lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public...

BIENl:·\L R�PORT Iinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public Institutions FOR FISC,\L YE.\RS 1921 an<t 19

Transcript of lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public...

Page 1: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo



State Board of ,,Tisi tors for

Public Institutions

FOR FISC,\L YE.\RS 1921 an<t 19.!.!

Page 2: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo


I t becomes the snd dnty ot this Board to chronicle the death of our belove1l president. Hon. William A. Nolan, ot Grond Meadow, who was kllled

tu an automobile nccltlent near Rochester, June 28, 1922.

Mr. Nolan's ability and leadership were recognl•ed by the Board of Visitors ns soon as he was first appointed (February 6: 1918), and be was in1medfately elected president-, ser\•lng eonttnuont51Y as our chief executive up to the lime of bis death. During all these years, Senator Nolan gave bis time and energies without stint and without remuneration to the humani­tarian Interests or the �tate's custo<llat wards. The gl'eat ettetency ot bis work and the good he aeco1u1>1h;hcd ts generally knov.·n and acknowle<lged, but only fully appreciated liy those with whom he was closely associated In his devoted endeavors.

Following his death, the sentiments of the Boaril of Visitors were expressed In the ncloptlon of the ronowlng resolutions:

"Whereas. Through smlden and lamentable accident, death bas called the president ot our Board, the Hon. W. A. Nolan, of Grand Meadow, Minn., therefore be f t

"Resolved, That "'e hcrelir express our deep grief a t the dfl!mlse o f our beloY<!d Iea<ler and extend to bis bereaved family onr most heartfelt &YDJ­pathy In their loss of a devoted husband and loving father.

"'He "·as the life ot our endeavors; a man among men; a leader endowed with a wonderfnl nblllty and tlreless energy In the application of a limitless to"e for humanity. For the '"ar<Js of the state, no sacrtftce was too great to demonstrate his great sympathy. For their welfare and betterment, bis was an enduring heart-Interest. His long years or unselftsb, unpublished service as 11'e•ldent or the State Board of Visitors, were unostentattousl; and with­out thought or reward, freely given for the uplift of the unforhmate.

"In the wards of the mentally atlllcted, In tho workshOP>! of our penal !nslltuUons, on the sun-Hooded parches "·here the groat white plague was clalmlng Its vlctfms. he "·ns the e,·er-welcome visitor. the bearer or encour­agement and glad tidings to one and all. Tho human sunshine from the great heart of him, Mst Its radiance with a n�ver dimming light. The many who made him their confident. found through him the allevl�Uon or their troubles-a man who exemplified the teachings of the Gentle Master to 'B<?nr ye one another's burdens:

.. His associates on the State Board of Visitors were blo wtlllng fol­lowers. We loved hfn1: and "·e mourn hhu as a great and ldndly man whose untimely call lo the Great Be)·ond tea"el! us with stricken hearts. An inYalnnhte adl'lsor. his e:oc:ample "'111 eTer direct us; and tn our saddened hearts. the trngrnnce nnd memory ot hl!J grf'11t llte will ever Uve."

l\fr. B. K. Sav-rc, ot Glenwood. was apl)OJntetJ July 10. 1922, by Governor J. A. O. Preus. to fill ?\Ir. Nolnn's uut'xplrcd ternt, encltng Jo.nu11ry 1, 192G.

I . I L I

' I i



"Iiis life "'"-' �cnf/c: ,11111 the dt111rnf.< uso n1i.,;'d in hilu, Jlurl 1ul11trr n1i.c./1t .(/and np "Aud say to all !hr U.l()ff(/, •7·;,;s \i'Q.� o n1t111.'' ••

Page 3: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo




Old Stnte Capitol.

St. l'taul. :\Tin n •• Jnnunry t, 19!3.

Hon. J • .A. O. l'ronfJ, C:o,•crnor. •r11c �tnto Cn1>ltol. St. Pnuf. :\llnn.

Dear Sfr: 'Ve herewith sul.nnft. for your consideration and that of the

l<"gJslnture. the report of the Srnte Bon rd or \1htho� for Public lulftuttont.,

tor the �l!l bl�nnlal [M?riod.

(Signed) REV. E. J. ;):Y$TR0)1, Bul!alo.

\'IC<" l'rel'ldent and ,\ctlnir Ch:\lrmnn. J. Q. JUl�NE)lA�N, SL Paul,


J. It. S\V1\N'N, )fadl�on.

IJ. K. SA \'ltJ.�. C'llen�''ood.

111'\'. L. It. S. FERC:l'SON. St. Poul.

JAMES C. MATCHITT. Execull•� S"Crel:tr)". Old CnpHol. $1. P:ml.

Page 4: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

Biennial Report State Board of Visitors

"\Vork and Opl!ration of the Sbte Board of Visitors

1'lu1unnlt:trhut $0\l('r\·1111011 or 1111blic h1<.ttllt1tll')nit. inrlu1llng the tn,·e!tlga­

lion ot n11 con1plalnt�.1"' the worJ( c1( the· :O:tnt' Honr1I or Vi•ltorl':. ·rhe Board

ls nuthorlxed hr la\\' IA' rrulJt'Ot�nn wiln,�:i:C''!I \\ht•n llPCC�$:'1r)', fl'I\. thent under

C.."lth. an•I t�ke testhuol\y.

P\lbllc lns::tilution� n� \'l•ltaj wl1h1tu\ nonce ot thr: rtt�tl•e ,.,f;"ll.S hetng: �h·en. Thi� is :t rtll(� "hf(:h lt:tt h"<'n oh .... tr,-('o(I f(lr 1n:'ln,· }'tars :\nd

"'e 00114)\'C w'flh n10:-;1 1·ffh·l<·n1 tf>�ult� l';,1•ry ronn1 :utd np!\rttnl'nt rrom

cell:ir to g:urct in C\'C•r;.: hufhlhu::: or th e lnl>lltnfion ,-l�ltr>(!, ff' C'aretnJly lns11ect<ld with� u1•l� u1:H1.-� Cl! ''''"r�·thfnr" t.:.'�!'P11ti:\t. :u111 th"'¢<" note:l

ultlnu-lely eontpilec.l in n rlC'tallPd rCJ\Ort. L'ncl("r the la\\·. thl• rerort ha.s to h<' ft1cd ,.,.Ith lhe fio''l'fn(\r: hul \t h,:t l�"C n lh"' ('U�tn1n of the Jln..'\rd to !\)� !':entl co1ll<'� to the Ilo.'lrfl t1:'t\'lnt:: t'h:\f'1:t" of the> ln,fiuulon (In m('l!lt e't!;"'l'. the Slate noanl of C'"ontrol). ntul to th� iiun,·rinf<'nc!enl of lh(I! tnsrUtutlon fnttpeete•t. 'fhl$ pl:ln :\U:1t11• th<� ht�I :uut mf'ljtl lli1U'•C'fly rcJ1.111l• In ht\,·Jng: al1

1uauers to the report ,.:p('('tllly t••1Uf'itl�r"'l :11111 :1rt"d upon hr thOitC"' ln flirect untborlt�·.

The DQnrd of \"i!titor11 Jt:'' no ·wn�· nr cuf�'rtln� r("(:(tmm('n11:.Uon:i made

or In securlnJ:: :uuu�ttnent of thln�q critiC'lct'd h<'�·f\n1I the filint <'f the resl"t'<'­

ttve repor1' u·itb tbof!:e In chnref'. hut "._.. \\"1'h to J:rnff'(ully n('kno'l'l·fed.J:"P 1'11lentlhl (.."()-Operation c.111 tht' fl:trl o( th,. 1l11!tt'\1 of Con trol nnd the Ya.rlou!t 1;u11crh1tP11drnts. "'Ith w hn1n n>(' w(lrk In uhn(l!Ct h.-irntony for lhe ttr�ir,,,,J

hun1.-iHlt1u·lnn �•Hlft.

The 11n1nf" of "Ytshortl" t.- hnnliy f::itr nn1l f'o1uprroh,.n.llh't' fttr lh<" work ot Utls fl<\nr11. which t• (."On"'frl1•r:tt•ty r.u1rr lh:in ..,,,.re- ••\"t$ltlnc." All footl

gupplles nre c:-r<-fuH�· t•xnn•lni•d. t"":ttl1•nl• t1r In""'" .. �- <"mt�r!l nn•l emptoye•

dre flut1ttou�l. Sutrlch�ot·�· of t'lott11tu:. '""n•H:tttnn. diet, <":tn" nnrl �cnie" ure lookod Into. Ch��nlht<'lll' :incl "nnllatlon n1·c h\\"t"f(.th:::""''· Red� are

C:fkc-n nrmrt tn ''nric,tu• l(ff'<'J•ln� war•l� 10 nllct•rt:iln It Y<'nnln f';rl-.l. Dair)'

bnrnf!. bf'rdll. n1u.l IUflthodit r1( h:111111111s:: n11lk :u1d nt!':t.L !\Tl' :111 tmportnnl tll'lrl "' flUr h1�11rt.·Uon "'tlt'l<. \YIHtt :nriy h{' ff•rrn,..ft th"' ··h1•th1tlfonnl �tmo!L­

phere .. -thr tt�ull or th l"" khul {\f tr,.:itu"•n1. h3n�utn,::, nnrt C"nt'rnl con­

s.lder.uton fnn1ntes ree�h·f'--111 :.n �11-hnimnnnt"r on •·hf<'ll "·e !\hra)·•


Tn ntt this "'Ork "''' C.'''f'r flntJ tht" ""''''rlnlcndcnts nu'I omct:ils mo�.t

eourlcoul:f In tending lh�h· nid. :ind ""f' wl,ch Co h�rcwlth arltno"·lcd�c tn then1 our nt'f'rt"·intlon ut th,,lr <·ourh·�r r11HI •·o-op,..r:Hl(ln,

Page 5: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

Compensation Insurance-Without Compensation

We wl•b to coll the •ttontlon or the lcgl•l•ture to the !•ct that although

state empl oye a were pro•Moo w1tl1 con1pcn1at1on ln•urnnce coverngo by act of th e leglsl•ture of 1'21, no approprlnllon wns made for fonda to make the necesS11ry payments under the coml)f'naallon sche<lules to Injured workers.

Ao opinion of tho ntton,.y 1<•ncral or general application to state employes (•·rtucn for the stntc hlghwa.r commissioner) holds:

"By cbopter S!. Ln•• of 1'21, tho term 'employe' Includes C\"�ry person In the IK'r\"lce o( the 1tatc unfter nny apJ')Olntme nt or contract ,.,r hlre, expr.,,.se<I or Implied. ornl or wrlUen, but does not Include any o lllclal or the state. The law. bowcYer. fnlls to make provialon for the oa3'-ment or an)· clolm 11·blch moy be tine In nn lnJure<I state employe, and It falls to direct what sbftll bo done In I.ho caso o f such employ e.

""The f'llta:ilfon lh('n !!J. lhnt \\'hllo 'tnte en1ploye§ =-� CO\"ered by the act. r:o f•'fi' as their r;l�ht to ('0111penttaUon ror injuries ts tc)'neerned. n o method or

ren1edy fs pro\"f<led for securing 11uch compensation. All that can b e done b)" an injured state <t1ns1loye entitled to com�ns.atlnn under the act Is to estahli,ch his clalm nnd uwntt further nctfon fl'om the leglslRture ln appro-11rlatln1< tho n<>c08"'1r)• rund• to pay the clofm so esU\bllshed."

The opinion rcconuncnds rcoorta of Injuries be du ly filed with the state

industrial con1n•llll'fon ror lnveslfgntlon nnd awftnl, and then be held tor paym ent until •11ch time ns tho lcgl�lnt11re mnkeo npproprlatlon to meet the nl."'ed. Th1A i� bclnJ.t dono, tuul \VO \tnde1·stun(l the clahns on file with the

Jndu8trlnt conunholfOn fficlutlo n constnntly lncren!\Jng number from atate inKtltutlon Cllll)IO)'CIJ.

"r(' r�ttpectrolly c.nll ICA'l!'lntlvo nllcntton to the fnct t,hnt not only h1 1noncy nefldf:'fl to 1Hect the totnl of clnln.::1 to l>e presented l_Vhen the teglsla-111rc conven�s. but to 111oot flhnllnr clnhns ror the ensuing biennial period. �uch pro\•l15lnn cnn ho "'nd� hr C!ftl:•l>lls11lng n special fund, or through

:ipproprlAtlon to p.ny 1lrcn•lun18 on lnsurnnce tn duly UccnsP.d Insurance con1panll's.

State Im1titutions Without Fire Insurance Protection

We wl•b to cnn •ll•ntl on oc the legtsloture to the bet that our eU\te

lnotltutlons nt the present time hnTe nbooh1tely no fire Insurance proteetloil.

'l'hls fact was brought Into prominence l'cbruary 6, 192!, wh�n the main

bnJMlng of the Mnnlcnto S toic Teocbera' Coll ege burned to the ground. The

lo .. was about boll n mllllon •lollnn< with nbout a quarter mllUon available

In the stote rumt. October tl•t l••t. n coll ue •I the Sauk Center School for

Olrli< bnrncol. creotln1< o 10 .. or uo.000.00 ogaln.i 'l\"blch there wae no money

lt'ft In the actnt� rund to nu�-ct th� tlt1tm. �1ott rect>nt1y lbe Winona Teachen:•

Coll�p:e main bulhllng bnrnetl wi th on e•tlmated 1039 of $600.000.00. A hri(!r hll!-tOf)' of the ln1n ranco 91.lluAUon aa f:\r as state fnstJtuUons Is

conc�rncd. 18 perhttr11 ttnu!'I)'. Prior to 1913 �ffnnesota Insured Its state pro�rtles In sloek con1pnnles. In tbnt :r••r the leg!1lature enacted a 1� ...





u1ult.'r which thf" 1tlnlr nrHlf'rlook •" b('C()n•e Its o�·n l nitu�r. Tbls lsw 1•nn•ltlctl tl1111 lhc l niiu rntH'•• <..,11111nlftslooer should furnish the leglsl3.tu re wltb un <'�lln•:•tr nr lh<- :nnoun1. Vi'hlch "·oulct be a. fttlr ttnd re::asonah1e ,,re1nhuu chnrt::e on thP t11:ue·11 1>rot"'rtle-s for lhe bt ennht.1 period. so th:it HPJlr<,1 1rh1llon tu �uch 111uoun l tnl�lu. be n13.dc. The arproprl:itton was.. to go 1nto nn lnl'1trttnce los,i. fnn•t. nd1nlnhtt£•N"rt un•1<"r the lnsurtlnc-e comml�.stoner :oc t\ bureau C\f lh\1 d('p..'lr11n•·111. Thl' h1t'ur:t1!C<" romntl !SSIOn<'r furnlthe<I the th�"lred ctt hnntc nnll th<' 1 913 leglsl:i.ture Included :in ftem of S.JS0,000.00 fn Its a1111rorrl:ltfon•. AdtllUounl ftJ'propri:ulons to this fund were m�d� bf the

legfl'IRlUrfll of 1916 l'Uhl 1!'1i. by which tlrnc-, because of �UnntsotA's tor­lun:lle f'XN"rltncc, th o rund had ttrown to approximately $.Ci0,000.00.

Although n rurui or lhl_. size c:an h3rclty be con.�ldt-red .. top bea"Y .. tor tho 1u-otccUon or the nlnny n•lllions of or state property at stake. tho leJtialnture Of l9l!f :anun1ded the l!HS 131\". The fund W:l$ taken from cueto<l)' or the Insurance ron1n1ls.sion�r and turned OT"er to the 'Board or (''ontrol nnd nu�do :l\'ntla bte ror and ten1porary construction purposes, nnd no �ult1itlon8 "'C� n1llcte to lhe fur:cl following: the 191i lc�lslatlTe ses­sion. And during tho p:t1't )·e:tr l1aYe corue the ex��s:fl"c tosses. ex«-edlng lhe qunrtcr 111llU011 doJlnrA le-rt fn the fund by thttC huncl� per eenL

During lho six YC:.lrs the slate ftre fnsuranc� fund law runcUoned. pro­

vision "·as n1ndc for cnrerut h1srectlon of all state ln.stituUonii: b�· the dcpnr1rncnt Of the �tntc- Ore nu1rsh:t l. H::u�:1rds \\'ere c..i.retull,· 1n1tcbed nnd. ntt fnr us fl088lb1e. ethnfnnt<."cl. Uut "'ilh the 1919 change tn the law. the lnst1<M!tlo11 or 1he st�ltc lnt;.tlt11t1011� by the t;tttte fire n1arsh:tl against fir�

hnz:u·ds wns nbollshc•I. Thul' "'lrh n 1ulnhnu 1u ot 1u·ot�eUon. <':lme the fn,·1-tfl Uon for n 1unxhnu1n or hn7.t1rd.

The Dt,nrcl ot Vl�lt(lrs Is lntc·rested not nlf'rely fn the protection or 5tatc

l11F-tllutlo11" nn:.nclnlty lh1'011gh fir(! tnsur:u1el'. hul in the e'·"'n n1ore ln11>0rtant 1ircAe1·,·nt1ou or life nn(\ lhuh. \Vo ho11<" th(' l"-�i�lrttur� or 1923 will not onlr

see Htoi wuy clc:mr to pro,·htc lhQ l\C\."<l('d tlrc ln�uran� (the s.'lrcst insurance 11J;:11ln,_l hc:n·y )(l85C8 :tJlJ>tll"<'IHly be ini:: throus:-h ro,·er.tse In con1p:inle11

01,1n"(H'Cc1 hy the luaurnnc:c connHl��loner). but ttl�o tcgh;l:)le for r�stab­

llsh1nent or rt',.:t1l11r h1J(f)<."elfon of nit st:11e p1'Cl�rtic� b�· the- de11artnu?nl or lhC tclflt� r\r•� lnnr�hnl, OH tlu .. �·rnund thnt "':tn OUltC:t." Qf f1l'e\'C"'ntlon ts 'fl'Ortl\

n f)oun•1 or cure:·

Keeping lnstit:1tional Hel'CIS Clear of Tuberculosis

�1hlnc1nt1t•tt ettttt" hu1lltt1tions ha,•e l'3luahle herds or Ho1�teln cattle 1Thh1 Do11rd hntt ahva�·1 tn:t•le It n rule to fnttpect the tiair:r b.lrn$ and Is glad

to report the11c hn\·\' g<'1t€>r:lll)' bffn found s.i.nltnry and w<-U mnfnlalned. Occn•lonnlly. howc\"l'r. u1b,.rculo$lit "·111 creep In 3mong the best or cattle. untJ one nnlnlnl 110 aft'lfcletl nuty fnre-ct n l:lrge number O( others to tbe

tt.'ll.UO J;u!'rd. 1-\o'·<'mber 2d ln�I. the Stale Lh'<'!lOC-k $;1nltaey Bo:ard a(ter lC8llns: tho hl•n1 l\l Anok:. Asyhun. f'<ll'4:.lrted 7t :animals re:lcted to the

tnberc11lo1ld IClll nut Of ti: herd of St. For tho tucutt l'�tn-:tiUon o! 11nt� h11ttll utlo11 t1erd11, nnd th:at.. Jlll:tle h••tlllttlon d:airleJt nl3Y lu .,.,·err w:ar �

Page 6: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo


conducted •• model• of their kind. we suggest thnt tho rule be e•tabll&hed

of h:avlng nll SL'ltt herd! t.eKted under rules nnd regulatlon• of '1tho accredited

bcr1I" plnn o! ll<C Stnto Livestock Snnitnry Bonrd-thn8 nuurtng that th�

cu.-:t04llnl "·nrds of the etntc '''Ill not ho Ced inltk tro1n cows 8nftertng from tuberculosis.

Betterment of Institutional Personnel

Personnel of en11>toyt"S throughout our state l.nsUtuUont bas materially lmpm,·ed since the clo•e o! tho \\'oriel War. At that time help-both male

an•l fe1nat�:wns flCt•rt.�. nntl the h18lituUons had lo make the best of

C':ll\Jlloying such people us OIC�)� eouhl get; and at that, were trequentbr

Mhort-handcd. This Jt(H·c OllllOrtunlt)' Cor 1norc of thnt closs of undesirables

knO\\'ll as u1n�Ut11Uo11:1I trnn1p!'" to �et so1nethlt1g Of a foothold, especially

In tho hospttahs nnd n!\yh1111s for the Insane. Thcso men work tor short

IHtrlods nt one lnsllt11Uon. then \\'Rnder ·to another. They are generally

locl!lclent and nnrellohle. With the close ol the war, better help was

ftT3Hnble nod lnsUtutlon:tl hous�le:inlngs took place aa nipl(Jly as J)OSstble;

with I.he result that today tho lnslltnllonal personnel Is rnslly Improved, In

SJllle of tho ron)l)..'\r:ttho.ely low sa13rles paid.

We "·ould ...,.pect!ully su��cst re-<?stabllshmenl or a system wblcb seerns to ha'fe rather fallen Into disuse. that "·here nn en1ploye leaves a

Ptnte ln!\tftnUon, C'lther H1rons;h re!lgning or �Ing dltichnrged, a 8tatement

to this effect including a •le<:lnrntlon oC said e1n1>loyc'8 gcncrnl etrlclency,

bo trnni:;n1ltted to the Stnto Dotiril or Control; t.hero such 1'tnton1ent could

he either held. or dutJ1icnlc rccorcl.s for,vnrded to nil other stnte Institutions;

thnl sncl1 Institutions co11l11 nvnll tbe1nselve5 of, and thus protect against

nltenn>ls of .. instltutton:1I tr:unri�·· or undeslrnbfc� to securo re-employ­:ne1lt In �linnesota institutions. At the 15-:une ttme. !UCh a general l11forn1a­

l fon n1e nbout en1ptoycs ,,.onl•I pern1lt snperinteudente to nscertafn w·ltbout •fel:ty "«'hen cert�in nppllcnnta for plac<!$ "'ho h:id Jett other lnsUtutions of t.he atnte for good eau3e1 "'ere clTlclent and worthy or re-employment. The

rclnnuJ:ur.Ulon or suth o tty.,tcrn "'ould help matnt..1ln nnd even lmvrove,

1nstftuUonat �nonncl nnd donbUess elin1inato coneldcrnblo minor trouble.

,1\tc to th<- crf<"Cl of the S()>-COllcd e-t�bt-bonr huv Cor stntc cn1ployes, l\'� h:n·e round n111ch hu1Hfcrenco or opinion nn1ong the cn1ployos thc1nselvea. and •

'1''<'n :uuons sur•erlnt�ntle11tfC-nlthough doubtless n1o�t or thf' superlntend­

tjtll� nrc OllPOsed to ft. �ln11)' c1nploycs arc 111 01'9 thnn \\'llllng to "'Ork nddl­

tlon:ll hour� be<::111sc 1t 1uNH1t1 rulc1ttlonal ren111neraUon. $on1c su))erlntend­

�nht OJ.•llOSC t.bc ehtht-honr �thedulc because Is appnreutly gh·es e1np1oye8

1uorc lel51inre lin1c than thPy nee.I: opportunity to "go do1'·n to"·n" nod a"·ay frorn the l'n1tUtutlon.

For the good or tho tnstltutfons. members of tho BOftrct of Vlslto� are fttll)· ng�d that there !hould be A Hbernl tntcr;prct4Uon of the "emergency

t"lru110·· l o the l:rw nncl tbnt th(' discretion nnd need or the rctJlCcUvc super­lntcr111ents �hould I)(? construed ns sutrlclent u<!ln�rgcncy'' to require more

1hnn :in ell(ht-J1011r fl:1Y: nl i4llt:h th11es till() In ffU<:h ll111tn11ccM 11s the su1>erln-



(4'>nllcntM dfln1Atul: ntul 1h:11 If th•1 •·ni.•rt.:.••nc-·y c·l:1u.;t(' i� not. sn tr tctcn 1h· tln,.tll'

lOr thl! lntera1rPlntlou t1t J'r·"ft<'lll. lh:u h 11ho111tl he duly a 1u('ntl<"4 I.

to iruch

•!rTecL :-.-... - -_- -�

Con$oliclatio11 of Visiting Boards

\\"e llUJ.:�•·Jlt lo lhe le;:;lio:l;1t1.1r(• th<' l"11tl:loH1ln1ion of thbt ltQ:tnl, :.nd th•.:o Ho;erd of \\'on1en \'t�itors:: onl• lkmrtl 10 •lo :lll 1h(' l'"i:1'ilh1t :tnd tn'p�tlora of publtc fn!UtuttonJt.

1'hc Slnte Uo.:•rd nC \"i�ilor� fvr Publlt ln�li1ullo11!: no."· 11:.� n,-� nlent­

bt.•J")( !tt•?U')lnh�l. out of z;ix �uthorl7.l'•1 hy lnw--on<" \'3C."lncy :ll Jlff'Pent. Thf'

teru1 of ofTh:c It' she }'L·:lr:-i. Tlle Buar1I of \\'<Hnf'n \"isltor:s 1H'11 "'"� 1n(}1nb@rit, $f?r\'lng thrco ... ye:ir rf!r1n�. The \\'oruPH \"l�lh,rsa hn,·� 1w0 tni-lltnllon1t, thn

�hnko11ec 1terorn1"tor}' and t>rison rur \\·ont<•u. nn•I the S:iuli: Center 1101ne

Bchool tor Olrltt, u1111er •heir ,·isltiru: J11rlsrll1•1fo1), Our nnard llt1:1t tJH' '""Ork or tnspeclln1t nil other p\Jbllc inl"Cltntlontr. \Vo1n<'n·� org:tnlz.-.tfontr htt\"P in1Sisted for e:o1nc tlnu:� th:1t "·01ne11 �hnuld h:t\"1• r"11re�cnt:uto11 on our no:.rd.

If thi.s 11 done. ll would s��n1 out• 4•oop;ulhl:UP�t Chard Mn1•1 "'"U 1!0 �11 the vl,:;lllnt :in1l ltl8Jlf'Ctlon 'l\"�rk.

Internes rn Minnesota State Hospitals for the Insane

State hos1lltn1s for the lu�anc rc<.'�'l\·\1 th(lfr 11:.ti�nts froru prnctlc:tlly e'·er}' county In the st01tc. l;'enerally l'IJll•nklns:. 111 f!ro1>0r1lon to re11rectlve-1�opul;1tiong. It IS to be regrelled th:tt :ro 1n:ln)· or thC' n1entn.lly ortllcted do not get to the ho11:1,ita1s Cor �XtH?rl cnr<' nnr1 treatnt<"nt unlll 1h,.lr mtnl31 ntrllctfon It f'rttty "·"IJ �t.:i b1hdu.•d :uul mon.• or less chronic.

But few phy11tl3nis b::n·e b:1d 1uuch ex1wrlcnce with in,'S.-.n1ty. and Cl't'I\ today In tnedlc.:t.l OOJl(l-ge training tht' •1odenla f'<'Ct'-i\"'<' Ulll� Of prn tUtAI

value In the tr<':ttlneut oC tnent:il llh�tlnM-�1>011.slhl�· less tbau In �ny oth(lor t')f fhe ntnny Jines or Jnnnnu a1l'lh .. ·tlo11!t.

\Ve would U1ereforc su.izll4)1tt. thtit dh1J:11osfs au1t prl"pcr trr:\hnent or tH\'ntnl troubh.·- llHlY rcceh·e 111vr� tl111c•ly n•rhJ.:nitlon, lhat J:r:ulu:H"" flt the

1uedtcal college or the Stat(! li nlvt..•1·11lt}' hp 1•cnnhh'il to l'tfr,·c a' tnttrncs

fll oor YnrfoutJ ln�titnlfons for the 111 .. :uu· ll111lu.+d at th� rc�v«tlve 1n,Utu­t10111! t11! the �Ul•frlnt<'rHle-nt� tl�t111 atlvlcrtl)lf': ,.-u�h lntcru••jt h·· Jt1l'Cted fronl a ltt!il 11uh1nlttetl by tll\' d�;1n or OH• �1 .. 'il h·al C<'ll<"Z'-' or lhl' i;::t:itc Unt­

''ertll)' or ,:-naduttt� oontldcre-1 or tt1 .. •c·l:tl rro1111�11o and who dctt lre to adl'"ancc their 'kno'l·Jedg·e of the 11r:1ctlc:i:t nn•I rro!l"r IN':*tnt"t1t of tho•<­

mentnll)' Rt'l'lfcted: anti thttt �U\'h 1111<-ro� 1111 �ivcn f� nt�nunodnUon1t

and bonrd ror ft Y<'ar at the l11!'(,th111lons to whith 1hry n� .:i11ttlsrnM.

11nd Po81tlbly •ttcb minor re1n1111crntlou for �uch itcr,·ict's ns th.,)' rcndtr. :i.1 ts doonl�d &XJ>edlcnt ht the clli;ccrcllot1 of th" �tlltf' llt\nrU ul Co11trol,

Page 7: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

A New State Hospital for the Insane

Tho clOl!e o! the ft•cnl yeor 19!!, ftnd• a p01111tatlon oc 6.567 In the six �llnnesota state ln1Utut1on� for the hospltnls nt. 1-�ergua Falls. ltocbn:ter. and SL Peter, and the asyh1n11 a t Anob. Hast.Inge. :and Willmar. Tb& Increase during tho past bl�11nh1I 11er!od was ne•rly 500. There ls tlVery reason to bellove the next t._·o yenrs "'111 seo a Ilk\! cutorgen1ent or 1101>ulatton In these lnRtlluUons. Tbe n;.ytunls are about Olltd to their The st.ate l10�1>1tnlH are O\·ercro\\·dcd with 1,nllents cornJ>elltHl to sleep on cots In corridors and tmpro,·fsetl roon1K nc,•cr originally Intended ror dorn1l­tor'Y purposes.

It therefore seems very erldcut tncrensed hospital cupaclty n1ust be atronled Cor housing the lnsan�. Belle••lng that the three hospitals have now reached a als.e where their e.nlari;ement to any further great degree Is undesirable. end recognizing that 110 one of them ts located conveniently near St. Paul, 1\tlnneapolls. and Duluth rro1n whence co1uc the greatest number of potlcnte, It ls the re-con1n1eudntlon or the State Bonrd or Visitor& that the leglslnture establish a new stnto bosplt<tl, to be dennltely located by the State Board of Control n� convunlcntly nenr the Jorge centers ot popnlaUon as p09slble.

Tbls Board re<:0gnlzes that e�tabll•hlng o! a new Institution lnvol«•s a

great expense; and that $ueh 1nsUtnUon n\RY not be an undue burden on the taxpayers or the atate. we su_ggeet the expense be n1et by use or the moner collected Cor supJIOrt o! the tnsone. which now amounts lO $875,000.00 and Is avaltabto In the gener'dl re"'cnuo runcl or the stat� for legislative npproprlatlon.

We believe when the st31e eonunlts nn lndlvldual to on lustltutloo Cor the Insane nnd deprives such lndh'ldunl o! liberty-though It be !or both the !;ood or such pcl'lloOn nnd Cor protecUoo of 1octety generally-the at.ate at the same tlme anumes $0lemn respon.stbtllty of proTidtng proper housing CaclliUes as ,..ell as good care. It 1loe& not seem to this Bonrd that such doty ean be rulAllcd w'lth our state h0Ppltals now overcro•.-ded and no pro­•lsfon fn sight ror the 1'lc;idy Increase In Institution PoPUlo.tlon wblch ls Inevitable.


Transportation Nurses for the Insane

The Doan! o! Visitors wl•hes to reno,.. Its recommendation Cor legisla­

tion to supply tmn1p0rtntlon mtr$eS Cor the Insane. At the present time, ae toon as an fndlvldunl ts eon unltted by " probnte court to aon1e state hospllal tor the Insane, euch person ts turnt•d over to the county eborlfT ror .trans­p0rutton to •uch ho•Pltnl. To thus cln8'1 the mcnt�lly Ill with er!ntlnnl• ond to place them In chorgo o! otttcers who•e •Peclalty IB the handling o! •lolators or the law and .,..ho know llttlo of the Insane, ts an tn1PoslUon and an nnneccasnry hnmlllatlon. ud a eurvlv•I o! days e:one bl' which should not be tolttal•d. When ln"ne patlcnt1 are tmnsCened !rom a hospital to

1 l ! !


nu nsyhun, they nro tu rhnri;:'" ot uurt<f'!4 or nllc11d:1nts frotn flUCh hoRpltal. 'l'ho >.1hcrlft Is not t1u1111110111·1I, :Uhl ''<·1·y 3t1ldo1u l!t reslratnt round nC<"OSi'ttn·. •rJ1cro "ecrus no loglu:•I ff1fltliOn why t1 COtf\1' or tr:•lncd nurs<.'-8 or Jfhouhl not be scattered n1nonJ;" the 'h1te hotitpltnl� 10 tle"ot� :et ltA91t p.-1,1. or their tln1c, l\S;hlt> fron1 lu,ith11Uo•1nl u-ork, In ff"!i(\('lndlni; to CO\ll� Cron1 rrob3t� c-ourts to trnn.s1>0rt p3tlon1• \\·hn bat·a h�n found ment:.lty atrll�tf-(1.


Pensions for State Emplo�·es

The "'Ork or th� U\'Cr:1J:t• state ln!!llhlllou (l-lnl)loye. �Jtl)C"'tlnlly In U1e cnrc or the lus.ane. ht hol11 tr)'ing ::ind , .. onflnln;::. nec:u1se or latk ot income

ond the "·ay ht u·hleh lhey ha,·e 10 lh·e. h 11 ln1ro�sible tor m.:t.ny of 1bem t<" CYer consi,ler nt:irryln� and having n"':tl honu•s of their own tr they are to reinoln in such lruc:UtuUonal work: tind f<"r ll1e p:ood of t'!IC'h lna·tttutlon. tho longer the lc.rn1 of en111loyn\ent nnd the fewer tb� chan�� ftmon,g: ..:rncJ�nt llelp, tl1e heucr. Tl1ese cn1plo�·c" h:1v<" Uttle to took for"·ard to if they re1natn "on the joh."" Ohl !1t;e only hrh1J:t1.l to U10-se \\'ho ron1nln, dis­charge \\'Ith no placo to i;o. Tt would ther<•rorc seetn but Ju1t and reason­able the legislature grant then1 a. pension $Yjtf<"1n. "··Ith a Cund to "·bfcb they n1ay regularlr contribute. u·ith retlreni<"nt on half r:ty afttr !a renrs·

Een"lce. at age of not letttt th:tu 6S yeanc.

Saving Property of tlle Insane

\Vhere a 11robutc Jncl,:tQ kno"·s or nuitcrtnl properl)' ow-ned 1Jy nn ln"'8ne 11ertt0n co1n1uitted throu;:h hi:.; w11rt to a �tntc hosylll3L ch4) l::\1\" no"" properl,.·

n.uthortzes tlu! a1>rN>lnt111ll11l h,· the court or� J:Uilrdf3n for sut-h riroperty. The Board of Vlt111lors would {urtbe>r '"l=t�st it":;ls1atlon t o J)ermlt :t

IU'Obnte Judge to nnnu� s<une one a.,.. an lnt"('Stl;ntor in t>ach case of a per­'on comntitted by htn1 :ts fn�.nne. to att�rt�ln whether tlt� r>atlt'nt lt�' ans

1�ro1lerty \\'h:tl.soe,·er. P<'tl1r111i:; 1ner�1,· r�crfl'onnl C'ITcet�. to �ce thnt ttl('J)l ma:r ht !11kcn to pro1cct null llll\'� �uch 1tro1��rry fr61n hf'ln� ah�olut('ly lollt: l\11(1 rurtht'r. that the 1tll�ht C'XJlfl'H�<" or an i11rc-;i1l1;.�1or In e:.rh e:i�� be n.llo"·cd ou1 or connty rund"·

This no:.rd haiJ rcc.-.uHy l�e!n lutt'rr-tttC'(l In t1te t:'l�e- of a yflUnJC lady. a rorn1er school te�cher nntl &Oeh•l "·orkC'r ,,..ho In her more ror1unate da� hns In her t1tru done n1uch for tho� In net."41. She had �ereral tntnk'I Coll or f)Crsonal efl'PCtl! \\'htch \\'PTe to n t!-tor:tge hOUSO fOtlO\l!."(llf;: her eom-1nlt1nent. '�;hc1t th<· f'lornJ:f' ch:trJ:;�l'I. rin:illy :1ccnn1u1atcd to n point where tho trunks a1u.t conhinl• \\·ere rcccntl�· ttold nt. public noctlon. At the. flff}iJCnt thue nn crrort !fl: h('h1i:: >uadc to n1ht(' i-:uUicient n1ouey by snb­.-crlJltlon to retlee111 this prflJ\("rl.�" the ll1"0tt!lf\Ct.h·� Jo$� of \\'hlch Iv "·ttrryfn�

the tlfttlent. Tho tale S<?nntor ,,., A. �olan. of Grnnd )lcado"·· for m11ny yc11rt. the

11rt•ldent of U1e Bo."r•l f\C \·t�lton:. tttron-=ly :ulvorn_tM a lnutl<'<' for th'!'

Page 8: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

1 1

lnsnnc \\'ho would aulo1111\lf<:ully tnko O\'Cr tho orooert.y ot all those con1-nlltted to our stntc ho:i.,ltnls. Sutt to rt'lntc. tberQ nre ninny 1nJJtnnces where rel:allv� of 1).-.tlt'ntg lu\VO Hl!lin11n<Hl ehnrgf) ot 1>-i.tlents• propert;>· largely for their own l:t-f\ncrlt nu•I wllh llUlo thou,1tht of the Tenl owner.

Hospital Needs. of· Former Service "Boys"

The Worltl Wor Is over. 8ut we have with us lb<! sad aftermath. bond""'• or .. boyo .. who •houhl II<' In tho phy•IClll and mental strength o! <li;oroM young monhood. yet bttou•e ot shell-•hock. the elfects of poison Jtn5, or general bttak-dt1wn fron1 vnrlo111 service causes, are today but the ghosts of their fornu�r aclvH.

A report or l11e Yet<r.ns· nurenu ror lhe Tenth District. dated Novem­

ber 26. l!l!!. AllO'«ll .n ntc ot 7, t!O cnAet or oppllcaUon for compensation and l:ospila1ir..atlon .. h._'l�td u1)()n either tubcrculnr or neuro-DS:rcbtat.rlc dtsabilit�·.

In this file. the c.'l?S� rroru �lh1nc11otn nre ns rollo\\·it:

Tuberculnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1,120 Neuro-psrchlntrle . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.S25

That tnnny or tbe:8c c:1u�eA rnny ne\•er nl'Ct1 anything tur-ther than com-1:.cnK.1.Uon rront tho �O\'Cr1nneut. hil doubtless true. But 1t al$O seen1s ce1'-­tnin thnt a consltlcrnhlc f)Orllon wlll C\'Cntunlly neot1 hospltnl eare, both tor tuherculo5ls nncl ror n1011tnl orfllcllnn.

Dr. M:nnlllfin. nC'uro-JHtychlntl'IC f'l)�Clftlli'tt for the Veterans• Burea'1 of the Tenth Dh1trlct (l\lhu1CMOtfl. !\lontonn. and the Dakotas) has contptled 1l�urcs 8ho\vlng thut ht Nove1nb�r. 1921, there were 2,000 ueuro-ps)•chlatric: C.'\l:!-('"8 dfspo,icct or ht this dlPtrlct. Six 1nonths Intel" there were about 3.600 tnses; nnd In Noven1ber. Jf)22, thtre \vcre 5.000 c:tttes. Dr. Hantlltou nsserl.$

an nprarent fucrea-.;(' ot 300 R n•ooth. 1111d believes this ·will continue ror at lc:u;t tt r�nr noel a holf. nnd lhllt hy thnt time we wl11 have In liUnnesola nlone Rl lenst 6.000 gucb cn!cs. n co111Jl11crah1e 1>ercentng:e ot l\·hich number

will require h04!pltol core.

'rhll! 13 nn fucnxucc In hOflJ)ltnl de1nnnds fto1n nn unt"xvected source yet <•HC lbnl nu1_st be 11.cnared \\•Oh. RH Increase u·hfch our state Institutions cannot pretend to 3cconlntodnte.

We thettfore rt-c.'OnHnen11 (ns hf the desire or the Anterican Legion) that th� Jtitfsh1t11rc" txtB• ft re10lt1tfon 1t1Jldng Cong-ress lo est:abllsb 8. hos­pital (or tuh4're111::.r :c.crTlee Ulen. nnd ftnother ror oeuro-psychlatric and

mental ..-a • ... In Mlnn .. olJI. eoch ln•tltullon ot •t leost 1.000 beds capacity. This would :1x1urc prorcr core of rorntcr service men. and Would atrord relier to onr ;alrcndy 01'Cf'Crt)Wdcd 11:atc tustltuUons to which these ttuffore� Ulf�hl b!\VC to l>e tcent In JI(\\ or olher �ccomm0tlatfon111.


I )

Radio Se1·dcc fo1· State lnstitutiong

\\"o wouh1 rt1itll4..'<:tfulh· fliUJ;r,l"iilt tn the lt";:lsl:tture th� ttt1Tl�1blllt\· oc RUl)lllylnJt rndlo rc.•c:eh·lnJ:' ontfilM :u 1h.., Yarlous �•:ate tnstitutionii. \\·e �·�re

lnror1ncd b)' Or. A. t-•. t\llhourn\.·. �'llt\ rintendc-nt or tbi" S.t::ate HospU:al nt

ltoc·h�flter (whtt '' rnthPr of thl' hl*'tt) that n ndlo ontftt �n � est:abH�hed nt the ICO<'h<'t!t€lr JIO"JlltAI whh •'Xl«11tiun-.: to thl' \"3rious w3rds. for about

JG�O.O(). J\t our 1111nullcr ttt!\t{' ln1tthtttlo11s th� CO!'ll woulcJ b� <''""'" 1�41.. :\fotiou rilccure� :1t1d other !orn1it •'C !\m111rn1en1 :tr\! furnish� :u the fn11tltn­tfons on an ft\.<'f'ftf;P of our<' a "ttk, hut tht' r:uli<' <'fft'H daih· t'ntt'rtftin-111col nnd htut the tUJ\·:tntu�� or h1\·in'= only lhe ori;::iu:1.l co,::t fo� continuous Jll'atrrnl118, the urkeeJ• bt"f11jt <1>H't':tf:ttil't\l�· 1tm:.1l. Jt j<t probably true that for this tt3'40n, rntlto t•ro1::ri-tns \\'Onld tt.1y for 1f\cn1�h·es In.side of 3 ,·ear

h• tl1e A:.\\'lng throu�h elfnlln�ulon of oth<'r f'ornts or en1e-rt:1inment thnl the radio \\'Ouht l:argety dl!tp1tt("�.

U11-e of lhe rrtc1fo would do lnlu..·h to r<·Ji�\·<- th•· 111onotony of ln!tli tuUonaJ llt'e tnul perhfll'" be 1uort :1111•r-f'c-Jih·il th�n nn,:i.· 111her one thin� that coulll lu: done to brlJ:ht<'tt thr lh·t'$ nr thn"<" 10 wl1on1 ·'thC' n'(>l<'t:nC'hoty •l�y� h:\\·e


A Word of App1·eciation

Tho llonrd Of Vlftl1or� \\'l,� to cxprc-s� :ll)J1r"clnlfon or the lntereJott tiud r.O-OJHJ1•u1lon C:<tC'Htlorl this Gonrd hy th<! sup�rintcudcnt!t ot our irubllc lnl!ltll11Uons which hn\'(' "0 A'.ff';1lly :ll•l<>1l u� in our work. \Ye ha,·e b�n nftordecl C\'l!f.'' toclllty to 111nk" our ln�111:ctions thoroulth :tnd hn,·e had c:ulck rOi'JJonsc to vnrlouM f;ll1!"l"si.ti<u1� ou1tl rt•couHne1ulations \\"0 hA\'e made.

\V(' nl80 nrc \"(lry :tJIJlf<'<:lnth·�.

or the "'�nncr in whtch <Jur reports h�n·e heuu recch•cd hy thc> Stntc Ho:trtl or ('1n1trol :tn1l lll" hc::.rln;:s which our r••co1111uo11dntlo1111 hn\'(.\ r�Cl'l\'cd. ,, .... h:t\"t" fnnclion"•t In full h:1rrnony "·fth

lhc llonrd Of ('n111rot lll\'lt1he rJt. C-\.<"11 It\ h:n·in� reqncits tro1n Board of ('onlrol IUl.'llth.:rs for J1t\'�Jlt�:1tio11s aloni:: <:l'Tlnit1 Jin�. ,,.c believe thi!: au�ur11t w�ll for thl• J:OOd of our llll'<litntion�. which we b�Jic,·c- \\•-?re DC\"Cf h1 betu•r ,:cncrnl e<t11clltlon than :.1 l'rf'l'<"ttt.

== ::-=.---=

Roys' Traininir School at Red Wing

,,.c belle,·,� thC'rc Is no n1ortl hnt'llrta.nt i:-!"'tiltu!on in t11e 1tt:1te th:1n lb"' Boy1' Trnluln1t School nt RC'tl \\.ht-=. At lht" 1i:at� or our la!tt vl�tt (De-«m­

ber •. 19!!> the boy tt0pul:ulon \\"Ali �:,;, (dl�trihnlt"'I :1nton� eight com­J)."lnle1. or tnn1tly grou1>1) :and th<"r<' \\'c.�r"' tit:. boy� no J'3n">l� �nd undfr state ngency ttUP<"r''li!I011 :tl 1h·1lr l":trinu!t loe:tlionic.

ll h1 our opinion tlant l11l1t Jt<"hool iJ: lteU<"r t"'113?-' In C'f"ery w:\y than It hl\fl heen rnr Jlt)l"P )'PnrJl. Thf'rt" �t¥n'" to lt:a,·e 1'1, ...... ll S-h"':t•I?-· hn10�-.\·om�nl

Page 9: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

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" ,.; 0 0 5 .,, c z % < " ,.. � ... < ,.. "' * ;.. Q

0 % Q .J ,. a 7. -:



urut�r R"u1Jerinl('n1h·nt J. T. Fulton, who e-\l1l1•n1ly hns thP bf'� t tntl'\f("!U!- of lho bo)'a at h<":trt. Th" �furtn"•lun of 5'•"\"Cr:tl hundred lncortl�ble hOy•.

howovor. ts no sruull tailik; yet the hulhllng or s;:,OOtl citizens oul C'( tads who bn\'O tnn<lc an 11nfortu11:\I{· �tnrt In :1 it<,cint "·nrk t•nd dut�· nn11 lh� tmport­

uncl' or which CAii hul'dly lu} O\'(•I' (''1ilhll:\letl.

'\'c bn,·e nlwny• round tbe ln�tltutiou elt:tn nnd invhlng. The bo»• nre wf\11 housed and wtll look\.--tl :dU!:r. but we aa:rf'e with Superintendent J•"ulton that there IM n1or<- that can b(' don�. The 3Ytrn�e fl.tay 1s ten 1uonlhs. \\te lndorJto l\1r. Fulton'ft vie"' 1hnt lhht could with nth'ttntnge h!J t•xtcnd(•d to fifteen or slxte('n 1uonth� to 1>ernlll the hoy to falrlr "'ell 1nn&­

tor eon1c speclni llne of tra•lc. ·rho boy both �kltled :tud Interested in a certain Industry. bns hts b.·Hth: hnlC "·on :in.J bfs cnergle!ll :\re directed In useful and be.t.prul ch:utn<'li!:. To extend th� till:\�· nt the ,chool tor more (,•fftctcnt lndustrlRl tralnin�. Jll(':'lllS :I r•f!'t1nttner1t tncreJ'ISC In ])Opul:ition� •rhts ineaus n1orn 1nouey need('d tor n1ait1tcn:1ncc, nt le�st. one nnd pretcr­r11Jl)• two new cotlftgei:;. :'Incl hcltt'r 31111 lncrca!'ed tnd11111trlnl trn1ntnj:


Consideration of eau� or. ""'' re1nedlH for. JuY"�nl1e dellnqnency h..'\vc

been given st\ldY b)' inemherit or this Board but are not h1clutted In tbl1 re1>ort as this suhJcct 1s to b� re1,or1ed �\t lcns:.1h to the J\f�l'.,nt l�g-ls1!'lture hy the Stnte Crtnn� Conuni11slon.

Rochester State Hospital for the Insane

'fhc u1osl recent ''isil hy thht BO:'ITd to lhl· State Hos111tn1 for lnsn.n� at Jtochester wnti 1111ule Oece1nb('r fi. 1!1:!!. \\'ht'u lhE" 1'QpuhUlon 11.·a� GS! 1nales. 65S (en1:11e1-n tot..'\I or 1.310. Thi-'< hMplt:il h:." !1!.evtnal bondrfli paUents 01ore th:.n Its Jlro1>er ca�C'it,·. '"\L nls;ht ot ntoeVJlllty cot.$ :.� ''er)' close to�clher In the ·"·ar•flil, :l•HI a n11n1ber or roti:i ha,·c lo b(' pl::teed In udJotntng eorrhtorts. Until rccenlly R<unc or the J\.'\tienht hn,1 to s;e<>p on 11111trc3ses on the noor but thlg h1111 now h"cn ,..,..,nf>flif'd so there nre cots for

1111 �'lieu.ts. A nu1nber of th••-c.(' coti-;. lu1\\· .. ,·er. :tT<' old and "'rickety"' 3ntJ should be replace-ti \\"ilh "�"-. \\·,� �inttrl'IY hftpe th!' te-1;htl:uure ttill � llhe-rnl In its a1111ropriation ror thlfll fl(\(!'(l('o(I nl'"' <>fluipmcnL

Dr. A. F. l\llhouru<.-. sur .. erlnt('1ulent. whott(\ runny Yt'� r" fif suce�!rul tuhnlnlstratlon hn\'C �h·rn hhn :1 n:ltiOn:'l r<•p11lntlon. f!J ntnklng the very hegt or existing concllUontt. rottC'tl 11l:111I:<, \\'Inflow !'lnd hall c:url:tln�. :.nil ·wall picture,. tnnkc lhll; hti�Ututlon :itt hotn('llkt' a!t Pol"�lblt'. We b:ll"e tounil all wants nru1 aparuuenhc Jtcn1p11lou,ly <·l,..nn :tnd nltrneth·<•.. Tbe be.tiding ts nlwnytt clC'an and J&:utltnrr.

'rhc new tuc1n�trln1 Jll"'llfon I� \\"(•11 C'•1ohlJl<.'i'I holh with lnduictrlnl n111>urntus �lOtl with ctflc1enl ll1tall·11c111ri-:. \\'e flfncer<>ly hot"' thnt our othor iitt"te tnstltullon._ for th<' in�nue tun,· soon b� tu• "'"II slln:itrd ror lndu,rrl3;

"'°ork. PnUentJi: "'ho nre ablt• to r�<'IY('" thht lrnlnin1: :..� r-.."'pOrtcd to bf" n1nterlnlty brlJthl�n(\(f :nu1 h(•nen1ed nt('Ul:11I)'. Th("re nf'I\ four s:pecl:.I

tcncherg llUPJ)lted h�re for ror1nc:r 1u�r,·Jct' 11i...•11. who on n1e- •ln)· or our ,.,flit

Page 10: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo


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of Decr1nbc-r &, HI:!:?, nn1nh(lr('1l 11:!. Thf:\ ll1th1�tr1:11 d('p:1:rlntcn1 t�ntl1e-s the tunktng or ru�:i nnJ t:\J)(':;qrr <on tnfnh�) antfif'l:ll fto,,·("r::. lncc. basket�. tancy '''Ork 1111d J•lr\in �('wiu�. The- ((ln11(•1· �·.•1'\'k" 1nPn ttr+"' :\l�o inu�ht tYP<'­\\'rlllng, IH\fld work in ntnklng ch:lfn� :HHI han1l-h:1�fil'. nu1n11:·t1 1r:1tnlnJ:: !\nd the 1nnJdng oC ittt;r-nious to�s.

Anoka State Asylum for the Insane

Anoka SWte 1\s»h11n (C'lr ih� Jni:.:tn� h:Hl a J)o11ul:uion or :.?76 nHl.}�$;. r.t;9

fe1nntes-a total O( $:t�n (!Ur I:\$>( \'i�il (i)f'!('PUtbrr 6. l!i:.?!?) J)f('\"iOU� to the t\re1>arat1on ot thl$ rC?porL l)r. Arlh1ir T. Cain. ro,. 1n<t1�y Y<":lr� the As;;�·hnn t;hrslcian. ts no'" snp1·rlutf'111lent. �tt('<:c;.t•1li11� )lr. John ('o!<-n1nn. uri\,. :l tnenttJcr oC U1e State Ilcard C'!f Conlrol.

�Ve ha,·e f<n11Hl the JH?:Hne�f'I-. �:l'':l111in('-:1�. :nul �<'n('r:il <'fflcil"ncy n( IUiUln�eutent th:'lt 11'\'(!r (•hanu•l('riz•••! th <• iolC>:d �lf"l!nlnl�t l':ltlou or ).!r, Colr­Ulttn. continued lltHl<'1' Dr. C'nin. Thi' J):Hi••hl� :1r(' v�ry €'Yidrntly "-'<"11 eare<l for, "·ell clolhcd :uul gC'11�rousty Cefl.

Th9 fnj':;fitutlt\n hft$ 011t�rown fhP C-�Jl:t('ity of u� }lf<'St'Ul 1:t11n11ry :'lnd :� ll('\\1 one is necd"d. tho c.:1s.:t or \\'hic.:h llr. r:1in p1:H'''i¢ ;'It !2:..ono.oo. Tl1� new tnt1rnu1:ry •H".:trlng coH111li•tio11 i� :i lnntlt'l hniltHn� an1l will nc- c:on11nocla.t,,. ·10 11aticnts. It will 1>rob:\bly b� ;:tY:liJ<'bl<' In .l:H1uary.

The incluatrh�l 1lf!parttncnt for !l:ttiC'nt�. Jo<-,t1'1l In the b:l$Pffi('nt of tbr nun1:;e11tent hnl1 buikHn�. is heing ('Xt<·n•tcd. A toe.-! fttClt'ry rnrni�hci� \\'lck_er furniture {ranlCS. the fiber for \\'iudhlf!, and two ln$:lrnctoN. Th., lnsUtuUon i� ptthl hr thP. J\it:ec- for 1:1c· ,.,,n111lt"t{'(l 11roth1<'1. Onl)• WC'Ule-11 ::tre thus en•ploycd at 1u·c·s;.c11t. h11t. Dr. Cain'� Jlh1n" t<• inr!luh .. rl n1C'n p:.tic-:it� j:l001\ and to hn,·c occopntl<'n in lhl� d"J,:lr1!n<'nl for :H !<-:'l�l trio.

Hasting!; State A:;:�:lnm for the Insane

· The I tasting� 1\�,\ hnn i'OI' thl' ln�:HH· lll'td :'\ t)t111\11:tti(lll ()f 1.f'U'O :i.{ Chf! CIOS(' o( I.he )tlSt fl:i:cal Y<'•l1' (.hlJH' :':II. l,:.!�L :lll Jll'tl(' �;)til"'t1t:.:..

The centn1l 1)01·lfon or '111• lnniu lntitclfn� lv. tht" only nun-flrftJ)rC'nf ('On­structiuu rcn1:al11l11g (I( thl� in�tltutlun. S11J'"rh1t•·1ul"nl \\"rn. Y!ln7. i� n�k­ing the- l�f.d:-tl:1ture for $1�:..01•t'.011. fur r•'<.'t•Ul'tfn(':ion ot thi� �C'clion. :�net for this rP •. ::ison has uot h''''ll :-:1w111lh1� 1n1t('h Hl•''ll''Y In nt·�11<'c1 r,,.Pl!'l<'t"'lnC"nti;. 1'he dlnlng l'Ol')n1's Cot• path ... nts :1n1t l ... 111ploy1·<1. �1r<: r·r('l\\'1l('t) �nd th•' Ooors l.mdl�· \YOnt, Th� s:1111c i� h'Hl' or th•� t;."'nf'r;,l !-'(•r,·in� rocnn. ''°" h<'Jl� th� lc�isluture will grant the l'\11uli:- ro1· lh•· rclJ11ihHnr:.

,,-o JHl\'O fouud tiH� fnJ11titoCion 111:1i11l.:d11•••I In :1 i:;i11lt(U')'. c.•l(':\t\ nt::inuer. The <l<:>rn1ito\ic!{ :.ire c.'i-tJ'f•<'ially luYitin!! wllh ;�tuid :-:11h$t:lnllnl lrt.11\ he<I� nntl good bedding. Th<-> v:1th.:ut-t :1r'• :11111:11···111ly \\'t•ll l':H'•••I fur. nnd well fed.

On out· fn�l \'h:ll. \\'f'• '"tlh•c1 :l!t··ntiou lh:et r:111i;:it1"1rf-I thron;:hout Uh.! tnf(Uti'1Uou (eXC"Pt In lh•· ho�1,llaH :u't..• wili14\ut rtr<'t•'<'tinc: i\"("n �<'rc�n$ :'ln'1

Page 11: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo


I l


r<'con1nu•uth'11 th•��1.• h(' �"'<"t11'('1l tn \•r<'\ ('11t :\ccidenL."'lly b,nrnfns; or patients. \\'c hclle\'O th�re Is 1·001n wlll1 :ul\·:u1t:1�c ror the Jutroducliou of Industrial lh�rn1)r nt HH�ling�. T\\'o 1hlrclio or ,\tr. Ynnt's JKltlents nrc classed as

"nble to \\'Ork" :uni dnrln� 1hc \\·1111c1· th('ro lfi \'<'rr little ror the uu1Jorit>• er theiu Lo clo. Under 'late or )1:1y :l, J92�L we fil"'' �• report with the Ilottrd ot Control on it ,·l:;tt to ll:tl'tlini::,s. in which we :o::ut;g4'$l� tho :ld,•lsablllt)' o( e!ltnhl13hlng :Ht hulu::;tri:d lralnht� d�J•ftrUnent In 1hls tn�tltntlon.

\Villmar State Asylum for the Insane

The f)OJ>nlatlon of Lh� \\'llhh3r Asyh11u for ln!ltt.tH\ .luly 19, 1922. w-aa

265 1neu, 198 wo1ncn-a totnl or 4G� l':lH�11\�.

The 'Vilhn�tr institution I:< co1n1,:tr:-11i\·('ly 1H.•\\" anrt an fdca1 a.syhnn. jll.howlng \•er�· �rrielent 11.:1n:1gen1ent under Dr. (:l-'Or�c H. f""·reen1:ln. superin­

tendent. This ts reflect.eel in the <'X<:{'lt('nt health anion� the p:\lient.s, as there was not a single r�aticnt In lu,•d with �111y i11ne�s (a!!lcle rr�1n old n,::e) cn1 the da�· or 011r l:tst \'lsU.

\Ye l\tt\'e only con11nen•1alion for <:ondltlons :ls ,,.<' ha,·e round them at \\Ttlhnnr, Clean i1t1d t;:u1it:1ry d'JrtllilO!'f'�S. )>IClllY 0( hOOd (OOd and clothing, nnd kindly trent.111"nt null con$it:•1ration or pali<'nts. It i$ "·�r-fby of note that all 1uea t used t� t.1:-.u�-hl<'r<'d :tt the in�til•ttlon. This inehute>s :tbout 150 hogs a year tHhl 01rCl-' i:;tct"'r$ :1 tUCitUh.

Our only suggestion hlr \Vllhoar . .-\1'-yhnn is that tl1e le�l�lalure gTnnt Otl fllll>roprhtUou for e�tabii8hUhH1l of !l de1l:irt1ucnt ot lndn�trial thel':\I)�· \\'lth such instructor� :is are nc<-de-d.

Sl)Jdie1·s' Home at Minnehaha Falls

tu a report dnl�l S('fll('IUhl"r 6 • . 1!':? 2 . WC· took 1•1�:1sur·e> in �lating relR­Lh•e"t.o t.he So1clicl'?4° llo1nc. "\\"e ha\·e found the llotne in ah-i;olut.<!ly the be-st condition \\"e ha\•e e\•cr lu.�('U ahlc- to IH.'f('tofor"' report. Ct\lnf'1lred with 111nnr hH;JJ�CLlous 1nac10 !n 1•:1s1 year�." whl<-h ro·th'('lS 1tn1C'h cr�tlit on bettcr­nt<>nts un,ler the at1111lnl�l1'atlo11 or C:on1n1nn1lan1 S.. lf. TO\\"ler. Rooms nnd (\or1nttories nre clean atvl hl\'ltlng. th(• ro-otl lllCn\ifut. \":\ri�d. :tnd "·ell cooked.

\Ve :lgntn \Yhth to <":tll :tlt<!nUon to t1h� iu.�<....-f or n. nt\\· ho�pilol boi1cllni:. The pre?sent old stntchtre ht too �1n:1ll-\\"ith the �ick 11�t constontlr increasing: �unong the old YC>lt"l':uu1.. The.' b11i111inJ: t� a Orel mp, nntl utter))• lnodecauote ror 11re�cnt dernntuls. l)r. Cl:trk. 1:ur;:'.."On fn chttTjte. Is dofn,:: the \'er�· bC'f;t that c:u1 he <'Xllect<'d with 1he lluit1lln,:: :-tnrl <:"<111lrn1('nt hC' has: but a nC\\" an11 lnl'i:er hulldln� I� :l crylnf:' n<'cd.

Page 12: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

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Fergus Fall� �latl' Hu:<pital (or the In�ane

Tho popu1:ttton of lh\• Jo•••r;:.u� f<';\lli; �l:ttt• llu�ph:tl fnr the lni:t'tnC Of\

AngntL 15. Jfl2:?. \\ftS SG.; llH 11 u11�1 71� \\•>ni. n-n �01:11 er 1.:,"1 ll."ltl«nu:.

Per�u111 F:1ll)( Jio�pllal I" lhi� J:1r:;C'St. of our lnllti1111loni' ror 1hc tns.ano and hlh� tho 1no!'t dl11:tn1·h1•1I 4.ilnsiL Dr. \\-.·h:h, �u11erinu•n<lcnt. hOW('\'('r, fl'l e\·er equnl to hll'I prohlc1nK un•t the excell('ul C\.llHlillon-s prf>\'1\ltlnir In �\'er)'

cit'p.:.lrltnent rc•Oe,·t the c(h<:h.•nty of hl"l nn\11:'1Ct'ttH:nt. \\'c h:tT"e al'\t':'kY"'

round �II al):trtrn\'cts <-lc·an un1l urat. 11.:.tli••nlil \\"E"ll fed 3nd (":t.rc1l for. :1n1l no roon1 for t:rttic:it;tn.

A ae1•l11·n1e bui1ding rot· 111h1:l'tulnr p:11i1•1111t. Joni; nf!EtdC"tl. "':11 10 be coro­

t,1<-tt.d l:tl� In 192�. It wll1 house af' patltlnt;. :uul l:t t:o ronlilir111,':IP'1 th�L n

�c·eond atol'Y rnny be !tthle1l lnt�r wl1cn neretc�fir)' .

• .\. new on&-story hnl111trl:1l ln1ilr1ing \\'>ljl. nearlng couirl�tlon :it the thne o[ our lo)lt l'hiilt ;:nut "•Ill fill a de-n1nnd h1ng t"Xis:tin.:. \\0c hope the lpgisla.turo wlll be generous In �lll>{llying addltlonn1 «}uipmenl that :!S many )i.titient.s 81 ))08S(bJe U1:·ly h(.' f:'l\0(?U the �Hh'�llllzq:e� O! (ndU�ttl:l\ th('r!lp)".

Ferg-ulf Fnlls Ho�r1ftnl lut� Ii� ('r1ll"'ttti<'!.l. ·rh<:r oro1>erl�· bPlong at th�

State Epileptic Colony hut Uu.•re I� no •·09111 for 1hc1n :tt Farlb1111lt no'""· U the teg1&1nturo wtll hut J:rnol th�· f!C'�lrc•l ut•w t'olony, 1hcy (':tn I)(" trans ..

Cerre<l nnd ndflitlonal 1"0fllll, n1uch ll"•-..l••d. ht.' 1hn!t 111:t•lt' In tht> HettPilal

"'here e1'ery :l\·aHabl(" a1'3rtuu.•1H. t',.,.n lo :11Uc 1'")()J11:o;. ig in u�e.

On Auguo;t l:lth la�t th""" "·<>re �o Jl;t\l,•nl1- 3l t�C'�Ufll f·:.nJ "ho ha•I hecn gpnt there �t ,·arh.llh' tllu"" fnuu th<' :0:1.1tf" ltf'ton11:1tur,. nnJ. l"riron.

They �•ro r<'t•orr�d by thP. hof411llal 1n:·111:u�(\11H•1H :t.4. runnwnytt nn1I n h�nl

lot to luu'ullc. \Ve rcc�C-ll1llH'll•l'•1l In :l 1'(')\4'1't to th(' 11o:tri1 Of ('"untrnt. their

rentovnl ati. soou as po�)tlhl<' to 1he �t. l"i.'tf•r A�ylum for Dat1C:"'ro11s ln� •

'"·bic.b lnfltltution has t•IC'nty l•f r•..:>In f•+r ::uhllilGl131 P.'tirntJt n11tl "·hrre ther are C()UlllJltJ to htlll'r f':lr\"\ fi'r thii' �.,,,lit ,,r r1nC•ltt:in:'ltll!I.


Walker State Sanatorium for C:ono.nmpth·es

Th� Stnte Snnatorh1111 ror C�n�unlrth·•"-c :it Ah-Gt\nh-C"hlng (n ear

\Yalker) b:ttf a po1n1laUon or !-I� fl:1tienttt 04.tot)(-r �. l!l!!. our lni-t Ti$:ll to

th� lu�tltutlon f'Te\'IOU!t to lht' llr<'p.1r.tlh•n nr lhi� rrpnrC. Of the tot:tl nu1uber. u;:t \,·ert' nu.•u :11111 ::-�• "·0111nn.

Plcnt,.· or 1'tl'ength-,:::h·l11J: fnor1. th!' h1•••11thlnt: nr fn,•!Ch (tUt•h'Or :llr tl:iy

nnd nlJrht, nud n Joug �L;ty, :1rt• th" rr-q11l11IH'ft tor tn•!1tu1e111 or the cou­su1upli\'C' pntlcut. 'that 111:111y h{'('0111(! l101u••ith·k :tnfl i11�i1't on lf\:\\·in.{:" tbC'

tn!!Ututlon hl'rorP the�· "houhl. I� to h(' h1111<>n1t.,I: hut thi!C '"' :'I hO�(ilt:tl :tnd not A pennl lnMtllntlon. li'o u J\itl('nl who in�h.t;t on 1 ,-:t,·in=- bait th�l f'rl'l'ilef:_. to b!s nr ht:r o�:n cletrhncnt.

AM fnr aJt. "'e h;n·c bN'n :'Ihle to :i�('iflrtnl11. thr pati<'ntl' r1•('"'l"e C'Yerr eorui:lderntlnn. hnve :lhl•' r11ul con�h111t. n1<'11l�tll nU,.nll<'n. :uut th(• 111C1notonr

oC lnMtltuthinnl llfe e11Jh·r1101l i,,.· fr"'l1tf'1H ''tll•·rt:tlnnll''nltt In tll" ,\mu�,.._

Page 13: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo



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lL\I� 1u·1t.HlX\�. �·r.\T .. ; !'(.\X.\TOllll'll ... OH co��l'lll"rl\'ES. \\1.\1.Kt:H


.. -·

111enl lf:1ll. 1'hl.c lnclu•l••I( f·1111P0·rt:i o\·i•r :a r.ulio purch�sed th<' p:\st t:un\­

ulflr ul 1u1 "Xl\(\Ul((I uf -':t7.0,fltt. r:tl:'•'•I hy .. ,,a�:iln� 1he h:tf" amonl! t.ho J'1lle11ls.

A J::rt•nl 1mrt·e11t:1�·· or 1hf• 11:Hl\·ut,i :ire 3t •h<" S.-.nJtorium at eonnl.,v expenttc, but lht•re 11' no dllTrrt:urt.' '" :re:Hrncut. ln<':\ls.. nr h<!l\\'een U1011e who ll..'l)' thl'lr O'\'u ..,..Xtt-t•nses and llu)sl' prest'nt :it ec>unt:.· expense. The lntlh,ldnrtl 11:Hh·n1 •IOOit 1101 knn1': In W"hieh of th� two classH hi• aallOel•l•• b•toui;.

There hna been iio1t1e ro1nvlaha1 :thout the 1n�:tt� .. la�ety origln:uln�

an1nng the ror1ucr "C!r,·lee 111t!n for who1n the g:o"ernn1ent P3Y'lt ,3.00 a cl:tt

(the» nuu1ber :St>. BC!'c.·:1111€" or thf\ h>nel�· IO<"":Ulon or the lnsU1u1lon It i.s han1 to keep htllt• aud lh�e (•h:111�'-'lt !1a,·e O<·<'a�lonally inc1ud€-d the cooks. But on October !hi when \\'e lnlC'r\·lewetl a nu1nber of J).'ltlents, lnctu,Un� rua.ny of the �Cr\•lt.o.e 111en. they one· ruhl :tlt �t:\tcd 1J1:tt tbc:r-n. and Cor gomc t1u1e pro,·toua. the 111eale h;ul bec·n all Untt could be asked. It l!'t also nole­"·orth�· U1nt without cxccprlon. one anti all h:t\'E.." words or praise for Dr. P. l\I. llnll. the $1.UJlf'rint<'tHICn1.

Tht }lroblcru or kee�hu: ht"IJl 1u the ··�:10"' h<lS been partially solt'cd h)'

01e c1n11loy1nont ot Corn1�r 11:1Uents. Rt le:i�t :>o. per cent or the en1pJoye3 h•lng ot thlt eln&•.

ThP new lnt1rn1nr�· •n1tldi11�. r:tllfdly nf'nriu� contpl('tfon. has tong been needed. lt will h:n·l� Gl hNI� :Httl a 1•otc·ulJ:tl e;ql:1clty or twice :ts mnny coueldcrlng thu roorn on lhO 1)roatl JX>r<'hc� n•hlch run across the front of th� butldlng. On th<' roof nre t;tre('ncll "sun-bath ..

porches for those

nCftlctcd with lulicrculosl� or :;,-1and�. �h1e"·s. or hone. :For such cases ti:un trtt:1Ctuc11t hns biJcn found \'Cr�· ctr�cth'f'.

In U•I� conncet1on 11 lg lnterc�11ns:: 10 uotc that any thne during the spring, $111n1ncr. or rnll. n 1111n1bt-r C'C <:hlhlrc11 orRictc<l ·wlt11 this roml or tuberctito8hJ nu1y be 1{('1•11 1-1ayl11J: on the lus;.litution 1:rounds. n.tUred only 1n Join cloths nnfl hrowo :•� 1Jerrh.'s. tn IH.•arly '''"tr�· one of these enses thnt. ll:n·e been seen nt thn "$:tn"' $Ouu.• thnc. hut �t·:1rs or "·hat were sel"erc tubcrcuh1r run11l11g f'o1·�11 rcnt:1l11. Tiu• children ar� a happy tot ot "Little 1ndlnne:" rtnd the JlCl8 or Cite lns1ftu1lon.

\Vllh the now lnflrnutry to bt'aC. the 1hre.e-OOi1er plant nt the power house wlll be atrolned to lttt utn\ost. C';:tpaclty. At present the bea.t In the boiler room 18 tenlflc nntl bt'tter ,·c:nullntiott h� Tery �s�ntia.1. A ne"· power plnnt of grentcr C:ftJ'l1tctt�· "·111 soon he n��ll"ll: and when it is supplied It is 10 be boJ)ett It \\"Ill be locn(ed t:<'lllE.' •1IJ11ta11cc from the main b�Htllng where 1n•oke Cron\ the pre1;cnt JlOwer houg� Is no"· fr€'()ufntls an annoy3nce. J[ t\ new plnnt t11 noc allowed hy th<" l!t!:t l<"e,1S13tttre. "·e rcromttlt-Dd that

" 11;mokc-eonl'l111ner bt• JC r:.nted for one or th� lhr\'e boilen: which Is not � equlf'Jled ot pr�t'nt n1ul I� th<.' ,iou� or the- �1nok<' nuh!:ancc.

In the bn11rn1ent ot the antll"('IHt'nl loulhlin� .. lruhtslrl:ll has ll('t'D lnAUJ[Urftt('(I. tl!tllkt'lry :11111 lll01lll$: of l"3th('r are h\ttght lO @m2U clnest�. Tltere Ii. n r�1era1 J:O\"('rnn1cnt l<"3cher in commerclal and

ncadcn1lc @nhJetl;t for the �('r\·IC't' 1nen nnd an �ddHlon:l1 Ccdt' fn!!;tructor In lnc.tutttrlnl \\'Ork he ttl l>e 2oql11Hed. \\"e h<"1ft'V(' lndu�trlal Ir.tining w-ork ronld \\'elt be extended to nll 1i:ttl<"nt1 who d�lro it.. nnd Also one or n1ore

Page 14: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo


ndtllllouul teuchC'rs �Ul•llllC'tl \\·ho 1•nnltl £:'.O :in1oni; �uch br>1l-11;1tlents att :tre

unable to go to the an1us.c>n1<'111 hul!lllni!.

A shorl:\gc oc sh�d roo1n I � <'au�ln� the f:u·111 n1:1cbinery to be l\"ft In

the 0111�u. A toru:tll :i1,1worrl:ulon wonl•t l>uilot :1n ;Hl\Jl}C' �tn1ctur<' :tntl b� tnone�· \\'Cll h1YE'Sted.

----- --

State Hospital for Cl'ippled Childl'en

I t Ii:; e,·er a 1llea::tur<> to tns1,cct th<' �tut,_. IJ·,�pltal for C'rlppl�d C'hihl·

ren. nt Ph:llcu Park. Sl. P�tul. Jt�re lhe s;h�11h.'I\\" ot 11hy!l:ical :uh·<'r�lly ralli:;

to dhl\ the sunsbine In lhe hc:1rt:-: of O\'('r �flf\ Htt!<' oh,.�. F"r th<'�C' chlhl·

ren the "nlu(l-Bird <'f H:11•1>inel'lc;;;·· �<'t"ll!� t� �Jue: 1111�·..,n�in_i::I�-. nnd hri�ht

nnd sn1iling f:lce>s grc<-t 1.h� \•i.;;.ifor in �p!t(' nf 1Jrullly trlbu1:i.tfons. �un1her­so1ne plaSt<!r-<:ftSl.$ nn1l hnr1lcn�o111(� �t<-c.•l hr:l<'<'�. ,.\It thi�. tn the optnfon

('f tile n1en1hers O( th� Honrd or Vi�i(Clri:t, T(>1lt>(·l� lllO�t tuhnir:\bly :tud «On1-n1en<lttbJy the clelt!=·h tfttl itllilude o( :111 lhos<' in nuthorlty townrd tlie HUI�

11:\Ucuts. !':YJitp:tthy, \\':t tchrnltl('��. h·?ult\r c:·1rE-. :utd altcnllon to c,·rry UC't"'d nnd possible co111Cort within the )\hWPr or nU<•ncl:1nts. to !'lUJlJl)y.

A. n1edie:tl and �11rgi<::1l �faff of �:> spf'Ti:l1ii-tt� �i\·e5 it� !'lC'f\"i<"f'S tree to this fdt{l.l ius.titntton. rcwnrc1 hC'lni:: th� ;rr:ltitutlc or hnndredll et{ tittle children �nirl their parents ror th<' "·ontlf'rfn1 r<'!i: ull � ntf:.ined.

Uoth the nf'!r•11, :Htrl th� i;tltc•ti"''� of thl� lH\�1'it;l1 :'11'\"' douhll('�� N'"�qlOn$ih1e

fc>r the- tact thnt there nre t•\·('n 1nnrc 11�ti('nf� on th<' w:.ittni:: ll$l th:tn In

the Institution. Roo!n to :H�con111H'•.t:11c• 111C\rc Jl:'ttit•ntc: is :'\ p.Tr·�t 11<'�'1 :ind

'"e hope \\"ill he supp1it'd as �"llf�rou<tly :isi. th" l�i�ltllun• i� t1h1e to t=r:lnt.

Doubling the �i7.e Of th<' ho�Jli(:!l WOllld nu•r<"l�· t:1J.:c C":'tr<"· of thC' \\·t1ltinJ: list-

"Ye note a r�que�t ll'l h(!I!\� 1nr11IP I.; 1h� te-�i4l:th1re for $-:t:�.000.(H\ for "acldltlon to )10\\·('r bou�� nnd J:un11lrr." \\'f• h�Jil\,·e it '\\'Onl•l tnf'>:\11 :in

C"\'entual saving to 1n<:r<':l!t(' the <'Pfll'(IPrlntfon tn 11"rtnll of huf1dln� :•

separntc po'l\·er bou,I?. \\"c bcH<>,·e ii a n1l�tnl<e to toc:tt� hfgh prc>'Sllt'"' boilers. as they are- IH�rt>. in the h:-t�f·1t1C'nt Clf 3 winr.- o( t1 ho�pltal 1n:>in

buildlhg. At J)r��ent light �1n11 w�1t('1· bill� n:n nhont �:�.r·llll.00 :. �'-:?:lr, \\"Ith

u 1>lnnt in a nc"· buildin;:. elec::1rh: li•:hlin_i: <><n1ip1ncnt antl :'ITl<'�fan \\':Her

sopply could be ;tdded :nut �:n c lh<' pr"�"nt <'XP('ll�C' in this dlt"<'Ction. ''re ha,•e ¢\'er round thi::; ln�llh1ti•\n �c··ru11111ou!'lty 111\:tt, clean. :lnd

lnvltlnu. 11n11 \\'� h�!l(',·o lh�� <·t'lce I� tno�t fortnn:tl .. in r1>t::tinin� lhe Yerr

�tnelent ser,·tcei;; or ".\lls:-i l�l11..;1hcth ".\tcfir<'�Clr a� i:=;11flPrlnten11�nL Thi!

4l('slre<l r<>i:=;nltg Cully ntlnin('d flJ)('uk C"lo<1nC'11l }\r:t)�(' for l\H�� )tcGrC"(:f'r.

St. Peter State Hoi:pital for the Insane

St. Peter $tnle li(lspittd for thi• 1n'l:tlli" t:.� th,• it�t'(\tt11 t:irJrP,oil lnl'ttltntlon or Its kind In the st�1tc Y:ith :t populr1tirin ('If llf'!lrl�· 1,.r;nn. 1t lit In n4.'ed or consldcr:thle hulldln.i;: h1•Ucri11('nt. Th,.• �··rvh·<- •l('l\!lrt111..,11t Is loc·.ifc-11 In

Page 15: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

th" hui;e1111·nt. 11( th•· t•l•l 1u:do l1nil1lli11.:.. It •� 1Jark, poorl:r \'f:nlllnted, and ennnot bo. 111:HI'! :otaoilal'y, .\ 11 .. ,,. :->\'l'\'14:'-' hulhllu� for thiit hl>$>Jlltfil Is n rcnl

need. The fr<'l�ht cl�n1h'1· hi tlh .. 1'.t11t1h ulhl (1f th'.!' n1nin h11iltllng lit �o

tina.ncu. 1•atluutg •HHI t.'llt1•h1y'-'.S Int\'\' ht•eu Corhidtl�h 10 rid\! on it. thou�h it

!ti t;tlll used roi- fot11I. t.nlcll:-i a "'-'". ,·lt•\·:•tol' t:-i :o.111'1'1h)d :- �crlous accident

uu1:r t:lkt.• t)htcc) at. un:r thne-.

The �Orlin� roorn for 01e lauuctry <·oujoi�ti;, of a �1nf11l onc-storr rrnnu.�

shccl. nh(>Ut 25 hy 10 (�t.'l. The? n.-�or f:,h·c-� h:tdiy UIHl('r f<>ot.. I t is hnJ)Os­

slb!e to heat it prol)trly. Bt.'<':1u�<" '-'' it� s1u:111 $fzo:, 1t bt1rdl)' seen1s JH>S­sible. that it can he u:-;c�l for :-1 :-;,1rting roo1n. A uc-w ;sorling roo1n could be

built with Httlo E'XJ)cuse ;u1d i:-l11n1hi ht• :'.tlJIJIHC'i.l In �11 Jnstic� to tho!:e \\'h•> do the laun1lry :-;.orling.

Throughout the instlluth•n tho..• 111t11nbl11i; needs :\ general O\'Crbaulfng.

with 1nucb ra))lf1c(!1nent. Ct�\\'th.·�I cfu1dhio11:; h>l\'.: ton1:>ellC'd the using or �'·er)· :t\';iilable oot. :uitl ;1cl"<lrdlngly n1u .. ·h oc thts furuiture 1s practicnHy

beyond re1•air and rundii at·c tF'�l�cl for new hCd�.

Ju v;1t'loua insJ,t"tllo11� of •h� w:tr�li;i anti donnitorte� "·e h:.t,·e found

<:ondttious geuerall�· s:Hh;f:i<:tor.' , \\'Hh �tlicuts well f<-d anll C.'\re<l tor.

Industrial tlu�1·a11:r is in·al·th;ally nil. cloc to l:tck or roon1. l'qulptnent, and

teachers. \Ve hor1e the legis111t11r(• will g;r:lnl a11 ai11>ro1,riation for intro­

•luction or industritil work at St. J'iet<:r vn as cOlllJ)lete a scale as possible.

Or. R. ?\t. Phcl)l�. J.l:Up(.•rinll•nd�IH, :-houlcl h:t\'C hett"r eqnipineot for the

l.)rob1�1ns be hn� to (a<·1� :111d s.ot,·c.

St. Peter Asylum for Dange1;ous Insane

St. P'!l\!r Stt1te A!Sylu111 tor th(> nang<'1'0U� ln$:-tne. loC'.ated on the

gl'ound$ o( th<.> Stttfl' Ho�1lital for l11i.;.i111<'. llas �,·er }lre!Stnted a series of

dlfTlcult 1n·ohle1ns. It secn1s to bt: gen<.>rnll:r <:one�d('(J that it $houl<l

hnvo been erc<:lt!d within the St:H"' l"rlf>vn w:1lls at South Sti11water; but It

Is now n flxturc nt St. Peter. I t ha$ hc(•n the ::tc<'ue or :\$Saults on <locton ·and nttt'nlf:•nts. ��\·ernl 1;�1rin� \!S:i::1pl.."�. :ln1l iluring the pni:;.t y�::tr no u[lrli:;­

ing and re\'Olt ahneil :tt n �(!ll('ral ('}t(·:1i·� d1.1ring whl<·h it was necessnry

to citll out n co1n1>a11�· oc the St:ttc Gu:1r1I rrou1 St. P<'tC'r and surround the

building beto1·e the ·•rt>\·ol11tio11fi;i:t8." �<'\•int:; lhHir J>l,_ini:; fru�trtt.tied. decided

to surrender.

During th� p:1�t bil�n11i:1l l>l')1·iod lock� ll:U'{• h�\lll cbang<.'d, \\'indO\\'

guards relnfo1'(:ed, :.1 tnrnk(·).· roon\ C:!<l:lbli$hCd. :lnd :ln :uJdltlonal insfd(!

stairway built so lhnt e1nplnycs 1nl�ht t;O to :111d fro111 their qunrters with­

out nilxlng with lhe- tl:1lltnt�. \\"t• hrJi ... \·� lhc :-;.nl'r-Onndlng or the (l'ntire hulldlng wUh n ,�·nll. :'1. Ji:·n�t 2t• f\'Pl hh�h. '''<Ull•I ht" :i gootl ll1f')\'e-, PallenH;

here. n1:�ny t_lf \\·ho1n ar(' oC :1 �urrlclvutly hi;:h t•h."'•y to J1lot ml�chlPC.

should ht1ve 1'01ne occup:Hlon ch11·h1J:; th•-' •t:1y thur. f.Q<Hn work and btt!;ketry

would not rec111lre th� u�c oC tool� th:\t 111i�ht I){' turned into weapons.

Blunt-polntec1 knl\'es with bl:1d4.�� 1101 O\'<':f :111 fn(·h Ion;:' wouhl be the- only

needed tovls for t'11ch (!1nvJoynu"'11t. The C<'h:.nluf! or i11!t:1nity hy n1C'n tn the

Page 16: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo



Stnte Prh!OU lu nr1h•r 111 a:.t•i In :-:1. l'�·t<•r, tl'I n PU1l1('1' which n('�ds c::onstant \\':itching und 110 tran�r .. r �h1111lil lt(' 111:•1lc whhl'ul 1h<> c<'rl:llOt)· of such

need. \\f<! bn''f' nlwa)'ji; fo�nul thi" ln�tiluUon ,•lt-.01 :tnd in,·itlnc:, w fa r :\ � fts

care Is concerned. 'rh<"rC" In 1•1,..nty of roo111 Cor uu\ny n1!)ff..! prttlt'nt!I. tn this "��·hun nnd "'e IHt\'1� r«·o11,1111•11fl«d to 1h•• Hn:11•1! <'f C'ontro1 th:u :t11 f'onnrr 11rt�on�rs or the llcforu1f1h•1',\' <•r P1·iFflll. 1h•\\' lu f<t:1tr 1H>�l'ltnlo11;, be irn.n�­ferred to the St. P<'ter .\!tyl11111 rnr D:l1u!('lro11!l lu�:\ne.

Owatonna State Pub I ic School

'f'he Sfntt; Pnbllc Sc;hool 11t Ow:1t('ln11:-1 I� th(' ittiHe·� lunn�nncling in�tl­tulion ror 1_ICJl(•U1l('11t. thlltlru11. On th<: fhll� or fiur l::t!lt \'l8ll (?-:o\'(\Olher l..f. 19.2!) thcte "'nfll :\ ('bild 1.a1"11:1tion ot :�!r.-!nt l'M)�·�. 1!5 ;:lrlJ. lier(' the t:>tatc fs doing: n g-reat work under the ''<'r)· ,.ft'icf�nt •tircc11on ot �urcrln­

tendent nn1en ,\, 1iler-rlll. \\'e h,,.c only 1�r:d<t,.. ror con•Htlon' 3"' "·e bal"e nh,·nys found then\ al thi!. huattulion. Th\• <'hll1l ren :\re w�ll <'14'thN1. well fed, ttntl COlllfOrt>thJy dorn11torlt"tl In :' qer-1, or cott:H::fl>�. t'rt('h In Chfir�e of a "1\toth<'I'" nultron. Thi? lnfnnt�· nnrsrry I;; 1loub1le�s the h?;:;t. ('(luiptwd deparuncnt or its kinfl h� the lll31(', :uld her,� b:lhlrs :ti-ii' ('\'f'f in tl�n.�nd f{'lr :tdoptlon--the itlrls being 111ure ra,·oren in thl._ r<"�"\rrl th;tn th4' boy�. f"h·� state e,gt"nt1 ("()D'!tautl�· C'O\'erh�g c,·rry ll."trl of th(" �1:1\,. nn(l m:.king certain th:il. chil1lren pla�1t throuslt th� in!l!ltntion h3T" gontt hom� and f)f'O}ler care nnct tre..�flnt11t.

Dtulng t.he past bl<'11111t11 l'\.'rhnl :\ llf'\\' ;1rohf('n1 b:t$'. :1rlten. A socl:ll

\':orker t11uon,; th<' �orth('rn l\l huH.' ctO(:\ ludl1111ll. •eut :! nn1nhfr or lndi:lt1 cbfldr�n to the �t:•te S('11001. 'l'h(l"�r childft•n II le al1n0Stt lntr)f)�t:lblt' l� ptac-e 1'1 bon1'!8. Thi� Bo:ir•l rJl�"d th� qut>slion oC "h"'lh!'r $11eh chlhlr<>u '""er�

0nol W:\rds of the fec.ler�I ,:u\"e1n1�1�nl. �nJ n<lt of tbC! 11tt:u�. \\'e undc-Nct:tnt! the attornc,_· ,:.ener.t.I hac rnl .. •t In :'.ln�w"r·lnJ: th(' qut"�lion. lhit �:tch C;"t.�� rnust. stntHl by h�clf; :ind ,·c•nsi."fl1H•111ly 111:u1y f•r th�·�" •·hl11Jr/\n fl"llt:tin i.t tho Stnte School.

In thnt th•"" st:1te nt•t('J\I" thC' <;�lrf> arul c11io:tt11ly of chlhlrcn l'C'nt to the State S.ehool. "·c wist• to t11h·:•n<"� thP i•lt•a lh:u thi-t re�pon�ihlllty ,ihould be c.:::inled out to th� f:.allC'.at ,.._.�"lhl•"" f"Xl<nt; :11111 1h:u to thh• ,.nd. l\'ht>n $late fu111ts wlll peru1h. a ,-,�·attonnl �('hoot h(" "'-l:1hlhhr1t at O't\'":tt<'nn"\ to thl' older ehlh1r('n wbo dPclf"f' 'nch trninhu:. In ttkil1N1 trtut•-s: Anft th:u th�t he n11nwcd to rl'111:11n until th"Y h;n·<' 1nt1�t••rc-d lhi'lr :-irl "ufTl<'h•ntly to pr:tc­tice t t In tho hu!'inc!'� w1lrl1I .

Faribault State School fo1· the Blind

'Eetnblltthn1ent of !h�ht-fR\'ln� i:('hoolp; In thr puhlle �Ch<>01� or 1h·(' <'itlt'� or the l!lntc, hnl! 11n\01·a11r 11•1111c•d 10 •h'<'J'('n�t· lh" •·11rolh11•1111 �'' 1h,.. Frtrlbaull Stnto Sc.::hool tor tlu• Hlhttl. 'r'ht• nnnth••r t•r 1'11ll•lr"n r•'(.'"i\'••d :n 1ht� ln�titu-

Page 17: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

"' ;i Q " :t .. :< � ,J 0 0 :t " :t. t.l !-.,, f-,':fJ

� .:; :i x t.l f-"' f-

. •




lion flt1rhu: 19:!1 waJl :tS; tlurluJ:, 1!'1!!:!. $!•. Thv 1!122 ii;U1n11u�r !chool for Adoll

hllnd w�'s ntL�ndcd hy 22 111t!n und lG \\'on1<"n. The bnl!l"Dtf'til o( 01c ho,1•it:.I building h:ts recently b�n fttted ror t\

don1estlc �clcneo dc1u,rtn1c·nt.. but there nre no r·ont18 to cnny on this work. \\"c nnde�lnnd n r(lo(Jue8l f11 being n1nde to the l�isl3ture tor such :1n nllownnee nnd hello\'\' tho new ll\!J�1rt1ueut IA one nn1ch needed .

Th� school l111s nn nntph� llbmry or 10,000 \"OIUmtt tn point $)'Item. T·hese booktt art' u;i:• ·d by the 1J1ind throughout tho flt:\tO ond by tcdcrn.t law u1ny bo sent throogh tho ntal15 \Vfthout CC"llst.

Tho blln•I chlldr<>n. bot.II boys •n•I girls. l•kc cor� or their own· dormi­tories nud roo1n,c fHHI In n ui:inner thnt nlny ¥.'ell he lmttn.ted by manr

children bles$�1 with st�hl. \\"e lutxe found tho ln�tlluUon clean and lnTlt­

lng, nnd the chlhlro11 "'f'll h<u1�<'1I and kin(lly treated an1t �l\"en vtenty of good subslantlol food.

The- School for lllind hn1 a nclt{ rtyenL looking nfter tho needs or tbt hltn(\ 1_1nd nssl1'tlng th�n1 in Jtet:urlng employment� The School for Deaf de1tre« a ncJd ogcnl .. :tlso. It Is ll11J.t;:;c'J.lec1 thnl post\lbly on� n�cnt could do this work tor both lusUtuUon� :u n. nnnn<'fnl �:tvlnt: "·ithout IO$! In result• dezlred and att'1tnc41.

Tho sct1ool not onlr t:l\'<'lt the usunl ooursc-1' of lustn1ctlon. but seeks to mnke the bllod s.elf-snvuortfn,:: by nlso te:tC'hln.1: sewing, lu1Hlfng, 1nat malc­h1g (loo1u work). h:u1Jcetry, \\'Oocl working. i•lnno tuning. n1uitfCAI tntinlng on nn�· ln,tr111ncnl desired. trr�writlns:. and broont m:.klnt:�

·- m

Faribault State School for the Deaf

The Slnte School ror the Oc-:'f ni t ... :.rlb;u11t h�hl %St. students enrolled

-140 l:ioy�. 1!5 girlt'-On th�• of uur I��• \'li•it .. �ov4'11t1K'r l�. 1,2�. '\\""' t1nYe onJy tbc hil!;ht'sl coonuendatlon tor the r�nll�· rem:irk:'lb1c rnulta nttnJncd In thP �tltool work ond<'r the dlrf\C:Hon of Dr. J. N. Tate, superin­tC>ndcnt. The rrohlttu. how('\'(lr. <'f r<'11l�crntc11t in so1no rorm ot )Jott Han. the o1d n1nln hulldlng. Is one tlHH bas h�n ttn,olt'�I for n nnm�r or rears

and bt'eontes the u1ore crlttc:al as lhnc pa!(��s. Jlere the hest I� bring ntadc Of \'Cf)' tUl\'(•fSC CQtHlltie,HJ<ot-\' t.�ry ln;uh\(!nnt�. ancl�nl. ill)·-\'Cltlil:tled. poorl\· liJtbled. and e,·cu ht�nltn�· q11:1rl<"�. Jl.odenU Cor �·«1rs btt\•c iutcstcU the l\11s1?"ntcnt \\'her<\ hccnu�e or oht con::;tn1ctlon it �t'Ctns lmPo�Rlble to cet rtd

of them. �lost or tho old bul1dlnc I$ out 0£ u,i:<!' :ind bc-rond u�e. nut

ll e.llll is con11>clled to house U1c kitchen. 11;tc"·�rd'" c1nnr1c� nntl refrf�ern­tors (the cclllngs being: rotted 3ntl "·ntcr-,._o..,k{'t)), and the •Unlni: hall. All or these excetll lhe dlnht.J.: hn11 nrc lncnl�d In the hn)tcn1cnt.

Tho lnle (;o,·crnor Hannnontl T'("()UPiill("(I n f;l�i:il in,·e.stlr:.:1tion and report on tbts hnHcHng hy the Uc)nrt! or \'h1.llor,jl, which wns furn114hed nl the thnc nnd the 1trcat need or reli••f l"Xfll�fn<'<I; hut no runtls h:rre 11.fncr been

rtpJ)roJ)rlate•l (Or the rntrrW>��. nr. 1'ttte :ulvocatcl' U10 "·rccklntr of 1'tolL

'Holl (the grt'nt pc.ntlon or the lulerior I� nlre:11S,· :a .. "·ttck"') a:nd using tbo gtono Jn the "•:tll!o for n ne-..· bnlhlina!. nr. 1':•l<" :u1.�cr·1,. th" r<'1n1lldlng Ot �Iott lfnU would 1n(.':1u 11 UC\\' b1tlldh1g nU hol th{' ¥.'nil!!, :tn1I thrtl ('l'CD in

Page 18: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

l'uch e\'CHl ll \\'Onld he 11uJl't..-Or-leat1 or nn ohl building \\'Ith nn Investment Tcry Jillie teit� thnn ror r• n('w. n1odcrn 1trnclure. The new building should

house " nu>41ern kllthen. �tewitr•l'1 QnRrlerft for supplies, refrigerators.

J:)·nnu'lslun1 (lherc Is uo ,ryn1nat11lun1 ttl ore�ent), " small contagious hospltal. excrcits" � nd 11tutly roo1nlf.

Il•m•u 11•11 (boys' dormllorr bulltllng) 11 an old structure badly In

need oC exten•l•c rcp:iln. t'loon nnd woodworlc need replacing. The

prettent tf>llf't" �� ln•:inh�ry :uui 11:houhl be rertnced with new-prerern.bty In nn :idjOlnln;; one-.tory 1\'(ni;. Dnrron Fl:t.11, hOl\'OTer, Is fortunate tn h:iv­ln.;; :\ Vf'I") efficient n1�tron, !\Ilsa Ol�n Drf£ht. who for m3ny years hns mad�

tbe lM\ys v�ry :tntl tnrernlly '"penises the constant es:tr:t work

ncc:�5..,.ry to kct'p the bulhllni;: nntl It& dorn1ll0rles ns .. splck and gpau• as


The new 1n::tln bulhlfn,c:, Tnt� llnl1. I� n model !trncture and besides

houti.lng the ndnlfnl�r r:itfon t11Yftts. CurnlPhcs unexcelled dormitory ractlltJ�s

Cor the girts oc the 15.c?'lool. 'fhese qu:irtcrs are nl\\'n)'5 found Yery neat and


tndustrlnt fngtructlou l1t gf\'Cn In tho ''Rrloua tndes. the most recently

efill3h1IJ1;l1ctl bcht.J: auto re1-..-1trl11;-. In the l)rfnl shop Uaere Is but one ltnotype n1achlne. Unl re"· cnn be t r:tlncfl tts opcrntors ns .n result. and another

n'l:.c.hlnc \YOuld l;e ltu�y nll the thnc nnfl pn.y "'ell In "'Ork uroduced tor th!l

h1\·Cjtt1ncnt. The·1111luttlrlot 1tho11 bullillng ts old, n nretro p or frame interior

anct n:trf'Q\\' \\'Ood gtnlr111, nn1l ghoultl bo replncecl l\'l1en funds permit.

\\'c hn\'C etsewh<·re M11�e:e11:ted tllnt t11e field ngent tor the Blind, nlight

also scrYe for U1e School tor Dent.

Fal'ibanlt 8chool for Feeble-Minded and Colony for Epileptics

The DQar<l or Yl•ltors wl•hcs tn enll nttentlon to the need o! leglslatlon

to f'rt�,·e11l th<" 1•1:1rrlng•, or tu(\ntnl 1terccth•es 01Hl those atrllcted \Yltb soclal tli!Se"�e.

\\·c rccognlae thnl 2111ch n ret1ulrcn1ent ts not essentlal lo the large

n1a,Joritt or ca"f!!. but "'e hrtleve It huportant to ns largely ns J)Ossibte pre­l'ent lhe mnrrln1te of tho11c who nre 11kely to further burden so<:tety wtth 1nultlr•lieatlon u[ the dlst>ni'"'I. techlo-n1lntled and n1entnlly unfortunate.

To thrnr� who tt.:t)' thf11 18 unnccc�.sary and t.hnt 0there·s nothing In

<'ngeolca:· It •� bnt ncec"�riry to cnll nttenUon to existing tact.a at the State

School ror Pe-@111"' �1ln1lc•I nnd ("olony for Eplleptles at Faribault, and the

n�toun11inJiC d3la. In �)(J�t thereto prcp."lrctl br �tr. 0. C. Ti.ann�, the efficient

;:nd f:tr-�c�tng t11_1perlnt<"n11enl.

Thfs tn1UtuUon now bntt n populntlon or :iearly 1.900, with an lncr�a3Jog

waiting ll•L T11uc nro nil l)r•clleftlb' custodl•I patients Cor llCe; and the

tremendous. almo•t 11nb<'llev•ble coU to the public Is Illustrated In Mr.

Hann.a·" r«cnl bfennf:il ""JW>rl whfch wo wh1b were In the bands of every

cltlten oc Mlnnesot•. t-le JllilU\Wft thnt the Or14l 100 :uhnl1ttlon11 "'liO a� 1ttll tn t.he tnatttuUoo

I l



hu\'O t."<>,cl the- ;clntr tu 1l:1i.· $�1111,11110 •• 111, lh••lr ,.itay r:insdni:: Cron1 !f lO �3 )'C-ttr8. Alf rh" n''Cra1i;1• -.1a� Ii- nfl:trly I\ rto:H'lof, thl� little: �mup will e'·�nt­llRllY COitl n tOltll e:<(f1C'llllll: $ t.01\0,lhJtl.till,

1'hnl lilt) llllhllc Jfhouhl he prOl<'<'lC•l (�In lit!' C'tf('-.:ts of def ettll'O �l r!lln::; lu f:in1llle1-:11 1 thl' nbo\t.• r1•\.'on11n\.:udatio11 uf ihi.s llc\..i.rd !lin1s-:'.tr. lf3nn3


"There nre thret" r111nfll(\'jl fn rhc 111 ... titullon ''*Ith �ix children each: l\\'O "·Ith n,-e: and twth•o whh four. At thl" <'urrf'nt peor r.tflh!\ <"�t t't 3bout '":?G�.00 n. ycar ror IUUJ)Ort nutl t1.'Jl;)in;. thP,.:e 1; in1nitit·s cn�tinc: the

public Ul))'1'1l!dr1tRl!'.il)' f�•>.000.t'O :\ ) nar. 'fh"i� C'hihtren :tr(" 311 Uttd�r !l )'can of u;c und ruu lfke?y to r4.:n1,1in \\·:.r<ht o� th� il:tl"' f�r n1:in)' �·e:ir&.

E\•err ten-ye:.r 1-.cri0ti nu.·:1n,: 1n t•:\ll\.·n ... e Cor UH·m o( ��f>t'.l'.:Ki.'M>.-

Tbe COtt f\( n1enl:ll dfff\C:'th·cnt.,oa; �:ttf'n•I" fl\•)·ond th:tl nf th� Farib3u1t ln1Utution. Into <!'\'try >tC<'ll<011 oC lh t ... 'l:u .... , Thi:- =ttldillon:tl f''tl�n-c� is round

In county 1.H>Or \\Orlt..hnUl-'t• .... j;all .... n f(ln11�H(\rh�t;t. :111d vri:-On. Tow�rd exvcnse of 11Hdnt:1luln" st•�:i:ll ('.l:i ... ies. In p·abti<' :-C'hf'tf•J' rur :i-•1bnnrm:tt and t�cbl<.• nllnd .. tl ('\1lldr1 n, $1.111,11•"1.t•u i� 1•.d1I :1'-lni:111,· (·Ut of t:1(' l-f:lt� tre�'Ut')', nnt\ $10,000.00 n ycnr out oC the r1·:-.pi•cth·'-' c:-hy funtls. (.'harh,. fun11s and

cofftS for soc.Int \\'Ork.Pr,; :.ire In Jltlll ncce�r.'' h•·f':Htft:(I' oc lh<" de�n11enc)'

of the· 1nenti11ly dcCcct.h·e.

Jn \'lslUuj:;' :'\Ir. lh1nn:1·� iusliHHlon \\'<' h:t\·,� e'·C'r found it mo!!� \'OJn­n1r:HloblG In �,·ery \\'n�·. clranli111•:-1;l, �:uifl:ulon. c-:\rt- a.nit �UJ\rrvlsfoc. o( the


1'hht ln!illturton '" nh't't'Hl,\' loo lan:e. "'� wis:h lt."1 ;oin '"itlt )Ir. JJa.nn:t

nuts tb� nourd c1C Control in :tth'O<':'lli11� 10 the Jr·�htf:tturo the <'.:-L1hll<i111n nl ot c new n111t >'t'lllll':lttii t•oh111y CC'1' 1•11ilt·1ui1::. \\hich w<'ntrt r<"li•·\C' 11r""t�nt cro"•d.e<! t:oudltto10� to tl11• ,·xtt,111 •• r ;1ho1a ::110 J):11t• .. 1l�. TJn r.-. �re a1$0 n

· uu111bc1· oC c1•li••1•t1c� In our J11 .. lit111i11n� for it1-:.111·" who "·outtl hf' tr.1noi:C ... rro!d

to 010 11(!\\' colony. ilntl chu� 1·�lh•\'(' ('ain:.;'''li(•n tu 1hc<:.'! in;--tlt11tirn1s.

The State Prison at South Stillwater

Tho 1>01111l:1llon or Ill{• �t:-tlf' J>r)!(OJ1 ;ll �otnh �tiilw�\t('r. July l . 19!!. \_\'M !H� (<::iooclty. l,0·141. 1'hls ls !HI lntn:1:'1• 1l11rlnc. the bit'nniaf �Titttl •·t 6�.

Our \'hilts h:1\'<.' 1lr-11101u:rr.1h·•l t(l 1hti:t Bon:ir1l ah� in�t1t11tin11 f� \"C!'ry errh:lt'ntly'd, R1111 \'-'� nr<• i:i :l(f'tlrti \\i;h th• :ittTirt !f1�ripllnP Y"' 1:1unuu11tnrt11n ur-.1t1111·11t 1t( I'' ••H'"' :. '' ·irh ,.,.,iott . Thro hniltli"l-:� :ire lft�:tl ror th�lr JlUI JW'•I', !°'o,IH ., !1111 i • \.t • l ' fl.. Jo:\·· .,\ i' ;i :;;\<t 1('!.';. an f "':•th.­IUJ( racUhicic. 1'he 'ano1'1 .. J11•l11 a. • • , ·• "1·:1 rn 111.1;: ... t Onr:n: th"' r:t't blenntnl period w:.�e• l'"f•l 111111 t• ... teti··� ·11: •I t•> • .;..r:::!.·,,: ;�1. l'ri,(tn,·r•

enter the 11rl,oo �" >•tTJHI �i.111• nhu, 11,1, . .. .. n, \\01k into 1i-·t s:r�·J ... or tor lnf rac1lo11 of rdh•• :•r" 1fo1.1• ·I iu •h· 11, r·i :.:.r.••I" "hi<"h • lintln:ih· .. nil 1pccl:il J)rhUt."l;l" ... �:if1hl ..... ht..i•I l:i- 111:oia11;111.ic! • ·�hi n�"nthoe a ,,ar. wffh

tho auperinteuth.nt ttf 1't.·hwi.- ur lht •·it)· of �1tlh,:11•·r ;.1� prinl.;iJ-=aL A num­bC!r ot pr1aoncn ("'ho 1ltt1.lre-) :i� nll<l\\'t'd to 13ke ("()fr��rondenci: courst·1 nfon� JJ)eelol llne11. A ('lu1111:111qu,1 ('irth• lll"f'I� :'unrl:.�·�. R(tlidoue- t('T"l<'t":tt

Page 19: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo

I l

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..l :> � 7. * v. 0 Yo :;: 0 :t '·

t .

"" ••

u1•c held �v(.•ry �nn1l ny- C:11 l111llt', l•r••l<•ie1.1111. �11111 \'hrt�ti:1n �tlence. There are weekly "1no,·le'' 11ho'"''l'!, 111ut :t ball 1o::1111t in <•001·\u'-·tt'tl '''(>fY s.·uurd:.'t.y ntlernoon chlring tht.• h:1H $(':lt1o01t.

\Vo hn\'C only co111111e1Hlallo11 fur tlll contlillutn.t :hl \\"<! h:t\'<:' round th("lll nt the prtJoton unth•r the 111�nu�\.'lttl"nt of \\'arden J, J. �ulll\0:\n,

The twine C:tcle.>r)' Iii 1he only t'ne of n1e 1n3n)' 11rij:;o11 lndustrle& which •to not teuch n 11n1n n ll':tdl" he cnn rullo,,· '"' n.�IC'Nf'(". -\\·c h:ll'C heretofore recomn•encl<:d. ror lhl" reason. th:•t 1ncn {•fnt)loy(\d tu thC' twine f:.ctOt)' be 8\\'lcched to so1ne other tr.u\(' a ;o:nfl'Jcirnt l)("rioJ •�rorc Sl\Ul"nt"es <"lapse to pcrtnlt thf'lll to bccu1uc sklll('d In 3 �lll'<'l!11 line that wn; l:u�·r O!f<.'r tllttn � good 111enn1 of liYellhood.

In ''le,,. ot the l)rcscnt df;�slon pro :nut ron (':l!"'it:tl 1'unlsh1nent it h; Interesting to note thrn Ute prltonel"3 ttc('t\'<"d :tt 1h� 3t3te pri�on nr• to June 30. 19!!, wcro us [ollo\\'it; tor nutrder, 3:,i: carnal knowlctlt;e. 14;

rn1>e. 3: bunk robbery, il. Of theiu�. 53 dled: 49 par.toned; i rtlc:\Se-cl hy ont�r ot court; .t6$­

ferred to ••>•lum: r.c co1nn1uted nnd dl,<"h:tr:;N: l� (..'Otn1n·1l(.·•I and scr,·ing ne"' sentence; 1 lrntu1£errecl to L.:a ,·�11wor1h: 1 co1nn1ut•.�d and dlschnrgt?d Crotu )>al'olc: 1 1 1>nroleJ.: :.? tnuh�f\'rl'<'tl lo 1'<'ror1n:u ort for wou1en: l l S attn In prison Juno 30. 19�2'.

By $pee.Jal aid grnnted n("("{t�· de1tC"nd<-nt$ of rirlsonnr� )tinno�ot:i h:ts tho pro11<l clnlru thnt no r�u111t�· Is In w:uu. no chll<l ·out or school, l«•cr..usc the bread-winner i6 In 5lti!o11. During the J"':lSl twn yc�r� tt:�te atd tot.nliag $36.667.GG bn.s �n 1>.-.fd lo t:i.t11lli("� or Jll"l�on,.r'll. "l"h" nuntt<!'r � ht>lp<>d wlll run about 90 per 1nonth. the :.llt.w�1n(!(\ h4)inJ! tn,ru $;.(H) UJ $5t.•.OO.

State Reformatory at St. Cloud

lnercuRe In <:rhnc an1oui; young nH•n i:o r••tlC"Clt:•-.l :tt lht: St. ("loud St:tte Reformalor)" In th:\l during the ...... st hlf'1111ial �rl�I the in:11til11tfon tt:.c:f"h·ed the grcntcst nu1uh(\r or (.-OllUHftn1ents of nuy two ::c!'tr� during h! '1f•tory. Durtug th<• r�or �ntlln.i:; Jun.-.. :to. 1921. :-t•�.; w,.ro 1·1•4:eh·•--d. nn1l the rn11owtn.c H�Ctt1 year. 3E'3-a tot;,\ o( 71�. This I"' 11:? n1or,• than dnrtne ::iny J)ff"'t"lOuS two yeal'1'. The pol)ul:1Uon June �O. I,:?!, w:.� :.�r.. �upcrl11t,.ntl('11t (.1t:1r1n E. Vnsaly looks tor n co11t11111cd s1<·�111�· ll1crt·altf'. Th•"'l"(I 1't.!1t1�tlc:8 ilttlfcuto the uectl o( cttrt'fu1 nttt�utlon to the furlhtonthur t''-IW\ft t1r the St:'lte Crln1c Co1nml.s-"lon on C.'lU11•�1t o! crlnu.•. nntl thf' folhn"rlt1,: nat wlthnut tl•�la)" t'lf su<!h rcco1nmcndnttouis :11* the co111n1tss.lo11 n1:•k<'-J11 f•'r n·u1.-....1�· •>t lh<' t•tC'ltent unrortunntc social conrliticn1l'I.

Oor Ylslts lo Ut� r<.'tvnnntory •lurlui,: 1h� l>••llt hif'nnlnl period lndit"­thAt Snpcr1nteudent Y:t�ly hOJt tht.' hil"r<'il.$ o! �,.or�· 011( or the lnptltuUon 1nn1ate1 nt heart nntl that the)' at"<! h"lni:; �h'('I\ <'''ery <"Ontthle r:1tlon. lnchtd­lng cnre. tr�:1tn1cnt. 111111 rul\·untag�� ror lh"•lr r11t11re JZ;OOd clt i7.Cnllhfr1 upon rclens4?.

To this end It I• planned to incr<':t'<' ag 1nuch :t!t J)Oll.!llble the ,.rncteucr ol tb� lnduatrlal trnfnlntr dC'Jlnf'tUH"nltl. frANtn11n,.nd3tl<'ltU• wilt br fOH('lwed

Page 20: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo


? q. (.. I i-: I :. /.'

t :-�

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,.;-" "' :: a t.:

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:ts \\•ell a:o; f."4'.nulltlon� UU•I (111111,t "'Ill 1w-•n11lt, of Or. C. A. l'ro��er, oC tbt'

lhln\\·oody ln�tilllt<'. nn1I (:, 1\, )IC(iAr\'\•y. oC 1hc S·1:1te Board Of EdUC.'\tlOD.

'vho re<:entl�· tu::tdc a voc:wUon:tl sur\'("Y of lhc Institution. The •PPOlnlm�Dt

«t a t'oetitfona1 ndvlscr fur 01f· hunn1f·a IHtA been found ot great l'ftlut. 1'he Institution school 1� 1nu�hl h�1� who h:tV"e h:td no �lttgog·lcnl

"XPerlcnce. ln our rcfH)rfl'I 1vo h3\'C rccon1n1r·11d�J the- cn,plor-m<'ot ot C'X­

pcr1<'nc�d teachers to lncr�nJCt th(' acl1001'� ct'f'tc:l�ncy. '\\'e also c3l1 nUcnll<'n thnt tho stone crn�hh:;;- 11lant n·11rl'�<'nth1� :u1 lnv('�tn1ent. of $75.000.00 t'ftn

only sell Us produ,;t for shtl(I ron1t \\'Ork. Adillllouttl outlet i;houhl be vcr-1nl1tect ns clcere:lsc In ro:ul weir\< wlll ln\'oh·e n nlnterial los� nnd l>OBJ1ll.ily

Ute closfn;; o! this lndufollr�-. Religious :-e1'\'IC'\"8 :11·\l h\:l•I "'''<·1·y �1111d:1�·-C:1thollc and Protestant­

nnd a Bibi� clnss earh Th11r111t,1y � .. , .... nlnt:.'rtt'ltn1nent lnchut� eoncerts nnd n10,·fes. Athf('tleis nre COlhhl<'l"•l U?l•lf>r :• boaTd ('()nsistlng of :\n l�n1nl�

front each or the four prlncl1>:•I c.·Pll hou�e;; and :in institution otrlctr appointed by the �UP<'rlntend�nl.

Financial Statement

Financial <'XJlC'Orlt1Uf(l-J( Of lh(' JlOard nf \�ililltO� for the J'l!l�l blennlnt

rcrlod :\T'? �I" follows:

Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ltott>ls a net tn�ala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . , . . .

J�IYery •

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . • • . . • • • • • • . .

Postage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . • • • · · • • • • · · Supplies And prlutinJr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salary. exe<:uth·e �<'cret:iry • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tpi;thnouy. stenograph,•r . . . . , . . . . . . . . • • • . .

Telephone :uul telPa::ratlh .. . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . .

l.\flf>cellnneons • • . • • . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • . . . • . • . •

Total e:ic.pcnditnrt"1l ... . . . . . • . . • • • . . . . . . Balance une:<1W?nded . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • .

,.e.-.r Ending J11"e :tQ. 1921

$303.02 250.flfi

·t6,<l11 H.OA 34.32

:!,4flQ,Qll !?5.llO

$.!l.�-1-1 5 ' 1. ; s:..11

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . • • • ... • . . . . . .. !-5,00A.nn ---•rnctudes tete11l1onP 3n1I tel"'trnrih.

Yt":•r En(.)lnt: June 3f). l!'22

ss� r;J3.70

62.�2 43.55 GS.50


1% .. 01 4a.s:

S '-O � U ! �l)� . Zi�


Thi!J Board hns OJH'r:tl�t uu1tr•r lh(" �:nn" :1moi1nt ot approprlutlon.8 ft'lr m;in�· ye:1rs and wfthnut N. . .c1ueAI ft'r ftn hu•rc:u;;('.. 1t as'ks no tncrt':U!C' now l,ut '"11!bes Its U1:SOR.1 l1t1r1ro1•rlntlll11 allowed for the cominJ: b1ennl:it p'rlc>tl. �;;.nno.(lo n �·�ur- $l•1.(1110Jt(1 for tht1 two Y"'tlrs.

The noard h:uc nut•lf• C\'\"!fY nttt•tt111t to Oll•"r:tte ('1:onon1ic:•llr. Tho n1cn1-hPrs rf.'c('J\'e no i;r:1Jar,,· or p4•r 1!1••111 for lheotr U1n" \\'hl(•h i!! frC'el)· JZh·on lo

lhe �tnte. Th<'Y on1r rt•t•••h·t· lht•lr n('tunl e-Xll<'l1fl<"io; whfle tr3,·cltng on \\'Or'c or the Bonrt1. A salnrr or $2,·100.f'l() :' �·e;'r Is p:\hl the executive a�rctnr�· \\'ho de\'Ot'� hi!! enUrc thn� In ll1f' •h•tl,.� of lhf.' Ro�rrl tlnd inslllutlonnl ''lstttn� n.nd tnp;p<'ctln-' wllh ll1 ... :1nl u1"'n1h<•n1, Th" <'Xceulh·� '-Ctret:.rr nl114'

Page 21: lVIinnesota State Board of ,,Tisi tors for Public · tarian Interests or the tate's custo


r:•k'"'" c::ir'· <•( th•· ht1•r••:1:-:i11ri u:unlti·r or i11c111lrl1·:; 1n1uh: to the Board's oftil't' at th•� Ohl <'.'lJ>itvl r .. f:ul\·<· I•> ltulh·l<111al ln:-11lt11t1on lnmntcs. eon1lng i'r»Hl l'(·l:1tl\·cs. tri1•111f!(. $::11:1nlian:-1. i111•? :-:01nc::thnei; (r()nt the inn1ntes thern�cl\·e�.

Tht• n1J:1r1I of \'f�ilor� d1)":-: ucH hr•Jif.•,.,. It� u:;nnl fll)fll'Oprlatlon should lh,•

cul hC'<':111:-:f• it �ho"·� a :o-;fl\·in� 1turing flu· la:-:t hil'ttnlal period. Durlntc the two ·''•·:t•·� llH· Hoi,rtl h:1s oo<:r:·1t•:•l with bllt lh«• Instead of six rnen1bcr,. ·rh1• :t!•1JtlitHnl1·nt of th•· :uhll:ion:•I ll)•·lllh•'r will nnturalJy sonlcwhat h1creas1• t'X!)' •lllli l11t(•:-> (or •�xpo··n:.;"'!;. !llH) \\'•• h1•1ir�\·e th1• ('ntire- approprf!\tiOn or �:;.(11lf1f10 a Y•·:1'· i� n•·(·d 1··1I -•·:-:111:c:i:'11l,,· It' lh•: ucxL two year'!' will t>roduce an�·

('Xtf'lltl<•I( iln·1•Stif:;ltii)HS rt'flllil'in� :-il!Hltl!Ollillg or wil11('�5eS an1l the takill� of t<>stitnt111;: ···which i:-: :1 p�u·t oi (lltr dnti'·S ro:,111i:·1.,l by the la\\' under whl<:h Wt,; (llllt' li(•ll.


\\.illi:11u :\. x • . 11;' 111 . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . ' . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . .

\\·nrk :uul C)p1·r:Hion n! flt•• Stat(' Hon rd of Yl:.-ilors . . . , . . . . . . I C'o1111H•u:-::1ti110 hl:->u1·i11u·f�-\\' ithont C-01n1•1•n:.-:ttion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . S. St<lf.t: 1!1:-:til11 1i•H1:-: \\.HhnuL Fil··· h1:-:1tr:uH:c l'roH·<:llon . . . . . . . . . . . . . � l\.('".'l>ing lndu..;rri:d fl···r1l:-: ('1··:11· of TulJ':rc.-ulo:-:i$1 . . . . . . . . . . . • , . . . . . . . f1

J;c·tt<•rnu tit o( I 11'-ltil ution:·1 ! P1�rso11 nel. • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . JO ('nn�oli1!.-tio11 of Yi:-:itini;: P.•>:trtls . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 fl:f('rnc-s i n )Ji11111·.�ot;1 �l;tt<.• l lo:-:pit:lls (01' rn:-anf· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l

Xuw St:•t.: rrn�q•it:1 I (•H' thf' fu..;auc. . . . . . • • . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 1i •r1·nnsport:1tion Xu1·s1•s for lh•· 111...,:Hl� . • . • • • , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:! f'c•n:-ion::-; tor Stal�• E1nph•y�� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . • . . . . . . . , . , . . . . .

Sa\'iU!?: l'rnf)crtr of th·� Tnsan<- . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • . . . • • • . . . . . . . . , , • . . . .

l!<':-:11it:1I :-\1.:i:·�l" of F'onui:r St•r\·ic.--: "nay:-:·· . . . . • , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .

H:111io :-:it•r,·i(',.. tor $t;llr• ln�tifuti•)1HL . . . . . . . . . . • • • , , • • • • . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .

,\ \\'01·d o( o\()Jll'f•C-i:Hh111 • . . . , . , . . • • . . , . . . . . . . • • , , , . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , .

B:>y�· Tr:dnin� Sd1(1ol :1t Hi••I \\'ing . . . . . . . . . , • • • • • . . . • . . • . • . . . , , . . . .

1-:oc:hc�h·r :-il�1t'' J IO:-<J•ita 1 for f h•" I n:-::111•!. . . . . . • • • . • . • . . . • • • • , . . . .

Annk:\ Stal(• .-\syh1111 ror th•· ru:-;i'n�· . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . • . • • • . . • • • . . . .

H:1i-:tin�:-;. �tato:- As�·J111u for tlH� ln:--;:lrH.'. , , . . . . . . • . . . • • . . . • • • • • • • • • . . . .


1� 1� ]:j Ii l� 19

\\.illtnar �l<&l" A-i.\·hnn f<1r lh•• lns:;11tr? . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . , • • • • • • . . :?I

SoldiC'r�· J..11)111� <•! :\linnrh:1h:1 F:1ll:5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:?1

Frrgn:-! 1:-:-•ll:>' �t:1tt·· Jft1�pi lrd f•)r the:' fn:-;:an� . . . . . . . . . • • • • , . . , . . . . . . . . . . 2:$ \\'�;lk<'r �t:H·• �:1u�ttnrh11u for Con.�UlHJ)tJ\·('� . . . . . . . • • • , , . . . • . . . . . . . �·� �t!l.I'' ffn,..1111:,I ror C'ripplt;1l ('hifllren . . • . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • , . . . • . . . . . .

St. l"•·lt•r !":(;ti•• llo:-11it:tl l'<•r tl1•• l:i:{:Hl(' . . . f.;I. P(•((•r .\sylutll rnr l>:tUJ:••rons fn�all"' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . .

OW:llOUll:t �t:ll<' (>uhlit: Sc·l1c11)t, . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . • • • • • • . . . . • • • • •

V:1rih:t11ll �t:1t•• �t.:h•.1111 for tlH' Blinll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .

V;-irlh:H11l !'t:d4· �chool fol' tht� 0.,,•:1(. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . • • .

f";1 rih:1111t !'("hn1)I tur 1:�·1•l1l1•-.\li11d·:•I ;11ul Colony (or 1:;111>lic� . . . . . . . • . , . .

:-:;:1l1• l'ri!ton :H !'o•nh ::.:n11w:1l('r· . , . . , , . • • • . . .

�:f:)1f' R1•(1)rin:do:y :1t !'t. ('lou•I . . . . . . . . • . , , . .

l 'i11:1ncinl St:1t('n11•u1 . . . ' . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.. -·

31 :::1 ,lJ :;5