ ' < ITo close the eyes, hsU blinded bj those lights, to burst his

teal'i stroagthrsll, . ,. t , . . . • . . . )„And rest awhile in loving peace with John.

Such wig the life of him whose, name gUddens the ChardltOMlay. Oh I Godi.. ._..- - .,

That I should strive that glorious one to paint—My soul's most brilliant , thought 'beside him seems » doll,'

dark, lifeless clod, , . . : . . , , , . . •Showing- in every light earth's sluny tsint. , ' : ' ' . ' ".Well , veil, perchance, somo heart that loves me may glonco

o'er those lines, and through ' "' '* ¦ * .Thit lovo forgive the rash,' presumptuous hand '¦¦• ' '¦ ' ¦

That t r.-cid them, and thro* love still find therein some gemti-'/'U deem more true , — , , ; . , ;.;

Than it 'twas sot in phrases quaint and grand. ¦ , ' ¦ . . .What recompense did -Paul receive on earth for labours, fast-

iiik-s, blows, ¦ ¦¦ ¦ •. ' . n ' ' • .• . -' , .For shipwrecks, watchlngs, preaching* in the Church ?

None, save the prison, torture, exile,.and, the bribes) andsneers of foes, • ¦¦ ' • " ' . " ¦ •

Who heaped upon him t&nnts that sear and scorch.' " - ' 'Yet he won steadfast, faithful to his trust till death. "X

have," he sold, -. ' ••( • • .. '. .- .• • : ¦ ¦ - . : ; : ¦ ¦: :.

tread- ^. .; . ifcenery. ' .Sttclr»glononi anajtbyine iiingllngr otThe imporishable crown awaits us beyond Death. - "' ' . grpnAanr npil "| Titi ht n<Lfn'po'««Tii'f1o nrj j f r ^y r r f .'Watorford. • ' ' ,'. ( , , 1.'. a. c. M deoka ^tlie Tojil Daaute all this ;y»rt .j qiini/Bj'f.

i . .' never aa-w in jny life i and,/l.beli«y8J [ilill;aaT6r•DVATH av A rpHT«MAnriw_nn Rnnrtkt ?v.U.' forget the silent ft»b«J«hmenfeii»!wWoh-lBt»T9llod'

* ™*£IASE ??^£! 3£^$2& for%mT hom*>Ialm6rteaTiedthe.Wrd.-wht.'wer«;died in tho Thurles.wprtton.e;.a;.TOBU«Cnainea J^ T h^ lSr S orWMary CarroU, aged W7j«x?r iPj* »» *l&?*;» ^fJ^^ t S^ yyoung woman, upward, of DO voar. ip ,< wa.We.eafc S«Mte»SMS'STw^^s

a^^aSs a»5s^p^«^«%outUw, MioWl;CtormeU;wbo hBldpoawaidnotih ^

iBWn'>ii»'! ira'i^^{'«fVfor over a -neck againstthenu EreritukUy^ hoirorsr, 'j ij , yv ioxnttfSwSiSiSSx 6Ji6Jwiri»—he surrendered,' and tardngh tho faflnencaMBbmii Jji I614,J e.I^ ota

pinx e desinriff£)5S£aof tlie local gentry, ho '\ra« aUawea tdWiTe'ttui chirtervoff^ iiuxJrpowaoB atpbmis^^kwBalpacountry. Clonaraucoge .House ia . npm. +,mtf %& ; rihwood:4,000I/rot i'mcieiy^^&wODHifliijttsyruins, yet"Old Gran,'?as she w .fanuhaHy;saUed JDommerce»»ft t»in»;J< . le>ro

aId'ljs« lJrinIIleiBe•X)«delighted to tali, even t« the last, about jthpeajrUr- :. their] behalf 7 and Irro yeaW'lata'?they gotSftieVring scenes in whiohi> she^ fplay .thaopttrt lot '.ttfl charter connnned,' BOiruring Hiie'<S»' rtf&enrtUoi'" vivandicre," loading .the; moBketB,*and tfflnginf; 'of'foreigni'piM.''TrhicH>eWrfprbidd !D ©teJinSrJ'water to the outlaw and hia companions during I UUI :at-lmyportJbut th Wlindpn>;iri{thV'Um?Weylsie^e. She outlived all iei early-bcquftlntan yefi 5P'fq fl'4yo tM' /^V yAV ff&yf girijtwisomo kind s friends conveyed hte rtfiMriS tc- 'qufet; :(^ ,9ft;gjj^ i ,;.l );;pt!Sie$lf^ 5,littlo graveyard near the J'Qld fiojise/ of ClonarnTi.1

^ iowal.def .vB^rpteii.from'^ K^COge. ' '. " ¦- ' !-• ¦ '! .;:/. ;"• '. : . " , . i j ! .;^," ) j r) |tVol vt««iitl«is'triAiT1'T«fl»<W««>lSy'f^ lf»T .

The futurij^is alwajs fairy •land, to thxnyoung.JUifo, tho Pinyeri'BtiY'eiiantfca bty f ajp uy t i i j t sty 't OOl!!?is liko'. a .beautiful. winding;..lano,"j on either;;eidoi yearforerM/whli 'GiiarlaifcbfiodloY.iWWTiBgftbriglit flowers (uwilxxuitifulbntrttjos) and tempting;; 'fa ty 4>oisjOT;"to''hla C o^n^ChixIe 'Tlfjffinfirmed'fruits, which we BCArcdypouw .ndmimand

tp. iB^ci^a iijOXi tkw i^^^W j ^&d'i al S '

taate, BO eager are w(rto:hd«tBn to an<openingrw]iicb;' 'qumtly .OTfer^ tt^K^uno ,^TO^?intli;ffip'

we tod,w8 hftve .rea« >od^ *^ |4 ^the proprie^B

WM Wd- Mon^T to^ ernw,, .#ifeV#>el<&b^

pweedirigs1 then clef* v ict! .

tf rz: trtiSffi tktJw'. pte'btltfhW'f f=r,v ; i!iHM 't ta WmMi $$S!X *tiiik Bftf'atj Wl M&XeinpIe,t2 ,^^AP.'fi^

____ „„ anwciUittJc,-. , ¦'. (Fr'b'm .ttLtJriih Farintirt' f tatctto.) , ¦• •

¦ E?raoTS or CASTRATION.'—" A. Tyrohe Man"—Give your opinion as to what iB best to bo done intho case of a-.yeai old colt :that was 'out about twoinoqths since, where thore is1 grown a:luinp<largerthan ft ten.egg on .oneiof .the cut8,'"whicli isof aflesKy. substance. -I. thought at first that it mighthav.e gono:Rway, < but ,now~,Jhave ;no expectationthat it wil)J: as, there is a strong- dord or ligamentgefing from, the lump upwards, which gerves as a fee-der, as I hate; giyeni it>8everal'..ento with rny pen-knife; whea it bleeds, ft litOeJtlJut keeps np in uiie,or is rather increasing, partioulirly upwards, 1 Wouldyon think it righbito have ,.the:lump cut awayandtied again, if possible. - It;goes..ui and out'a littlo;when lying and;Xising..*:'My topinion'is that it mustnot have, been; tight enougHi tied when herwaaicut,las.whonil went to Temove •too.»ticks thn.t!wero puton! the. 8ideJ the,lunrp.,wB8 qn;on'o was soft, green,anu-flabhy, whereas the other Was .withered and dry.Tliclievo if I had allowed tho sticks and cord to ro-4rkiin longer on that 8id«-it-would-liave-l»een better.Yorur advico will groatly,9Uigc,- -?You shpuld haveloft tho clams lbnger'on. In tho meantime wo wouldad iso frequent fomentations witji hqti (water ;.wripgapiece of' ffanhej" In "hot vjatpr, and .a,pply to thop:5t8. , Dry;well afuiwdrdsft

'and. after.a tim^wb'Well in daily s'omb ' of the ointment of the. binioaido¦or mercury. , . . . . _ , ..jv , , .' . . ..,.| -m''¦¦WxiauT OP , Suizp .—"A SuVscnber—A snoop.elghinK'.l 'stonojon fopt,'.: plea£0,'6t ,to what might

<hisiwijght.'bo)'pcr qwrteVwhen d.cad.77 -Tho dead¦.'wcighf of .sjieoj |is rccKqnod at four^evonths.of thellive wwgh'tl;; 1;,; : . -: :. '- .:.VK - ¦; '!•• -: >J I- .', M- . TV^MAHaBL .yVATEB.—Ijiilso w sh to.know. if you con-riiddr'mangel water' goo l for 'swincl - j-If you mean',t'jo;water in wliich inangelhjia been Boilor), dr. -which,coiiics' from steamed niangel

^uliBjgood for apy.kind,.¦of stock, and you niay-'ov.eiji.niQiqi itjnto" fair, food.,.,.PdOB IF 'IT.VD OF-O/kTa.TT*"A' Constarit Eeader,"

Eouridn'cod—I hayp a: field ,'qf :'oorn/Dut. soinp > parts.of it look ' pborA "paHicuUu'ly':th'e. .he8dla.ndsi whic.h.gotlno . manure. Fleasd iy Sat .kuui ofjnanuroto'uBei'and how;.to( apply."it., ^Wpul3,it ' bo yet too.Mo tb'sow'grass seals, clo7or,, <5;c.; ijid'if nqt,. would,they rpquiro;harrowing in,,.it the .corn . be .not. tootonriMii——Top dress, in-showery weather, withnitmtp 6f'sbdki'.at the rato,,of, 2 cwt. ..to the. Irish,aero. : If th'o qaiiare,'np(;.'to forward you may.Boy?the 'grasp sebds.'ani p.u-t the. roller over tho ground;..but'i£ tho field is f6O ^very poor you caunot expect•g'dod 'graE8; ;

! '. :• ' '¦ '¦ '

' ':

'/. . •"

• '•'

.. . \, ' '. ¦¦

'¦. .

¦ .i'i.'.

> 'i EICB BEFOsii.T M Suhscriber/j Moite^Say;if fico•pollard,;6r bran' Isj good' for fattening young.pigs,six .weeks old, iiiUnded for.'sale., .,Also,say.il yoU;would recoinniondlV'itj fdr nScli cows, iniixed with.'palm-hbt meaV'a'rid '<cot)jon1

''cake.7T7:-Thp'; efiisq of¦rico; Is ''•ds forv'fe'e ing poultry,"yo'ung, pigs;.and.milcli cows'." 'it is of. a'.laghly fattening, iiaturij.; ,'. . .. ,

M .IWATBB 'ia '-p tinii.—;-;.£.,'.Jj./G.'l r /Phe'n ..goin^throu h'a friend's tiplesAfe^ days. ago, I.'noticod,n bucke^'of water Jplfl«ad at. each.horso's'ieadVSQ ,'that they'' ulS'.'druik^w eneve .Qieyj folk inplmed.,T?hd $yato'in Beems,a yery 'natural.on , Vut J.slibiiddsupposo'illjuripuk',''owjtng to tho'possibjiity, pf; aiijipp;niat>eing'ar5s6rbed?bj'¦the ^

vw'atejf 'le J,'ip'the'waj; dej,Bcribed.' .[.Wo'nld you ':klr £'fdy9ur'1in6'>wi1iUjpwr

• views] on 'the'|rtbje ?f; 'i fl ceiitoinly..approye. o£i,the 'sysbeni,lb'nVUie wftter shonld fce, changed, if btused 'rcasofiible'iiiiip.:' ". ¦ .¦"'.,, '' ,." , ! '• •.: • • • •i ;/ > Aj . T^TL .jl-' In ii M'-^ fli'qugh , X P ii "1!?!:thistle in liny grass fiel s cil};' Jast Bummej bpfprqthey pegap torlowet.aiiaye ajjen ulcfop uj. everyi¦field tbs yesi-J. ;L^potoM

,iJ| ,Bdl ,'ioi ,dear, ba(and'saucy Jn my1 legality, tha I [cofll^C.11 "ispud"lout jthe thistles, 'aiij iitend 'to. scjth'e tham.,- .An old,and-intei&ent h'e'rdsmah tellpnie ho.\ if, cut in the,^mpnth' f 4pne'ih"e3f'1wnin6 gtflw, agiyn.'c.B'ave you:ever heardythat'/ suili l.s.'tt paie l-fr j .We'haye npt"heard |thhVcut{mg'ijttJ unp*'jra8(at spMjal.. preventive ;brrt;as.tto''great' tljing| is .nigiji ,to, aUpw the ,|hisUe8

(to run to 8epd|!you^n iasUy f try the.efTcct pf .cut-'

!' ,Mosi.-lrWnafi wbuli you recommend &>!: remoyijigmqsk Lfir«ni'pasture P-^ HaTOw/ott 'tho inoss .with,»narrAniedliaA«w8? ;' ow sultaWeinpctureiof graas"Beedsover

^barej'spbts'.^ iirna'j ux^ surface [if JtherjEi .is

no'llnj dr'llItUe fiin'o in the surf^soil j '.tpn^dreBSendjOfautJurn^n with fairm.yard^dun'gf- but. if .the.Jandrequires"'draining you must l5ckjo. thatjnith'e iirsfc

am Ithinkitig c^'eerKliiiS.atwojrear old fllly.td.jii»QT(Bf;E.&S!;ln raway *!3tf^last|wiriW,f'h6'n ' t7rilgnt, ut|nt*'r np9rec

feod g'7n'a^a6nf&yd-i?sp,' t? tac whapreparation iB"feffljlr«i' ta ;"bnrig "put' a. Wo-y eaWo'ldrJUylm cWdJtablci*tyle.f GiVa her";a'foef'of .oata;.or of q<it8:jind Indian'corn', diily.'.' Hftvp tier' trained,to-w^ ^ m ; ' ,'. ,; ,. :,.. . POTATOES.—I. aavpja.gela.pl ppjatoea plinyed inlazjj beds'out_Qf,lea., .J^t nayerf^ras.tilled, before,K 1,have btely.'drainediVi jifind.jtEaVin many parts of.the field.thare is. 4,hard flsg'iib;subebiL Lam get-ting this broken'bynnen 'gomg up'the fitrrpWB withcrowbars; so'igirtodnashrtEqflAgJ-' imi'h'ghtj'nso'doin'gf Cki^d-j;UB'infure'''the 'poti>»'c'rop''in anrway.ana wxnis me proper, seqepu ior aoiqg. itr.Th^;br&k% p2pf,the;iia^^r iJ ,dqm^good,')Uid joextj ;ear put 'potato a;aga)n.'lii.,the.$el4,making tho'present fur^ows.tiio centre.of the ridge,

• PKK8KBYINC 1 THS, '8 KD ( "OW: AiH0E8E;- -'"Alii Old'Subscriber^ —" Give me.- directions''- for 'the' prb'.scrvin 'of n,1 horse's B in'- -i-Nail-aie, ;Bk!n tighQyand smootWy agaiiiB 'ja 'door ; itW 'iibrp^di'bladed,blunt knife'scrapp'aWay all looso 'yiec spf 'flesh .and'fat, thcij fntV'a, firio' nish'-rriiajijtjOve'r the floshy,,side) w'itli a. Bolution,of corrp ivo .Eufiliinate,.mixed-at. t/he rate/if . thieo grains of sublimate to one ouncospirits of wina, i[~ ••. i i f ¦. ;¦> '<» '{ 1. •!.¦:/ ' .. .l- ;.' :.! ,.-:¦¦'

i» i : . .--. -LOOALITX^Oi1 THE /WAS; V y- < ;i- THK 'IiAijnBi.- -lrojlaBguagd 'can''possibly des-cribe th,e snperb' scenery ()f ^ to»di{yVjotarriey:;' . It fartranscends^anything^VerBay b oo'nceiy ed of wpodr'loridor ofriverBc ery..'' It .tho partofrtho l)anubo

'where tha.wa£eri, break .frbm.Vtne' 'grpat\tftBin pfHungary;,"through t^eimountaina.,; Whani-wa first(eft Oreova the nills were ono green wilderneBa of¦ massive and' unbroken foliage and the views'tip the1valleys were very sweet indeed. But scon huge'arid

' shadowy'diffi'begattty'sW tho'ms'elveB'UjriongttiewoodsyWd vjnfeV-twice&e'.DaiurJfil'preissWl'fiiswatera thro g aTrful^wAllfl fjfleerj precipice. (:_ Afirst I.'thpught jt'l luJtthe, httei'jp jfj ii -y'erymuch auperibr,) .bt »U8' ofitKe; woode, 'instead ofmiserable. tamei>formal fineyardo'.d but presently

' tho,' mftgniflcenee-.'knd; almostf fearful- gnindeni ofthe*' scenery' drove ¦ the Ehino utterly out of my.thoughts'. 'iThe; Wood*1! ifW6'-ipiihcipaU9 deciduoustrees, )with'rah'"inrme 'e ' rbfWoh*cl''THaTiint,' 'and'they Were allotted together rwiai"jnld f int&c^mi.Via, iuA very Jw&wWte.i vpI^nsjWhJle^ een,

v hi banks ttie,,nyer. thed.,oid .bojled pyer,baiBpfro^ effectualioiKddirig .nayigfttjpn/jYinbnow the cliffs! receded/.and there.came aoiheinileaof in ceesaxit.wocd, . tt .beajrtiful ¦valley sVUhroughwhoso Svoody-'gatesSme obtniried BiquimW 'glimpses'up. the! mountainott«'<5'glehsl'r';0n'a in''f parpenfe1]femiember/.pf 'consuimnate'.jfovlBlineis'.*¦ 'ItVjrea'bSthe Servian.shire' and f ij inland theSe fje ahnge'rnountain, inr'ahapej;]ike a i jichingi JJpn' iaad tE'valley .broadened oiK/'and left ;fhi mountain i^nd-<ingiaonaagainsttheeky.v^rhen camealargestolike.bay. with a ServianlvillageandchurchortTV-tongueof green <fleld»;["The"brotfa;riTer <*ient3byfgentlT/wheeling solemnly in glo8>y dies?j | W ira« "a feoero

tened OT i prbyed.. r ^'cfM .i \ti0f ''p!pf lj i, fiolonger',T?liit 'and. h9B ,rbut'i'd6ep,nw)iU^d(; red.Por the.neii^ax.I,1 :.VeU iigh .biBgi59Jipj8elfijhad it been, th .time ;of .inanyi oolouredTautumn,instead of brown-leaved Jund, with itahe*vy green,I should have lost'. my.' sensee.-< B«d> cliff«y- maskedin infnitely various'degre^ by foliage, or standingabrupt like waU«,' or sho6ting1''Tip intoVapires and1pinnacles'Ukefcastles, Ttere"!'ifo<!3dino;ifrMfl ti'e.yiew,there thawing'thern yeafofwa aid shutting tip1watere up^ to a .tturow urbuleotj J»P(d; wepwere the features of-thie scenery.'',-Tb describe themis quite impossible. 1:. At last w<i turned frCML tn© clifl s-and.saw.'the ¦<deep-wooded rullfflabovel Drenkovabacked by. the deep, drdl'criinaon'of • a 'stonriy iun-



. EVERT DOO HAB HIS DAT—A.LABOK NU1IBEB OETTllE BENEFIT TO-DAT. , . : .Beforo Messrs. N. ,B, WTEE, D.L., in the chair,

and C. Bogers. , •I Tps' INCOMPETENT SEWER.—Mr. Ambrose, aolr.,

addreBBing tho benchi, said there was a case pendingin their court against Mr. ,G. N. Baker, as secretaryof : t"h6 Watcrford.'and tramore.Hailway Company,in: which caso a notice,

^had -been served upon thodefendant, apprising him'that an application would,this day, o'made to the court by. tho complainants,the rural, sanitary authority, to dismiEs a proceed-ing had against him for a dbfectivo Eewer- on therojjlway.' prcmiBcs. , He ,(3Ir..A.) was not sure whatthe bonch formerly ruled iu this cose, but if theproceedings were . to bo dismissed ho iwould applyfor COBU for tho Bcvcra\ witnesses he .htwl to bringto Bq8tain "his case, but, he wouldnotaalc for'profes-sional expenses. . Ho believed then1 womb ipB could¦givc'qosts up to twenty] shillinge. ^Mr,' Str.inge. for .the Banitary authority, FauV thattho lTiling.of the bench'on tins point wiis to adjourntho guc'stioh of coats to, tho, final hairing, and thattinio.had,not yet arrived. . . . •:¦"• Mr. Ambrose—:MJr,; Biiker 'haB: been brought, atmuch personal. inQonvciiioncc,' from his house.in¦Waterfowl , and he is entitled to his costs. .

Mr. , P. F. ITann),hani C.P., and one of tlio resi-dents of l'ramorc,;Cquiplaining of this alleged nuis-ahce • Biiid thiit Mr. Mackcy (clork of tho union),secretary to tho sanitary uuthority, was present,

'and he stilted he was rcivdy to tako any suggestionsfrom tho bench for tho abatment of this nuisance.It wna .all very fine for} Mr. . Ambroso and for Mr.'Slrnnge'to be therb arguing a point whilst nothing'was fcping done to remove this nuisance., Let thoproceedings be stopped, and have somo practicalstop taken for the reinovuL of what ho and otherscomplain. , , . '• ' . . • .. .. . . . :' Mr.'Rogers said liie difficulty was, they had sub-

mitted'a case for the opinion of tho law advisor,fa.iul that ppin^pn had not, as yet, reached them.;; Ifit had thby could npW iprocecd with the case.; ItWas adjourned last day!for that,purpose, and, us ithas not come, we must bnly.'adjourn it again. . .¦ Mr. Hannvhan—rl 'shall cbriainly. go beforo thonext meeting of. the bo;ud, of guardians and make astatement; on the 'subject.,'" , i .j. . . ." Mr. Ebgers—That you can.do as you please, butwe must npw.adjpuin the casp; to next court-day.I' The cose was so iwlj ourncd, the question of costs,raised by .Mr. Ambrose, not being pressed until thefinul ruling.. , . ., - .' .. ¦, •.:• •'¦•Doo's, ]ic.^Thc following were prosecuted forhaving unrpgistei;ei,l dogs in their possession : Ewd,Foran,, on'pj dog'; Edward Hearne, Kilfarrissy/ two'dogs';.Michael, HtzgeiilJ, Ballya<Jaui,:,two dogs.ThiR'defendant said ihup one of the two belonged toanother, 'man,'and then . labored to show that the'other was a tramp, coining from he knew not where.'A' witness|named Ppwer swore]that .one.of thedogs¦belongied'.to. John '2?.owef of .Ballydarmpdy, and¦ thatthe'other-wiis a stranger.'. .The. constable said thatKtzg'eraJcLpevertpldT ini.pf . pne of- the dogs being

• 6wned.hy!John Power. ' Fitzgerald (with a look ofdisdain)'Y Mb tell '. ybu ! .No, no, you never got.a'Fitzgerald .'an , infpnncj;'.(laughter) . The. defonce' waa unavailing,the dogs, woie in his possession, and'that was legally enough. ' Laurence ,Hickoy, IslandKeane'/.two dogs,.ani William.Kirby, N^wtown, one'dog. '.lEach ' defcndoiit pros fined Gd. por . dogrhcad,-with 'costs, and ordered .to take out alicCDse. . Sub-Constable'Tyndall pro8pcuted in these cases..;. • ,

There . fos. not a single, CUB tody case, and thebusiness-here.concluded.. . • . -. ..i

WiHAT. IS, DXJNGAEVAN. UAEHOUR ?vln,tho Court" of Qneen'B Bench; London, on Mon-

day, , the rtriaLtook. place,- of. an action.- brought- by¦Mr: Watermani a London merchant, against Messrs.Elliotts, Lowrie 4 Co.; of Newcastle,' tho owners oftholserew steamer Xonghurtt, for an alleged broach-'of ( a charter party, by .which it was agreed that sheBb,ould. proceed;from rEiga to' Dungarvan, county

pWoterford, with .a cargo- of railway sleepers, anddischarge them in that harbour, always afloat. This

-¦ clfatter: party .was Uiade in May of last year. The'eleetp.ers. were required for the Dungarvan and Wo--jterfjord'railway,. t'iAt tpe time of making tho char-ter iparty neither tho ichartcrer nor the ship-ownerkiiew>what sort,of place;Dungarvan was: TheLinghunt is a vessel .-of- 629 tons register, with alength.:of 220ft, 29ft beam, and-14ft depth of hold,'"behpath which were /Water.-ballasti tanks. . On the*2dth May sho arrived off Dungarvan, and anchored in.'placo .knpwn is the Sound, ; 'At the time 'she- was,

'drawing,' according .to some , witnesses, 14-Jft'ofWater,;,nnd according to others, 154ft., and accord-ing jto'.the }og, 14ft. 10in. - Dungarvan:is betweenfour and fivo miles from tho sea. ¦ In approachingDungaryan .vessels 'crocs a bar,. and then, come to aplace-called' the Pool> and then cross another.:bar/and; beyond, that,is aiJace called: the*Abboy-holo.Hero.is a quay at which, vessels can only lie. afloatatl high- tide.v> On tho ' 30th of 'May,' schoonorsworp .tqwed out to tho iLonghursi in the Sound,-and'shb unloaded part of her cargo in tho'Sound.: "On.tW! 31st'She went into! the Pool, and unlcaded. the•>emhin4ep.of'her cargo.there.: Tho unloading.was.fuushed on the Cth June. Tho vessels aisuaJly.trad-,ing to Dungarvan wore smaller than the Longhurst.jNo vessel of so large a size had'ever been there be-:fore'. , - . Thd main. queetion in tho case was, whatwere the limits of Dungarvan harbour ? Tho casefor the plaintiffs was |that the 'Longhurst was not"within j the'; Unlit* o£ tlie harbour when sho ' was inthe Sound,. and that tho wholo of her cqrgo shouldhave been disohargodinitho; Abbey-hole. . - : ¦ •! ',.,rHis Lordship askedj tho jury whether there wasa place known to peoplo trading to Dungarvan asDungarvan harbour, ,and whether on the 29th and30th qf .May.the Lortjhur tt/ .irna anchored in Dun-garvan .harbour, .and readyi.to discharge hor cargoarrays afloat, having;rpgard to her Bizo.nnd draugntof •water, , and to. tho naturd pf her cargo ; and;: ifhot on.those;dayB/whcthen she was between i the31sfof May and the 5th of June. • .„ Aftor having retired'for nearly an hour, the juryanswered, this question in thelaffirmative.K A countor claim .was'made by .the defendants fordemurrage,' and the-jury retired to consider howmany laying, days the xJlaintittVwas entitled to, but atajqmrter post nvecthej hod not returned into court.

, ijCOMPLIMENTAItf 'ADDBES3 TO MB. E. ¦h:v | •- -i'JDTOKB iffiBAY,l'T.C.; M.P.- ."¦ 'The;rriift'.«m««'thu£ des«rit>cB the beautiful ad-dress which|has been presented'to the talented pro-jrHetor'of'the FreemanVVoiirnal;bythedepartmen-ta stafl in'the office of] that paper -—"The addresspresented' to'.Mft'!Ei D;1 Gmy, T.C., M.P., by thecommercial staff of 'thS Freeman, bn'tbe occasion ofthfrhon g.ehtlenian'8telerftion'forTipperary, has }uBttoean' illuminated in'the highest style of art, by!Mr.T.!;J,iLyncli;! C7;)Middle-Abbey-street, 'on artistWhose productions Welhavo favourably;noticed onseveral • occasions'. \ Thb address' i«"- remaikable forchast«'"de8i n and harmonious colouring, coupled

.'Jtitli! extreme "delicacy] ijrid^neatncBfi^of .'elocution;Strikingly prominent'in the tipper- margin are'goodportraite of Mrl'and Mipi <^ray, Bnnrionnted(by Sieirarms'in heroldfd "colours:"' The corresponding spaceAt the bottynttof >e:addr 8 is wjcupfed by a faith-:taX patotir4r':of t !thor- old'Parliament House, with'GratlanV'irtntuo inither fforegronnd.; ' On'the left isaft exqnisitor Uttle paintllig'of 'the Hock;of CaBhol,Unci; pn the!Hght''al:pretty -'Uttle'1 emblematic'Irishiscisne. tTho i letterfntf'ig/ pf' ccrarso/as'n'ear perfec-ion as possible, the Celtio initials being'little gems^

thefirlway1." '< "<> .!'l> '"- 1'; ":' ¦- "' ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ "¦¦¦ '?

tej 't . i-^ v''y;r"'';',. ,'¦¦"'; "t". *.'.,' """ ', ' ¦;": : ": ":. ¦

•¦•" ¦I.-iA; BRTDebEOOM LTVCHS'D:—The txuth of the old"Bdag , ','.There'8|nany a slip 'twixt the cup and the'lip,'? has just] ;been;verified in rather a remarkablenmndeVaV£'arnwortb laear<Bolton. . A ypung manemployed at> paperTniJlat JLoVer Kersley had'won,the affections: of a fairl'daimfel' who worked in annnning niai atCftainmerclongh/inthe same neigh-K)urhood,"and tBeylamjeedto] plight their'troth on

cfiaturuay.Ias]t.{ ' AccprcQngly dbout half -past 9, the'Mdetrwm','i'attir©(|[in n,1.Jight-coloured waistcoatMidm'arialweaK&i neVsilk hat,1 ¦ proceedecTtoescort the.bride to Jran inouth, Park Church, being.abootaipinied,; by 'the " lest ' man" and the brides-: aMi .rA]l WentJweU rM;the .'party arrived]at the•gate leiid '. -^^:AT h'y ,;:yheii . a >few ,ofho tridegTo6m>.friend \,came!up.and pressed him

itoOTt r. a. Jtofar in,iiM$t\U>. fprtify,;hiniself foi;'the'c^^mony.*.^Tieldirig'to |ieir'per»uaaionB.tho bride-.groom j Jeft Jbis.. lady-loi e arid' entered the public*M tjhei^ liB.y &dO bfiaJVcouple ot glaesep of. whisky. 'Meantinie the, 'ride had, become impatient,.]wtj[d .& few'of 5 her frieiidE at length entered the hbtoland cquested the. r e; rop to at

pnep proceedl to

chi^K .j';He refmjed »] danuBJijec .of ' men.theref .•jupoii a 'onccf

^seixepj Jpff jand carried' Hini into the

'whoi; M$pi -W fva?1' «Bt.Ih»,rfrl; into, shreds,battaDared-hisclothes w th treacle idflqur.jpllcd

]Wiff ih dust^and lte»tiirffjHtfc'|iticK», umfcraUas,'

[hi!tte«i ^ e,wj e>C]a Vetl, : to , decamp..) DMBlcojtryflye^'toih.e,;|rr de ,Vu'o,'jdeeplyrohagTxned,,ilef>7the|,cT»\!ich| wiSittl ajweddtog jiaHy.'^ThisVis'( •eor *4jTirJe |ih^^ >f

young papermaker has led;

>»WM damsel almo«t|tot le altar and then decamped.,

SAiyidilffp^WWiHy fs,: il wAi'o jrou broien irji,. -njtStt n a) "»'»i(?k jyUW jn foring with t fie pain of cutting]

erthf r Oorfonqi w rt ol smut and ot aboftle Qttf rs.f nnZ urp. BOOOTIHOSI Bttf: IKwill relieve tho poort^^VunnfecDaWJi jI: •is! etfccWtliaftnlek?'>Wllesi4nt;Wtt .;>'It jroi Moil a hatnral' quirt «loop bV:relieving Jthp child from pain,' and thbj littlo cherub'WkiiU i«s;brightJM k ^nttoniV£atVsoothc(>'ihotOAj H ^moHtm *mi, gn u^alUyt' all, poin>, roliove<>{jUfM^UatMthe boirel ,v a»d> the bprt faiown re-

BOABD 0F-GUAEDIANS- »ViDNS8bAfAid JACOB, J.P., . and subsequently Capt. PO-WKE;

' . , V.C., in thc chair. ¦ • ¦ • ¦'¦ Also present—Mr. P. Barron Newell, ¦ J.P.. Mr

Kent, Mr. O'Shea, Mr. Veale,- Mr. Lenmy, Mr. Morrissey, Mr. Hynes, Mr. Costelloo, Mr. Devercux , MrBarry, and Aid. Bedmond. i i

DI8FEN8ABY BU8INE88;.: Requisitions for medicines wero presented fiomTramoro and Mullinavat. but they wero reform!back to the' respective dispensary committees ofthese districts. ' • ' " > '. ' •!

A repbrt was read from, the "Watorford dispensarymeeting, held on Monday, jn which it was statedthat Dr. Dolandre, M.O., got Jcave of absence for.amonth, owing to" ill-health „• and that Dr. Freeman¦was appointed, pro (em at. three guineas per week.It appeared that Dr. Delandre suggested Dr. Alcockfor tho position, but the committee acted otberwiso.; Aid. REDMOND ' said he regretted to learn of theillness of Dr. Delandic; ho was a good officer , who,ho believed, had giveh great satisfactiou t<i thel>oard, as also to the poor of liis district (hear) .

' Mr. DEVEREV/X very .strongly protested againstpaying three guineas a wec,k for the temporary duty ;he thought two guineas dnougli , as had been pro-yiousljr agreed to by the boaM ivt a former meeting.i ¦ Capt'. 1'OWE R moved that it'bc two guineas, ivhichhe considered sufficient undei' all the ciroiuusUincus.Mr Deyercux seconded tlib'uiotion. Mr. O'Shea., Mr.Leaniy, MivNewell, and 'Mr. Mpm6sey ppppscd themotion, which wascarriocl.by a majority of one.' ¦ I TJIE OAS QUESTION. . . . . .

A letter, and petition .to the Lords, were read frouiMr, Fisher, T.C., against the . ^Yatcrfbl¦d Gas Bill.Mr. Newell, Mr. O'Snca.'iTr. Lenmy, and Mr. Mor-riBScy, spoke in favor of the petition, which, oa mo-tion of Aid. Bedmond, seconded "by Mr. O'Shca,passed unanimously. ' , . . ',¦ •! ' ." ' cATTtE 'ipLAOUE 'ACT. . . .• iOn motion of Aid. Kedniond,. seconded by Mr.O'Shea/Mr. Wm. Johnson, Y.S., was re-appointed,for another mouth, as cattle ,plaguo inspector forthe union. '

M00NC0IN IMPROVED ENTS.Mr.'Mackey, cWk,: read the. following :— • .'.¦¦ ¦ , ' ;Granagh HonflO, Juno, lfltli , 1377.

T» the Board of Quarclians Walerford Union. "'GEMTLEMBN—I beg to inform ybo Hint at a'pdbljo

meoUnj- hold tHis dny in Mooncoin,' for tho' pnrpoa'o'ofconsidering i tho sanitary roqaiicmonts of that Village,Eov. E. :WBlahi .P.P., Gapt. Honulton, -P.L.I., Aid.Redmond, Mr. Gaban, E.O., and novornl gnardinns androtopaptirs a( ondod,.it '.wa».unahimouBly roconun«ndodtho wall.1ietiwecn.tho pmnp.'and public roail, as also theone;adjoining thb polipo barrack, bo removed,' thadebristt) bo-used to' fill tno ctsrfpool adjoining tho pump; andtho pldcp'nrand if fliggod ; also that a'.pavcd channel bo.mpqavto'carry off the '(inrfa«o water; It wis conindOTcqrcqnisite to rent tho pound, 'and a small piebe of wastegroind »t.:tho end .of Chapel-street, for. tho purposo ofmaking manuro depots for public convenionoo.' . i • "'

¦'• ' Thp feoKng of tho meeting, was.that tho sub-BanitiryofBqor'shouli .Tisit tho villago weekly, and report anyuxistirig' nniaancen .t'o .the sanitary officpr.—I havo thohonor to lie; gentlemen,'yonr'B faithfully, ' ' ' .'. ., , ; ! - "'¦' ' :¦'' JbJiN 'J. RppMOND/Sanijiry Officer.,• : | Ordered; that the above recbmmc£ddtions be car-ried out under the directidns of the etinitary officers,at a co8t npt:'.to*'cxbeecl "X10,' as .phipoeed by'Mr:Eeamy, and seconded by Mr. O'Shea. - ' ' ' ' " .".''. . ! •'•' '-"• ' ' STATE OP THE fiCHOOLSV '. . An excellent and favorable report on tho state oftbpiwpr'khouse schools,, and" con vent/was read'fromthe lost'visitor,' N. A. Power; Esq. J.P., Bellcrue..'.; j ' NEWJ JtJHrEB .(lE'ELAl»D) ACT; ' ' '*"

,] An'order in cotncil' was 'read relative to this act,setting Torth'the'scalebf Balaries' fpr work jindor theact to clerks of unions," collectors, and iriiitorB;!'V.: ,A letter'was reaid from the Bev/P. O:Me'ara|, C.C.'j¦chaplain';'cpmpliiining'of the ventilation of ,thcj chf-pel of the workhouBe: Aid. Bedmqnd.projioifed,aridMr.! Newell seconded, that it bo' referred to'a.cbm-inittee, who: immediately visited the place, and madea report upon it:; ' ' • ' ' t

: ! : '.It was ordered that Mr. Jones, quay,'be employed

to]repair the harmonium used in the'chap-jl.' . '. A complaint was read from Dr. Elliott, relative tospme bread re<;cntlv supplied to the " house. : Mr.Jacquefr, 'contractor;-gave a personal' ex])lanation,when-'a 'portion" which had been rdiecte<l by,' themaster, was ordered to be taken back.'' Mri'JacqueBattributed tho bad bread to an "bver'sldck," or coldpv.en.'- ' ' •'' '¦"•• '¦ :"' ¦ ¦ • ¦ ' •

¦•¦ ¦¦¦! - •¦ ;-!-. "' . i : 1 < ¦ i '.¦,','.'jCapt."P6wBB suggested that the-rate's bo 6truqk:pn.thfs day week,"also tenders:taken for 'sour milk.' A report was-read'.from the master; that oxit ofthe 560'boy8 whd'left the house"witnii^the'last 16jyear8,' only threo'bf them are ' flow]'in' tho house ;and' ouf 'of- 82(J girls, only thirteen^"':' li:."" , J, "£b worth 'of books' were 'ordered .to be pufchaBcdfor the school children. ' The' board rbsb tibput twoo'clock.

¦;! ;;:• • • :i

,¦' ¦- ¦

¦¦• ¦¦> ¦¦¦¦_

) , !

¦• ' •¦

> ¦ ¦¦!'.; ¦ •

,; v, ' ' "-'AN APPEAL PB'OM 'THI! OEAy J!. '.' ' ' ' '"'. An' applicaticn via read frbm :John K"elly,' care-'

taker' at irMlynflieeshagh cemetery; ifatiii g he wasunable' to15 support himself an'd famiiy upon 12s.;aVeekj'.'hiB present' wages::and risking an iiicrease to'fifteen.' !": .!¦•>! ¦'• ¦¦ .' ¦' . 1 "' . ¦ • ", : ¦ ¦ '""

;;• . ' "-'j


, Mr.'NEWEtiii Raid he.hcard that this Hum]vlaa sobadly off that he'yas forced to supplcnibrit His. p're-'sent pay by taking work from farmers;1 -Ho 'wouldbo.for giving liim the'increase, but'ib Also would be'for keeping- him' to tho' solo "care of ,the ceiiicterygroundB, which are hot attended to at present''', ] Mr; BBENNAN said h'o-' .considered 12e~.Tc'iy goodpay. ' Whatkbouring-man in the cbuiitry got']more,and what farmer orgentleman wbuld'give himmbrb ?.. Jtr.' CAEEW1 said he1 thpug'ht lhat ivherb thte(v:hod

¦to strike such ii heavy rate ¦ as',was now preBBing' ' onthem/, the guanlians should1 declino to make anyincrease 'to'th'eir cx enditirr'e'.'''' '. ' ' ' ' ' >; '¦ ¦' "

Capt PowEBput in'a notice 'of iho'tion to give th!oincrease.'-." '" ¦¦'

; .:¦¦' ¦

.• .'¦•'-• - '"' z - t y . v.

-- -!:^ ¦¦¦¦: . . ';¦ ' v.

• ¦¦'. ''¦' • ¦' iEOAt pBoipprabs.1 ' '" ' ' ' '¦ ; 7 ;

During the'cpnsiaeratidt'bf the, relief casesitwasmpved by Mr. Cpnn, c<5ndci\iiy;Mr.-DbVereuj:, and.passed unanimously; th t'the, guardian's take legal'proceedings immediately against Marks' Folej% for-,m'orly bf Ballyhobuckj e 'pf'MulKnavatt, fpr nipneyduo by'him fpr the sup'pprt 'of hls'wifo in tho 'werk-1bodac; '-'' t"'-''¦ ' ¦ 'I' "'¦'- '¦' •'"' "• ' >'¦"¦' ¦i 'J '', { . ¦ I ' .".1 ' ' 'l"ADT'LAWB PKM8ABT H0iD8K.-' "' TTherO were ' six;tender^ fbr;thc' colouring of thoLQdy Lane .diqpbnsery'hbuse;'11 •'• ' !;1 '' ' . ' : . '

, Aid: BEDMOiirDniclVed.secbridbd pyMri-BiysBt vi;tho acceptance dFlthatibrMr.John'Jteating.at'Jez5s., which moti6n'pas8(>d. ! and the board rose soonafterwards.

''¦• ' •'-'• - . ''¦- '¦¦ *• -¦- "¦- " ¦£ '• ' ¦ ' ' '

. STATE pi1 THE Hooae:—-In' hoiiso Tuesday, June2, 071 ; admitted,Mfir*rri]^;dischargod,'4<5; died,7; in house'June ?,' 980} able idales, 8 j female3';i3jinfirmary, ' 416 ; fever' hospital, -2? '•/¦ provisions re1-ceiyed; 'v£l.D8 13a '4tf j;7 'db .coriBumed, JB146 4s 10d;average cost;'2s l( d; ihHrniary, 3s 4d; fever hospi-tal, 6s;''dining hall;- Sf^orut-relief, 1034—J&» 8s".4d. ; lost year, 1043—£A2 Cs. 8d. ; balanco aeainstunion, X3.247 Is. 8d. ¦u - .'. '.-. - '- '- : < < ¦ ¦ ¦ '" • - . '

i'BEOISTEATION. .OF, I)l8BABBEp, PBACTITIONIBO.—The two medical men", 'Dris.' Sheedy and;M&jh'an,,¦practising at K.ilmallock, co Limerick, who hadbbenstruck ' Off the : register'1 ofter'conviction for' a . con--.spiracy to defraud

¦the 'Yort'' Insurance Company, '

have bepn reinstated1 T 1 a, unahimbus'vpte' of the'Medical "(C<Jnncii: !' TV6'"cerdially 'approve 'of "thTsdecision,' becausp tjie''evidence' taken at; their.taial'never - satisfied us- that;-these ' praqt\tio ier ' wereparties ;tp '.an'y'icons i)Boy!''-'or iht ntional fraiicl, 'though undoubtedly'.givilty pf tne' gravest lndircre.'tion. ; -Theyhad been'irid'nce .'asniar'r feoollRctod;by'.'the local agent .of-'thev company ¦to%ign'-cOTtifl-:catesfot liersons whon* they hid daily'khbwledjfe' of;but never' extoWMl' They, were/told p'y'the'iigenithat :the dirwtors dispettBcd'-mthube'rebn eiaiifiinationj 'ai'd[only;: waMeft tjie perWflcttta'as a'riatterof form;- 'an6V:they-m'ost improperly gaVo ii:—2tcdi-eaiPr»$rand 'Cir6aiap_ •"*"•;! ';¦'"/ ,'"'!.- -".;.'i

'.';'w'.^• Evor'; soiioitbns fpr'^ellwelfaj:e|pl'lthe many'en?,

'tniBted to'jBpintual .caBb'," the reyere '.and most,esteemedj^ jnistrpib?|af~S j*Peter< in ) ¥>*}&'*>ClonmeU' e'v. C, J. .rjavanjiaa orrangea for ajici-ies,of deyouonyoxerc es^UMgithefprth'cpm^vena ot ,'the ,'patron stunts pf,, thp,Pftfiali,' when .vastcongregations .*ili;be cd ed; 'and fructe]diiiJ( thp'way of salyatioryiy; pious observances ajoB

ttp, jtaach-

ings of the,Bev; Meesra.' Kirby/iddBing, twp' yiemoat; able and eloquent pulpit orators in.'the] avcxe<3,:

™^*?«,f«liiii ,,; , 'C'A ", ';) >) hw ':i?£ii*; j BiLloiousi PBOTESSIOK.—On Monday the.Bolema^and imposing.-.ceremony-|of)profession, of. ainun^took, place t the Preaentation Convent,, Cttrrio.Tt-i3n-,Bnir. :.The young lady .who gave up homeandliiiia-;.red and the world's'attractions, to deyotia her younglifeio the. service ofvGod, was .MisalPhelan.tfronjBear Tramore, cousin fpf> the Bev. N;:Phel4n,;P.P.,Gammonsfleld, r, Tho Most Bev.C Dr. P,ower» Lord;Bishop of; the idipcese, presided A ireceiredHthe.final jyows of ) thff.ypungreugieuse;)! Amongit tie

.¦clergyman, present . wore i—The^Very.BoVi.Bitliarji• Ktrge»M,.P.P,%iOw»ick «.Snirj(EeT:T. Oi.Cdix.inell; dp)fBqy,'J|(. 3heohan,.-do; 3Etev;|M.'WaUlj. and

: Ber.! M.i Power, 'iBallyaeile j , the Bev C JlPltbTan, >,Adm.VuS8/ IPeter^an4;i1aul'fl. Olonmelj.iBet:!lt.|I Phelan, P.P., Gammonsfieldj.BeT.^TtDowley.iP.P,^Clones; IBOT.I "Mr, Powe'r, dof; BeV.1 Mri Burke; C4r>,rickbeg, AOJ, Ac,; n tbtiie termination; of j tie- so,T«nnceremonior4hortlatarei and.friendsiftfiJthetrnrwly-jprof eased.«un iwcreihotpltablyy entertained iiithe.pwiou*..refwtory:Qf the'Convent i>d,s :j p Bil -'p £iJu!-'• 'iTHkoA^AiM&no 'AteD HoAEBBKEilsf-f^AllsnfferiBg'rrbliJ IMUtite bf thrf'throat atiafh'6»fWoto»owmboHrreobMsni^riMd t almoqtiaimodikfa U^affordeaity libe HM?. ot(»Brownt Broriphiiail'rbqjito;lJThese amoMu'jJJifoiitofc'il aw> now.,jpldijn;iriofllrerl

. pc jbronohial affeobonii, ¦ cannot try. them/too. MOQi tf M'similar troublesJf allowed to prpgress rosnlttn atrtouPultaoniri/'itfd,%thmla6n* fel!('>bft{iil-*tS'' WOWB .''Brown's Bronchial Troches,' are dKtnffQifirfrft?ment HUaitJ arptmai*aaboi.-^M»riiifa ttrittb*3'olih'I.-•BrOwnTt rIk> j;UrH{ rmtoni&t)b «tp«J:'¦ i*M«» Mr:{i^w*ii '>r*fe*i' 8feiiiimmmi^^ '¦ ^iio^eaiffipS3i».thfeugh ParhftmBn '.thi.ffMdpn /ilimo^flaMt;,ptpb»ble thb' corporation s.wfllvtnen ' .oe]eniibi to'dratn,,ar4]»*k« «ofd land .&tlH ;iru «»|i$ %tiir!£ o « »J ,«p ,tr^^Qh^ lo)w%^


CITY COURT.(Before GEOEOE WATERS, Esq., Q.C., Chairman).)

(Concluded from our last).CRIMINAL BUSINESS.

Tho f ollovring wero Bworn as aPETTY JOBT.

Mt'Kars. William White, foreman ; Hunry O'Neill , Pa-trick Redmond, Jamos Meehan, Denis Kcogh, WilliamHassoy, Anthony Forristal , Edward Crowo, RobertWard, William Tnllis, William Stcphcnson and Whed-don Harvoy.

ROBDEKT.—Patrick Ftynn was indicted for havingat tho slip, Fcrrybank , Rtolon from ono Patrick Durnoya sum of £6. Mr. P. Kelly Crown solicitor, yronocutcd ;Mr. T/F. Strango defended.¦ Complainant deposed that ho was at the fair Watcr-fbrd on tho 4th of April ; on that day he sold four pigsfor .£7 14s, and cot paid tho money ; nfter tho Bale homet the prisoner, and had somo drink with him j theyhod more drink at Shortis's pnblichonso at Fcrrybank ;wliilnt they WCTO thero Dnrnoy pulled out tho notes to payfor it, but being drunk there was none given ; on thoway to the slip prosecutor found tliat tho money wasgone.

Mr. Michael Shortiss deposed ho kept a public honsoat Fcrryliank; on the evening of tho 4th of last Aprilthose two men came into his honso; one of them wasBobor, aud tho other was under tho inflncrico of drink ;wliilst they wero thcro ho snw a bundlo of nole« fallfrom Dnrney'R pocket, which wero picked up by Flynn,and wero put into the pocket again by him ; tlicy thenwentawny.

Mr. David Hally, publican, Ballybrickcn, deposed thatFlynh was in his liouso on tho evening of Wednesdaytho 4th of April , and asked for chango of a fivo poundnote ; gavo him the chango ; tho noto was ono of tho Na-tional Bank ; gavo tho noto tlio next day to a constable,changed money for this man before and never hail any

.complaint against him implicating his honesty.Mrs. C. Cnrtin deposed that tho prisoner came to her

grocery establishment in Ballybricken, and presentedher with somo bank notes to pay an acconnt which heowed her ; he had three single notes, with two halfsovereigns , and paying tho amonnt of his account, heasked hor to keep the balanco for him ; nho did HO ; shehanded over the balanco to tho police

The jnry found tho prisoner guilty, chiefly nnon thejOvidonco , of tho last witness , and ho was sentenced tasix months' imprisonment, at hard labor.

EMBEZZLEMENT AND FOEOERT.' ¦ Willia m Perciva l , a private , of tho 2nd DragoonGuards, a detachment of which regiment was stationedat ;Watorford, and to which detachment tho prisonerbelonged,. wan charged with having cmbezzlod the sumof .£10 by forging tho namo of Pay-Sergeant Edward

.Mills to the cheque which,was drawn by Capt. Montcithof the name regiment, which cheque he cashed at thoRational Bank in this city.

Ho wan also indicted for having cmbeztled the Bnmof 10s. 6d., tho property of William Dickenson, of thesumo regiment, and to these indictments tho prisonerpleaded guilty.

-His Worship, in passing sontence, eaid ho had readtho information!), and ho found that tho prisoner, whowas in a . , position 'of trnst in tho regiment—a letter-carrier—hod most seriously abnsod that trust by openinga letter addressed to a comrodo, taking.therefrom apoatoffico order, forgidp his name to it, obtaining the moneyand appropriating it to his own unc, as well as forgingthe namo of another to a cheque for monoy for the useof tho regiment, and doing tho name with tho amonnt.Both offences required a severe sentence, and for eachact . ho should go to jail for Bix months at hard labor,the second period to commence on the expiration of thofirst term: ' "

This case concluded tlio city business, and his wot•hip proceeded to

THE COUNTY COURT.Those sessions wero opened on Tuesday, at two

o'clock, in tho County Court, by the Chairman, G.Waters, Esq., Q.C. The sitting was confined to theruling of undefended civil bills, and the court od-¦ioufned shortly before five o'clock.

; : • WEDNESDAY. :•His Worship entered into the criminal business

this morning, at 13 o'clock, assisted by Messrs. C.Rogers, N. B. Wyse,- D.L., and James Power. Thefollowing were imponnelled on the

: ', OEOriNAL BO8INE6B.The court' then went into the criminal business,

impannelling the following' PETTY ; JUBY.—Michael . Leo, J. Kearney, W.Sbeehan, J. Mackey, Thomas Hahcssy, MichaelNorris, J. .Baldwin, J. Woll,D. Lynch, J. Thompson,James Shanahan.

BOBBEEY.—Ellen Lalor was indicted for having,on the 12th May, at Kilmacthomas, from one JamesShea, 8tolon:a.purse containing 12s. Mr. P. Kelly,crown solicitor, prosecuted, and Mr. Strange de-fendod. ¦ • . . , .

¦• James Shea deposed that on the 12th May he woe

in Kilmacthomas ; it was a fair day ; he wont intoConnolly's public house, which was very crowded atthe time ; as ho went in he saw the prisoner at thedoor; when he was insido he called for two halfglasses pf whiskey ; he took his purse out of thebreast pocket of bis coat ; than he had 13s. in it;ha' took a shilling out of it and paid for the whiskey ;he put the puree back into the same pocket ; drankhis whiskey, and pushed his way oat through thecrowd, as well as ho could ; when he got out hefound that his purse was gone, and he then re-ported his loss to the police ; in some time after-wards, the same day, he saw the purse with thepolice and it then had 18B. 4d. in it (laughter) ;never saw the prisoner before.

Constable Stephenson proved to his arrest of theprisoner, and to his finding a leather purse underher 'arm with 18s. 4d. in it; the purse was idonti-fiediby Shea1'as his property."¦Tho jury found the prisoner guilty, and havingbeen twice previously convicted of a similar offencetshe ]W]OB now sentenced to six months at hard labor.> ¦ AB8AHLT.—TAontas SlcOillicuddy, an army pen-sioner, and for some time post living, with hisfamily, in the workhouse, by way of loan, was in-dieted for having, on tho 26th May, at the work.

• house, assaulted Mr. Patrick Kennedy, the assistant'master. The evidence was tbe same as that rc-iporticd at the St. Patrick's Hall Petty Sessions,and jtho 'jury found tho prisoner guilty. His wor-ship took into account the point raised by Mr.Strange, .that the prisoner was suffering , from anaffection of the head, tho result of a wound in theCrimea, and also that the assault was not of a seri-ous nature, and sentenced the accused to six weeks''imprisonment, from date of. committal.- 'Jn tho third case there was "no bill" found, andtho criminal business ended.

The court then took up. " ' I i . . EJECTMENTS.¦• 'Two were at the suit of 'the corporation againstthe Misses Fogorty, one to] enforce a decree for pos-'session from defendants . for premises in Bridge'street; which they obtained from the late Mr. B.Jackson, of King-streetr«nrl-the-other-to recoverfrom same a .balance of rent, .£30 on each of the twoholdings. The right of rthe corporation as landlordswaa fully proven by 'James; Delahunty, Esq. M.P.,•City Treasurer, the onlydeferice being that tho pre-mises had been assigned under lease to the MissesFogarty, an < allegation denied on' the part ; of the

'plaintiffs. ' As defendants have a bill in chancery tosustain their averment, that they are tenants in re-.vorsion.his worship postponed any ruling as to tho first ,until that bill would be decided, and with regard to theBocond he gave a decree for tho amount, defendants,a8king for and getting, with consent of Mr. Delahunty,for the corporation, one'month to pay. Mr. Strange,'solr., appeared for tho corporation, and Mr I. Thornton,eolr.J for the defence. '. ' ' • ¦ ¦i.~. The-other ejectmenta, three in number, wero of aminor character.' They wero undefended, and, when dis-

,posed bfi-the court roao.' ; • ' ' . '

;. ' T H U R S D A Yi: .•>.¦:: ¦ r . ' - .

;.;r; j i, ;, ;,. ,....; .; CIVIL .BitLB. . ¦

• (¦Qolfer '.\.ii. ,Central Ireland Railvry.—This was a pro-

cess br a pig'dealer; Thomas Coif or, against defendantaforr£5158.'0d.t.amount pf alloged loss upon an asserteddelay] by the company, in forwarding certain figs pur-.'chaied by.him from Maryborough to Waterford. Mr.Wf.B.iSargent, B.L., iustrnoted by Mr, Thornton, forplaintiff ;.i Mr. T- F. Strange for dafcadants. ¦ It ap-pcarod from the evidonce of plaintiff , that a number pfpigs were booked"in Maryborough for. Watorford, foraccount of plaintiff

on the 29th of January last, which,as alleged by plaintiff/did not reach until the Bccond dayafterwards, and- when they did one of them was dead,

.caused by the delay,' whioh delay left the animal withoutproper-attention, r Oa > the part of the defence, it wasdeposed to by i Mr. -M. -Power, station master, at Mary-borough, that tho pigs were booked there without delay.and Mr. Williams, Secretary to tho Company, deposedto hnirinp.'received & telegram from Maryborough,"foriinstrnotions abont tho transit of those pigsi'and/that heissued the necessary directions to cany ont that object ;the delay was caused by the state of Thomastown bridge,:which waa broken down that night. Peter Holy, enginedriver, deposed to his leaving Maryborough that night,with43 wtgyom of ipigs for Waterford, and that thorails kept him ;backl muoh by being very slippery, andJamos Brien (wore that tho storm of the 20th of JanuaryHew down the girders of, the Thomastown bridge..) Mr.Ct Gallwoyy-iengiheer' to jthe company,', deposed therewore Bsverol hMtvy fAsdiahts on- the line to Waterford,iwhibi, at #3nd«,iwonJd Kive the effect of delaytng a train,in4 c n'th» ,rdiht of (the" 29th of January, thorfl was' aCTribloetoTm^whloh had» moat ininriout effect nnen<tt^ThomMWW11;bridge,:«nd stopped tho'.trains for a'[mo, In anawcr to thech»irman aa to whether thb-nigsrere fed wbilrt ibrinffydelayed .before reaching Wator-ord, > period of twenty four hours, Mr.'Kooffe deposed

in thpir haviargoi ojie meal at Kilkenny. : His worship'tald ono meal i in ;that ; period .'was 'not eEbughjl; Theohnlrman held that the' company, wero liable for the do-lay y they not appearing, to . him to have made full oxer-, tion, 10 clear the linoin tirhe.'and he would giVB a dooroe'a?. lOn-ffot'thedaodpig, and £1 1B. id. for'aio de-

catt^ fr^Wn Tlus'Trasi'a^MOMa for .'41 'isitox.jCaJipai jrii .by:', defendant\}. bdonglaft to jjilaintiff.;

ISMniVSiwu^.-'acMied- that;she' bought , x4 worth;f'"c« >4fejifr^'tJfa"Bvan,;-John;s fiiU'j gave rJSX« ««Jr;>^Wti


np:a,7ew.days after to itbttoo;;pf'Vw|ii^W.1Bjan"sMd-8Wha4m^^M t 2 iF?Ji 'J?Bi(XT ' *

ho' ent";.'witness

¦iTOH?; * '#PSW/ '1wp«Jil2i jworth ofW*"* SB'yS1?JSyWf,7n9.tw¥Lan5Pp3ne»dr did n'otan-

ear, tfcnajWie.Cbj^ri lanMkod.MrFeeWwhQ appoarcd

I rasn SBBSffi srsassa.,'?•• i*E fflWFWi awn omowa Ui«trd«feMantJiad-

i^te fete- }0- 'W$wt w0?\

wero'40loads in it; think 40load« atls Gd alood, woul11

lo ononeh. Decree for £G 10s 8d. ... .. ,• SSV. H'alsh.-This was an action for £M illegaldiatrCR-i Tho plaintiff held a room from defendant in

C house in Bank-lane. Plaintiff deposed she oweddefendant 4B : on tho 3rd March ho seized a lot of good«

bo onringtohcr ; ho did not say what tho amount 0?ho debt was ho ieizcil them for -. 'ho assanltod her, and»he Bummoned him ; ho was fined for tho oflonce.

His worship granted n decreo for 2* (id and costs, anilordcred the defendant to immediately return tho goods

he seized on.Tho Court rofiC at five 0 clock.


The court sat at ten this morning, and entcrod onthe business of


Mr. Kelly, S.C.S., applied on tho part of Mr. EG Pcet under tbe Sth section of the Landlord anilTenant Act , for leave to get 30 years' lcaee of partof tho lands of l'iekai'ilstov;n, contmmng 102a.. 3r.5p., statute Dieasmi!, :it a yearly rent of 11.U.Chairman : Docs tho lease <lea l with buildings .'Mr Kelly : Yes. If ilcstroycl , they are to he re-built by the tenant. Tho property is in tbe bandsof the' trustees of the Shoe Charity. Chairman :You must prove that you have an estate in fee, andthat no fine w:is paid. Mr. Kolly : I can prove Hint ,myself. (Attested copy of the will of MutthewShoo, dated 1S32 , devising the lands in fee tu thotrustees, was handed in). Chairman : Now you mustprove that this is a fair rent. Mr. Kell y sworethat the rent was at the rate of S.2. an Irish acre ;the previous Tent was X»7 on ;i 21 years' lease— FO

that the increase of XJ:j was n, fair offer for a 3.">yearR' lease. Chairman : When docs the presentlease expire ? Mr. Kelly: It was held under twoleases, one of which expired in 187-', iuul the secondwill expire in 1S7.H. Chairman : Who holds t!ieland now ? Mr. Kelly : Mr. Poet. He holds bothleases, and I think £120 a very fair rent, and therehas been no fine paid. I might say that the landBdo not comprise any demesne lands. Chairman :It seems all right, but I will have to read the leasebefore I give my decision. The only thing to con-sider is, whether it would not be necessary to get asurrender of the lease of 1878, for by the Act thenew lease Bhould come into operation within a year.It can make no difference to surrender the presentlease. Mr. Kelly : I can do it to-day. Chairman :Do it then, ami I will jjrant the application.

Eli ia Curtis and others v. Anne l'owcr.—This wasan ejectment brought by Eliza, Susan and RebeccaCurtis, and W. Waters, to recover possession of thelands of Ballyvillan, containing 35a. lr. 3Gp., heldby Anne Power an yearly tenant. Mr. Matthcson,instructed by Mr. Delandre, appeared for the plain-tilfs, and Mr. Strange for the defendant. Mr.Strange : We have a land claim. John Quinlan,process-server, proved the service of the notice toquit; and that he demanded possession on the 20thMarch, 1S77. Mr. Strange : That puts you out ofcourt. The notice is bad, because it is a nptico toqnit in the alternative, and not at tho fall of theyear, as required by the 58th section of the Act.Eliza Curtis was sworn, and proved her signature tothe notice to quit. Mr. Strange : Has your brotherany claim to this property ? No; except some re-lative claim. Chairman : Did you receive rent fromAnne Power for these hinds ? She paid rent to ourfamily as tho representatives of Mr. Sullivan. Mr.Strange : Sho wonts to aveid the land claim. Mr.Mattheson : The rent is JE37 18s. Gd.—has she beenpaying you that rent for many years ? As Mr. Sul-livan's representatives. Did she pay you rent ? Iaccepted rent from her by Mr. Dpbbyn's instruc-tions. Mr. Mattheson : The rent was paid nnder alease for three lives, the last of wliich dropped in1808, but we did not know of it at the time. Noticeto quit in a year, was served on the 18th March,1870, and that was perfectly good service. Cliair-man : The point raised is very important, and Iwould like to let it stand till to-morrow morning toconsider it. Mr. Mattheson : Very well ; we willlet it stand. Mr. Strange : There is a land claim.Chairman : But if I do not give a decree of eject-ment, what good will your land claim be ? Mr.Strange : We will be entitled to our costs of dismis-sing tne ejectment.

CIVIL BILL8.Morrisscij v. Ryon.—The plaintiff , Mr. E. Morrissy,

T.C., is car proprietor, undertaker, 4c, Beresford-street, in this city, and defendant, Mr. K. H. Eyan,is city engineer, and the process was to recover £272s. cor hire to and from Knockoderry waterworksby Mr. Eyan. Mr. - J. J.- Feely for plaintiff ; Mr. I.Thornton for defendant. Peter M'Lean, examinedby Mr. Feely: Are you in Mr. Mbrrissy's employ-ment as book-keeper? Yes. How much docs Mr.Eyan owe ? £27 2a. for car-hire. By whom werethe cars ordered ? By Mr. Eyan. Over what perioddoes tho account extend ? Frpm tho 11th Ootobor,1876, to some months since. Mr. Thernton : We dpnot dispute the amount, but only our liability. (Towitness) : Who owes the money ? Mr. Eyan orderedtbe cars peruonally. To whom did he give thoorders ? Sometimes to me, and sometimes to themen. Who did you bppk fpr them ? Mr. Ryan.Since the waterworks committee paid the lastaccount, they said they would pay no more; they re-fused to pay the account when it was 6ent in. Whenwas that? On the 7th bf March. ¦ Did you not knowthat Mr. Eyan was only the servant of the com-mittee ? Yes, but he ordered and used the cars, andI sent them out according as they were ¦ ordered.Why did you send the account to tho waterworkscommittee ?¦ Because I was told, and they objectedto pay it. What did theyobject to pay ? 103. a time,and we thon reduced the price to 8s.

Mr. J. W. Howard, solicitor, Town Clerk, statedthat the waterworks' committee originally enteredinto a contract with Mr. Morrissy to supply cars totako Mr. Ryan out to the waterworks, and up to tbe11th Oct. they were willing to pay, and paid him ;the question was then raised in the Council, and itwas decided that Mr. Ryan should pay for his carhire out of his salary; after that resolution was cometo on the 6th March, tho'Committee could not payMr. Morrissy any more; they had ordered a paymentof £11 88.'6d. in October, which the Council refusedto ratify in ' March. Mr. Thornton : There is nodoubt the monoy : iB due to Mr. Morrissy, but ourcontention is that it is duo by the committee. TheChairman said he should dismiss the case, on thoground that Mr. Moirissy' had all through treatedMr. Ryan as the agent of the waterworks committee,who were the persons to whom he gave the credit,and he could not now turn round and say to theagent, "! will change the contract, and make youpay.". "Stfll he-thonght Mr. Morrissy ought to bepaid, and he ought to be very cautious in supplyingany more cars under the circumstances. - Mr. Mor-rissy : Mr. Ryan and I were very good friends. TheChairman : The' next time he Bends' for a car askhim who is it for. -'-I must rliginiga tha case. -

Phihp QuigUy v. Corneliut Uogan.—The action inthis case wag brought toi recover £3 '12s. 6d., theprice of a firkin of butter," alleged to be sold anddelivered to the defendant, who ia a butter merchantresiding at .Thomas's-hill, in. this city. ..The plain-tiff was examined by Mr. Feely and stated that heBold a firkin olbutter in the Waterford. market to aman named Power, who said ho was buying for Mr.Hogan, the "new merchant.": Mr. Thornton : Ourdefence is: that we never bought the-butter, andnever got it. . Plaintiff : I saw Power. boring it.Mr. Thornton : .Didn't you lose it ? No; I sold it!and did not get' tho price of it. The defendant'stated that Power was. . not employed by him, buthad, on a few occasions, brought him butter, which

,he took, allowing Power something for his trouble ;.on the' occasion in question Power, brought him.three or fbjri firkins which he bought and paid for,.giving Power a\ small .commission, and (the lattersaid] ho had lost a firkin' belonging to Quigley.'.Defendant;did not employ] Power at all on that day.'The,Chairman said he would take time to' consider.the question'of agency.'.\ Ellen Ryan , y. Btnjamin Bunbury.—This was anaction tq recover £2X> 18B. Id., alleged to be duo formeat by defendant,,who then lived in Tramore, tothe plaintiff, a -victualler .in High-street, in'- thiscity. ',Mr. Delandre.appeared for the plaintiff , and'Mr! iThornton for the defendant. ,.Mr. John Eyan'stated the !money claimed.' was due for meat sup-)lied, at lOd. per lb. To iMx. Thornton ; I offeredto give .the' defendant meat all round at 0d. per lb.,if no would take coarse meat occasionally, but hejieter. did ,'so, and I therefore charged him 10d.,/which.w&s j'a.fair, market; prioe for legs of mutton-and steaks,;.', , i ; ' ,-, : ' ¦•; ¦ : • ¦: " ¦ ¦ '• J Chairman—rDid you ever tell him that you wouldfill back on the lOd. rate?—No, for I did not meethim ] but when ha broke it, I fell back on that rate,of course.4-Tke Chairman held that he should havebeen' told,-and therefore decreed for only 9d. per lb.Mr. Thornton BSM they were always ready to paythat sum, but it would not be accepted. • " - ¦ '

1 -By a% v. Power.~This was a process for-recoveryof £S 83.1 paid OB rent in 1874 by plaintiff to defend-antVThomaBiPower, of QurtahiUa;' without know-ledge ot the fiict that ?P6wer < had gurrendered hisinterest in| tha place, and was therefore- not 'en-titled to the money. • i-The defence was that'the JE8,&k,«u-portion/of an old debt. : Dismissed without' entered injthe prooess, in tho second. . - ; .':prejudice; r': 1; 1 " > "; <' ¦ .¦':¦¦ '< ¦ ¦••¦ "'• '¦ - • . • • ' Quigley y.; JJojon.—In ithis caao, adjourned froni.n: i .W 1! !i" -'^- : v -. SATOSDAY; •'.::'¦ : ; . :•!. ¦ • ¦

the preyipn«dayi,. ,beiag an action to recover astua ;jfttihe Ohaumwi sat at ten this morning. ¦The first of £3 l2s..6d.,tnJB value of a firkin bf butter, allegeci; i, Ubusuieas by. hic;Wor»hiri was to refer to the cases of to be sold by the plaintiff to a man named Pawey-j ;;V?:¦/ O»«w v, iP«wer !oT«J'.:Poicei; yf Cv rt i i, adjourned acting for.the defendant, his worship gaTeinagm'efflV,'|.V:>.'rpm: the previous day, to consider V point ¦ raised holding, with apmii , doubt, that Power. was ' not', £•£

byrJlr.; Strange,;- on,.- the authorit ofMcCormac r. Hogan's agent in' ihe transaction "aud 'he 'shonU'-? ;tturphy, abiir t the,7alidity of the ejectment and thereforeotenisg fty'caBeV" '' •"' ' ' '< :i ''rVK-le noUce. te_quit.'?.i)His worship said he w nia now >: The sesaon /concluded at'lwb o'clock, and next"!f U

aupw Mis»;Curb» to. prove when' the tenancj" com- day his wdrship; 'Accompanied by W. 'JJDennp .-'O';toenc .vJMis«y ElimiChirtw'produced t tho' lease; EB . Cleikfof theTeace, left for Dungarvan1 to open r?T&dated';Atign8t; 789,-.holdfor flireeI lives—these of the sessiona thereon Monday. :- • "' ' !.-M-- %* f l & ktobertl 8uUiv«n «indJhiB 'Bpn;and daughteii/toithd = -; -:i J ' ''v^:i.i~~i. ' ' ' , . :, > •:ij.oie^J

fe^i ^S^ oS kiioffi fei S iPm(s^1 !r| i^ ^;ih^GeM&.; |;WOTBI

tfei^%cto:i!^ gPark,.]ff^ g|p|

cate.-wns: my; tehc diiA?1 :!'N'n"isit'; «u Tiaia Ti-n w '• '< " "' ' • ' 1 1 "' '_'*' ._ '"¦'l i Jt'-'FBaa¦iijT1 'Jr '.irrff Lf .rT '' 'Mj ip &ti 00 '' l»«"~^P¥* HP -W. ,- 1 ' ¦ - . ipr,lh? iP^T jJeptember.'j.-iMrt. .POWHIM a'en :in w^]F*??™n&$*!*$& she get into;:.them.P,: My-fai¦ ^sSra^^ H 'wSrftW'1-«?^ 5 ih?: »«

tt»ytoAthei.in.lftw>Miohaol:PoVer; .'£ ISIvlw SM^^ o iKitf^ mlr vbr^ht'ii^btheTn-ferMrp »ol -8ulUvan; liin®^ ^ :' ,tSpteWirt fS Mynm *m .6«*a^;the aeath^fvth'e Uti^W* -WttbS W ^p^^i^i^t^rtW S B

you continue to tako rent from Mrs. Power ? S]]Ctendered mo rent in May, 1872 ; that was for theMarch gale.

Mr. Mattheson argued from this evidence that thenew tenancy commenced from the March after kissCurtis heard of tho death of the last life. MrStrange : You got the certificate, Miss Curtiis, inFebruary, 1872 ? Yes. Mr. Strange then arguedthat the nowtenaucy would date from the next jmleafter the death of the last survivor, ;LS no freshcontract was made after that date.

The Chairman—I could not hold that at all.Mr. strange—They hate not proved the tormina,

tion of tho lease. I don't think the certificate is evi-dence at all. Chairman : Oh yes it is. Mr. StrangeThen whero did he die ? In Hearne Bay, iaKssex; ho was hiding from his creditors How ,j0you knpw Mary -Sullivain, tho second wife, isdead?I heard several say sho died in Waterford. Chairman : Wo have no proof that the Win. Sullivan whodied in Essex is our William Sullivan. There arethoiiRimls of the name in Ireland. Mr. Mattheson -T will produce the certificates of his death and antvou to hold that ho is the man Chairman : I don'tthink I could ; but supposing that you had satinBodmo that the tenancy d-jterminod in March, you havegot to provo the -sufficiency r.f the notice to quit.Mr. Mattheson having nrgucl that the notice irasgood, the Chairman said Uuit he would dismiss thoeji'ctinct , but advised Miss Curtis to appeal Ifthat were done anil his decision uphuM, he would,at tho next sessions, dismips the land claim, and'•»ivo Miss Curtis her costs;if his decision were re.versed hi; would then bear tbe land claim.

ZJKCTMKNTH.Barron v. Commiiis.—This was an ejectment on

tho title l>y Sir. Henry P. T. Barron, liart, againstJames Comniins, for part of the lands of Kilsteagueof which he forcibly held the possession. Mr. Thoe!Drlandre, solicitor for plaintiff , explained to thecourt that there was a lotting of the lands of Kil.steajnie in 1RC9, by the late Sir. H. B.irron to Ed-wan! Coinmins, the present plaintiff, subsequentlycoming into possession as landlord ; on the 2nd ofJanuary the rent of the lands fell into arrear, uxjon the lGth of February a decreo for poHgcasiou, ob-tained at the January sessions, was given to theSub-sheriff , and executed by him against the thentenant, Edward Comrains; on Commins beingjiutout an arrangement was made with one John Har.ney, who was taken as tenant for the whole of thelands.'and he was let. into possession, but at thesame time, the present defendimt, l>y Eouie meanjor other, got into three acres of the lands, and heldthem against tho will of the landlord, which actnecessitated the present ejectment. He (Mr. D.)did not mean to say that Commins got into posses,sion by actual force, but he did say he was there asa trespasser, and it was requisite to have him ejec-ted. . . . . . .

Michael Butler deposed he was present when theejectment was executed by the Sub-sheriff , Mr,Hudson, and was then put in as a caretaker; whenHomey came in aa tenant witness demanded pos-session from theprcsentdefendant, and was refusedby him.

John Harnoy deposed that he got the lands fromthe Sheriff as tenant ; when ho went into the farmhe found the defendant in possession of a portion oiit, about six or seven acres ; demanded poesessioDfrom him of this pprtion, but he refused to let himhave it.

Mr. Daly deposed he was manager in Mr. (P.Newport) Borron'a office, who was agent for SirHenry Page Turner Barron ; the landlord neveragreed to tako this man, Commins, as tenant, thewhole farm having been let to Harney after Com-mins, the former tenant, had been evicted. Thecase here concluded, and

His Worship, ruling, said he regretted that, upona point of law, he should dismiss the process, thepoint being that the process, to be successful, shouldgo for possession of the wholo and not for part ofthe lands. At the same time that he did so hewould advise Commins to abandon his present coursepf action, for he might depend upon it that in theend he would find the law too strong for him.

Mr! T. F. Strange, solr., for defendantCIVIL BILLS.

Redmond v. Knox.—This was a process by plain-tiff, Mr. P. Eedmond, hardware merchant, Barron-strand-street, fpr £2 18s. 10d., ampunt of goods soldto the alleged order of defendant, Mrs. JohannaKnox, King strcet. Mr. J. J. Feely appeared forplaintiff , and examined Mr. Eichard Moore, whodeposed he was an assistant in the establishment ofthe plaintiff ; knew Thomas Walsh, slater andbuilder • he came to the plaintiff's shop fpr locks,keys, which, he said, he was directed by Mrs. Knoxto get for some houses he was building for her ;along with tbeso articles he required eave shoots forthe same houses, and all were given to him for ac-count of Mrs. Knox. In answer to Mr. Strange,for. defence, witness said the goods were ordered inthe shop by Walsh, but they were given for the useof . Mrs. Knox. Mr. Strange said that his clientknew nothing, whatever, of the eave shoots, or whythey were' got at all.

Mr. Thomas Walsh, on examination by Mr. Feely,deposed that he had had a contract with Mrs.Knox to build some houses for her ; got the eaveshoots for Mrs. Knox because she told him to do soto'put them on the houses ; he first asked her wherehe would procure them, and she Raid anywhere heliked ; he, said he dealt himself at Mr. Redmond's,and would obtain them there aa cheap and good asany other'place in town ; she then told him to getthem there ; from certain circumstances which oc-curred towards the end of the contract he wouldhave got and put.them up at his own expense inorder to got clear of tho work. On brief cross-ex-amination by Mr. Strange, witness maintained hiaoriginal testimony.

Mrs. Johanna Kriox, the defendant, examined byMr. Strange, deposed she had had a contract withThomas Walsh, the lost witness, to build her anumber of, houses at £40 a house ; she never gavehim any authority to procure those things.and neverauthorised him to go to Mr. Redmond's for them ;a boy came to her with a bill from Mr. Eedmond'a,but she threw the bill aside without looking' at it.On cross-examination by Mr. Feely, defendant saidthat Mr. David Cnllinane hod been her agent forBUC years_;) he mado the contract for building thewhouses with Wahih for the sum she had named, tocover everything; her brother was there too, butshe could swear there was nothing said as to thosecave shoptaj.she did not know whether the wit-nesses on the other side perjured themselves or not—8he;did, not say they did, but what she sworewas true.'

Mr. David Cullisano, to Mr. Feely, deposed thathe was acting as agent to Mrs. Knox up to eome,time ago ;, she gave him orders to go for Walsh^ndto have him to get the eave shoots ; before be ladhad time to do eo the shoots were got, and pot up.by Walsh!; Mrs. Knox gave him £211 to meet thecontract, but that amount was not to cover thewhole, for at that time there was nothing said aboutthe eave shoots. . The'witness was cross-examinedshortly by, Mr. Stmnge, but it waa only a repetitionof his main evidence. :

Tho next process being one by Thomas Walsh,witness in the hist case, against Mrs. Knog, for JE6,on on account stated and settled, it was decided tohear it; before there was any ruling.

Plaintiff deposed that he agreed with defendantto give up the contract before its completion, as therewas unpleasantness between them, he to receive JE6,on surrendering what building'rnaterials would thenbo pn the ground ; afterwards, however, defendantfailed to give him; the £6, although he surrenderedthe. contract, and he paid Mr. Redmond £3 19«. for ;what was got from him for the work. Mr. Strangecross-examined plaintiff with a view toBhow that he' 'was not entitled to this, amonnt, inasmuch a« there . ::was no specific agreement with him, and that be • ¦had outrun his authority in. ordering goods, bnt "] '. '..plaintiff Bwore that the agreement was made by Mr. ,' . ' ]',Cullinane, hor brother being present in a room in '' .defendant's Bhop, and that she was fully aware ofits ,nature. Mr. D; Cullinane corroborated the evi- '¦ 'dence of the plaintiff as to the making of the agree- ' 'ment about the £6, and then ' ' '

John McDonnell deposed that he was present -it . 'the making of the agreemont, to which Cullinane, 1. .'Malone, Mrs. Knox's brother, were witnesses, the . . .. 'plaintiff being also there ; Walsh was to get £6, and : -¦that suxa jma. to clear off all betweon the parties»;;<witness srent by directions for Mr. Eedmond's .bill/ ' i -.and brought it to defendant. , • . . • • .,• ":

Mrs. Kriox, on examination by Mr. Strange, em-:; .phatically.'Bv/ore, she knew nothing of £6 to plain-'). '¦¦':tiff, and never gave her consent to any such agree-ment.' To Mr. Feely: Had no conversation with J •,*;her brother about arranging the matter with Walsh!- .; ,To Chairman : CullinaneJ was arranging the matter ;-'r; itor me • nty brother hsd.nothing to say to it •" ¦¦• ¦ ri . '

The Chairman said; that not alone upon the evi*' !" 'dence for the plaintiff, but alto upon the adinisBioiu ¦'¦'; •'made by defendant,' he had no difficulty as to whit' l'"-:he should jib, and that was, to give a decree for£2 ;'-18s. lOd. in the first case, and for £3 9s., the amount::if•"'

n Kiv i : 'i:i v . - ii ;r-i«^