!l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The...

!l]VirginiaTech I Jeanne Coates Prime Consulting Services Inc. 111 Tiger Paw Path Yorktown VA 23693 Dear Ms. Coates: Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.procurement.vt.edu March 21 , 2017 Subject: Virginia Tech Contract #TS-038-12 Commodity/Service: Magazine Advertising Sales Services Thank you for responding to my letter of March 20, 2017 and agreeing to extend the contract. Per mutual agreement, the contract will be extended for three months; the term will be April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017. The vendor agrees to cease selling ads for any issues after the May 2017 publication. Vendor will supply documentation for any ads secured as of March 31, 2017 for the Fall 2017 and Winter 2017-18 publications. Virginia Tech agrees to pay commissions to vendor for ads for the Fall 2017 and Winter 2017-18 publications that are documented as of March 31, 2017, in accordance with the terms of the contract and the terms of the insertion orders with advertisers. It is agreed that no further commissions will be paid for this contract for any publications after the May 2017 publication, apart from the documented agreements as of March 31, 2017 for ads in the Fall 2017 and Winter 2017 publications. The attached form shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please make corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner. We look forward to working with you for the additional months. KDD/kbl Sincerely, Kimberly Dulaney, CPSM, CUPO Assistant Director & Contracts Manager Telephone: (540) 231-8543 c: F.M. Pro Jesse Tuel Invent the Future VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity , affirmative action institution

Transcript of !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The...

Page 1: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

!l]VirginiaTech I

Jeanne Coates Prime Consulting Services Inc. 111 Tiger Paw Path Yorktown VA 23693

Dear Ms. Coates:

Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg , Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.procurement.vt.edu

March 21 , 2017

Subject: Virginia Tech Contract #TS-038-12 Commodity/Service: Magazine Advertising Sales Services

Thank you for responding to my letter of March 20, 2017 and agreeing to extend the contract. Per mutual agreement, the contract will be extended for three months; the term will be April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017.

The vendor agrees to cease selling ads for any issues after the May 2017 publication. Vendor will supply documentation for any ads secured as of March 31, 2017 for the Fall 2017 and Winter 2017-18 publications. Virginia Tech agrees to pay commissions to vendor for ads for the Fall 2017 and Winter 2017-18 publications that are documented as of March 31, 2017, in accordance with the terms of the contract and the terms of the insertion orders with advertisers. It is agreed that no further commissions will be paid for this contract for any publications after the May 2017 publication, apart from the documented agreements as of March 31, 2017 for ads in the Fall 2017 and Winter 2017 publications.

The attached form shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please make corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner.

We look forward to working with you for the additional months.



Kimberly Dulaney, CPSM, CUPO Assistant Director & Contracts Manager Telephone: (540) 231-8543

c: F.M. Pro Jesse Tuel

Invent the Future

VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity , affirmative action institution

Page 2: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


TS 038 12 ------- for office use -------

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.


(If different than Full Legal Name)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice)



111 Tiger Paw Path




VA 23693


Jeanne Coates


[email protected] EMAIL

Kim Dulaney


FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than ID# above)

FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (if different than ID# above)



111 Tiger Paw Path




VA 23693







Page 3: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

W Virginia Tech

Jeanne l oate Prime ( on ult1111.! en ice, In, 11 I Tiger P,m Path ) orl-ttm n \ \ _ ;<,•11

\ m;1111a I .:ch C ,intract ' l -0 , -1 ~

Procurement Department (MC 0333) Orth End Center Suite 2 00 Virginia Tech

300 Turner S ree NW Bia sburg Virginia 24061

0:231-6221 Fax 540'231-9628 1•.ww procuromen VI edu

( \,mmoJ11~ Cl' 1 e \ lag.um.: \ d, cr11 -, 11g 'iak, '>en 1..:.:,

fh" ,, 1n 111fonn ~llu that the ,ut 1e~t rnntr,llt e,pire \lard1 ; I. 2111, I he unl\c r 11~ ,,,1uld like 1,1 e,tcnd the ·,in trau l11r ,111 addi ti,,nal •-month Pica ,. aJ, 1 c onccm111g ~,,ur in t..:1111 ,111 h~ ,il.!111111! 111 the appwpnate pa c 11 tcd hcl,m \ ,urned cop~ of thi . ktter ,hould be rcc..:l\cd h~ Procurement h~ \larch 2,. 20 1-

Per mutual Jgrcem..:m. the ..:omr.,~t "ill I c ,·,11:nJed hir three 111,1111h n1e term "ill he \pril I 20 1- thru June ,o. :) 11-

Till' 1·e11dnr Uf.:rrc, tr> ce"' " ,clli11,: ad,for a11_r i~(m•, "fier th <' \ Jay !fl/- p11hlic(Jfio11. I cndnr ,..;11 w1ppl_r fl11cumellf11ti,111 for a11_r ml \Cc11re1/ 11, 11f \ fllrc/1 JI. 2111- for rt,e F11/I 1111 - 111ul II imer 20, -. / 8 publirnri,111 . I ir,:i11i,1 1 eclt 111:ree\ r,, p11y commi, ,i,111 , ffl ,·emlnr for 111/1 for th 1.• r1111 !() I - 111ul II imer !I), -.u, p11hlimrio111 1t,m ,ue doc11111e11tetl t11 of \larch 31. :!(II-. i11 11ccorcl1111ce with the tertm of t/11• co11tr11ct 11111/ tlw t1.•r111\ tJf the i111rrri1111 11rrl1•r, 11·iri, 11t/rerti\Cf\. Ir i\ n;:n•ctl that 110 further co111111i ~imn 1t'il/ bt• paid for rhi\ c1111tr(JCf for (/Ill' public(J/il/11, aft£'r f/, £' \lay !/1 I" p11hlirntim1, 11p11rt from the 1/ornml'llfc•tl a;:rt•t•m1111t1 11 1 11/ \ fnrc/1 31. _ 111-r,,, 1111, i11 thl' l-111/ :!(JI - 11ml II illfer J(} I - 1111hlic11tio111.

In adJ111,, n. re,1e\\ the attached lom1. \\h1d1 h,m, ~nur nm1pJt1) 111f11m1.11 111n :i Ii tcd 111 the un,,cr 11~ \ ,cnd,)r JJtaha,c I fan~ ofth1 1111 ,mnation h:i, d1anged. make .:orred 1,,n Jircctl) ,111 th ' I 1m1. ;md return \\Ith th!\ letter 111 c ~ent1,1I th" m ,1m1.111011 he ,IC ·ur.11c fo r pa~ 111,:nh h ' h,· pni.:e,,ed in ,l 1imel~ m,111ner

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Inven t the Future


l. n PQud opo.,rtun y a t' ,rm 1H, P ac : r "H '" ' O"I

Page 4: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

!llVirginiaTech I

Jeanne Coates Prime Consulting Services Inc. 111 Tiger Paw Path Yorktown VA 23693

Dear Ms. Coates:

Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.procurement.vt.edu

November 17, 2015

Subject: Virginia Tech Contract# TS-038-12 Commodity/Service: Magazine Advertising Sales Services

Thank you for responding to my letter of November 4, 2015 and agreeing to renew the contract for an additional year. Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1) year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017.

The attached form shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please make corrections directly on the ·form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner.

We look forward to working with you for an additional year.


c: F.M. Pro Sarah Elliott


Kimberly D Assistant D ctor & Contract Telephone: (540) 231-8543

~------------------------ Invent the Future


An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution

Page 5: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


TS 038 12 ------- for office use -------

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.


(If different than Full Legal Name)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice)



111 Tiger Paw Path




VA 23693


Jeanne Coates


[email protected] EMAIL

Kim Dulaney


FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than ID# above)

FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (if different than ID# above)



111 Tiger Paw Path

......... .---~-~--· ~.....,.. - - - -· - ~ - ~ -,.




VA 23693





866-571 -1381


Page 6: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

!IJVirginiaTech I

Jeanne Coates Prime Consulting Services Inc. 111 Tiger Paw Path Yorktown VA 23693

Dear Ms. Coates:

Subject: Virginia Tech Contract# TS-038-12


Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.procurement.vt.edu

November 4, 2015

Commodity/Service: Magazine Advertising Sales Services

This is to inform you that the subject contract expires March 31, 2016. Since the university would like to renew the contract for an additional year, please advise concerning your intention by signing in the appropriate space listed below. A signed copy of this letter should be received by Procurement by November 24, 2015.

Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017.

In addition, review the attached form, which shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. lf any of this information has changed, make corrections directly on the form, and return with this letter. It is essential this information be accurate for payments to be processed in a timely manner.

Virginia Tech recommends that our vendors utilize the Wells One AP Control Payment System for payment of all invoices and strongly encourages all vendors under contract with the university to participate in this program. If your firm is not enrolled in the program, refer to our website: hltp:!/www.procurement.vt.edu/Vendor/WellsOne.html or contact me directly for more information.

Prime Consulting Services Inc agrees to renew the contract for an additional year under the terms and conditions of the subject contract.

Authorized Signature: .0,, . 1 t?J:/IJlL!.J{, ~W4.1 Date: 11 / q /i?..D ' . c;'

Name: \,,Jeanne L .( e/1a-leS Title: 8-t:SJ..df'_fl-t (please print)

We currently participate in the Wells One Program. ___ We would like to participate in the Wells One Program ·v"'

Prime Consulting Services Inc does not agree to renew the contract for an additional year.

Authorized Signature: Date: ----------Name: Title:----------

Approved: mberly Dulaney, CP , CUPO

Assistant Director and Contracts Manager U

Date: I if I 3 l 1,:) ~-------------------------- Invent the Future

VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC IN S T ITUT E AND S TAT E UNIV E R S ITY An equal opportunity , a ffirmativ e ac tion in s titution

Page 7: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


TS 038 12 ------- for office use ------- Kim Dulaney .

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.


(If different than Full Legal Name)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice)



111 Tiger Paw Path



VA 23693


Jeanne Coates


[email protected] EMAIL


FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than ID# above)

FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (if different than ID# above)



' 111 Tiger Paw Path



VA 23693





866-571 -1381 FAX NUMBER


Page 8: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

!II Virginia Tech l--- ---. -----~~-~~u~~;~~~1~,~~~;:;;;1~~1~~9~~;~ech

Jeanne Coates Prime Consulting Services, Inc. 111 Tiger Paw Path Yorktown, VA 23693

Dear Ms. Coates:

300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.procurement.vt.edu

November 5, 2013

Subject: Virginia Tech Contract# TS-038-12 Commodity/Service: Magazine Advertising Sales Services

Thank you for responding to my letter of October 25,2 013 and agreeing to renew the contract for an additional two years. The contract will now expire March 31, 2016.

The attached fortn shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please 1nakc corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this infonnation he accurate in order for pay1ncnts to he roccsscd in a ti1ncly manner.

We look forward to working with you for an additional tw


c: F.M. Pro

W. Thomas Kaloupek Director of Materials Management Telephone: (540) 231-6221

Melissa Richards

----------- Invent the Future


An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution

Page 9: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


TS 038 12 ------- for office use -------

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

FULL LEGAL NAME {Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.


(If different than Full Legal Name)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice)



111 Tiger Paw Path




VA 23693


Jeanne Coates


[email protected]


Tom Kaloupok


FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than 10# above)

FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER {if different than ID# above)



111 Tiger Paw Path




VA 23693







Page 10: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

llJVirginiaTech I- Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virgin'1a Tech 300 Turner Street NW


Jeanne Coa1cs Prime Consulting Services, Inc. 111 Tiger Paw Path Yorktown, VA 23119:1

Dear Ms. Coates:

Subject: Virginia Tech Contract# TS-038-12

Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.procurement.vt.edu

October 25, 2013

Com1nodity/Scrvicc: Magazine Advertising Sales Services

-rhis is to inforn1 you that the subject contract expires March 31, 2014. Since the university would like to renew the contract for an additional two years, please advise concerning your intention by signing in the appropriate space listed below. Please return one signed copy of this letter to n1c by Novc1nhcr 15, 2013.

Please review the attached fonn, which shows your co1npany infornu1tion as listed in the university 1s vendor database. If any of this information has changed, n1akc corrections directly on form, and return with this letter. It is essential that this infonnation be accurate in order for payments to be processc( in a timely manner.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

W. Thomas Kaloupek Director of Materials Managen1ent Telephone: (540) 231-6221

Pri1nc Consulting Se1vices, Inc. agrees to renew the contract for an additional two years in accordance with the terms and conditions of the subject contract.

Authorized Signature: <}a I.. LJ ~ . leanoe, C-oa-ics

Date: -~ll~'~'~'~;J___D~I ~~-Name: "fitle:

(plea'c print)

Prime Consulting Sc1vices, Inc. docs not agree to renew the contract for an additional two years.

Authorized Signature:


WTK/kbl c: FMP

Date: __________ _

Title:-----------(please print)

L_ ----- Invent the Future

VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution

Page 11: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


TS 038 12 ------- for office use -------

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

BUSINESS NAME/ OBA NAME/TA NAME (If different than Full Legal Name)

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.

BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice)



111 Tiger Paw Path




VA 23693


Jeanne Coates


[email protected]


Tom Kaloupok


FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than ID# above)

FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (if different than ID# above)



111 Tiger Paw Path




VA 23693







Page 12: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the



Contract Number: TS-038-12

This contract entered into this 7'h day of March 2012 by Prime Consulting Services, Inc. hereinafter called the "Contractor" and Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University called "Virginia Tech."

WITNESSETH that the Contractor and Virginia Tech, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained, agree as follows:

SCOPE OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide the print media advertising sales services to Virginia Tech as set forth in the Contract Documents.

PERIOD OF CONTRACT: From April 1, 2012 through March 31, 2014, with provisions for additional two year renewals.

COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall pay Virginia Tech on a quarterly basis based upon actual revenue as set forth in the contract documents. Checks will be made payable to Treasurer, Virginia Tech, Account , and mailed to: Office of University Bursar, l 50 Student Service Building, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Quarterly financial statements will be mailed to Theresa Hoyle, Fiscal Technician Senior, University Relations, 315 Burruss Hall (0229), Blacksburg, VA 24061.

CONTRACT DOCUMENT: The contract documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0020156 dated October 21, 2011, the proposal submitted by the Contractor dated November 14, 2011, all of which contract documents are incorporated herein.

In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to b uly executed intending to be bound thereby.

By: ltJIII-.1.(:/{~ Conti~

( nature) .

, lea no e. l. t!:vak:S', fh,w&rr/' Name and Title

Virginia Tech By:

W. Thomas Kaloupek Director of Purchasing

Page 13: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

I Virginia Tech

Request for Proposal #0020156


Print Magazine Advertising Sales Services

October 21, 2011

Page 14: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


l. QUESTIONS: All inquiries for infonnation regarding this solicitation should be directed to: W. Thomas Kaloupek, Phone: (540) 231-6221, e­mail: [email protected].

2. DUE DATE: Sealed Proposals will be received t;~ntil November 17, 2011, at 3:00PM. Failure to submit proposals to the correct location by the designated date and hour win result in disqualification.

3. ADDRESS: Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered to: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University (Virginia Tech), Purchasing Department, 270 Southgate Center (0333), Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. Reference the Opening Date and Hour, and RFP Number in the lower left comer of the return envelope or package.

4. TYPE OF BUSJNESS: (Please check all applicable classifications). If your classification is certified by the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise, provide your certification number: For certification assistance, please visit: http :/www. dmbe. state. va. us/s wamcer1. html.


Small business- An independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees or average annual gross receipts of S1 0 million or less averaged over the previous three years. Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) certified women-owned and minodty-owned business shall also be considered small business when they have received DMBE small business certification.

Women-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more women who are U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, parmership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest is owned by one or more women who are citizens of the United States or non-citizens who are in full compliance with the United States immigration law, and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women who are U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens.

Minority-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals (see Section 2.2-1401, Code of Virginia) or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or more minority individuals and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority individuals.

5. COMPANY INFORMATJON/SJGNATIJRE: In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal and as mutually agree d b b upon Dy su sequent negotiation.

FULL LEGAL NAME (PRIND FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (ID#) (Company name a> il appear> with your Federal Taxpayer Number)

BUSINESS NAME/DBA NAMEfTA NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (lf different than the Full Uga! Name) Of different than lDii above)

BILLING NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Company name a1 it appear\ on your in,·oice) (If different than lDii above)






Page 15: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for print magazine advertising sales by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia.


The term of this contract is for two year(s), or as negotiated. There will be an option for two-year renewals, or as negotiated.


Virginia Tech seeks to contract with a professional agency or experienced consultant to solicit advertisers for the

university's flagship alumni publication, Virginia Tech Magazine. The magazine forges stronger relationships

between alumni and the university by highlighting the vibrancy of a university positioned on the leading edge of

technology, research, and service, and by showcasing the achievements of alumni. Through a rich array of feature

stories, alumni profiles, and university and alumni news, the university's primary source of information for alumni

captures and transmits the broad impact of Virginia Tech while serving as an intellectually rigorous storytelling venue

that illuminates and informs the diverse lives of Hokie alumni around the world. Goals of the publication include:

e Serve as the university's primary source of information for alumni;

e Insti1l pride in the uillversity by highlighting Tech's faculty experts, research and scholarship, academic

standards, technological leadership, and service;

• Showcase the accomplishments of alumni;

• Share opportunities to become involved with alumni programming and philanthropic needs;

• Echo the intel1ectual rigor that alumni remember from their Virginia Tech experiences;

Cl Serve as a forum for the diversity of ideas the university espouses; and

• Present engaging, thought-provoking stories guided by the highest standards of writing, design and photography.

The magazine is published four times a year by University Relations and distributed to a highly engaged audience.

The spring and fall issues are mailed to our entire alumni base of more than 200,000 Hokie plus 15,000 friends of the

university. Beginning in 2012 these two issues wHI reach and additional 18,000 non-alumni parents. The summer and

winter issues reach approximately I 00,000 of our most distinguished readers. More information about reader

demographics can be found at http://www.vtmagazine.vt.edu/advertising.html.

University Relations began se11ing advertising throughout the publication in 2010.


The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution streamlines and automates government purchasing activities within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia Tech, and other state agencies and institutions, have been directed by the Governor to maximize the use of this system in the procurement of goods and services. We are, therefore, requesting that your finn register as a trading partner within the eVA system.

There are registration fees and transaction fees involved with the use of eVA. These fees must be considered in the provision of quotes, bids and price proposals offered to Virginia Tech. Failure to register within the eVA system may result in the quote, bid or proposal from your firm being rejected and the award made to another vendor who is registered in the eVA system.

Page 16: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

Registration in the eVA system is accomplished on-line. Your firm must provide the necessary information. Please visit the eVA website portal at httv://www.eva. virginia.gov/register/vendorreg.htm and register both with eVA and Ariba. This process needs to be completed before Virginia Tech can issue your finn a Purchase Order or contract. If your firm conducts business from multiple geographic locations, please register these locations in your initial registration.

For registration and technical assistance, reference the eVA website at: [email protected], or call 866-289-7367 or 804-371-2525.

Page 17: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


A. Virginia Tech is seeking to establish a contract with an agency or consultant [AGENT] who has experience

selling advertising for print publications on behalf of higher education institutions or associations. The AGENT

will be responsible for representing the publication in a forma] and professional manner to sell advertising for

Virginia Tech Magazine. We currently reserve eight (8) full pages in each issue for advertising, however this

total is subject to change based on sales. We offer a frequency discount and a reduced rate to non-profits.

2011-12 rates are as follows:

lx 2x (2% disc.) 3x (5% disc.) 4x (10% disc.**)

Full Page $5,000 $4,900 $4,750 $4,500

Inside Cover* $6,000 $5,880 $5,820 $5,400

1/2 Page $3,000 $2,940 $2,850 $2,700

1/3 Page $2,500

*Inside front or inside back cover only; back cover reserved. ** Ten percent discount applies to non-profit organizations, regardless of frequency.

B. Our expectation is that the AGENT wi1llead activities throughout the sales funnel,


e Generating awarenesS with the AGENT's existing contacts and finding new contacts;

• Developing lead lists;

• Lea(:J prospecting;

• Lead development; and

• Closing the sale .

• C. The AGENT will also be responsible for getting the magazine's insertion orders signed by the

client and for ensuring the client submits artwork by the deadline.

D. Advertising sales to Virginia Tech "campus clients," such as Virginia Tech colleges,

departments, auxiliaries, agencies, related corporations, and other university-related entities,

are to be exempt from this contract with the AGENT. Virginia Tech University Relations wjJI

continue to manage the sales process with these organizations as well as with any public or

private organization with an active insertion order for advertising in the publication.


Page 18: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

A. General Reauirements

1. RFP Response: In order to be considered for selection, Offerors must submit a complete response to this RFP. One original and four copies of each proposal must be submitted to:

Virginia Tech Purchasing Department (0333) • 270 Southgate Center Blacksburg, VA 24061

Reference the Opening Date and Hour, and RFP Number in the lower left hand corner of the return envelope or package.

No other distribution of the proposals shall be made by the Offeror.

2. Proposal Preparation:

a. Proposals shal1 be signed by an authorized representative of the Offeror. All information requested should be submitted. Failure to submit all information requested may result in Virginia Tech requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving a lowered evaluation of the proposaL Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lack key infOrmation may be rejected by Virginia Tech at its discretion. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation.

b. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities tO satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasjs should be on completeness and clarity of content.

c. Proposals should be organized in the order in which the requirements are presented in the RFP. All pages of the proposal should be numbered. Each paragraph in the proposal should reference the paragraph number of the corresponding section of the RFP. It is also helpful to cite the paragraph number, subletter, and repeat the text of the requirement as it appears in the RFP. If a response covers more than one page, the paragraph number and sub letter should be repeated at the top of the next page. The proposal should contain a table of contents which cross references the RFP requirements. Information which the offeror desires to present that does not fall within any of the requirements of the RFP should be inserted at an appropriate place or be attached at the end of the proposal and designated as additional material. Proposals that are not organized in this manner risk elimination from consideration if the evaluators are unable to find where the RFP requirements are specifically addressed.

d. Each copy of the proposal should be bound in a single volume where practical. All documentation submitted with the proposal should be bound in that single volume.

e. Ownership of all data, material and documentation originated and prepared for Virginia Tech pursuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to Virginia Tech and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. However, to prevent disclosure the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2-4342F of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other materials is submitted. The written request must specifically identify the data or other materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. The proprietary or trade secret material submitted must be identified by some distinct method such as highlighting or underlining and must indicate only the specific words, figures, or paragraphs that constitute trade secret or proprietary information. The classification of an entire proposal document, line item prices and/or total proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and may result in rejection of the proposal.

3. Oral Presentation: Offerors who submit a proposal in response to this RFP may be required to give an oral presentation of their proposal to Virginia Tech. This will provide an opportunity for the Offeror to clarify or elaborate on the proposal but will in no way change the original proposal. Virginia Tech will schedule the


Page 19: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

time and location of these presentations. Oral presentations are an option of Virginia Tech and may not be conducted. Therefore, proposals should be complete.

B. Specific Requirements

Proposals should be as thorough and detailed as possible so that Virginia Tech may properly evaluate your capabilities to provide the required services. Offerors are required to submit the following information/items as a complete proposal:

1. The completed and signed Offeror data sheet contained at the first page of this document.

2. Experience:

Describe your experience in providing similar print advertising services to higher education institutions, associations, and other relevant publishers.

Describe your experience or familiarity with Virginia Tech Magazine.

Describe your approach to each stage of the advertising sales funnel (as described in Section V). Provide details on how you will source leads.

3. Resources:

Provide the names and titles of the specific individual(s) who will be working on the Virginia Tech account

and describe their experience and professional credentials.

Explain how many hours per week you expect to be managing the sales funnel (as described in Section V .)

for advertising placements in Virginia Tech Magazine.

Describe your confidence in helping Virginia Tech Magazine meet its advertising revenue goals of eight

pages plus two inside covers per issue.

4. References:

Provide three references, preferably higher education institution or association publications, and a short description of how you helped each achieve its advertising revenue goals.

5. Price:

Explain your pricing structure and billing options.

6. Small, Women-owned and Minority-owned Business (SWAM:) Utilization:

If your business can not be classified as SWAM, describe your plan for utilizing SWAM: subcontractors if awarded a contract. Describe your ability to provide reporting on SWAM subcontracting spend when requested. If your firm or any business that you plan to subcontract with can be classified as SWAM, but has not been certified by the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE), it is expected that the certification process wi1l be initiated no later than the time of the award. If your firm is currently certified, you agree to maintain your certification for the life of the contract. For assistance with SWAM certification, visit the DMBE website at W\Vw.dmbe. virginia. gov. Any questions relating to SWAM businesses or SW A1v1 subcontracting opportunities can be directed to Mark Cartwright, the University's Assistant Director for Supplier Diversity, at 540-231-3333 or [email protected].

7. The return of the General Information Form and addenda, if any, signed and filled out as required.

Page 20: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


A. Selection Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated by Virginia Tech using the following:

Maximum Point Criteria Value

l. Demonstrated experience with print advertising sales 25

2. Resources to support a successful sales outcome 25

3. Cost of services 25

4. References I 5

5. SWAM Utilization I 0

Total 100

B. Award

Selection shall be made of two or more offerors deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting proposals on the basis of the evaluation factors included in the Request for Proposal, including price, if so stated in the Request for Proposal. Negotiations shall then be conducted with the offerors so selected. Price shall be considered, but need not be the sole determining factor. After negotiations have been conducted with each offeror so selected, Virginia Tech shall select the offeror which, in its opinion, has made the best proposal, and shaH award the contract to that offeror. Virginia Tech may cancel this Request for Proposal or reject proposals at any time prior to an award. Should Virginia Tech determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one offeror has made the best proposal, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that offeror. The award document will be a contract incorporating by reference all the requirements, terms and conditions of this solicitation and the Contractor's proposal as negotiated. See Attachment B for sample contract form.


Invoices for goods or services provided under any contract resulting from this solicitation shall be submitted to:

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Accounts Payable 20 I Southgate Center Blacksburg, VA 24061


Virginia Tech will authorize payment to the contractor as negotiated in any resulting contract from the aforementioned Request for Proposal.

Payment can be expedited through the use of the Wells One AP Control Payment System. Virginia Tech strongly encourages participation in this program. For more information on this program please refer to Virginia Tech's Purchasing website: http://www.purch.vt.edu/Department/WellsOne.html or contact the person in Purchasing identified in the RFP.


Any ADDENDUM issued for this solicitation may be accessed at http://www.purch.vt.edu/html.docslbids.php. Since a paper copy of the addendum will not be mailed to you, we encourage you to check the web site regularly.

Page 21: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


A. Melissa Farmer Richards, Director of Marketing and Publications at Virginia Tech or her designee, shall be identified as the Contract Administrator and shall use all powers under the contract to enforce its faithful performance.

B. The Contract Administrator, or her designee, shall determine the amount, quantity, acceptability, fitness of all aspects of the services and shall decide an other questions in connection with the services. The Contract Administrator, or her designee, shall not have authority to approve changes in the services which alter the concept or which call for an extension of time for this contract. Any modifications made must be authorized by the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department through a written amendment to the contract.


This solicitation and any resulting contract/purchase order shall be governed by the attached terms and conditions.


Attachment A- Terms and Conditions Attachment B - Standard Contract Form

Page 22: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the



RFP General Terms and Conditions

http:/www.purch.vt.edu/html.docs/terms/GTC RFP 072720ll.pdf

Special Terms and Conditions

1. AUDIT: The Contractor hereby agrees to retain all books, records, and other documents relative to this contract for five (5) years after final payment, or until audited by the Commonwealth of Virginia, whichever is sooner. Virginia Tech, its authorized agents, and/or the State auditors shall have full access and the right to examine any of said materials during said period.

2. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: Virginia Tech reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon 60 days written notice to the Contractor. In the event the initial contract period is for more than 12 months, the resulting contract may be terminated by either party, without penalty, after the initial 12 months of the contract period upon 60 days written notice to the other party. Any contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation.

3. INSURANCE: By signing and submitting a proposal under this solicitation, the Offeror certifies that if awarded the contract, it will have the following insurance coverages at the time the work commences. Additionally, it will maintain these during the entire term of the contract and that all insurance coverages will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. During the period of the contract, Virginia Tech reserves the right to require the Contractor to furnish certificates of insurance for the coverage required. INSURANCE COVERAGES AND LIMITS REQUIRED: A. Worker's Compensation- Statutory requirements and benefits. B. Employers Liability- $100,000.00 C. General Liability - $500,000.00 combined single limit. Virginia Tech and the Commonwealth of Virginia shall be

named as an additional insured with respect to goods/services being procured. This coverage is to include Premises/Operations Liabi1ity, Products and Completed Operations Coverage, Independent Contractor's Liabi1ity, Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability and Personal Injury Liability.

D. Automobile Liability - $500,000.00 E. Builders Risk- For all renovation and new construction projects under $100,000 Virginia Tech will provide All Risk­

Builders Risk Insurance. For all renovation contracts, and new construction from $100,000 up to $500,000 the contractor will be required to provide All Risk - Bui1ders Risk Insurance in the amount of the contract and name Virginia Tech as additional insured. All insurance verifications of insurance wi11 be through a valid insurance certificate.

The contractor agrees to be responsible for, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Virginia Tech, its officers, agents and employees from the payment of all sums of money by reason of any claim against them arising out of any and all occurrences resu1ting in bodily or mental injury or property damage that may happen to occur in connection with and during the performance of the contract, including but not limited to claims under the Worker's Compensation Act. The contractor agrees that it wilJ, at all times, after the completion of the work, be responsible for, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Virginia Tech, its officers, agents and employees from all liabilities resulting from bodily or mental injury or property damage directly or indirectly arising out of the performance or nonperformance of the contract.

4. SUBCONTRACTS: No portion of the work shall be subcontracted without prior written consent of Virginia Tech. In the event that the Contractor desires to subcontract some part of the work specified herein, the Contractor shall furnish Virginia Tech the names, qualifications and experience of their proposed subcontractors. The Contractor shall, however, remain fully liable and responsible for the work to be done by his subcontractor(s) and shall assure comphance with all requirements of the contract.


Page 23: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the


Standard Contract form for reference only Offerors do not need to fill in this form


Contract Number: _________ _

This contract entered into this __ day of 20_, by , hereinafter ca11ed the "Contractor" and Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University called "Virginia Tech".

WITNESSETH that the Contractor and Virginia Tech, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained, agrees as follows:

SCOPE OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide the ------ to Virginia Tech as set forth in the Contract Documents.

PERIOD OF CONTRACT: From ___________ through----------

COMPENSA TJON AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall be paid by Virginia Tech in accordance with the contract documents.

CONTRACT DOCUMENT: The contract documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request For Proposal Number -,-----,--- dated , together with all written modifications thereof and the proposal submitted by the Contractor dated and the Contractor's letter dated , all of which contract documents are incorporated herein.

In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.

Contractor: Virginia Tech

By: ____________ _ By: ________________________ __

Title: _____________ _


Page 24: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

.. ~---.

Prime Consulting Services, Inc.



Print Magazine Advertising Sales Services

November 14, 2011

RFP #0020156

Page 25: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

• !

• • • • •

Table of Contents


Generallnfonnation Fonn

VI. B. Specific Requirements

2. Experience

3. Resources

4. References

5. Price

6. Small, Women-Owned and Minority-Owned Business (SWAM) Utilization

Prime Consulting Services, Inc. RFP #0020156

Page Number







Page 26: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

-· " • • • • • • • • .. .. .. • .. • .. .. .. ,. ,. A ,. ,. ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


2 .


4 .


QUESTlONS: All inquiries for information regarding this solicitation should be directed to: W_ Thomas Kaloupek, Phone: (540) 231~6221. e­mail: [email protected] .

DUE DATE: Sealed Proposals will be received until Nm,ember 17, 2011, at 3:00 PM. Failure to submit proposals to the correct location by the designated date and hour v.111 result in disqualification .

ADDRESS: Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered to: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University (Virginia Tech), Purchasing Department, 270 Southgate Center (0333), Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. Reference the Opening Date and Hour. and RFP Number in the lower left corner of the retum envelope or package .

TYPE Of BUSlNESS: (Please check all applicable classifications). If your classification is certified by the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise, provide your certification number: For certification a.ssistancc, please visit: http:/v,ww.dmbe.state.va.us/swamccrt.html .


_X_'_ Smsll business- An independently owned and operated business which, together wilh affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees or <Jverage annual gross receipts of $10 million or Jess averaged over the previous three years. Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) certified women~o,vned and minority-owned business shall also be considered small business when they have received DMBE small business certification .

_x_·_ Women-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more women who are U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens. or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest is ov.tncd by one or more women who are citizens of the United States or non·citizens who arc in full compliance \\·ith the United States immigration law, and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens .

Minority-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% ov.med by one or more minority individuals (see Section 2.2·1401, Code of Virginia) or in the case of a corporation_ partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ov."Tiership interest in the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or more minority individuals and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority individuals.

5. COJvlPA}.l)' INFORMATJON/SIGNATVRE: In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal and

FULL LEGAL NAME (PRINT) (Comp~ny name as it 2ppears with your Feder~l THpayer Number)

Prime Services, Inc.

BUSINESS NAME/DBA NAMErTA NAME (if different than the Full Legal Name)

BILLJNGNAME (Company name as it appems on ynur invoice)


lll Tiger Paw Patb




j coates@primeconsu ltingva.corn

Prime Consulting Services, Inc . RFP #0020 156


(757) 715-9676


FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than lD# ab~ve)

FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different !han ID# above)




(866) 571-13§1


Page 27: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

VI. B. Specific Requirements

2. Experience:

Jeanne Coates, President of Prime Consulting Services, has been part of the exclusive sales representative team for the William & Mmy Alumni Magazine since 2006. AdVertising revenues for the William & Mary Alumni Magazine have increased over 350% since we have been managing their sa1es. We have also sold advertising for Hampton Roads Magazine and the USO of Hampton Roads Military Guide, and partnerships and sponsorships for the William & Mary Alumni Association, USO of Hampton Roads, Hampton Bay Days and the Neptune Festival. We are experienced in placing companies with affinity based and specialty advertising.

Jeanne Coates is an alumnus of Virginia Tech, and is very familiar with Virginia Tech Magazine. I look forvvard to receiving each issue of the magazine, and I enjoy staying infom1ed of campus activities, alumni events and the information about what my fe11ow alumni are doing. 1 am very proud of my education ttom Virginia Tech and 1 return to Blacksburg on a regular basis for campus events and to enjoy the surrounding areas.

Our approach to the sales funnel is as follows:

Prime Consulting Services, Inc. RFP #0020 !56

" Generating awareness: Prime Consulting Services will generate awareness through our website as well as

emails and calls to our existing database of over 7200 contacts. Virginia Tech Magazine wi11 be included in our proposals to the companies who send us RFPs for their planning periods. As leads and new contacts are developed, they will be contacted via email and telephone.

c: Developing lead lists: We will develop lead lists through our existing contacts in our existing database

of over 7200 potential advertisers, the 1ocal chambers of commerce) existing advertising in the area, and by following business development in the region. V./e intend to identify national advertising 1eads through an alumni magazine network that we currently work with for other alumni magazines that we represent.

o Lead prospecting: Our experience with the alumni magazine market has given us insight on the types

of companies that enjoy the greatest success with alumni marketing. We will research companies and their market before we contact them to help assure that Virginia Tech Magazine would be the right advertising vehicle for them, and to give us insight into the best approach for introducing them to the magazine.

c Lead development: Our greatest focus in the sales funnel is on building and maintaining our

relationship with each potential advertiser. We take a low pressure sales approach in order to achieve this. Our goal is to make sure that the company is comfortable with their decision to advertise, and enters into the contract with a positive feeling about Virginia Tech and its magazine. 1l1is approach also aids in the collection of revenue after the sale. We believe it's important to contact the potential customers on a regular basis so that we and our products stay on the minds of the advertising decision maker, and so that it is easy for them to commit to advertise with us.

' Closing the sale: Sales are closed with the signature on the insertion order. Signed insertion orders

will be forwarded to the Director of Marketing and Publications at Virginia Tech or her designee upon signature.

'' Ad fulfillment: Ads will be collected by Prime Consulting Services and forwarded to the

designated person. All exceptions to published deadlines will be requested through Virginia Tech.


Page 28: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

•• • • ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

• • ~ ~

• • • t

• •

VI.B.2. c.. Billing and accounts receivable:

Prime Consulting Services will invoice and manage revenue for ads sold, and will send a check to Virginia Tech for funds collected less our commission. We will submit a detailed sales and accounts receivable report with payment.

3. Resources:

The person at Prime Consulting Services who will be responsible for selling advertising for Virginia Tech Magazine will be Jeanne Coates, President. Jeanne Coates has been selling sponsorships and advertising since 2000. She has a Bachelors of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 1i'om Vjrginia Tech. Prior to her starting Prime Consulting Services in 1997, Jeanne's engineering experiences included several marketing projects. Under Prime Consulting Services, Jeanne worked with other companies on their marketing and advertising plans, as well as sold advertising, sponsorships and partnerships for several non-profit organizations, including the William & Mary Alumni Association. Additional staff may be used as necessary .

Prime Consulting Services will devote an average of20 hours per week on managing the sales funnel for Virginia Tech A1agazine. This will increase as necessary to meet sales goals .

Prime Consulting Services has confidence that we can meet the advertising revenue goals of eight pages plus two inside covers per issue by Fal12013. We have consistently grown the advertising base for our other clients and we anticipate no problem in selling Virginia Tech Magazine, a high quality publication with a highly desired audience.

4. References:

a.) Cindy Gillman Director of Business Development Wi1liam & Mary Alumni Association P.O. Box 2100 Williamsburg, VA 23187-2100 757-221-1168

b.) Jeff Hill Regional Vice President (US) United Service Organizations U.S. Regional Office 1168 Gator Boulevard, Building 3370 Virginia Beach, Va. 23459 757-963-2092 757-289-5910

c.) Dale Drumright Air Show Coordinator Langley AFB Air Show PO Box 155 Battery Park, VA 23304 757-810-3983

Prime Consulting Services, Inc. RFP #0020 156

Page 29: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

" • • • • • • • • • • • • • t

• • • • • t

• • • • • • • • • • • • • I

• 5. Price:

Prime Consulting Services will invoice advertisers for all advertising sales completed by Prime Consulting Services for Virginia Tech Magazine. Advertisers will make their payments payable to Prime Consulting Services. Prime Consulting Services will receive and process all payments. We will remit to Virginia Tech a check for the amount of advertising fees collected minus a sales commission in the amount of25% of the gross fees collected from the advertisers. The commission is considered earned in full when the sale is complete, regardless of whether the advertiser will make payments for such advertising in installments. A sale wil,l be complete when an advertiser has entered into a contract to purchase advertising. In the event of termination of this agreement by either party for any reason, Prime Consulting Services will be paid its earned commission for all Virginia Tech !Vfagazine sales completed, including multi-year contracts, at time of termination .

6. Small, Women-ov;ned and Minority-owned Business (SWAM) Utilization:

Prime Consulting Service is a Small Women-owned business and has applied for certification through the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise in October 201 J. Once certification is granted, we agree to maintain our certification throughout the life of the contract.

Prime Consulting Services, Inc. RFP #00201 56



Page 30: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

• i •

!IJVirginiaTech I Purchasing Department 270 Southgate Center (0333) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.purch. vt. edu


TO: Melissa Farmer Ric~ __

FROM: Tom Kaloupek ~

SUBJECT: Contract For Print Media Adverstising Sales Services

Enclosed is your copy of the subject contract.

Following is a summary of pertinent information related to this contract:

April 17, 2012

Contractor Business Address: Prime Consulting Services 111 Tiger Paw Path Yorktown, VA 23693

Payment Address Pnme Consulting Services 111 Tiger Paw Path Yorktown, VA 23693

Contact Person:

E-Mail Address:

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:

Contract Number:

Contract Period:

Payment Terms:



Jeanne Coates

jcoates @primeconsutlingva.com




Aprill, 2012 thru March 31,2014


This will serve as your authority to make purchases against this contract.

If the need arises to modify the contract, please complete the attached Request For Contract Modification form and return it to me.

$lso enclg~eEi is a Blanket pmcltase Dicier. fJeJ f\Sb-f..O f.D

If you should have questions, please contact me at 1-6221.


L_ ________________________________________________ Invent the Future


An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution

Page 31: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

. ;;


Contract Administrator Responsibilities


This note is being sent to outline the Do's and Don'ts of contract administration. You have been named as the Contract Administrator in the attached contract(s). Contract administration involves ongoing activities that should be performed after a contract has been awarded to ensure that the Contractor and Virginia Tech are meeting the requirements of the contract.

The Contract Administrator is responsible for ensuring that all contract provisions are being followed. The Administrator assures quality, documents nonperformance if any, facilitates problem resolution, and coordinates actions with Purchasing (contract renewals, contract amendments, and contract terminations) and legal staff when necessary. This includes:

o Monitoring the contractor's performance and interfacing with the contractor's representatives

o Formally meeting on a periodic basis with the contractor to review performance

o Verifying that invoices are consistent with contract terms

o Maintaining appropriate records, including documentation of any non-conformance or other issues that may have occun·ed with the contractor and resolution as a result thereof, including any significant events during the contract term

o Contacting Purchasing for any issues, complaints, or disputes that cannot be resolved at the depmtment level

o Working with Purchasing to determine if contract should be renewed (if applicable)

• A voiding conflicts of interest and maintaining appropriate standards of conduct

o Coordinating with other university units who are users of the contract

o Documenting receipt of revenue and rebates (if applicable)

Some of these duties may be delegated to others in your organization. For example, inspection of contractor invoices may take place in your business office. You need to be knowledgeable of the delegated process such as who is doing what and do they have the information necessary to accomplish their responsibilities.

All contracts require that any change to the terms of the contract be made in writing and be accepted by both the contractor and Virginia Tech before the change is binding. Contract Administrators are not empowered to make changes to the terms of the contract. For example, you are not authorized to change the price or add additional services. If there is a need to add or delete services, changes should be communicated to the Procurement Officer, who will prepare a written contract modification. The same applies for renewing contracts for additional time periods.

Thank you for your efforts to ensure this contract meets the needs of the Virginia Tech. If you have any questions, contact the Procu m nt Officer assigned to this contract.

Thank you,

W. Thomas Kaloupek 1-6221

VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution

Page 32: !l]VirginiaTech I...Per mutual agreement, the contract will be renewed for a one (1)-year term. The renewal term will be April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2017. In addition, review the

i _j


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University -Purchasing Department

Please retain a copy of this form for your files.

Drue ________________ Department ____________________________________________ __

Contract Number-------------------- Contractor-------------------------------

Signature of person authorized to sign requisitions:

Name Title


A. Add To Contract:

B. Delete From Contract:

C. Other:


VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution